Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out. `John 6:37` AS SOON as the limit of time expired, God manifested his favor toward the Gentiles by sending the Gospel message to Cornelius, a reverential and holy and generous Gentile. Since then God's favors are as open to the Gentile as to the Jew--”the middle wall of partition” has been “broken down.” The Gentiles and Jews are now both received on the same terms, viz., faith in Jesus and consecration to walk in his steps. It is from this standpoint that we should read the apostle's statement that the Gospel of Christ “is preached to every creature under heaven.” He did not mean, nor would it have been true, that the Gospel had been preached to every creature in the sense of being proclaimed to all. For now, eighteen centuries later, it has not yet been proclaimed to all mankind. What the apostle did mean is that the Gospel is now unrestricted, free to be preached to every creature under heaven, no matter what his nationality--that it is no longer confined to Jews as at first. Now, whoever has “an ear to hear, let him hear” the good message of the kingdom. Now, whoever hears and has a heart to accept God's gracious message, let him present his body a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God through Christ. `Z'12-294` (Hymn 291) May 3
My teaching is not Mine, but His that sent Me. `John 7:16` THE teachings of all the Lord's representatives should be along this same line--not human speculations and philosophies, but the Word of God--”He that hath a dream let him tell a dream, but he that hath my Word, let him speak my Word.” (`Jer. 23:28`) “To the Law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this Word it is because they have no light in them.” (`Isa. 8:20`) “Preach the Word, be instant in season,” and even when inconvenient to yourself. (`II Tim. 4:2`) “The Word of God is powerful and sharper than a twoedged sword.” (`Heb. 4:12`) “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy Word is truth.” (`John 17:17`) “They took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus” and learned of him. (`Acts 5:13`) Thus it is that those who are faithful and loyal to the Lord and the Word of his testimony speak not vaguely and indefinitely to the world, but declare the message of God, the “good tidings of great joy which shall be unto all people,” “in due time.” `Z'06-57` (Hymn 22) May 4
For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death. `Psalm 48:14` IT IS for us to look for the Lord's providences in our affairs at this time, and to find them guiding us, sheltering us from the heat of persecution and tribulation and trial, and again at other times enlightening us, refreshing us in the dark seasons. And this leading of divine providence is intended to be ours so long as we are of the true Israel of God, until we pass over Jordan into the heavenly Canaan and need such special providences no further. Blessed are those whose faith is awake and on the alert, and who discern the Lord's favors which the world will not discern, and which only those in the right attitude of mind can appreciate. `Z'07-155` (Hymn 87) May 5
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits. `Psalm 68:19` HOW loving and tender is our God, and how wise and strong! His promises have never failed those who have put their trust in him. We may feel that our efforts to be good and do good are very unproductive, that the opposition from without and within is very strong. But it is when we are weak, when we realize our own helplessness and incompetency, that we may be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. It is then that we may realize that his strength is made perfect in our weakness. The fact that we are weak and lame does not separate us from the love and power of our God, while we are striving to do his will; for “he knoweth our frame, he remembereth that we are dust.” `Z'15-345` (Hymn 185) May 6
Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee. `Psalm 116:7` IN ORDER to enjoy this perfect peace we must have unswerving trust in our Father's love and abiding faithfulness. As we look out into the starry heavens we see a manifestation of God's mighty power and majesty, but our hearts and minds would not be stayed and sustained by this; we might receive gifts from him, but without knowledge of his abiding faithfulness we would not know whether these might be only traps for our injury from the Adversary. But if we have this proper foundation for faith, if we learn to know our Father through his Word (the only way we can know him), we come to have confidence in him. `Z'14-103` (Hymn 107) May 7
We have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming [presence] of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty...when we were with him in the holy mount. `II Peter 1:16, 18` CHRISTIAN experience today runs along the same lines. The more earnest and zealous of the Lord's followers are invited to go up with him into the mount of Transfiguration. Our eyes of understanding are opened. We see wonderful things--old things in a new light and new things as they become due to us in our day. Surely the advanced Christian sees his Master resplendent with a new brightness as he comes to closer fellowship with him and with the Father in the holy mount! May this be our blessed experience! Seated with Christ in the heavenlies, may we appreciate more and more the things of the kingdom, in contrast with earthly things. `Z'11-376` (Hymn 201) May 8
And He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. `Mark 4:39` THERE have been many storms permitted by the Lord to come upon the little company of his followers. Sometimes the whole journey of life has been a stormy one. We sometimes sing, “When the storms of life are raging.” In his epistles, the apostle intimates that those who do not have storms, trials, and difficulties lack proof that they are God's children; for God would not be dealing with such as his children. (`Heb. 12:7,8`) If we are children of God, we need to have trials and testings, that these may make us meet for the inheritance of the saints in light. (`Col. 1:12`) In all these experiences, the tendency of the trial is to drive us nearer to the Lord, to make us feel that we need the divine shelter and care. And so a blessing comes out of these storms, either literal or figurative. `Z'13-150` (Hymn 106) May 9
Blessed be the Lord, that hath given rest unto his people. `I Kings 8:56` WHILE the whole creation groans under its load of sin and sorrow, the saintly few may sing, may rejoice, even in the midst of all the sorrows of life and even though they share the results of sin as fully or even more fully than do others. The secret of their joy is twofold: (1) They have experienced reconciliation to God. (2) They have submitted their wills to his will. They obtained this new relationship by the way of faith in the Redeemer--faith in his blood of atonement. They entered by the “strait gate” and “narrow way” of consecration to God--surrendering their own will and covenanting to do the divine will to the best of their ability. `Z'11-381` (Hymn 186) May 10
Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? `I Corinthians 3:16` THE figure of a temple is variously used in respect to the church. Each Christian is spoken of as being a temple of the Holy Spirit after he receives the begetting of the Spirit. Each congregation might be considered the temple of God. And the church as a whole when gathered to the heavenly condition will be God's temple, in that God will dwell in them. According to another figure, each Christian is a living stone in preparation for the great temple of the future, now being chiseled, polished, made ready for his place in the temple above. The thought is that as God in olden times was represented in the tabernacle by the Shekinah glory of the most holy, and was also represented in the literal temple of Jerusalem, so he is represented now in all those who are begotten of his Holy Spirit, and will be represented further by all who walk in harmony with their Spirit-begetting and continue to abide in the Lord's love. `Z'16-14` (Hymn 332) May 11
It is more blessed to give than to receive. `Acts 20:35` OUR Lord Jesus Christ is the grandest example of self-denial in the interests of others. He was rich in the possession of the spiritual nature with all its glory and honor. Yet for our sakes he became poor, taking the human nature in order that he might redeem mankind. To this end he surrendered life itself at Calvary, that through his sacrifice we might become rich--possessed of divine favor and the riches of divine grace in Christ--even joint-heirship with him who is now our exalted Lord at the right hand of divine Majesty. But to attain this joint-heirship with him we must study to be like him, to have his Spirit and to share with others whatever he may give us of either temporal or spiritual favor--either to feed or to clothe others (particularly those of the household of faith) temporally or spiritually, as circumstances may dictate. `Z'16-219` (Hymn 191) May 12
So great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord. `Hebrews 2:3` NOT only was there no eternal life in our race, and no hope for attaining any except through Jesus, but all of the promises of the past would have been powerless without his work of atonement, and not until he came was it known how our redemption was to be accomplished. True, the Lord had provided various types and shadows in the numerous sacrifices of the past which illustrated the fact that without the shedding of blood there can be no remission of sin; but they could not be understood until the Antitype had come. Then he brought life to light and immortality to light--life for the world, eternal life to be conferred during the millennial age--immortality for his church, his bride, his little flock, his joint-heirs. These were never brought to light before; they were faintly seen and vaguely described, but it remained for the great Teacher to set forth before us the salvation which God had proffered through him. Thank God that our hearts have made our lips more and more tell forth the praises of him who has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light. Through faith in him we are already reckoned risen to walk in newness of life, and through him by and by the Father will raise us up by his own power, that we shall be like him and share his glory, honor, and immortality. `Z'06-186` (Hymn 255) May 13
Teach me good judgment and knowledge. `Psalm 119:66` NO FOLLOWER of Christ is so well developed that he can say, I do not need any further instructions along the lines of justice and love, but my brother needs it. And in our experiences with the brethren, where the other one seems to be at fault, let us say to ourselves, Here is a brother who perhaps has had more disadvantages than I have had. He is a brother of mine according to the Spirit. He seems to me to be doing something wrong, but I sympathize with him because he probably does not know that his action is wrong. Or I may be wrong myself. If he saw the matter from my viewpoint, he would do differently. I will not judge him, but leave that for the Almighty, who is infallible in judgment and to whom judgment belongs. `I Corinthians 4:5` `Z'15-7` (Hymn 154) May 14
God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them. `II Corinthians 5:19` CHRIST kept the Law and satisfied divine Justice for all who become his during the Gospel age; and his merit is imputed to those who keep the Law in their heart and are hindered from keeping it absolutely by the weaknesses of their fallen flesh which they are unable to control. And so the Apostle Paul says that the righteousness of the Law is fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. First of all, through the imputation of his merit to their mortal bodies, their flesh, our Redeemer covers their natural imperfections. Second, because that body so devoted, so justified, is sacrificed, he reckons them dead as human beings. They are then begotten to a new, a spirit nature. Thenceforth their mortal body is counted as the body of the new creature, no longer as a human body; for this was sacrificed. Actually, however, it is quickened to be the servant of the new creature. Being still actually human, it must be given a robe of righteousness to wear until the end of the present life. This is furnished by the Savior. `Z'16-198` (Hymn 54) May 15
I the Lord thy God am a jealous God. `Deuteronomy 5:9` IF MAN could have his hatred and his jealousies along the same lines as God it would be all right. We, as God does, should hate sin, but not the sinner. God's jealousy is just and is sure to bring to the sinner a just punishment. He tells us that when we have other gods we must consider him jealous; but the impropriety of jealousy is when it leads to bitterness and other like qualities to which the fallen human mind is subject and liable. When the Lord announces himself as a jealous God, he means us to understand that he wants all of our affections, all of our confidence, our entire trust. He wants us to be so fully in accord with him that his will shall be supreme in all the affairs of life. This is not to be considered selfishness on the part of the Almighty; because this, under his overruling providences, means to his creatures the largest amount of happiness, the largest amount of success in the duties and affairs of the present life, and the fullest preparation for the blessings which God has prepared for, and promised to those who love him. `Z'11-93` (Hymn Appendix B) May 16
Let not the sun go down upon your wrath. `Ephesians 4:26` NO MATTER what provocation one may have had, he should see to it that the matter is settled as quickly as possible. Anger or wrath must not be harbored and cherished; for it is sure to lead to permanent bitterness and hatred. The word anger seems not to be so strong a word as wrath. Wrath in an imperfect, fallen being, seems to be deep, determined, and lasting anger, something that is resentful, retaliatory. Evil speaking is a more refined, a more subtle matter, more deceitful, more malicious. Many people become so weak in character, so unbalanced, that they do not realize the proper application of the Golden Rule in their daily lives. They say things of others that they would not wish others to say of them. They treat others in a way that they would not wish to be treated. All such conduct should be put far away from the Lord's children, from those who have taken God's holy covenant upon themselves and who profess to be God's ambassadors. `Z'16-312` (Hymn 267) May 17
We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. `II Corinthians 4:18` WHAT do these words mean? They mean that the Apostle Paul had spiritual eyesight. He indeed saw earthly attractions, but they lost their drawing power upon him because of his spiritual sight--his perception of the things unseen. With the eye of faith he saw the Heavenly Father, the glorified Lord Jesus, the heavenly hosts, the coming kingdom of glory, honor, and immortality. By faith he saw the great millennial kingdom spreading out before him, and heard the divine invitation to become an heir in that kingdom, to be joined in heirship with the Master and Redeemer. He had accepted his invitation. He had enlisted under the banner of the Master; and he realized that everything else in the world was of practically no value in comparison with these eternal things which God had promised. His confidence was in the Word of God. `Z'16-266` (Hymn 133) May 18
He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them. `Hebrews 7:25` THROUGHOUT the Gospel age, the Lord's people by the eye of faith beheld the great High Priest as their Advocate, who ever liveth to make intercession for us, while he awaited the Father's time for his coming forth a second time to make good his exceeding great and precious spiritual promises and blessings upon his church, and to grant the promised restitution blessings to the world, foretold “by all the holy prophets since the world began.” But in advance of the actual blessings, by faith, all who are his brethren, his disciples, walking in his footsteps, seeking to fulfil their sacrifice as he fulfilled his, and under his assistance and direction, may realize that they are not aliens and strangers and foreigners from God, but that they are accepted with the Father--not directly but indirectly, “accepted in the Beloved,” who is our Intercessor, our Advocate, and in whom alone we have a standing before the Father and may ask or expect any favors. `Z'01-182` (Hymn 258) May 19
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. `Matthew 5:16` NOTHING in this text guarantees that the world would receive the message, either from our Lord Jesus or from his followers. We are, nevertheless, to let our light shine as he let his light shine, though the darkness comprehend it not. The thought seems to be that while some may resist the light because their deeds are evil, nevertheless there are others by whom the message may be differently received. Therefore we are to let our light so shine before men that they may see our good works--whether they account for these works properly or evilly. Some may appreciate and see. Those who opposed our Lord were not of the common people, but of those who specially claimed to be the people of God, the scribes and Pharisees, who were not living up to their own recognized standards. These felt reproved. They realized that Jesus' teaching was of a higher order. `Z'11-23` (Hymn 45) May 20
Ye have put off the old man with his deeds; and have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created him. `Colossians 3:9, 10` THROUGH knowledge, as well as in knowledge, the new creature is renewed or refreshed, built up, made strong. The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. What the old mind had was the wisdom of this world. What the new creature receives is the wisdom of God. The development of the different powers of the new mind is a gradual work, dependent upon knowledge. With the new will the knowledge becomes the energizing and strengthening power, and finds opportunities by which the new creature can accomplish its purpose. This knowledge is that which cometh from above. It is not merely the knowing how many chapters there are in the Bible, nor how many verses there are in the Bible and being able to quote them; but by the various providences of God in life, it is to come to such a knowledge of God that it is sufficient for his will to be made clear to us, to insure obedience. Our knowledge is increased in proportion as we give heed to the things which God has spoken; in proportion as we set our affections on things above and not on things on the earth. `Z'11-381` (Hymn 81) May 21
Whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins. `Acts 10:43` THERE is no other means of approach to God than through the remission, the covering, of our sins; and there is no other means of covering than through faith in the precious blood of Christ. All suggestions, therefore, of salvation without a belief in Jesus, all suggestions of salvation of the heathen in ignorance, all suggestions of there being no necessity for a knowledge of the historic Christ, all suggestions that a recognition of the Christ spirit of righteousness is sufficient, all suggestions of harmony with God through any other than the One appointed “Mediator of the New Covenant,” receive a thorough condemnation in the words of this text. The entire plan of God sets forth and honors not only divine justice, wisdom, love, and power, but it likewise sets forth and honors the Lord Jesus as the only way by which access may be had to the Father, and by which everlasting life may be attained by any. In view of these limitations, how comforting are the assurances of the Scriptures that for the vast majority of our race the time of knowledge, and hence, the time of probation for everlasting life is future, during the Millennium. `Z'02-122` (Hymn 103) May 22
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. `Hebrews 12:1` EACH one on this racecourse should examine himself, rather than examine others, in respect to progress in this narrow way; for each knows his own heart condition and the weaknesses of his own flesh better than any other knows these, the Lord alone excepted. Let us each note just where he is in the racecourse, rejoicing that he is in the race at all; considering it a great privilege to be thus called and privileged to enter in this race. If we find that we have passed the first quarter mark, let us rejoice and press on. If we find that we have passed the second also, let us rejoice so much the more, but not slack our running. If we find that we have passed the third quarter we may properly rejoice so much the more, and press with vigor on; and if we have attained to the fourth mark of perfect love, which includes even enemies, we have indeed cause for great rejoicing. The prize is ours if we but remain faithful. But, as the apostle says, “Having done all, stand”--with all the armor on; stand in various testings which will then, as much as ever along the racecourse, be brought to bear against us to divert us away from the mark, before the great Inspector and Giver of rewards shall say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” `Z'01-10` (Hymn 164) May 23
Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. `Romans 4:7` IN STUDYING this subject it is well to keep in mind that the robe does not cover, as some seem to think, sins of the new mind. The Scriptures ascribe no sin to the new mind, and no perfection in righteousness to the fallen flesh. If the new mind were disloyal to God, the robe would not cover it; it would cease to be a new mind. To continue to have the imperfections of the flesh (which we have inherited from Adam) covered, the new creature must remain loyal to God, otherwise it will deserve the second death. Hence, these new creatures, with imperfect bodies under the control of the new mind, have the bridal robe granted to them, that they may have a standing in the sight of the Lord and of each other. `Z'11-189` (Hymn 120) May 24
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand. `Psalm 37:23, 24` OUR text presupposes that in the class described the human will has been transformed--that the divine will has been accepted as instead of the human; and that the child of God is seeking to walk in the ways of righteousness, in which he has already started; and the proper thought to be gathered is that thus seeking to walk in the Lord's ways, God will not permit his imperfections of judgment to work him any injury, but will supervise his affairs; will overrule so that every step he may take, although it be taken of his own will, his own volition--his consecrated will, however --shall be overruled for his good; for his development as a new creature in Christ. If he shall err in judgment, and bring upon himself the consequences of his error, the Lord's wisdom and power are such that he can fulfil all the provisions of this promise, and make even his blunders and weaknesses to so react as to strengthen his character and establish him in righteousness, developing in him by these and other experiences the fruits and graces of the Spirit, which will eventually fit and prepare him for joint-heirship in the kingdom. `Z'03-70` (Hymn 145) May 25
Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. `Ephesians 6:10` HERE we have an exhortation applicable to the people of God at all times and under all conditions and under all circumstances. It would have applied to Samson in his day as a natural man, a servant, and it applies to us of today who are new creatures in Christ Jesus, servant-sons of the most High. If we look back to Samson and all the ancient worthies recounted by the apostle, we note that the secret of their strength of character, by which they endured and overcame, resided in their faith in God and in the promises. And so it must be with us. But there is a difference between faith and credulity; the latter may give a spirit of energy, but will not endure. The former is the power of God which enables us to endure all things as good soldiers of the Lord Jesus Christ, soldiers of the truth, soldiers of righteousness, fighting against sin and error and all ungodliness, including the artful wiles of the Adversary, by which he would deceive us and the whole world, misrepresenting the divine character by the “doctrines of devils” foisted upon the Lord's people during the Dark Ages, to the blinding of the eyes of their understanding. Now in the Lord's providence our eyes are becoming more and more opened in harmony with the apostle's prayer, I pray God for you that you “may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge.” `Z'07-343` (Hymn 200) May 26
The Lord is our King; he will save us. `Isaiah 33:22` OUR text is one the sentiments of which should be deeply impressed upon the hearts of all the Lord's people. The world may cry out, saying, “We have no king but Caesar,” but the Lord's people, the Israelites indeed, will feel the reverse of this--that “the Lord is our King.” In harmony with his command we will honor earthly kings and obey earthly laws in every particular in which they do not conflict with the divine law; but nevertheless, above earthly kings, our esteem, homage, and obedience must be to him whom the Lord hath appointed, King Immanuel. If he be enthroned in our hearts it will be comparatively easy for us to be loyal to him in our conduct and in our words, wherever we may be. If we deny him, he will also deny us; but if we confess him he will also confess us before the Father and the holy angels--he will save us ultimately. Through us as his church, his body, he will, according to the original promise, bless all the families of the earth which we, with him, will then inherit. `Z'03-206` (Hymn 290) May 27
I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. `Psalm 122:1` THOSE who hear the invitation to become members of the house of God, the house of sons, the antitypical Temple, and who receive the invitation into good and honest hearts, are indeed made glad: “Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound.” We couple with this a similar expression by the same poet prophet, who declares, “I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Not in earthly houses, not in earthly temples, do we hope to dwell forever, but those who become members, living stones in the spiritual house, the heavenly Temple now under construction, will indeed dwell in the house of the Lord forever. For them to go out would mean the destruction of the house, for of it they will be members in particular; as the Lord declares they will be pillars in the house of the Lord, and the ministers of his grace and truth to all the people. This text will be true also of the world during the millennial age. All mankind will then be invited to approach the Lord in worship, to approach the spiritual Temple, The Christ, and through The Christ to approach the Father; and all who shall hear that message and who shall obey it will be glad indeed, even as the message brought by the angels at the birth of Jesus intimated that eventually the tidings of great joy shall be unto all people. `Z'03-443` (Hymn 54) May 28
Blessed is that man that maketh the Lord his trust. `Psalm 40:4` IF WE leave the world to become the Lord's people, and receive the lessons of experience at his hand with proper faith in him, the outcome will surely be a readiness and promptness to make a full consecration, a full submission of ourselves to do the Lord's will; to follow his leadings; to inherit whatsoever he has for us. And if the faith be of the proper kind we will say with the prophet, “I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Such, and such alone, can be led of the Lord in this present Gospel age, in which we must walk by faith, not by sight. Such alone will have the confidence to go forward encountering the various oppositions within and without in the present time. Such will eventually be God's representatives and leaders in the blessing of the world in the millennial age. Let us learn well the lesson of faith, of trust, as God informs us of his appreciation of this quality, and that he can deal with us only in proportion as we possess it, so in our own experiences we find that we love most to assist and encourage those who manifest an abiding confidence in us. `Z'02-255` (Hymn 174) May 29
Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound. `Romans 5:20` OUR text is the key to all of our hopes. Sin abounded against not only our first parents, but all of their posterity, unto sentence of death. But God's grace abounded still more, and toward all, in that he provided, through Christ, not only a recovery of all who will of mankind from the penalty of sin and death, but also that the restored and perfected race shall have all that was lost in Eden, full and complete, and that everlastingly. Additionally God's grace abounded to the extent of taking out of the world of sinners a little flock to be heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ, whose nature is to be changed, so that they, instead of longer being of the human nature, will become partakers of the divine nature, sharers of the divine glory and honor and office with their Lord Jesus--far above angels, principalities, and powers, and every name that is named. O, for such loving-kindness and tender mercy which abounded toward us while we were yet sinners, and which much more abounds toward us in Christ, now that we are accepted in the Beloved One--for this let the Lord's people give thanks continually, and let the thankfulness of heart extend and manifest itself in words and conduct, in all that we do and say, that all may be to the praise of his glory who has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light. `Z'01-220` (Hymn 68) May 30
When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth. `John 16:13` THE Holy Spirit, in harmony with our Lord's promise, was sent only to the consecrated class, and was to abide in the true church class, “the body of Christ,” and we, and all others who since have come into fellowship and union with our Lord, “the Head of the body which is his church,” have thus come into and under the influence of the Holy Spirit, our rightful portion and privilege. By this Spirit we were begotten to the spiritual nature, and became heirs of all the exceeding great and precious promises which belong to the “body of Christ.” `Z'01-175` (Hymn 91) May 31
But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul. `Hebrews 10:39` OUR exhortation to all who have forsaken all to follow the Lord is that we do not look back, that we estimate that we have made the grandest bargain imaginable, that we are in the way for obtaining the grandest prize imaginable, together with association with our Lord in his wonderful work and with the divine approval. This seems to be the thought of the apostle when he urges us to lay aside every weight and entanglement that we may run with patience the race set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author of our faith, until he shall have become its Finisher. Let us as promptly as possible, at the beginning of our Christian experience, settle once for all the matter of surrendering our wills to be followers of the Lamb; let us once for all arrange as wisely as possible our temporary affairs and interests in accordance with the reasonable demands of others respecting the same, and let us then faithfully persevere to the end of the race- course. `Z'06-47` (Hymn 277)