The whole earth is at rest, and is quiet: they break forth into singing. `Isaiah 14:7` THANK God for the prospect of an unshakable kingdom, whose King shall reign in righteousness and whose princes shall decree justice (Isa. 32:1; Prov. 8:15) and under whose dominion the whole earth shall be at rest. (Isa. 14:7) This is the kingdom which the prophet declares will indeed be “the desire of all nations,” when it is once established and its blessings begin to be realized by the world. Yes, truly “the desire of all nations shall come”--with blessings of life and health and peace and prosperity and good government. `Z'02-234` (Hymn 156) November 3
Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and He shall hear my voice. `Psalm 55:17` UNQUESTIONABLY the best men and women in the world are those who pray, and pray regularly, who bow the knee, as did Daniel. (Dan. 6:10) Unquestionably the moments thus taken from earthly affairs are well spent and bring more than commensurate blessings upon the worshiper and all with which he has to do. Unquestionably it is impossible to live a consecrated life in neglect of prayer....To the Christian this privilege is still further enhanced by a realization that “we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the Righteous,” in whose all- prevailing name we may approach with courage to the throne of heavenly grace, and obtain mercy and find grace to help in every time of need. `Z'11-348` (Hymn 97) November 4
Behold the Bridegroom. `Matthew 25:6` THE announcement, the truth upon this subject, is indeed a testing, proving, which of the professed virgins of the Lord have the oil in their vessels, the right spirit of humility, patience, love, devotion, interest in the things of the Bridegroom. Such and such only are desired by the Bridegroom or will be permitted to enter. In view of this it is evident that our work in the present time is not only to proclaim the Bridegroom's presence, but to assist those who have the oil in their vessels to trim their lamps. If it is not already too late to buy the oil it soon will be, and hence our special care should be in respect to those who have the oil of the Lord's Spirit but who are still asleep or drowsy and need to have an announcement of his presence brought kindly, patiently, perseveringly to their attention. `Z'06-315` (Hymn 230) November 5
With the mouth confession is made unto salvation. `Romans 10:10` THIS implies that a dumb believer will never make his calling and election sure. We do not refer to those who are naturally dumb: but understand the word “mouth” in the same sense that we speak of the “ears” of our heart, and the “eyes of our understanding.” A heart that sees and hears the grace of God, and that truly accepts the same, must in due time become so enthused with the things heard and seen that it cannot refrain from some outward manifestation of its joy and peace and hope and trust and thankfulness. As the apostles declared, “We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” All Christians who, having received the light of truth, having seen the grace of God in the divine plan, having tasted that the Lord is gracious, having heard the wonders of “so great salvation, which began to be spoken by our Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him”--these must not, cannot, keep silence nor put their light under a bushel. If they do, it means the extinguishment of their light, the stoppage of their growth; and persevered in this would ultimately mean to them destruction in the second death: for those who are ashamed of the Lord and his Word, after they have discerned clearly, not only are not fit for the kingdom, but of such the Lord would be ashamed under any and all conditions. `Z'02-72` (Hymn 261) November 6
Kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation. `I Peter 1:5` IN OUR journey through life almost daily we come to places and circumstances which, wrongly received, may change our entire course from fellowship and relationship to God to sin and opposition to him. What Christian has not realized certain crises in his life in which two voices seemed to speak to him; the one favoring humility and obedience to God at any cost; the other urging self-will backed by pride? If we are advanced Christians, who through numerous victories have gained a position where such besetments are rare, we still need to be on guard and to remember that we have a very wily Adversary, that we have the treasure of the new mind in an earthen vessel, and that in our flesh dwelleth no perfection. These recollections should make us very humble, and lead us to cling closely to the Lord, and to fear and abhor any attitude of conduct and even of thought that would in any measure seem to antagonize the divine will. `Z'08-265` (Hymn 183) November 7
Brother shall deliver up the brother to death. `Matthew 10:21` ALAS, that this should be so--that the love of God should at any time fail to constrain us so that we would not only turn from his love and fellowship, but that the sword should be used to smite down brethren! Get the picture impressed in our minds and sealed in our hearts of coming days with spiritual Israel, when brother shall be against brother, which the Lord will permit just prior to the establishment of his kingdom. Let us resolve that however others may fight, the weapons of our warfare shall not be carnal and that our battling shall not be against those who are the Lord's by covenant, but against the great Adversary. Carnal weapons are not merely guns and swords, but more injurious and death-dealing is the tongue when used to slander and wound. God forbid that our tongues, wherewith we praise God, should work injury to any man, but particularly to any of the household of faith. `Z'08-267` (Hymn 333) November 8
Ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. `I Corinthians 1:26` HOW strange! Yet it is just like the Lord to pass by the self-righteous and the proud, and to declare that only those who humble themselves shall be exalted and those that exalt themselves shall be abased. This fact, then, that God will accept none but the humble accounts for the fact that those who have received the message in humility are chiefly the mean, the ignoble. It is only the humble-minded, taught in the school of Christ, who are able and willing to accept the ignoble ones who rally to the Lord's standard and who may be accepted. To love the ignoble signifies that we must view them from the divine standpoint and love them as God loves them--not because of their ignoble and mean qualities, but in spite of these; because of their heart's desires toward God and righteousness. As we come to love and appreciate all those who stand for and strive for those principles, we take our position with God and view the situation from the divine standpoint, having compassion upon those who are weak and out of the way and doing all we can to assist them, if they are of those who love righteousness and hate iniquity and are striving in harmony with their ideals. `Z'08-326` (Hymn 194) November 9
Forsake not the assembling of ourselves together. `Hebrews 10:25` AS DAVID desired to be near to the tabernacle, close to the Lord, so we, members of the Beloved, should find ourselves longing for a closer walk with God, a nearness to his arrangement of the mercy seat, Christ Jesus. This will signify a desire to be near to the members of his body, the church, to have fellowship with them, because the condition of things is represented as being the “holy” of the tabernacle, with only a veil between this and that glorious condition beyond the veil. And is it not so that whoever desires to be near to the Lord and to those in fellowship with him, along the lines of the new nature, will give heed to the privileges of showing forth his praise by manifesting their love for the brethren and their confidence and faith in the Lord and in his light and wisdom and love? `Z'08-311` (Hymn 329) November 10
And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. `II Corinthians 12:9` AH, SAYS the apostle, if having this affliction means more divine grace, then I am content to keep it and would be sorry to part with it. Let us, dear friends, view our trials, persecutions, difficulties, thus-- as of divine permission for our good. Let us be assured that he who has accepted us in the bonds of love and who has begotten us with his Spirit and called us sons, is not unmindful of our highest interests and would not suffer us to be tried and tempted except as he would make all such experiences work out harmoniously to our highest welfare. `Z'09-86` (Hymn 43) November 11
And the hand of the Lord was with them: and a great number believed, and turned unto the Lord. `Acts 11:21` THE word hand as a symbol signifies power and direction. Here we have the true secret of all successful Christian work which will have the divine approval. Each individual Christian, so to speak, is a finger of the Lord....If we would be used and useful as God's agencies, ambassadors, we should seek to be impulsed and guided by him. We are to hear his voice through the Scriptures and we are to realize his energizing power in the spirit of the truth....Nor are we to gauge the success of our endeavors by the great numbers, as in this case, which was quite exceptional. We should, however, expect some fruitage to our labors, and if peradventure, by unwisdom in our methods of presenting the message we have lost our influence as “ambassadors for God,” we should seek to appreciate the lesson of greater wisdom and should look to the Lord for an open door to service along some other lines or in some other place, where our lessons of experience could be put to practical effect. `Z'09-90` (Hymn 275) November 12
Certainly I will be with thee. `Exodus 3:12` OUR text is an inspiration to the Lord's people everywhere and at all times, when endeavoring properly to do any part of the Lord's work, heeding his call through the Word. If God be for us, and if God be with us, who can prevail against us eventually? There may be with us, as there were with Moses and his service, various difficulties, trials, vexations, and disappointments, for we have the treasure of the new nature in earthen vessels, and the weaknesses and imperfections and shortsightedness of these are sure at times to cause us difficulties and discouragements. On such occasions our duty is to turn the eyes of our understanding to him whom we serve, whose ambassadors and representatives we are, and to recall his promise, “Certainly I will be with thee.” This means eventual victory, though perhaps through devious ways that we know not, and expect not, which nevertheless will ultimately prove to have been advantageous to us and to our Master's glory. `Z'01-361` (Hymn 126) November 13
Prepare to meet thy God. `Amos 4:12` THE right way to prepare to meet God and to hear his decision respecting the character is not as usually supposed, to begin to get pious when we feel the approach of sickness or death or in the presence of calamity. From the moment we become believers in Christ and turn from sin and seek forgiveness and thus become eligible to God's favor, we are urged to present our bodies living sacrifices to him and thus to receive of him an adoption of his Spirit to fellowship. This in turn proves to be but the entrance way to the school of Christ, where they are to be taught as sons of God, to be prepared for the glorious work in association with their Redeemer in his glorious kingdom. As they grow in grace and knowledge, they grow in appreciation of divine favor. Such as are in this attitude of heart are prepared to meet their God at any time. Indeed, their meeting with him has already begun, and anything that will serve in any degree to hinder its pleasurable continuance will be a disaster indeed. `Z'08-266` (Hymn 162) November 14
Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. `John 20:29` NOW, while it is dark, before the Sun of Righteousness has arisen with healing in his beams, to scatter all the doubts and fears and hindrances, the Lord puts a premium upon faith, and only those who can and do exercise it may and do have certain rewards, privileges, opportunities, and blessings. Of the Gospel-age little flock it is written, we “walk by faith and not by sight.” We endure, “as seeing him who is invisible”; we run for a crown and a throne which we may see only with the eye of faith; we obey the voice of him who speaketh from heaven, but whose voice now is the still small voice, which only the few who exercise faith can hear, appreciate, and understand. By and by the time will come when this voice shall shake the earth and cause the knowledge of the Lord to fill the whole earth. Obedience then will be proper and bring a blessing; but obedience now, even unto sacrifice of earthly interests in following the footsteps of him who set us an example, brings the greater blessings--the blessings which pertain not only to the life which now is, but also to that which is to come--the blessings of glory, honor, and immortality. `Z'01-141` (Hymn 46) November 15
Make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way. `Hebrews 12:13` WHAT does the apostle mean? He does not mean that we should literally shovel a path smooth, nor does he refer to our literal feet. All will agree to this. Evidently the apostle's teaching is that each one of the Lord's sheep has more or less of earthly blemish (imperfection), in consequence of which lameness it is difficult for him to make steady progress in the footsteps of our Lord. He urges that as we find out what our weaknesses are, physical and mental, we should endeavor to shape our course of life accordingly, so as to be able to overcome the difficulties of the way and the besetments of the Adversary. We make the straight paths by choosing such a course as will not unnecessarily aggravate and excite our weaknesses, and thus make us the more lame. We are to seek to overcome the lameness, and to do so, are not only to pray, “Abandon us not in temptation,” but are to seek to avoid the temptation in all ways. How do we do this? We answer, by the exercise of our wills, or determinations --by mental resolutions; or, in other words, by making vows or solemn promises to the Lord respecting our determinations to take the proper course. Anyone, therefore, who has followed the apostle's injunction in our text has made vows to the Lord, which he should be faithful in performing, if he would come off a victor and have the divine approval. `Z'09-75` (Hymn 135) November 16
And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb. `Revelation 15:3` WE WHO hope to be members of the bride class and joint-heirs with Him are expected to learn to sing the song of Moses the servant and the song of the Lamb, for “worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and might, and honor, and glory, and blessing.” Realizing that this new song is the tidings of great joy which shall be to all people, we are correspondingly interested to know to what extent we have learned--to what extent we can sing it now. We find indeed that it is a life study to learn this lesson. We rejoice in the privilege to bear witness of our God to all those who have ears to hear, even though doing so brings reproaches, frowns, opposition. Our patience and our faith are to continue, and we are to wait for the kingdom in its beauty and the glorious “change” in ourselves to tell to others more effectively than ever the blessed tidings. `Z'08-269` (Hymn 79) November 17
Jesus Christ maketh thee whole. `Acts 9:34` OUR text is from Peter's words to Aeneas, the paralytic, whom the apostle found at Lydda and healed. We are not told that he was one of the saints; the presumption, therefore, is that he was not, but that at most he was a friend to some of them, and that thus the apostle's attention was drawn to him. The fact that he had been bedfast, helpless, eight years, testified that the healing was a miracle. Its fame spread abroad, and resulted, we are told, in the drawing of many unto the Lord and to the church. Thus did the Lord establish the church and attract to it those who were in the right attitude of heart, using miracles then, as he now uses other means. Those miracles cannot have lasted much longer than the apostles themselves, the gifts of healing etc., being granted only through the laying on of hands of the apostles--and the twelve had no successors-- the heavenly Jerusalem had twelve foundations, and no more, and in them were written the names of the twelve apostles, and no others. `Z'02-105` (Hymn 264) November 18
I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing. `Genesis 12:2` THE fulfilment has already commenced in our hearts, but that is not the end, not the fulness, not the ultimate meaning of the promises; for by and by this holy nation (the body of Christ, the church), shall be great indeed when filled with the divine blessing and power as God's glorified kingdom. We realize too that while it is our blessed privilege to let shine upon others the light which the Lord by his Spirit has graciously shined into our hearts, nevertheless our time for bestowing the great blessing is still future--that it belongs to the period for which we pray, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth.” We reason that although our name may be now cast out as evil, and the reproaches bestowed upon the Head of the body may fall also upon us, his members, nevertheless the time is surely hastening when the name Christ shall be great throughout all the earth, and that being the name of our Bridegroom it will also be our name as his bride and joint-heir. We look forward with joy to the time when the holy nation, now so misunderstood and considered a peculiar people, shall recompense the poor, blinded, Satan-deceived world and nominal church for all the evils inflicted upon The Christ, Head and body, by blessing them, returning good for evil in the highest degree--instructing and uplifting all who will to return to divine favor. `Z'01-231` (Hymn 310) November 19
He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. `Revelation 21:7` THOSE addressed are not the bride class, selected during the Gospel age, but the sheep class of Matthew 25--such of mankind as during the millennial age become the Lord's sheep and obey his voice. To these at the end of the millennial age, in harmony with the Father's plan he says, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” They are not invited to inherit the kingdom prepared for us, in joint-heirship with the Lord, the heavenly kingdom. But they shall inherit the earth, the purchased possession--they shall come back into all the good estate of father Adam which he lost for himself and his children through disobedience, but which Jesus redeemed with his own precious blood, and will restore at the close of the Millennium to all the children of Adam who shall have accepted his gracious favors and been regenerated by him, and thus become his sons, and he their God--their father. `Z'01-201` (Hymn 214) November 20
Wait, I say, on the Lord. `Psalm 27:14` SOME of us have learned by experience that to attempt to go before the Lord in any matter is dangerous. We are not wise enough to guide ourselves. Indeed, as the poet has expressed it, “We fear to touch Things that involve so much.” If we could recognize the delicacy of our situation at times, it would make us more modest and cautious. Not only our own interests and eternal glory are at stake, but also the interests of other fellow-members of the body of Christ. A rash word, a thoughtless action, inconsiderateness in any sense of the word might lead to unfavorable conditions of heart, and, even though we gained the promise, it might be by tribulation rather than by the way in which the Lord would lead. `Z'08-267` (Hymn 313) November 21
Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. `Ephesians 5:14` WHEN the believing, converted, consecrated, begotten, sleeping “new creature” has been awakened-- when the eyes and ears of his understanding have been opened to see the true conditions of the world, and to realize himself as a new creature in Christ--his next duty is to “arise.” His arising from the dead signifies the activity of the new mind, the new will, in directing and controlling his mortal body. This implies effort; the putting forth of all the energy of the new creature. It requires no effort to sleep, or to lie after one gets awake; but to rise requires the exercise of every muscle. Arising is not an instantaneous act, but a process requiring one movement after another, until it is fully accomplished; so also is the arising of the new creature from the dead conditions of sin and trespass against the laws of righteousness and truth and purity; it requires his every effort, and is a work of time. Indeed all experienced Christians who have followed the apostle's injunction to arise from the dead have found that it requires days, months, years, of energetic effort to rise up above, superior to the fallen tendencies of his own flesh, common to the world of mankind. He finds that even after he has risen fully up, so that he does not wilfully practice sin, nor countenance it in any sense or degree, he still must be on his guard lest he be entrapped by the weaknesses of his mortal body; or by the allurements of the world; or by the temptations of the Adversary; and thus stumble again over some of the things of sin and death from which he had arisen by the Lord's grace. `Z'02-73` (Hymn 20) November 22
Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. `Ephesians 5:20` AS FOR the days of national thanksgiving, we, as citizens of the heavenly kingdom, have no special need of them; for every day should be with us a day of thanksgiving for all things--for the prosperity of our “holy nation” under the righteous authority of Christ our King, for its peace and joy and its glorious hope, for its privileges of spiritual enlightenment and blessing, for the perfection of its laws and the shaping of its course and destiny, and for the needed discipline as well, which is to prepare it for its future exaltation and glory. Let the people of the world and less enlightened Christians give thanks, as doubtless many of them do, out of a sincere heart, for the common blessings of this present life--for the air and sunshine and rain, for bountiful harvests and for seasons of comparative peace with the nations abroad. Yes, blessed be God, out of his abundant mercy these rich blessings are common to all--to the just and to the unjust--and it is well that the attention of all men should be called to mark and consider them....And while the world thus marks and rejoices in, and in some cases returns thanks to God for the truly glorious common blessings which our loving and benevolent Father showers alike upon the evil and the just, let our hearts not only rejoice in these things, but also in the higher spiritual favors bestowed upon the sons of God, giving thanks always and for all things unto God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. `Z'93-12` (Hymn 324) November 23
He shall drink of the brook in the way: therefore shall he lift up the head. `Psalm 110:7` WE PERCEIVE that if it was necessary for our glorious Lord from the heavenly courts to drink of the brook of experience, and gain wisdom by the things he suffered, endured, and thereby to demonstrate his confidence in God, it is equally necessary that all the members of his body should likewise drink of the brook in the way if they would hope to share with the Lord in the kingdom blessings--glory, honor, and immortality, the divine nature. Our dear Master's time for drinking at the brook is past, yet the lessons and encouragements therefrom are still before us in the Scripture records. It is now our time to drink of the brook of experience--to learn the lessons that are necessary to our preparation for the kingdom. It is not enough that we have tasted of the brook of experience, that we have learned something of obedience, that we have endured some trials, that on some occasions we have learned obedience through the things we have suffered; we must continue drinking until we can gladly say, Father, thy will, not ours be done! If we drink not of the brook in the way we shall not share in the glory to follow. `Z'02-13` (Hymn 222) November 24
The Word of the Lord was unto them precept upon precept;...line upon line. `Isaiah 28:13` THE Christian's experience is a continual schooling. Daily we are learning more and more about ourselves and about the wisdom and justice of God. As we learn these lessons day by day, we are learning more to reprobate and correct in ourselves. In thus discovering our own imperfections, we should learn, as a matter of course, not to expect perfection in others; and we should give them credit for doing their best to exemplify the highest ideals which they have in respect to the unity and perfection required for membership in the body of Christ. `Z'12-337` (Hymn 198) November 25
As an eagle stirreth up her nest. `Deuteronomy 32:11` THUS does the Lord at times permit trials, persecutions, etc., which outwardly seem to imply the wrecking of most precious interests, and sometimes cause surprise to his people by the roughness and jarring conditions. Nevertheless, under divine supervision, the stirring up of the nest and the throwing of responsibility upon his people can be made advantageous to them, strengthening, helping them. Then comes a time of rest and opportunity for spiritual edification, comfort, growth in grace and knowledge. Happy are those who, in the time of the stirring up of the nest, are rightly exercised by the Lord's providences and taught of him and made more and more active in his service--the service of righteousness, truth, and love. `Z'09-55` (Hymn 307) November 26
I will show him how great things he must suffer for My name's sake. `Acts 9:16` IS ANY other service than that of our Lord ever entered on these terms--promises of suffering? Surely not. Yet how honest for the Lord not to call his disciples under any misapprehension of the facts! We are called to suffer with him--to sacrifice ourselves, our earthly interests--to share his cross, and by these experiences to prove that we have been begotten of his Spirit, and that it has been shed abroad in our hearts and constituted us copies of God's dear Son. Faithfulness to this cause insures the reward of joint-heirship with our Redeemer in his kingdom; nor can those kingdom honors be hoped for on any other terms. The apostle understood this, and seems to give the thought also that the more any of the Lord's followers can share of the sufferings of Christ, in the flesh, proportionately will be his share in the glory which by and by shall be revealed to us--in the “members of his body.” The expression, “For my name's sake,” is comprehensive. It includes everything connected with the divine plan, of which Jesus, the Messiah, is the center. It includes sufferings for the truth's sake, because the truth is vitally connected with the “only name.” It includes the brethren because they have named the name of Christ and they are under his name as members of his body. It includes all the work of the millennial kingdom because he is the Head of it all, and his name, his honor, is associated with it all. Let us, therefore, be glad of any sufferings which come to us directly or indirectly, because of our faithfulness to the “precious name” and these various interests which are associated with it. `Z'09-86` (Hymn 177) November 27
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. `Acts 20:28` THE elders everywhere need to take special heed, because in every trial the most favored and most prominent have the severest besetments and tests. Hence the apostle exhorts, “Be not many of you teachers, brethren, knowing that a man shall receive the more severe testing.” We, likewise, exhort all the elders who in heart are pure, unselfish, that they have nothing but love and good wishes for all mankind, and that they become more and more filled with the fruits and graces of the Holy Spirit, taking heed also to the flock. Remember that the flock is the Lord's and that you have a responsibility to the Lord, as well as to them. Remember, that you are to watch for their souls (interests) as those who must give an account to the great Chief Shepherd. Remember, that the principal thing is love, in all; and while not neglecting doctrines, give special heed to the development of the Lord's Spirit among the various members of his body, that thus they may become “meet for the inheritance of the saints in light,” and according to the divine will, be not suffered to stumble in this evil day, but having done all to stand complete in Christ, his body, his members, his joint-sacrificers, his joint-heirs. `Z'09-73` (Hymn 183) November 28
God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. `I John 1:5` THE Scriptures represent God as being a light. In the tabernacle he was represented by a brilliant light on the mercy seat, called the Shekinah glory. Our Lord Jesus, filled with the light of the Holy Spirit, was called “the true Light.” And it was he that said of his followers, “Ye are the light of the world.... Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Similarly the divine power at Pentecost was represented by flames of light, cloven tongues of fire. Similarly the Spirit of the Lord from his Word is in the Scriptures pictured as the blaze of light from a lamp. As we read, Thy Word is a lamp to my feet, a lantern to my footsteps. The flame of sacred love, the Holy Spirit of the Father and of the Son, was enkindled in our hearts through the Word of grace and the impartation of the Holy Spirit. In proportion as we have fed this flame (the Spirit) with the truth, we have become burning and shining lights in the world-- the Spirit of the Lord in us. `Z'09-188` (Hymn 36) November 29
I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore. `Revelation 1:18` THERE is no more important lesson in connection with the Gospel than that of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. The death of Jesus indeed exhibits to us his love, and the love of the Father on our behalf. But in the divine plan, in order for the proper benefit to come to man from the death of Jesus, he must rise from the dead; he must become the Captain of our Salvation, as well as our Redeemer. A dead Christ could not be our Savior; as it is declared, “Because I live, ye shall live also.” (`John 14:19`)...It is in full accord with the scriptural presentation that joy thrills our hearts as we come to the resurrection morning of the millennial day and the promise that therein and thereby the Lord shall wipe away all tears from off all faces. `Z'08-154, 156` (Hymn 111) November 30
Having an High Priest over the house of God; let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith. `Hebrews 10:21, 22` IF THE child of God would draw very near, and would have the blessed realization of the Father's smile of approval continually, he must seek to have a conscience void of offense toward God and toward men--a conscience which can truthfully say, I am striving to do that which would be pleasing to the Lord, that which is in full harmony with my covenant of sacrifice; and I am striving also to do that which would justly have the approval of righteous men. Nothing short of this is at all permissible in those who have consecrated themselves to be members of the royal priesthood, to sacrifice their lives in the Lord's service that they may reign with him. Let us never forget that he who has begun this good work in us changes never, and that if we keep our hearts in harmony with him, if our faith is still firm and clear in the great atonement made for our sins, and we continually renew our consecration to him, keeping our all on the altar of sacrifice, letting the Lord consume it in his own way, seeking not our own will, our own way, but his will alone, we have every reason to have full confidence that this good work in us will be finished, that we shall enter with joy into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord, and shall hear his blessed words of approval, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” `Z'14-90` (Hymn 241)