Elijah justified in destroying the priests of, 3406:6, 7; how its worship among Israelites was overthrown, 2332, 2333. Worship: Destroyed by King Jehu, 2354:2; discredited by Elijah, 4740:2-5, 7-11; Elijah turned the Israelites from, 3406:1-5. BABE Development of, pictures that of new creature, 1906. BABEL Christendom's creedal, 4627; confusion of tongues at tower of, 2846:4; 5160:13-17. BABES In Christ: Care of, 118:7, 8, 12-16; 679:5-7; choked by strong meat, 5688:6, 7; 5689:1-3, 6, 10, 11; consecrated twenty or more years, yet sometimes, 5151:7, 8; expected to grow to manhood, 3622:1-3; 4470:1-5; how they grow, 1567:15, 16; 1568:1-3; new creatures are not to remain, 5313; 1, 2; seek the milk of the Word, 3621:10; should be encouraged, 21:5; strong delusions that deceive, 1644:1-4; taught through the Word, 562:18-20; 563:1-3; to be liberated from Christendom, 564:6, 7; truth hidden from the wise and revealed to, 2268:1, 2. Status of, in the Millennium, 734:6, 13; testing with evil the dead, how, 734:6, 9-13. BABYLON Ashamed of her conflicting creeds, 263; 993:1-3; assistance in withdrawing form, 3653:1-3, 8-10; attack her lawfully, 1133:7-9, 13, 4; attempts at union between conflicting religions of, (1896), 1959:20-23; attend her prayer meetings and let your light shine (1894 suggestion), 1650:17-19; attitude of, toward Brother Russell, 1306:20; belief of, about hell, 552:5; beware of the wine of, 2968:7; Bible dangerous to, 1756:15, 16; 1757:1-6; Bishop Foster's true description of, 1491; 1492:1, 20, 21; 1493:1-4, 8, 9 blessing to result from fall of, 1572:15; 1573:1, 2, 7-9; bondage of, 1067:3-12; breweries of (1895), 1863:6-9; Brother Russell's teachings considered by, 4473:5, 6; brought world into church, 2512:10, 11; cage of unclean and hateful birds, 45:9, 10; 986:11; called confusion, 45:2; 5092:7-9; can we contribute to? 1173:10; cannot be reformed, 457:12-14; 849:4-7; 986:7; canonizing saints, one blasphemy of, 1139; cast off in 1878, 356:12; Christendom described by Revelator as, 5478, 5479. Christians: Driven to true fold by errors of, 3295:4-9; responsibility of, for remaining in, 5478:8-11. Church: Called to "Come out of her", 46:7-9; 304:7; 309:10; 310:10-15; 317:17; 356:10-12; 438:11-14; 456, 457; 694:12, 13; 1577; glorified before the fall of, 1649:1-6; 3626:1-6; statistics of (1893), 1515. Churches are social clubs and worldly diversions, 1575:14; 1576:1; clergy of, self-confessed liars, 1305:5; collapse in 1914, 2553:1, 2; conception of the gospel, 1897:16-19; 1898:1-4. Condition of: As seen by a Congregational minister (1894), 1612:13, 14; forseen by a Swiss pastor, 1294:7, 14-16; 1295:1, 2, 5, 6; in 1896, 1911:4-6. Confusion of: Shown by announcements of Congress of Religions, 1546:9, 10, 13-19; 1547:1-3; tongues at ancient, 2136:10, 11; 5160:13-17; 5161:1, 2. Congregationalists of, install a pastor after he denies the Ransom (1895), 1797:7, 8; contains some consecrated and noble men and women, 1844:8-14; co-operation with the Society not the spirit of, 5729:19, 20; 5730:1-13. Creeds of: Pictured by Nebuchadnezzar's Image, 1408:13, 14; 1409:1-3, 10, 11; to be rebuked, 378:2. Decline of, 2461-2463; described by Isaiah (59:5), 718:10; description of the religion of, 4152:3-11; destruction of, foretold, 91:9; 576, 577; development and rejection of, 5478, 5479; Disciple denomination not free from, 877, 878; 1137:8-10; 2338:15, 16; do not urge unready to come out of, 3593:6; Doctor of Divinity gives true description of, 1476:1-5; doom of, 176:11; 177:1-12; drunken with wine of false doctrine, 1357:6-14; 1358:1-6; 1896:2-21; 3104:4-6, 8, 9; encouragement to those coming out of, 1575:14; 1576:1-5; 1577; 4-11; 1830:4-18; 1831:1-3, 10; encouraging a military spirit (1895) 1757:7-13; erred as to Christian ministry, 1128:6, 7, 15; erroneous views of, on the Sabbath, 1727:3-5; evil increases despite efforts of, 3660:6-8, 12, 13; excuses used for staying in, 2553:3-6; experiences of brethren leaving (Letter and reply), 697, 698; Ezra led second expedition from ancient, 3658-3660. Fall of: 176:11; 177:1-12; 228:12, 13; in 1908 (1892 suggestion), 1434:2; near at hand, 603:1, 2, 9; sign of the Lord's presence, 712:7; symbolized by seven last plagues, 1573:9; type and antitype, 2496-2498; when, how, 45;:11; 46:1-3; 1355:14; will be a blessing, 1572:15; 1573:1-9. Fallen from grace, 2553:1; fears to renounce eternal torment theory, 1122; 12-14; fell from God's favor in 1878, 2553:1; first light on truth in re, 513:9-11; foreign missions of, are a failure, 1876:10, 11; 1877; fraternizing with Papacy wholly to disadvantage of Protestant, 1775:4-7; glorification of little flock to precede fall of, 1649:1-6; glory of, is in her shame, 1825, 1826; 1832:7-10, 17; gospel witnessed in spite of, 1077; gradual demise in Vermont of, 1187:2-4. Great: COMPANY ARE: Still in, 5411:10-16. Sins of, 1836:3. Has: Always persecuted the followers of light, 5479:2-6; become the habitation of devils, 45:9, 10; 986:11; the right to make and unmake her own teachers, 1599:10. Heavens of: Rolling together as a scroll, 1488:3, 4; shall be shaken, 1305-1308. Honest clergy come out of, 1236:2-6; 1237:4, 10-12; 1398:4, 5, 9; 1426:6-10; 1456:11-14; 1473:8, 12, 13; 1486:5-7, 14, 15; 1503:13-18; 1631:1, 4; 1646:14, 15; 1647; 1, 6; 1755:11, 15, 16; 1947:2, 3, 19-21. How: Christians may become partakers of the sins of, 5478:8-11; it hinders the Truth, 1122:1-5; it quotes Scripture, 1221:2; literal city was overthrown, 509:20; minister's wife may leave, 2747:1-7; people have been kept in subjection by, 1605:7, 9-14; to tell whether or not one is in, 1578:5-9; true Christians are separated from, 2751:5-7. Illustration of Papal love for Protestants in, 1832:1-4; in politics (1895), 1858:6, 7; inexcusable for enlightened to remain in, 1312:12-14; infallible Pope of, submits a fallible encyclical, 1776:10; interest of, in politics and citizenship, 1756:7-10; intoxication of, 1896:2-21. Is: A hospital full of incurables, says D.D., 1476:1-5; Christendom, 174:4, 5; electing of elders and deacons joining, 1923:9, 11-16; group of heresies, 1130:11; nominal Zion, 1648:4, 12; 1649:1-6; not real Christianity, 1074; the mother of harlots, 1903:13; worshiping demons, 1991:9. Its definition of consecration--work, 1403:4, 5; Japanese-Christian attitude toward, 1596:7-9; judged out of her own mouth, 3228:14-16; 3229:1-10. Judgment: Must begin with, 1355:12-14; 1356:1; of, is from Lord, 457:7-13. Knew not the time of her visitation, 1847:2-6, 10-13; knows not the things which belong to her peace, 1847:2-5; leaving the Society is not coming out of, 5730:1-13. Letters of: Encouragement to those coming out of, 1134:11-15; 1426:18; 1439:4, 5; 1502:20, 21; 1503:4-6, 10-18; 1507:3-6; 1539:5, 6, 13-18; 1635:22; 1830:4-18; 1831:1-3, 10; 1974:1-4, 12-17; withdrawal from, 1883. Liberty of the early church now called "religious anarchy" by, 1804:5-8. Likened to: Cedar of Lebanon, 2373:1; false sheep-folds of, 1577:4-11. (the) Lofty city laid low, 1352:10-15; 1353:1-3; making infidels in India,1071, 1072; many clergy in, show a large measure of Christ's spirit (1895), 1903:9, 13, 16; meaning of word, 472:20, 21; message of her doom despised, 2372:1, 2. Methodist: Bishop of, denies the inspiration of the Bible (1895), 1797:5, 6. BRANCH OF: Buys a Congregational church building, people, pastor and all, 1593:1; reviewed, 1051. Methodists of, unite with a Jewish congregations in a Thanksgiving Day service (1896), 1917:9; ministers, for comfort, remain in, 832:3-6, 12, 13; mistake of remaining in, 982:6, 7; misuse of contributions to, 886:4-7; modern ritualism originated in literal, 1990:8-10, 19; 1991:1-3; multitudes and power of, 774:13. MYSTIC: Essence of Isaiah's prophecy, 2372:5, 7. Natural tendency of, disintegration; the artificial tendency is union, 1548:5, 9, 10. Not: All saints yet taken from, 806:4-7; salt of earth 634:5-12. Nothing improper in attending a service in, 4653:4, 5; one basic error of, 1195:3-6; only 42,4360 true Israelites returned from, 3648:5, 6; opportunity for preaching in, 775:1-9; opposed by little flock, 774:13; organization of, vs. that of the true church, 1895:12-14; 1896:1, 14; our duty respecting, (Letter and Reply) 944; 945. Overthrow of: foreseen by Archbishop Usher, 1275:5, 10; symbolic, 510:1-7. Overthrown by antitypical Cyrus, 5092:5, 6; Pan-American convention of religions proposed (1895), 1770:6-8; Papal part of, trying to uphold the existing social structure against Socialism, 1785:1-4; peace of, is the slumber of superstition, 1643:3, 9; PhotoDrama a means of freeing Christians from, 5479:11-13; plagued in a day (one year), 2553:2; plagues upon, 171:4, 5; politics of, 1897:19. Power: AND: Strength of, 3832:5, 6; wealth of, 2497:1-3. Of, over one saint almost disastrous (Letter), 5496:8, 9, 11-14. Preacher longs to get out of, 3625:4, 5; preaches everything but Christ, 1954:5-8; Presbyterian D.D. of, convicted of heresy, 1489:1-5, 9, 10; Presbyterians and Protestant Episcopalians of, desire unity, 1547:10-12; presenting the truth in her meetings, 1708:10; 1709; pride and haughtiness of, pictured by fleshly Israel, 1440:7, 13, 14; 1441:1, 2; principles of modern preaching as explained by a D.D. of, 1492:11-13. Progress in, of: Church federation, 1474; religious union (1894), 1739-1741. Prophetic view of, 588, 589; proposed bowling alleys and billiard parlors as church-annexes, 1492:3-6. Protestant Episcopal branch of: Infallible? 1051:9; reviewed, 1061. Protestants and Papists of, are alike, 1168; public taxed for "charities" of, 1232; purposes and creed of "Evangelical Alliance" part of, 1845:6-16; ransom is the great test of, 1255:2-4; referred to as Ephraim, 1357:6-14; 1358:1-6; regarding a Christian’s attendance at services of, 3146:2; restricts truthseekers, 590:21; returning to the false creeds of (Letter), 5629, 5630; separation from, 248:1-3, 10-13; service of brethren extends to those in, 3932:8; should we leave her alone? 1069:2; signs of her fall, 341:17; "Sinners in Zion are afraid", 1874; the sins and doom of, 173:2, 3; 174:4, 5; 212:4, 5, 8, 9; 213. Some: Consecrated still in, 1844:8-14; missing cylinders from literal 1579. Spiritual Israel released from captivity in, 3643:1-3, 9, 10; spread of infidelity in (in 1895), 1824:3-6; 1831:4-9, 12; sudden destruction of, 2498:4, 5; sure effect of Bible study on, 1236:3-6; symbolic, destroyed, when, how, 45:2-11; 46:1-3; taking part in her prayer meetings, etc., 1768:4-10; tends toward Episcopal organization, 1897:6-10. Test: Of fellowship and oneness unscriptural, 1571:12, 13; 1572:1-13; upon, the ransom, 1452:6-10, 14-16. The Great: And her daughter systems to disappear, 4287:10; identified, 471:6-11. Those who refuse to come out of, defiled, 3600:1-3; three "satisfactory" opinions of, on the fate of the heathen after death, 1818:13, 14; time of reckoning here, 1078:9, 10. To be: Exalted during revolutionary stage of trouble, 5554:8, 16; rejected as was natural Israel, 2746:8-10. To fall in the time of trouble, 5135:11; true church called out of 694:12, 13; twisted ideas of, on baptism, 1543:8-11 type and antitype, 45:2-11; 2495:8-12; "United Religious Association" of (1895), 1858:8; unpreached by true sermon on, 1032; voice of bride and bridegroom no more heard in, 3884:1-7; vomit-laden tables of, are tables of devils, 1899:6-8; we should not reject anything merely because it is held by, 1893:3. What: Means to come out of, 4817:10-15; the word means, 45:2. When one is defiled by, 3600:1-3. Why: Afraid to renounce error, 1122:12-14; Christendom is called, 718:3; clergy have more trials in leaving, 1426:8; impossible for her "scholars" to agree on doctrine, 1832:5, 12; "Protestants" of, no longer protest, 1775:14, 15; 1776:1, 2; true church called out of, 5092. Withdrawal letter from, 1578:9-13; world drunken with wine of, 5633:1-3; worse than grossest heathenism, 1185:1-7; worship of Mammon rather than God is found in, 5696:7-11; yoke of bondage of, 1067:3-13. And: Great Company, 156:1-3, 6-8; New Jerusalem, cities of, 1352:10-15, 1353; saloons, 1852:1, 2, 13, 14. Vs. true church, 4878:17-22. See Beast; Christendom; Man of Sin; Papacy; Politics. BABYLONIA Architecture of, disproves evolution theory, 3652:14, 15; cradle of the world, 2846:3; excavations in, verify Bible truths, 2536, 2537; 2702, 2703; Israelites delivered from captivity to, 3577-3579; 4892, 4893; Jews liberated by Cyrus from, 3642:3-6; tablets of, corroborate Bible, 3162:2-6; type and antitype, 2510:2, 6-9. BABYLONIANS Egyptians etc.: Education well developed among, 3443, 3444. BACILLUS Lactine culture; directions for starting, 5689:7, 8, 14. BACKSLIDING Evidences of, 4872:8-10. BACTERIA Satan the creator of harmful, 1684:12-14; 1685; used for soil-fertilization, 3303:16-22. BAER President, blasphemous letter in support of trusts by, 3073, 3074. BALAAM Covetousness the sin of, 2342:6, 9; 3044:3, 4; 5322, 5323; sin of, to have antitypical fulfillment, 5323:3-5, 13; type and antitype, 359:17, 18. BALLINGER Rev., on the Inspiration of the Bible, 2012, 2013. BAN Ancient and foolish governmental, 1371:9-12, 17; 1372:1-6. BANK Toy, dedicated to the Lord's service (Letter), 5876:15-19. BANKRUPTCY Law: Christians may take advantage of, 2961:3-6. BAPTISM Always in order, 1113; Apostles followed Jesus in, 760:3-5; as a symbol, 133:12; 134:1, 2, 7; by water and by holy spirit, 3478:2; civil, practiced by Socialists in France in 1895, 1784:7, 4; defined, of Jews and gentiles, 198:1-15; dip, pour or sprinkle, which is proper form of, 1213; Episcopalian bishop's views on, 1213; except a man be born of water, 1987:4, 8, 9. For: REMISSION OF SINS: For Jews only, 5962-5965; is "John's baptism", 3292:4, 5. The dead, 1545:3-5, 11-13; 1986:7, 8. Immersion is the proper form of, 1541:1-6. Import of: For Jews--repentance, 1541:8-11; since end of Jewish age--immersion into Christ's death, 1542:1-12; 1543. In: The name of Jesus Christ "for the remission of sins" only for Jews, 1421; 1; utero, obligatory, 3622:12. WATER: As a symbol of entire consecration, 1291:6-9; 1917:1, 2, 10; is it necessary for the fully consecrated, 1543:3, 7, 11. Into: Christ, since 1881, 132:5, 6, 10-12; 367:1-3; Christ's death, 128:1-8, 10-12; 5599; death, 302:1, 2, 9; 2294:1-4. MOSES: Not a type of baptism into Christ, 4498:5-12; what it represented, 4498:10. Name of Jesus explained, 48:6-8. Jesus' age at, 1161:2-6; Lutheran view of, 3592:4-9; made a symbol of consecration by Jesus, 1161:6, 7; may be performed by one not of the church class, 1541:7; means immersion, 65:7-11; 117:6, 7-12; 396:1. Not a: Feature of the mosaic law, 1539:11; 1540:2-11; test of fellowship, 2266:2. Of: CHURCH: A symbol of death, 445:1-3; its requirements, 133:1-6. Fire upon Israel defined, 162:5; 199:3, 10-15; 1545:2; 1916:13; 2301:5; 2564:7, 8; 2820:7; 2927:2; holy spirit, what it is, 162:5; 182:3-9, 14-19; 198:16; 199:1, 2; 375:12, 13; 376:2-4; 3478:2; 5394:1-4; "households", 1540:12. INFANTS: A heathen doctrine, 3081:21, 22; 3082:1-3, 10; supplants Jewish practice of circumcision is Presbyterian view, 1960:16; 1961:1-3, 10-12, unscriptural, 945:3, 6; 1540:12; 1543:9-11. JESUS: Church's baptism also, 5484; 1-4; 5599; different from John's baptism, 3296:5, 6; 5962-5965; symbol, 444:11, 18, 19; 2237:3, 4; 2565; 3712:6-9; with water preceded that of holy spirit, 5263:5-7. JEWS: And Gentiles differentiated, 2417:5; for remission of sins, 952:5. JOHN: Different from that of Jesus, 1558:3-8; 2417:5; 3356:6, 7; 4543:5, 11; 5962-5965; for Jews only, 1421:1; 2417:2-5; 2563:1; 2825:7; 5962-5965; for remission of sins, 3292:4, 5; one of repentance, 3712:4, 5; putting off of sin, 445:3, 10; why so called, 5964:7. REPENTANCE: Not baptism into Christ, 3152:8, 9; was perhaps a symbol before John's time, 1161:7. Privilege, not necessity, 760:5, 13; proper manner of the symbol, 833:2-5, 15, 16; 1544:5-11; questions asked by Brother Russell before symbolic, 5246:12-15; regeneration by, one of Satan's falsehoods, 1991:7, 8; Scriptural epitome of, 1278:6; sprinkling not the proper form of, 1541:4-6; 1543:9-11; superstitions regarding, 1137:2-4; three kinds of, defined 198:1-16; 199:1-3; two kinds of, 444:7-11, 18, 19. Unto: Entire consecration to the will of God even, death, 1687:5; 1688:2; repentance, 1687:5-7. What it implies, 132:5, 6, 10-12; when necessary may be performed by a sister, 1541:7; who may perform symbol, 395:9; 396:13. With: The baptism of repentance, 1916:7, 8, 13. THE HOLY SPIRIT: 1916:13; and with fire, 2820:7. Water, still proper since 1914, 5964:13, 14; 5965:1, 6, 7. And communion subjects of discussion among Baptists, 5063:7-16. See Cup; Immersion. BAPTISTS Adopt ritualistic services, 3024:17, 18; 3025:1, 2, 11, 12; believe in Christ's return, 3459:2, 3, 6; boys' brigades use bayonets in 1895, 1871:13; Catholics and Methodists use church of, 1567; change their views on the Atonement, 3458:4-11; denominational organization of, proposed (1895), 1897:10; divided on the subject of immersion, 5063:7-16; D.D.'s embrace the "new theology", 1752:9-18; drifting into denominationalism, 1590; "heavens shall be shaken", 1306:3-7; 1307:1, 2. How: One came in to the truth, 1048:3-11; their creed-bonds operate, 1306:2-7. In bondage even as others, 966:16-22; losing their members, 4016:14-18; minister of the, receives present truth, 3425:3-5; missionary life of, in India, 1701; National Council of, have Governor Hughes for president, 4026:1, 2; of north are infidels, 4065:1-6; opinions in re baptism are not Baptist doctrines, 1590; part of Babylon, 730:6-10; 1137:8-10; pharisees and popes among, 1306:6, 7; prepare for weekly vaudeville shows, 4026:12, 13; revise their creed, 3457, 3458; slaves to ecclesiasticism, 3248:3-7, 1; 3249:1, 2; spread of infidelity among (1895), 1824:4; torment denied by minister for, 1149, 1150; turning to higher criticism, 4744:9-13; and disciples, plan to unite, 3966:5, 6; 4267:14-16; 4268:1, 2. BAPTIZED Church, into Christ's death, 128:1-8, 10-12; who are the, 2273:7-11; why John, 3478:1. BAPTIZER Preaching of John the, 2562-2564. BAPTIZO Untranslated in Revised Version, 248:8. BARAK Supported by and a conqueror through Deborah, 5604:9-11; 5605:1-3. BARBOUR Mr. N.H., first saw Lord's presence and time prophecies, 3822:2-6. BARNABAS A description of character of, 2998:1; disagreement of, with Paul, 1545:17; 1546:1, 2; experiences of, in Lystra, 1471:5-8, 14; impressed with conversion of gentiles, 2997:5; not an apostle, 5850:2-4. And Paul: First Christian missionaries, 1461; their dispute no proof of bitterness, 175:4, 5. BARROWS Rev. J.H., the hope he offers the heathen, 2220:1, 2. BARTELLA A miller, victim of mob in Italy, 2384:2-5, 10-13. BARTHOLOMEW Probably Nathaniel, 2572:1. BARTIMAEUS Healed of his blindness a picture of Millennial work, 5485; Jesus restores sight to blind, 2729, 2730; 3847:11-13. BARTON Death of Pilgrim Brother, 5930:4-6, 12, 14; pilgrim trip of, in Britain, 3782; 3791:11; 3799:16; 3808:20. Views of, on: Binding of Satan, 4695; the antichrist (Letter and Reply), 5865-5867. BARUCH Scribe of Jeremiah unpopular with the King, 2400:11, 12. BASTARDS Christians without discipline are, 521:11-14. BATTERSON How truth was received by Bro. W.H., 5282:12-18. BATTLE At gate of Babylon (Isa. 28), 2661:12-14; day of (Zech. 14:3-5), 286:6-8; Great, in the Ecclesiastical Heavens, Booklet, 5685:5, 12. CHRISTIANS: 1859:4-11, 15-20; against selfishness, 1861:2-7, 10, 11; must be aggressive, not merely defensive, 1799:2. THE GREAT DAY: 377:20, 21; 4075; preparing between capital and labor, 3271, 3272; 5458. See Armageddon. BATTLES Of: A CHRISTIAN: Pictured by Greek games, 5777:5-8; soldier also mental, 3275. Israel a picture of higher battles for church, 3392:9; New Creation described, 5687:11-16. BEACONSFIELD Lord, see Disraeli. BEAN How to plant the Millennial, 4987:5, 6. BEANS Of special grade for distribution, 4960:8, 9, 15, 16. BEAST Came out of the earth, 319:16; death of man different from that of a, 5166:1-10; had mouth of a lion, 319:3. Image of: 321:9-20; 497:4, 5; church federation the, 1198:7-13; completion and persecuting power of, 1409:10; Epsicopalians preparing to give it life (1895), 1870:3-6; Evangelical Alliance, the, 497:4, 5; 1355:14; 1474; giving life to the, 3390:1; 3698:1; headed by Episcopal church, 2554:3, 4; how formed, 64:4-7; 1138:1-3, 5-7; 1198:7-13; organized Protestantism, 4689:26; preparations for, 1399; preparing to give it life, 1399; 1474; reviewed, 5349:l steps toward giving life to, 4523:3-9. TO: Receive life from two-horned beast, 4196:8-15; receive power from the Episcopalians, 4109:2. What it is, 321:9-20. Mark of: Cannot buy or sell without the, 968:6; defined, 50:11; 64:17; 318:8:12-19; keeping Sunday not the, 1446:5, 10-14; 1447:1. Number of, 323:3-20 (1882 view), 355:6-8; of Revelation 13 has bear's feet, 318:12. Two-horned: OF REVELATION 13:11; 63:4, 8-17; 319:12-20; 320. Power dissolving, 834:4, 8, 11; to give life to image, 4196:8-15. What it represents, 45:;5-7; who get victory over the, 130:3-8; work of, in France, Portugal and Spain, 2869, 2870; worship of, 63:6. And Image: Of Revelation, 497:4; 2496:5349; victory over, 2713:7; see Image of the Beast. See anti-Christ; Babylon; Man of Sin; Papacy. BEASTS Four of Revelation, 529:18-21; out of sea and earth, 319:16. BEATITUDES Analyzed (Matt. 5:1-16), 1493; 2585-2588; 3733-3736; contrasted with the Law of Moses, 5003:4-7; graces of overcomers, 2249:6. BEAUTY How we behold the Lord's, 1915:4; in Christ they saw no, 574:1-4; may conceal a wicked heart, 4275:4-6. Of: Holiness in old age, 2146:14; Jesus as great as his character, 5291:9-13. One mark of a ripe character, 1317:9. BED Arise, take up thy, 3502:3-5; two in, one taken, 229:2-4; 4706:9. BEDFORD Duke of, foresees time of trouble, 5448:1-5. BEDOUINS Of Arabia are Edomites, 3954:3. BEDS Let the saints sing aloud upon their, 82:4; 5451:1-4; 5804:2, 3, 11, 12. BEE Story of Samson paralleled in our day, 3329:16. BEECHER Henry Ward: An evolutionist, 753:1-4; one of the first theologians to surrender to "science falsely so-called", 1792. VIEWS OF, ON: Eternal torment, 3383:2; purity amiss, 1061; ransom, 392:4; 430:1-6, 9-13. BEET Rev. Agar, expelled from Methodist church, 3610:18-23; 3611:1-3. BEGETTING To divine nature, 218:4, 5; and anointing of spirit, differentiated, 5228:2-8; 5728:7, 8. See Divine Nature. BEGGING All forms disapproved, whether by word, insinuation, suggestion, collections, etc., 1637:14-17. Among God's people: done by wolves, 5789:11-14; unscriptural, 4101:4-8, 13-15. For: Money, unscriptural, 865:1; 885:9, 10; the Lord not proper among Christians, 547:7; 5980:5. Not now the same as in the apostles' day, 2933:3, 4; publicly is not to be encouraged now, 2933:3, 4. BEGOTTEN Alone discern spiritual things, 837:9, 10; world is, during Millennium, 1412:8; not of blood, nor will of flesh, 4108:1, 2. See consecrated. BEHAVIOR Of love, 3151:1-7, 9. BEHEADED Church of Christ are 2844, 2845; for witness of Jesus, 331:7-9; its symbolic meaning, 2845:1-5; not all martyrs are, for witness of Jesus, 2941:11-13. BEING (Psuche) Mistranslations of word, 667:1-6; signifies existence, 276:3, 4; and soul, defined, 205:1-14. BEINGS Perfect, may become sinners, 891:2; 3084:4, 8-10. BELGIAN Cruelties in Africa, 3723:7-14; tyranny in Africa, 2648:1, 2; 7-10. BELGIUM Impressions during Brother Russell's tour in 1891, 1375:10. BELIAL Sons of: In Saul's day and ours, 4198:6, 7; who are the, 3219:1. BELIEVE With the heart, but confess with the mouth, 5539:7-9. BELIEVERS Be ye an example of, 5493, 5494; given liberty to be sons, 1005:10-14; in Ransom only are justified, 689:1-3; of the Word not always doers, 3603:9, 15; only shall truly live, 1231:6-9; rewarded though unconsecrated, 1008:7; special salvation of, 1218:21; 1437; 1442:2, 3; unconsecrated, how rewarded, 1008:7. BELIEVING Be not faithless, but, 2803:7, 9; 2804:1; is not of the mind but of the heart, 5433:14-16; truth but not confessing it disastrous, 2966:8. And consecrating, differences between, 2134:1. BELLAMY Edward, his dream will more than come true, 1244:9-11; letter sent him, 1213:5-8. BENEFICIARY Societies; See societies. BENEVOLENCE A Christian grace, 126:2-4; essential to overcomers, 3947:9; gratitude is the responsive chord of, 1673:1; inspiring motive to Christians, 3069:8; 3070:1; of God shown even in divine punishments, 3964:2; test of the sincerity of our love. 1594:2. And: CHARITY: Crowning grace, 78:9; greatly needed in Apostle's day, 4336:1, 8; not necessarily fruit of the spirit, 743. Reverence, location of organs of, 2540:8. BENHADAD Defeated through drunkenness, 4759:10-13. BENJAMIN Type of great company, 184:13, 14; 4436:11, 4437:1, 2, 11; 5231, 5232. BEREA Gospel received into honest hearts at. 4408:11. BEREAN Questions on: Brotherly kindness, August, September, October, November, 1905, 3603; 3624; 3638; 3654:4; brotherly love, December, 1905, 3674; evil speaking and surmising, May, June, 1906, 3769:2-4; 3783:9; faith, March, 1905, 3518; humility and meekness, April, 1905, 3537:3; knowledge, May, 1905, 3550; love, July August, September, October, 1906, 3800:3-5; 3830:1; 3849:5; 3872:1; patience, July, 1905, 3584, 3585; prayer, January, February, March, 1906, 3698:7; 3715:4; 3733; temperance and self-control, June, 1905, 3572, 3573. Study Classes: Advice to leaders conducting (Letter), 5705:18-21; called "Dawn Circles" in 1895, 1868; contending in, 4009:3, 4; custom of the early church, 4407:12; 4408:1, 11; in private homes additional to regular meetings inadvisable, 5409, 5410; most profitable form of study in, 5918, 5919; origin and blessing of, 3517, 3518; 4589:3-5, 9-12; 4562:19; (in) re the advisability of independent Bible study in, 4885:5-8, 14-16; rejection of the Lord's food by, 4446, 4447; successful methods for conducting, 4885:10, 11, 13-21; 5142, 5143; take precedence over sermons, 5930:2; value of, 1900; 4717:18-24; 3069:14, 16; 5070; when properly led by sisters, 5922:13, 20; and testimony meetings, pilgrim brethren may properly conduct, 5255:4-6. BEREANS More noble, refers to Jews, not Christians, 2183:11; searched Scriptures daily, 1524:8-10; 4407; 12; 4408:1, 11. BERLIN Impressions during Brother Russell's tour in 1891, 1370:5-8; mass meeting in, 1769:8; prophetic military museum in 1891, 1370:7. BETHEL Gate of Heaven, 5200:2; Jacob at "the house of God", 1629. (Brooklyn): Formerly Henry Ward Beecher home, 4481:15-17; purchase of the Brooklyn, 4342:18-21; reception for conventioners at, 4481:15-17. Hymns: First listing of, 4351:19; 4382:10. BETHELITES Giving a tenth to benevolent purposes, 5409:14. BETHESDA Pool of: Angel troubling waters of, spurious, 2433:8; medicinal waters of, 3500:2-4, 7; source of its healing, 2433:7, 8. BETHLEHEM Description of, 2556:6; impressions of, in 1891 during Brother Russell's tour, 1401:4-8, 10-12; picture of, 3702. Star of: Supernatural, 561:15; to reappear (?) 1011; Zoroaster foretold appearance of, 1674:10. BETTER Sacrifices: What are the, 3318, 3319; 4397. BEVERIDGE A.J., "Young Man and the Pulpit", 3839, 3840. BEWARE Of the spirit which despises the Lord's instruction, 1488:10, 11; of what to, 1670:7; 1671:1-4, 8, 9. BEZALEEL A type of Christ, 4092:8, 12. BIBLE Abbott Lyman: Denies, is God's word, 1583:19; 1584:1-13; undermines faith in the 2814, 2815. Able to make wise unto salvation, 3210:4-11; abounds in poetry, 1812; 12, 13, 21; acceptance of, always brings liberty, 2365:4-7; 5413, 5414; account of Israel's bondage corroborated, 3983:2, 3; adding to, brings confusion of doctrine, 3487:1; addressed to church and not to the world, 5737:2-5; almost rejected by Brother Russell, 2452:11; antagonistic to all sects, 2817:7-19; astronomy not a part of revelation of the, 1811:8; 1815:5-8; attacked by Higher Criticism, 3447:1-6; attacks upon inspiration of the, 2813-2817; attempts to discredit the, 3467:8, 10-12; author of the, 71:1; authorship and credibility of the, 1144-1148; balanced interpretation of the, 29, 30; Rev. Ballinger on the inspiration of the, 2012, 2013; basis of what Bible Students believe is the; 4955, 4956; beast, dragon and false prophet in symbology of the, 63:6; 510:8. Burning of: And burning of harvest message, 3615; in London, 2959:10; 5752:3, 4; "Millennial Dawn', expostion of, 3615. By the Council of Baltimore Catholics given permission to read, 1791:1-5; called impure by the clergy, 4193; Canon Farrar's tribute to the, 3677:2, 3; Catholicism opposed to the, 2546:19, 20; 2547:6-8, 13; characters, weaknesses of, candidly exposed, 3238:8; chart of past and of future events, 662:3, 4; Christian minister discounts the, 3256. Christian’s Conscience is: Educated by the, 1581:7; guided by the, 3777:4, 5, 8. Church: And Father communicate through the, 2240:10; did not originate the, 1583:19; 1584:7-13; given the message of the, 5737:2-5; have the benefits of, now, 715:11, 16; of England is turning away from the, 2545-2547. Class Department established in Watch Tower 1879, 52:1-6, 10-14; clergy deny inspiration of, 1417-1420; commentary, preparation of the, 3992:8, 9; comments by Prof. Huxley, 1199:4; communism not taught in the, 2090:8; 3740:6-12. Compared to: A mirror, 3656:3, 4; beautiful edifice, 60:9-12; seed falling on different kinds of soil, 5736. Condemns Spiritism, 265; conditions for understanding the, 2966:2; confidence in, increased by its candor, 5563:5, 6. Confirmations of: By discoveries, 818:3; truths of, 479:3, 4, 11. Consistent with self, but not with creeds 5364:7. Corroborated by: Astronomy, geology, history, 5159, 5160; Egyptian and Assyrian discoveries, 3467; scientific research, 2702, 2703. Corroborations of, 520:3-6, 9-12; 3221:1-3, 6, 7; credibility of the, 231; 1144-1148; creeds exalted above the, 65:1. Criticism: For support of the, 4521:17; of, carried too far, 796:14. Critics: Silenced by recent discoveries, 818; their claims examined, 3396, 3397. Dangerous to autocracy and ecclesiasticism, 1756:15, 16; 1757:1-6; death as defined in the, 625:4-10; 14-23; 2814:1-5; 5131; 5132. Defended by: A clergyman (1895), 1858:10, 11; Gladstone, 1331; secular journals, 2499:9-18. Denial of inspiration of, 728:1, 2; denied by Christendom's teachers, 3015:1-5; denominationalism called heresy in the, 1130:8-11. Difficulties in the: Genesis 22:1 James 1:13, 1623:6-9; Matthew 18:3 vs. Ephesians 4:14, 1972:3, 7; Psalm 49:19; 1761:10, 11. Discontent increased with increased light upon the, 1064:13-15; discoveries confirmatory of the, 818:3; disproves theory of evolution, 718:1; 737:17, 18; divine inspiration of, 728:1, 2; doers and hearers of the words of the, 645:14, 15. Does not: Give two different accounts of creation, 5140:13-15. TEACH: Communism, 3740:6-12; that earth is fixed and immovable, 1813:14-25; 1814:1-4; the flatearth theory, 1811:6-10; 1812-1814. Doubles, their use in the, 56:7; dramatized--effect bad and influence degading (1895 view), 1818:7-9; Dryden on the, 2375; earth in the symbology of the, 63:6; 498:7; 686:4; 716:1-3; election as taught in the, 612:8-16; 755:4; 1458; errors of the, 52:5, 6, 10-14; 2451:3-11; evidence opposed to evolution theory, 3921, 3922; examination of the criticisms of, 3396, 3397; "Examiner" contributes to present truth, 3821:9; excavations prove truth of the, 2101:3-8, 10-13; expelled from the pulpits, 887:7, 8; expurgated, 642:13; figurative language of, 3133:11; 3134:1-7; free from monetary solicita -tions, 4526; revealed by his Word and works, 1390; 1391:1-10; 2093:9, 13-15. God's manner of: Preserving the, 484, 485; speaking to us, 3251:3-5, 10. Great Pyramid corroborates the, 224:13, 14; 225:1-4; guide of Christian, 2412:1-3; harmony of, 260:1-3, 10. Hidden: To world at present, 715:11; treasure house, 179:1-6, 12-17. Higher criticism: Attempt to disprove the, 2963; the true kind, 1418:1-6. Historical value of the, 389:3; history honest and truthful above all others, 5614:12, 13. Honesty: And truth of the, 1396:7; 1397:1, 2; stamps it as being of divine origin, 5681:1. House: Picture of the, 2687. How: Discarded by the "holiness people", 1791:6-8; errors crept into the, 71:1, 2; it transforms character, 1528:1-3; interpreted, 139:2, 3; preserved during dark ages, 1146:3-9. TO: Know true meanings of words of the, 1241; read it, 461:10; study the, 644, 645; 715, 716. We are to understand the, 5079:10-12. Identifies Jesus as the Messiah, 3591:1-5; ignored and ridiculed today, 4851:3, 4, 7-11; image of Christ is in the, 1696. In: 1888, burned in Spain, 1050:2; second century, 459:16. Indestructible, 3615:8-10; 4857:6, 7, 11-13. Influence of: 461:5; destroyed by higher critics, 5104, 5105; waning in home and church, 3829:3-5, 9. Inspiration: Of, 458-461; 1148:1-12; historical vs. prophetic and doctrinal books, 1314:2-12; preservation and compilation of the, 1584:7-13. Integrity of the, 516:1; interpretations of, should be balanced, 29, 30; is the final arbiter, 1882:21; jeered at by ministers, 4718:15-19; journalist's eulogy of, 1831:13, 14; lamp to our feet, 63:2, 3; 287:5; 3686:5-7; 5055:4-6; league, formed to destroy higher criticism, 3263:3-7; letter of, for natural seed, 67:3; Linear, special edition of, 2850:6, 7, 11; logic better than evolution theory, 3065:1-15; manifold aids to Christians, 2210:7-13; markings, for ready reference, 2828. Meaning of: Distorted by emphasis, 797:10; the word "day" in the, 91:4-7, 9; 163:8; 268:1, 2; 299:10-13. Methodist bishop denies inspiration of (1895), 1797:5, 6. Ministers: Authorized to preach only the, 3373:19; deny inspiration of, 2499; responsible for loss of faith in, 3846:16; 3847:1, 2, 7-9. Misapplication of isolated passages a common error, 1221:1, 2; Mr. Moody's firm defense of, 1214; more acceptable than evolution, 3008:2, 3; must be recognized as inspired Word, 2939:1-4. Need for: Searching the, 318:2-6; study of, 452:2, 3. New Version of the New Testament, 207:2-4, 5, 6. Not: Designed to teach astronomy, 22:6; for the world, but for the saints, 3646:12, 13; 3829:3-5, 9; personal ideas should be our guide, 3790:4, 5; responsible for creeds, 727:16, 17; the product of the church, 1583:19; 1584:7-13; to be fully understood by the church in the flesh, 5803:4. Number of verses in, 60:5; of Old and New Testaments typified by two olive trees, 1491:3. Only: Reliable source of chronology, 561:9; should be our creed, 1194:15-17. SOURCE OF: True wisdom, 4825:1, 2; truth, 539:8. Opened: At random not way to find God's will, 5212:8, 13-15; up to disciples by Jesus, 2801; 3910:6, 7, 9-12; 5416:6-13. Opposed to: Creeds, 2452:16; Papal doctrines, 560. Orderly interpretation of, 24; our safeguard against Satan's snares, 4459:11-13; passages on prayer assembled by Brother Daniel Toole, 5379-5382; perfect, 52:5. Pope: Declares it to be verbally inspired (1894), 1625; Pius X commended for his loyalty to, 4772:15, 16. Power of, in a Christian's life, 2166:1, 2, 5, 6; printed in old Inquisition room, 1020:1; private judgment of, 797:2-6; proscribed by Papacy, 278:6, 7, 12-16; proscription of, 278:6, 7; proven true by experiments of scientists, 486:5, 6. Proves the: Time of Jesus' death, 4212:3; vital union of the church with Jesus, 5536:7-12. Pure fountain of truth, 565:2, 3, 10, 11; 730:5. Reading of: Indispensable, 2662:1, 2; systematic, 465. Reference marks for, 2828. Refuted by: Christendom's teachers, 3015:1-5; ministers of gospel, 5238. Refutes the theory of evolution of man, 2392-2399. Rejected by: Christendom, 3015:1-5; Christian ministers, 2450:6, 10; prominent ministers 3479:8. Relation of, to anarchy, etc., 1064; respected by world's most noble men, 3615:6, 7; reveals unfavorable as well as favorable truths, 4270:2, 3, 6; 4271:1; revelation from God to man, 727:19; ridiculed by Canon Henson, 3358:7-17; shall accomplish God's will, 1023; sharp, two-edged sword, 3570:8, 9; should be taught, not our ideas, 3726:6, 10; sincere milk of the, 1567:15, 16; 1568:1-3; six sacrilegious views of Papacy concerning, 2012:18-26; Societies, growth of, 459:5; sold but not read, 3329:7-9, 11, 12; some common superstitions regarding, 1417:7; spirit of, for spiritual seed, 67:3; spiritualization of all scriptures in the, extreme, 67:4; spread and enlightenment of, in last century, 4691. Source of: Man's life, 3058-3060; true wisdom, 2882:7, 8. Strive to harmonize the, 876:1-3. Students: MONTHLY: Carelessly distributed, God's Word dishonored (Letter), 5525:20-23; conspiracy article published in Swedish, 5695:7; distribution by successful method (Letter), 5590:1-7; distribution not to be left to boys, 4886:1-4; in thirty languages free for distribution, 5353:5, 6, 15; to offset attacks of Brooklyn Eagle, 5273:9, 16, 17. their view of World War, 5852:4-9; what they believe, 4955, 4956; why considered as enemies of the public, 3616:8. Study: Aided by use of concordance, 1241:5-12, 16-22; approved method of, 378:3; aside from Berean studies, 4885:5-8, 14-16; carried to an extreme, 4716:9-11, 16-22; commended by the Lord and the apostles, 1524:8-10; danger of lone, 850:4, 5, 9-13; Dawn circles, 1900; false humility a drawback to, 651. HELPS: And hindrances in, 796; value of, 957:7. How much time should be given to, 2488:5-8; in past and present, 5364:4-8, 12-15; independent of volumes unprofitable, 4685:7, 8, 13; our only safe source of enlightenment, 5557:6; 5558:1, 8; 5559:10; primitive methods compared with Berean, 5918, 5919; revival in Christendom of, 5752:1-4, 7-9; theory vs. truth, 351:9, 17; value of dictionary and concordance in, 1241:5-12, 16-22; why essential, 3381:9-34; see Berean Study Classes. Substituted for creeds by Brother Russell, 6011:19, 20; suggestions for meetings for study of the (1895), 1866-1868; supplants revelation by dreams, 3971:5-7; suppressed and destroyed by Catholicism, 3614:9; 3614: sure and pure, 4242:7-10; systematic interpretation of, 796:5-9; taking heed according to, 2146, 2147; taught Israelites through Jehosaphat, 2365:2, 3. Teachings: THAT THE: Sky is a substantial vault and a water reservoir? 1812:1-13; sun and moon stood still? 1813:10-13; sun and stars are merely earth's ornaments and conveniences? 1812:18-22. THAT THE EARTH: Has four corners? 1812:17; is fixed and immovable? 1813:14-25; 1814:1-4; is hung on nothing? 1814:5-12; rests upon pillars? 1813:6-9, 14-25; 1814:1, 2; rests upon water? 1813:1-5. Test of all teachings is the, 1206:2; "Thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way," 1753; though given to church, often applies to world, 1163:2; Tischendorf on manuscripts of, 1146:11-14; 1147:1-7. To Be: Dispensed with in Millennium, 3086:8; understood must be studied reverently, 4744:14-24; useful in Millennium also, 5803:4; 5804:1. Translations of various, 62:24; treasure house, 118:4; triumphant, 1237:3. Truths: Consistent, 856:4-11, 13-15; corroborated by Babylonian tablets, 479:3, 4, 11; 3162:2-6; denied by Lyman Abbott, 5467, 5468; hidden from thinkers by creedal errors, 4923:2-5; revealed through figures, 2543:4-6; why revealed at this time, 2397:3, 4. Two oldest manuscripts of the, 1108:5; ultimate purpose of the, 2949:2-5, 12; Understanding: A lamentable lack in, 3976:11, 12; an aid to sanity, 4860:7-12. Understood by consecrated, 716:10; unfolds gradually, 414:1-4, 7-10; 658; unique in candor, 3710:5, 6; various messages of life to man, 3058-3060; verbally inspired or not at all, 1313:20; 1314:1-12. View of: DEATH COMPARED WITH: Bishop Foster's new, 1718; Dr. Talmage's view, 1119:1-6. Purgatory, 1316:9-13; 1317:1, 7, 8. Viewed as: Mere history, 2451:17; telescope, 716:6. Views of: Death, 678; Rev. C.A. Briggs, D.D., 1313:5-20. What: Is included in faithfulness to the, 4897:7-11; it teaches, 2241, 2242. Why: IT: Abounds in picture language, 2899:4; reveals the plan of the ages now, 1867:5, 6; so carefully records genealogies, 1420:2, 6-10. Not all plain, 24:14-17. Will constitute the text book for the world during the Millennium, 1526:4; wisdom admitted by infidels, 610:14; without Scripture Studies will lead to darkness, 4685:4, 5; wresting the scriptures of the, 4433-4436; written and unwritten, 29:7; ye shall know the truth, if ye continue in, 5507:1-4. And: Egyptology, 625:1, 11; opium, Christendom's gift to China 4799:14-21. Vs: Egyptologist's findings, 3724:4-6, 9-12; Evolution, tract distribution of book on, 2464:1, 4, 5; orthodox religion, 802, 803; theologians, 678. See Creeds; Jesus; Light; Lamp; New Testament; Roman Catholicism. BIBLES In 1907 Society published new Watch Tower, 3451:1, 2, 10, 11; 3993:1, 2, 5-7; 4072; 4096:4, 5, 10, 11; 4310:6; 4975:7. Special: Edition of the Linear, 2850:6, 7, 11; features of the Berean, 4852:2-9, 14-17. BIBLICAL names: Examples of their significance, 48:1. BIEDERWOF Dr. defines the evangelical Church, 3567:27-29; 3568:1, 2. BIGOTRY In religious matters deplorable unreason, 5942:6; official, 991:4, 5; what is religious? 3215:4. BILLIARDS Introduced into the Y.M.C.A. (1896), 1942:15-18; parlors proposed as annexes to Methodist churches, 1492:3-6; should saints play? 1790:7 8, 13; 1942:17, 18. BILLY Sunday: Arraignment of Christendom's ministers by, (Letter), 5723:16-18; 5724:1-3, 10-13. BIND Him hand and foot (Matthew 22:13), 954:10-14. BINDING And loosing: In earth and heaven, 2657:11; power of the apostles in, 3789:10. BIRDS Babylon the cage of unclean and hateful, 986:11. BIRTH Virgin, of Christ, an essential doctrine, 3941:11, 12; 3942:1. BISHOP Another name for elder, 1957:1, 4; general overseer, not an honorary title, 1523:10. Methodist: Denies inspiration of the Bible, 1797:5, 6; infidelity of a, examined, 1285-1287; pays tribute to Catholicism, 4775:5-8, 12; spiritually blind, 820:8-11; views of, on Byran, 2780:1. Of London: Denies that he preached the truth, 1049. HIS: Unpreached sermon, 1032; views on success, 2491, 2492. Overseer, not a lord, 3172; starts a home saloon, 1790:14; view of Millennium by a, 1072. BISMARCK Prince, decorated by Pope, 823:14. BITTERNESS Against the brethren, how to overcome, 5603:8-13; defined, 5973; 17. How: Its root springs up, 4759:8, 9, 16; 4760; to overcome, 2517:5-10. Smyrna means, second stage of church, 351:5-8, 15, 16. BITTINGER Dr. (his) knowledge of truth, 339:5-7. BLACK Art: Healing by, 3158:8-10; of Simon Magus ceased after conversion by Philip, 2960:7, 8. BLAIR Senator, his views on: Christianity, 1213:1, 2; education, 1212. BLASPHEMERS In last days, 2459:10. BLASPHEMY Canonizing "saints" is, 1139. Charge against: Jesus before the Sanhedrin, 1809:7, 8, 12, 13; 3888:6; 5221:3-6; Stephen, 2958:4. Christian Science is, 3423:12; meaning of word, 499:15. Of God: False Christianity is, 794:7; now, glory to him in Millennium, 3701:7-12. To claim God the author of sin, 1268:8-12; 1299:8-12; torment dogma is, 1124:1-3. See money; Treason. BLESSED Are: Poor in spirit, 2249:13; 3733-3736; the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth, 303:9-11; 474:7, 10-12; 475:8-10; 664-668; they that mourn, 2250:2-4. Is the man that endureth, 645:4-7, 13-15; 5499, 5500; Jesus described the class to be, 4557, 4558; people of God, who they are, 2138:6, 7; 2139:1-3, 7; to give is more, than to receive, 2221:10, 11. BLESSEDNESS Description of the palace of, 5003:13-15; 5004:1, 2, 10-12; means more than happiness, 2249:14; of him that waiteth and cometh to the 1335 days, 5568:9-14; superior to happiness, 3733-3736. See Happiness. BLESSING At meals should not be a prayer, 5020:12. BLESSINGS At close of gospel age special for church, 3581:8; despised, not easily regained, 3349:1. Earthly: And heavenly contrasted, 2851; are but loss to saints, 2852:1-3; to be sacrificed, 210:1-4, 7. Elim, its fountain and springs typical of, 4011:2; every time we explain God's plan we receive additional, 1650:20. For: Which we thank God, 1490:1-3; whole race ultimately, 743:13-15. From God: Compared to rain, 3598; 2, 8; their extent and medium, 1436:1-4. In trials if rightly received, 5499:9-13; increase in the narrow way, 1751; 6; Millennial, coming through human enlightenment, 5262, 5263. Of: Church at present is the truth, 5:19; early consecration, 1671:5-7, 14, 15; 1672:1-3, 9-11; God, to whom they belong, 2138:7; spiritual Israel not temporal but spiritual, 3581:5, 6. Our temporal, 1339:10; Papal, given to German Kaiser, 3636:6; Pentecostal, the holy spirit, 2926:4; 4306:6-9; Pope's. bring disaster, 1859:12-14; present, of the embryo kingdom, 1580:1-3, 14-17; result of bridling the tongue under trial and vexation, 1937:8-11. Resulting from the: Fall of Babylon, 1572:15; 1573:1, 2, 7-9; permission of evil, 1561:9; time of trouble, 1561:7. Result from true knowledge, 1066:9; resurrection the root of, 1435:5. Spiritual, not to be used for: Earthly advantage, 3717:9-12; ease of flesh, 2358:2-4. Temporal: Compared with spiritual, 2760:11, 2761, 2762. NOT: For followers of Christ, 3728:6, 9-12; granted to Christians, 2761, 2762; promised to Christians, 2130:3, 6; to be prayed for by Christians, 5202:9-16. Ours are many, 1339:10; reward of natural Israel, 2362:15; to natural Israel, 3223:1, 2. To: All the world through Abraham's seed, 3938:1, 2, 5-7; the world to come through Israel, 4454:5-7. Withheld as testings of faith, 3970:3, 4. BLIND Anointing the eyes of the, 4149, 4150; boy led minister to the truth (Letter), 5903. Eyes: OF: All to be opened soon, 2730:3, 6, 7; unbelief to be opened in Millennium, 5485:3-10. OPENED: At Lord's presence, 712:11; by services of Brother Russell, 6010:6; Jesus is confessed, 4149:7, 8; 4150; now to those having faith, 3848:2-4. Proper methods of opening, 3167, 3168. Gould Free Library for the, 5037:9; guides, illustration from "Life" of, 1417:8, 13; 1428; Jesus heals man born, 1773; Jesus' miracles of restoring sight to, a type, 213:13, 14; leaders of the blind, 525:13; 2814:1-10; 3489:7; 4690:3-5; 5029:1-5. Man: Healed with eye-salve by Jesus apicture, 3520; healing of, symbolical, 2670:1, 2; of Bethsaida healed by Jesus, 5111:17. Mouths: Descriptive of false shepherds, 3527:3-6; meaning of expression, 3172:4. Pharisees of today: Are spiritually, 4150:1, 6-8; show more wicked-heartedness than world, 4445:7-10. Report of work for the, 5042:1-4; 5620:12; truth literature spread among the, 4726:10-14; watchman of Christendom, 718:5; who but my servants is, 3176:10, 11. See miracles. BLINDNESS Came to Israel at end of seventy weeks, 2996:1, 2; common in Orient 2667:7-9, 12; happened to Israel, 384:6. OF: Israel, when and why turned away, 3139:1; Jews, for benefit of gentiles, 599:1-3; mind caused by Satan, 525:10-13; Saul a thorn in the flesh, 2118:3; worldly-minded ones, 298:8-10. On Messiah's coming happened to both houses of Israel, 3192:1-5; physical and mental, 2580:9; spiritual follows wrong heart condition, 4334:3, 4; to flee away, 526:10-14. BLOOD Abrahamic Covenant not sealed with, 5227:2, 9, 10; church alone drink of Jesus', 5342, 5343; counted an unholy thing, 44:13-17; covenant of, God bound to Abraham by, 3945:5-8; eating of, forbidden prior to Mosaic Law, 1473:1; evidence of sacrificed life, 1276:4; 1829:4; explanation of miracle of water changed to, 5271:18, 19; heredity is in the, 4847:6-9, 11-14; in symbol (Revelation 16:2), 498:11-14; means of protection of the first-borns, 5273:12, 13; money of Judas could not be returned to Temple treasury, 5552:7, 8; not flesh, taken into the tabernacle, 4428:3. Of: Abel calls for justice, 4386:6, 7; Atonement the only salvation for all, 3454:3-7, 11-13; bullock and what it typified, 73:2, 3; church counted as Jesus' blood, 4493:2-7. COVENANT: 4310:2-4; 4321:4-11; counted unholy, how? 44:13; 4435:4-11; make you perfect, 4495:7; our share in drinking the, 4453:6-8; significance of, 3364:7-9; wherewith we are sanctified, 5877:11, 12. Many bulls and goats, why Moses used the, 5874:8-10; pascal lamb in type and antitype, 1321:6; Passover, 572:9, 10; saints shed by Christendom, 5256:4, 11, 12. Pictured sacrificed life, 17:7; poisoned by evil passions, 2384:6; relations, why they should not intermarry, 3042:8. Shed: A symbol of our Lord's sacrificed life, 1230:9, 10; 1335-1337; 1637:4, 5; vs. in veins, typical significance of, 4876:6, 7. Shedding of righteous, will be required at: Close of gospel age, 5462:12-17; 5463:1-5; hands of this generation, 5256:1-5, 9-12. Significance of, in Memorial, 1015:9, 10; 1016:1-11; typical significance of, 407:1; unless ye drink my, 611; water turned to, 4059:7, 8; 4060:1-3, 6; world will not drink of Christ's, 936:8, 9; why its use by Jews was prohibited, 4374:12; "your, be upon your own heads"--refers to the second death, 1557:18; and fire in time of trouble may be literal, 5317:13. See Flesh. BLOODY Sweat, oldest MSS. omit account of, 2774:5; or "diapedesis", Jesus suffered from, 2767:2. BLOWITZ M.de, his views on Europe's future, 3162:7-10. BLUNDERS May become stepping stones, 3223:6. BOASTERS In last days, 2459:8. BOASTFULNESS Brother Russell accused of, 1235:7-8, 14-16; evidence of intoxication with worldly spirit, 1972:2; inconsistent in God's people, 5284:15, 16; most dangerous use of the tongue, 5020:17; not Paul's motive in writing Ephesians, 4458-4460. Of: St. Paul was with a pure motive, 5941:6, 10-12; 5942:1-3; self-denials or service, 3842:6; service an indication of spiritual pride, 5956:1, 2. Opposed to meekness and humility, 2300:7. BODIES Church's earthly, are members of Christ's body, 5918:4, 7; Jesus appeared in various, 262:2-11; natural and spiritual, 89:11-18; 242:2; 261:5-7, 10-12; 2318:3-5; 2796:3; 5025:9-13; quickening of mortal, 93:2-4. Of: CHRISTIANS: Are servants of the new creature, 5325, 5326; the slaves of the new mind of Christ, 5686, 5687. Flesh do not affect the ego, 5325:3-8; many of the saints which slept arose, 1509:7; saints will not disappear, 666:2-8. Quickened by holy spirit, 5035:4-7; resurrection, 1259:7-14. Spiritual: 18:2-10; 277:3; and heavenly, 361. FOR: Saints, 119:7, 8, 13, 14; spiritual seed, 2797:3, 4. INVISIBLE: 262:1; immortal, 237:1-7. Unlike the natural, 261:5-7, 10-12; what are, 578:6, 7. See Body. To be: Made the servants of righteousness, 5340:8-14; presented as living sacrifice, 3703:10-14; 5031:12-14; 5422, 5423. Washed with pure water, 2021:7, 8, 11, 12; 2022; who shall deliver us from these dead, 2721:4-10. BODY Christ raised with spiritual, 119:8; Church should co-operate as one, 5225:1, 9, 10. Dead; raised with what, 95:3, 7; to sin, 3246:3, 4. Diseases of, affect the mind, 1080:1; every member of, useful, 732, 733; "Fear not them which kill the", 581:2; 2952:11. God: Giveth it a, 3063:1-4, 8, 9; has set members in the, 732:15. Hast thou prepared me, a two-fold meaning, 4965:3-5; 5053:8, 9, 15; "He shall change our vile", 1102; "How are the dead raised up? and with what, do they come?" 1510:7-12; 1511:6-9. Human: Church likened to, 962; 1387:7; created to picture Christ's, 29:2; figure of the church, 295:10; illustrative of the Christ body, 757:1, 2; 5212, 5213; is not resurrected by the soul, 666:5-8; 3564:4-7; 4994:1-3; 5578:5-8; of saints, surrendered, 294:1. Influenced by condition of the mind, 5035:11-14; keeping under and subjecting to the new will the, 2309:11-13; 2310:1, 2; kind of, determines the nature of the being or soul, 1510:7-9; 1511:6-9; life of Jesus made manifest in the consecrated, 5671:11, 12. Members: Dependent upon each other, 733:15, 16; placed by God as it pleases him, 2532:2; 4047:4; 5245:18-20; 5246:1. Mortify the sinful and legitimate deeds of the, 5805:12; 5806:1-5. Must be: Brought into obedience to the new-mind, 3070:7; 4810:2-6; 5001:11-14; 5778:1-4, 11-14; 5584:6-12; subdued until death, 5220:7, 8, 16. Natural: A picture of the church, 1387:7; earthly resurrection for, 62:10, 11. Of: CHRIST: Is the same as bride of Christ, 397, 398; see Christ: body of. Flesh: Jesus did not re-appear in same, 3386:5, 6; 3387:1-3. Of Jesus: NOT: Corrupted, 16:16; resurrected, 5222; resurrected, but his soul was, 4045:1, 2. PREPARED FOR: Him, two-fold meaning of, 4965:3-5; 5053:8, 9, 15; suffering of death, 5064:5-7. Preserved, 2478:9. Of: Moses, why hidden? 4054:8, 9; sin to be destroyed, 929-931. Physical derangements affect the mind, 1412:16; presented a living sacrifice, 99; 100:1-3, 10, 11; reckoned dead, 3203:3, 4; resurrection of, a creedal fallacy, 1508:18; 1509:1-4; 1591:10; 1852:8-12, 16-21; 1853:1, 2; 4994:1-3; 5612:3-5; slave of the new creature, 5101:8; sown in death has no resurrection, 4794:6, 7; "Take eat, this is my", 3879:6-8; "This is my", no reference to the mass, 3526:9; "Thou sowest not that, which shall be", 666:9-17; what it means to keep under the, 5001:5, 6, 11-14; 5686:9-11; 5687:14, 15; who shall change this vile, 366:12, 16-20; "With what, do they come?" 1852-1856; "Your whole spirit, soul and, be preserved", 1881:12, 13. And Soul: Distinction between, 2794, 2795; "Fear him who can destroy," 875. See Human Body; Spiritual Bodies. BOERS Views of the British triumph over, 2799:3, 4. BOLDNESS See Meekness. BOLSHEVISM In Europe forecasted, 577:11. BONAPARTE Believed to be Antichrist, 304:16; how Paul resembled, 1232:5, 6. BONAR H., (his) Analysis of zeal in a dream, 3542:13; pictures church in development, 841. BOND-SERVANTS How the saints are the freemen and, of Christ, 1738:7-13. BOOK Of: Acts, see Apostles; Daniel, see Daniel. LIFE: For church and for world, 381:13, 14; overcomers not blotted out of the, 5377:3, 11-14. "Practical Methods", warning against, 4128, 4129. BOOKLET Evolution, distributed at churches, 2560. BOOKLETS Dutch, on hand in 1916, 5822:26. BOOK-MARK Celluloid, a souvenir from Brother Russell, 4639:4-7. BOOKS Can saints deal in them generally? 1986:3, 4; precious and expensive in Paul's day, 3158:11. Question: Advantageous for private study (Letter and reply), 5783:1-7, 10, 11. BEREAN STUDY: 4869:6, 14; origin of, 4589:3-5, 9-12. Brought a blessing (Letter), 5282:6-9; issued, 4869:6, 14; 5042:9, 23; 5077:7, 8, 16. Scientific, danger from, 4129:4, 5; shall be opened (Rev. 20:12), 3433:7; two great, of nature and revelation, 1390:5, 7, 8; 1391:1-10; will be unnecessary when man is perfected, but will doubtless continue, 1717:7-11. See Literature; Publications; Studies in the Scriptures. BOOTH Brother, His work among the Africans, 3942, 3943. BORN Again: None can inherit the kingdom unless, 3485:12, 13; 3486; what it means to be, 2421:11; ye must be, 2572, 2573. Of: Flesh or spirit, 2422; 4124:6-8; God, whosoever believeth is, 2629:7-14. SPIRIT: Explained, 3486; such will be invisible, 579:3; 836, 837; 2422:6-11; 4124:6-8. WATER: (John 3:1-16) 2422:9; and spirit, meaning of phrase, 4124:7-9. Out of Zion, little flock and great company to be, 5574:9-12. BORROW From him that would (Matt. 5:42), 2518:10; 4971:1, 2. BORROWING Among Christians to be avoided, 2196:12; deplorable habit, 5740:3; from Egyptians by Israelites explained, 3996:4. BOTTLES New wine in old, 2592:10, 11. BOW Song of, possibly suggested the dead march for "Saul", 5674:2. BOWEN Thos., discovered feature of chronology, 289:1. BOWLING Alleys: Proposed as annexes to Methodist churches, 1492:3-6. BOXER Rebellion: In China, 2662, 2663. BOY Scout movement engenders war spirit, 2641:3. BOYCOTT Coming against the truth, 1766:3, 8. BOYS In Protestant Sunday schools desert their churches, 4700:17, 18; turning point in their characters reached between ages of 12 and 18, 4856:6, 7. BRIGADE Use bayonets on a crowd (1896), 1954:2-4. BRACELETS And earrings; symbols, 51:14-16. BRADLEY-MARTIN Dress ball: Views of ministers on, 2105:7, 8, 12-14. BRAHMANISM Eternal torment not taught by, 1183:9; the Romanism of India, 1183:6, 7, 9, 10. BRAHMO-SAMOJ (Its) Plan for reformation in India, 1613:6-8. BRAIN Age: Our day called the, 2053:12; refuted by the Bible, 736-738. Degeneracy often result of injury to the, 3774:5, 7-9. Of Humans: Arranged similar to Tabernacle, 4028:16, 17; 4029; deteriorating, 3967:1, 2; superior to muscle, 1162:5-12; 1243:12, 13; 1244:1-3. Seat of all thought and feeling, 2013:8; stupefied by gluttony and liquor, 3631:1. See Mind. BRAMBLE Bush: Pictorial of unfaithful Christians, 5029:8-11. BRAVADO Courage: And caution more desirable than, 2437:10-12; is confidence, and not, 3195:9. May make of one a martyr, 3599:14; no part of courage, 5510:9, 10. BRAZEN Altar; See Altar. BREAD Alone will not supply life to man, 2244:1; 4896:9-11, 17-19. Breaking of: And Lord's day, 839:15-17; custom explained, 466:7; not Lord's supper, 1421:3. Broken, Jesus' flesh, 840:4-7; 3526:9, 10; command that these stones be made, 3297:8; evermore give us of this, 4146:7, 8. From Heaven: Jesus is the, 4012:7; type and antitype, 4011:5-9. "Give us this day our daily," 2253:2; Memorial, its significance, 346:1-3; merit of Christ's human nature, 1504:11, 12; natural, created to picture Christ, 29:2. Of life: Christ, 1755; 2651, 2652; 3334:2; 4146, 4147; how prepared, 57:1, 2, 7; significance of the, 1014:8-11; 1015:1-7; typified by Joseph feeding brethren, 57:10; world in future to be fed on the, 5087:15, 16. See Christ; Jesus. Our daily, 23; 136. Riot in: Italy in 1898, 2384:2-5, 10-13; Montreal, 1769:8. Significance of emblems of wine and, 936:8; spiritual, 23:11-14. Symbol of: Christ's sacrificed humanity, 1636:7, 8, 13, 14; the sacrifice of Christ, Head and body, 1637:1-3; truth, 38:5-10. Unleavened: Its significance, 840:8-10; 2271:14; type and antitype, 94:4, 9. What: It symbolizes in Scripture, 2358:2-6; we symbolize by partaking of the, 4591:9-11. Why served before the wine? 936:13, 14. And: Cup; Wine: see Memorial. BREAKFAST Suggestions for morning services at, 1808:3, 4; 1811:1, 2. BREASTPLATE OF: Faith and love, 32:1. What it: Pictures, 72:7-10; typifies, 1659:12. BREATH Is not the life, 366:22; 4519:16, 19-26. BRENNEISEN E.W., Letter from, 2575:7-11. BRETHREN Accusers of the: THEIR: Mission destructive, 5746:8-10; portion, 3052:3, 4. Affection, its manifestation among, 2213:5; encouraging letters from aged, 1959:13-17; anointing of the Lord's, 2448:10, 11. Assembling of: An evidence of love, 2406:3-5; important, 316:10-14, 19-22; 597:3-5, 8-10; 2802:1; 4076:8; 4077:1-5. Assisting, in cross-bearing, 3369:9; 5222:3, 4; babes in Christ to be esteemed as, 2133:12; bitterness against the, how to overcome, 5603:8-13; cast out for the truth's sake, 878:2-8, 10; chiefly the poor are, 811:3, 4; coolness toward the, is dangerous, 4154:9; danger of ambition to serving, 875:1-3; 3366:1; 3386:8; deportment of, becoming lax, 5382:17-19; disorderly, who they are and how to deal with them, 1575:4-6; 1893:9; 3035:1, 2, 6-8; dress of preaching, preferably black, 4817:3-5. Entertainment of: A great honor, 4468:8-10; during pilgrim visits (Letter), 5914:8-10, 20-23; 5915:1-8. Exhorted to unity, 6015:24. False: BETRAYAL: By, 3820:4-9; possible today from, 4488:1-3. Conspiracy brewing among, 1641:1, 2, 12; Paul's self-defense against charges of, 4517, 4518; perils to be expected from, 4540:8; proper judging of such, 1362:9, 10; Scriptural description of, 1319:5-13; 1320; to try the church in the last days, 4112:2, 3, 5, 6; trials may be expected from, 5118:6-8. Friction among: Causes of, 4995:1-5, 8-12; due to lack of holy spirit, 2227:2, 6; overcome by the holy spirit, 5229:15, 16; should decrease with Christian growth, 5358:15; 5359:1; to be avoided except where principle is violated, 3752:8. German: Imprisoned for infidelity, 3404:2-4. Greek, zealous for the Truth, 5937:10, 11, 26; hearing difficulties of, unwise, 5274:10, 11; honor from, a test on the consecrated (Letter), 5667:18-21. How: Love for them grows cold, 2196:5, 6; they are called, 810:6-8; to deal with those not truly, 5229:12-16; to treat unruly, 3034:7-10; we become, 626:1, 2. For loyalty to the Lord in Great Britain, 5945:19, 20. In: Christendom our chief persecutors, 5215:11-14; one sense all mankind are, 3933:1, 7, 8. In Christ: Calling of, 810:6-8; no respecters of persons, 2481:6-8. SHOULD BE: Conscientious objectors, 5659:1-5; engaged in a reputable business, 5498:9, 10. Known by their fruits, 4592:4-6; Led astray, Brother Russell's attempt to recover, 4475:4-7. Love: As, be courteous, 2654, 2655. FOR: God and for the, 31, 32; the, 811:5-10; 4154:9. Mankind in Millennium Christ's, 655:10. May: Be assisted by us in their crossbearing, 5222:3, 4; properly judge one another’s conduct and fruits, 5628:8, 9. Meet on the battle field, 5728:3-6. Need: One another's assistance, 3143:9; to dwell in unity, 5235:11-14. Noble and ignoble, 2319, 2320, 3932:2, 3. Not: All men are our, 3092:1; not in ignorance of Lord's presence, 598:4, 5; 2198:9. TO: Be weakened through our liberties, 5324:15-19; judge one another, 2431:7-14; 4048:4, 5; sue one another in civil courts, 2430:19. Of: Christ are tempted as he was, 810:12. Lord: Are the consecrated, 5037:14, 15; will know of his return, 2972:2-4. Oppose Brother Russell's teaching on Vow and covenants, 4326, 4327; opposing Vow show spirit of adversary, 4265-4267; portion of accusers of the, 3052:3, 4; prominent, bride of Christ may contain few, 5001:8. Proper: Attitude toward false, 4488:4-6; reserve between brethren and sisters imperative, 1586:14-16. Service of the, extends to those in Babylon, 3932:8; source of trials and persecution, 5778:10; 5779:4, 5, 7-9; spiritual condition indicated by love for, 5346:15-17; stumbling of, through our liberty a sin against Christ, 4919, 4920. To: Avoid labor strife, 2869:13. BE: Viewed as new creatures, 2321:7-12. Love as new creatures, 3247:6, 7. Under demon obsession to be instructed (Letter and reply), 5354, 5355; various degrees of love for the, 3034:3-7; 3932:5; way to lay down life for the, 2456, 2457; we should make an effort to recover straying, 3798:3, 7-9. What: Constitutes disfellowshiping the, 4985:10; is unfeigned love of the, 4766:11-14. Who: ARE: Ignoble, difficult to love, 4254:6-8; our, 963:4; 3219:6, 7, 10; 5938:6-8. Deny the faith should be disfellowshiped, 5948:11-13; 5949:1-5; threaten our spiritual life, how to deal with, 5603:8-14; 5604. Whom we: May fellowship as, 5284:4-13, 17-23. Why: It is difficult to love the, 5947:12; 5948:9. See Bride of Christ; Christ, Body of; Christian; Christians; Church, True; Elect; Elijah Class; God, Sons of: Little Flock; New Creation; New Creature; Overcomer; Priesthood, Royal; Saints; The Christ. BRIBERY Its consequences to our government, 3403:9. See Injustice. BRIDE Of Christ: Call of, ended in 1881, 172:5; change of, is not her marriage, 201:20-22 changed, then glorified, 169:2-7; character pictured as embroidery on garments of, 5197:15, 16; church's future glory as the, 1210, 1211. HOW: Membership is attained in the, 131:5, 7, 11; taken, 87:3-6. Invitation not a vision by a reality, 1820:9, 10. IS THE: Church, the Lamb's wife, 56:8; 1210; 1386-1389; elect, 623:11, 12; same as the body of Christ, 397, 398. Jesus' part in the selection of the, 1768:11-24; 1769:1, 2, 9; John the Baptist not to be a member of the, 5069:10-14; neither ancient worthies nor regathered Israel will be of the, 1386-1389; no earthly inheritance for the, 131:5; parable of, 2976:2, 3; 2978:5-7; personal love of Christ her chiefest treasure, 1820:5, 6. PICTURED IN THE PARABLE OF: Ten virgins, 39:8; wedding, 58:5; 5510, 5511. Proposal of, found on the Lord's table, 1494:11-13; selection of before restitution begins, 485:8, 9, 12; special promises made to the, 4783, 4784; to gain immortality, 280:1; typified by Rebecca, 51:14-16; 70:13; 161:3-11; 283:8; 3953:3, 4; 4516:3; washed by the Word, 162:8, 9, 14; who is the, 56:8. See Brethren; Christ, Body of; Christian; Christians; Church, True; Elect; Elijah Class; God, Sons of; Little Flock; New Creation; New Creature; Overcomer; Priesthood, Royal; Saints; Spirit; The Christ. BRIDEGROOM Character of Christ, in two harvests, 51:8, 9, 14-17; Christ, as Reaper and, 114:11; 115:5; coming of, 88:8-12; due in 1874:289:3, 4; going forth to meet, 87:13. Tarrying of: 88:4-7; slumbering during the, 3868:3-5; thirty years, 289:7; what it signifies, 39:9, 10. See Body of Christ. BRIGANDAGE More refined forms in our day 2054:1. BRIGGS Rev. Chas. A., D.D.: Invites a Catholic priest to address Union Theological Seminary (1894), 1752:2-4; leaves Presbyterian church, 2483:13-15; 2484:1-5. ON: A par with the prophets and apostles? 1583:19; 1584:1, 2; church union, 987:5, 10. views on the Bible examined, 1312-1316. BRIGHT-SHINING Epiphania of Lord's presence, 2974:3; 2979:10-15, 28-30; 2983:4; world to be informed of new dispensation through, 5359:2; and Parousia defined, 4543:7, 8, 15. BRIMSTONE See Fire and Brimstone. BRITISH Coronation Oath precludes Catholics, 2822:9; Museum proves evolution theory false, 3758:4, 5, 7-10; West Indies, Photo-Drama shown in the, 5656:8-10, 15, 16. BROKEN Hearts: Treasures of earth lead Only to, 5862:2-6. BROKEN-HEARTED Bind up the, 2580:3, 4; 2665:7. BROOKLYN Eagle: announces purpose of federated Catholics, 2727:3-5, 8, 9; B.S.M. prepared to offset attacks by the, 5273:9, 16, 17; refuses Brother Russell's sermons 4597:6, 7; report of Brother Russell's suit against the, 5189, 5190. First meetings of Society held in, 4342; street-car strike (1895), 1765:16-21; Tabernacle, its opening meetings held, 4342. BROTHER Chastened of the Lord returned to the fold (Letter), 5994:5-7. Delivered: from the demons, 4447, 4448; to Satan for destruction of flesh, 4625:10; 4626:1. Departed from Society's teachings, 4472:6, 7, 18; he sins who takes up a reproach against his, 4240:9; loving a, with lips but with slander and malice in the heart, 4978:6, 7; shall deliver up brother to death, 4208:8; Swedish, opportunity of service for, 823:17. BROTHERHOOD Of Christian Unity; Formation and creed, 1474:7, 10-13; our relationship to the world that of, 3929:8, 9. BROTHERLY Kindness, self-examination in, 1114:14, 15; see Kindness. Love: pastoral exhortations to, 5948:1-4, 8-10; when proper to withhold manifestations of, 3033:9; 3034:3-7. BRUISED Liberty to them that are, 2580:10. BRUISING The heel of the body, 3926:8. BRUTE Force: No evidence of perfection, 2787:3. BRYAN Hon. W.J., his comments on ministers who support capital, 2045:8-10; Methodist Bishop's views of, 2780:1; on the Munitions-Militarist Conspiracy, 5935, 5936. BUCKLER See shield. Buddhism: Eternal torment not taught by, 1184:6; how introduced into China, 3703:5; the Protestantism of the Far East, 1181:1-6; Theosophy one of its forms, 1009. BUILDERS Spiritual temple and servants, 36:1-11. BUILDING Character, 781:11-14; of God for new creatures, 701:7-9. On: Foundation Christ, 428; rock or sand and rewards of, 4568:17; the rock foundation--a parable, 5407:5, 6. BULGARIA Truth there in 1888, 1038; 6-9. BULGARZOON Promotes health, 5691:5-8, 14-16. BULL Illustration of the decoy, 2553:6. BULLET Invention of the perforated (1896), 1960:5-9. BULLOCK Blood of, what it typified, 73:2, 3; in type and antitype, 73:1-5; 79:4; 96:5; 147:2, 3; 157:5, 6, 9; 245:6-8; Jesus typified by both high priest and, 3708:5-10; merit in Jesus, the antitypical, 4035:2-4; significance of blood of, 4876:6, 7; typified Jesus' human life, 17:5; 5580:1; and goat slain could not represent Jesus, 4546:1-5. BULRUSHES Vessels of, 3405:2. BUNDY Brother W.H., disowns fanciful interpretations of Scripture, 4753:12-16. BUNYAN John, a Christian, 344:7; view of, on creeds and sects, 584:15; wrote "Pilgrim's Progress" in prison, 2182:7. BURBANK MR. L., wilderness made to rejoice through efforts of, 5262, 5263. BURDENS Bear ye one another's, 549:3-7; 3646:20; 3647:1-4, 11-15; 5899:11-13; cast them on Jesus, 1186:4; let everyone bear his own, 549:6, 7, 12. BURNED Few men left, 5041:14-16. BURNING Bible and Millennial Dawns, 3615. Bush: Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in the, 5261:7, 11; symbolical meaning of the, 3989:7. Of: Earth is symbolic, 5363, 5364; heretics possible under Church Federation, 3241:2; incense occurred in Holy (Letter), 5961:6-12; tares, 920:8; 2543:9, 10; 2634:8, 9; 3771:3-5, 9; 5049:9-11; world symbolical, 4989:17; 4990:1, 3, 4. BURNT Offerings: Love is much greater than, 5522:2, 3. BURR Rev. E.F., on the condition of Christendom, 3465, 3466. BURT Dr., on Romanism, 3381:1-8. BUSINESS Dealing should be just, 2032:11-15; 2033:1, 2, 7; "Father's, Wist ye not I must be about my", 4957, 4958; how prayer assists in cares of, 1865:13; meetings of classes may be conducted by a committee (Letter and reply), 5922:25; 5923:1-4; minding one's own, 5167, 5168; minds most useful if kept under restraint, 3503:3; moral honor declining in, 4719:1-4; need for minding our own, 3593:18-21; of brethren in Christ should be reputable, 5498:9, 10; since 1914 many returning to, 5669:6; 5979; slothful in, God's people are not, 2213:7; 4871:2, 3; 5334, 5335; suits, colored not appropriate for preaching, 4817:3-5; talent a master quality among men, 1162; 11, 12; 1163; truth may ruin our earthly, 942:10; what constitutes minding one's own, 5529:9-12; vs. serving the truth, 1130:6, 7. BUSYBODIES Avoid being, 3593:18-21; cause of much trouble, 5167, 5168; suffering for Christ vs. suffering as, 5117:9-14; truth people in more danger of being, 5274:2-4. BUSYBODYING Excused as maintaining the purity of the church, 5274:13-15; in church trials, 4985:5, 6, 8; mark of insanity, 1080:4; 1413:3; mistaken for brotherly love, 5167:16, 17; what constitutes, 4281-4283. BUTTER See Milk. BUTTERMILK How to make artificial, 5689:7, 8, 14.CACTUS
An added source of food and industry, 5262, 5263. CADMAN Dr. S.P., an agnostic, 2451:3-11. CAESAR Caligula, persecuted Jews (A.D. 38-41), 2986:4; Julius, view of, on death, 1060:8, 9. Tiberius: Pilate's report to, regarding Jesus' death, 1366-1368; rendering to him his own, 2756:4, 6; 5512:8, 12-14; when he began his reign, 2132:3-8. CAIAPHAS Jesus condemned by, 2780, 2781; 3888:5. CAIN Birthmark of, 5150:6, 7; his brother's keeper, 5; mark of, 5150, 5151; murder of Abel by, God's mercy to him, 1614. What: His sin was, 3042:4, 9, 10; 3044:4; it means to go in the way of 2342:6, 9. Who his wife was, 3042:8. Why: He murdered Abel, 2777:3-5; his sacrifice was rejected, 2777:1-6; 3927:4, 5. CALAMITIES Are evils, not sins, 1226:4-6; 1350:10; 1351:1-3, 7-9; 1780:1-14; 1799:9, 15, 16; 1800; divine providence not always in worldly, 2356:4, 5; floods and tempests, significance of, 583. Not: Always marks of divine disapproval, 4148:4, 5, 7; 4149:1, 2; divine judgments, 569:9, 10. Satan's power to cause, 1684:7-14; 1685; to God's children explained, 2682, 2683; why permitted, 1123-1126; 1560:5-10; 1561; 3033:2-8, 10-12. CALAMUS Pictures knowledge, 4093:2. CALEB Faithful to God, but not an Israelite, 3091:1. And Joshua: Considered as types, 3064:6, 7; only adults from Egypt who entered Canaan, 5387:17. CALENDAR Christian, formed by Dionysius, 5141:8, 9; Jews use Hillel's, 2429:4. CALF As sin-offering, 95:6. Golden, see Golden Calf. CALL End of, not shutting of door, 1112; 2676:4, 5; 2901:5, 7, 8; 4303:6-9; 4742:11, 14; explanation of our, 5838:8-10; God draws or calls during gospel age, 1227:1-5; God's, as taught in Presbyterian creed, 1310:6-10, 16, 17; 1311:1, 2; he who hears the present, has no right to hope for another, 1951:7. Is not: Now to restitution, 3634:7-11; 3635:1, 2; only to righteousness but also to sacrifice, 5459:1. None given to great company, 1046:8-10. Of: Church, unity with Christ, 30. GOSPEL AGE: A favor, not a law, is to only one thing, 3634:7-11. Holy spirit, 372:15-17. Restitution: Not one of faith, 2677:4-8. Second, to marriage feast to natural Israel also, 2301:2; third, to marriage feast extended to the gentiles, 2301:7. To: Bride class ended 1881, 172:5; come out of Babylon, 304:6, 7; discipleship may not yet be ended, 5168; restitution, when opened, 2675-2677; the ministry, 537:2. Upon the Lord and he will answer, 3332:13-15. See High Calling. CALLED And set apart, why gospel church is, 3280-3282; how brethren are, 810:6-8; let every man abide wherein he is, 5498:1-5, 9-11; many are, few chosen, 2302:9; not all the justified are, 3417:6, 7, 13; 3418. CALLING Of Heaven: Beyond our comprehension, 4966:10-13; church blessed with the, 4942:2. Things which are not as though they were, 3601:1-3. See High Calling; Sanctification. CALMNESS In the midst of storms, 4506:1, 2, 5, 6. CALUMNY Proper attitude toward, 1665:12. CALVARY Description of, 3900:7,8; meaning of word, 2473:7; origin of name, 3560:5; why death has continued since, 690:2. See Golgotha. CALVIN Correct views of, on: Ten commandments, 1730:11-14; the sabbath, 1730:13. "Murderer and scoundrel," says a Presbyterian D.D., 1546:6, 7. Views of, on: Heathen, 257:10; 544:7; 546:5; infant damnation, 830; 2718:22-25. CALVINISM Described by Rev. Chalmers, 2830:16, 17; examined, 2594:7-14; followers of, must not reason, says Pastor, 2632:2. Is: Bitter, 2632:1; "like a coat which is becoming too small," says a D.D., 1579:5. Inconsistent, 8:4-7; 24:10; 259:10-12; reunion urged, 2983:5-7, 12-15; short-sightedness of, 977:9; true and false doctrines of, 3155:1-3. CAMEL And needle's eye, parable of, 2762:6; 3844:6-9; 4658:10-12; 5466:1-4. CAMP Antitypical significance of going without the, 4607:4-6. CAMPBELL Alexander, his view of the future, 1713; Rev. R.J., of London an infidel, 3949, 3950. CANAAN Abraham's age on entering, 1595; 2855:1-3, 9-11; 5177:8-10, 20-22; Amalekites dwelling with us in antitypical, 4061:2-4; conquest of, typical of spiritual Israel's warfare, 5296:6, 10-15; God's justice not violated in giving to Israel the land of, 5335:13-16; 5336:1-4, 12, 13; Israelites experienced difficulty in entering, 4047:7, 8; 4048:1-3; journeying to, 1841; land of rest for both houses of Israel, 5345:10-15; new creation have already entered antitypical, 3087:1; not possessed by Israelites because of unbelief, 4046; promised inheritance of Abraham and his seed, 3945:3-8. Rest: Meant for all God's people, 5314:5-13; that remains for God's people, 5388. Spiritual Israel's journey through antitypical wilderness and, 5732:1, 2, 9; spying out the land of, 4045, 4046. Type of: Millennial condition, 3064:4-6; (1) our present rest of faith, (2) the heavenly inheritance, 1841:7, 8, 13, 14. What it types, 3086:2, 3, 6, 7; and Jordan river, two views of the antitypical, 4061:2-4; 4063:3-5. See Jordan; wilderness. CANAANITES Antitypical significance of their labor the on temple, 3085:2-4; 3282:7; 5705:13, 22; 5706; no injustice to them for God to order their destruction, 5314:5-13; typical of enemies of spiritual Israel, 5509:12, 13. Why God: Approved warring on the, 3085:2-6; 3091:2, 3; ordered their destruction, 1779:4-6; 5509:11-13. CANADA Church Federation: Begun in, 3119:15-18. IN: Favored by clergy class, 3343; 14-23; United States and, 3704:3-5. Conscription being pushed in (1916), 5895; harvest work there in 1891, 1294; how the clergy there love the truth, 1294:12; leads the way in church unions, 3791:12; nest of higher criticism, 4362, 4363; public schools in, Roman Catholics (1895), 1805:4-6. CANCER A cure for surface, 5268:7. CANDLES Lighted, relics of demon worship, 1991:3. CANDLESTICK Golden: Christ typified by, 243:3-10. OF: Jewish Temple recovered from the Tiber, 3800:7, 10; tabernacle, signification, 243. TYPE OF: The church in flesh, 3650:9, 10; 3651:1; true saints in nominal church, 1491:1. Zechariah's vision of, 2521, 2522. CANDLESTICKS Seven phases of the nominal gospel church, 1599:3-5; 3569:3, 4. CANDOR Helpful only from the pure in heart, 4829:3-5. CANON See Scripture, Canon of. CANOPY Theory: Of creation, 300:10. CANTICLES See Song of Solomon. CANVASSING See Colporteuring. CAPERNAUM Brought down to hell, 5075:1-5; home of Jesus, 2583:2, 3; Jesus heals a demoniac at, 1722:1-3. More: Noble than Nazareth, 3309:1, 4; responsible than Sodom, 7:14; 2267, 2268. Raised to heaven, cast to hell, 2267, 2268; 3726-3728; 4599:6, 7. CAPITAL Aided by religious press, 2043:14; attitude of, toward labor, 1751:11; Bryan comments on ministers who support, 2045:8-10; Catholicism the bulwark of its interests, 3412:1; combination of, bringing on revolution, 2248:8, 9; controls Federal and State courts, 2216:9-12; fights the eighthour law and union label 3303:1-6; how, controls people and government, 5458; lesson of, to Socialism, 3170, 3171; manner of controlling labor, 3056:4-6, 8; 3057:1-3; organized to oppose labor control, 3303:1-15; pictured as on strike, 4075:8-17. Punishment: Jews were denied power of, 3554:8; justifiable, 991:1, 2. Supported by pulpit and press, 992:13; union of, for strength, 695:1-6; war of, against labor, 166:13-15. And Labor: ARE BOTH: Haughty, both will fall, 1245:8-10; selfish, 3319:5-7, 11. Christians to have no part in struggle between, 5567:8-10; Ex-President Taft's views on, 4195:4-10; good advice to, 1245:9; hatred of, 350:13; Judge Burke's view of, 2462:7-17; 2463:1-4; organizing for self-preservation, 3271, 3272; Prof. Goldwin Smith on, 4074:1-6; strikes caused by selfishness of, 1765:16-21; struggle of, 356:13-16; 420:12; 2867:8; 2868; 2884, 2885; 4163:2-7; 4937:13-15. TROUBLES: Caused by selfishness of, 1423:6-11; in steel mills, 1422, 1423. Unbiased view of, 1243:12, 13; 1244:1-6; 1245:8-10. CAPITALISM Denounced by Mr. Lloyd George, 4323:6-8; evil course and downfall of, foretold in Proverbs 1:1-33, 1518, 1519; our attitude toward, 5448:6-12; plays its part in Armageddon, 5526:7-9; supported by Catholicism, 3412:1. CAPITALIST Argues against Socialism, 3618, 3619. CAPITIALISTS Some laboring, 1751:13; 1752:1. CARDINALS Controlled Pope Pius X., 3881:8-12. CAREFULNESS In: Dealing with the hearts of men, 1784:1,8; In little things implies character, 5508:15, 16; 5509:1. CARELESSNESS In little things implies carelessness in larger matters, 5740:1-3. CARES Preposterous to assume earthly, 901:4. Of: The consecrated to be cast upon the Lord, 5508, 5509. LIFE: As thorns to wheat, 5307:2-4; 5899:4-7; dangerous to new creature, 5055:12-14. Take no anxious, 873:5, 6, 10, 11; 874. See Anxiety. CARLSTADT More thorough than Luther, 1094:4-6. CARNAL Love contrasted with divine love, 4836:13. Weapons: Christians' warfare is not with, 5706:1-5; not for saints, 82:4, 6; 2779:7-11; 4235:7, 8; what are the, 3274:5, 6. CARNALITY Denominations are evidences of, 1571:2-13; 1577:1-3; meaning of term, 636:11, 12. CARNAL-MINDEDNESS Is death, how? 1223:1-4. CARNEGIE Andrew, attitude of, toward church councils, 4582:4, 5, 11, 12; expresses his views on war, 2767:13; seeks for international peace, 4373:8-14. CARTER Rev. Dr.: Views on: Eternal torment 3497:15-20; 3584:3-6, 8-17; 3782:3-8, 12, 13; 3976:13-16; the Westminster Confession, 3497:15-20. CARTOON "Modern Stephen", 2282:7, 8: "Russian Autocracy Doomed," 3838:9, 10. CASSIA What it represents, 4093:5. CASTAWAY "Lest having preached to others, I become a", 4810, 4811; 5686:12-14. CASTE Classification of society on the basis of birth and parentage, 1602:9; evils of, in India, 1602:9; 1603:1; 1607:7, 8. CASTES Were four, in India, 1183:10. CATHEDRAL St. Paul's in London, as market place, 3462:12. St. Peter's: How built, 553:16; 554; impressions of during tour of Brother Russell (1891), 1376:6, 7. CATHOLIC See Roman Catholic. CATO M. Portius, his view of death, 1060:9. CATTLE The Shepherd to distinguish between cattle and, 5694:6, 7, 9. CAUTION See care: Courage. CAVE Of Adullam: Interesting facts in connection with, 4225:3-5. CEMETERY Meaning of, 4174:12; 4175:1; Presbyterianism anchored to a Theological, 1308:7. CENSORSHIP Post Office Department exercises sharp, 5841:7-17. CENTURIES How calculated, 365:18. CENTURION Faith and humility of the, 1922:5-7, 11; 1923:1; 2132:10; 2620:3-6, 7-12; Jesus marveled at the faith of the, 3755:6-10. CENTURY Magazine: Views on union of churches, 596, 597. CHAFF Burning of, 115:7, 8; separated from wheat, 46:1-3; world in Babylon blown like, 576:15-17. See Wheat. CHAFING Under testing displeasing to the Lord, 5332:6, 7, 9; 5333:2. CHALDEANS Type and antitype, 622:5-10. CHALMERS Rev., describes Calvinism, 2830:16, 17. CHALNEH Explorations discover the ruins of, 3220, 3221. CHANCE Second: Bible's teaching on, 44:5, 6; 704:4, 5, 10-20. FOR: Adam only, 1251:4; 2116:8, 9, 11-16; no one, 258:17, 18; 259:1; 433:10, 11; 2051:12-14. Report of debate on, in Scotland (1896), 1965:2-13, 17, 18; sense in which there is a, 3361:4-7; 5638:10-15; 5639:6-8; unscriptural, 382:6; 545:6, 7; why Sodom will not be given a, 7:15; world will not have 7:10, 11. Universal, not Universalism, 2595:11. CHANNEL Christ Jesus the, 21:1; proper attitude toward the Lord's, 1536:7; those ashamed of it finally lose the truth, 1537:6; Watch Tower the only truth, 1171:5; See Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. CHANNELS Avoid polluted, 1025; truth hidden by coming through impaired, 3483:3. CHAPLAINS In Congress farcical, 995:7. CHARACTER Activity is the quickening of, 1274:1-3, 5-8; Adam when created had no, 1469:3. Affected by: Diet, 3630:11; 3631:1; 4873:3-6; our associations, 3393:10; 3394:1, 2. After development must become established, 4467:8-10; alone will stand the final test, 3318:3. Basis of: Fellowship with God, 5359:3; true love, 1253:13; 1254:16. Best preparation for the time of trouble, 5571:12-14; carefulness in little things a test of, 5508:15, 16; 5509:1; conscientiousness gives strength of, 5158:8, 11-13; consideration of others at test of, 5740:9-12; crystallization of, distinguished from perfection of, 5080-5082. Decision: An important element of, 3093:4; of, reached in boys at 12 to 18 years, 4856:6, 7. Dependent upon seed sown, 5665, 5666; determined by habitual manner of thought, 5908:5, 6, 10, 14; 5909. Development: Abundant entrance to kingdom dependent upon, 2154:4-6; along line of love, 3020-3022; article by Brother Toole and Editor's comment thereon, 5900-5903; as the vine or thorn, 4502:1-5; by tribulation, 3013:7; Christ the foundation rock of our, 1922:9, 10; contentment as a part of, 2351-2353; decision one form of, 2950; degrees essential to salvation, 5264:11-14; described, 781:11-14; 2038; 2093, 2094; 2146, 2147; 2154, 2155; 2967:6, 7; 3089:11; envy and hatred are foes to, 3639:1-6; filthiness of flesh and spirit opposed to, 3985, 3986:l (a) growth, 2852:1-3; heart purity required in, 2335-2337. IN: Christian's life, 2212-2215; love, 3029-3031; this age and its effect in Millennium, 4856:4, 5, 8-12. More important than zeal or knowledge, 3655:4, 5; must be of higher grade for church than for world, 3317:8, 9; need of, 137:1-3, 16. NOW: Affects future life, 5933:3-5, 11; or in the Millennium, 3832:9, 10; will have its effect in Millennium, 4500:2-4, 8. OF: Christians, 2479:12,13; church opposed by adversaries, 2527:5-7. PATIENCE: Experience, hope, 1585:18, 19; its part in, 1721. PICTURED: As embroidery on bridal garment of bride of Christ, 5197:15, 16; by the rebuilding of Jerusalem's wall, 1498:13. Principle first essential in, 4391:2, 3, 14; relationship of phrenology to, 5158:4-8, 11-13; secret faults and presumptuous sins as related to, 2248, 2249; slow but sure by Christians, 2320:2, 3; 2321:12; stunted through little transgressions, 5886:4-7, 11, 12; thoughts are the basis of, 1654:7, 11. THROUGH: Adversity, 5217:1-4; 10-14; faith, 3114:3; suffering, 4767:6-8; trials, 4897:4-6. Viewed from Decalogue, 3044-3046; yearly reckonings, 3000-3002. Double-mindedness leads to instability of, 1562:5, 10, 11; 2336:3, 4; 5315:5, 10-13. Effect of: Daily life upon, 5233:9-11; 5234:1, 9; habit upon, 3270:13; 3271:1, 2. Eight qualities of Christian, 1114:4808, 4809; every act or habit has its effect upon, 3674:1, 2; face the index of, 4659:11. Formation of: Must precede quickening, 1274:1-3, 5-8; noble and pure, the result of divine truth, 1528:1-3; our responsibility in re, 4828:7, 11-13. Fruitage of daily living, 5517:11; 5519:4, 8, 9; fruits of the spirit give a proper, 1627:19-37; 1628; God a respecter of, 2988:5; growth of Christian, orderly, 1113. How: It is perfected, 1807:5; Christians are established in Christian, 1053. TO: Cleanse the, 5638:5-10; develop Christian, 2877-2879. Humility an aid to discerning, 2094:2-6; impaired by sins, not by trespasses, 5750:12; 5751:2; influenced by condiments, 5248:5; (the) intellectual and moral glory and majesty of God, 1560:3, 4. Is: A: Growth, 1469:2, 3; heavenly treasure, 1657:12. Best way of preaching, 1151:5, 10. Kind required of Christians, 2754; law of development, 1906. Likeness to Christ: His epistle in our hearts, 5968:9-12; required of the saints, 4418:7, 9-11. Mark of: Christian's aim, 2753:4; ripeness, 1317:9-12. Meaning of the word, 4417:6, 7, 9, 10. Most: Beautiful thing, 1188:3-5, 7, 8; precious thing in world, 1095:6, 10. Must be: Crystallized after being perfected, 5080-5082; developed to keep person from falling away, 5678:10-12. Not: A proof of consecration, 5133:9, 15, 16; established until tested, 5074:7, 8. Of: Brother Russell above reproach, 6014:15-17; 6015:1-10; children affected by pre-natal influences, 5251:2-5; Christ represented by his titles, 3469:5-11. CHRISTIANS: 585; a gradual development, 4808, 4809. Each new creature must be a definite, individual, 3250:10. JEHOVAH: 386:5-11; maligned by Christendom, 2851; false views of, 2712:4-7; out of harmony with false creeds, 5326:9-11; revealed in his Word, 3656:5, 8-11. JESUS: Described by celebrities, 462:6, 7; typified in meat-offering, 84:3-7, 11-13. Race not improved by "evolution", 4430:4-6; Satan, 1687:8; Solomon not developed by experience, 2045:11. Office of reason in the formation of Christian, 1565; Paul beautiful, 1232. Perfection of: Different from perfection of being, 1807:5; 3634:4-6; essential to saints, 2754, 2755. Present, of worldly, will affect Millennial trial, 1449:4; preserved through death, how, 1263:3-5, 7-10; 1264:1, 2, 6, 7; pictured in the diamond, 2404:10-12; polish not to be mistaken for, 4619:1-7; purity of, lost, regained through Christ alone, 1061; quickening means activity of established, 1274:1-3, 5-8; qualities necessary for a successful life, 1640:5; Ransom a necessity to the proper conception of God's, 1583:1, 2, 11-13; reformation --how accomplished, 1654:11, 12; represented by the heart, 1937:3. Required of: Both heirs and subjects of Christ's kingdom, 3114:3; Christians, 135:5, 8-12. Result of truth, 49:10; 1528:1-3; should be gentle, yet firm; sweet, yet strong, 4467:10; silence under trial and affliction necessary for stability of, 1937:8-11; stability of, a necessity, 357:8; stamped by mother before child's birth, 5612:8; 5615:6-8. Strengthened by: Tests of faith, 3324:8, 9; 3325:1; trials, 3983:4-8. Sublime nature of Paul's, 1558:5-7, 11, 12. Tested: And proven by suffering, 5147:10-16; in little things, 5653:1-4, 8-11; 5740:9-13; more severely by prosperity than adversity, 2382:7. To: Decide our final destiny, 5519:8, 9; determine our honors in the kingdom, 5669:4, 5, 7-12. Tongue an index to the, 1937:3. Transformation of: Limited in gospel age, 2202:10, 11; our great work, 1214:16. Transmission to children not to be relied upon, 3216:2; treasures of, are among the treasures in heaven, 1821:3; various depths of, 5736:2-6; what constitutes perfection of, 4611:6, 7, 12; 4612; will not be changed in death, 1469:1-5; work of time, 3520:8; vs. outward polish, 4619:1-7. See Reputation. CHARACTERS Struggle about even, for weak and strong, 4033:3-5, 7-9. CHARIOT OF Elijah: See Elijah. CHARIOTS (Nahum 2) prophecy fulfilled, 480:11. CHARITY Begins at home, 2212:4; better when methodical, 2211:7, 8; hospitality to Pilgrims not to be viewed as, 3348:3; in the days of the apostles and now, 1593:6-10; public taxed for sectarian, 1232. To: Be measured by the degree of prosperity, 5927:7; tolerate wolves in sheep's clothing is not, 1712:3-6, 8-10. Sample of true, 227:11; should begin at home, 1555:3. And Benevolence: Crowning graces, 78:9; greatly needed in apostles' day, 4336:1, 8; not necessarily fruits of spirit, 743:9-13. See Pride. CHART Discourses, notice of booklet, 1919; divine plan illustrated by, 271-276; lectures, outline of, 347:2-5. Of: AGES: 249:9, 10, 16; 294:2-12, 18-22; explained, 271-276; fulfilled prophecy, 621:2; in blue print on sale (1909), 4482:1; notice (1896), 1936; ready for distribution, 2282:4, 5, 9, 10; significance of planes L and K on, 5060:7, 8; supplement, 867:11, 12. Bible chronology, 3576; 3579; past and future events given us in the Bible, 662:3, 4; Tabernacle offered for sale (1906), 3730. Showing: God's everlasting law covenant, 4538. Talks an effective way of service, 1650:20. CHARTER See Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. CHARTS Of: Tabernacle ready for sale (1906), 3730. CHASTISEMENT Afflictions are not always sent as, 5878:11-14; 5879:18, 19; are not always punishments, 5147:1-7, 10-16; evidences of sonship, 374:4, 5; 3259:7; 3695:2; 4272:1, 2; 4732; 4897:1-3; follow unintentional wrong-doing, 2285:4. From: God explained and illustrated, 3132:10-15; the Lord, 2007:12; 2008:1-8. Meant to bring spiritual sheep back to fold, 2287:4, 6-10; necessary to children of God, 739:1, 2. Of: Christians not inconsistent with their inheritance, 4325:1, 2; God's people meted out in present life, 5315:7. LORD: Only upon his covenant people, 2356:6-9; upon Israel an evidence of his love, 5646:5-7. OURSELVES: Fruitful of good, 4760:8-10; prevents chastenings by the Lord, 5102:16, 17. Spiritual Israel not always divine providence, 2356:9, 10; 2357:1. One way of ordering our steps, 3157:2-4; purpose of, 772:6-9; should bring fruitage of good, 3599:2-4; to the Jews caused murmuring, 4930:7, 11; upon Israel and their causes, 5721:1-11; value of, 569:6, 7; we should be very careful to require just as little of it as possible, 1748:12; why visited upon Israel, 2485:6, 8, 9; and afflictions, various causes for, 4148:4, 5, 7; 4149:1, 2. See Adversity; Discipline; Suffering; Trials; Tribulations. CHAUTAUQUA Salute: No objection to the, 4056:2-4. CHEEK what it means to turn other, 1735:15-17; 2470:1, 2; 3738:1-4; 5005:10. CHEERFULNESS Apostolic examples of, 821:2, 3; one of loveliest graces, 1123. CHEMISTRY Of the soil, 2776:1, 2. CHEROKEE Indian receives truth, 786:11. CHERUBIM (of Mercy Seat) antitypical significance of, 41:1; 75:3; 530:1-3. CHIEF Among you should be your servant, 5793, 5794. CHILD At what age may consecrate, 2766:5, 6. Bearing: May continue during Millennium, 4411:5-7, 12-14; she shall be saved in, 3032:10, 11. Born into world for salvation, 2550; development pictures that of the new creature, 1906; made perfect by perfect father, 795:1-3; marriage as practiced In India, 1607:14, 15; 1612:10, of thirteen years a Bible student, 1810:17; one hundred years old (Isa. 65:20), 631:1-5; 1772:1-10; pre-natal influences stamp character of the, 5612:8; 5615:6-8; woe to them with, 229:7, 14, 15. See Youth. CHILDREN Baptism of, unscriptural, 1540:12; 1543:9-11; “Become as little", vs. “Be no more”, 1972:3, 7; can serve the truth, 1133:2; care for, our first duty, 1327:8. Character: Of, affected by pre-natal influences, 5251:2-5; transmission to, unreliable, 3216:2. Christian: Parents may pray for, 1865:12; training of, 1096-1098. Church never spoken of as Christ’s, 1359:9. Consecrated: Not encouraged to beget, 2902:5; to Lord by parents are blessed, 4862:3, 4. Consecration of, not a Scriptural com¬ mand, 4862:3, 4; dedication of, to the Lord proper, 4823:5, 6, 9, 10; demon manifestation to, 5467:1-6; disturbing the meetings, 3930:10; duty of parents toward, 2886:1; 4776:3-7, 10-13; early training should be for righteousness, 4838:3, 4, 8, 9. Effect of: Pre-natal influence upon, 4090:7, 8; truth upon, 4270:1, 4, 5. “Except ye become as little,” 1766; 5130, 5131; father laying up for his, 2513:9, 11, 12; God’s care for his, 657:4, 11. In: Kingdom of heaven, 657:1-3; meetings inconsiderate, 5187:5, 11; 1889, plan for selling tracts, 1133:4; time of trouble, 1963. Instead of the fathers shall be the, 45:16; 354:1-6; 3937:1, 2; 4535:8; kind of bodies in resurrection, 201:12-15; kingdom ciass likened to, 2660, 2661; let us not fail to let our light shine before, 1810:17-20; letters to, 1043; 1052; 1062; litera¬ ture selected for, 719:6; marked by pre-natal influences, 4839:12; no disgrace to the consecrated to bear, 5353:10-12. Not: The direct creation of God, 2902:2-4; to be saved by innocence, 2063:1-5. Of: Adam, world in Millennial morning will still be the, 5428:9-15; believers may pray, 952:10; Christ, 353:8. GOD: Despise not the, 657:11-15; none but consecrated can be, 5877:1-3; punishment for offending the, 5130, 5131; receiving and stumbling the, 3797, 3798. The Blessed, who they are, 4411. THE: Devil are the evil-doers, 1175:8, 9; hod-carrier better trained and more cultured than former kings, 1622:11, 12. THE CONSECRATED: Advice to, 2560:12; 2576:20, 21; divinely protected, 2026:4; future reward of, 2339:27, 28; have privilege of prayer, 5833:5; limited education best for, 3148:3-8; prayers for the, 5165; provision for, 874:1, 2, 6. Light have put on the armor, 5339:14, 15; such are the kingdom, 521:8-10; 1043; the true church, 3434:2; Zion are the great company, 1649:3-5. Overcomers must be as little, 2766:7; parental responsibility toward, 719:6; 1882:8, 19; 2766:7; 2902:3, 4; 2903:3,4; 3094:9; 3598:9; 3608:1,2; 5287:6-9; 5615:5-8; 5700:11-13; parents should teach the truth to their, 1104:9-11; 1142:1-5; 1191:4, 7; provision for, by Chris¬ tian parents, 874:1, 2, 6. Responsibility of parents: For proper pre-natal influences, 5700:11-13; in their training of, 2903:3, 4; 3598:3-5; 3608:1, 2; 4091:5-7; 5615:5-8. Parents should consecrate them before their birth, 1671:6, 7; picture the heart condition of kingdom heirs, 5362:1-7, 10-15; pre-natal influences affect character of, 5251:2-5; properly look to parents for advice, 2388:7; raised to human perfection, 366:3-6; reading matter for, 1142:1-5; saints should not influence, to join Babylon, 1576:2-4; salvation of sprinkled, 830:11; sanctified through believing Parent, 2991:1-3, 6. Should be: Brought up in the truth, 1671:14, 15; 1672:1-3, 9-11; encouraged to consecrate, 3796:4; 4091:2-4; taught the hollowness of worldly pleasure, 1672:2, 3. Simplicity of overcomers to be like that Of, 4658:1-3; somewhat responsible for their own career, 5700:10, 11; spoiled by petting and partiality, 2880:2. Strange: Earth finally to be rid of, 4768:4-6, 9; tares are, 1009. Sunday schools for, 534:1-4; teaching them to pray, 799:9; training of, 1096-1098; 3598:3-5; 3711:8-11; 4091:5-7; unborn, mode of baptism of, 3622:12; wills of, should not be broken, 4458:10, 11. See Youth. CHINA Boxer Rebellion in, 2662, 2663. Buddhism: And Confucianism in control in, 1184:1-9; how introduced into, 3703:5. Cries to Great Britain for release from opium slavery, 4799:14-21; 4877:5-17; D.D. admits conversion of Chinese hopeless, 1851:2-7; European commercialism in, 2662, 2663; failure of missions in, 3147:6, 7; Germany's antiChristian policy toward, 2255:1-4; harvest work in, 979:6; 2489:10-26; killing of Christian missionaries in (95), 1876:4, 5; possible war between Great Britain and France and Russia over, 2281:4, 5; progress of the truth in, 1632, 2633; spread of the gospel in, 5010:3-11. CHINESE Child-killers better than missionaries? 1315:11, 12; conversion of, is hopeless, 1851:2-7; expresses views on Christian civilization, 3403:18, 19; 3404; have no desire for Christianity, 3178:19-21; history corroborates Bible chronology, 3499:9; possible war power to be reckoned with, 2663:14-16; practice demonism, 2173:7-14; 2174; slaughter in Russia of the, 2705:11-13; view of Christianity by a, 978. CHINIQUY Former priest discloses Papal designs in America, 1517. CHOSEN Many are called but few are, 2302:9. CHRIST Abiding in, 4983:7-9. All: In Adam and all in, 1437; to be made alive in, 837; 1219:5; 3925-3927; will have opportunity to come into, 3725. Alone was preached by St. Paul, 5125, 5126; always spiritually present, 122:3. Ambassadors for: 1045; church are, 835:2-4; must bury their personality, 3330:1. Ancient Worthies: Children of the, 354:10-12; to be visible representatives of the, 5199:10-13; will not be of the bride of, 1386-1389. Angels: announce birth of, 1478; sang only of glory of, 4098:1-3. Anointing and oneness with, 270:3-7, 11-13. Antitypical: Cleansing through atonement of, 4655:9, 10; Moses, 3036:2; Passover Lamb, 94:2-4, 9; 208:1-3; 2918:5. Appearance of: Believed to be due in 1844, 1152:3, 4; in the symbols of Revelation, 3569:5-8; 3570:1-3. Appearing of, distinct from his coming, 60:1, 2; application of his merit for the great company, 4601:5, 6, 10, 11; are all men being drawn to, 3169:10-16; 3170:1-7; as Sin-offering, 95:4-6, 13. Ashamed: Of, 1189:4-7; to suffer for, 3189:6-8. At: God's right hand, phrase explained, 4:16-18; babes in, must grow to manhood, 679:8, 10-14. Baptism into: 132:5, 6, 10-12; 367:1-3; different from John's, 1558:3-8; 2417:5; 3356:6, 7; 4543:5, 11. Baptism of, a symbol of his consecration, 1687:5; 1688:2; beauty of holiness of , 1796:15; belief in, what constitutes, 2651:10, 11; belong to, not to earthly alliances, 1697:1-5; Bezaleel a type of, 4092:8, 12. Blood of: 13; a Scriptural summary, 1293; fundamental doctrine, 94:1, 7; how it cleanses us, 13:15; in type, 96:1; meaning of term, 1229, 1230; 1276:1-5, 10; means his death, life given up, 1335-1337; only means of obtaining eternal life, 5849:9; speaks better thing than blood of Abel, 3930:1, 2; will cover all blemishes, 3453:11; world will not drink of, 936:8, 9. Bodily discomfort not necessarily suffering with, 5238. Body of: ALSO CALLED: The bride, 397. At what time church becomes the, 4914:14-19; conditions of membership in the, 5549:7, 8; dead to the law by the, 3457:12, 13; dealt with as individuals, 3544:7-9; 3545:1, 2; earthly bodies of church are members of, 5918:4, 7; feet members of, not changed simultaneously, 5728:15, 16; gift of healing in, 436, 437; guarded by holy angels, 2350:4; 3298:5, 6; 3332:6, 10, 11; 3440:2, 3, 6, 7; 4926:10-12; 5131:9; 5257:12-15; 5258; 5365:2; 5634:10, 11; has many members, 120:2; illustrated by human body, 5212, 5213; intimate connection between head and members, illustrated, 2986:6; oneness of, 1893:6-8; 1895:8-11; 5212, 5213; sacrificed by the High Priest, 4965; there are no divisions in the, 2325:4; typified by Aaron, 160; vs. nominal body of Christians, 366:16-20. See Brethren; Bride of Christ; Christian; Christians; Church, True; Elect; Elijah Class; God, Sons of; Little Flock; New Creation; New Creature; Overcomer; Priesthood, Royal; Saints; The Christ. Bondage to, makes for freedom from sin, 5726:5-8; born of a virgin essential to doctrine, 3941:11, 12; 3942:1; (the) bread of life, 1755; brethren in, see Brethren; bride of, see Bride; bridegroom to the Jews, 109:3; brought down from above or up from the deep, 5409:15-17; building on the foundation, 1428; bullock pictured the humanity of, 17:5; Catholic cardinal, says priest, is greater than, 3671:19; 3672:1-12; character likeness to, his epistle in our hearts, 5968:9-12; chief corner-stone, 271:2; 1982:1; children of, 3538; Christendom ashamed of, 3776:13, 14, 28. Church: IS: Dead with, 127:6-9, 13; drawn by God to, 1056:4; 1227:1-5; immersed into death of, 1331:1-6; the glory of, 19:5; 4602:6, 7. Must belong to, 1697:1-5; never spoken of as children of, 1006:10, 11; 1359:9; offering of, like that of, 100:9; part of the, 5442; permitted to suffer with, 5090:11-13; receives benefit of his merit first, 5660, 5661; shares in the suffering of, 740:13; 4367:4-7; the beloved of, 4783, 4784. Church's: Relation to, 134:6, 8; sufferings counted in with those of, 3508:3, 4, 11-13; 4429:1. Clergy: Preach everything but, 1954:5-8; prefigured by Sanhedrin that murdered, 1809:7, 14. Coming of, with clouds, 60; 5269, see Advent, Second; Jesus, Return of; commandments of, in one word--love, 1730:15-22; commission of church in death of, 611:16; compared to the sun, 1001:4. Confessing: Before men essential to his favor, 5497:3-9; Jesus as the, a test to all, 3788, 3789. consecration means slavery to, 1065:4-22; constrained by the love of, 3560:6, 8, 9; course of, contrasted with Satan's, 1515:3, 4. Cross of: Significance of, 175:1-4. See Cross. Crucified, 136:1, 2. Crucifixion: Alone brought out full value of death of, 5126:10; brought to view three classes of criminals, 1964; shows depths of man's depravity, 1963, 1964. Cyrus and type of, 473:2; 2498:9; date of his birth, 561. David a type of; 453:20; 1364:3; 1936:4, 5; the Lord Jesus primarily, also of the, 1936:4, 5; the Lord Jesus primarily, also of the, 1936:4, 5. Dead: Body of, shall arise, 4667:3-5. IN: Shall rise first, 152:5-8; 170:2; 2528:3-7; 5107:19, 41, 42; 5108:10, 11; sleep until he comes, 700:3, 4, 10, 12. To the law by the body of, 3457:12, 13. Death of: Basis for all justification, 2789:6; cause and benefit, 47:1-14; effect on spirit-begotten, 51:3-7; essential, 197:12-14; our salvation, 42:6, 14; what it secured, 1177:6-8. Deliverer from sin's bondage, 2048:15, 16; destruction of death through, 4319:22. Did not: Have two deaths, 1290:6; expose himself unnecessarily to danger, 1735:4. Died unto sin once, 929:3-7. Doctrines of: Distinguished from creedal doctrines, 5136, 5137; not taught by Christendom, 5507:14-16; 5508:1. Door of God's sheepfold, 2673:5; double work of, 30:6, 7. Drawn to: Are all men being? 2519:5-9; 3169:10-15; 3170:1-7; eventually all men will be, 4049:1, 7; how we are, 2570:12, 13. Drinking of cup a participation in blood of, 4605:6-9; end of the law, 315:3-6; 970:9; 5047:2-5; (his) epistle written in the hearts of Christians, 5967, 5968; eternal life gained through, 1855:14-16; 1856:1-4; 5391:5-7; exaltation of, 1829:5-8; faith in, encouraged, 1938. Feet of: 287, 288; 757. NOT: All to be changed at one time, 5728:15, 16; to sleep, 304:10-15. Our privilege in anointing, 3762:8-10; preserved, 757:13-20. PROTECTED: from Satan's snares, 4925-4927. Protection for, 844:5, 6; to be kept in time of trouble, 5437:15-17; who are, 2827:2. First-fruits, 95:2, 3; 2796:6, 7. Followers of: Are Christians, 761:8-10; voluntary sacrificers, 108:10-14. Following, is the way of life, 814:9, 10, 14-17; "For me to live is," 4526:5; foundation of all character development is, 1922:9, 10. Freedom in: 89:8-10, 16-20; 452:2, 3; 2487:1-4; limited by new commandment, 4005:6. TO: Consecrated, 2440:3, 4; learn truth, 452:2, 3. Freedom of Christians means slavery to, 1065; fulfilled the law covenant, 1732:16, 17; future hope for unbelievers in, 800. Glorification of: Necessity for, 1393:8; 1394; proof of, 2155:7, 8; 2156. Glorified as spirit being, 122:6-9. Glorious; body of, distinct from natural, 242:2-12; reign of, 1414. God hath set the members in the body of, 732:5. Gospel of: Unchanged but clouded by error, 5851:2-7. Growing up into, 679:13, 14; 5978, 5979. Has: bought man to set him free, 1685:9, 10; words of eternal life, 2257, 2258. Head and Body: are the first-fruits, 3131:5; 3132:1, 2; how related, 3668:8-11. Head of: Church is, 287:2; 365:5, 6; heavenly seed, 41. Headstone of the coroner, 1982:14, 15; healing work, its reasons, 1722:5-8; heals man born blind, 1773. How: HE: Brought life to light, 3337:10; can redeem the church before Adam, 4264; met opposition, 1735; preached to fallen angels, 1678; 4068:8; slew the enmity, 1231:5; takes control of earth, 5:1-4; was crucified, 959, 960; was lifted up, 1054; will draw all men, 1055, 1056. His merit is applied for individuals, 4997:8-11; Moses was a type of, 1321; 1324; 4058:1, 2. THE: Dead hear his voice, 1231:15, 16; name differs from Jesus, 2197:9; root and branch of Jesse, 1352:6. TO: Be able to proclaim him, 1186:4; become a disciple of, 5690:13. WE: May be ashamed of, 1189:4-6; may know we are abiding in, 5446, 5447. Human: And divine (1881 view), 198:4; body created to picture body of, 29:2. Humanity of, sacrificed, 47:3-7; 62:4-9, 16-23; "if ye be Christ's", 1696; image of, in the Bible, 861:4. In: Followers, bears fruit, 455:4-10; glory typified by Melchisedec, 3951. In You: Meaning of, 1273, 1274; 5227-5229; means distinct spiritual individuality, 3250:12; mystery hid from ages, 4741. Insidious disloyalty to, 3057:5-11. Is: Now risen, 3374-3377; risen and become the first-fruits, 3374-3377; the bread of life, 1755; 2651, 2652; 3334:4146, 4147. Jesus: ACCUSED OF: Blasphemy before the Sanhedrin, 1809:7, 8, 12, 13; treason, sedition and conspiracy before Pilate, 1809:15; 1810:1. AS: Man's ransom, 1125:3-15; the great refiner, 1944:5-10. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock", says, 1439:6-8; chief cornerstone of the pyramid--the top stone, 1568:7-11; church begotten through, 1768:11-24; 1769:1, 2, 9; coming of, complete when body is all glorified, 1290:12,13; dealings of, with sin in Millennium, 1249:7, 8; did not have two deaths, 1290:6. DOES HE: Have anything to do with the selection of his bride? 1768:11-24; 1769:1, 2, 9; pardon or forgive? 1058. Formerly the Word, was a God, 1514:5-7, 14; our advocate, 59:1, 11; prerogatives as the head of the church, 1893:4-11; 1894; prophecies relating to, 141:2-9, 16-21; resurrection of, on third day, 1289:10, 13; same mind in you as in, 340:2-5, 10-12; shares titles with church, 30:5; 31:1, 8. TO BE: The Everlasting Father, 296; 1515:11-15; 3469:11; 3470:1; 4556:1-9, 11-17; world's Father, 25:4, 11. Keep: Him in the heart, 1240:5; in touch with, 999:5. King of Zion, 1384. Kingdom of: Church's relation to the, 32:5, 9; fully set up only when church is all glorified, 1290:12, 13; in 1914, 82:4; not to be an earthly government, 5181:9-12, 19-23; Paul's inspiration lay in his hope of the, 5851:1; probable manner of its establishment on earth, 1529:1-10; prophetic descripttion of, 1351:4, 6, 10; 1352; provisional government, 1204:7, 9; purpose, to bless, 31:1; return of Christ, its relation to the, 32:11; scriptural purgatory, 1468-1471; seen in vision on the Mount of Transfiguration, 2288:12; 3790:10-13; strong city, 1352:10-15, 1353:1-3. TO BE: A righteous government, 2373:8; established on ruins of old, 3113, 3114; monarchial, 2888:5. Two phases of, 286:12-18. See Kingdom, Millennial; Kingdom of Christ; Messiah, Kingdom of; mIllennium. "Know ye not that your bodies are members of?" 5918:4, 7; leaving all and following, 540, 541; lessons in school of, 2411:2-4. Liberty in: 90:8, 10, 16-20; 310:4, 5, 16, 17; 336:11, 12; 337:1. NOT TO BE: Exercised to a brother's detriment, 5324:15-19; used for an occasion of stumbling, 4919, 4920; used to hinder others, 5556, 5557. Only safe kind, 4707:7. RESTRICTED: By new commandment, 4005:3-8; 4007:10, 11; to law of love, 4084:2, 3, 5, 6. What it means, 4517:10-12; 5918:8-11. Life: Defined, 1095; light, love and judgment of world, 1329:1-4. OF: Typified by Adam's, 67:6; which one laid down, 75:10. likeness, What it means, 5900-5903; "Lo, here is," a false teaching, 711:6; loyalty to him includes confessing, 5497:3-9. Made: perfect through suffering, 1807:2-11; up of Head, body and feet members, 365. Manner of his return, 188:12, 13; 189, 190; many of the clergy show the spirit of (1895), 1903:9, 13, 16; materializations of, 18:9. Meaning of: HIS: "Precious blood," 1229; 1276:1-5, 10; "throne of glory", 1282, 1283. "Until Christ be formed in you:, 1273, 1274; word, 134:3; 160:3-18; 217:18-20; 270:3. Means of justification, 2719:10, 11; 2720; Mediator of the New Covenant, 4840; 5293:1-4. Members of: Abraham's seed, 83:3; set in body as God pleases, 2157:9, 10; 3006:4; 4047:4; 5245:18-20; 5246:1; 5305:12-17. Merit of: Applied for only church now, 4452:8-14; 4453:1-5; 4493:9; 4528:1-3, 5; 4637:8, 9; 4638; 4765:1-7, 13; 4854:8, 13, 14; 5891:7-10; different from his life-right, 4905:7-12; exists in Jesus only, 5197:1-3. HOW: Applied for individuals, 4997:8-11; deposited and how applied, 4616:8-10; it covers daily trespasses, 4616:8-10. Imputed in proportion to our need, 4632:6, 7; 5196:4-9. NOT: Diminished by application to church, 4464:2; subdivided but applied in full, 4997:12, 16, 17. On deposit for church only now, 3507:6-9. PICTURED: As wedding garment and bridal robe, 5197:8-16; by the bread, 1504:11, 12. Released when unworthiness of individual is determined, 4905:19, 20; used for church now, 5660, 5661; and righteousness of, distinguished, 4877:10, 11. Mind of: Effect upon the new creature, 5036:4-15. ESSENTIAL TO: Immorality, 2721:10; lawful striving, 3070:8-11. How it should rule, 2336:8-11; 2337:1-4, 8, 9; vs. mind of flesh, 4628. Ministers either apologize for or refuse to preach, 5126:4, 5, 9; Mohammedans' faith in, 618:2-7, 8-10. Name: Of, taking in vain the, 5404; 16, 17; shall be called "Wonderful", 1747:4. Necessity for suffering of, 1393; new covenant established since the death of (1894) view, 1733:16-18; no condemnation to those in, 2855:4-8; none saved without faith in, 2220:5, 6, 9-20. NOT: A: Part of trinity, 1063; physician who causes no pain, 1692:7, 8; 1693:8. Divided, 4446:2-5; equal with the Father, 2985:3; Father of the church, 1006:10, 11; now ruler of earth, 519:3; to appear in flesh, 103:2, 3. Obedience of, brought life, 62:11, 12; object of entering school of, 2439:7-11; offers the church in sacrifice, 5720:1, 7, 8; one "altogether lovely", 1443:23. Only: Means of escape from condemnation, 2059:4, 5, 8-12; one-fourth of world have even heard of, 3475:4; source of forgiveness of sin, 533:13. Our: Passover slain, 839, 840; propitiation, 420:7-10, 15-17; 464:8-10; 641:1-9, 18-27; ransomer, 428, 429; refuge, pictured by city of refuge, 4079:4, 15; 4080:1, 10; substitute and ransom, 1228:6, 7. Parousia of, 20:7-9; passion of, claimed to be paralleled by sufferings of German nation, 5882:4-8, 12. Paul: Desired to depart and be with, 284:5-7; effort of, to gain, 478:10-14. People of, selected for his name, 48:3; perfect without sin, 145:8, 9; personally present, invisible, 546:14; 547:1; Peter acknowledged Jesus as the, 5120. Pictured: AS: Bridegroom--See Bridegroom; reaper, 114:11; 115:5. BY: High priest, 17:5; natural bread, 29:2; 57:1, 2, 7; 1636:7, 14; Passover lamb, 17:12. In various figures, 2441:1-3. Power of, 51:19; prayers of, unselfish, 2006:9. Preached: Of envy and strife, 831. TO JEWS BY: Paul, 352; Peter, 2089:10. Pre-existence of, 105:3, 4. Presence of: As King (1878), 82:2, 3; light in 1881, 188:4-13; 189:1-5; spiritual, 711:6,7; unknown to the world, 504:13, 14; unseen by world, 348:8-12. Present in flesh of his body members, 3776:28; Prince of Peace, 1746; proofs of his resurrection, 4713:6, 7, 11, 12; proper for saints to say, "I am of", 1571:3; prophecy of Isaiah (53), 1359; propitiation for the world's sins also, 5939:9, 10; puts end to law, 503, 504; raised with spiritual body, 119:8. Ransom: Sacrifice, not the laying aside of spirit nature, 1298:5-7; 1299:1-6. WORK OF: Denied by day Star, 423; foundation doctrine, 1582:4-6, 12; 1583:1 2, 11-13; test upon both houses of Israel, 1452:6-10, 14-16; 1453. Ransomer from death, 251:20-24; recognized by Jewish Rabbi, 2776:8, 9; redemptive work of, 164, 165. Reign of: In Millennium, 165; 331:11-17; typified by Solomon, 2046:3, 4, 7, 8; what it will bring, 420:13, 14. Representative of only believers, 1601:8, 9; represented in the ark of God, 5680:10; resurrected a spirit, 16:14-16; 18:4-10. Resurrection of: 1505; 1631; 4713:6, 7, 11, 12; all-important, 1228:15-17; 1229:1-4, 6, 7. Return of, see Advent, Second; rich lagacy of peace, 1834:1-12; 1835:1-3, 7, 10. Righteousness of; Our robe, 2782:8-12; pictured by clothing of Adam and Eve, 1945:2, 3. Risen with, 914, 915; robe of, maintains Christian's cleansing, 689:14-16. Sacrifice of: bought us but did not cancel our debt, 1286:4-14; not the laying aside of his spirit nature, 1298:5-7; 1299; typified by rock smitten by Moses, 2299:4; 5285:2-4; 5315:15, 16; 4498:8; was voluntary, 198:4; what it is and for whom made, 47:2-7. Sacrificed humanity of, pictured by bread, 1636, 1637; Samaritan woman and, 1711:7, 8, 12, 13; Savior and Life-giver, 2856:7. School of: 572; 2411:2-4; why we enter the, 2439:7-11. Scriptures regarding the blood of, 1293; second advent of, see Advent, Second; Lord's Return; Seed of Abraham, 2854:8, 9. Should be: Burden of our preaching, 4330:9; our personal companion and friend, 1789:5. Smitten rock is, 1228:8, 9. Soldiers of: Fight of the, 1859:4-11; 15-20; what it means to be, 3162:12-22; 3163:1. Sons of, restitution class to be, 2440:13-15; soon to draw all men, 2759:3, 4; soul died, 1510:5, 6; source of his courage, 1806:13; 1807:1. Spirit of: Contrasted with the spirit of the world, 1489:6, 7, 12; 1490:11-14; defined, 371:10. EVIDENCE OF: Possession of the, 5228:13-19; sonship, 81:2. Found only in true followers, 455:10; has no sympathy with sin, 5036; "If any man have not, he is none of His", 2336:3-6; is the spirit of service, 1707:14; 5250:5; manifested should measure our live, 3451:6; must be manifested by those who profess him, 5446, 5447; or the spirit of the world, have we the, 5912:5-10. Stumbling of brethren is sinning against, 4919, 4920. Stumbling-stone to; Christendom, 5258:1-3, 8, 9; many, 3622:9, 10. Suffering with: 297:14; 4535:2-6; defined, 127:8, 9, 13; must be regarded as a privilege, 5341:3-6; our central thought at Memorial season, 5872:3; the privilege of all who will, 1783:2; to continue until church is completed, 2108:4; 2109:9; what constitutes, 5118:1-4; 5283. Sufferings: FOR: 214:1-3, 11, 12; 347:8, 9; defined, 739:6-14; I.H.S. cards a register of, 5893:5, 6, 12-15; limited, 739:6-14; mistaken views respecting, 5117:1-4; not all suffering is to be classed as, 739:3; 5544:5, 6; Paul's, 4518:3, 6; privilege of, 2781:10; rewards proportionate to 4356:7, 8; 5951:5-7, 9; suffering as busy-body not to be classed as, 5117:9-14; (a) witness for the truth, 581:3-7. OF: 141:6-9, 16-19; evidence of love, 3560:6, 8, 9; Head and body, 405:14-16; pictured by the cup, 4555:7-10. Taking in vain the name of, 5404:16, 17; testimony of, respecting John the Baptist, 1736; the crucified, 136:1. The: HEAD AND BODY: 138:9; 160:3-17; anointed company, 4741:5-7; anointing considered in type and antitype, 5227, 5228; completed before restitution, 2778:1-4; composed of Jesus and church, 5391, 5392; cup in Scriptures represents sufferings of, 4555:7-10; Divine nature of, 297:7, 8; 458:17-19; Elijah as a type of, 68:4; Good Shepherd is the, 2441:3-11; hated of the world now, loved later, 3555:11, 12; hated without cause, 2881:1-3; may operate close to earth, 5181:19-23; 5182:1-3; pictured as a vine, 2373:1, 2; prophecy respecting exaltation of the, 2935:2-10; seed of Abraham, 3937:3-6; shall drink of the brook by the way, 2935:11; 2936; will probably dwell near earth throughout Millennium, 4974:1, 2; work of, after close of Millennium, 5183:8-12. See Brethren; Christian; Christians; Church, True; Elect; Elijah Class; God, Sons of; little Flock; New Creation; New Creature; Overcomer; Priesthood, Royal; Saints. Man-Child, (Isaiah 66), 1649:1,2; Peter confesses Jesus to be, 3788-3790; Redeemer no longer preached, 4073:17-20; way, 1288. There is neither male nor female in, 3768; thought not of robbery to be equal with God, 1515:2-4; three questions to Peter by the risen, 1823. Titles of: Describe his various offices, 5136:1-5, 8, 9; represent his character, 3469:5-11. To: Be world's father, 25:4, 11; come as a thief, 492:2, 3; know, is to know the Father, 83:1; triumph over Satan, 2842:1, 2, 6-8. Traditional likenesses of, 2027:3, 5; trial of, a personal not a representative one, 1600:7-10; 1601; true Head of the church, 287:2; 365:5, 6:2845:1-5. Typified by: Aaron 72:1-5; 82:1, 2; 96:1-8; 160; Abel, 1614:15; Adam, 1386:16; 1388:1, 6; Bezaleel, 4092:8, 12; brazen serpent, 534:17, 18; 837:20; 1849; 2423; 2519:1-9; 3101:9; 3487:2, 3, 5; 4048:4-10; 4126:1-3, 6; 5316:10, 11; David, 453:20; 1364:3; 1901:3-6; 1936:4,5; high priest, 157:11-18; Isaac, 1386-1389; Joseph, 57:5, 8-10; 68:1; 184:12-15; 752:9; 1490; 1645:11-14; 1646:1, 2, 9, 10; 2488:13, 14; 2880:8; 3971:4; 4436:11; 4437:1, 2, 11; 5214, 5215; lampstand, 243:3-10; Melchisedec, 195:1-3; Moses, 68:2; 96:7; 113:4, 10, 11; 181:6; 1651:11, 15, 17; 2910:3; 3046-3048; 4023:7-10; 4354:7-9; 5298; 9-11; Solomon, 1517:4; 4298:1; Zerubbabel, 1491:4, 10, 11. Unwelcome to Christian world and churches, 2115:1, 2, 8, 9; unity of with his church, 30:3-5. Various: Theories respecting, 3900:3-6; types of, 4503:12. Vicar of, claim of papacy, 54:12. Was: Melchisedec, 86:4-8, 15-18; rich yet became poor, 1247:5, 6. Went to hell and returned, 2600. What: HE: As advocate imputes to the Church, 4764, 4765; came to seek and save, 1220:4,5. It means to be dead with, 127:6-9, 13; 202:9; 826:12, 19; 2123; 2124:1, 12, 13; life he sacrificed, 75:9; the church shares with, 4616, 4617. When a mediator, when an advocate, 4437, 4438; while in flesh, the ransom, but not man's representative, 1600:7-10; 1601. Why: He came to earth, 3234:2-6; called Lord, 61:4; resurrected on third day, 643:3-5. Will: Always be invisible to men, 2980:3-8; 2981:1-7; draw all men in Millennium, 1226, 1227; give rest of soul, 785:4, 9, 10; raise the dead, 27. Within saves from corruption, 4291:7, 8; Word of God, 21:1-5. Work of: for mankind illustrated, 1177:11, 12; manifold, 145; not limited to efforts of missionaries, 3637:1-4; on earth, 145; restoration appreciated by minister, 3968, 3969; throughout the Millennium, 3469, 3470; to reveal God, 9:5; typified by Moses, 113:4, 10. World to remain under condemnation until they accept, 2059:4, 5, 8-12; world's hope is, 5360, 5361; yoke of, is easy, how, 1276; 1961. Zoroaster: foretold birth of, 1674:10; taught the Persians of, 4098:6, 7. And Church: Adam and Eve contrasted with, 4018, 4019; spiritual beings, 237:1-7, 9-13. See Bridegroom; Christ Jesus; Jesus Christ; The Christ. CHRISTADELPHIAN Reply to a, 3724, 3725; views on death examined, 1950; 2266:6. CHRISTADELPHIANS Belief of, regarding resurrection, 1950; 2337. CHRISTENDOM All nations made drunk with the wine of, 4287, 4288; Amos prophesies against, 3424, 3425. Arraigned: BY: Billy Sunday (Letter), 5723:16-18; 5724:1-3, 10-13; Chinamen, 978:7-9. In Psalm 50, 3647, 3648. Ashamed of Christ, 3776:13, 14, 28; asleep while Lord is present, 2693; bolstering herself up, 778:3, 16; brethren in, chief persecutors of church, 5215:11-14; Burr, E.F., comments on condition of, 3465, 3466; camp of Israel represents, 4607:4-6; catering to the world, 110:2, 3. Cause of: decline of, 2112:5; failure of, 633:5, 6; infidelity of, 326:1. Charged with adultery and idolatry, 4811:12, 13. Church: Federation not all that is hoped for by, 4800; revenues decreased in, 2281:14; 2282:1, 2. Churches of: Costly, inappropriate, 4296:5-10; gaining political power, 2091:6, 7; losing followers, 4268:3-6, 10-13; why their power has waned, 4955:1-4, 10-12. Clergy of: Antitype of Jewish clergy, 2947:12; made ridiculous in supporting war, 5765. Confusion of, 3713:12-19; contains mostly tare seed, 5736:10, 11; controlled by demons, 3493:5-9; conversion to Christianity misunderstood by, 3899:2-4, 6-8; corruption of, 592:1. Creed: Beds of, short and narrow, 564:7-10; idols of, 5298:12-16; 5733:12-14. Damnation as defined by, 2718; day of wrath upon (1893 view), 1593:10. Decline of: 777:14-17; 2322, 2323; foreseen by preacher, 2247:14-18; 2248:1-5, 8, 9. Described by the Revelator as Babylon, 5478, 5479. Destruction of: Began 1914, 3851:4; foretold, 590:11. Dishonest preachers in, 2944:2-4; doctrinal errors of, 658, 659; doctrines cause of decline of, 602, 603; does not represent Christ's kingdom, 4795:4-7; doom of, 247:17-19; 576, 577; drifting toward infidelity, 1583:7-10, 18, 19; 1584:1-13; drunken but not with wine, 2904:8, 9, ecclesiastical mind and conscience the perverted religion of, 5798:8-14, 21-23; enlisted on the side of error and against truth, 5707:8-12; entrapped by demons and strong delusions, 4069:9; 4070:1-3; eternal torment theory no longer believed by, 1501:4; evil increases despite efforts of, 3660:6-8, 12, 13; fall of, 207:5, 6; 2450:4-6, 10, 11. False: Creeds of, a trap for Spiritism, 3741:9, 10; shepherds of, 339:9, 13-19. Fate of, in the time of trouble, 5443:2-6; fighting in a world war, 5765. Full of: Tares, few real believers, 3330:6-10; worldliness and confusion, 3551:7-9. God's: dealing with the camp class or, 4607:9-11; true people commissioned to reveal her sins to, 5631. Great sin of, is covetousness, worship of mammon, idolatry of money, 1836:3. Has: Become social club, 730:15, 16; false views of God's character, 2712:4-7; lost her influence, 778:17. ignores the Lord's coming, 2164:1-3, 9-12. In: Last days, 2459-2463; war inconsistent with claims of Christianity, 5825. Inconsistencies in the creeds of, 5302:12-16; Ingersoll's view of, 706:19-21; Japan proclaimed a part of, 3395:2-7, 12; letter to, 310:10-15; likened to a grain of mustard seed, 4636:3; Lord's judgment of, 4257; losing its church membership, 4697, 4698; majority shaken by false doctrine in, 2135:3-5; maligns the character of God, 2851; misnomer, 2691:7-9; moral supremacy of Japan over, 3739, 3740; name a delusion, 4350:10-12. Nominal: To be cut down, 621:16, 17; typified by Jezebel, 234, 235. Not Christ's kingdom, 2002:8-10; origin of, 5564:12-15. Pictured by: Ephraim, 562; 1357:6-14; 1358:1-6; 3104:4; scapegoat, 150, 151. Popular and liberal-minded, 730:11, 18; proof that it is not Christ's kingdom, 3570:4-6; prophetic view of (Isa. 29:9-14), 588, 589; rebuked by clergyman, 3958:7-22; rejecting the Word of God, 3015:1-5; rejects present Lord, 591:8; responsible for the blood of the saints, 5256:4, 11, 12; reunited, an Episcopalian bishop's ideal, 4800; seeks numbers instead of spirituality, 3782:15,16; signs of the decline of, 4268:3-6, 10-13; sins and confusion of, 174:4, 5; 212:4, 5, 8, 9; so-called, began in 5th century, 985:2-6; start and power of, 1093:6-12; 1094:1-11; still worships Moloch, 2360:2; teacher of, deny the Bible, 3015:1-5. Teaches: That might is right, 3404:1. To be: cast off as unfruitful, 3747:11; 3748:1-4; overthrown by the truth, 3748:8-11. To suffer in the time of trouble, 5696:11; 5697:11; today does not teach Christ's doctrines, 5507:14-16; 5508:1; two chief doctrinal errors of, 5052:15-17; 5053:1-8; typified by fleshly Israel, 4678:2; uniting for self-preservation, 695, 696. Why: Called Babylon, 718:3; Christ's return is neglected by, 2164:1-3, 9-12. World War proves falsity of claims of, 5853:2-17; 5854; worship of Mammon the sin of, 5696:7-11; and Jews alike rejected the Messiah, 4956:5-8. See Babylon; Confusion, Heathendom. CHRISTIAN Advantages of being a, 877:1-8, 11-7. Affliction: a means of grace to a, 4356:11; its value to a, 657:18. Attitude of: IN: Respect to war, 2345:1, 2; time of war, 3393:8, 9; 5755:5, 6, 8-13. TOWARD: Military duty, 1912:9; patriotism, 2001:31; 2002:1-3, 8-10; World War, 5659:1-5. Body of a, is dead to sin, 3246:3, 4; Bunyan, John, was a, 344:7; cannot compromise, 202:8, 17; Christ Jesus the sun to a, 1001:4; citizenship, what it implies, 3179:17. Civilization: As viewed by a Chinaman, 3403:18, 19; 3404; scored by Rev. Pierson, 3076:9-11. Conduct of a: To be honest sober, 5340. Course of a, determined by good or evil desire, 4291:4-9; creed of a Hindu, 1044. Daily: Cleansing of the robe imperative to the, 5924:1-6; weekly, yearly retrospection of the, 2737. Deception of a, in respect to shooting to kill, 2345:3, 4; development should be steady and continuous, 5912:3; doctrine denied by Sir Oliver lodge, 3713:15, 18, 19; 3714:1; doublemindedness a foe to progress as a, 2335, 2336. Duty of: In churches, 456, 457; inquiries of Brother Russell respecting war, 5728:10. Emotion has a proper place in the life of a, 1914:4, 5, 10, 11; employers should guard the lives of employees, 4019:9. Endeavor Society: advantages and disadvantages of, 1897:11, 14, 15; benefits and evils of, 1844:6-14; conventions, four cost six million dollars, 2194:1; reasons for its success (1895), 1844:1, 2; resolutions of, respecting Christ's kingdom, 1864:3; tends toward union of church and state, 1864:3; trend deplored by Presbyterians, 2217:1-8; work and influence of, 2192-2194. Environment advantageous, 2226:4, 5; experience, what it is, 1021, 1022; faith is not bigotry, 5558:9-11. Fellowship: 68:3; 533:10; 647; basis for all development, 3673:1-8, 11-15. First submissive, 835:4; freedom of, is slavery to Christ, 1065; gives one tenth or all? 1045. Graces: Adding the, 3090; balancing the, 4246:7-12. Governments, a misnomer, 362:6, 10-16. How: One may deal with evil-doers, 3738:2-4. TO: Become a, 5614:14-16; meet crises in life of a , 5603:8-13. Jesus defines the term, 5425, 5426. Jewish; Circumcision of a, 687:16; movement in Russia, 703. Liberty: Is not license, 3017:10; 3019:9, 10; still uncertain, 203:1-4, 14, 15. Life: Churchianity void of, 2912, 2913; not alluring, 135:4. OF: Full of lights and shadows, 27, 28; 5802:3-6, 8-10; sermon in the, 565:6, 7, 12; should be joyous, 4592:6-9; testing of faith, 4133:7-9. Living: A means of spreading Christianity, 2930:3; cuts off from the world, 2444:1, 2; manner of, 121:2-4, 10, 11; must be consistent, 565:6, 7, 19; proof of Christianity, 2930:3; some helps for daily, 2240:1, 2, 7; and praying, 585:6-9. Ministry: All sects err about this, 1128:6, 7, 15; Papal and Protestant clergy, 1128. Must war against weaknesses, 758:7, 10, 11; Nation, Japan proclaimed a, 3395:2-7, 12. Nations: At war without Christianity, 2255:1-6; misnomer, 811:10-12; what are, 625:2, 3. Needs no church name, 344:1-7; origin of the name, 2134:7, 8; parents may pray for children, 1865:12; passover; see Memorial; Passover; peace in tribulation, 1068-1070; progress of a true, 1528:1-3. Proper: Attitude toward teachers, 1051:17; course of a , 2697, 2698; name for truth people, 1071:10. Proven by self-denials, 832:6, 12, 13; Sabbath: see sabbath; Sunday; safety of, in interpretation of dreams, 5714:5, 6, 9; Science; see Science; selfishness very detestable in a, 1169:5-8. Should: He borrow? 3180:1, 2; present the truth lawfully, 1133:9. Socialism, its origin, 635:4; soldier finds his battles within, 3858:1-6; standards, true and false, 2532, 2533; talents a stewardship, 1173:2-5, 9-12; training, 1096-1098. Union: Advocating compulsory, 2003:10, 11; vs. Unity, 1504; see Federation. View of, respecting present life, 1118:16. What: Consideration means to the, 3313:8; he sacrifices, 328; 19-22; is a, 209:4-7, 11, 12; 210:1-4, 7; 317:11, 12; 760, 761; 934:12; 2134:10; 2615, 2616; 2647:5. Women: As wives, 1552:5-13; 1553; do their duties conflict, 1083; headship in marriage not with, 1075, 1076:1-3; how they can serve, 1104; in the divine order, 1464:9-13; man is head of, 765:6-9; motherhood of vs. Christ, 1211:5, 9-11; not to teach, 1549:7; 1550:3-6; 4122:4, 6-10; place of, in the church, 1549:1-6; in re teaching in church by, 1076:4, 5, 8-13; should cover the head, 1551:12; some devoted followers of the Lord, 1816:13; their training of children, 1096-1098. and Jewish warfare different, 2681:17-19; union vs. unity, 1504. See Brethren; Bride of Christ; Christ, Body of; Chariot; Christians; Church, True; Elect; Elijah Class; God, Sons of; Little Flock; New Creation; New Creature; Overcome; Priesthood, Royal; Saints; The Christ. CHRISTIANITY Nominal: Adulterated with paganism, 359:4-10; are all men being drawn toward, 3169:10-16; 3170:1-7; arraigned by Rev. R.H. Newton, 2679:1-6; at low water mark, 3906:8, 9; attacked by prominent authors, 3076; 10; betrayed by its ministers, 3466; cause of its unscriptural views, 3317:6-9; Chinese have no desire for, 3178:19-21; Christ unwelcome to, 2115:1, 2, 8, 9; condemned by secular press, 2912, 2913; Constantine’s conversion to, 306:10; decline of, 426:7-9; effect of, on Jews, 2420:5-8; failure of, widely recognized, 5374:9-13; has failed to avert social revolution, 4159:1-6; history of, in Japan, a report by Japanese Christians (1893), 1595-1597; in England not progressing rapidly, 4323:2-5; influence of, dying, 4203, 4204; introduced into Abyssinia, 330 A.D., 1968:2; Japan to join, 1202; Jews in New York city being led to, 1531:7, 15, 16; knows not of her doom, 591:3, 4; no hope for conversion of world to, 5014, 5015; not appreciated by Chinese, 3178:19-21. PAGANIZED: 136:2; by Constantine, 696:4; today, 696:1-6. Political machine, 696:8; popular conception of, broad and liberal, 1594:5; reasons for decline in, 602, 603; report of Hebrew Free Thinkers on, 1304:6, 7. REVEREND; F.L. Patton denounces the new, 3602:15-21; W.S. Walton's views on, 3525:4, 8. REVIEWED BY: Claude G. Montefioure, 3731:1-9; Japanese journal, 2711:3, 7, 8. Sins of, 175:2, 3; supplanted by Darwinism, 2114:12-16; viewed by a Chinaman, 978; why a failure, 2144:17-23; 2145:1, 2; and worldly, 45:7; 108:3, 4. True: Alone offers salvation to the world, 4982:2, 3, 17, 18; compared with heathenism, 820:2, 3; 4981, 4982; conversions among New York Jews (1895) to, 1786:2, 3, 7; cross the center of, 2135:3-5; cure for Socialism, 4581:14-16; England not yet converted to, 4323:2-5; established does not mean living in a rut, 1118:3; heathen religions compared with, 4981, 4982; Hindoo's clear view of, 1044:4, 5; hope for the heathen, 2705:11-15; its own defense, 426:16; 427:1, 2; Jews turning toward (1896), 1918:12-14; Kishenev Movement of Jews toward, 1035; means cross-bearing, 3525:8; more than mere mortality, 3329:1-6; must be voluntary, 108:5, 6; Napoleon's estimate of, 926:5; neither Jews nor gentiles in, 2134:2, 3; not churchianity, 3828:10, 11; of Jesus Christ to be the new religion, 1621:16-18; one strong argument for, 31:4; only religion with a God of love, 4982:4-12; Rabbi Gottheil's view of, 2314:5, 9, 10; sectarianism is not, 1074; Senator Blair's views of, 1213:1, 2. SPREAD: Among Jews (1895), 1819:11-16; through Christian living, 2930:3. Strong argument for, 314; taught by Paul to the rulers, 4500, 4501. WHAT IT: Involves, 135:3-5, 8-12; 760, 761; is, 73:10, 18; means, 2912:8. Why Socialism is opposed to, 3411:12-17; work of Rabbi Rabinowitz up to 1890 among Russian Jews for, 1302. And: Consecration defined, 46:9; culture contrasted, 3444:5-7, 11-14; Judaism, harmony between, 5006; the Russian war, Tolstoi's views on, 3442:18-24. Vs. Churchianity, 382:10, 11; 533. CHRISTIANIZING Japan not a success, 3450:8, 9; United States, efforts toward, 2092; 2255:8, 9. World: And cost of, 3312:1-6, 9-12; Canon Farrar on, 934:2-4. CHRISTIANS Abraham's course a lesson to, 2849:2; acceptable to God, 524:2-5, 8-10; aim of, character-likeness to Lord, 2753:4. Alone: Able to appreciate salvation of Christ, 5920:1, 2, 7, 8; understand plan of God, 2712, 2713. As students of God's law, 1116:6, 7. Attitude of: In the time of trouble, 5062:14-17. TOWARD: Conscription, 5755:5, 6, 8-13; dancing, 1790:7, 8, 13; 3342:11; reforms, 3112:13-17; 3113:1-5; their enemies, 606:4; 2958:8, 9; 5260:13, 14; 5275:3-9. Battle of: 1859:4-11, 15-20; against selfishness, 1861:2-7, 10, 11; is mental, 3275; must be aggressive, 1799:2; pictured by Greek games, 5777:5-8. Begging: AMONG: Done by wolves, 5789:11-14; unscriptural, 4101:4-8, 13-15. FOR: Lord by, unscriptural, 547:7; 5980:5; money by, unscriptural, 865:1; 885:9, 10. Benefited by contemplating God's care, 5220:14, 15; besetments to progress of, 758:2-6; blame for failure of, not to be charged to others, 4805:8-10. Blameless: And harmless, 4797:1-3, 10-12; but not faultless, 1115. Blinded to truth by creeds, 414:7-10; 658. Bodies of: Servants of new creature, 5325, 5326; slaves of new mind, 5686, 5687. bonds and imprisonment await faithful, 4468:11; borrowing among, to be avoided, 2196:12; business obligations of, 2985:8; called to suffer, 4356:7, 8; can they compromise in respect to war? 2345:1, 2. Care of one's family the first duty of, 1327:8; 2196:9, 10; 3268:8; 4116:5-7; 5168:12; 5556:10, 13; 5557:1, 2; caution essential to, 2437:10: change of, this side the veil, 1127, 1128. Character: DEVELOPMENT OF: 585; gradual, 4808, 4809; in the new life, 2212-2215; 2749:12, 13; slow but sure, 2320:2, 3; 2321:12. Growth an orderly process, 1113; required of, 135:5, 8-12. Chastenings of, not inconsistent with their inheritance, 4325:1, 2; collections for Jerusalem, and why, 2211:1, 2; 5926:2, 3; Collyer on faithless, 602:5, 6; commandment given to, 542:11; 543; companions of, influential for good or evil, 2366:3-5, 8. Conscience: Educated by the Word of God, 1581:7; guided by the Word of God, 3777:4, 5, 8; guides in military duty, 5929:5-7; should never be violated by, 2053:1; 3020:6; 3940:3; 4085:5; 4920:11-15. Consecrated: ONLY: Are, 5055:5-8; can suffer as, 5117:14, 15. Contentment essential to, 2351-2353; 2513:14, 15; conversation of, should minister grace 4770:6, 14, 15; convert and oppress the heathen, 4744:3-8; Cornelius' course an example to, 2989:3; corrupt communications should not proceed from, 4770:3-6, 14, 15; counted as deceivers, yet true, 5773, 5774; courage of, born of faith, 5539:5, 6, 11; 5540:11; course of, 2437:7, 10-14; creed bondage a hindrance to, 2066:7-11; crises in the life of, 1656:5, 14-16; criticism of, to be turned on self, 5324:7-11; daily life of, the best witness 1151:5. Dangers: In path of, 5558:12; 5559:1, 2, 9, 10; to, in the last days, 566. Death of, not accidental, 2682, 2683; deliverance of, pictured by Daniel's, 2502. Development of: by spiritual exercise, 4245:6-11; in character, 2877-2879; must be completed here, 4470:7. Disciples first called, in Antioch, 1455; 2998:4; discipline God's means of restoring wayward, 5807:10-12. Discouragement of: How offset, 2520, 2521; its source, 2774:9. Dissension among: Two causes of, 5358:8, 13-15. Diversity in, and why, 5284:1-3, 14-16; do more than keep the law, 5006, 5007; dress of, 620:6-8, 10-12; 3342:1; drowsiness a danger to, 3830:10-12; drunkards should not be found among, 3454:8, 9; drunkenness as applied to, 3181:6; eight qualities of character of, 1114; encouragement for, 761, 762; endeavor of, must be proportionate to faith, 5277:11-13; enemies of, see Enemies. Epistle of: Christ written in the hearts of, 5967, 5968; James applies to, 2100:2-5. Epistles written only to, 4478:14; equal here, 120:12; error creeping in upon, 4128, 4129; Every day a Thanksgiving Day to, 1339; examples to the world 756:4, 12; exhorted to increased holiness as trouble approaches, 5864:3, 6-10; expected to have courage, 2591:6, 7; family responsibilities of, 2985:6-8; fighting against, 2760:8-10. Follow: Christ by taking his cross, 5553:2, 10; one another, how? 1886:1, 6. Food for Thinking, 250-285; 291:1-8; 771; free from danger by remaining close to the Lord, 5890:8, 9; God permits them to believe error, 2569:4; half-hearted, nominal, 2072:7-9; 2073:1-3. Have: Advantage every way, 877:15-17. NO: Excuse for complaint, 2352; part in confederacy, 601:7; part in uprisings, 592:7. Stewardship of talents, 819:2-5, 7-9; wisdom from above, 2262:10, 11; 2263:1-7. How: God dwells in, 3251:10-12; Satan may seal their lips, 1121:8, 15. THEY: Become established in character and faith, 1053; dwell in the house of the Lord, 1915:3, 4; may mortify the deeds of the body, 5932:1-9; reach the mark, 5081:5-16; separate themselves from Babylon, 2751:5-7. TO: Form a proper creed for, 1168:7; recognize that they are growing cold, 2308:1-3. In: Babylon driven to true fold by errors in creeds, 3295:4-9; early church prayed all night for Peter, 2139:8; lion's dens, 2502:9-12; name and fact, 1095:5, 6; no sense Jews, 4586:2-7, 10-15; sorrow are comforted of the Lord, 5802:6, 10. Independent, vanity of, 769:2; influence of, 543:9; instructed and guided of the Lord, 4248:6-10; Joseph's course a lesson to, 2894:1-5; judged daily by their conduct, 1922:4, 5; keep spirit of old law, 543:1-6; kind of character required of, 2754; law covenant not binding upon, 1446, 1447; 1723-1730; 1734:8-14; lesson in contentment for, 2686:9; 4012:2. Liberty of: controlled by love, 3666, 3667; is as new creatures, 4005:3-8. Not: Beyond the fold, 3142; hampered by God's foreknowledge, 4024:1-3; license, 3017:10; 3019:9, 10; to exceed that of the Lord and apostles, 2387:8-11. To be sacrificed for others, 2198:6, 10; 2199; and curiosity may be snares to, 2389:3, 4. Martyrs in all ages, 594:13. May: Be divided into three classes, 5864:4, 5; sue unbelievers in civil courts, 2666:6. Message to world is one of comfort 5213, 5214; ministers are not always, 3365:7, 9-14; ministry of, is comfort, 2664, 2665; more than noble-minded, 2331:2-7, 10-13. Must: Die physically, 473:5-9, 11-16; fulfill the law of love, 2684:10; observe the golden rule, 2688:3-8; sacrifice their justified humanity, 1231:4, 12. Need not join earthly churches, 3566:15-24; Nero's persecution of, 3210:1-3; no longer taught by dreams, 2887:1; 3144:5, 8. Nominal: compared with true, 2912, 2913; drunkenness among them in foreign lands, 1304:3; get some crumbs of food, 2072:7-9; 2073:1-3; in last days, 2459-2463; pictured by darnel, 4635:3-5. Not: Blessed temporarily, 2761, 2762; bound by the Sabbath or the Law, 543:7, 8, 10-13; 4600:1, 2, 5, 6; divided, 584:14, 15; 585:1; obligated to observe Sunday, 2119:3-9; subject to their rulers as respects war, 5760:10. TO: Exact justice 2724:8; 2725:2; interfere in secular matters, 2685:4, 5; misuse their liberty respecting the Sabbath, 5028:3-8; mix in political reforms, 2621:6-9; parade their troubles, 2948:5. UNDER JEWISH LAW: 2534:9-12; 3018, 3019; 5027:6-8; 5028; 5405:4, 5; but a higher one, 2269:5-10; of tithing, 2542:2. Often counted as evil-doers, 3642:1-7. Only: Are clothed and in their right minds, 3773:2-5. THE CONSECRATED: Are truly, 5055:5-8; can suffer as, 5117:14, 15. The justified are, 3280:3. Outside of present truth, there are still, 5656:1-7. Owe Allegiance to: God, not to nations at war, 2001:31; 2002:1-3, 8-10; 5928:3-7, 9-11; 5929:5-7; Jesus, 726:13, 20-23. Part of, in: Time of trouble, 1144:7; voting and fighting, 2037:14-19. Persecuted under Nero, 2229:1-3; pleasures of, foregone while training for a throne, 4287:1; politics of, 1096. Proper Attitude of, toward: Faults, 1103:7-9; war, 3393:8, 9. Relationship to: God, 1117:3-7; others, 1117:9-12. Renouncing sin not a sacrifice, 1186:13, 14; responsibility of, in representing the Lord, 3329:10, 18. Responsible for: Measure of civilization enjoyed, 2099:12; remaining in Babylon after enlightenment, 5478:8-11. Sabbath of, 1498; 2538:8-12; 2535:2-5, 11-15; sacrifice human life-rights, 1187:1. Should: All have a creed, 1578:4; avoid extreme views, 769:3-5; 3342:19. BE: Defenders of God's character, 3336:14; emptied vessels, 2969:9; joined to the true church, 1574:9, 17; 1575:1-9; merciful to enemies because of confidence in God, 3441:9; simple in dress and food, 3292:3. Beware of Church Federation, 5443:2-6; daily check their standing with the Lord, 5681:12-14; esteem others better than themselves, 4928, 4929; 5810:8-10; 5843:1-3; follow the example of Christ in re card-playing, 1790:7, 8, 13; guard against being led away by error, 3215:2-6. HAVE: Daniel's spirit, 2492-2494; 4873:9-11; no confidence in the flesh, 1671:10-13. Ignore the discussion of worldly science, 4921:2; manifest justice and love, 1275:1-4, 6-9; not heed the condemnation of the multitude, 3189:8; pray for all men, 1235:3-5; take no part in politics, 424:7, 8. Singing on beds, 564:11; stewards of their money, 187:1-4, 6-9; strong delusions deceive only the unfaithful, 1362:10; 1363:1, 2; subject to powers that be, 965:13; suffer with Jesus outside the camp, 5173:3-7, 10-17; sympathetic, have greatest influence, 2201:7, 8; talents of, what they include, 3685:4, 5, 7-11. Taught; By life of Daniel, 2494:2, 3; in the ways of wisdom, 2388:10. Ten Commandments not for, 542, 543; 1726:5-19. To: AVOID: Any part in politics, 2003:5, 6; Spiritism, 2185:7-9; 2189:16, 17. BE: Blameless and harmless, 4797:1-3, 10-12; subject to the law, 2756:4-6; tested in time of trouble, 834:13-18; the first victims of loosed demons, 5470:7-9. Have no part in struggle between capital and labor, 5567:8-10; serve faithfully in any capacity, 2343, 2344. True: AND: False proven in the time of trouble, 5916:3-5; nominal, 213:4-8, 11-14. In worship, fellowship, etc., 533:5-7, 9, 10; not popular, 455:15-17. Under higher commandment than the Law, 5027:7-9. Unfaithful: PICTURED: By the bramble bush, 5029:8-11. Typified by Lot's wife, 5948:5-7, 11-13; 5949:1-5. Value of discipline to, 2737:6-8; war not with carnal weapons, 5706:1-5. Warfare of: AGAINST: Enemies, 487:3; 1859:4-11, 15-20; 2309:5-9; 3274:1-4; 5923:5, 6; mind of flesh, 3102:9; 4810:13-15; 4811:1, 2; 5510:1; sin the battle of, 5738:2-4. Continues unto death, 5212:10-12; essential to overcoming, 5404:1-5, 10-13; must be aggressive, not merely defensive, 1799:2; 4850:6-8; not with carnal weapons, 3607:4; 5706:1-5. Warned Against: Confederacy, 601:7, 10. What: Drinking the cup means to, 5803:1, 2; the consolation of God means to, 5803:1, 2. THEY: Can learn from Samson's life, 5613:3-7, 11-14; possess, 2351:5-11; 2352; should sacrifice 479:1, 2, 8-10. When: Justified in going to civil courts, 2945:1. THEY: Possess the holy spirit, 120:6; should seek relief from suffering. 5223:13. Who are real, 3317, 3318. Why: Commanded to love, 3072:3-5; compared to salt of earth, 2099; hated by the Pharisees of today, 3786:5-10; protected and chastened at the same time, 4325:1, 2. THEY: must bury their personality, 3329:18; suffer now , 2761. Without discipline are not sons of God, 521:11-14. See Brethren; Bride of Christ; Christ, Body of; Christian; Church, True; Elect; Elijah Class; God, Sons of; Little Flock; New Creation; New Creature; Overcomer; Priesthood Royal; Saints; The Christ. CHRISTMAS The date of the Annunciation, 3468:3; gifts, the Studies in the Scriptures as, 4094:4; giving appropriate, 3290:10; greetings prepared by Brother Russell before his death, 5998:8, 17; not the proper date for celebration of Jesus' birth, 563:3, 11, 12; 2407:3; spirit the spirit of love, 4298:10; 4299:1. CHRISTOCENTRIC True education is, 3357:8. CHRISTS False: Brother Barton's view on the (Letter and reply), 5865-5867; have arisen, 766:6, 14; sects are, 4872:11; who are, 143:5; will come, 171. CHRONOLOGY Bible: About 200 systems of, 561:10; Abraham's age on entering Canaan and its bearing on, 1595; Bowen discovered a feature of, 289:1; Brother Russell's attitude toward, 5249:3-9, 11-15; 5350:2, 9-11; can be received only by faith, 4067:1-6; chart of, 3576, 3579; Chinese history corroborates the, 3499:9; consecration not dependent upon its correctness, 5142:1-3, 11-13; correct, expectations too great, 5449:3-7. CORROBORATED: 2530; 3574-3579; by Tel-el-Amarna tablets, 1994:3-5. Critically examined, 3437; differences in, between books of Chronicles and Kings, 1419:13-15; disputed by scientists, 2033:12, 13; 2034; due to be understood after 1829, 5565:11-13; Egyptian temple archives confirm, 2530. FAITH IN: Shaken, antidote for, 4068:6; strong reasons for, 5368:1-6. False, of Totten, Dimbleby and Usher, 1974-1979; 2063, 2064; flawless, 5119:14. FURTHER: Confirmation of, 3459, 3460; study of (1904), 3389, 3390. Gentile times end with date 1914 according to, 5845:2; Hebrew, why it is superior, 3498-3500; if incorrect does not interfere with use of Scripture Studies, 5496:3-7; important point in church's experience (1914), 5845:2; incomplete enough to require faith, 5450:8, 11-14; infallibility never claimed respecting, 5367:7-9, 15; is correct, 3415:2-7, 10. ISRAEL'S DOUBLE; Accomplished in 1878, 1378, 1379; simply one of time, 1160; was disfavor vs. favor, 1201. Jubilee of Earth--the fiftieth thousandyear of, 1731:19, 20; keeps us awake, active, 1089:7; matter of faith rather than positive knowledge, 5336:15; more reliable than Archaeologists, 3622:5, 11; most reliable, 3498-3500; neither defined nor understood before gospel harvest, 5769:2-8. NOT: Believed by ministers, 3219, 3220; proven by astronomy, 2063:6-8; to be closely associated with events (Letter), 5525:17. OF: Brother Russell supported by authorities, 4093:6, 14; 4094:1, 2; present age not understood in advance, 1923:3, 7; Ptolemy, 1975:7, 8. Only reliable source of chronology is, 561:9. OUR PROPER ATTITUDE TOWARD: 4736:14-16; 4737:1-3, 10; 4751:4-10; should it fail, 4067:10, 11; 4068:1. Partly a matter of faith, 5141, 5142; payment of obligations not affected by accuracy of, 5486:5-10, 16-18; predictions of Brother Russell correct, 4110:4-6; proof of the correctness of our, 4601:1, 2, 8; purpose is to awaken and energize, 4736:14-16; rebellion at end of Millennium due to misunderstanding in, 1773:11; relation to expectations in 1914, 5328, 5329; review of 1914 date (1913), 5348-5350; seventy years desolation of Palestine, 1372:9-17; 1373:1-4; 1974:20; 1975:7, 13, 17; 1976:12; 1981:1; subject of the 1914 conventions, 5502:4, 5, 9-14; superior to guesses of archaeologists, 3498-3500; taught in ages of certain animals, (Gen. 15:9), 3957:8-10; to be taken in preference to secular history, 1975:17; 1976:1, 2; true, stated Anno Mundi, 1980; understanding of, not essential to faithfulness, 4833:21. USHER'S: Errors of, 1974:20; 1975:16, 17; 1976:1, 2; in error concerning gentile times, 3436:5; 3437:4-16. Verified by science, 2529:17. Secular is uncertain and imperfect, 561:1. CHRONOLOGISTS Err in calculation, 2509:7. CHRONOS Meaning of word, 491:17. CHURCH Federation: Anglicans launch movement for, 1197, 1198; arguments for and against, 3426. BEGUN: By Episcopalians, 4698:11-13; in Canada, 3119:15-18; in England, 1897; 2134:2, 3; 2963:13; 2964:1-3; in London, 2760:1, 2; in 1900, 2710:8; 2711:1; with Evangelical Alliance, 2554:3. Burning of heretics possible under, 3241:2. CATHOLIC: Priest speaks before Presbyterian seminary, evidence of, 1752:2-4; priests and Protestant D.D.'s sign compact of (1895), 1766:1-3. Catholicism on, 813:19; Church of England Causes delay in, 5792:4-11; conference of all sects proposed for 1900 at Jerusalem, 1547:4-8; consolidation of effort for, 3601:11-18; disintegration the natural tendency, artificial tendency is, 1548:5, 9, 10; encyclical of Pope Leo XIII. (1894), 1704, 1705. ENGLISH: Church Union and the Pope (1895), 1791:9-13; D.D. working in America for, 1785:11-14. Episcopalians and Papacy in re (1895), 1859:1, 2; Evangelical Alliance's part in, 2092:26; evil of, 3873:1-5, 12, 13; fear the motor driving to, 3372:3-7, 10-12; 4747:1, 2, 6-9; 4878:13-16; for spread of religion, 3178:3-8, 14-18; fulfills prophecy, 4610:3; 4611; further activities toward, 3395:13, 14; 3396:1-3; 3791; God's people to beware of, 5443:2-6; growth of, 2830:18; 2831:1-4; heavens rolled together as a scroll in, 1474; 1488:3-5; 1705:10, 11; 2061:12; 3531:6, 7, 10; 3697:4-9; 13-17; 4698:14-17; holds convention (1905), 3672:13-18; Image of the Beast, 1198:7-13. IN CANADA: And United States, 3704:3-5; favored by clergy class, 3343:14-23. In Germany, 2577:31; indications of, 1002:10; laws on religion and their effect, 1198; League of Catholic Unity (1895), 1839:2-7; leaning toward, 3228:6-11; looking toward, 2881:5, 6; making strides, 4285:7-14; may lead to burning of heretics, 3241:2; minister argues in favor of, 3388:1-14; Morgan aids in, 4735:6, 7. NOT: All that Christendom hopes for, 4800; to include Roman Catholicism, 2018, 2019. object of, 2144:4-9; of Baptists and Disciples of Christ, 4267:14-16; 4268:1, 2; one church nominally, but many sects really, 1571:8-11; outcome of, 3864:1-9, 11-16; over sixty churches in New York have (1896), 1917:8; Pan-American convention of religions proposed (1895), 1770:6-8; Patton, Rev., denounced the idea of, 3489, 3490; plan outlined, 1208; plans furthered for, 3652:4-7; political control also sought by, 2144:6-11; possible because of unbelief of ministers, 3335:1-4. POWER: Of, to increase, 3697:4-9; to be increased in revolutionary stage of trouble, 5601:4, 5. Predicted, 2577:28, 29; preparing for, 4094:6, 7; Presbyterian attitude toward, 1197, 1198; Presbyterians, and Protestant Episcopalians desire unity, 1547:10-12; problems of, 2113:15-17; 2114. PROGRESS OF: 1355:12-14; 1739-1741; 2076:13-15; 2830:18; 2831:1-4; 3489:3, 9; 3525:1, 2, 10-12; 3601:4-8, 11-18; 3621:7; 4285:7-14; 4414:10-12; 4689:16-25; 4719:9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18; 4772:17; 4773:1-6; in Canada, 3525:1, 2, 10-12. Proposal for International Protestant (1895), 1766:9, 10. PROTESTANTS: Rapidly preparing for (1895), 1785:5, 10-15; will fraternize, but not unite with Papacy in, 1752:5-8; 1817:5-7. Purpose behind, 4735:6, 7; sermon against, 3489, 3490. SOUGHT: By Presbyterians and Methodists, 3381:42-48; for protection, 5063:1-6. Spirit of, is growing, 2136:3-5; 4540:2-4. TO: Affect the spread of the Truth, 2096:6; be avoided by saints, 2999:9, 10; precede worst phase of trouble, 3118:3. Undesirable, 1572; "United Religious Association" (1895), 1858:8; Whitsunday set aside of special prayers for, 1824:9-11; 1831:15-17. why it will be wrecked, 1817:7-13, 18; 1818:1-3. WILL: Be a church trust, 3601:11-18: lead to religious persecution, 3864:1-9, 11-16; oppose present truth, 4162:3; suppress liberty, 992:13; suppress the truth, 3532:5-7. Wood comments on, 3873-3876; would abolish creeds, 987:4, 5, 10; and clergy, 3875. See Sanhedrin. Nominal: Aided by world, 2512:4, 10-12; attendance at, 2766:10-13; 4653:4, 5: begging in, unscriptural and unwise, 4777:12-14; Briggs, Rev., put it ahead of Bible, 1313:3, 4, 9-20; bringing worldliness into the, 3403:1-7; Carnegie's views on councils of the, 4582:4, 5, 11, 12; "Century Magazine" comments on union of, 596, 597; Christians need not join earthly, 3566:15-24; collections by, from world improper, 4777:14; commercialism is killing the, 4203, 4204; compared with true church, 176, 177; connection card, for Religious Forward Movement, 4903:10-13; controlled by the rich, 2463:2-4; corruption of, 592:1; courting the world, 780:14; decline of, commented upon by Rev. Eaton, 3583:6-8, 12; 3584:1, 2; dramatized as a hollow mockery, 4186:1-6; efforts of, a failure, 4878:1-12; fashionable, Bishop's true definition of a, 1491:7, 8; 1492:20, 21; 1493:1-4; fed on traditions of men, 718:7; fighting against the Lord, 817:3; gaining political power, 2091:6, 7. GOERS: Ever decreasing, and why, 4582:1-3, 9, 10; their interests entirely selfish, 4845:6-10. GREEK: Attempts to bring it under Vatican control, 1658; banish a converted priest, 2057:1; Bible dangerous to, 1757:5, 6; Czar not the head but the protector of, 1740:21; movement to reunite with Papacy, 1740:14, 15, 20-23; 1741:1-4; orthodox church of Russia is the, 3565:12; reasons for its separation from Papacy, 1740:16-18; split off from Roman Catholicism in A.D. 1054, 1740:16-18. Harmful to mankind, 983:9, 10. IN: Politics criticized by secular editor, 2141:12-16; United States financially prosperous, 3147:23, 24. Losing followers, 4268:3-6, 10-13. MEMBERSHIP: Ministers alarmed at decline in, 3449:18, 19; no test of Christianity, 4431:10, 11; of Christendom declining, 4697, 4698; sectarian and true compared, 3566:15-24. METHODIST: Accused of church politics, 1398; adopts higher criticism, 2695:15; as viewed by a Methodist Bishop, 1051; attitude of, toward amusements, 3242:12, 13; bishop denies the inspiration of the Bible (1895), 1797:5, 6; bishop denies the ransom, 1285:4-8, 16, 17; Bishop Foster condemns modern, 3427:4-14; Bishop Foster's new gospel, 1709, 1710; 1716-1718; Bishop Foster's sermon (1895), 1889:7-11; Bishop Foster's true description of, 1491; 1492:1, 20, 21; 1493:1-4, 8, 9; bowling alleys and billiard parlors proposed as annexes in, 1492:3-6; bringing world into church, 3024:6-9; buys a Congregational Church-building, people and pastor, 1593:1; decline of, 2463:7-12; 3057:12, 13; 3058:1, 7; departure from creed of, 2451:3-11; D.D. charges the Methodist Book concern with fraud (1896), 1959:7-11; endorses higher criticism, 264:8-13; formation of the Epworth League, 1844:3, 6-14; 1845:1-3; glory of, is in her shame, 1825, 1826; 1832:7-10, 17; holiness the strength of, 2023:13-15; in politics (1895), 1858:6, 7; in the old form is vanishing. 4697:9, 10, 12-16; "laity" demand right to elect their representatives (1896), 1989:5-12; laymen demand equal representation with preachers (1896), 1959:5, 6; laymen want rights (1895), 1871; 4, 5; limitations on Ransom, 800; love letters between a Roman Catholic cardinal and a Methodist D.D., 1764:2-15; makes concessions to laity, 2631:5-12; membership in, 1899, 2577:22-27; ministers reject the Bible as inspired, 2451:7-11; one D.D. in, begins to think, 1770:16-19; poor not wanted? 1825:16; 1832:6; preachers are agnostics, 3257:11, 12; preacher's salaries (1896 vs. 1834), 1959:12, 18, 19; restriction of liberty a farce, 4846:13-17; rise of, 985:12, 13; 986:1-3; seeking converts to, 2704:9-16; suggested doctrinal test--simple morality, 1375; trouble between "clergy" and "laity" (1895), 1883:3-10, 15-19; troubles in re baptism (1896), 1989:19. Minister opposes pay for services in, 4151:12-14. NOT: Open to the truth, 824:8; the means of salvation, 1313:3, 4, 9-16. Of Christendom is dead, 3525:4, 8. OF ENGLAND: Archbishop views union with Papacy, 1817:5-7; authority recognized, 321:10; back door to Rome, says a D.D., 1547:11; bishop on baptism, 1213; bishops warn against higher criticism, 1770:9-15; causes delay in church union, 5792:4-11; church federation begun by, 4698:11-13; claims to be the true, 693, 694; contradictions, 1051:8-10, 14-17; co-operating with other Protestants, 5350:1; creed calls the mass a "blasphemous fable", 1752:6, 7; D.D. working for church federation in America, 1785:11-14; dreams of one Christian church, 4800; early church had one feature of, 1848:12-15; fail to elect a "Primus" or a chief bishop (1895), 1897:6, 7; founded by Henry VIII., 320; fraternizes by not unites with Papacy, 1752:5-8; gives power to Protestantism, 4109:2; 4196:8-15; heavens shall be shaken, 1306:3-7, 10, 11; 1307:1, 2; hold aloof from Protestants, 2882:1-3; how it was formed, 320:9-13; joins hands with Romanism, 2368:8-11; launches movement for church federation, 1197, 1198; making ready for "Image" to receive life and speak, (1895), 1870:3-6; minister flays other sects, 2168:7-11; on mission failures, 1078:13-22; opens its pulpits to nonconformist ministers, 4403:12, 13; permeated with Roman virus, 1784:2; Pope seeks to draw followers from, by permitting clergy to marry, 1804:18-20; Presbyterians welcome her overtures for unity, 1547:10-12; reformed branch of, 988:1, 2, 8, 9; rise of, 984:7, 13, 14; ritualism of (1893), 1527; 1737:3; seeks friendship with Greek church of Russia, 2151:14; 2152:1; seeks recognition from Pope, 2046:2; seeks to harmonize theological differences, 2218:7-9; shameful traffic in the, 917; turning from the Bible, 2545-2547; union with Papacy (1894), 1741:14-20; 4186:7-14; United States branch proposes a House of Bishops and a chief, 1805:2, 3; unpreached sermon on, 1032; view of the true church, 988; weekly paper of, examined, 1115. AND PAPACY: An 1895 view of, 1859:1, 2; and saloons, 1852:1, 2, 13, 14. OF: Future to be united, says Dr. Lee, 3560:4, 7; the Twentieth Century, 2929, 2930; the United States seeks union of church and state, 3872:6, 9-13. Opposes every advance of humanity, 2248:1-5: Pergamos stage of the, 359. PICTURED: By seven golden candlesticks, 3569:3, 4; in prophecy, 562. Placed ahead of the Bible by Rev. Briggs, 1313:3, 4, 9-20; poor, blind, naked, 505:17, 18; power of suppression, 4016:19; 4017:1. PRESBYTERIAN: Alarmed at the Christian Endeavor Society's drift, 2217:1-8; anchored to a cemetery, 1308:7; attitude toward church federation, 1197, 1198; "Boys' Brigade" use bayonets on a crowd (1896), 1954:2-4; Catholic priest speaks before a seminary of the, (1894), 1752:2-4; church funds perverted, 3488:5-7; "Church Militant" in Chicago addressed by Ingersoll (1896), 1968:12-18; clergy self-confessed perjurers, 1194:12, 13; comments on their creed, 1157; committee on church federation, 1197, 1198; contradict each other, 1167; converts in Japan, in 1892, refuse all but Apostles' Creed, 1468; creed; see Creed; decline of, 512:1-3; D.D. calls Jewish rabbi representative of Almighty God, 1798:1, 8; D.D. convicted of heresy in 1892, 1489:1-5, 9, 10; D.D. immersed by a Baptist D.D., 1960:16; 1961:1-3, 10-12; 1990:1-7; D.D. regard of, for Papacy, 1166:6; D.D. calls Calvin a murderer and scoundrel, 1546:6, 7; D.D. views of, on probation, 1334; fears of, in re Christian Endeavors, (1895), 1897:11, 14, 15; few members of, have read their own creed, 1196:6; 1197:3; formation of, 539, 540; heavens shall be shaken, 1306:19, 20; 1307:1, 2; held together by pride, 1165:3, 4; higher criticism in Scotch, 3040, 3041; honesty in pulpit and in pew, 1196:5; hospital full of incurables, says a D.D., 1476:1-5; how its creed was formulated, 539:10, 11, 16-18; 540; in Scotland declining, 2515; infallibility of (?) 1034; inflexible, 1034; Japanese revise the creed, 1299; judged out of its own mouth, 2631:13-20; like a dog that ate his tag, 1182:6, 7; love for hell torment, 1034; New York Presbytery, in 1892, supports Dr. Briggs' heresy, 1489:11; obnoxious section of, 1182; one basic error of, 1195:3-6; one champion of the Ransom, 1255:5; one D.D.'s bold confession in re eternal torment, 1196:1, 6; one D.D. calls it a millstone, 1195:1; plan for church federation, 1208; propose union, 3344:1, 14; reject hell torment theory, 3774:10-13; rejoicing in creed revision, 3032:5-9, 12-23; repudiated by Dr. N.D. Hillis, 2614; seek creed revision, 2776:10-16; sifting in the, 2695:16, 17; some awaking in, 1062; some honest ones in, 1194:9, 10; splitting on doctrine, 2686, 2687; spread of infidelity in, (1895), 1824:5, 6; stifles growth, 956:6, 7, 10; Talmage wants a new creed, 1546:4, 5; think baptism of infants takes place of circumcision, 1960:16; 1961:1-3, 10-12; three "satisfactory" opinions on the fate after death of the heathen, 1818:13, 14; toleration of, 981-983; trying to drive with a hitched horse, 1308:6; views of Rev. Chas. A. Briggs, D.D., examined, 1312-1316; welcome overtures for unity from Protestant Episcopal Church, 1547:10. Property of, protected by courts in Great Britain, 3488:5-7. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL: View of one of its D.D.'s, 1061; views on sectarianism, 2168:7-11. Raised to great power, 5568:1; revenues decrease in Christendom, 2281:14; 2282:1, 2; scored by Revelator, 505:11-16; sets herself up in power, 507:6-8; seven stages of, during gospel age, 336:1-7, 13-19; 1599:3-5; should Bible Students attend? 2766:10-13; Smyrna stage of the, 351:1-8, 15, 16; social club at best 1575:14; 1576:1; 2561; source of divine authority? 1313:3; 1314:1, 2; spued out, 229:1, 7; supports false theory of kings, 507:9, 12-17; systems, not followers opposed, 319:20; uniting with the world , 2091:6, 7, 11-14; 3741:13; 5213:9-13; what makes it Babylonish, 3746:1, 2, 7, 8; why its power has waned, 4955:1-4, 10-12; worldliness creeping into the, 5213:9-13; world uniting with the, 3741:13. AND: Labor, competition of, 3875; world, 45:5-7. Vs. acceptance of Christ, 533:5-7; See Babylon; Christendom; Christianity, Nominal. True: Abide under the shadow of the Almighty, 3331:9. ABLE: Minister of the new covenant, 4496:6-10; to forgive sins, 3315:1-3. Accepted under the Abrahamic Covenant, 2709:2; 2630:1. ACCEPTABLE: Merit in the work of the, 4494:4-9; to God through Jesus' merit, 5196:7-12. AFFLICTION: wisely permitted, 3432:5. Adds no merit to sin-offering, 5729:5, 6; Advocate for, Mediator for world, 4310:8-11; 4553; 4554:1-6; all changed from glory to glory, 3655:5, 8. ALONE: Are being passed over now, 4492:13; are now called to salvation, 5303, 5304; drink of Jesus' blood, 5342, 5343; foreordained, 2376; have escaped world's condemnation now, 5224:1-4; have privilege of zeal for the Lord, 5250:9-11. Ambassadorship of, its meaning, 3349:6-8; anarchy to come first upon the, 4208:6. ANCIENT WORTHIES: Examples to the, 1630:9-11; 1639:3, 13, 14; 1640:1, 4, 5; made perfect through the, 2035:4; 4388:8-10. ANOINTED: And sealed by the father, 5498:7, 8; to preach, 241:4-16; with Jesus, 218:9-11. ANOINTING OF: And oneness with Christ, 270:3-7, 11-13; is on the whole, 5228:2-6; now is for the Lord's service, 5537; similar to Jesus', 5536:7-12. ANTITYPE OF; Elijah, 556-558; 3292, 3293; Elijah and John the Baptist, 1538:2, 3; John the Baptist, 4113:3-9. ANTITYPICAL: Elijah, or forerunner of Messiah, 5121:10-14; priests of Israel, 5616:3, 4, 8, 9; temple of God, 5713:8, 13-17. Apostles her founders and special teachers, 1521:10, 11; 1522; are begotten of God, 3476:3, 4. AS: A comforter, 3435:4, 5; little flock of sheep, 2672, 2673; mother (1880 view), 70:2-7, 12-14; typified by Tabernacle, 154:1-4, 7-10. Aspirations and hopes of, 2480:1-5. AT: Close of age to have special blessings, 3581:8; close of earthly career may have trials similar to those of Jesus, 3369:7, 8; what time it becomes body of Christ, 4914:14-19. ATTITUDE OF: In time of trouble, 816:1; toward struggle between classes, 5448:14-18; toward time of trouble, 683, 684. Avoiding division of classes in the, 4251:11, 12; 4252; awake to Lord's presence, 593:19, 20; Babylon vs. the one, 4878:17-22; baptism of, a symbol of death, 445:1-3; baptismal requirements of, 133:1-6; baptized into Christ's death, 128:1-8, 10-12; 5599; began at Pentecost, 1416:5-7, 10-12; beginning of, 97:9; begotten through Christ Jesus or directly from God, 1768:11-24; 1769:1, 2, 9; beheaded, 2845:1-5. BEING: Formed without hands, 965:5; prepared as future judges, 5414:10, 11. Better things are reserved for the, 2035: birth of, on spirit plane, 41:4-8; bishop's true definition of, 1491:7, 8; 1492:20, 21; 1493:1-4; bitter experiences of, pictured by bitter water, 5278:8, 9, 14-17. BLESSED: By Abrahamic Covenant, 793:3; with strength and peace, 4818:8-12; with the heavenly calling, 4942:2. BLESSINGS: From God pictured by Psalmist, 5654; to, resulting from fall of Babylon, 1572:15; 1573:1, 2, 7-9. Blood of, counted as Jesus' blood, 4493:2-7; blotting out of sins of, 2194:9-11; 4659:1; body of, now and hereafter, 1102; bonds of, are bonds of love, 1574:9, 10; book of life for world and, 381:13, 14; both democratic and theocratic, 2985:5-8; brought out of pit, 757:12-15; builds upon a rock, 2242:12; built upon the Rock of Christ, 4645:3-5; business and influence religious only, 2144:12-16. CALLED: Light of world, 2409:1-3; out of Babylon, 694:12, 13; out of world, 16:2; temple of God, 638:2-17; the "Mighty God" (Isaiah 9:6), 298:9; to arise and shine, 2036; to great salvation, 742:1-5; to greater than reciprocal love, 5700:1, 8. Catholicism a counterfeit of the, 4755:2-13. CHANGE OF NATURE FOR: 167:9, 10, 17; 168; 667:14-16; when and how, 172:6-10. CHANGED: From glory to glory, 3040:9, 10; 3655:5, 8; in 1881, 180:6, 2 13; 181; in a moment, 95:11; without sleeping, henceforth, 664-668. Character development of, opposed by adversaries, 2527:5-7; charge of, this side of the veil, 1127, 1128:1-5, 8-14; chaste virgin, 45:5. CHIEF: Cause of, for rejoicing, 2675:9; test of, one of faith, 4004:3-6. CHILDREN OF: Sarah phase of Abrahamic Covenant, 777:4, 10; the, 3434:2; the light, 3686:5-7. CHOSEN: By the heavenly Father, 5686:13; generation, a royal priesthood, 1567. CHRIST: Is the head of the, 287:2; 365:5, 6, 2845:1-5; offers the, in sacrifice, 5720:6-8. Christ's return sought by the, 5911; Church of England claims to be the, 693, 694; claims of sects to be the, 693, 694; clannish spirit in, detrimental, 5248:1, 2, 10; cleansing of, not to be counted unclean, 4493:4-7, CLERGY: Claims to be the, 1135:3-7; laity spirit not to be fostered in the, 4928:2, 10, 11. COMMISSION OF: Is to feed the Lord's sheep, 2820:6, 7; now is the service of God, 5537. COMMISSIONED: Of the Lord to preach, 5588:1-5, 8-11; to reveal to Christendom her sins, 5631. Communion of, in Christ's death, 611:16. COMMUNISM: And Socialism not proper in the, 1327:2-11; for the, impracticable and unscriptural, 1861:12-15; 1862; 3257:1-6; 5849:12; 5850:1; 5851:15, 16. COMPARED TO: Faculty of a school, 1116:4, 5; pyramid, 3622:6-10; temple, 2987:1, 2; temple stones, 2054:4, 10; vine branches, 2466. Compared with church nominal, 176, 177; conditions of membership in, 962:4-6; confidence in God a test of the, 2887:4; connection reports, in card form, 4939:3; consecration of, one of sacrifice, 443:9; 465:1; contention on fundamentals of faith in the, 4008:4-7; course typified in Tabernacle, 158; covetousness in the, 2340:2-4. CUP OF: Is poured by Jehovah, 5422:1-3; Salvation, what it means to the, 5538:1-6; suffering for the, 133:8-12. DAVID: Anointing of, a type of anointing of the, 3226, 3227; 4210:4-7; type of church in flesh, 153:14; 287:15; 1901:3-6, 8, 9; 1936:4, 5; 1996:4; 3226:5, 6; 3239:8; 3240:5; 3259:2; 4236:2, 3, 6-8. (are) DEAD: To the world, 127:6-9, 13; with Christ, 127. Dealt with as sons, 5624:3-5. DEATH; Of, is sacrificial, 3828; to cease with completion of the, 1854; 4. Definition of the, 1574:10-14. DELIVERANCE OF: World and, 616:4, 5; how and when, 155:1-13; outlook in November, 1914, 5569, 5570; through ministering angels, 5634:8-11; typified by Israel, 155:2-13. Delivered because their love is set upon God, 3332:12-15; demons seek to overthrow, 266:12, 13; 267:1-3. DESCRIBED: As heavenly city, 2833:7, 8; by many figures, 397, 398. DESPISED: And rejected as Jesus was, 2789:4; by world, 455:15, 16. DEVELOPED: Ere man regains dominion lost by sin, 4973:5, 6, 9-12; under Abrahamic covenant, 905:3-5; 3916, 3917; 4309:5, 6; under faith covenant, 4515:11. Did not produce the Bible, 1583:19; 1584:7-13. DISCIPLINE: And judging not the present work of the, 5644, 5645; in the, 295:16, 17; 953, 954. Disorderly conduct in the, 295:16, 17; distinction between world and, 3915:1-4; divinely given mission of the, 2413-2415. DRAWN: By God to Christ, 1056:4; 1227:1-5; 4476:3-5; of the Father, not by Jesus, 4476:3-5. Dual nature of the, 150:13-15; 5220; 6; 5325:14-17; 5326:1-3. DUTY: Of the, 1127:10; 1128:1-5; with respect to politics, 3112, 3113. EARLY: Apostles of, and their method of leadership, 1822:1-5; basis of the order and organization of the, 1821:5, 6; 1822; 1890:3-6; began the observance of the Lord's day, 1446:10-14; 1727:6-10; 1733:3-6; 1734:2, 3; Christ's return the hope of the, 933:3; 2953-2956; Christians in, prayed all night for Peter, 2139:8; clergy and laity no part of the, 984:8-16; 1087:10; 1136:7; 1137:6, 7; 2110:2; communism failed in the, 1861:12-15; 1862; 5849:12; 5850:1; 5851:15, 16; conversions in Christendom different from that of, 550:8; 2191:5, 7; council of, at Jerusalem, 1087; departing from the faith in the, 550, 551; divine power through holy spirit upon the, 2820:5-7; elders in the, 1822:2, 5; 1890:6; endeavors of, based upon confidence in God, 5095:3, 4, 9, 10; financial methods of the 1822:5; had Congregational and Episcopalian features, 1848:12-15; influence of Mosaic law in the, 1727:11, 12; 1728:1-11; lessons of loyalty from the, 3212:3, 4; liberty of, is now called "religious anarchy", 1804:5-8; ordination in the, 1956; pattern for creed of the I.B.S.A., 5155, 5156; simplicity of the, 1420; 4336, 4337; trials of faith of the, 550:7-16; 551; trouble with Jewish pride, 1140:1-7; were Millennial Dawn people, 1093:6-8; why it attempted communism, 1421:10-14; why it performed miracles, 1422:1-5, 8-11; why it practiced breaking of bread on the first day, 1787:1, 2. EARTHLY: Bodies of, are members of Christ's body, 5918:4, 7; house of, to be dissolved, 701:7-9. EDIFICES: Decorum should be reverential in the, 5812:22-26; proper decorum in the, 5186, 5187. See Churches. ELDERS SHOULD: Be examples of the, 2654:6; not segregate themselves from the, 4928:1, 2, 10, 11. (an) Elect class, 2733:8; Elijah a type of, 308:18-21; 556-558; 2839:1; 3325:3, 4; 3408:4; 3712:11; 3713:1, 11; 4741; 4757:5, 6, 9, 10; 5569:11; 4741;:10, 11; 5751:7, 8, 11-13; 5771:7, 12; 5845:1; encouragement of the, 761, 762; 1141:8, 16; encouraging promises to the, 1141:2-16. ENDURANCE OF: Ancient worthies an inspiration to the, 2035:1, 2; due to faith in God, 4784:4, 7, 8. Entire, is priesthood, 1137:6, 7; Episcopalian view of the, 988; error must be opposed by the, 59:2, 3,12, 13; 753:12; 868:4-7, 9-14; 3407:7; escape from trouble foreseen in Sewall's Ancient History, 1275:5, 10. EVERY: Member anointed to preach, 2157:2-4, 7-11; true Christian should be joined to the, 1574:9, 17; 1575:1-9. Exalted to immortality, 143:8, 9; expectations of, and outlook from 1914 on, 5568:9-14; 5569, 5570. EXPERIENCES OF: Pictured by David, 1996; 4236:2, 3, 6-8; pictured by Nehemiah, 2526, 2527; pictured in the life of Elijah, 2334:2-12; 5751:4-8, 11-13; typified by Jeremiah, 2400, 2401. Extent of Jehovah's love for the, 5725:10-13: faith the basis of God's dealings with, 5244:15-18; falling away of, 305:2; false contrasted with the, 471, 472; 779:6-13; favored only as to time of their calling, 4653:9; (six) features of, 1102:6-8; 1103:1; final completion typified by rebuilding of the temple, 1484; first to receive benefits of ransom price, 252:19-23; 4633:3-6; first-fruits of salvation, 555:9. FUTURE: Glory as the bride, 1210, 1211; work glorious, 4542:10-12; work of the, 2434:5, 6. Gates of hell shall not prevail against the, 1760:8, 9; give natural life in sacrifice, 121:7. GIVEN: For a covenant, 4542; the earnest of her inheritance, 493:4-7, 11, 12; the message of the Bible, 5737:2-5. GIVES UP HUMAN: Perfection, 859:13; rights, 146:6, 7, 9-12. GLORIFICATION OF: 124:12-14; 127:5, 11, 12; 200:8-16; 456:1; 5845:9, 10; date 1925 considered in connection with the, 5888:2, 12-14; delay not a stumbling block to the, 5374:5-8; 5382:43-48; delayed, some return to "fishing", 5670:1-4, 8-11; during revolution, 687:10; expected by 1914, 4822:5; may be delayed beyond beginning of time of trouble, 5449:3-7; not co-incident with close of gentile times, 5950:13; on the third day, 92:7; reply to a skeptic regarding delay in, 5629, 5630; some members of, may be delayed throughout the time of trouble, 2975:8; time uncertain, 5555:9, 11; to precede close of gentile times (1913 view), 5329:1-3; to precede close of Jacob's trouble, 5437:4, 5; to precede the fall of Babylon, 1649:1-6; typified by beheading of John the Baptist, 1754:5, 10; when , 631:12, 13. See Parousia. GLORIFIED: Has not yet reigned, 5023:11-18; invisible, 286:20; to be like the angels, sexless, 4914:3-6; will not be restricted to the heavens, 4973:7, 8, 13. Glory of Christ, 19:5; 4602:6, 7; go beyond the fulfilling of the law, 5287:2, 10. GOD'S: love for the, 31, 32; elect, 3586, 3587. GOSPEL: Not under the law covenent, 5071:6-9; pictured by a drag-net, 5555:2-4. GOVERNMENT: And organization of, 295:13, 14; 536:8; and principles of, 5347:1-12. Great work at present of the, 1214:16; guarded by special angels, 5257, 5258. HAS: Benefits of Bible now, 715:11, 16; desired one thing of the Lord, 1915:3, 4; never been exterminated, 5501:1, 5; no part in providing the Ransom-Price, 4819:3; 5622:3; special blessings, but also special dangers, 5528:10-12; worshiped God in highest sense, 2070:10; 2071:1. Heirs of the Abrahamic promise, 3684:3; high calling of, 138:5, 8, 9; 1251, 1252. HOLY: Nation separate from the world, 3621:8, 9; 5461:1-3; spirit is comforter of the, 385:16. Honored, justified, called, glorified, 4213:6-8; 4214:1; hopes in Lord, not in confederation, 601:13. HOW: And for what they should pray, 3588:8-10; comforted by the Lord in trial and affliction, 761, 762; 1937:10, 11; guided by holy spirit, 385:4, 5; 649:7; instructed in righteousness, 3109:6, 7; its faith is tested, 3324:8, 9; ministered to by angels, 5633, 5634; one with Father and son, 3161:8-12; part of seed of promise, 1386:15, 16; participant in the Lord's cup, 4547:2-9, 13-15; 5421:9-12; ransom is applied for it, 132:2, 3, 8, 9; redeemed before Adam, 4262; sanctified, 4390:3-5, 8-10; sharer in the Atonement, 2052:4, 5; sharer in the Sin-offering, 4864:3, 4; taken to glory, 5845:9, 10; tempted as was Eve, 1025; tempted as was Jesus, 2243:7, 8; 2244:1; 5965, 5966; they become the seed of Abraham, 3513:12-14; to deal with her elders and leaders, 1895:3-11; to deal with the disorderly, 1575:4-6; to join the, 295:12-14. Identity of, preserved through death, how, 1263:5, 7-10; 1264:1, 2, 6, 7; illustrated by figures, 81:1; immersed into Christ's death, 133:1-6; immortality the prize of the, 1642:3-7; important point in her chronology is 1914, 5845:2. IN: Glory, pictured as a Holy City, 3570:10, 11; 3571; the world a reproof to sin, 3600:10, 11; wilderness condition, returns, 5628, 5629. IN FLESH: Are actual, not reckoned new creatures, 5325:5-7; typified by golden lampstand, 3650:9-11, 3651:1. Incentives to faithfulness of, 2834:6. INCLUDES: The great company, 4823:4, 7, 8. Individual election not arbitrary, 1457:5-14. INFLUENCE: On humanity, 634:8; retarded degeneration of mankind, 1257:11, 12. Ingersoll's views on what constitutes a, 1968:16-18; 1969:1-3; invisible, is not the maker of world's conscience, 533:4. IS: bought with a price, 464:11-13; 642:10; not Roman Catholicism, 4753-4755; the Bride of Christ, the Lamb's wife, 56:8; 1210; 1386-1389; the glory of Christ, 4602:6, 7. Jacob's experiences a lesson to, 2865:2-4. JEHOVAH: Ever present to assist the, 5548; Judge and Father of, 59:1; the Father of the, 5623:5-7, 10, 11. JESUS: Awaiting time of her glorification, 5054:8-15; gives new commandment to the, 2649:1, 2; the advocate for the, 4354:3-5. Joint ruler over all things, 827:3; journeying to heavenly home, 841:9-14; judged first, 128:10. JUDGMENT: Day is now, 58:6, 7; 409:1; 2058:11, 12; must begin with church, both nominal and true, 1355:12-14; 1356:1-10; of, 35:4-6, 11, 12; upon conduct essential in the, 954:1-7. Justification of, 199:4-9, 16-18. JUSTIFIED: By faith first, 4547:16, 17; by faith, not by covenant 4489:7-9; by faith, world to be justified by works, 5776:6-10; instantaneously, world gradually, 5960:10, 11; through an Advocate, 4640:4-6, 12-16. Keeps higher law than the law covenant, 5071:6-14. KINGDOM: class, 206:7, 11-14; in embryo, 397:7. Last members of, will not compromise, 969:7, 8; laying on of hands no longer proper in, 1956; led by holy spirit, 137:12-15, 17-21. LESSONS IN: Joseph's experiences to, 2886; life of Elijah for the, 2341:2, 3; Moses' experiences for the, 2909:5, 7; 2910:1. Liberty of early church now called "religious anarchy," 1804:5-8; life here one of anticipation, 841:9-14. LIFE-RIGHTS OF: As humans sacrificed, 4492:9; 5197:1-3; Jesus accrue only to, 4452:2-7; must be surrendered, 4453:3. Light of the world, 128:9; like the voice of one crying in wilderness, 4958:11-14; likened to the human body, 962; looking for Christ's return, 59:11; Lord is the shepherd of the, 1396; Lord's rich legacy of peace, 1834:1-12; 1835:1-3, 7-10; love for God and brethren the law of the, 31, 32. MADE: able ministers of the New covenant, 4596:6-9; 4597; to suffer in this age, 507:6-8. Maintains peace in tribulation, 1068-1070; manner of change of, 263:12. MARRIAGE OF: 87:2-6; 88:11, 12; 169:2-7; 172:6-10; 201 ;20-22; 237:8; 289:10, 14; foreshown by the one in Cana of Galilee, 1695:10. MAY BE: considered as body of Christ entire or any part thereof, 1893:6-11; on earth after close of gospel age harvest, 4684:4, 5, 9, 10. MAY: Not be glorified at beginning of time of trouble, 5449:3-7; pray to God, 469:3, 8-14; suffer violence, 3405:6. MEANING OF: Cup of sacrifice to Jesus and the, 5421; having Christ formed in the, 1273, 1274; word, 93:10. Members of the Melchisedec priesthood, 5424:2-4; 5922:14, 20; merit of Christ imputed to her before world's restoration, 5660, 5661; militant, pictured by David, 3259:2; ministered to by angels, 74:9; 1801:10-13; 2350:4; 3298:5, 6; 3332:6, 10, 11; 3440:2, 3, 6, 7; 4926:10-12; 5131:9; 5257:8-11; 5605:13; 5606:1, 2; 5633, 5634; 5815:7, 10; ministers of the new covenant, 4331:5, 6, 11; 4332:1-3. MISSION OF THE: 311:10; as viewed by Catholics, 2413:5, 6; blessing of mankind, 5057:4-6; now, not to convert world but to harvest, 1940:11-18; 1941:1-8. Modern ways of persecuting, 2416:12, 13. MUST: Belong to Christ instead of earthly organizations, 1697:1-5; crucify the flesh, 133:5-12; develop more character than the world, 3317:8, 9; overcome in the same sense Jesus did, 5473:1-3, 9, 10; put away sin, 2480:6-10; walk by faith, 2947:20. Nature of, 89:9-11. NEEDS: No Mediator, 789:12; 3916:1-3; 3917:4, 5; 4341:5, 19, 20; 4368:7, 8; 4437, 4438; only an Advocate, 4680, 4681. Never spoken of as children of Christ, 1359:9. NEW: Order of beings, 3621:6; race of beings, 2129:1-3. No clergy in the, 1137:6, 7. NOT: A hospital, 1476:9; a royal Priesyhood now, 4697:3, 4, 11; a sect, 1576:6-9; an "incongruous mass of irresponsible nondescripts", 1924:3-9; chosen because more worthy than the ancient worthies, 5528:2-5; children of Christ, 1006:10, 11; found in any one denomination, 5564:12-15; in darkness as to Lord's presence, 598:4, 5; instructed through occultism, 5637:12-14; naturally a noble class, 5737:6, 7-9; ordained to offer sacrifices, 5719:6, 11, 12; 5720:1, 7, 8; perfect sons of God, 1006:3. NOT TO: Appear in flesh after resurrection, 5035:10; be disappointed at continuance of the harvest work, 5951:2, 8; be disappointed at delay of glorification, 5374:5-8; be rewarded in proportion to the degree of suffering, 4653:2, 3, 9, 10; expect miraculous deliverance, 2947:20; expected revelation by dreams, 2887:1; follow John's course in reproving world, 3778:3-5; fully understand the Bible while in the flesh, 5803:4. NOT: Under the Mosaic Law, 3721:4-7, 11-13; 3752:4-6, 12; 5946:6; 5947:1-4; under the new covenant, 3916:7, 8; 5294:1-5; yet complete and organized, 1573:13; 1547:1-3. Nourished in wilderness, 55:12, 13; 307:5, 6. NOW: Anointed with the spirit of right and holiness, 5227:8; counted worthy to understand the scroll, 5953. OBJECT OF: Organization now, 5224:16, 17; 5225:1, 9, 10; selection-to bless others, 1570:12; 1571:1. Objects to be sought in meetings, 1894:8-12; obliged to sacrifice human life rights, 4463:9; of Antioch, established by Paul and Barnabas, 2134:5. OF CHRIST: Beheaded, 2844, 2845; is his glory, 19:5. Of Christendom is dead, 3525:4, 8. OF THE FIRST-BORNS: On trial for eternal life, 5870:3-6; to be of two classes, 5371:5-8, 12-16. OF GOD: 841; and steps to membership in, 2066:3. OF: Laodicea admonished by Lord, 2763:1, 6; living God, 1570-1578; Philippi, especially loved by St. Paul, 3127:3-5; Philippi, only ecclesia mentioned as aiding St. Paul. 5846:4; today inspired by apostles' hope, 2926:2. Offering like Christ's, 100:9. ON: Great mountain, 113:1-3, 10, 11; trial for life or death, 5528:10-12. One, 2047:5. ONENESS OF: similar to that of Jesus and Father, 5358:5-7; should be in heart and mind, not in minutiae of doctrine, 1571:12, 13. ONLY: Are reconciled to God at present time, 3707, 3708; light in the world, 4149:4-6; one, here and hereafter, 1570:11, 12; 1571:2-13. ORDER: And organization of the, 1889-1896; in the early, 1890:3-6; in the, fruitage of its neglect, 2265:12-15. Organization of, compared to that of Babylon, 1895:12-14; 1896:1, 14; outlook for her deliverance from November, 1914, on, 5596, 5570; Papacy a counterfeit of, 355:11, 13-18. PART OF: High Priest, 78:5, 6, 11-14; in the new covenant, 4512:6-11; Passover, 211:13, 14; 212; Sin-offering, 4747:3-5, 10; Melchisedec Priesthood in Millennial age, 5922:14, 20; The Christ, 544:2; The Seed, 5:19. Perfected by suffering, 314:20. PERFECTION OF: As human beings is merely reckoned, 193:2-13; in future pictured as white raiment, 2159:6; in the flesh impossible, 308:1-7; not required now, 3331:2, 8. Permitted to suffer with Christ, 5090:11-13. PERSECUTED: By the world, beloved of the Father, 5693:3, 4, 8-11; chiefly by the brethren in Christendom, 5215:11-15. PERSECUTION OF: 80:1-3; 306:10-13; at Jerusalem, and its effect, 2109:4; last members of the, 969:1-8; reasons for, 2415:2-4; to mark closing experiences of , 5677:1, 7; typified by Jeremiah, 1372:4-8. Personal love and friendship of Christ her chiefest treasure, 1820:5, 6. PICTURED AS: A pyramid, 5505:11-13; branches of the vine, 140:1, 3, 5, 6; 202:6, 7, 16; 284:4; 793:8; 924:2; 3546:3-5; 4663:4-6; God's jewels, 2404:3-7; the temple of God, 5504:1-4, 8. PICTURED BY: Both man and woman, 5751:5; first-born, 17:12; Levites, 17:2, 3; natural body, 1387:7; sheep, 1887:6; soldiers, 1387:6; tabernacle, 4030:2; waterpots and servants when Jesus changed water into wine, 3164:1-3. POSITION: In world, 362:14-16; of women in the 3827, 3828. Prefer God's favor to life, 5441; prerogatives of her head, Christ, 1893:4-11; 1894. PRESENT: And future privileges of, 827:9-16; state unfavorable, 841. PRESENT WORK: 2429:7, 8; not missionary but preparatory, 4140, 4141:1, 2, 5, 6. PRIVILEGE: At second advent, 713:2; of cross-bearing, 2787:2; 3901:2-4; 5222:11, 12. Privileges of, 96:8; 730:1, 13; probable beginning at Rome, 1582:3. PROMISES: spiritual, ancient worthies, earthly, 5859:2-11; to the, 717:1; 1141:2-16; 5244:15-18; 5245:1, 10, 11; to the, obtained through patient endurance, 5332, 5333. Proofs of death of body of the, 473:11-17; prophecy understood by, 517:10-12. PROTECTED: As new creatures, 5330:14-17; by angels, 2350:4. Purified and refined for the kingdom, 5119; purpose of assemblies of the, 1894:8-12; putting any man's name upon, is wrong, 1571:5-7; real persecutor of, antitypical Jezebel, 3325:3, 4; received only through sacrifice, 4646:2-4; receives benefit of Christ's merit before world is restored, 5660, 5661; recipients of divine grace, 2284:9-13. RECKONED: Justified, 193:2-13; perfect only, 714:6. Recognize the Messiah because not blinded, 3192:5; reconciliation of , in this age, 37:7-12. REDEMPTION OF: Is night, 127:5, 11, 12; to precede the world's, 4998, 4999. Reigning still future for the glorified, 5023:11-18; relation to kingdom, 32:2-5, 9, 10. RELATIONSHIP TO: Christ, 134:6, 8; head, 328:17, 18. Repelling power of, 135:3-5, 8-12; reply to critic of 1914 expectations of the, 5629, 5630; represented by human body, 757:1, 2; results of losing membership in the, 1574:9; 1575:10-13. RESURRECTION OF: 41:3-8, 10; 361:3, 4; begun in the flesh, 247:6; distinct, 47:11-14; how accomplished, 47:9-11; not of the flesh, 3132:7-9; to be a special one, 5107:19, 41, 42; to be similar to Jesus', 5579:13, 14; to be spiritual, 5017:14-17; vs. that of world, 1106. Resurrection power now at work in, 5060:11-13; return of Lord sought by, 59:11. REWARD OF: 220:9-11; not proportionate to suffering, 4653:2, 3, 9, 10; twofold, 5495:12; why greater than angels receive, 3267:5-8; will vary according to zeal, 4480:2, 3; vs. that of world, 1106. Sabbath continuous, 4996:11-13. SACRIFICE OF: Acceptable only through Christ, 5720:1, 7, 8; defined, 4900:2-4, 10, 11; for body members, 150:3-7, 11; for world, 150:3-7, 11; is to do God's will, 5086:13-18; their justified humanity, 1262:8-10. Sacrificed by Jesus, 4747:3-5; 4780; 8, 9; 4864:5, 6; 4998:5-8; safe in the time of trouble, 5697:1, 2, 8-10; sanctification of, 69:4-10, 14-20; 200:3-6; Satan has no power over, 1684:6, 13-15; 1686:1; Scriptures proving the vital union of, with Jesus, 5536:7-12; sealed unto the day of deliverance, 2064, 2065; second birth spiritual, 261:7; secure from error, 207:4-6; seeks to be clothed with immortality, 701:13; separate from world, 150:13-15; 811:11-14. SHARE IN THE SIN-OFFERING SHOWN IN: Atonement Day sacrifices, 4855:1-5; type, 5196:13-19. SHARES IN: Christ's sufferings, 4367:4-7; Jesus' glory, 597:10, 11; 4155:4-6; restitution, 165; Sin-offering, 648:17, 19; 3917:7-11; 3918; 4747:3-5, 10; Sinoffering, but not in Ransom, 3940:2-5, 7; 4617:1, 2, 7, 8; 4747:3-5, 10; sufferings of Christ, 740:13; the atonement work, 4493:2-7; time of trouble, 862:2-6. SHOULD: Be one, 538:1-5; cooperated as one body, 5225:1, 9, 10; have inexpensive edifices, 4296:5-10; not seek physical healing, 712:15-17. Significance of Memorial to, 2772; sins of David a warning to the, 2016:8-10; 2017:1; Socialism and communism not proper in, 1327:2-11; Solomon type of glorified, 1901:6, 8, 9. SONS OF GOD: 473:17; 474:1-5; brethren of Jesus, 355:9, 10. SPARED: As a man spares his son, 2405:7-9; to complete their trial, 1995:2, 9, 10. Spectacle to angels, 254:2, 3. "SPIRITUAL: House"--pyramid shaped, 1568:7-11; seed of Abraham, 2596:11. Spoken of as a mother, 3434:2; station higher than ancient worthies, 5030:9, 10, 13; steps in her justification, 4574:9, 11; 4575; strengthened through suffering, 4750:12-15. SUFFERINGS OF: Are sacrificial, not expiatory, 4547:13-15; counted in with Christ's, 3508:3, 4, 11-13; 4429:1; necessary, 80:1-3; 135:4, 11, 12; similar to those of Jesus, 5215:3-10; teach obedience, 3591:1-3. Sustained by vision of Jehovah's character, 2372:2, 6; sweet savor to God, 4922:5-8; taught of God through his dealings with natural Israel, 5598. TEACHERS IN: Are hands of body, 732:18; are her servants, 1574:4-7; are in more danger than are others, 4709:6; are not to be novices, 3012:1; God's gift to the, 1136:1-8; necessary, 380:1-4; 386:1-4; our means of receiving the truth, 2224-2227; should be as children, 4292:8, 9. Temple of God, 1981; 2367:2, 5-7; 2520:12-14; temporal blessings of the, 1339:10. TEMPTED LIKE: Eve, 1025; 1257:1; Jesus to accept Satan's plans, 680, 681; 2244:6-9. TEMPTED TO: Avoid sacrifice, 3299:6; compromise with Satan, 3719:9-11. Ten commandments not given to the, and why, 3721:4-7, 11-13. TESTED: As Jesus was, 729:4; 1688:9-15; 1689:1-5, 8-15; 4544:8-12; 4545; 4970:5, 6, 13; by events of 1914, 5599:13, 14; More severely than world and why, 3322, 3323. Testing of, 125:14, 15; 126:1; tests for membership in the glorified, 5686:14. THERE IS: Merit in the work of the, 4493:2-7; 4494:4-9; no adequate merit in sacrifice of, 4864:6-9; no condemnation upon the, 1141:11-16. Those in the, who offer "strange fire" go into second death, 1836. THREE: Commandments to the, 5947:1-9; memorials--baptism, memorial supper, first day of week, 1942:7-10; views of the church-Protestant, Catholic and the true view, 1573:10-13; 1574. Three-fold enemy of the, 2769:5-7, 13. TO BE: A royal diadem in hand of God, 4913:6-9, 14, 15; caught up in air, 152:7, 8, 10; 668:4-7; clothed with immortality, 701:13; dead to sin, 728:16; Everlasting Father, 1007:6, 7; faithful through good and evil report, 5774:1-3, 9, 10; given for a covenant of the people, 4542; glorified before close of gentile times (1913 view), 5329:1-3; glorified before Jacob's trouble is over, 5437:4, 5; immortal, 78:7; 82:4; judged by faith, 2304:2-4; loved by the Father as Jesus is, 5359:2, 3, 10; made one in sense that Jesus and Father are one, 5358:5-7; protected in the time of trouble, 5255:7, 8; resurrected as spirit beings, 5108:15, 16; separate from unbelievers, 227:14-17; the new heavens described by Peter, 5735:4; united to the Head, 5067:14-16; world's mother, 25:4, 11. TO: Bruise Satan, 5:19; die as Jesus did, 729:9-16; do a judging work, 5451:1-4. TO GAIN: Divine nature, 456:18, 19; immortality, 142:4-8; 143:8, 9; 1642:3-7; 2747:12; 3154:4. TO HAVE; A new name also, 3970:7, 8; a special salvation, 5596, 5597; severe trials at its close, 4112:2, 3, 5, 6; 4154:8, 9; 4253:1, 2. To meet Lord in air, 152:11. TO REVIVE: Divine life, 142:4-8; life and immortality, 5418:3, 4, 10. TO SHARE: In dispensing blessings under new covenant, 5294:9-11; in life-giving, but will not be lifegivers, 5967:12-16; with Lord during time of trouble, 2975:6-8. TO: Shine as lights amid darkness, 4967:10-13; trust in Lord in day of trouble, 707:3. Transformation described, 5855:1-3. TRIAL: How to conduct a, 4985:4-6, 8-13; of, vs. that of world, 1106; 2733:8-11; or judgment of, is now, 58:6, 7; 593:6. TRIALS: Busybodying in, 4985:5, 6, 8; permitted of God, 2786:8, 9. Trouble upon the, 112:5-8, 12-14; truth is the present blessing of the, 5:19; two classes in the, 5687:7. TYPIFIED BY: Aaron, 72:13; Asenath, 752:9; body of Joshua the high priest, 1490; Elijah the prophet, 308:18-21; 556-558; 2839:1; 3325:3, 4; 3408:4; 3712:11; 3713:1, 11; 4741; 4757:5, 6, 9, 10; 5569:11; 5741:10, 11; 5751:7, 8, 11-13; 5771:7, 12; 5845:1; Eve, 70:7; 257:6; 1386:16; 1388:1, 6; goat, 139:1; Isaac, 68:2; Israel's first-borns, 5272:16; 5273; Jacob, 1624:10-14; John the Baptist, 1754:5, 10; Joseph, 4436:11; 4437:1, 2, 11; Noah and family, 3757:2; Rebecca, 70:13; 161:3-11; 283:8; 1227:2-4; 1386-1389; 2931:8; 3953:3, 4; 4516:3; Solomon's Temple, 1236:9-11; 1237:1, 2, 5-9; 4296, 4297; Zipporah, 1651:17. Typified in Jeremiah's persecutions 1372:4-8. UNDER: Abrahamic Covenant, 3916, 3917; grace, not under law, 5072, 5073; new covenant (1890 view), 1178:6; new covenant (1893 view), 1601:16, 17. Unidentified now, 581:13-17; unity with Christ of the, 30:3-5; 31:1, 8; up-building typified by Solomon's Temple, 2987:2; "upon this rock I will build my", 812, 813; 1525:3-5; 1760:6, 7; 2656:12-14; 3789:3-6; 4645:3-5; view in re resurrection in 1881 of the, 631:7, 8; visible organization not part of Lord's plan now, 1743:8-10; walk by faith, not sight, 2995:4; warned of cooling love through abounding iniquity, 5857:7, 9-12. WHAT: Christ imputes to, 4764, 4765; constitutes the, 824:1-5; is imputed by Jesus to, 4642:5-11; it is, 295:2-4; 4754:8-14; it sacrifices, 146:11; 4900:2-4, 10, 11; it shares with Christ, 4616, 4617. WHEN: and how formed, 67:1; calling upon the Lord are answered, 5757:6, 11; 5758:1, 2; founded, 2429:1, 2. Where found, 65:11; 322:12; 693, 694. WHO: comprise it and where they are found, 1318:2-7; 5680:2-5; is judging, 2425, 2426. WHY: Afflicted, 6:3; called a new creation, 5050:16, 17; called and set apart, 3280, 3281; chosen, 25:1-4, 11; discipline is applied to the, 1164:2-4; God permits persecutions upon the, 3591:1-3; hated by the world, 2128:3; it does not need a Mediator, 4341:5, 19, 20; 4553; 4554:1-6; it needs an Advocate, 4516:9, 10; 4585:2-5; likened to sheep, 3116:2, 3, 10; persecuted, 80:1-3; specially rewarded, 3267:5-8. WILDERNESS CONDITION OF: 307:1-8; defined, 5628:4, 5. WILDERNESS EXPERIENCES OF: God with her in, 5548; second time Pictured in type, 5628:13, 14; 5629. WILL BE THE TRUE: Aristocrats, 1163:8, 9; inquisitors, 1469:9; 1471:13. WILL: Not become world's mother in full sense, 916:13; suffer because of its neutral position, 5568:1. Woman's place in, 1549, 1550; women not to teach in the, 1076:4, 5, 8-13; word of God his means of communication with the, 2240:10. WORK OF: after close of Millennium, 4974:8, 9; chiefly the exercise of faith now, 1755:12, 13; great present, 1214:16; has acceptable merit, 4494:4-9; in flesh, 5597:13-15; in gospel age, 263:14, 15; in this time of trouble, 5917:10; ministration and, 458:5, 6; not the conversion of the world, 781:5-8; still remains, 2943:1, 7; to gather wheat, 317:18-20; twofold, 87:2-6; type and antitype, 157:10-18; was preaching in the apostles' day, 4336, 4337. And Great Company will know each other there, 3462:3, 4; vs. world, 827:10-12. See Brethren; Bride of Christ; Christ, Body of; Christian; Christians; Elect; Elijah Class; God, Sons of; Little Flock; New Creation; New Creature; Overcomer; Priesthood, Royal; Saints; The Christ. And State: Christian Endeavor tendencies (1895), 1864:3; combined under Jeroboam, 3386:4; indications of, in California (1895), 1863:13, 14; Pope longs for union in the United States of, 1770:1-5; religious legislation wrong, 1447:15-17; 1448:1; separated in France, 3411:8-11; separation caused creed-revision, 1209; understanding between, in Italy foreshadowed (1894), 1709. UNION: Its origin and progress, 3984; not one of love but of expediency, 1605:7, 9-14; sought by churches of United States, 3872:6, 9-13; typified by Herod and Herodias, 1754:5, 10. CHURCHES Bowling alleys proposed for Methodist, 1492:3-6; cause of empty, 4826:18-24; deserting lower New York, 2427, 2428; donations to, used to spread higher criticism, 3373:1-9; Eliot, Dr. comments on, 2946:1; expensive edifices unjustifiable, 2010:9-11; fashionable clubs at best, 1575:14; 1576:1; 2428:14-16; in New York are a curse, says D.D., 1825:11, 12; Jewish and Gospel, nominal, 234, 235; object of amusements in, 3329:1-6; of Christendom inappropriately expensive, 4296:5-10; primitive compared to modern, 984:5, 6. Protestant: Lose 75 percent of Sundayschool boys, 4700:17, 18; self-confessed harlot-daughters, 1215:13. Sanctity not increased by expensive, 778:1. Seven, of Asia: Complete nominal gospel church of the entire age, 1599:3-5; described in antitype, 5992:5, 6; representative of epochs and classes, 4870:3, 4; symbolic, Rev. 1, 336:1-7, 13-19; 490:18; 773:14; 2826:6; whole church of Christ, 3569:2. See Epochs. Support of, 174:6, 7, 9; turned into social and political clubs, 2255:10-14. See Spiritism. CHURCHIANITY Commercial, 449:5; corresponds to idol of golden calf, 4022:7-9; Japanese view of American, 1699; judged out of its own mouth, 2614; merely a business organization, 2647:11-13; not Christianity changing, 3828:10, 11; spiritual power of waning, 3846:8-10; typified by Delilah, 4088:8; void of Christian live, 2912, 2913; vs. Christianity, 533; 3828:10, 11. CHUZA; His faith rewarded, 4132, 4133. CICERO Vs. Demosthenes, 31:5. CINNAMON Pictures understanding, 4093:2. CIRCULARS Copy of one used in 1892 for first Volume, 1462:2-4, 8-11; recommended for colporteurs (1888), 1088:1-3, 10-12. CIRCULATING And writing literature of one's own, 1640:12. CIRCUMCISION Neglected by a Jew made him an alien, 2086:2; not required of gentile converts, 2158; 4374. Of: Jewish Christians, 687:16; the heart, 1671:4, 8; 3022:4; Timothy advised by Paul, 2175:7, 8; 3022:3, 4. Presbyterians think baptism of infants takes its place, 1960:16; 1961:1-3, 10-12; type and antitype, 5170:2, 9-10. CITIES Growth of and effect upon society, 1620:9-20; "Have thou authority over ten." 5492:13. CITY Life conducive to insanity, 3593:3-5; New Jerusalem, picture of the church in glory, 3570:10, 11; 3571. Of: David, picture of the, 3702; heaven has no need of sun or moon, 2833:7, 8. REFUGE: Antitypical significance of, 3092, 3093; picture of Christ our refuge, 4079:4, 15; 4080:1, 10. Whose builder was God, Abraham looked for a, 5189:3-5, 9-13; with foundations, Abraham looked for a, 4387:7-10. Without Walls: He that rules not his own spirit is like a, 5487, 5488; 5652, 5653; symbol of ecclesiastical kingdom, 686:9. CIVIL Laws, see Laws, Civil; power, see Power, Civil; rulers, see Rulers, Civil; society, see Society, Civil. CIVILIZATION Degenerating instead of elevating, 3898:8, 9; due to true Christians, 2099:12; evil effects of, upon heathen, 1876:10, 11; 1877; modern, a veneer, 2432:13; 2433:1-4; of Christendom due to the teachings of Jesus, 4866:10-12; "Ours is a symposium", 1620:2, 3; self its Underlying principle, 1189; 4109:3-5; today the most corrupt in some respects, says a D.D., 1620:13-20; what constitutes, 634:7. CLANNISHNESS In the church detrimental, 5248:1, 2, 10. CLASS Division: Avoiding, 4251:11, 12; 4252; not always indicative of spirit of opposition (Letter), 5743:5-8, 11-14; preferable to bondage, 5981:16; 5982:1; to be decided by will of majority (Letter and reply), 5790:4, 5, 9-11. Restitution: Baptism is proper for the, 1113; 1544:10, 11; Elisha represented a (1899 view), 1132; will not enter heaven, 2874:8, 9. Spiritual, how to know whether one is of the, 3891:5, 6, 12; 3892:1, 4; temple, polished more by world than by brethren, 3282:7; wheat, acceptance of present truth is not proof of being of the, 1925:15. CLASSES Higher, attitude of, 683:11-15. Worldly: Hatred between, increasing in England and Europe, 4844; our attitude toward the struggle between, 5448; 14-18. Soon to be overruled by the masses, 3119:6-12. See Ecclesias; Elders. CLAY "Hath not the potter power over?" 589:12-14; 1225:9-12. CLEAN Hands: Essential to ascent into the kingdom, 2275:2; what this means to Christians, 3114:4. CLEANLINESS Of person, its relationship to soul purity, 1704:2; requisite in the Lord's service, 5258, 5259. CLEANSING Daily, of the Christian's robe imperative, 5924:1-6. From: Filthiness of flesh and spirit, 2671:5-7; 3985, 3986; 4974, 4975; 5738:5-11; sin in flesh our chief battle, 3985:5, 7, 8. Maintained by Christ's robe, 689:14-16. Of: Sanctuary, what it typified, 159; spiritual Israel typified by that of natural Israel, 2380:6-8. THE CHURCH: Not to be counted unclean, 4493:4-7. The spirit-begotten should be in mind as well as in flesh, 5738:5-11. THE TEMPLE: By Jesus occurred but once, 1695; 2332:1-3; 4122:5, 11; 4123:1, 2; in type and antitype, 3463:3, 6; 3851:6-9; 4123:3-5. One's ways by taking heed thereto, 4834:5, 9-11; typical and antitypical, 5503:10-15. CLEAVE To the good, 2213:4. CLERGY Accept homage and reverence, 1135:12, 13; activity in politics and citizenship, 1756:7-10. Are: Evolutionists, 1417:11; 1418:7-11; 1419:11, 12; really Unitarians, 1186:1-3; "the drunkards of Ephraim", 1357:6-14; 1358:1-6. As they see themselves, 1051; 1061; attitude against Brother Russell, out of their own mouth, 1306:20; 4094:20-22; becoming infidels, 1417-1420; believe they can preach more wisely than the early Christians or apostles, 1492:11-13; "blind guides"--an illustration from "Life" of the, 1417:8, 13; 1428; blindness of, shown by announcements of Congress of Religions, 1546:9, 10, 13-19; 1547:1-3; call the Bible impure, 1419:13; called Dumb Dogs in Scripture, 2674:9; church federation in Canada favored by the, 3343:14-23; claimed to be the church, 1135:3-7; councils are evil 1135:1-3; defective education of 2696:13-17; denounced by secular editor, 4073:17-20; deny Biblical inspiration, 1418:7-11; 1419:1, 7-13; deride prophecy, 1418:7-11; despised for their teachings, 2929:9; destroyed liberty of conscience, 1135:2; dishonesty of, 881:6; 982:9-15. Do not: Acknowledge errors because they are tied up, 1534:14; exist in true church, 1137:6, 7. Endorsing Spiritism, 616:7; 617:8, 9; false doctrines the root of all their troubles, 1790:16, 17; glory of, is in their shame, 1825, 1826; 1832:7-10, 17. Hated: Jesus, hate his followers, 2432:6. Haughty ones in Jerusalem, 1400:6, 7. Have: Always been chief opponents truth, 1425:4, 5; departed from apostolic methods, 5044:15. "Higher critics", 1418-1420; honest ones come out of Babylon, 1236:2-6; 1237:4, 10-12; 1398:4, 5, 9; 1426:6-10; 1456:11-14; 1473:8, 12, 13; 1486:5-7, 14, 15; 1503:13-18; 1631:1, 4; 1646:14, 15; 1647:1, 6; 1755:11, 15, 16; 1947:2, 3, 19-21. How: The Hindoo, keep the people in ignorance, 1613:4. THEY: control the people, 1136:13; 1137:1-5; have kept the people in subjection, 1605:7, 9-14; lure the goats into their goat-pens, 1790:7. Hypocrisy of, 582:2; in Jesus' day and ours have same spirit, 3315:5, 6; inexcusable for those enlightenend to remain in Babylon, 1312:12-14; infidel German, 1948:3-6; infidelity among, 3229:1-10; insincerity of, 2984:4-7; judged out of their own mouths, 2614; laity rise up against impiety among the, 3443:2, 3; likened to unfaithful under-shepherds, 1577:4-11; love of Canadian, in 1891 for the truth, 1294:12. Majority: Are tares, 1492:20, 21; 1493:1-4, 8, 9; have rejected the ransom, 1775:14, 15; 1776:1, 2. Many show a large measure of Christ's spirit (1895), 1903:9, 13, 16; "mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink", 1444:4, 5; modern Pharisees, 1035:8, 9; must replace their brains with sawdust? 1308:7; none in the early church, 984:8-16; 1087:10; 1137:6, 7; 2110:2; not true teachers, 1136:7; object of Papal, 1136:11, 12. Of Christendom: Made ridiculous in supporting war, 5765; the antitype of Jewish clergy, 2947:12. One of the, defends the Bible and the true faith (1895), 1858:10, 11; opposed to God's prophecies, 3423:9; 3424:4. Ordination: And rights of the, 64:4; tract appreciated (Letter), 5763:23-26. Origin of: Class, 1134:18; 1135:1; Protestant, 1128:6, 7, 15; 1129:1-14. Papal, have advantage, 1129:9-12; part of, in the World War foretold (1889), 1094:10; pledged not to advance in light, 982:8-10; preach everything but Christ, 1954:5-8; prefigured by the Sanhedrin that murdered Christ, 1809:7, 14; receive the truth 907:1-6; 908:2; refuse spiritual aid to inquirers, 3448:18; 3449:1-4. Reject Truth: Because financially unprofitable to them, 1461:14; now as in Jesus' day, 2433:5. Responsible for: Papacy, 1134:18; 1135:1-7. Salaries of (1896 vs. 1834), 1959:12, 18, 19. Self-confessed: Hypocrites, 1948:11-13; liars, 1305:5; perjurers, 1194:12, 13. Selling their birthright, 3956:10. "sinners in Zion are afraid fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites", 1874. Some: Clerico-gymnastics, 1790:7; deny torment dogma, 1149:5, 6, 11; honest ones, 1461:14. Spread of infidelity among (1895), 1824:3-6; 1831:4-9, 12; successful dissimulation of, 1078:2-8; surrender to "science, falsely so called," 1792; take sides with the rich in Germany, 3628:8, 11; teach fossil theology, 1027; Ten commandments to be shortened by the English, 4799:22-28; tend toward episcopal organization, 1897:6-10; theological tables full of vomit, 1475:5, 6; "thieves and robbers", "hireling shepherds," 1647:9, 10; three "satisfactory" opinions of the fate of the heathen after death, 1818:13, 14; titles unscriptural, 65:4, 5; try to "doctor" divinity, 1419:11. Unfaithful: Pastors, 1208; to their trust, 3448:2-5. Unscriptural class originated by Papacy, 1808:5-8, 12, 13; 1809:1-3, 11; views on the Millennium by the, 2577; warned of their duty, 3335:5-10. What: they love in their denominations, 1309:3-5; to demand from them, 1136:8-10. Why: Impossible for them to agree on doctrine, 1832:5, 12. THEY: Are blind, 956:11; 2639:15; 2640:1; have the severer trial in leaving Babylon, 1426:8. Wicked husbandman of the parable of the vineyard, 1982; will probably suffer most in time of trouble, 5750:4; worldly-minded, 2427:23; would call Jesus and apostles laymen, 986:8. And: Church Federation, 3875. LAITY: Are one in I.B.S.A., 2432:11; at odds in Germany, 3443:2, 3; now they were formed, 3217:1-3; when and how formed, 324:18-20. See Ministers. CLERGYMAN Appreciates Millennial Dawn, 937:2, 3, 10; ensnared by demonism, 2180:16; 2181:1-3; in strait betwixt two, 950:12-15; of Brooklyn have nonsensical view of the resurrection, 1508:18; 1509:1, 2. Rebukes: His profession, 3358:22; 3359:1, 2; false Christendom, 3958:7-22. Receives the truth, 888:4-8; 3350:10; 3425:3-5; 3618:10, 11; says hell is dead issue, 3959:1, 2, 8. CLERICAL Conspiracy, literature for distribution, 5639:5, 10. CLEVELAND Grover, why his administration is distinguished, 2091:17; 2092:1-9. CLIMATIC Changes: Now due, 879:9; to come gradually, 734:5, 6. CLIPPINGS Containing items of interest appreciated by Society, 1871; 5822:19. CLOAK Withhold not thy, 3738:5, 6; 5005:11. CLOUD Of witnesses, ancient worthies a, 5318:9, 16, 17; was Israel's guide in the wilderness, 3997:5, 6. CLOUDS Accompanying second advent, 256:2; Christ coming with, 60; 5269; church to be caught up in, 152:7, 8, 10; time of trouble pictured as, 153:4-6, 9-14. And: Darkness to precede the Millennial dawn, 5989:1-5; thunder accompanying establishment of law and new covenants, 5990:1, 2. CLUB Political, Dr. Rainsford recommends his church as a, 2255:13; rifle, in church basement, 3741:13. CLUBS For boys, good and evil of, 2560:14; 2576:20-22; nominal churches at the best are social, 1575:14; 1576:1. COAL Beds, origin of, 300:14; mines, electricity to be furnished direct from, 1990:15-18; situation as viewed by a labor leader, 1676:7-9. COALS From the altar, antitypical significance of taking, 4602:8-12. COAT Taken, give also cloak, 3738:5, 6. COAXING See Exhortation. COERCION Detrimental to all. 2849:2; ruling in love vs. ruling by, 4723:8-10. COFFEE Article requested on the use of (Letter), 4833:13-15; classed with dangerous narcotics (Letter), 4833:13-15. COLE J.H. invented colporteur cart, 4126:10. COLISEUM Impressions of the, during Brother Russell's tour in 1891, 1376:5. COLLECTIONS For: Churches, from the world, improper, 4777:14; Jerusalem Christians, reason for, 5926:2, 3. In church of Corinth for Jerusalem church, 2211:1, 2; ministers deplore fact that I.B.S.A. takes no, 5374:9-12. COLLEGE Knox, Presbyterians refuse to aid higher criticism in, 3328:4-8. COLLEGES Of America teaching infidelity, 3357:1-5, 8; 4393; 4394:1-4; Theological, of Germany hotbeds of higher criticism, 2107:8-10; and schools teach infidelity, 3566:25; 3567:1-9. COLLYER Dr., on faithless Christians, 602:5, 6. COLONIZATION By European nations, 720:5-9, 12; of Palestine, 424:4. COLONY Jewish, appreciative of the truth, 4843:11-14. COLORED Brethren: One hundred subscribers (1900), 2618:7; truth to go to, 2970:4, 5, 9-11. Race: Discrimination against, 5434:9, 11-16; harvest work among, 3942, 3943; increased effort to bring truth to, 4001:10; sprang from Ham, 2846:2. COLPORTEUR Army, still room in the, 2664:7; Cart, invented by Brother J.H. Cole, 4126:10; encouragement for those unable to, 1683:1-3, 9; how the Lord blessed a, 2790:11-15; service, three hundred engaged in, 824:9. Work: an 1888 method of, 1088:1-3; blessings in the, 4971:9-12, 16, 17. BY: Boy of 15 very successful, 4962:15-18; children (1886). 1133:4. Consecrated only have been successful in, 4060:7, 8. Has been wonderfully blessed of the Lord, 1426:13, 14; 1629:9-13; history of an unwise method of, 1637:7, 8, 14-17; 1638; important and prosperous, 4824:7-9, 14. IN: Business sections, 4963:3, 4, 12; England in 1894; 1637; office buildings (Letter), 5713:1-5, 9-12; spare moments, 4126:4, 9. Knack of, can be acquired, 1480:2; method for, 927:8-12; more effective than preaching, 1434:4, 6; not to be limited to untalented, 3148:4-6; notice respecting, in Great Britain, 1539; plans for, 907:15, 16 progress of, 939:5, 12. REPORT: From field, 298:3, 11; 300:11-13; 301:1-3; of, in Great Britain (1895), 1884. Success in 1898 of the, 2379; successful methods of, 3412, 3413; 4016:4, 5, 12; with the Scenario (Letter), 5819:4-6, 11. See Canvassing. COLPORTEURS call for more, 950:1, 2, 8, 9; called to increased activity, 3741:8; dawnmobiles for use of, 4194:11-14; 4195:1-3, 12, 13; difference between their finances and those of the Lord's disciples, 1742:14; 1743:1-3; discouraged by class (Letter), 5400:16-21; encouraged by Pilgrims, 4243:9-13; 4244:1, 5. Encouraged to: Activity, 5824:11, 12, 15; continue sale of Scripture Studies beyond 1914, 5794, 5795; renewed zeal, 5471:6-8, 17. Encouragement for, 825, 826; encourageing letters from, 928:5-21; 1134:1-6; 1242:8-10; 1479:5-7; 1496:4, 5; 1507:10, 12-14; 1533:9, 10; 1616:7, 8; 1843:1-5, 15-18; 1889:13-16; 1940:4-10; expenses of, paid to convention, 4222:8-12. For: Special calls needed, 5819:2, 3, 9, 10. Good advice to, 1536:5; 1537:2, 6-8; have five talents, 1280:9; hints to, 825, 826; 967:7; 3412, 3413; labor not in vain, 3643:12-15; not expected to be perfect, 1468:1, 11; offer to, 214:4-8, 13-15; one of Satan's snares to (in 1894), 1629:4, 7-13; opportunities increased by World War, 5575:4-7, 12; plan for, 927:8-13. Should: Be guided by success in choosing territory, 5665:1, 2; not necessarily be expected to be public speakers, 1629:4, 7, 8; not shake off the dust of their feet against any city now, why? 1743:5. Some: Discouragements of, dissipated, 1633:2-13; 1892 suggestions for, 1432:1-3. Supplied with canvas bags, 4126:5; three hundred at work in 1886, 818:8; true ministers and missionaries, 1349:17, 18; working in unmarried groups, of mixed sexes, 4202:6, 12-15; 4203:1, 2; worldly people not wanted as, 1405:2; and Pilgrims, encouraged by Brother Russell, 4541. COMBATIVENESS Both an advantage and a disadvantage, 4995:11, 12; directed against self a useful trait, 5923:16; essential to overcoming, 2877:9; misdirected, causes war spirit, 2641:4; perfection includes, 3928:2; prevailing quality in brethren, 2877:7, 9; proper and improper use of, 4803:10-12; properly used, 2588:6. To be: Curbed in proclaiming truth, 5720:11-13; directed into right channels, 3246:7. Too much vs. too little, 4033:3-5, 7-9; well directed and misdirected, 3596:4-6, 9; when well-directed, 2878:1-7. COME (Erchomai): Scriptural meaning of, 148:5-7, 13-15; 909:1-5. COMFORT Appreciated by great men, 4507:3. To: Be preached to Israel now, 5234:11-14; sorrowing Christians comes from the Lord, 5802:6, 10; 5803:6-8. Work of the church in this time of trouble, 5917:10. COMING Christ's: See advent, Second; Lord's Return. COMMANDMENT Love greatest, 3862:1-4. New: Bond of perfection, 2202:3-5; controls our liberty in Christ, 4084:2, 3, 5, 6; given to Christians, 542:11; 543; 2649:1, 2. HIGHER THAN: Law of new covenant, 4549:11; the law covenant, 3030:1, 2; 5027:7-9. COMMANDMENTS Keep my, 976:6-15; keeping the Lord's, 5946-5948. Of: God are not grievous, 3021:2-5; 4345:11. LAW: Not for Christians, 542, 543; to be shortened by English clergy, 4799:22-28. New creation greater than the Decalogue, 3831:10, 11. THE LORD: Comprehended in one word--love, 1730:15-22; not now compulsory, 5520:6, 9-11. Ten: Catching the letter and the spirit of the, 4053:1, 2; character development as viewed from the, 3044-3046; correct views of Luther and Calvin on, 1730:11-14; given to servants, not to sons, 5072:3, 9-11; greatest are the first and second, 5521:5-7, 12-14; higher meaning to the new creation, 4226:4, 6-8; how typical of the law of love, 1345:16-21; Jews could not keep the, 823:2-4; law of love higher than the, 3030:1, 2; 5027:7-9; meaning illuminated by Jesus, 4558, 4559; 5286:2-6; new creature above the need of the, 3831:10, 11. NOT BINDING UPON: All men for all time, 1731:15, 16; Christians, 542, 543; 1726:5-19. Not given to church and why, 3721:4-7, 11-13; placed on Kansas statute books, 2145:5-20; reveal our duty to God and fellowmen, 5699:5-7, 11, 12; review of, 971; valuable to spiritual Israel, 4013:4-6; 4014, 4015. COMMON Sense: Christian, what it is and how it operates, 1776-1782; simply signifies good mental perception, 1776:7, 8, 15, 16; worldly and Christian varieties contrasted, 1776:15, 16; 1777:1. Version, see Translation. COMMUNICATE Do good and, 126:2-11. COMMUNICATION Between: God and the church is through the Word, 2240:10; spirit and human realm to exist through and beyond the Millennium, 3462:8-10. Of saints with earth a reasonable expectation, 2416:3-8; with dead the bait of evil spirits, 3743:10-16. COMMUNICATIONS Corrupt, should not proceed from Christians, 4770:3-6, 14, 15; evil, their power over others, 5897:3; shutting out evil, 2406:8-10. COMMUNION Not with the unbelieving, impure, disloyal, or deceitful, 1588; of church in Christ's death, 611:16; with Lord a privilege, 843:3, 4. See Baptism. COMMUNISM Disadvantageous, injurious, 3257:1-6; during time of trouble, 26:5, 12; impractical in present day, 409:15; 518:16; 1861:12-15; 1862; 2101:9; 2102:1-5; 2932:3-6; 4317:10, 11; leads to anarchy, 498:13; may be practiced in Millennium, 1862:1. Not: Proper among consecrated, 1327:2-11; taught in Scriptures, 2090:8; 3740:6-12. Origin of, 2413:11; 2414:1; why attempted in early church, 1421:10-14; and socialism not proper in the church, 1327:2-11. COMMUNIST Vultures to follow World War, 899:4. COMMUNISTS And Socialists, Lord's great army, 622:9. COMPETITION Vs. co-operation; 3171:1, 2. COMPROMISE In respect to war, can the Christian, 2345:1, 2; Jesus would not, 2567:8, 9; last members of church will not, 969:7, 8; no spirit for true Christian, 202:8, 17; of principle should never be made, 3022:5; result of weakened faith, 2381:7, 8; world always willing to, for the sake of prosperity, 1591:2. COMPROMISING With: unbelievers not a virtue, 3200:7-9. COMSTOCK Anthony, fight of, against social impurity, 4857:9. CONCEIT Be not wise in your own, 77:1; 2214:5; how to overcome, 2590:2, 3; is erroneous self-measurement, 1131:1; of man is "in the inverse ratio to the square of his knowledge:"--Edison, 1763:6; origin and anatomy of, 1131; sign of ignorance, 1131:2-10. CONCORDANCES Necessary in Bible study, 1241:5-12, 16-22; value of, 1584:12; Young's recommended, 465:5. CONCORDAT Catholic Pontiff blamed for disruption of, 3652:2, 3; NapoleonPapal agreement, 3984:7-9; to be repealed by France, 3557:7-10; 3558:1-10. CONCUBINES Of Abraham may represent covenants, 4439, 4440. CONCUPISCENCE Evil, defined, 2480:3. CONDEMNATION Adamic, two classes released from, 5071:2-5; from multitude to be unheeded by Christians, 3189:8. How: We became free from, 3201:1; world escapes, 689:1-4, 10-13. None, to those in Christ, 1141:11-16; 2855:4-8; not imputed where there is no law, 4868:11. Of all: In one a manifestation of God's love, 429:9, 10; is just and merciful, 363:13-16. Still upon the world, 3507:9, 17; to rest upon world until they accept Christ, 2059:4, 5, 8-12; two classes released from Adamic, 5071:2-5. Upon: Jews and all men, except those in Christ, 1726:1-4; world escaped by church in this age, 5224:1-4. And damnation defined, 2719:1, 2, 6, 7. See damnation; Fire. CONDEMNED "By thy words acquitted; by thy words", 1937; in that which he alloweth, Blessed is he that is not, 3255:11; 4085:1, 6-8. CONDEMNETH Who is he that , 3052:7, 8. CONDIMENTS Their effect upon character, 5248:5. CONDITION Of Heaven, typified in Tabernacle, 294:18-22; spiritual, how to determine our, 5227:3, 4, 11. CONDITIONS Unfavorable, divinely arranged for God's children, 5220:9-13. CONDUCT Christians are judged daily by their, 1922:4, 5; critical disposition should be turned on one's own, 5644:3-6; demonstrates our love for righteousness, 3323; disorderly, in church, 295:16, 17; index to the thoughts, 4728:8-10; influence upon others of our, 5897:3; laxity in, not to be excused by pure motives, 5382:19; may properly be judged; heart may not, 5029:9-11; 5245:13-17. Of: Brethren and sisters to be reserved, 1586:14-16; Christian greatest means of witnessing to world, 3136:7. CHRISITANS: To be honest and sober, 5340. Others, how to view the improper, 5603:8-14; 5604:1, 2, 7, 8; Pilgrims should be above reproach, 4263:5, 7-9. Our responsibility for our own, 5494:1-5, 9-13; outward, not always an evidence of proper heart condition, 5115:9. Proper: Effect of the truth upon, 1296:9-11; for elderly men, 2723:4-7, 9; to new creatures, 4190-4192. Unseemly, no part of love, 2204:6; and fruits of brethren properly judged by them, 5628:8, 9. CONE S.C., death of Brother, 2290:6. CONFEDERACY Christians warned against, 601:7, 10; 4747:2, 6-9; in governments, religions, labor, 601:5, 6. CONFEDERATION See Federation; Leagues. CONFERENCE Criticism of prophetic, 1872-1874; 1903, 1904; Zionist, at Basle, Switzerland, unusual, 3627:3-11. CONFESSION Of: Christ before men essential to his favor, 5497:3-9; error and fault a crucial test, 4583:5, 6; faults proper and improper, 4597:8, 11. JESUS: As the Christ a test to all, 3788, 3789; before men by our lives, 5390:11-14. LORD: A lesson in, 3520:7-12; as essential as believing on him, 5539:7-9; with our mouths, 3071:14; 3072:1; with our mouths not sufficient, 4993:1, 2. Our sins the privilege of only the consecrated, 4931:14, 15; sin must precede forgiveness, 2235, 2236; 5939:2-5; truth essential to salvation, 2966:8. Peter's good, 1760; Presbyterian, Westminster, see creed, Presbyterian. CONFIDENCE "Cast not away therefore your," 187-191; 1652, 1653; 5594-5596; removed only when we fail to walk up to the light, 5595:4-7; to be retained, despite disappointments in re 1914, 5595:12-17. CONFIDENCES Among brethren a means of injuring others, 5530:8-10. CONFUCIANISM Origin and teaching of, 1184:7-9; recommended to Christians by Chinaman, 978:7-9. CONFUSION Babylon called, 45:2. Of: Christendom, 3713:12-19; tongues a blessing to fallen humanity, 2136:10, 11; 5160:13-17; 5161:1, 2. Symbol for, 5092:7-9. See Babylon; Christendom. CONGREGATIONALISM Dying in Vermont, 1187:2-4. CONGREGATIONALIST Early church was, in some respects, 1848:12-15; pastor is installed after he denies the ransom (1895), 1797:7, 8. CONGREGATIONALISTS Became Babylonish, 1137:10; change confession of faith, 3846:11-15; higher criticism among missionaries of the, 3465, 3466; Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, in 1893 refuses to support hell-fire missions, 1495; split on probation, 889:1-3. CONGRESS Act of, in demonetization of silver, 2042, 2043; chaplains in, farcical, 995:7; mental faculties compared to, 5488:14. Of Religions: Advance announcements of, in 1892 show Babylon's confusion, 1475:4, 10, 11; 1546:9, 10, 13-19; 1547:1-3; evil effects of, 1647:10. REPORT ON: Christianity in Japan at, 1595-1597; the social and religious life of India at, 1601; 1607; 1612, 1613. SOME: Missing cylinders from ruins of Babylon on the, 1579; reports on the, 1592. Of religious history (Paris), 2578:4; Zionist Medal of, what it represents, 2362:9-12. CONQUEROR He who conquers self is a great, 901:13. CONQUERORS And more than, 5371:7, 8. CONQUESTS Of David typical, 2032:1. CONSCIENCE Clear, is insufficient, 2281:13; condemning us, full assurance of faith is impossible, 5425:1-3; danger of violating, 5957:15, 16, 5958:7; good, morbid, dull, defined, 5756:8-11; hearts must be kept sprinkled from an evil, 5425:1-3; insufficient guide, 3596:10-12. Liberty of: 974:8-11; clergy destroy, 1135:2; not liberty of faith, 2166:3, 4, 8, 9; Papal view of, 1049:8; to both strong and weak, 1734:8-14. Limits subjection to powers that be, 3607:4. Must: Be kept tender to be an overcomer, 5197:13, 14; never be violated by Christians, 2053:1; 3020:6; 3940:3; 4085:5; 4920:11-15. Needs divine guidance, 3098:10-11; not to be submitted to majority rule, 5501:9, 10; of Christians guided by Word of God, 3777:4, 5, 8; our guide as to voting or fighting, 2037:14-19; should be educated by the Word, 1581; 7; 3020:6; smothering, the first step of sin, 3777:3; to guide Christians regarding military duty, 5929:5-7; unsafe guide, 746:4, 5; 2281:13; 4803:13, 14; violation of, a downward step, 3145:9; what it is, 129:3-5. And: Faith, discriminated between, 2166:4, 8, 9. JUDGMENT AND WILL: Control one's spirit, 3629:9, 10; relationship of, 5488:12-14; 5489:1, 7. Love to control our liberties, 3666:5-9; 3667. CONSCIENTIOUS Objectors: Advice to, 5894; in England give witness to the truth (Letter), 5895; truly aliens, 5928:3-6; truth brethren should be, 5659:1-5. See Exemption; Military; War. CONSCIENTIOUSNESS Gives strength of character, 5158:8, 11-13. CONSCRIPTION Attitude of Christians toward, 5755:5, 6, 8-13; Christians’ duty in respect to, 2332:8, 9. In: Canada and England being pushed (1916) (Letter), 5895; Scotland, a brother's faithfulness despite (Letter), 5889:11-15. Inquiries of Brother Russell regarding, 5728:10. CONSECRATE At what age a child may, 2766:5, 6; children should be encouraged to, 3796:4. CONSECRATED About 4,000 in 1891 fully, 1280:2-6; advice to, troubled with demons, 5354, 5355; alone have privilege of prayer now, 5201:8-10; 5480; 5480:1-5; are to abstain from every form of evil, 2207:10-12; 3137:11; 4728:5-8, 12-16; bearing of children no disgrace to the, 5353:10-12; but not crucified, 961: cannot die the Adamic death, 5264:3, 4; (their) clothing should be modest, 873; 10; communism impractical among the, 1327:2-11; companions of, to be God's people, 2366:1, 6, 7; contentment essential to the, 2351-2353; covetousness in the, leads to second death, 5351:6, 7, 10-15; decision respecting the, to be known at end of age, 5394; 9; dishonesty the greatest sin of, 2944:1; 5453:9-14; divine care extends to families of, 3204:5. Do: Not all see present truth, 5134:11-13; one-half go into the second death? 1837:7; 3055:10, 11. Drinking of the cup a symbol to, 2272:4-6; dying of Lord Jesus always borne by, 5671:8-12; families of, have divine care, 3204:5. How: Far they should sacrifice pleasures, 5656:11-14; to judge who are, 4653:8. Increased, number not inconsistent, 4303:6-9; lives specially supervised by the Lord, 5711:9, 10; may use medicines for healing, 2009:3-11; none others should attempt to teach spiritual truths, 1937:1; not encouraged to beget children, 2902:5; now are all begotten to the divine nature, 4665:9-11. Only: Are Christians, 5055:5-8; can suffer as Christians, 5117:14, 15; could properly partake of Memorial, 3635:3, 4, 7. HAVE: Been successful in colporteuring, 4060:7, 8; spiritual discernment, 373:5, 6. Parents duty of, to their children, 874:1, 2, 6; 1097:5, 6; present truth will probably reach all the, 3062:5-10; some in Babylon, 1844:8-14. Time: How we may waste, 5907:1-4; misuse of, 5201:15-17; spent in study of earthly pursuits, 4024:6-8. Troubled with evil spirits, 5354, 5355; without realizing it, 773:17, 18; 953:9; and begotten, alone have right to preach, 1922:3. See Brethren; Christians; Church; Saints; etc. CONSECRATING And believing, difference between, 2134:1. CONSECRATION Acknowledgment of Lord's favors to us by, 3966:2-4, 9, 10; admonition to, 2642:5-7, 11, 12. After: Closing of door, standing of those making a, 5761:7, 8. All sins previously committed are cancelled at, 5933:7-11. Always in order; 1113:6; the normal attitude, 5134:9, 10. As typified in Tabernacle, 154:1-4, 7-10; blessings of, in youth, 1671:5-7, 14, 15; 1672:1-3, 9-11. Daily Life: Indicative of depth of, 4968:11-13; 5029:10, 11; of, more difficult than death, 4008:1. Depth of, determines our development, 2239:11; desire for, should result in action, 1604:12; discipleship includes complete, 2071:5; 2072:1-3; divine nature begins at, 218:4; does not imply neglect of family, 2283:1-3; doing of God's will is, 1041:1, 2; drawing back from, displeasing to the Lord, 904:7; 1798:13; 1799:1, 2; 2991:7-9; essential to understanding spiritual things, 5054:3-7. Evidence of: 374:3, 4; departing from path of, 4850:9. Faith the mainspring of, 5698:2-5, 9. Follows: Gratitude for redemption, 2723:9; justification (1890) view), 1262:8; (1893 view), 1585:8, 9; 1586:4, 5; (1894 view), 1669:18, 19; (1889 view), 2439:5, 6. Fruitage as well as profession the test of, 4653:8; how it should affect us, 1173:5, 9; human plane abandoned at, 772:2, 3; illustrated, 572:6; 999:6; in deed and in truth, 580:7; invitation to, found on the Lord's table, 1494:11-13; involves more than tithing, 2486:4-11; 2864:7, 8; is not to sacrifice but to do God's will, 5085, 5086; justification dependent upon, 5133:4-8; leads to knowledge of doctrines of Christ, 5137:11-14; marriage as related to, 1554:2-6; meaning of word, 405:6. Means: A solemn obligation, 1426:11, 12; death of self, 2479:8, 11; denial of self, 819:3; destruction of human nature, 5931:12, 13; God first, self last, 5958:5, 9-11; of access to privilege of prayer, 5692:4-11; slavery to Christ, 1065:4-22; the giving up of everything, 672:4; 2352. Merely Beginning of: Christian development, 4470:1-3; running toward mark, 5080:4-6. Not: Dependent upon correctness of chronology, 5142:1-3, 11-13. LIMITED; In time, 225:6-8, 10-12; to the matured, 3796:4. Prevented by earthly duties, 1783:10-14. Of: Brother Russell took place about age of 12, 5477:9. CHILDREN BY PARENTS; A blessing to them, 4862:3, 4; advisable, 1671:6, 7; not a Scriptural command, 4862:3, 4; to their advantage, 4091:2-4. CHURCH: 465:13; and world, 443:9. JESUS: At Jordan the beginning of his new life, 4969:8, 16; at the Temple brought forth prophecies, 4942:7, 8, 12; brought spiritual enlightenment, 4544:3-7. Madam Guyon, 2964:7-9. PRIESTHOOD: 78:11; typically and antitypically, 3280, 3281. Only the first step of sacrifice, 4900:10, 11; 5055:12-14; our only means of expressing gratitude to God, 5726:1-4; prayer of, by a Pilgrim brother, 5630:20, 21; precedes justification, 1008; 4525:5, 6; 4656:9-12; 4746:7; 5775:5-16; 5776:1, 2; 5854:11, 12; 5881:3, 4; precedes vitalized justification, 4557, 4548; progressive work of, 2852:1-3. Reasonable: Offering of all, 5423; service regardless of reward, 4836:6, 10, 11. (its) Relationship to the ordinary duties of life, 1783:10-14. Renewed: And deepened by death of Brother Russell, 6006:8-13; daily, 5630:20, 21. Self-denials of, 541:1-3, 11-13; selfishness often mars, 1169:7, 14; seven days of, 73:16, 17. Should be: Continuous activity, 1281:7-11; 1282; urged upon none, 5454:8-13. Since 1881: Probably generally accepted, 5411:3-6; still in order, 1113:2, 3. Some of its blessings, 1066:9; symbolized by Christ's baptism, 1687:5; 1688:2. To: A work, 317:1-4, 13, 14; 1403:4, 5; be required of mankind, 5949:7-9; 1914 or to death? 5570:9, 10. Vow of, should be renewed daily, 4780:2-5, 13-15; we should urge to 2825:6. What: God accepts in, 1215:17; is true, 317:1-4, 13, 14; 1586:4. IT: Costs, 859:7-12; implies, 835:4, 9-11; 3603:11, 12; 3685:4, 5, 7-11; includes, 1281:7-11; 1282; involves, 185:10-20; 234:1-7, 11-14; 590:15, 16; 739:6-14; 854, 855; 2542:4, 5, 9, 10; 2845:8; 3843-3845. Why it is reasonable, 2098:7, 8; 2099:1, 8; with hope (in 1915) of high calling encouraged, 5721:12-15. And: Christianity defined, 46:9; overcoming differentiated, 4153:10, 15. SANCTIFICATION: Considered, together with justification, 5410, 5411; defined, 5876:23. The high calling: close of, considered, 5168. Vs.: Supporting secret societies, etc., 1849:1-5; tithing, 2486:4-11. CONSIDERATION Of others a test of character, 5740:9-12; what it means to the Christian, 3313:8. CONSOLATION Of: God, what it is to Christians, 5803:1, 2; the gospel, 27:8, 16; 28:1-21. Sons of (Acts 4:36), 3434-3436; what is divine, 1839. See Reproof. CONSPIRACY Against God's purposes always fruitless, 4286:6; article in Bible Students Monthly, published in Swedish, 5695:7; brewing among false brethren, 1641:1, 2, 12; charge against Jesus before Pilate, 1809:15; 1810:1. CONSTANCY Vs. obstinacy, 954:16. See Obstinacy. CONSTANTINE Conversion of to Christianity, 306:10; legalized observance of Sunday by, in 321 A.D., 1446:13, 14; 1727:8, 9; paganized Christianity of, 696:4. CONSTANTINOPLE Impressions of, in 1891, during Brother Russell's tour, 1376:2. CONSTIPATION Sour milk a remedy for, 5691:5-8, 14-16. CONSTITUTION Of United States: Copy donated to Pope, 1050:8. CONSUMED One of another, beware lest ye be, 3752:8-11. CONTEMPT Shame and age-lasting, 1529:8-10; 1655:2, 3; 2613:8; 4992:3-6, 9. See Shame. CONTENTION Among the saints at times, 1663:12, 13; 1664:1-3. In: Church on fundamentals of faith only, 4008:4-7; witnessing to the truth an injury to it, 5699:3, 4, 8-10. Proper and improper, 5056, 5057; separation of classes preferable to continuous, 5284, 5285; warning to those developing spirit of, 4502, 4503. CONTENTMENT Accompanies journey into outer darkness, 4445:5, 6; as a part of character development, 2351-2353; essential to consecrated, 2351-2353; in ignorance, 1064:11; 1065:11; learning, 3129:7-9. Lesson: For Christians on, 2686:9; to spiritual Israel in, 4012:2. Of Christians essential, 2513:14, 15; on all planes of being, 613:2; taught us by Elijah's experience, 3400:4-6; value of, 672:5, 6. With: Godliness is great gain, 619:15; 1851:11; 2241:9, 10; such things as ye have, 2351-2353; 4871:4, 5, Vs. discontent, 2725:1-3. CONTEXT Always compare text with, 614:1. CONTRADICTIONS Episcopal, 1051:8-10, 14-17; in Bible, See Bible. CONTRIBUTIONS To: Babylon misused, 886:4-7. LORD'S: Cause, must be voluntary, 2511:2; work, 449:6, 7. The poor, 917:2. See Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. CONTRITION More important than knowledge, 2584:11; of Jews at reading of the law, 3677:4, 5; repentance means both reformation and, 2517:8. CONTROVERSY In re doctrines a benefit to religion, 4826:18-24. See Argument. CONVENTION Announcements, (1913) 5289; (1914) 5476. CONVENTIONS Benefit and blessing to Lord's people of, 2934:6, 7, 9, 10; 3779:5; Fifth-Sunday, advantage or disadvantage of, 5138:10, 11; letters of appreciation respecting, 1397:6-8. Locations Listed: Akron, O. (1906) 3767:1, 2, 10, 11; Allegheny, Pa. (1889), 1110, 1111; (1890) 1201:1-5, 9-12; (1891) 1301, 1302; 1892) 1392; 1398; (1906) 3829:7; Altoona, Pa. (1906), 3882:5; Asbury Park N.J. (1906), 3838; (1914) 5502:2-5, 9-14; Atlanta, Ga. (1903), 3249, 3250; Australia (Letters), 5868:3, 4, 7; Binghamton, N.Y. (1906), 3714; Boston, Mass., 2516; 2523, 2524; (1904) 3430; Brantford, Ont. (1906), 3891:4; Brooklyn, N.Y., 3899:5; 4469; 4481:15-17; Canton, O. (1906), 3744:2; (1910) 4589; 4590; Chatham, Ont., (1906), 3856:10; 10; Chautauqua, Tenn. (1905), 3592:3; Chautauqua Lake, N.Y. (1910), 4643; 4672-4678; Chicago, Ill. (1893), 1556; 1565; 1580; Cincinnati, Ohio (1908), 4134; Cleveland, O. (1906), 3800:9; 3801:1, 8, 9; Clinton, Iowa (1914), 5502:2-5, 9-14; Columbus, O. (1906), 3882:6; (1914) 5502:2-5, 9-14; Cumberland, Md. (1906), 3857:2; Dallas, Texas, 2697:5, 6; (1906), 3883:1, 2; Denver, Colo. (1903), 3249, 2350; Elgin, Ill. (1906), 3839:2; Fort Wayne, Ind. (1905), 3678; Glasgow, Scotland (1905), 3662; (1906), 3890, 3891; (1907), 4096, 4097; (1910), 4725:14-16; (1912), 5109:4-6, 12; Hamilton, Ont. (1904), 3389:1, 2, 7, 8; Harrisburg, Pa. (1905), 3667:3, 4; Hartford, Ct. (1906), 3829:13; Hot Springs, Ark. (1913), 5270; Houston, Tex. (1906), 3883:8; Huntington, Pa. (1906), 3800:9; 3801:1, 8, 9; Indianapolis, Ind., 2508; (1906), 3800:9; 3801:1, 8, 9; (1907), 4026, 4027; Jacksonville, Fla. (1909), 4336:3-5, 9, 10; Jamaica, B.W.I. (1905), 3654:1-3, 9; Jamestown, 0. (1906), 3839:1; Johnstown, N.Y. (1906), 3714; Kenton, O. (1905), 3678; London, Eng. (1904), 3395:1, 9-11; (1905), 3609; (1907), 4027; (1908), 4201, 4202; (1912), 5109:4-6, 12; (1913), 5316:3-5, 12-14; Los Angeles, Cal. (1916), 5976; Louisville, Ky. (1906), 3758:6, 11; 3759:1, 2; McKeesport, Pa. (1906), 3857:7; Milwaukee, Wis. (1916), 5976; Mountain Lake Park, Md., 4886-4892; 4949; Nashville, Tenn. (1909), 4312; (1916), 5960:3-5, 12-14; Newport, R.I. (1916), 5936; New York City, (1906), 3800:9; 3801:1, 8, 9; Niagara Falls, N.Y. (1905), 3611; (1907), 4057; 4066; (1916), 5960:3-5, 12-14; Norfolk, Va. (1907), 4081; (1916), 5944:1-3, 12, 13; Nova Scotia (1908), 4274, 4275; (1909), 4525:7, 12; Oakland, Cal. Pertle Springs, Mo. (1912), 5029, 5030; (1913), 5270; Philadelphia, Pa. (1900), 2641, 2656; (1906), 3800:6; 3801:9; Pittsburgh, Pa. (1886), 851, 852; (1906), 3744:7; (1917); Providence, R.I. (1905), 3667:5-7, 11; Putin-Bay, Ohio (1908), 4221, 4222; 4238-4249; 4461:1, 2, 7-9; 4481; 15-17; (1913), 5270; San Antonio, Tex. (1906), 3883:7; Saratoga Springs, N.Y. (1909), 4461, 4481; Scranton, Pa. (1905), 3667:12, 13; 3668:7; (1906), 3891:2, 3; Seattle, Wash. (1916), 5936; Sioux City, Ia. (1916), 5936; South Africa (Letter), (1914), 5524; 5525:1-4: Springfield, Ill. (1906), 3829:6; ST. Louis, Mo. (1899), 2516; 2523, 2524; (1904), 3444:3, 4, 8-10; (1916), 5931:2, 3, 9; St. Paul, Minn. (1906), 3856; Terre Haute, Ind. (1906), 3857:2; Toronto, Ont. (1903), 3249, 3250; (1912), 5076, 5077; Washington, D.C. (1906), 3800:9; 3801:1, 8, 9; (1912), 5076, 5077; Wheeling, W.Va., 3726; (1906), 3758:6, 11; 3759:1, 2; Winnipeg, Man. (1916), 5936; Worcester, Mass. (1906), 3900:1, 2. Mid-winter attempted (1910), 4569; of small size need no advertising, 4652:14; of Zionists at Pittsburgh, resemble Feast of Tabernacles, 3677:10; 3678:1, 2, 8; tours of, see Russell, Brother C.T.; undue hospitality unwise during, 4034:1, 8. See Memorial. CONVERSATION Among Christians should minister grace and edify, 4770:6, 14, 15; honest among the gentiles, 4993:14-17; influence of, in perfecting holiness, 1739:9; refers to conduct, manner of life, 5860:4; and godliness, holy, should mark the course of Christians, 5735:10, 11; 5736:1. CONVERSION does not consist of a feeling of joy, 1200:1; meaning of, 377:2-6; merely the beginning of Christian's course, 2966:6; method in early church different from Christendom's today, Of: Chinese hopeless, says D.D., 1851:2-7. HEATHEN: Dependent upon procuring money, 4847, 4848; folly of attempting, 3899:7, 8. Lutheran minister, 806:9-17. PAUL: 551:1-3; not correct view, 1444; 2117:2; 2824:3-6. Three thousand Jews by Peter explained, 2090:1. Of World; Bishop Foster on, 820:2, 3; hopelessness of, 820:2, 3; how to be done, 5:4. IMPOSSIBLE: Now, 536:2; says Dr. Seiss, 3612:2. NOT: Before Millennium, 1343:9, 10, 20, 21; God's wish yet, 5:12; to be expected now, 5008; work of church, 781:5-8; work of gospel age, 255:7-10; 1940:11, 18; 1941:1-8; 2690:5. Our view concerning, 2428:17-22; to follow Lord's second presence, 5991:8; vain hope now, 633:21, 22; will it precede Millennium? 4:2-4, 10-19; 5:3, 4; vs. Evangelization, 1073:10, Only true remedy, 1190:12; story of a minister's, 658, 659; through faith in Jesus, 560:6, 7, 10, 18; to Christianity misunderstood by Christendom, 3899:2-4, 6-8; twofold meaning of word, 2968:3; what it is, 1391:3; vs. witnessing, 4:13-15. CONVERSIONS After door closed, 1881; 377:2-6; cost of, in cities and villages, 3906:10-13; in early church, 550:8. CONVERTS Jewish, not under law, 550:14-16. CONVICTION Vs. popularity, 468:5, 6, 11. CONVICTS Encouraging letters from, 1013:3, 7, 8; 1242:7; 1512:11; 1513:1-7; 1610:9, 10, 18; Paul and Silas were, at Philippi, 1556. COPPER What it typified (1880 view), 117:4. CORINTH Error crept into church at, 551:11; 552; God had many people in, 2191, 2192; Paul at, 1557; Paul's discouragement at, 3134:8, 9; rich field for spread of truth, 3143:5-7; spiritual fruitage our of wicked, 4417:1, 2. CORNELIUS Course of, an example to Christians, 2989:3; date of conversion of, 2132:11, 20, 21; first gentile convert, 1451; 4344, 4345; had faith above the Israelites, 2071:4; prayers of, not answered until end of "seventy weeks", 5832:12; 5833:1-3; 5834:11, 12; probably the centurion whose servant Jesus healed, 1922:5-7, 11, 12; 1923:1; 2132:10; 2620:3-6, 7-12; received the holy spirit from above, 2990:6; saved through faith in Jesus, 2989:8, 9; why God delayed answering prayers of, 5200:15-17. CORNERSTONE Christ Jesus the, 271:2; 1982:1, 14-16; Jesus is chief, 135:6; 813:1-3, 10; 5505:11-13. CORPORATIONS See Trusts. CORRECTION From the Lord, an operation of grace, 2287:4, 6-10; in righteousness, not in wrath, 2666:1. CORRECTIONS In: Scripture Studies in re new covenant, 4477:9-26; 4478:1-13; the Watch Tower with respect to new covenant teachings, 4476:9-12; 4477:1-4. Of garbled newspaper report, 1501; "Pastor denies it", 1832. See Watch Tower. CORROBORATIONS In Great Pyramid, 224:13, 14; 225:1-4; of Bible account of Israel's bondage, 3983:2, 3. CORRUPTION Christ within saves from, 4291:7, 8; of Christendom, 592:1; saints' bodies will see, 666:2-8; sown in, 95:8, 9; why Jesus' body saw not, 66:2-8; 3376:8; will follow sowing to the flesh, 3323:8-11; 4729:10, 11; 4828:5, 6; world to be released from the bondage of, 816:11-13. COSMOGONY Genesis account of, 299:6. COSMOS See World. COST Counting the: 854:7; should not require years, 4872:2. Of: Christianizing the world, 3312:1-6, 9-12. DISCIPLESHIP: 209:4-7, 11 12; 284, 285; 2566:2; 3308:9, 10; 3540:2, 9, 10; 4557, 4558; 5223; Jesus warned followers to consider, 2072:2; of Christ made plain, 3236, 3237; should be duly considered, 5614:14-16; why so great, 5426:1-6. Truth-spreading per capita in England, 785:10, 11. COTTON New and better, 4523:18; seed supplied free to Watch Tower readers, 5382:20, 52; 5649:8. COUNCIL Athenian, Paul preached to the, 3138-3140; first apostolic, 1087; 1472; Vatican, for Protestants, 993. COUNSILS Of: Clergy are evil, 1135:1-3; Protestantism, 695, 696. Pan-Presbyterian, 695:8-14. COUNSEL Of God is wisdom for our earthly affairs, 2240-2242; 4246:13; 4247:1-4; to one in trouble, 5409:1-5. See Advice; Admonition. COUNTERFEIT Of: True church, Papacy, 355:11, 13-18; true kingdom (Revelation 12), 306:4-19. Vs. Type, 355:15-18. COUNTERFEITS By Satan, 760:2. COURAGE Be of good, 5712:3, 4. Born of: Faith and strengthened by endurance, 1915:10; self-esteemed not the Christian kind, 4378:6. Christians expected to have, 2591:6, 7; exhortations to, 12:19-21; increased by love, 4378:12; 4379:1-4; is not the spirit of bravado, 5510:9, 10. Jesus: gave exhibition of true, 5551:5-8; in withstanding error exemplified true, 1783:6-9. Manifested by Stephen, 2958:1-3; moral is greater than physical, 4062:1-4. Needed: By elect of God, 761, 762; to preach truth despite opposition, 4316, 4317. Not: Bravado, but confidence, 3195:9; lacking by Jesus in Gethsemane, 2774. Of: Christians is born of faith, 5539:5, 6, 11; 5540:11; conviction, 468:5, 6, 11; Paul amidst mob violence, 4485:5, 7. PETER: Became his weak point, 5563:1-3; and John in preaching the gospel, 5840:3, 8-12. Proper and improper kinds of, 5330:1-4. Required of: Classes in election of leaders, 5981:12-16; spiritual Israelites, 3079:8; 4062. Source of Christ's, 1806:13; 1807:1; to stand by the truth and truth people, 4173:8-11; what constitutes true, 3136:8, 9; and caution, not bravado, desirable, 2437:10-12. See Strength. COURTEOUS Love as brethren; be, 2654, 2655. COURTS Civil, brethren not to sue brethren in, 2430:19. Christians may: Properly defend themselves in, 4941:4, 9, 10; sue unbelievers in, 2666:6. Federal and State, controlled by Capital, 2216:9-12; 5458; of great Britain protect church property from confiscation, 3488:5-7; when a Christian is justified in going to, 2945:1; and Legislature and Judges, President Eliot sees decline in, 2946:1. COVENANT Abrahamic; 282:3; amplified and explained, 1617; ancient worthies under the (1895 view), 1872:3; as confirmed to Jacob at Bethel, 1630:1-4; 5199:3-6; beginning of the Hebrew nation, 1615. CHURCH; Accepted under the, 2709:2; 3916, 3917; 4309:5, 6; blessed under the, 4309:5, 6; children of the Sarah phase of, 777:10; developed under the, 905:3-5. Embraces all other covenants, 5908:3-5, 9-11; how made and fulfilled, 1140:9-12; 2122:10-18; 5226, 5227; improperly called a promise, 4496:2-5, 11-13; includes natural and spiritual Israel, 5163:10-15; key to divine plan, 2209:5-11; more than a promise, 4496:2-5, 11-13; mother of church, 2630:1; needed no mediator, 4681:3-7, 17, 18; not sealed with blood, 5227:2, 9, 10; only partially understood by Israel, 5285:7-9; overshadows New Covenant, 792:13; repeated eight times by Jehovah, 5177:11; root of symbolic olive tree, 5837:3, 8; "Thy maker is thy husband", 1388:13; 1389:1, 2; to operate in blessing of all, 4320; two parts to the original, 4365:10; 4366:1, 2; typified by Sarah, 1386-1389; 2778:3; unconditional, 282:3; 2120:13, 14; 2121:1. WHY: It needed no mediator, 4510:8; the Law and New Covenants were added to the, 5300, 5301; see Covenants. Blessings, parallelisms showing preparations for, 4537; church given for a, 4542; first, mother of us all, 70:2-7, 12-14; God's the basis of our hope, 1435:4,5; 1436:1, 2. Law: Binding upon natural Israel only, 5946:6; 5947:1-4; chart showing God's everlasting (1891) view 4538; clouds and thunder accompanied establishment of, 5990:1, 2; compared in detail with New Covenant, 1322:2-5; 1323, 1324; conditional, 282:4, 5, 6; considered all sins mortal or unforgivable, 1984:3-5; contrasted with New Covenant, 4548:11, 20, 21; 4570, 4571. COULD NOT: Be made by God with Adam, 4781:2, 9, 10; give life, 401:3-5. Did not end at the cross, 4504, 4505; distinction between it and the Mosaic law, 1724:4-10; educator, not justtifier, 929:11; ended at the cross, 970:6, 10; fulfilled by Jesus Christ, 1732:16, 17; God's dealings with Israel under the, 5162:18-20; 5163:1-9; gospel church keeps higher law than the, 5071:6-14. HOW IT: differs from the New Covenant, 4371:3-6; is binding upon the Jew, 3062:2-4; was sealed, 4389:6-10. In force from the time Israel left Egypt, 1731:5, 6; Jesus died to the, 5089:6-13; kept perfectly would have given life, 4696:1-8; made nothing perfect, 4366:6, 11; measure of a perfect man's ability, 4013:2, 3; Moses its mediator, 1725:8-23. NEW COVENANT: Does not interfere with, 3654, 3655; superior to the, 2720:8-14. Not binding upon Christians, 1446, 1447; 1723-1730; 1734:8-14; object of, 789:3; 792:11; objections of Seventh Day Adventists answered, 1731-1734; Paul seeks freedom from the dead body of the, 2721:1, 2; pedagogue to lead Jews to Christ, 4451:8, 9; renewed under Joshua's leadership, 1869; spiritual Israel not under the, 4013:4, 9; 4014:1-3. STILL IN FORCE: In Jesus' day, 3843:3-6; upon Jewish nation, 1729:13-15; 4619:8-11; 5047:2-4; 5163. to be replaced with New Covenant, 4319:7-10; 4463:7, 8; 4510-4514. TWO: Reasons for the, 3447:3; ways of freedom from the, 4505:1, 2. TYPICAL: Not real, 792:5-7; of New Covenant, 2709:3; 3917:2, 3; 4511:6-9; 4513:3-9. Typified by Hagar, 283:8; 1389:2-5, 8-10; 2778:3; 3916:2, 3, 12; 4309:5, 6; unavailing, 99:4, 11, 12. WHY: Added to the Abrahamic Covenant, 2120:3-11; 4366:3-6; 5300, 5301; Jesus was born under the, 4451:10, 11; God gave the, 2720:5. Will never be placed over the world, 1732:20, 21; 1733:1; and Moses, typified New Covenant and the Christ, 4999, 5000; New Covenant, 1403, 1404; 2720:8-14. See Covenants. Messenger of the, was Jesus, 1537:4, 5; 1538:2, 3. New: 282:7, 8; able ministers of the, 4435:8; 4436:3, 4, 7-10; Abrahamic Covenant overshadows the, 792:13; Advocate answered, 4433-4436; all nations to be sprinkled under the, 5000:3, 4; belongs to the Millennium, 905:3; benefit under the (1897 view), 2122:7-9; blood of the, 3364:7-9; Christ is the Mediator of the, 4840; 5293:1-4. CHURCH: Able ministers of the, 4331:5, 6, 11; 4332:1-3; 4496:6-10; 4596:6-9; 4597; is not under the, 3916:7, 8; 5294:1-5; participates in the blood of the, 4310:2-5; to share in dispensing blessings under the, 5294:9-11; under the (1890 view), 1178:6; (1893 view), 1601:16, 17. Church's part in the, 5412:6-11; clouds and thunder accompany establishment of, 5990:1, 2; compared with Law Covenant, (1891 view), 1322:2-5; 1323, 1324; contrasted with the Law Covenant, 4548:11, 20, 21; 4570, 4571; correction in Scripture Studies in re, 4477:9-26; 4478:1-13; could not be the original Abrahamic covenant, 4680:8; 4681; 5226:6-8; date for establishing the, 4497:3-8; earthly, not heavenly, 4530:11; established since Christ's death (1894 view), 1733:16-18; establishment of, still waits death of Testator, 4498:1-4; fleshly seed of Abraham to be developed under, 4366:1, 2; follows taking away of sins, 4520:18-22; for restitution work, 1601:10, 15; how it differs from the Law Covenant, 4371:3-6; Jesus the Mediator of the, 4322:2, 3, 6; 4365-4368; 4640:9-13; Keturah could represent the, 4439, 4440; law of the, 1728:12; 1729:1-7; 4549:4, 5, 9, 10; made with Jews only, 4319:7-10; 4659:5, 9; 4902:10; mankind the beneficiary of the, 4309; 4310:1; means of restoring world to God's favor, 5164:1-4. MEDIATOR OF: Jesus, 283; 4310:8; 4322:2, 3, 6; 4365-4368; 4640:9-13; Jesus and church, 4495:4; 4902:10; 5928:1, 2; Christ is the, 4840; 5293:1-4. Messenger of the, 4495:14, 15; necessity for the, 4454:8-11; no interference with Law Covenant, 2720, 2721; 3654, 3655. NOT: For Jews only, 1180:5-8. Paul's argument in support of Israel's part in, 4497:9-12; promised to the Jews, 4595:8, 9; ratified at Pentecost (1885 view), 788:8; restitution work affected by, 1601:10, 15; seal of the (1896 view), 2032:4-8; 4389:6-10; 5292, 5293; 5542:15; superior to Law Covenant, 2720:8-14; takes place of the Law Covenant, 4319:7-10; 4463:7, 8; 4510-4514; "Thou shalt not" to be the law of the, 4729:1-4, 8-10; two crude ideas respecting the, 1180:8; typified by the Law Covenant, 2709:3; 3917:2, 3; 4113:5-9; 4511:6-9; unconditional, 3108:7-9. VIEW OF, IN: 1887, 974:2, 3; 1890, 1174-1181; 1894, 1728:12; 1729:1-7; 1900, 2720, 2721. WHEN: fulfilled, 110:9, 14; operative, 110:14; 111:1, 2; 4330:10; 4331; 4596:1-5. Why added to Abrahamic Covenant, 5300, 5301; will not have a new law, 4631:6; world-wide scope and blessing of, 1364:16-20; 1365; 3915:10; 3916; 4366:7-10; 4464:8, 9; 5300, 5301; and vow, made grounds for opposition from brethren, 4326, 4327; Law, 1403, 1404; 4371. See Covenants. Oath-Bound: For spiritual Israel, 3946:1, 5; Jesus the messenger of the, 3684:1, 2; made by God to Abraham, 2120:13, 14; 2121:1. Of: Blood, God bound to Abraham by, 3945:5-8; Jacob with the Lord, 3965:9, 10; 3966:1, 2; Lord revealed to them that reverence him, 2208:2-5; 2209:3; one needs no mediator, 4681:3-7, 17, 18; salt, the covenant of faithfulness, 3879:4. Rainbow, 1614; 5160:4-7. Relationship with God; Essential to life everlasting, 5126-5164; what is meant by 5690:6-12; will exist at close of millennium, 4624:9. Teachings of Brother Russell criticized, 4334, 4335. COVENANTERS Of Scotland loyal to God, 5734:1, 2. COVENANTS Answer to criticism of Brother Russell in re the, 4680, 4681; article reprinted in 1909 from 1880 Watch Tower, 4370, 4371; brethren oppose teachings of Brother Russell on the, 4326, 4327; Brother Russell's views unchanged respecting the, 4370, 4371; compared and explained, 5300, 5301; concubines of Abraham could represent, 4439, 4440; corrections in Scripture Studies in re the, 4477:9-26; 4478:1-13; explained by chart, 4538; how the light advanced in respect to, 4474; Jehovah pictured as the husband of, 1388:13; 1389:1, 2. Letter: Appreciating light on the, 4449:25-28; 4450:1-6; on the 4570, 4571. OF: GOD: Conditional and unconditional, 3108, 3109; with human race, 3107-3109. Purpose of (early view), 70:2-7, 12-14; questions and answers in re the, 4341:6-18, 21-29; 4342:1, 2, 13, 14; 4548, 4549; sealing of Law and New, 2859:1, 2. Three great: 282, 283; 4365-4368; and how typified, 4309:5, 6, 8-14; 4367:8-13; 4371:12-14; 4682, 4683; 5178:3-6. When final and irrevocable, 3109:8. See Vow. COVERING The head, Scriptural meaning of, 4097. COVET The best gifts, 3046:2; 4021:5-7. COVETOUSNESS Achan's sin typical, 3091:2; 5350, 5351; ambition may develop into, 4876:3-5; danger of, 3938, 3939; defined, 2480:9, 10; foe to the new creation, 5396:2-4; foundation of most sin, 3045:12. Idolatry: 1836:3, 12. In: church and world, 2340:2-4; last days, 2459:7; the consecrated leads to second death, 5351:6, 7, 10-15. Most crimes traceable to, 2349:2; of Ahab brought his death, 4741, 4742; result of selfishness, 4876:3-5, 9-11. Sin of: 2339, 2340; 2685, 2686; Balaam, 5322, 5323. And: Envy defined, 4021:5, 6; pride sins of the Pharisees, 5389:6, 7, 10-14. See Ambition. COWARDICE Of the Elijah class typified, 4741:9, 10. CRANFILL Rev., Chicago University denounced by, 4065:1-6. CREATION Account in Genesis corroborated by science, 5140; annular theory of, 5140:4, 8, 9; Bible does not give two different accounts of, 5140:13-15; canopy theory of, 300:10; declares God's wisdom, 880:4. Drama: Endorsed at Hot Springs convention (1913), 5270:17-21; see Photo-Drama of Creation. Of: Adam and Eve, 1609; earth explained, 299; God, Jesus beginning of, 505:7-9; life, artificially considered, pro and con, 3731:10-13; 3732:1-5, 16-19. MAN: Bible Account of, 3921, 3922; 5140; 5-7, 13-15; Prof. L.F. Townsend supports Bible account of, 3506:1-8. The earth and man, 5139, 5140; world accepted by faith, 4386:2-5. Old, seventh day types, 108:9; sabbath not ordained then, 1731:7-14; six days of, 1608; 1609:25; 1610:1. Week: days of, are seven thousand years long, 5139:14, 15; seven symbolic days, 91:7, 9. CREATOR Gladstone on the existence of a. 1331. CREATURES Living, of Ezekiel's vision, 530:9. CREDIT Purchase on, may be dishonest, 2214:7. CREDULITY Is not faith, 1158:10-13; 3312:7; 3313:1; 4588:3-7; 5243:17; 5244:1; 5446:3-5, 8, 9; 5717:10-13; 5892:1-6. CREED Apostles': Japanese converts in 1892 refuse all but, 1486; minister inserts "they say" in, 3373:4-6; quoted, 1486:4, 12, 13. Beds too short for saints, 2814:1-5; Bible alone should be our, 1194:15-17; bondage a hindrance to Christians, 2066:7-11; every Christian should have a. 1578:4; how to form a proper, 1168:7; meaning of word, 1578:4. Of: A Hindoo Christian, 1044; Bishop Ryle, 2798; I.B.S.A. as broad as that of early church, 5155, 5156. Presbyterian: Assailed by Rev. Carter, 3497:15-10; 3584:3-6, 8-17; 3782:3-8, 12, 13; 3976:13-16; at hands of Japanese, 1299; attempted revision of, 1164; 1181, 1182; 1193-1196; 1360; 2830; discussed, 1193-1196; examined, 2594:7-14; extract from, 2696:9-12; "Is like a coat which is becoming too small," says a D.D., 1579:5; libelous nature of, 1062; questioned, 2695:16, 17; 2830: rejected by Presbyterian ministers, 987:2-4; 2614; 2615:14-17; report of committee on, 1308-1311. REVISION: 1181, 1182; 1360; 2776:10-16; 3024-3028; demanded, 2983:5-7, 12-15; not a new thing, 1209; 1212:2-5; 1308-1311; 1360; 2695, 2696; 2883:5-7, 12-15. TEACHING AS TO: Call of God, 1310:6-10, 16, 17; 1311:1, 2; 3024-3028; keys of heaven, 1311; 16-18; non-elect, 1310:16, 17; 1311:1-3; Papacy, 1311:13-15. TEACHING ON: Damnation, 1309:8-16; 3133:1-10; election. 1309:8-16; 1310:1-17; 1311:1-3; see Election; fall of man, 1309:17, 18; free will, 1309:19-21; keys of heaven, 1311:16-18; non-elect, 1310:16, 17; 1311:1-3; Papacy, 1311:13-15; predestination, 1309:8-16; universal opportunity, 1309:22, 23; 1310:1-5. TEACHING: Regarding infants and insane, 1310:11-15; that childkillers are better than missionaries, 1315:11, 12. Relation of, to wedding garment, 76:2-7. CREEDAL Doctrines; Result of leaven in the meal, 4636:4. CREEDS Abandoned for Bible by Brother Russell in early life, 6011:19, 20; admit of no progress, 979:7; age of, no guarantee of truth, 539:6-11, 16-18; Babylon ashamed of her conflicting, 993:1-3; 2631; bondage of, 130:9; 452:2, 3; 694:1-12; blind Christians to true light, 414:7-10; 658; Church Federation would abolish, 987:4, 5, 10; death of, 341:17; 342:1; discord of the, 2569:1, 2; D.D. on folly of, 1306:11; errors of prevent true worship of God, 2079:1-4; exalted above Bible, 65:1. Formed: by Satan, 2770:3; in anger and strife, 1307:3-5. fossilized theology, 1027; growing more tolerant of each other, 3334:7-10; Have: Blinded thinking people to Bible truths, 4923:2-5; had their day, 965:5; led to bloody persecutions, 5474:6, 11; obscured the mercy of God, 5446:1-4. Hindrance to unity, 68:3, 6, 7; idols of Christendom, 5733:12-14; lever for infidelity, 207:3; 2817:3, 4; 5364:7; not the gospel, 220:5-8, 12; 221; 727:16, 17; 5136, 5137; of Babylon to be rebuked, 378:2. Of Christendom: Inconsistencies of the, 5302:12-16; short and narrow beds, 564:7-10. Pictured by Nebuchadnezzar's image, 1408:13, 14; 1409:1-3, 10, 11; prevent truth from shining, 130:9; responsible for anarchy, 2613:13; 2614:1; revision of, is no new thing, 1209; "Superstitions and traditions of, are being destroyed," says a Reverend, 1621:16-18; theoretical vs. practical, 364:3, 4, 11-13; truth rejected because of errors of, 736:1-7, 9-13; 4923:2-5. Why: Men have followed, 658:7-9; rejection of, often leads to infidelity, 1307:12-14. And: Bible opposed, 2452:16; Idolatry in Christendom, 5298:12-16; sects, John Bunyan's view of, 584:15. Vs. the truth, 919:11-13. CRIME Education a cause of the increase of, 1190, 1191; God not its author, 1268-1271; 1299:8-12; increase of, 352:23; 353:1-4, 9-16; 846:5-8; 947:3, 4; 1190, 1191; 4414:6, 7; 4415:1-4; menace to national life of U.S., 3343:1-9; why Roman Catholics lead in it, 1191:1-4. See Passion. CRIMEAN Jews: Reject Talmud, 2200:5, 6. CRIMINALS Among the sects, 848:10, 11; cured by surgery, 3889:2-5, 7-10; 3890:1-4; 4250:7-12; 4752:11, 16-20; greater in U.S. than elsewhere and why, 4150:4, 9; 4151:1-4; increase of juvenile, 4414:6, 7; 4415:1-4; mostly Roman Catholics, 1191:2; three classes brought to view by Christ's crucifixion, 1964. CRIPPLED See Sick; Afflicted. CRISES In a Christian's life, how to meet them, 5603:8-13; interval of 20 years between industrial, 4016:6-10. CRITICAL Bible study proper for truth people, 1497:1; disposition should be turned on our own conduct, 5644:3-6; spirit developed gradually, 4208:11; 4209:1. CRITICISM Absence of helpful, 881:4-6; for support of the Bible, 4521:17; Higher, See Higher Criticism. Of: Bible carried too far, 796. BROTHER RUSSELL: 425:9-13; in re covenants answered, 4680, 4681. Christians to be self-criticism, 5324:7-11; 5346:9, 11; church's expectations in 1914 replied to (Letter), 5629, 5630; Queen Regent of Spain, 2298:12, 13; the Watch Tower, 4045:1, 2. Perverts the mind, 3316:8-10; petty, manifests lack of love, 5885:2, 3; proper attitude toward, 1053:7. CRITICS Of the Bible: And their claims examined, 3396, 3397; silenced by discoveries, 818. CROOKES Sir William, a victim of spiritism. 3541:2. CROP-FAILURE To play chief part in time of trouble, 5112:4-6. CROSS Law Covenant did not end at the, 4504, 4505; ended at the, 970:6-10. Of Christ; 136:1; basis of all hope, 483:18. CENTER OF: Christianity, 2135:3-5; God's plan, 1003; 1054:5, 6. Glorying in, and why, 76:14; made of no effect, 708:9 neglected and disputed doctrine, 5919:3-6. OUR: Privilege of sharing in the, 4174:4, 9, 10; salvation, 43:1-22. Significance of the, 75:1; (a) stumbling-stone, 863:1; 3201:7; test upon "both the houses of Israel", 1452:6-10, 14-16; 1453; various views of, 3900:3-6; what it means to believers, 5919:7, 9-11. Opposite course of thieves on the, 2787:8; sign of, relic of demon worship, 1991:1; Simon helped Jesus to carry the, 2473:4, 5; 2787:2. Soldiers of: Cannot be soldiers of way, 5755:5, 6, 8-13; different from soldiers of the world, 5889:5, 6. WHAT: Constitutes good, 5404:1-5. 10-13; they fight against, 3273:1; 3858:1-6. Spurious, what it is, 136:1; why Jesus suffered the death of the, 4171:2-4; and crown pins, sale begun in 1906, 3847:3, 4, 10. CROSS-BEARING Assisting the brethren in, 3369:9; 5222:3, 4; church's privilege of, 2787:2; 3901:2-4; 5222:11, 12; crown dependent upon, 5532:6, 7, 9, 10; disciples now have opportunity for, 4172:1, 2; how we can assist in, 3561:2-5; implied in "love thy neighbor as thyself" (1895 view), 1774:16-18; only path to glory, 1988:1-3; three examples of, 960:8; various means of, 3561:2-5; what constitutes, 5223:7, 8, 11-15; 5426:10-12. And: Sacrifice contrasted, 3236:12; 3227; self-denial, 2615, 2616. CROWDS Psychology of, 3976:6-9. CROWN Dependent upon bearing the cross, 5532:6, 7, 9, 10; how it is possible to lose our, 4872:8-10; "Let no man take thy," 476:1-3; 806:7, 8; 5532; not cheaply obtained, 1169:15. Of Life: "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee the", 5913:6; 5914; for the endurance of temptation, 5499:4-8; is divine nature, 5688:2, 3. Who may take our, 953:1. CROWNS Awarded at second coming of Lord, 3212:5, 6; forfeited and crowns received, 4303, 4304; laid up for the faithful, 3211:8; 3212:1; of righteousness, life, glory, 3211:7, 8. CRUCIFIED Christ the, 136:1, 2; with Christ, 960:2-8; 16; why Jesus was, 3371:5-10. CRUCIFIXION Alone brought out full value of Christ's death, 5126:10; described, 198:1-3; Jesus' greatest test of humility, 3561:6, 7; most cruel of deaths, 4172:3-6; not essential to ransom, 2467:8; 3901:5, 6. Of Christ: 1815; 1988; by the Jews not forgiven, but punished, 5577:9-12; contrary to Jewish custom, 3554:7-9; fulfilled in harmony with the type, 2316:9; 4868:14; in prophecy, 198:1-3. Roman: Institution, 959:3-6; method of, 2473:1, 2, 11. Showed contrast of human perfection and human depravity, 1963, 1964; terrible ordeal of, 3370:3; why Jews demanded Jesus', 2473:3. See Trial. CRUCIFYING Of flesh, defined, 80:1, 7. CRUELTIES Dutch, in Dutch India, 3723:8-14; of the past extreme, 4866:6, 9. CRUELTY A sample of modern, 2433:2, 3. CRUSADERS Last remnant destroyed on Mount of Beatitudes, 2249:6. CRUSE Widow's, lesson to true Israelites, 2326:7-10; 3430, 3431. CUBIT Sacred, length of the, 3679:14, 15. CULTURE Is not religion, 2930:9; and Christianity contrasted, 3444:5-7, 11-14. CUMMIN And fitches, represent class of saints, 576:5. CUP Are ye able to drink of my, 840:13, 14; 3362:7, 9; 5421, 5422; 5599. Drinking of Jesus': 225, 226; anew in the kingdom, 5871:8-12; essential to kingdom blessing, 3362:5-8; 3880:1-3; 4453:6-8; participation in the blood of Christ, 4605:6-9; (a) privilege, 5341:3-6; symbol to the consecrated, 2272:4-6; what it meant to Jesus, 5421:1-9. How the church is drinking of the Lord's 4547:2-9, 13-15. In: Scriptures represents sufferings of the Christ, 4555:7-10; what sense we are able to drink of the, 3362:7-9. Jesus submissive in drinking the, 2780:3, 4; means suffering and death now-means glory and joy in the kingdom, 1695:7. Of: Ignominy and shame, Jesus prayed might pass, 2467:4-8; 3367:1, 2; 5551:11-14; joy and sorrow runs over, 3270:9, 10; sacrifice, what it meant to Jesus and the church, 5421; salvation means more to church than to David, 5538:1-8; sorrow, necessity of, 12:19. SUFFERING: For church, 133:8-12; must precede the cup of joy, 5538:10-15; 5642:12; 5643:3-5, 9, 10. Of the: Church is poured by Jehovah, 5422:1-3; Lord vs. the cup of devils, 1898-1900. Poured by the Father is one of suffering and joy, 5538:10-15; runneth over, my, 4280:11; 5654:12, 13; Scriptural symbolism of the, 5654:12, 13; significance of, to church, 2772:8-10; symbol of suffering and self-denial unto death, 1504:10-12; 1637:4-6; that Jesus prayed might pass, 3367:1, 2; we must be partakers of the, 3526:11-14; what it means to Christians to drink of the, 4591:12-16; 5342:1, 2. Why: Jesus prayed for the passing of the, 2775:1, 2; the disciples drank of the, 2272:4-6. World to have no part in the drinking of the, 5878:1. And: Baptism of Jesus required of his followers, 5483:14-16; 5484. LOAF memorial emblems, 2622:5, 8-10. See Bread. CUP-BEARER Nehemiah the king of Persia's, 2524:10. CURIOSITY Bait to entrap into Spiritism, 4086:4, 5, 12; insatiable, may lead into error, 1530:6, 9; may lead into temptation, 1025:3; tempting God by tampering with things known to be evil, 1688:11; and liberty may be snares to Christians, 2389:3, 4. CURSE Cause and removal of the, 586; death is a, 1999:15; 2000:1, 2; discoveries that are offsetting the, 4080. How: Lifted, 1068; man is affected mentally by, 1080:1-14. Of: Fig tree, 127:3-5, 11, 12; God upon human race, 586:1-4. Of the: Law was upon Israelites only, 5046:2-4; 5047:6, 9-14; Lord came upon all, 2841:9. Original, and its execution, 1476:7, 8, 13, 14; 1477; placed upon man for his good, 1124:7-15; 1125:1; to be removed, 477:1-6, 11-14; 3571:8-11; Scriptural meaning of, 701:11, 12; 2443:5, 6; upon Eve, 1476:7, 8. CURSED By the law, Jews redeemed by Jesus though, 4512:1; earth, a blessing under present conditions, 3451:14; is the ground, for the benefit of sinful man, 1240:2, 3; 3031:5, 6; 5058:1-4. CURSING Men with the tongue, 2443:5-7. CYCLE Jubilee: Great cycle began with Zedekiah's downfall, 606 B.C., 1373:1-8; some calculations on, 4778-4780. CYPRESS Used in ark, its durability, 525:1. CYRUS Frees Israelites from captivity, 2509:8, 11-15; God's shepherd for the deliverance of Israel, 4892, 4893; instrument in the hand of the Lord, 3642:3-6; sagacity of, as king, 4893:3, 4; type of Christ, 473:2; 2498:9. CZAR Of Russia: Calls peace conference, 2515:3-5; civil and ecclesiastical head, 2151:9; makes proposal for world peace, 2360:5, 8-10, 2361:1-3; new Czar announces he will uphold aristocracy (1895), 1769:3, 4; 1791:14; not the head, but the protector of the Russian church, 1740:21; on war and peace, 2914, 2915; persecutes Russian Jews, 379:10; 380:5-7; 383:4-6; 2938:13-16; 4672:1; 4879:9-11; Pope attends coronation of, 486:3-5, 9. UNDER: Malignant influence, 3342:15-18; spirit control, 4206:8. Wishes to be Pope of Jerusalem, 987:1.DAMNATION
As taught in Presbyterian creed, 1309:8-16; 3133:1-10; election of some does not mean general, 623:11. Infant: Calvin's view of, 830; 2718; 22-25; D.D.'s remarks on, 1182:9, 10; Presbyterians disagree on, 1168:2; still held by Presbyterians, 3133:1-10; views of Christendom on, 2718. Meaning of word, 699:13; of Gehenna, 521:19-21; resurrection of, 1371; 1853:7-12; 1854:1-8; and condemnation defined, 2719:1, 2, 6, 7. DAMNED He that: Believeth not shall be, 606:8,9; 936:1, 2; doubteth is, 4085:9. Rejoicing in the state of the, 3488:11. DANA Charles A., eulogy of the Bible by, 1831:13, 14. DANCING Is it proper for Christians? 3342:11; preferred to devotion, 3242:12, 13; saints should follow the example of Christ regarding, 1790:7, 8, 13. DANGER Christ did not unnecessarily expose himself to, 1735:4; it is tempting God to place one's self in, 3298:3; lines of the new creation, 5742:12; 5743:1, 9; of worldliness in the church, 5413:9-13; our only, is in ourselves, 1458:15-17. DANIEL An example to Christians today, 2492-2494; 4873:9-11; book of, rejected by higher critics, 2492:6, 11; Darius trusted in the God of, 3640:6, 7; days of, interpreted, 2978:2-4. Delivered from lions' den: 3638-3642; 4874, 4875; picture of Christian's deliverance, 2502. Dream of, 166:1-15; faithfulness of, 1708; feared defilement from wine and meat, 3630:9; habit of, in prayer, 2501:10, 11; hated for his goodness, 3639:1-6; highly honored by king, 3638:15; lessons from life of, 3633:1-13; noble, sacrificing character of, 3630, 3631; offence of, the worship of Jehovah, 4874, 4875; proofs of the fulfillment of his prophecies, 3630:2-4; prophecies of, related to John's prophecies, 662:1; prophesies of Babylon's fall, 2498:1-4; saw the value of a simple diet, 3630:11; 3631:1; vision of kingdom's, 815:4. And his Companions: 1708; advantaged by plain food, 5796:1-10. DANO-NORWEGIAN Dawn Vol. II (1895), 1871. DARIUS Trusted in God of Daniel, 3639:6, 7; 3640; unknown to secular history, 3638:8; weakened by flattery and vanity, 3639:7-9. DARKNESS Blinding people of earth, 535, 536; covers the earth, 535; giving place to light, 522:4-8; hateth the light, 2501:4-6; 5545:1-3; 5546:1-5; in Africa, 3636:20. Of: Sectarian bondage hates light of truth, 4813; the world traceable to Satan, 5718, 5719. Outer: Cast him into, 954:14; children of the kingdom cast into, 1095; contentment accompanies the journey into, 4445:5, 6; do not follow others into, 1860:7, 10; faults that lead to, 1356:2-5; how to treat those who have gone into, 5948:11-13; 5949:1-5; means error, and ignorance of God's plan, 1282:4; quickly follows a rejection of Ransom, 2302:6; result of rejecting the wedding garment, 5511:10-13; some cast into, 2766:2, 3; two classes cast into, 1279:6-8; when the Jews went into, 3105:14, 15. See Second Death. "Out of, into his marvelous light" (Letters), 1564; 1587; 1630; 1640:6-8, 10; 1646; 1722; 1755; 1830; 1875. Over the: World during Satan's reign, 4987:5, 6, 11, 4988:1. Possible after receiving light, 4445:6-8; reproved by the light, 4746:2-5, 9-11; 5038:5-8; responsibility for being in, 888:1, 2; sin is practiced in, 2967:4. Works of: Children of the light must put off, 5098-5100; 5339:12-15; new creatures have no fellowship with, 4189:1-3; 5038:12-16; of Satan and sin, 5769:10-13; 5770; what are the, 3180:8; 3181:1-10. See Clouds; Light. DARNEL Imitation wheat, pictures nominal Christians, 4635:3-5. See Wheat. DARWIN Buried in Westminster Abbey, 2114:16. DARWINISM New theology essentially, 4581:13-16; possibly typified by Israel's lust for quail, 5267:6; supplants Christianity, 2114:12-16; unscientific, 3421:5-8; urged for Sunday Schools, 3620:2, 3. DATES 70 A.D. end of Jewish harvest, 115:15; 580:5. 330 A.D. Christianity introduced into Abyssinia, 1968:2. 534 A.D. Justinian recognizes Pope, 1093:9. 539 A.D. Papacy gets temporal power, 1093:11. 800 A.D.: Holy Roman Empire began, 1093:11; Papal Millennium started, 1135:6; Pope crowns Charlemagne, 1093:11. 1054:A.D., split between Greek and Roman Catholic Churches, 1740:16-18. 1780 A.D. dark day, 711:9-15; 1983:15, 16. 1798, 1799 A.D. beginning time of the end, 24:16; 5565:8-10. 1833 A.D. meteoric shower of, a sign, 1935:15, 16; 2539:13-18. 1843 A.D. invention of telegraphy, 480:9, 10. 1844 A.D.: Christ believed due to appear, 115:2-4; Millerite movement, 288:9. 1845 A.D. Seventh Day Adventists formerly taught that all probation ended then, 1732:8; 1846 A.D. Evangelical Alliance--image of the beast, 1474:5/ 1861 A.D. witnessing accomplished, 4:14. 1868 A.D. Brother Russell first sought the light of truth, 3821:6. 1870 A.D. Pope first declared infallible, 1993:14. 1872 A.D. Ransom and restitution made clear to Bro. Russell, 3821:9, 10. 1873 A.D.: Beginning of Day of Jehovah, 26:11; end of the 6,000 yrs., 289:1; Rev. Josiah Strong, D.D. calls attention to it (1894), 1675:6, 7, 12. 1874 A.D.: Beginning of sounding of the last trump, 2982:6; beginning of time of trouble, 410:4; Powderly, Labor leader, calls attention to it (1894), 1675:13-18; 1676:1-10; presence of Lord, 115:2-4; 247:16; 288:12-14. 1874 and: 1878 A.D. in prophecy, 513; 1881 A.D., their significance, 188-190; 1914 A.D., Gospel harvest, 885:5. 1875 A.D. beginning of restitution, 123:20; 1876 A.D. Brother Russell first saw Lord's presence and time prophecies, 3822:2-6. 1878 A.D.: Babylon fell from God's favor, 356:12; 2553:1. BEGINNING OF: Binding of Satan, 1233:3, 4; harvest, 375:11; 2982:4; harvest siftings, 3823; kingdom, 286:13; 287:8; 757:8; return of favor to Jews, 599:8-10. In time prophecy, 351:4; 474:18; resurrection of sleeping saints, 2982:2; and 1914 A.D., restoration of Israel, 384:9. 1879 A.D. Zion's Watch Tower first published, 3823:15, 16. 1881 A.D.: Church's change expected, 172, 180; end of acceptable year, 682:6, 18; end of high calling, 289:11; expectations for year, 223:7-10, 13-15; relationship of, to those now consecrating, 5411:3-6; significance of, 247:6; Tabernacle Shadows published, 3824:8-12; view in re resurrection of church, 631:7, 8; what it meant to the elect class, 4742:4-11; what period in plan was reached in, 103:1. 1889 A.D.: Old Theology Quarterly, 1109; Volume II issued, 1099. 1900 A.D. "night cometh", 1198:13; 1908 A.D. fall of Babylon then? (1892 suggestion), 1434:2; 1910 A.D. time of trouble due to begin 2876:1. 1914 A.D.: Anarchy due to begin, 3620:12; collapse of Babylon, 2553:1, 2; destruction of "Christendom" begins, 3851:4; Editor's views not changed respecting, 3437:1-3; effect upon church and world (1913 view), 5328, 5329; end of gentile times, 115:2-4; 2976:9; expectation of church and outlook from, 5568:9-14; 5569, 5570; faith versus knowledge respecting, 5348:7, 8; how our confidence in, was tested, 5595:12-17; important point in chronology of church, 5845:2; not the beginning, but the end of the time of trouble (1894 view), 1677:14; October past and the use of Scripture Studies, 5496:3-7; suggestion in 1892 that civil powers would continue until, 1434:2; time of trouble, 286:7; 377:20, 21. 1915 A.D.: Corresponds to A.D. 70, 5018:12, 13; end of the day of wrath upon nominal "Christendom" (1893 view), 1593:10; end of time of trouble (1893 view), 1581:3; pointed to by ages of animals (Gen. 15:9), 3957:8-10; resurrection of ancient worthies (1893 view), 1528:10; 1529:1. 1925 A.D., and the glorification of the church considered, 5888:2, 12-14. See Chronology. DAUGHTERS See Sons. DAVID Adultery of, forgiven yet punished, 4270-4273; anointed by Samuel as king, 1901; 4209, 4210; anointing of a type of church's anointing, 3226, 3227; 4210:4-7; attempted to build Lord's house, 2010:2, 3; attitude of, toward enemies an example to Christians, 4225, 4226; battles and conquests typical, 2032:1; befriends Mephibosheth, 4268, 4269; believed but understood not the resurrection doctrine, 4961:12-16; best traits of character of, 1996; chastened but beloved of God, 5440:8, 13; close of the earthly career of, 2030:3-5; confession of sin and forgiveness of, 2016, 2017; conquests of, are typical, 2032:1; contrasted with Saul, 3231, 3232; 4255:1-3; danced before the Lord when bringing home the ark, 5680:7-9; death of, sought by Saul repeatedly, 5663:1-5; decline of, and its cause, 2016:3-5, 8; devoted to the Lord, 2030:12; 2031; 1, 5; did not usurp kingship, 4235; 1-3; disloyalty of Absalom to, 3261, 3262; error of, in dealing with Absalom, 2025:1-3; example of patient waiting on the Lord, 3245, 3246. Faith: And patience marked the character of, 3230; 5674:6, 7, 10-15; in God, 5562:3-6; sufficient for the slaying of giant Goliath, 3230; 5662:11-14. Flight from Absalom, 3267, 3268; for disobedience punished with a wicked son, 3261:4; friendship of, with Jonathan, 1907. Jesus: Root of, 809:4-9; son of, 467:9-11. Just in little things, 2015:9, 10; kindness of, illustrated, 2010:6, 7, 12, 13; 4270:2, 3, 6; 4271:1; learns lesson of obedience in re the Ark, 4259:3; love of, for Absalom despite 4259, 4260; life of, not unblamable, Absalom's treachery, 4277, 4278; man after God's own heart, sinful withal, 5681; manner of declaring Solomon his successor, 3276, 3277; meaning of name, 48:1; 1364:3; meditations of, were upon the Lord, 5785:4, 5, 11, 12; mercies of, what they are, 1364:3-9; 1936; mourned over the deaths of Saul and Jonathan, 5674:2-4; nobility of, in sparing Saul's life, 4225, 4226; not ascended into heaven, 2089:6, 7; 5132:8-13; penitent prayer of, 1396; picture of the city of, 3702; prototype of Messiah, 3609:1. Psalm: Of repentance of, an inspiration, 5681:9-14; 5682:1, 2; Thirty-second, acknowledges divine forgiveness, 3260, 3261. Reign of, a type of the gospel age, 2010:8; rewarded friends of his enemies, 4235:4-6; sinful yet loyal at heart, 5681:2, 3. Sins of: A warning to the church, 2016:8-10; 2017:1; covetousness, adultery, murder forgiven, but punished, 3253-3255; 4270-4273; 5681:3-8. Slays Goliath, 3230; 4215:6; 4216:1-6; Son and Lord of, 808, 809; 2757:3, 6; 4261:1-4; song of the Bow possibly suggested the Dead March from "Saul", 5674:2; songs of gratitude of, 2031; spared the life of Saul, 3239:1-6; 5672, 5673; sure mercies of, 364:3-9; 1936; taught the lesson of obedience, 3253:1, 5, 6; thought a sinner yet pleasing to the Lord, 3260:1-3, 6-8; 3261:5-8; thrice anointed as king, 5674:6, 7, 10-15. Throne of: Messiah's kingdom properly called the, 5136:9; to be restored, 453:9. Thwarted Adonijah's effort to reign, 4286, 4287. Type of: Christ, 453:20; 1364:3; 1901:3-6; 1936:4, 5; (1) Jesus Christ, (2) church in flesh, 153:14; 287:15; 1901:3-6, 8, 9; 1936:4, 5; 1996:4; 3226:5, 6; 3239:8; 3240:5; 3259:2; 4236:2, 3, 6-8. Value of his experiences as a fugitive, 3238:4; wars of, defensive, 2015:3, 4; why he was great man, 4255:2; widest character on record, 4223:2, 3. And: Goliath, 1902. JONATHAN: 1907; 3232; 3233; friendship of unusual character, 5664. Saul, opposite spirit of, 4218, 4219; Solomon, lives typical, 4018:4-8; 4260, 4261. DAVIDSON Rev. and Brother Houston debate (1896), 1964, 1965. DAWN Circles, See Berean Study Classes; Millennial: See Studies in the Scriptures; Mobiles, for use of colporteurs, 4194:11-14; 4195:1-3, 12, 13; Studies: See Studies in the Scriptures. DAWNS See Studies in the Scriptures. DAY Chancellor, prefers earth to heaven, 4195:22; 4196:1-7; dark, historical record of the, 711:9-15; 1983:15, 16. Dawn: Paul taught definite time for the, 5339:4-9. TRACT: Appreciated, 346:19; published in defense of the Ransom, 3824:2, 3; Society's publication, 94:11; 353:5-7. Evil: Armor of God needed to stand in, 36:12-18; 46:14; 684:8-11; 2275:6-9; 2453:3-6, 8-14; 3004:7; 4077:4, 5; 4448; more light to faithful in, 2453:1-3; time of withstanding, 46:14; Walk circumspectly, for we are in, 3593-3595; why so called, 758:7. See Time of Trouble. Gospel age may properly be called, 5097:7, 8; in Scripture, of various lengths, 268:1, 2; 299:10-13; 5139:7; meaning of term in Scripture, 163:8. Lord's: 315:1-6, 11-14; breaking of bread on the, 839:15-17; of John's vision is Millennium, 2826:2. See Sunday. Of: Adam, 15:1, 2. ATONEMENT: See Atonement day; sacrifices, see Atonement Day Sacrifices. Battle (Zech. 14:3-5), 286:6-8; Jehovah, 25, 26; judgment: See Judgment Day. VENGEANCE: Lightnings of the, 1913; nations reap their wild oats in the, 1653:5-7, 16-18; 1654:8-10; present message, 757:7; properly proclaimed now, not in Jesus' day, 3300:5, 7; 5537:8-12; signs of the, 707:3; wrath of the, 622:12-17. Visitation different for church and world, 4993:14-17. WRATH: 115:17; 409:3-11; 592:2, 3; 622:12-17; when and upon whom, 116:1-10; see Time of Trouble, World's judgment, 408:11-13; 654:15, 16. Scriptural, its length and kinds, 91:4-7, 9. Seventh: A day of rest, 1609:24, 25; God rested on the, 1731:11-14; in type and antitype, 543:10-13. Star: Denial of Ransom, by, 463; doctrine of, opposed by Watch Tower, 397; 432:1-6, 12-14. Thanksgiving: Every day is one for Christians, 1339; 1490:1-3; origin of, 5631:1, 2. Third: Jesus will raise Jews up one, 2294:12; sense in which Jesus arose on, 3374:16; 3375:1; 3903:16; 3904:1. And hour knoweth no man, 4706:3-6. DAYS Of: Noah similar to days of Son of Man, 264:7, 8; 2844:3, 7, 8; 5455:13-15; the Son of Man, 20:8, 9; 113:12; 348:12; 3934:11; 3935:1-4, 7, 8; 4227:7; 4706:3-7; 4797:4-6, 13. Perilous times in the last, 2459-2463; seven of consecration, 73:16, 17; six, of creation, 1608, 1609:25; 1610:1. Three: For preparing food by natural Israel a picture, 3080:5; in tomb, proof that Jesus was not fully, 1289:10, 13; 3574:11; 5191:12; temple to be raised up in, 2294:5, 6, 10. DAYTON Flood: Brethren preserved from danger in, 5236:16-21; 5255:2, 3, 10. DEACONESS Sisters may be elected as such, 1891:9; 1894:15. DEACONS Are not pastors, 2265:13; is the electing of, joining Babylon? 1923:9, 11-16; ones charged with temporal business matters of local congregations, not a title, 1523:10. See Elders and Deacons; Leaders. DEAD Are freed from sin, 4040:1-4, 9, 10; "baptized for the", 1545:3-5, 11-13; 1986:7, 8; blessed are the, from henceforth, 303:9-11; 328:2; 344:12-15; 474:7, 10-12; 475:8-10; 664-668. Body of: Christ shall arise, 4667:3-5; law covenant, Paul seeks deliverance from, 2721:1, 2. Communication with, the bait of demons, 266, 267; 3743:10-16; false views on resurrection of, 2794:1-4; future probation for, 1449; gospel preached to them that are, 704:1-3; 1937:1-3. How: Raised, 95:3; 1510:7-12; 1511:6-9; they hear Christ's voice, 1231:15, 16. Impersonated by lying spirits, 3743:10-16; 5044:1-4. In Christ: Shall rise first, 152:5-8; 170:2; 2528:3-7; 5107:19, 41, 42; 5108:10, 11; sleep until he comes, 700:3, 4, 10-12. Jehovah raised Jesus from the, 2795:3-5; Jesus the first-born from the, 559:1; 2422; 2796:7; 3377:10, 11; "lived not" (Revelation 20:5) spurious, 62:13, 14, 24-26; 194:14-19; 278:1-7, 11-16; 365:7-9, 17, 18; 366; 501:5-8, 14-16; 909:6, 7; 1105; 1108:3-5, 10-13; 1118; 1209:7, 8; 1772:6, 11; 5079:8, 9; march from "Saul" possibly suggested by song of the bow, 5674:2; more alive, a snare leading to Spiritism, 2187:8-26; Prof. Hyslop's belief in communication with the, 3490:20; Protestants advocate prayers for, 2681:3-7; resurrected 50 or 100 years after establishment of kingdom, 5238:10-12. Resurrection: From, 42:1; in various ranks, 95:2. Room for all on earth's surface after resurrection of the, 270:1, 2, 8-10. Sea: Fish cannot live in, 3625:3, 6, 7; products of, 217:1; some day connected with Mediterranean, 3625:6; to be restored to use, 2507:5. Shall hear Christ's voice, how? 2630:2-4; when? 3433:1-4; "So also is the resurrection of the," 1511:10, 11; 1512:1-4; Spiritism and raising of, 170:3, 5. To: Be judged, in Millennium, 2993:1-4; sin, the body of consecrated Christian is, 3246:3, 4; the law by body of Christ, 3457:12, 13. Various views and the true one respecting the stated of the, 4549-4553; who will raise the, 27; 51:19. With: Christ, what it means to be, 127:6-9, 13; 202:9; 826:12, 19; 2123; 2124:1, 12, 13; what body raised, 95:3, 7. Whole world is now, 2435:1; women received their, raised to life (anastasis) again, 1512:4. DEAF Man restored by miracle of Jesus, 5103:7; and dumb man cured by Jesus, 3339:3; 5103:7. See Sick. DEAL Courageously and the Lord will be with the good, 5414:2-5, 9-14. DEALINGS Of God with natural and spiritual Israel different, 3223:1, 2. DEATH Adam not previously acquainted with, 2344:3, 4. Adamic: Properly described as sleep, 47:11; 381:6; 1880:15; 1881:1-11; 2197:10-12; 2617:7-9; 2796:5-7; 2959:1, 2; 3399:4; 3529:7-9; 4588:13; 4794:2, 3; 5059:7, 8, 13; 5109:1-3, 10, 11; 5132:2-7; 5166:11-13. WHEN: Its sentence will be lifted from all, 2999; 3000; it will cease, 15:8, 9; 251:11-19; 303:9, 10; 401:12; 615:3-5; 1219:5; 1511:4; 4999:10-15. Why called an enemy, 1219:7; Second, 1323:3. As: A sentence upon Adam was just, 5417:8, 9, 18, 19; taught by men's precepts, 363:4-6. Became an enemy, when, 1511:4. Bed: Repentance, reward of, 2258:2, 3; scientific investigation of experiences on, 4442:11; testimonies of saints, 932. Bible views of, 678; Bishop Foster's views vs. Bible view of, 1718; Brother Russell Anticipates manner of his, 2683:7, 8; by one man came, 5149, 5150; called a sleep in Scriptures, 2959:1, 2; 3399:4; 3529:7-9; character will not be changed in, 1263:3-5, 7-10; 1264:1, 2, 6, 7; 1469:1-5; Christadelphian views on, examined, 1950; Christ the Ransomer from, 251:20-24; church immersed into Christ's, 133:1-6; compared with sleep, 47:11; converting sinner, saving from, 494:3-11, 13-16. Curse: Of, 1999:15; 2000:1, 2; upon mankind, 586:1-4. Deliverance from the penalty of, 465:1; destiny not fixed at, says Wesleyan minister, 4017:13-15; destroyed through Christ, 43:19-22; does not mean life, 203:11-13; 1449:9-11; early, is it a blessing? 1119; end of the way of the flesh is, 90:20; 5934:12; 5835:1; Enoch and Elijah did not escape sentence of, 3417:10, 11; erroneous vs. Scriptural views on, 2814:1-5; 5131, 5132; eternal destiny not determined at, 4002; everlasting is not torment, 699:11, 12; false ideas of, 536:12; 663:8; 822:13; 4791:3-12; freeing from, follows purchase by Christ, 1286:4-14. How: Church's identity is preserved through, 1263:5, 7-10; 1264:1, 2, 6, 7; Satan has the power of, 1683:8, 11; 1684, 1685; 1687:8; 1779:16. Identity preserved through, how, 1263:3-5, 7-10; 1264:1, 2, 6, 7; in the Bible vs. De Witt Talmage on, 1119:1-6; includes sorrow and disaster, 583:11-13. Is: A curse, 1999:15; 2000:1, 2; an enemy, 15:8, 9; 251:11-19; 303:9, 10; 401:12; 615:3-5; 1219:7; 1511:4; 4999:10-15; it a penalty or a consequence? 1683-1685; sleep, says Luther, 408:10. Its meaning in Scripture, 625:4-10, 14-23; Jesus agonized in fear of second, 2467, 2468; 3886:1-4; 4428:6; 4707:9, 10; 5551:1-8; Judgment after, text explained, 147; 528:2-4, 12-14; just penalty upon Adam. 1108:1, 2; last enemy, how destroyed. 1204:7, 9; 1219:5, 7; 4999:10-15; legal, distinguished from actual, 2153:3, 7. Means: Ceasing to exist, 1126:2, 3; destruction, 846:4, 9; extinction, 363; 1377:6, 7, 13; 4551:10-12; 4552:2; unconscious state, 4174:7, 11, 12; 4748:1. Mortal error, view of Christian Scientists, 4743, 4744; natural, really is no such thing, 1014:12. No: Enemy to church "from henceforth", 303:4; knowledge in, 545:3. Not: A blessing, 648; eternal torment the condemnation upon the world, 5063; 17-19; to overtake some before they see Christ's kingdom, 3790:10-13. Of: Body of church, proofs of, 473:11-17. BROTHER: Barton announced, 5930:4-6, 12-14; Henry Weber, 3314:1-3, 10, 11; Russell announced, 5988:8-10, 18-22; Russell described, 6005:12, 6006:1; Russell foreseen by himself, 6000:19. Christians not accidental, 2682:2683; church, sacrificial, 382:8; Dr. John Edgar (June, 1910), 4638:17; man differs from that of beasts, 5166:1-10; Joseph L. Russell, 2239; Messiah prophesied, 2149:14-17. OUR: Flesh, 99:10, 15; Lord allimportant, 1247. Paul was by beheading, 2229:3; Pilgrim Brother Hayden Samson, 5401:7. RACE: A result of disobedience, 250:7-24; what it involves, 163, 164. Sister Seibert's husband, 5281; sisters Holmes and Munsell, 4082:2, 7. THE: Saints may be peaceful or troubled, 5403:12-14; should, 205:9-11; 277:2; 2794:6, 7; 2795:1-5. Pagan views vs. Christianity's view of, 1060:8-10. Penalty: For sin is, 15:1-13; is for man's good, 1124:11-15; 1125:1; not momentary, 1177:2, 3; proved a blessing to humanity, 3451:14. Physical, of saints essential, 293:3; pictured as a sleep, 4794:2, 3; pointed Scripture texts concerning, 902:4-7; premature, Jesus and church divinely guarded against, 3302:1, 2; proper understanding of, 3174, 3175. Punishment for: Disobedience, 282:1; sin, 699:8. Roman philosopher's views on, 1060; 8-10. Sacrificial: Is a second (1884 view), 649:2; of the church, 382:8; sufferings of the church are, 4547:13-15. Satan's power of, is limited, 1271:6; Scripturally called sleep, 2617:7-9. Second: 140:2, 3, 5; 356:3, 5; 381; 7; 655:14, 15; 764:6, 7, 18-20:926:2, 3, 8, 9; 1039, 1040; 2607-2612; always a possibility for new creatures in the flesh, 1698:3-24; assurance of not having merited the, 4628:6; at end of Millennium due to lack of love, heart-harmony and obedience, 16:5-7; 1773:3, 12; caused by sin against perfect light, 724:1-6. CLASS: Shall not see life, 1179:5-7; that will go into, 1459:2, 3, 7-9; typified by Moses, 1849:10. 17; 5333:5-7; will others grieve for? 1216:6, 7. Classes liable to, 724:8-13; converting a sinner, saving from, 494:3-11, 13-16; covetousness in the consecrated leads to, 5351:6, 7, 10-15; danger of, 3673:9, 10, 16, 17; do Nadab and Abihu typify class worthy of, 3055:10, 11; during the gospel age, 16:7-9; enlightenment as to the gospel essential before, 431:9, 10; fearful thing, 387:11-14; 2329:6-8; final punishment is the, 2739:11; 5093:12-14. FOR: Incorrigible, 765:1; rejecters of the gospel, 521:15-18. Full knowledge of the truth not essential before, 2283:15; 4907:8, 9; Holmes, Dr. sees Scriptural teaching of, 4003:1; how a blessing, 648; 1107:11. HOW MANY: Enter at end of Millennium, 1234:4; will become worthy of, 3201:7, 8. Incorrigible will not expect, 912:8; Jesus agonized in fear of the, 2467, 2486; 3886:1-4; 4428:6; 4707:9, 10; 5551:1-8; Judas went there, 1962; just penalty for the disobedient, 1107:7; meaning of term, 356:3-5; 381; 764:6, 7; 1449; Moses, smiting rock second time, typical of class who enter, 1849:10, 17; 5333:3-7; no resurrection from it, 1453:8, 9; 1454; 1477:10; 1478:1-3, 9-12. NONE: Total failures now except those who would be in Millennium, 1789:15; will grieve for those who enter, 1216:6, 7. NOT: A death to sin, 1442:7-10; 1443; called an enemy, why, 1219:8; hurt of, 649; limited to denial of the Ransom, 5684:7. One-half of the consecrated go into? 1837:7; 3055:10, 11; only place open for Judas, 1962; 4908:10-17; 4909:1-6; 5453:2, 3; 5683:6-8; our example could lead another into, 4731:1, 2, 10; pointed texts on, 912:1-5; portion of some, 78:2; probable number who will enter, 4400, 4401; provided by God's wisdom, 5211:11-13; punishment of the incorrigible, 4820:3-6; removing the wedding garment means, 4525:9-11; result of wilful sin, 567:1-5; 2154:7. SIN: Against the holy spirit leads towards, 260:4-8, 11-14; 569:11-13; 724:1-6; 1736:9, 10; 1985:9-12; 5037:9, 10-13; 5390:13-15; 5391:1-3, 9; 5451-5453; unto, mortal sin, 137:11-15, 17-21; 138; 261:1, 2, 8, 9; 1983:7-10; 1984:7-9. Sinner a hundred years old shall be accursed by, 1772:1-10. THOSE: Committing the sin unto, neither penitent nor fearful, 1985:6-12; who offer strange fire go into, 1836. Total destruction, 649:11; 769:12; typified by death under Mosaic Law, 388:1; Universalist view of, 1442:7-10; 1443; 1449:8-16; 1453, 1454; unscriptural views of, 648; victims of, 131:8-10; view of Dr. Lyman Abbott on, 1202:8; wages of willful sin, 3502:10; way thereto will be made difficult during Millennium, 1771:7, 8; 1772:1; what is the, 253:2-9; 891; 3175:8, 9; who will reap the, 131:8-10; 281:2; 424:13, 14; 553:9-11; why Judas merited the, 4908:10-17; 4909:1-6; world of mankind not in danger of it during gospel age, 1962:4-6; "Your blood be upon your heads" is a reference to the, 1557:18; vs. Adamic death, 1323:3. See Punishment, Everlasting. Sentence: And its execution, 1476:13, 14; 1477; passed upon all, but not necessarily actual, 2153:4-7; upon Adam, 417; 503:11-13. Shadow of, 15:4, 5; Solomon's vivid pen-picture of old age and, 1533:3-8, 14, 15; sophistical views of, 911:7-16; suspension of life, not extinction, 4657:3, 4; swallowed up, when, how, 86:9; 1219:10; texts concerning, 902:4-7; theologians' view of, 678. To: BE: Carnally-minded is, 1223:1-4; destroyed, curse removed, 99:1-3; 381:8. CEASE: When church is completed, 1854:4. Israelites as a result of greed and murmurings, 5306:14, 15; one sister in the Lord a joyful experience, (Letter), 5820:1-3, 8, 9; sin cannot reconcile us to God, 728:11-17. Valley of the Shadow of: 15:4, 5; Lord's sheep have no fear in the, 4280:2-4; present world the, 5654:7, 9. Wages of sin is, 15:1-13; 163:7, 8; 251:7-24; 362:7-9; 363; 465:1; 1377:6, 7, 13; 1805-1807; 2840:5-10; 2841:8; was pronounced upon the man Adam, 1477:4, 5; we have made a covenant with, 1774:5, 12. What: Escape from it involves, 689:4, 11. IT: Comprises, 607:12; implies, 363; is, 277:2; 822:3-5, 13-17. Why continued since Calvary, 690:2; worketh in us daily, 5022:9, 10, 15, 16; world to be liberated from, 816:4-8, 11-13. And: Annihilation, not synonymous, 5041:5-9; grave, curses, not blessings, 663:8; hell, cast into fire, 894:2-4. RESURRECTION: 258:12-16; 433:4-10; as applied to Jesus, 3374:7; false ideas of, 3904; of Jesus proven, 3903:4-11, 13-16, 3904; 3905; Scriptural views respecting, 4791:13, 14; 4792, 4793. Sin, Sleep: differentiated, 47:11; 293:7, 14; 875:12, 13; 4175:3-5. Vs. Life, 401. See Die. DEATHS Christ did not have two, 1290:6; crucifixion the most cruel of, 4172:3-6. DEBATES Advantages and disadvantages of, 5685:2-4, 10, 11. Between Brother: Houston and Reverend Davidson, in Scotland (1896), 1964, 1965. RUSSELL AND: Dr. Eaton, 1903; 3258:3-15, 17-27; Elder White, 4118; 4119; 4134; 4137:1-4, 8-12; 4145:4249:8, 9, 17. Brother Russell's position (in 1893) respecting. 1501:16. In: Paragould, Arkansas, cancelled, 4101; the church, when profitable, 3018:10; 3019:1, 7, 8. Not usually beneficial, 2952:4; of Brother Russell with Rev. Dillon and Elder White, 4115:1-3, 7, 8; 4119; 4136:10; Rutherford-Troy, a successful witness for truth, 5684, 5685. DEBORAH Prophetess and savior of Israel, 5604:9-11; 5605:1-3. DEBS Eugene V., organizes Socialism (1897), 2184:2; preached revolution (1897), 2216:17-19; sentenced to six months imprisonment for contempt of court (1894), 1751:8-12. DEBTOR Obligations of a, 804. DEBTORS Parable of two, 2666:8, 9; to whom we are, 3029:6, 8, 9. DEBTS Christian's attitude toward the payment of, 5486:5-10, 16-18; forgive us our, 2665-2667; 3806:10, 11; 3807:1. See Trespasses. Of: Civilized nations (1911), 4763:10-16; War, never to be paid, 5754:10;.Should be paid despite faith in chronology (Letter), 5486:5-10, 16-18. DECALOGUE See Commandments. DECEIVED All but the very elect will be, 4253:1, 2; 4477:5-8; as to righteousness and unrighteousness, 3323:8-11; elect are not, 767:9; 1239:8-10, 15; 2770:10, 11; God is not, 589:10, 11. DECEIVERS And yet true, God's people are counted as, 5773, 5774. DECEPTION By Satan to be permitted at close of Millennium, 5240:13, 14. How: An aid to free will, 1234:9-11; to guard against, 401:9. Is lying, 4318:9. Of: ANANIAS AND SAPPHIRA: 2102:3, 5; 2943:5; 5453:6, 7, 9-12; and of their successors, 5850:4-7, 9-14. Christian with respect to shooting to kill, 2345:3, 4; Isaac by Jacob, proper viewpoint respecting the, 3955:4, 5. And secretiveness differentiated, 3674:9; 3675:1. DECEPTIONS Of: Ministers about creed changes, 3457:4-9. SATAN: 390:7. Why God permits them, 1239:14, 15. DECISION Important element of character, 3093:4; one form of character development, 2950; respecting the consecrated to be known at end of age, 5394:9. See Resolution. DECLARATION Of Independence: Papacy, 1049:7. See Papacy. DECLINE Spiritual: Cause of, 4082:4; often due to study of human theories, 5558:1, 8; 5559:10. DECORUM In: Church should be reverential (Letter), 5812:22-26; the house of God, 5186, 5187. DE COSTA Dr., withdrawal letter of, 2545-2547. DECOY Bull: Christians remaining in Babylon compared to, 2553:6. DEDICATION Of: Children to the Lord is proper, 4823:5, 6, 9, 10; Grant Monument done without Roman Catholic Bishop, 2168:1-3; New York City Temple, Dec. 7, 1913, 5365:3-5, 11-13. SOLOMON'S TEMPLE: 292:15, 16; 4297:1-6, 9-11; preceded its completion, 5713:6; 5714:2, 7, 8. The rebuilt temple, 1495. DEEDS Good or bad all to be recompensed, 3832:7, 8; of the body, how Christians may mortify the, 5932:1-9. DEEP Descending into the, 5409:15-17. DEFECTS Result of sin, 2902:3. DEFICITS National, caused by military experts, 4350:13. DEGENERACY Often the result of brain injury, 3774:5, 7, 9. DEITIES Of heathen, gods of cruelty and hate, 4931:5. DELILAH Type of Churchianity, 4088:8. DELITZSCH Assyriology unscientific, 3422:3, 12-21. DELIVERANCE Song of, for both houses of Israel, 3998:12, 13, 3999:1; 4892:2-7, 12-15. See Freedom; Ransom. DELIVERER Came out of Zion, 4454:1-4. DELUGE See Flood. DELUSIONS Dangerous effects of, 2274, 2275; deceive babes, 1644:1-4; in the latter day a frenzy of, 4514:5-10, 14-17; modern,--Rev. Gordon's correct views, 1990-1993; 2770:5-9. Of: Latter day among the truth people, 2274:10, 11; Satan which blind world to true gospel, 5849:1-4, 7-9. Past and present, 2218:11; 2219:1-4. Strong: Are really very weak, but have great power to deceive "babes", 1644:1-4; deceive only the unfaithful Christians, 1362:10; 1363:1, 2; God sent them, 606:10-12; 2793:3; 2813-2817; hypnotism one of the, 2033:4-6, 8-11; leaders of, themselves deceived, 2219:7-9; many to fall away through, 2218, 2219; Spiritism brings, 3542:2-5, 9-11; who will be affected by, 1356:2-5; whole armor required in the day of, 2275:6-10; why permitted, 1949:5, 6, 10, 11. DEMON Cries out to Jesus, 3309:4-7. Manifestation: May be due to imagination (Letter), 5515:25; to children of consecrated, 5467:1-6. Obsession: By fallen angels, 5044:4; evil habits make way for, 3772:5, 6; examples of, 4159:7-17; 4160; followed refusal to take vow, 4311:6-11; how to be cured of, 5148:5, 6, 10, 11; insanity often the result of, 3310:6; 3726:11; 5044:4; instances of, in Jesus' day, 2173:4-6; instruction to brethren under, 5354, 5355; proven by Jesus, 3771-3773; 5354, 5355; results from submission of the will, 5475:3-7; what it means, 2843:9. Worship, sign of the cross a relic of, 1991:1. DEMONETIZATION Of Silver: At bottom of world's trouble, 3117:17; beyond the power of Congress, 2042:15; cause of famine, 2906:14; its place in prophecy, 2039-2045. DEMONISM At first advent, 2581:7, 12, 13; attributed to superstition, 4159; 7-17; 4160; clergyman ensnared by, 2180:16; 2181:1-3; forbidden in apostles' day, 2110:3; modern ritualism is, 1990-1993; practised by Chinese, Indians, etc.,2173:7-14; 2174; source of all religious delusion, 3068:4-9; Spiritism is, 265; 754, 755; 1009:5; 2110:3; 2169-2174; 2178-2181; 2185-2189; 3727:1-4; theosophy one of its forms, 1009; Vow a protection against, 4226:10; 4227. See Spiritism. DEMONS Accountable for insanity, fits, etc., 281:9-11; 2171:16; 2186:7-13; admissions of, respecting present truth, 5024:17, 18; advice to consecrated who are troubled with, 5354, 5355. Babylon the hold of, 45:9, 10; back of Spiritism, 2169-2174; Bible account of the course of the, 5043, 5044; can have no power over God's faithful people, 5540:2, 3. Cast out: BY: Jesus after apostles failed, 4650; 1, 5, 6; prayer and fasting, 5129:10-12. OF: Boy through faith in Jesus, 5128, 5129; slave-girl at Philippi, 4400:2, 8; woman by Paul, 3122:6, 11, 12. Cause time of trouble, 266:11-13; 267:1; Christendom controlled by, 3493:5-9; 4069:9; 4070:1-3; Christina Science originated with, 2189:2-6; clairaudient power is from the, 4882:4; communication with the dead the bait of, 266, 267; 3743:10-16; constitute the four winds of heaven, 4880:9-13; control of Christendom by, 3493:5-9; deliverance of a brother from the, 4447, 4448; diversified wisdom of God exemplified in respect to, 1682:7, 8, 14, 15; driven by Jesus into the swine, 3338, 3339; 3772:7-14; 4577:9-13; 5059:2-4, 9, 10; eight forms of operation of, 3068:4-7; entrap the consecrated (Letter and reply), 5354, 5355; existence, powers and limitations of, 1722:3; extent of their power over body of consecrated, 5540:2, 3; fallen angels are, 170:4, 5; familiar spirits, 754:12-15; first dispensation the unsuccessful reign of the, 1677; forbidden to testify of Jesus, 4969:13-15;God's manner of dealing with, 4664, 4665; gradually being loosed from chains of darkness, 4880:4-6; habitation of, 266:9; have no part in the sufferings of Christ, 4665:1-3. How: Jesus preached to the, 1678; 4068:8; 5044:10-12. THEY: Are now being tried, 4695:3-9, 11-15; operate on the mind, 4311:3-6. Saints should resist the, 4380:1, 6. Impersonate the dead, 3743, 3744; impe4rsonated the dead Samuel, 754:12-15; 5673:8, 13-15; imprisoned in Tartarus, 254:5-9; 458:7, 8; in time of trouble, 170:3, 4; incited populace to violence against Paul, 5908:1, 2, 7-9; instructions proper to brethren under obsession of, 5354, 5355. Jesus: Did not die to redeem, 4664; preached to the, 4176:10; 4177:1, 2; rebuked the, 2581:12, 13. Judged: By church, 4879, 4880. Judgment: And trial now, 4292, 4293; of, 892:15; 4069, 4070:8; 4879, 4880. Kept not their first estate, 2843:7; 4068:2-4, 7; 5160:1-3, 8-12; lacked knowledge of sin and its consequences 5574:11. Materialization of: 18:6; 266:10; 578:16; 4227:7; 4736:6-12; 4976:10-12; 5467:1-6; 5625:11-13; may injure the consecrated, 4736:6-12. May be responsible for dreams, 3277:8; no hope for progeny of, 3341:6, 7. Not: Astrology make predictions of future, 3637:14-16; permitted to point out apostles as God's servants, 5908:1; Satan, to be active in judgment day, 5019:2. Obsessions by, 265; 5044:4; oppose Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society publications, 4351:11-15; origin of, 1677. Penalty: Of, restraint and confinement, 1680:4, 10-13; 1682:7, 14; no less severe than man's, 1682:7, 14. Permitted to approach spirit-begotten, 5148:12-15; pictured as four winds of heaven, 4822:14; poison minds of saints, 4312:7, 8; possible repentance of some, 5019:8, 9. Power: In future to bring perilous times, 4976, 4977; to materialize, 119:5, 6; 261:10-12. Powers of, increasing, 5085:3, 4, 8-10; probation of, 697:1-3, 6; 1679; punishment of, 2843:9; reserved in chains of darkness, 2843:9; resist the spread of the truth (Letter), 5534:10-12; restraint and confinement of, 1680:4, 10-13. Seek to: Dominate the mind, 4311:3-6; overthrow the true church, 266:12, 13; 267:1-3. Seeking reformation will not communicate, 4069:9; symbolized as winds, 5469:21; 5470; tendency of, always to impurity, 3338:5. To have active part in the time of trouble, 5469:21; 5470:1, 2, 7-9; upon Saul, 4218:4-8; vent their anger first upon the saints, 5470:7-9; who are the, 74:8, 9; 150:1, 2; 2843:9. To be: tried and judged, 3727:3. Why: Not destroyed by God, 5377:9, 15; 5378:1, 2; restrained, 265:3-15. Work of, in our day, 4976, 4977. See Devils; Satan; Spiritism. DENMARK Letters from, 1747:5-9; 1843:6-14; 1952:15, 16; 1953:1-5; religious conditions in (1891), 1333:7, 10. DENOMINATION Is called heresy in Bible, 1130:8-11. DENOMINATIONALISM A hindrance, 452:3; Japanese-Christian attitude toward, 1596:7-9; not to decline, 2577:28, 29. DENOMINATIONS Evidences of carnality, 1571:2-13; 1577:1-3; how the W.T. B. & T. society differs from, 3704:17; 3705:1, 2, 8, 9; saints should not belong to, 1697:3, 4; why so many, 5137:5, 9, 10. See Babylon. DENUNCIATION Not always reviling, 5678:7, 13; 5679:1, 6, 7. DEPART And be with Christ, text explained, 284:5-7. DEPARTING From: Faith in early church, 550, 551. DEPARTMENT Post-office: Adverse rulings of (1896), 1943:5-7, 14-17; 1955:1, 2; 1962:2, 3; door possible to be shut by the, 3992:3-5. DEPORTMENT Of brethren becoming lax, 5382:17-19. DEPOT Scripture texts in Union Railway Station, Washington, 4700. DEPRAVITY Christ's crucifixion shows depth of man's, 1963, 1964; increasing in coming generation, 3741:4-6, 11, 12; of race is general, not total, 2097:7, 8; 5232:8, 9, 15; 5518:12-14. See sin: Total. DEPRESSION Often traceable to poor physical health, 5671:6, 7. DESERTION Of wife, what constitutes, 1554:11; 1555:6. DESERTS Are vanishing, 1173:8; blossoming, 1379:9, 17, 18. Streams: Breaking forth in, 2776:3-6; in America, 2907:4-7, 12, 13. DESIRE Evil, when it becomes adultery, 3045:3; good or bad determines Christian's course, 4291:4-9; meaning as related to sin, 2248:7, 12. Of: All nations, 59:10, 11; 1091-1094; 3052, 3053; the Apostle Paul, 1018-1020; 1827. DESOLATE Behold your house is left, 2296:8, 9; 2746:2, 5-7. DESOLATION Abomination of, the mass, 1991:7, 8; 2822:7-9; 5641:10; 5642:1; Seventy years of, in Palestine, 1372:9-17; 1373:1-4; 1974:20, 1975:7, 13, 17; 1976:12; 1981:1; 2509:7; 4669:8; 4670:1. DESPISERS Behold, and wonder, and perish, 1487:4, 5; 1488:8-11; of God in last days, 2460:10. DESPITE To the spirit of favor, 4605. DESTINY Not fixed at death, says Wesleyan minister, 4017:13-15. DESTROY Both soul and body (Matt. 10:28), 875; devil will God, 2001:14-30. DESTRUCTION Death means, 846:4, 9; everlasting, 356:3-5; 764:6, 7, 18-20. Of: Death through Christ, 43:19-22; earthly kingdoms, 307:18-23; flesh, delivered unto Satan for, 1699:1-11; Jerusalem, type and antitype, 590, 591; Papacy, 307:12-19; present order symbolized by fire, 2971:2-4; Satan, 86:19; 255:1, 2; 725:6-10, 14-16; 2001:14-30; Sodomites not annihilation, 5179; wicked taught in Bible, 3083, 3084. Pride goeth before, 3384, 3385; punished with everlasting, 764:6, 7; second death means everlasting, 649:11; 769:12; that wasteth at noon-day, 3332:2. DEUTERONOMY Contains orations of Moses, 4050:9, 17; is Moses' dying message to Israel, 5334:10-18. DEVELOPMENT In Christ-likeness proper basis of esteem of brethren, 5359:9, 11, 12; law of, as fixed in spiritual matters as in physical, 1906; love the highest form of, 2754, 2755. Of: Graces (eight) and how developed, 1114. NEW CREATURE: A gradual work, 5208:10-13; compared to eggs in incubator, 4924:8, 14-18; pictured in natural birth, 1273:20, 29, 30. DEVIL Afflictions from the, 4627:7, 8; author of modern doctrines, 2770:5-9; children of, are evil-doers, 1175:8, 9; destruction of, 86:19; 255:1, 2; 725:6-10, 14-16; 2001:14-30; how father of Jews, 1005:11; personal? or evil principle, 44:7-9; personality of, 44:7-9; 2566:8; Scriptural proof that Satan is a personal, 5847:5; temptations emanating from the, 2769:13; unbelief in, is a device of Satan, 3310:7, 8. See Adversary; Satan; World. DEVILS Babylon the habitation of, 45:9, 10; cast out by an outsider, 4667; 17-19; 4668:1, 2; cup and table of, vs. the cup and table of the Lord, 1898-1900. Doctrines of: All based on Satan's original lie, 1643:2-13; 1644; modern theology is one, 2770:5-9. Habitation of, Babylon, 45:9, 10. DEVOTION Should be our watch-word, 1282:10; test of love, 2456:8; to our loved ones should be shown in life rather than death, 5541:12-14. DEW Of thy youth: (Psalm 110:3) explained, 2935:7. DIADEM Royal, Church is to be, in the hands of God, 4913:8, 9, 14, 15. DIAGLOTT See Translation. DIAMOND Picture of character, 2404:10-12; polishes diamond, 3752:1; 4995:9-12; saints like unto the, 3104:1-3. DIANA Goddess worshiped by Ephesians, 2206, 2207; 4432:3-8. DICTATOR Jehovah necessarily a, 2984:10, 14. DICTIONARY Necessary in Bible study, 1241:5-12, 16-22. DIE All Christians must physically, 473:5-9, 11-16; after this the judgment, Text explained, 147:2, 3; 2822:10; 2823:1; 5730:14-16; 5731:1-4; in Adam all, 1516; man shall live again even though he, 1506:4-11; set thine house in order; for thou shalt, 3588:3, 4; "thou shalt not surely," Satan's lie believed today, 3926:2-5; ye shall not surely, 910:8-12; 4551:10, 11. See Death. DIE STIMME For interested Jews, 4743:3-5, 14, 15. DIET Advantages of plain, 4873:3-6; Daniel saw the value of simple, 3630:11; 3631:7; 5796:1-10; effect of, upon the formation of character, 3630:11; 3631:1; 4873:3-6; vegetarian, for perfected race, 2837:1. DIFFERENCES Racial, how to account for, 3043:3-11; wisdom in the settlement of doctrinal, 4374:2; 4375:1. DIFFICULTIES Marital, should be settled without outside advice, 5900:12. DIGNITARIES Paul's speaking evil of, 3190:3; 5952:7, 9. DIGNITY Between brethren and sisters imperative, 1586:14-16. DILLON Rev. Wm., withdraws from debate with Brother Russell, 4115:1-3, 7, 8; 4119; 4136:10. DIMBLEY False chronology and astronomy of, 1974-1979; 2063, 2064. DISAPPOINTMENT Continuance of harvest work no cause for church's, 5951:2, 8; evidence of self-will, 2412:11. DISAPPOINTMENTS Sometimes God's appointments, 2894:4. DISARMAMENT Why it cannot come before Christ's kingdom, 2361:5-9. DISCERNMENT Spiritual, for the consecrated only, 373:5, 6. DISCIPLES Denomination: Became Babylonish, how? 1137:8-10; error of, 2565:5; not free from Babylon, 2338:15, 16; receive unbaptized members (1896), 1969:6-8; sectarian spirit of, 877:10; 878; what they believe, 2266:4-6; and Baptists unite, 3966:5, 6; 4267:14-16; 4268:1, 2. See Baptists. Of Christ: Appearance of Jesus to, 122:11-17; 2802-2804. ARE: Doers as well as hearers of the Word, 3317:12; 3318:1, 2; such by choice, 3235:5, 6, 12. Called Christians at Antioch, 1455; 2998:4; commissioned by Jesus to teach, 1714:5-7; 1917:11-14; 2809; 5587:12-15; 5588; compared to fruitful trees, 3747:3-11; desire Lord to increase their faith, 1967. HAVE: Not earthly advantage, 5370:12-14; 5371:1-4; peace of God, 2456:11, 12, HOW: Kept, 3552:1-6; we become, 5690:13; 5691:1. If ye continue in his Word, ye are, 3053; 5508:2-6, 9-11; ignorant, unlearned men, 748:1-3; illustrations showing oneness of, 3544:9; instructed as to heirship, 4557; 4558; Jesus' sixth manifestation to, 2809; Lord warns them to keep humble, 1987; Lord's legacy of peace to, 1834:1-12; 1835:1-3, 7-10; manner of selecting Jesus', 3483; Nicodemus probably not one of the, 3485:6, 7. NOT: Sons of God until Pentecost, 5623:3-7, 10. Now have opportunity for cross-bearing, 4172:1, 2; peculiar because out of harmony with the world, 5426:3-6; return to fishing business, 2806:4; 4183:6-8; sacrifice all, 541:1-3, 11-13; some offended, 445:4; sought honor as Jesus' Gethsemane drew near, 5361:5, 9; stamina required to be one of, 5495:14; tarrying of, served threefold purpose, 4306:1-5; to do greater works than Jesus did, 2455:1, 2, 9; 3309:8, 9; 3310:1; walk to Emmaus, 1823; warned against leaven of the Pharisees, 5111:9-16. WHY THEY: Asked to be taught to pray, 1945:9; 5832-5835; drank of the Lord's cup, 2272:4-6; slept in Gethsemane, 2774:7. See Church; Discipleship. DISCIPLESHIP Advantages of, 2072:4-7; conditions of, 5840:2. Cost of: Christian, 209:4-7, 11, 12; 284, 285; 854:7; 2566:2; 3236, 3237; 3308:9, 10; 3540:2, 9, 10; 4557, 4558; 5223; 5425, 5426. SHOULD: Be duly considered, 5614:14-16; not be considered for years, 4872:2. Evidenced by persecution, 2412:4-6; includes complete consecration, 2071:5; 2072:1-3; Jesus' tests of, 3317; meaning of, 2571:1-3; object and meaning of, 2439:5-9; proof of, 416:9, 10; terms of, 2071; 5; 2072:1-3; 2615, 2616; 5425:6-8, 13, 14; 5426; test of true, 4568:13-17. DISCIPLINE Blessed results of, 1944:8-10; Christians without, not sons, 521:11, 14; God's means of restoring the wayward Christian, 5807:10-12; in the church, 295:16, 17; 953, 954. Of Millennium to be: Aided by rewards and punishments, 5183:1-4; for individual transgressions, 4856:4, 5, 8-12. Purpose of, 772:6, 9; value of, to Christians, 2737:6-8; why applied to church, 1164:2-4; and judging not the present work of the church, 5644, 5645. See Suffering; Trials. DISCONTENT Good and evil of, 2351:1-4; hope of future compensation decreases present, 3411:1-3; increases with knowledge, 1485:11-13; 3169:4; its relation to increased light on the Bible, 1064:13-15; why usually caused by intelligence, 1355:7, 8; vs. contentment, 2725:1-3. DISCORD Followed by harmony, 204:11; of the creeds, 2569:1, 2. DISCOURAGEMENT How: Sobriety fortifies against, 3149:7-9; to overcome, 628:4-10, 17-21. In the nominal ministry, 4230:1-7. Of: Abraham, 2853:5. CHRISTIANS: How offset, 2520, 2521; source of, 2774:9. Colporteurs dissipated, 1633:2-13. PAUL: At Corinth, 3143:8, 9; offset by a vision, 4416:3, 10-12. Leads to contrition of heart, 5217, 5218; result of loss of faith and hope, 5712:8-13; and timidity have power to lead astray (Letter), 5496:8, 9, 11-14. DISCOURSES At funeral service of Brother Russell, 6000-6013; of Brother Rutherford published without his consent (Letter), 5382:49, 50; on Mars Hill, 1557:5, 10-17; should be simple and instructive, 3243:1; word of caution in re giving of, 1851:1, 10. DICOVERIES Confirmatory of Bible, 818:3. DISCUSSION Of worldly science should be ignored by Christians, 4921:12; or debate, profitable and unprofitable, 3018:10; 3019:1, 7, 8. DISEASE Among Jews traceable to sin, 4980:8, 9; apostles given power to heal, 2635:10-12; aseptolin, antitoxin for, 1942:5; cured by faith (1881 view), 226:4-8, 15-18. Healing of: (1885 view), 759:12; 2582:9, 10; a sign of the times, 748:12-15; 749. See Healing. Is it always of Satan? 2668:4-12; of body affects the mind, 1080:1; predisposition to, 4086:3, 6-11; progeny of drunkards are predisposed to, 4086:1-3, 6-11; Satan's power to cause, 1684:12-14; 1685; symptoms of spiritual, 2308:1-3; traceable to millions of insects, 4672:6. DISFELLOWSHIPING Of brethren, see Brethren. DISHONESTY Greatest sin of the consecrated, 2944:1; 5433:9-14; in the truth, 933:1, 2. DISHONOR To parents exemplified by Absalom, 3262:1-8; "vessels unto honor or," 1225:9-12. DISINTEGRATION Natural tendency of Christendom today, 1548:5, 9, 10; of present order, 668:10-12; precedes reconstruction, 5864:1. DISLOYALTY Adam's sin, 1610:6. DISOBEDIENCE Death the punishment for, 282:1; in children chargeable to parents, 5287:6-9; means of separation from the Lord, 3157:7-10; of Adam brought death, 62:11, 12; 250:7-24; 417; 465:1. To: God brings its own punishment, 3240:7, 8; parents a sign of last days, 2074:5-7; 2460:2; truth brings death, 49:10. Who are children of, 3457:3, 11. DISPENSATION First, unsuccessful reign of the angels, 1677; Second, how Satan is its prince, 615; 1684-1686. DISPENSATIONAL Unfoldings: 884:7, 8; in type, 136:1; Jewish and gospel, 39:1. DISPENSATIONS Or ages in God's plan, 716:15; two, 115:2-5, 9-14; 116. See Ages; Harvest. DISPOSITION Evil, sources of an, 5:1; 1214:20, 21. Hypocritical: Indicative of spiritual pride, 5956:3, 4; Lord’s people should not have, 4772:12-14; should be abandoned and why, 3316:8, 9. DISPOSITIONS Warm and fervent most pleasing to Master, 2289:3, 4. DISPUTINGS See Murmurings. DISQUALIFICATION As Elders: See Elders. DISRAELI Comments on hatred of the Jews, 3881:13, 14; 3882:1; Jews aided by, 101:7. DISSENSION Among Christians due to two causes, 5358:8, 13-15. See Strife. DISSOLVED Our earthly house, 179:7-11, 18-20; present order of earth is being, 5735:6-9. DIVES And Lazarus; See Parable. DIVINE Approval: Compared with human, 955; 3, 4; not always upon our good intentions, 3258:28; seeking the, 4242:1-3. Call, see High Calling; inspiration, see Inspiration. Nature: Begins at consecration, 218:4; consecrated are all begotten to the, 4665:9-11; crown of life is the, 5688:2, 3; defined, 89:1-3; 329:12-15; exceeding grace of God, 2138:1-3. FOR: Jesus and church, 458:17-19; the church, 89:9-11; 138:9; 142:4-8. Highest plane, 456:17, 18; of the Christ, 297:7, 8. Plan, see God, Plan of; plane to contain only the Anointed, 4652:7. Right of Kings: 287:10, 11; 507:4-9, 12-17; origin of, 757:9, 10; our attitude toward, 5466:5-11, 17-20; properly applies to Israel only, 4786:3, 4; supported by clergy responsible for World War, 5765; to rule, Kaiser William believes he has, 2217:9-11. Truth: Not to be spurned, 2057:2, 5-7. Will, see Will of God. DIVINITY Only fount of life, 279:2. DIVISION In the Church: An evidence of sectarianism, 4251:11, 12; 4252; 4446:2-5; better than a union under Papacy's system, 1572:14; on the Ransom, 2183:5; preferable to bondage, 5981:16; 5982:1; to be decided by majority (Letter and reply), 5790:4, 5, 9-11. Of Mt. Olivet, type, 286:12-20; why the message of truth creates a, 1633:8-10; 1634:1-3. DIVISIONS In church, carnal, 309:4-7; 1571:2-13; 1577:1-3; "mark them which cause, and avoid them", 1589:1-3, 7-10; 4318:4; 4483:9; of 1894 sifting discussed, 1659-1667; there are no, in the body of Christ, 2325:4. See Siftings; Harvest Siftings. DIVORCE Only one Scriptural ground for, 1554:10, 11. And: Remarriage when proper, 5954:8-10, 15. DO This one thing I, 478:2-14. DOCTOR Of Divinity: Admits conversion of Chinese is hopeless, 1851:2-7; calls Rabbi representative of Almighty God, 1798:1, 8; flays Calvin's creed, 1579:5; from England working for church federation in America, 1785:11-14; ignores ordination of God to preach, 2096:3-8; objects to being called reverend, 1486:7; on the folly of creeds, 1306:11; preaches on resurrection of the body, 1852:8-10; says New York churches are a curse, 1825:11, 12; tells truth about India, 1071, 1072; true description of Babylon by a, 1476:1-5. VIEW OF, ON: Election, 1166:11-19; future probation, 1334; the saloon, 1492:19. DOCTORS Of Divinity: Refuse evangelist for belief in Christ's return, 1818:16; try to doctor divinity, 1419:11. Of the Law: Confounded by Jesus at 12 years, 3291:3-6; failed to trap Jesus, 2756, 2757. See Clergy; Ministers. DOCTRINAL Differences, see Differences. DOCTRINE Believe not every, 651:10, 17; blown about by every wind of, 4408:11; 4409:1-3; chief theme of Watch Tower and why, 829. False: Babylon drunken with the wine of, 3455, 3456; 4031:7, 8; effect of, in time of war, 3442; effects of, 767; 3455, 3456. HAS: Blinded Christians faith in Jesus, 2940:3, 7, 8. Opposing of, work of saints, 774:12, 13; and true, 125:14, 15; 126:1. Fundamental, defined, 59:13. Importance: To Christians of correct, 5952:8. In Watch Tower remains unchanged, 4491, 4492; love should be taught by elders as well as, 4346:8; morality, the suggested test for Methodist, 1375. Of: All creeds being rejected, 3766; 13-21; both nominal houses of Israel false, 432, 433; Christendom the cause of its decline, 602; Day Star and Watch Tower opposed, 397; 431:12-14; 432:1-6, 10-12; Nicolaitans, 359:19; 491:9; no eternal torment is not dangerous, 1603; Pharisees and Sadducees, 432:10, 15-18. Our attitude respecting the investigation of other, 4408:11; 4409:1-3; prove all, hold only true, 651:10, 17; 866:10; 1204-1206; 1788:9, 10; 4750:1-6; revealed to the truly consecrated, 5137:1-5, 9-14; sound, they will not endure, 968:4; 2135:1; 2229:8; taught in Scripture Studies remains unchanged, 4474, 4475; those who practise the spirit of Christ see most clearly his, 1593:16; 1594:1; we do not look for new, 4483:7, 8. We should: Not investigate every, 3215:2-6; proclaim, 646:5-8. What "the sincere milk of the word" is, 1567:15; why it is essential to know the true, 3318:6, 8-10; will not endure sound, 968:4; ye shall know of the, 923:1, 2. DOCTRINES False: Cause of nominal Christianity's unscriptural view, 5317:6-9; hindrance to true worship of God, 2079:1-4. OF CHRISTENDOM: Compared to intoxicating wine, 4287, 4288; described, 4288:2-7. The latter days traceable to Satan, 5800:1-12. Seducing, proper attitude toward, 5970:2-4. DOERS Of the Word: Be ye, 2694:3, 4; 3317:12; 3318:1, 2; 3747, 3748; reward of, 645:14, 15. DOGMATIC Teaching a dangerous practice, 77:1. DOGS Disguised should not be tolerated, 1712:3-6, 8-10; dumb, faithless clergy called, 2674:9; eat crumbs from children's table, 2280, 2281; gentiles socalled (Luke 16), 1000; 2653:13; 4627:2, 3; of Lazarus' Parable, 284:1,2; symbol of evil and evil men, 1671:1,2. DOING And knowing the will of God, 1802. DOMINION Lost Adam to be restored, 269:9, 14. Of: Earth traced, 453:11-21; righteous in Millennium, 302:13. Over: Animals a glory, 1267:4-7; God's works given to Adam, 4972:11, 12, 17; Papal, as a leopard, 63:6. DONATIONS For rebuilding Solomon’s temple discontinued by King Joash, 4777:7, 12. To: Churches used to spread higher criticism, 3373:1-9; Red Cross and other charities (Letter and reply), 5804:14, 15. See Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. DOOR Behold, I stand at the, 506:1-3, 13-16; how Jesus is both shepherd and, 1647:4, 5; narrow, strive to enter the, 5407:2, 3, 7, 8; of God's sheepfold is Christ, 2673:5; posts of Israel shaken and removed, 4787:3-6. To: HIGH CALLING: close of, 224:7-12; 288, 289; not shut in 1881, 1112:4; not shut in 1915, 5721:12-15; shut when all wise virgins have entered into joy, 1112:13; 5523:13-16; status of one consecrating after its close, 5761:7, 8; suppression of truth may mean shutting of the, 1448:1; to be shut possible by Post Office Department, 3992:3; still open, 2676:8; was shut, 1112; when it will be shut, 4141:4. Kingdom shut, 3868:10; 3869:1, 2; sheepfold is Jesus, 4157:2, 3. DORCAS Life and works of, 2987:8; 2988:1-4; raised to life by Peter, 1450. DOUBLE Israel's: Accomplished, 1378, 1379; simple a double of time, 1160; was disfavor vs. favor, 1201. Portion of Lord's spirit explained, 3428:9. Mindedness: FOE TO: Christian progress, 2335, 2336; reaching the mark, 5081:5-7. Leads to instability of character, 1562:5, 10, 11; 2336:3, 4; 5313:5, 10-13; Saul an example of, 4233:5. DOUBLES use of, in Bible, 56:7. DOUBT In Millennium possible to all who so prefer, 1529:7; letters of encouragement to those in, 1236:2-6; 1599:7-9. DOUBTETH Is damned, he that, 4085:9. DOUBTING Of St. Thomas not a matter for reproof, 5625:1-3. DOUKHOBORS Irrational religion of the, 3097:16; 3098. DOVE Holy spirit like a, 2565:8, 9. See Olive Branch. DOVES Harmless as, 745, 746; 5151; symbolize peace, 2237:5. DOWIE John Alex., became millionaire, 2838:4; declares himself to be the Messenger of the Covenant, 2838:6; Editor's view of cures of, 2837, 2838; false prophet, 2858:3; Lording it over "Zionists", 3286:5-7, proclaims himself Elijah, 2838:8-13. DOXOLOGY Eliminated at Chicago University, 3567:7-9. DRAFT Law, see Law, Draft; Military; War. DRAG Net: Parable of, 5048:6. DRAGON Beast and False Prophet in Bible symbology, 63:6; 510:8; red, and woman explained, 55:5-7; symbol of Roman empire, 318:8, 9; what it is, 55:5-7; 306:8; whom it represents, 55:9, 10. DRAMA Eureka: Class extension work in connection with the, 5523, 5524; 5553:9, 15; 5787; colporteur work in connection with (Letter), 5744:1-8; family use of, 5586:3, 4, 12; ready for use, 5514:20-22; 5515; shown in railroad stations (Letter), 5876:20-22; success in showing (Letter), 5590:16-20; 5602:14, 15; (letters), 5657:13-15, 23, 24; 5795:7, 10-13; 5822:23; 5887:5-9, 15, 16; (Letter), 5969:33; useful as a Christmas gift, 5575:13, 14. DRAMATIZING Of Bible subjects, (1895 view), 1818:7-9; "sacred opera Christ", commended (1895), 1838:9-12; 1839:1. DRAPER Brother Frank, Pilgrim trip of, in Great Britain, 4844:12; 4859:14; 4868:10. DRAWING And forcing during Millennium, 1057. DRAWN Of God: Church are, 4476:3-5. HOW: The spirit-begotten are, 5133:17-20; 5134:1-4; 5583:1-7. To Jesus, 4148:1, 2, 6; why only a certain class are, 4475:11, 12. To Christ: Are all men being, 2519:5-9; 3169:10-16; 3170:1-7; eventually all men will be, 4049:1, 7; now we are, 2570:12, 13. DREAM Horatius Bonar's analysis of zeal in a, 3542:13. Of: Daniel, 166:1-15; Jacob interpreted, 5199:14-17; 5200:1; Pharaoh interpreted by Joseph, 5216:13-17. Paul guided of the Lord by a, 3144:4. DREAMS Christian's safety in interpretation of, 5714:5, 6, 9; Christians not taught by, 2887:1; 3144:5, 8; may be from evil spirits, 3277:8; not to be considered as from the Lord, 614:5; 3277:8; 3971:5-7; origin and purpose of, 2886:7; respecting the 1894 sifting, 1663:2, 3; to what extent we may profit by, 1546:11; usually the result of indigestion, 5214:4, 5. See Visions. DRESS Christian's, 620:6-8, 10-12; 3342:1; of preaching brethren preferably black, 4817:3-5; and food, Christians should be simple in, 3292:3. DREYFUS Rochefort's cruelty in case of, 2433:2, 3. DRINK See Meat. DRISCOLL Bro. G. C., tribute to Brother Russell by, 6008:2, 3, 11-13. DROSS greatest among leaders of flock, 3865:6; must be consumed by fiery trials, 1944:5-10; Paul counted all things, 478:10-14. DROUGHT Predicted by Elijah antitypically fulfilled in spiritual, 5741, 5742; represents spiritual famine, 557:10, 11. DROWNING In sea better than stumbling Lord's people, 3797:4-9. DRUG Habit cured by the truth, 2246:9. DRUMMOND Prof, preaches evolution (1895), 1784:12, 13. DRUNKARD Cured by truth alone (Letter), 5515:19-23; pictured by Solomon, 4600:7; true pen picture of, 1520:9, 10. DRUNKARDS Of Ephraim, 562:6, 13, 15; progeny of, predisposed to disease, 4086:1-3, 6-11; should not be found among Christians, 3454:8, 9; woe-cup of, 2533:8, 9. DRUNKEN But not with wine; (Isa. 29:9), 588, 589; 2904:8, 9. With the wine of: Christendom, all nations are, 4287, 4288; false doctrine, 3455:1-3; 4031:7, 8. DRUNKENNESS Among "Christians" in foreign lands, 1304:3; as applied to Christians, 3181:6; Benhadad defeated through, 4758:6-8, 13, 14; literal and spiritual, 3962, 3963. Of: Babylon, 1896:2-21; children habitual in Germany, 3746:10. Overcharged with, 565, 566. See Intoxication; Rioting. DRY Bones: Vision of, 2505:3-9. DRYDEN On "The Bible", 2375. DUBLIN Difficulties in the church at, 4424:3, 4. DUE Time: Key to understanding plan lies in expression, 7:4-9; ransom of all in, 33:2; 447:1-4; world to know of Jesus in, 3475:9; 3476:1, 2. DUST Of thy feet, shake off the, 2262:2, 7; 3010:9. Shall: be the serpent's meat, its meaning, 1649:12; 2841:9; 5574:7, 8; return to earth, spirit unto God, 5108:2-7. DUTIES Of the head of the home, 4899:8-12. DUTY All questions of, answered by God's law, 1116:7; of the church this side the veil, 1127:10; 1128:1-5; care for our families our first, 1327:8; 2196:9, 10; 3268:8; 4116:5-7; 5168:12; 5556:10, 13; 5557:1,2; friendship not to interfere with, 423:1-7, 15-18; now to perform a, 3395:8. Love (phileo): Beginning of Christian growth, 2754:7; illustrations of, 2807:2-10. Of: Consecrated parents to children, 874:1, 2, 6; 1097:5, 6; surrounding ourselves with helpful influences, 5727:10; true Christian in churches, 456-457. To our fellow-men, 3029:5, 6, 8, 9. DYING Act of, not full wages of sin, 15:10-13; no significance to visions received by, 3524:16, 17. Of; Brother Russell was without murmur or complaint, 6003:9, 12, 13; 6004:2, 11-13; 6005; the Lord Jesus always borne by the consecrated, 5671:8-12. DYSPEPTICS Spiritual, 23:12.EAGLES
Assembled at carcass, 229:10. EAR Hearing: Preach to, 127:1, 2, 10; precedes faith, 6:11, 12. EARLY Church: See Church, Early. EARNEST Of our inheritance, 493:4-7, 11, 12. EARRINGS Symbolical significance of, 51:14-16. EARS Itching, meaning of phrase, 968:4; of deaf unstopped, symbolical and literal, 712:11. EARTH Abides: But changes 3154:10, 11; forever, 3154:10, 11. Age of: Estimated, 299:13-15; set by scientists at millions of years, 4699:13-18. Beast came out of, 319:16; beginning to yield her increase, 4431:12-14; being gradually perfected, 5058:2-4. Bible does not teach that it is: Flat, 1811:6-10; 1812-1814; founded and immovable, 1813:14-25; 1814:1-4. Burned, few left 5041:14-16; burning of, symbolic, 5363, 5364; creation of, and preparation for man, 299; 5139, 5140. Cursed: A blessing under present conditions, 3451:14; for the sake of sinful man, 5058:1-4. Darkness: Blinding people of, 535, 536; covers the, 535. Dust shall return to, 5108:2-7; five universal empires of, 5673:9-12; flat, the Bible does not teach that it is, 1811:6-10; 1812-1814; four corners of, 1812:17; how Christ takes control of, 5:1-4; hung upon nothing, 1814:5-12; immovable, taught by the Bible? 1813:14-25; 1814:1-4; inhabitants of, 85:5-7, 19; 86:1-4, 10:14; joys of, compared with those of heaven, 5862, 5863; jubilee of, the 50th thousand year, 1731:19, 20; labor pangs of, 1668; lay not up for yourselves treasures upon , 1820:2, 3; Nicholson's view of the end of, 1904:6; perfected to be the home of man, 5057, 5058; pillars of, 1813:6-9, 14-25; 1814:1, 2; population of, 85:5-7, 19; 86:1-4, 10-14; 3626:14-18; preferred to heaven by minister, 4195:22; 4196:1-7; rebellious province of, how redeemed, 1204:5-7; restitution, relates to man and not to, 1240:2, 3, 8; rotation of, Pope forced Galileo to deny, 3646:1; saw [His lightnings], and trembled, 1913. Shall yield her increase: 2775:10; a sample of how the, 3302:4-8, 11-14. Sun and stars not merely ornaments and conveniences of, 1812:18-22; symbol of organized society, 498:7; 636; 686:4; Texas could hold the population of, 2775:6, 7. To: Be burned up, 3215:9-12; become like Eden, 613:1; rejoice in Lord's reign, 815:1. Tracing the dominion of, 453:11-21; waters beneath the, 1813:1-5; whirlwind raised up from the coasts of the, 4750:7-11. And: Heaven to be changed, 4222; sea, mountain and hill, symbolic meaning of, 716:1-3. See Heavens. EARTHLY House of: Church to be dissolved, 701:7-9; saints is the earthly body, 2231:4-6. Interests wisely sacrificed for spiritual, 5206:1-7; things created to picture things spiritual, 29. See Blessings, Earthly; Cares, Earthly; Love, Earthly. EARTHQUAKE In Jamaica, truth people delivered from, 3942:6, 7; probable means for overthrowing wall of Jericho, 5343:13-15; San Francisco, truth people all spared in, 3781:6, 7, 13; symbol of revolution, 2334:6. See Revolution. EARTHQUAKES Caused by subsidence of mountains, 1215; and cyclones in prophecy, 534:11-16; 879:1, 2. See Calamities. EAST "Many shall come from the ", 1095; worshiping toward the, a relic of demon worship, 1990:19. EASTER Name of a pagan festival, 1290:1, 8. EAT Give ye them to, 3333:9; 3334:8, 9; good of the land, spiritual Israel does, 3454:1, 2; "take no thought what ye," 873:5, 6, 10; "thy words were found and I did," 3609:4; "with such an one, no, not to", 2962:2, 3. EATING Of Jesus' flesh: 611:10, 12-14; 4147; world to have part in, 5342, 5343. Regular, essential to spiritual health, 23:11; tempting God in our, 1688:11. EATON Dr. E.L.: Engages Brother Russell in debate (1903), 3258:3-15, 17-27; on the church of today, 3583:6-8, 12; 3584:1, 2. See Russell. EBENEZER Monument of victory to both houses of Israel, 5627:13; 5628:1. ECCE HOMO Behold the Man, 104:1-12. ECCLESIA Difficulty in the Dublin, 4424:3, 4. Elections: Care should be taken in, 4503:10, 11; evil speaking and, 5529:13; 5530:1-3; justice to reign in, 5921:11-14; love takes precedence of parliamentary rules in, 5367, 5368. OF: Sisters as deaconesses, proper, 1891:9; 1894:15. Rules in connection with, 1890:7-15; 1891, 1892; 5336:6-11; 5350:3-6, 12-14; 5368, 5369. Error of judgment may be committed by entire, 4985:11; meaning of word, 295:1, 2; Paris, message from brethren of (Letters), 5841:2-6, 24; 5842:1. Trouble In: Often the result of spiritual pride, 5956:14; 5957:1, 2, 13-15. ECCLESIAS Advantaged by having stockkeepers, 5338:3, 11, 12. Advice: To those having difficulties with elders in, 5921:1-8, 10-14. Division in the: Better than a union under Papacy, 1572:14; to be on the Ransom, 2183:5. Divisions and sects in, evidences of; Carnality, 309:4-7; 1571:2-13; 1577:1-3; sectarianism, 4251:11, 12; 4252; 4446:2-5. Electioneering detrimental to, 5645:5-7; how to deal with elders in (Letter), 1895:3-11; leaders in, caution in their selection necessary, 2925:5; mark them that cause divisions in the, 1589:1-3, 7-10; 4318:4; 4483:9. May be: Advantaged by separation, 5284, 5285; divided as to meetings but not in spirit, 5501:4; 5502:8. Method of establishing, 836, 1-9, 12-16; not leaders, should control local affairs, 2080:2, 3; 5336, 5337, 5347:6-10; require courage in election of leaders, 5981:12-16. Responsible for: Election of wrong leaders, 5981:12-16; leaders who become arrogant, 4503:5, 6; not removing wayward elders, 3866, 3867. Teachers in, see Church, True, Teachers in; trial, see Church, Trial; why they have troubles, 1889:5, 6. See Speaking Evil. ECCLESIASTES Book of, reviewed, 1532; written in Solomon's later life, 1517:7. ECCLESIASTICISM Against radicalism, 992:1-14; Baptists slaves to, 3248:3-7, 11; 3249:1, 2; drowned in worldliness, 3351:1-3; political, 231:9-12; rebuked by a clergyman, 3358:22; 3359:1, 2; 3958:7-22; To feel the time of trouble before the social element, 5527:9; why it is declining, 3357:10, 11. ECLIPSE Solar, never exceeds over seven minutes; 2489:4, 5. ECCLIPSES Of moon, B.C.1 561:19. ECONOMIC Conditions: As foreseen in 1895, 1858:3-5. CAUSE OF THE: Time of trouble, 1690, 1691; world-wide depression in 1893-1894, 1606, 1607. Cure of plutocracy, 1244:3, 5, 6; in 1893-1895, 1758:22; 1759:1, 2; kingdom the only solution of problem of 1954:13-21; point to end of the business depression of 1895, 1851; 12, 16; probable effect upon, of entrance of women into business, 1621:4-7; unbiased view of, 1243:12, 13; 1244:1-6; 1245:8-10. ECONOMY For hard times. 5143:6 7; needed most by the poor, 3781:9-12; part of our covenant of sacrifice, 1672:15. Taught by Jesus: 2644:10-12; in miracle of loaves and fishes, 3503:9. And love manifested by God in the condemnation of one man, 429:9, 10. See Generosity. ECUMENICAL Mission conference: N.Y. (1900), 2646. EDDY Mrs., See Christian Science. EDEN Enterprising engineer seeks to restore, 4572:12, 13; 4573:1; signifies delight, 1240:4; whole earth to become like, 613:1. EDGAR Account of dying hours of Brother John, 4652; book on the Great Pyramid by Brothers, 4658:8; death of Doctor John (June, 1910) announced, 4638:17. EDIFICATION Of: One another through gracious conversation, 4770:3-6, 14, 15; others the result of our self-denials, 5556:6-13; 5557:1, 2. EDISON Denies the immortality of the soul, 4773:3, 4; experiments with the X-Ray (1896), 1942:4; 1954:9-12; 1969:14, 15; on the power of electricity, 4074:18, 19; says: "We don't know a millionth part of one percent about anything", 1763:6. EDITOR Of Watch Tower, see Russell, C. T.; responsibility of an, 507:10, 11. EDITORIAL "We", why used, 2645:7, 8, 13-15. EDITORS Appealed to for spread of truth, 4946. EDOMITES Bedouin tribes of Arabia are, 3954:3; refused Israelites permission to cross their land, 5315:21. EDUCATION How it increases crime, 1190, 1191. Of: Children of consecrated, 3148:3-8; conscience, 1581:7; 3020:6; early Egyptians, 2903:5, 8. Revolutionary effects of universal, 1621:13-21; 1622:1-4, 9-12; view of Senator Blair in re, 1212. And: Literacy well developed in age of Moses, 3443, 3444; moral conditions in Germany and elsewhere (1895), 1870:9-12. See Knowledge; Liberty. EDWARDS Jonathan: His concept of God, 1157:6, 7; monomaniac, 522:3; preached eternal torment, 1644. EGO See Individuality. EGOTISM One of latter-day sins, 2540:14-16; pitiable trait, 565:4, 5. EGYPT Civilized and beautiful in Moses' day, 2903:5, 8; in type and antitype, 155:1-13; Israel's sojourn in, 1650; Jesus' flight into, 1681. Joseph: Made ruler of, 1640; sold into, 1639. Plagues of, see Plagues, Egyptian; Telel-Amarna tablets, found in, tell of Hebrew invasion of Palestine, 1652; and Greece: committee's visit to, 5016:1-3, 8-14. EGYPTIAN Temple Archives confirm chronology of Bible, 2530; war of 1882, 377:8, 9; and Assyrian corroborations of the Bible, 3467. EGYPTIANS Antitypical significance of drowning of, 3998:10, 11; attitude toward Israelites, 2900:6-8; 2901:1; education of the early, 2903:5, 8; feared the Israelites, 3982:3-5, 8, 9; Israelites borrowed from the, 1657:15; 2811:6. See Babylonians. EGYPTOLOGISTS Vs. Bible, 3724:4-6, 9-12. EGYPTOLOGY And the Bible, 625:1, 11. ELDERS Advice: Concerning the qualifications of, 5794:1-5, 10, 11; in re difficulty with, 5921:1-8, 10-14; to (Letter), 5705:18-21. Ambition: AMONG: Baneful effects of, 2491, 2492; the spirit of Satan, 5981:6-11. And pride dangerous to, 4380:2-5, 7-10. Apostolic charges to, 1891:9, 10; 1892; authority usurped by well intentioned, 3614:1; care should be taken in election of, 4503:10, 11; changed, not always advantageous, 5142, 5143; choosing of, by classes not Babylonish practice, 3746:1, 2, 7; chosen of the Lord prove a blessing, 5645:5-7. Classes: Responsible for not removing wayward, 3866, 3867; should control local affairs and not the, 5336, 5337. Church responsible for arrogant, 4503:5, 6; commission from the inspired apostles, 1524:5-7; compared to rams, 5389:1, 8, 9; conceit among the, 3613:5, 6, 9-14; counselled by Paul, 2221:2-5; courage required by classes in election of, 5981:12-14; danger of pride and arrogancy to, 5388:7, 8; dangers of being, 5185; deep responsibility of, to God, 1475:8, 9; dross seems greatest among the brethren who are, 3865:6; election of, see Classes, Election in; ensamples to flock, 2654:6; evil-speaking and the election of, 5529:13; 5530:1-3; exempt from military service as ministers, 5929:12, 13; first essential of, is love, 2446:7-10; hampered in service by pride, 5347:13, 14. How Church should deal with: 1895:3-11; heady, 3865:6-9; lordly, 3866, 3867. IN: Church to neither haughty nor dictatorial, 2996:4; danger of spiritual pride, 5956:6-10; error teach false doctrines to others, 5029:1-5; more danger than others in church, 4709:6; the early church, 1890:6. Increased as the work increases, 5131:3, 4 10, 11; influence of, diminished by carelessness (Letter and reply), 5888:1-11; injured by flattery from brethren, 4503:5-7; instructions for, 3090:12; laying on of hands by, no longer proper, 1956; lording it over the sheep, how to deal with, 5982:2-6; Lord's spirit in choosing, 4009:6-8; more than one recommended for congregations, 3014:10, 11; name bishop applied to, 1957:1, 4; necessity, qualifications and duties of, 1890:7-15; 1891-1895. Not: Re-elected, proper spirit of, 5959:3, 8, 9. TO BE: Novices, 3012:1; selected for natural ability, 2925:5. TO: Control ecclesias, 2080:2, 3; segregate themselves from church, 4928:1, 2, 10, 11. Opposed to meetings should resign, 5122:14, 15; overseers of local congregations; not an honorary title, 1523:10; position of, in early church, 1822:2, 5; proper attitude toward, 1051:17; responsible for trials, 4473:9. Responsibility of: 3171-3173; classes for choice of, 4380:9, 10; 5981:12-16. Restoring one spiritually sick, 4598:1-3; servants of the church, 1574:4-7. Should: BE: As children, 4292:8, 9; humbleminded, 3796:7, 8. Guard their hearts, 4346:8; not be rebuked, 4598:3, 8, 9; prepare lessons beforehand, 5704:6-9, 13-15; "speak as oracles of God", 1356:9, 10. Specially to guard the tongue, 2156:5; 2157:1; spirit of self-seeking among, 5981:6-11; spiritual Israel not to put its trust in, 3078:8; subject to the class, 5347:7-12; teach love as well as doctrines, 4346:8; to profit by Moses' experience, 5315:17-19; twenty-four, represent prophecies, 529:10-13; what to demand from, 1136:8-10. Who: Lead the sheep astray, how to deal with, 4044:4-6; oppose Dawn teachings, how to deal with, 4447:3-5, 13-15. Why, should be elected by the congregation, 3745, 3746; work and responsibility of, 3172, 3173. And: Classes: advice regarding difficulties between, 5921:1-8, 10-14. DEACONS: Concerning the nomination and election of, 5350:3-6, 12-14; is election of, joining Babylon? 1923:9, 11-16; not re-elected are to be submissive, 5305:12-17; Scriptural advice in re the election of, 5793:8-17; specially tested on spiritual pride, 5956:11-14. LEADERS: How chosen, 4198:2, 3; not to be lords, 3865:6-9; 5935:2; should not be flattered, 3639:10. Pilgrims, in what sense ordained, 5940:7-19. ELECT All will be deceived but the, 4253:1, 2; 4477:5-8; bride of Christ, 623:11, 12; church are the, 2733:8; courage needed by the, 761, 762; estimate of number remaining in 1881, 2942:5-13; God will avenge his, 3841:5, 6; God's manner of calling the, 2941:1-5; half gathered from beginning and end of the age, 2942:2; not deceived, 767:9; 1239:8-10, 15; 2770:10, 11; 4477:5-8. Of God: Choosing the, 3226:7-9; church are the, 3586, 3587. Remain unshaken, 3053:1-4; robes without blemish worn by, 2782:8-12; Scriptural proof that there is a class of, 3586, 3587; very, shall not be deceived, 1239:8-10, 15; will all probably receive present truth, 2942:8-11. And: Non-elect, 2652:3, 4; non-elect infants, 830:3, 8-12; very elect, to whom terms apply, 4872:10. See brethren; Bride of Christ; Christ, Body of; Christian; Christians; Church, True; Elijah Class; God, Sons of; Little Flock; New Creation; New Creature; Overcomer; Priesthood, Royal; Saints; The Christ. ELECTION As taught in Presbyterian creed, 1309:8-16; 1310:1-17; 1311:1-3; Bible view of, 612:8-16; 755:4; 1458; conditioned upon obedience to God, 624:2-4; danger of failure in, is in ourselves, 1458:15-17; Doctor of Divinity's inconsistent view of, 1166:11-19; Dr. H. Newton on, 755. Does not: Mean "selected to go to heaven", 1457:2; prove God partial, 2396:14-17. During: Gospel age, 5:19; Jewish age, 5:17, 18; 1140:1-8; Patriarchal age, 5:14, 15; "world that was", 5:14. Earthly and heavenly, contrasted, 3585-3587; God's, for special service, 1457; 1651:3-9, 13-15; involves suffering, 624:5-7; no injustice to human race, 2058:8, 9; 2059:1. Not: Arbitrary, 270:7; damnation for all, 623:11. Of Saints to civil offices, advice in re, 1531:3, 4, 14; purpose of, 24:11-13, 19; 25:1-4, 11; true and false view of, 4213:1-8; and free grace, 5:13-19; 8:4, 7, 10-16; 256:17, 18; 257:1-4; 532:11, 12; 546:3-7, 10-13; 3489, 3490. See Predestination; Restitution. ELECTIONEERING Detrimental to classes, 5645:5-7. ELECTIONS See Ecclesia Elections; Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, Election of Officers of. ELECTRICITY Direct from coal mines (1896), 1990:15-18; growing mystery, says Edison, 4074:18, 19; invisible power of, 114:4, 7-10; 480:2-4; used for the destruction of humanity, 4720:23. ELEMENTS Will melt with fervent heat, 5526:11, 12. ELEVENTH Hour is the end of the gospel age, 1113:9. ELI Faithful but weak, died at close of battle with Philistines, 5626:11; pictured the course of the great company, 4092:2, 3; 5297:14; reproved of God through Samuel, 5615:10-14; submissive, but weak in ruling his family, 5296, 5297; unselfish, but weak, 4091:11; 4092:2, 3; weakness of character of, 1882:7-12, 18-21. ELIAS See Elijah. ELIEZER Type of holy spirit, 51:14-16; 609:12; 752:1; 1227:2-4; 1386-1389; 5187:8, 9. ELIHU Shows the one thing needful-the Ransom, 1506:12-14; signifies "God himself", 1506:12; teaches restitution, 1506:14; wisdom of, as one of Job's comforters, 5878, 5879. ELIJAH Antitypical significance of his four stops, 5772:9-16; carried away in a whirlwind, 4757:9-12. Chariot of: In type and antitype, 968:9; possible significance of, 5677:1, 7; 5772:15, 16; 5773:1; typical of trouble, 5846:1, 2; what it represents, 2341:10. Church the antitype of, 556-558; 1538:2, 3; 3292, 3293; 5121:10-14; contentment taught in experiences of, 3400:4-6. Class: cowardice of, typified, 4741:9, 10; manifested this side the vail, 5950:4. See Brethren; Bride of Christ; Christ, Body of; Christian; Christians; Church, True; Elect; God, Sons of; Little Flock; New Creation; New Creature; Overcomer; Priesthood, Royal; Saints; The Christ. Courage in reproving Ahab, 2332:4-6; 3401, 3402; Dr. Dowie proclaims himself, 2838:8-13. Elisha: Takes up work of, 4751:9, 10; the successor of, 557:14, 15; 558:1-3; 3428, 3429, 4757:7. Experiences of, illustrating events ushering in the new day, 5601:2; fears of, to be viewed as a type, 3408:1, 2; fed by ravens, 2326:3-5; 3400:4-6; 4731:3-5; fled from Jezebel and hid in a cave, 4741:1-4, 9-11; John the Baptist, not the real, 3477:6-10; justified in destroying priests of Baal, 3406:6, 7; lessons to church in the life of, 2341:2, 3. Mantle of: Given to Elisha, 3429:2-4; in antitype, 5846:3, 7; may picture financial power (1915) view), 5824:13; pictured divine power, 5824:8; what it signified, 5888:14. Must first come, a prophecy fulfilled, 3292, 3293; 5121:10-14; not taken to heaven, 558:9-11; 2341:13; on mount of transfiguration, picture of heavenly phase of kingdom, 1761:5. Prayer for rain: Heard by Jehovah, 4740:2-5, 7-11; not promptly anwered, 2332:13; 2333:6. Prediction of divine judgment, 2326:2; prophecy of, to King Ahab fulfilled in antitype, 5741, 5742; reproved King Ahab, 4731:3-5, 9; 4740:2-5, 7-11; 5771:3, 4; revelation given to, at Mount Horeb, 3414:4-6; rewards faith of widow, 3400:7, 8; 4731:9-11; second wilderness experience of, pictured in type, 5628:13, 14; 5629:2; schools of the prophets instituted by, 2341:1; smiting of Jordan by, explained in antiType, 5824; stopping at Gilgal, Jericho, Jordan, antitypical significance of, 5772:9-16; turned Israelites back to worship of Jehovah, 3406:1-5. Type: And antitype, 234, 235; 389:4-9; 2334:2-12; 4211:10-14, 24, 25. OF: Church, 308:18-21; 556-558; 2839:1; 3325:3, 4; 3408:4; 3712:11; 3713:1, 11; 4741; 4757:5, 6, 9, 10; 5569:11; 5741:10, 11; 5751:7, 8, 11-13; 5771:7, 12; 5845:1; John the Baptist, 556:10, 11; 1538:2, 3; 2563:4-6; 3292, 3293; The Christ, 68:4. Vision of, at Mount Horeb has typical significance, 2289:1, 2; 5752, 5753; warns Ahab of death, 3400:2; wilderness experience of, three and one-half years, typical, 3416, 3417; 4741:3, 4. And: ELISHA: Considered as types. 1132; 5844-5846; men of different types, 2341:4, 5. Enoch did not escape the death sentence, 619:16-19; 833:11-13; 2153:2-6; 3377:5-7; 3378:1, 4-6; 3417:10, 11,; Moses in transfiguration, 558:6, 12; 2659:5-8; 3794:4-8. See Enoch. ELIM Fountains and springs of, type and antitype, 4011:2. ELIOT Dr., comments on churches, course, legislatures, 2946:1; defines the new Theology, 4581. ELISHA Conquered and blessed the Syrian enemy, 3440, 3441; 5781:8-13; covetousness of servant of, punished, 2349:1,2,6; delivered the Syrians to Israel 4769, 4770; doing restitution work, 2345, 2346; "go up, thou bald head" as applied to, explained, 4758:1; healed the leprous Naaman, 2346-2349; 3438, 3439; 4768, 4769; 5780:10-14; Increases widow's oil, 558:7; 3430, 3431; overcame evil with good, 2350:6, 7; prophet for about sixtyfive years, 2354:3; protected by angelic hosts from Syrians, 4769, 4770; refuses to sell divine gifts, 2348:6; resurrects son of Shunammite, 3431, 3432; second smiting of Jordan by, Explained in antitype, 5888:14; servant of, granted a vision of the unseen hosts, 2349:9; 3440, 3441; successor of Elijah, 557:14, 15; 558:1-3; 3428, 3429; 4757:7; takes up the gospel work where Elijah left off, 4751:9, 10. Type of: Ancient worthies (1904 view), 3429:9-12. GREAT COMPANY: 5771:12; 5772:3; and ancient worthies, 2341:6-9; 3429:4-8; 4758:1-5, 9-12; and workers of Millennial age, 2346:6. Two classes represented by, 5780:2-14; 5781; viewed (1889) as a restitution class, 1132; work of, typical of restitution blessings, 5780:2-14; 5781; and Elijah considered as types, 1132; 3416, 3417; 5844-5846. ELLIS Wm. T.: Criticism of foreign Missions by, 4041:5-8, 11-13; report on Foreign Missions by, 4096:2, 3. ELYMAS Blinded by Paul as a rebuke, 2141:6; 4360:7, 8. EMMANUEL Movement: A menace, 4396, 4397; one of Satan's deceptions, 4313:7, 8. EMMAUS Disciples walk to, 1823. EMOTION Has a proper place in Christian's life, 1914:5, 10, 11. EMPIRES Earth's five universal, 5673:9-12. ENCOURAGEMENT Blessed assurances an, 1585; "Cast not away therefore your confidence" an, 1652; example of Paul an, 1558:5-7, 11, 12; exceeding great reward an, 1905; fight the good fight of faith an, 4761:8-10. For: Christians, 761, 762; colporteurs, 825:1-6; 1242:8-10; 1479:5-7; 1496:4, 5; 1507:10, 12-14; 1533:9, 10; 1577:4-11; 1646:7, 8; 1830:4-18; 1831:1-3, 10; 1843:1-5, 15-18; 1889:13-16; 1940:4-10. THE: Aged, 1959:13-17; humble to use talents possessed; but not for the proud, 1629:4, 7, 8; poor in this world's goods, 1605:1, 2, 8; suffering and the tempted, 1807:7-11; 1808:1, 2. THOSE: Coming out of Babylon, 1575:14; 1576:1-5; in tribulation, 1745:2, 3, 11, 12; unable to colporteur, 1683:1-3, 9. Letters of, for those: Coming out of Babylon, 1134:11-15; 1426:18; 1439:4, 5; 1502:20, 21; 1503:4-6, 10-18; 1507:3-6; 1539:5, 6, 13-18; 1635:22; 1830:4-18; 1831:1-3, 10; 1974:1-4, 12-17; encountering opposition and prejudice, 1843:15, 25-28. ENGAGED IN: Newspaper advertising of the truth, 1439:2, 3; 1635:6-8; reform work, 1888:6-9, 14-16; 1889:1-4; sharpshooting, 1038:10, 14; 1071:11-15; 1073:16, 17; 1300:15-17; 1345:1-7; 1445:3-7; 1473:14-16; 1479:8, 9, 12-15; 1507:7-9; 1722:9-11; 1803:18-20; 1804:16; volunteer work, 1154:1-4, 10, 11; 1513:11, 12, 15-20; 1803:7, 8. IN: Doubt, 1236:2-6; 1599:7-9; prison, 1013:3, 7, 8; 1242:7; 1512:11; 1513:1-7; 1610:9, 10, 18. Isolated: 1304:10; 1384:1, 2; 1461:5-7; leading meetings, 1973:6, 7, 12; 14; misunderstood, 1109:7, 13, 14; sick and afflicted, 1479:3, 4; taking care of the sick, 1958:6, 7, 14, 15; 1959:1-4; true missionaries, 1011:3-8; 1038:6-9. END Of world: Bishop Nicholson's view of, 1904:6; evidences of, 98:1-3; 879:1-5; how it was at hand in apostles' day, 1187:5; not after wars and rumors of war, 605:10, 11; then the (1 Cor. 15:24), 1204. Time of the, Rev. Dixon on "The Period of Transition", 1619:10, 11, 17-20; 1620-1622. ENDOR Witch of: A spirit medium, 754:12-15; Saul in despair consulted the, 4234:2-5; 5673, 5674. ENDURANCE Applied, 1759:16. Cheerful: Acceptable, 2791:3; 2920:2; 4910:10; 5650:12, 13; 5651:1, 3; essential part of patience, 5650:12, 13; 5651:1, 2; exemplified in Jesus and apostles, 5332:13-15; 5333:1, 2; faith required in tests of, 5802:10, 11; final test, 2791:3; obedience means, 4910:1-3; of the church due to faith in Lord, 4784:4, 7, 8; sober-mindedness essential to, 3149:6-9; test of the saints, 645:4-7, 13-15; 1995:2, 9, 10; 5651:3-6. Illustrated, 747:4, 5, 11. In: Temptation will secure the crown of life, 5499, 5500; the place of love beareth all things, 2205:1. More heroic than violent resistance, 3136:9. See Patience. ENEMIES Feed your, 1176:1-5; how Christians should treat, 606:4; 2958:8, 9; 5260:13, 14; 5275:3-9; love for, 1330:11; 1331:9; 1693:12; 2412:9; 2469:2; 3239:1-8; 3441:9; 3804:10-12; 5266:13-18; 5267:1; 5703:8; overcome by love, 1665:12; 4770:1, 2; pray for, 798:13; 1569:7-9; public, why Bible Students are considered, 3616:8; table prepared in presence of, 3270:1-3. ENEMY Adamic death, why called an, 15:8, 9; 1219:7; 1511:4; 4999:10-15; Satan is mankind's, 451:6, 12; 452:1, 9; second death not called an, why, 1219:8. ENGLAND Affected by intemperance, 4337:8, 9; approves Palestine for Jews, 3126:11; attempts to start colporteur work in (1894), 1637; carrier pigeons sent from Germany to, a war threat, 2199:4, 5; Catholics gaining ground in, 3320:23-25; 3321:1; Christianity in, not progressing rapidly, 4323:2-5; church federation begun in, 2963:13; 2964:1-3; conscientious objectors in, give witness to the truth, 5895; cost of truth-spreading per capita in, 785:10, 11; enterprises of, in Palestine, 520:1, 2; impressions during Brother Russell's tour of, 1369:7-9; labor conditions in 1143:11, 12; 1769:5-9; 4573:7-10; letter during the World War from, 5789:2-7; not yet converted to Christianity, 4323:2-5; offers East Africa to the Jews, 3487:4, 12, 13; opposition to Roman Catholics dying out in, 2308:20; 2309:1, 8; 3320:23-25; 3321:1; Papal situation (1888) in, 1022:6; progress of English Jews in, 1207; protectorate of Palestine by, 989:3. Protestant: Federation in (1895), 1766:9, 10; mayor and officials attend Catholic mass in Southampton, 1514:2. Reformed church of, 988:1, 2, 8, 9; and Europe fearful of Socialism, 4844, 4845. ENGLISH Church: See Church of England. ENLIGHTENMENT See Knowledge. ENOCH As a type, 108:16; by faith walked with God, 4386:8, 9; why God took, 3417:5, 8, 9; 4757:2-4. And Elijah: Dead or living? 619:16-19; 838:11-13; 2153:2-6; 3377:5-7; 3378:1, 4-6; did not escape death sentence, 3417:10, 11. See Elijah. ENTHUSIASM First gush of, over the truth not always dependable, 1656:2. ENTRY Triumphal: Of Jesus into Jerusalem as its king, 5494; 5495; typical, 1794. ENVIRONMENT Advantages of Christian, 2226:4, 5; care essential in the choice of, 3939:5-7; provided by the Lord not to be spurned, 5220:11-13. ENVY Hydra-headed monster, 1862:7; of the prosperity of the wicked a sign of ignorance, 1562:3, 6-8. And: Covetousness defined, 4021:5, 6; hatred foes to character development, 3639:1-6. JEALOUSY: Of Miriam punished, 5307, 5308; works of flesh, 2880:4, 5; and murder, Israelites warned against, 4218, 4219. Strife bring every evil work, 3971:1, 2, 8. See Selfishness. EPAULETS Symbol of authority, 3469:5. EPHESIANS Worshiped the Goddess Diana, 2206, 2207; 4432:3-8. EPHESUS Apostles only able to be judges of false teachers in, 336:15; important Asiatic center, 2206:4-6; message to the church of, 4458, 4459; Paul at, 1558; represented gospel church in apostolic times, 1599:3; riot against St. Paul at, 4432:4-8; stage of church, 491:4, 5992:7, 8; work at, 3157, 3158; 4420, 4421. EPHOD What it pictures, 72:5. EPHRAIM Captivity of, 3463, 3464; clergy are the drunkards of, 1357:6-14; 1358:1-6; means fruitful, 1357:6; pictures nominal Christendom, 562; 1357:6-14; 1358:1-6; 3104:4. EPIDEMICS Caused by Satan, 1685; to accompany anarchy of the time of trouble, 1805:16-18. EPIPHANIA Bright-Shining of Lord's presence, 2974:3; 2979:10-15; 28-30; 2983:4; world to be informed thereby that they are under a new dispensation, 5359:2; and Parousia defined, 4543:7, 8, 15. See Parousia. EPISCOPAL Church: See Church of England. EPISTLES Known and read of men, 565:6, 7, 12; of apostles, how written and preserved, 1582:1-3; 2816:10-12; oppose false doctrines, 868:4-7; written only to Christians, 4478:14. EPITOME Of the faith once delivered to the saints, 1278. EPOCH Ephesian, described by the Revelator, 491:4; 1599:3; 4458; 5992:7, 8. Laodicean: Admonished by the Lord, 2763:1, 6; Bishop's view of, 1051; blindness of, 773:15; churchianity of today, 1295; 1, 2 5, 6; condition as seen by Congregational minister (1894), 1612:13, 14. DESCRIBED BY: Isaiah (56:10, 11), 718:6, 7; Revelator, 505. Doctor of Divinity's view of, 1061; explained, 5993:12-16; neither cold nor hot, 505:11-16; present day is, 1599:3; 2792:5; 3569:2; spued out by Lord, 457:7-12; synchronous with Parousia, 773:14. Pergamos, 359. Philadelphian: Considered, 504, 505; 5993:9-11; spared the hour of temptation, 5718:5, 8-11. EPOCHS Seven, their work described, 5140:1-4, 8-12; Thyatira stage of church, 491:12-15. EPWORTH League: Benefits and evils of the, 1844:6-14; 1845:1-3; failure of, 3782:14; reasons for formation of, 1844:3. ERROR Christians should guard against being led away by, 3215:2-6; church must oppose, 59:2, 3, 12, 13; 753:12; 868:4-7, 9-14; 3407:7; creeping in upon the Lord's people, 4128, 4129; does not lead to sanctification, 4690:6-15; God allows Christians to believe, 2569:4; how it may be detected, 980:5-12; (an) insignificant one may be an open switch for side-tracking saints, 1871:10; not always a fault, 5124:18; on ransom-sacrifice, 640; separation of truth from, 816:2, 3, 10; test in confessing of, 4583:5, 6; value of, 1064:8, 11-15; 1065:1-3; when fatal, 109:18; and truth, conflict between, 388:3-5; 438:1-5, 11-14; 492:13; 499:13. ERRORS Of: Christian Science, 3185-3187; creeds cause truth to be rejected, 736:1-7, 9-13; 4923:2-5 Papacy not supported by Scripture, 560. Watch Tower always pleased to correct, 559:4-7, 17; 1497:1; 2489:1-9; 4045:1, 2, 5. ESAU Generously dealt with by Jacob, 5205, 5206; sells his birthright, 1624; 3341:10; 3954-3956; 4686; 5198; 5452:1, 2; sold for temporal gain, 2863:5, 6. Type of: Natural Israel, 1624:10-14; 2777:9; 4436:11; 4626:9, 10; the great company, 2160:8. And Jacob as types, 66:2; 2443:2; 5198; transaction of, in the light of Arabian customs, 4722:1-3, 6, 7. ESCHATOLOGY Work on, by G.N.H. Peters, 477:7, 8. ESSENES Why Josephus dwelt upon the sect of, 2611:4, 5. ESTEEMING Others as better than ourselves, 4928, 4929; 5810:8-10; 5843:1-3. ESTHER Before King Ahasuerus, 1502; course of, the salvation of the Jews, 4900, 4901; story of the Book of, 3656-3658; types in the Book of, 4018:14; wiser than Queen Vashti, 4900, 4901. ETERNAL Fire, "Sodom and Gomorrah ...suffering the vengeance of," 1618:2-4. Torment (Theory): Babylon fears to renounce, 1122:12-14; belief in, bane of a Christian's life, 4569:22-26; blasphemy of God's name, 922:2-10; 1124:1-3; 1477:8, 9; blot, a ridiculous blasphemy, 1195:8; bold confession of D.D. respecting, 1196:1, 6. CAUSES: Infidelity and anarchy, 1501:8-12; insanity, 1501:18; 1502:1, 2. Changed attitude of Methodism on, 3048, 3049; Christendom no longer believes in, 1501:4; death the condemnation upon world, not, 5063:17-19. DENIAL OF: Ransom, 1026; "the Father and the Son", 1287:4-6, 11-14. DENIED BY: M.E. Bishop, 3793:1; some of the clergy, 1149:5, 6, 11. Despair and infidelity follow belief in, 2899:5; detrimental, 3236:2-7; doctrine, 403:1-5; 486:7, 10, 11; 487; doctrines supporting, 486:7, 10, 11; 487; everlasting death is not, 699:11, 12; fails in reforming, 855:4-10; foolish preaching of, 794:4, 5; Henson, Doctor P.S., arguments on, 3065:16-18; 3066:1-9; hinders sanctification, 5677:3-6, 8, 9. HORRORS PICTURED BY: Christendom, 345:4-6, 8-14; Roman priest, 3135:10-12. Inconsistent with mercy, 129:4, 5; 522:5, 11; injustice of, 523:1-5, 11-15; is it dangerous to repudiate the, 1603; Jonathan Edwards' sermon on, 1644; letters in re, 1533:17; 1534:1; 1564:7, 8; 1565:1, 7; minister's reason for preaching 3320:7-16; miserable results of, 1122:6-8; no longer preached, 889:6, 7. NOT: A part of Bible teaching, 4923:9, 13; gospel to heathen, 1044:7. NOT TAUGHT BY: Brahmanism, 1183:9; Buddhism, 1184:6. NOT THE: Truth regarding state of the dead, 4552:2; truth regarding wages of sin, 1085-1087. ONE: Cause of the time of trouble, 1122:12-14; value of, 1066:7. Origin of the, 4883:15; Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, refuses to support missions advocating, 1495:2, 3, 13; Presbyterians love, 1034; 1157; 3723:15, 16; refutation of, 2899, 2900; rejected by Presbyterian minister, 3774:10-13; Revelation 14:9-11, 1040:14, 15; Revelation 20:8-10, 1040:7, 9-13; revolting, 522:1-3, 13, 14; rich man in torments, 1042; 1965; see Parable; Romans 8:6 is used to support, 1221:6; Satan protects his lie, 1121:8, 15-17; Scriptural proofs of falsity of, 4883, 4884; unholy basis of "foreign missions", 1348:1, 2; unreasonable, 1165:11-13; 1166:1; unscriptural, 392:9-12; 699; 803:2-5; 1344:1-3, 6-8; 2732:2-4; 4923:9, 13; (Letter), 5506:1-6, 10-13. VIEWS OF: Abbott, Dr. Lyman, on, 424:5, 6; 2639; Baptist D.D. on, 1149; Beecher, Henry Ward, on, 3383:2; Carter, Rev., on, 3497:15-20; Foster, Bishop, on, 1709:6-8; 1716:5, 9; heathen on, 1185:3; Mills, B. Fay, Evangelist, on, 2256:6-9; prominent theologians on, 3488:9-16. What it means, 3081:10-13; when adopted by Christianity, 4884:1-5. See Calamities; Fire. ETERNITY Length of, illustrated, 699:5; vs. immortality, 142, 143. ETHICS Principal part of higher critics' religion, 5467, 5468. ETHIOPIA Beyond the rivers of, 3405:1. ETHIOPIAN Changes his skin, 2706:2, 3, 8; 3320:17-22. EUCHARIST Mass is not the, 3960:7. EUGENICS An important subject, 5700:13. EUPHRATES Type and antitype, 509:20; 510:1-7; 718:10; 4699:9-11. EUROPE Adopting Socialistic principles (1895), 1845:17-21; commercialism of, in China, 2662, 2663. Condition of: IN: 1893, 1604:4-7, 14-16; 1915, 5657, 5658. Pictured by volcano, 977:1-4, 10; 1368:6, 7; 1369:1; unrest in, 1485:11-13. Gospel was turned from Asia into, 1545:9, 10, 14-16; 2175:11; 2176:1; government ownership of liquor business contemplated in (1895), 1845:20, 21 harvest work in, 2432:1-3, 9, 10; Italy's financial scandal in, 1500; Jews coming into prominence in, 1407; Papacy opposes Socialism in, 1785:1-4; prophecy regarding future of, 3162:7-10; religious conditions in, 718:8, 9; 1333:6-13; revolution and anarchy forced upon, 2938:1-8, 12; speculation in, in South African gold mines (1895), 1898:5, 6, 10; time of trouble upon, as foreseen by a worldly editor (1893), 1604:4-7, 14-16; two-fold purpose of colonization schemes of, 720:5-9, 12; unrest of, 394, 395; war preparations of, 362:1-6; 394, 395; 577:5-7; 898:9; 899; 1354-1356; 1377:9-12; 1619:2, 3; 1632:4-7, 13, 14; 1805:7, 8; 1960:2-4; 2113:9, 11; 3008:18-22; 3169:4, 5; 5784:16-24; and America, especially blessed with gospel, 2377:4. See England. EVANGELICAL Alliance: Begun in 1846, 1474:5; birth, power, etc., 64:9, 13. CHURCH: Defined by Dr. Biederwolf 3567:27-29; 3568:1, 2; federation began with, 2554:3. Formation of, 64:9; 321:13-17; image of the beast, 497:5; 1355:14; 1474; part of, in Christian union, 2092:26; program and evils of (1896), 1947; statement of purposes and creed of, 1845:6-16. EVANGELICALISM Waning of, 2322, 2323. EVANGELIST Caused insanity, 1501:18; 1502:1, 2; influence of a checkerplaying, 1839:11; refused by D.D.s because he preached Christ's second coming, 1818:16. EVANGELISTS Irreverence of modern, 3229:5-10; testimonies of early, as trustworthy as those of apostles, 1524:4, 5; traveling preachers of the Word, not an honorary title, 1523:10. EVANGLIZATION Does not mean conversion, 1073:10; in Millennium, 404:11; see Conversion. EVE Church's temptation like that of, 1025; 1257:1; curse upon, 1476:7, 8; manner of temptation of, 5238, 5239; ransomed, 2100:6, 7, 9-12; second, 6:1, 2; seduced, 2840:1-4; serpent-beguiled, 910, 911 (her) sons' names significant, 1175:4; temptation of, 1024; 3925:4, 5, 7; 5150:9-11; transgressed willingly, 5238, 5239; type of church 70:7; 257:6; 1386:16; 1388:1, 6. EVERLASTING (aionion) Meaning of word, 701:10; 719:11-14. Destruction: See Death, Second; Life: see Life, Eternal; Punishment: see Death, Second. EVIL Abandoned by the consecrated, 2207:10-12; abhor that which is, 2213:3; 4895:3, 15; abstain from every form of, 3137:11; 4728:5-8, 12-16; all sin is, but all evils not sin, 1226:4-6; 1271:7-16; 1350, 1351; 1780:1-14; 1799; always exists as principle, 5356:9-11; avoid the appearance of, 3137:12; 3594:3-6; 4419:9; 4420:1; called good; and good evil, 3893:9; 3894:1; cannot befall the faithful spirit-begotten, 4767:12-14; communications, their power over others, 5897:3; companions corrupt morals, 2365:10, 11; 2366; concupiscence defined, 2480:8; conscience, hearts must be kept sprinkled from an, 5425:1-3; context determines whether it means moral or physical, 1780:1-14; 1800:4-7, 12, 13; does not always mean sin, 849:1; dogs a symbol of, 1671:1, 2; done, that good may come, 4022:6; "for evil, see that ye render not," 723:2, 12; 3136:6-9; 4418:11; 4419:1; 4584:5-7; 5644, 5645; 5897, 5898. How: Dead babes are to be tested with, 734:6, 13; God creates, 848; 870-872; 1226:4-6; 1271:7-16; 1350, 1351; 1780:1-14; 1799; to overcome, 4241:4-8. Increases despite efforts of Christendom, 3660:6-8, 12, 13; is knowledge an, 1142:8, 9, 13-15; love thinketh no, 5266:8-12; meaning of word, 871:9-12; ministry of, 1759; overcome with good, 2215:2; 2350:6, 7; 2895:1. Permission of: 13-17; 131:3, 4:250-255; 420:1-6; 525:7-10; 872:1, 2; 1270:7-13; 1560:5-10; 1561, 1562; 2896:1-3; 4635:5; 5211:1-4, 10; 5535; Abbott on, 2639:7, 8; educates mankind, 5771:5, 6, 8; object of, 5:3; present truth gives clear understanding of, 1159; question which perplexed and confused Job, and its answer, 1506:2, 3. Reign of, a schooling experience, 385:2; spirits, see Demons; sprang from Satan, a being, 5209, 5210; 5847:5, 11-13; surmising; love does not indulge in, 5266:8-12; when it will cease, 5:1-3. And: GOOD: Always exist as principles, 5356:9-11; cannot exist in us simultaneously, 4241:4-8; contrasted, 250:10; Jesus knew both but was without sin, 444:1, 2; knowledge of, 313:10, 11, 21, 22. Sin, consequences of, 250:19-21. See sin. EVIL-DOERS Children of the devil are, 1175:8, 9; how the Christian may deal with, 3738:2-4; Lord's people often counted as, 3642:1, 7; to be cut off in Millennium, 3597:11, 12; triumph of, is short, 2025:12. EVILS Of: Catholicism in Spain outline, 2898:4; doctrine of eternal torment, 3236:2-7; present social order, 1143:10-12; 1144:1, 2, 4-7; 1152, 1153; 1244:5, 6, 11, 12. EVOLUTION Theory: Accepted by Baptist clergy, 2547:14-16; argument against, 570:5-7; basis of many false doctrines, 4879:12, 13; believed by Dr. Lyman Abbott, 1793:8,15; British Museum a foe to theory of, 3758:4, 5, 7-10; cannot be applied to man, 3191:4, 8-10; clergy are advocates of, 1418:7, 8; 1419:11, 12; conflicts with all truths of Bible, 737, 738; 2392-2399; 2835; 3705:6, 7, 12; 3921:2-11; 3922; 4790:4-6, 9, 10. DENIES: Ransom and restitution, 752:11; 1643:13; 1784:12, 13; 5078:1-3,10, 11; the greatness and genius of past centuries, 1784:12, 13. DISPROVEN BY: Experiments of Mendel, 4859, 4860:1-4; physician, 4846, 4847; scientific research, 2536, 2537. DISPROVEN BY BABYLONIAN: Architecture, 3652:14, 15; explorations, 2703:1-13. Does not explain our moral tendency, 3514-3517; endorsed by Presbyterians, 717:6, 12-17; false theories of, 718:1-3; has not improved human character, 4430:4-6; how its errors have crept in, 3220:6, 7; incompatible, 1240:9-12; inconsistencies of, 3007:4-8, 11; leading theologians the first to surrender to, 1792; modified, but erroneous, 866:2-4; opposed by many scientists, 3421:5-17; possibly typified by Israel's lust for quail, 5267:6; properly applied to plant and lower animal life, 3921:5; Pyramid's architecture a rebuke to, 3619:18, 19; seems more reasonable than truth? 1257:3-5, 9-12; 1258:1, 3; Truth vs., (Letter), 5554:1-3, 10-14. VIEW OF: Bishop Foster vs. the Bible, 1717; Prof. Henry Drummond, 1592:5, 6, 10; 1784:12, 13. Where it leads, 3163:8, 9. AND: Fall of man, Views compared, 3256; higher criticism disproven by archaeologists, 3443, 3444; higher criticism drive true Christians into true fold, 3295:4-9. Vs. the Bible: Tract distribution on, 2464:1, 4, 5. See Bible; Man; Truth. EVOLUTIONIST Dr. Temple made Archbishop of Canterbury, 2092:27-29; 2093:1-4. EVOLUTIONISTS Destroy their own theory, 3713:2-10; theory of, respecting God, 2835. EXAGGERATION Christians should guard against, 5019:7; of Scripture, evils in, 645:2, 3, 11, 12. EXALTATION Of: JESUS: Reasons for, 422:14-25; 1829:5-8; 3379:2-4, 7; 5223:1; and church, 233:10. Joseph a picture of Jesus' experience, 3979:5. True, comes via humility, 1102, 1103; 1486, 1487; 5847:9, 10. EXAMPLE Of: Believers, be ye an, 5493, 5494; 5860:1-6, 12-15; Brother Russell his greatest influence, 6010:9; overcomers, 1041; superstition in re "sprinkling", 1137:4. One to another, 915:8; power over others for life or death lies in our, 4731:1, 2, 10. EXAMPLES Ancient worthies as our; 1630:9-11; in spirit, faith, purity, 5494:4, 5, 9; saints should be, of earnest endeavor to copy Christ, 1886:1, 6. EX-CATHEDRA Pope claims infallibility when he speaks officially or, 1526:6. EXCITEMENT Religious, only temporary, 23:13. EX-CONVICT Receives present truth, 1098:12; 3233:3. EXCUSES Of sisters for inactivity, 1105:2, 3. EXEMPTION From military duty for conscientious objectors, 5860, 5861. See Conscientious Objectors; War. EXERCISE Spiritual, essential to Christians, 4245:6-11. EXHORT See Reprove. EXHORTATION Applying the truth to one's self, 1627, 1628; for the new year, 1485:3-10. To: Cultivate heavenly wisdom, 1448; elders, 1891:9, 10; 1892; faithfulness, 1321:1-4, 7; 1622; love, 25. Vs. Coaxing, 646:6. EXILE Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos in, 1598:11, 12. EXISTENCE Or life comes from father, 776:7-10. Pre-human: Jesus was aware of his, 5156:17; of Christ, 105:3, 4; 316:4-8; 445, 446; 1161:10-12; 4151:5-7; 5064-5066. EXODUS Of Jews from Russia, 386:14. EXPEDIENCY Paul kept certain features of the law as a justifiable, 1559:10; truth-hiding is mistaken, 1121, 1122. EXPERIENCE Blessed results of, 1944:8-10; in the narrow way, 946:4-7; increases hope, faith, gratitude and zeal, 1721:5; patience and hope, parts of character development, 1585:18, 19; strengthens faith and character, 3325:1; 4467:8-10; testing of faith, 4004:3-7; 4005:1; what it is, 1021, 1022. EXPIATION For all sins not Adamic, time of trouble will bring, 5462, 5463. EXPLORATIONS Prove the truths of the Bible, 2101:3-8, 1013. EXPRESS Rates and postal rates increased, 2957:1-3, 7-9. EXPULSION Of Jews from Poland (1893), 1534. EXTINCTION Death a suspension of life rather than, 4657:3, 4; second death means, 363; 1377:6, 7, 13; 4551:10-12; 4552:2. EXTRAVAGANCE Condemned by Jesus, 2644:10-12; false ideas of, 3877:3-9. EYE Every, to see the Lord, 140:7, 15, 16, 148:1, 2; "I will guide thee with mine," 632:8. If: It offend thee, pluck it out, 2661:7; "thine, be single thy whole body shall be full of light," 4445:1-8. Of the Lord, Church guided by the, 4858:9, 14; symbol of knowledge, 1490:15; whole body were an, 732, 733. EYES Blind: Opening of, pictured by Jesus' miracle, 3520; proper methods of opening, 3167, 3168; to be opened soon, 2730:3, 6, 7; 5485. Christ, Paul and John were, 364:1, 2, 15; 365; lust of, 1859:8, 10; of the Lord run to and fro throughout the earth, 5634:3-5. Seven: Of the Lord, explained, 2522:9; symbolize perfect or divine wisdom, 1490:15. Spiritually blinded, are being opened, 4150:3, 5-8; symbol of perfect of divine wisdom, 1490:15. EZEKIEL Apocalypse of Old Testament, 3624:5; prophecy of, relates to present time, 3624:7; prophesied of restitution, 413:3, 4; prophet of the captivity, 1373:10; shows restitution blessings for mankind, 4882, 4883; typifies honored teachers in church, 4881:11-14. Vision of: Dry bones, 2507, 2508; living creatures, 530:9. EZRA Reads the law to the people, 1498:507; reformation work in Jerusalem, 4911; second expedition from Babylon, 3659:1-3; taught the Jews the Word of God, 4922:9, 10, 15; work of, in restoring the law among Israelites, 3660. And Nehemiah: Commissions of, antityped, 3575-3579; contrasted, 2530:23; historical books of, 2509, 2510.FABLES
Taught by false watchmen, 718:5. FACE Index of the heart, 573:10; to face, knowing the Lord, 4055:6, 7, 10. FACULTIES Of mind: See Mind. FAILURE May be turned into blessing, 5459:8-11; none will be total, now except those who would also fail in Millennium, 1789:15. Of: Consecrated always due to some measure of self-will, 4255:1; foreign missions, cause of, 2112:3; 5014:16-20; 5015. FAITH Abraham: Justified only by, 4574:2-8; our example in, 3936. Accepts: all experiences as from the Lord, 5330:14-17; 5331:1; the gospel without question, 5409:15-17. Alchemy of, 390; all the reward of Christians is that of, 3944:6-8; ancient worthies rewarded not for works but for, 4330, 4331; antithesis of fear, 4577:2-6; assurance of, 494:1, 2, 12; based on reason, 883:9, 10. Basis: And works of, 1328:8, 9; 1329:2, 4; of all character-development, 5460:1-5. OF ALL GOD'S DEALINGS: With church, 5244:15-18; with Israel, 5244:2-14. OF: Forgiveness, 2627:2, 7; rest, 5433. Berean Questions on, for March, 1905, 3518; blessed assurance of, 1585; breastplate of love and, 32:1; brethren should be disfellowshiped who deny the, 5948:11-13; 5949:1-5; built upon rock or sand, 3748:5-7; 5029:12-14. Can: It be too firm? 1924:10-14; trust the lord, 3529:9-13. Cannot be built upon false doctrines, 3318:6, 8-10; cause and remedy for lack of, 5425:4, 5, 9-12; causes and decline of, 3118:11-16; 3119:1-3. Character: Developed through, 3114:3; strengthened by tests of, 3324:8, 9; 3325:10. Christ the foundation-rock of structure of, 1922:9, 10; Christian, is not bigotry, 5558:9-11; Christians must accept truth by, 2804:2, 3. Chronology: A matter of, 5141, 5142; 5336:15; incomplete to require, 5450:8, 11-14. Church: Are a household of, 4515:11; 4516:1, 2; developed under covenant of, 4515:11; must walk by, 2947:20; 2995:4. TO BE: Judged not by works but by, 2304:2-4. "come, my people....and shut thy doors about thee," 1788:2-11; comes by hearing of Jesus, 555:6-9; condition of all healing work of Jesus, 5128, 5129; confirmed and strengthened, 3945:5-8; contending for it the Christian's duty, 349:2-10; 1128:4, 5:5057:1, 7, 8; correct, and its power, 1719; counted for righteousness, 555:9. Courage: of Christians is born of, 1915:10; 5539:5, 6, 11; 5540. Crucial test of the church, 4378:4, 5; cures, examination of scriptures purporting to support, 2028-2030; decline of, 594:1-4, 10; defined, 74:2-9; 391:8; 471:3, 4; 555:6-9; 594:1; 677:5, 8-11; 4385:12-14; 5114:7; 5717:10-13; demonstrated by courage, 5330:9-17; denial of the, by failure to provide for our own, 4854:1-6, 9-12; departing from in early church, 550, 551; dependent on knowledge, 556:5. Developed: By retrospection, 1673; in blind man before he was healed, 5111:17. Disciples desired of Jesus an increase of, 1967; disease cured by (1881 view), 226:4-8, 15-18; displayed by Jesus, 314:1-4; does not ignore works, 4377:1-3; 4378:1-5; encouraged, 1938; endeavor of Christians must be proportionate to, 5277:11-13; endurance of church due to, 4784:4, 7, 8; entire, in Ransom a sign of growth, 2895:9; epitome of the, 1278. Essential: 2878:8, 9; for saints, 1126:9-11; 1127:1, 2; in coming to Jesus, 3848:1; 3849:1, 2. TO: Acceptance with God in this age, 5188:16, 17; 5189:1, 2; accepting miracles of Bible, 4617:3-6, 9-11; belief in chronology, 4067:1-6; Canaan rest, 5388:2-4; overcoming, 5095:3, 4, 9, 10; salvation, 544:10-12; 936:1, 2. Evidences of loss of, 5698:4; example of the special gift of, 1422:10; examples of falling from the, 3328:4-8; exemplified in the Canaanitish woman, 4627:1-4; exercise of, in Christ, the most pleasing work in God's sight, 1755:12, 13. Falling: away from, 639:1; from, in last days, 110:2-4, 10, 11. Feeling is not, but its outgrowth, 1443. Fight: Not as one beating the air, 2311:8, 9. OF: Courage needed in, 5510:1, 2, 9; illustrated in Nehemiah, 3675:4-10; 3676:1-3; is a good fight, 2309-2312; must be aggressive; not merely defensive, 1799:2; of the Christian, 1859:4-11, 15-20; what it is, 1040-1042. Your own battles, 1048. First lesson for Christian is, 2411:5; followed by works, 216:1-3, 9-11. Foundation: For call to sonship, 5737:6, 7, 9. of peace, 1834:12; 1835:1-3, 7-10. Fruitage of, 75:6. Full Assurance of: 2642, 2643; a sign of growth, 2895:9; how to have, 4683, 4684; impossible if conscience condemns us, 5425:1-3; necessary to overcoming, 5424, 5425. Gift of God, a growth, 2908:1, 2; gifts of, 103:4. Gives: Courage in the face of crucial experiences, 5540:11; us power of resistance, 1859:17, 18. Greater in a gentile than in Jews, 3755:10, 11; greatest test upon the church, 4004:3-6; grounded and settled in, 652:1-6; have it to thyself, 2163:4-7; healing, see Healing; heathen to be justified through, 2344:12; hold fast profession of, 5497. Household of: Comprised of little flock and great company, 4653-4655; do good specially to, 5358:1-3; our obligations to, 4854:5, 6, 9. TO BE: Fully tested in loyalty, 4708, 4709; served previous to world, 5726:9-11; 5727:4, 5. Who constitute the, 2740:1, 6, 7. How: Christians become established in, 1053; inspired in us amidst persecution an trouble, 1788:4-11. IT: Is increased, 1967; may be developed, 2163:9-13; worked in the ancient worthies, 4386-4388. TO: Build a proper, 1206:3, 4; cultivate, 2642:14. I have kept the, 4527:8, 9; 4533; implies consistent character, 3114:3. In: A Christian prevents compromise with Satan, 2381:7, 8; answer to prayer essential to growth in grace, 5710:2, 8. CHRIST: All world to come to, 555:9; essential to salvation, 2220:5, 6, 9-20. CHRONOLOGY: Shaken, the antidote for, 4068:6; strong reasons for, 5368:1-6. Healing, 436:8-13, 25-28; Jesus the source of salvation, 3762:6, 7; Lord tested by truth, 832:3-6, 12, 13; old creedal theories dying, 4258:14-17; prayer essential, 2005:9-15; resurrection our inspiration, 2896:5, 6; righteousness inspires our fight, 2312:1-7. THE LORD: Taught by his miracles, 3333:7, 8. The true gospel preached by Paul, 4187, 4188. Includes loyalty to God, 5055:10. Increased: by opposition, 3582:4-7; enlightenment destroys superstition but not, 1763:7-10. Injured by creedal errors, 759:10, 11; inspiring example of the ancient worthies, 1639:13, 14; 1640:1, 4, 5; intellectual assurance and heart reliance, 1822:6, 7. Is: It the gift of God? 2811:2-4; knowledge applied, assimilated, appropriated, 1719:8; not mere credulity, 4588:3-7. THE: Gate into the narrow way, 1771:3, 6; gift of God, 4696:18, 19, 4697:1, 2; mainspring of consecration, 5698:2-5, 9; victory that overcomes, 2249:7. Jewish, in a Millennium, 2314, 2315; Joseph's inspiration, 2896:5, 6; "Just shall live by," 1798; justification by, the first step (1893 view), 1585:8, 9. Justified by: 688:2-5; 10-12; Abraham was, 5207:1-5; church first, then vitalized, 4547:16, 17; only church and ancient worthies are, 4388:11, 12; what is meant by being, 5881:5, 6. Knowledge essential to, 4884:15, 16; 4885:1-4; lacking in some in this age, 5717:1, 3-6. Leads: from strength to strength, 4046:8-10. TO: consecration, 759:4, 5; works of service, 1440. Let us draw nigh with full assurance of, 5424, 5425; living by, 903, 904. Made: Up of emotion and intellectuality, 5114:7-9. Mainspring of consecration, 5698:2-5, 9. Means of: Justification, 4388:11, 12; 5207:1-6; restoring sight, 3847:11-13; 3848. Measure of, proven by works, 5892:7-9. More: Important than self-culture, 3234; valuable than works, and why, 5859:1. Murmurings caused by lack of, 5278:18, 19. Must be: Accompanied by works, 1158; attuned to melodies of divine truth, 1945:1, 7. Need not be shaken by delay in church's expectations beyond 1914, 5873:5-10; 5450, 5451; no such thing as "wonderful", 1528:3; none saved without, 6:9-11; not works, trial of gospel age, 700:7; obstacles to, regarding Millennium, 1092:3, 4. Of: ABRAHAM: Tested, 751:16; 1623; 3938:3; 4386:13; 4387:1-6; 5180; 5244:2-14; the ground of his acceptance, 5169, 5170. Ancient worthies, 1158:9-11; 4901:11, 12; 5188, 5189; angels tested by permission of evil, 5115:14-17. APOSTLES: Insufficient to cast out a demon, 4650:1, 5, 6; tested, 2454:1-3; 3324, 3325. Centurion, Jesus marveled at, 1922:5-7, 11; 1923:1; 2620:6, 10; 3755:6-10; Christ brings fruitage, 759. CHURCH: Chief test, 4004:3-6; how tested, 3324:8, 9; specially tested, 5188:16, 17; 5189:1, 2. Israel, natural and spiritual tested, 3997, 3998; Jesus tested, 729:3, 4; Nehemiah commended, 2526, 2527; Mary severely tested by Lazarus' death, 5230:3, 4; new creatures is of God, 3166:5-7; nobleman rewarded, 4132, 4133. PETER: On Sea of Galilee, 2650:2; revealed in sleeping while waiting execution, 2140:2; rewarded by Jesus, 4618:1-3. Roman soldier rewarded by Jesus, 4576:8, 11; some gentiles superior to Israel's, 5101:1-5, 10-14; the Syro-Phoenician woman commended, 3786, 3787. Once Delivered to Saints; Abandoned, 339:7; 5057:1, 7, 8; epitomized, 1278. Only: fools have no degree of, 1158:5; reasonable attitude, 1158. Our source of strength, 4817:16-18; overcoming power of, 778:4-6; peace proportionate to the measure of, 5432:6-10; power of, 2162:11-13; 3338:4-10; 3339; practical lesson in, 3064:7, 8; principal requirement of the present age, 3580; produced healing at first advent, 2583:5-9; profession of, let us hold fast the, 5497. Proven by: Submission to God, 5844:2; works, 2847:5. quickening includes activity of established, 1274:1-3, 5-8; rather than knowledge, chronology based upon, 4067:1-6; reason, its office in the formation of, 1565. Relates to: More than doctrine. 2353:3-6; truth, 74:2. Relation of, to wedding garment, 76:2-7. Required: Before Jesus heals, 5103:6; in Millennium, 570:1, 2. Rest of, 1658:1, 2, 11, 12; rewarded in gospel age, works in Millennium, 4696:9-13; rooted in, our safeguard in the time of trouble, 5558:11; saving, what it is, 884:12; scarcity of, on earth when Christ comes, 3118:4-16; self-examination in, 1114:7; shield of, needed amid persecutions, 1788:4-6. Should: BE: A matter of daily growth, 3338:7, 8; motive power of life, 1719:15; 1720:1; simple enough to take God at his word, 1528:3. Not depend upon voices from heaven, real or imaginary, 1624:1. Simple: Defined, 1572:2-11; and true, 1576:10-13. special virtue of the ancient worthies, 4003:2-7; strength of, measures our Christ-likeness, 5114:9; strengthened by modern inventions, 1935:5-9, 11; superior to character, 5243:7-9, 15-17; superstition is to, as alchemy is to chemistry, 1763:7. Test of: all disciples, 2425:3, 11; the gospel age, 2804:7, 8. Tested: By delay in answering prayers, 3970:1-4; in God's promises, 3190:8; would perish without the Lord's aid, 5095:12, 13. Testing and growth of, 4133. That: Justifies defined, 3156:3; removes mountains and trees, 1967:7, 11. To give place to knowledge in Millennium, 5116:8-12; "Trial of your," 1822; trials of, --why permitted, 1949; true and false ideas of, 4731:6-8, 12, 13; undissembled, what constitutes, 5756:12-14; Unitarian confession of, 832:7, 8; various operations of, 4588:8-13; 4589:1, 2; victory that overcomes, 2195:1, 2; weak in those who have the spirit of compromise, 2381:7, 8; we can do nothing without, 3787:8-10. What: It is and how it operates, 2005:9-15; is true, 2162:1-5; the true, implies, 2137:2, 3. Where it leads in gospel age, 3580; Who constitute the household of, 2740:1, 6, 7; will trust the Lord in all experiences, 4005:1. Without: Reason is superstition, 883:6; works is dead, 2159:3, 4, 8; 3318:9, 10. Why: God tests our, 2617:5; of special importance in this age, 5237:5-8. And: Credulity differentiated, 1158:10-13; 3312:7; 3313:1; 4588:3-7; 5243:17; 5244:1; 5446:3-5, 8, 9; 5717:10-13. HOPE: Discouragement the result of loss of, 5712:8-13; to become measurably inactive, 2205:3, 4; and love, closely associated, 4750:10, 11. Necessity for suffering the theme of Paul's discourse, 2151:10; obedience essential to acceptance of ransom, 2328:10, 11; prayer, their power in overcoming, 2240:1, 2, 7; presumption contrasted, 3674:5, 6; reason, false ideas of, 883:3-5. WORKS: Contrasted, 50:1, 2; related, 688:2-5, 10-12. Vs.: Knowledge respecting 1914 in chronology, 5348-5350; superstition, 1480; works, 29:8. FAITHFUL In least is also faithful in much, 2344:2; of the consecrated a decided minority, 4501:5; 4502:3. FAITHFULNESS church exhorted to, 5857:9-12; consists in proper and diligent use of our talents, 1972:5; exhortations to, 1321:1-4, 7; 4677:7-9. Implies: Activity, 3697:1; sacrifice as well as obedience, 4715:12, 13; 4716:1, 2. In: Service exemplified, 2888:7; trivial matters makes us true soldiers, 4839:8-11. Now a guarantee of future faithfulness, 5436:13-15. Of: Ancient Worthies should inspire us to run the race, 4389:13, 14; God an incentive to church, 3109:6, 7; Jehovah our comfort, 5501:1, 7; Joseph to God tested and proven, 5216:2-6; Paul despite bonds, 3183:2, 3, 6-8. One sure, safe course, 1356:6-8; readiness to suffer persecution the test of, 3524:18; required of stewards, 2157:2-4, 7-11; 5385, 5386; reward of, in the present life--persecution and suffering, 1917:6. To: God supersedes marriage vows, 3088, 3089. Truth, Minister expelled for, 3610:18-23; 3611:1-3. Until death overtakes them, required of the little flock, 5913:6; 5914; and unfaithfulness in the use of talents, 3871. FALL At thy side a thousand shall, 3332:3; into hands of God, a fearful thing, 387:11-14; "Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he", 2299, 2300. Of: Babylon, see Babylon; Jericho; see Jericho; man, see Man. Take heed lest ye, 862:3-6. FALLEN Angels, see Demons; away, it is impossible to renew if, 5041:1-4; two kinds. "fallen from favor" and "fallen away", 1458:18, 19; 1459:1-3, 7-9. FALLING Away: Always a possibility for new creatures in the flesh, 1698:8-24. FROM: Steadfastness, some are, 4304:4; the grace of God, 2300:7; true faith encouraged by church leaders, 5816. Many so doing, 1255:1-4; one example of,--a Methodist bishop, 1285:4-8; only the spirit-begotten can so do, 5093:1-6, 11-14; our only danger of, is in ourselves, 1458:15-17; Peter tells us how to insure ourselves against, 2219:10, 11. See Perfection; Temptation. FALLOWS Bishop: Starts a "home saloon", 1790:14; under spirit influence, 4521; 1-10. FAMILIARITY Proper reserve between brethren and sisters imperative, 1586:14-16. FAMILY Care for, our first duty, 1327:8; Christian's responsibility toward, 854:12, 13; 901:8; 2985:6-8; consecrated not to reprove nominal Christianity in the, 4978:14, 15; consecration does not imply neglect of, 2283:1-3; duty to, ignored through selfishness, 5229:5, 6; if too large, shows parental unsoundness of mind, 1080:10; 1413:8-11; Jehovah knows the sorrow of family discord, 1833:6, 7. Prayer: Blessedness of, 799:6-8; recommended to the consecrated, 2985:7. Ties, our obligation in respect to, 4854:5, 6. FAMINE Caused: By demonetization of silver, 2906:14; Jewish riot in Russia (1893), 1515. Chief feature of the time of trouble, 5112:4-6; for hearing God's Word, 3609:9; 5375:1, 2; foreseen by Brother Russell, 1245:6, 7. In: End of age, 879:2-5; Europe and its cause, 2906:14; Israel due to wickedness of King Ahab, 3401:8; nominal church, 229:11-13. Of spiritual Israel began in 325 A.D., 5742:1, 2, 8. Part of, in: Bringing anarchy, 1335:4. Predicted by Elijah, foretold spiritual famine also, 5741, 5742; spiritual, pictured by drouth, 557:6; spread in 1897, 2105:4-6; world-wide as foreseen by a congregational minister (1894), 1612:3. FAMOUS A true progressive is neither popular nor, 1487:3. FARMERS Alliance circular, 1331:6; 1337; chief instruments in bringing anarchy, 2906:12, 13. Fraud practiced upon: By the rich, 2039-2045. Holding crops for higher prices, 1337:1, 2, 9, 10; prophecy relating to the defrauding of, 2044, 2045; unionizing, 3967:4, 28-32. FARRAR Canon, On Christianizing the world, 934:2-4. FASHIONING Ourselves not after former lusts, 5482:5-9. FAST Standing, in liberty, 90:4. FASTING Advantageous if done unostentatiously, 4858:3-6, 11-13; appropriate at times, 2592:1-5; is proper when done with right motive, 2260:9; may or may not be acceptable, 3842:5; means of purification, 2022:4, 7-14; recommended to saints, 4346:9, 10; symbol of consecration, 955:5, 8-11; time for feasting and a time for, 4987:4, 9; valuable physically and spiritually, 4756:7-10; what it implies to the new creation, 3659:7, 8. And Prayer: A benefit to both houses of Israel, 3659; demons cast out by, 5129:10-12; profitable to new creatures, 3006:1. See Feasting. FATALISM Error of, 873:3, 4, 9; is unscriptural, 1272:3-7, 9-11; removes responsibility, 873:3, 4, 9. FATHER Christ not equal with the, 2985:3. Church; Drawn of the, 4476:3-5; to be loved as Jesus is loved by the, 5359:2, 3, 10. Draws the gospel church; Son draws world I Millennium, 2934:11, 12; 2935:1; duty of a, to his family, 2388:3-6; 4854:1-4, 11, 12. Everlasting: Christ Jesus to be mankind's. 296:1515:11-15; 3469:11; 3470:1; 4556:1-9, 11-17; title of church, 1007:6, 7. Giver of life, or existence, 422:15; 776:7-10; how we may sin in dishonoring the, 4276:7-10; in one sense purchased the human race, 4085:2-4. Jesus: Christ world's, 25:4, 11; 777:13; 1006:4-9; 1515:11-15; prayer to the, on behalf of disciples, 3351-3353. Knoweth what things ye need, 732:2, 12; laying up for his children, 2513:9, 11, 12; laying up for his children, 2513:9, 11, 12; more generous than earthly parent, 3807:8, 9; of church is God, 297:5; our, prayer of only the consecrated, 3805:5, 8; perfect, means perfect child, 795:1-3; who may properly call God their, 5219; 1-5; and son, how they are one, 86:8. See Jehovah. FATHERHOOD Earthly created to picture divine, 29:5. FATHERS Early, Bible quotations of, 1147:8. Pilgrim: Sincere Christians, 3976:1-5; warned to advance with the truth, 3603:6, 10. To become children, Psalm 45:16, 354:1-6; 3937:1, 2; 4535:8. FAULKNER Rev. J.A., on hell torment theory, 2899, 2900. FAULT Brother overtaken in, 216:5. FAULT-FINDERS Injured by their own condition of mind, 5746:3-5, 8-10. FAULT-FINDING Great failing, 2589:6-8. Shows: Hypocrisy or lack of brotherly love, 1922:1-3; spirit of pride, 1036:4. Where it leads, 3316:8-10. FAULTLESS Christians blameless and, 1115. FAULTS How to strive against, 1295; 3, 4; 1296; proper attitude of Christians toward, 1103:7-9. Secret: Beginnings of sin, 4904:8-12; of two kinds, 2248:6. Should not always be confessed, 4597:8, 11; that lead to outer darkness, 1356:2-5; we often blame others for our own, 1938:5. FAUNCE President, believes in atonement, 3741:8. FAVOR doing despite to the spirit of, 4605; God's not synonymous with his love, 1458:10-12. Of: GOD: A more desirable thing to church than life, 5441; appreciated by saints alone, 2850:8; Millennial trial unmerited, 1267:1, 2. Gospel age calling, 643:7-12. To: Be restored to natural Israel, 3348:9. FAVORS Christians should remember divine, 2866:3; God's right to bestow, 612:5-11; not to be given with hope of return, 5415:1-4; of God are for the consecrated, 3338:4. FEAR Banished with restoration to divine favor, 5295:7, 8, 12. Basis of church: Federation, 3372:3-7, 10-12; membership, 848:1-4. Bondage of: sin and superstition, 5508:12-14. Destruction of soul and body, 581:1, 2; develops from lack of faith, 4577:2-6; does not draw the world to God, 4618:8, 9; enemy to keeping the heart, 4249:2-6; form of selfishness, 5093:17; 5094:1-3; God, rather than men, 2889:2, 4; hath torment, 632:6, 9; "have no, of man," 1788:7-11. How: Acquaintance with God dispels, 1906:1-4, 7-10; to cast out, 4379:1-4. Jesus had the proper sort of, 5712:9-13; kind all saints should have, 1807:1; men's hearts failing them for, 5697:4-7;miserable results of, 1122:6-8; most disastrous to Christians, 4988:6-8; no evil, I shall, 3269:7; obedience inspired by, not good, 21:5. Of: DEATH: Exemplified by Jesus, 3886:1-4; 4428:6. Elijah to be viewed from standpoint of a type, 3408:1, 2. GOD: Evil incentive, 77:2. Jesus in garden, cause for, 2774:4, 6; Lord taught by false reeds, 4996:7, 8; losing the prize a proper thing, 4796:6-8, 11, 12; man brings a snare, 2963:2; "sinners in Zion", 1874. THE: Elijah class, 3408:6, 7; Lord the beginning of wisdom, 2289:7-11; 2986:9, 10; 3596:10-12; shepherds of Bethlehem, 2556:7. Want a foe to financial sacrifice, 2259:7. Opens the way for the adversary, 4379:12; 4380:1, 6; perfect love casteth out, 5245:6-9, 12; proper and improper kinds of, 4746, 4747; 4841:1-4, 9, 10; 5245:6-9, 12; 5977:8, 9, 23. Result of: Imperfect knowledge, 4841:3, 4; sin and death conditions, 5295:7, 8, 12. Saints should know no, 3051:6; spiritual blindness caused by, 525:16; to lose the promise of the kingdom, let us, 3886:4-6; truth frees from bondage to, 3153:14; upon the world increases with the trouble, 5939:7, 10; vs. love, 139:6, 8-11. And: Anxiety proper and improper kinds of, 5874, 5875; hate, their power for evil to the body, 3336:5; trembling, working out our own salvation with, 5304:8-12; 5856:2, 3, 9, 10. FEARED Christ was heard in that which he, 1806:8-13; 1807:1, 2; 3367:4; extinction of life, Jesus, 4804:3, 4, 8. FEARFUL Thing to fall into hands of God, 386:5-11, 15-17; 2329:6, 7. FEARLESSNESS Of Peter and John in proclaiming gospel, 5840:8-12. FEAST; Marriage, see Parable. Of: BELSHAZZAR: Handwriting on the wall at, 3632, 3633; interrupted by divine judgment, 4901:14, 15; type and antitype, 2497, 2498. Passover; See Passover; Tabernacles; see Tabernacles; Trumpets; see Trumpets. FEASTING And fasting, Ahab and Elijah take opposite courses, 3406:8; 3407:1. FEASTS Banquets, etc., approved by Jesus, 2699:5; to be made for poor rather than rich, 5414:17; 5415:1-4. FEATHERS He shall cover thee with his, 5438:1, 2. FEDERATED Protestantism and image of the beast, 5349. FEDERATION Announcements of the Congress of Religions and, 1546:13-19. Of: Catholics announced by Brooklyn Eagle, 2727:3-5; churches, see Church Federation; Christendom progresses, 3489:8, 9; Methodists begun, 2920:11-13; Protestants in England (1895), 1766:9, 10; Young People's Societies, 2143:4-6, 8-16; 2144:1-3. Pan-American Convention of religions proposed for (1895), 1770:6-8; progress of, 2076:13-15; religious, will lead to punishment of heretics, 3704:6-13; Scripturally, is a union of loving hearts, 1817:13; 1818:1; United Religious Association in interest of (1895), 1858:8. FEEBLE members of body are necessary, 2157:9, 10. FEED Flock: Do not shear them, 2655:8; the commission of the church, 5052:11-14. Lambs and sheep of God, 4183-15; 4184; natural and spiritual food, 2435:11; upon pure milk of the Word, 3522:3; your enemies, 1176:1-5. FEEDING The multitude: By Jesus, 333:1, 2; Millennial lesson, 3781:8; on the Bread of Life, 3333:9-11; 5087:11-14. FEELING Not faith, but its outgrowth, 1443; should not determine our development, 5912:5; unsafe guide, 373:17. FEET As used Scripturally, 286:3, 4; of Christ, see Christ; shake off the dust of they, 2262:2, 7; upon the Mt. of Olives; (179 view), 26:9. FEET-WASHING 194:11-13; 844:1-4; 2201; 4167; a command, 194:11-13; by widows a proof of their consecration, 2201; 2293:10-13, 19; lesson taught by, 844:1-14; 2449:7-9; 5090, 5091; letter and spirit of Jesus' words, 2278, 2279. Not: A ceremony, 2450:2, 3; too menial a service for Jesus, 3364:1. Of the Lord's disciples, 3543, 3544. FELIX Paul preaches to, 932:2, 7; 1564; 3195:6-8; 4499, 4500. FELLOW Awake, O sword, against my, 2338:13. FELLOW-SERVANTS Are not to be worshiped, 2079:5-8; 2080; regarding "that servant" and, 4482, 4483. FELLOWSHIP Aids in maintaining the spirit, 5129:13, 15; as brethren, whom we may, 5284:4-13, 17-23; Babylon's unscriptural test of, to think exactly alike on all points, 1571:12, 13; 1572; basis of, 81:2; between Christ and church, 30:4, 5; Christian, 68:3; 533:10; 647; desired by the true saints, 2406:3-5. Not: To be withheld from any of the brethren, 5726:12, 13; 5727:1-5. WITH: The unbelieving, impure, disloyal or deceitful, 1588; those who deny the ransom, 1860:2-7, 9-12; ungodly, sinners or scornful, 1383. Of brethren: Reaching a higher plane, 4242:4; what is meant by, 5938:6-8. Only: Test of, is to be a Christian, 1576:10; with the Lord and those having his spirit, 1575:14; 1576:1-5; 1670:12; 3109-3111. Scriptural test of, the ransom, 1572:3-11; second of the three forms of love, 1670:12; spiritual decline follows loss of desire for, 2241:7; to be respecting the gospel, 2406:6, 7. With: DARKNESS: A sin, 4730:12-15; new creatures should have no, 4189:1-3. Father and son, conditions of, 2093:6-8. THE: Father, 635:1, 2; Father, proofs that we are in, 4871, 4872; world a menace to church, 3394:3, 4; works of darkness forbidden, 5038:12, 16. Those who have gone into outer darkness, dangerous, 5948:11, 13; 5949:1-5; unbelievers, we have no, 4006:5-8. FENLY Guy, exceptional power of sight of, 2776:3-6. FERRER Prof, wave of protest against death of, 4522:11-17. FERTILIZATION Of soil with bacteria a success, 3303:16-22. FESTIVALS Of natural Israel typical, 4034:3-7. FESTUS Truth presented to, 3196:6. FEUDALISM Bent of modern industry 3056, 3057. FEVER Peter's mother-in-law cured of, 3310:9. FEW Are active in the service, 1282:6; that find eternal life, 860:6, 7. FICTION Of today destructive to morals, 4861:1, 2, 10. FIDELITY See Faithfulness. FIELD See Parable. FIELDS Foreign, spread of the truth in, 5144:9, 13-18. FIERY Chariot: See Elijah. FIFTY See Numbers. FIG Tree: See Tree. FIGS How Jesus sought the premature crop of, 4843:23; 4844:1. FIGURE Type, picture, terms defined, 5966:3-5, 10; see Picture. FIGURES church illustrated by, 81:1; see Types. FILIPINOS Editor's attitude toward, 2799:2. FILTHINESS Of flesh and spirit (or mind) cleansing from, 2671:5-7; 3631:7-9; 3986:1-6; 4974, 4975; 5738:5-11. FINANCES How they rule the world, 4539; Italy's (1893) financial scandal, 1500. FINANCIAL Conditions: Home and abroad (1911), 4735:5; of world ominous, 2783:14, 15; 2784; serious (1915), 5632:5-8. Difficulties: In time of trouble, 4111:2-7; world-wide (1894), 1632. Methods of early church, 1822:5; prosperity in Germany increases as religion wanes, 4763:17-21. Status of: J.P. Morgan, 3135:13-16; Jewish and gospel age harvest work, 1742:14; 1743:1-3; Society the index to its activities, 5682:2-4. Support; see W.T.B.&T.S. FINANCIERS Are the brains of society, 1244:1-3; of Britain at work in U.S., 2041. FINISHED It is (John 19:30), 931; 4173:3; "rest of the dead lived not until the thousand years were," 194:14-19; to what Jesus referred when he said, It is, 5060:14, 15. FINLAND Spread of the truth in, 4962:10-13. FIR Tree: See Tree. FIRE Baptism of, see Baptism of Fire; commanded to destroy enemies with, the adversary's spirit, 4701:9, 18-20; destroying work of the time of trouble described as, 5443; Elijah's chariot of, 968:9; everyone shall be salted with, 508; from heaven, great signs, 64:2; "I will bring the third part through the", 2634:1-3; Israel experienced baptism of, 4543:11-14; John warned the Jews of the baptism of, 2301:5. Lake of: Explained, 381:13; 382:2; 2608, 2609; meaning of, 893; Revelation 20:8-10, 1040:7, 9-13; second death, 381:13. Lord revealed in flaming, 228:5; not quenched, 11:7, 17; 112:1, 2; one class of Christians saved so as by, 3318:11, 12. Of: Gehenna, see Gehenna; God's jealousy, 409:11-13; 2971:2-4; 3215:9-12. THE DAY OF: The Lord, 4627; trouble to be symbolic, 5863:11, 12; 5864. This day may be literal and symbolic, 5317, 5318; time of trouble will cleanse, 2544:1-3; truth to try men's work, 794:9, 10. Purgatorial, In: Jewish and gospel harvests, how, 1316:13; 1317:1; Millennial harvest, 1317:7. Purifying agent, 101:6; refining judgment of the Lord on all as a , 3684:6-14; shut up in our bones, the truth is as, 5489:6, 8-12; "Sodom and Gomorrah...suffering the vengeance of eternal", 1618:2-4. Strange: Intoxication had to do with the offering of, 4031:6, 7; its offering leads to second death, 1836. Symbol of: Anarchy, 2334:7; 2565:1; 3414:6, 7, 12; destruction, 101:4, 5, 8; 701:3; 2858:5; 4989:17; 4990:1, 3, 4; 5161:3-5, 13-16. That will burn tares is symbolic, 2277:7, 9; tongue sets whole course of nature on, 4381:4, 5. Tongues of: Satan's delusion, 3941:3-10; upon whom they rested, 2926:10; what they symbolize, 2927:1, 2. And brimstone explained, 382:2; 487:1; 893:1040:7, 9-15; 2608, 2609. See Blood; Eternal Torment. FIRES The three Atonement Day, 4427:2. FIRMAMENT Is a substantial vault and a water reservoir? 1812:1-13; showeth his handiwork, 1814:17-20. FIRST Shall be last, the last first, 4263; 1, 6. FIRST-BORN Exchanged for Levites, 899:6; great company included in church of, 4857:8; Jesus the, from dead, 559:1; pictured church, 17:12; type and antitype, 3960:1, 2; what was typified by Israel's, 4677:8. FIRST-BORNS; Church of On trial for eternal life, 5870:3-6; to be of two classes, 5371:5-8, 12-16. Danger and responsibility of, 5870:3-6; in danger of death in type and antitype, 2918:7. Of: ISRAEL: Passed over, 5272, 5273; typify little flock, 2911:7; 3996, 3997; 5640:9, 10; 5641:1-5. Spiritual Israel need no Mediator, 4389:15-17; 4390:1, 2, 7. Only are passed over in gospel age, 4555:11, 12. Passed over: antitypical significance of type of, 4492:13; type and antitype, 4966:14; 4967:1-5. Preservation of church of, implies deliverance of world, 1873:2-5; saved only under the blood, 5273:12, 13; to be of little flock and great company, 5371:5-8, 12-16; transferred to tribe of Levi, 4493:10; typical and antitypical meaning of the death of, 3995:11-13; 3996; who are included in the church of, 4823:2-4, 7 8. FIRST-FRUITS And after-fruits, 33:5-11, 14-24; being holy, the lump is also holy, 5533:8-12; bringing unto the Lord, 3685:4-8. Christ: And his body members are, 3131:5; 3132:1, 2; the 95:2, 3; 2796:6, 7; 3374-3377. Of: Dead, who are, 95:2, 3; his creatures, 905:10, 11; salvation is church, 555:9; them that slept, Jesus the, 4175:3-5; thine increase, honor the Lord with the, 2060:15, 16. Two senses in which Christ is the, 3377:10, 11; unto God indicate afterfruits to be developed, 5870:1, 2; who are the, 3175:6, 7. FISH Cannot live in the Dead Sea, 3625:3, 6, 7; catching sorting, 1716:1, 2, 6, 7; net, see Parable. FISHERS Of Men: By the Lord's message, 3308:5, 7, 8; Christ's followers made, 5555:1, 5, 8-11; Peter, Andrew, James and John called to be, 3720:4-8. FISHING Business: Peter, James and John returned to the, 2806:4; 4183:6-8; now like the gospel work, 3308:5. FITCHES and Cummin, represent class of saints, 576:5. FIVE Talents of parable, see Parable. FLATTERERS Beware of, 888:15. FLATTERY Among truth people, 3011:11; avoid, 2593:3, 4; church's sin against its leaders, 4503:5-7; danger of, 1895:4, 5; injurious to elders and leaders, 3639:10. Is: Hypocrisy, 3194:4; not sympathy, 3878:1, 2. Of pilgrims injurious to them, 4243:13; and vanity tools for the undoing of God's people, 3639:9, 10. See Sympathy. FLEE See Persecuted. FLESH Boiling of, what it typified: 73:15. Born of (John 3:1-16), 2422:1-5. Christ: No longer in the, 1952:3-7., 11-14; not coming in the, 102:5-7; to appear not in body of, 171:1, 2. Christians to have no confidence in the, 5095:3, 4, 9, 10. Church: Must crucify, 133:5-12; not to expect perfection in, 5902, 5903. Cleansing: From sin in the mind and, our chief battle, 3985:5, 7, 8; should be in mind as well as in, 5738:5-11. Corruption the reward of sowing to the, 4729:10, 11; 4828:5, 6; 5665, 5666; danger to the new creature of living after the, 5687:3-9; death the result of living after the, 90:20; 5934:12; 5935:1; "Delivered unto Satan for the destruction of the", 1699:1-11; desires of must be cut off, 508:14-24; destroyed that the spirit might be saved, 5056:1-6, 9-15; enemy of the new creature, 5127:4-7; fulfilling the desires of the, 4402:8-11. How: IT: Seeks control of new creature illustrated by a fable, 5934:10, 11; wars against the sprit, 2309:11-13; 2310:1, 2. Jesus condemned sin in the, 4869:11; the law was weak through the, 4869:7. I: Give my, for the life of the world, 4146:8; 4147; will pour out my spirit upon all, 1411:12-15; 1412:1-8; 3410:13, 14. Is: In opposition to the new mind, 3913:8; weak, spirit is willing but the, 5312, 5313. Jesus: Is come in the (2 John 7), 143:13; 144:1, 8, 9; 909:1-5; 980:7, 8; 1993:6-9. NOT: Incarnate, but was made, 2409:8-11; to appear in, 111:11, 12; 148:5-7, 13-15. Jesus was not: Glorified in the, 3476:6-8; incarnated, but made, 4108:3-5. Job to see God in, 3040:2, 3; justified now for sacrifice, 209:8-10; know no man after the, 216:4, 5, 12, 13; likeness of sinful, 997-999; Lord will not come again in body of, 1796:18; lust of the, 1859:8, 9; make no provision for the, 2336:4; 3031:8; 3181:10; 4402:8-11. Mind of the: And spirit opposed, 2721:4-10; how to recognize the, 3202:3-5; is reckoned dead; will is actually dead, 5486:3, 4, 13-15; must not govern the new mind, 5248:7, 9-14; new creature not to be governed by, 5248:7, 9-14; to be kept under, 2445:9, 10. Mortify deeds of, 5584:6-12; 5805:12; 5806:1-5; 5932:1-9. Must: Be destroyed, 112:9, 10; perish if new creature would live2967:7. New Creature responsible for deeds of the, 5439; not to be advantaged by spiritual blessings, 2358:2-4. Of: Jesus saw not corruption, 3376:8; Paschal Lamb, see Passover Lamb. Opposition to our, no hindrance to spirit's progress, 3050:17; 3051:1; 3052:1, 2; or spirit, one must die, 4217:3-7. Our: Lord in the days of his, 1806:1-7; Lord's resurrection in the? 1856:8-14; 1857:1, 8. Perfect and sinful contrasted, 208:10, 17. Perfection in the: Disproven by St. Paul, 2721:4-6; hopeless task, 2439:12, 13; impossible, 2282:7; 3987:1; not now to be expected, 5902, 5903. Provision for, dangerous spirit for Christians, 5912:8; second death the result of continuous yielding to, 5562:13-15; 5934:4-7, 9, 12. Sinful: Caaanites picture warfare of Christians against, 5706:11-15; Jesus in likeness of, 454:5-9; 997-999. Source of temptation to new creature 3717:9-12. Sowing to: Defined, 5562:13-15; 5899:9, 10; its consequence, 3323:8-11; means death, to spirit means life, 5665, 5666; or to the spirit, 3323:8-11; we shal reap corruption, 4828:4-6; 5226:4, 5, 9-12. Spirit poured out upon all, 376:8-14; temptations of, 2769:5. Thorn in: Paul's and ours, 1744; to Paul was his blindness, 2118:3; 2825:1; 4433:1-4. "Unless ye eat my", 611; walking after the, 2721:4-10; 3202:1, 2; wars against the spirit, 4810:13-15; 4811:1, 2. What: Are works of the, 3858:9, 10; 3859:1. IT: Is to live after the, 1748:6-8; 3237:7, 8; 5807:1-4; 5934:4-7, 9, 12; means to crucify the, 80:1, 7. Will: Not become perfect, 2282:7; of, is dead; mind of flesh is reckoned dead, 5486:3, 4, 13-15. "word was made," 106:2; 338:16-19; 422:2-7; 2555-2558; 5352:4-10; world to have share in eating of Jesus', 5342, 5343. Works of the: 3858:9, 10; 3859:1; different from works of spirit, 2446:1-5; 3928:8, 9; 4688:1, 5; giant enemies of the new creation, 4217; must be overcome by new creature, 5973:8, 9, 17. And: Blood, reference is to human nature, 719:8. SPIRIT: Cleansing from filthiness of, 2671:5-7; 3631:7-9; 3985, 3986; 4974, 4975; differentiated, 208:8-10; one of the two must die, 4217:5-7; war against each other, 2335:6-9; 3202 3203; 4005:9; 4006:1; 5211, 5212; what is meant by filthiness of, 5738:5-11. FLESHLY Works, see Works of flesh. FLIGHT See Winter. FLIPPANT See Tongue. FLOOD Antitypical significance of, 3934:11; 3935:1-4, 7, 8; Bible narrative of, corroborated, 1615:2; destroyed progeny of fallen angels, 5160:1-3, 8-12; disproves evolution theory, 2843; 5; Galveston, why permitted, 2697:1; geology corroborates the Bible account of, 5159, 5160; proofs that there was a, 3933:2-6, 9-11; questioned by higher critics, 2842:3, 4; rainbow, token that there would not be another, 5160:4-7; typifies chronology of the time trouble, 3756, 3757; why God permitted the, 5159:19-22; 5160:1-3, 8-12. FLOUR Of meat offering, 84:4-7. FLOWERS At funeral service of Brother Russell, 5996; 6000:15-17; like the truth, 9:1, 6, 7. FOES In one's own household, 1069:3-11; of the new creation, 2309:7-10; 3172:7-10; 5329:8, 9, 14-16; 5404:5. FOLD One true Shepherd and one true, 3142; "Other sheep I have, not of this", 2673:11. FOLLY Mistaken for wisdom, 2262:4-6. FOOD Advantage of simple, 3781:1, 2; advantages of abstaining from, 4873:3-6. For Thinking Christians: 250:1, 2; 291:1-8; abroad, 771; published (1881), 291:1-8; 3825:6. Knowing where to look for proper spiritual, 4044:1-4; luxurious, injurious to health and mind, 4873:3-6; none is unclean of itself, 5324:13-15; plain, Daniel and the three Hebrews prove the advantages of, 5796:1-10. Of: Animal origin approved by the Lord, 2836:7; Christians to be appropriated according to strength, 5326:4-6. Provided by the Lord, rejecting of, 4710:1, 2, 8, 9; should be stored for time of trouble, 5572:2-4, 6, 7. Spiritual: Must contain liquids as well as solids, 5743:2-4, 10; ultimate purpose of, 2949:2-5, 12. Storing of, for time of trouble recommended, 5572:2-4, 6, 7; tempting God in, 1688:11; true sheep know where to get proper, 3786:1. FOOL Should be answered according to his folly, 5050:5, 6; "way of, is right in his own eyes," 1520:18. FOOLISH Virgins: picture of the great company, 5523:15-17; seek the oil too late, 1951:13-15; 1952:1, 2, 8-10; 5521:8-11; shut out from marriage feast, 290:12-15; 3869:1, 2; waking up as an effect of war, 5823:6-8. See Great Company. FOOLISHNESS Of preaching, 790:10. FOOTSTOOL Earth is Jehovah's 286:4. FORBEARANCE Necessity of, 888:14. FORBID Vs. to let alone, 1629:3. FORCE Golden Rule a mighty, 1471:4; power of new mind over the old gained by, 2335:3, 4; will be used to bring men to a knowledge of holiness, 5245:2-5; and reason to be used in Millennium, 3304:10; 3305:3-5. FORCES God the director of, 174:1, 8. FOREHEAD Knowledge the means of sealing in the, 3991:13, 14; what is indicated by a low, 2900:8. FOREIGN branches, see W.T.B.&T. Society. FOREKNOWLEDGE Is not fatalism, 873:3, 4, 9. Of God does not: Affect our free moral agency, 5552:16; 5553:1; conflict with our liberty, 4024:1-3. Scripturally revealed, 4451:1-7; and predestination, 486:1, 2, 8. FOREORDINATION Back-bone of Calvinism, 1167; disliked by some Calvinists, 1164:9. FORGETTING Things that are behind, 478:14; 1885:7; 3306:1-5. FORGIVE And ye shall be forgiven, 2294-2296; does God pardon or, 1058; power of the Lord Jesus to, and to heal, 1921; seventy times seven, 2294:9; 3801:6, 7, 10, 12; sins, Jesus' power to, 2583, 2584; "them for they know not what they do," spurious words, 4172:7, 8; 5577:8, 9. See Prayer. FORGIVEN In proportion as we gorgive, 3803:1, 6, 7; 4650, 4651; most, they love most who are, 2200, 2201; much, she loved much, 5032:7-14. FORGIVENESS Dependent upon confession of faults, 2235:11; distinct from pardon, 324:6-10, 13-19; divine mind on, 2253:5; how often to be granted a brother, 1694:1-3; "If thy brother trespass," 2294-2296; in Millennium, 569:11-13; 570:4, 8; Jesus taught in parable the lesson of, 2295:4-6; 3801-3803; 5134:14-16; 5135; must be from the heart, 1693:11; 1694:4, 14; 2295:7; 2296:5; necessity for, 2023:5-7, 16, 17; not properly based on justice, 2294:13; obligatory when asked for, 5134:8. Of: Persecutors the Christian spirit, 4329:6; sin, see Sin, forgiveness of. Outstanding feature in Joseph's character, 3981:6, 7; outwardly, but a rankling in the heart, 4978:6; prompted by love, 1693:11; proper exercise of, 1693; 1694; repentance must precede, 1693:6, 7, 11; 1694:1-5, 11-18; to be expressed only when asked, 2295:9; 4650:4; 4978:1-3; vs. malice, 1693:3-6. See Love; Mercy; Trespass. FORM And Nature come from mother, 777:4. FORMS In worship preferred by Protestants to settled faith, 1527:11, 12. And Ceremonies: 589:3, 4; not to obscure the divine commands, 5096:11-14. FORNICATION Of natural Israel a type, 2300:1; and uncleanness Christians to avoid, 2480:6. FORSAKEN Of God, why Jesus was for a moment, 2316:11; 2474:10; 3371:10; 3903:1,2; 4173:1; 5578:12; persecuted, but not, 5671:2-5. FORSAKING All: 854, 855; does not mean sacrificing others, 3845:8-10; to follow the Lord, 3721:3. The gospel, 110:2-4, 10, 11. FORTITUDE Is a grace which dignifies and ennobles, 1783:6-9; or virtue defined, 2155:2; source of Christ's, 1806:13; 1807:1. FORTY Years: Typical significance of division of Moses' life into periods of, 1651:16. See Numbers. FOSKETT Fred, tested by Society of Psychical Research, 4351:4-10. FOSTER Bishop: Description of the clergy by, 1491-1493; new gospel of, 1709, 1710; 1716-1718. ON THE: Eternal torment theory, 1709:6-8; 1716:5, 9; Millennium, 820:2, 3; world's hope, 857, 858. True description of Methodism by, 1491; 1492:1, 20, 21; 1493:1-4, 8, 9. VIEWS OF, ON: Church worldliness, 3427:4-14; death, compared with Bible view, 1718; nominal Christianity, 696:1-6; Protestant Christianty, 727. FOUNDATION Christ the, of our character, 1922:9, 10. Is: Christ, the ransom, 1228:8, 9; Jesus Christ, 428. Of: All good is Jesus, 4241:9-12. Ransom is the, 1205:2-8. FOUNTAIN cannot send forth bitter and sweet waters, 4381:10;. Of: Life is Jehovah, 280:10; water (Revelation 16:4-6), 499:1-7. Word of God a pure, 565:2, 3, 10. FOUNTAINS Twelve, of Elim, antitypical significance of, 4011:2. FOUR Beasts of Revelation, 529:18-22. Winds: Loosing the, 4880:9-11. OF HEAVEN: Loosed, God's people will suffer, 5470:2, 7-9; represent fallen angels, 4822:14. FOWLER Bishop, says money will bring world to Christ, 3328:1-3; (Satan) faithful to be delivered from the snare of, 3331:10, 11; 4561:4-7; 4925:16. FOWLS Lodged in the branches of churchianity, 5050:1, 2. FOXES That spoil the vine, 5886:4-7, 11, 12. FRANCE Assassination of Carnot (1894) in, 1668; astrological predictions of evil for, 3637:14-16; attitude of, toward Catholicism, 2869:14-17; 3636:7-10; 3984, 3985. Catholics: Losing power in, 3951:1, 2, 9-11; revolting in,2308:4-12; war with Protestants in, 2679:7-17. Church and state are separated in, 3411:8-11; civil baptism practiced by Socialists (1895), 1784:7, 9; concordat to be repealed by, 3557:7-10; 3558:1-10; conditions in 1893, 1604:6; divorces stated and church, 3620:17; fearful of revolution in 1909, 4383:5-11, 15-17; impressions of, in 1891 during Brother Russell’s tour, 1377:5, 8; in the lead in the matter of granting old-age pensions (1895), 1819:4, 5; influence of Catholics in Germany and, 3396:5-8; laws of, against Papacy (1896), 1941:9-11; news from our brethren in war-stricken (Letters), 5841:2-6, 24; 5842:1; recalls representative at Vatican (1896), 1941:9; rejects Vatican control of schools, 3557:7-10; 3558:1-10; separaton of church and state in, 3411:8-11; size of standing army in, in 1896, 1960:2-4; Socialistic tax laws of (1896), 1918:6, 7; strained finaces and war preparations of (1894), 1632:6, 14; why opposed to the Jesuits as teachers, 3396:4. See Pope. FRANCHISE Not needed by women, 2101:2. FANKINCESE 84:11. FREE All men not born, 1162:3, 4; consecrated Christians are, 970:12. Grace: When operative, 6:1; see Grace. AND ELECTION: Doctrines incompatible in Christendom, 3489, 3490; harmonized, 5:13-19; 8:4, 7, 10, 16; 256:17, 18; 257:1-4; 532:11, 12; 546:3-7, 10-13. Moral agent, man is a , 650:9, 10; truth shall make you, 1657; 3511:2-5; 3512:2-6. FREEDOM By means of the truth the reward of discipleship, 5508:11-14; Christ has bought man to give him, 1685:9, 10; denied to European colonies, 720:5-9. From: Obligations not to be sought upon receiving the truth, 5498:2-4, 9, 10; Fruit of knowledge is, 814:11, 18; metes and bounds of individual, 1737:5; none can have it until the Millennium, 1737:14, 15; 1738:1, 2. Of: Christian is slavery to Christ, 1065; faith sought by minister, 4286:1. Religious, granted to Russians by Czar, 3177:18-20; 3565, 3566. And: Deliverance of Christians emphasized, 4242:12, 13; 4243:1, 2; lliberty in Christ, 336:11, 12; 337:1. See Liberty. FREETHINKERS Report on Christ of Hebrew, 1304:6, 7. FRENCH Revolution: Effect of, on Catholicism, 2307:2; ended Papal dominion, 24:16; pictures time of trouble, 2433:1; 5750:4. FRIEND Betrayal of a, unusual among the Jews, 3879:3-5; death not a, to man, 15:8, 9; loveth at all times, 4224:5-7; of the Bridegroom, who? 1388:9, 10. FRIENDS Be not ashamed of, 1047:12, 13; conduct of, in adversity, 1048:1, 2; how Christ died for such only, 1175:1. Of God; Many sinners are so at heart, 1174:4, 5; who are they? 1174-1176; 1180:3-5. Of the mammon of unrighteousness, make to yourselves, 2717:7-9; 5749:9, 10; 5750:1-4, 8-10; seldom found among family members, 4977:10; and servants of Christ, 412:3-6, 11-14. FRIENDSHIP Between David and Jonathan, 1907; evidence of , 231; is a rare flower on our sin-cursed earth, 1907:4, 5; 1908:11-16; not with the unbelieving, impure, disloyal or deceitful, 1588. Of: Christ the chiefest of all treasures, 1820:5, 6; David and Jonathan of superior order, 5664; the world is enmity with God, 4765, 4766. Upon what it is based, 4223:6, 7; what it depends upon, 634:9; with Christ, its cost, 412:3-6, 11-14; duty, 423:1-7, 15-18. FRIENDSHIPS Are among the eternal, heavenly treasures, 1821:3; blossoming in heaven one of our treasures, 5863:4, 8; of earthly nature a disadvantage to the new creature, 5249:1,2, 10. FROGS Unclean spirits like, 510:8-13. FRUIT Bearing: BRANCHES: Further pruned, 4663:4-6; of true vine, 2465:1-6. Hindered by little foxes that spoil the vine, 5886:4-7, 11, 12; not true of every branch in Christ, 5901:9; peculiar to only one class, 3545:2, 6-8. Branches not bearing, cut off, 140:6; bringing forth the full measure of, 3765:2; forbidden, test of Eve's Character, 2840:2-4; of the righteous is a tree of life, 1520:19; pruning of every branch bearing, 477:9, 10; ripe character like ripe, how, 1317:9-12. FRUITAGE Of: Abiding in the vine, 3546:7-12; faith, 75:6; Jewish nation wild grapes, 4794, 4795; thirty, sixty and a hundred fold, 4635:6, 7; 5039:12-16. FRUITFULNESS In character development, 4502:1-5. FRUITS Indicate who are brethren in Christ, 4592:4-6; must follow the profession of Christianity, 4653:8; 5446:13, 14; 5447:2, 3; of the spirit, see Spirit; our means of judging one another, 5628:8, 9; reveal Lord's true people, 3747:1-6; test of discipleship is, 2517:1-3; wisdom is full of good, 3604:8-11; ye shall know them by their, 2589:9; 4837:8, 9; 5519:13. See conduct; First-fruits. FUEL Fossil theology good for, 1027, shortage portends dispensational change, 4431:6, 7. FUFILLED Generation not pass until all is, 342:10-14; gentile times to be, 107:1-7. FULLNESS Dwells in Christ, 78:7; of the gentiles, 384:6. FUNERAL Expressed wishes by brethren as to services at, 3799:14; extremes to be guarded against in conducting, 5474, 5475; suggestions for a discourse at a, 1016-1018. See Russell. FURNACE Fiery: Ancient and modern, 1408; in type and antitype, 2494, 2495; three Hebrews delivered from, 4873, 4874.GAIN
And loss, see Loss. GALATIANS Turned from faith, 551:9, 10. GALBRAITH Attack on Brother Russell in re R., 5654, 5655. GALILEANS Exalted to heaven, brought down to Hades, 4557:1; Jesus and disciples known as, 2424:6; 2819:5, 6; sat in darkness, saw a great light, 4556:18. GALILEE Despised land, 3468:5,6; storm on the sea of, caused by Satan, 1684:9. Why: Blessed above other Jewish provinces, 4556,4557; Jesus spent much of his time in, 3334:5. GALILEO Restrained by pope from declaring truth of earth's rotation, 3646:1. GALL Given Jesus an act of kindness, 3370:2. GAMALIEL Advised non-interference with the apostles, 4325:18; not an Israelite indeed, 2948:2. GAMES Greek, picture Christian's battles, 5777:5-8; saints should not play innocent, 1942:17, 18. GARDEN Of Eden, see Eden. GARMENT Justification illustrated as a wedding, 4525:5,6, 8; new patch on old, 986:5; spotted with the flesh, to be hated, 2961:10; 2962:1; wedding, see Parable. GARMENTS Defiling in Sardis epoch, 492:9-11; how we may keep clean our, 4870:8, 9, 11-14. Of: GLORY: For church, 79:3; and beauty, antitypical significance of, 4602:1-5. High priest changed, 245:10, 12, 15; Jesus divided today also, 3562:6, 7. GARNER For the wheat means the heavenly state, beyond the vail, 1923:15; 5049:4. GASTER Rabbi Dr., on the future of Zionism, 2529:3-16. GATE Drive back the battle to the (Isaiah 28), 2661:6, 12-14. Into the narrow way is faith, 1771:3, 6; strait, the way of Christians, 108:6, 10-14; what it typified in Tabernacle, 154:1. GATES "Of hell shall not prevail against" the church, 1760:8, 9; 2657:4; 3789:3-6; 4645:3-5. GATHERING Of saints to Christ, 154:5, 6, 11, 12; or scattering abroad, 4044:5, 6; simultaneous with sifting, 1279:1-3; 1280:1; together of the elect against the time of trouble, 4379:5-8. GEHAZI Leprosy of: A punishment for disobedience, 5781:4-7; Naaman transferred to, 4768,4769. Received the reward of selfishness, 3440:6. GEHENNA All texts where word occurs, 2601-2603; damnation of, 521:19-21; meaning of word, 700:1; 896:2-4; valley of, 486:7; what is, 111:17; 112:1, 2. GENEALOGIES To be ignored by Christians, 3200:3; why Bible so carefully records, 1420:2, 6-10. GENEALOGY Of Jesus, 453:5, 6. GENERATION All the righteous blood to be required of this, 5256:1-5, 9-12; how the saints are "a chosen", 1567:5-9, 14; Noah perfect in his, 2844:1; save yourselves from this untoward, 4309:1, 7; shall not pass, 342:4, 10-14, Why: All the righteous blood from Abel to Zacharias came upon one, 1701; the time of trouble is a just retribution upon the present, 1702:9-11. GENEROSITY Approved by St. Paul 2514:8, 9; Christian spirit, 4358:7-9; in dealing with the world, 2666:5, 6; love not envious but full of, 2204:4; of Abraham an example to Christians, 3939:2-4; should extend even to our enemies, 4269:1-5; taught by Jesus to his disciples, 3738:7-11. To be: Cultivated, 3400:9; developed by Christians, 2326:7. Wisdom and spirit of a sound mind should guide our, 5927:7; with world expedient for Christians, 5206:1-7, 12. And: Economy taught in Jesus' miracle, 3504:1; hospitality, graces of, 2856:4, 8; selfishness contrasted, 3878:6-10. Vs. avarice, 203:5-10, 16, 17. GENESIS Composition of, 1622:14-16; 1623:1-4; corroboration of creation account in, 5140; cosmogony according to account in, 299:6; divine authority and inspiration of, 1622; object of, and its relation to the divine canon, 1616; six days of creation, 1608; 1609:25; 1610:1; and Revelation, harmony of, 462:1. GENIUS And insanity seem allied, 2866:8. GENTILE Converts: Apostolic issue, 972:1-6; why of a better class than Jewish Christians, 5926:4-6. Healed of a devil by Jesus, 2280, 2281; rule in 1914, 2976:9. Times: Began with Zedekiah's downfall, 606 B.C., 1373:1-8; beginning of, critically examined, 3437; church to be glorified before close of (1913 view), 5329:1-3; closing period cannot be definitely set, 5141, 5142. END: In 1914, 115:2-4; 4822:5; 5565; 5845:3; of, the beginning of Messiah's kingdom, 5598:14. False chronology of Totten and Dimbleby on, 1974-1979; glorification of the church not co-incident with close of, 5950:13; gospel age does not close with, 5697:12; length of, 107:3-7; 5564:5-8; must precede the establishment of the new covenant, 4497:3-8; noble centurion, 1922:5-7; 11, 12; 1923:1; period of Israel's punishment, 4867:11-15; view in 1913 respecting the ending of, 5328, 5329. GENTILES Apostles: Decide Mosaic law not binding on, 1472; instructed to go not to, 2261:3-5. At Antioch accepted Paul's teachings, 4365:8, 9; believed Paul's gospel, 2150:3, 4, 7; call of, taught in parable of feast, 5415:5-8, 11-18. Called: dogs (Luke 16), 1000; 2653:13; 4627:2, 3; to kingdom blessings, 2702:8-11. Cautioned as to abstinence, 4374:6-11; "Coming from east and west", 1095; conversation honest among the, 4993:14-17; conversion of the first, 2990:6-8; Cornelius, first gentile saved, 1451; 4344, 4345; excluded from receiving gospel, 2423:3; favor to the, 503:3, 4; God's favor finally extended to, 5100:1-6, 10-14; gospel preached to them, why, 1970, 1971; gradually dispossessed after 1914, 4751:4-10:l how they had "no hope", 1435:1; in Christianity there are neither Jews nor, 2134:2, 3; infant Jesus visited by the wise men of the, 1674; law unto themselves, 544:13; message of truth brought to, 4344, 4345; never under law covenant, 4374:4, 5. Not: Baptized into Moses, 2417:6; under commands of Mosaic law, 2158. Paul sent with light to, 353:10-16; 550:10-13; 1466; 1471; 2150:3,4, 7. Times of the: And the harvest period, corroborate the truth, 3415:2-7, 10; the time of Israel's disfavor, 4867:11-15. to be accepted to favor while Israelites are cast out, 4576:12-14; 4577:1; unnatural branches, grafted into Vine, 2931:7; what warned to abstain from, 4374:13, 14. GENTLEMAN Definition of a 5839:10. GENTLENESS A Christian grace, 2586:2-6; may exist in a selfish heart, 5123:17-19; most efective in presenting truth, 5698:10, 11; 5699:1-4, 8-10; some forms of, 5002:2, 8, 9. See Meekness. GEOLOGY Corroborates Genesis account, 299:6-13; how it corroborates the Bible account of deluge, 5159, 5160; six days of creation, 1608. GEORGE Henry, single tax theory, 938:6-13; Lloyd: Power of, began in 1915, 5764:21, 22; speaks on behalf of Socialism, 4323:6-8. GERMAN British enmity preceding the World War, 4384:18-20; 4385; clergy mostly infidels, 1948:3-6; emperor, see Germany, Emperor of; hymn books ready in 1905, 3621:2; Kaiser, see Germany, Emperor of; new translation of Dawns in (1895), 1901; Protestant Cathedral, 3548:17, 18; 3549:1-9; Volume I translated in 1888, 1003; Volume II ready in 1892, 1346:3,4. GERMANY Anti-Christian policy of, towards China, 2255:1-4; attitude toward state church in, 5449:8-15; 5450:1, 2, 9, 10; catering to the Jesuits, 3396:5-8; Catholic control in, 3532:1-4; Catholicism in, supports Kaiser, 4725:3-8. Catholicism's: Influence in France and, 3396:5-8; 3940:6, 8, 9; power in, 3628:5-7. Clergy and laity at odds in, 3443:2, 3; comments of Brother Russell upon (1891), 1333:6, 13; 1370:3-10; condition socially and politically in 1911, 4762:1-12; conditions in 1893 in, 1604:14; divine mission to crucify humanity, 5853:1; drunkenness of children habitual in, 3746:10; education and moral conditions in (1895), 1870:9-12. Emperor of, Kaiser Wilhelm: Accounted insane, 2151:5-7; attitude toward religion not unselfish, 2370:3, 11-13; almost a pope, 3548:17, 18; 3549; ambition of, led to war in 1914, 3620:12; believes he rules by divine right of kings, 2217:9-11; builds German Protestant Cathedral, 3548:17, 18; 3549:1-9; civil and ecclesiastical head of Germany, 2151:8; described the Czar of Russia as "a prince of peace like myself" (1894), 1636; efforts to crush Socialism in (1896), and the results foretold in God's Word, 1918:4, 5; embracing higher criticism, 3148:1, 2, 9, 10; fears fate of Czar of Russia, 3722:8-12; forbids pessimism, 3941:1; foresees World War (1907), 4018:11-13; impelled by voices, 2369:2, 12; leaning on the arm of Catholicism, 4725:3-8; members of the Reichstag refuse to cheer him (1894), 1758:14-17; opposes Socialism (1895), 1863:3-5. RELIGIOUS: Inclinations criticized, 3049:19; 3050:1-5, 9, 10; views of, 3177. Reported address to recruits in 1891, 5841:7-10; sends gift to the pope, 989:4; sent pope triple crown, 1002; speech of, to his soldiers, 3699:19; 3700:1; to cause world trouble by 1914, 3620:12. VIEWS ON: Catholicism and Protestantism, 3549:6-9; Christian warfare, 2681:12. Why he leans toward Catholicism, 3118:1-3; and Papacy, 817:1, 2; 2369:6-13; 3532:4. Enacted first compulsory life and accident insurance law, 1819:3, 4; feared by England, 2177:6-11; fears the Socialists' power, 3661:11-22; federation of churches in, 2577:31; feels the cost of militarism, 4800:21-23; fortune-teller's prediction respecting, 3607:1-3, 12, 13; greatest religious foe of, is unbelief, 3628:12, 13; 3629:1, 2, 8; hatred of the Jews and reasons therefor (1896), 1918:15-17; higher criticism flourishing in, 2107:8-15; infidel clergy of, 1948:3-6; intolerant of Tolstoy's views, 2920:3,4; leaning toward Socialism, 3249:10, 11; letters from, 1666:34; 1667:1-5; military system of, in 1892, 1354:9-15; 1355:1-3; moral and educational conditions of (1895), 1870:9-12; naval display at Kiel (1895), 1838; political and religious forces struggling in, 4725:3-8; poverty of, 2255:5,6; predictions of downfall of, 2784:6; prophetic military museum of, in Berlin (1891), 1370:7; proposed religious legislation of (1895), 1776:13, 14; prosperity increasing while religion decreases in, 4763:17-21; Protestants divided over divinity of Christ in 3783:1-8, 11-14; Prussia favors Jewish method of slaughtering meat, 1989:3,4; public meetings successful in (Letters), 5337:2-5; signs of financial trouble in 2784:4-6; sinking into infidelity, immortality and crime (1894), 1752:19-23; 1753:1, 2, 7; size of standing army in (1896), 1960:2-4; spread of Socialism in, 2727:11, 12; 3229:15-17; 3350:7-20; 4879:5; state church being deserted in, 4350:19, 20; 4351:1-3; 5469:1-4, 10-16; strained finances and war preparations of, in 1894, 1632:6, 14; tending toward revolutions, 3141:6, 7; truth-spreading in (1893), 1593; views of Prince Bismark, 1691:3; war threat to England seen in carrier-pigeons from, 2199:4, 5; world war as foreseen in 1891 by Count von Moltke, 1304:5; world's war instructor, 4719:16; and Britain preparing for war (1910), 4697:5-8. See Great Britain. GERMS Satan the creator of harmful, 1685. GETHSEMANE Christ "was heard in that he feared", 1806:8-13; 1807:1, 2; experience of Jesus not due to lack of courage, 2774; garden of olive orchard supposedly owned by Mark's mother, 3885:2; our Lord's agony in, 1801; 2467:4-8; 2774; 3367:3,4; 3885:4,6-8; 4707,4708; 5550:15-18; 5551:1-8; meaning of word, 2773:6; 5550:6, 7; memorial celebrated by Brother Russell (1910) in, 4622:4-8; why disciples slept in, 2774:4-6. See Jesus, Agony of. GHOST Forbidden by Holy (Acts 16:6), 373:1; meaning of word, 2818:5. GIANTS Fill the earth with violence now, 2844:3, 7, 8; for the new creature to overcome, 4216:7-9, 4217. In: David's time not a myth, 5662:1, 2; last days, J.P. Morgan one of the, 3135:13-16; Noah's day, giants now, 4797:6, 13; 5457:3, 4, 7, 8; 5458; our day claim divine ordination, 3073; 2-5; the path of Christians met with pebbles of truth, 5662:11-14. Men of renown, who were the, 2843:8; menace in our day, 3424:11; 3425:1. Of: Doubt, pride, fear and sectarianism, 3230:10; 3231:1-3. GIBBONS Cardinal: Brother Russell's reply to, 4753-4755; on the subject of reunion of Papacy and Protestantism, 1740:6-13. GIBEON Pictures destruction of Christendom, 564:12, 13. GIDEON Army of, types little flock, 1875. Band of: Illustrates feet members, 2555:14; of 300 the faithful out of 32,000, 5606, 5607; tested for faith and loyalty, 4083; what it teaches in antitype, 5607:4, 5, 10-14. conqueror for Israel, 5605:5-8; courage displayed in overthrowing idolatry of Israel, 5606:3, 4, 8, 9; faith and triumph typical, 4082, 4083; and his band typifies, 3686:10; 4083:7-9. GIFT Free, to come upon all men to justification, 4760:4-7; God's grandest, 5:19. Of: Sacrifice measured by love prompting it, 3166:4; speaking in unknown tongues, miracle explained, 5831:9, 10. Romans 6:23 is also purchase, 965. GIFTS brought to altar unacceptable until injury to brother is made good, 5938:14; grudgingly given, 2541:1-4; merit dependent upon the spirit prompting, 5927:6, 8; of faith and miracles, 103:4; spiritual, not to be used for the flesh, 4896:9-11; to the poor, proper and improper motives in giving, 5786:6, 10-12. Value of: Measured by spirit prompting, 2212:3; proportionate to the sacrifice, 3863:7, 8. Without love, worthless, 3150:6. See Sacrifices, Spiritual. GIRDLE About the breast, golden, symbol of repose and dignity of sovereignty, 1599:6; symbol of service, 3354:4. GIVING Blessedness of, 449; 3173:3, 4,6. Christian: Obligation in respect to, 2542:4, 5, 9, 10; virtue, 203:5-10, 16, 17. Enriches the giver, 5927:7-10; in God's service, 209:4-7, 11, 12; 284, 285; more blessed than receiving, 2221:10, 11; 2933:8; not expecting a return, 3832:6-10; of a tenth among Christians, 5409:6, 7, 12-14; privilege of, 547:6, 7, 10-12; spiritual, 963; St. Paul on the grace of, 4526. To: Every man that asketh, 2518:7-10; Lord's cause, grace of, 2211, 2212; the poor, 917:2. See Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. GLADDEN Rev. Washington, views on social crisis, 4159:1-6. GLADSTONE Hon. Wm. E.: Correct views on probation, resurrection and immortality, 1989:1, 2; on the Bible and science, 1331; successor to Lord Beaconsfield, 101:8. GLASCOW Ecclesia started at (1882), 400:8. GLASS Sea of, type and antitype, 156:6-8; 497:2-6; 529:16. GLEANING Work to follow the fortyyear harvest, 5602:4-6. GLORIFY Different uses of word, 582:3. GLORY Christ in you is the hope of, 3250, 3251; 5227-5229; comes only after humiliation, 1102, 1103; he that glorieth, let it be in the Lord that he finds, 1919, 1920; "I will fill this house with", 3053:11, 12; in their shame, 1825, 1826; 1832:7-10, 17; meaning of the throne of his, 1282, 1283; not all attained through suffering, 1393:4. Of: Future why dependent on present sufferings, 1652:11; 1653:1-4. GOD: Declared by books of nature and revelation, 1390:5, 7, 8; 1391:1-10; filling temple, 292:14; intellectual and moral glory and majesty, 1560:3,4. Jesus shared with the church, 3552:10, 11; 3553:1, 2; kingdom told by saints, 2714:2-7; law covenant that of new covenant, 1323:1; Lord filled tabernacle, type and antitype, 4029:10, 11; perfect manhood, 453:15, 16; 1266:5; 1267:3-10. Restitution, foreseen by the worldly wise, 5107:16, 20-40; saints joyful in, 82:4; save in the cross of Christ, far be it from me to, 5920:1, 2, 7, 8; Shekinah, transferred to Temple, type and antitype, 2054:11. Should always be given to: God by saints for his divine plan, 2989:7; 5594:12, 13; Jesus, 2933:9-11. To: Be perpetual, 4653:1; glory, how church is changed from, 3040:9, 10; 3655:5, 8. Why our future, is to be as great as the suffering, 3590:1-4; and wisdom of Solomon, 3284:1. GLUTTONY Leads to poverty, 2074:3. GOAT Blood of, applied for world of mankind, 4546:14-16. Class: Destroyed, 195:8, 11; represent incorrigible of Millennial age, 5531:10-14. Disposition belongs to the world, 3116:10; in type and antitype, 96:5. Lord's: And scapegoat typify two classes, 4920, 4921; antitypically offered at Pentecost, 4428:1; contrasted with scapegoat, 4427:4-6. TYPE: And antitype, 79:9-11; 245:6-10; of church's sacrifices, 3708:11; 3709; of little flock, 3605:11. What was signified by the blood of the, 4493:2. Of sin-offering antitypically presented at Pentecost, 4428:1; type of church, 139:1. See Bullock; Scapegoat. GOATS As a type of church and world, 157:7, 8; casting of lots on the two, 4035:5-9; how the clergy lure them into their goat-pens, 1790:7; in type and antitype, 79:9-11; naturally leaders, 4752:7-10; not plentiful as sheep, 893:13; to be destroyed, 269:10-12; 701:1; 893:14; 4785:2, 8; and sheep to be separated in Millennium 2304:5. GOD Affliction leads us to, 5803:3; allegiance of Christians is to, 2001:31; 2002:1-3, 8-10; 5928:3-7, 9-11; 5929:5-7; "and the Word was," 1514:5-7, 14; anger of, not malicious, 439:10-19; 2068:11; 5603:1-7; appreciation of, increased by considering him, 3313:5-7. Armor of: 3:3. COMPLETE: 3273:7; must be put on, 1427:7-10. "Having done all, stand!" 1659:8, 12; let us put on the whole, 4709:9-11; 5707:10-12; 5770:2-4, 6-10; need of full, 36:12-18; 46:14; 684:8-11; 2275:6-9; 2453:3-6, 8-14; 3004:7; 4077:4, 5; 4448; various parts defined,3273:7; what is the 3030:9. Ascertaining will of, 2411:11, 12; 2412:1-3; attributes of, in symbol, 529:17-22; author of Bible, 71:1; banished from Socialism, 3373:21-25; bargaining with, 1169; belief in, declining, 2938:9-11; Bible is a revelation to man form, 727:19; 1390, 1391:1-10; blasphemed now, but glorified in Millennium, 3701:7-12; 5221:3-6. Blasphemy of: Spurious Christianity is, 794:7; to call him the author of sin, 1268:8-12; 1299:8-12. Blessings from: Compared to rain, 3598:2, 8; extent and medium of, 1436:1-4. Blessings of: To whom they belong, 2138:7. Bound to Abraham by covenant of blood, 3945:5-8; building of, for new creatures, 701:7-9; care of, extends to families of the consecrated, 3204:5; cares for his children, 657:4, 11; casting all your care upon, 5508, 5509; changes not his mind, 2026:6, 9, 13. Character: OF: His glory, 1560:3,4; maligned by Christendom, 2851; out of harmony with false creeds, 5326:9-11; revealed in his Word, 3656:5, 8-11. The basis of fellowship with, 5359:3. Chastened but loved David, 5440:8, 13; chastenings necessary to children of, 739:1, 2; chastisements from, explained and illustrated, 3132:10-15. Children: (Human) not the direct creation of, 2902:2-4. OF: None but the consecrated can be, 5877:1-3; punishment for stumbling the, 5130, 5131; receiving and stumbling the, 3797, 3798. Chosen of, we should be humble, 4256:6, 7. Christendom: has false views of the character of, 2712:4-7; maligns the character of, 2851. Christians: Acceptable to, 524:2-5, 8-10; relationship to, 1117:3-7; should be defenders of the character of, 3336:14. Church: Are laborers together with, 835:2, 3; delivered because they set their love upon, 3332:12-15; drawn to Christ by, 1056:4; 1227:1-5; (her) endeavor based on confidence in, 5095:3, 4, 9, 10; is elect of, 3586, 3587; may pray to, 469:3, 8-14. OF: 841; and steps to membership in, 2066:3; the living, 1570-1578. Only are now reconciled to, 3707, 3708; pictured as jewels of, 2404:3-7; prefer favor of, to life, 5441; (her) sacrifice is to do the will of, 5086:13-18; sweet savor to, 4922:5-8; taught of, 5598; to be a royal diadem in hand of, 4913:6-9, 14, 15. Commandeth all men to repent, 2962:6, 7, 9; commandments of, are not grievous, 3021:2-5; 4345:11; commits all judgment to the Son, 2431:2-6; (his) compassion extended to David and to all, 3254:2-4; confidence of Christians is in, 3990:5-11; 3991:1, 8. Consecration: Means doing the will of, 1041:1, 2; our only means of showing gratitude to, 5726:1-4. Consolation of, its value to Christians, 1839; 5803:1, 2; conspiracy against his purposes fruitless, 4286:6; could not lay down his life, 735:12-17; council of, guides his church, 2240-2242; 4246:13; 4247:1-4; covenanters of Scotland loyal to, 5734:1, 2. Covenants of: Conditional and unconditional, 3108, 3109; with human race , 3107-3109. Creates only perfect beings, 456:6; creedal errors prevent true worship of, 2079:1-4; cross the center of his plan, 100:3; 1054:5, 6; curse of, upon the human race, 586:1-4; David had faith in, 5562:3-6; 5674:6, 7, 10-15; dealing of, with camp class, or Christendom, 4607:9-11. Deals: Only with Jews and gospel church, 5414:2-5, 9. Death to sin cannot reconcile us to, 728:11-17; director of forces, 174:1, 8; disappointments are sometimes his appointments, 2894:4; discernment of the will of, 5212:4-8, 13-15; disciples have the peace of, 2456:11, 12; disobedience to him brings its own punishment, 3240:7, 8; divine nature the exceeding grace of, 2138:1-3. Does not: Send sickness, 423:19-22; 424:1-3; speak audibly, but through his Word, 3251:3-5, 10. Drawing near to, 2670, 2671; drawn to him through mental faculties, 5201:1-7; draws or calls in gospel age, 1227:1-5; economy of, in his plan, 381:9, 10. Elections of: For special service, 1651:3-9, 13-15; not arbitrary, 1457. Enemies of: No blessings for wilful ones, 1175:10; 1179:5-7; not all sinners are so at heart, 1174:4, 5; to be destroyed as such, 1176:1-5; 5493:10-14; who are, 1174-1176. Enoch: By faith walked with, 4386:8, 9; how taken by, 3417:5, 8, 9; 4757:2-4. Eternal life dependent upon covenant relationship to, 5162-5164; faith in, reasonable, 1158:2-6; favor of, better than life, 2850, 2851; fearful thing to fall into hands of, 386, 387; fighting against, 4608:2-4, 6-8; 5271, 5272. First: Applies also to obedience to man's laws, 5540:8-10; in our affections and lives, 5906:7-9; self last the meaning of consecration, 5958:5, 9-11. For us, none can be against us, 2375-2378; 4214:9-14; 4215; gifts and calling of (Romans 11:27), 4624:4; giver of all truth, 30:8; glorifying by our lives and our conversation, 4993; glory of, unspeakable, 610:13. Goodness of: Crowns our years, 4100:4-7, 10-11; to be appreciated by all in millennium, 3321:6, 11; to his children, 2737. Grace: And peace multiplied through knowledge of, 2137:3-7; of , both salvations are of the, 742:13, 14. Guidance of: given through Word only, 614:4; needed for conscience, 2053:1; 3098:10, 11; 3120:6. Has set members in the body of Christ, 732:5; 2532:2; 5245:18-20; 5246:1; head of Christ is, 765:2-5; Hebrew and Greek word for, 296; house of, judgment must begin with church, true and nominal, 1355:12-14; 1356:1. How: Grace and peace are multiplied through the knowledge of, 1531:8, 9, 17; 1532:1, 2. HE: Draws or calls during the gospel age, 1227:1-7; 5838:8-10; dwells in Christians, 2519:5-9; 2934:11, 12; 2935:1; 2941:1-5; 3251:10-12; tested the faith of the holy angels, 5115:14-17. In: One sense the Father of all, 2862:4, 5; what sense creates evil, 848; 870-872; 1226:4-6; 1271:7-16; 1350, 1351; 1780:1-14; 1799. Is: For whom? 2377:5-12. LOVE: and why, 77:2-16; not a demon, 345:8-13; 880. No respecter of persons, 2396:14-17. NOT: A trinity, 367:16, 17; 369:5-9; deceived, 589:10, 11. Jealous: New creation have a, 3094:5; why, 3038:4-6. Jesus was esteemed smitten of, afflicted, 5577:1-5. Jesus' death: Reconciles us to, 728:11-17; 1028:1-6; reveals the love of, 77:9-13; the beginning of the creation of, 505:7-9. Judgment of: Christendom by, 562, 563; modern instances of, 3426:11-14. Justice of, not violated by giving Canaan to Israel, 5335:13-16; 5336:1-4, 12, 13; Jonathan Edward's conception of, 1157:6, 7; keep yourselves in the love of, 4660:3-5, 11; keeping power of, illustrated in his dealings with Israel, 3632:1-4, 7-11. Kingdom of: At hand and to come 1908:6, 7, 17; counterfeit of, established, 1093:6-12; defined, 32, 33; earthly and heavenly phases, 637:7, 14, 15; embryotic vs, established, 1579:9, 10, 16; false views respecting the, 5483:10-13. IS: In your midst, 5455:2-6; not meat and drink, 4085:1,6, 7; 5097:1-4, 9-11; righteousness, peace and joy in the holy spirit, 5918:1, 10, 11. Jewish hope concerning, 1093:1-5; long promised, why delayed, 4298:1-3; necessarily autocratic, 2984:10, 14; on earth, description of the, 2833; present privileges and blessings of, 1580:1-3, 14-17; views of Allegheny "Prophetic Conference" regarding, discussed, 1904:1, 2; will be an autocratic monarchy, 1163:8, 9; 4193:7, 8; yet to come, 720:13. See Christ, Kingdom of; Messiah, Kingdom of; Millennium. Knowing, proven by keeping his commandments, 2236:9. Law of: All sins "mortal" under perfect, 1249:3-6; answers all question of duty, 1116:7; Christians as students of, 1116:6, 7; demands more than justice, 5643:8, 11; greatness consists in keeping the, 5359:9, 11, 12; has always been with men, 5359:4-8; is the law of love, 1462-1464; power of, in the life, 4834:10, 11; 4835:1; ransom not a violation of, 1068:1-11; scope, proof and purpose of, 1328:1-7; to be written in men's hearts again, 587:5, 10, 11; 5286:7-9, 11; universal and eternal, 1723:6-13; will never change, 1772:3,4; written in Adam's being, 1723:10, 11, 16. Life everlasting dependent upon covenant relationship to, 5162-5164. Logos: Meditated not by robbery to become equal with, 1515:2-4; was a, 3474:12-15. Love for: And for brethren, 31, 32. Love of: 9:2-5, 8-11; contrasted with carnal love, 4836:13; D.D.'s inconsistent view of, 1166:7-15. FOR: mankind, 855:17-20; 856:1-3; others besides church and Jews, 1180:3-8; the church, 31, 32. How revealed, 21. MANIFESTED: In the condemnation of all in one, 429:9, 10; to sinners, 415:10, 11. No such thing as omnipotent, 1329:5; Man created and destroyed by, 1641:6-9; manifest in the flesh of Jesus, 5291:13-15; 5292; manifested economy and love in the condemnation of one man, 429:9, 10; manner of dealing with fallen angels, 4664, 4665; may not observe every detail regarding his creatures, 5633:11; 5634:1-4; meaning of right had of, 4:16-18; means "mighty one"; applied in various ways, 1410. Mercies of: Inspire us, 100:1, 2; should lead to sacrifice of our lives, 5422, 5423. Mercy of: hardened Pharoah's heart, 2911:1-3; hope of the world, 3254:4-7; limited, 4272:7, 8; manifested in annihilation, 860:1, 2; not to be limited beyond his Word, 3361:4-7; obscured by creeds, 5446:1-4; prize won through the, 2001:1-3; provided our Redemption, 3729:9, 10; revealed in destruction of wicked, 3083:37-40; specially manifested to the church, 5818:1. Messages of, always reasonable, 2927:6, 7; must be loved supremely, 3038:1-5; no respecter of persons, 2988:5. Not: Of dead, but of living, 2805:6, 7; 4657:1, 2; partial because of election of a class, 2058:8, 9; 2059:1; 2396:14-17; responsible for fallen humanity, 2285:1-3; 3773:6-9, 13. THE AUTHOR OF: Crime, 1268-1271; 1299:8-12; sin, 848; 870-872. The creator of every child, 2902:2-4; to be seen by human beings, 2874:21; unrighteous, to forget your labor of love, 957:1-3. Obedience to, not now compulsory, 770:2, 3. Of: LOVE: 129:11-15; possessed by Christians alone, 4931:6, 7; 4982:4-12. Presbyterianism a fiend, 3976:13-16. One cannot sin when begotten of, 3246:4, 8; our love for brethren and for, 31, 32. Peace of: 1832-1835; greatest happiness, 5243:10-14; not in flesh, but as new creatures, 5432; power of, 3306:8, 9; shall keep your hearts and minds, 4898:1-4, 10-12; what its lack indicates, 3051:3. People of: Not limited to church and Jews, 1180:3-8; to be our people, 3110, 3111; 4090:6, 9-11. Permission of evil by, why, 250-255; pictured as a fiend by creeds of Christendom, 5353:8, 9, 16-18. Plan of: Economy of the, 381:9, 10; for humanity pictured in life of Abraham, 4682,4683; illustrated by chart, 271-276; key thereto is Hebrews 13:13, 4434:8, 9; of the ages, 628:1-3, 11-16; 2396:2-8; only Jesus and the saints are worthy to understand the, 5943; outlined to Nicodemus, 2573:2-10; proper method of teaching the, 3167:3-7; proving the 876:12-15; reveals Jehovah's wisdom, 5429, 5430; secret to all but one class, 2208:2-5; succinct statement of, 470:6-16; symbolized by scroll, 2208:9-11; too great for man's invention, 4446:6, 7; world can understand the, 966:22, 23. See Plan of the Ages. Plans of, are not man's plans, 3336:33-37; Pope as, and greater 54:12-14; power of, unlimited, 118:9-11; 4617:9, 11; promise and oath of, 111:1, 2, 8, 10. Promises of: Reiterated to Abraham, 2854; reserved for his people, 5990:5,6; should prompt to cleansing and holiness, 5737-5739; sometimes delayed, 3190:8. Promotion comes from none but, 5711:3-5, 7-11; protects his people in time of trouble, 1787, 1788; providence of, over both houses of Israel, 3658:4, 7-9; 4259:2-5; provision of, for all, 258:4-18; purpose of seeming delay of, 1178:2-4; rather than men should be obeyed, 2103:10-13; render to, the things that are his, 5513:2, 3, 9-12; requests of, limited to, consecrated, 5379:3-5; requires our active co-operation, 1569:7-9, 12, 13; 3205:6; respects character, 2988:5; restores Christians through discipline, 5807:10-12; second death provided by the Wisdom of, 5211:11-13; seeking after, 215:1-4, 7-11; sense in which man was created in the image of, 5731:5-9; sent them strong delusions, 606:10-12; 2793:3; 2813-2817. Sons of: ALL: Chastened for purification, 3132:10-15. Alone are privileged to pray, 5021:8, 11-13; ancient worthies why not thus designated, 5317:1-7; at Pentecost disciples became, 5623:3-7, 10; bondslaves of righteousness, 3512:8-11; Christians without discipline are not, 521:11-14. CHURCH: Are, 301:6, 12; 355:9; 473:17; 474:1-5; 5624:3-5; in flesh not perfect, 1006:3. Consecrated are actually now the, 4932:4-7; development of the, 5838:1-4; false theories respecting , 2843:6; how they are drawn to, 5583:1-7; include great company, 1008:8, 9; Jesus' followers given power to become the, 5352:16-18; 5854:7, 11-14; mankind in Millennium, 382:2; more favored than Moses, 3988:10-12; none prior to Pentecost called to be, 4543:1-5. NOT: Made merely by turning from sin, 4992:8, 13, 14; under the law of servants, 5072:3, 9-11. ON: Earth a limited few, 5582:23-25; various planes, 315:9, 10. Prior to Pentecost disciples were prospective, 5834:7-9; sons of and servants, differentiated, 3476:3,4; to be trained even as servants, 2405:7-9. WHO: have power to become, 2409:5-7; they are, 50:5; 1005-1008. World will never be spiritual, 1006; 1007:11. See Brethren; Bride of Christ; Christ, Body of; Christian; Christians; Church, True; Elect; Elijah Class; Little Flock; New Creation; New Creature; Overcomer; Priesthood, Royal; Saints; the Christ. Speaks through his Word, 3251:3-5; 10. Spirit of: Differs in effects, 637:1-4; operations of, 370:9-16; Satan's spirit and, 370:14, 16; 371. Stronger than all our foes, 2378:8-10; supervision of the affairs of the world by, 5304:13; 5305:1-11. Taught of: How Christians are, 4333:5,6. Tempting: By placing ourselves in danger, 3298:3; in our eating, 1688:11. Throne of, meaning, 4:16-18. To: Be manifest in the flesh of the ancient worthies, 5291:3-8; know him is eternal life, 1128:10, 11; 1234:6-8, 12; 1235:1, 12; 1920:1; us there is one, 714, 715. Torment theory is blasphemy of, 1124:1-3; triune, misnomer, 296:4; truth of, our buckler and shield, 3331:12; two cords bind us to, 1056:8; various views respecting, 2834:3-5, 7; voice of, vs. voice of evil spirits, 4882:4, 11. Ways of: are perfect and above criticism, 3336:6-8, 14; 3337; higher than man's 3597:12; mysterious, 833:1; what it means to observe the, 5702:12; 5703:1,6, 7. What: IS: Accepted by him in consecration, 1215:7; meant by covenant relationship with, 5690:6-12. IT is to know, 1532:2, 11, 12. Who: Are robbing, 2541:6-12; may pray to, 469:1-3, 8-15. Whosoever believeth is born of, 2629:7-14. Why he: Gave the law covenant, 2720:5; is jealous, 3038:4-6; permits deceptions, 1239:14, 15; was a God of battle in Israel, 4724:9-11; 4725:1, 2. Will: Avenge his elect, 3841:5,6; destroy the devil, 2001:14-30; guide his saints, 590:2-7, 14-17; keep his people as he kept Israelites of old, 3632:1-4, 7-11; not clear the guilty, 607:6-8. OF: church consecrates to do the, 5085, 5086; concerning humanity, 630:7; doing and knowing the, 1802: end of all achievement, 2694:5-9, 11-24; how performed in us as new creatures, 5759:1-4, 7-11; how to ascertain the 4468:3-5; 4696:14-17; 5212:4-8, 13-15; "My meat is to do the," 2694:5-9, 11-14; not to be ascertained by opening Bible at random, 5212:8, 13-15; our prayers should be in harmony with, 3216, 3217; 5203:1-5; 5307:5, 9-12; three ways of discerning the, 5303:12; toward the church is sanctification, 5126, 5127. Send strong delusions, 2274:10, 11; 2275:12. Wisdom of: In election is just, 623:9; shown in creation, 880:4. Word was a, 338:4-6. Work of: In us how perfected, 1166:13, 18, 19; 1175:5; 5759:8-11; Jehovah's "strange work"-the time of trouble, 1487:4, 5, 11; 1488. NOT: Now reform work, 5462:1-3, 9-11; to be overthrown for meat's sake, 5324, 5325. Works in us to will and to do his pleasure, 2123:7; 4796:4, 5; worshiped by church in highest sense, 2070:10; 2071:1; and mammon ye cannot serve, 2717:3, 4, 7-10. See Jehovah. GODHEAD Mistranslation, 249:2; should be rendered divinity or deity, 1515:10. GODLINESS Brings persecution, 2412:4-6; cannot include harmful gossip, unclean conversation or disloyal words, 1938:8; course of, 2038:10; dependent upon faith and contentment, 2353:11; forms of, without power, 589:3, 4; 2461:6; self-examination in, 1114:12, 13; with contentment is gain, 619:15; 1851:11; 2241:8-10; or piety later development, 2155:10. GODLY In: Christ persecuted, 5395:3-6, 7-12; 5544-5546; the world different from godly in Christ, 5394:6-8, 15, 16; 5395:1, 2. GODS Mighty ones, the church, 301:4, 5; Paul and Barnabas treated as, 3011:5-7. GOG During Jacob's trouble, 26:8-12. GOLD Greed for, the cause of modern wars, 1960:10-12; in the Vatican greater than amount in circulation in Europe, 3343:12, 13; of our nature refined by fiery trials, 1944:5-10; serious depreciation of, 4720:17-22; speculation in re South African mines (1895), 1898:5, 6, 10; standard and its evils (1894), 1606:17-20; symbol of divine nature, 1943:8; 1944:1, 2; tried in fire, true church, 505:19-23. And Silver: Building with, 428:6; corrupted, 2039-2045; class, rock builders, 36:1-11; is cankered: of rich rusted, 592:8. GOLDEN Calf: Churchianity corresponds to idol of, 4022:7-9; higher criticism possible antitype of Israel's, 5267:7; Israelites worship of the, 2325:7; 3386:2, 3; Israel's idol, 1835; worship by Israel, Punished, 5547:3-5; worshipped by natural and nominal spiritual Israel 3046-3048; 4022, 4023; 5297, 5298. Lampstand, see Candlestick. Rule: Admits of liberty to fellow men, 4817:6; Christians must observe the, 2688:3-8; coming to the front, even in newspapers, 1519:4-8; erroneous views of, 2688:5-7; guides Christian, 606:3,4; how to apply the, 2590:4, 6; implies self-sacrifice and crossbearing (1895) view), 1774:16-18; in love for neighbor, 3804:5-9; love of Christians greater than the, 4568:4, 11, 12; means simple justice, 1326:17; (its) mighty force, 1471:4. TO BE: Enforced by Christ, 2313, 2314; the law in the Millennium, 5723:12-14. What it involves, 2688:1-4. GOLDMAN Emma, anarchistic speech of, 4075:1-4. GOLGOTHA Meaning of word, 2473:7; or Calvary, why so named, 3560:5; 3900:7, 8; and the cross of Christ the center of life, 4174:1-4. See Calvary. GOLIATH David's victory over, 3230; 4215:6; 4216:1-6; picture of Satan, 3230:8; 3231:1-3; slain by David, 3230; 5662:11-14; typical of the foes of the new creation, 5662:11-14; and David, 1902. GOMORRAH "More tolerable for," 1618:6-12; suffering the vengeance of eternal fire, 1618:2-4. See Sodom. GOMPERS S., his influence exerted against Socialism, 3125:12; 3126:1. GOOD "All things work for", 1141:8-16; 2241:11; called evil and evil called, 3893:9; 3894:1; do, and communicate, 126:2-11; doing, in simple things, 5357:11-14; forget not to do, 126:2-11. Friday: Origin of, 2962:13-17. AND: Easter Sunday how calculated, 2271:3; the mass, 3010, 3011. Fruits, see Fruits. Man of the house, refers to ruler of present evil world, 3355:5; overcome evil with, 2215:2; 2350:6, 7; 2895:1; report and evil report, church to be faithful through, 5774:1-3, 9, 10; searching for opportunities of doing, 4269:1-5. And Evil: Always exist as principles, 5356:9-11; cannot exist in us simultaneously, 4241:4-8; contrasted, 250:10; Jesus knew both but was without sin, 444:1, 2; see Evil. GOODS Take joyfully the spoiling of our, 2405:10, 11. GORDON Rev. A. J.: Correct views of, on modern delusions, 1990-1993; 2770:5-9. ON: Christ's return, 2164:1-3, 9-12; the Mass and demonism, 1990-1993. GOSHEN Land of, typical of great company, 156:2,6. GOSPEL Accepted by few in this age, 516:6-8; alone the work of the Society, 5955:1, 2, 11, 12; America and Europe specially blessed with the, 2377:4; another, the no-ransom theory, 1255:4; 1256:16, 17; appreciated only by few, 2414:5-8; as proclaimed at Jesus' birth, 2557:1-4; astronomy not part of the, 1811:8; 1815:5-8; attractive now to only the pure in heart, 5370:12-14; 5371:1-4; Babylon's conception of the, 1897:16-19; 1898:1-4; being witnessed to all nations even by sectarians and unbelievers, 1077; Bishop Foster's new, 1709, 1710; 1716-1718; comparisons of the narrative of the four evangelists, 1046; Christ's brethren called by the, 810:8; consolations of the, 27:8, 16; 28:1-21; cost of the, 209:4-7, 11, 12; 284, 285; creeds are not the, 220:5-8, 12; 221; 727:16, 17; 5136, 5137; delusions of Satan which blind to the true, 5849:1-4, 7-9; enlightenment essential before second death, 431:8, 10; eternal torment is not true, 2524: finding of an old Syriac manuscript of the (1893), 1529:4. For; Jews and Gentiles, 61:11-14. THE: Less degraded first, 1545:14-16; meek alone, 1465:13; 1466:6, 8-10; 1467:2. Free, deplored by ministers of Christendom, 5374:9-12; glad tidings or savor of death, 877:5-8, 11-17; grief to nominal believers, 541:7-10; hearing and rejecting of, 521:15-18; hidden to world now, 525; 5485:3-10; highest service is preaching, 5357:7-10. How: Ends of earth heard of, in Paul's day, 1969-1971; it was sent to Europe, 2175:11; 2176:1; preached to every creature under heaven, 1969-1971; written, 2435:2, 3. Is: For heavy-laden, 585:11; glad tidings, 75:4; 3701:1, 2; now for those who have ears to hear, 3304:11; 3305:1; the message of Christ's kingdom, 5893:8-10. Jews found it hard to comprehend the, 4987:10-12; keeping it the duty of the church, 1127:10; meaning of word, 217:8-11; 402:7; 525:6; means of salvation and rest, 4025:1-8. Message of: In Bible, 75:4; is glad tidings, not eternal torment, 2261:6; Sodom's sins less grievous than rejection of, 5076:8-10; was turned from Asia into Europe, 1545:9, 10, 14-16; 2175:11; 2176; why received by poor, rejected by rich, 4969:5-7, 9. Mission now not to convert world, but to harvest, 1940:11, 18; 1941:1-8; no respecter of persons, 850:2, 3. Not: Ashamed of true, 220:5-8, 12; 221; 402:6-9; 921-925; 5045:1; to be preached to every one now 2872. Object of preaching it now, 5068:5-7. Of: JESUS: Attracted publicans and sinners, 2260:5, 6; only message of mercy in the world, 5032:1-3; unchanged, but clouded by error, 5851:2-7. Mark and Luke not written by apostles, 2816:5. THE KINGDOM: Not yet (1892) witnessed in all the world, 1349:8-15; rejected by Israelites, 4593, 4594. Only: Duly ordained ministers of, 1715:3,4; few are attracted to the true, 2948:1; for sinners, 4987:2, 3. Other: How it seduces, 1205:8, 9; test to apply, 1205:5, 7, 8. Paul preached the necessity for faith in the true, 4187,4188; preach to the world the, 605:2-9. Preached: BY PAUL: At Antioch logical, 4364:4-16; to Athenians, 2190, 2191; 4409, 4410; without remuneration, 5927:1-3. For witness, 516:2-4, 5-8; 2518, 2519; 2809:9; 2872:1-7; through human agencies, 2989:2. TO: Abraham, 4451:5-7; them that are dead, 704:1-3; 1987:1-3. Preaching of, should be the chief aim of Christians, 2129:8, 9; purpose during this age, 536:2; Ransom the kernel of the whole, 1572:1-11; responsibility of hearing and preaching, 3673:9, 10, 16, 17; second death the reward of rejecting the, 521:15-18; sent out into the gentile highways, 5510:15, 16. Should: BE: Preached first in the home, 1882:19; the only theme of Christians, 5125, 5126. Not be argued in the streets, 1467:13; 1468:12, 13. Singing is one way of preaching the, 1935:1. Spread of: 670:4, 5; approved by the Pope, 3652:8-12; in China, 5010:3-11. Theme of, is kingdom of heaven, 702, 703. To: BE: Preached now as in Paul's day, 2141:8, 9; to all in the Millennium, 3701:7-12. GENTILES: And Jews alike, 550:10-16; approved by Jewish believers, 2996:3-8. True: Is harmonious, 403:7-12; false, 220:5-8, 12; 221; 670:5-7, 9-12. What: It is, 2580:5-10; is the true, 923:7-11; 2593-2596. When and how written, 2816:5-9; who are attracted by it, 956:13, 14; why it was turned from Asia into Europe, 1545:9, 10, 14-16; writers inspired to present the truth correctly, not verbally inspired, 1525:9; 1526:4. And: JEWISH AGES: Dispensational unfoldings of the, 39:1; 115:2-5, 9-14; 116:5, 10; 136:4; 716:15; typified by David and Solomon, 4260, 4261. Millennial ages, contrast between, 1227:8-10. See Bible. GOTTHEIL Rabbi, views of, on Christ, 2314:5, 9, 10. GOULD Free Library: For the blind, 5037:9; report of, 5042:1-4; 5620:12. GOVERNMENT Board of morals for, in 1892, 1399:3-9; how capital controls people and, 2216:9-12; 5458; labor leader's view of ownership of railroads by, 1676:3-5. Of: America, why losing moral power, 3328:9-15; earth upon Christ's shoulders, 3496:5-11; 3470:2, 3; Messiah not to be earthly, 5181:9-12, 19-23; the spirit legislative, judicial, executive, 3629:9, 10. Ownership of as practiced in Europe (1895), 1845:20, 21; perfect, world's need today, 3278:5; persecution of the truth by, cannot avert foretold trouble, 1372:2, 5, 6. GOVERNMENTS Church's attitude toward, 362:14-16; crumbling of earthly, 847:1-3, 7. Gentile: Pictured in Nebuchadnezzar's vision, 5526:4-6; symbolized by trees in Scripture, 2373:1; their number limited, 5564:1-5, 9-12. God's special providences not over, 1560:5-10; 1561:10; "honor to whom honor is due" as applied to, 1555:8-10; how arrayed against the Lord, 1385:2-7; of earth pictured by beasts (Dan. 7), 419:18; our attitude toward earthly, 5204:10-12, 15, 16; present, are simply human efforts; are beastly, and not of God, 1563:16; pride of, ambition and threats of war (1896), 1953:6, 7, 14, 15; reap their wild oats in the time of trouble, 1653:5-7, 16-18; 1654:8-10; responsibility of, to God, 1912:9; submit yourselves to every ordinance of earthly, 1553:3-5; typified by image and beasts, 166:1-15; uniting with Papacy, 817:1, 2. GRACE Both salvations are of God's, 742:13, 14; church recipients of divine, 2284:9-13; development of love our chief work of, 4836,4837; extended to assist in making our calling sure, 2285:11; how we grow in, 3215:6-8; illustrated by three parables, 3360:1; inward, more than the outward form, 2226; Jesus full of, 338:19; 339:1-4; kings reigning by (?), 507:12-17; love and favor, 9:8; manna a figure of God's supply of, 4012:6; new creation not under the law, but under, 5072:15; 5073:3, 10; once in, always in, an unscriptural thought, 1697-1699; 2286, 2287; only the spirit-begotten can fall from, 5093:1-6, 11-14; operated on behalf of world and church, 2284, 2285; operation of, 2720:6, 7; 2725:4-11; 3165, 3166; 4576:1-3, 9, 10; our salvation is by, 677:2-4; received in vain, 859:3, 4, 5; 2285:12-15; 2286:1-4, 14; 4629:2; saves race, 429:6, 7; signifies favor, unmerited, 2283:17; surpasses human understanding, 2138:1-3; this, wherein we stand, 1262. Throne of: Privilege of consecrated Christians, 5745. To endure sufferings for Christ's sake, how obtained, 5942:7-9; two ways of rejecting, 3201:7, 8; and peace, how multiplied through the knowledge of God, 1531:8, 9, 17; 1532:1, 2; 2137:3-7. See Free Grace. GRAFT Prophet Isaiah warns of, 3894:1. GRANT General: Was he a Christian? 2331:13, monument, no Roman Catholic bishop to preside at dedication of, 2168:1-3. GRAPE Juice proper for Memorial use, 1101:8, 9. GRAPES Wild, Jewish vineyard brought forth, 5505:1-7. GRAPHITE Blasphemous, of the crucifixion, 831:5. GRATITUDE Antidote for dyspepsia, 2643:18; Christian's cause for, 2551:2-4; dispels selfishness and ambition, 3306:8, 9; due reward of loving service, 2010:13; exemplified in David, 2031; for the truth, expressions of deep (Letter), 5915:16-28; is the responsive chord to benevolence, 1673:1; keeps us close to the Lord, 3080:1-3; manifested by one leper out of ten, 5454:1-7; of Naaman commendable, 3439:9; 3440:1, 2; should lead to consecration, 1066:10-12; small return to the Lord, 3781:12; songs of, 2031; to God expressed in consecration, 5726:1-4; toward Lord leads to consecration, 2722:9; we have the greater cause for, 4100:4-7, 10, 11; "What shall I render unto the Lord?" in, 1673:1-3, 7-10. GRAVE Hebrew word for, is sheol; Greek, hades, 828; of Moses hidden and why, 3077:9; "Oh, that thou wouldst hide me in the," 1506:4-11; or sheol, improperly translated hell, 2066:5; and death are curses, not blessings, 663:8. See Sheol; Hades; Hell. GRAVES Of greediness, why so called, 3061:1. GREAT Britain: Alarmed at rise of Socialism (1906), 3722:2-7; 3898:1-7; 4143:1-16. BROTHER: Draper makes pilgrim trip to, 4844:12; 4859:14; 4868:10; Russell not prejudiced against (Letter and reply), 5787, 5788. Catholicism spreading in, 2308:20; 2309:1, 8; China cries to, for relief from opium slaver, 4799:14-21; 4877:15-17. CHURCH: Property protected from confiscation by the courts of, 3488:5-7; union sought in, 3697:13-17. Colporteur's report of work in (1895), 1884; conscription in, and status of I.B.S.A., 5953:5-9; danger of war with United States in 1896:1912:5; effect of war in 1915 upon, 5764:9-12, 19-22; 5765:1, 2. EVILS OF: Aristocracy in, 1032; landlordism in, 1038:2-5; 1152:2-12. fearful of Germany, 2177:6-11; forces opium on China, 4877:15-17; helping to spread Mohmmedanism, 2695:1-14; how its financiers worked in U.S., 2041; intoxication decreasing in, 4066:1; notice in re colporteur work in, 1539; persecution of Jews in, 2883:4-13; policy of, in dealing with Turkey, 2056:7, 11; progress of work in, 2664:5, 6; religious conditions in (1891), 1333:7, 9; report of harvest work in, for 1907, 4119-4121; time of trouble feared in, 5448:1-6; work of W.T.B.&T. Society in, 291:2. AND GERMANY: Preparing for war (1910), 4697:5-8; ready for world war, 4384:18-20; 4385. And the Boers, editors views on, 2799:3, 4. See England; Ireland; Russia. Company: ALSO: Have an Advocate, 4761:1-3; possessed of the holy spirit, 5656:1-7. Ancient worthies to be resurrected after the, 4667:9-11; application of Christ's merit on behalf of the, 4601:5, 6, 10, 11; approximate number of, 2942:3, 4. ARE: Foolish virgins, 290:12-15; sons of God, 1008:8, 9. As scape-goat, 150, 151; blessing of, 148:4; born of the spirit, 184:1-3, 8-10; brought out of Babylon, 577:1-3, 8-10; can never be of restitution class, 5138:1-5; cares of this life lead to failure of, 5055:12-14; cause of failure of, 4079:6-14; 5460:9-11; characteristics of, 772:11; 5270:3-5, 11-15; change of, 172:9-12; children Zion, 1649:3-5; companions to bride of Christ, 458:1-3; "delivered unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh" a much more severe ordeal than its "sacrifice" would have been, 1789:16; developed after glorification of church, 3089:9, 10; differ from little flock in that they do not suffer gladly, willingly, self-sacrificingly, 1669:3-8; 1699:4, 5, 10; 3599:5-8, 12; 4401:1; do not do what they can, 1046:9; existed throughout the gospel age, 3445:5-9, 13; flesh destroyed that the spirit might be saved, 5056:1-6, 9-15. HAVE: Gone through tribulation throughout the age, 1699:9; no earthly inheritance, 131:5; some of the spirit of the world--selfishness, 1470:2, 3; spotted robes, 2783:1. High character attainment required of, 4428:3; how it differs from little flock, 3605. IN THE: Court (1905 view), 3605; past and now, those who fail to serve and to suffer willingly, 1782:14; 1783:5. Included in the term church, 4823:4, 7, 8; John Foster, D.D., seems to illustrate the spirit of, 1150:8; lack fervency of love and zeal, 1669:3-8; liberated when Babylon falls, 983:13; lose great reward, 132:1, 7; made up of those who let crowns slip, 5532:13, 14; 5533:7; majority of, living today, 2161:5; many belonged to Sardis epoch of church, 4870:10; name properly applied to spirit-born class, 5731:10, 11; nature of, 458:1-3; neglect cleansing of robes, 4615:12; 4616:1. NONE: Called to, 772:1; 1046:8-10; 1668; 5924:10-12; return to priesthood after being relegated to, 4865:2, 3. NOT: Part of kingdom, 2052:3; shown in the Great Pyramid, 5060:3-6; to share in first resurrection, 5105:4-8. PICTURED: By Eli, 4092:2, 3; 5297:14; in several parables, 5493:2-6; in the time of trouble, 5383:8-14. Portion of, 128:12; 4654:5-8; purgatory of, the time of trouble, 1470:1, 2; represented in the scape-goat, 4035:7-9; 4036; sacrifice unwillingly, 3599:5-8, 12; Scriptural references to the, 4079:6-14; 5865:4, 5, 8, 11; share in the time of trouble, 3606:5, 6; sin of, 155:13; still Babylon, 5411:10-16. SUFFERINGS: Atone for willful sin, 4652:1, 2, 8, 9; will lack joy, 1699:10. TO: Be resurrected after ancient worthies (1904 view), 3445:2-4, 11; be resurrected before ancient worthies, 4667:9-11; bear willful sins of the age, 4273:4, 5, 8-10; 4274:1; 4856:2, 3; 5462:12-17; 5463:1-5; gain eternal life, 281:7; 3154:1, 2; have angelic nature, 828:9. TO SUFFER: In the time of trouble, 5916:3-5; stripes, 779:14-23; with the hypocrites, 5256:5, 9, 10. To wash their spotted robes during time of trouble, 5669:11, 12. TYPIFIED BY: Benjamin, 184:13, 14; 4436:11; 4437:1, 2, 11; 5231, 5232; Elisha, 2341:6-9; 2346:6; 3416:4-9; 3429:4-8; 4758:1-5, 9-12; 5780, 5781; Esau, 2160:8; Levites, 4745, 4746; Lot, 2857:7, 8; one of the two wave loaves, 1289:11; scape-goat, 80:6; 4921:1, 2. Types of, 156:1-3, 6-8; we may not judge who will constitute the, 5845:5-7; what sins are borne by the, 4015:5-7, 12, 13. WHO: Constitute members of, 2481:1, 2; they are, 428:9. WHY: Justice permits them to suffer for the world's sins, 5463:15-17; they fail to win the prize, 2160:8-10; 2161:1-5; world's trespasses are laid upon, 4864:7-11. Will come out of Babylon only when she falls, 1649:3, 4. See Babylon. AND LITTLE FLOCK: 772; contrasted, 5864, 5865; will know each other, 3462:3, 4. GREATEST Among you is servant of all, 2343:6-9; 3363:1, 2, 5; 4669:1-3, 6, 7. In The Kingdom: Most like a child, 3797; the servant of all, 732:14. Who shall be, 875; 2660:6-8. GREATNESS Dependent upon mercy and truth, 2060:6, 7; in the kingdom measured by service, 5484:11, 12; measured by humility, 1766; true and false views of, 2881:4, 7-9; what constitutes true, 652:7. GREECE Condition of women in ancient, 1550:7-9; 1551:1-6, 9-18; and Egypt, report of committee's visit to, 5016:1-3, 8-14. GREED For gold the cause of modern wars, 1960:10-12; how it kills and maims workers, 1209; and jealousy of nations, menace of, 2876:3-7. See Injustice. GREEDINESS And murmurings, results to Israel of, 5306:14, 15. GREEK Catholics and Episcopalians unite, 4164:3, 7, 8. GREEKS Appreciated Jesus above the Jews, 3539:14. GREEN Mrs. Hettie, warns of revolution, 4075:18, 19. GRIEF See Tribulation. GROUND Meaning of God's curse upon the, 1240:2, 3; 3031:5, 6; 5058:1-4. See Parable. GROWTH In: Christlikeness gradual, 682:7; 5208:10-13. GRACE AND: Character should be perceptible, 4835:12; knowledge, 3215:6-8. Self-control and love gradual, 2879:1-4. Necessity of Christian, 566:8, 9. Of: Character an orderly process, 1113, 1114; the new creature depends upon nourishment, 5560:1, 2. GUARDIANS Church has unseen, 3440, 3441. GUIDANCE Of the Christian, 590:2-7, 14-17. GUIDED By God's: Counsel, 2240-2242; 3790:4, 5; 3826:8; 3827:1-4; 4246:13; 4247:1-4; eye, 632:8; 4248:6-10; 4273:1-3. GUILELESSNESS Essential to heirs of the kingdom, 5130, 5131. GUILT To be proven before esteeming one guilty, 2281:10, 11. GULF Great, meaning in Luke 16, 1042. GUN Formidable new invention, 4324:16-20. GUNSAULUS Dr. F.W., puts Wesley's inspiration on par with David's, 2484:13-20. GUYON Madam, consecration of, 2964:7-9; rejoiced to suffer for Christ, 2182:7. GYMNASTICS Clerical, 1790:7.HABAKKUK
Prophecies regarding time of trouble, 5383; prophecy of, 622. HABIT Beware of the slavery of, 5099:1; effect of, upon character, 3270:13; 3271:1, 2; 4467:11; morphine, cured by the truth, 2246:9; of thought, 1885:8-10. See Intoxication. HABITS Bad, given up, not acceptable sacrifice, 1186:13, 14; determine the character, 3674:1, 2; evil make way for demon obsession, 3772:5, 6; judging one another with respect to overcoming of, 4971:14, 15. HADES All texts where word occurs, 2600; means the grave, 828; Scriptural proof of the meaning of, 4363:19-22; untranslated in Revised Version, 248:8; what is, 111:7; sheol and Gehenna defined, 699:14. HAECKEL Professor: Evolutionary deductions of, 3007:4-8, 11; scientific views of, 2915:22-24; 2916. HAGAR Type of law covenant, 70:5; 283:8; 973:5; 1389:2-5, 8-10; 2778:3; 3916:2, 3, 12; 4309:5, 6. HAGGAI Explanation of prophecy of, 2520, 2521. HAIL Old Theology Tracts were, 1119:13; symbolic meaning of, 511:14-16; to sweep away the refuge of lies, 564:2, 3; 3748:9; truth put in a hard, forcible way, 1357:9. HALDEMAN Rev., condemns warfare, 2682:10-14. HAM Ancestor of colored race, 2846:2; cursed by Noah, 3043:12; 3044:1. HAMAN Hanged on his own gallows, 3656-3658. HAND Cutting off the right, 2852:3; leprous, smitten and healed, antitypical meaning of, 4059:1-6; maimed, 111:6; 112:9; of God, right and left, who shall have these seats of favor, 3362:3-6; what is that in thine, 5419. HANDS Laying on of: 296:1; did not signify ordination, 2141:1; is not modern ordination, 3005:8; no longer proper, 1956; we follow the apostles' custom of, 4360:3, 6; what the Apostle meant by, 5808:22; 5809:1, 2, 8. Of false shepherds wounded, 2338:12; what it means to Christians to have clean, 3114:4. HAPPINESS Brought into the home by truth (Letter), 5754:2, 8; can be found only in harmony with the Creator, 1840:4, 10; 1841:1-5; gratitude the secret of, 2031:6, 9; Jesus taught an new path to, 5003:4, 5, 13; not to be found in riches or poverty, 5243:4-6, 10-14; of Christians, source of, 2083, 2084; saints should always be happy, 1915:11; 1948; sure result of self-denial, 21:5; will second death mar it? 1216:6, 7; and blessedness contrasted, 3733-3736. HAPPY World will be, when Jehovah is their God, 4768:3-6, 9-14. HARD Times, preparation for, 5143:6-8. HARDENED See Pharaoh. HARDNESS As good soldiers, 5404:10-13. HARLOT Mother and daughter systems, 287:10; penitent, forgiven by Jesus, 5032:7-14. HARLOTRY What is spiritual? 1215:12. HARLOTS Mother of, 174:4, 5. HARMONY Among brethren a growth, 2877:3-6; discord followed by, 204:11. Of: Scriptures, 260:1-3, 10; 876:3; testimony of the law and the prophets, of our Lord and of the apostles, 1524:10. On every question not necessary to Christians, 3127:8-10. HARP Plan of the ages compared to a, 5441:14; restrung by Brother Russell, 4067:8, 9; various testimonies of the law and the prophets are the several chords of, 1524:10; whole scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the, 130:1-8, 10-12; 497:12; 1524:10. HARRISON Benjamin (Ex-President): Eulogy of, on Jesus, 2646:2, 3; views on the Spanish War, 2306:10-12. Brother John: Death of, 4528, 4529; obliged to leave pilgrim work, 3799:7. HARVEST Gospel Age: Application for laborers in, 5200:3, 12, 13. BEGAN: In 1874, 5950:8; in 1878, 375:11; 2982:4. Beginning and ending not distinctly marked, 5555:8-11; chronology neither definite nor understood before the, 5769:2-8; close may find church on earth, 4684:4, 5, 9, 10; continuance of, no cause for church's disappointment, 5951:2, 8; difference between finances of, and those of the Jewish age harvest, 1742:14; 1743:1-3; division of, 57:1, 2, 7; 230:6, 7; end of the age, 236:7-10. ENDED: In 1918, 5950, 5951. Every age ends with a, 654:3-8; four main tests of, 3437:10. GREAT: Laborers few, 2674:4; pray for laborers, 3513:15-17. Helping or hindering the, 3884:3-5; length of the, 885:5; of wheat and tares, 5049:4; plenteous, laborers few, 2635, 2636; purpose of, 576:5; Ransom the test in, 1255:2-4; separates wheat and tares, 2237:7; similarity and dissimilarity of, to the Jewish age harvest, 1742:4-14; 1743; special tests upon saints in , 1069:4-11; time of Babylon's reckoning, 1078:10; view of, in 1879, 20:1-3; visible church-organization in, unnecessary, 1743:8-10; why peculiarly trying for saints, 1485:3; work in Europe, 2432; 1-3, 9, 10. Jewish Age: began in A.D. 33, 2977:3; compared with gospel age harvest, 1742:4-14; 1743; ended in A.D. 70, 115:15; 580:5; length of, not distinctly marked, 5555:8; parallel of gospel harvest, 175:4-10; separated wheat and chaff, 2237:2, 7; separation of wheat and chaff in, 2237:2, 7; type of gospel harvest, 3346:9, 10; view of (1897), 19:13; 2564:8; why its workers depended upon the people for temporal support, 1742:14. Millennial Age: 885:6; test in, 1220:6-8; 1234:3, 9-11. Siftings: Began in 1878, 3823; effects of its publication (1890), 1235:6-8, 14-16; of 1894 discussed, 1659-1667; under Brother Russell, 3820-3826. Truth: Development of, 3821-3826; every saint will see, 888:10. Work: Among colored race, 3942, 3943; beyond the vail, 2981:11; by Watch Tower readers, 2512, 2513. IN: Africa, 996:8; Canada (1891), 1294; China, 979:6; England, 2482:3, 4; foreign fields, 2638. Includes the burning of the tares, 5761:3, 4, 7-11; method of doing, 806:3, 4; must include the gleaning work, 5602:4-6. NOT: Interrupted by seventy leaving Bethel, 5758:4, 5; to be neglected for worldly business, 5670:1-4, 8-11. Now similar to that of Paul's day, 4468:6, 7, 11; only for thirsty class now, 651:3; past and future, 288, 289; progress of, 645:8-10; 950:3-6; 2751:8; 2752; separating wheat and tares is work of the, 1940:11, 18; 1941:1-8; 4635; 5911:7-12; to continue after Brother Russell's death, 6023, 6024; two kinds of, 682:12, 18; twofold, 3771:3-5, 9, 10; what is our attitude toward the, 4044:5, 6; who may engage in, 3347:2; and seed time in God's plan, 628:3; 885, 886. HARVESTS Jewish and Gospel Age: Christ as bridegroom in both, 51:8, 9, 14-17; compared, 175:4-10; 198:10-15; contrasted, 2636:3, 7; correspondencies in the (Letter), 5496:15-17; difference between financial support of, 1742:14; 1743:1-3; parallel, 5018:11-13; sifting times, 46:1-3; similar, 3883:3-5, 9-11; 4891:2-11; similarity and dissimilarity between, 1742:4-14; 1743; work of compared, 5075:16, 5076:1-4. Hate: Inspired by virtue, 2501:4-6. See Fear. HATRED Between capital and labor, 350:13; engendered by taking sides in the World War, 5569:2-4; from the world expected by Christians, and why, 3330:2-6; how it develops, 4759:9, 16; 4760; in the heart dangerous, 4524:1-3; is murder, 2444:9; 3299; 3928:5-7; leads to the second death, 3930:6. Of: brethren is murder, 3045:2; 4275:7, 10, 11; capital and labor, 843:1, 2, 7-9; God's people today similar to that in Jesus' day, 5676; 5677:1, 7; nations encouraged by ministers, 5852:11-13; wilful sinners proper and Godlike, 4909:9-14; world certain to follow Jesus' disciples, 4813; and envy, foes to Christian development, 3639:1-6. HAUGHTINESS Leading to fall of both capital and labor, 1245:8-10. HAWAIIAN Islands, result of missionary work in, 5008:10-15; 5009:1-4. HAY John: why not a church member, 3636:15-17. W. Hope: Explanation regarding, by Brother Russell, 4660, 4661; in pilgrim service, 2427:1. HAZZARD Purpose and success of circular of, 2041:6, 7. HEAD Church to be united to the, 5067:14-16; church's relationship to the, 328:17, 18; covering of women a Scriptural admonition, 1551:12; dishonoring the, 4097; hoary, crowned with beauty of holiness, 2146:14; holding of, essential, 496:12-15; is the servant of the heart in search for truth, 1530:9, 10; Jesus the only true, 143:5-7, 10-12; Korah's sin was failing to hold the, 4027:2-4; not holding the, 3613. Of Church: Claim of Papacy a usurpation, 320:14; is Christ, 287:2; 365:5, 6. Of the Home: Duties of, 4899:8-12; responsibilities of, 2783:2, 8-11. Of Woman: Is man, 765:6-9; should be covered, 1551:12. One method of holding the, 3790:3-6; rejecting the Lord as our, 4200:3-8; relationship to the body of Christ, 3668:8-11; Satan's shall be bruised, 192; worship of, proper, 496:15. HEADINESS Definition of, 5562:4; in the last days, 3613:10-13. HEADSHIP Divine order in, 1075; does not mean tyranny, 4899:8-12; fall of man due to reversal of the order of, 1549:7-9; in church, true and false, 295:4, 5; of man, 1549:7-11; 1550:1, 2. HEADSTONE Is Christ Jesus, 1982:1, 14-16. HEALING Among Israelites by divine methods, 2364:4; apostles only had gift of, 1998:6-8. By Christian Science: Prayer, 3187:10, 11; Satanic, 1736:5, 7; 2669:12; unscriptural, 4472:3-5, 8-15. By Faith: 436:8-13, 25-28; a possibility, 378:4-7. By Jesus: At Bethesda's pool, 2433:7, 8; limited, and why, 3728:1-3; pictured future work, 92:1; and apostles never extended to disciples, 4577:8. By: Magic not a gift to church, 3158:8-10; supernatural means not permitted to spiritual Israel, 2364:5, 6. Church should not seek physical, 712:15-17; deception of Christendom by the art of, 4313:3-5; deceptive device of Satan's, 5801:14; difference between healing in early church and modern performances, 1422:5; 1921:13, 14; divine, not to be expected now, 3310:1-4; examination of Scriptures purporting to support, 2028-2030. Faith: An instance of, 782, 783; evidence of Millennium (1885 view), 748:12-15; 749; how are we to view, 1997-2000; not always of Satan, 378:4-7; 2090:3-5; view in 1881, 226:4-8, 15-18. For world, not for consecrated, 2838:1, 2. Gift of: 436:8-13, 25-28; belonged to apostles alone, 1998:6-8; does church have? 103:4-7, 9; view of, (1881), 227:1-4, 12. Higher forms of, 3501:9-12; how Jesus accomplished, 574:8, 9; hypnotic, baneful influence of, 2629. Improper for sacrificers to pray for; 3994:10; 3495:3; 4433:4, 7-10; miraculous, 3012:9. In Jesus' day showed forth kingdom glory, 2246:4, 5. Jesus: Heals the centurion's servant, 1922:5-7, 11, 12; methods of, 759:6; work of, its reasons, 1722:5-8. Magnetic, source of evil, 2629:1-5; ministers deceived by, 4250:13-18; 4251:1-6, 13, 14; miracle of, performed by Peter and John, 5838:7; never performed for the temporal benefit of the consecrated, 1754:13. Not: Always from Satan (1885 view), 760:1, 9-12; for the saints, 2000:1-6. TO BE: Expected by Christians, 4138:4, 6; 4979:9, 10; 4980:1, 2; expected in our day, 3310:1-4; sought by saints, 2837:11. Yet due, 2901:3. Of: DISEASES: 759:12; 2582:9, 10; sign of times (1885 view), 748:12-15; 749. Only a few by Jesus explained, 3501:3, 4; lame man at Temple gate, 706:16; 1421; 5838:7; palsied man by Jesus, 3314:5-9; sick, by Jesus' refusal to heal himself, 2006:9; sorrows through divine consolation the privilege of Christians, 5803:1, 2; the nations will be in Millennium, 3571:8-11; waters by Elisha, 558:7. On the Sabbath: 3831:2-6, 8, 9; offensive to Pharisees, 3316:11-14; 3754:6-9; proper 5406:1, 2, 8, 9; why Jesus did his, 3311:1. Our attitude toward all manner of present, 1997-2000. Physical: Jesus' purpose in, 92:1; not for church, 712:14-17. Possible case of divine, 2090:3-5. Power: For, 104:12; of the Lord Jesus of forgiving and, 1921. Praying for our own, is taking the sacrifice off the altar, 1689:4, 5, 9-11; saints not to expect physical, 2000:1-6; Satan has power to heal, 1685:14; 3120; Satan's modern deception, 4979:5-8; sick at first advent, 2581-2583. Spiritual: Depends upon regular eating, 23:11; vastly superior to physical, 4314:2-4; what it is, 92:1. Taxed Jesus' vitality, 454:7. Today: And tomorrow, perfected third day, 3080:5; different from Jesus' healing, 5037:1-6. Truth must be spoken in respect to, 2155:2; various kinds and methods of, 2029:12; 2030:1, 2, 7; what is magnetic, 2629:1-5. Why: Christians should not pray for, 712:15-17; 3668:5, 6; miracles of healing are not prevalent since days of apostles, 1450:7, 8; 13-16; modern, are of Satan, 1736:2-5, 7; Satan is now casting out Satan by, 1644:4. Work of: JESUS: Associated with faith, 5103:6; dependent upon faith in him, 5128, 5129; to church now, 3756:7-9: The apostles and its motive, 4314:2. HEALTH Brother Russell never prayed for physical, 5202:14-16; depression of spirit often traceable to poor physical, 5671:6, 7; increased by peace of heart and mind, 2083:6, 12; influence of thought upon the, 5247:15-18; Jesus did not pray for physical, 397:1; and morals benefited by reasonable selfesteem, 5114:2-6, 10-14. HEARERS Of the: Kingdom message, good and bad, 4634, 4635. WORD: And doers also, 3747, 3748; thorny and wayside, 5039. HEARING Evil and giving of counsel, 5409:1-5; word, what constitutes, 3164:7. HEART Advantage to Christians of having a right, 3305:11-15; attitude more important than outward form, 5123:18-20; belief must spring not from the mind but from the, 5433:14-16; beware of pride in the, 5000, 5001; blessed are the pure in, 2587:5-11; broken and contrite, 1775:11; cannot be filled with good and evil simultaneously, 4241:4-8; character represented by the, 1937:3; circumcision of the, 1671:4, 8. Condition of: DETERMINES: The measure of guilt in wrong-doing, 4907:12-15; 4908:1-3; who shall stand, 3826:9-13. governs the tongue, 4218:1; revealed by tongue 2517:4, 6-14; 5470:10-13; 5518:11, 16-18; 5819:2, 8, 9; should be scrutinized daily, 5698:9. contains the issues of life, 5246, 5247. Contrite: Never spurned by the Lord, 3255:8-10; revived by the Lord, 5217, 5218. Deceitful and wicked, 2038:4; 4777:3; determines the result of temptation, 3760; discouragement with self leads to contrition of, 5217, 5218; forgiveness must be from the, 1693:11; 1694:4, 14. God: Is greater than our (I John 3:20), 2671:3; looketh upon the, 3226:7-9; 4209:8. Guarded, aids guarding of lips, 2242:1; "Guide thine, in the way," 1502:9; harmony, love and obedience the tests at the end of Millennium, 1773:3, 12. How: purified, 829:4, 5; 1670:9-11; separated from earthly things, 1937:10, 11; the pure in, see God, 1739:4, 7. Humble and broken, revived by the Lord, 5217, 5218; importance of keeping the, 4584:1-3, 5-7; intention must be perfect in all saints, 4929:7, 8; idol worship in the, 2191:9; Israel to be given new, 2503, 2504. Issues of Life: come out of, 4299:2-4, 9; 5747:1-4, 8-11; or of death, 4904:2-4, 7-12. Keep: Christ in the, 1240:5; "thy, with all diligence," 1562; 1937:4. Keeping, necessity for, 4639:6-8; master of the head in the search for truth, 1530:9, 10; means the affections, 1562:4; meditations revealed by tongue, 4804, 4805; mercy and truth to be written in the, 5309:5-10. Must be kept: From evil, 4291:7-9; sprinkled from evil conscience, 5425:1-3. My son, give me thine, 3703:10-14; 5702:4-6, 10, 11. Of Consecrated; Must be perfect toward the Lord, 4663:7-9; should be purified by the truth, 4782:11-14; to be undivided, 3721:3, 8-10. Of: New creature must be perfect, 2446:1, 2; Saul changed by the Lord, 4197:7, 8; understanding should be sought, 4292:1-3, 8, 9. "Out of the abundance of the, mouth speaketh", 1937:3-7; 1938:1. Pure: End of the commandment is love out of a, 5756:3-7. IN: Blessed are the, 2250:9; 2587:5-11; 3735:6-10; prayer will make us, 3596:2, 3; see God, 1739:4, 7; who are the, 3193:7; will be in the kingdom, 2275:2. What constitutes a, 2773, 2774; 3114:8; 5148, 5149. Purity required in character development, 2335-2337; religion the necessity, 1581:12. Represents the: Individual character, 1937:3; will, intentions, 1703:4. Scriptural meaning of, 789:8; searching vs. life-searching, 1516:6, 7, 12, 13; so is he, as a man thinketh in his, 5246:8-10, 17-20; sprinkled from evil conscience, 2671:3, 4; stony, of Israel to be changed, 2504:1-5; unconverted, what is an, 2336:11; watching to avoid bitterness in the, 4759:8, 9, 16; we may judge conduct, but not the, 5029:9-11; 5245:13-17; will Scriptures is called the, 2890:8; words are the index of the, 1937:3; 1938:1. See Humble. HEARTS Four kinds of, 5636:2-6; good tidings flow from good, 4277:9, 10. Of: Christians, alabaster boxes, 2744:2-5; disciples burned with appreciation, 2801. With what care should we deal with men's, 1784:1, 8. HEATH Richard, views of, on Evangelicalism, 2322, 2323. HEATHEN Are Christians blessing the? 2872:9, 10, 13-16; better off without hell-fire missions, 1348:1, 2; Brother Russell's interest in the, 2490:1-5, 8-12; Calvin's view respecting the, 6:6; 257:10; 544:7; 546:5; Catholic Bishop's view respecting, 3185:1, 10, 11; Christianity's hope for the, 2705:8-15; Christians convert and oppress the, 4744:3-8; condemned by God's law, 410:11. Conversion: Dependent upon procuring money for, 4847, 4848; of Chinese admitted hopeless by a D.D., 1851:2-7. NOT THE WORK OF: The church now, 4140, 4141:1, 2, 5, 6; this age, 1940:11, 18; 1941:1-8. Damned (Baptist view), 905, 906; destiny of, 544:5-12; evil effects of European "civilization" upon, 1876:10, 11; 1877. Fate of: 6:4-8; 8:16; as viewed by clergy, 1818:13, 14. Given to Jesus for inheritance, 5493:7, 9-14; God's provision for, 258:1-18; 544:17-22; 858:1-5, 9; 3637:1-4; gospel hope for, 257:7-16; have innate disposition to pray, 5833:7; 5834:12, 13. How: "Christian" nations "protect" the, 1968:1-11; "without excuse", 1091:2, 5-7. In Millennium will: Be advantaged, 2624:3-5; seek the Lord, 4629:1-3, 7-9. Injured by "missions", 1071, 1072; Messiah's kingdom the only hope for the, 5008:1-4; minister believes they will gain heaven, 3398:6, 7; more easily converted than nominal Christians, 5980:9, 10; not saved without ransom, 858:5, 9; oppressed by "Christtian" nations, 4744:3-8; outlook for, by Bishop Foster, 857, 858; outnumber Christians 820:2, 3; Paul preached the gospel to Athenian, 2190, 2191; 4629:1-3, 7-9; soul-saving not the motive of modern missions to, 3905:8, 19; 3906:1-5; source of their religions, 1090:8-10; three-fourths of world are, 3475:4. To be: Justified through faith, 2344:12; saved by ignorance? 1709:6-8, 15; 1710. Torment dogma disgusting to, 1185:3; total darkness of, 535, 536; traditions concerning Jesus, 1674:10; what is the hope for the, 3398:12-18; when they will hear truth, 630:5. Will: Be more ready to receive Millennium than will Jews and Christians, 3349:1; not become converted through missionary zeal, 4322:4, 5, 8-11. And Christian nations contrasted, 3342:6, 7. See converts; Gentiles; Missionary Reports; Missions; Pagans. HEATHENDOM Shall suffer first, Christendom later, 2663:5, 6; superior to Babylon, 1185:1-7; vs. Christendom, 978:7. HEAVEN Ability of the apostles to bind and loose on earth and in, 1525:5; absurd ideas of protestants respecting, 1468:16, 17; 1469:1-5; Capernaum raised to, 3726-3728; caught away to the third, 900:14; David is not ascended into, 2089:6, 7; earth preferred to, by minister, 4195:22; 4196:1-7; Elijah not taken to 558:9-11; 2341:13; great voices heard in, 2994:1-6. Keys of: given to Peter, 2657:6-10; 3789:7-10; 4345:2, 7, 8; 4645:7-10; how Peter used the, 1525:4, 5; 1760:12; teaching of Presbyterian creed regarding, 1311:16-18. Kingdom of: And of God, 396:6-9; began with Jesus' baptism, 703:3-5; children in the, 657:1-3; "Except ye become as little children, ye shall not enter," 1766; first for the Jews, later for the world, 4958, 4959; for those of childlike simplicity, 4658:1-3; in what sense at hand in Jesus' day, 4593, 4594; not many rich in, 2728:10; only the childlike shall enter the, 5130, 5131; preached by Jesus, 2245:2-4, 7; theme of the gospel, 702, 703; See Millennium. "Lay up for yourselves treasures in," 1820, 1821; no man hath ascended into, 2765:1-5; 3486:11-14; 4125:7; 5132:8-13; none could follow Jesus to, 2438:1-5. Not: Appreciated by minister, 4195:22; 4196:1-7; for human beings, 413:19, 20. Opened, "hereafter ye shall see," 3483:11, 12; our treasures in, 1513; seek first kingdom of, 566:17; sign from, Pharisees sought from Jesus, 5111:1-3. Third: Caught away to the, 900:14; Millennium is the, 2832:3. Treasures laid up in, 185:10-20; war in, Revelation 12, supremacy of Papacy, 55:6; 306:14-16; where and what it is, 2075:7, 15-17; will the heathen gain? 3398:6-11, 12-18; and earth, to be changed, 4222. See Earth. HEAVENLY Father: See Jehovah. HEAVENS Being shaken, how, 1305-1308; declare the glory of God, 1814; 17-20; ecclesiastical, to pass away with a struggle and commotion, 5317:10-12; nominal church, 1279:2. Of: Ecclesiasticism being shaken by infidelity 5516:13-16; 5517:1, 2. Opened to Jesus at Jordan, 4641:3-6; 5054:1, 2; powers of, shall be shaken, 711:19, 20; rolling together as a scroll, 1474; 1488:3-5; 1705:10, 11; 2061:12; 3531:6, 7, 10; 3697:4-9, 13-17; 4698:14-17; Satan the ruler of present, 1684:3-6; shaking of, symbolic fulfillment, 712:1-7; 1305-1308; 2521:1-3; three, 529:4; what these represent, 63:6. And earth to: Be changed, 4222; pass away, 5516, 5517. HEBREW Free thinkers report on Christianity, 1304:6, 7; invasion of Palestine told on Egyptian tablets, 1652; to a dead language, 1407:5, 6; parent of languages, 1408:1; receives the truth, 948:5-7, 10-12; resurrection of the, language, 1960:15. HEBREWS Book of, a message to the Jews, 2821:5; examination of the Book of, 4510-4514; key to divine plan found in the 13th chapter of, 4434:8, 9; New Testament among, 951. Paul's: Masterpiece the Epistle to the, 2821:1; 4385:4-6; object in writing the Epistle to the, 4510:13, 14; 4512:4. Three, delivered from fiery furnace, 4873, 4874. See Israel, Natural. HEED According to the Word take, 2146, 2147. To yourselves: 3943:3-6, 8-10; and to the flock, 4458:13, 14; 4459:1-3. HEEL How Satan bruises the, 11:9; lifted against Jesus by his enemy, 4906:13; Satan to bruise "heel" of the Christ, 192; "thou shalt bruise his," 3926:8. HEIFER Red: Ashes of, a type of experiences and characters of ancient worthies, 1872:11-14; type of the ancient worthies, 1871; 1896. HEIRS Of: God, meaning of expression, 4751:1-3, 14; the kingdom, who shall be, 4557, 4558. Sons of God are, 50:5. HELL Beliefs of Christendom on, 552:5; cast into lake of fire, 381:15; does not mean eternal torment, 4923:9, 13; errors taught regarding the meaning of word, 207:3; explanation of parable of rich man in, 5004, 5005. Fire: Dead issue, says Baptist clergyman, 3959:1, 2, 8. NOT: Penalty for sin, 889:12; quenched, 111:7, 17; 112:1, 2. Repudiated by Dr. Lyman Abbott, 2639. Four words in the Bible translated, 2066:5; gates of, shall not prevail against church, 1760:8, 9; 4645:3-5; hath enlarged herself, 5113:2, 9; how to know true meaning of word, 1241:10-12, 16-21. Of creeds: unsupported by Scripture, 736:4. Man crazed by sermon on, 3793:6; meaning of word, 356:1, 2; 552:6; 699:14; 828; 2398, 2399; 4363:19-22; minister's views on, 3081:10-13; origin of false theory on, 553:1, 2; revised version translators avoided word, 3176:1, 2; revival of the teaching of, 3757:15-17; twentieth century portrayal rivals Dante's, 3427:15, 16; what say the Scriptures about, 2055:1; 2597-2605; why Job asked to be hidden in, 1506:4-11; and death cast into lake of fire, 894:2-4. HELMET Intellectual appreciation of God's plan, 1659:12. HELP Woman a, meet for man, 1551-1553. HELPFULNESS Among Christians the spirit of love, 2201:1, 2, 7, 8; spirit of, 861:3. HELPS In Bible study, 5364:8, 9, 12-14. See Reading. HEMENWAY Rev. C.C., views of, on declining faith, 3118:4-16. HEMERY Br. J., in charge of British branch, 2916:15. HENNINGES Bro. E.C.: Goes to England (1900), 2578; opens Australian branch, 3255:6. HENSON Dr. P.S.: Argues on eternal torment, 3065:16-18; 3066:1-9; upholds the Bible against evolution, 3065:1-15. HERBS Typical significance of Passover Lamb eaten with bitter, 5870:9. HERD there shall be no, 5383:8-10. HEREDITY Has much to do with nobility of character, 2320:4-7. Influence of, upon: Disease, 4086:3, 6-11; the life, 4812:1-4. Overcome by religious training, 2379:3; what Mendel has discovered respecting, 4859:24; 4860:1-4. HERESIES Brought into church, 44:11-17. Damnable: 448:1-6, 10-13; denying ransom, 744:8, 15-17. Taught in early church, 550:14-16. HERESY Among Christendom’s ministers, 3479:8-11; capital punishments for, 4094:8, 10, 18-22; denominations in the Bible called, 1130:8-11; changed meaning of the word, 3792:12-18; kind of, all the saints should have, 1564:6; New York Presbytery supports Dr. Briggs’, 1489:11; Presbyterian D.D. convicted of, 1489:1-5, 9, 10. HERETICS Burning of, at stake: Possible under Church Federation, 3241:2; too good for, minister’s view, 4094:10, 21. Who are, 322:9, 10; will be punished by Church Federation, 3704:6-13; and Atheists contrasted, 3479:8-11; 3480:1-9. HERMOGENES To Titus, a work of higher critics, 2963. HEROD Agrippa I: Personal history of, 3002:5, 8; sought favor of Jews, 4346:4. Course of, contrasted with that of John the Baptist, 3778, 3779; John the Baptist beheaded for rebuking, 5069:1-3; Matthias killed by, 561:19; reproved by John the Baptist, 2279, 2280; 2621:5, 6; 3778:1-5; 4609:1-5, 9-11; sought to destroy the Prince of Peace, 4098:8-12; 4534:6, 9; treatment of Jesus by, 2786:1; type of the civil powers, 1754:5, 10; and Herodias; typify union of church and state, 1754:5, 10; 3325:4, 7, 8. HERODIANS Class of leaders in Jesus’ Day, 2756:4; who were the, 3852:8. HERODIAS Caused the beheading of John the Baptist, 5069:1-3; demands death of John the Baptist, 2636, 2637; planned John's death, 2279:11, 12; power of, for wickedness, 4609:1-5, 9-11. Type of: Babylon, 3325:4, 7; 3326:8, 9; the ecclesiastical powers of Christendom, 1754:5, 10. HERR Brother M.L., resists things occult (Letter), 4548:1-3, 16-19. HERZL Theodor: And the Zionist movement, 3855; death of, will not prevent the success of Zionism, 3412:9; founder of Zionism, 2176:3, 4, 8, 12; Jews pay tribute to memory of, 3627:3-11. HEWITT Abraham, ex-Mayor, on New York's rich, 2760:14-18. HEZEKIAH confidence of, in the Lord rewarded, 2381:6; disobedience punished, 4832:8, 9, 17, 18; God answered the prayer of, 3588:1, 2, 7; humiliated and blessed, 3582; model ruler despite wicked father, 2379:3; prayer and deliverance of, 1358:7-15. Restored Temple: To God's service, 3463:1; and worship of Jehovah, 4812, 4813. Righteous king of Judah, 3462:6, 7; tribute to Assyria a sign of weakness, 2381:5. HIERARCHY Papal, are the church, 355:18. HIGH Calling: Appreciation of, a matter of faith, 3891:5, 6, 12; 3892:1, 4; candidates for, after 1881, 493:4-7, 11, 12; close of, see Door; closes with gospel age, 643:13, 14; conditions of the, 1542:8, 9; door to the, see Door. END OF: 247:6-9; in 1881, 289:11; 345:1-3. Explanation of the, 5838:8-10; feast of, spurning the, 3834:6-9; for the church, 1251, 1252; gift of God, 2035:3; light on, 514:5-7. LIMITED: In time, 609:7; to gospel age, 297:17. Of church, 138:5, 8, 9; only one during gospel age, 1668; pictures in experiences of Jacob, 5198; prepared for the watchers in Zion, 5399:10, 17, 18; race for prize of, 292:20-24; secret of the saints, 1598:15; special call to, ends 1881, 224:7-12; way may still be open to membership in the (1913), 5168. See consecration; Gospel Age Call. HIGHER Criticism: Accepted in Episcopal church, 2545-2547; affecting Romanism, 3480:12-16; among the ministers of prominence, 2106:1-4; attacks of, on the Bible, 2813-2817; Bible league formed to destroy, 3263:3-7; born of licentiousness and infidelity, 3611:4, 5, 10-13; Canada a nest of, 4362, 4363; cannot be accepted by true Christians, 3257:7-10; cause of Methodism's decline, 3057:12, 13; 3058:1, 7; claims that man is "falling upward", 1643:5, 6; clergy believe in, 1417-1420; combatting it in Canada, 4362, 4363; controls the University of Chicago, 4144:19; 4145; criticized by college head, 3357:1-5, 8; denies the Ransom, 3017:14-18; displaces faith in Christ, 4613, 4614. DISPROVEN BY: Babylonian research, 2536, 2537; explorations, 2101:3-8, 10-13. Doctrine spread by use of church donations, 3373:1-9. ENDORSED BY: Baptists, 4744:9-13; Methodism, 2647:8-13. Episcopalian bishops warn against, 1770:9-15; errors of, 650:1-5; ethics the principal feature of, 5467, 5468; examination of, 3557:1-6; false and true kind, 1418:1-6; favorably received by German Emperor, 3148:1, 2, 9, 10; favored by Church of England's clergy, 3652:12; gaining strength in Sunday schools, 4151:8-11; greatest few of the Bible, 5104, 5105; growth of, among Christian missionary boards, 3465, 3466; has permeated "Christendom", 1690:12, 13. IN: Scotland, 3040, 3041; the churches, 2768:18-25. Is lower criticism, 1782:9; no more money appropriated for, 3328:4-8; part of Kaiser's religion, 3177; possibly typified by Israel's golden calf, 5267:7; spread in Germany, 2107:8-15; taught by Methodists, 2695:15; Thomas Paine its forerunner, 1784:10, 11; why its work is unreliable, 3397:2-10; and infidelity cause of church's waning power, 4955:1-4, 10-12; vs. American Bible League, 3419:3-17. See Evolution Theory. Critics: Absurdities of, 2984:11-13; book of Daniel rejected by, 2492:6, 11; clergy are, 1418-1420; contradictions of, 3286:22, 23; denounce St. Paul's doctrines, 3481:4, 5, 8; destroy the influence of the Bible, 5104, 5105; preach dishonestly, 3418:12-19; reject Methodist teachings, 4017:2-7; silence by discoveries, 818; varying degrees in unbelief of, 3219, 3220; would give us a new Bible, 4163:14, 15; 4164:1, 2. HIGHWAY Of Holiness: 917; compared with "narrow way to life" and broad road to destruction", 1771-1773; force will bring men to knowledge of truth concerning, 5245:2-5; two special tests-at its beginning and at its end, 1773:2; vs. narrow way, 2590:7-9. HILL In Bible symbology, 716:1-3; of the Lord, who will ascend into the, 2275; 3826:9-13. See Earth. HILLIS Dr. N. Dwight, repudiates his creed, 2614. HINDOO Clergy, how they keep the people in ignorance, 1613:4; creed of a, Christian, 1044. See India. HINNOM Valley of: 896:2-4. PLACE: of destruction, 4840:2, 3, 8. Symbol of second death, 2908:2; what is, 112:1, 2. HIPPODROME See Russell. HIRSCH Rabbi, preaching Jesus, 1668. HISTORY Bible Chronology to be taken in preference to secular, 1975:17; 1976:1, 2; biological, of human race, 2535, 2536; brief, of Watch Tower, 1, 2; from Adam to Moses, how kept, 1148:3, 4; God's supervision of records of, 1419:14; how God has overruled all of earth's affairs, 1561:6, 9. Of: God's dealing with Jews, 599:4-10; Satan's life, 1686, 1687. Usher's foreview of time of trouble in Sewall's ancient, 1275:5-10; vs. Allegory, 30:1. HITCHCOCK Prof. R.D., lauds Catholicism as bulwark against Socialism, 2106:9. HITTITES Land of promise was the land of the, 3079:7. HOARDING For self a misuse of the money talent, 2259:4, 5; is selfishness, to be avoided by Christians, 3334:1, 2; of wealth unwise, 5396:7-11. HOBAB Persuaded to remain with Israelites for service, 4038:4-10. HODGSON Dr. Richard, used as a tool for evil spirits, 3742:1-16. HOLINESS Apostle's exhortations to, 121:2-4, 10, 11; degree required of Christians, 5900-5903. Essential to: divine favor, 2564:2, 3; sonship, 156:5, 9. Exhortations to, 139:7; germ of Methodism, 2023:13-15; highway of, 917. How: Found, 1003; to perfect, 1739; 3987:1, 8, 9. In the fear of the Lord, let us perfect, 5739:6, 7; influence of conversation in perfecting, 1739:9; lesson in, 2570:9; manner of developing, 437:11, 12; mark to be attained, 1885:2; means moral purity, 1739:1; Methodist theology vs. Methodist funeral orations, 1770:16-19; must begin in the mind, 2249:1; necessity for, 138; none to see Lord without, 714:13. Of: Heart, the principal preparation for God's service, 1915:12; life to be our standard, 5127:9, 13, 14. People, how they discard the Bible, 1791:6-8; proper and improper views of, 3100:4-7; relation of, to wedding garment, 76:2-7; sanctification defined, 50:3, 8, 9, 12; should be increased by Christians as time of trouble approaches, 5864:3, 6-10; true and false, 714:3-6, 10-14; and wedding garment, 85:2. HOLYLAND Impressions of, during Brother Russell's tour (1891), 1369:10; 1370:1, 2; labor troubles of, in 1889, 1144:2, 4. HOLMES Oliver Wendell: On truth, 3860:3-7. Rev. W.V.: Sees Scriptural teaching of second death, 4003:1. And Munsell, Sisters, death of, 4082:2, 7. HOLY As your Father in heaven is, be ye holy, 5482:13-17; be ye also, 3149:11; how the saints are "an holy nation", 1567:9; in type and antitype, 2822; meaning of word, 5856:7. Place: Holy and Most Holy, 178:2-5, 9, 10; reconciling of, 159. Roman Empire began in 800 A.D., 1093:11; Seventh Day Adventist view of the, vs. the truth, 1732:8-14; spirit, see Spirit, Holy; and Most Holy, what they typified, 3053:14. HOME Charity begins at, 1555:2-6; circles truth spreading in, 4613:2-6, 12-14; how to have peace in the, 1070:2; in the body, absent from the Lord, 2231:7-12; Jesus had none, 540:3, 4, 8, 9; justice and generosity essential, 1170:8, 9. Life: Destroyed by modern thought, 4860:13-17; for the Christian, 620:3, 4. Of Consecrated used for Lord, 540, 541; preaching the gospel should begin in, 1882:19; responsibilities of head of, 2783:2, 8-11; rule, its meaning for Ireland, 1022:15-17. Suggestions for: Morning service at, 1811:1, 2; use of Hymns of Dawn at the breakfast table, 1808:3, 4. Ties severed for the truth, 2852:6-8; truth makes, the very garden-spot of earth, 1296:9. HONEST Hearted: Alone to ascend holy hill, 5680:10-14; not moved by infidelity, 2816. Thinking advantage to saints, 2891:6, 7; walking, what it involves, 3031:1-3, 7, 8. HONESTY Departing from business, 4719:1-4. Essential: In Bible study, 646:12-15; quality in disciples, 5725:3, 5. First requirement, 2944:1; hones clergyman, 1486:5-7, 14, 15; in our professions of faith, 2247:11-13; is the best policy, 933; of heart of Zacchaeus acceptable to Jesus, 5464:10-15; one acceptable quality of fallen humanity, 5453:13, 14; Presbyterian variety, 1194:1-13; 1196:5; prime essential for character, 5098:5-12. HONEY Stored in carcass of raccoon, 3329:16. HONOLULU Letter from Brother Russell at, 4957. HONOR Denied to prophets in own country, 2424:7. Lord: And he will honor you, 5703:2-4; not self, in preaching, 3978:11-13. Preferring one another in, 2213:6; reached by humility, 120:1; seats of, not to be chosen, 5414:6-8, 15, 16; thy father and thy mother, applied to new creatures, 3044:12; 4019:5, 6. To: Be coveted less than God's favor, 5361:9; whom honor is due, 1200:4-6, 10, 11. Vessels unto dishonor or, 1225:9-12. HONORING Christ in our lives essential, 4839:3, 8-11; Lord's servants, 4418; 3, 4. HONORS Kingdom: Character determines, 5669:4, 5, 7-12; depend upon humility in service, 5541:15, 16; sought while Jesus' Gethsemane approached, 5361:5, 9. HOPE An anchor to our soul, 5497:10-12; built on Bible chronology not absolutely certain, 4736:14-16; 4737:1-3, 10; creature subject in (Rom. 8:20), 780, 781. For: Discouraged Christians, 628:18-21; fallen angels, 1679:5-13; 1680:1-4, 11-13; man's recovery, 465:1; world lies in Jesus, 2732, 2733. How gentiles had no, 1435:1; not a quality possessed by Jehovah, 1225:15. Of:. Consecrated, 349:2-10; early church was in Lord's return, 2953-2956; glory is Christ in you, 3250:12; immortality vs. hope of everlasting life, 1877-1879; Lord's coming makes pure, 3193:6, 7; man for Golden age, 1226:1; world in Christ's coming 670:8. Our one, 1434-1436; patience and experience, parts of character development, 1585:18, 19; relation to faith, 74:4; should be preached rather than the time of trouble, 5213:6-8; sorrow not as others who have no, 2197; source of our, 751, 752; that purifies, 1138: useless without proper faith, 4385:12; what "The hope of Israel" was, 1435:3, 4; and faith, discouragement the result of loss of, 5712:8-13. See Love and Faith. HORNS Of Beast, two, 63:8-17; symbol of power, 96:1. HOSANNA Prophecy fulfilled, 3850:8; 3851:2-4; 3852:6; to the Son of David, 3538:3. HOSEA Life of, pictured Jehovah's experience with Israel, 5809:3, 4. Prophesies of Israel: 2490, 2491; fleshly and nominal spiritual, 4811. Trials in domestic life of, 2491:2, 3; wife of, illustrative of spiritual idolatry, 4811:3, 4. HOSPITAL Presbyterian church is a, full of incurables, says a D.D., 1476:1-5. HOSPITALITY Beautiful lesson in offering and accepting it, 1546:11; commended and rewarded, 2591:5; 3432:1, 2, 8; grace of, 2856:4, 8; knits us together, 1188:1; returned for spiritual blessings, 4399:11; should be cultivated, 3247:8. To: Be consistent with means, 2214:2; pilgrims not alms, 3348:3. Undue, during conventions, unwise, 4034:1, 8; we should be given to, 917:7. See Generosity. HOUR Eleventh, or time of judgment, 304:1, 2; see Day. Of Temptation: Church kept in the, 2792:5-11; close of gospel age the, 5981:1-5; described by Paul, 5651; 10-13; 5652:7, 8; harvest period of Laodicean epoch, 5718:5, 8-11; now upon the world, 2792:5-11; to come first upon the church, 4583, 4584; upon the church and world, 4899; 5718:5, 8-11. HOUSE Abandon stuff in , 228:7, 13, 14; Christ the foundation-rock of our character, 1922:9, 10; from heaven church's heavenly bodies, 2231:5; hired, Paul dwelt in his own, 3208:2; not made with hands, 179:7-11, 18-20. Of: Israel left desolate, 2296:8, 9, 2746:2, 5-7; 3539:1-9; our pilgrimage, the present era, 2231:3. Our journey toward our Father's, 1401; set in order, for death, 3588:3, 4; to be filled with glory, 3053:11, 12. HOUSEHOLDS In re baptism of, 1540:12. HOUSES Of Israel: Fleshly and spiritual, 601:13; who they are, 175:1-3. HOUSETOP Christians on, 228:6, 7; let saint on, not come down, 5456:5, 11. HOUSTON Bro., and Rev. Davidson debate in Scotland (1896), 1964, 1965. HUB Ransom is the, 1452:14. HUGHES Bro. B.C., correction in respect to, 4202:3; Gov. C.E., President of National Baptists council, 4026:1, 2. HULDA Prophesies of Israel's overthrow, 2391:1, 5. HUMANITY Advances despite church opposition, 2248:1-5; deteriorating mentally and physically, 4049:10-12; glory of perfect, 1266:5; 1267:3-10; influence of true church on, 634:8; is savage, says Tolstoy, 3603:3,4. Of: Christ given up, 47:3-7; 62:16-23; church given up, 146:5-7, 9-12. To gain eternal life, 281:7. See mankind. HUMBLE God's promises to the, 2139:3; grace is given to the, 3595:11-15; love is always, 2204:5. HUMBLED He that exalteth himself shall be, 3842:8, 9. HUMILIATION Angels may never be tested by, 5844:12; is the path to glory, 1102, 1103; only path to glory, 1988:1-3. HUMILITY Acceptable to God, 5218:8-13; adornment of, 4290:8, 13, 14; 4291:1. Aids in: control of combativeness, 4033:9; discerning defects of character, 2094:2-6. "All of you be subject one to another", 1553:4, 5; always necessary, 30:7, 8; Barnabas tested as to his, 4364:1, 2; causes one to study his own weaknesses, 5562:4-9; centurion's beautiful, 1922:5-7, 11; encourage the humble to use talents possessed; encourage not the proud, 1629:4, 7, 8. Essential; 2655:2-6; before service is acceptable to God, 5321, 5322. IN: Approaching the Lord, 3755:7; Bible study, 3437:10-12; elders, 3613:6, 9-14; prayer, 3842:7-9. TO: A reception of the truth, 4333:5, 6; attainment of true wisdom, 2263:1-7; forgiveness of sin, 3761:7-11; saintship, 2660:7-9. Esteems others better than ourselves, 4928, 4929; "except ye become as little children", 1766; exemplified by Moses in dealing with Hobab, 4038:5, 6, 8. False: Illustration of, 5843:14, 15; in Bible study, 651:5. First essential in God's service, 5262:1-5, 11-13; foundation virtue for true faith, 5029:6; grace of, 2228; how to cultivate, 4928, 4929; illustration of false, 5843:14, 15; importance to Christians of, 1920:3-10; 1921:1, 2, 9; 4786:17; 4787:1; is teachableness, 2347:2-4. Jesus: Taught disciples, 2449:7-13; the greatest example of, 2228. John teaches lesson in, 2417:9; knowledge dangerous without, 3785:3-6. Leads us to: Take humble seats, 5414:6-8, 15, 16; tolerance and patience, 5124:16-19. Lord's warning to his disciples respecting, 1987; may be developed through failure, 5459:8-11; more effective than haughtiness I presenting the truth, 5699:8-10; necessity of, 2585:5-10. Of: Christ and church, 875:2, 3. JESUS: 422:16-20; crucifixion his greatest test in, 3561:6, 7; in announcing himself Messiah, 3340:1, 2. JOHN THE BAPTIST: 1694:9, 19; 1695:1-3; commendable, 3478:1. John the Revelator, 2826:3, 4; Joseph, the secret of his greatness, 3978:11-13; Moses tested before his service began, 5252:10-14; Naaman, 2347:2-4; Paul at Corinth, 2191:12; Saul made him acceptable, 4197:6; 4198:4, 5; Solomon pleasing to the Lord, 3278:3-5; the apostles Andrew and John, 4115:6, 12, 13. Only proper attitude; brings true exaltation, 1486, 1487; path to blessedness and peace, 5003:4, 5, 13; Paul's noble example of, 1885:5; prevents false conception of our calling, 4256:6, 7. Prompts us to: service, 4669:1-3, 6, 7. Safeguard to elders, 3639:10; 5185:11-13, 16; 5186:11, 12. Taught by: Barnabas, 2998:3; experiences, 4821:9-11; Jesus in feet-washing, 3543; 4167; 5090, 5091. Voluntary, of Jesus, 314:14-20; warning of King Saul's contrary course, 1888:4, 5, 13. What: Constitutes, 786:4; is embodied in true, 5842-5844. And: Love of David, 1996. MEEKNESS: Berean questions on, for April, 1905, 3537:3; operation of, 3114:9. Patience, admonitions to, 1915:3, 9, 10; pride contrasted, 3832:1-5; 5186; sober-thinking essential to overcoming sin, 2094:1-9. See Ambition. HUMOR Missing Cylinders, 1579. HUNDREDFOLD Receiving a, in this life for every sacrifice, 3845:3-6; 5466:12-16. HUNGARY Evils of aristocracy of, 1153:2; progress of the truth in (Letter), 5337:7-13; truth carried to, 2307:7-10; work of Romanism in, 2047:11-14. HUNGER After righteousness, 2586:7-9; cause of revolution, 4582:6, 7, 13; for the Bread of Life on part of world, 3334:8, 9; ravages of, 2243:4; thirst for righteousness accompanied by heart, 3735:1-3. See Famine. HUNGRY Jesus fed naturally and spiritually, 2435:11. HURRY Inelegance, wastefulness, and inconsistence of, 1756:2-4. HUSBAND Believing, sanctifies unbelieving wife, 2991:1-3, 6; shall rule over thee, 1548:8-12; wife to share equally with the, 2016:1, 6. and wife in the divine order, 1464:9-13. HUSBANDMEN Parable of the vineyard and wicked, 1982; priests and leaders of Israel, 1795. HUSBANDS Advice for those "unequally yoked", 1554:7-13; care for wives should be like that of Jesus for church, 5900:4, 5; depart from the Lord when they fail to provide for own, 4854:2, 3, 11, 12; divine order of headship, 765, 766; 1075:6-14; 1076:1-3; duties as head of the home, 4899:8-12; head of the wife, 765:6-10; if in the truth, should present it first to wives, 1555:1-4; meaning of word, 61:3; neglectful of wives' spiritual interests, 4094:11-16; should assist in household duties when necessary, 1555:3, 4. HUXLEY Prof., comments on the Bible, 1199:4. HYMNALS In Cheaper form, 4360:4, 5, 9, 10; new style (1906), 3749:2. HYMNS Before the Great White Throne, 1926; Fullness of Joy, 1931; I'm Nearing the Goal, 1928; I'm Running for the Prize Divine, 1932; In that Day, 1933; Jubilee Echoes, 1929; Now Are We the Sons of God, 1933; O Christ, Our Immortality, 1934. Of Dawn: Ready in February 1907, 3942:2; suggestions for use at the breakfast table, 1808:3, 4; Oh, I am so Happy, 1927; The Shining Iight, 1925; When the Crowning Day Shall Come, 1930. HYPNOTISM Of Satanic origin, 4163:8-13; used on customers in stores, 4396:3; weakens the will, 4313:9; 4314:1; workings and snares of, 2033:4-6, 8-11. See Healing. HYPOCRISIES Of: Jesus' day condemned, 559:9, 10; Jewish leaders properly denounced by Jesus, 5679:1, 6, 7; Scribes and Pharisees similar to those or our day, 3315:6; 5389:10-14. HYPOCRISY Beware of leaven of Pharisees which is, 5390:3-5; common among the "orthodox", 1309:1, 2; exemplified by a Baptist D.D., 1149; greatest of sins, 5725:4. In: Profession of consecration to be avoided, 5572:1; world and church, 3757:17; 3758:1-3. Of: Modern Clergy, 582:2. SANHEDRIN: And Jews, 2471:1-3; in dealing with Jesus, 3554:1, 2, 4-6. Part of Saul's sin, 3224:2, 3; persistent fault-finding is, 1922:1-3. Presbyterian: Example, 1062:6; Pharisees, 1035:8, 9. Sin of: 4559, 4560; Ananias and Sapphira, 5850:4-7, 9-14; the Pharisees, 2734:3. Wisdom from above is without, 2264:1. HYPOCRITES Clergy confess they are, 1948:11-13; crucified Christ and are crucifying his followers, 1964:1, 5, 9; "fearfulness hath surprised the," 1874; 7, 8; 1875:1-4; great company to have their portion with the, 4654:9, 10; of Jewish and gospel ages, 46:2, 3, 7-9; 213:4-8, 11-14; persecute the honest-hearted, 5390:6-8; pictured by tares, 20:1. HYSLOP Prof. James: Entangled with Spiritism, 3490:12-20; founds institute for psychical research, 3542:3-5; on the value of prayer, 3925:1, 6; victim of spiritualism, 2499:19-25.I
Am before Abraham was, 445:4-7, 11-15. ICE Polar, origin of, 5159:10-18. IDEALS Decline of American, by Justice Woodward, 3328:9-15; high, strength of, 4255:8, 9; importance of proper, 4417:7, 9, 10; known by our, 756:7; of the Christian gradually developed, 4256:1-3. IDENTITY How: Preserved through death, 1263:3-5, 7-10; 1264:1, 2, 6, 7. In the resurrection, 355:3-5; 626:18-20; of Christ, unchanged, 82:5. IDIOCY Often the result of intemperance, 954:15. IDLE Are "wicked", 1281:10, 11; must go into outer darkness, 1279:6-9; 1282:8; retrograde to self-injury, are a bad example, and stir up evil in others, 1938:5; words, cleansing from the sin of, 4805:4-6. IDLENESS "Resting at Jesus' feet" does not imply, 1754:8; will lead into outer darkness, 1356:4, 5. IDOLATRY 2299:8-11; among Israelites, 2503:4, 5; by natural and spiritual Israel, 2359:4-6; 3464:10, 11; 4022, 4023; canonizing "saints" is, 1139; covetousness is, 1836:3, 12; 5351:11-15. How: Christians may commit the sin of, 5071:11; "without excuse", 1091:2, 5-7. In: ISRAEL: Brought its punishment, 5605:8, 11, 12; ceased after Babylonian captivity, 4893:7; increased under Jeroboam, 4723:11-13. The heart, 2191:9. Is wilful and sinful devotion to degrading self-gratification, 1835:11, 12; Israel's worship of the golden calf was, 1835; leads to spiritual decline, 4082:4. Of: Creeds by Christendom today, 5298:12-16; Israel paralleled by nominal spiritual Israel, 2391:6, 7; Judah abolished by King Asa, 5733:4-7; today comparable with that of Jewish age, 5733:11-14. Ten tribes gradually led into, 3386. Why: Eagerly embraced by Israel, 3392:3; the Jews were prone to practice, 3463:5. See Creeds. IDOLS "As touching things offered unto," 1586:9, 10; 1587:1-3, 16, 17; eating meat offered to, 3145, 3146; how we may be guilty of worshiping, 5071:11; keep yourselves from, 3386:9; 3862:9; 3863:1, 2. Of: Spiritual Israel, 4014:5; the new creature, 2381:1. IGNOBLE Accept truth more readily than noble, 2319, 2320; brethren are difficult to love, 4254:6-8. IGNOMINY And shame, cup that Jesus prayed might pass, 5551:11-14; of Jesus, what constituted the, 2316:2-4. IGNORANCE As a means of salvation? 1313:18; cause of opposition to the truth, 5145:2-9; envy of the prosperity of the wicked a sign of, 1562:3, 6-8; forgiveness in proportion to, 1694:1, 2; how it preserved the Bible, 1146:9; in Spain traceable to the Papacy, 2306:3-8; is one cause of conceit, 1131:2, 3. No: Basis of salvation, 290:16; 493:10; 544:14; 3521:5-7; exemption from punishment through, 2050:9-11. Of Athenians, God winked at, 4410:5-7; one cause of infidelity, 537:7-9; responsibility for, 888:1, 2; salvation not gained through, 2428:20-22; saves none, 6:9-14; sins of, are venial or forgivable, 1984:7-10; value of, 1064:11-15; 1065:1-3, 11; will it save the heathen? 1709:6-8, 15; 1710. IGNORANT Are susceptible to pride as well as the learned, 1920:8; how Papacy "loves" the, 1765:6-9. I.H.S. Cards from sufferers for righteousness' sake, 5893:5, 6, 12-15. ILLNESS Regarding use of opiates for, 2544:14. ILLUSTRATIONS By Jesus of the church's oneness with him, 3544:9; consecration--handing God a signed blank, 999:6. In: Magnet and filings, of the truth and the truth people, 1950:1; pearls, of troubles made beautiful, 1756:5, 6; rebuilding of Jerusalem's wall of our character-development, 1498:13; solar system, of our relation to Christ, 1001; (a) wheel, of the church, 1576:8. Of: Bible House, Allegheny, 2687; confusion of tongues in Babylon, 4353; infidel preachers of Christendom, 4363; kingdom class, 397; the exceeding sinfulness of sin is mankind, 1680:5-10; the Tabernacle on sale, 3951:3, 12, 13; true discipleship, 3317:3. "Our Spiritual Guides," 1428, 1429; parables vs. smoked glass, 22:7; red glass vs. Jesus' blood, 13:15; "shadow of death," 15:4, 5; spiritual things pictured by natural, 29; truth likened to flowers, 9:1, 6, 7. See Types, Figures and Symbols. IMAGE Adam created in God's, 1266, 1267; how we reflect Christ's, 1944:9, 10. Nebuchadnezzar's: Creeds of Babylon the modern substitute for, 1408:13, 14; 1409:1-3, 10, 11; dream explained, 5526:4-6; not worshiped by three Hebrews, 4873, 4874; type, 166:1-15; 419:16-18; 2494; when the stone struck the, 3358:8-29. Of: Beast, See Beast, Image of; Christ in Bible, 861:4; the Father's person, when Christ became the express, 4667:6-8. Scriptural meaning of, 89:5-16. IMAGINATION Demon manifestation may be due to, 5515:25; over-developed leads to unbalance, 5889:16-18. IMAGINATIONS Apostle warns Christians to cast down, 5889:7, 8. IMMACULATE Conception: Denial of, 467:6; in 1854. Catholicism adopted doctrine of, 3329:13. IMMANUEL Isaiah pictures millennium under, 3686, 3687; when title applies to Jesus, 377:19. IMMERSION As: A symbol, 133:12; 134:1, 2, 7; related to baptism, 132:5, 6, 10-12; understood in churches of Babylon, 1070:8. Baptism is, 65:7-11; first step in following Jesus, 810:11; in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ always proper, 1113; not a symbol of baptism of holy spirit, 1545:1; of Presbyterian D.D. by Baptist D.D., 1960:16; 1961:1-3, 10-12; 1990:1-7; proper for those desiring restitution, 1544:10, 11; questions asked by Brother Russell before, 5246:12-15; relation of, to salvation, 3082:1-3, 10; symbol properly recognized, 2387:9; triune, not essential, 2293:22; 2294:1-4. Water; Importance of, 396:11; symbol only, 302:1, 2. See Baptism. IMMIGRANTS Often the scum and dregs, 1355:5. IMMORAL Literature, its effect on mind, 719:5, 6. IMMORALITY Increasing with the time of trouble, 5974, 5975. IMMORTAL Man is not, 2841:1-5; meaning of word, 673:3-8; spiritbegotten new creature is neither incorruptible nor, 1698:3-24; and mortal life, 803:7. IMMORTALITY Angels do not possess, 1641:18; as used in Scripture, 2339:3-15, 17-23; bride of Christ to gain, 280:1. Christ: and his bride the only ones who will attain to, 1879:6-15; Jesus only since his resurrection has, 1642:1, 2, 7. Christian and heathen views on, 5792:15-19. Church to: be clothed with, 701:13; have, 82:4; 142:4-8; 143:8, 9; 1642:3-7; 2747:12; 5418:3, 4, 10. Distinct from: Eternal life, 252:14-23; 5608:13-17; 5609:1-3, 12; resurrection, 43:8. Doctrine foundationless, 752:4-6; effects of false doctrine of, 767:4; eternal life distinct form, 252:14-23; gift to Christ and church, 279:4, 5; 715:3-5, 12, 13; given to the church, 3154:4; Gladstone did not believe in the soul's, 1989:1, 2; God only hath, 142:1; 278:9; greater than eternal life, 5609:1-3; inherent, unscriptural, 672:7-9, 19-21; is a snare that leads to Spiritism, 2187:8-26; Jehovah alone has it as an innate or original quality, 1879:1; life which cannot cease; inherent, death-proof existence, 1165:12; 1166:1; 1641:14; mankind does not possess, 1641:6-9; 1642:8-11; 1643, 1644; not mortal, death-proof, indestructible, imperishable, 1879:1. Of: Man unscriptural, 802:5; 2841; 4; 4775:1-4; the soul denied by Edison, 4773:3, 4. Offered only to church, 252:14-23; only for the elect, 3338:1-3; originally possessed by Jehovah alone, 1641:17; 1642:7; prize offered to the church, 1642:3-7; promised to church, 308:8; reward of church, 143:8, 9; Scriptural view in contrast with creedal view of, 5792:12-14; taught by Plato, 2610:12-14; teachings in the early church on, 3382; typified by golden bowl of manna, 3283:1; views of Dr. Abbott on, 424:5, 6; 1202:5, 6; who only has, 2747:9-16. And: Incorruptibility as used in Scriptures, 2339:3-15, 17-23; incorruption defined, 204:1-6, 13, 14; life brought to light by gospel, 3337-3339. IMPERFECTION Result of sin, 2120:7, 9. IMPERFECTIONS Do not hinder our progress as Christians, 4786:17; how to strive against, 1295:3, 4; 1296; in various degrees made up for by the Lord, 3237:9; 3238:1. IMPERIAL Alliance, schemes of, 2151:13. IMPOSTOR Warning against an, 4662:2. IMPOSTORS beware of false brethren who are (Letter), 5876:6-11. IMPRESSIONS God does not teach by direct, 1438:11. IMPRISONMENT For: REFUSAL OF MILITARY DUTY: Of I.B.S.A. members in France (Letter), 5953:13-17. Of: Paul and Silas at Philippi, 3123. IMPURITY Bible does not contain, 1419:13; 1420:2, 6-9; defiling effect of, 5860:13, 14. IN Five uses of the word, 826:3-9. INACTIVITY Means to stick in a rut, 1118:3. INCARNATION Of Jesus, a false theory, 864:6; 2409:8-11; 3476:5; 4108:3-5; 5064:5-7; 5171:1, 2; 5292:11. INCENSE Acceptable to God only when offered in his appointed way, 4786; does not satisfy justice, 4868:9; from golden altar, 101:7; offered by High Priest for church also, 4922:5-8; prayers of saints are, 17:4; used with bullock but not with goat, 4868; 1-3; was not burned in Most Holy (Letter), 5961:6-12; what it typified, 79:5. INCONSISTENCIES Concern of Rev. Z.G. Batten for Christian, 3112:2-8, 10-12; of Christendom, 2711:3, 7, 8. INCONTINENT In last days, 2460:8. INCORRIGIBLE Second death the end of the, 765:1; 4820:3-6; to be destroyed, 764:3-5, 8-17; will not expect second death, 912:8. INCORRUPTION Raised in, 95:8, 9. And Immortality: as used in the Scriptures, 2339:3-15, 17-23; defined, 204:1-6, 13, 14. INCREASE Earth yielding her, 4431:12-14; of Israelites in Egypt phenomenal, 2900:2-4; sample of how the earth shall yield her, 3302:4-8, 11-14. INDECISION Of character a detriment to Christians, 2950:3, 4. INDIA Brahmanism its chief religion, 1183:6, 7, 9, 10; Brahmo-Somaj and its plans, 1613:6-8; demonism practised in, 2173:7-14; 2174; divided into four castes, 1183:10; failure of foreign missions in, 1613:5; how the Hindoo priests keep the people in ignorance, 1613:4; letters from, 1242:11-13; 1473:5-7; missionary life in, 1701. Number of: Converts vs. increase of population, 1990:14; Protestant missions and workers in (1896), 1960:13, 14. Papal activity in, in 1889 A.D., 1131:6, 7; progress of truth-spreading in, 4895:4-13; rebels under British rule, 4521:16; receiving and accepting the truth, 4594:3, 4, 7-9; rejoicing in Japanese victories over Russia, 3396:9, 11; report of the work in, 4898:7, 8; sectarianism making infidels in, 1071, 1072; social and religious life of, 1601-1603; 1607; 1612, 1613; spread of the truth in (1911), 4814; 4848; 4849:1-6; (Letter), 5254:36-38; truth carried to, 869:19-24. INDIAN Present truth reaches a native Canadian (Letter), 5842:6-14; receives the truth, 786:11. INDIANS Practiced demonism, 2173:7-14; 2174. INDIFFERENCE Will lead into outer darkness, 1356:4, 5. INDIGNATION Not incompatible with love, 5603:1-4; righteous, 787:8-10; sometimes a proper quality, 5125:1-6. See Anger. INDIVIDUALISM Upheld against Socialism by Papacy, 1785:1-4. INDIVIDUALITY How preserved through death, 1263:3-5, 7-10; 1264:1, 2, 6, 7; in character required of every new creature, 3250:10; may be transferred from one plane to another, 5560:3-5, 8-10. INDOLENCE Result of Socialism, 1691:9. INDULGENCES Defined by Catholic Church, 3606:13-19; of John Tetzel for St. Peter's, 554:1-3, 12-17; 1082:6-8; offered by pope for prayers for conversion of Protestants (1895), 1824:9-11; 1825:1, 2, 10; sale of, by Papacy, 553:7, 8, 13-16; sold by Protestants, 554:15-17. INELEGANCE Of hurry, 1756:2-4. INEQUALITY Industrial, must go, 3923:12-14. INFALLIBILITY Claimed by the Pope when he speaks "ex-cathedra", or officially, 1526:6; false and true, 1051:8-10, 14-17; human craving for, 797:11; never claimed by Brother Russell, 3745, 3746; 5367:7-9, 15; not claimed for the Watch Tower, 4472:1. Of: Apostles reasonable, 3745:5. POPES: 54:14; adopted in 11th century, 660:10; confirmed in 1870, 1993:14. Rome's greatest effort is to maintain, 3480:12-16. INFALLIBLE Apostles were, in their public teachings and writings, 1526:6; none in flesh are, 30:8; Pope submits fallible infallibilities, 1776:10; Towers and Dawns not, 1536:8-10. INFANTS Baptism of, unscriptural, 1540:12; 1543:9-11; Chinese killers of, better than missionaries? 1315:11, 12; hope for dead, 452:5-7; non-elect, eternally damned, one view, 2686, 2687; not eligible to heaven, 2660:3; resurrected as, 631:17, 18; salvation of, Presbyterian view, 830; teaching of Presbyterian creed regarding, 1310:11-15. INFIDEL Nominal church is, 1186:15-18; receive and accepted the truth (Letter), 5705:7-10, 14-16. INFIDELITY Also intolerant, 594:5-8, 11; American colleges are teaching, 3357:1-5, 8; 4393; 4394:1-4. Among: Christian ministers, sample of, 3366, 3367; clergy, 3238:14-16; 3229:1-10; German clergy, 1948:3-6; preachers, 2499; Protestant ministers, 2538. Answer to, 349:16-19; being answered by modern inventions, 1935:5-9, 11; cause of, 427:2-4, 6, 7; caused by preaching eternal torment, 1501:8-12; Christendom drifting toward, 1583:7-10, 18, 19; 1584:1-13; clergy embracing, 1417-1420; 1824:3-6; 1831:4-9, 12; disproven by excavations in Nineveh, 520:3-6; due to orthodox creeds, 2817:3, 4. Effect of, on: Nominal Christians, 36:7-13; the time of trouble, 3410:4-6, 15, 16; 3411:1-7. Explained as the living variety of orthodoxy, 1307:7-10; fostered in American colleges, 4393:7-9, 13-16; growth of, 426:7-9, 10; 427; 3465, 3466; has permeated "Christendom", 1690:10-13; honest skepticism and its remedy, 1199; how Brother Russell approached, 2452:11-16. In: Germany rampant, 3628:12, 13; 3629:1, 2, 8; Methodist Seminary, 2547:18-22. Increase of: 125:1-8, 9-16; 3106:9-11; among scholars, 3566:25; 3567:1-9; caused by torment theory, 2899:5. Inevitable reaction from superstition is, 1566:8-12; Ingersoll's sermon on, before the "Church Militant", 1968:12-18; 1969:1-5; nominal Christianity cause of, 427:2-4, 6, 7; not atheism, 1417:1, 2. Of: Denominational ministers, 2768:18-25; ministers does not disbar them, 4762:21, 22; 4763:1-4; Voltaire resulted from earthquake, 3033:8. Often due to ignorance, 537:7-9; pestilence of (Psa. 91): 593:14; present truth prevents, 2875:12; progress of, 325:11, 20; punished in Germany, 3404:2-4; rabbis leading Jews into, 1762:4-8, 13-15; 1763:10-12; rapid spread of (1895), 1824:3-6; received its reward, 3388:15-18; regrettable thing, 5105:3, 11, 12; result of creeds, 207:3; Rev. R.A. Torrey's arraignment of, 2705:1, 2. Spread of: 495:2. IN: 1895, 1831:4-9, 12; Germany (1894), 1752:19-23. Spreading to Sunday schools, 3050:11-15; sweeping over female colleges, 4613, 4614; taught in schools and colleges, 3566:25; 3567:1-9; why creed-rejection often leads to, 1307:12-14; worship of human reason, 1762:15; 1763:5, 7; vs. Orthodoxy, Ingersoll on, 673, 674. See Higher Criticism; Truth. INFIDELS Acknowledge Bible as wonderful, 610:14; answer to, 231:6-8; clergy are becoming, 1417-1420; how to argue with, 8:9; in modern pulpits, 949:11, 12. Made by: Rockefeller's university, 4471:1-5; sectarian missions, 1072:3-5. Not Martyrs, 594:13; their theory in re New Testament, 484, 485; who are, 3466. INFIRMITIES "Himself took our," 573-575. Jesus: Bore our, 772:10; 3727:8-10; was touched with a feeling of our, 5103:14; 5104:1-4. When freely forgiven through Christ, 1759:14, 15. INFLUENCE Be solicitous for your, 1188:6. Of: A Christian life, 1151; 5439; Brother Russell, its wide scope, 6010:11, 12. On babes in Christ, importance of good, 5886:7, 12; power of Christian, 3146. Pre-natal, effect upon: Children, 4090:7, 8; 4839:12; 5150:6, 7; 5251:2-5; 5612:8; 5615:6-8; 5657:1-4; 5700:11-13; God's servants, 4210:1-3. Responsibility for lost, 5412:6-8. INFLUENZA Epidemic in 1895, 1805:16-18; and typhoid remedies, 5689:9. INGERSOLL Col. Robert: Addresses the "Church Militant", Chicago (1896), 1968:12-18; 1969:1-5; answered by truth, 674-676; assails "divine right of kings", 1989:13-15; catechized, 706:19-21; ministers have hope for salvation of, 3559:6-22. ON: Orthodoxy, 673:12, 13; temperance, 3962:2. Reviewed by a pastor, 727:9, 10. VIEWS OF, ON: Christendom, 706:19-21; what constitutes a true church, 1968:16-18; 1969:1-3. INGRATITUDE At root of Eve's temptation, 1024; evidence of spiritual sickness, 2076:7; proper attitude toward, 1665:12; Samuel points Israel to their sin of, 4199:5, 6; 4200, 4201. INHERITANCE Earnest of our, 493:4-7, 11, 12; heavenly, 1598. Of: Bride unlimited, 4784:1-3; Israel, 286:17, 18; saints, illustrated, 337:3-7, 11-17. INIQUITY Abounding in the church, love of the many waxes cold, 5857:7, 9-12; drawn from cords of vanity, 4257:8; love rejoices not in, 2204:10, 11; 4918:14-16; of all laid upon Jesus, 3590-3592; rewards of, 3369:3; to be hated but the sinner loved, 5125:1-5. INJUNCTIONS Of federal judges deny constitutional rights, 2216; to restrain labor rebellions, 3272:2, 6. INJUSTICE Constitutes a claim for retribution, 5259, 5260; differing viewpoints in respect to, 5604:1, 2, 7, 8; effect of a perverted conscience, 5958:1, 2; how the consecrated should deal with, 3827:3-5; injures both the afflicted and the afflicter, 5271:4, 5; not manifested by God to Canaanites, 5314:5-13; proper attitude toward, 1665:12; righteous anger proper when we see, 5603:14; 5604:1, 2; should be submitted to rather than injure truth, 3266:8; and bribery and greed prophesied by Amos, 3424:6-11. INNOCENCE to harmed by slander, 3195:10, 11; and virtue defined, 784:5. INNOCENT May suffer as evil-doers, 3642:1, 7. INQUISTION Modern, 992:8-10; real holy, in Millennium, 1469:9; 1471:13; some of its holy work, 1050. INSANE Teaching of Presbyterian creed regarding the, 1310:11-15; whole world is measurably, 1080:1-14; 1413. INSANITY Accumulation of money a form of, 1413:5-7, 12; busybodying is one form of, 1413:3. Caused by: Delving into Spiritism, 3743:18, 19; evangelists, 1501:18; 1502:1, 2; preaching eternal torment, 1501:18; 1502:1, 2. Follows revivals, 3636:18, 19; human race threatened with, 4860:7-12; increased trade is not, 2867:2-4; increasing in United States, 3882:2, 8-12; largely demon obsession, says physician, 3602:13, 14. Of: Emperor William (1897), 2151:5-7; Nebuchadnezzar a type, 3361:3. Often: Long existent before discerned, 5515:26; 5516:8; merely demon obsession, 2171:16; 2181:9-11; 2186:7-9, 11-15; 3310:6; 3726:11; 5044:4. On the increase, 3966:14, 15; reckless propagation a form of, 1413:8-11. Result of: City life, 3593:3-5; tampering with supernatural, 4405, 4406. And: Genius, seemingly allied, 2866:8; sickness greatly increased, 4049:10-12. INSCRIPTIONS On ancient tablets difficult to translate, 3500:1. INSECTS Disease traceable to millions of, 4672:6. INSIGHT Spiritual, essential to the understanding of the law, 5295:3-6, 10, 11. INSPIRATION All saints have, how, 1148:10-12; apostles inspired to present the truth correctly, not verbally inspired, 1525:6-15; 1526:1-4; Brother Russell had the Lord's guidance but claimed no, 1536:8-10; higher critics view of, 2484:13-21; modern erroneous idea of, 649:12; 650; never claimed by Brother Russell, 5450:5-7; not the Lord's method of teaching his people now, 2240:11. Of: APOSTLES: 435:3-8, 10-16; denied, 2768:18-25. Bible proved, 24:15, 16; 71:1; 349:16-19; 458-461; 728:1, 2; 1148:1-12; Brother Russell disclaimed by him, 5280:15-18; 5281:1; prophets mechanical, 218:2, 3. SCRIPTURES: 52:2, 3; denied by Jesuits, 2012:6-15. Special teachers, 128:13. Paul's example is an, 1558:5-7, 11, 12; Pope declares the Bible to have verbal (1894), 1625; Scriptural meaning of, 438:6, 7; threefold character of apostolic, 1525:8-15; 1526:1-4; translations not works of, 1353; verbal of the Bible, 1313:20; 1314:1-12. Views of: Protestant clergy on, 1418:7-11; 1419:1-12; Rev. C.A. Briggs, D.D., upon, 1313:5-14. And divine authority of the book of Genesis, 1622. See Infallibility. INSTABILITY Result of double-mindedness, 2336:3, 4. INSTANT In season, out of season, 646:15; 3189:2; 3211:2. INSTRUCTION In righteousness essential to all, 2387:4. Letters of: For the stubborn, 1513:8-10. TO: Colporteurs, 1134:1-6; sharpshooters, 1110:3. INSTRUCTIONS For colporteurs, 927:8-12; of the word to be taken into the heart, 2093:9, 13-16. INSUBORDINATION Increases with knowledge, 4745:2. INSURANCE Can Christians take, 521:3-7; companies will disappoint those leaning upon them, 1827:16; Germany enacted first compulsory life and accident insurance law, 1819:3, 5; life, cheapest and best, 4699:2-6; scheme of Roman Catholicism, 4699:7, 8. INTELLECT Various grades of ability of, 1737:8. INTELLIGENCE Making the world unhappy, how, 1485:11-13; why it usually causes discontent, 1355:7, 8. INTEMPERANCE applies to food, drink, thoughts, etc, 3894:2; chief foe to righteousness, 4759:10-13; curse of, 3892-3894. Effects of: Illustrative of effect of all sin, 1631:7, 8; upon men and nations, 4337:7-9, 12-16. England affected by, 4337:8, 9; fighting, next to kingdom work, 4006:9; 4007:1; greater in Christendom than among heathen, 3746:5; leads to poverty, 5796:14; 5797:1-5, 15-21; many forms of, 2073, 2074; not found in I.B.S.A., 2532:4, 5; of Babylon, 1896:2-21; our influence to be against, 3894:4-9; physical and spiritual, 2873:2-5, 8, 9; restraints against, a blessing, 4083:6; results of, 4156:3-11; sin of, 3859:9, 10; why Christains should forego liberty in, 3055:2. See Abstinence. INTENTIONS Good: Not always approved by the Lord, 3155, 3156; 3258:28; of Christians not sufficient, 5001:6. INTERCESSIONS How Christ makes, 791:9. Of: Jesus efficacious for church and world, 5776, 5777; spirit, 373:8-10. INTERCHURCH Conference condemned by John S. Wightman, 3704:6-13. Movement: A menace, 992:13; Judge Burke's views on, 2463:1-4. INTEREST Is it usury, 1994:13-17. INTERESTS Earthly, wisely sacrifice for spiritual, 5206:1-7. Spiritual: Never to be sacrificed for temporal, 5614:2; to precede temporal interests, 3110:9. INTERMARRIAGE Between blood relations, 3042:8; of Israelites brought disaster, 4776:8, 9. INTERMEDIARIES Two, between Adam and Isaac, 1148:3. INTERNATIONAL Bible Students Association: Could be no part of Babylon, 5730:1-13; creed of, as broad as that of early church, 5155, 5156; electing of elders and deacons in, joining Babylon? 1923:9, 11-16. MEMBERS: May be known as of that name, 4593:1, 2, 6-8; zeal of, noted by minister of Babylon (letter), 5820:10-14. Ministers resent that no collections are taken by the, 5374:9-12; only another name for the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, 5808:7-17; origin, object, and operations of, 5155, 5156; preachers of, how ordained and sent forth, 5808:4-6; status of, under conscription law of Great Britain, 5953:5-9. INTERPOLATIONS Scriptures, 207:3; 319:1; only basis for doctrine of trinity is spurious (1 John 5:7, 8), 1411:1-11; part of Rev. 20:5, 1209:7, 8; 1772:6, 11; testimony of an old Syriac manuscript in re Mark 16:9-20, 1530:7. INTERPRETATION Of Scripture: Brother Russell's method of, 4684:11. SHOULD BE: Balanced, 29, 30; orderly, 24. INTIMACY Not to spring up with the unbelieving, impure, disloyal, or deceitful, 1588. INTOLERANCE Caused by extreme views, 29:3; ecclesiastical, 932:3; "liberty" of Romanism is, 1082; love will save from the spirit of, 5124:16-19. Of: Ecclesiasticism, 992:1-14; Protestantism, 695:17; true Christians by world now the same as ever, 3924:11-13. Often mistaken for justice, 5124:16, 17; Presbyterian, 981-983. Religious: In Europe and America, 2920: no justification for, 3392:5-7; to increase with Church Federation, 3396:3. INTOXICANTS See Liquor, Intoxicating. INTOXICATION Christian liberty as applied to evil of, 3446:2, 5, 6; forbidden to the Christian, 5098:15, 16; physical and spiritual, 2873:2-5, 8, 9; sample of where it leads, 4289:20-26; 4290:1-6, 9-12; scriptural views on, 2533:1-3; sin of, 2074:2; two kinds of symbolic, 2968:5, 6. And the Power of Habit, 3270, 3271. See Liquor, intoxicating. INTRODUCTION In re certificates of, for Pilgrims (1894), 1702:12; 1706; 1720; letters of, recalled (1895), 1847; 1886. INTROSPECTION For the consecrated, 3199:11; true Christian's need of, 2463:13-16. INTRUSION Into things unseen, 496:5-7, 12-15. INTUITION Adam's original, 1723:16. INVENTION Of: Perforated bullet, in 1896, 1960:5-9; war torpedoes for the air, 4522:2, 5. Often hindered by corporate greed, 1209. INVENTIONS Do not prove that this is a brain age, 737:14-18. Electrical: Energy from coal; and electric lights (1896), 1990:15-18; weedkiller (1896), 1948:10. How they: Overthrow arguments of skeptics and infidels, 1935:5-9, 11; strengthen our faith in God's powers, 1935:5-9, 11. Increase of, since 1874; 5674:8; lost arts of ancients, 1258:1; merely time savers, 4916:9-16; 4917:1, 2. Modern: Are millennium foregleams, 420:2-6; 5153:19-27; do not disprove man's fall, 1257:4; 1258:1, 3; due to Millennial Day, 420:2-6; not due to greater intelligence, 5257:1. Of our day compared with those of a century ago, 5153:1-23; one cause of the time of trouble, how, 1676:1, 12-14; part of, in the period of transition, 1620:1-8; power behind, invisible, 479:16; 480; why increasing at present, 1257:4; 1258:1, 3. INVENTORS Importance of, 1162:10-12. INVESTIGATION Of other literature, is it wise? 4194:1-10; scientific, why it is unreliable, 3500:1, 5, 6. IRELAND (Archbishop), his views of Messianic Kingdom, 4799:1-5. (Erin): British crimes against, 578:9-11; impressions of, during Brother Russell's tour, in 1891, 1369:3-5; irreverence in, 4087:12; North of, fearful of home rule, 4925:5-7; what home rule for, means, 1022:15-17. And Great Britain, outlook in (1912), 4895:14, 17-23. IRISH Catholics: Plan to control America 1517:5, 9. IRREVERENCE Among the consecrated today, 5679:11; examples of reverence and, 2872:11, 12; in modern churches, 2561 of modern evangelists, 3229:5-10; one of the sins of the latter day, 2053:8; 4763:5-9; taking God's name in vain is one form of, 1527, 1528. ISAAC Chief characteristics of, 2860:2, 8; how he typified a heavenly see, 4530:8, 9; inherited all of Abraham's goods, 5178:7, 8; Jacob's deception of, proper viewpoint regarding, 3955:4, 5; marriage of, typical, 2861:2; meaning of name, 2860:2; 2861:7; model of peace, 3953:5-9 obedient and submissive to Abraham, 2907:9; offered in sacrifice typical of the Christ, 5180:6-14; persecution by Ishmael a picture, 2777:9; type of Christ, 68:1; 70:13; 161:3-11; 283:8; 752:1; 973:6; 1227:2-4; 1386-1389; 2778:3, 4; 2908:3-6. And: ISHMAEL: As types, 2443:2; contrasted, 3952:2, 3, 5. REBECCA: As types of the Christ, 3953; marriage of, typical, 5187, 5188. ISAIAH Eighteenth chapter explained, 3404, 3405; encouraged through a vision as the mouthpiece of Jehovah, 2370, 2371. Higher: Criticism of, false and true, 1418:1-3; critics of, give some lower criticism, 1784; 10, 11. Message of, also applicable to nominal spiritual Israel, 2371:11, 12; ninth chapter explained, 3686, 3687; on resurrection, 542:1, 2, 7-9. Pictures: Ancient worthies as sprouts from roots of Israel, 4787:12. THE: Millennial reign of Christ, 3596-3598. Prophecy of: Foretells of Messiah's kingdom, 2372-2374; on ransom, 652:9; relating to U.S., 2327:13-18. Prophesies of: Israel's downfall, 3451, 3452; Jesus' sickness, 2767:3; Millennium, 2550:9-13; 3589:9. Twenty-first and twenty-eighth chapters, Swedish Revised Version, 3531:3-5, 9; type of God's saintly class, 4787:6-10. Vision of: 2370, 2371; the Temple explained, 4787. ISHMAEL Pictured rejection of Israel, 2777:9. Type of: Fleshly Israel, 283:8; 1389:2-5, 8-10; 5503:8; nominal Christians, 2778:7. And Isaac: As types, 2443:2; contrasted, 3952:2, 3, 5. ISOLATED God compensates the, 4077:1, 2; sister rejoices in the truth, 4742:3,7. ISRAEL Abrahamic Covenant only partially understood by, 5285:7-9; advantages of natural and spiritual, 5240-5242. Both houses of: 862:13; 2084-2086; 2866:1, 2; blest above all mankind, 5240-5242; cross of Christ a test upon, 1452:6-10, 14-16; 1453; distinction between the promises to, 4071, 4072; divine providence over affairs of, 3658:4, 7-9; 4259:2-5; doctrine of, false, 432, 433; Ebenezer a monument of victory to, 5627:13; 5628:1; exhortations from Isaiah to, 3452, 3453; experiences of, compared, 3660. HAVE: Cause for praising the Lord, 5500, 5501; rejected Jesus, 3538:8-10. separate interests, 5460:6-8. Jesus a stumbling stone to, 175-177; 2036:1-3; 3047:5, 6; 3192:1-5; 5258:1-3, 8, 9; purpose of God's dealing with, 5817:3-8, 10-13; special objects of God's care, 5527:6, 10-12; spiritual and natural are pilgrims and strangers, 2230, 2231; types of, 184:4-6, 12-15; 637:7, 14, 15; warned against Spiritism, 3068:4-9. Delivered from Pharaoh in antitype, 2920:1; Isaiah pictures ancient worthies as sprout from roots of, 4787:12; Jacob's name changed to, 3970:5, 6. Natural: Accept Christ, when, 26:11; "Agree with thine adversary [the Mosaic law] quickly," 1713. AMOS PROPHESIES AGAINST: And it applies to nominal spiritual, 2356, 2357; ten tribes of, 3423, 3424. Anglo-Saxons favored because they are the ten lost tribes of? 1340-1342; attempt to harmonize orthodox and infidels of (1895), 1846:1; Baron Hirsch's colonization scheme of, in South America not successful (1896), 1942; 6, 14; battles of, picture of church's spiritual battles, 3392:9. BLESSED WITH TEMPORAL BLESSINGS: 2362:15; for obedience to God, 3222:8; 3223:1, 2. Blessings as well as trials accompanied the life of, 5645:12, 13; blind until church is glorified, 2631:4. BLINDNESS: Happened to, 384:6; of, when and why turned away, 3193:1. Brazen serpent of, 1849; burdens increased because of Moses' demand, 5263:13, 14; buried into Moses in cloud and sea, a type, 2299:2; Cain pictured God's rejection of, 2777:9; calamities upon, God's chastisements, 1271:7-16. CAMP OF: In antitype, 4607:3, 4; represents Christendom, 4607:4-6. Cast off for the sake of the elect, 4463:8, 9; 4781:8, 11-16. CAUSE OF: Overthrow of, 2359; the ten-tribe's captivity to Assyria, 3892:2, 3, 5. Chastenings of Lord upon, 2356:6-9. CHASTISEMENTS: Upon, and their causes, 5721:1-11; why visited upon, 2485:6, 8, 9. Chief nation in Millennium, 410:1; 420:14; children of, borrowed from Egyptians, 1657:15; 2811:6. CHRISTIANIZING: Hebrews in New York City (1893), 1531:7, 15, 16; work of Rabinowitz among Russian Jews, 1302. CHURCH: Are antitypical priests of, 5616:3, 4, 8, 9; typified by firstborns of, 5272:16; 5273. Cloud was their guide through wilderness, 3997:5, 6; comfort to be now preached to, 5234:11-14; coming into prominence in Europe, 1407; compared to valley of dry bones, 2505; conference between Jews and "Christians" in Chicago (1894, 1758:9-12; considered as type of spiritual Israel, 4055:8, 9, 13; conversion to Christianity among New York Jews (1895), 1786:2, 3, 7; Cornelius had faith above, 2071:4; corroboration of Bible account of bondage of, 3983:2, 3; crossed the Jordan by divine power, 5345; crossing Red Sea typified resurrection, 1322:1; Cyrus God's instrument for deliverance of, 3642:3-6; 4892, 4893; days (390) upon, 1341:9; Deborah prophetess and savior of, 5604:9-11; 5605:1-3; deceived by Jesus' humility, 3901:8-10; defiled through iniquity of Balaam, 5322, 5323. DELIVERANCE: From all enemies to be complete, 4892:2-7, 12-15; of , a type of true church's deliverance, 155:2-13. DELIVERED FROM: Babylonian captivity, 4892, 4893; Egypt, a type, 155:2-13; Egyptians across Red Sea, 2919; Sennacherib, 3582; the Egyptians, 3996-3998. Detailed comparison of Law Covenant of, with New Covenant, 1322:2-5; 1323, 1324; disloyal to God, 2490, 2491; does not consider, 3312:8. DOUBLE OF: Accomplished, 1378, 1379; simply a time-double, 1160; was disfavor vs. favor, 1201. Duration of her blindness, 751:7; earthly prosperity promised as a reward to, 4768:3-6, 9, 14; edict of Sultan, August 1891, forbade them to settle in Palestine, 1918:9; Egyptian captiveIty of, blessing, 1201:6-8; Egyptians feared, 3982:3-5, 8, 9. ELECTION OF: Conditional, 1140:1-12; not arbitrary, 1457:4-9. Elijah brought them back to the true worship, 3406:1-5; emigration of, from Russia in 1892 stopped by cholera, 1452. ENEMIES OF: God ordered destroyed, 5509:11-13; Law taught love for, 3738:10, 11; typical of spiritual Israel's enemies, 5706:11-16; 5707:2-4. Esau a picture of rejection of, 1624:10-14; 2777:9; 4436:11; 4626:9, 10; exhorted to return unto the Lord, 4811:5-9; experiences of, a measuring line, 4787:12; expulsion of, from Poland (1893), 1534. FAILED: Because of neglect to keep God first, 3468:1, 2, 7, 8; to enter Canaan because of unbelief, 4046; 5387:17; 5388. FAITH: Tested in the wilderness journey, 3997, 3998; the basis of all God's dealings with, 5244:2-14. Faithful orthodox Jews arraigns "Reformed" rabbis, 1762:8, 13-17; 1763:1-12; fall of Jericho illustrates new creature's victory, 1857; feared by Egyptians, 3982:3-5, 8, 9; first called to be of the bride of Christ, 3911:1-3; freed from captivity by Cyrus, 2509:8, 11-15; God did not make empty promises to, 5836:4, 5, 7, 10. GOD'S: Dealings with, under Law Covenant, 5162:18-20; 5163:1-9; manner of rewarding or reproving, 2029:1-6. Greed and murmuring caused death of the, 5306:14, 15. HAD: Earthly rewards and blessings, 4051:1-4; three witnesses to their contracts, 3094:7-9. Hated by Germans, and why (1896), 1918:15-17; Hebrew free thinkers discuss Christ, 1304:6, 7; Hezekiah's prayer and deliverance, 1358:7-15; hint as to "hunters and fishers" (Jer. 16:16), 1288:3, 4; history portrayed in the parable of the wicked husbandmen, 1795; Hosea prophesies respecting, 4811. HOW: Freed from bondage of Law Covenant, 4319:5-8; they came under the Sarah covenant, 4319:4-6; type of reconciled world in Millennium, 1365:1-3. "If thou hadst known the things which belong unto thy peace," 1846, 1847. IN: Covenant relationship to Jehovah, 5162:18-20; 5163:1-9; prophecy, 83:2, 3. Increase in Egypt phenomenal, 2900:2-4; intended as a typical people, their trials great, 4037:8, 9; invasion of Palestine by, described in the Tel-elAmarna tablets, found in Egypt, 1652; "Jacob's trouble" refers to, 26:8-12. JESUS: Did not try to convert, 3850:3-6; sent only to sheep of, 51:14. Joshua succeeded Moses as the leader of, 5335, 5336. JOURNEY: In the wilderness a type, 3035, 3036; to Canaan typical, 1841. Justice not violated in giving Canaan to, 5335:13-16; 5336:1-4, 12, 13. KINGDOM OF: Overthrown under reign of Zedekiah, 3616:1-3; proposed, 1293. Knew not the time of their visitation, 1846, 1847; last message of Moses to, 1850:2-4, 9-13; 3071, 3072. LAW COVENANT: Binding only upon, 5946:6; 5947:1-4; in force from the time they left Egypt, 1731:5, 6; still in force upon, 1729:13-15; typified new covenant, 1322:2. Law taught them love for their enemies, 3738:10, 11; leading nation in Millennium, 2605:2; Levites, priests, types, 453:20, 21; lust for quail explained in antitype, 5267:6; many reading the New Testament, 1407:5, 6; meaning of word, 518:14. METHOD OF, IN: Choosing a king, 3218, 3219; slaughtering meat, 1989:3, 4. Modern version of, "We have no king but Caesar," 1396; more guilty than Sodom, 7:14. MOSES: Repulsed in his effort to assist, 5252:4-7, 9; reviewed God's providences in dealing with, 5296:2-5. National pride of, groundless, 1140:1-12; nationalization movement of, 1719; nations blessed or cursed because of, 5323:14-16; new government for Palestine suggested by Brother Russell, 1342; occasions for rejoicing in deliverance, 4892:2-7, 12-15; old marriage custom of, 1388:9; one proof that the "ten lost tribes" were not lost, 1747:19; only competent rabbi of, will be the Messiah, 1763:12; 1764:1; origin of the name, 2866:1; Palestine opened to the Jews again (1893), 1563:14; Palestinian colonization plans of (1894), 1707; paschal lamb typified Christ, 1321:6. PERSECUTIONS UPON: (1893), 1531:5, 6; in Austria (1895), 1898:12, 13. Petition for relief of Russian Jews (1891), 1293. PICTURED: All mankind, 17:2, 8; the pride of Christendom, 1440:7, 13, 14; 1441:1, 2. Plan a university in Jerusalem (1895), 1846:7, 8; power of, greater than before, 1317:6; prayers for asking by, 3216, 3217; prevented from crossing the land of the Edomites, 5315:21; pride and frowardness of, 518:1-3, progress of, in Jerusalem (1895 report), 1786:10, 11. PROMISES: Of, temporal deliverance of, 1408:5-9; to, are natural, 4051:1-4. Proofs that the name includes the twelve tribes, 2084-2086; prophecy of Amos respecting her fall and rise, 2356, 2357. PROTECTED: By the Lord from enemies, 4832, 4833; on condition of loyalty and faithfulness, 5605:8, 11,12. PUNISHED FOR: Idolatry by failing to destroy their enemies, 5646:1-7; the worship of idols, 5547:3-5; unfaithfulness, 2401:3-6, 15, 16. Purpose of trials of, 3983:4-6. RABBI: Hirsch preaching Jesus to, 1668; speaks on "Jesus in the Synagogue", 1499. Rabbi's eulogy of Jesus, 1819:11-13; rabbis lead "Reformed Jews" into infidelity, 1762:4, 15; 1763:10, 11; real object of all experiences of, 3385:1-4; reason for God's favor to, 5917:6; reduced to slavery in Egypt, 3982:3-5, 8, 9; regathered Israel will not be the bride of Christ, 1386-1389; regathering to Palestine foretold, 1373:10-14; 1374. REJECTED: At time of crucifixion, 3105:14, 15; from God's favor, 2746:2, 5-7; Jesus as king, themselves cast off, 2296:8, 9; the Lord as their head, 4200, 4201; the Lord, asked for a king, 3217:1; the promised kingdom of Messiah, 4593, 4594. Rejection shown in types, 5503:6-9; religious condition of, in Jerusalem (1891), 1400:7; renew their covenant under Joshua, 1869; report of the spies, 1842; respecting the numbering of the tribes of (letter), 5355:9-15; restitution of, in the Lord's Day, 593:2. RESTORATION OF: Promised, 7:12; prophesied, 384; 545:7, 8. Resurrection of the Hebrew language, 1960:15; retarded degradation of mankind, 1257:5, 9, 10. RETURNED OF: From captivity, 1483; to God's favor, 351:4; 2491:5, 8-11; to God's favor undeserved, 1746:8; 1747:1-13; to Holy Land (1893), 1514; to Palestine, 1464; to worship of God under Samuel's leadership, 5627, 5628. Riot in Russia (1893), 1515; Rothschild to establish colonies of, in Palestine (1892), 1491:5; Saul chosen king, 1887; savage hatred of the Jews in Vienna (1896), 1918:10, 11. SCATTERED AND: Gathered by God, 3663:10-12; overthrown, a divine judgement, 4819:12. Second to recognize the kingdom, 148:9, 10; separated from unbelievers, 3660; set aside but not destroyed, 4781:5-8, 11; seventy years' desolation of the land of, 1372:9-17; 1373:1-4; shall look upon him whom they have pierced, 1948:9; shared in the first three plagues upon Egypt, 5272:1-3; sifted by the Lord, 2509:14, 15; sojourn in Egypt, 1650; spiritual Israel's cleansing typified by cleansing of, 2380:6-8; spiritually blinded, 2730:1; spread of Christianity among (1895), 1819:11-16; still bound by the law covenant, 5047:2-4; taught confidence in Jehovah through their experiences, 5548. TEN TRIBES OF: Cause of their revolt, 3384:12; invited to return to Jehovah, 2379:11; revolt served God's purposes, 5732:7, 8, 10-12; revolted under King Rehoboam, 4723:1, 2; 5723:1-4; significance of their separation from Judah, 3464:2, 3; there are no lost, 2505:5; true Israelites sifted out of the, 4724:2, 3, 8; who they are, 83:2; why they separated from the two tribes, 2324:11, 12. That returned from Babylon were the wheat, 3648:5, 6. TO BE BLESSED: 593:2; first, 5100:4; through spiritual Israel, 4453:9, 10; 4646:5-8; under the new covenant, 4840. TO: Be developed under new covenant, 4366:1, 2; be restored and blessed, 4820:8-13; restored and forgiven, 5234:7, 8, 11-14; be restored to perfection, 2503, 2504; bless the world, 4454:5-7; receive holy spirit, 2504:7-12; recognize Messiah, 286:9; whom the name is properly applied, 2084-2086. Treatment under Pharaoh, 2901:1; trials and favors portrayed, 5240, 5241:1-12; triumph in England, 1207; turning toward Christianity in 1896, 1918:12-14; twice condemned, 4868:5, 6. TYPE OF: Christendom, 4678:2, 9; church, 401:6, 7; nominal spiritual Israel, 2904:5; spiritual Israel, 2299:5; (1) the world of mankind, (2) God's chosen people of the gospel age, 1841:6; world, 401:5, 6. Types showing their rejection, 1140:9-11; typical people, 2328:14. TYPIFIED BY: Esau, 1624:10-14; Ishmael, 1389:2-5, 8-10; Joseph's brethren, 3982:1, 2. UNDER: Double condemnation, 4426:9; the period of the judges, 4192:5, 6, 13. Urged to study New Testament (1895), 1786:8, 9; victory over the Ammonites under Saul's leadership, 5635:7, 10-13; views of Jesus (1894), 1641; waits upon spiritual seed for its blessing, 4464:3-7; warned against murder, envy and jealousy, 4218, 4219; was not saved by the Law, 2719:5, 9-11; were a rebellious house, 3451:8; what her hope is, 1435:3, 4; who received Jesus numbered about 25,000, 5732:7, 8, 10-14. WHY: All the righteous blood from Abel to Zacharias came upon one generation, 1701; cast off and when to be restored, 1970, 1971; easily led into idolatry, 3392:3; God permitted their wandering forty years, 4010:3, 4; it was proper for them to pray for victory in war, 3393:7. Wilderness experiences of, assure spiritual, 5548; will not be of bride of Christ, 1386-1389; wonderful thing in religion --six D.D.'s and a rabbi dedicate a synagogue, 1723; 1758:4-8; world to be blessed through, 4454:5-7; worshiping the golden calf, 1835; Zionist progress (1895), 1769:10. AND JUDAH: Reunited after Babylonian captivity, 4893:9, 10; scattered as a people, 4819:5-7, 11; to be brought to their own land, 2125:2-4. AND NOMINAL SPIRITUAL: Drunken with wine, 3455; pictured as unfruitful vineyard, 4794, 4795; sins of, 4257:2-6; why rejected of God, 4678. Vs. spiritual, 5836, 5837. Spiritual: Antitypical Canaan rest for, 5314:1-4; Canaanites typical of fleshly enemies of, 5706:11-15; chastenings of, not always divine providences, 2356:9, 10; 2357:1; courage and strength needed by spiritual, 3079:8; 4062; danger of snares, traps, stumblings to, 4782:9-14; does eat the good of the land, 3454:1, 2. ENEMIES OF: 5706:11-15; 5707:2-4; David an example in dealing with, 4225, 4226. Engrafted, natural rejected, 2442:4, 5, 8. GOD'S: Manner of rewarding and reproving is different with natural and, 3223:1,2; way of separating the true, 3464:5-9. Has the chief advantages, 3581:1, 8; joys of, exceed the trials, 5242:1-3, 8; journey of, through antitypical wilderness, 5732:1, 2, 9; limited to 144, 000, 5837:2, 9. NOMINAL: Isaiah prophesies also to, 2371:11, 12; not on trial for life, 892:5; poor, blind, naked, 2297:2. NOT: Permitted to seek supernatural aid for healing, 2364:5, 6; under the Law Covenant, 4013:4, 9; 4014; 1-3. Prospered by persecution, 2901:6; receive new hearts, 2505:1; replaced natural, how, 1140:7-12; rest of, typified by Canaan, 1841:7, 14; 3086:2-7; 5314:5-13; 5345:10-15; 5388; reward of, entirely heavenly, 2363:1; rewarded with temporal blessings, 2520:2-4. SHOULD: Be content with Lord's provisions, 4012:2; remain separate from the world, 4894:5-7, 11-14. Scriptural references to, 2086:4-10; spiritual blessings for, 3581:5, 6; taught by the experiences of natural, 5598: Ten commandments valuable to, 4014, 4015. TO BE: Cleansed from worldly defilements, 2380:6-8. Trials and favors of, portrayed, 5241:13-18. TRUE: Returned to worship of Jehovah, 2380:1-3; to come out of Babylon, 2510:2, 6-10. Typified by Jacob, 2864:1-3, 5-8; war against antitypical Canaanites, 5509:12, 13; warfare of, typified by conquest of Canaan, 5296:6, 10-15; and natural, 2442:4, 5, 8. ISRAELITE Indeed, Jesus declared Nathanael an, 3483:7-10. ISRAELITES World during Millennium will become, 4902:10. IT A body, God giveth, 3063:1-4, 8, 9; is finished, meaning of expression, 4173:3. ITALIANS Anti-Papal attitude of, in 1891, 1376:3, 4, 7; Papacy controls majority of the, 2061:7; 2062:15-17. ITALY Bread riot in (1898), 2384:2-5, 10-13; Catholic priests undermining the government of, 2370:5, 10; Catholics permitted by pope to vote in, 3549:14-18; conditions in (1893)), 1604:7; financial scandal of (1893), 1500; how Romanism is viewed in, 3381:5; impressions of, during Brother Russell's tour (1891), 1376:3-7; 1377:1-4; king and pope of (1888), 1001; laws of, against Papacy (1891), 1300:2-5, 12, 13; strained financial condition of (1894), 1632:7; tries to "protect" Abyssinia (1896), 1968:1-11; understanding in, between church and state foreshadowed (1894), 1709; uprising against Catholicism in, 4065:9-13; and the Vatican at war, 2370:6, 7, 9-13. JACOB Appearance of, as Esau to secure Isaac’s blessing, 1624:6-8; at Bethel, 1629; blessed by perseverance in prayer, 5481:2-4, 10; church typified by, 1624:10-14. Course of: Approved, 2863:4-7, 9, 10; with Laban honest, 2864:9. Covenant confirmed to, 3965:1-4; deception of Isaac by, proper view respecting, 3955:4, 5; dream of, interpreted, 5199:14-17; 5200:1; Esau generously dealt with by, 5205, 5206; example to us, 1630:9-11. Experiences of: A lesson to the church, 2865:2-4; worked blessings to himself, 5240, 5241. Gray hairs of, brought down to sheol, 5225:16, 17; 5226:1-3; humility, gratitude and consecration of, 1630:7, 8; name of, changed to Israel, 3970:5, 6; neither Jew nor Christian, 5199:7-9; promises of God renewed to, 5199:3-6; purchase of Esau's birthright by, no injustice, 1624; 3341:10; 3954-3956; 4686; 5198; 5205, 5206; 5452:1, 2; represented spiritual Israel, 4436:11; tested by the Lord, 2864:4, 9. Type of: Natural Israel, 3965:3, 4; spiritual Israel, 1624:10-14; 2864:1-3, 5-8. Vow of, to the Lord a picture, 2864:5-8; wound of, reminder of dependence, 2866:6. And Esau: As types, 66:2; 2443:2; 5198; in the light of Arabian customs, 4722:1-3, 6, 7.JAFFA
See Joppa. JAILER At Philippi converted by Paul to Christianity, 2182:9, 10; 2183:1, 7; 3123:8-10; 4406:13, 14; 4407:1-3. JAIRUS Daughter of, awakened: As proof of resurrection, 5059, 5060; but not resurrected, 2617, 2618. JAMAICA Truth people delivered from earthquake in, 3942:6, 7. JAMES Apostle: Killed by Herod Agrippa, 2139:6; personal history of, 3003:1. Epistle of: Applies to Christians, 2100:2-5; (an) explanation of the, repudiated, 1405; 1595:1-4. JANNES And Jambres: Classes today correspond to, 4438, 4439. JAPAN Absorbing Christianity's false theology, 4324:1-7; converts in, dislike sectarianism, 1078:2-8. Christianity in: 1095:5; 1202; 2561:20; not a success, 3450:8, 9. Failure of missionaries in, 2704:1-8; growth of friendly relations between India and, 3396:9, 11; missionary work in, 5009:5-12; moral supremacy of, over Christendom, 3739, 3740; Philippines should be sold to, 5659:6-11; 5660; proclaimed a part of Christendom, 3395:2-7, 12; seeking a new religion, 2194:4-8; to become Christian, 1202. JAPANESE Christianity rejected by, 3450:8, 9; 3395:2-7, 12; 3396:14, 15; Christians' attitude toward denominationalism, 1596:8. Converts: Pained by torment dogma, 1044:7; refuse all but Apostles' creed, 1486; report of two Christian, 1594:12; 1595-1597. Improvements on churchianity, 1942:1-3; journal reviews Christianity, 2711:3, 7, 8; progressive, revise Presbyterian creed, 1299; prove their skill as warriors, 3388:19, 20; view of churchianity in America, 1699. JAPHETH European races sprang from, 2846:2. JASPER Diamond represents God's glory, 529:8. JEALOUSY Deadliest of foes, 5662:15; foe of the new creature, 3231:6, 8, 9; fruitage of, in Saul's heart, 4219:4-8; of favors given another a necessary test, 4364:1, 2; proper and improper, 4789:2-4, 9-11; Saul maddened by, 4233:6. And: ENVY: And murder, Israelites warned against, 4218, 4219; of Miriam punished, 5307, 5308; works of flesh and devil, 2880:4, 5. See Rivalry; Envy; Murder; Greed. JEFFERSON Rev. C. E., on the work of the ministry, 4025:1-7. JEHOASH Victory of, over Syrians proportionate to his faith, 2354:5, 9. JEHOIAKIM A wicked king, 3614:2, 3. JEHOSHAPHAT Blessed of God for his faithfulness, 4730:3-8; faithful king of Israel, 2365; 3393:5; valley of, type of Adamic death, 2908:2; 5601:1. JEHOVAH Abrahamic Covenant repeated eight times by, 5177:11; all things are of, 1268-1271; 1299:8-12. Alone: Can free us from obligations, 5498:1-5; has immortality as an innate or original quality, 1879:1. Anger of, combines four attributes, 439:10-19; attributes of, considered, 5209-5211; beauty of character of, 386:5-11; 2713:9, 10; believers in Jesus alone can pray to, 2252:3; blessed the reign of Jehoshaphat, 2365; capable of emotion, 1833:2-11. Character of: 386:5-11; false views of, 2712:4-7. Chief Shepherd, 4278:9. Church: Is chosen by, 5686:13; sustained by vision of his character, 2372:2, 6. Church's Judge and Father, 59:1; compared to the sun, 4243:3-7; creates evil (Isa. 45:7), 870-872; danger of taking name of, in vain, 1527, 1528; Daniel's sin was the worship of, 4874, 4875; day of, begun in 1873, 26:11; dealings of, with spiritual and fleshly Israel, 2520, 2521; disposition of, a loving one, 5440:6, 7; distinctive name for God, 379:2-4; draws or calls in gospel age, 1227:15; 2519:5-9; 2934:11, 12; 2935:1; earth footstool of, 286:4; extent of love of, for the church, 5725:10-13; false views of character of, 2712:4-7; Father to only the consecrated, 3805:5, 8; forces man into sin? 1718:18-25; forgives or pardons? 1058; giving of his son to die for us cost him something, 1833:8, 9; Great Shepherd, Jesus UnderShepherd, 5490, 5491. Has: Anointed and sealed the church, 5498:6-8; mind unchanged, 358:2, 3. "Hath not the potter power over clay?" 1225:9-12; holy and fervent emotion toward, 1914:5, 10, 11; hope not one of qualities of, 1225:15. How: HE: Hardened Pharaoh's heart, 1652:8, 9; honors human reason, 1565:5, 6, 10, 11; 1566:1-5; rested on the seventh day, 1609:24, 25. "The Savior of all men," 1253:7; 1437; 1442; we "behold the beauty of the Lord", 1915:4. "I create evil" (Isa. 45:7), 1226:4-6; 1271:7-16; 1350, 1351; 1780:1-14; 1799; in wisdom adopted the present plan of salvation, 5429, 5430; intellectual and moral glory and majesty of, 1560:3, 4. Is: Blasphemed by torment dogma, 1124:1-3; ever present to assist, 5548; Judge and Father of the church, 59:1; 5623:5-7, 10, 11; my Shepherd, 1745; 5653, 5654; one God, not three, 5747-5749; susceptible of emotion, pleasurable and painful, 1833:2-11; the author of sin? 1224-1226. Israel's experiences taught them confidence in, 5548; Israelites return to the worship of, 2332:12, 13. Just: 129:11-13; in sentence on Adam, 429:5-7. Knows the: End of our course from the beginning, 5528:6-9; sorrow of family discord, 1833:6, 7. Logos is the voice of, 5161:17, 18. Love: OF: For the world--pity-love, 1250:5; 1251:1-3 two kinds, affectionate and sympathetic, 1254:5-21. Not the world" vs. "God so loved the world", 1955. Loves most those who humbly do with their might the most important work seen, 1757:15; loving but just, 769:5-7; magnificent pageantry of the heavens should inspire holy and reverent devotion to, 1814:13, 20; meaning of word, 296:8, 9; near to the humble and contrite of heart, 5217, 5218; necessarily an autocrat, 2984:10, 14; 2985:1-4; no such thing as "omnipotent love" of, 1329:5. Not: Jesus draws the church, 4476:3-5; now exercising his power in every matter, 1780:15-20; 1781:1-5; omnipresent, 5210:1, 2; the author of sin, 1268-1271; 1299:8-12; 1350, 1351. Omnipotence of: Incomprehensible, 5210:3-7; not exercised now, 1272:2-7, 9-11. One God, not a trinity, 369:5-9; only original possessor of immortality, 1641:17; 1642:7. Our: God is one, 4051:6-8; love for, must be supreme, 1412:9-11; many reasons for rendering thanks to, 1339. Overrules all of earth's affairs, 1561:5-11. Peace: And happiness can be found only in harmony with, 1840:4, 10; 1841:1-5; of, 1832-1835. Permits sin but: Is not its author, 1777:4-15; 1778-1782; 1799; never causes it, 1270:7-13. Pictured as the husband of the covenants, 1388:13; 1389:1, 2. Pours: Church's cup, 5422:1-3; cup of suffering and joy, 5538:10-15; 5546:8-15. Principles of elections of, to special service, 1651:3-9, 13-15; protects the church as a hen her brood, 5438:1, 2, 10, 11; providentially leads the faithful, 1239; putting down and setting up done by, 5711:3-6, 7-11; raised Jesus from the dead, 2975:3-5. Ransom: A necessity to the proper conception of character of, 1583:1, 2, 11-13; paid to, 685. "Rested on the seventh day," 1731:11-14; revealed by Books of Nature and Revelation, 1390:5, 7, 8; 1391:1-10; Satan's conversation with, as recorded in Job should be understood as allegorical, 1507:11; 1779:13; scope, proof and purpose of love of, 1328:1-7; special providences of, are only for the consecrated, 1561:1-5, 11; 1562:1-3, 6-9; statement of will and good pleasure of, 1781:6-35; 1782:1, 2. Strange: Act of, Babylon's destruction, 564:12, 13; 565:1; work of, the time of trouble, 1487:4, 5, 11; 1488. This name the Father's only, 1410:18, 19; three limits of providence of, 1560:1, 2; "Thy Maker is thy husband", 1388:13; 1389:1, 2. To: Apportion our places in the kingdom, 5483:7-9. KNOW: Christ is to know, 83:1; him is eternal life, 1234:6-8, 12; 1235:1, 12. Tribute to, 832:8; true love toward him vs. false love, 1864; typified by Abraham, 1227:2-4; 1386-1389; warfare of Jews commanded by, 2681:17-19; we should pray to, in Jesus' name, 1410:1-5, 15, 16; what it is to know, 1920:1. Why: He permits evil, 1560:5-10; 1561, 1562; the saints praise, 2737:9-12. Will: Of, for the world, 1273:22-28; justly destroy wicked, 1107:5-7; provide cure for present evils, 1244:8, 11, 12. Wisdom, justice, love and power of, manifested by the divine plan, 1680:16-19; 1681:1-4, 9-15; 5429, 5430; worthy of the praises of natural and spiritual Israel, 5500, 5501; and The Christ typified by Abraham and Isaac, 3867:6. See Fellowship; God. JEHU Sword of Jehovah, 3446:8; 3447:4. JEREMIAH Attacked by priests for faithfulness to God, 4857:1, 2, 8; could not forbear to tell God's message, 5489:2-5; dungeon experiences of, did not make him fearful, 4865:12-14; experiences of, and what they illustrate, 3616:5-8, 13; persecuted and imprisoned for faithfulness to God, 4865:6-8, 10-12; prophecies of, burned by the king, 4857:3-5; prophetic mention of mystic Babylon by, 1372:12, 17; restrained from preaching in public, 2400:2-4; treatment of, by King Jehoiakim, 3614. Type of: THE CHURCH: today, 2400:5-8; under persecution, 1372:4-8. Work of church to be similar to that done by, 3616:13. JERICHO Fall of: Antitypical significance of, 5344:1-3; illustrates new creature's victory, 1857; typical, 4070:4-6, 9-11; 4498:8. God's destruction of the wall of, 5343, 5344; miracle of fall of, explained, 3087:8, 9; wall of probably destroyed by earthquake, 5343:13-15. JERICHOITES Destruction of, illustrative, 4070:4-6, 9-11. JEROBOAM Church and state combined under, 3386:4; leader of the ten tribes ignored Jehovah as God, 5732:3-6; led Israelites into idolatry, 2325:7, 13; 3385, 3386; selfish rule of, led to idolatry, 4723:11-13; teaches God's people to wait upon the Lord, 4297:17. JERUSALEM Above is the mother of the church, 5246:2-4, 11; archaeological excavations in, planned (1894), 1744:1, 2; awaking (1889 report), 1206; "Behold, I create Jerusalem"-the little flock, 1649:7-14; besieged by Nebuchadnezzar, 3616:5, 6; best starting point for reckoning longitude, 2916:14; Brother Russell's public meeting at (1910), 4622:10; 4623:1-3; character development pictured as rebuilding of walls of, 1498:13; condition of (1891), 1297:6, 11-13; conference of all sects proposed for year 1900 at, 1547:4-8; Czar of Russia wished to be pope of, 987:1. Destruction of: A type, 519:12; 590:11; 591; foretold, 1983. Earthly and heavenly, 30:1; 56:2-6; effect of persecution of church at, 2109:4; first council of early church at, 1087; for the Jews, 44:10; great changes in, from 1881 to 1887, 1044; haughty clergy in, 1400; history of, in brief, 1296:7, 12; 1297:1-4; impressions of, during Brother Russell's first tour, 1382:1; 1389, 1390; 1394; 1400; increase of Jews in, 841:16; increasing price of real estate in, (1890-1893), 1563:2; Israel returning to (1893), 1514:4; Jesus' triumphal entry into, 2745, 2746; 3537-3539; Jewish university planned in (1895), 1846:7, 8; Jews in, turning toward Christianity (1896), 1918:12-14; names applied to, 1296:7; Nehemiah rebuilding the wall of, 1498; 3674-3676; new, "A strong city", 1352:10-15; 1353:1-3; no longer trodden down, gentile times fulfilled, 5568:2-8; Paul coldly received on his visit to, 2206:1-3. Paul's: Concession to church at, brought trials, 4484:9; 4485:1; courage tested in, 4466-4468; journey from Ephesus to, 2222; last visit to, 1559. Primary meridian through, 1318:1. Progress of: (1895), 1786:10, 11; manual training in, 4205:25, 26. Prospects of, 989:2, 3; railway from Jaffa to, planned, 1174. Reason for: Brother Russell's trip to, 4597:3-5; collections for Christians at, 5926:2, 3. Restoration of, to Jews, 173:4, 5, 9; some reports respecting, (1895), 1819:6, 7; various Biblical names of, 1296:7; walls of, rebuilt by Nehemiah, 1498; 4912; water works in, 2898:1, 2; why Paul desired to visit, 3182:3, 4; (a) wilderness, on return from captivity of Jews, 3648:14. See Holy Land. JESTING Saints should follow the example of Christ in re, 1790:13. JESUITS Control of, over the pope, 3646:17; guide policy of Roman Church, 3381:6. In: France seeking to overthrow republic, 3396:4; Spain the chief menace, 2898:4, 11. Stand for conservative Catholicism, 2062:8, 9, 12, 13. Work of: In France, Portugal, etc., 2869, 2870; with Associated Press, 3264:15. JESUS About his Father's business at 12 years, 3711:3-7; accepted by about 25,000 faithful Israelites, 5732:7, 8, 10-14; account of his bloody sweat doubtful, 2774:5; Advocate for church only, 2236:2; affairs of world specially shaped for his birth, 1673; age of, at baptism, 1161:2-6. Agony of, in Gethsemane: 2467, 2468; and its cause, 3885:4, 6-8; 3886:1-4; due to his fear of second death, 3885:4, 6-8; 3886:1-4; 4707:9, 10; 5551:1-8; see Gethsemane. All judgment committed to, 2430:14-16. Alone: Was worthy to break the seal of the scroll, 5943. Alpha and Omega, 445, 446. Always: At the mark, 5081:3, 4, 11-13; entitled to everlasting life, 5078:6, 7; perfect, 5078:4, 5; under divine law, 5089:6-16. Angels announce his birth, 1478; announces himself as king, 2296:2, 3. Anointed: At thirty, 573:8; for burial by Mary, 2743, 2744; 3534-3536; 4702:4-7; 5032:7-14; 5230; 5541:1-5, 9-14; to preach, 240:1-3; 9-16. Anointing of: By Mary not extravagance, 3877:3-9; continued with church, 3301:1-4. Antitype of lamb slain on 14th of Nisan, 2771:1; 5640, 5641; 5870:8-10; antitypical High Priest, 2821, 2822; apocryphal stories of boyhood of, 2027:9-11; 2028:1-3, 8; appearance of, to disciples on the way to Emmaus, 5416. Appearances of: After his resurrection, 2477, 2478; 2801; 3376, 3377; 3904, 3905. IN: Different forms, 262:2-10; fleshly body explained, 5222:15, 16. Why in various forms, 122:11-17; 3565:1, 2. Appeared to his disciples while fishing, 5588:6, 7, 13-15; 5589:1-4; appoints the seventy, 2674, 2675. Arose: On the third day, 3374:16; 3375:1. Arrested by chief priests, 2467:9, 10. As a: boy, 1916. CHILD: Did not understand spiritual things, 5064:8-16; knew of his prehuman existence (1894 view), 1682:12. Comforter, 3434:6-9. As: Beautiful of face as of character, 5291:9-13; God's Son, 83:7, 8; Judge and Advocate, 2426:7, 17-20; King of the Jews, 2471:6-11. LOGOS: Did not have immortal life, 280:8, 9. MAN: Offered himself, not as new creature, 4877:1-3; provided the ransom, 4780:10, 11, 18; 4781:1; and as new creature, 329:7-15. New creature had no advocate, 5089:10-16; prophet, priest, king, 79:1, 2; Redeemer is not the Second Adam, 4556:1-9, 11-17; spirit being, 2818:7-9; stumbling stone to Israel, 175-177. THE SAVIOR: Believed in by J. P. Morgan, 5252:8, 15; 5253:1-5; our only help, 2939:14. The Son of God, importance of belief in, 3579:4, 3580. At: Birth the Savior in a prophetic sense, 5890:6, 7, 12; Jacob's well, 1702; twelve years, in the Temple, 2558:9-11. Attitude of leading Jews toward, 2831:6-19; awaits time of glorification of church, 5054:8-15; awakens Jairus' daughter, 2617, 2618; 5059, 5060. Baptism of: A symbol of consecration, 444:11, 18, 19; 2237:3, 4; 2565; 3712; how it differs from John's, 3296:5, 6; is also church's, 5484:1-4; 5599; with water precedes that of holy spirit, 5263:5-7. Beauty of, as great as his character, 5291:9-13; became extinct as a human being, 4657:7-10. Before: Consecration did not comprehend the divine plan, 5054:3-7; glorification ignorant of some of God's plan, 2156:2; Pilate, 1809; 2785:7, 10, 11. THE: Doctors of the Law, 3291:3-6; High Priest, 1809; Sanhedrin, 2470-2472. Began to preach repentance and the kingdom, 2245:2-4, 7; beginning of creation of God, 505:7-9; begins his ministry, 2570-2572. Begotten: As new creature, 316:15-17; 443:7, 8; of the spirit at Jordan, 3296:12, 13; 3297:1. Beheaded for the witness of, 331:7-9; "beheld Satan fall from heaven", 2676:5; "Behold the man", 104:1-12; 2472:7. Belief in: As Savior, the foundation of faith, 428:11; implies use of reason, 884:4-6; what it includes, 1005:14. Betrayal of: By Judas, 4168:8; 4169; 1; the fulfillment of prophecy, 4906:10-13; 5552:7-9; and trial, 3367. Bible discloses weaknesses of progenitors of, 3115:1. Birth of: 1603; 1673; announced by angels, 1478; by divine power denied by federation ministers, 5767:4-11; date of, recorded by Luke (3:1), 2132:9; foretold in prophecy, 452:8; 561; lowly, a Nazarene, 3700:5, 6; Scriptural proof of the miraculous, 5767:13-21; 5768:1-4, 8-10; second time spiritual, 261:7. Blessing and stumbling-stone to both houses of Israel, 3302:9, 10. Blood of: Charged to the Sanhedrin, 4325:9; church counted as blood of, 4493:2-7; counted a common thing, 4605; given for the remission of sin, 3880:7, 8; our redemption price, 106:7-11; upon the Jews, 2313:8, 9; 2787:4; 5571:6-8. Body of: Pictured as Temple, 2874:5-7. PREPARED FOR: Him, twofold meaning of phrase, 4965:3-5; 5053:8, 9, 15; suffering of death, 5064:5-7. Bore the iniquity of us all, 3590-3592; born under the Law Covenant, 488:11-20; both kept the law and fulfilled the covenant of sacrifice, 5078:19, 20; 5079:1-4; 5089:1. Boyhood of: Intentionally obscured in Scripture, 3290:6, 8; wisely unnoticed in Scripture, 3710:10, 11; 3711:1, 2. Brazen altar typifies perfection of, 3053:14. Bread: Broken represented flesh of, 840:4-7; 3526:9, 10; from heaven, 4012:7; of life, 4146, 4147. Bridegroom of church, 398; brought sons to glory, 418, 419:1; bullock typified human life of, 17:5; 73:1-5; 79:4; 96:5; 147:2, 3; 157:9; 245:5580:1; burden-bearer for church, 1186:4; by keeping the law gained human life-rights, 4463:4-6; called death a sleep, and why, 5059:7, 8, 13; calmed the Sea of Galilee, 3324, 3325. Came: INTO THE WORLD TO: Bear witness to the truth, 5898:3-7; 10-12; serve others, 5375. TO: His own, who received him not, 3302:9, 10; save the world, 603:3-7; seek and to save, 604:3. Capernaum the home of, 2583:2, 3. Change of natures of: 578:14; proven by various manifestations, 5237:10-14. Character: Development of, traced, 5080:8-17. OF: Described by celebrities, 462:6, 7; the man, 2781:6-8; typified in meat-offering, 84:3-7, 11-13. Charged with: Sedition and blasphemy, 3554:9, 10; treason and blasphemy, 1809:7, 8, 12, 13; 3367:8; 3368:1-3; 3554:9, 10. Charges brought against, 2785:6; chief corner-stone, 135:6; 813:1-3, 10; 5505:11-13; childhood of, unknown, 2558:2, 3. Christ: Almighty only since his resurrection, 1514:15; always proper to immerse in his name, 1113:6. ASCENSION OF: 1415; why expedient, 1828, 1829. Awakened Lazarus from the dead, 1774; came in the flesh, 143:13; 144:1, 8, 9; 1993:6-9; channel of salvation is, 21:1; Christian's foundation, 428; cleansing the Temple, 1695; commended Bible study, 1524:8-10; commission of, 1917:11-14; consecration of, our example, 1041:1, 2; crucifixion of, contrast of human perfection and depravity shown in, 1815; 1963, 1964; 1988; death and resurrection of, allimportant, 1246-1248; erroneous views of, 462:11-15; exalted above all others, 3590:2; greater prophet than Moses, 3069:3, 6, 7; heals the man born blind, 1773; human and divine (1881 view), 198:4; is the channel of truth, 21:1; law covenant fulfilled by, 1732:16, 17; messenger of the covenant, 3683:11, 12; natural and spiritual, 66:3; not coming in flesh, 148:5-7, 13-15; prophecies relating to, 141:2-9, 16-21; Redeemer, Mediator, Advocate, 4515, 4516; Revelator's vision of the glorified Savior, 1598; rock foundation of church, 813:1-3; titles and honor and work of, in Millennium, 3687:2-9. TO BE: Discerned by world through his judgments, 5992:1, 2; subject to Jehovah at close of Millennium, 5022:17-19. Typified by Adam, 29:2; victory of, over death, when? 1105:13, 14. See Advocate. Christians: Owe allegiance to, 726:13, 20-23; strength of, is, 778:6; suffer outside the camp with, 5173:3-7, 10-17. Christmas not the birth-date of, 562:3, 11, 12; 2407:3. Church: Acceptable to God through merit of, 5196:7-12; advocate of, is, 4354:3-5; 5197:4-7; alone drink of the blood of, 5342, 5343; anointed with, 218:9-11; anointing of, similar to that of, 5536:7-12; at close may have trials similar to those of, 3369:7, 8; blood of, counted as blood of, 4493:2-7; despised and rejected as was, 2789:4; drawn by the Father, not by, 4476:3-5; must overcome in same sense as did, 5473:1-3, 9, 10; resurrection of, to be similar to that of, 5579:13, 14; sacrificed by, 4747:3-5; 4780:8, 9; 4864:5, 6; 4998:5-8; shares in glory of, 579:10, 11; 4155:4-6; sins of, imputed to, 5033:9, 10, 13-18; sufferings of, similar to those of, 5215:3-10; (her) sympathetic High Priest is, 5585:13, 14; 5586:1, 11; to die as did, 729:9-16. Civilization of Christendom due to teachings of, 4866:10-12; cleansed the Temple and cast out the moneychangers, 5503:10, 12-18. Clergy: Have same spirit now as in days of, 3315:5, 6; would call him and apostles laymen, 986:8. Comes as a thief, 579:7; comforted his apostles after his resurrection, 3911:9, 10; comforter to come after ascension of, 2818; 2819:2; commemorated his greatest work, 2270:4. Commission of: To his disciples, 1714:5-7; 1917:11-14; 2809, 2810; was not conversion of all nations, 2809:9. Compared to a good shepherd, 4157, 4158; compassion of, 2635:5, 9, 10; condemned by Caiaphas, 2780, 2781; 3888:1-4. Confession of: As the Christ, a test to all, 3788, 3789; before men by our lives, 5390:11-14. Consecrated to do God's will, 5085, 5086. Consecration of: At the Temple brought forth prophecies, 4942:7, 8, 12; beginning of a new life, 4969:8 16; and baptism of, 2565; 4544:3-7. Consider: Lest ye be wearied, 422:24-26; 2313:9; 2437:2; 3312, 3313; 4802:4-7, 11-13; 5195. Considered from natural and spiritual viewpoint, 3312, 3313; conversion through faith in, 560:6, 7, 12, 13; Cornelius saved through faith in, 2989:8, 9; corresponding price, 2476:10; cost of following, 3340:8-10; 3341:1-3, 8-10. Could: Be tempted while in the flesh, 5702:2, 7-9; not be represented by slain bullock and goat, 4546:1-5. Courage in withstanding public sentiment exemplified by, 1783:6-9; course of, in time of trial, 4802:4-7, 11-13; crowds turned from, 4147:6, 7; 4148. Crucifixion of: By Jews, punished, 5577:9-12; contrary to Jewish custom, 3554:7-9; described, 198:1-3; 1988; fulfilled in harmony with Jewish type, 2316:9; 4868:14; in prophecy, 198:1-3. Cup and baptism of, required of his followers, 5483:14-16; 5484. Cured: Deaf and dumb man, 3339:3; 5103:7; man born blind, 2668:1; 2669:14. David's: Heir through his mother, 453:1-4; son and David's Lord, 2757:3, 6. Death of: All important, 483; 1247; basis of salvation, 582:5; by crucifixion his greatest test of humility, 3561:6, 7; cause and benefits of, 47:1-14; did not pay but provided the ransom, 710:8-11; 4618:11-13. EFFECT OF ON: Our sins, 463:24-26; 464:1; spirit-begotten, 51:3-7. Efficacy of, 676:12; 677:1, 6, 7; elaborate proofs in re, 2476-2478; essential to salvation, 197:12-14; 392:15, 16; 3563-3565; foretold, 102:2; foundation truth, 429:4; importance of, 483; 1247; necessity of, 1393. NOT: Laying aside of his spirit nature, 1298:5-7; 1299:1-6; life, the ransom, 687, 688. Occurred once for sin, 4700:19-21. OUR: Redemption, 43:1-13; salvation, 42:6, 14. Pictured by grain of wheat, 729; preceded by suffering, 3370, 3371; provided the ransom-price, 4905:4-6; ransom for all, 1230:10, 14; reconciles us to God, 728:11-17; 1028:1-6; reveals God's love, 77:9-13; sacrificial, not penal, 4703:16; 4704:1-5, 9-11; 5253:6-15; Scriptural proofs of time of, 4212:3; suffering preceding, 3370, 3371; what it accomplished, 1177:6-14; 4642:1-4; why necessary, 3372:1, 2, 8; and life of, 676, 677. Defines the term Christian, 5425, 5426. Demons: CAST OUT: By, after apostles failed, 4650:1, 5, 6; of boy by, 5128, 5129. Driven by, into swine, 3338, 3339; 3372:7-14; 4577:9-13; 5059:2-4, 9, 10; forbidden to testify of, 4969:13-15; obsession by, proven by, 3771-3773. Denounced: But did not revile, 5679:1, 6, 7; the words of Peter as an adversary, 5483:1-6. Departure of, 102:2; described the class to be blessed, 4557, 4558; despised and rejected, 574:1-4. Did: Both reaping and sowing work, 5018:4-7, 10; he appear in the same body of flesh? 3386:5, 6; 3387:1-3. NOT: Come through Solomon's line, 2060:2; die for the fallen angels, 4664; lack courage in Gethsemane, 2774; make an end of sin for all at first advent, 4504:3-5, 11, 12; pray for Christendom, 3551:7-9; resist his arrest and trial, 5561:14-16; try to convert Israel, 3850:3-6. Died: Of a literally broken heart, 959:7; 3562:11; 4173:5-7; to the law covenant, 5089:6-13; unto sin once, 366:9-11; 882:2; 2707:12. Disciples of: Do greater works than, 2455:1, 2, 9; 3309:8, 9; 3310:1. See Disciples. Divine after resurrection, 453:16. Doctors of Law: Confounded by, at age of twelve, 3291:3-6; failed to trap, 2756, 2757. Door of God's sheepfold, 2673:5, 6; 4157:2, 3; drawing all men to, 2519:5-9; 4148:1, 2, 6; drawn to, by the Father, 4148:2, 6; draws in Millennial age, 2519:5-9; 2934:11, 12; 2935:1; drinking of blood of, 225, 226; driven out of synagogue by the Nazarenes, 5068:1-8, 10-15; dual nature of, 106:6, 7. Dying: Legacy of, one of peace, 4818:1; of, borne by the consecrated, 5671:8-12. Early ministry of, 1917; earthly love used but not abused by, 4716:13-15; elaborate proofs of death of, 2476-2478; encouragement in meditation upon afflictions of, 5195:3, 5; ensnarement of, attempted by Jewish leaders, 5512, 5513; entertained by Martha and Mary, 3534, 3535; esteemed to be smitten of God, afflicted, 5577:1-5; eulogy of John the Baptist by, 2622:1; even now the seed of Abraham, 3513:1-6, 11; evidences of compassion of, 2635:5, 9, 10; exalted above every name that is named, 3378:2-4, 7; exhibited true courage, 5551:5-8; explanation of various titles of, 3912:2-11. Faith: Displayed by, 314:1-4; in God manifested by, 2353:3-6. Feared second death in Gethsemane, 4428:6. Fed: And taught the multitude, 3333, 3334. THE: Multitude with loaves and fishes, 3779-3781; sheep at expense of his rest, 3780:1, 2. Fifth manifestation of, to his disciples, 2806, 2807. FIRST: A ransom, 604:1; manifestation of God's love, 5275:11-13; ripe sheaf is type of, 5830:5; and last, 174:2, 3. First-born from the dead, 559:1; 2422; 2796:7; 3377:10, 11; flight of, into Egypt, 1681; followers of, must expect earthly disadvantages, 4138:4, 6; footstep followers of, 233:10. Foretold: His fate in parable of wicked husbandman, 1795; the disciples of his betrayal, 4906:10-13. Formerly: May have been Michael, 490; the Logos, 4964:4-6. Forsaken of God, and why, 3903:1, 2; forty days of, in the wilderness, how spent, 3716:6-14; found by Mary questioning the Doctors of the Law, 4957:15-17; fountain of living waters, 3509:15-19; 3510:2-4. Fulfilled the: prophecies respecting the Messiah, 3562:9, 10. Gave: Earthly existence as ransom, 719:9; gifts of prophecy, apostleship, etc., 5067:1-3; natural life in sacrifice, 121:7; sight to man born blind, 4149:7, 8; the Father the glory in all things, 4162:1, 2. Gives: Church a new commandment, 2649:1, 2; Thomas special proof of his resurrection, 5236, 5237. God specially manifest in the flesh of, 5291:13-15; 5292; good shepherd, 3527:3, 7, 9, 10; 4851:13. Gospel of: Attracted publicans and sinners, 2260:5, 6; only message of mercy in the world, 5032:1-3. Greater than Solomon, 5722:9-12; greatest example of humility, 2228. Had: A strong will, 961:3; compassion upon the multitude, 3332:8, 9; no reference to the mass when he said, "This is my body," 3526:9; not where to lay his head, 540:3, 4, 8, 9. POWER: Over wind and wave, 4577:2-6; to receive his life again, 2037:8, 9, 13. Recollection of pre-human existence, 5065:6-13. Hard-hearted world unsympathetic with sufferings of, 5578:1-3; Harrison's eulogy of, 2646:2, 3; has claim on Christians, 727:1. Hated: Because of his opposition to sin, 4813:4-6, 10; by the clergy as are his followers, 2432:6; for his teachings, church today similarly hated, 5676. Head of: Anointed company, 270:12; 3536:3-6; royal priesthood, 442:1-5. Healed: A demoniac at Capernaum, 1722:1-3; others, but not himself, 2006:9; picturing future work, 92:1; ten lepers, one was grateful, 2722:5-9; 5454:1-7. Healeth the sick, 2581, 2582. Healing of: At Bethesda's pool, 2433:7, 8; by Jehovah's power, 810:4, 9; cost his own vitality, 5096:7-10. Heals: Centurion's servant, 1922:5-7, 11, 12; 1923:1; 2132:10; 2620; on the Sabbath, 2699:6, 9-11; palsied man, 3314:5-9; Syro-Phenician's daughter, 2653. Heard in: Re his fear of extinction, 4804:3, 4, 8; that which he feared, 2774:4, 6. Heathen traditions concerning birth of, 167:4, 10; High Priest of our profession, 5472:2-8; holy, undefiled, perfect man, 776:1-3. How: God prepared for birth of, 2555:16. HE: Both kept and fulfilled the law, 5164, 5165; could forgive sin before the ransom was paid, 3730; could ransom fallen race, 417:12-18; gave himself a ransom, 464:6, 7; gradually taught his disciples, 3346:1, 2, 7, 8; honors human reason, 1566:4; is both door and shepherd, 1647:4, 5; loved his own, 5725:1-9; preached to the spirits in prison, 5043, 5044; provided the ransom, 709:7-16; put away sin, 464:2-5; returns, 123:2-10. HE WAS: A propitiation for our sins, 641:7; born perfect, 5946:16; separate from sinners, 2098:2, 3; tempted, 3297, 3298. HIS DEATH: Affected our sins, 641:17, 28; cancelled sin, 641:31; redeemed all, 690:2. His sacrifice was viewed, 3708:7; lifted up, 1054; perfect, born of imperfect woman, 776, 777. THE: Name differs from Christ, 2197:9; Scriptures identify him as the Messiah, 3591:1-5. To view his teachings, 3338:2, 3; we learn of, 4460:3-9, 11-14. Human: Life of, laid down, 253:10-12; and spirit natures of, were typified on Atonement Day, 5580:1-3. Humble enough to mingle with any class, 4130:7, 8; humiliation and exaltation of, pictured in prophecy, 4731, 4732. Humility of: Led to exaltation, 4928:14, 15; 4929; vs Satan's pride, 5843:5, 6; 5844:1, 9-11; 5846:10-12. "I will draw all men," said, 2519:1-9; illegally arrested, illegally tried, 5560:15; 5561; illumination of, greater after spirit-begettal, 5157; illustrates love to one's neighbor, 1939; imparted his vitality in healing, 2635:12. Imputation of Merit of: Meaning of, 4905:13-15; not the payment of ransom-price, 5891:7, 10. TO THE CHURCH: 4528:1-3, 5; 5621:6-11; illustrated, 5661:5-7. In: Death agony mindful of his mother, 4172:10. GETHSEMANE: Disproves trinity, 2773:5. HIM: There was life, 3475:2; they saw no beauty, 574:1-4. Prehuman existence was the Logos, 5351, 5352; the temple at twelve years of age, 4957; what sense tempted as we are? 5965, 5966. Incarnate, could not be the ransomprice, 5622:12-14; incarnation of, false theory, 5064:5-7; instituted the Memorial, 2772; interview of, with Nicodemus, 1696; invited to live with king of Syria, 2757:7. Is: Bread from heaven, 4011:5-9; 4012:7; come in the flesh (2 John 7), 909:1-5; 980:7, 8; King of kings and Lord of lords, 2747:9-16; to be the father of the human race, 777:13. Isaiah prophesied of sickness of, 2767:3; Jewish view of (1894), 1641; John the Baptist in doubt respecting, 4594:10-12; John's mission was to testify of, 4959:1, 2; justified by faith in, 441:1-5, 11-16; kept the law of Moses perfectly, 455:3, 11, 12; 5946:16; kingdom of, not of this world, 3555:1,2. Knew: Of his prehuman existence when a boy, 1916:6; no sin, 94:1. Knowledge was essential to overcoming by, 5156:8, 9; Lamb of God slain for us, 3525:7; 4591:1-8. Last: Earthly week of, 2447:4, 5, 8; 3850:1; 3852:3; moments of, 931:4-7. Law Covenant still in force in days of, 3843:3-6; leading the world captive, 5066, 5067; learning of, 4460:3-8, 11-14. Left: His peace of heart with his disciples, 5432; out of the churches, 3380:11-18. Lessons taught by, 2437:6, 7, 10, 11. Life of: By Bishop Warren, 2482:1, 2, 10, 11; equivalent price, 710:1-3, 8-11; light of men, 3475:3-6; 4154, 4155; made manifest in consecrated, 5671:11, 12; not the atonement, 1030:28-30; 1031:1-7; shall save us, 1028:9, 10; voluntarily surrendered, 3528:10-13. Life-giver of the world, 5354:4, 5, 13-16; life-rights of, as Logos not sacrificed, 4905:1-3; light of the world, 77:8; 3686:2-4; 4107:3-9; 4988:2-5, 9-13; like unto his brethren, 951; Lion and Lamb, 4114:1-3; literally and spiritually fed the multitudes, 5087:2-8, 11-16; lodged with a publican, 2730:9; Logos formerly, 421:6-18; looking unto, 196:3-5, 9; 197:1, 11; Lord and Savior, 744:18; lordship of, 809:3-10; 810:1-4; love of, for disciples, 847:4-6, 13. Made: Alive in the spirit, 2797:1-3; like unto his brethren, 963, 964; little lower than angels, 196:5, 9; 197:1, 11; perfect by suffering 313, 314; 795:12; unto us righteousness, wisdom, etc., 5105:9, 10, 13-17. Manifestations of, to his disciples, 5052:1-8; manifested love of, for enemies, 2469:2; man, not monstrosity, 809:1-3; man's substitute, 586:11. Manner of his: Return: see Manner; selection of his apostles, 3483. Many infallible proofs of resurrection of, 3564, 3565; marveled at faith of centurion, 1922:5-7, 11; 1923:1; 3755:6-10; Mary rewarded for her devotion to, 3535:3, 4; materialization of, 16:15; Max Nordau, Zionist, his view of, 2630, 2631. Meaning of: Cup of sacrifice to church and, 5421; name, 48:2; 134:4; 270:4; 4534:12; Ten Commandments illuminated by, 4558, 4559; 5286:2-6. Medallion picture of, 5607:15; Mediator of the New Covenant, 4322:2, 3, 6; 4640:9-13; Messenger of the Covenant, 1537:4, 5; 1538:2, 3; methods of healing by, 759:6; might have been popular, 2616:6. Miracle of: Filling net with fish, 3720:4-8; loaves and fishes, 3333:1, 2; 3502-3504; 4138-4140; restoring sight, a type, 213:13, 14. Miracles of: Aided his ministry, 3310:8; all followed his anointing, 5536:3, 4; at Capernaum, 3727:5-10; 3728:1-3; not the most important part of his mission, 4137:5-7, 13, 14; object of, twofold, 2425:4; proved his Messiahship, 3503:6; samples of Millennial blessings, 2729, 2730; 3755:4, 5; served a twofold purpose, 5920:4-6, 9; showed forth his coming glory, 3337:10, 11; 5104:5, 6; source of, 573:8, 574:9; typical, 213:13, 14; 526:14; were symbols of his power, 3501:3, 4, 7, 8. Miraculous birth of, denied by Federation ministers, 5767:4-11. Mission: At second advent, 629:7-12; in world was to declare the Father, 3477:1; to Jews, 692:4; twofold, 327:2-21. MUST: Be recognized as Messiah now, 3580. Nativity of, 316:15; neither physical giant nor dwarf, 4171:7. New: Attitude of Jews toward, 3081:1-9; creature, 418:5-12. No: Longer confined to limitations of the flesh, 5622:8-14; part of a trinity, 370:1-8. Not: A: Child of two covenants, 4440:6-8; reformer, 2592:8. Ashamed to call us brethren, 2798:8; born December 25th, 562:3, 11, 12; disrespectful to his mother, 3484:9-11; enriched by manhood, 506, 507; flesh incarnate, but was made flesh, 2409:8-11; God incarnate, 864:6-10; human after resurrection, 579:3; 2980:7, 8; immortal as a man, 316:6-8; imperfect man, 488:8-11; in tomb three full 24-hour days, 2271:6; Paul, the author of doctrine of Redemption, 3481:4, 5, 8-14; son of Joseph, 467:7-11, 15, 16; to appear in flesh, 111:11, 12; 341:2-4, 9-12. YET: Fully Lord of all, 4632:5; the king of the Jews, 4956:10-14. Numbered with the transgressors, 2473, 2474; obedience of, as a child, 5846:12; obedient by reason of knowledge, 3591:9-12; of line of David, 467:9-11; offended because of, 4488:8-15; offered himself to Israel as king, 5494, 5495; offers his cup to his disciples, 5599. Only: Believers in shall live, 1231:6-9; name of, given for our salvation, 2940:1-3; source of salvation, 706:16; 2548:3, 6-11; unselfish ruler, 2046:6. Opened: Blind eyes of Bartimeus, 2729, 2730; up the Scriptures unto disciples, 3910:6, 7, 9-12. Ordained to offer both gifts and sacrifices, 4915:2-4, 7. Our: Lives the best means of confessing, 5390:11-14; ransom-price, 132:2, 3, 8, 9; Redeemer while yet sinners, 728:17; righteousness, sanctification, deliverance, 5507:3-13. Overcoming of, an encouragement to the saints, 4761:8-10; paid it all, 313:19, 20; parables of, see Parables; part of, in selection of Bride of Christ, 1768:11-24; 1769:1, 2, 9; parted from his disciples, 3911:5-8; Passover Lamb, 839:7-12; Paul seeks to prove the resurrection of, 5034, 5035; people divided because of, 3510:5-7. Perfect: And strong, but not rugged and coarse, 5221:11; born of imperfect woman, 795:10; exemplification of love of, 2131:1-5; human being, 196:5, 9; 197:1; 328:23; 329:7-15; 463:1-3, 16-18; one, 418:4, 5; sacrifice, 573:4, 5, 7; 747:7. Perfected as new creature through suffering, 3372:8, 9; 5472:9-13; perfection of, 104:1-5; 456:5; Peter acknowledged, as the Christ, 5120; physique of, was delicate but strong, 5221:11; popular with common people, 2420:1-4; popularity of, with the poor, 575:3, 4; power of, over demons a proof of his authority, 5378:2-5; prayed for his church, not for world, 3551:4-6. Prayer: OF, FOR: Kingdom explained, 32, 33; passing of cup of ignominy and shame, 2467:4-8; 3367:1, 2; 5551:11-14. To, is proper, 1410:1-4. Preached: In the Jewish synagogue by Paul, 4364:4-16. TO: Samaritan woman, 4130-4132; spirits, 150:2. Preaching of, at Feast of Tabernacles, 2437, 2438. Prehuman: EXISTENCE OF: 445:7; 448:7-9, 23-25; 1059, 1060; 1161:10-12; denied by ministers, 4151:5-7. Human and divine natures of, considered, 5747, 5748; life of, surrendered, 240:2-8; prepares his disciples to expect his death, 3340:3-6; presentation of, at the Temple and Simeon's prophecy, 1674; priest and king after Melchisedec's order, 713:11, 13, 14; 3951:4-8, 14-17; Prince of Peace, but also the mighty Conqueror, 5495:7-9, 15; 5496:1, 2; proclaimed the Christ, the Son of God, 5120; proclaims himself king, 3537-3539; promised the holy spirit, 2818:2-4. Proof that he: Has been glorified, 2155:7, 8; 2156; was not three twenty-four hour days in tomb, 5191:12. Proofs: OF HIS: Death and resurrection, 2476-2478; 3903:4-11, 13-16; 3904, 3905; resurrection, 4174-4176. Prophecies: Proving lineage of, 468:2, 9, 10; relating to, 436:1-7, 18-24. Prophecy of: In respect to Peter, 4184:2; of time of end, 661:1-5. Prophesied of: Christian church, 777:5-9; Jews' rejection of the kingdom, 2701, 2702; suffering for Jewish women, 2787:4. Propitiation of, for our sins, 464:8-10; 641:1-9, 18-27; proved his resurrection to his disciples, 4181, 4182; proves his Messiahship to John, 821:6, 7; provides for his mother, 2474:4. Purchased: And will restore human race, 5128; the human race, 5356:13, 14. Purpose of miracles of, 4137:5-7, 13, 14. Put: An end to law of justice and opened the way for mercy, 2328:6-14. TO DEATH: His humanity, 146:6, 7; in flesh, made alive in spirit, 4175:7; 4176; 5578:15-17; 5579:1-4. Questions Peter's love, 2806:9; quoted only part of Isaiah 61, and why, 3300:5, 7. Rabbi: Hirsch preaches, 1668; speaks on, 1499. Rabbi's eulogy of, 1819:11-13. Raised: From dead by Jehovah, 2795:3-5; the son of the widow of Nain, 1923:2, 10. Ransom: For all men, 4340, 4341. WORK OF: 387:1-10; the world's hope, 688, 689. Ransomer, 417:11-13; reads Isaiah 61:1, 2; in Nazareth, 2579:2-6; real mission of, 2583:4. Rebuked: Selfishness of disciples, 843:5, 6; the winds and there was calm, 5058:5, 6, 10, 11. Received life from Jehovah, 777:2. Recognized: By Rabbi K. Kohler, 2419, 2420; the Father as the Giver of all things, 4139:5, 6. Refers to Queen of Sheba, 2068:1. Refused: The testimony of demons, 3309:4-7; 4969:13-15; to perform miracles at Nazareth, 3301:8-11. Rejected: As king by Jewish leaders, 2746; 4669:4, 5, 8; Barabbas chosen, 3896:2; because unrecognized, 4687. BY: Jews, 59:11; natural and nominal spiritual Israel, 3538:8-10. Religious leaders sought to entrap, 4687. Temptation in the wilderness, 1755:2. Report of Hebrew free-thinkers on, 1304:6, 7; represented in Aaron from moment sacrifice began, 4877:1-4; reproves selfishness and ambition, 2699, 2700; reputed report of Pilate to Caesar regarding death of, 1366-1368. Resurrected: As spirit being, 2081, 2082; in a spirit body, 5222; on third day, 2796:2. Resurrection: 92:5; 2795:7-10; and life, 3755:2, 3; 4162:7, 8; did not forfeit man's ransom, 823:8-13; for all that sleep in, 2197:1-8. OF: In the flesh unthinkable, 5416:1-4; see Resurrection of Jesus; the basis of all our hope, 3374:8, 9, 15. Return of, see Advent, Second; revealed himself to two disciples, 2800; reward of, for faithfulness, 5847:4, 7; rich, became poor for us, 2729:2; root of David, 809:4-9; rose on the third day, various calculations, 3903:16; 3904:1. Sacrifice of: Began at 30:4427:1; blessing to worlds yet to be inhabited, 5576:10; in two parts, 5054:10-13. Sacrificed, but did not forfeit his liferights, 4637:3-6; sacrificial work of, efficacious for church and world, 5776, 5777; said, "Take, eat, this is my body", 3879:6-8; salvation through death of, 582:5; Samaritan woman and, 1702:7, 8, 16. Savior: Of all mankind, 204:7-10, 15, 16; 2550; the Life-giver, born in poverty, 4941:8, 11-14. Scriptural proofs of the time of death of, 4212:3; seed of Abraham as a new creature, 4606:2, 3; seen of Saul after glorification, 5408:5-8, 13, 14; sense in which we must believe on; 3521:7; sent only to house of Israel, 2261:3, 4; 2423; sermons and miracles of, reviewed, 2644; served at expense of self, 4669:6, 7; set for the fall and rising again of Israel, 4942:8, 11-15; seven appearances of, to disciples, 940-943; shall appear second time unto them that look for him, 5655:4, 6, 11; showed discrimination in his love, 4984:10; sighing of, indicated sympathy with the groaning world, 5103:13, 14; silent before Herod, 2786:1; Simon of Cyrene helped to carry cross of, 2473:4, 5; 2787:2; sixth manifestation of, to his disciples, 2808, 2809; some with him in his dying hour, 3562:8-11. Son of: David, 467:9-11. God: 443, 444; we should witness to, 3478:7, 8. MAN: 958:3, 4; and son of God, 943:4. Sought: First the bride, 604:3; no greater glory than his former estate, 5066:1, 2, 10, 11. Soul of, not body, was resurrected, 4994:3-7, 10-16; 5025:5-16; spake as one having authority, 4969:10-12; specially loved Mary, 3529:14; spectacular was avoided by, 3718:9-12; stumbling to both houses of Israel, 2036:1-3; submission in drinking the cup, 2780:3, 4. Sufferings of: 327:2-21; formed no part of ransom, 4618:5-7, 11-13; from "diapedesis", 2767:2. NOT: All foreseen by him, 5128:15; the atonement, 106:6; the ransom, 79:11; 393:1-30; 4618:5-7, 11-13. Purpose of the, 5090:5, 6, 9, 10; upon the cross, 3370, 3371; were for his perfecting as a new creature, 5472:9-13. AND: Death, 3900-3902; glory, outlined in prophecy, 4631, 4632. Surrendered, did not forfeit his life, 5253:6-15. Taught: Compassion and economy, 2435:2-6, 8-11; 2644:10-12; 3503:9; concerning the law and the prophets, 3726:6, 10; disciples the lesson of humility, 3543; 5090, 5091; multitude as well as disciples, 3780:3-8; the woman of Samaria how to worship, 2069:8, 9; 2070:1, 2; two great lessons after his resurrection, 5579:2-4. Teacher of new ideas, 5003:4, 5, 13; teaches humility, 2449:7-13; teaching apostles, 2454:2-12. Teachings of: have brought civilization, 4866:10-12; on ransom, 652:10; regarding his second coming, 710:12-15; sanctifying truth, 442:11-13; superior to all others, 4567:6. Temptations of, in the wilderness, 1688; 3715-3719; 4544:8-12; 4545; 4970:5-13. Tempted: In all points as we are, 680, 681; 3715-3719; 5585:1, 2. TO: Make bread of stones, 2243:4-6; serve Satan, 680. (his) Tests of discipleship, 3317; they shall look upon him whom they have pierced, 1948:9; third manifestation of, to disciples, 2802-2804; "This same Jesus shall so come in like manner", 5829:14; 5830:1-4, 8-10. Three: Days and nights of, in heart of earth, explained, 3574:11; outstanding events, birth, death and resurrection of, 1631. Threefold purpose of healing work of, 4576:4-7; title of, Immanuel, 377:19. To: BE: Made known to world in due time, 3475:9; 3476:1, 2. Come in like manner, 340:6, 7, 13-15; 2819:7, 8; 5829:14; 5830:1-4, 8-10; enlighten every man, 3475:7-9; save church and world, 779; share the spoil with the strong, 3591:13; 3592:1, 2. Took human nature, 240:2-8; tradition of visage and boyhood of, 2027:3-11; transfiguration of, on mount, 558:6, 12; 2659; treated patronizingly by Simon, 3762:2, 3. Trial: AND: Arrest of, illegal, 5560:15; 5561; crucifixion of, 4712, 4713. BEFORE: Jews of, 2470:6, 7, 9-12; Pilate of, 5570, 5571; Pilate and Herod of, 3895, 3896; Sanhedrin a farce, 2312:8, 9. OF: served a double purpose, 5078:8, 9, 16-18. Tributes to, 462:4-7, 11-15; tried at night, a violation of the law, 2781:1; triumphal entry of, into Jerusalem, 2745, 2746. True: Date birth of, 561:28, 29. EXAMPLE OF: Humility, 3340:1; love, 439:2, 3. Light of the world, 2550; vine, 2464-2466. See Branches. Truth rejected now as in the days of, 2433:5. Typified by: Heavenly manna, 5279:3, 11, 12; high priest and bullock, 3708:5-10; rock smitten by Moses, 5285:2-4; Tabernacle gate, 154:1; Zerubbabel and Joshua, 2521:9; 2522:2, 3. Unappreciated by brethren, 2424:11; under-shepherd, 5490:9-12; utterances of, from the cross, 4172, 4173; victory of, over world, 4761:8-10; virgin birth of, scripturally proven, 5767:13-21; 5768:1-4, 8-10; vision of majesty of, 559:3, 11, 12; voluntarily laid down his life, 3528:10-13; voluntary humility of, 314:14-20; walking upon the sea, 2649, 2650; warm and tender rather than cold and stoical, 4804:2; warns apostles of his death, 2758:1-4. Was: He human and divine? 144:5-7, 10-13; heard in that which he feared, 5551:15-17; touched with feeling of our infirmities, 5103:14; 5104:1-4. Water of life, 3496:2, 5-9. Wept: 3530:7-9; over the city of Jerusalem, 3538:11, 12; 3539:1. What: A follower of, is, 234:1-7, 11-14; drinking of the cup meant to, 5421:1-9. He: Endured from the Jews, 2781:8, 9; gave in sacrifice, 611:1-7; 4835:6-8; 5623:1; HIS: Resurrection means to church and world, 4587, 4588; seamless robe pictured, 2788:4. Is imputed to church by, 4642:5-11. Why: Baptized, 2417:7, 8; born under the law, 4426:8; called a Nazarene, 4556:10, 18; crucified, 3371:5-10; death of, on the cross was necessary, 4171:2-4; despised and rejected of men, 2789:2-4; exalted, 422:14-25; forsaken of the Father, 2316:11; 5578:12, 13; found among publicans and sinners, 4587:9-12; hated by Jews, 2434:2, 3. HE: Appeared in various forms after his resurrection, 2981:3-6; ate with publicans, 2591:9-12; came first under unfavorable conditions, 3590:8-11; could not begin his ministry before the age of 30, 3291:8-10. HE DID NOT: Heal all in his day, 3501:3, 4. HE: died, 463:25-28; 641:13; discoursed on earthly things, 3307:5, 8; feared death, 4707:9, 10; healed on Sabbath, 2434:1; kept the Sabbath, 5405:14, 15; loved his own, 5725:1-9. HE MUST: Die by crucifixion, 3901:5, 6; 4171:2-4; 4868:14; suffer ignominy, 2467:8. He prayed for church and not for world, 3914:5; 3915:1; refused to drink the gall, 3370:2; spent so much time in Galilee, 3334:5; suffered in Gethsemane, 2774; tarried 40 days after resurrection, 2924:4-7; 5587, 5588; thanked the Father for hiding the truth, 2267:8-10. HE WAS: Born under the Law Covenant, 4451:10, 11; forsaken of God a moment, 3371:10; "made flesh", 2098:2; not a Socialist, 4205:7-24. He went to wilderness immediately after consecration, 2243:1, 2. HIS: body saw not corruption, 666:2-8; 3376:8; boyhood is obscured in gospel narratives, 3290:6, 8; 3710:10, 11; 3711:1, 2; ransom work was typified by blood of many bulls and goats, 5874:8-10. It was proper to worship, 2337:5-7; rejected by Jews, who looked for Messiah, 3481:6, 7; worshiped as human, 144:7, 10-13. Wilderness temptations of: 631; 680, 681; were mental suggestions, 5084, 5085. Will: Appear a second time to them that look for him, 5655:4, 6, 11; cast out none who go to him, 4148:6. Willing sacrifice, 2468:6-9; wisdom in answering the Pharisees, 3853, 3854. Without: Divine Father could not be our life-giver, 4941:5-7; form or comeliness to the Jews, 2293:20, 21. Woman anoints feet of, 2626:3, 7, 8. Words of: "Lo, I am with you alway," explained, 4185:3, 7; on the cross analyzed, 2474:6-13, 17. Work of: 98:5; as Mediator, 5928:1, 2, 8; at his first and second advents, 3519:6-9; for the church as Advocate, 5928:1, 2, 8. HEALING: in Capernaum, 4588:8-13; 4589:1, 2; showed forth his power, 4979:3, 4; 4980:3, 4. Typified by bullock, 79:4. Works of, attributed by scribes to Satan, 5037:7, 10-13; world to have part in eating the flesh of, 5342, 5343. World's: Hope of salvation, 604:7-13; Life-giver, 2407:6. Would: Not compromise, 2567:8, 9; receive no better treatment today, 4711:1, 2. Wrought thirty-six miracles during his mission on earth, 4137:5; yoke of, is easy, his burden is light, 2625:8, 9; 5886:1-3, 9, 10; youth of, 1682; Zaccheus, the publican and, 1783. And: Bible rejected by Tolstoi, 4230:8-15. CHURCH: Are to be one as Jesus and Father are one, 5358:5-7; divinely protected from premature death, 3302:1, 2; drink of the brook, 2935:11; 2936:1-4, 11, 12; hated chiefly by nominal brethren, 4488:8-15; hated without cause, 2881:1-3; have constituted the light of world, 5338:6-9. Mother at wedding feast, 2418:5; rich young ruler, 823:1-7; 855:3, 11, 12; Satan as examples of humility and of pride, 5186. See Christ. JETHRO Daughter of, wife of Moses, 5252:10, 11. JEWELS Little Flock represented as, 1440; 2404:3-7; 2543:6, 7; 5119; where found, 173:2, 3. JEWS Addressed by Brother Russell at Hippodrome 4700, 4701; afflicted 400 years (Gen. 15:13), 2482:6; aided by Lord Beaconsfield, 101:7; appreciative of Pastor Russell's work for Zionism, 4742:8, 13-16; at Rome, preached to by apostle Paul, 3208:3-8; attitude of leading, toward Jesus, 2831:6-19; awakening of, in Siberia (1888), 1022; baptized for remission of sins, 2931:5; baptism of, under Mosaic law a symbol of repentance, 1541:8-11; beginning of return of favor to the (1878), 599:8-10; best pupils in colleges, 247:12-14; Bible message of comfort sent to, 5568:6; blessed with temporal things, 2760:12; blinded for gentiles' benefit, 599:1-3; blood of Jesus has been upon, 2313:8, 9; bound by law covenant until acceptance of Christ, 3062:2-4; cast off, a faithful remnant gathered, 5533:1-3; caught letter but not spirit of commandments, 4053:1, 2; chastenings of, caused murmuring, 4930:7, 11; chief seats sought by self-seeking, 2700:5; Christianity spread among the, 1819:11-16; Christians are in no sense, 4586:2-7, 10-15; compared to vine by Lord, 2904:2, 3. Condemned by: John the Baptist, 2236:5-7; Mosaic Law, 503:4-6. Contrition of, at reading of Law, 3677:4, 5; controlled by religious leaders, 5540:6, 7, 12-14; converted to Christianity, 3454:3-7, 11-13; could not keep the Ten Commandments, 823:2-4; Czar's proclamation of liberty to, 5568:5; 5599:10; delivered as in the day of Midian, 3469:1-4; denied permanent residence in Palestine, 3067:1, 8-10; did not believe in future torment, 2610:12-21; "Die Stimme" for interested, 4743:3-5, 14, 15; disease among the, traceable to sin, 4980:8, 9; Disraeli shows unreasonableness of hatred of the, 3881:13, 14; 3882:1; distinct racial existence of, 232:2-14; divided year secularly and religiously, 3749:5; divine favor first to the, 952, 953. Driven: From Budapest, 4196:21; to Palestine, 399:5-8. East Africa offered by England to the, 3487:4, 12, 13; edict of Sultan, August 1891, forbade Jews to settle in Palestine, 1918:9; effect of Christianity on, 2420:5-8; emancipation for and from the, 2019:10; emigrate to Palestine, 4073:24-29; end of God's dealing with, 116:6-8; England approves of Palestine for the, 3126:11; Ephraim and Manasseh comprise majority of, 2125:1; expulsion of, from Russia, 93:5, 14; failed in their stewardship, 2715:11, 18; favored for a given period of time, 4344:1-5; feasts of, the two great, 3508:7, 14; 3509:1-11; flocking to Palestine (1906), 3837:5-9; formed the nucleus of the church, 4669; fretted under God's chastisements, 4930:7, 11; future prospects of, 2882:12-17; 2883:1-3; gathered into Christ probably not over 10,000, 3834:3; given full religious liberty and citizenship 5599:1, 9, 10; God's dealing with remnant of, 116:8, 9; government officials in Turkey are, 4324:21-23; Great Britain's hatred of, 2883:4-13; guaranteed life if they kept the Law, 4869:8; had extreme views on Sabbathkeeping, 2699:9. Have: Faith in promises of Turkey, 5882:13, 14; hope of gaining Palestine, 4258:7-10, 12, 13. Hindered from hearing truth by rabbis, 4853:4, 5; history of God's dealing with, 599:4-10. Hope of: God's kingdom for, 1093:1-5; regaining Palestine dim in 1896, 2076:10-12. Hopes: AND PROSPECTS OF: 615:8-10, 11, 12; corroborated by Pastor Russell, 4953:1, 2. For restoration of Palestine, 4056:8, 9; 4057. How: Sons of the devil, 1005:11. THEY: Became so named, 2084:11; were snared, trapped, stumbled, 4781:4782. To preach to, 988:3; transferred from Moses into Christ, 5963:10. Impressed with Brother Russell's kind treatment, 4649:7. In: Christ free from the Law, 3018, 3019; Christianity there is neither gentile nor, 2134:2, 3; Europe, persecution of, 2705:3-7; Jesus' day divided into three sects, 3461:1-3; New York being led to Christianity, 1531:7, 15, 16; 1786:2, 3, 7; prophecy, 84:1, 2, 10; Russia massacred in 1905, 3671:5-8; spirit of murder held their Passover, 2139:6. Investigate Christian claims for Jesus, 2200:5; invited to Turkey, 4431:3, 4, 9; Jesus' blood upon the, 2472:9, 10; Judge Pryor proscribes religious rights of, in U. S., 2112:9, 10; kept letter of Law, not its spirit, 2268:3, 4, 6; kingdom blessings first to, 793:5, 7; Kishenev Movement of, to Christ, 1035; knew not hour of visitation, 591:2; leading nation in Millennium, 2605:2. Looking: From Poland and Russia toward Palestine, 5660:4-6, 10-12; to return to Palestine, 512:4, 5, 12, 13; toward Christianity, 2800:2-5, 8. May take our crowns, 953:2-4; Methodists unite with, in a Thanksgiving Day service (1896), 1917:9; neglecting circumcision, became aliens, 2086:2. New: Attitude of, toward Jesus, 3081:1-9. COVENANT: Made only with, 4319:7-10; 4659:5, 9; 4902:10; not only for, 1180:5-8; 4586:2-7, 10-15; promised to the, 4595:8, 9. Creatures in Christ are not, 4686:2-7, 10-15; Testament among, 951. No more worthy than other nations, 5100:11. Not: called to restitution, 2676:9-11; found in Athens and why, 2190:3, 8; granted religious liberty in Persia, 3566:6, 7; saved from condemnation by the Law, 5070, 5071. Obliged to keep the Sabbath, 2269:4. Of today: Bound by law covenant, 4504:13; grafted into Vine even as Gentiles, 2931:7, 8. Only: Affected by baptism for remission of sins, 5962-5965; fifty thousand returned from Babylonian captivity, 3623:11; (a) remnant of, received the Messiah, 5917:12. Oppression of, a religious stimulant, 742:9; ostracism of, in Germany keenly felt, 2800:4. Paul preached: Christ to the, 352; first to the, 3130:1, 2. Permitted to: Buy land in Palestine, 2785:3, 8, 9; settle in Palestine, 3741:1-3. Persecuted in: Austria-Hungary, 1324:4, 5, 9; 1898:12, 13; England, 2019:9, 10; Germany, 383:4-6; Romania, 3099:5-10; Russia, 379:10; 380:5-7; 2938:13-16; 4672:1; 4879:9-11; Turkey, 4773:7, 8. Persecution of the, 214:9; 368:2-5, 12, 13; 394:1; Peter preached Christ to the, 2089:10; pictured as guests at a great feast, 2701:6; power of, in European governments, 3855:3-6; practice of oppression by, 2904:3, 4; progress in England of English, 1207; prominent, seek Palestine, 101:7, 8; proscribed in religious matters in U. S., 2112:10; proselyting of, not Brother Russell's object, 4764:1-4, 10-12; protest against east African colony scheme, 3488:1-4; punished for crucifixion of Jesus, 5577:9-12; punishment of, extended into foreign countries, 2402:3; receives the truth, 948:5, 10-12; recognition of Messiah by, begun, 2419, 2420; redeemed by Jesus from curse of the Law, 4512:1; refused to receive Jesus as the Messiah, 3302:9, 10; regathering of, means life for the world, 5533:4, 5, 8-12. Rejected: As unworthy of kingdom message, 2702:1-4, 8; Jesus, 59:11; offer of kingdom blessings, 3833, 3834; true light of Jesus, 5338:13-16. Religious faith of, unchanged, 2420:7; remembrance of, to cease, 2125:5-7; remnant of, to be recovered, 608:14, 15; request Brother Russell to address them, 4523:12; respected the Talmud, rejected the Scriptures, 5096:3-6, 11-14; restriction of, in Turkey, 394:1. Return: OF: Favor in Palestine for, 2785:3, 8, 9; God's favor to, 259:6. TO PALESTINE: 83:2-6, 9-15; 393:4, 5, 9; a sign of Lord's presence, 748:11. Returned from Babylonian captivity by decree of Cyrus, 1483; 3642:3-6. Returning to Palestine: Fulfillment of prophecy, 4611:8-11; obstacles to, 2946:17, 18. Rising to prominence in: Europe, 1407. Sacred cubit of the, 3679:14, 15; saved through wisdom of Queen Esther, 4900, 4901; scapegoat between capital and labor, 2529:10; scheme of, to build temple at Jerusalem, 2218:1; should symbolize consecration if converted to Christianity, 3356:3-5; shut up in the sheepfold of the Law, 4732:4, 5; signs of returning favor to, 5568:2-8; sought protection from figurative mountains and hills, 5577:4-6, 7; specially favored of God, 257:3, 4. Still: Obligated to keep the Sabbath, 5027:1-5; under the law covenant, 1729:13-15; 4619:8-11; 5047:2-4; 5163. Stumbled because of failure to understand prophecies, 3192:1-5; take courage and hope from Brother Russell's message, 4735:8, 9; Talmud rejected by Crimean, 2200:5, 6; taught the virtue of Christianity, 3731:1-9. To be: Blessed by Jehovah, 3412:9; planted in Palestine (Amos 9:15), 2124:6-10; returned to own land, 58:1, 8; 107:3-12. To recognize Jesus as Messiah, 593:4, 5; took responsibility for Jesus' death, 2786:5, 6. Treatment of, in: Britain not generally cruel, 2936:7-10; Europe, 2290:4, 5, 7; Russia, 394:2-6, 9. Turkey seeks to exterminate, 2194:13-23. Turning toward: Christianity (1896), 1918:12-14; Palestine through Zionism, 2361, 2362. Twice condemned, 4868:5, 6; typical bride, 69:13; use Hillel's calendar, 2429:4; wailing place of, Brother Russell's impression of, during 1891 tour, 1395:6-35; what they suffered during the war at the hands of Russians, 5825:14; 5826. Why: Favored above the gentiles, 5076:1, 2; in expectation of the Messiah, 4963:7-11, 16-18; prejudiced against gentiles, 2989:5; privilege of prayer formerly extended only to, 5200:14-17. THEY: Demanded Jesus' crucifixion, 2473:3; failed to recognize the Messiah, 4710, 4711; hated Jesus, 2434:2, 3; hated Paul, 3197:4; have much advantage every way, 4037:10, 11; 4038:1, 2; remain a separate people, 4894:5-7, 11, 12; were rejected as God's people, 4678. And: Arabs never partake of food together, 4907:1; Christendom alike rejected Messiah, 4956:5-8; heathen, how justified, 3398:12-18. See Arabs; Christendom; Israel, Natural. JEZEBEL Described by Canon Farrar, 3407:9; Elijah fearless before Ahab, flees before, 2333:3; 4741:1-4, 9-11; in type and antitype, 234, 235; 389:5, 9-23; killed Naboth for his vineyard, 4741, 4742; persecution of the church to come from antitypical, 3325:4; 3326:8, 9. Type of: Apostate Roman Catholic church, 557:6; 3408:3; Christendom, 234, 235; 968:7, 8. Who and what she was, 2339:16; 3399:6, 7. See Ahab. JOASH Boy king, 3446, 3447; protected and crowned as king, 4777:8-10; restored the Temple of Solomon, 2366, 2367; 4777:7, 12. JOB Affliction of, 451:12; 452:1; all the evil that Jehovah brought upon, 1799. Book of: 1505; explanation of texts in, 194:3-7; sublime religious poem, 5401:8. Conversation of God with Satan as recorded in, an allegory, 1507:11; 1779:13; correct views of, on hell, death and resurrection, 1506:4-11; did not sin with his lips, 1937:7; example of patient endurance, 5803:3, 5; experiences of, a type of restitution, 413:1; expresses his need for a mediator, 1505:16; God's permission of evil perplexes, 1506:2, 3; how he is to see God in the flesh, 2874:21; 3040:2, 3; lessons taught by experiences of, 1270:3, 4; lived probably about Abraham's time, in Arabia not far from Palestine, 1505:9, 10; offered sacrifices without the Law, 4666:10, 15; patience of, tested, 1721:9-11; picture of world's experiences, 194:6, 7; real rather than fictitious character, 5401:9, 10, 17; review of the Book of, 5401-5403; trial and integrity of, 1779:13-16; type of mankind, 584:2, 9; 1507:2; wisdom of Elihu as a comforter of, 5878, 5879; words of, "Oh, that thou wouldst hide me in the grave," 1506:4-11. JOHN The apostle: Convict on the Isle of Patmos, 1598:11, 12; designates himself as a servant, 2826:3; example to us of faithfulness, 1041:9; forbidden to worship the angel, 581:18-20; 2079:5, 8. GOSPEL OF: Compared with other three, 1046; printed in old Inquisition chamber, 1020:1. How, illustrates last members of church, 4870:2; humility and faithfulness of, 1598:10-12; 4115:12, 13; persecutions of, typical, 3568:19, 27; represents members of Laodicean church, 3569:1; 3572:6; revelation in vision to, 2826, 2827; tarrying until Jesus comes, 4148:3-5; 4185:1; teaching of, concerning ransom, 652:13; type of class, 528:9; when and where his work was done, 3568:18, 19, 27; with Peter before the council, 1424; and Daniel, their prophecies related, 662:1. See Peter. The Baptist: ANTITYPICAL: Elijah on small scale, 556, 557; 3712:10, 11; fulfillment of the type of, 3326:8, 9. Beautiful humility of, 1694:9, 19; 1695:1-3. BEHEADED FOR: Faithfulness, 1754: rebuking Herod, 3778, 3779; 5068, 5069. BEHEADING OF: Its effect, 4138; typical, 557:13. Christ's testimony respecting, 1736. CHURCH: Not to follow course of, in reproving the world, 3778:3-5; the antitypical, 1538:2, 3; 1754:5, 10; 4113:3-9. Declared the new dispensation, 2236, 2237; decreased, Jesus increased, 2417:8; divinely commissioned to reprove, 4978:11-13; Elijah a type of, 556:10, 11; 1538:2, 3; 2563:4-6; 3292, 3293; exceeded his mission in reproving Herod, 2280:3, 7; 3326:3, 4; exposed the hypocrisy of Jewish leaders, 3292:7, 8; faith of, in Messiah tested, 748:5, 6; faithful to his commission, 3475:6; forerunner of the Messiah, 3712:1-3; 4138:5; 4139:1; friend of the Bridegroom, 5030:14-16; glorification typified by beheading of, 1754:5, 10; greatest of prophets, 637; 5030:5-7; how "the friend of the Bridegroom", 1388:9; imprisoned for faithfulness, 2621:5, 6; Jesus testified concerning, 4958:1; least in kingdom to be greater than, 3867:10; 4543:1-5; 5030:5-7; message rejected by Jewish leaders, 5031:2, 9; ministry of, 1916; mission of, 629:1-6; 2562-2564; 3477; 4543; "my messenger shall prepare the way before me," 1537:4, 5; not begotten of spirit, 2562:6. NOT A MEMBER OF: Bride of Christ, 5069:10-14; church class, 2279:4, 5. Not the real Elijah, 3477:6-10; partially fulfilled the type of Elijah, 3292, 3293; preached repentance to the Jews, 4958, 4959; preparing the way of the Lord, 4113, 4114. PROPHESIED OF: By Zacharias, 4940:7, 10, 11; Israel's trouble, 4594:5. Questions Jesus, 2621:1, 2; recognized Jesus as the Messiah, 3296:13; reproved King Herod, 4609:1-5, 9-11; "There hath not risen a greater than," 1916:1, 2; type of church, 557:4, 12; 968:7-12; 1754:5, 10; 3325:3, 4; 5569:11-13. WHY: The greatest man that had lived up to his time, 1737:2; reward of, is earthly, 5069:10-14. Herodias, 2636, 2637. JOHNSON Brother Paul S. L.: Great Britain to be served by (1916), 5988:7; letter of interest from, 5904, 5905; tribute to Brother Russell by, 6006, 6007. JOINT-HEIRSHIP Conditions of, 925:8. JOKES Or puns on Scripture irreverent, 5679:11. See Humor. JONAH Corroboration of the story of, 3373:12-18; disappointment of, at Nineveh's repentance typical, 4785:11-13; 4786:2, 10; resurrection of, a type, 92:7; swallowed by fish, narrative corroborated by Jesus, 4785:3, 4; type of Jewish nation, 92:7; what, may typify, 3568:5-16, 20-26. JONATHAN David mourned the deaths of Saul and, 5674:2-4. Friendship of: Born of unselfishness, 5664; with David, 1907; 3232, 3233. Love of, for Saul, 1907:6; pictured the ancient worthies, 1908:15, 16; and David, friendship of, unique, 3232, 3233; 4223; 5664. JONES A. D.: Publisher of Zion's Day Star, 294:23; rejected present truth, 3826:2, 3. Brother L. W.: Convention Reports issued by, 4469:6, 7, 12; tribute to Brother Russell by, 6009. JOPPA Impressions of, during Brother Russell's tour in 1891, 1380:14; 1381:2-5. JORDAN Antitypical signification of, 3086:3, 6, 7; divided by Elisha with Elijah's mantle, 2341:12; Elijah's smiting of, 5845:4, 5; 5888:14; explanation of miracle of Israelites crossing, 3085:9-11; 4063:6-9; 5345:5-8; represents end of gentile times, 5824:4; share of pastoral work in the smiting of, 5987:25; 5988:14; three years required for the smiting of, 5950:2-4; to be smitten by someone else, said Brother Russell, 6003:9; typical crossing of, 1498:8; and Canaan, two views of the antitypical, 4061:2-4; 4063:3-5. JOSEPH (Jacob's son): BRETHREN OF: Conscience smitten, typical, 5225:5-8; envy him, 1635; no longer jealous of their brother's success, 5235:11; represented Jewish people, 4437:1; tested as to their heart condition, 5232, 5233; typical of Jewish nation, 3982:1, 2; 5232:13; typical of restitution class, 2894:6. Birthright blessings to house of, when received, 2124:16-19; course of, a lesson to Christians, 2894:1-5. DEALT: Mercifully with his brethren, 3980-3982; righteously with the Egyptians, 3979:8-10. Deliverance of, from prison, 2887; enDurance of, under adversity, 3972-3974; exalted to governership of Pharaoh’s realm, 3978-3980. EXPERIENCES OF: Overruled by Jehovah, 1779:9-12; overruled for good, 1271:1, 2; pictorial of church's, 2888; lessons to saints, 2885:13. Forgiving his brethren typical, 5234:7, 8, 11-14; generosity of, to his brethren typical, 5231, 5232; hated of his brethren, 5214, 5215; history of, an allegory, 57:3, 4; ill-treated by his brethren, 3971, 3972; imprisonment and exaltation of, 5216, 5217; inspiring course of faithfulness of, 1639, 1640; interpreted the dream of Pharaoh, 5216:13-17; last days of, 1646; left judgment of brethren to God, 2895:10; lessons to the church in the experiences of, 2886; made ruler in Egypt, 1640; object of envy and jealousy, 2880:2-4; showed mercy to his brethren, 2893, 2894; sold into Egypt, 1639; typified The Christ, 57:5, 8-11; 68:1; 184:12-15; 752:9; 1490; 1645:11-14; 1646:1, 2, 9, 10; 2488:13, 14; 2880:8; 3971:4; 4436:11; 4437:1, 2, 11; 5214, 5215. Of Arimathea, sacrifice of, on behalf of Jesus, 4173:8-11. Of Nazareth: Foster-father of Jesus, 4957:9; legal father of Jesus, of Solomon's line, 2060:2; not the father of Jesus, 2559:6; of line of Solomon, 467:10, 11, 15, 16. JOSEPHUS Purpose of, in writing history of Jews, 2610:15, 16; unreliable historian, 561:24-27; why he elaborated the Essenes sect, 2611:4, 5. JOSHUA Appointment of, as leader instead of Moses a type, 4498:8; character of, 3079:1, 2; death of, exhortation to Israel, 5598:1-8; faithful to God as leader of Israel, 5335; law covenant renewed under leadership of, 1869; long day of, explained, 3344, 3345; name, means Jehovah's salvation, 5335:7; parting message of, to Israel, 3093, 3094; strengthened and commissioned of the Lord, 4060, 4061. Type of: Christ Jesus, 2521:9; 2522:2, 3; the Christ, 1490; 5388:5, 9-11. And: CALEB: Considered as types, 3064:6, 7; only adults who entered Canaan from Egypt, 5387:17. His people encouraged, in type and antitype, 3079:6-8. JOSIAH Book of the Law found by, 4850:5, 12; 4851:1, 2; faithful king over Israel, 2390, 2391; good son of a bad monarch, 3607, 3608. JOURNAL Solon discontinued, 3563. JOURNALISM Yellow, menace to morals, 4430:16-18; 4431:1, 2. JOURNALS Contemporary: Denying the ransom, 639:4, 5, 9; position taken by, 495. Four no-ransom, 1453:3. JOURNEY Israel's wilderness, type of church's journey, 3035, 3036; 3844:7; 4498:8. JOY Effervescence or overflow of genuine happiness, 1494:5; great company's sufferings will lack, 1699:10. In: Divers temptations, 5459:3, 4; drinking the cup the Christian's experience, 4592:6-9; holy spirit, kingdom of God is, 5097:1-4, 9-11. THE LORD: Dependent upon heartharmony with him, 3254:8; 3255:1; dependent upon spiritual condition, 2382:4; how to maintain, 2232. The morning of Millennium, 303:7, 8. Of the: Church, how it is complete, 3546:13; 3547:1-3; consecrated, 2642:12; saints is real, 23:13. Sometimes felt by those in Babylon, 1200:1; symbolized by wine, 1695:6, 7; which no man taketh from us, 2232:1-4. JOYFULNESS Characteristic of saints, 2861:7. JUBILEE Meaning of word, 2025:7, 8. Of: Earth--the fiftieth thousand year, 1731:19, 20; Pope Leo XIII (1888), 1002. Time of beginning of antitypical, 4694:2, 6-8; type explained, 2977:6, 7; year 1900 pronounced a papal, 2547, 2548. JUBILEES Imperfectly kept, 3624:1-3; Israel instructed by the Lord to keep the, 4933:1, 2, 9; of the Jews typified Millennium, 5028:1, 2. JUDAH Blindness to be removed from daughters of, 816:9; captivity of, in two parts, 2401:17; days upon (Ezekiel 4:3-8), 1341:9; and Israel reunited after Babylonian captivity, 4893:9, 10. JUDAISM Caused trouble in early church, 1140:1-7; teachings of, 435:1-3; and Christianity, harmony between, 5006; See Christianity. JUDAS Appointing a successor to, 549:9; bishop and apostle, 639:3, 6; better for him never to have been born, 3364:2, 3; 4907:3, 4; (his) blood-money could not be returned to Temple treasury, 5552:7, 8; case of, hopeless, 1962; character of, 2468:1-5. Class: How it differs from Peter class, 3760:1-4; we have with us, 1964:2, 5, 7-10; died the second death, and why, 1962; 5683, 5684; downfall of, gradual, 2779:4; end of, the fruitage of selfishness, 3878:6-10; feet of, also washed by Jesus, 3543:5-8; final opportunity for repentance given by Jesus in upper room, 5542:3-6; hardness of heart and hypocrisy of, 1800:15, 16; has had his final judgment, 4488:2, 3. Heart of: Gradually led astray, 4487:2-5, 7-10; hardened by kindness, 4168:1, 2. Is there hope for? (Letter and reply), 2283:6, 7, 15, 16; Jesus' treatment of, 2449:4; let us beware of the spirit of, 3887:3, 5-7; love of money besetting sin of, 4906:4-8; many have disposition of, 2779:6; meanest kind of sinner, 4708:3, 6; more culpable than Ananias, 3191:1-3; no hope for, 2130:4, 5; 2131:1-5; 5552:10-13; objected to waste of ointment, 2448:4; only second death open to, 4908:10-17; 4909:1-6; 5453:2, 3; personification of greed, 2744:6; sinned against light before Pentecost, 4907:4-6; 4908:10-17; sins, deceit and betrayal, 3879:3-5; study of the case of, 4906-4909; were better off never born, 3879:5; why called the son of perdition, 639:3, 6; wicked course of, 2772:1, 2; and Peter under temptation, 3759:5, 6. JUDE Eleven, explanation of, 3044:3, 4. JUDEA Jesus to appear in, false claim, 113:14. JUDGE In what matters we may now properly, 5414:12-14; Jehovah the, 503, 504; neither ourselves nor our brethren, 4829:1, 2; no man before the time, 4198:11. Not: Mine own self, I (text explained), 5519:14; one another, 2431:7-14; 4084:4, 5; with human judgment, 416:2, 7-10. Nothing before the time, 723:10; 4991:5-7; office of a, 1869:6, 7; one another, how we should, 4567:13; world, saints shall, 569:8, 9. JUDGES Blessings to Israel accompanied the period of, 5645:12, 13; federal, supreme rulers of the United States, 2216:9-12; in Israel, advantages of, 3216:3, 4, 7, 8; of our brethren, none of us are, 5519:11-13. Over Israel: Better arrangement than kings, 4201:3; how God raised up, 3102:2, 3. Papal designs to control, 1517:5. See Legislatures; Courts. JUDGING Between: True brethren and false the Christian's duty, 1362:9, 10; wheat and tares, 1362:1-8. Brethren: Proper and improper methods of, 1712:3-6, 8-10; 5886, 5887. By: Christians limited to conduct, 5628:8, 9; the church in flesh a scriptural teaching, 5451:3, 4. Church to do a work of, 5451:1-4; impropriety of, 5845:5-7; in the church, proper and improper, 664:4; may extend to fruits of spirit, not to hearts, 5224:5-7; motives not the privilege of the church now, 5702:12. Of: Church, 2425, 2426; heart is improper, of conduct is proper, 5029:9-11. One another: Forbidden, 2431:7-14; how to overcome, 2590:2, 3; kindly a preparation for future work, 5558:7, 8; (a) sin, 4240:7, 8. Ourselves: 4870:13, 14; difficult, 4683, 4684; respecting our treatment of others, 5519:6, 7; we are not judged of the Lord, 3604:1; 4760:3, 8-10; 5519:3-7. Outward conduct proper, 5029:9-11; sacrifices of one another improper, 5855:8, 9; who have committed the sin unto death, 4605:10-12; and discipline, not the present work of the church, 5644, 5645. See Opinions. JUDGMENT Appointed to men once to die, after this the, 147; 528:2-4, 12-14; 2822:10; 5730:14-16; 5731:1-4; at Lord's coming as a refiner's fire, 3684:6-14; begins at house of God, 605:18-20; 862:6; 2301:10; belongs to God, 3981:8-10; blessedness of the day of, 2624, 2625; committed to Christ, 51:19; conscience and will control the spirit, 3629:9, 10; consequents of divine, 1476, 1477. Day of: 267:4-6, 10-12; 408:11-13; 654:15, 16; a day of individual trial, 4990:12, 13; church is gospel age, 58:6, 7; 409:1; false theories of, 526:7-9; for every idle word men shall give account in, 1938:1-5; glory of, 49:1-4, 8, 9; length, time, 34:5-10; Millennium, 1869:6, 7, 12; 2993:3; not a day of damnation, 2624; period of deliverance, 34:2, 10-12; righteous living now an advantage in, 5083, 5084; Scriptural view of, 1869:6, 7, 12; 2430, 2431; shall be more tolerable for Sodom, Gomorrha, Tyre, and Sidon, 1618; to follow Christ's second advent, 4996, 4997; true and false views of, 568-570; two parts of, 268:12-19; when and what it will be, 2398, 2399; work of, gradual and why, 1261:6-9; world now at hand, 5442:3-7. See Day of Vengeance; Day of Wrath; Time of Trouble. Entire ecclesia might commit an error of, 4985:11; how Christ will render, 2613:1-12; in the church, 954:1-7; 2430:18, 19; is of God by Son, 2431:2-6; laid to line, 564:2; meaning of word, 408:5; 568:14; 668:8; mercy rejoices against, 2328-2330; modern instance of divine, 3428:11-14. "Must begin at the House of God" Nominal, 1355:12-14; 1356:1; the true church, 1356:2-10. Of: CHURCH: In this age, 58:6, 7; 128:10; 401:7; 409:1; 526:15; 527:1-3. CONDUCT: In the church essential, 954:1-7; 5519:13; proper, of motives improper, 5245:13-17; 5887:2-4, 10. FALLEN ANGELS: 1679; by church, 4879, 4880; manner of, 4069; 4070:8. God on Sodom, 1617; just and unjust, 4500:2-4, 8; nations necessary to establishment of kingdom, 5989:1-5. OURSELVES: And others belongs to the Lord, 5394:5, 9, 10; must not be to severe, 5520:1, 2, 8. Sodom, why repeated, 3948:4, 7, 8. WORLD: 501:4; 527:4, 8-11; according to character developed, 5234:3, 9; in Millennial day, 2993:3, 4; is now, 517:5-12, 18-21; 668, 669; kind of, 268:3-7; pictured in parable, 2303:5, 6, 10, 11; still future, 5076:8-13; to follow resurrection of church, 4793:9-11; 4794; and Satan, 433:12-14. Only church now undergoing, 569:5. Or Trial of: Church, 593:6; fallen angels, 3727:3; 4292, 4293. Resurrection by, 1853:7-12; 1854:1-8; some men's sins go before to, 4271:9, 10; time of, a final message, 304:1, 2. To: Come, a reasonable doctrine, 1564:12; discern God's will, must be used, 5212:8, 13-15; be executed by church in flesh, 5451:1-4, 9-11. Ungodly shall not stand in the day of, 605:21; upon "both the houses of Israel", 1537:3-5, 10; 1538:1-5; use and abuse of, 1712; we are daily being in, by our words and acts, 1922:4, 8; what it means, 48:5; with this generation, Queen of Sheba shall rise up in, 3284:7, 8; work of Millennium, 332:14-21. See Conscience; Resurrection; Reward. JUDGMENTS Of: GOD: Beneficial, 524:8-10; not in floods, 583:7, 9-13. Humanity twofold, 527:4-6. LORD: In time of trouble will mean world's cleansing, 5917:1-4, 8-10; upon an unbeliever, 3388:15-18. On nation and generation, 1701:7, 16; 1702:1-3, 9-11. Upon: Christendom, 562, 563; good and evil in Millennium, 722; world, 668:10-12. Written, how the saints will execute the, 5631:10; 5632:1. JUPITER And Mercury, mythology of Lystra in re, 3011:6. JURIES Should the saints serve on, 1531:3, 4, 10-13. JUST Before generous, church must be, 3323:1, 2; men made perfect, ancient worthies described as, 2709:1-6, 10-12; 5294, 5295; resurrection of the, 1854:9-14; 1855:1-13; shall live by faith, 904:2; 1728; what it means to think on "whatever things are", 1703:10; 1704:1. And: Unjust to be resurrected, 3195:2-4; yet the justifier, 924:8-13; 925:6. JUSTICE All God's operations are in line with, 3707:4-7; basic principle on which love operates, 3453:3-7. Basis of: God's dealings, 5857:1-6; love, 3020:7; 5266:1-12. Blood of Abel cries out for, 4386:6, 7; Christians should not demand, 2667:10; 2724:8; 2725:2; could not demand a ransom, 848:13, 14; 863:9, 10; craving of the human race, 4650:2, 3; cried out for the blood of the righteous, 4651:5-7, 11; defined, 3070:5; 5883:10; does not require equality, 612:2, 6, 7; exact righteousness, 1275:1-4, 6-9; exceeded in third commandment of Jesus, 5947:8-12; forbids evil-speaking, 5471:9-16; fulfilling of the Law, 5072:4, 5; golden rule means simple justice, 1326:17; has accounting for wilful sin unsettled, 4651:12. How: Exercised towards ourselves and others, 5309:1, 2; it disposes of willful transgressions of gospel age, 4856:2, 3. In: Business dealings, 2032:11-15; 2033:1, 2, 7; thought must precede justice in act, 5518:6-9. Incorrect ideas of, 612:1-5; love triumphed over, 2328:4, 5; love's foundation, 1275. Must: Be in spirit and not in form, 2470:9-11; precede love, 4899:4; 5430:13. Need for growth in, 3394:6-10; never requires sacrifice, 5844:13. Not: Satisfied by incense but by blood, 4868:9. TO BE: Demanded, but given, 3453:6-9; 5309:1; 5310:1-4; 5645:9, 10; 5884, 5885; meted out by us, 4275:7, 10. Of: David in little things, 2015:9, 10. GOD: Alone was seen for centuries, 5275:6-8, 10; beyond our appreciation, 3947:4-10; condemned human race, 2120:11; did not provide the ransom, 5644:1; in death sentence, 496:2; not violated by his command to destroy Canaanites, 5705:13, 22; 5706; not violated in election of a few, 2058:8, 9; 2059:1. God's character revealed, 386:15-17; 387:1-7. JEHOVAH: In sentence on Adam, 429:5-7; to be revealed, 129:11-13; unchangeable, 586:9. Second death, 382:6. Operation of, in the divine plan, 856:4-9; 1680:16-19; part of our character development, 3635:8, 9; portrayed in death penalty, 880:5; relative claims of love and, 1534; requires obedience to divine law, 5005:2-6; satisfaction of, 3507, 3508; Scriptural standard of, 4827:9-11; seeking, the spirit of the world, 4899:6. Should: Be given, not sought, 4899:6-8; govern in the home, 1170:8, 9; reign in class elections, 5921:11-14. To: BE SATISFIED: Ere restitution begins, 5293:17-19; through the sufferings of great company, 4651:12; 4652:1, 2, 8, 9. What it: demands, 690:1; is, 1534:11. When: Christians may properly appeal for, 5897:10, 11; 5898:1; fully satisfied, 3710:3, 4. Why: Christians cannot afford to exact, 5897:7-9; it must be studied by church continually, 3323:2. And: Judgment: better than sacrifice, 5430, 5431. LOVE: Laws of contrasted, 4850:1-4; relative claims of, 1534; should be manifested by Christians, 1275:1-4, 6-9. Vs. Love, 4984:12; mercy, 2587:3, 4; See Judgment; Wisdom. JUSTIFICATION Basis for: 648:12-15; Jesus is the, 660. By: FAITH: 391; 440:5-7; 441:1-5; peculiar to gospel age, 4696:9-13; precedes consecration, 4547, 4548; what it implies, 2383:4-9, 12-14; 2384:1, 8, 9; and actually, 4547, 4548; 4574, 4575; and works contrasted, 4442:3-9, 13-16; vs. by works, 29:8. Imputation, 382:3-5; works impossible, 687:16. Christ: raised for our, 705:6-11; the only means of, 2719:10, 11; 2720. Comes by appropriation of Jesus' sacrifice, 4147. Consecration: Follows (1890 view), 1262:8; (1893 view), 1585:8, 9; 1586:4, 5; (1894 view), 1669:18, 19; (1898 view), 2385:1-5:12, 13; (1899 view), 2439:5, 6; (1909 view), 4464:1; (1912 view), 5023:6-10. PRECEDES: 1008; 4525:5, 6; 4656:9-12; 4746:7; 5775:5-16; 5776:1, 2; 5854:11, 12; 5881:3, 4; vitalized, 4547, 4548. Court of Tabernacle typifies condition of, 3053:14; death of Christ the basis of all, 2789:6; definitions of, 1246:4; dependent upon consecration, 5133:4-8; different steps in (1913 view), 5206-5208; does not release from weaknesses, 689:5-7. Follows: Consecration, 1008; 4525:5, 6; 4746:7; 5854:11, 12; imputation of merit, 4632:7. For church: 193:9; now, for world, later, 3297:14, 15. Gift from God, 2847:7. How: Christ is our, 3279:9-15; obtained, 660; the equivalent of restitution, for the saints, 1669:16-18. Illustrated with red glass, 13:15; meaning of, 440:5-7; 659:11, 12, 20; 1007. Must: Follow consecration, 4656:9-12; 5775:5-16; 5776:1, 2. PRECEDE: God's acceptance, 1542:3; our sacrificing, 1231:3-5, 11-14. Not: By works, 929:13, 14; 930:1-5; legal and actual, 5960:9, 10; sanctification, 440:7-10. Now and in the Millennial age, 3245:1-3. Of: ABRAHAM: Differs from that of church, 4554:7-9; was to friendship not to life, 5774:7, 8, 11. Children of consecrated, 952:10. CHURCH: 297:6, 18; defined, 199:4-9, 16-18; instantaneous, of world gradual, 5960:10, 11; is by faith, not by covenant, 4489:7-9; through an Advocate, 4640:4-6. Wicked, an abomination, 657:6; world and of church, distinction between, 5776:6-10. Old and new articles on, 4896:5, 6, 12-14; precedes spirit-begettal, 2629:7-14; purpose of, in present age 2847:7; reckoned, 859:6, 13; represented in the court of Tabernacle, 4579:1-5; resurrection not dependent upon, 3456:3-7; seven points concerning, 1030; special salvation, to believers only, 1442:2; steps in church's, 4574:9-11; 4575. Tentative: (1905 view), 3605:7-10. AND: Actual, 5316:15, 16, 5317:1, 2; complete defined, 5196:1-9; 1916 view, 5959:4-7, 10, 11; vitalized (1911 view), 4901:3-7, 10-12; 1913 view, 5207, 5208. Through: Christ, 4656:1, 2, 7. FAITH: Defined, 3156:3, 4; not knowledge, 2873:6, 7, 10. Jesus, 440:5-7; 441. To: Come to all in due time, 4760:4-7; peace with God, 4579:6, 7, 9. Two definitions--proving right and making right, 1246:4. Vitalized: Defined (1913 view), 5208:2-5, 9; different from tentative (1911 view), 4901:3-7, 10-12. Wedding garment, 2160:1; what it means to us, 859:6, 13, 14; why by faith, 4398:4-6; without consecration and the result, 3245:1-3. And: Consecration and sanctification considered, 5410, 5411; life-rights considered, 4579:12-15. JUSTIFIED Are not all called, 3417:6, 7, 13; 3418; Brother Russell when born was, 3456:15; by Jesus' knowledge, 3591:9-12; called ones also, 613:12. Church is: First, then vitalized, 4547:16, 17; reckonedly, 193:2-13. How: Jews and heathen are, 3398:12-18; the church is, 4554:1-6. Humanity of Christians must be sacrificed, 1231:4, 12; only are Christians, 3280:3; or condemned by our words, 5470, 5471; sacrificed by under-priests, 3265:8, 9; without understanding the philosophy of ransom, 4648:2, 3. JUSTINIAN Recognized pope in 534 A.D., 1093:9. JUSTLY What it means to do, 4821:3-5. JUVENILE Criminals, increase of, 4414:6, 7; 4415:1-4.KANSAS
Benefit derived from prohibition in, 5762:6-15; blest by prohibition, 3967:3; places decalogue on statute books, 2145:5-20. KEANE Bishop, of Washington College, removed by Papacy, 2061, 2062. KEEPER We are our brother's, 3929:6-9. KETURAH How she represented the New Covenant, 4439, 4440; pictured the New Covenant, 283:8-10; 4309:8-14; third wife of Abraham, a type, 777:13. KEY "Due time" the, 7:4, 9; of knowledge, modern D.D.'s have lost, 2485:7; ransom is, to every truth, 1452:14-16; to divine plan found in Heb. 13:13, 4434:8, 9. KID As a sin-offering, 95:6. KIEL Naval display at (1895), 1838. KIHLGREN Brother David: Tribute to Brother Russell by, 6010. KINDNESS Appreciated in life, not after death, 3878:3-5. Brotherly: Berean questions on, for August, 1905, 3603; September, 1905, 3624; October, 1905, 3638; November, 1905, 3654:4; self-examination in, 1114:14, 15. Definition of the true spirit of, 6636:12; for others, impatience for our own, 5168:12; fruitage of love, 2204:3. Of: David manifested in dealing with Jonathan's son, 2010:12, 13; Jehovah is better than life, 5475, 5476. Proper attitude toward brethren overtaken in fault, 5899:13. KING Chosen for house of Israel, 3218, 3219; coming of the, and what it means, 1691:11, 12; 1692:7-14; David waited upon the Lord to be made, 4235:1-8; highway of the, the way of holiness, 1771-1773; Jesus rode into Jerusalem as, 2745, 2746; meaning of title, 31:1; of Zion is Christ, 1384; only hope of earth is the, 1691:11, 12; 1692; 1693:8, 9; over Israel their own undoing, 4200, 4201; 5646:8-11; Saul chosen as, 1887; what his coming means in world conditions, 1691:11, 12; 1692:7-14; when present, 88:7-12. See Priest. KINGDOM Abundant entrance to, dependent upon character development, 2154:4-6; began in 1878, 286:13; 287:8; 757:8; celebration of memorial in, 2773:1, 2. Class: Church are the, 206:7, 11-14; likened to children, 521:8-10; 1043; 2660, 2661; 5362:1-7, 10-15. Clean hands essential to ascent into the, 793, 794; 2275:2; 2980:4; come, why prayer of all saints, 2253:1; comes not with observation, 113:7, 8, 13, 14; counted worthy of the, 3002:2; counterfeit of the true, (Rev. 12), 306:4-19; desired by Israel rather than a republic, 4193:1. Earthly: And spiritual phases of, 2052:2, 3. Entrance into, what dependent upon, 2154:4-6; established 1914; 82:4, 7, 8; establishment of God's, 307:18-22. False: And true views of establishment of, 5362:10-15; conceptions of the, 2714:2-7; views of Christ's, 4124:2-6. Fully established in 1914 (1904 view), 3405:3, 4. Gospel of: Not yet witnessed in world in 1892, 1349:8-15; rejected by Israelites, 4593, 4594. Greatest in the: Most like a child, 3797; servant of all, 732:4. Greatness in the, measured by service, 5484:11, 12; how hardly shall the rich enter the, 5465:15-17; ignored by fleshly and spiritual Israel, 2701:7. In: EMRYO: Church is the, 397:7; 702:12-16; illustrated by parables, 5049:8. The church as participators, and others as subjects of the, 860:10-16. Jesus taught apostles concerning his, 2924:4-7. Least: And greatest in the, 2660, 2661; in, greater than John the Baptist, 637:5, 6; 2279:4, 5. Likened to seed sown, 5039. Millennial: Antitypical Canaan, 3086:8; of the Christ, 332, 333; pictured by Zechariah, 14:4, 5; pictures of, 331; six views of, (Revelation 20-22) 501:3, 4, 9-13. What it will be, 332, 333. See Christ, Kingdom of; Messiah, Kingdom of; Millennium. Most prominent topic in the Bible, 5048:7; must be born again to enter, 2421, 2422; near in Jesus' day, 113:5-8, 13, 14. Not: More easily attained by one than another, 4786:17; set up in Jesus' day, 519:10; yet established, Archbishop Ireland sees, 4799:1-13. Of Christ: Catholic Protestant views of, 5829:5-13; Christendom does not represent, 2002:8-10; 4795:4-7; disarmament cannot come before, 2361:5-9; false and true views of, 2393:8-10; 2394:1-3; in embryo, 5049:8; only solution for problem of economics, 1954:13-21; proof that it is not yet set up, 3570:4-6; seeing in vision the coming of, 3790:10-13. See Christ, Kingdom of; Messiah, Kingdom of; Millennium. Pictured by Jesus in many parables, 5406, 5407; prepared from foundation of world, 206:7, 11-14; 655:5; present blessings of the embryo, 1580:1-3, 14-17; reason for delay in establishment of the, 5761:5, 6, 12, 13; "remember me when thou comest into thy," 3409:4-10; reserved for the child-like of heart, 5362:1-7, 10-15; seek ye first the, 5917:11, 12; 5918:1; sell all thou hast to inherit the, 4658:4-7; striving lawfully for the, 3070:3, 7-11; ten-tribe, scattered under King Hoshea, 4819, 4820; thine is the, 2253:7. To be: Delivered up to God finally, 3470:7-9; established, work on, 477:7, 8. Twice preached by humble followers and not by doctors of the law, 2246:1. What: We must pay for a share in the, 1656:6-13, 17; 1657:1-3, 12, 13; will be accomplished by Messiah's, 4982:10-12. Who: Shall be greatest in, 875; will inherit the, 206:7, 11-14. Will not be welcomed by princes of this world, 4099:1, 5. KINGS Divine right of: 287:10, 11; 507:4-9, 12-17; Emperor Wilhelm believes he rules by, 2217:9-11; origin of, 757:9, 10; our attitude toward the, 5466:5-11, 17-20; responsible for World, War, 5765. Of Israel were appointed under divine authority, 4786:3, 4; ordained by Papacy, 362:6, 10; praying for (1 Tim. 2:12), 798:14, 15; reigning by grace of God (?), 507:12-17; rule by divine permission rather than right, 5466:5-11, 17-20; ruled by Papacy, 54:12; vs. Chronicles, errors of chronology, 1419:13-15. And rulers: Responsibility of, to God, 1912:9; why we should pray for, 5204:10-16; 5205:1-4, 9, 10. See Clergy. KINGSHIP Of Adam and Jesus, 5623:1. KINGSLEY Rev. Chas., views on endless torment, 4883. KINSMEN First served with truth, 2418:9. KIPLING Jubilee Recessional by, 2200:2. KISCHENEV Joseph Rabinowitz proposes to remove to Palestine from (1896), 1918:8; movement, Jewish Christians, 1035. KISS Holy, between males only, 4238:5; the Son, Papacy's interpretation , 305:12, 13. KITTENS Burned alive, and the eternal torment theory reviewed, 3242:9-11. KLATSCHTHALER Cardinal, proclaims himself greater than Christ, 3671:19; 3672:1, 2. KNIGHTS Of: LABOR: 939:3, 4, 6; mission of, 967:2. Pythias, Pope puts, under his ban (1895), 1759:12, 13. KNOCK Behold I stand at the door and, 1439:6-8; Lord's presence announced by his, 3354:8; of Bridegroom, 87:6. KNOWING And doing the will of God, 1802; each other beyond the grave, 4064:4-6, 9, 10. KNOWLEDGE Add to fortitude, 2037:3-7. Basis of: Development of the new creature, 5686:1-3; faith and obedience, 5686:1-3. Berean questions on, for May, 1905, 3550; blessings of true, 1066:9. Brings: Freedom, 814:11, 18; liberty, 402:3-5. RESPONSIBILITY: 17:10; 85:10-16; 2385:15, 16; 2898:7; to withdraw from Babylon, 3600:1-3. Restlessness, 2724:12; 2725:1, 2. Character development more important than zeal or, 3655:4, 5; comes from God, 3785:5, 6; conceit of man is in inverse ratio to the square of his knowledge (Edison), 1763:6. Dangerous without: Humility, 3785:3-6; love, 2198:4, 5. Discontent increases with, 3169:4; distinct from righteousness, 49:7; Edison's view respecting the extent of our, 1763:6. Essential: In building character, 5840:6. TO: Christian growth, 522:6-10; faith, 556:5; 3279:1-8; salvation, 257:13-16. Faith is, applied, assimilated, appropriated, 1719:8; futile without love, 4042:8; grace and peace multiplied through, 2137:3-7; granted before testing, 1233:6, 7; has brought increased discontent, 6014:4-6. How: Grace and peace are multiplied through, 1531:8, 9, 17; 1532:1, 2; it will bring anarchy, 1143:3-5. Important in overcoming, 3591:9-12. Increase of: But ability not increased, 2394:5-10; in last days, 801:11; linked as cause with time of trouble, 738:8-11; 2515:6, 8. NOT: Due to superior intelligence of our day, 4790:4-6; traceable to evolution, 2393:1-8. Increases: Discontent, 3169:4; responsibility, 2623-2625. Intuitive, defined, 5922:21; is it an evil thing? 1142:8, 9, 13-15; Jesus justified many by his, 5156:8, 9; life eternal is to know God, 1128:10, 11; little, is dangerous, 1064:4-15; 1065:1-3, 10-12; 1143:2, 3. Many: Justified by that righteous servant's, 4612:1. Meagerness of human, 1487:2; none in the grave, 545:3; not essential to entire church, 67:4. Of: Bible detrimental to creeds, 780:5. GOD: Complete in Millennium, 553:4-6; how attained, 493:1; produces love, 21:5. GOD'S CHARACTER: Essential to all, 5277:1-3; would protect from error, 5326:9-11. God's glory shall cover the earth, 5575:10, 11; good and evil, 146:5; 313:10, 11, 21, 22; Jehovah is unlimited, 5528:6-9. THE LORD: Essential to growth in his likeness, 4767:1, 2; to be worldwide, 2375:2. THE TRUTH: Brings responsibility, 310:4, 5, 16, 17; 3164:4-7; knowledge of God, 1234:6-8, 12; 1235:1-5, 9-13. Today is God-given, 5153:19-27. Only one test of eligibility for eldership, 5982:9-11; perfect only in future, 109:7-9; pictured by calamus, 4093:2; puffs up, love builds up, 2649:8; 3145:2, 3; relationship of, to salvation, 75:5, 6; responsibility increased by, 49:10; results of its increase, 1152; 1162, 1163; revolutionary effects of increased, 1621:13-21; 1622:1-4, 9-12; Satan's increasing since 1799, 1685:15; self-examination in, 1114:9; should lead to obedience, 1802; sometimes a snare, 1066; spiritual, 374:10; spread of, cause of discontent, 5062:1-5; strength of the new mind, 4894:15; symbolized by an eye, 1490:15; to be added to faith and virtue, 2155:3. We: Don't know a millionth part of one percent about anything--Thomas Edison, 1763:6; should grow in, 118:13, 16. What it is to know God, 1532:2, 11, 12. Without: Consecration baneful, 2440:2-4; faith worthless, 3234:14; 3235:1; love is injurious, 4920:5, 6, 10. And: Ability not prime essentials for teachers, 2446:7-10; consecration both essential, 1125:12, 13; works required in Millennium, 3580:2. See Education; Faith; Light; Obedience. KNOX P. C., sees Millennium coming, 4671:15, 16. KOHLER Rabbi K., on Jesus as Messiah, 2419, 2420. KORAH Considered as a type, 137, 138; envy, malice, hatred, the sin of, 2342:6, 9; possible antitype of the rebellion of, 5268:1-6, 8-13; rebelled against God rather than Moses, 4047:2-4; rebellion of, a type, 3100, 3101; what was the gainsaying of, 3044:3, 4. KORAN Sacred book of Mohammed, 1184:10. KOREA Work of missionaries in (Letter), 5525:6-14. KOUROPATKIN Brutal Russian general, 3350:6-8. KRISIS Krinos, Krima, Judgment, 2430, 2431. KUEHN Brother E. W. V, Tribute to Brother Russell by, 6011.LABAN
Restrained from evil to Jacob, 2865:1. LABOR American Federation of, disfavors Socialism (1895), 1759:10, 11. Attitude of: Toward present laws, 1751:9, 10. Capital organized to oppose control by, 3303:1-15; capital's attitude toward, 1751:11; combines against capital, 843:1, 2; competition of church and, 3875. Conditions: During the 1893-1894 world-wide depression, 1606, 1607. IN: England (1895), 1769:5-9; 1893-1895, 1758:22; 1759:1, 2. Now and in apostles' day, 2513:5, 6. Danger element in America, 594:9, 17; Debs, E. V. sentenced to six months imprisonment for contempt of court (1894) in a matter of, 1751:8; denied its constitutional rights, 2216; dismissed by capital, 3329:17; evil effects upon, of machinery and invention, 1676:1, 12. How: Affected by increase of machinery, 1691:5-8; capital controls, 3056:4-6, 8; 3057:1-3. Issues a warning to capital, 4163:2-7. Leader of: Calls attention to the date 1874, 1675:13-18; 1676:1-10. ON THE: Coal situation, 1676:7-9; government ownership of railroads, 1676:3-5. Murderous corporate greed vs., 1209; not for the meat that perisheth, 4146:1-3; of saints not in vain, 877:1, 3; organization and arming of, 2885:1-6; overthrow of the social order by, pictured by Samson, 5458:10; pangs, of earth, 1668; Papacy thinks she can control the forces of, 1764:17-26; 1765:1-4; party alarms Great Britain by its progress, 4143:1-16; railroad strikes as viewed by a leader of, 1675:18; 1676:4, 5; rebellions restrained by injunctions, 3272:2-6; seeking her rights brings on the trouble, 5061:12-16; situation of 1886, 842; some laboring capitalists, 1751:13; 1752; 1; struggle between capital and, 3056:4-6, 8; 3057:1-3. Unions: Attitude of consecrated toward, 2869:13; capital should welcome, 991:9; form military companies, 2869:2-9; rent by internal dissension and ambitions, 1791:18-20; saints should be as separate as possible from, 1285:1-3, 9-15. Uprisings of, 592:7-10; war with capital, 166:13-15; 594:9, 17. What: Profit hath a man for all his, 1532:4-10, 14-16; the U.S. Commissioner of Labor thinks of, 3319, 3320. Work of the Knights of, 967:2. And Capital: Are both selfish, 3319:5-7, 11; both haughty, both will fall, 1245:8-10; Christians to have no part in struggle between, 5567:8-10; evil course and downfall of, foretold in Proverbs 1:1-33, 1518, 1519; fighting for self-preservation, 3271, 3272; good advice to, 1245:9; hatred, 350:13; Judge Burke's views on, 2462:7-17; 2463:1-4; severe crisis predicted between, 4938:3; Smith, Prof, Goldwin: his views on, 4074:1-6; strife, brethren to avoid, 2869:13. STRUGGLE: of, 356:13-16; 420:12; 2867:8; 2868; 2884, 2885; 4163:2-7; 4937:13-15. Taft's views on, 4195:4-10; to wage war, 2529:10. TROUBLES: In steel mills, 1422, 1423; of, caused by selfishness, 1423:6-11. Unbiased view of, 1243:12, 13; 1244:1-6; 1245:8-10. LABORER Worthy of his hire, 2514:4-7. LABORERS In harvest work, applied for, 5200:3, 12, 13; wanted in harvest work are only the consecrated, 228:1, 8. LADDER Jacob's: Represents Christ Jesus, 3964:8; 3965:1; vision interpreted, 2864:1-3; 5199:14-17; 5201. LAITY See Clergy; Ministers. LAMB Christ: Antitypical passover, 94:2; 208:1-3; 839:7-12; 900:1; 2918:5; the, 17:12. Dumb before its shearers, Jesus as a, 3591:1-3. Marriage of the: 6:1, 2; foreshown by the marriage in Cana of Galilee, 1695:10. Of: GOD: Jesus as the, 4114:1-3; John pointing to, 2417:9; meaning of John's words, Behold the, 4750:17-19; will in future take away world's sin, 3478:3-6; 4493:9. The first year, how Jesus was the, 3078:5. Slain: For us, Jesus is the, 4591:1-8; on 14th of Nisan typical, 2771:1. Slaying of, a type, 211:5, 6, 10-14; song of Moses and, explained, 76:8-11; time for slaying of Passover, 2953:3-5, 8-10; two horns like a, 63:8-17; who is wife of, 56:8; why Jesus is pictured as a, 4750:15. See Bride of Christ; Moses; Passover. LAMBS Among wolves, Disciples sent forth as, 3347:3, 4; in Christ are babes, 118:7, 8, 12-14; Peter's commission to feed the, 2808:2. See Sheep. LAMP God's Word a, 287:5; unto my feet, Thy Word is a, 5055:4-6. See Bible; Testament. LAMPS Of: Fire, seven, 529:16; the five virgins represent the Bible, 5523:2-5; To be kept trimmed: And burning, 3243:4, 5. Trimming of spiritual: 3243:4, 5; work of the wise virgins, 5523:2-5. LAMPSTAND Golden, of Jewish Temple recovered from the Tiber, 3800:7-10. See Candlestick. LAND Basis of present unjust order, 1152:7-12; can anybody rightfully own, 937:4-7; Florida, offered free to settlers, 2037:1, 2, 12; large holdings of, wrong, 1033:4, 7. Promised: Lord outlined boundaries of the, 4061:3; spiritual Israel today views the, 4054:1-5; why Moses did not enter the, 3077:4-6. Property in, discussed, 1170; shadowed with wings, 3404, 3405; should be owned by users only, 1170. LANDLORD System, unjust, 938:2-4, 6, 7. LANDLORDISM Evils of: And remedy, 1032, 1033; 1037:8-10; in Great Britain, 1152. Exiled Scotch families, 1038:2-5. LANDOWNERS Hated by peasants in England, 4844:4-10; in Russia largely Jews, 4017:16, 17; 4018:1-3. LANDS Arid, converted into farms, 3976:17; fertile, of the globe, 4720:5-8. LANGUAGE Greek, Scriptures may now be understood without knowledge of, 5971:6-8; of Bible largely figurative, 3134:1-7; written, will be unnecessary when man is perfected, 1717:7-11. LAODICEA Church of present day, 2762:11; meaning of word, 505:5; nominal church of the present time, 1599:3. LAPIDARIST Jesus Christ the church's, 2405:2-6. LASCIVIOUSNESS Higher form of, 3181:7. LAST Shall be first, first shall be, 4263:1, 6. Supper: See Memorial; Supper, Lord's. LATIN Vulgate: See Translation. LAVER As type of Christ's blood, 118:1-3, 9-11; of Tabernacle, signification of, 243:7-9. Symbol of: Baptism, 117:7; cleansing effect of truth upon the outward conduct, 1543:12. Type: And antitype (1880 view), 117:1, 2; of washing by Word, 117:11. Typified cleansing from filthiness of flesh, 3053:14. LAW Abiding: God's people hated by world are, 5513:9-12; is not submission to law-breakers, 2914:6; truth people should be, 4938:1-3, 10, 11. Christians: Have right to protection of the, 2944, 2945; 3124:1-3, 8-11; 4941:4, 9, 10; may take unbelievers to, 2666:6; to be subject to the, 2756:4-6. Covering the distribution of papers, 4652:6; disrespect for human, due to disrespect for divine, 4763:6-9; eight hour, and union label, fought by capital, 3303:1-6. God's original: Comprehensive, 1680: condemns fallen man, 410; existed before Sinai, 410:6; imperfect man cannot keep, 823:2-4; retributive character of, 1653-1655; written in Adam's heart, 5286:7-9, 11. International, violated by Great Britain and Germany, 5766:15-24; lynch: savage practice, 2779:10. Mosaic: Added because of transgression, 682:8-10; "Agree with thine adversary quickly", 1713; alive once without the, 1730:4; apostles decide, is not binding on Christians, 1472; Babylon's inconsistency respecting the, 887:3-7; baptism not one of the features of the, 1539:11; 1540:2-11; binding upon Jews only, 3752:4-6; 5946:6; 5947:1-4; bondage of, is freedom in Christ, 90:8; broken tablets of, a type, 2196:8; Christ puts end to, 315:3-6; 503, 504; 970:9; 5047:2-5. CHRISTIANS: Do more than keep the, 5006, 5007; keep the spirit of the, 543:1-6; not under the, 812:7-9; 2269:5-10; 2354:9-12; 3018, 3019; 4600:1, 2, 5, 6; 5027:6-8; 5028; 5405:4, 5; under higher commandment than the, 5027:7-9. CHURCH: Goes beyond fulfilling of the, 5287:2, 10; is under grace, not under the, 5072, 5073; not under the, 3721:4-7; 3752:4-6, 12; 5946:6; 5947:1-4. Consisted of two parts, 5164:18; 5165:1; could not remove sin, 99:4, 11, 12; curse to Israel, 5046:2-4; 5047:6, 9-14; did not justify, 6:12. DISTINCTION BETWEEN: Keeping and fulfilling the, 5164, 5165; law covenant and the, 1724:4-10. Essence of, is justice, mercy, humility, 5408:4, 9-12; explained by Ezra to the Jews, 1498:5-7; 4922:9, 10, 15. FULFILLED IN CHURCH: 3753:1-5; spirit of, 614:16. GIVEN: At Mt. Sinai, 3037:4-8; typical, 4011:4; only to the Jews, 5027:1-5. HOW: Christ redeemed Israel from the, 5046, 5047; fulfilled by new creatures, 4868, 4869; it was weak through the flesh, 4869:7. Implies consecration, self-sacrifice and cross-bearing (1895 view), 1774:16-18; influence of, upon early church, 1727:11, 12; 1728:1-11; is spiritual while Jews were mostly carnalminded, 5295:3-6, 10, 11. JESUS: Attitude toward, 4600:2, 5, 6; made an end of, 314:21, 23; the only means of egress from sheepfold of the, 4732:6. JEWS: Condemned by, 503:4; redeemed by Jesus though cursed by the, 4512:1; were unable to keep the, 2719:5, 9-11. Just and wise, 643:1; keeping the spirit of, 5287:13-15; 5288:1, 2, 10-12; letter of, killeth, 614:2, 13; 4595, 4596; love is the fulfilling of, 2728:2, 3, 8; 5266:1, 2; magnified by Christianity, 5006; measure of a perfect man's ability, 105:1, 2, 8; 455:3, 11, 12; 542, 543; moral precepts of, never have and never will pass away, 1527:6. NO: Flesh justified by, 555:3; imperfect flesh could keep the, 455:1-3. None could keep, 105:1, 2, 8; 812:2, 3, 7-9. NOT: Divided into moral and ceremonial features, 1732:2, 3; one jot or tittle changed, 970:3, 4; the way of salvation, 1657:10, 11, 16, 17; 1658:1, 2. Objections of Seventh Day Adventists answered, respecting the, 1731-1734; OF: Israel increased their responsibility, 5070, 5071; Jews wisest and most just of all laws, 643:1. Only office of, to the Jews--to convince them of sin, 1582:6; Paul kept certain features as a justifiable expediency, 1559:10; puts Jews in bondage to sin (Romans 7:7-25), 4961:1-6; relating to Jewish method of slaughtering meat, 1989:3, 4; retarded degradation of mankind, 1257:5, 9, 10; righteousness of, is fulfilled in the church, 5887:11-14; 5918:2-4, 7; second death typified by death under the, 388:1. SPIRIT OF: Deeper than its letter, 3754:1-4, 6-9; 5359:13, 14; 5360:1, 2, 10; is love, 1462-1464; more exacting than the letter, 5286:2-6. TABLES OF THE: Broken, a type, 2196:8; broken because of idolworship, 5298:5-8; first two represented Adam; the second two, restored mankind, 1365:11; why Moses broke the, 3047:4; 5547:3-5. TEN COMMANDMENTS OF: And the Sabbath-day, 1723-1730; not for Christians, 542, 543; to be shortened by English clergy, 4799:22-28. To the Jews, the means of eternal life, 5369:15, 16; twofold fulfillment of, by Jesus, 5089:6-16; weak through the flesh, 4608:1, 5; "Which, if a man do, he shall live in them," 1725:4, 5. WHY: Given to Israel, 455:1, 2; 973:3, 4; the church is not under the, 3721:4-7, 11-13. Yoke heavy, the gospel yoke light, 5885:4-7, 10-12. See Covenant. Of: Development, 1906; gospel church higher than the Jewish Law, 5071:6-14; love, all Christians must fulfill the, 2684:10; the MedoPersians unchangeable, 3640:6, 7. THE NEW CREATION: 973:9; greater than law covenant, 2329:1-4; is love, 4850:2-4. Saints may sue unjust men at, 954:8; so long as there is any, respect it, 1440:1; suggested to remedy excess wealth, 1424:2, 8-10. Suit: Between brethren, should not be, 954:7; if any man sue, give cloak also, 2518:8-10; 3738:5, 6; 5005:11; libel: of Brother Russell against Rev. J.J. Ross unavailing, 5543:10; of Brooklyn Eagle for slander unsuccessful, 5189, 5190. Suits, proper and improper views regarding (Letter and Reply), 5782:11-25; unto themselves by condemnation of conscience, 6:6-12; violated by government officials, 2914:1-6. And gospel: 887. LAWLESSNESS Has no sanction in God's book, 1440:1; mob violence is, 3241:3-14; 3242:1, 2. LAWS Civil: Our right to appeal to the, 2920:2; proper and improper views regarding, (Letter and Reply), 5782:11-25; submit yourselves to every ordinance of, 1553:3-5; 1555:8-10. Of: GOD: Meant to be blessings, 3316:4-7; superior to laws of men, 2948:7; unchangeable, 1469:1, 2. Past no longer practicable, 1751:9, 10; the New Covenant to be similar to old Law Covenant, 4729:1-4, 8-10. Often based on selfishness, not justice, 991:6; on religion and their effect, 1198:10-13; postal, violated by postal authorities, 2914:3; why no present problems can be solved by human, 1954:18, 19. LAWYER Meaning of word among Jews, 2683:3; view of Papacy by a, 1049. LAWYERS (In Matt. 23:13; Luke 11:52), D.D.'s 1001:14. LAZARUS Awakening of: From the dead, 1774; not resurrection, 1258:7; 1259:1. Died twice, but not the second death, 1454:6, 7, 9; may be rich young ruler, 3529:1-6. Not in heaven: 3531:2; but sleeping, 4162:4, 5. Resurrected by Jesus from death, 4160-4162; and Dives, see Parables. LAZINESS Mental, 977; not to be encouraged, 5376:7-11. LEADER Antitypical Joshua may be chosen, as, 3079:3. LEADERS Among animals, how chosen, 3172:2. Jewish: Attitude toward Jesus of, 5540:7, 12-14; more reprehensible than heathen nations, 4608:8; murderous spirit of the, 2786:2-4; only outwardly clean, 2785:4; opposed Paul's gospel at Antioch, 4365:1-3; pictured by Jesus as vine-dressers, 5504, 5505; received gospel from Paul in Rome, 4507:5-8; rejected Jesus, 2746; unable to receive John the Baptist, 3031; 2, 9. Religious: Chief opponents of Jesus and church, 5676; why they hate the truth, 3010:1-4, 7. See Elders. LEAGUE American Bible, vs. higher criticism, 3419:3-17. Of: Churches, see Church Federation; governments, religions, labor, 601:5, 6. LEAGUES And confederacies to fail, 601:11. LEANING On Jesus, 861:2, 8; on the arm of flesh, we shall surely fail, 4709:6, 9; 4448:10-12. LEAVEN In the creedal doctrines, 4636:4. Of: PHARISEES: Disciples of Christ warned against the, 5111:9-16; is hypocrisy, 5390:3-5. SIN: Purge yourself from the, 3096:2-5, 7-9. What it symbolizes, 2283:10, 11. LEAVES Of the vine picture mere professions, 3545:2; represent restitution (Rev. 22:2), 3625:3. LEBANON To be fruitful field, 589:15. LEE Dr. S. G., dreams of the future church, 3560:4, 7. LEGISLATION Eight-hour day law for women declared unconstitutional (1895), 1805:9, 11. LEGISLATURES Dr. Eliot comments on churches, courts and, 2946:1. See Courts. LEISURE In action necessary for fine work of any kind, 1756:2-4. LEMUEL King: (his) Ideal of a wise woman not the Lord's ideal, 1520:11, 12; 1521:1, 2; wisdom of, on strong drink is contrary to true wisdom, 1521:8. LENDERS Christians should be, 3180:1, 2; discretion should be used by, 4971:1, 2; to those requesting, 3738:9. LENT Benefit to many, 2593:8; observance of, 3170:8-20; why instituted, 4346:9, 10. LEOPARD Of Revelation 13 is Papacy, 63:6; 318:8, 12-19; Papacy's policy likened to spotted, 2308:13-19. LEPER Healed by Jesus, 4980:11-13. LEPERS Healed by Jesus, 2722:5-9; in Israel unhealed by Elisha, 2347:9; ten healed, one returned in gratitude, 5454; thankful and unthankful, 2722:5-9. LEPROSY Healed by: Elisha, 558:7; faith, 4576:8, 11. Horrors and loathsomeness of, 2722:1-3; how it corresponds to sin, 4769:1, 2; incurable, a type of sin, 2347:1; Naaman healed of, 3438, 3439; 4768, 4769. Punishment: For Miriam's jealousy was, 5308; of Uzziah's disobedience, 4786. Symbol of sin, 2722; 3439:5, 6. LESSONS On our journey to antitypical Canaan, 3060:2-4. LETTER From: Africa, 1011; former minister, 446, 447; Hungarian soldier meeting brother in battle, 5728:3-6; Macedonia, 1038:6-9; Mexico, 1512:5-7; Pilate to Caesar in re Jesus' death, 1366-1368; Sister Russell in re her tour (1895), 1850. In re: Appreciation of service above money, 3513:15-17; deliverance from demons, 4447, 4448; newspaper advertising, 1635:6-8; Polish brethren receiving the truth, 1345:8-12; Tabernacle and Temple, 1236:7-11; 1237:1, 2, 5-9. Of: A father to his son, 4232, 4233. BROTHER: Russell in 1912 to the Pilgrims, 5040. Information to sharpshooters, 1001:12-14; interest from a searcher after truth, 4569:22-26; rejoicing, 1038:16, 17; thanksgiving, 222:4, 5, 9-11. Relating to: Conventions, 1397:6-8; Jews, 1288:3, 4; proper presentation of truth, 1133:5-9, 13, 14. Telling of persecutions, 1012:8, 9, 15, 16; to Edward Bellamy in re his book "Looking Backward", 1213:5-8. Writing: A form of service, 935:2; Pilgrims advised to avoid, 5142:4-7, 14-17. LETTERS Between a Roman Catholic cardinal and a Methodist D.D., 1764:2-15; encouraging obedience, 1802; 1803:1-6. From: BRETHREN: Held as German prisoners, 5782:8-10; in France during war, 5782:1-7. Brother Russell's father, 1033:6; 1110:10-12; 1664:6-11; Denmark, 1747:5-9; 1843:6-14; 1952:15, 16; 1953:1-5; Germany, 1593:2-5; 1666:34; 1667:1-5; India, 1242:11-13; 1473:5-7; interested, 500:4-7, 19-22; Sing Sing Prison, New York, 1512:11; 1513:1-7. Introductory, recalled (1895), 1847. Of appreciation: 357:9-16; 1001:5-7; 1153:3, 4, 9; 1237:4, 10-12; 1379:8; 1380:3, 8-12; 1384:9-15; 1397:9, 14-16; 1445:8-10, 13-17; 1502:10, 11; 1503:7-9; 1583:3-6; 1635:18-21; 1966:22-24; 4274; 4300:2-5, 13; 4339; 4361; 4382; 4391, 4392; 4508, 4509. OF BROTHER RUSSELL: numerous, 4644:1. And acceptance of the vow, 4237. Of: comfort to Brother Russell in his trials, 3818, 3819; 4449, 4450. Of encouragement: 1456:3-8; as respects newspaper advertising of the truth; 1439:2, 3. TO: Colporteurs, 1242:8-10; 1479:5-7; 1496:4, 5; 1507:10, 12-14; 1533:9, 10; 1646:7, 8; 1843:1-5, 15-18; 1889:13-16; 1940:4-10; convicts, 1013:3, 7, 8; 1242:7; 1512:11; 1513:1-7; 1610:9, 10, 18; sharpshooters, 1038:10, 14; 1071:11-15; 1073:16, 17; 1300:15-17; 1345:1-7; 1445:3-7; 1473:14-16; 1479:8, 9, 12-15; 1507:7-9; 1722:9-11; 1803:18-20; 1804:16; true missionaries, 1011:3-8; 1038:6-9; volunteers, 1154:1-4, 10, 11; 1513:11, 12, 15-20; 1803:7, 8. TO THOSE: Coming out of Babylon, 1134:11-15; 1426:18; 1439:4, 5; 1502:20, 21; 1503:4-6, 10-18; 1635:22; 1830:4-18; 1831:1-3, 10; 1974:1-4, 12-17; in doubt, 1236:2-6; 1599:7-9; in reform work, 1888:6-9, 14-16; 1889:1-4; isolated, 1304:10; 1384:1, 2; 1461:5-7; leading meetings, 1973:6, 7, 12-14; meeting opposition and prejudice, 1843:15, 25-28; misunderstood, 1109:7, 13, 14; sick and afflicted, 1479:3, 4; taking care of the sick, 1958:6, 7, 14, 15; 1959:1-4. Of: INSTRUCTION: For the stubborn, 1513:8-10; to colporteurs, 1134:1-6; to sharpshooters, 1110:3. INTEREST: 476:7, 12-18; 515; to tobacco users, 1300:7. Introduction for Pilgrims (1894), 1702:12; 1706; 1720. LOYALTY: In times of sifting (1894), 1664-1667. SYMPATHY: Appreciated, 3837:18; and loyalty to Society after Brother Russell's death, 6017-6021. Presenting the truth by writing of, 1852:15. Relating to: BROTHER RUSSELL'S: 1891 tour abroad, 1337; 1338:1-3, 7-10; 1345:13-15; 1384:3-5, 8. Chronology, 1923:3-8; coming out of darkness; 1564; 1587; 1630; 1640:6-8, 10; 1646; 1722; 1755; 1830; 1875; election of elders and deacons, 1923:9, 11-16; eternal torment, 1439:10, 11; 1456:2; 1533:17; 1534:1; 1564:7, 8; 1565:1, 7; harvest work, 807, 808; Memorial supper, 1303:14, 15, 22; 1304:10; 1966:4-11; recalled introductory, 1886. Withdrawal: Announced, 2578:5; copy of one used in Africa, 1011:17-22; from Babylon, 310:1-3; 1883; suggested outline of, 1578:9-13; value of, 1903:10-12; why we provide the, 3653:1-3, 8-10. LEVI Purifying antitypical sons of, 3463:7; 4708, 4709; 5442:7-10; tribe of, typical of spirit-born class, 5023:2-5. LEVITES Consecrated the same as the priest, 4656:5, 6; how they typified the great company, 4745, 4746; in lieu of first-born, 899:6; pictured whole church, 17:2, 3; represent all the spirit-begotten, 4647:8-10. Type: 128:6-8, 10-12; of great company, 292:15, 16; 3605:2, 3. Typical of: A spirit-begotten class, 5023:1-3; ancient worthies, 5182:10; church of first-born, 4875:7-9, 14. What was typified by the, 4677:8; why they had no inheritance in the land, 5023:2-5. See Priests. LEVITICUS Nine and sixteen explained, 5391:4-6, 12, 13; sixteen, in type and antitype, 128:7, 8, 10-12. LEVITY Not good for Christians, 3341:12, 13. LIARS Clergy self-confessed, 1305:5. LIBERAL Soul shall be made fat, 1593. LIBERIA Truth attacked by clergy of, (1889), 1090:12-15. LIBERTIES Not principles may be sacrificed, 2119; to be sacrificed in interests of brethren, 2167:2. LIBERTY All will obtain it under the law of love, 1737:15; 1738:1, 2. Always follows: Enlightenment from the Bible, 2365:4-7; 5413, 5414; truth, 3751:4-6. As a Christian, 203:1-4, 14, 15; bonds, see Bonds; brethren not to be weakened by our, 5324:15-19; fallen man unfit for, 1065:4-22; how the saints obtain it, now and hereafter, 1737:12, 13; 1738:4-13. In: Christ: see Christ. CLASSES: To be carefully guarded, 5501, 5502. The church defined, 3136:2, 3. Law of, love, 1729:8-10; license mistaken for, 3857:3-10; lost as the price of war, 5790:13; 5791:1-6; menace without self-control, 847:10; metes and bounds of individual, 1737:5; needs restraint in present evil world, 3270:12; none can have it until the Millennium, 1737:14, 15; 1738:1, 2. Not: Always a blessing, 4707:1, 2; generally to be contended for, 4900:1; occasion for flesh, 886:2-7. Of: Faith and conscience, distinction between, 2166:3, 4, 8, 9; gentiles to be sacrificed on behalf of Jewish brethren, 4374:11; Romanism, 1082; sons of God, 615:13; 616:1-5. Present restrictions foretold, 969:6; priestcraft opposed to, 1808; 1821; produced by knowledge, 402:3-5; responsibility of personal, 1628; returning to evil spirits leads to perilous times, 4976, 4977; self-restraint in, 4478:17, 22-34; 4497:1-8; statue of, 945:4; stumbling brethren through our, a sin against Christ, 4919, 4920. To: Become sons, its meaning, 1006:2; 1007; do iniquity to be cut off under Messiah's rule, 5916:11, 12; them that are bruised, 2580:10. Unrestrained, a menace, 815:10-12; "use it not for an occasion to the flesh," 1580:1-3, 14-17; used to stumble others, 3145:7-11; 3146; various worldly and Christian conceptions of, 3857:3-10; when dangerous, when safe, 1064:4-15; 1065:1-3, 10-12; world to enjoy perfect, 816:4-8, 11-13; wrong ideas of, one cause of anarchy, 1737:6, 7. And: Curiosity may be snares to Christians, 2389:3, 4; education bring license, 4151:1-4. See Freedom. LICENTIOUSNESS Equal to Lot's and Noah's day, expected, 4227:7. LIE Deluded, that they may believe a, 4514:5-10, 14-17; evil of a, 141:14; of Ananias and Sapphira, 1426; Papacy followers believe a, 606:10-12; strong delusions cause infidels to believe a, 2813-2817. LIES Misrepresentations and false impressions are, 3045:7, 8; result of selfishness, 4257:8; truth shall sweep away the refuge of, 5443:6-8. LIFE All proceeds from one fountain, 278:10; artificial generation of, affirmed and denied, 3731:10-13; 3732:1-5, 16-19; at home for the Christian, 620:3, 4; boon even under adverse conditions, 5534:19, 20; 5535:1; bread of, see Bread; breath is not the, 366:22; 4519:16, 19-26; brief, a blessing, 1119; brought to light by Christ, 3337:10. By: Christ, 1095; every word from the mouth of God, 3058-3060. Christ the bread of, 1755; Christ's human, sacrificed, 62:4-9, 16; Christian's view of present, 1118:16; choose, that ye may live (Deut. 30:15), 2611:8-16; comes from father, 776:7-10; creation of, artificially, pros and cons considered, 3731:10-13; 3732:1-5, 16-19. Crown of: How obtained, 5499:4-8; 5913:6; 5914; is divine nature, 5688:2, 3; not cheaply obtained, 1169:15. Daily: Christianity in, 657:9; effect of, upon future character, 5233:9-11; 5234:1, 9; helpful rules for, 2240:1, 2, 7; 3593-3595; index of spirituality, 4968:11-13; indicative of depth of consecration, 5029:10, 11; test of character, 852:7. Death: And resurrection pictured in Job's experiences, 5401-5403; does not mean more, 203:11-13; means cessation of, 1126:2, 3; 4657:3, 4. Dependent upon obedience, 282:1; distinct from death, 203:11-13; divinity is the only fountain of, 279:2. Eternal: Adam did not possess, 7:8; 545:4; 1220:4, 5; blood of Christ essential to, 5849:9; Christ has the words of, 2257, 2258; condition on which world will receive, 1220:6-8; crown of blessings, 5688:1, 2; defined, 1641:13; dependent upon covenant relationship to God, 5162-5164; distinct from immortality, 279:10; 280; 1877-1879; 5608:13-17; 5609:1-3, 12; few that find, 860:6, 7; final testing will determine the right to, 5031:10, 11; for human race, 253:18-20; he that hath the Son hath, 5931:5-7; how to inherit, 1107:5-8, 12-14; 2683:5; 2727, 2728; 3803:5, 8-12; 4658:4-7; 5369:7-9, 13-16; is to know God, 1128:10, 11; 1234:6-8; 1235:1, 12; never possessed by Adam, 7:8; 545:4; 1220:4, 5; none of mankind worthy of, 1265. NOT: All will gain, 253:2-9; for wicked, 1175:10; 1179:5-7; 1180:7, 8; immortality to the great company, 281:7; 3154:1, 2. Prime consideration of man, 2087; when the world will receive, 4760:11-13; whosoever believeth in Christ shall have, 1855:14-16; 1856:1-4; world will gain, 3387:4-11; young man sought, 105:2, 8. Even under imperfection is a boon, 5418:1-3. Everlasting: AND IMMORTAL: 279:10; 280; difference between, 5608, 5609. See Life Eternal. For the world through Jesus, 4154, 4155; future, people cherish ignorance on, 2898:7. Gift of: 933:8; God, 822:3. Given to image by two-horned beast, 3531:7; 3698:1; favor better than this, 2850-2852; guaranteed to Jews if they kept the Law, 4869:8. He: That hath the Son hath, 4840; who saves his, shall lose it, 2615:10, 11. Holy: A daily one of obedience, prayer and zealous activity, 1528:3; exhortations to a, 49:7. Human: Conflicting ideas on the prolongation of, 4720:5-8; of Christ sacrificed, 62:4-9, 16-23. In: Him was, 421:15; its full sense to be given to world, 5608:1-6, 11, 12. JESUS: Alone, 2408:10, 11; there was, 3475:2. The blood, 407:2; 5341:15, 16. Insect, Satan's power over, 3079:5; insurance, see Insurance; is it a gift or a purchase? 965. Jesus: Gives water of, 2423:9-11; had power again to receive his, 2037:8, 9, 13; is the bread of, 2358:4-6. Kinds of and differences in, 53:4, 5, 11, 16; Lamb's book of, record of the holy nation, 2128:1. Law Covenant: Could not give, 401:3-5; kept perfectly would have given, 4696:1-6. Length of preceding the Flood, 4561, 4562; losing and finding, 936:3-5, 11; loving this present, 3540:2, 9, 10; lunar month year theory of, theory of its antediluvian length disproved, 4561, 4562; mortal and immortal, 92:3; Nephesh, meaning of, 53:6; not all immortal, 142:1. Of: Adam was to be everlasting, 163:7; all dependent upon faith in Jesus, 2407:7, 10-13. CHRIST: Typified by Adam's, 67:6; which one laid down, 75:9. Christian manifests holy spirit, 2226, 2227. CHRISTIAN'S: Full of lights and shadows, 5802:3-6, 8-10; sermon in, 565:6, 7, 13; should be joyous, 4592:6-9; testing of faith, 4133:7-9. Elijah class specially protected, 3415:8, 11; Jesus, see Jesus; man should be viewed from standpoint of future, 2087; saints manifests their sealing, 2065:8. Offer to Israel of, 401:3-5. Only: Christians see its real purpose, 3980:6-8; one fount of, 142:1-3. Or Death: As reward or penalty for all, 3072:1-3; the issue of the consecrated, 4346:1-3. Organic, mere colonies of cells, 3766:6-8; origin and development of, 4846, 4847; pictured as a labyrinth, 4279:10, 11; 4280:1; present, surrendered for a future, 3340:1-3, 8-10; promise for those who mortify the deeds of flesh is, 5807:5, 10-12. (Psuchee): Correctly translated in R.V., 248:15; laid down by Jesus, 667:7-16; meaning of, 53:6-14, 17. Restoration of race to full, 279:1. Resurrection: Of, 1854:9-14; 1855:1-13; to spiritual, 42:1-4. Right to: Difference between life-rights and, 5073, 5074; 5621, 5622; purchased at Calvary, 669:11. River of: 2507, 2508. OF EZEKIEL: And Revelation identical, 3624:9; 3625:6, 7; (chapter 47) may become literal as well as symbolical, 3625:6, 7. Restitution pictured as, 4882, 4883; the Christ will be the, 3510:2-4. "Saved by His," how? 1228:15-17; 1229:1-4, 6, 7; savor of, or of death, gospel is a, 3673:9, 10, 16, 17; second death class shall not see, 1179:5-7; secret of a happy, 1915:4; shed blood a symbol of sacrificed, 1230:9, 10; shortness of, a mercy in disguise, 1125:1; some shall not see, 1179:5-7. Spirit of: Into thy hands I commit my, 2317:7-9; 3903:12; returns to God who gave it, 1880:14. Spiritual: Develops only by nourishment, 2147:7; not for world, 253:18-20; resurrection to, 205:12-14. Strictly, means perfection, 1076:6, 7; 1077:1-15; 1105:7; through Jesus, 38:7-10. To: Come through belief in Jesus, 5354:4, 5, 13-16; do God's will is the end of, 2694:5-9, 11-24. Transferred from earthly plane, 280:4, 7. Trees of: Disciples compared to fruitful, 3747:3-11; explained, (Rev. 22), 3625:3; garden of Eden full of, 2840:2. Trial for, perfection of organism not necessary to, 4985, 4986. Value of: From different angles, 1118; should be fully appreciated, 5427:12-18. Various forms of, 142:2. Ways of: Broad and narrow, 814:1-10; 4245:12-17; 4246:1; of true saints guarded from errors and vain philosophies, 5816; right and wrong, 705:7-9. Whosoever will, let him take of the water of, 3496:9-12; worth living? 1118; (Zoee) meaning of, 53:4, 5, 8, 11, 16, 17. And: DEATH: Determined by heart condition, 5746:4, 5, 8-11; opposites, 625:4-10, 14-23. Everlasting life differentiated, 3387:4-11; immortality brought to light by gospel, 3337, 3338; literature of ancient Hebrews, review of, 2815; works of Brother Russell outlined for newspapers, 4943-4954. Vs: Death, 401; choosing, 912, 913. See Resurrection. LIFE-GIVER Christ the Ransomer and, 2856:7; church to share in life-giving but will not be the, 5967:12-16; father is, 422:15; how Jesus became the world's, 5086:7-9; Peter proved Jesus to be the, 2095:11-14; savior means, 3115:7; and redeemer, Jesus as the, 4556:1-9, 11-17. See Savior. LIFE-RIGHTS Christians sacrifice human, 1187:1; difference between right to life and, 5073, 5074; 5881:9-11; how we sacrifice our, 1187:1; human, of Jesus retained could not redeem world, 4463:4-6; Jesus will give to the world, on certain conditions, 5623:1; of Christ different from his merit, 4905:7-12. Of Church: And of Jesus is what is sacrificed, 4492:9; as humans entirely sacrificed, 5197:1-3; must be sacrificed also, 4453:3. Of Jesus: Accrue only to church now, 4452:2-7; applied on behalf of the church, 4463:9. AS: Logos resigned, 4905:1-3. Distinguished from right to life, 5621, 5622; gained by keeping the Law perfectly, 4463:4-6; how applied in the Millennium, 4905:21, 22; needed for regeneration of race, 4922:3, 4; sacrificed, but not forfeited, 4637:3-6; 5342:3, 9, 10; surrendered, but not forfeited, 5085:12-14; 5086:1-6; 5253:6-15; 5623:1. Relinquished by Jesus is human, 4905:13-15; retained by Jesus as new creature, 5621:4, 5; various uses of term, 4876:12; and justification considered 4579:12-15. LIGHT Bearers: Spirit-begotten are the true, 5339:1-4. Becomes darkness to rejecters of ransom, 4605:12; brings responsibility, 722:2, 7. Children of: Church called the, 3686:5-7; hated by the children of darkness, 5441:11-13; the, have put on the armor, 5339:14, 15. Christ's yoke is easy and, 1276; church is world's only, 4149:4-6; comprehended by those begotten of God's will, 4108:1, 2. Darkness: Giving place to, 522:4-8; 2501:4-6; 4813; 5545:1-3; 5546:1-5; hateth the, 5719:7-10; possible after receiving, 4445:6-8; reproved by the, 4746:2-5, 9-11; 5038:5-8. Entrance of thy word giveth, an example, 1513:11, 12, 15-20; false, from Satan, 16:9; few have, 6:18; for the now darkened world, 4987, 4988. Gradual: Development of, 658:4; increase of, 5:14-19; 8:2, 3; 22:11-18; 24:15-18. Has come, Jesus the, 2036:1, 2; hated by those who were once in it, 4445:4-8; hidden under a bushel, our loyalty questionable, 1121:8; 5497:3-9; hindered by mystery of iniquity, 627:2-4. How: Children of darkness come into the, 5719:1-4; it has progressed, 512-514; Satan appears as an angel of, 1684:3-5; to abide in the, 4068:6. In: darkness, 577; symbol, 243:1, 2; thee become darkness, how great the darkness (Letter), 5797:13, 14, 22-26. Increases: For faithful in evil day, 2453:1-3; responsibility, 5075:10-12. Increasing, faith increases, 5433:12-14; Jesus the world's, 421:17, 18; let us put on the armor of, 3030:9; must be in harmony with fundamental doctrines, 5913:9. New: Cannot be revealed until the due time, 1867:15; doctrines of devils masquerade as angels of, 1643:2-13; 1644:1-4; does not change fundamental doctrines, 4474; how to test, 1867:14; increases unto perfect day, 21:5; never presented by Brother Russell in private letters, 5281:2; those going into darkness claim, 1279:7, 8. Now given only to consecrated, 4992:7, 8, 13, 14; obtained only by study of Word, 653:8-16. Of: Bible not to be fully shed during this gospel age, 5803:4; God's promises to world have been dim, 5768, 5769; Jesus' kingdom to dispel darkness of Satan, 5338-5340; men, Jesus the, 4154, 4155; Millennium to dispel darkness of gospel age, 5135:6, 7. THE WORLD: Christ's followers are the, 4149:4-6; is Jesus, 77:8; 2409:1-3; 3475:3-9; 3686:2-4; 4107:3-9; is the church, 128:9; 2099:11; responsibility of being the, 3243:3; ye are, 375:5, 6. TRUTH: Has always unfolded gradually, 5565-5567; increases responsibility for sin, 4988:14, 15; 4989:1. On: Presence of Christ, 188:4-13; 189:1-5; the path of the just, what it reveals, 2389:11; 2390:1, 2, 6, 7. "Out of darkness into his marvelous" (Letters), 1564; 1587; 1630; 1640:6-8, 10; 1646; 1722; 1755; 1830; 1875; path of just is as shining, 259:7-9; prayer for, 215:1, 2. Prince of: Has power over the prince of darkness, 5378:1-5, 7-9; Israel killed the, 2095:11-14. Reproves the darkness of error, 4746:2-5, 9-11; retained by the pure in heart, 4445:1-8; revealed to the righteous, 4444:4, 8; review of progress in, 512-514; Satan the real force behind the opposition to the, 5545:1-3; 5546:1-5; Scriptural, unfolds gradually, 414:1-4, 7-10; 658; shine before men, let your, 4993:1-4, 9-13. Shining: Brighter now than in Jesus' day, 5055:1, 2, 9, 10; with Lord's presence, 627:5-7. Shone in darkness uncomprehended, 3468:9-12. Sown: For the righteous, 945, 946; only for righteous, 4334:3, 4. Symbol of the holy spirit, 5129:6-9. To: Our path--Bible, 63:2, 3; soon become world-wide, 5352:12-14. True, is harmonious, 46:5; walking in the, 539:6-11, 16-18; 2439:14, 15. Why: Christians should live in actual, 2967:4; given to us, 25:4; we have more now, 414:1-4, 7-10; 658. Will: Increase unto perfect day, 21:5; wane if not used, 946:2, 3. And: Knowledge brings responsibility, 4036:6-8; salt of earth, when removed anarchy follows, 3736:10-12; 3737:1. And Darkness: PICTURE: Good and evil, 5038:1-7; right and wrong, 5099:13-16. LIGHTNING Christ's presence as the, 114:3, 4, 7-10; 348:9; Lord's coming as, 124:1-4, 7-14; present truth compared to, 1430:6. LIGHTNINGS Of the day of vengeance, 1913. LIGHTS God's people to be burning and shining, 4967:6-9. In the: Midst of a perverse nation, 4797:11, 12. WORLD: Christians to be, 2196:11, 12; Jesus and church alone have been, 4967:10-13. Jesus and the church as, 4675:17; 4677:1. LIKENESS Of: GOD: 89:1, 2, 17, 18; man in, 104:6-8. Man, 89:1, 4, 17, 18. Satisfied to awake in God's, 89:1-18; 122:7; 123:11. LILIES Lesson to Christians in study of, 5875:1-3, 8, 9; 5990:10-13; 5991:1, 3; picture of Christians, 843:3, 4. LILY Christian's example of God's care, 5220:9-15. LINCOLN Abraham: Confession of faith of, 4699:12; interviewed Beecher in Bethel parlor, 4481:15; raised up by God for special service, 1708:3, 11; religious views of, 2065:10, 11; was he a Christian? 2331:13. LINEAGE Of Jesus, prophecies proving, 468:2, 9, 10. LION And adder, thou shalt tread upon the, 4927:9. LIONS In the pathway of Christians, 3641:1, 2. LIPS Guarded means guarding the heart, 2242:1; I will set a guard upon my, 4217:8-11; kept by keeping the heart, 3739:10. Of: Isaiah touched with live coal, a picture, 4787:8. THE CONSECRATED: Devoted to God's praise, 5476:1, 2, 11; why they praise Jehovah, 5441. Shall praise thee, My, 2852:8; 5435, 5436. LIQUOR Intoxicating: Business owned by government in Europe (1895), 1845:20, 21; dangers of, 4600:4, 7, 8. EVIL: Effects of, 4156:3-11; work of, 3055:1, 2. Intemperate use of, illustrates effects of all sins, 1631:7, 8; national bill of United States for, 3859:10; needed to spur men on to battle, 5795:14, 15; no room in the Marathon Race for, 4256:4, 5, 8; none can afford to use, 5765:8, 9; 5796:12-14; not forbidden in the Scriptures, 5796:8; only the Millennium will bring prohibition of, for all, 1863:6-9; poison, not a food, 4289:3-10; question and the law of liberty, 3270:12; Roman Catholic dealers in, in Philadelphia (1895), 1765:10-15; some statistics relating to (1892), 1631:16; traffic; Christian nations and the, 625:2, 3; used for fraudulent purposes, 4031:11; vice directly associated with, 4600:8; 4601:7; weakens the system, 4256:4, 5, 8. WHY: Christians may not use, 3666:9; the consecrated should avoid the use of, 4919:11-13. And Episcopalians, 1852:1, 2, 13, 14. LITERACY See Education. LITERAL Vs. symbolic, 30:1, 2, 6, 7. LITERATURE Do not circulate any you do not comprehend, 1629:1, 2; 1636:3, 4, 12; effect of immoral, 719:5, 6; generally the best way of presenting the truth, 1496:16; give out none you cannot endorse, 1188:6; how to "prove all", 1204-1206; immoral, its effect on mind, 719:5, 6; in re writing and circulating one's own, 1640:12; saints should not rush into print with crude ideas, 1475:13; selected for children, 719:6. Volunteer: Blessing in the homes (Letter), 5915:11-14; care to be exercised in distributing (Letter), 5525:20-23; checking our printers on, 4597:10; distribution of, 5883:8, 17, 18. FOR: (1880), 173:7; (1905), 3581; (1908), 4163; (1913), 5190:7, 8, 14; (1914 fall), 5559:3, 4, 11, 12. Free in 23 different languages (1911), 4898:9, 14. IN: French prepared (1912), 5079:6; several languages, 4441:3, 4, 13, 14. Ready for distribution (1915), 5820:4-6, 15; regarding the waste of (Letter), 5937:1-4; special hell-fire issue of, 5106:17. Watch Tower: Adverse rulings of Post Office department in re, 1943:5-7, 14-17; 1955:1, 2; 1962:2, 3; the Jubilee Trumpet, 2901:4. We should not wade through no-ransom, to help others out, 1860:7, 10. See Books; Publications. LITTLE Flock: All things are for the sake of the, 4133:10; are 144,000, 170:4; called to glory and honor, 4213:6-8; 4214:1-9; can we be certain of share in, 201:17-20; chosen as heirs, 270:6; course of, approved, 2161:1, 6-8; differ from the great company in that they suffer gladly, willingly, self-sacrificingly, 1669:3-8; 1699:4, 5, 10; each member of, to bring forth 144,000 after-fruits, 3626:14-18; fear not, 662:5, 6, 11; few, but faithful, 1185:7-9; glorification of, before Babylon's fall, 1649:1-6. HAVE: First benefits of ransom, 779:6-13; higher nature, 131:7-9, 11, 12; Lord for Shepherd now, 3289:3. Heirs of great salvation, 742:2. HOW: Delivered, 155:10-13; it differs from the great company, 3599:5-8, 12; 3605; we may be sure of prize of, 1046:10. Immortality the prize of, 1642:3-7. MAY: Go well into the time of trouble, 4684:9, 10; we know that we are members of, 4683, 4684. Must walk by faith, 1126:9-11; 1127:1, 2; New Jerusalem, 1649:7-14; only ones of mankind who attain immortality, 1879:6-15. PICTURED: By priests, 17:2-8; in Joseph's experiences, 5231, 5232. Purpose of call of, 199:19; 200:1, 2; remaining probably all tested by present truth, 3062:5-10; represented as Jehovah's jewels, 2643:6, 7; reverence of, for God, 2543:1-3; theirs is the "first resurrection", 1259:10-14; 1260:1-4, 7-14; to be spared from time of trouble, 2543:7; trials and blessings of, 1126:6-11; 1127:1-4, 7, 8; true Zion, 1648:5; 1649:5-14. TYPIFIED BY: Elijah, 3408:4; Gideon's army, 1875; the Lord's goat, 4920:9, 16, 4921:10. Usurpation to aspire to the? 3599:5-8, 12; who are the, 156:4, 5, 9, 10, why thoroughly disciplined, 1164:2-4; will compose part of "Everlasting Father", 1007:6, 7. See Brethren; Bride of Christ; Christ, Body of; Christian; Christians; Church, True; Elect; Elijah Class; God, Sons of; New Creation; New Creature; Overcomer; Priesthood, Royal; Saints; The Christ. AND GREAT COMPANY: 772; Contrasted, 4654:2-8; 5864, 5865; faith structures differ, 5408:1, 2; how they differ, 4401:1; proofs of the, 4078, 4079. Foxes, that spoil the vine, 5886:4-7, 11, 12. Ones: Danger of stumbling the Lord's, 5445:4-9; despise not Lord's, 657:11-15; offending God's 2661:1-4; whoever shall offend one of these, 2661:1-4; 5130:9, 12-14. Season: At end of Millennium, 893:6, 7; loosed for a, 848; of Satan to follow the Millennium, 5253:16-18. While: God's view of, 11; man's view of, 11:1, 2, 16. LIVE All, unto him, 1881:14; choose life that ye may, 892. Full import of the word, 1231:8, 9; just by faith shall, 1798; man, by bread alone, shall not, 2244:1; 4896:9-11, 17-19; not henceforth unto ourselves, 588:4-6; only believers shall truly, 1231:6-9. LIVES Of the consecrated should: BE: Living epistles, 5571:14; 5572:1; shining lights, 4675:15, 16. Honor the cause of Christ, 4839:3, 8-11. LIVING After the: Flesh defined, 1748:6-8; spirit defined, 1748:10, 13. Bread, see Bread; careless, destructive of new creature, 5735:10, 11; 5736:1; for others, 672:10; high cost of, some remarks on (1888), 1062:7; modern, destructive of health and morals, 4860:13-17; 4861:1, 2, 10. Righteous: Effect upon the future, 5083, 5084; not necessarily Christianity, 761:1-4; 5438:13-15; 5439:1, 2. Will not die, some now, 605:1. LLOYD George: see George. LOAF Church a part of the broken, 2272:1-3; consecrated parts of one, 840:9, 10; significance to us in breaking the, 5341:8-12; wave, what it typified, 108:8; 1289:11. And cup: significance to the consecrated of the, 5192, 5193; 5871:3-7. LOAN To: Belligerent nations by U.S. opposed by N.Y. American, 5784:16-24; LOAVES And Fishes: Jesus feeds 5000 with, 2643; 3502-3504; 3779-3781. LOCOMOTIVES Nahum 2:3, 4 first applied to them in Jerusalem, 1304:11. LODGE Sir Oliver: Blind support of orthodoxy by, 3713:15, 18, 19; 3714:1; Christian doctrine denied by, 3713:15, 18, 19; 3714:1; claims communication with the dead, 4135:8-17; ransom denied by, 3390:5-9; under spirit influence, along with Hyslop and Stead, 4441:9, 10, 15-19. LOGOS Alpha and Omega, 5351:9; appeared to Abraham in human form, 315:15; 3946:3, 4; creator of all things, 51:17, 18; 69:13; 4107:3-6; described by Solomon, 446:1; first creation of God was the, 3474:5-7; how "only begotten Son", 1005:6-9. Humbled: in nature voluntarily, 5128:3-5. Humility of, contrasted with pride of Satan, 5843:5, 6; 5844:1, 9-11; 5846:10, 11; Jesus in his pre-human existence was the, 146:4; 338:1; 421:6-18; 445:7, 11; 4964:4-8; 5064:1-4. Made flesh: 2555-2558; 5351, 5352; a transformation of life, 2409:11. Meaning of term, 421:4-6; not equal with God, 2408:1-3, 7-9; one of our Lord's many names--should be left untranslated, 1514:5; thought not by robbery to become equal with God, 1515:2-4. See Christ Jesus. LOINS Of the mind: Gird up, 3149:2-5; 4667:12, 16; signification of, 3354:4. LONDON (City): BISHOP OF: Denies that he preached truth, 1049; unpreached sermon of, 1032. Church federation began in, 2760:1, 2; depravity of, 831:18; elected its 3rd Jewish mayor (1889), 1207:1, 2; fear of Socialism in, 656:15, 16; siftings in, 2514:10-14; 2515:2; success of the Photo Drama in (Letter), 5580, 5581. Jack: Estimate of a soldier, by novelist, 5841:11-17. LONG-SUFFERING of our Lord means salvation for some, 5864:8-10; toward vessels of wrath (Rom. 9:22), 3433:10, 11. LOOKING Back: Christians should avoid, 478:14. Backward: Letter to its author, 1213. LOOSING See Binding. LORD Almighty only since resurrection, 1514:15; appreciation of, measured by our zeal, 5539:10. Ashamed of: Him and his Word, 3776, 3777; his channel we lose the truth, 1537:6. Be: Between me and thee forever, 4247:10-13. Became a Melchisedec Priest, when, 4668:9-13; blessed are the dead who die in the, henceforth, 664-668; blessing of the, more important than riches, 5171:4, 14-16; bound to keep the law of the, 2268:7. Brethren of the: Are the consecrated, 5037:14, 15; will know of his return, 2972:2-4. Cares for his sheep, 633:12-18; center of all kingdom work, 4305:2-4; change of, from human to spirit nature, and how manifested, 1817:1-4, 14-16. Character likeness to the: Required of all saints, 4418:7, 9-11; the aim of Christians, 2753:4. Chastening ourselves, we are not chastened of the, 5102:16, 17; chastenings of, upon his covenant people, 2356:6-9. Chastisements from: An evidence of his love, 5646:5-7; the, 2007:12; 2008:1-8. Children are properly dedicated to the, 4823:5, 6, 9, 10; Christendom now asleep, during presence of the, 2693. Christian's: Boast should be in the, 1919, 1920; only true source of comfort is the, 5802, 5803; responsibility of representing the, 3329:10, 18. Christians: Free from danger by staying close to the, 5890:8, 9; instructed and guided of the, 4248:6-10; should daily check up their standing with the, 5681:12-14. Church: Answered when calling upon the, 5757:6, 11; 5758:1, 2; has desired one thing of the, 1915:3, 4. TO: Meet him in air, 152:11; reign with him during time of trouble, 2975:6-8. Colporteur work especially blest of the, 1426:13, 14; 1629:9-13; comforts sorrowing Christians, 5802:6, 10. Commandments of the: Comprehended in word love, 1730:15-22; not now compulsory, 5520:6, 9-11. Commit thy way unto the, 111:5; communion with the, a privilege, 843:3, 4. Confessing him: A lesson in, 3520:7-12; as essential as believing on him, 5539:7-9; with our mouths not sufficient, 3071:14; 3072; 4993:1, 2. Confidence of Christians is in the, not in their own schemes, 3246:5; correction from the, an operation of grace, 2287:4, 6-10; (his) covenant revealed to them that reverence him, 2208:2-5; 2209:3; cup and table of, vs. cup and table of devils, 1898-1900; (his) curse came upon all, 284:9. David's: Devotion to the, 2030:12; 2031:1, 5; Son and, 808-810. Day of the: Day of wrath, 592:2, 3; signs that it has come, 834; what it shall bring, 3215:9-12; woe to those who desire, 93:1, 8, 9; wrath of, 622:12-17. "Delight thyself in the", 1840:1-3; 5803:6-8. Denial of the: 44:11-17. BY: Denial of truth and of brethren, 3367:9; Peter, 2469:3-6, 8. Forgivable, 4711, 4712. Descends with shout, 579:12; did not expose himself to danger unnecessarily, 1735:4; disobedience one means of separation from the, 3157:7-10; divine commission of the, 1714:5-7; doing all things in the name of the, 3330; earth to rejoice in reign of the, 815:1; enlistment in his cause is for life, 3273:4, 5; "Except a corn of wheat...die," a reference to our, 1238; exemplified courage to withstand erroneous public sentiment, 1785:6-9; false doctrines obscured truths of second coming of the, 3193:2-5; feeding five thousand, 1754; foretold destruction of Jerusalem, 1983; foundation rock, 1922:9, 10; glorified, the Everlasting Father of the redeemed race, 1515:11-15. Has: All power in heaven and earth, 4379:9; given food in this harvest time, 4446:6, 7, 9-13. Heals: A paralytic, 1722; centurion's servant, 1922:5-7, 11, 12. Hears the conversation of his people, 2407:1, 2, 8; Hezekiah rewarded for his confidence in the, 2381:6; house of the, to dwell in, is most desirable, 1915:3, 4. How: A substitute for Adam, 1222:7; and why made perfect through suffering, 1807:2-11; both door and shepherd, 1647, 1648; Christians dwell in the house of, 1915:3, 4; church participates in his cup, 4547:2-9, 13-15; 5421:9-12. HE: Adapts methods to circumstances, 1742:4-14; 1743; (Christ Jesus) was like sinful flesh, 997-999; (Jehovah) is Christ's shepherd, 1396; 1745. We "behold the beauty of the", 1915:4. Identity of, preserved through death, 1263, 1264. In: Capernaum, 1722; the days of his flesh, 1806:1-7. Instituted three memorials, 1942:7-11. Jesus: At resurrection became, 745:1, 6; Christ's power as, 61:4-14; 16-22; his sacrifice did not cancel debt, but love bought mankind, 1286:4-14; not third person of trinity, 1904:9-13; our love for Father and our, 1412:9-11; properly called a god, 1410. TYPIFIED BY: Isaac, 1227:2-4; Moses, 1651:11, 16, 17. Was also the, 809:3-10; 810:1-4; work of, toward God and man, 1068:1-11. Judgment of, on Christendom, 4257; just as truly present now as in Jewish harvest, 1743:11; keeping his commandments, 976:6-15; 5946-5948; kingdom of the, to be autocratic, 4193:7, 8; knowledge essential for the, 1125:12, 13; last supper of, 1800; leadings of, to be sought in all undertakings, 4859:1; learned obedience through suffering, 1807:2-6; legacy of peace to hs disciples, 1834:1-12; 1835:1-3, 7-10; lives of saints specially supervised by the, 5711:9, 10. Loyalty to: And to Babylon also, impossible, 3884:1-7; chief test, 4746:1; in heart should be confessed, 5539:7, 8; includes faithful witnessing, 5497:3-9; keynote of Brother Russell's life, 6011:9-12; purpose of our testing now, 4639:9, 10. TEST: At close of Millennium, 2739:6. Master of Jewish and Gospel harvests, 4337:3, 4, 10; materialization of our risen, 16:15; 18:9. Meaning: As applied to Jesus Christ, 61:4; of word, 61:2. Miracle of water turned to wine by the, 1695; miracles never performed for benefit of himself or his disciples, 1754:13. Name of: Do all things in, 3330; taken in vain, 1527, 1528; 3331:1; 4014:6, 7. Necessity for suffering and glorification of the, 1393, 1394; "never man spake like this man" refers to our, 1937:5, 6; not the instigator of dreams, 614:5; one, a Scriptural epitome of, 1278:6; our Shepherd, 3268-3270; Peter's good confession concerning the, 1760: power of, to forgive and heal, 1921; proofs of presence of, 554:4-10, 18-20; proves his saints, 766, 767; ransom work of, symbolized by clothing of Adam and Eve, 1614:3; 1945:2, 3; rejected by natural and nominal spiritual Israel, 2297:2-4; resurrected a spirit, 1416:3, 4; 1816; 1856:8-14; 1857:1, 8; rich legacy of peace to church from the, 1834:1-12; 1835:1-3, 7-10; second coming of the, 1796:5-10, 17-19; 2953-2956; sermon on the mount, 1735; shall so come in like manner, 1416:8, 9; 1952:3-7, 11-14; Shepherd of little flock, 4278-4280; signs of presence of, 710:4-7; spirit of, double portion, explained, 3428:9. Supervises: His work, 3022:7-9. Taught non-resistance, 1735:15-17. To: Be found by world in Millennium, 3596, 3597; recover remnant of Jews, 608:14, 15; whom the author of eternal salvation, 1807:7-11. Transfiguration of, on the mount, 1761; triumphal entry of, into Jerusalem typical, 1794; trust him, in the management of his affairs, 3226:2; various methods of selling the, 3366:13. Visit: Of the wise men to, 1674; to Nazareth, 1714. Walk of, to Emmaus, 1823; warm and fervent dispositions most pleasing to the, 2289:3, 4; was heard in that he feared, 1806:8-13; 1807:1, 2; what it means to reverence the, 2002:4, 5. Why: HE: Forbade his disciples to proclaim his Messiahship, 1939:5-7; taught in parables, 1741. Sad at loss of his disciples, 1710:5, 12. Will: Be with the good, 5414:2-5, 9-14; draw all men in Millennium, 1226, 1227. And saints meet in air, 167:1-8, 11-16. See Christ; Father; Fellowship; God; Jehovah; Jesus; Son. LORDING Brother Russell charged with, 4473:3-9; warning against, 3356:11. LORDS Apostles were not in any sense, 1523:7-12; 1524:1-3; elders and leaders are not to be, 3865:6-9; 5935:2; house of, in England subject of contention, 4573:2, 3. How: They say "peace and safety", 1152:11; to deal with class leaders who attempt to be, 3866, 3867. LORDSHIP Of: Christ, 726:6-13, 20-23; the brethren over the sisters, 4121, 4122. What it signifies, 61:2. LORIMER Dr., explains loss of Protestant power, 2946:2-9. LOSS Counting all things but, 2851:9. LOST All mankind are, 526:4; does not mean condemned to eternal torment, 1451:9-13; Jesus came to save, 603; tribes, see Tribes. What: Adam,--a trial for life, 1220:4, 5; 1598:1, 2; mankind has, 1264. LOT Course of, contrasted with Abraham's, 5171:1-3; covetousness his misfortune, 3939. Delivered from: Sodom for Abraham's sake, 5179:7-9; Sodomites by Abraham, 3944:1-3. More selfish than Abraham, 2848:7; righteous but selfish, 2853:4; type of great company, 2857:7, 8. LOTS Divine guidance no longer through casting of, 5637:16, 17. LOVE Affects every part of the armor, 4042, 4043. Agape: Or disinterested, 2807:13-24; and phileo, differentiated, 3949:3, 4, 8, 9. Agencies of the Lord for increasing, 4662:9-11; 4663:1-3; all selfishness is opposed to, 4898:5. Among: Christians greater than meekness, gentleness, etc., 4480:4-6, 8-13; new creatures, 3233:2, 4-12. Analysis of, 2203:3-5. Antidote for: Busybodying, 5274:5-8; impurity of heart, 2517; spirit of covetousness, 2340:7-11. As: BRETHREN: Be courteous, 2654, 2655. Exemplified by Papacy, 1050; Jesus loved, 50:14; 51:11, 12. Based on: Injustice delusive, 5430:13; justice, 3020:7. Basis of heavenly wisdom, 1448; beauties of earthly, 1330:3-5; begets love, 2126:9, 10; 4223:11; 4224: behaviour of, 3151:1-7, 9; believeth, beareth, hopeth all things, 4443:22; benevolence, unselfishness, is a test of the sincerity of our, 1594:2. Berean questions on, for: December, 1905, 3674; July, 1906, 3800:3-5; August, 1906, 3830:1; September, 1906, 3849:5; October, 1906, 3872:1. Bond of: Completeness, 4729:8, 9; perfectness, 1330. Breastplate of faith and, 32:1. Brotherly: Pastoral exhortations to, 5948:1-4, 8-10; when proper to withhold, 3033:9; 3034:3-7. Builds up, knowledge puffs up, 3145:2, 3. Cannot: Exist without justice, 3323:1, 2; override claims of justice, 863:11. Casts our fear, 77:3-9. Character: Development in, 3029-3031; the basis of true, 1253:13; 1254:16. Chief: Evidence of spirit-begettal, 3150:5; grace, 438:15; 439:1-4. Chiefest of the commandments, 5521:5-7, 12-14; climax of Christian effort, 2242:3-5; commanded of church exceeds requirements of Mosaic law, 5947:8-12; commandments of Lord comprehended in one word, 1730:15-22; condition of eternal life, 1220:6-8; consider one another to provoke to, 4076:1-7; considers the spirit rather than the letter, 5860:6; constructive, builds up, 2198:5; courage increased by, 4378:12; 4379:1-4; covering grace, 2481:10. Covers: Commandment of, 1730:15-22; multitude of sins, 227:11; 2321:10. Crowning: Attribute of God, 5210:12-15; grace, 78:9. Decides the measure of a Christian's liberty, 4478:17, 22-34; 4479:1-8; defined, 285:2; 415:9-11, 21, 23; 663:4-6, 9; 3070:6; demanded in the Jewish law, 5643:8, 11; dependent upon knowledge, 4042:8; developed by the truth, 1670:2-5, 9-13. Development of: Like that of fruit, 1301:11, 12; 1302:3; the object of our training, 4837:1-4. Different kinds of, 2648:4; 3150:3; differentiated from justice, 4984:12; discrimination in, is necessary, 4568:1-3; divine and carnal contrasted, 4836:13. Earthly: How to overcome, 3863:1, 2; spiritual injury in satisfaction of, 5248:13; 5249:1, 2, 10; to be subservient to heavenly, 5906:7-14; used but not abused by the Master, 4718:13-15. Enemies overcome by, 1665:12; 4770:1, 2; essence of divine law, 1789; established in, 4664:1, 6; eternal life dependent upon reaching the mark of, 4050:5-7. Exemplified in: Jesus and Paul, 439:1-4; Jonathan and David, 3232, 3233. Extends even to enemies, 4559:11-14; false notions of, 664:2; fear cast out by perfect, 5245:6-9, 12; feasts not Memorial supper, 1014:1; fervent, manifested by activity, 1658:16; filio and agape, differentiated, 3949:3, 4, 8, 9; final test of the brethren, 4208:5-11; first, danger of losing, 2643:3. For: All the brethren to be our aim, 5228:19. BRETHREN: 31, 32; 811:5-10; an index of spiritual condition, 5346:15-17; different from love for enemies, 5703:4, 8; final test, 2453:9-12; how proven, 244:4-6; measure of our love for God, 5726:12, 13; 5727:1-5; not after the flesh, 3932:7; varied degrees of, 3034:3-7; 3932:5; who are ignoble, 4254:6-8; why difficult, 5947:12; 5949:9. ENEMIES: Lord shows, 139:4-6, 8-12; pity-love, 1330:11; 1331:9; 1693:12; 2412:9; 2469:2; 3239:1-8; 3441:9; 3804:10-12; 5266:13-18; 5267:1; 5703:8; should not include Satan, 5267:1; taught in the law, 3738:10, 11. GOD: And our brethren the church's law, 31, 32; and our neighbor, why tested on, 4567:7, 13; manifested in love for brethren, 5726:12, 13; 5727:1-5; more than duty, 1117:3. LORD: Measured by our sacrifice, 3296:1-4. The Father and the Lord Jesus, 1412:9-11; those who oppose us exemplified by Samuel, 4200:9; 4201:1-3; truth, testing of, 874:9, 10; wilful sinners not the right kind of, 1588:10; 1589:9; world in the proper and improper sense, 4765, 4766. Forbids: Gossip, 1845:1-5; stumbling the brethren, 4084:6. From pure heart, end of commandment, 2733, 2734; fruitage of, in the home, 4052:4-8; fulfilling of the law of, 5369:15, 16. God: Is, and why, 77:2-16; 129:11-15; 880; of Christianity alone a God of, 4982:4-12; supremely, what it means to, 3038:1-5. God-like, 663:5, 6. God's: Favor not synonymous with his, 1458:10-12; for the church, 31, 32. Golden rule of, implies self-sacrifice and cross-bearing (1895 view), 1774:16-18. Greater: For the more spiritual-minded, 3451:6. THAN: Gifts of the spirit, 4443:3-16; burnt offerings, 5522:2, 3. Greatest: Commandment is, 3862:1-4; test of all, 4391:14. Guileless, thinks no evil, 2204:9. (a) Heavenly: Attribute, 2446:10; neither infracted nor destroyed by proper natural love, 5906:12. Higher law than the Ten Commandments, 3030:1, 2. Highest form of: 5276:11-16; development, 2754, 2755. How: IT: Fulfills the Law, including the fourth commandment, 1446:4-7; prompts us to deal with our brethren, 5979:3-5, 10, 11. Manifested among saints, 1327:11; the Lord will make it the motive power of the world, 1692:5, 8. TO: Cultivate, editor's suggestion, 2205:11-13; develop, 1628:9-14. Illustrations of duty, 2807:2-10; in the Millennium, 1216:7; includes justice, 5006:9, 10; increased by trials, 2426:6; ingredients of, 4443:6-16; importance of, in us, 1187:14; judges leniently our brethren, 4567:13. Justice: Its foundation, 1275; must precede, 4899:4. Keeps: Commandments of God with joy, 3021:2-5; the spirit as well as letter of the Law, 4558, 4559. Labor of, on behalf of saints to be rewarded, 567:11-14; 5818, 5819. Law of: God is, 1462-1464; greatest leveler and equalizer, 1519:13-17; higher than the Decalogue, 3030:1, 2; 4558, 4559; more strict than the Decalogue, 4021:6, 7; only law upon Christians, 1729:8-10; 2268:5-10; 5072:6-8, 15; 5757:1-5, 7-10; violated by stumbling others, 3145:10, 11; will bring liberty, 1737:15; 1738:1, 2. Legacy of Brother Russell to Bethel family, 6000:2. Lord: Make you to increase and abound in, 4662:3-6; with whole heart, what it means to, 3803:12. Lovely results of spirit of, 1122:9-11; "lovest thou me more than these?" 1823:16; 1824:1, 2, 7, 8. Mainspring: Of Christianity, 139:4-6, 8-12; 2912:8. Making a difference in, 3033, 3034; manifested by works, 21:5; 811:7-10; mark of perfection of character, 2754; meaning of, 439:1-4. Means: Endurance, 2205:1; of escape from special trials, 4253:3-5; selfdenial, in interest of others, 2198, 2199. More powerful than punishment, 855:9, 16-20; most who are forgiven most, they, 2200, 2201. Motive: Must be kind, 5124:9-11. POWER OF: Forgiveness, 1693:11; service with Jesus, 3542:14. Must: Be the mainspring of all acceptable service, 5819:7, 8; come from a pure heart, 5123:18-20; exceed justice in Christians, 5604:1, 2, 7, 8; inspire us, or we shall never be victors, 1799:2. Nearest description of God-likeness, 5265, 5266; need for developing in, 5979:3-5, 10, 11; new creature, despite flesh, 2666:2. No: Human legislation can cause it to displace selfishness, 1692:1-5; such thing as "omnipotent", 1329:5. Noble, generous, free, frank, unselfish, kind, tender-hearted, pitiful, helpful, and true, 1789:2, 3. Not: Based on justice unacceptable to the Lord, 5518:6-9; even saints perfect in, 1244:7; sickly sentimentalism nor undue familiarity between brethren and sisters, 1586:14-16; stimulus of world now, 1244:7; suspicious, 4919:2; the world, and God so loved the world harmonized, 1955. Nothing avails without, 5370:1. Of: BRETHREN: 811:5-10; how it grows cold, 2196:5, 6; in apostles' day manifested by communism, 4317, 4318; necessary to righteousness, 49:10; test of our spiritual condition, 5346:16-18; the final test, 4995; third quarter-mark, 2755:11; to be unfeigned, 2518:8, 13-15; what is unfeigned, 4766:11-14; why a crucial test, 4254:6-8. CHRIST: As Bridegroom, 139:10; constraineth us, 588:4-6, 12-14; 3560:6, 8, 9; wonderful power of, 1055:4. Christians greater than the golden rule, 4568:4, 11, 12. CHURCH FOR WORLDLY FRIENDS: a benevolent hope, 2416:3-6; greater than reciprocal, 5700:1, 8. David for Absalom pictures love of Jesus, 4278:2, 3; each other proportionate to Christ-likeness, 5907:9; enemies exemplified by David, 3239:1-8; family vs. the broader love, 1216. Of God: 9:2-5, 8-11; burden of Brother Russell's preaching and teaching, 6012:1-6; compared with selfish love, 1253:13, 14; 1254:1-3; first manifested through Jesus, 5275:11-13; for the church described, 5725:10-13. FOR THE WORLD: A sympathetic love, 5724:8, 9, 18, 19; pity-love, 1250:5; 1251:1-3. Greatest commandment, 3862:1-4. HIDDEN FROM THE WORLD BY: False creeds, 5353:8, 9, 16-18; its transgressions, 5809:5-7, 9-13. HOW: Demonstrated, 244:7, 9-11; 245:1-3, 11; revealed, 21; shown in calamities, 1124:4-15; 1125:1-15; to keep ourselves in the, 5276:3-10. In providing ransomer, 496:2; keep yourselves in the, 2648, 2649; 4660:3-5, 11; manifest in Christ's death, 43:1. MANIFESTED: By obedience, 5082:12, 13. Needed to be taught to the world (Letter), 5668:1-4; obnoxious to Pharisees, 539:5, 12-15; operative through the ransom, 2328:6-14; opposed to old creedal theories, 4783:1-5; outward polish contrasted with, 4917:8-10; perfected in those who keep his Word, 4897:7-11; provides a ransomer, 503:13; 504. REVEALED IN: Plan, 98:5; ransom, 387:1-7. Two kinds--affectionate and sympathetic, 1254:5-21; Universalist views erroneous, 1253:14; vs. slaughter of Amalekites, 7:15. Of: Husbands for wives should be as for own body, 5900:4, 5. JESUS FOR: His disciples, 847:4-6, 13. Mary for Jesus an acceptable perfume, 5541:1-5, 9-14; money, not money itself, the root of evil, 5552:3-6. NEW CREATION: Different from natural love, 4849:8, 13; 4850:1-4; higher than Jonathan's, 4223:8-10; must be trained heavenward, 5905-5907. OUR ENEMIES: Different from love of brethren, 3804:10-12; 3805:1; fourth quarter-mark, 2755:1, 2. Papacy for the poor and ignorant, 1765:6-9; righteousness must precede sacrificial love, 5430:6, 12; self or of God proven by trials of narrow way, 5688:4, 8-11; the church to be same kind as God's love for Jesus, 5359:2, 3, 10. THE FATHER AND: Of the world impossible, 5138:17; 5139:1-3; Son our example, 3553:7-9; Son the chiefest of all treasures, 5862:9, 10. THE: world, what is meant by, 5138, 5139. Those who love you, unthankworthy, 3739:2. One another as Christ loved us, 3546:13; 3547:1-3. Only: As Jesus loved, 2131:1-5; element of real zeal, 1159:16-19; perfect bond, 1848:16; proper bond of Christian union, 1817:13; 1818:1; thing that makes service acceptable, 5786:10-12. Operation of: 2329:9, 10; 2330; 4918, 4919; cannot be independent of justice, 5884:1-3; in the life of Christians, 5005, 5006; its law during Millennium, 2330:7-11. Opposed to: Covetousness, 4021:5-7; evil-speaking; works no ill, 2444:8-10. Out of a pure heart the end of the commandment, 5756:3-7; outer darkness follows a failure to develop, 4445:13, 14; outward form and inward grace of, 2203:6-9; outworkings of, 829:11, 12; overwhelming benevolence, 1275:1, 7-9; owe no man anything but, 3180:1-4; 4401:3-6; parental, responsibilities of, 3268:7, 8. Perfect: Casts out fear, 4841:1-4, 9, 10; Christians required to reach the mark of, 5172, 5173; defined, 77:1; few have reached the mark of, 4154:1-4, 8, 9; final test, 4208:5-11. MARK OF: Attainment of, essential to life eternal, 4050:5-7; cannot be maintained without obedience, 4910:4-8; evidences of having reached the, 4470:7-12; what it is and how to reach it, 4154:1-4, 8, 9. Not many of consecrated seem to have, 4479:12, 14. Personal, of Christ the chiefest of all treasures, 1820:5, 6; perverted, an evil, 1214:20, 21; "phileo" and "agape" defined, 2807:2-10; possible to lose our first, 2643:3; power to overcome enemies, 4770:1, 2; prevents us from stumbling our brother, 5412:3-8; principal thing in the world, 4224; 5668:5-7, 16, 17; produced by knowledge of God, 21:5; prominent element in Abraham's character, 3947:4, 5; proof of Jehovah's, 405:7-13; provided the ransom, 1681:2-4, 9-12; quickening includes activity of, 1274:1-3, 5-8; real, based on character, 1253:13; 1254:16; relation of, to faith, 74:4; relative claims of justice and, 1534; responsibilities of parental, 3268:7; righteous indignation not incompatible with, 5603:1-4. Ruling: Grace, 2728:3, 8 ,9; in, 4723:8-10. Sacrificial: GREATER THAN: Duty, 5643, 5644; love outlined in Jewish law, 5700:1, 8. Required of Christians, 5644:8, 9. Safeguard against siftings, 2386:4; scope, proof and purpose of, 1328:1-7; Scriptural exhortations to, 25:5-9, 12-17; secret of gentleness, 2800:12; seeketh not her own, 3439:7; selfexamination in, 1114:16; selfish divine, 1253:13, 14; 1254:1-3; serve by, 1714:4; service an evidence of, 2200, 2201. Should: BE: Manifested, 2894:7; taught by elders as well as doctrine, 4346:8; without dissimulation, 4895:2. PROMPT ALL OUR: Forgiveness, 1693:11; obedience, 1802:6-8. Sometimes severe, 416:1, 2, 7-10; spirit of the Mosaic law, 1462-1464. Spots in your feasts of: 4590:6, 7, 12-14. Standard of the Christian, 5172, 5173. Sum: Of all graces, 2202:3-5; total of our Lord's commandments, 1730:15-22; 3020:5. Supersedes: Justice, 4651:8; the law always, 3754:6-9. Supreme test for life, 49:10; Ten commandments, how typical of law of, 1345:16-21. Tested by: Devotion and obedience, 2456:8; self-sacrifice, 4501:10. tests as to our measure of, 3151:1-7, 9; there is no fear in, 5295:12; 5296:1, 9; thinketh no evil, 5266:8-12; those who love you, what thanks if ye, 4419:1. Three kinds: Admiration, sympathy, and pity, 1331:1, 8, 9; defined, 5884:9-12; reverence, fellowship, pity, 1670:2; reverential, sympathy, and pity, 1535:2-4, 10. Thy neighbor as thyself, 3804:1-9; 3843:6-11. To: BE: Pure must spring from proper motive, 5124:7-11; unfeigned, without dissimulation, 2213:2. Control liberty of Christians, 3666, 3667; God and brethren, 31, 32; wax cold through abounding iniquity, 5857:7, 9-12. Transforming power of, 1462:16; 1463:1; triumphs over justice, 2528:4, 5. True: And false contrasted, 415:21-23; for God vs. false, 1864; to one's neighbor, 1939. Two kinds--affectionate and sympathetic, 1254:5-21; 3949:3, 4, 8, 9; unfeigned, of the brethren our highest development, 4766:11-14. Various: Forms, 2807; kinds of, 5265:11-15; operations of, 415:9-11, 21-23; 664:3, 4, 7-10; 3070:14; 3071:1-5; 5124, 5125. Varying degrees of, between brethren, 4984:7, 10; way of escape in the hour of temptation, 4253:3-5; weak where selfishness is strong, 4254:1, 5. What it: Includes, 2155:13, 14; is, 1534:23; 1535:2. When: A veneer, 2203:6-9; proper to withhold brotherly, 3033:9; 3034:3-7. Why Christians are commanded to, 3072:3-5; will not put stumbling-blocks in a brother's way, 4517:10-12; with heart-harmony and obedience will be the test at end of Millennium, 1773:3, 12; works no ill to its neighbor, 3275:7-12; world has some measure of, 1325:8, 9, 13; wrath of, 1248:5; your neighbor as yourselves, 3030:2-6. And: Forgiveness, why needed among brethren, 4269:6-9. JUSTICE: Applied in lives of Christians, 3453:3-7; relative claims of, 1534. Obedience essential to Christian, 2466:9-13. Vs. fear, 139:8-11. See Admonition; Charity; Conscience; Economy; Faith; Hope; Humility. LOYALTY Cannot have fellowship with disloyalty, 1588:10-12; final test in Millennium, 4881, 4882. In: Giving God the glory a test of character, 5594:12, 13; spreading the truth, 3138:8. Letters expressive of, in times of sifting (1894), 1664-1667. Of: Church, how tested, 2415:1-4; David to God and to Saul commendable, 5672, 5673. HEART: Defined, 5127:8-10; our success in the race depends upon, 4462:2. One sure, safe course, 1356:6-8; present test upon the church, 5268:13; salt a symbol of, 5426:13, 14. Test upon: Moses preceding his service for Israel, 5252. To: Tolerate wolves in sheep's clothing is not, 1712:3-6, 8-10; truth means loyalty to volumes also, 3777:6. And sympathy, burden of letters after Brother Russell's death, 6017-6021. LUCK Does not enter a Christian's experience, 4628:9. LUKE Author of the Book of Acts, 2818:1; 2924:2; 4304:5, 11. Gospel of: Compared with others, 1046; not written by apostles, 2816:5. Not an inspired apostle, 2924:2; reveals his characteristics in writing the Acts, 3244; what is known of the life of, 3244:1, 2. See Mark. LUKEWARM Because thou art, 822:2. LUKEWARMNESS Evils of, and remedy for, 1081:5; opens the door to the adversary and his spirit of evil, 1658:16. LUNAR And Solar Time: see Time; month-year theory inapplicable to antediluvians, 4561:8-11, 19-21. LUNDBORG Aug., receives truth in Sweden, 2482:8, 9, 12. LURID Legalities, see Legalities. LUST Conceived brings forth sin, 3929:1. Of: Eyes, 1859:8, 10; flesh, 1859:8, 9. Make no provision to fulfill the, of the flesh, 3031:8; 3181:10. LUTHER Carlstadt a more thorough reformer, 1094:4-6; correct views on the Ten Commandments, 1730:12; courage of, in leaving Papacy, 492:10, 11; denounced doctrine of Leo X on immortality, 3602:9-12; did not believe man immortal, 377:17; fearlessness of, 310:4; messenger to Thyatira stage of church (1882 view), 389:14-16. Reformation: By, stopped short, 1094:1-11; work of, 504:7. Satan said to have appeared to, 5019:2. Saw: His first Bible at 20, 3609:7; that clergy are unauthorized, 1135:8, 9. Says death is sleep, 408:10; "The German Pope," 1094:4-7; why a remarkable man, 1094:1, 2; Zwingli a more thorough reformer than, 1094:4-6. LUTHERAN Minister: Converted, 806:9-17; on second advent, 10:1, 2, 10. LUTHERANS Believe pastoral oversight should be increased, 4095:10-14, 4096:1; how they view baptism, 3592:4-9; infidel German clergy (1896), 1948:3-6; Luther League (1895) by, 1870:1, 2; propose to have a bishop (1895), 1897:8, 9; teach infant damnation, 2718:13. LUXURY Not to be sought by Christians, 873:10; to be foregone in interest of truth, 5335:1-3, 10, 11. LYDDA A town in the valley of Sharon, 2126:7; St. Peter healed palsied man at, 4335:8. LYDIA Converted to Christianity, 3022:3, 4, 7; 4399:7-11. LYING Concealing part of truth not always, 4209:3-5; deception is, 3674:9; 3675:1; 4318:9; one form of solemn, 1136:8. To the Holy Spirit: A dangerous course, 4318:8, 9; the sin of Ananias and Sapphira, 2102:3, 5; 2943:5; 5453:6, 7, 9-12; 5850:4-7, 9-14.McCOSH
Brother E.A., tribute to Brother Russell by, 6010, 6011. McKINLEY Pres., assassination of, 2890:1, 2, 6. McNAMARA Brother, delivered from snare of Satan, 4670:3-7; Brothers, effect on trade-unions of confession of, 4937:13-15. McPHAIL Brother M.L.: Pilgrim tour of Great Britain by, 3583:11; reply to a tract written by, 4489, 4490. MACEDONIA Holy spirit led Paul into, 2175:9-11; 3022:6-9; 4399, 4400; letter from, 1038:6-9. MACHINERY Effects of, on labor, 1691:5-8; one cause of the time of trouble, how, 1676:1, 12-14. MAGI From: Persia were astrologers, 3702:4, 8; 3703:1; the East, 4534:4-6, 10-13. Probably Hebrews, 4098:4; visit of, to the infant Jesus, 1674; wise men and shepherds not identical, 1497:1, 2. See Shepherds; Wise Men. MAGIC One of Satan's arts, 3157:11. MAGICIANS At Ephesus routed by demon, 3185:1, 2; of Egypt duplicate miracles of Moses, 5271:16, 17. MAGUS Simon: Represents a class in Christendom today, 2961:8; unregenerate heart of, 2961:1, 2, 7, 8. MAIL Being robbed before reaching Tower office, 2555:8. MAJESTY Intellectual and moral glory, of God, 1560:3, 4; of Lamb of God, 774:1, 2. MAJORITY Not minority rule in classes, 3867:1, 2; 4772:14; rule to be observed in ecclesia, 5347; should always consider wishes of minority, 5350:13, 14; 5793:13-17; sufficient in class elections, 5921:11-14. MALACHI Explanation of the prophecy of, 3683-3685; (his) prophecy of judgment and testing upon both houses of Israel, 1537:3-5, 10; 1538:1-5. (His) Prophecies of: Millennium, 2542-2544; the Christ, 3683-3685. MALICE Forgiveness vs., 1693:3-6. See Forgiveness. MALTA Paul shipwrecked on island of, 4506, 4507. MAMMON Cannot bring the world to God, 3048:1; of unrighteousness, making friends of, 2717:7-9; 5436:11-15; 5749:1-4, 8-10; Syrian god of riches, 5896:9, 10; what it represents, 2717:3, 4, 7-10. Worship: Leads to darkness, 4567:4, 8-12. SIN OF: Christendom, 5696:7-11; the Pharisees, 3047:4; the present day, 4729:11-13; 4730:1. Supplants worship of God, 3829:10-12. Ye cannot serve God and, 2259; 5344:4-8, 12-15; 5437:1-3, 9-12. MAN Age of, according to science, 3422:1, 2; animal soul, 3766:4-10; appointed, once to die, 147:2, 3; Bible account of Creation of, 3921, 3922; 5139; 5140:5-7, 13-15. Child: Birth of, 306:10; Christ, Head and body (Isaiah 66), 1649:1, 2; what is the, 55:5-7. Christ Jesus gave himself a ransom for, 4780:10, 11, 18; 4781:1; created in image of God, 329:1-3; curse upon, and its execution, 1476:13, 14; 1477; death of, different from that of the beast, 5166:1-10; direct creation of God, 2836:2-7; distinct and separate creation of God, 5140, 5141; eternal life his first consideration, 2087; extremity of, is God's opportunity, 743:11-15. Fall of: Connection of, with restitution, 1240; (a) dialogue, 13:18-14:18. DUE TO: Adam, not God, 429:5-7; 736:11-13; 1266:6-9; reversal of the order of headship, 1549:7-9. Faith in his future redemption from, 5716:2-4, 12, 13; foreknown of God 5150:3; from perfection, 2535, 2536; not disproved by present progress, 1257:3-5, 9-12; 1258:1, 3; teaching of Presbyterian creed on the, 1309:17, 18; view of Dr. Lyman Abbott vs. the Bible, 1793:8-15, 20-23; 1794. See Adam, Fall of. Forced into sin by Jehovah? 1718:18-25. Free moral agent: 650:9,10; 891:8, 9; 2539:6-10, 12; 2839:6; 3094; 5082:8-11; 5535; Moses and Paul were examples of, 3987:6, 7. God has power to destroy, 1641:6-9; God's crowning earthly work, 627:9; good, his steps ordered of the Lord, 3155, 3156; happy, definition of a, 5477:20, 21. Head: As Christ is Head, 766:2; of the woman, 765:6-10; 1549:7-11; 1550:1, 2. Home of, to be the perfected earth, 5057, 5058; how affected mentally by the curse, 1080:1-14; imperfect, condemned by the Law, 636:6, 8-10; influenced by good or evil spirit, 371; is a soul, 1880:5-9; labor and toil of, are for his good, 1124:8-15; 1125:1. Lame, healed: At Temple gate, 706:16; by Peter and John, 4316, 4317. Looketh on outward appearance, 3226:7-9; 4209:8; mind-reading probably a power of the perfect, 1604:10, 17; 1954:12; natural vs. spiritual, 191:7-9, 15, 16; need no longer die after the church is completed, 1854:4; never, spake like this man, 3510:8-13. Not: Created in the nature of God, 5731:5-9; perfected by evolutionary process, 3191:4, 8-10. Of: God, thoroughly supplied by the Scriptures, 2166:1, 2, 5, 6. SIN: 980:3; development of, 231:16-20; origin of, 638:18, 19; 639:1; Papacy the, 1993:13-15; son of perdition, 639:3, 6; to be revealed, 307:9, 10; views of Allegheny "Prophetic Conference" upon, in 1895, discussed, 1904:3-6; who, what, when to come, 54:5-16; 143:5; 304:8, 9, 16, 17; 305; 3082. See Antichrist; Babylon; Beast; Papacy. Originally sexless, to return again to that state, 5141:1-6, 11-14; palsied, healed at Peter's home, 3314:5-9. Paralyzed: Healed by Jesus, 3728:8, 13; 3729:1; sins forgiven by Jesus, 4980:8, 10-14. Perfect: CAN: Control the tongue, 4381:1-3; keep spiritual law, 636:7. Powers of, beyond our conception, 1683:12-14; privileges of, 1116:9-12; 1117:1, 2; to be vegetarian, 2836:7; will not need a written language, 1717:7-11; would have power over bacteria, disease germs, etc., 1685:3. Power over the animals lost through fall of, 3922:10; properly compared to dust in balance, 4972:7-9; relationship with God when justified, 1117:3-7; restitution relates to him and not to earth, 1240:2, 3, 8; righteous, definition of a, 49:10; Sabbath is made for the blessing of, 3316:4-7; shall not live by bread alone, 3058-3060; sometimes collectively called gods-mighty ones, 1410; Son of, 943:4; 958:3, 4; Thou art the, 3253:7; to live not by bread alone, but by God's plan, 4896:17-19. What is: 1265-1267; 4972, 4973; a perfect, 328:12-14, 23, 24. When perfected will inherit the earth, 5057, 5058; "Which if a man do, he shall live in them", 1725:4, 5; woman a help, meet for, 1551-1553; work of Christ toward, 1068:1-11; worship, dangerous to Christians, 2079, 2080; young, how to keep his way pure, 2146, 2147. And: The Evolution Theory, reviewed by a minister, 3256; woman in the divine order, 1075; 1548-1551. Vs. beast, man has a finer organism, 1880:11. MANASSEH Caused his children to pass through fire of Hinnom, 4840:2; punished for his idolatry, later forgiven, 4839, 4840; restored idol-worship among Israelites, 2386, 2387; under the control of Spiritism, 2387:3. MANHOOD Perfect, exemplified in Jesus, 4171:7. MANIA Religious, illustrated by the Doukhobors, 3097:16; 3098. MANIACS Delivered from power of demons by Jesus, 4577:9-13. MANKIND All: Created equal not the fact at all, 1805:9, 11-15; in Christ made alive, 1219:5; to be saved, how? 1218:22. Blinded by Satan from appreciating God's character, 3312:14; can find peace and happiness only in harmony with the Creator, 1840:4, 10; 1841:1-5; church's influence has retarded the degradation of, 1257:11, 12; cursed for their good, 1124:7-15; 1125; depth of depravity of, shown by Christ's crucifixion, 1963, 1964; does not possess immortality, 1641:6-9; 1642:8-11; educated by the permission of evil, 1272:5-7, 9-11; 5771:5, 6, 8; forcing of, during Millennium, 1057; "free gift came upon all," 1218:23, 24; God, the Savior of all, 1218:21. God's: Purpose for, 612:15, 16; wisdom, justice, love and power manifested toward, 1680:16-19; 1681:1-4, 9-15. Lost sheep, 1216; none worthy of everlasting life, 1265; resurrection of, 249:6-8; Sabbath was made for, 1732:18, 19. To be: Christ's brethren in the Millennium, 655:10; restored to perfect mind, 636:15-18. Total number: 6:4, since creation, 1669:9-13, 21-23. See Drawing; World of Mankind. MANNA Book: New prices on the, 3967:13, 14; successful colporteuring for the, 4561:2, 3, 12; and other publications, introduced to tradespeople (Letter), 5869:19, 20. Daily supply of, a picture of grace sufficient, 4012:5, 6. For: Both the houses of Israel, 4011:5-9; 4012:1, 2; famishing India, 2703:15. Given to Israel a type of spiritual food of spiritual Israel, 2299:3; golden bowl of, its antitypical significance, 3283:1; hidden, given to overcomers, 360:1-4; symbol of our Lord, 3036:9; text for Wednesday to be used for testimony meetings, 4770:11, 16, 17; type of Jesus, 38:4-7; typical of Bread of Life, 2651:7-9; 5279:3, 11, 12. And quail, type and antitype, 3036:5-9. MANNER Of: JESUS' RETURN: 123:2-10; 188:12, 13; 189, 190; 262:10, 11; 263:1-10; 341:9-12; 554:19; 1416:8, 9; 2082:9, 10; 2819:7, 8; 4305:10; 5589:12-16; similar to his departure, 19:8. Persons, ought we to be, what, 5735:10, 11; 5736:1. See Advent, Second; Jesus. MANNERS Proper effect of the truth upon, 1296:9-11. MANNING Cardinal, his apostasy to Romanism, 1991:12. MANTON Brother F.W., tribute to Bro. Russell by, 6008:4-10, 14-17. MANUFACTURERS No class more valuable, 1163:1. MANUSCRIPT Palimpsest, finding of an old Syriac (1893), 1529:4. Sinaitic: Description of, 71:6, 8; oldest in existence, 434:1-4, 8, 9; 1108:5; omits Rev. 20:5, 501:5-8; Tischendorf's description of, 1147:4-7; value of, 450:9. Vatican: Description of, 71:6, 9; early origin of, 366:1, 2, 13; Tischendorf's comments on, 1147:2, 5. MANUSCRIPTS Ancient, on Rev. 20:5, 1210:1-4; 1772:11. Of: BIBLE: Number existing, 71:6; remarks on, 1146:11-14; 1147:1-7; spurious passages in (Rev. 20:5), 278:1-7, 11-16; various kinds, 62:24. Oldest of N.T., the Syriac, 1145:11; (1893), 1529:4; policy of the Watch Tower in re publishing contributed articles (1894), 1629:3; relative values of ancient, 1146:10-14. See Translation. MANY "Shall: Come from east and west," 1095; sit down with Abraham, Isaac," etc., 3457:1, 2. MARAH Antitypical significance of sweetening the waters of, 4602:13-15. MARCONI Patents wireless instrument, 2145:21-24. MARGESON Brother Ingraham, tribute to Brother Russell by, 6009. MARITIME Provinces, Brother Russell's itinerary through, 4487:1; 4500:5. MARK God's, upon Cain, 5150, 5151. John: Assistant to Paul and Barnabas, 2141:4, 5; encouragement to spiritual slackers, 3005:3-5; Gospel of, compared with other three, 1046; of the family of James and John, 4707:3; rebuked and restored by Paul, 4364:2, 3; and Luke, origin of gospels of, 2816:5. (Note) Them that cause divisions, 4483:9. Of love: Double-mindedness a foe to reaching the, 5081:5-7. HOW: Christians reach the, 5081:5-16; Paul pressed toward the, 1884, 1885. Is holiness, 1885:2. PRESSING: Toward the, 2753:4. Reached after consecration, 5081:5-16; to be attained during Millennium, 5080:7. MARRIAGE Advice for those "unequally yoked" in, 1554:7-13; approved by Jesus, 2418:6; beyond the Millennium will not exist, 915:10; Bible view of, 3922:7-9; binding and unalterable, 3110:1; Christian duty of those "unequally yoked" in, 1554:7-13; divine order of headship in, 1075; 1464:9-13; engagement not always binding, 3109:8; 3110:1, 2, 6; evils of India's customs of, 1607:14, 15; 1608:1, 9; 1612:10; 1613:1-3; feast, first call to, 2300:8; "he that marrieth not doeth better," 1554:2-6; 4091:1; in the resurrection there will be no, 3854:1-4; instituted to picture Christ's, 29:2; is honorable in all, 4090:13; 4717:12-17; 5353:1-4, 10-14; mixed among Israelites, forbidden by law, 4911:12-14; 4912:1. Of: Church, 87:2-6; 88:11, 12; 169:2-7; 172:6-10; 201:20-22; 237:8; 289:10, 14; consecrated with unbelievers is disobedience to God, 1075:13; divorced person, when proper, (Letter and Reply), 5954:5-10, 15; Isaac, typical, 2861:2; 5187, 5188; Israelites limited to God's people, 4911:12-14; 4912:1; ten virgin parable explained, 39:14; "the bride, the Lamb's wife," 1386-1389. Old Jewish custom of, 1388:9; one permissible ground for remarriage, 1554:11; 1555:6. Only: In the Lord is wise, 2069:6; one Scriptural ground for divorce, 1554:10, 11. Opposite views respecting, 4959, 4960; our Lord's first miracle at a , 1695; pastoral counsel on the subject of, 5900:1-6, 9-13; Pope, to draw Anglicans, disposed to let "secular clergy" marry (1895), 1804:18-20; preparations for church's 458:4-6; sacred and serious obligation, 5900:12, 13; St. Paul's teaching on, 901:7, 8; sane and insane propagation in, 1080:9-12; should be after divine pattern, 2100:13; to cease in Millennium, 734:13-15; typical aspects of Jewish, 4525:2-4; woman as a wife in, 1552:5-13; 1553. MARRY I will therefore that the younger women, 1554:4; nor are given in marriage, they neither, 3461, 3462; 5079:13-15; there come some forbidding to, 4090:13; 4091:1. MARSIGLIO Reforms of, directed against Papacy, 3577:11-13; 3579. MARTHA Spirit of, less worthy, 2743:6, 7. MARTYRS All saints are to be, 2988:2; bravado may make men, 3599:14; Christians in all ages have been, 594:13; few thousand listed, 1050:11; John Brown one of the (1685, A.D.), 1050:1; not always consecrated Christians, 2782:3; 2941:11-13; 3599:13, 14. Stephen the: First of Christian, 1432; 4328, 4329; second of, Christian, 2951, 2952. MARY Magdalene: How modern church treats such as, 1031:10, 21; loved much, was forgiven much, 3761, 3762; service of, to Jesus, 2200:3, 4; who she was, 2797:5, 6. Mother of Jesus: NOT: Of line of Solomon, 2060; perfect, 2558:5; rebuked by Jesus, 3484:9-11. Origin of worship of, 359:5. Of Bethany: Anointed Jesus for burial, 2743, 2744; 3534:14; 3535:1, 2; 4702:4-7; 5230; 5541:1-5, 9-14; anointing of Jesus a sample of woman's work in the church, 3877:3-9; hath chosen the better part, 2743:6; reward of, to be great, 3878:1-4; specially loved by Jesus, 3529:14; and Judas characters contrasted, 2745:1, 2; 5230, 5231:9. MASONS An attempt at a religious military movement by, 1863:15-28; discharged by the Mayor of Chicago (1894), 1632:1, 2, 8-12; explanations of former, 1848:7-9, 19-23; pictured by rocks, 26:6; should saints join? 1827:5-9. MASS Abomination of desolation is the, 1991:7, 8; 2822:7-9; 5641:10; 5642:1; coronation oath of British opposed to the, 2822:9; creed of the Episcopal church names it "Blasphemous fable", 1752:6, 7; is not the Eucharist, 3960:7; of Catholicism, what it means, 3011:1-3; 3750:4; priest creates the Creator of the universe in the (?), 1808:13; 1809:1; sacrifice of, defined, 744:5. MASSACHUSETTS Catholicism causes crime in, 1190:5-9; 1191:2, 3. MASSES Soon to rule the classes, 3119:6-12. MASTER Call no man, 85:14-16; will serve his servants at his return, 3354:9; 3355:1, 2. MATTHEW A publican, 2260:2, 3; called to apostleship, 2590:5, 10; 2591; 4587:9-12; 4986:13; gospel of, compared with others, 1046. MATTHIAS Not God's choice as an apostle, 550:2. MEALS Blessings at, not a prayer, 5020:12. MEASURING Ourselves spiritually, 867:1. MEAT Dust shall be the serpent's, 1649:12; 5574:7, 8; for advanced Christians, milk for babes, 5326. In due season: 326:3-6; 327; for the faithful watchers, 5400:1-4. It is not wrong to eat, 3342:12; made tender by use of vinegar, 5143:6-8, 15; nothing in the Bible forbids the use of, 5796:6; of Jesus was to do God's will, 327:19; offered to idols, various ways of eating, 3145, 3146; 3666:1-5; 4006; 5324, 5325; (in) re Jewish method of slaughtering, 1989:3, 4. Strong: Advanced truths of the Bible compared to, 3622:3; of truth to be given only to the consecrated, 2287:5. That perisheth, labor not for the, 4146:1-3; and drink, kingdom of God is not, 4085:1, 6, 7; 5097:1-4, 9-11. MEDITATION Of the man Jesus (1885 view), 788:3. See Atonement. MEDIATOR Abrahamic covenant needed no, 4681:3-7, 17, 18; ancient worthies will need a, 4555:3; Christ, when a, 4437, 4438; church needs no, 789:12; 3916:1-3; 3917:4, 5; 4341:5, 19, 20; 4368:7, 8; 4437, 4438; covenant of one needs no, 4681:3-7, 17, 18. Jesus: As world's, 4340, 4341; at no time the church's, 4560:5-7; Christ as the, 4516:5-7; our (1885 view), 787-793. Job expresses his need of a, 1505:16; meaning of word, 787:1; needed only in covenant between two people, 4681:3-7, 17, 18. Of: Law covenant was Moses, 1725:8-23; 2858:4, 7. THE NEW: Covenant, 4365-4368; 4640:9-13; Testament, 4623-4625. Operates not for individuals but for covenants, 4554:10, 11; 4555:1-6; proper and improper use of the word, 4309:2-4; the Christ is the antitypical, 4354:7-9; unscriptural views of opponents on subject of, 4585:9-11; when required, 111:1, 2, 8. Why: Church does not need a, 4341:5, 19, 20; 4553; 4554:1-6; Jesus was greater than Moses as a, 2121:16; 2122:1-6; the world needs a, 3915:8-10. And: ADVOCATE: Difference between, 4584, 4585; 4632:1; in respect to change of terms by Editor, 4680, 4681. Redeemer, difference between, 4476:1-3. MEDIATIORSHIP Catholic view of, 787:14; Messiah's, 4527, 4528. MEDICINE Aseptolin, antitoxin for germ diseases, 1942:5; medical comments on "the resurrection of the body", 1852:11, 12, 16-21; should the consecrated use, 2009:3-11. MEDITATION On God's law, 1462:5, 13-16; 1463:1; ours should be on books of nature and revelation, 1390:5, 7, 8; 1391:1-10; should not interfere with service, 4883:13. MEDITATIONS And words to be acceptable to the Lord, 2249:10; of David were upon the Lord, 5785:4, 5, 11, 12. MEDIUM Experience of a spirit, 3492, 3493; trance, receives the truth, 3644:5, 12-14. MEDIUMS Deceived by evil spirits, 2170:9-11; spirit, origin of, 2843:9; tools of the fallen angels, 5044:3, 4. MEEK Blessed are the, 2250:5, 6; 2586:2-6; 5003:15; why the gospel is for the, 956:13; 1465:13; 1466:6, 8-10; 1467:2; will he guide in judgment, 5370:2-5, 10, 11. MEEKNESS Blessed quality, 3734:6-9; fault-finding its opposite, 1036:4; how God developed Moses in, 5252; needed in presenting the truth, 5980:1-5, 11-13; no test of Christian development, 4480:4-6, 8-13; of Moses the secret of his successful service, 5262:1-5, 11-13; 5418:16, 17; 5419:3-5; should always be sought for in servants of the church, 1921:2; warning in King Saul's opposite course, 1888:4, 5, 13; what it is, 1962:1. And: Boldness combined in apostles, 2948:7. GENTLENESS: Not tests of Christian development, 4480:4-6, 8-13. Humility essential in elders, 3866, 3867; submission should not weaken us in performance of duty, 5297. MEETINGS Audience of one in, is not to be spurned, 1973:6, 7, 12-14; disturbed by children, 3930:10; 5187:5, 11; for Watch Tower subscribers (Letter and reply), 835:12; 836; held in private homes outside regular classes inadvisable, 5409, 5410; objects to be sought in church, 1894:8-12. Of: Lord's people profitable, 316:10-14, 19-22; Pittsburgh church, 184:7. Open air, commended, 378:2, 3; other than regular classes proper, 4010:5; outside of class meetings not to be opposed, 5122:2-6, 11-15; proper testimony, 1967:3. Public: Introducing speakers at, 5475:2, 9-11; though small ought not to be ignored (Letter), 5667:9, 10, 12-16. Suggestions in re (1895), 1866-1868; tardiness in attendance at (Letter), 5487:13-16. Testimony: Aid to Christian growth, 3090:9-12; blessings of the, 5122:11-15; importance of, 4010:6; need for regular, 4770:11, 16, 17; proper, 1967:3; 5384, 5385; to be experience meetings, 4886:7-9. MEHDI Tradition of the, 618:2-7, 8-10. MELANCHTHON Reactionary reformer, 1094:3-6. MELCHISEDEC Church are priests after the order of, 5472:7, 8; Jesus, priest of order of, 713:11, 13, 14; 3951:4-8, 14-17; type of Christ, 195:1-3, 8, 15-18; 713:13, 14; 3951; was Christ, 86:5-8, 15-18. MEMBERSHIP In: Church, what constitutes, 824:1-5; some sect essential? 1067:3-6. Results of losing true church, 1574:9; 1575:10-13. MEMORIAL Appropriate since 1874, 346:6; at Pittsburgh, 94:4, 9, 10; baptism and immersion as related to the, 5194:4-8; blood symbolized by wine of the, 1015:9, 10; 1016:1-11; Catholic and Protestant errors in observing, 2962:10-17. Celebrated in: The kingdom, 2773:1, 2. Celebration of: 225:9, 16; 325:5-10; 740; 2291-2293; by I.B.S.A., 2773; suggestion for permanent date for, 3548:2-5, 9. Considerations at the, 2437:1-5. Date: Carefulness in observing, but not day of, 3879:1, 2; council of Nice ordained wrong, 1837:3-5, 9, 10; for celebration of, not of primary importance, 5192:1-3; how to calculate time for, 466:9; 833:8-13; 1100; 1289:4-13; 1625; 1786; 1837:3-5, 9, 10; 1942:19-21; 1943:1-4; 3750:6-8; 3961:1-4; proper, for celebrating the, 4128:1-4; should it be celebrated always on Thursday? 3617:1-3. Dates: (April 2, 1882), 337:10, (1884 celebration), 608:9-11; (1886 celebration in Pittsburgh), 834:9, 10; (1890 arrangements), 1192; (1891 arrangements), 1292:7-14; (1892 arrangements), 1382; (1893), 1504: (1895), 1775; 1793; (1900), 2575:5; 2592; (1904), 3308:6; (1905), 3505:3; (1906), difficulty in ascertaining correct date, 3705:3-5, 10; 3751:1; (1907, March 28), 3932:1; (1908, April 14), 4153; 4170; (1909), 4375; (1910 celebration), 4562:14; 4651; (1910), by Brother Russell in Gethsemane, 4622:4-8; (1911), 4756:15; 4778; (1912, March 31), 4893:5; 4980:5, 6; (1913), proper date for the, 5173:8, 9; (1914), 5457:1, 2, 6; (1915, March 28), 5640:2; (1917, April 5). Emblems: BREAD AND WINE AS: 2622:5, 8-10; 2772; their significance, 5870:11-14. Cup and loaf are, 2622; import of, 1636; kind of wine to be used as, 509:1-7, 12-16; no "clergy" needed to administer the, 1808:5-8; 1809:11; who shall serve, 900:11; 1793. False and true observance of, 1013-1016; 1289-1292; 1382. Instituted by Jesus: 2772; 2918:8; 3960, 3961; 4703:12, 13; 5541, 5542; the first, 2270:9. Kept annually till third century, 948:2-4; last supper, 1800; leaven to be put away before, 2283:10, 11; letters, 1303:14, 15, 22; 1304:10; may be celebrated individually, 909:8; meaning of "till he come", 1290:11-15; numbers increased, 2457; of the Lord's blessings, 3965:6-10; 3966:1-4, 9, 10; our conduct at the, 3526:15-17. Partaking of: How, 2273:12-15; 5194:9-13; 5872:7-10; let nothing prevent our, 5193:4-7; proper for consecrated only, 3635:3, 4, 7. UNWORTHILY: 840:15-18; 936:16; 5420:7, 8, 10-16; how to determine worthiness or unworthiness before, 5193:11-22. Self-examination before, 1291:1, 2; 5642:10; what it signifies, 2271:10-14. Passover supper, 466:2; questions for personal examination, 5193:1-22; remembrance of Jesus' suffering, 3880:9, 10. Reports for: (1882) 345:7; (1887) 936; (1894), 1650:1, 2; (1895), 1799; 1805; (1896), 1966:4-11; (1900), 2622, 2623; (1903), 3194:1, 2, 7; (1904), 3351; (1905), 3548:15; 3550; (1906), 3767; (1907), 3977; (1910), 4620; (1911), 4824:4-6, 13; (1912), 5019:5; (1912), 5242:4; (1915), 5675; (1916), 5891:5, 6, 13, 14; 5892. Significance of, to the consecrated, 2772; 5420; special trials to church at, 2793:5-9; 3178:9-13, 22-27; 3760:5-8; 4153:12-14; 4346:5, 6; three kinds for true church, 1942:7-10. To be: CELEBRATED: Annually, 466:3-7; 721:7; 839:14; until Lord comes, 619:9-12; 1021; 1115:6. Season of prayer and fasting, 3170:20. Partaken of in "upper room" in Jerusalem, 4603:5, 6; 4622:4; to continue till church all are glorified, 1290:11-15; various views respecting, 2771; what it means to Christians, 346:1-3; 466:10-18; 721:9, 10; 840:4-14; 3750:1-5; 4591; 5542:7-12; 5870:11-14; 5871:1; who may partake of, 467:4, 5; 840:15-18; 1291:1-9; 1637:10-13; 2272:13-21; 2273:1-6; 3635:3, 4, 7. Why: It should be celebrated, 2387:10; observed by I.B.S.A., 596:1-5, 14-17. See Bread. MEMORIZING Books of the Bible commended, 2038:15; 2039:1. MEMORY Cards of Scripture for sale, 5039:8, 17; our means of identification, 5065:11-14. MEN Are not born equal, 1162:3-12; 1805:9, 11-15; cursing them with the tongue, 2443:5-7; divine law has always been with, 5359:4-8; elderly, Paul's exhortation to, 2723:4-7, 9. Evil: Dogs a symbol of, 1671:1, 2; Scriptural description of, 1319:5-13; 1320. Fierce, in last days, 2460:9; great, appreciate comfort, 4507:3; high-minded in the last days, 2461:2. In: Last days shall be heady, 2460:12; Millennium to take on feminine qualities, 4914:7. Obey God rather than, 2103:10-13; of low estate, condescend to, 4085:1, 6, 7; Paul outlines Christian conduct for young, 2724:4-6; why they continue to die, 485; young, forsake the Christian ministry, why, 4049:2-6, 8, 9; and Religion Forward Movement, our attitude toward the, 4903, 4904. MENACE How to treat the, 5138. MENDELISM Disproves evolution theory, 4859, 4860:1-4. MENE Mene, Tekel, Upharsin: Meaning of, 505:11-16; 2498:2; 3633:1-5. MENELEK King, of Abyssinia, a descendent of Solomon, 3450:5-7. MEPHIBOSHETH Befriended by David 4268, 4269. MERCHANTS No class more valuable than, 1163:1. MERCIFUL Blessed are the, 2250:8; shall obtain mercy, 3735:4, 5. MERCURY See Jupiter. MERCY Becoming to Christians exemplified by Joseph, 5235:4-6; endureth forever, His, 1453:15, 16; 1454:1; eternal torment theory inconsistent with a God of, 129:4, 5; for Jesus' murderers, 4308:4-6; granted, we should show mercy, 4056:1; greater than sacrifice, 3754:3, 6-8; house of, at Bethesda, 3500:2-4, 8; how to obtain, 2586:10, 11; 2587:1-4; is a negative quality, 3604:8-11; Jesus gave a parable to teach his disciples, 4650:7, 8; judges in Millennium required to have, 5645:10; Lord requires that we shall love, 4821:8; measure of life we have is of God's, 5417:9, 18, 19; Moses sets example for the church in, 4023:7-10; must be exercised by Christians, 2667:3; 2857:5. Not: Required by perfect beings, 3322:2; sacrifice, Lord desires, 538:6; 539:1-5; 2591:12. Of: Church to natural Israel, 12:1; 4625:3, 7-9; David for Saul our example, 4225:8-11; Jehovah endureth forever, 1453:15, 16; 1454:1. Only now being revealed, 5445:13-17; overrides justice, 3735:4, 5; received only in proportion given, 3316:8, 9; rejoices against judgment, 2328-2330. Seat: In Tabernacle, Christ typified by, 530:1; sprinkling the, 4427:3; what it typified, 75:3. Taught in parable, 528:5, 15, 16; through your mercy, they shall obtain, 4464:3-7. To: Go beyond justice, 5309, 5310; him who shows mercy, 2329:5-10; us proportionate to mercy shown, 5006:1, 2. Truly righteous extend it to the lower creation, 1520:17; will not be needed at close of Millennium, 3322:2. And: Forgiveness of Joseph, 2893, 2894; 3980-3982. GOOD FRUITS: Evidences of Christ's spirit, 3604:8-11; wisdom from above is full of, 2263:13. HELP: subjects of prayers of Christians, 5745:10-12. TRUTH: Let them not forsake thee, 5309, 5310; two chief graces, 2060:6, 7. MERIDIAN Of Greenwich, Jerusalem better starting point than, 2916:14; primary, through Jerusalem? 1318:1. MESOPOTAMIA To be revived by Turkey, 4572:12-15; 4573:1. MESSAGE Church's responsibility in re, 5489:6-12. Of: Jesus separated wheat and chaff, 3300:3. THE: Angels at Christ's birth, 1478; Lord, such as never man spake, 3795:1-4, 6-8. To the seven churches (Revelation), 490, 491. See Gospel message. MESSENGER My, (John the Baptist--the church militant) shall prepare the way, 1537:4, 5; 1538:2, 3; of the Covenant, our Lord Jesus at both first and second advents, 1537:4, 5; 1538:2, 3; 3683:11, 12; 4495:14, 15; 4931:2-4. MESSENGERS Of God: Always devout men, 2824:7; unacceptable to Christendom generally, 5258:8, 9. To the church represented as seven stars, 3570:3, 7. MESSIAH Advent of, represented by Jews and nominal Christians, 4956:5-8; also expected by the Samaritans, 4131:9; Christendom and Jews alike rejected the, 4956:5-8; church not blinded to the, 3192:5; coming and rejection by Jews foretold of, 4595:7-9; David the prototype of, 3609:1; death of, foretold by prophets, 2149:14-17; evidences of his first advent, 748:4-8; few today know Jesus as the, 3482:10-12; how the Scriptures identify Jesus as the, 3591:1-5; invisible to man, 453:13, 14. Jesus: Fulfilled the prophecies respecting the, 3562:9, 10; never announced himself as the, 3851:1; 3852:4. Jews promised a new covenant under the, 4452:4-7; John the Baptist knew Jesus was the, 3296:13. Kingdom of: Begins with end of gentile times, 5598:14; character of, 404:14-16; effect on evil doers of, 492:12-14; explained, 4715:5-7; general view of, 5181-5183; only hope for the heathen, 5008:1-4; prophecies of, by Isaiah, 2372:7; signs of the beginning of, 5762:1-4. TO BE: An autocratic government, 5646:12-15; spiritual, 5031:3-6. To bring a perfected earth, 6014:10-13; wars to cease under the, 4795, 4796; why the delay in establishing the, 4731:4-6. WORK OF: Explained, 4715:5-7. See Christ, Kingdom of; Kingdom of Christ; Kingdom, Millennial; Millennium. Kingship of, yet future, 4956:10-14; like refiner's fire and fuller's soap, 4931:9-12; Mediator of the new covenant, 4511:6-9; Messenger of the new covenant, 4931:2-4; necessity for faith in the, 3580:6-10; not Socialism the world's hope, 5154:17-23; 5155:1-3, 11-13; Peter confesses Jesus as the, 3788-3790; pride prevented Jews from recognizing the, 3511:6, 8-11; prophetic utterances respecting the, 4831, 4832; rejected because of prejudice, 4608:7, 8; 4710, 4711; 4714, 4715; 4782:3-5; sought by Israel, his coming brings trouble, 4931:1-4, 9-12; typified by Joseph, 5214, 5215. What: It means to rationalist Jews, 2946:18; the Jews expected of the, 3481:6, 7. When he will be recognized by all, 3193:1; whole world was in expectation of, 3703:3-7. Why: Jesus did not at first proclaim himself the, 3339:4-6, 9, 10; Jews were unable to recognize in Jesus the, 3590:8-11; the Jews were always looking for the, 4963:7-11, 16-18. Work: And glory of, pictured by Isaiah, 3686, 3687; of, in world, 76:12. Zacharias prophesied of John the Baptist and the, 4940, 4941. See Christ Jesus. METHODIST Book Concern, Catholics employed by, 2152:10. METHODISTS Adopt a tithing system, 2486:1-4; Catholics, and Baptists together, 1567; compromise to gain some of Carnegie's wealth, 4582:4, 5, 11, 12; delay restatement of their faith, 3898:10-12; 3899:1; expel minister who preaches Bible truth, 3048, 3049; in England reunited, 4094:23, 4095:1-4; pray for the dead, 4026:3, 4, 11; sure effect on, of Bible study, 1236:3-6; teach infant damnation, 2718:15-17; unite with a Jewish congregation in a Thanksgiving Day service (1896), 1917:9; want restatement of creed, 4195:17-21; and Presbyterians seek church federation, 3381:42-48. METHODS Of the Lord adapted to the circumstances of the times, 1742:4-14; 1743; of admonition used by the Lord, 5102:10; unwise, of instructing beginners, 5151:8, 13-15. MEXICO How Papacy "loves" the poor and ignorant of, 1765:7-9; letters from, 1512:5-7. MICAH Chapter 7 explained, 2142:10-12. MICHAEL (In symbol, Revelation 12), 55:7, 8; meaning of word, 306:17; Revelation 12, the Man of Sin, 306:16, 17; who this arch-angel was, 490:1-7, 12-17. MIDIAN Jews delivered as in the day of, 3469:1-4. MIDIANITES Destroyed for their sin against Israel, 5323:12; idolatry brought Israel under control of the, 5605:8, 11, 12; routed by Gideon's band of 300, 5607:1-3. MIDNIGHT Cry: Issued by N.H. Barbour, 288:14; of Exodus 11:4; parable explained, 88:2-5; what it was, 39:11-14. MILETUS Paul bids the Ephesian elders farewell at, 1558. MILITARISM Causes national deficits, 4350:13; deplorable in all the warring nations, 5825; effect in Canada of (Letter), 5904:4-9, 12-14; ever increasing burden of, 4373:18, 19. In Germany: And France, 899:1; opposed, 4800:21-23. Responsible for war preparations, 4411-4414; schemes and foes of, 4718:3-10, 12-14; tyranny of, 4403:4-10. MILITARY Duties and restrictions, advice in re (Letter), 5869:5-8, 12-17. Duty: Christian's attitude toward, 1912:9; conscience to guide Christians regarding, 5929:5-7. EXEMPTION FROM: Advice in re procuring, 1988:3, 7-9; 5860:7-11, 16-19; 5861; elders are entitled to, as are other ministers, 5929:12, 13; granted I.B.S.A. members in Scotland, 5954:1-4, 11-14. Fighting for our country, advice on, 2037:16-19; imprisonment of I.B.S.A. members for refusal of (Letter), 5953:13-17; in Great Britain brings suffering to I.B.S.A. members, 5942:4, 10, 11. Invention of the perforated bullet (1896), 1960:5-9; laws of Canada covering exemptions (Letter), 5860:7-11, 16-19; 5861; prisoner for truth's sake at age of 14, 5921:9; 5922:1; prisoners, French brethren happy though (Letter), 5969:30. Service: Advice regarding Christians engaging in, 5928:3-7, 9-11; conscience to guide acceptance or refusal of any form of, 5894; in Great Britain not required of I.B.S.A. (Letter), 5977:1-6; our manner of protest against (Letter and reply), 5813:2-4, 11; self-defense and our covenant of sacrifice considered (Letter and reply), 5883:4-7. Size of European standing armies (1896), 1960:2-4; spirit encouraged by churchianity (1895), 1757:7-13; training, benefits of, in Germany, 1354:9-15. See Conscription. MILITIA Catholic secret societies are well-drilled, 1518:14, 15; union men withdraw from, 2869:1, 9. MILK Sour, remedy for constipation, 5691:5-8, 14-16; weaned from the (Isaiah 28:9), 3963:8; and butter and cheese made artificially, 4846:8, 12. MILL Grinding at, 229:9. MILLENNIAL Dawn: Began in 1874, 6013:12-14; clouds and darkness to precede the, 5985:1-5; not a cloudless dawn, 1072; of day, 302; people, early church of same view as, 1093:6-8. VOLUMES: Approved by Australian editors, 3556; burning of Bibles and, 3615; clergyman appreciates, 937:2, 3, 10; delayed by work, 500:2; examination of Moorehead's tract vs., 3074:12-18; 3075; special Watch Tower issue of one of, 897; teachings attacked by Prof. Moorehead, 2738; title not to be abandoned, 3428:7. See Studies in the Scriptures. MILLENNIALISTS Post, their views, 4:8-19. Pre: Error of, 469:16, 17; views of, 4:8-19. MILLENNIUM Alexander Campbell's arithmetical view of, 1713; all shall know the Lord in, 553:4-6. Antitypical Sabbath: 91:7, 9; of healing, 3311:1. As foreseen by a Congregational minister (1894), 1612:1, 16; at least 100 years trial, 1261:10-13; beginning and ending of, 2739:5, 6, 12; belief of early church in, 1093:6-8. Bible: To be useful also in the, 5803:4; 5804:1. WILL: Be dispensed with in the, 3086:8; constitute the text book for the world, 1526:4. Binding and loosing of Satan in, 1233; Bishop Foster on the, 820:2, 3; Bishop's view of, 1072; blessings of, 6:3; 269. Catholic: Journal believes in the, 3017:13; priest foretells a future (1896), 1969:10. Character: Must be developed now or in the, 3832:9-10; of individuals now affect their trial in, 1449:4; 4500:2-4, 8. Child shall die 100 years old in, 1772:1-10; Christ will draw all men in the, 1226, 1227; Christ's work throughout the, 3469, 3470; church's work at close of the, 4974:8, 9; communication between heaven and earth to exist through and beyond, 2416:3-8; 3462:8-10; communism may be practiced in, 1862:1; contrasted with gospel age, 1227:8-10; conversion of world will not precede the, 4:2-4, 10-19; 5:3, 4; covenant relationship with God to exist at close of, 4624:9; day of judgment is, 1869:6, 7, 12; 2993:3; dead to be judged in the, 2994:1-4; deception by Satan to be permitted at close of, 5240:13, 14; described by the Revelator, 2833; desire of all nations, 1091-1094; difference in witness of spirit in gospel age and in, 1411:12-15; 1412:1-8; difficult time for transgressors in the, 3779:7-9; discipline to be for individual transgressions in the, 4856:4, 5, 8-12; dominion of the righteous in the, 302:13; doubting the Lord will be possible in the, 1529:7; effect of character upon world in the, 4856:4, 5, 8-12; evangelization in the, 404:11; evildoers to be cut off in the, 3597:11, 12; first of ages to come, 5:11; for conversion of world, 1343:9, 10, 20, 21; 2112:6-8; forcing vs. drawing during, 1057; foreseen by Secretary Knox, 4671:15, 16; God's bridge between sin and holiness, 1244:12; 1245:2; goodness and severity of God displayed together in, 3321:7, 10, 11; harvest at end of, 885:6; highway of holiness cast up in, 1771-1773. How: Sin will be dealt with in, 1249:7, 8; the work of uplift will proceed in the, 2379:4. "I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh," a promise for the, 1411:12-15; 1412:1-8; Jewish Rabbi's faith in the, 2314, 2315; last enemy--death destroyed in the, 1219:5. Law: Covenant will never be placed over the world in the, 1732:20, 21; 1733:1; of love to be operative in, 2330:7-11. Light, knowledge, inventions are merely foregleams of the, 6013:9-11; literal sacrifices may be restored at beginning of, 1732:20, 21; Lord glorified by saints in, 765:1; love in, the condition of life eternal, 1220:6-8; meaning of, 4:6, 7; mercy not needed at close of, 4974:7; Messiah's glorious reign, 1414; ministers' views on, 2577; new covenant belongs to the, 905:3; no assurance that the sheep will outnumber the goats in the, 1984:9, 10. Not: To come through man, 2313, 2314; without pain, sighing, trouble and death, 1073:1-4. Obstacles to faith regarding, 1092:3-6; Papacy's false, 306:17. Papal: Counterfeit, 355:11, 13-15; started in 800 A.D., 1135:6. Perfect liberty will come at close of, 1737:14, 15; 1738:1, 2; physical evidences of approaching, 4431:5-8. Pictured: By river of life, 2507, 2508. IN: Isaiah 52nd chapter, 3589:9; Revelation, 3571:1-11. Present: Character of worldly-minded will affect trial in, 1449:4; progress, foregleams of, 1258:3. Probable manner of the resurrection in, 1529:1-10; prophetic description of, 1351:4-6, 10; 1352; purpose of, is the world's redemption, 4999; real holy inquisition, 1469:9; 1471:13; rebellion at its end due to misunderstanding in chronology, 1773:11; reign will begin after the exaltation of the church, 1649:7-14; required to cleanse the world of sin, 4612:5-7, 11, 12. Rest of the dead: Lived not, 1105; 1108:3-5, 10-13; 1209:7, 8; 1772:6, 11; raised in the, 1118. Restored mankind: May communicate with each other without speech in the, 1604:17. WILL: Have everlasting life, but not immortality. 1879:12, 13; probably be mind-readers, 1954:12. Resurrection of damnation, or judgment, 1853:3-12; 1854:1-8; rewards and punishment to aid discipline in the, 5183:1-4; ruling powers to be spiritual, 4990:9-11; sabbath observance may be restored at beginning of, 1732:20, 21; 1733:1; sacrifices in the, 2488:15, 16; Satan's final effort at end of, 1687:2. Scriptural: Proof that it is just at hand, 5573:15, 16; purgatory, 1468-1471. Second death at end of: Its cause 1773:3, 12; how many enter, 1234:4; way into, will be made difficult, 1771:7, 8; 1772:1. Some "Shall not see life", 1179:5-7; Talmage's vision of the, 1154-1156; test at end of, 1056:10; 1220:2-8; 1234:3, 9-11; 1773:3, 12; there shall be room in, to doubt on the part of all who prefer, 1529:7; those who shall awake "to shame and age-lasting contempt" in, 1529:8-10; 1655:2, 3; thousand year day of judgment, 722. Time of: Healing and blessing, 5443:10-12; instruction, 12:7-10; uplift and blessing, 5573-5575. To give one full opportunity for salvation, 2049:7-9; two special tests of the, 1773:2; typified by Solomon's reign, 1517:4. Views of: Allegheny "Prophetic conference" on, discussed (1895), 1903:8; 1904:1, 2; Rabbi Gottheil respecting the, 2314, 2315. Vile and brutal characters will probably be awakened from death last in, 1529:8; "whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap" in, 1653-1655; when will the awakening of the dead in general commence in? 1854:4; "Whosoever will may come" in the, 3410:7-12; why long-delayed? 1092:7-10; willful sin to be punished in the, 3048:6. Work of: 419; 763, 764; 2434:6-10; Christ throughout the, 3469, 3470; pictured in Isaiah 55th chapter, 3596-3598. World begotten in the? (1892 view), 1412:8. World's: Judgment day, 1248; 5442:3-6; resurrection day, 1509:9, 10. And Christ's work appreciated by Lutheran minister, 3968, 3969. See Christ, Kingdom of; Kingdom of Christ; Kingdom, Millennial; Messiah, Kingdom of; World to Come. MILLER William: Faith of, in Christ's appearing, 480:5-8. MOVEMENT: Began in 1844, 288:9; significance of, 87:11-13; 5718:2-4. Work of, 480:5-8. MILLIONAIRES Reign of the, 3119:6-8. MILLIONS Needed for world conversion, 4847, 4848. MILLS B. Fay: Evangelist changes his theology, 2256:6-9. MILLSTONE Hanged about the neck, meaning of phrase, 5130:9, 12-14. MIND Affected by physical derangements, 1412:16; change of, necessary to all who grow in knowledge, 358; cleansing should be not only in body but also in the, 5738:5-11; consider him lest ye be weary and faint in your, 2313:9; control, avoid cults seeking, 2179:5; cures and Christian Science, 894, 895; demons seek to dominate the, 4311:3-6; dependent on physical condition, 2536:4; diseases of the body affect the, 1080:1; exerts power over the body, 2384:7, 14, 15. Faculties of: And the new will, 5149:2-4; compared to congress, 5488:14; God's drawing power exercised through, 5201:1-7. Filled with chips or apples (illustration), 5518:16-18; government of, consists of conscience, judgment, will, 5488:12-14; 5489:1, 7. Has: Telepathic power, 5204:2; vital influence over body, 2322:1. Health of, aid to physical health, 3336:5, 9-13; importance of purity of, 2014:12-14; 2015:6, 7; 2516, 2517; impurity of, dangerous to new creature, 2516, 2517. In: Animals and man different in degree only, 3766:4-10; you same as in Christ Jesus, 340:2-5, 10-12. Loafing of the, a dangerous habit, 977; loins of, gird up the, 3149:2-5; 4667:12-16. Lowliness of: Defined, 5842:10, 11; esteems others better, 2228:1, 2; sees the good in others , 4928:5-9, 13; what is signified by, 5810:8-10. Men led astray by corruption of, 4438, 4439; must be transformed and controlled by new will, 5482:10-17; no man has a sound, 1412:16. Of the: Spirit-begotten requires cleansing also, 5738:7, 8, 10. Part of, in the body of Christ, 1162:7. Power: Its important effect upon character, 3304:6; over the body, 2013:4-8; 5035:11-14. Reading probably a power of the perfect man, 1604:10, 17; 1954:12; sin is conceived in the, 5019:3, 4. Sound: Humility essential to a, 5843:8, 9; no man has it, 1412:16; its power ennobling, 1122:9-11; spirit given us of a, 1079-1081; 1414:1-5, 9-12; 5094:16-18; truth gives us the spirit of a, 5978:1, 2; what it is, 1412:15. To be put under control of new creature, 4975:2-4; transformed, the ego is changed, 5325:3-7; two unappreciated qualities of, 1162:9-12; various grades of ability of the, 1737:8; and will, distinction between the, 3203:6, 7. See Brain; Mentality. MINDS Corrupt, lead men astray, 4438, 4439. MINERS Denied their constitutional rights, 2216. MINISTER Answers the truth with slander (Letter), 5995:5-10; argues in favor of church federation, 3388:1-14; call or work of a, 2874:12-16; conversion of a, 658, 659; converted to the truth, 806:9-17; co-operates with Brother Russell in spreading truth, 5106:3-5. Defends: Bible against higher critics, 4362, 4363; Brother Russell's doctrines, 5260, 5261. Denies the teachings of the prophets, 3661:4-6; destroyed his influence for good by checker-playing, 1839:11; explains why men leave churches, 3380:11-18; leaves pulpit for freedom's sake, 4286:1; 4350:5-9. Led into the truth by: A blind boy (Letter), 5903; through persecution of Brother Russell (Letter), 5695:4-6, 9, 10. Makes all religions equal, 3366, 3367; not unfrocked for infidelity, 4762:21, 22; 4763:1-4. Of: Baptist church received the truth, 5477:10-15; East India receives the truth, 3522:6-9, 12, 13; gospel discredits the Bible, 3256; Presbyterian church received the truth, 5235, 5236. Opposing the truth confounded by a sister (Letter), 5572, 5573; preached lies for twenty years, 4135:3-7; protests against teachings of higher criticism, 3066:10-14; salary of a, drives him into the world, 4845:6-10; to cure by faith and hypnotism, 4163:8-13; victim of Spiritism, 3741:15-17; 3742; would like to have heretics burned at stake, 4094:10, 21; writes his appreciation of freedom from Babylon (Letter), 5945:9-17. MINISTERING One to another, 567:11-14; to the saints to be rewarded by Jehovah, 5818:10-12; 5819:1, 7, 8. MINISTERS Alarmed at falling off of membership, 3449:18, 19; apologize for or refuse to preach Christ, 5126:4, 5, 9. Are: Getting the truth, 438:13, 14; not always Christians, 3365:7, 9-14. As masters and lords, 3248:3-7, 11; 3249:1, 2; averse to belief in second coming of Christ, 2111:6, 9. Becoming: Discouraged, 4230:1-7; higher critics, 2450:6, 10. Betrayers of Christianity, 3466; blind to fundamentals of Christianity, 3403:15-17; Brother Russell foresees persecution from, 3194:6; causes of their present plight, 5154:1-16; chargeable to no man, 2500:6-9, 12-14; Christianity betrayed by its, 3466; colporteurs are true, 1349:17; compensation of nominal, 311:5; dearth of Protestant, 3724:1-3; deceive as to converted heathen, 831:10; defective education of, 2696:13-17; denounced by labor journals of London, 3489:1-3; deny inspiration of Bible, 2499; deplore our taking no collections, 5374:9-12; disbelief and hypocrisy among, 2537, 2538; drowsy, find the Bible sealed, 588:16; express belief in Spiritism, 3524. Falling: Away from the Bible truths, 3949, 3950; into Satan's trap of healing, 4250:13-18, 4251:1-6, 13, 14. Financial support of, Scriptural, 2514:4-7; find relief in the New Theology, 4581:7-9; foster infidelity, 325:20; grieved that people are taught, 541:10, 16, 17; how far we should follow, 651:16, 17; human hatred encouraged by, 5852:11-13; hypocrites in pulpits, 3418:12-18; in Germany nine-tenths infidels, 3783:7; infidels out of place in pulpit, 3567:27-29; 3568:1, 2; list of Society's public, 2829; majority of, are higher critics, 5104:14, 15. Nominal: Grieved at teaching of people, 541:10, 16, 17; neither priests nor Levites, 3054:5, 7-10. Of: CHRISTENDOM: Decline in number of, 602:2-4; expounders of Satan's gospel, 5848:7, 8; have departed from the true faith, 5816. Christian religion, what they should be, 3839, 3840. GOSPEL: As recruiting agents, 5754:11, 12; 5755:1-4; provide things needful as applied to, 2500:6-9, 12-14; refute the Bible, 5238. Methodist churches resign, 4719:6-8; prominent higher critics and evolutionists, 2106:1-4. THE: I.B.S.A. are ordained, 5447:5-8; new covenant, how the church are, 4331:5, 6, 11; 4332:1-3; 4496:6-10; 4596:6-9; 4597. Today do not preach Jesus' teachings, 5507:14-16; 5508:1. Only duly ordained, are those divinely commissioned, 1715:3, 4; oppose spread of truth, 2522, 2523; 2680:2-5; opposed to card-playing dared not stop it, 1208:5; opposition of, to truth will lead to riot, 3160:8; overproduction of, 2168:12-17; 2169; persecute truth people, 2710:12; power of today, 595:9; pray for cardinal, 813:13; question existence of Abraham, 2875:2; receive truth, remain in Babylon, 832:3-6. Reject: Bible, 2450:6, 10; 3479:8; Jesus' reference to Jonah, 2451:18-21. Rejoicing in the truth (Letters), 5961:14-19; 5962:8-12; responsible for loss of faith in Bible, 3846:16; 3847:1, 2, 7-9; Rev. C.E. Jefferson comments on the proper work of, 4025:1-7; sample of dishonesty of, 2738, 2729; secretly investigate Spiritism, 3491:2-5, 11, 12; support infidelity, 4471:1-5; titles of, unwarranted in the Bible, 4336:6; today the same as in Jesus' day, 2096; unfaithful, called dumb dogs, 2674:9; unite against Socialism and Communism, 2106:8-10; use carnal weapons, 2779:9; views on extravagant spending, 2105:7, 8, 12-14. Who: Are true, 364:14; support capital denounced by Bryan, 2045:8-10. Why they: Hated and opposed Brother Russell, 5971:5-7; have lost their power, 4185:4, 5; lose faith in the Bible, 3221:1; oppose the truth today, 3160:8. Will not embrace Socialism, 4144:3, 4; worldly-minded, 2427:23. And: Laity: Are one in I.B.S.A., 2432:11; members, advice to, 2939:1-5, 9-13; missionaries, colporteurs are true, 1349:17, 18. See Clergy. MINISTRY Be not blamed, cautions to carefulness that the, 5774:1-3, 9, 10; commercialism in the, 512:7, 8, 14; discouragement in the nominal, 4230:1-7. Of: Evil, 1759; John the Baptist, 1916; service, true church all share in the, 3002:1. Overcrowded with professionals, 2168:12-17; 2169; what constitutes a call to the, 537:2. Why young men: Are forsaking the, 4049:2-6, 8, 9; do not enter the, 1157:4, 9. MINORITY In elections should be considered by majority, 5350:13, 14; love considers the wish of the, in class elections, 5793:13-17; of Christians obnoxious to majority, 3524:20; should abide by decision of majority, 4772:14. See Classes. MIRACLE Of: Grace, Paul a, 1558:5-7, 11, 12. ISRAELITES CROSSING: Red Sea explained, 3998:1-11; the Jordan explained, 4063:6-9. Jordan's subsiding explained, 3085:11; 3086:1; Peter's deliverance from prison, 2140:1-3, 5-7; 3003, 3004; restoring sight to blind man a picture, 3520; water changed to wine, 1695; 2418:5-7, 11; 2419; 3485:4, 5, 8-11; 5271:18, 19. MIRACLES Are they gifts of church? 103:4; Christians must believe in, 3106; difference between the Lord's healings and present-day, 1921:13, 14; disadvantage to development of faith, 2995:4; explained by astronomers, 2383:2, 3. In: Every day life overlooked, 3333:3-5; nature, 917:5, 6. Jesus' object in performing, 2582:4; 3495:8; natural, from God's viewpoint, 23:4; never performed for the temporal benefit of the consecrated, 1754:13. Not: Performed in Nazareth, 2579:6-9; to be expected in our day, 3401:1; violations of laws of nature, 1313:5, 1314:11, 12. Of: Bible vouched for by Jesus, 728:2; every day life, 4617:9-11; God done by peculiar means, 833:1; Paul brought converts who had been obsessed, 4421:9, 10. Of the: Apostles proved Jesus' resurrection, 2095:13; Bible accepted only by those having faith, 4617:3-6, 9-11. NEW TESTAMENT: Centurion's servant, healed, 1922:5-7, 11, 12; feeding five thousand, 1754; lame man healed, 1421; Lazarus raised, 1774; man born blind, healed, 1773; man with palsy, healed, 1921; son of widow of Nain, raised, 1923:2, 10; water turned to wine, 1695. Old Testament, sun and moon stayed, 1381. Often explainable by nature's laws, 5271:8, 9, 18, 19; 5277:7; one form used by Lord now, 1200:1; opinion of the philosopher Montaigne, 1762:16, 17; 1763:1; possible to God, 2281:9; result of natural laws, 3589:1-3, 6; to church today greater than those to the Jews, 3503:7, 8; true reason does not reject, 1763:9, 10; various views respecting, 3495:1, 2. Why: Not prevalent since days of apostles, 1450:7, 8, 13-16; 2582:8-10; 3301:8-11; 3310:1; performed by early church, 1422:1-5, 8-11; 1742:12, 13; Satan is now casting out Satan by, 1644:4. MIRIAM Leprosy of, a lesson to the church, 3061:5-8; punished for envy and jealousy, 5307, 5308. MIRROR Word of God likened to a, 3656:3, 4. MISERS All are insane, 1413:12. MISERY Bishop Foster's description of, 857, 858; of the world, 670:1. MISREPRESENTATION Is: Injustice, 3888:5; theft, 3045:5, 6. Truth should not be preached under, 4369:4, 5. MISSES List of troublesome, 1317:2. MISSION Board against future probation, 889:2, 3. Fields: Reverses in the, 2663:8-16; scarcely touched by Christianity, 4096:2, 3, 7, 8. Of Jesus at first advent, 3519:6 7. MISSIONARIES Accept the truth, 3402:3; among heathen, results of, 556:12-14; Babylon's inconsistency in sending out, 6:13; backed by cannon and war, 2685:7; child-killers make more Christians than they? 1315:11, 12; Christ not limited to efforts of, 3637:1-4; colporteurs are true, 1349:17; do not live extravagantly, 5011:1-5; doing Millennium work, 2690:1-5; fail to Christianize Navajo Indians, 3016:12-16; failure of their work in Japan, 2704:1-8; first Christian, 1461; killed in China (1895), 1876:4, 5; letters of encouragement to true, 1011:3-8; 1038:6-9; lives not sacrificial, 4041:5-8, 11-13; mistaken benevolence of, 2690, 2691:1-4; mostly sincere, though mistaken, 1348:3; neglect own development, 2861:5, 8; numerical growth and influence of, 4691: of present truth, in 1888, in India, Turkey, China, Hayti, S. America and Africa, 1011:2; oppose spread of truth in heathen lands, 4849:4, 5, 10, 11. Sent forth: By church at Antioch, 3005:6-8; today, 3005:8. Served with truth, 2490:9-11; though mistaken, Lord will reward, 1348:8. To: Heathen, hopeless work of the, 4322:4, 5, 8-11; ignore secular matters, 2685:6-8. Work of, in Korea (Letter), 5525:6-14; enterprises profitable to Mr. J.D. Rockefeller, 3627:16-21. Envelopes: Announced, 967; commended, 1112:1, 2. Life in India, 1701. Reports: Salvation vs. sectarianism, 1078:2-8; torment dogma causes misery, 1044:6, 7. Societies controlled by higher critics, 3465, 3466; to Japanese receives the truth, 4028:1-5, 9-14; tour of Paul was not to savages, 2140:4; 2141:2. Work: Editor's attitude toward, 4140; how the Lord conducts, 885:10; humanitarian rather than religious, 5007-5015. IN: China a failure, 3147:6, 7. Inconsistency of, 544:14; needed among denominations, 4140:7-11; of early and latter harvests similar, 4468:6, 7, 11. OF SOCIETY: Different from Christendom's, 4359:2-4; 4360:1; in foreign field, 4042:1-6, 9, 10. Our attitude toward, 5302:7, 8; report of committee on, 5007-5015; sorry aspect of, 535. WHY: It should not be done for heathen, 3482:8, 9; ours is not, 3942:4. MISSIONS Christianizing Hebrews in New York city (1893), 1531:7, 15, 16; Church of England on the failure of, 1078:13-22; efforts of, are failures, 1876:10, 11; 1877; fallacy of, 258:1. Foreign: Apostles, were not among savages, 1347:2-9; attempting restitution, 1348:5-8; cause of failure of, 2112:3; commercial investment, 3627:16-21. ELLIS: Criticism of, by, 4041:5-8, 11-13; report of, on, 4096:2, 3. Eternal torment their unholy basis, 1348:1, 2. FAILURE OF: 1876:10, 11; 1877; 2862; in China, 3147:6, 7; in India, 1613:5. Heathen better off without hell-fire, 1348:1, 2; in Japan, report by two Japanese Christians, 1595-1597; inspiration for the work of, 3732; investigating committee hold meeting at Waldorf Astoria, 4944:4; Japanese dislike sects, 1078:2-8; killing of Christian missionaries in China (1895), 1876:4, 5; making infidels in India, 1071, 1072. NUMBER OF: Converts vs. increase of population in India, 1990:14; Protestant, and workers in India (1896), 1960:13, 14. Pierson's report on, 2112-2115; Plymouth church, Brooklyn, in 1893 refuses to support hell-fire, 1495:2, 3, 13; report of Committee on, 5007-5015; totally fail to do Lord's work, 1347-1349; truth regarding, 2871; why the gospel was turned from Asia into Europe, 1545:9, 10, 14-16; will not convert the world now, 1940:11, 18; 1941:1-8; work of, based on false convictions, 2861:4; world's hope not in, 2861:3. Modern, their purpose not soul-saving, 3905:8, 19; 3906:1-5; Papal and Protestant, co-operating, 1090:1-5; self-confessed failures, 1078:13-22; unite to attack truth, 1090:12-15; vs. starvation, 1144:4, 5. MISTAKES Do not brood over, 849:16; our trials are often the natural result of our own, 1938:5. MISUNDERSTANDINGS Scriptural rule for adjusting, 4984, 4985. MITCHELL Dr. A.F., on Presbyterian Confession of Faith, 539, 540. MITES Widow's: Greatest sacrifice, 3863:7, 8; 5522:9-11; why the Lord approved, 1327:7. MOB Violence: Increasing everywhere, 3628:2, 3; Paul's courage amidst, 4485:5-7; Roosevelt's views on anarchy and, 3241:3-12. MOBS Impelled by desire for justice, 4650:2, 3; unreasonable course of, 4485:1-3. MOCKERS "Now therefore be ye not", 1487:4, 5; 1488:8-11. MODERATION Applies to every phase of Christian life, 2355:2-9; of Christians should be manifested, 1440:1; 3128:4, 5; should be manifested in forecasts of future, 5249:3-9, 11-15; value of, 5840. MODESTY Essential to Christians, 733:8, 11, 12. Exemplified by: John, 2418:1; Saul, 3218:3. In prayer essential, 5833:14, 15; 5834:1-3. Of: Brother Russell described by Bro. Driscoll, 6008:3, 11, 12; Jesus in not announcing his Messiahship, 3851:1. Proper reserve between brethren and sisters imperative, 1586:14-16. MOHAMMEDANISM In Africa, 934:4, 9; miserable hash, 1184:10-12; spread of, 2695:1-14. MOHAMMEDANS Faith of, in Christ, 618:2-7, 8-10; preserve holy places, 2510:11. MOLOCH Demons instituted the worship of, 3069:1, 2; how he is worshiped today, 3069:2; 3464:11; worship of, by Christendom greater than by natural Israel, 2360:1, 2. MONARCHS Power of, in Paul's day, 3179:8; why their reigns are not perfect, 5023:13. MONARCHY Christ's kingdom to be a, 2888:5; God's kingdom will be a, 1163:8; in United States predicted, 969:6. MONASTIC Life unscriptural, 1658:2, 11-13. MONEY Accumulation of, shows insanity, 1080:6-8; 1413:5, 7, 12. Cannot: Evangelize the world, 2246:3; 3327:13; purchase spiritual gifts, 4330:7, 8. Changers: Business of, in the Temple, 4122:11; in the nominal temple, 3851:9; 3852:1, 2. Christians merely stewards of, 185, 186; 187:1-4, 6-9; contributions of, advice to the duty-bound, 1334:13-16; controls the United States, 4771:11, 21; 4772:1-6; detriment to the churches, 2463:1-4; direct appeals for it in Lord's name are wrong, 1172:15; evils of gold as a standard (1894), 1606:17-20; Jesus sold by Judas for love of, 4906:4-8; king of the world, 4539; laying up, for children, 874:6, 7; love of it the root of evil, 2207:11, 12; 5552:3-6; lovers bring sorrow upon themselves, 5552:3-6. Making: Enterprise, Watch Tower not a, 824:15; for truth a snare, 1047:3. Never solicited for Lord's work, 2482:14-17; 3448:13; of the consecrated belongs to the Lord, 5376:12-14; orders should be procured in sending orders, 5822:21; proper uses of, for consecrated, 5220:4, 5; raised for religious purposes, 3107:2, 3; selling the Lord for, 3366:8, 13; sent by mail unsafe, 5822:21; solicited by Christendom for world's conversion, 4848:5-8; soul-salvation dependent upon, 3272:11-13, spending and saving of, by consecrated, 874:6, 7; talent to be used, 2259:4, 5; to use for God a privilege, 1173:3; unscriptural to beg for, 865:1; 885:9, 10; 2511:2; use and abuse of, 1045:1-5, 11-14; where does Society get it? 1172; why the Lord leaves his work in need of, 5220:4, 5; worship supplants the worship of God, 3829:10-12; and blasphemy, 794:11-14. MONISM Baptist D.D. embraces, 1752:9-18; "new theology," 1752:9-18. MONKEYS Descended from men, Haeckel's later view, 2915:22-24. MONTEFIORE Claude G., (his) review of Christianity, 3731:1-9. Sir Moses: Death of, 800; 801:1, 8; Jewish philanthropist, 519:9. MONUMENTS Christians' lives are to be, 2988:4. MOODY Attacks ministers preaching politics, 2107:1; believed in Lord's return, 2954:2; denounces modern churches, 2427:21; firm defense of the Bible by, 1214; inconsistency of, 1758:1; power lay in preaching God's love, 855:17-20; 856:1-3; and the London Revival, 831:10. MOON Eclipses of the, B.C. 1, 569:19. Symbol of: Law, 499:11; nation of Israel, 1289:7; 5191:6. And sun: As symbols, 2270:10; stood still, 1381:9-11; 1813:10-13. MOOREHEAD Attacks of, on the truth discussed, 1904:9-13; charges against Brother Russell examined, 2738; examination of his tract vs. Millennial Dawn, 3074:12-18; 3075; minister's reply to Rev. Wm., 5260, 5261; on Man of Sin, 3082. MORAL Decline: of Christendom, 3739, 3740. MORALISTS Appreciate mercy less than prodigals, 3762:1; led away from ransom, 728:6-10; mistaken for Christians, 731:2. MORALITY Cannot bring salvation, 864:4, 5; in outward form leads to selfrighteousness, 4417:1, 2; may be our test as blasphemy was Jesus', 4751:18. Not: Christianity, 761:1-4; 1942:17, 18; 2193:15-18; 3234; 3329:1-6; gospel message, 886:2; 887:5, 9, 10; to be mistaken for true light, 5339:1-3. Of Australia declining, 3024:10-16; suggested test for Methodist doctrine, 1375; and temperance not the narrow way, 2074:8-11. MORALS Lord's people to maintain high standard of, 2962:2, 3; menaced by yellow-journalism, 4430:16-18; 4431:1, 2; and health benefited by reasonable self-esteem, 5114:2-6, 10-14. See Religion. MORDECAI Blest, but Haman hanged, 3656-3658. MORGAN J.P.: Aids in church federation, 4735:6, 7; believer in Jesus as our ransomer, 5252:8, 15; 5253:1-5; death of Christ puzzle to, 3234:1; giant of the last days, 3135:13-16; leader of trust movement, 3170:26; manager of Church Unity Movement, 4720:9-16; practically turned Catholic, 4025:12, 13; says he is no infidel, 3263:1, 2, 11, 12. MORMON Theory of pre-existence, 2668:1-3. MORNING Blessings of Millennial, 269; cometh, a night also, 3519:6-10; "My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch of the", 1759:16; 1760:1-3, 10. Of: Judgment day glorious, 268, 269; Millennium to disperse gloom of earth's night, 6013:5, 7. Resolve and Vow: Brother Russell's, 5165:6-9, 14-17; kept under pillow, 5282:4, 5. Womb of the, (Psalm 110:3) explained, 2935:7. MORTAL Body is quickened, 93:2-4; 5035, 5036; man is, 78:7; meaning of word, 673:1, 2; 1879:2-5; and immortal life, 92:3; 803:7. MORTALITY Vs. immortality, 142. MOSES Absent, Israel set up the golden calf, 5297, 5298; assured of the Lord's presence and help, 5547:6-8; beautiful self-forgetfulness, humility and loving spirit of, 1842:7, 8; brackish waters healed by, 4010:4, 7, 8; brief summary of the life of, 2909, 2910; called to the deliverance of Israel, 5261, 5262; childhood of, and its illustrations of divine providence and election, 1651:3-9, 13-15; choosing another leader than, 3064:1, 2; Christ, the antitypical, 3036:2; death under his law a type, 388:1; demanded of Pharaoh the freedom of Israelites, 5263:13; dying message to Israel, Deuteronomy is, 5334:10-18; early life of, 2902:6-9; 2903:1, 2, 5-8; education and literacy well developed in age of, 3443, 3444; (an) evidence against evolution of man, 737:8; example in meekness and humility, 3990:5-9; 4038:5, 6, 8; exonerated, Miriam punished, 5308. Experiences of, a lesson: For leaders and teachers, 5315:17-19; to the church, 2909:5, 7; 2910:1. Failure through lack of humility, 4047:5, 6; given a view of the promised land, 4053:4, 5. How: God disciplined him in meekness, 5252; he demonstrated his faith in God, 4388:3-5; the type of Christ, 1321-1324; 4058:1, 2. Humble, meet for the Lord's use, 3989, 3990; humility and meekness of, 2903:6, 7; in smiting the rock the second time, type of the second death class, 1849:10, 17; Israelites fed by Jehovah, not by, 4146:4, 6; last message to Israel of, 1850:2-4, 9-13; lessons for the church in life of, 2909:5, 7; 2910:1. Life of: A type, 2909:6; divided into three forty-year periods, 3989:3. Lifting up the antitypical, 5839:7-9. Mediator: And prophet, 2858:4; of the law covenant, 1725:8-23; typical, 788:4-6; 4999, 5000. Meekest and greatest man, 4054:10-12; 4055:1-5, 11, 12; nobility of character of, 3046:6; 3048:5; 5333:3-8; noble sacrifice of, on behalf of Israel, 4023:7, 8; offering himself to Israel twice, a time-parallel, 4058:1, 2; on Mount of Transfiguration in vision, 201:2; 1761:5; orations of, found in Deuteronomy, 4050:9, 17; overburdened, the Sanhedrin instituted, 5306:8-10; parting sermon of, was for spiritual Israel, 3072:6-9; presence of God with, 5387:4-9, 14-17. Prophesied of: Christ, 691, 692; Israel's return to favor, 3071:6-8. Prophet, priest and king, 3068:1; providence of God was over, 3987:10, 11; 3988:2-7. Punished for: Pride, 41:1; smiting rock second time, 5315:5-7. Recounts to Israel God's care over them, 5527:6, 10, 12; represented the law, justice, 4570:14; review of his life and greatness, 3077:1-3; rod turned to a serpent in the hand of, 5418, 5419; saved by strategy and divine providence, 5250, 5251. Seat of: Doctors of law sat in, 2715:10; in what sense scribes and Pharisees sat in, 5749:5. Sent as a deliverer, 1651; showed forth the resurrection, 3462:2. Sin: Along the line of his strongest characteristic, 4047:5; one of spiritual pride, 5957:5-10. Smiting the rock a type, 2299:4; 4498:8; 5285:2-4; 5315:15, 16; song of, 76:8-11, 18; sons of God more favored than, 3988:10-12; specially prepared for his work, 3987:6, 7; stronger character than Aaron, 3046:7, 8; taught restitution by type, 413:2; type of Christ, 68:2; 96:7; 113:4, 10, 11; 181:6; 1651:11, 16, 17; 2910:3; 3046-3048; 4023:7-10; 4354:7-9; 5298:9-11; typified work of Christ, 113:4, 10, 11; veiled before Israel, antitypical significance of, 5299; 3-6; warns Israel against Spiritism, 3068:4-7; was under the law covenant, 4696:1-8; what was represented by the vision of, 2289:1, 2. Why: HE: Could not be a perfect mediator, 2121:16; 2122:1-6; used the blood of many bulls and goats, 5874:8-10. HIS: Body was hidden, 4054:8, 9; grave was hidden, 3077:9; 4054:8, 9. Wrote most of Pentateuch, 691:2, 3; 3935:6. And: Aaron as types of Christ, 4503, 4504; Elijah, vision of, 558:6, 12; 2659:5-8; 3794:4-8. LAMB, SONG OF: 3998:12, 13; 3999:1; chiefly intended for spiritual Israel, 3078:3; church now learning the, 4236:7, 8; explained, 76:8-111, 18; 130:2-8, 10-12; 2569:8; who may sing, 2712:8-10; 2713. Plagues, 3994-3996; the three signs, 5271:16, 17. See Law Covenant. MOSQUE Of Omar: Occupies site of Temple, 2510:11; what and where it is, 2908:2. MOST High God, heathen use this name, 1091:1, 2; Holy, Seventh Day adventist view vs. truth, 1732:8-14. MOTHER Affects character of offspring, 2320:5-7; church to be world's (1880 view), 25:4, 11; 70:2-7, 12-14; 3434:2; gives form and nature, 777:4; influence of, for good or evil, 3462:11; of us all, Jerusalem from above is the, 5246:2-4, 11; prenatal influences upon the child controlled by, 5612:8; 5615:6-8; and brethren, behold my, 943; 5037:14, 15. MOTHERHOOD Pictures development of new creatures, 1273:20, 29, 30. MOTHER-IN-LAW Of Peter cured by Jesus, 3310:9. MOTHERS Christ should have first place instead of, 1211:5, 9-11; power for good in the home, 3607:6, 7. MOTIVE Decides the virtue of service, 5139:4, 10-13; in prayer an important consideration, 5311:2, 3; prompting us to seek the high calling, 4240:13. Pure, no excuse for: Laxity in conduct, 5382:19; speaking evil, 5528:7; 5529:1, 2. MOTTO Cards, 1891 list, 1339. MOTTOES Some 1892 ones, 1397:15; 1398:2; text for the year 1913, 5155:4-6, 14, 15; tracts, Watch Tower subscriptions renewed, 3670:2-9; useless unless practiced, 616:6. MOUNT Ararat, earthquake on, (1883), 525:2. Horeb: ANTITYPICAL MEANING OF: Elijah's vision on, 2289:1, 2; 5752, 5753; Moses and Aaron meeting at, 4011:3. Revelation given Elijah at, 3414:4-6. Moriah site of restored Temple, 2510:5. Of: Beatitudes, last of Crusaders destroyed on, 2249:6. OLIVES: Feet upon (1879 view), 26:9; 5437:4, 5, 13, 14; impressions of, during Brother Russell's tour in 1891, 1395:1-4; typical, 286:12-20. Transfiguration, vision in the, 1761:5; 2288, 2289; 3790:10-13. Perazim pictures Christendom's destruction, 564:12 sermon on the (Matthew 5:1-16), 1493; 1735; 2585-2590. Sinai: Finding of an old Syriac manuscript (1893), 1529:4; giving of the law at, 3037:4-8; how time of trouble was typified at, 153:6, 9-14; 5285:15-17; Israelites organized into a nation at, 4037:2-6; typical of God's kingdom, 5285:13-15. Zion: Located on "the sides of the north", 5710:12, 13; 5711:2, 3; type of spiritual kingdom, 286:19. MOUNTAIN Symbol of kingdom, 26:6; 286:12-20; 303:5; 686:4; 716:1-3; 4989:17; 4990:1, 2. See Earth; Hill. MOUNTAINS Brought low in trouble, 286:18, 19; melting like wax, 4573:7-10; removing by faith, 1967:7, 11; Scriptural, symbolic meaning of, 716:3; should saints hide their families in, in the time of trouble? 1963; subsidence of the Andes, 1215; and hills Jews sought for protection and covering, 5577:4-7. MOURN Blessed are they that, 2585:11, 12; comfort them that, 2664:8, 9; 3436:1, 2; time to rejoice; time to, 3677:5-8. MOURNERS Blessed and comforted, 3734:1-5; how we should console, 3530:1 in Zion, 1441:4-9. MOURNING Eastern practices of, 3530:2-6; of Samuel for Saul, why a lack of faith, 3226:2. MOUTH Expression of the, an index of the character, 1937:3; I will keep my, with a bridle, while the wicked is before me, 1937:8-11; Jesus, when persecuted, opened not his, 3591:1-3; of lion, beast had, 319:3; sharp, twoedged sword proceeded out of Jesus', 3570:8, 9; speaketh out of the abundance of the heart, 1937:3-7; 1938:1; 3305:11-15. MOUTHS Confessing the Lord with our, 3071:14; 3072:1; meaning of expression, blind, 3172:4. MULTITUDE Fed by Jesus from seven loaves, 5104:12, 13; Jesus had compassion upon the, 3332:8, 9; 5087:2-8, 11-16; not with Jesus, but friendly, 2072:7-9. MUNICIPAL Ownership, disadvantages of, 3924:1-4. MUNSELL And Holmes, death of Sisters, 4082:2,7. MURDER All hatred is, 3928:5-7; 3929; anger is a form of, 3254:1; as applied to the new creation, 4019:7, 8; 4020:1, 2; by a Christian would mean second death, 3930:6; followed envy of Joseph's brethren, 3971:8; 3972:1, 2; hatred of brethren is, 4275:7, 10, 11; how the Jewish law dealt with, 3092, 3093; jealousy and hatred is the spirit of, 5151:3, 4, 9-12. Of: Abel, 1614; Philistines by David most unjust, 5663:2-11. Slander is, 1671:3; thou shalt do no, its higher meaning, 3045:1, 2. And: Envy and jealousy Israelites warned against, 4218, 4219; the Passover observance, strange inconsistency of Jews respecting, 2139:6. See Envy; Jealousy. MURDERERS Minister's idea of how they should be punished, 3320:7-11; not to inherit the kingdom, 4992:10-12; provided with city of refuge under Jewish law, 4079:4, 15; 4080:1, 10. See Thieves. MURMURERS Against the Lord's reward for service, 4666. MURMURING Against: God's providences inexcusable, 4502:8; 5278:15-17; Moses, typical, 5267:11-14; 5276:8, 9, 14-17. Danger of the sin of, 5306:5-7; obedience to the Lord opposed to, 2228:11; 4929:12. Of: Israelites due to lack of faith, 4011:6, 7, 9; 4012:1, 2. NATURAL: And spiritual Israel, 3997:7-10; Israel a lesson to spiritual Israelites, 2300:6; 3035:5, 9; 3061:1-8. To be no part of Christian fellowship, 2406:6, 7. And: Disputings, do all things without, 5810:12; 5855:13; 5856:1; greed caused death of Israelites, 5306:14, 15; lower standards deplored (Letter), 5382:17-19. MUSCLE Inferior to brain, 1162:5-12; vs. brains, unbiased view, 1243:12, 13; 1244:1-3. See Physical. MUSIC Paid, opposed by minister, 4151:12-14. MYRRH Represents wisdom, 4093:4; and frankincense and gold, offerings of wise men to Jesus, 3703:8, 9. MYSTERIES Hidden from worldly-minded, 2712, 2713. Of: Nature, 786:5. THE KINGDOM: Finished during harvest of the age, 2208:4, 5; revealed to but few, 4644:10-12. MYSTERY Begun and finished in gospel age, 368; behold, I show you a, 308:12-16; 2982:5, 6; church is the, 368:14, 15; finished, 368. Hidden: 283:3, 4; from all but truly consecrated, 3192:6, 7; 3763:7-13; 4368:11, 12; 4377:1-7; 4398:7, 11; 4741; is Christ in you the hope of glory, 5549:5, 6. OF: Church does not preclude blessings to Israel, 4452:8-13; God explained, 3192:8-10; iniquity defined, 711:2-4. MYTHOLOGY In re city of Lystra, 3011:6.NAAMAN
Healing of, by Elisha, 2346-2349; 3438, 3439; 4768, 4769; 5780:10-14. NABOTH Victim of Ahab's covetousness, 4741, 4742; 5770, 5771. NADAB And Abihu: Do they typify a class worthy of second death? 3055:10, 11; intoxicated when sacrificing, 3054, 3055; lessons to spiritual Israel in cutting off of, 3055:6-11; types, 4030:8-12; 4031:1, 2. NAGGING Impropriety of, 2575:7. NAHUM Chapter 2, describes engines, 480:11. NAME "Christian" proper for truth people, 1071:10. Good: Loss of, witness of the spirit, 581:5; love precludes the stealing of one's, 4021:1, 3. New, for Christ and church, 237:8. NAMES Biblical, significant--examples, 48:1; sectarian, 918:7. NAOMI Lesson of her life, 3110, 3111; and Ruth, course of, considered, 4089, 4090; 5614:5-7, 11-13. NAPOLEON (His) estimate of Jesus and Christianity, 926:5; Papal agreement with, the Concordat, 3984:7-9; took pope prisoner, 319:3; tribute of, to Jesus, 462:7. NARCOTIC Coffee classified as a dangerous (Letter), 4833:13-15. NARROW Way: Becomes narrower, 5500:8; contrasted with broad way, 4245:12-17; 4246:1; experiences in the, 946:4-7; faith and consecration in, 1753:8-10; gate to, is faith, 1771:3, 6; more than morality and temperance, 2074:8-11. OF: Christians pictured as a race course, 5859:12-14; gospel age, advantages of the, 2242:10-12; sacrifice, 455:15-17; 814:7-10. Only happy way to life, 4838:1-4, 8, 9; opposed to branching paths, 2389:1-5; rejecting and accepting the, 3843-3845; why narrow and difficult to find, 1771:3-6; will never become wider, but will become more blessed, 1751:5, 6; vs. the highway, 2590:7-9. NARROW-MINDEDNESS To confine our studies to the divine plan is not, 1900:11, 12. NARROWNESS Of: The Christian's way, 5045:7-9; Pharisees, ancient and modern, 988:4. NATHANAEL How he became a disciple of Jesus, 4117:4-11; Israelite indeed, 2071:3; 3483:7-10; probably same as Bartholemew, 2572:1. NATION Bringing forth the fruits thereof, 2125:15-20. Holy: 1567:9; church a separate and, 2127:15; 3621:8, 9; 5461:1-3. Scattered and peeled, 3405:8-10. Jewish: Affliction of, will prove a blessing, 5721:1-11. CASTING: Away and receiving, 107:1-12; off of, 107:3, 4; 599:7. Cut off from God's favor, 4958:13, 14; God's purpose in permitting seven times of punishment upon, 5721:1-11; in prophecy, 232:15-22; 233:1-12; like the fig-tree is putting forth leaves, 4705:11; national sin of, 1846:10, 11; 1847:11; prodigal son parable pictured, 5434, 5435; receiving of, 107:5-12; rich man in Jesus' parable pictured, 283:11; 1000:3; 2604:3. TYPIFIED BY: Fig tree, 127:3-5, 11, 12; 4794, 4795; 5920:10-12; Jonah, 92:7. Vineyard used to picture, 4788:1-5, 11-14. Righteousness exalts a, 3399:8, 9. NATIONAL Reform Bureau, influence of, in politics, 3107:4, 5, 7, 8. NATIONALISM Is a glance in the right direction, 1243:9, 10; 1244:8-11. NATIONS All to be shaken, 3052:9, 10; blessed through Israel, 4464:8, 9. Christian: A misnomer, 811:10-12; at war without Christianity, 2255:1-6; what are, 625:2, 3. Debts increasing in civilized (1911), 4763:10-16; desire of all, is the Lord, 59:10, 11, 14; 1091-1094; 3052, 3053; drawn to the battle of the great day, 4411-4414; God is not now dealing with the, 5414:4, 5, 9; God's wrath upon, 409:8-10; heathen and Christian contrasted, 3342:6, 7; jealousies and greed of, 2876:3-7; Jehovah does not generally deal with the, 3438:4, 5; made drunk with wine of, 4287, 4288; modern, to be destroyed, 855:4; of heathendom robbed by Christian nations, 2255:1-6; plunged into debt by militarists, 4413, 4414; prove their inability to govern perfectly, 5204:13-15; reap their wild oats in the time of trouble, 1653:5-7, 16-18; 1654:8-10; receive their judgment now, 2305-2307; selfish in their patriotism, 2001:31; 2002:1-3, 8-10; shall worship Christ shortly, 497:11; warring, condition of in 1915, 5657, 5658. NATURAL Being, resurrection of, 205:12-14; body, earthly resurrection for, 62:10, 11; death, really is no such thing as, 1014:12; food, none have tasted man's, 2536:2; law of development resembles spiritual law, 1906; life distinct from spiritual, 68:1, 2, 4, 5. Man: Essentially selfish, 3029:4; meaning of term, 636:2, 3; understands not the spiritual, 5054:3-7; and new creature, sharp contrast between, 191:7-9, 15, 16; 3913:4-8. Mind receives not spiritual things, 813:7, 8, 13; relation of, to spiritual, 66:1; selection considering the theory of, 3514-3517. NATURE Attests Bible story of deluge, 2842:3, 4; book of, declares God's glory, 1390:5, 7, 8; 1391:1-10; determined by what spiritual food we feed upon, 4665:9-11. Duality of: Is in the souls, not minds of new creatures, 5325:14-17; 5326:1-3; Jesus', 106:6, 7; peculiar to Christians, 5220:6. Human: Defined, 89:2-4; of Jesus necessary, 240:2-8. Laws of: Miracles not violations of, 1313:5; 1314:11, 12; not justly operative now, 3304:7, 9; retributive character of, 1654:5, 6; vs. the laws of God, 3049:7-18. Light of, not a means of salvation, 1030:14-17; moral, supersedes selfishness, 3515-3517. Not: Cruel, 2726:3, 4 8-12; (a) system of terrorism, 2726:4, 11. Of: Children of church, 70:14; Christ, 82:5; Christians, dual, 5220:6; 5325:14-17; 5326:1-3; church is dual, 89:9-11; 138:8; 150:13-15; Jesus was dual, 106:6, 7; 297:6; offspring not determined by father, 297:1; risen Lord is divine, 1817:1-4, 14-16; 5622:8-14. Physical changes in, expected with time of trouble, 2019:5; proper theme for our meditation, 1390:5, 7, 8; 1391:1-10; seeks to restore original types, 4859:6-13; speaks of a God, 1150. Spirit: Different from human, 5352:4-9; distinct from immortality, 281:5, 6; Jesus glorified with, 122:6-9; may be future reward of ancient worthies, 5182:8-17. Spiritual and human, 277:3; versus the laws of God, 3049:7-18; and form distinguished, 89:8, 9. NATURES Distinct, 329:6-16; 385:10; 456:8-10, 17; 626:13-16; 4847:15-18; human and divine, 89:1-4; new and old not blended, 147:6. NAVAJO Indians cannot be Christianized, 3016:12-16. NAVY See Army. NAZARENES Rejected the teachings of Jesus, 5068:1-8, 10-15; and Nazarites distinguished, 4087:13; 4088:1. NAZARETH Can any good thing come out of? 3483:2, 3; Capernaum more noble than, 3309:1, 4. Jesus: In the synagogue at, 2579:2-6; refused to perform miracles in, 3301:8-11. Source of blessing, 2418:4; visit of the Lord to, 1714. NAZARITES Jews under special vow were called, 5612:6, 7. NEBUCHADNEZZAR Dream of, 166:1-15; see Vision; image of, see Image; madness of, a type, 3361:3; seven years insanity of, 109:14. NECESSITY For Christ's death and glorification, 1393; 1394. See Faith. NECK Bind mercy and truth about thy, 5309:2-4. NEED Among Christians a test to stewards of wealth, 2102:2. NEEDLE'S-EYE An opening in a city gate, 2762:6; 3844:8, 9; rich entering the kingdom harder than for a camel to go through, 4685:10-12; 5466:1-4. See Camel. NEEDS God shall supply all your, 572:7,8; temporal, of God's people supplied by the Lord, 4101:4-8, 13-15. NEGRO Not a beast, 3042-3044; turned white, 2706:2, 3, 8; 3320:17-22. NEHEMIAH Building wall of Jerusalem, lessons to church in, 1498; 2526, 2527; 4912; commission of, typical, 3575-3579; description of Book of, 2524:6-8, 10; devotion of, a lesson to Christians, 2525:7-14; faith and works of, 3674-3676; (his) method of teaching the law, 3676:10, 11; prayer and fasting of, rewarded, 1495; 3663; 6-12; 3664:3, 4; protected poor Jews from usury, 4921:5, 6; zeal of, for Sabbath observance, 1498; 2534. And Ezra: Efforts of, contrasted, 2530:23; historical books of, 2509, 2510. NEIGHBOR Duty to our, 606:3, 4; 1939; loving thy, 2683, 2684; 3030:2-6; 3180:3, 4; 3738:10, 11; 5005, 5006; parable of the true, 2684; 3804:2-4; 5699:7, 11, 12; pleasing our, 5412; who is my, 1767:4-8, 16-18; 2683:12; 2684; 3804:1-9; 5369:9, 13, 14; working ill to, less than law of justice, 4850:1-4, 6. NEPHILIM Is there hope for the? 3341:6, 7; prove that nature comes from mother, 777:4. NERO Christians persecuted under, 2229:1-3; 3210:1-3. NERVES Disorders of the, due to modern living, 4860:13-17; 4861:1, 2, 10. NET See Parable. NEUTRALITY Brother Russell's position in the World War was one of (Letter and reply), 5787, 5788. Of U.S. during World War: Encouraged, 5762, 5763; 5766:15-24; similar to belligerency of Japan, 5784:3-15. Proper attitude of Christians, 5825:10, 11; will cause persecution upon church, 5568:1. NEW Creation: Adultery, meaning of word to, 3254:1; ambition dangerous to the, 3832:3-5; battles of, described, 5687:11-16. BRETHREN TO: Be viewed as, 2321:7-12; love as, 3247:6, 7. Church is called a, 5050:16, 17; commandment of, greater than Decalogue, 3831:10, 11; covetousness a foe to the, 5396:2-4; danger lines of the, 5742:12; 5743:1, 9; developed, 385:11-16. ENEMIES OF: 2309, 2310; 4214:14; 4215:1-5; 5127:2-7; need to be slain, 5648:4; no fellowship with, 1588:10; 1589:9; three points of attack by, 1859:8-11, 15, 16; threefold, 2769:5-7, 13; typified by Canaanites, 5509:12, 13; who are, 5686:8-11. First day of week a type of, 108:9; foes of, the world, flesh and adversary, 5127:2-7; guarded from evil, 4252:5, 6, 11; have already entered antitypical Canaan, 3087:1; higher meaning of commandments to the, 4226:4, 6-8; immortality the prize of the, 1642:3-7; law of the, 973:9; not human perfection, 104:7, 8; organization of, 458:13-17; result of spirit of Christ, 371: seven walks of, 4189:4-11; 4190; under the law of Christ, 4014:1-3. See Brethren; Bride of Christ; Christ, Body of; Christian; Christians; Church, True; Elect; Elijah Class; God, Sons of, Little Flock; New Creature; Overcomers, Priesthood, Royal; Saints; The Christ. Creature: Body is the slave of the, 5101:8; can evil befall the? 4767:12-14; cannot practice sin and live, 4614, 4615; 5041:10-13; causes which lead to death of, 5102:2-9; ceases to exist, 4616:2-4; character of each must be definite, individual, 3250:10; controls the mind of the flesh, 4975:1-5; developed by renewal of mind, 5686:1-3. DEVELOPMENT OF: Compared to eggs in incubator, 4924:8, 14-18; gradual, 5090:1-6, 9-13; 5208:10-13; pictured in natural birth, 1273:20, 29, 30; the child pictures that of the, 1906. Free to will, 3156:6, 7; fulfills the law, 4868, 4869. HAMPERED BY: Earthly loves, 5248:13, 14; 5249:1, 2, 10; mind of flesh, 5211. How we become a, 5559:7, 8, 13, 14. IS: Sin possible to body of the? 4742:16-20. Law of development, 1906; Lord protects the, 3601:9, 10; means of development of the, 3914:1-4, 6-9; must have established character, 1274:1-3, 5-8; needs an Advocate, 4585:2-5; new mind in spirit-begotten condition is the embryo, 4961:7, 8, 11. NOT: A restoration, 30:2. Prayer should be used for benefit of, 5310:11-13; pupil in school of Christ, 2439:12-14; responsible for deeds of the flesh, 4615; 5089:4, 5; 5439; 5491:12; 5492:1; Sarah Covenant the mother of the, 4019:5, 6; spiritbegotten, is neither immortal nor incorruptible, 1698:3-24; 1699; temptations that beset the, 4470:11; term applies to individuals, 5022:6-8; thrives at expense of flesh, 2967:7; 5220, 5221. TO: Live must overcome desires of flesh, 5313:1-4; sleep would mean death, 2966:9. Weights and hindrances of the, 5319:3-9. WHAT: Constitutes the, 5439:3-8; sins are forgiven the, 5428:2-8. Without sin, 2440:3-14; and old contrasted, 2721:4-6. See Brethren; Bride of Christ; Christ, Body of; Christian; Christians; Church True; Elect; Elijah Class; God, Sons of; Little Flock; New Creation; Overcomers; Priesthood, Royal; Saints; The Christ. Creatures: All have right to life, 5103:2-4. CHURCH: In flesh are actual, not reckoned, 5325:5-7; protected as, 5330:14-17. Conduct proper to, 4190-4192; dangers confronting, 4872:8-10; dual souls, 5325:14-17, 5326:1-3; God's dealing with us is purely as, 5325, 5326; in Christ are not Jews, 4586:2-7, 10-15; knowing each other as, 216:4, 5, 12, 13; their power to control flesh depends upon inheritance, 4470:8, 9; priests, 713:11, 12; second death always possible to, while in the flesh, 1698:3-24; tempted as, 5585:8-12. See Natural Man. Earth means a new order of government, 5735:1-3. England: Catholicism causes crime in, 1190; 1191:2, 3; degeneracy of, denounced by minister, 3898:8, 9. Heaven and new earth: Description of the church, 5735:1-9; symbolic language, 2832:4. Jerusalem: Christ's kingdom, 333:7-19; 654:13, 14; new spiritual government, 2832:6, 7; "strong city," 1352:10-15; 1353:1-3; and Babylon, two great cities, 1352:10-15; 1353:1-3, 8-13. Mind: In embryo is new creature, 4961:7, 8, 11. MUST: Control the body of flesh, 5001:5, 6, 11-14; put away the old mind, 4894, 4895. Robe of Christ does not cover sins of the, 4742:12; and Old at war, 2445:9, 10. Testament, see Testament. Year: Exhortations, 1485:3-10; 1751:2-7; festival of the Jews, 3508:14; greetings (1890), 1171; (1894), 1605; thoughts for 1891--our talents and their use, 1281, 1282. York: CITY: Catholics control in, 2727:5; Christianizing of Hebrews (1893), 1531:7, 15, 16; conversion to Christianity among the Jews (1895), 1786:2, 3, 7; corruptions of (1894), 1620:13-20; D.D. says New York churches are a curse (1895), 1825:11, 12; sixty churches united in (1896), 1917:8; taxed for sectarian charities, 1232; under control of Catholics, 1682; 2727:5. Sun denounces Lyman Abbott's views on the Bible, 2114:7-11. TEMPLE: Dedication of the, 5365:3-5, 11-13; picture of floral display at funeral services of Brother Russell in, 5996; 6000:15-17. NEWMAN John Henry, apostasy of, to Romanism, 1990:9, 10; 1991:12. NEWSPAPER Syndicate, see Russell. NEWSPAPERS Advice in re patronizing of, 5934:2, 8; can saints deal in, generally? 1986:3, 4; carrying sermons of Brother Russell criticized by some, 4376:3-14; co-operation of, 291:3, 4; garbled report in, corrected, 1501; given Brother Russell's sermons, 4303:5. In re: writing for, 1940:15-17. Journalist's eulogy of the Bible, 1831:13, 14; letters in re advertising in, 1635:6-8. Publishing Brother Russell's sermons; 4470:6, 13; cause phenomenal spreading the truth, 4936:3; should be encouraged, 5131:5, 6, 12. Replying to attacks in, 1852:7; spread of truth, what it may indicate, 4648:7; wasting of consecrated time in reading, 5907:1, 2. NEWTON Rev. R.H.: Arraigns nominal Christianity, 2679:1-6; on election, 755; preaches against false creeds, 736:2-4, 7; sees decline of Christendom, 2247:14-16; 2248:1-5, 8, 9. NIAGARA Falls, symbolic picture taken from, 4066:9, 10. NICE Council of: False stories of, 483:1-7; ordained the wrong time for Memorial celebration, 1837:3-5, 9, 10; work of, 484. NICHOLAS Of Russia worshiped, 2151:9. NICHOLSON Bishop: His view of end of earth, 1904:6. NICODEMUS Divine plan outlined to, 2573:2-10; interview of, with Jesus, 1696; lacking in the courage of a disciple, 3485:6, 7; 4173:11; learns of Jesus, 837:8-20; 4124, 4125; type, 2421:5, 6; who he was, 2572:3, 4. NICOLAITANES Doctrine of, 359:19; 491:9. NICOLL Dr. avows his belief in miracles, 3106. NIGHT Began in Russia (1895), 1757:6. Cometh: Wherein no man can work, 3390:3, 10, 11; work for the, 587:9, 14; 588:1-3, 9-11. Follows the morning of the Millennium, 3519:6-10; is far spent, how the Apostle could say, 4401:9-12; 4691; 5097:5-8, 12-14; not afraid of the terror of, 3332:1; of world's experience serves divine purpose, 6013:1-4; preceding Millennial day, 302:3, 4; 5097:13, 14; terror of, the time of anarchy, 3332:1; time of, trouble called, 268:12-19; when sin reigns, 5770:7, 8; world's 6000 years of sin pictured as, 5768, 5769. NIHILISM "Civilization: afraid of it, 26:12; not practical, 518:16; risings in Russia of, 847:1-3. NIMROD Founded Babylonian empire, 2702:5, 6. NINEVEH Discovery of, 520:3-6, 9-12; Jonah disappointed in the salvation of, 4785:10-13. NISAN 14th of, not the Jewish Passover feast, 2283:4. NOAH As it was in the days of, 348:12; 2844:3, 7, 8; 3934:11; 3935:1-4, 7, 8; 4227:7; curse of, upon Ham, 3043:12; 3044:1; day of, like days of Son of man, 20:8, 9; 113:11, 12; 264:7, 8; 2459-2463; 4706:3-7; 4797:4-6, 13; faith of, was tested, 4386:10-12; God's covenant with, 1614; intoxication of, excusable, 2533:4-7; perfect in his generation, 2844:1. And: Ark, types, 181:3-7; family typified church, 3757:2. NOAH'S ARK: Alleged discovery of, 524:6, 7; found on Mt. Ararat by Rev. J. J. Nouri, D.D., LL.D. (1894), 1689:6, 7; model for ship-building, 3525:9; scientific dimensions of, 408:2, 3; 2679:14, 15; 3336:3, 4. NOBILITY Evils of, in Great Britain, 1152. Of character: Exemplified by Samuel, 3223:8, 9: of David displayed, 2017:3, 4, 7; sometimes a stumbling stone, 3762:1. True, in action, 1555:12. NOBLEMAN Inquired of Jesus the way of eternal life, 4658:4-7. NOBLE-MINDED Not necessarily Christians, 2331:2-7, 10-13; seek not assistance from Christ, 2319:19, 20. NOBLES Binding them with chains (Letter), 5904:16-19. NOMINALISM Development of, 380:8, 9. NON-COMBATANT Service, see Service. NON-ELECT Hope for the, 2732, 2733; Presbyterian creed regarding the, 1310:16, 17; 1311:1-3; two classes of, 2732, 2733. See Elect. NON-RESISTANCE Generally to be the Christian's attitude, 5897, 5898; taught by Christ Jesus, 1735:15-17. NO-RANSOM Theories: A.P. Adams' book examined, 1297-1299; controverted, 863-867; four theories and four journals, 1453:3; no grounds for, 997-999; not to be waded through to help others out, 1860:7, 10; popular, 925:3, 4; seductive, 1205:8, 9; should we study? 1025; test to apply to, 1205:2-11. NORDAU Max: Views of, respecting Zionism, 4572:3-7; Zionist's view of Jesus' 2630, 2631. NORTH America, tropical at one time, 4136:11-14. NORTHROP Pres. Cyrus, on the decay of belief in God, 2938:9-11. NORWAY Call for truth in, 707:4, 7-10; influenced by higher criticism, 4136:15; religious conditions in, 1333:7, 10; truth received into, 3402:11, 12; 3523:2-4, 17-19; welcomes Papacy (1896), 1941:12. NOSE Roman, what it indicates, 2900:8. NOURI Rev. Dr. J.J., claims to have found Noah's ark on Mt. Ararat (1894), 1689:6, 7. NOVELS Can saints sell? 1986:3, 4. NOVICES In the church detected by V.D.M. questions, 5941:8, 9; not to be leaders, 3012:1; 5982:7-11. NOW Significance of word in Bible, 518:7-13. NUMBERED With the transgressors, 2473, 2474. NUMBERING Our days a profitable practice, 2896:8; tribes of Israel (Letter), 5355:10-15. NUMBERS Climax of fifty in Scriptures, 5139:15. Forty: Days upon Judah (Ezek. 4:1-8), 1341:9; in Scriptures indicates a complete period of testing, 3574:10. In Revelation are literal, 2782:2. Seven: As it occurred in Jacob's life, 109:2; creative days, symbolic, 91:6, 7, 9; in Bible symbology, 314, 315; sacred number, 136:3; Scriptural significance of, 91:4-7, 9; 108:7-9, 10-14; 109:1-3; symbol of perfection, 5139:15; use of, in re Noah and ark, 109:1. AND: Pharaoh's dream, 109:4; the times of gentiles, 109:10. Three hundred ninety days upon Israel (Ezek. 4:1-8), 1341:9; three, sacred number, 197:2-9; 210:5, 6, 8; 211:1-3, 7, 8; two, in Bible, 56:7.OATH
About taking one in court, 3737:7, 8; coronation, of British opposed to Mass 2822:9; God's promise and, 111:1, 2, 8, 10; to Abraham renewed by Jehovah, 3944, 3945. OATHS To be taken only when prescribed by law, 1827:15. OATS Wild: Bitter harvest of, 2147:1; 3268:7; fruitage of, always evil, 4837:12; nations reap, in the time of trouble, 1653:5-7, 16-18; 1654:8-10; will forgiveness of sins save any one from reaping his, 1654:1-12; 1655. OBADIAH Timid, fearful, type of great company, 3401:5. OBEDIENCE "All of you be subject one to another", 1553:4, 5; better than sacrifice--an example, 1481, 1482; 3224:2-4; 4206-4208; Christ learned, by the things which he suffered, 1807:2-6; David and Israel taught a lesson in, 4259, 4260; double-minded man is unstable, 1562:5, 10, 11. Essential to: All overcomers, 5481:8; life, 282:1; maintenance of love, 4910:4-8. Fearful, not good, 21:5; God's just requirement, 1117:6, 7, 8, 9; great curse the result of turning from, 3622:10; humility renders it possible, 2228:5-11; "if ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them," 1802; importance of, 1568:10, 11; is most thoroughly tested by smallest matters, 1543:7; learned by suffering, 3591:1-3; love and heart-harmony the tests at end of Millennium, 1773:3, 12; means cheerful endurance, 4910:1-3; more acceptable than sacrifice, 5647. Of: Christ won life for us, 62:4-9, 16-23; royal priesthood tested, 4207:10; 4208; Saul to heavenly vision, 2823-2825; women to husbands, Scriptural teaching on, 2724:1-3. Proved faith of Abram, 2847:5, 7, 8; quickening includes activity of fixed, 1274:1-3, 5-8; Scriptural meaning of the word, 4969:15; "submit yourselves to every ordinance of man in," 1553:3-5; test of love, 5082:12, 13. To: BE: Final test at close of Millennium, 2331:1; required individually at close of Millennium, 5240:14. GOD: Dependent upon faith in him, 3936:4-9; not compulsory, 770:2, 3; precedes obedience to earthly powers, 4317:7-9; the only means of gaining life, 4896:17-19. God's will the test of our relationship to him, 5939:11-13. PARENTS: Important, 2024:4, 5, 14; is source of true prosperity, 2053:12. Powers that be, 409:15. THE LORD: More acceptable than sacrifice, 5431:1-7; not now compulsory, 5520:6, 9-11. Truth, 49:10; 78:4; voice of the Lord, 3163:5-7, 11, 12. Warning of, in King Saul's course, 1888:10-13; why the church needs now to learn the lesson of, 5890:3, 4. With murmurings: And disputings impossible, 5855:13; 5856:1; unacceptable, 4929:12. And: Knowledge, 85:3; sacrifice, required of all overcomers, 4715:12, 13; 4716:1, 2. See Love. OBEDIENT Only shall live forever, 1107:8. OBJECT And Manner of our Lord's Return, first publication by Brother Russell, 3822:1. OBLIGATION Of God to save human race, There is no, 2127:7. OBLIGATIONS Of reformed thief, 804; receiving the truth does not release from, 5498:1-5. OBLIVION and Annihilation differentiated, 5327:2-4, 16-18. OBSERVATION Kingdom cometh not with, 793:6; 794:1, 2, 9. OBSESSION Demon, see Demon Obsession. OBSTACLES To faith in Millennium, 1092:3-6. OBSTINACY Not necessarily a firm will, 5653:9; vs. constancy, 954:16. OCCULT Phenomena understood only by Bible students, 4351:4-15; powers under divine direction distinguished from evil occult powers, 5637:8-14; teachings, demons are spreading, 2770:8. OCCULTISM Church not instructed through, 5637:12-14; destroys faith in Bible, 650:12; is demonism, 1992:6-9; spreading in London, 4195:11, 15, 16; two sources of, 5271:17; 5671:12-14. Vow: Will guard against, 4548:1-3, 16-19. OCCUPATION Of consecrated to be chosen for spiritual advantages, 5358:4, 9, 10. ODD Fellows: Pictured by rocks, 26:6; Pope puts, under his ban (1895), 1759:12, 13. ODIUM Attached to the truth, why permitted, 3468:6. OFFENSE Caution to carefulness in not giving, 5774:1-3, 9, 10; Jesus a rock of, 175-177; 2658:8; not to be taken easily, 3594:1, 2; 4978:4; to be ignored where none is meant, 2296:1. OFFERING In righteousness, they shall offer an, 3867:7, 8; meat, in type and antitype, 84:3-7; wave, type and antitype, 73:11-14; 2271:1, 2; word used in two senses, 4867:9, 10. OFFERINGS Sacrificial, type and antitype, explained, 4545, 4546; to the Lord by the consecrated, 3703:10-14. OFFICE Holding in civil life is it proper for the saints? 1531:3, 4, 14; not every member has same, 733:7. OFFICES Successful colporteuring in (Letter), 5713:1-5, 9-12. OFFICIOUSNESS A menace to new creation, 3061:8. OIL Anointing, in antitype, 134:10; give us of your, 3868:7-9; 5523:4-6, 12. Holy Anointing: Typical features in connection with, 4092, 4093; used on priests and kings of Israel, 5549:1, 2. Increase of the widow's cruise of, 558:7; 3430, 3431. Of holy spirit: Anoints our heads, 3270:8; essential to standing, 3868:5-9; illuminating and comforting, 3435:10, 11; thou anointest my head with, 4280:9. Used as type of holy spirit throughout Scriptures, 183:1; 2225:1, 2; 3431:8, 9; what it typifies, 84:6, 7; 134:10; and coal trusts scored by N.Y. American, 3073, 3074. OINTMENT Anointing the Lord with, 2448:2, 3. OLD Age, Solomon's vivid pen picture of, 1533:3-8, 14, 15. Man: Human will pictured as, 5685:6, 13; mortification of, typified by fall of Jericho, 4070:4-6, 9-11. PUT OFF: How, 1214; new creature predominates, 4894, 4895; 5221:1, 2, 8-10. OLIVE Branch and dove are symbols of peace, 2237:5. OMNIPOTENCE Jehovah not now in every matter exercising his, 1780:15-20; 1781:1-5; no such thing in love as, 1329:5; of God not exercised now, 1272:2-7, 9-11; one of Jehovah's attributes, 5210:3-5. OMNIPRESENCE Of: God a false theory, 5547:10-13; Jehovah not taught in Bible, 5210:1, 2. OMRI Unscrupulous but successful king, 3399:2, 3. ONE Even as: Jesus and Father are, disciples to be, 3553:3, 4, 6; misapplication of text, we are, 3534:1, 2, 8. Baptism refers to consecration, 3356:8, 9. God: Not a Trinity, 369:5-9, 11, 12; to us there is, 714, 715; 4107:1, 2. Hope, we are all called in, 3634:7-11; 3635:1, 2; hundred years old, child shall die, 1772:1-10; taken, other left, 4347:5, 6. Thing: Have I desired of the Lord, 1915:3, 4; Paul did, 478:10-14; work of consecrated, 3200:1-4. ONENESS In Christ, 68:7. Of: Body members, 2481:6-8; 5212, 5213. CHRIST: And church, 827:7-17; pictured by pyramid, 271:1, 2, 9. FATHER AND SON: 86:8; is in sentiment, 3861:8, 9. Head and Body, 270:13; Jesus and the Father is in spirit, 3553:3, 4, 6; mind in the Lord, exhortation to, 3127:8-10; the divine family, 3160, 3161. OPEN Face beholding the Lord with, 3656:3; shop effect on Socialism, 3566:9-14. OPERA "Christus" commended (1895), 1838:9-12; 1839:1. OPIATES Editor's view on use of, 2544:14; forced upon China by Britain, 4799:14-21; 4877:15, 17. OPIUM And Bibles, Christendom's gift to China, 4799:14-21. OPPONENTS OF: God's purposes always thwarted, 4293:5, 8; truth, how we should treat, 4483:7-10; Watch Tower again thwarted, 4293:5, 8. Willful, do not waste time with, 567:7. OPPORTUNITIES For Service: 942:11, 12; 943:1, 5, 6; why denied, 2412:3. Increase responsibilities, 5386:16; 5387:1, 2. OPPORTUNITY Universal: 1261:10, 11; as taught in Presbyterian creed, 1309:22, 23; 1310:1-5. OPPOSERS Our proper attitude toward, 2896:1-3. OPPOSITION Answer to open letter sent out by (1909), 4562:8-13, 15-26; between Catholic orders and Catholic clergy, 2062:8, 9, 12, 13; Brother Russell's attitude toward, 1192:9, 18; how Christ Jesus met, 1735; inevitable concomitant of activity in God's service, 1736:12; Jewish, to Brother Russell's message abroad, 4801, 4802; letters of encouragement to those meeting, 1843:15, 25-28; more effectual, coming from the religious element, 4583:8 9; proper attitude toward, 1736:12; replying to attacks of, in newspapers, 1852:7. To: Jesus came from the clergy of his day, 3316:2. THE: Light chiefly from nominal Christians, 5719:8-10; vow and new covenant teaching, 4326, 4327. TRUTH: 431, 432; advantageous, 4416:5, 8, 9; by clergy, 325:1-4, 12; how to handle, 340:2-5, 10-12; often from leaders, 4365:5, 6; often the result of ignorance, 5145:2-9; sometimes evidences sincerity, 2184:1. OPPOSITIONS Sifting of 1894 discussed, 1659-1667; to harvest work fruitful of good, 3883:9-11. OPPRESSION Cause of uprisings, 743:3-7. Of: Jews kept them to their faith, 742:9; laboring class, 3329:17; the poor by wealthy unwise, 5723:10-12. And fear, no portion of the saints, 3051:5, 6. ORATORY See Speaking, Public. ORDAINED All the spirit-begotten are divinely, 5363; to preach, all Christians are, 646:3-8. ORDER Among the royal priesthood, 1137:6, 7. In God's: Arrangements, 576:2; universe, 627:8, 9; man and woman, 1548-1551. Resurrection to be in, 62:11, 12; value of, 833:18. ORDERS And Money Orders, should be sent to Society, not to individuals, 5822:15. ORDINATION Clergy, their right to preach, 64:4; false views respecting, 5939:7; 5940:4-6; fraudulent in Methodism, 986:1-3; human and divine, 240:13-16; laying on of hands no longer proper, 1956; ministerial, 65:2-4; never instituted by apostles, 3005:8. Of: BROTHER RUSSELL: Explained, 5807:6-9, 13-15; 5808:1-3. Brethren, recognizing the, 5447:5-8; church to preach, 241:4-16. GOD: Not recognized by Doctors of Divinity, 2096:3-8; sufficient for all Christian teachers, 5971:9-12. Origin of, 321:11-20. To: Be effective must be of divine origin, 5940:1-4; come from Church of England, 4690:1, 2. PREACH: Not the laying on of hands, 2141:1; the Scriptural, 4360:3-6. True and false views respecting, 5362:8, 16; 5363; 5543:16-18; 5544; would today be denied to Jesus, 986:8. ORGANISM Coarseness of, is no proof of perfection, 2787:3; limits degree of life, 278:10. ORGANIZATION Master quality among men, 1162:11; name of our, 584:6-8, 14, 15. Of: Churches under leaders detrimental, 4199:7; 4200:1; labor element, 706:10-15, 26, 27; local classes, 836:1-9, 12-16; new creation, 458:13-17; Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, 6012:8-10; work by Brother Russell previous to his death, 6001:1. Saints should be as separate as possible from all earthly, 1285:1-3, 9-15; visible, unnecessary in gospel age harvest, 1743:8-10. ORTHODOX Careless use of word, 2646; 4, 7; 2647. ORTHODOXY A hindrance to truth, 674, 675; infidelity said to be the living variety, 1307:6-11; unorthodox, 392:8; and alliance, 64:13-16; vs. Bible, 802, 803. See Infidelity. OSTRACISM Always follows acceptance of the Lord, 3520:6-12. OUIJA Board: Led truth brother astray for two years, 5024:14-22. OUTGOINGS And Incomings, Lord will preserve our, 4053:3, 6. OUTLINE Of plan of ages necessary, 10:11. OUTLOOK Upon the: World for (1911), 4735, 4736; World War in fall of (1915), 5790-5792. OVERCHARGED With cares of life, 565, 566; 2129:6, 10, 11. OVERCOMERS Ancient worthies were faithful, but not, 5074:11-15; called by new name, 237:8; noble examples of, 1041. To: Be clothed in white raiment, 5377:2-8, 11-14; 5668, 5669; have the simplicity of children, 4658:1-3; receive a white stone, 5113:3, 4, 10. See Brethren; Bride of Christ; Christ, Body of; Christian; Christians; Church, True; Elect; Elijah Class; God, Sons of; Little Flock; New Creation; New Creature; Priesthood, Royal; Saints; The Christ. OVERCOMING By permitting God to work in us, 3986:7-9; consecration is not, 4153:10, 15; dependent upon humility and faith, 2035:10; faith in Jesus' strength, 778:4-6; foes of antitypical Canaan, 5296:6, 10-15; means to be dead with Christ, 2123, 2124:1, 12, 13; of the church, how it is similar to Jesus', 5473:1-3, 9, 10; required by all who have the holy spirit, 3631:7-9; would be impossible without trials, 4468:1, 2; world, 374:9; 1719:9. See Consecration. OVER-EATING Simple diet would prevent, 3781:5, 8. OVERLAND Monthly, publishing Brother Russell's articles, 4363:17, 27. OVERPRODUCTION A menace to peace, 720:4. OVERSEER Meaning of bishop, applied to elders, 1957:1, 4. OVERSEERS Duties and responsibilities of, 3172, 3173; honor those who labor as, 4418:1-5; of flock of God, 373:3; take heed to themselves first, then the flock, 4458:13, 14; 4459:1-3. OVERSIGHT Of babes in Christ exemplified by Paul, 2175:2, 3. OVERTHROW Of: Kingdoms in trouble, 815:7-12; Satan's kingdom, 774:7. OVERTHROWING The work of God for meat's sake, 5324, 5325. OWE No man anything but love: 3180:1, 2; is wisdom from above, 2241:3. OWN Ye are not your, 2098:7, 8; 2099:1, 8. OX Knoweth his owner, the ass his master's crib, 4044:1-4. OYSTERS Pearls are troubles made beautiful, 1756:5, 6.PAGANISM
Mixed with Christianity, 359:4-10; ritualism the modern form of, 1990-1993. PAGANS View of death, 1060:8-10. See Heathen. PAIN Effect of the mind over, 2013:4-8; slaughtered animals suffer little, 2640:3-13. PAINE Thomas, forerunner of modern "higher critics", 1784:10, 11. PALESTINE Account of: The Hebrew invasion of, found in the Tel-el-Amarna tablets in Egypt, 1652; Pastor Russell's (1910) visit to, 4622. Being prepared for the Jews' return, 5660:4-6, 10-12; Brother Russell suggests a new government for (1891), 1342; charter sought for, 2897:10, 11, 16, 17; colonies of Jews in, 2290:9, 10; colonization of, 424:4; edict of Sultan, August 1891, forbade Jews to settle in, 1918:9; England's protectorate of, 989:3; enterprises of England in, 520:1, 2; eventually for Jews, says Zangwill, 3249:5-7; fertile and ready for future work, 4753:3-6; first visited by Brother Russell (1892), 5979:8. For Jews: 84:2-10; 101:6, 7; 102:1; 216:8; 3837:5-9; a dim hope of (1896), 2076:10-12; favored by England, 3126:11; obstacles in way of, 2946:17, 18; prophecy fulfilment in re, 4611:8-11. Historical influence of, 469:4; home of the Jews, 173:4, 5, 9; impressions during Brother Russell's tour of (1891), 1380, 1381; 1389, 1390; 1394; 1400, 1401; increasing price of real estate around (1890-1893), 1563:2; influential Jews aid in recovering, 3081:14-20; international relation of, 519:7, 8; invasion of, by Hebrews told on Egyptian tablets, 1652; Israel returning to (1893), 1514. Jewish: Colonies springing up in, 4523:19-21; colonization plans for, in 1894, 1707; kingdom proposed for, in 1891, 1293; university in Jerusalem planned (1895), 1846:7, 8. Jews return to, 83:2-6, 9-15; Joseph Rabinowitz proposes to move there from Kischenev (1896), 1918:8; mineral wealth of, 2876:14-16; mortgage on, held by Rothschild, 44:10; no refuge in time of trouble, 2934:4, 5. Opened to the Jews: Again (1893), 1563:14; hailed by Canadian conference, 4056:8, 9; 4057. Or Canaan, its former prosperity, 3085:7, 8; picture of Bible Students in, 4676; population of, in Jesus' day and now, 3334:5; probable manner of resurrection of ancient worthies in, 1529:1, 2; progress in and around Jerusalem (1895 report), 1786:10, 11; promised by God to Jews (Amos:9:15), 2124:6-10; railways under construction (1893), 1589:14; restitution work in (1889 report), 1206. Restoration of: 286:7, 8; 354:8, 9; 383; 520:1, 2; prophesied, 615:11, 12; to Jews, 512:4, 5, 12, 13. Resurrection of the Hebrew language in, 1960:15; return of Jews to, 93:5, 14; 393:4, 5, 9; 1464; Rothschild to establish Jewish colonies in, 1491:5; Rothschild's purchase of land in, 1374; seeking a charter for, 2897:10, 11, 16, 17; seventy years desolation of, 1372:9-17; 1373:1-4; 1974:20; 1975:7, 13, 17; 1976:12; 1981:1; 2509:7; 4669:8; 4670:1. To be: A Jewish nation, 512:4, 5, 12, 13; freed from Turks, 2056:3. Turks encourage immigration by Jews into, 4521:11; under reconstruction by Jews, 4073:24-29; Vatican interested in, 298:8. Zionist progress: (1895), 1769:10; in, 3855. See Jerusalem. PALIMPSEST See Manuscript. PALMS OF ELIM Seventy, antitypical significance of, 4011:2. PANIC At intervals of 20 years in U.S., 3449:20; caused by false values placed upon stocks, 3117:10, 17. Of 1908: Brought forth anarchistic utterances, 4144:5-18; its cause and remedy, 4134:8, 13, 14; 4135:1, 2. Predicted: By Mr. Spreckles, 4671:1-14; for 1911, 3606:9-12. PANICS Cause of, 4111:2-7. PANTHEISM Christian Science another name for, 4471, 4472; taught by Episcopal Bishop, 2152:4-9, 11-21. PAPACY 54:5-16; acknowledged "mother" of Protestantism, 1215:13; allied with capital in class struggle, 834; antiCatholic orders in U.S. claimed voting strength of 6,315,000 (1896), 1935:12-16; Anti-Christ, the man of sin, the son of perdition is, 1991:10-12; 1992, 1993; anti-papal attitude among the Italians (1891), 1376:3, 4, 7; Archbishop Ireland's "patriotic" words at Rome, 1784:3-6; as system, a harlot and why, 45:5. Attempts of: At union with Protestants (1896), 1959:20-23; to control the Greek Church, 1658. Attitude of, toward Protestantism: 1488:3; contrasted with "Protestant" attitude toward her, 1776:3-6. Bans the Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows and Sons of Temperance (1895), 1759:12, 13; Bible proscribed by, 278:6, 7, 12-16. Birth: AND: Growth of, 3577:11-13; 3579; rapid rise of, 5910:13; 5911. Of under Constantine, 313 A.D., 306:10. Breweries of, (in 1895), 1863:6; by the Council of Baltimore, gave Catholics permission to read the Bible, why? 1791:1-5; canonization of saints by, 1139; Catholic priests and Protestant D.D.'s in Bay City sign a compact (1895), 1766:1-3; charities of, paid for by public tax, 1232; church statistics of the U.S. (1893), 1515. Claims: Of, 305:9-20; Pope alone can pronounce a social "pax vobiscum", 1791:15. Clergy: And laity unscriptural terms originated by, 1808:5-8, 12, 13; 1809:1-3, 11; have the advantage, 1129:9-12; responsible for the, 1134:18; 1135:1-7. Comments on public schools, 1190; control of New York City by the (1894), 1682; counterfeit of true church is, 278:15; 355:11, 13-18; deceives by her works, 743:9-13; defines "venial and mortal sins", 1249:2; demands of, in Spain, 2539:1, 2, 11. Denies: Christ, 639:3, 6-8; ransom, 744:2. Designs: On America of, disclosed by Father Chiniquy, 1517; to control all public offices, from President to policeman, 1517:5, 9. Destruction of, 307:12-19; did not start Sunday observance, 1446:10-14; 1447:1; 1727:6-10; 1733:3-6; disruption in ranks of (1895), 1859:3; efforts of, to get absolute control of the people (1895), 1858:12-15; encyclical of Pope Leo XIII (1894), 1704; errors brought into Bible by, 278:4-7; examined by a lawyer, 1049; fifth head of Dragon (Rome), 306:19; founded by clergy, 1134:18; 1135:1-7; founder of Christendom, 5853:5, 7, 8; France recalls representative and makes laws against (1896), 1941:9-11; fraudulent claims of, 507:9; gaining control once more, 1134-1138. Has: Refused Italian government's allowance, 3549:12, 13; repressed Sapin's intelligence, 2306:3-8. Healing the wound of, 853:4, 5; historians on indulgences, 1082:6-8. How: Her clergy control people, 1136:13. IT: Canonizes "saints", 1139; is the "mother of harlots", 1215:12. Illustration of love of, for Protestants, 1832:1-4. In: American politics, 632:7; (1889), active in India, 1131:6, 7; England in 1888, 1022:6; Protestantism, 926. Indications of triumph of, 1002; infallible Pope submits fallible infallibilities, 1776:10; influence waning in Austria-Hungary, 2475; instituted divine right of kings, 757:9, 10; interests of, in Palestine, 298:8; Italian laws "torment", 1300:2-5, 12, 13; leads in crime, 1191:1-4, 7, 8; leopard beast of Revelation 13, 318; looked to Emperor William for temporal control, 2369:6-13. Love of, for: Bible and Protestants, 1050; the poor and ignorant, 1765:6-9. Man of Sin, 143:5; 305; 638:18, 19; 639:1; 3082; Marsiglio's Defensor Pacis against the, 3577:11-13; (a) menace, 1207:5, 12; mentioned in Presbyterian creed, 1311:13-15; (her) methods of stamping out the Bible, 2012:3; 2013:2; Millennial reign is past according to view of, 54:12. Mother of: Creed errors, 743:18; harlot churches, 743:10. New Testament not doctored by, 560:1-5, 8-10; object of its clergy, 1136:11, 12; observance of Sunday not the mark of the beast, 1446:5, 10-14; offers indulgence for prayers for conversion of Protestants (1895), 1824:9-11; 1825:1, 2, 10; one reason for power of, 1129:9-12; opposes labor organizations, 834:5-7; ordination of kings by, 362:6, 10; origin and rise of, 3984, 3985; originated false theory of hell, 553:1, 2; overthrow of, 509-511; (her) own view as to future power, 1027; PanAmerican convention of religions proposed (1895), 1770:6-8; Papal jubilee for release of souls in Purgatory, 1376:7; persecuted true church, 307:1-8; persecuting Protestants in 1888, 1029:13. Policy of: Changes in each country according to need, 2308:13-19; in United States no longer liberal, 2061:7; 2062. Pope: Advises Catholics in the United States to be examples of virtue (1895), 1769:13-15; is very solicitous of the salvation of Protestants (1895), 1769:14, 15. Pope's: Blessings bring disaster, 1859:12-14; encyclical to the Roman Church in the United States (1895), 1769:13-15; 1770:1-5. Power of, 319:4-11; prefers the position of Arbitrator, 1765:5; probably untrue that "every Catholic church is an arsenal", 1757:7; proofs that it is Anti-Christ, 1010; proposes to purchase the freedom of Rome for the Pope (1895), 1870:7, 8. Protestantism: About as bad as, 1169:2-4; no longer protests against, 1488. Public schools in Manitoba vs, Roman Catholics (1895), 1805:4-6; purpose of, in teaching purgatory, 554:13; real holy inquisition--in Millennium, 1469:9; 1471:13; reasons for the separation of the Greek Catholic Church from, 1740:16-18; recognized Protestant missions, 1090:1-5; reigned fortytwo months, 319:3; removed Bishop Keane from Washington College, 2061, 2062; requires since 1890, twelve months in parochial school, 1241:3, 4; rise of, to power, 1093:9-12; ritualism of, a relic of demon worship, 1990-1993; Roman Catholic liquor dealers in Philadelphia (1895), 1765:10-15; sale of indulgences by, 553:7, 8, 13-16. Satan's: Counterfeit, 760:2; masterpiece, 1686:14; 1687:1. Secret societies of, are well-drilled militia, 1518:14, 15. Seeks to: Control U.S. by the ballot, 1517:5, 9; exact tithes, 1028:8. Senator's view of, 1213:1, 2; signs of disintegration--an independent American Catholic Church (1894) 1700; sins of, 183:6, 8-10; six sacrilegious views of, concerning the Bible, 2012:18-26; (her) society for delivering "the poor souls in purgatory", 1392; source of Protestant clergy, 1129:1-14; sources of revenue, 553:7, 8, 13-16; specimen of their love for Protestants, the Bible, American flag, and public schools, 1839:9, 10, 14-17; spotted character of, 994-996; stamping her character on U.S. government, 2168:4-6; Temporal Power of: 539-800 A.D., 1093:11; ended 1798, 24:16. Thinks she can control the laborers, 1764:17-26; 1765:1-4; to be consumed, 54:16-20; toleration and liberty of, 1082; trouble from, in Latin America, 4324:8-11; trying to oppose Socialism in Europe, 1785:1-4; typified by Jezebel, 3408:3. Union with: Advantage in, all on Papacy's side, 1775:4-7; alarming proposition, 1168; attempts at (1896), 1959:20-23. CARDINAL GIBBONS: On the subject of, 1740:6-13; welcomed by Protestant (?) clergy, 1207. Catholic priests and Protestant D.D.s in Bay City sign a compact (1895), 1766:1-3. CHURCH: Federation attempts (1896), 1959:20-23; of England on (1894), 1741:14-20; 4186:7-14; of England seeks recognition from, 2046:2. Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII, on (1894), 1704, 1705; English Church's attitude on (1895), 1791:9-13; Episcopalians' attitude on (1895), 1859:1, 2; "Father" Doyle speaks before a Presbyterian seminary (1894), 1752:2-4; government's, 817:1, 2; Greek church possible, 486:3, 5, 9; heavens rolling together as a scroll, 1474; 1488:3-5; how the Episcopalian archbishop views (1895), 1817:5-7; love letters between a Roman Catholic cardinal and a Methodist D.D., 1764:2-15; movement to reunite with the various oriental divisions, 1740:14-23; 1741:1-4; mutual recognition in Africa first step towards, 1090:1-5; Pan-American convention of religions proposed (1895), 1770:6-8; POPE: Longs for union of church and state in the United States, 1770:1-5; offers indulgence for prayers for conversion of Protestants (1895), 1824:9-11; 1825:1, 2, 10; to draw Anglicans, disposed to let "secular clergy" marry (1895), 1804:18-20. Progress of Protestant (1894), 1741:5-8, 11-20. PROTESTANT: Love for the "old mother"--Papacy, 1790:6, 9; mayor and officials of Southampton attend Catholic mass, 1514:2. Protestantism in progress, 1355:13, 14; 1741:5-8, 11-20. PROTESTANTS: Desire, 1547:9-12; getting "liberal" toward, 1166:6, 14; will fraternize, but not perfect, 1752:5-8; yearn for, 1079:10-14; 1547:9-12. Prussian government, 817:1, 2; straw indicates the wind, 1207:4; 1208:2; there will be no, but merely sympathy and co-operation, 1817:5-7; "United Religious Association" (1895), 1858:8. Unscriptural errors of, 560. View of: Civil power, 1049:14-18; Protestantism, 1764:16-26; 1765:1-4; the church vs. the true view, 1573:10-13; 1574. View of, on education, liberty of conscience, governmental rights, and Protestants, 1518:1, 13. Why: Compared to leopard in Revelation 13:2, 2538:21; hated in Catholic countries and welcomed in Protestant countries, 1941:12, 13; "Protestants" no longer protest against, 1775:14, 15; 1776:1, 2. THE: Antichrist, 305:5, 6; Douay Version was published by the, 2012:5. Woman clothed with sun and the, 306:4-6; work in Germany, 4725:3-8, 11; worse than grossest heathenism, 1185:1-4; worshiping demons, 1991:9. And: Greek church union, 486:3-5, 9; Protestantism compared, 322. Vs.: Declaration of Independence, 1049:7; schools in 1888, 1022. See Antichrist; Apostasy; Babylon; Beast; Church of England; Declaration of Independence; Man of Sin; Roman Catholicism. PARABLE Bride of Christ, 2976:2, 3; 2978:5-7; building on rock or sand foundation, 5407:5, 6; camel and needle's eye explained, 2762:6; 3844:6-9; 4658:10-12; 5466:1-4; definition of a, 5707:6; Dives and Lazarus, explained, 283:5, 6, 11; 487:10; 1000; 1042; 1086:11-13; 1965; 2603-2605; 5004, 5005; 5444, 5445; drag-net, 920:1, 2; 1716:1, 2, 6, 7; 3308:8; 4637:1, 2; 5048:6; embryokingdom, 5049, 5050; false sheep-folds, 1577:4-11; faulty hand, foot or eye, 5130:15, 16; 5131:1, 2, 9; feast rejected by some, explanation of the, 5415:5-8, 11-18. Field: Explained, 97:8; is the world of Christendom, 2277:2. WHEAT: Of harvest period limited, 4254:8; oversown with tares by Satan, 5910:9-14; 5911; parable of the, 5048, 5049. Good Samaritan, 1767; 1939; 3804:2-4; 5699:7, 11, 12; great supper, 1957. Ground: GOOD: Children of the kingdom, the seed in, 5736:6, 8, 9; seed that falls upon, 3764:11; what constitutes, 2628:4, 9, 11. STONY: Hearers of the kingdom message, 4635:1; heart of some Christians is, 2791:2. THORNY: Seed that falls upon, 3764:9, 10; 4635:2; some Christians are, hearers, 5736:5; what constitutes, 2627:9, 10. Guests: At marriage feast, examination by the king of, 2301:9-11; of wedding, who they are, 58:5. House built upon rock and upon sand, 4568:17; 5407:5, 6; illustrative of the kingdom message, 3635, 3636. Jews: Rejection of call foretold in marriage feast, 5415:5-8, 11-18; return to God pictured in prodigal son, 3361:2. Justification pictured in pound, 3869:4, 5; 5387:3, 10-13; 5492; 5493:1, 2. Kingdom: Explained, 58:2-5, 8-13. OF HEAVEN: Likened to mustard seed, 45:11; nucleus of all parables, 2276:1-3; 5414, 5415. Laborers in the vineyard considered, 4666; 5473, 5474; leaven, 2635:1-3; 5050:3, 4. Lost: Coin explained, 2707:3, 6-11; 5427:11; sheep; 1216; 2706:6, 7, 9-13; 5427:2-8. Marriage feast explained, 4:15-19; 58:2-5, 9-13; 342:6-8; 343; 2300-2302; 2701, 2702; 3833, 3834; 4525; 4679; 5510, 5511. Mustard seed: Christendom likened to a grain of, 4636:3; nominal church like grain of, 45:11; 2634:12, 13; 5049:14; 5406:11-14. See Grain. Obsession of an empty heart, 4291:7, 8; pearl of great price is gospel calling, 4636:8, 9; 5048:3-5; penny explained, 4666; picturing Lord's return, 2974:9, 10; 2975:1-3; pounds, 1972; 2735, 2736; 2975:2, 3; 3869:4, 5; 3948:5, 6, 10; 3949:1, 2; 5387:3, 10-13; 5492; 5493:1, 2. Prodigal son: 1958; 2708; 3360, 3361; 3835, 3836; 5434, 5435; pictures publicans and sinners, 1459; 3360:5; twofold interpretation of, 2708:4, 5. Rich farmer explained, 5396:8-11; sheep and goats, 654, 655; 1086:7-10; 2606, 2607; 4694, 4695; 5530, 5531; sheep-fold, 2672, 2673; slumbering of ten virgins, explained, 41:1, 2; sower and seed, 97:3-9, 11-14; 1023:3-6; 1024:1, 2; 2627, 2628; 3763, 3764; 4254, 4255; 5039:1-7, 9-16; 5736; steward, Pharisees denounced by Jesus in the, 5436, 5437; talents, 1972; 2764, 2765; 3695:6; 3696; 3870, 3871; 4693; 5386:1-11; the great supper, 1957; three measures of meal, 2635:2; treasure hid in the field, 5047:8; two debtors, 2295:4-6; 2666:8, 9; unfaithful husbandmen, 4678:4-12. Unforgiving: Officer, 3802; servant explained, 1713:10-15; 5134:14-16; 5135. Unjust: Judge, 3841:2-6; steward, 1626; 2715, 2716; 4650:7, 8; 5386:7-11; 5749:6, 9, 10. View of our opponents on ten virgins, 40:3; vine-dressers, 5504, 5505. Vineyard: Teaches eleventh hour consecration, 4303:6-9; 4304; 4678:4; and wicked husbandmen, 1795; 1982. Virgins: 38, 39; 40:7; 87:10-13; 88:2-5; 110:7, 8; 141:10-12, 22, 23; 288:8; 1951:13-15; 1952:1, 2, 8-10; 2763:3-5; 2976:2, 3; 2978:5-7; 3867-3869; 4654:8; 4692, 4693; 5522:8; 5523; going forth, explained, 40:1; pictured in Solomon's Song, 4249:7, 10-14. Watchful servants, 2692, 2693. Wedding: GARMENT: Binding him hand and foot, 954:10-14; casting off of, 40:7; 41:1, 2, 9; 190:1-3; 4548:13-15; explanation of, 88:89; 4679; of bride of Christ, 4525; rejected by some, 2302:2; relation of creed to the, 76:2-7; removal of, means the second death, 4525:9-11; robe of Christ's righteousness pictured by the, 2301:11; 5511:1-4; theology not, 50:3, 10; what it is, 40:7; 41:1, 2, 8, 9; 49:6; 50:1-3, 8-12; 76:2-7, 15-17; what it represents, 49:6; 50:1-3, 8-12; 76:2-7, 15-17; who wears, 58:13. Who is Bridegroom of, 58:5. Wheat: AND: Darnel illustrate real and nominal Christians, 4635:3-5; tares, 20:1, 2; 97:3-9, 11-14; 593:12-14; 1362:1-8; 2633, 2634; 4635; tares, difference between, 2267:11. Field, 5048, 5049; sown by Lord, tares by Satan, 3769-3771. See Seed. PARABLES Almost entirely concerning the kingdom, 5406:3-6; cannot be taken literally, 4644:2-7; draw only the honest-hearted, 5506:8, 9, 15; explain ransom and sin-offering, 4535:7, 12, 13; 4536; forgiveness taught in, 3801-3803. Kingdom: Clarify ransom and sin-offering, 4535:7, 12, 13; 4536; explained, 2756:1-3; 4635-4637. Of Jesus: Likened to smoked glass, 22:7; perplexing until holy spirit was given, 3518:9. Of talents and pounds: 2975:2, 3. Pharisees taught in, 2706, 2707; relate to church class, 920:8; review of, 2717:6. Why: Jesus spake in, 29:5; 801:2-5; 1741; 2276:7; 3763:7-13; 4644:2-7, 10-12; 5087:17; 5088:1-3; so expressive, 29:5. See Seed. PARADISE Garden of Eden was, 2832, 2833; in Millennium the earth to be a, 2832; meaning of word, 506:17, 18; thou shalt be with me in, 506:4-9, 17-19; 2011:13-17; 2788; 1-5; 3902:2-7; 4172:9; 5132:14-18; 5133:1; 5578:4, 9, 10. PARALLELS Jewish and gospel ages, 39:1-6; 114:5, 6, 11; 224:2-10; 236:16-18; 289:8; 559:8-10; 600:1-9, 12-15; 2977:2-5. Of: The two ages applicable only to nominal systems, 4742:9, 10; 5950:9-12; time correct, 188-190. Showing preparation for covenant blessings, 4537. PARALYSIS Infantile, remedy for, 5946:15; Jesus heals a paralytic, 1722; rejoicing in the truth despite extreme (Letter), 5811:1-7, 9-14. PARASITES Aristocrats and landlords are, 1032:12. PARDON Distinct from ransom, 324:1-10, 13-19; does God forgive or, 1058. For: us found on the Lord's table, 1494:6. And acquittal differentiated, 838:9. PARENTAGE Neither sinful nor dishonorable, 4090:13. PARENTHOOD Sane and insane, 1080:9-12. PARENTS Absalom an example of dishonoring, 3262:1-8; attitude of, toward worldly offspring, 534:5-10; Christian, may pray for their children, 1865:12; disobedience to, a sign in the last days, 2074:5-7; 2460:2; duty to children of, 2886:1; 4776:3-7, 10-13; influence over children, 5242:9; obedience to, source of prosperity, 2053:12; provision for children in time of trouble, 1963; responsibility of, to children, 719:6; 874:1, 2, 6; 1097:5, 6; 1882:8, 19; 2766:7; 2902:3, 4; 2903:3, 4; 3094:9; 3598:9; 3608:1, 2; 4091:5-7; 5287:6-9; 5615:5-8; 5700:11-13; sanctify unbelieving children, 2991:1-3, 6. Should: Bring up their children in the truth, 1671:14, 15; 1672:1-3, 9-11; consecrate their children before birth, 1671:6, 7; dedicate their children to the Lord, 4823:5, 6, 9, 10; demand obedience, 2024:4, 5, 14; properly advise their children, 2388:7. TEACH THEIR CHILDREN: Religion, 1191:4 7; the hollowness of worldly pleasure, 1672:2, 3; the truth, 1104:9-11; 1142:1-5; 1191:4, 7. Too large a family a sign of insanity of, 1413:8-11; two kinds of unfaithful, 4091:12-14; 4092:1; why their influence with children is limited, 5242:9. PARIS Impressions of, during Brother Russell's tour (1891), 1377:5, 8. PARK King's, sought for farm use, 4143:17. PARLIAMENT Of Religions: see Religions. PAROCHIAL Schools, see Schools. PAROUSIA Light upon (1881), 188, 189; meaning of word, 20:7-9; 580:10. Of the Lord: 228:4, 5; 348; 2974:2, 3; 2978:8; due (1874), 5565:16. Sign of Christ's, 98:1. See Presence. And: Epiphania defined, 4543:7, 8, 15; glorification, 51:2. PARTAKING See Memorial. PARTIALITY Wisdom from above is without, 2263:14. PARTICIPATION Of church in one loaf, 840:9, 10. PARTITION What was the middle wall of, 4485:1. PARTS Two: Shall be cut off and die, 3634:1-3. PASCHAL Lamb: See Passover Lamb. PASSION An expensive luxury, 3602:4-8. And: Crime, greater wave accounted for, 5248:2-6. PASSIONS Blood poisoned by evil, 2384:6. PASSOVER Antitypical significance of, 208:1-7; 225, 226; 2918; 4492:13; 4703:1-8, 10-13; beginning of religious year for Jews, 3749:5; blood of, 450:7, 8; 572:9, 10; 1015:9, 10; 1016:1-11. Celebration of: At Pittsburgh, 476:9-11, 19, 20; Memorial, 325:5-10. Christ our, slain, 839, 840; church's part in, 211:13, 14; 212. Feast: Again observed by nation under Hezekiah, 2379:10; antitype of, 2271:5; following the supper, 900:2, 6; regular time for keeping the, 3526:2-5, 13; what it typified, 3363:4. How: Jews reckon the date for the, 2124:2-4; reckoned among Christian sects, 2991:5, 10; the date is arrived at, 4127:21; 5192:1-3. In 1907 was March 28, 3968:2; instituted, 1657; 2917:5, 11; 3996:1-3, 5-7. Jesus: Celebrated the, 2771:7-9; prepares to celebrate his last, 3850:2. Jewish method of ascertaining date of the, 2270:5, 7. Lamb: BLOOD OF: Applied for world in Millennium, 4555:11, 12; in type and antitype, 1321:6. Christ the antitypical, 17:12; 94:2-4, 9; 208:1-3; 2918:5; flesh and blood in type and antitype, 1321:6; typified Jesus, 900:1; when slain, 2953:3-5, 8-10. Night: Picture of gospel age, 3525:7. Partaken of by the unsanctified, 4812:17; proper method of figuring, 1289:4-13; sacrifice, church has no share in the, 4335:1; significance of Jews and Christians, 3749:3-9; 5869:9, 10, 22; special trials permitted at the, 2134:6; 2793:5-9; 3760:5-8. Supper: Jewish method of reckoning date of, 5191:3-8; what it signifies, 740. Two in the type to picture two in antitype, 5870:1, 2. Type: And antitype, 94:2; 211:5, 6, 10-13; 465; 721:1-4, 7-13; 839, 840; 2429:4, 5; 3959-3961; 5640, 5641. When celebrated, 833:8-13; why a set time for celebration of the, 3526:2-5; and Atonement Day sacrifices different, 4384, 4385. See Memorial. PASTOR Russell: See Russell, C.T. PASTORS Deacons are not, 2265:13; decline in number of, 602:2-4; scarce in Nebraska, 3652:13; unfaithful, 1208. And teachers in church, 365:1-6, 10-16. PASTURES Green: Of truth for God's sheep, 3269:4; provided for true followers of Jesus, 4279:6-9. In the East and at home different, 3269:1; 4279:6. PATCHLING Of old garment ineffectual, 849:15. PATENTS Justice of, 1162:10. PATH Of the justified, the way of righteousness, 2389:8-10. PATHS Straight, for your feet, 4348:2; 5974, 5975; that branch from the Christian's walk, 2389:1-5. PATIENCE Berean questions on, for July, (1905), 3584, 3585; Christian's need for, 2791:6-8. Developed: BY: Delay in answer to prayer, 5480:11-13; waiting upon God, 3784:2. In tribulation, 1721:5. Essential in running the Christian's race, 5319:12-17; exemplified by Abraham, 2857:1; exercise of, in Berean classes, 4008:7; 4009:1-5; experience and hope, parts of character development, 1585:18, 19; final test of, 5650:11-13; "Let patience have her perfect work," 1721; manifestation of love, 2204:2. Meaning: Of the word to the world, 2790:10; to Christians, 2791:1. Means cheerful submission, 4809:1; meek, uncomplaining endurance of suffering with humble resignation and perseverance, 1721:2. Needed to: Develop fruitage, 2155:5, 9; obtain the promise, 5332, 5333. No other grace more needed, 1656:5; not indifference, 438:8-10. Of: Jesus in dealing with Judas, 3543:7; Job, 1721:9-11. (its) Part in character development, 1721; required to receive the promises, 3245:6; 3246:5; "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him," 1840:7-9; self-examination in, 1114:11; we are not to be disappointed when the test of endurance is applied, 1759:16; what it is, 1628:2-6; why we should have, 3593:22, 23; with out weaknesses should be limited, 5650:8, 9; word of my: I will keep thee, because thou hast kept the, 5718:3, 4. See Endurance; Humility. PATMOS Apostle John a convict on the Isle of, 1598:11, 12; meaning of word, 529:2. PATON Mr. J.H.: Erroneous views on ransom, 482; rejected tabernacle teachings in 1881, 3825:3-6. PATRIARCHAL Age, see Age. PATRIOTISM Archbishop Ireland's words of, at Rome, 1784:3-6; Christian's attitude toward, 2001:31; 2002:1-3, 8-10; encouraged through fear of revolution, 5516:4-6; factor in holding nations together, 5516:6; of Moses unequaled, 5298:5-8; often misnamed, 899:3; pure, the welfare of the people, 1563:10; Saint Paul's pure, 4692:1; specimen of Papal love for the flag, 1839:9, 10, 14-17; what is true, 2001:31; 2002:1-3, 8-10. PATTEN J.N., death of Brother (1906), 3860:1, 2, 9, 10. PATTERN All saints should be a, of earnest endeavor to copy Christ, 1886:1, 6; changed by watching the perfect, 3739:7-9. PATTON Dr. F.L., denounces the new Christianity, 3602:15-21. PAUL Accomplishments of, 478:7-9; (his) argument in support of Israel's part in the new covenant, 4497:9-12. As: An acute logician, 1565:6, 10, 11; 1566:1; one born before due time, saw Jesus, 5035:1, 2. At: Corinth, 1557; Ephesus, 1558; 4432:4-8; Rome, 1570. Becoming a Christian, harmony of various accounts of, 2117:6, 7. Before: Agrippa, 1568; Felix, 1564. Bids the Ephesian elders farewell at Miletus, 1558. Birth of: Natural and spiritual, 152:10; under divine supervision, 4197:4. Blindness: A thorn in the flesh, 2118:3; removed by Ananias, 4356:1-3. Brought: Gospel to Athenians, 4409, 4410; to Antioch to serve Christians, 4358:2, 10. Carrying the gospel into Macedonia, 4399, 4400; caution of, developed by experience, 2191:13; changed under the influence of the holy spirit, 5637:8-11. Character of: Beautiful, 1232; sublime, 1558:5-7, 11, 12. Charge of, to Timothy, 1127, 1128; chief of apostles, 550:10-16, 551. Chosen: "From his mother's womb", 2823:2, 3; 3987:6, 7; 4356:4-6; to succeed Judas, 550:5; 1523:1, 2. (the) Christian vs. Saul the persecutor, 4239:20; 4240:1-3; circumcision of Timothy advised by, 2175:7, 8; 3022:3, 4; clergy deny his inspiration, 1419; comforted by the brethren, 4507:2, 3; concession of, to Jerusalem church brought trials, 4484:9; 4485:1; consecrated before converted, 953:9; considered his yoke easy, 1961:13, 14. Conversion of: Not correct view, 2117:2; to Christianity, 551:1-3; 1444; 2824:3-6; 2969, 2970; 4355:8-11. Could wish himself accursed for his brethren, 4692:1, 3-6; counsel of, to elders, 2221:2-5; counted all things dross, 478:10-14; courage of, amidst mob violence, 4485:5-7; course recorded in Acts 21:20-26 was not compromising the truth, 1526:12-14; 1527:1, 2; death of, was by beheading, 2229:3. Defense of: Against charges of false brethren, 4517, 4518; before Felix examined, 3194:8-10; 3195:1-5. Delivered from death by Lysias, 5953:3, 4, 10-12; denounced by higher critics, 3481:4, 5, 8; describes man's fall into sin, 2719:4; description of personal appearance of, 2969:1; desire of, 1018-1020. Did not: Beg money from churches, 2211:10; believe in Trinity, 2199:6-8. Disagreement of, with Barnabas, 1545:17; 1546:1, 2; discouraged and sick yet faithful, 4416:3-5. Discouragement of: At Corinth, 3143:8, 9; offset by a vision, 4416:3, 10-12. Discourse of: at Athens, 1557; on Mars Hill, 1557:5, 10-17. Divine supervision of his birth, 4197:4; early life and parentage of, 4355:2-7; earnest desire of, 1018-1020; 1827; education and training of, 2117:3-5; effort of, to gain Christ, 478:10-14; eloquence of, before governors, 646:10, 12; Elymas blinded by, as a rebuke, 2141:6; 4360:7, 8; emphatically taught the fall of Adam, 1794:8-18. Epistle of, to the: Ephesians analyzed, 2220, 2221; Philippians indicates their high development, 5810:5-7. Epistles of, some written while a prisoner, 3208:4. Example of: An encouragement, 1558:5-7, 11, 12. IN: Decision of character, 2951:2; faithfulness through good and evil report, 5774:1-3, 9; God-like love, 416:1, 2, 7; humility and patience, 5636:1-4; rejoicing in the Lord always, 1556:8; singleness of purpose, 478:7-14. To elders and pilgrims today, 5967:18; 5968:1-4. Execution of, when? 1570:10; exhortation of, to elderly men, 2723:4-7, 9; experiences of, in Lystra, 1471:5-8, 14; faithful witness of Christ by, 3057:5-11; favored above Barnabas as chief in the work, 2141:6, 7. First: Missionary sermon of, 1465; to see that Mosaic law is not binding on Christians, 1728:2-11. Formerly a mistaken zealot, 4355:8-11. Given: A thorn in the flesh, 2825:1; change of heart by Lord, 4197:7, 8; special revelations, 1523:1, 2. God's chosen vessel, 4356:4-6; guided of the Lord by a dream, 3144:4; healed others, could not heal himself, 2118:3; hearing of, before Festus and Agrippa, 3196-3198; honest in persecuting Christians, 2969:2-5. How: HE: Could see the glorified Jesus, 5408:5-8, 13, 14; let his light shine before men, 4993:9-13; ran the Christian race, 1884, 1885; resembled Napoleon Bonaparte, 1232:5, 6. His epistles were written and preserved, 1582:1-3. Humility of, at Corinth, 2191:12; "I thank God that I baptized none of you", said, 1539:21; 1540:8-11; imprisonment and death of, at Rome, 2229; insisted on his rights as a Roman citizen, 4407:8-10; inspired apostle, 448:8, 9, 23; instructs Titus as overseer, 2722-2725; Jesus revealed in vision to, 2824:1-3; journey of, from Ephesus to Jerusalem, 2222; kept certain features of the law as a justifiable expediency, 1559:10; labored with his hands, 2009:6, 9. Last: Visit of, to Jerusalem, 1559; words of, 4526, 4527; 4533, 4534. Leader in the stoning of St. Stephen, 5858:1, 2, 11; light to the Gentiles, 2150:3, 4, 7. Message of: To Athenian philosophers, 3138-3140; was Jesus and forgiveness of sins, 3009:6, 8-12. Mobbed and imprisoned at Jerusalem, 4484, 4485; name formerly Sheol, 2066:5; need for boasting his qualifications set forth by, 5941:6, 10-12; 5942:1-3. Noble example: Of self-sacrifice, 946:10-12; 5935:3, 8; to us, 946:10-12; 1041:8. Not: Ashamed of the true gospel of Christ, 402, 403; converted not enlightened, 2117:2; deterred from duty by bonds and imprisonment, 4467:7, 8; joined to Christ at death immediately, 5133:2, 3, 10-13; member of a paid ministry, 3157:6; the founder of the doctrine of redemption, 3481:4, 5, 8-14. One great mistake of, 972:9-12; parting message to Ephesians, 4458, 4459; peculiarities of, 900:8, 14; 901; persecution of, and work at Ephesus, 2206, 2207; pointed to himself as an example, 4460:1, 2, 10; position of, one of great honor, 1744:7; prayer for healing not answered, 4433:4, 7, 8. Preached: CHRIST: Alone, 5125, 5126; to Jews, 352; to rulers, 4500, 4501. Jesus in synagogue of Antioch, 4364:4-16. THE: Gospel without remuneration, 5927:1-3; truth in Rome, 3208, 3209. TO: Jewish leaders at Rome, 4507:5-8; Jews at Antioch, 2149, 2150; 3009:8-12; the Athenians, 4409, 4410. Preaching to the Gentiles, 1466; preparation of, for the Christian ministry, 4356:12, 13. Prisoner at: Philippi, 2181:6, 13; 2182; Rome, 4507. Probably: A member of Sanhedrin, 2952:7; the author of Hebrews, 2821:3. Proofs of his apostleship, 551; protected from murderous Jews, 4486:9, 10; proved the resurrection of Jesus, 5034, 5035; purpose of his epistles, 785:6; rank and influence of, 2968:9; ready to die for the name of Jesus, 2222, 2223; reasons for his power of endurance, 5951:4, 10, 11. Refused to: Give bribe for his release, 4507:4; preach worldly philosophies, 5125, 5126. Rejoices that Christ is preached, 831; riot at Ephesus against, 4432:4-6; sacrifices and sufferings of, 552:3; sent as light to Gentiles, 353:10-16; shipwreck of, enroute to Rome, 3204, 3205; shipwrecked, 1569; singleness of purpose of, 5044, 5045; some of his epistles written while a prisoner, 3208:4; sometimes preached to worldly, 931:8; sought freedom from the dead body of the law covenant, 2721:1, 2; specially loved Philippians, 2227:3-5. Stoned: And left for dead, 2151:3; 4369:6-10; at Lystra, 3012:3-5; 4369:6-10. Sublime character of, 1558:5-7, 11, 12; 1581:9. Sufferings of: As a Christian at Jerusalem, 3188, 3189; for Christ, 4518:3, 6. Supersedes Barnabas in the ministry, 4364:1, 2; taken prisoner at Caesarea, 4486:9. Taught: Christianity to the rulers, 4500, 4501; Christians to expect tribulation, 4369:11, 12; Galatians freedom from the law, 4510:9-12. Teaching of, on: Circumcision not contradictory, 1526:9-11; ransom, 652:11. Tears of, were for others, 1886; tempest tossed but calm, 4505, 4506; tender solicitude of, for Timothy, 2165:7-11; tent-maker, 619:2-8, 13-15; testimony of, before Felix, the Roman governor, 4499, 4500; "thorn in the flesh" of, 1744; 4433:1-4; too broad for Foreign Mission Board, 962:7-12, 17, 18; took Judas' place as an apostle, 5002:5-7, 10, 11; tradition respecting closing days of, 3209:5; treatment of, at Philippi, 3122, 3123; type or figure of Israel, 2118:6; used not his liberties to stumble others, 2118:7, 8; various pictures of the character of, 4506:3; visions and revelations of, 551:13-15; visit of, to Jerusalem coldly received, 2206:1-3. Warned: Of bonds awaiting at Jerusalem, 4467:7, 8; the flock night and day with tears, 4459:9, 10. Whole gospel which he did not shun to declare, 1571:13; 1572:1-6. Why: HE: Labored only on behalf of the elect, 3586:6; was chosen after the other apostles, 3057:7; was turned from Asia to Europe with the gospel, 1545:9, 10, 14-16. His epistles are numerous, 1523:3. Withstanding Peter in gospel, 551:7, 8. Witnessed to: Christ before Sanhedrin, 4485:6; 4486:1-3; the gospel before the Sanhedrin, 5952:12-14; 5953:1-4, 10-12. Work and miracles of, at Ephesus, 3157, 3158; 4420, 4421. And: BARNABAS: Dispute between, no proof of bitterness, 2175:4, 5; explain the circumcision of gentiles, 2158; sent forth as missionaries, 1461; 4360:2, 3, 6-8; worshiped as gods at Lystra, 2150:9; 3011:5-7; 4369:2-4. Peter, likenesses of, 3212:2; Silas as convicts at Philippi, 1556. PAX Pin means of purification (Letter), 5937:18-22. PEACE Abraham the exemplar of, 2848:4; Andrew Carnegie seeks for international, 4373:8-14; army and navy are menaces to, 2915:10, 12, 14; assured through war preparations, 4799:5-8; be to this house, 5979:7,8; blessed portion of only the consecrated, 5432; Christ's rich legacy is, 1834:1-12; 1835:1-3, 7-10; comes from the Father, 2058:7; compelling naval display at Kiel (1895), 1838; conference called by Czar of Russia, 2515:3-5; dove the symbol of, 2237:5; followed where principle is not involved, 2128:4; found only in harmony with the Creator, 1840:4, 10; 1841:1-5; foundation of, is faith, 1834:12; 1835:1-3, 7-10; given by Redeemer, 2456:11, 12; Grace and, are multiplied through the knowledge of God, 1531:8, 9, 17; 1532:1, 2; has ever been advocated by Society, 5061:5-7; how lost and how regained--an example, 1481:4-7, 11-13; 1482:2; I give unto you, 821:3; "If thou hadst known the things which belong unto thy," 1847:2-5. In: Christ, 347:13, 14. THE: Church, how to obtain, 4418:6, 7; heart, not outward, 1652:7; midst of trouble possible for Christians, 5879:2-4. Tribulation, Christians have, 1068-1070. Lord's rich legacy of, 1834:1-12; 1835:1-3, 7-10; maintained in tribulation, 1068-1070; nations preparing for war while they talk of, 4411-4414; obtained by sacrificing preferences, 5929:3, 4, 8-11. Of: Hear attained through prayer, 4883:7; mind and heart a medicine, 2083:6, 12; nominal Christendom--the slumber of superstition, 1634:3, 9. On earth, good will toward men to be the outcome of God's plan, 5576:1-4, 5-9; peace, but there is no, 577:14-16; 720:2. Prince of: 1746; first to destroy old kingdoms, 621:14; Jesus the, 5495:7-9. Promised disciples, an inward rest, 4818:2-5; reign on earth of, 3702:1, 2; rest of faith, 1658:1, 2, 11, 12. Saints: Have, amid turmoil, how? 1245:4; should be at, with all, 1716. Scriptural admonitions on, 2946, 2947; should accompany Christians everywhere, 3347:8; 3348:1, 2. Sought: For, but there is no peace, 4373:15-21; with God left out, 2112:11; 2113. State of quiet or tranquility, freedom from disturbance or agitation, calmness, repose, 1832:11. With God: Different from peace of God, 5431:18; 5432:12; when justified to, 4579:6, 7, 9. World: Argument in favor of U.S. neutrality and the, 5762, 5763; sought and world war impending, 4403:1-11; wide, proposed by Russian Czar, 2360:9, 10; 2361:1-3. And Warfare: As viewed by Czar of Russia, 2914, 2915; course of Christians, 5923:5, 6. See Grace. PEACEABLE Extent to which Isaac was, 3953:5-9; first pure, then, 2214:8; wisdom from above is, 2263:11; 3604:1-4. PEACEABLENESS Exemplified by Isaac, 2860:8. PEACE-MAKERS Blessed are the, 2250:11; 2251:1; 2588:1-6; 3735:11, 12; 3736:1, 2; Christians are to be, 2675:3; messengers of God are, 5979:13; 5980:1-3; needed among the Lord's people, 4772:7-14. PEARL Is a trouble made beautiful, 1756:5, 6. PEARLS Cast before swine, 2590:1. PELLAGRA Recommended cure for (Letter), 5937:6-9. PENALTY Is death a consequence or a, 1683-1685. Of Sin: NOT: Life in misery, 1449:9-11; torture, 392:11. Of the fallen angels: No less severe than man's, 1682:7, 14; restraint and confinement, 1680:4, 11-13. Upon Adam is death, 381:2; 1477:4, 5; utter extinction, 1177:2, 3. See Sin, Wages of. PENNY Brother Russell's views on, 6003:9. PENSIONS France in the lead in the matter of granting old-age (1895), 1819:4, 5. PENTATEUCH Laws of spiritual Israel more than the law of the, 3080:4, 5; written largely by Moses, 691:2, 3; 3935:6. PENTECOST Beginning of the church, 1416:5-7, 10-12; disciples became sons of God at, 5623:3-7, 10; new covenant ratified at (1885 view), 788:8; not the Lord's return, 2088:2. Of: Human redemption, 5224:3, 4. Significance of, 2819:4; 4307:4-8; 5830, 5831. PENTECOSTAL Movement, truth delivered her from the (Letter), 5273:7, 8, 14, 15; sermon of Peter brought 3000 believers, 4308; 5831, 5832. PEOPLE Come my, hide thyself until the indignation be overpast, 1787, 1788; controlled by clergy, 1136:11-13; 1137:1-5; kept in subjection by aristocracy and clergy, 1605:7, 9-14; Lord's, delivered in the time of trouble, 2920:1. Peculiar: In what sense the church are, 1567; 2128:2; 3621:3-5; zealous of good works, 5461:7-14. Satisfied and dissatisfied, 743:1-7, 11-15; selected for Christ's name, 48:3; "shall be my people, thy," 5614:6; 5615:1. PERCEPTION See Mind. PERDITION "We are not of them that draw back into," 1798:13; 1799:1, 2; son of, see Antichrist. PERFECT Ancient worthies through church to be made, 2035:4; as your Father in heaven, 3307:3, 7; 3739:4, 5, 7-9; God's ways are, 3336, 3337; how Christ was made so through suffering, 1807:2-11; mankind not made instantly, in resurrection, 1260:5, 6, 15; 1261:1-13; spirits of just men made, 2709:1-6; 10-12. PERFECTED And sanctified through one offering, 4390:3-5, 8-10; through suffering, 4750:12-15. PERFECTION Attained through submission to fiery experiences, 5778, 5779; brute force no evidence of, 2787:3; condition of life eternal, 1220:6-8. Does not: Consist in coarseness of organism, 2787:3; give the right to everlasting life, 5089:1-3. Human: How it was lost, 2535, 2536; given up by church, 859:13. Impossible at present, 714:6, 10; in Millennium attained by individual effort, 4991:18; includes combativeness, 3928:2; Jesus reached only plane of human, 196:5, 9; lost to race, 603:4-6; love is bond of, 2202:3-5; man restored to, 269; mental, moral, physical, 104:6. Not: Attained until Millennium, 759:11; in flesh, 162:2, 3. Now relates to will or intention, 5101:9. Of: ADAM: 465:1; and Eve, its loss, 778:18-22. Being is not perfection of character, 1807:5; 3634:4-6. CHARACTER: Essential to saints, 2754, 2755; more than, of organism, 5074:1, 7, 8; must precede crystallization of, 5080-5082; what constitutes, 4611:6, 7, 12; 4612. Earth and mankind waiting for the church, 5058:7-9. HEART: Required of church, 3267:3; required of overcomers, 4663:7-9. Human race lost and restored, 2535, 2536. JESUS: 463:1-3, 12-14, 16-18; as human being did not reveal spiritual things, 5157:4-13; born of woman, 776, 777; its beauty, 104:1-5; not in giant strength, 2787:3; not increased by his sacrifice, 5079:3, 4; pictured by seamless robe, 2315:5; through suffering, 313, 314. Love in the heart is possible, 4837:8, 9; organism not necessary to trial for life, 4985, 4986. Proofs of restitution to, 412:16, 17; 413; required of Jesus as the lifegiver, 4941:5-7; restitution to, 334:1-7, 9-14; restoration of race to, 37:1-27; 164, 165; resurrection implies, 360, 361; sanctification will not bring us human, 5126:14, 15. Standard: Not our attainment, 3938:9; 3939:1; of the Christian, 5359:11. That is required of the church, 3322:12; 3323; we must seek after, 3453:1, 2. Vs: Falling away, 78:3, 4; purity of heart, 2587:5-11. PERFECTNESS Love "the bond of," 1330. PERFUME Anointing Jesus with, 2448:2, 3; 3534:14; 3535:1, 2; 3877:3-9; 5541:5, 9. PERGAMOS Message to third stage of church, 359; stage of church considered, 491:8; 5992:11; 5993:1-3. PERISH Does not mean preserve, 290:19; Lord unwilling that one of his children should, 3798:3, 7-9; meaning of word, 406:3. PERPLEXITY Of ministers caused by errors, 869:14. PERSECUTE Bless them that, 917:8; 2214:3. PERSECUTED Blessed are the, 2588:7-11; companions of, also rewarded, 5670:5-7, 12; flee to another city when, 2645:4-6; for righteousness' sake, 2251:2, 7-9; 3736:3, 4; in one neighborhood, flee to another, 5671:4; reward also for the companions of the, 5670:5-7, 12; we should flee, 4409:7; why church is, 80:1-3. PERSECUTION All who live godly in Christ shall suffer, 4813; attitude of the consecrated under, 5545:5-10; based on selfishness, 3159:5, 8; 3160:8; brethren a source of trials and, 5778:10; 5779:4, 5, 7-9. By: Arrest for tracting in 1888, 1012; infidels, 594:5, 8, 11; physical torture may be revived, 3524:18-21. Cause of rejoicing if suffered for Christ, 5544:4-8, 11-14; causes one class of consecrated to wither away, 5914:2, 3; church federation will lead to religious, 3864:1-9, 11-16. Comes: Chiefly from brethren in Christendom, 5215:11-14. TO: All the consecrated, 5778, 5779; honest-hearted from hypocrites, 5390:6-8. Continues until death, 5045:4; creeds have led to bloody, 5474:6, 11; Czar of Russia ends Stundists' (1896), 1918:3; discipleship evidenced by, 2412:4-6; essential that the "called" ones suffer, 1782:16, 17; 1783:1-5; even unto death probable for church, 3210:2. Evidence of: Discipleship, 2412:4-6; godliness, 374:7. Expected: By Christians, 5172:9-15; 5173:1, 2; from civil rulers also, 3050:9, 10. Fidelity proven by willingness to suffer, 3524:18. For: Christ, evidence of sonship, 2437:6; church's development, 4813:11-13. Foreseen by Brother Russell, 3194:6. From: Clergy, 2432:6; ecclesiastics, 913:4; ministers, 2710:12; nominal brethren, 5215:11-14; Papacy, 319:9-11; professed servants of God, 4368:6, 10; tares of Christendom, 5395:3-6. In France and America, 2679, 2680; modern methods of, 2416:12, 13; not to be sought, 1447:9. Of: APOSTLES: 2947, 2948; at Thessalonica, 4407, 4408. Bible Students by clergy, 2947:12; brethren at Ephesus for worldly gain, 2207. CHRISTIANS: A present menace, 203:1-4; temporarily ceased (A.D. 38-41), 2986:3-5; under Nero, 2229:1-3; varied, 2496; 2502:9-12. JEWS: 368:2-5, 12, 13; 568:1-3; (1893), 1531:5, 6; in Austria (1895), 1898:12, 13; in Russia (1910), 4672:1; prophetic aspect of, 399:5-8. John typical of church's experiences, 3568:19, 27; last members of the body to be special, 5569:9-13; lightbearers come from nominal Christians, 5479:2-6; native brethren in Africa, 4423:16-18; Nehemiah typical, 3675:4-10; Paul did not decrease his fidelity, 2191:13; 2192:10, 11; saints are sins requiring expiation, 5463:11-14; the truth cannot avert foretold trouble, 1372:2, 5, 6; today differs only in outward operation, 5545:4, 5; truth people today expected, 2959:8, 9. Predicted for last members of church, 4870:1, 2; rejoicing in the midst of, 4865:16; 4866:1, 8. Religious: Established by Jezebel, 2325:15; not authorized in Bible, 2363:10; 2364:1. Reward of faithfulness in the present life, 1917:6; scattered the truth abroad, 2959:4, 5; 2960:1; separates from the church the unconsecrated, 4994:9, 17; severe as of old, though different, 5953:1, 2; special, upon last members of body of Christ, 5569:9-13. Tests: Character of all faithful followers, 3617:10; texts that warn us of, 3776:4-12, 17-26. To be: Expected from religious world, 5872:1, 2; punished, 5130:9, 12-14. Today more refined, 4329:5; value of, 801:9. Why: Chiefly from religious leaders, 3130:9; 3131; future glory is dependent on present, 1652:11; 1653:1-4. GOD PERMITS: Church to suffer, 3591:1-3. Increased with increased activity, 1653:10. PERSECUTIONS And: Afflictions of Paul, 4416:3-5; trials essential to Christian development, 4326:1, 2, 10-12. See Trials; Tribulations. PERSEVERANCE In prayer: Essential, 5835:8, 9, 11, 12; 5836:1; virtue of, 5480:10-16. Peter's chief asset, 628:18. PERSIA Possibly the home of the wise men, 1674:9, 10; Socialism spreading to, 3722:14; Zoroaster of, foretold Christ's birth, 1674:10. PERSISTENCY In supplication rewarded, 2653:11. PERSONALITIES Not discussed in Watch Tower, 881:13; 2837:3. PERSONALITY Most precious thing, 1095:6, 10; preserved through death, 1263:3-5, 7-10; 1264:1, 2, 6, 7. PERSONS Three, in God, false theory, 367:16, 17. PERSUASION Of gospel, right and wrong, 687. PESTILENCE (Psalm 91) Defined, 112:6, 7. Foreseen by: A Congregational minister (1894), 1612:3; Brother Russell, 1245:6, 7. In end of age, 879:2-5; manifestations of Satan's power, 2189:7-11. Of: Destruction, church delivered from the, 3331:11. Saints delivered from the noisome, 4926:1; walketh in darkness, 3332:2; will mingle with anarchy of the time of trouble, 1805:16-18. See Calamities; Earthquakes; Famines. PESTS Created by Satan, 1685. PETER Acknowledged Jesus as Son of the living God, 5120. Adversary of: God, 5120:7, 8; Jesus, 2658:6; 3340:5; 5331:5, 6; 5483:1-6. Approved for not withstanding God, 2996:7, 8; battles and victory of, 1041:5-7; before the Sanhedrin, 5839:3-6, 10-13; brought the gospel to Cornelius, 2133:4-6, 8-12. Character of: 628:5-10, 17, 18; 3367:8, 9; changed, 2571:6, 7. Characteristics of, 2449:10-12; Christians in early church prayed all night for, 2139:8; claimed as first pope of Catholicism, 812:4-6; class, how they differ from Judas class, 3760:1-4; comes to Jesus on the water, 2650:2; confesses Jesus the Christ, 3788-3790; 4645:1, 2; conversion of 3000 Jews by, 2090:1; converts the first gentile, Cornelius, 1451. Courage of: After receiving holy spirit, 2930:6; became his weak point, 5563:1-3; in preaching the gospel, 5840:3, 8-12. Crucified, asked to have head downward, 5563:12; declares his love for Jesus, 2806:9. Delivered by: Angel from prison, 3003, 3004; prayer of church, 4346, 4347. Discourse of, at the Pentecostal blessing, 2089; dissembling of, on one occasion did not mar his apostolic work, 1526:7; Dorcas raised to life by, 1450; explained his visit to Cornelius to apostles, 2996:3-8; faith of, tested by walking on the sea, 5095:12, 13; gave Jesus the glory, an example to Christians, 2933:9-11; given the keys of the kingdom, 3789:7-10; 4645:7-10; good confession of, 1760; healing of cripple by, accredited to necromancy, 2939:16, 17. Heals: A lame man, 1421; and resurrects the dead, 4335:8-10; 4336:1, 8. Holy spirit changed, 4307, 4308; home of, of oriental build, 3314:5-7; how Jesus rebuked, 3434:7, 8; "I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven," 1525:4, 7; identifies Jesus as Messiah, 2656:7. Jesus: Gently reproves, 2807:25; prophesied respecting, 2808:6, 7; 4184:2; questions the love of, 5052:9-11; 5053:10-14. Lord's warning to, 1987; love of, questioned by the Lord, 4183:15; loyalty of, tested, 3367:8, 9; manner of death of, 2808:6, 7; meek and teachable, 5096:1; mother-in-law of, cured of fever, 3310:9; mouthpiece of Satan, 2287:12; noble, yet impulsive, 4711, 4712. Not: A pope, 2657:11; the foundation of the church, 812:10; 1760:6, 7. Pentecostal sermon of, on restitution, 5831, 5832; 5838; points to eight elements of Christian character, 1114; 4808, 4809; power of the holy spirit upon, 4307:6; preached Christ to the Jews, 2089:10. Proclaims Jesus: The Christ, 3339:10; to Jews as their only Savior, 2940:1-3. Questions to, by the risen Christ, 1823; raises Dorcas to life, 1450; 2988:7, 8; rebuked by Jesus after resurrection, 941:9-11; receives the truth respecting the Messiah, 4116:8, 9. Refused: To receive homage, 2989:7; washing of feet by Jesus, 2201:1, 2. Repentant, forgiven, 4169:9, 10; represents a class throughout gospel age, 4908:2, 5-8; rewarded for a little faith, 4618:1-3; sank with the waning of his faith, 5095:12, 13; Satan desired to sift him as wheat, 5563; sin of, differed from Judas', 4907:12-15; 4908:1-3; slept while awaiting execution, 2140:2; teaching of, on ransom, 652:14; triumphs and failures of, 4711:3, 4; turning again to Moses' Law, 551:7, 8; unlocked way to Jews and gentiles, 504:4-6; "upon this rock I will build my church", 1525:3-5; used the keys of the kingdom of heaven, 1760:12; weak on his strong point, 2469:3-6, 8; weaknesses and strength of, 628:5-10, 17, 18; why beloved of the Lord, 3208:1-3. And John: Arrested for preaching Jesus, 4316, 4317; before the council, 1424; were kindred spirits and why, 2933:1. See Judas; Paul. PETERS Dr. Madison, arraigns worldly churches, 2428:8-16, 22; G.M.H., work on eschatology by, 477:7, 8. PETITION To British premier regarding military service, 5929:14-17. PETRIE Flinders, tells of evil effects of European "civilization" upon heathen, 1876:10, 11; 1877. PHARAOH How God: Hardened heart of, 1652:8, 9; 2911:1-3; raised up, 5263, 5264. In: Joseph's time, type of Jehovah, 752:9; 1645:14; Moses' time, type of Satan, 1652:10; 2622:4; 2910:3. Influence of the plagues upon, 5272:4, 8-13; man of destiny, 5263, 5264; and plagues, 5271, 5272. PHARISEE Meaning of word, 4986:6; prayer of a self-righteous, 3841:11; 3842; why and how Paul was a, 3190:4, 5. PHARISEES Arraigned by Jesus, 5389. As: "Elder brother" in parable, 2708:4, 5; great sinners as the publicans, 5464:1-7. Blinded to: The Messiah by prejudice, 4150:1, 6-8; their own needs by dishonesty of heart, 5464:5-7; truth by envy and hatred, 2058:1, 2. Chief persecutors of Jesus, 2939:15; church must exceed the righteousness of the, 5007:4, 7-9; claimed to keep the Law, 2121:9; clergy are the modern, 1035:8, 9; condemned healing on Sabbath, 3502:5, 8, 9; controlled Judaism in Jesus' day, 2236:6; covetousness and pride the sins of the, 5389:6, 7, 10-14; crucified Christ and are crucifying his followers, 1964:1, 5, 9; denounced Jesus and his followers, 3520:6-12; described in parable as unjust stewards, 5436, 5437; disciples warned against the leaven of the, 5111:9-16; grieved at Jesus' democracy, 2706:9; hold aloof from the common people, 3315:5, 6. Holiness: Hypocrites, 2485:10; of, a hypocritical formalism, 4858:5-8. How they: Kept the law hypocritically, 2268:7; sinned against light, 3243:6-12. Hypocrisy: Of, in keeping Sabbath, 3754; the leaven of the, 5390:3-5. Josephus inaccurate in re, 2611:6; modern Presbyterian variety of, 1035:8, 9; opposed to healing on Sabbath, 3316:11-14; pictured by elder brother of prodigal son, 1459; 3360:5, 9; seek to entangle Jesus, 3852:4, 7, 8; 3853, 3854. Why they: Hate the Lord and Christians today, 3786:5-10; opposed Jesus, 2757:3, 5. And: SADDUCEES: Doctrine of the, 432:10, 15-18; sought to entrap Jesus, 4687. Scribes despised sinners while sinning themselves, 5426:8, 9, 16. PHASES Of kingdom, spiritual and earthly, 286:17-20. PHENOMENA Physical, in prophecy, 534:11-16; psychic, Christian's attitude toward, 2540:1-3. PHILADELPHIA Meaning of word, 504:3, 4; Roman Catholic liquor dealers in (1895), 1765:10-15. PHILANTHROPY Gentleness, etc., may be veneer, 2432:13; 2433:1-4; of today adulterated, 2459:3, 4. PHILIP And the Ethiopian eunuch, 1438; 2110:4-6, 11, 12; 2964:10, 11; 2965:1, 2; 2966:3, 4; 4332-4334. Brought the truth: Of gospel to Samaria, 2960, 2961; to Nathanael, 3483:2-4. Cast out demon from Simon, 4329:7, 14; converted the Ethiopian eunuch to Christianity, 4332-4334; daughters of, in what sense they prophesied, 2222:6-9; 4467:2, 3; example to believers today, 2965:6-9; (his) method of preaching, 2571:8, 9; 2572:5; of a business turn of mind, 3503:3; preaching of, at Samaria, 1433; transported by spirit, 372:13, 14; why so much used of the Lord, 2964:4-6. PHILIPPI Paul: And Silas as convicts at, 1556; specially loved and ministered to by the church of, 5810:2-6. Rioting against and imprisonment of Paul at, 4400:8-11. PHILIPPIANS Paul's love letter to the, 2227:3-5. PHILIPPINES Oppressed by Catholic clergy, 3141:13, 14; should be sold to Japan Brother Russell thought, 5659:6-11; 5660. PHILISTINES Captured the Ark of God, 5626:4-6, 8-10; Isaac's frequent efforts to please the, 3953:5-9; Israel delivered by Samson from the, 4088:1-8; 4089; Lord fought for Israel against the, 5627:13; overcome by David, 3230; two hundred, murdered by David to obtain a wife, 5663:2-11. PHILOSOPHIES Pagan, entrance into Christianity, 359:4-10. PHILOSOPHY Human, not to be mixed with divine message, 5557:6; 5558:1, 8; 5559:10. Of: heathen, denies the resurrection, 3563:2, 3. RANSOM: 47:8; 62:4-9, 16-23; 251:20-24; 381:9, 10; 391:18-20; 587:1-7; 4578; and covenants not essential to sanctification, 4716:3, 4, 12; not essential to understand, 2873:6, 7, 10; not understood by all the justified, 4648:2, 3. PHONOGRAPH Gives us a hint as to the resurrection, 1935:8. PHOTO-DRAMA Announcements, advertising properly solicited for, 5729:14-18. Appreciated: 5447:13-17; 5451:5, 6, 12. BY: Catholics and Protestants, 5434:1-7; 1400 prisoners (Letter), 5668; 10-14. In Newfoundland (Letter), 5968:6-8, 13-17. Attracted to truth through the (Letter), 5590:22; 5591; (Letter), 5610:20-24; (Letter), 5882:9; belief in spiritism corrected through (Letter), 5744:19-23; brought class of twenty-four into the truth (Letter), 5744:10, 15-18; colored friends offended because of segregation in seeing, 5434:9, 11-16; delay in presentation of the, 5338:1, 2; delivered her from the demons (Letter), 5773:15-19; description of the, 5410:7, 8, 16, 17; donations to, not to be despised, 5513:13-15; endorsed at Hot Springs convention (1913), 5270:17-21; further progress of the, 5433, 5434; great blessing, 5515:4-9. In: London seen by 403,000 (Letter), 5648, 5649; Norway and Sweden (Letter), 5649:5, 9-14. Means of co-operation in furthering the, 5456, 5457; prepared for foreign lands (Notice), 5610:15. Purpose of: And Lord's blessing on the, 5433; to free from Babylon, 5479:11-13. Put on self-supporting basis, 5682:8, 9; ready for the larger cities, 5420:9; result of the work done by the, 5761:1, 2. Shown: IN: British West Indies, 5656:8-10, 15, 16; theatres after regular performance, 5729:12, 13. Stimulating Bible study, 5468:11-13. Success: IN: Europe of the (Letters), 5609; London (Letter), 5580, 5581; Switzerland (Letter), 5581:17, 18. AND: Opposition to the (Letter), 5590:10-14; trials in exhibiting the (Letter), 5763:8-13, 18-20. Successful experiences in re the (Letter), 5582:9, 13-21; taken to Europe (1914), 5502, 5503; trials, duties and obligations in re the, 5513, 5514; work slackened temporarily (1914), 5602:7, 8. PHOTOGRAPH Of: Bible Students in Palestine, 4676; Pastor Russell at 59, 4733. PHOTOGRAPHS Of: Watch Tower readers requested, 3741:8. PHOTOGRAPHY Use of, in astronomy, 1317:3, 4. PHRENOLOGY As related to Tabernacle arrangement, 4028:16, 17; 4029; bearing of, on character development, 5158:4-8, 11-13; connection of, with growth of new creature, 5149:2-4; explains drawing power of God, 5201:1-7. PHYLACTERIES Of the Jews, 4052:9; 4053:1, 2. PHYSICIAN Christ not a painless, 1692:7, 8; 1693:8; disproves evolution theory, 4846, 4847; says most insanity is obsession, 3602:13, 14; they that be whole need not a, 2260; 2591:11. PICTURE Type, figure: terms defined, 5966:3-5, 10. PICTURES Law sacrifices were, 72:1. See Types, Figures, Symbols. PIERCED "They shall look upon me whom they have," 1948:9. PIERSON A.T.: Editor of "Missionary Review of World" on foreign missions, 2112-2115. PIETY Needed more than enterprise, 4231:16; 4232:1; no such thing as "wonderful" or "eminent", 1528:3; none exists where the simple precepts of morality are ignored, 1631:6, 7; personal, contrasted with external activities, 3234:7-13; true consists of faithful study of and loyal obedience to God's will, 1528:3. See Godliness. PILATE Acquits Jesus of charges, 3555:7; characteristics of, 2470:13. Course of: Explicable, 3368:1-3, 7; not iniquitous, 3895:2-6; with respect to Jesus, 2312:19; 2313:1-3. Declared himself innocent of the blood of Jesus, 5570, 5571; discerned chief priests' envy, 2785:6, 7; found no fault with Jesus, 2785:10; impressed with Jesus, 104:1-5; 2471:6-11; Jesus before, 1809; Jesus' witness before, 2785:7, 10, 11; made effort to shield Jesus, 2786:1, 2; reputed report of, to Caesar regarding Jesus' death, 1366-1368; sought Jesus' release, 4713:1-5, 8. PILGRIM Fathers, see Fathers. Service: Begun by the Society September 1st, 1894; 1702:4-6, 12-15; further explained, 1714; in re certificates of introduction for (1894), 1702:12; 1706; 1720; list of pilgrims in (1894), 1746:2. OF: Editor, 97; H.B. Rice, 121:8. Report of first year (1894), 1746:1-4; reports of, 346:7-9; request for, 2672. Visits, distributing the burden of entertainment during (Letter), 5914:8-10, 20-23; 5915:1-8. PILGRIM'S Progress, written by John Bunyan in prison, 2182:7. PILGRIMS Advised to avoid letter-writing, 5142:4-7, 14-17; certificates of introduction for, 1702:12; 1706; 1720; compensation of the, 311:3, 4; conduct of, should be above reproach, 4263:5, 7-9; entertainment of, has Scriptural precedent, 2262:1; letter by Brother Russell in 1912 to the, 5040; not to be entertained by those out of harmony, 5161:6-8; of W.T.B. & T. Society listed, 2829; proper conduct of, in the church, 4263:5, 7-9; regarding the entertainment of, 5868:2, 6; relation of, to Brother Russell, 6006, 6007. Should: Encourage colporteurs, 4243:9-13; 4244:1-5; limit public discourses to one hour, 5255:6, 11, 12. To be reported by classes for deflection, 4821:7; warning against flattering the, 4243:13. And: Elders in what sense ordained, 5940:7-19; strangers, spiritual and natural Israel are, 2230, 2231. See Colporteurs; Elders. PILLAR In temple of God, overcomers made, 505:2-4. PILLARS Of the earth, 1813:6-9, 14-25; 1814:1, 2. PIT Bottomless, symbol of oblivion, 1233:4; means the grave, 828. PITTSBURGH Church meetings (1883), 184:7; 450:6; convention (1886), 851, 852; "Gazette" publishing Brother Russell's sermons, 3311:2, 3, 6-10; "Press" comments favorably on Vol. IV, 2234:7. PITY Love for enemies, 1330:11; 1331:9; 1693:12; lowest form of love--the love for the weak and degraded, 1535:2, 10; third form of love--the love for the fallen and sufferers, 1670:2. PLACE Holy, what it is, 178:2-5, 9, 10; in chart and tabernacle types a condition, 294:7-12; reconciling of the Holy, 159. Secret: How we hide and rest in, amidst persecutions, 1788:2-11; of the Most High, divine protection in the, 4925:8, 9. Plague: 511:2-17; Black, in China and India (1911), 4846:4-7; Bubonic, its ravages in 1897, 2105:6. Seventh: (1883 view), 511:2-17; Armageddon, 377:9, 10. Tenth: UPON EGYPT: Israelites' first-borns passed over, 5272, 5273. PLAGUES Caused by Satan, 1685. Egyptian: Antitypical meaning of, 155:1-13; description of, 3994, 3995; 5271, 5272; duration and purpose of, 2911:4, 5; explanation of, 5271:8-10; first three shared by Israelites, 5272:1-3; prefigured the time of trouble, 3994:3-6; significance of, 171:2-5. Of Revelation: 5697:11; (1883 view) 497-499; 509:8-11, 17-20; fifth and sixth (1883 view), 509; see Volume VII, 497:9; seventh (1883 view), 377:9, 10; 511:2-17; symbol of the fall of Babylon, 1573:9. Upon: Nominal Christendom, 183:10; the Philistines, Ark brought, 5626:12-14. Will mingle with the anarchy of the time of trouble, 1805:16-18. See Moses; Pharaoh. PLAN Of the Ages: Arranged in times and stages of development, 3317:10, 11; Christians alone understand the, 2712, 2713; Christ's death and resurrection all-important in the, 1246-1248; definite, 628:1-3, 11-16; discovery of, assisted by many human instrumentalities, 1584:12; divine, 209:1-3, 8-10; 256:3-18; gradually unfolded during gospel age, 658:3; 2208:4, 5; harmonizes Bible, 24:14; illustrated, 271-276; outline of the, 22:10; 698:7-15; 716:12-15; reveals God's love, 21; secret to all but one class, 2208:2-5; seen and believed by but few, 3590:5-7; successive stages of God's, 628:1-3, 11-16; where found, 4:21, 22; why revealed now, 1867:5, 6; will be marvelous to all when understood, 5535; world can understand the divine, 966:23, 26. PLANE Human, abandoned at consecration, 772:2, 3. Of existence: Contentment on each, 613:2. Spiritual, attainment of dependent on (1) begetting, (2) quickening, (3) spirit-birth, 1512:8. PLANES L and K on Chart of Ages explained, 5060:7, 8; of beings in God's universe, 456:8-10, 17-19; 458:1, 2; 828:1. PLANETS Lessons of earth to reach to other, 3920:10. PLANS Human vs. divine, 961:4-7. PLATO Philosophy of, absorbed by early Christians, 2610:12-14; 5126:1-3; responsible for teaching immortality of the soul, 3382; 3774:1. PLEASE His neighbor, let everyone, 5556:8-10; ourselves, we ought not to, 4927:14. PLEASING God first, man afterward our proper attitude, 5540:8-10; is it pleasing to God for one who knows the truth to live a moral life merely? 1672:4-7; our neighbors for their good, proper method of, 5412. PLEASURE Can saints enjoy worldly, 966, 967; children should be taught the hollowness of worldly, 1672:2, 3; earthly, we are called to sacrifice, 4402:1, 2; foregone by Christians while training for a throne, 4287:1; God's, statement of his will and good, 1781:6-35; 1782:1, 2; how far Christians should sacrifice, 5656:11-14. Lovers of: In last days men shall be, 2461:3-5; more than God, a proof of the end of the age, 5413:2-6. Texts showing what is God's, 1272:12-18; 1273:1-5, 22-28; vanity of earthly, 1532:4-10, 14-16; and wealth modern idols, 5351:6, 7, 10-15. PLEASURES Worldly: Can saints enjoy? 966, 967; Christian's attitude toward, 5482:7-9; not for the saints, 1790:7, 8, 13. PLEIADES Heavenly seat probably in, 2075:7, 15-17; probable residence of Jehovah, 5710:3-5. PLINY His view of death, 1060:10. PLOW Putting hand to, looking back, 541:11-13. PLOWMAN Shall overtake the reaper, 1161. PLOWSHARES Beat swords into, 269:3. PLURAL Pronoun for modesty's sake, 2645:7, 8. PLUTOCRACY Remedy for, 1244:3, 5, 6, 11, 12. PLYMOUTH Brethren, error of, 631:14, 15. Church, Brooklyn: 1893, refuses to support hell-fire missions, 1495:2, 3, 13; views of Lyman Abbott, 1202:5, 6, 8. PNEUMONIA Cure for, 5691:9, 10. POEMS A Beautiful Robe, 56; A Bruised Reed, 880; a Cup of Cold Water, 2458; A Disciple's Prayer, 5230; A Free Salvation, 440; A Gracious Prince! 1530; A Happy New Year, 571; A Heathen Poem, 1614; A Little Child Shall Lead Them, 3919; A Little Talk with Jesus, 81; 3556; "A Little While", 301; 731; 2568; 5586; A New Leaf, 1611; A Royal Service, 2254; A Saint in the Shadow, 1240; A Savior and a Great One! 1615; A Sermon for Children-The Rose, 1986; A Thought, 1027; A Token of My Covenant, 5820; A Visit to the Heavenly Court, 2475; A Word to Christians, 502; Abide in Me, 2034; Acquaint Thyself with Him, 969; "All My Springs Are in Thee", 2297; All Things New, 1064; All Things Work for Good, 3794; All this Be Thy Portion, 1748; Almost Home, 5477; "And Sitting Down, They Watched Him There", 5837; "Are ye Able?" 5033; Are Ye Able? 5479; Are You Watching?, 2899; As Moments Pass the Kingdom Nears, 5790; "As the Father Loveth Me", 1475; As Unknown and Yet Well Known, 65; Ascend, Beloved, 138; Aspirations of a New Convert, 2436; "Aspirations of the Royal Priesthood", 2168; "At All Times", 1295; At Close of Day, 1491; Awake, My Soul, Awake! 5698; be Patient and Submissive, 5180; Be Patient, Brethren, 4468; Be Ready; For the Days are Evil, 5899; Be Strong, 4101; "Be Thou Faithful unto Death", Be Vigilant, 369; Behold the Bridegroom! 1636; Beyond the Shadows, 3621; Beyond the Vail, 5050; Birthday Greetings, 4604; "By Myself Have I Sworn", 3645. Caesar's Friends or Friends of Jesus? 1013; Called, 5926; Calmness of Truth, 5127; Calvary, 2167; Castles in the Air, 5832:11; Christ All in All, 1112;Christ in the Heart, 5352; Christ Jesus a Gracious Prince, 1530; Christ Our All, 573; Christ, Our Passover, 4358, 4359; Christ's Disciple, 401; Clear the Way, 940; Coming By-and-By, 761; Communion with Our Father, 4529; Confidence, 5190; Consecration Prayer, 178; Contentment, 2111; Count Them Daily, 1915; Courage! Press on, 1127; Covet Earnestly the Best, 2078, 2079; Cowper's View of Restitution Glory, 2057; Cumbered with Much Serving, 610; 2184. Day By Day, Hour By Hour, 5539; Dedicated to Brother Russell, 5110:6; Deeds, Not Words, 5028; Defeat of the Assyrians, 4833:12; Deliverance, 1288; Discipline, 5143; Divine Love's Consummation, 4771. Earth's Jubilee, 771; Ecce Homo! 5995; Encouragement to Faithfulness and Progress, 2429; Endurance, 895; 1979; Entering in, 1102. Face to Face with Trouble, 1537; Faith, 1053; Faithful over Few, 1625; Faithful Servant, 1431; Falling Away From Steadfastness, 2218; "Father, Glorify Thy Name!" 1467; Forgiveness, 5290; Formal Prayer, 5205; Forsaken, But not Forever, 2464; Free Bondsmen, 2026; Friendships, 3105; "From Glory unto Glory", 1284; Full Consecration, 348. Gather All Thy Children Home, 2688; Gethsemane, 5208; 5214; Give Me Submission, Lord, 4290; God Holds the Key, 1870; God Is Good, 1202, 1203; God Knows, 230; God's Burdens, 1441; God's Inheritance, 5007; God's Love to Me, 204; God's Perfect Peace, 4760; God's Ways Not Man's Ways, 4607; God's Will Is Best, 5372; "Good for Those Who Love God", 2367; Groaning Creation, 696; Grow in Love, as well as in Knowledge, 2297; Growing in Grace, 808. Have Faith in God, 684; He Calleth for Thee, 2254; "He Careth for You", 1385; He Knoweth the Way That I Take, 5218; He Restoreth My Soul, 1074; "He Seats Her on His Throne", 9; He Shall Sit as a Refiner, 4571; He That Scattereth Increaseth, 1431; He Thresheth His Wheat, 3899; Healing for Broken Hearts, 2232; Heart Purity, 2011; Heroism, 4438; Hidden Things Shall Be Revealed, 4724; His Grace Sufficient, 1183; His Holy Name to Bear, 239; His Presence, 4076; His Veiled Angels, Guard Thee, 3655; His Will, Not Mine, Be Done, 452; Ho, Prodigal, Return! 3737; Hope, 5258; How Can I Keep from Singing, 708; "How Long, O Lord, How Long?" 5991; How Readest Thou? 402; How To Live, 537; How We Learn, 826; How Wonderful, 5895; Humanity's True Support, 630. I am My Beloved's, 1507; I am the Way, 1288; "I Surrender All", 4071; I That Speak Am He, 2646; If We Had but a Day, 1837; I'll Do My Best, 2331; In Everything Give Thanks, 5572; In His Likeness, 700; "In My Name", 1667; In Pastures Green, 5255; In the Garden of the Lord, 3665; In the Presence of the King, 4034; In the Wilderness, 3642; "In the Winepress Alone", 3293; In Thee I Trust, 4787; Is This Your God? 921; It Is Not the Deed We Do, 5040. Jesus of Nazareth, 843; Jesus Shall Reign, 3154; Jesus, the Burden-bearer, 5119;Jewish Hope, 1300; Joyful in Tribulations, 4603; Jubilee Recessional, 2200; Judge Not, 1516; Just For Today, 3293; 4283. Kept For the Master's Use, 2923. Laborer, Go On, 835; "Launching the Ship", Adapted, 4506:6; Lead Me, 1564; Lead Thou Me! 1912; "Let Us Draw Nigh with a True Heart", 4295; Let Us Go Forth, 379; Let Your Light Shine out! 1886; Life and Death, 3169; Life Only through Christ, 673; Life's Storms Are Passing, 950; "Like As a Father Pitieth", 5795; Little Opportunities, 3993; Living for Jesus, 1338; Lo, I Am with Thee! 2450; Longing for Home, 2780; Looking for Home, 1258; Looking unto Jesus, 2472; Lord, Choose My Cross for Me, 3606, 3607; Lord, This Vow that I Have Taken, 4270; "Lord, What Wilt Thou Have me to Do?" 3221; Love's Alchemy, 5758; Loving Submission, 4300. Mahanaim-Two Hosts, 4805; Martyr John Brown, 1050; "Master, Say On!" 776; Mortally Wounded, 2253:4; Mountain of the Lord, 144; "Much Remains to Conquer Still", 1123; My Beautiful Secret, 3487; My Comfort, 1246; My Confidence, 5085; My One Talent, 1193; My Peace I give unto You, 2238; My Prayer, 595; "My Presence Shall Go with Thee", 5577; My Sacrifice, 125; My Shepherd, 979; My Song, 103; My Trustful Obedience, 4610. Nearing the Goal, 4708; New Blessings Be Thy Portion, 1748; New Year's Hymn, 999; No Cross No Crown, 4851; 5532; Not Now, My Child, 4057; Not Till Then, 1936; Now His Will Is Mine, 2417. O Christ Our Immortality, 1934; O Glorious Day, 4834; O Heart, Be Strong, 2013; O'er Take Us on Our Journey. Lord! 2282; Of Welcome by Sister, 4424:8; Oh, the Depth of Divine Wisdom! 1407; Only a Few More Tears, 2630; "Only Waiting", 21; Our Bow of Promise, 916; Our Elims--To My Beloved Pastor, 2552; Our Greeting, 4457; Our Heavenly Home, 4444; Our Master, 721; Our Monthly Spread, 819; Our New Name, 288; Our Path to Glory, 358; Our Pathway, 3700; Our Sufficiency Is of Christ, 4099; Our Teacher, 186; Out and Into, 786; Out of Babylon the Great, 3409. Palestine, 1508; Pass under the Rod, 2881; Passover Proving, 5875; Peace, 5432; Peace Be upon Thee, 1380; Peace! Perfect Peace! 1857; Perfect Love, 963; Perfect through Suffering, 1448; Perilous Times, 313; Philips Brooks, 4518:1; Pilgrims all in Solemn Haste, 5752; Praise Our God, 524; Praise the Lord, 1668; Pray without Ceasing, 1753; Prayer, 3090; Prayer of the Consecrated, 4933; Prepared Hearts, 5506; Press Toward the Mark, 2500; Prodigal, Return! 1460; Put on thy Beautiful Robes, Bride of Christ, 156. Rejoicing Here and Yonder, 2205; Renew a Right Spirit within Me, 1344; Renewed Devotedness, 2086; Resignation, 1434; Rest, 5965; Rest of Faith, 1138; Rest in God's Will, 4485; Rest in the Lord, 1559; 5419; Resurrection, 5975; Retrospection, 1673. Scatter Seeds of Kindness, 2215; SeedTime and Harvest, 5361; "She Hath Done What She Could", 4203; Show Me Thy Face, 4893; So as by Fire, 2794; Some Better Things, 1786; Some Day, 2350; Sometime, Somewhere, 1753; Sometime We'll Understand, 1570; Song of Cyrus' Men, 3140; St. John, the Aged, 635; Still Let our Hallowed Altars Burn, 1914; Still There Is Room, 5326; Strength-Development, 5457; Stumbling Stones or Stepping Stones, 3446; Sunshine over All, 749; Sweet Day of Rest, 4262; Sweet the Hour at Jesus' Feet, 2270. Take Time to Be Holy! 1810; That I May Know Him, 1739; The Angel of Gethsemane, 3785; The Angels' Song, 2238; The Army of Gideon, 5707; The Bible, 2375; The Blessing of Thorns, 3835; The Bride of the Lamb, 326; The Bridegroom's Dove, 3759; The Carol of the Bride, 5815; The Chestnut Burr, 3744; The Christian's Battle, 4580; The Christian's Goal, 2711; The Christian's Path, 1275; The Church of God, 902; The Church Walking with the World, 406; The Coming Storm, 207; The Costly Pearl, 2890; The Daily Count, 1915; The Daily Cup, 5868; The Day is at Hand, 598; The Dearest Name, 1346; The Divine Weaving, 856; The Divine Word, 478; The Faith that Overcomes, 5661; The Faithful Servant, 1431; The Faithful Servant's Prayer, 993; The Family Welcome, 4424; The Father Himself Loveth you", 1004; The Field of Battle, 4429; The Fragrant Lump of Clay, 4317; The Good Fight of Faith, 5113; The Gospel of Grace, 958; The Grace of God, 5858; The Great Jehovah's Plan, 2945; The Great Pyramid, 1950; The Harvest Call, 5307; The Harvester's Prayer, 1034; The Hidden Cross, 3521; The Jewish Hope, 1300; "The King in His Beauty", 5907; The Light of the World, 2334; The Lily and the Mignonette, 496; The Lord be with You, 5169; The Mark of Perfect Love, 4694; The Master's Touch, 3635; The Messianic Reign, 5943; The Mighty King of Kings, 4187; The Morn is Coming, 3095; The Morning Cometh, 2957; The New Year, 1174; The Ninety-First Psalm, 677; "The 1906 Conventions", 3856; The Old Decanter, 2533:10; The Only Begotten, 2519; The Peace of Christ, 1876; The Perfect Copy, 3505; The Pilgrim, 2199; The Pilgrim's Wants, 3311; The Plan of the Ages, 1901; The Potter's Hand, 464; The Praise Belongs to Him, 4960; The Prayer of the Consecrated, 910; The Present and the Future, 1367; The Promise, 1924; The Refiner's Fire, 5264; The Reformer, 1360; The Rest of Faith, 1138; The Rose, 3883; The Sacrificial Loaf and Cup, 5195; The Secret of a Happy Day, 2153; The Secret of His Presence, 647; The Secret of the Saints, 623; The Secret Place, 5799; The Servant's Path in a Day of Rejection, 4508; The Seventh Trumpet, 1214; The Shadow of God's Hand, 3927; The Solitary Way, 5395; The Soul, 1020; "The Stone Witness", 4142, 4143; The Sweet Brier Rose, 4377; The Temple of God is Building, 3601; The Tempted and Tried, 490; The Thought of God, 5934; The Time is Short, 2551; The Time, My Soul, is Short, 5227; the Tone of Voice, 5639; The Trial Hour, 4688; The True Church, 1497; The Truth Shall Conquer, 2314; The Two Words, 5100; "The Voice is Nigh Thee", 1353; The Waiting Ones, 1229; The Waiting Virgin, 134; The Watered Lilies, 2870; The Wilderness Path, 3977; The Year Before Us, 5158; There Were Only Two or Three, 1667; These Many Years, 1703; This is My Will for Thee, 4718; Thou Knowest, 2889; "Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace", 1857; Three Gates of Gold, 4922:2; Through a Needle's Eye, 4658:12; Through Favor of Our God, 1521; Thus May He Bless and Keep Thee, 4823; Thy Kingdom Come, 427; 3204; Thy Truth is my Shield and Buckler, 46; Thy Will Be Done, 1153; 3007; To Be Willing, 4915; "To Obey is Better Than Sacrifice", 3357; "To the Feet of Him", 4192; "Transformed", 3952; Tried in the Furnace, 5321; Truly Beautiful, 5138; Two Years More, 5136. Unfinished Music, 1023; Unto Him Belongeth All, 2678. Wait on the Lord, 390; Waiting and Watching, 195; Walking in the Narrow Way, 2544; Watch and Pray, 5287; "Watch Tower", 38; We Reap What We Sow, 818; We should Seek Him, 1497; We Work Together, 629; We're Dear to God, 337; What a Triumph of His Grace It Will Be, 3277; What Became of a Lie, 2342; What Does It Mean? 4923; What Doth It Profit? 2995; What of the Night? 1318; What Shall I Render unto the Lord?" 5221; What the Prince of Peace Might Say, 1716; What We Should Seek--Christ, 1497; What Would Jesus Do? 2021; When That Which Is Perfect Has Come, 114; "Where Art Thou, Lord?" 1353; Who Loved Me? 516; Whom Will Ye Serve? 1013; Why Should I Fear? 4790; "Within the Vail", 4156; Words and Deeds, 631; Wrath, 586. Ye Are Christ's! 1217; Yet Will I Rejoice in the Lord, 5762; Yield Not to Fear, 1144; Your Father Knoweth What Things Ye Have Need of, 4021. Zion's Glad Songs of the Morning (11 hymns), 1925-1934. POEMS Of Dawn ready for sale (May 1912), 5024:1; and Hymns of Dawn, 1239; "as profitable as Dawns", 1211. POETRY Bible abounds in, 1812:12, 13, 21. POISON In the heart a foe to Christian development, 4584:1-3, 5-7. POLAND Expulsion of Jews from (1893), 1534. POLES Form an independent American Catholic Church (1894), 1700; some receive the truth (Letter), 1345:8-12. POLISH Not to be mistaken for love, 4917:8-10. POLISHING Necessary to Temple class, 4297:12-15; of Christians pictured in diamond, 2405:2-6; yields beauty and grace of character, 3656:1, 2. POLITENESS Conduct of, in Christians, 3194:5; either polish or pure love, 4918:4; mistaken for fruits of the Spirit, 5115:9; of men vs. fruits of spirit, 4619:1-7; sometimes a veneer, 2226:2, 3. POLITICIANS See the approach of Armageddon, 5062:6-12. POLITICS Activity of the clergy in, 1756:7-10. Christian: Endeavor entering (1895), 1864:3; viewpoint of, 1096. Christians should take no part in, 424:7, 8; 1563; 2003:5, 6; 2785:11; church's duty with respect to, 3112, 3113; ecclesiastical, 3419:18-23; evil-speaking and conscienceless, 4762:13-20; foe to Christian development, 4765:17; generally to be avoided by Lord's people, 4156:1. In: Religion a part of Jewish history also, 4710:12; the pulpits, 887:7, 8. Methodism in (1895), 1858:6, 7; nominal church entering (1895), 1818:15; of Christians, 1096; preached by ministers, its fruitage, 2107:1; Roman Catholicism in, 2727:1-5, 8, 9; Romanism in New York City (1894), 1682; universal suffrage compared to a lighted candle in a barrel of powder, 1621:8-12. And: Babylon, 1897:19; Religion mingling, 3107:4, 5, 7, 8. POMPEII Impression of, in 1891, during Brother Russell's tour, 1377:2-4. POOL Medicinal waters of Bethseda's, 3500:2-4, 7; of Siloam, water flows in, 2946:9; should the saints play? 1942:17, 18; and billiard tables introduced into the Y.M.C.A. (1896), 1942:15-18. POOR Church's privilege in providing for the, 2932:5, 6; condition of the, 706:10-15, 26, 27; contributions to the 917:2; duty of rich to the, 620:8, 11, 12; economy needed from the churches 3781:9-12; excluded from the churches --a Japanese view, 1700:1-3; how Papacy "loves" the, 1765:6-9; in this world's goods encouraged, 1605:1, 2, 8; not wanted in modern Methodist churches? 1825:16; 1832:6; one of the Lord's (Letter), 608:12; providing for the Lord's (Letter), 5812:17-21; remembering the, 583:1; susceptible to pride as well as the rich, 1920:8; to have Watch Tower free, 706:17, 18; viewpoint of the, 683:5-8; ye have always with you, 4702:11; and rich, struggle between the, 3923, 3924:1-8. POPE Attends coronation of Czar, 486:3-5, 9; blamed for disruption of Concordat, 3652:2, 3; blessed Spanish warships, 2136:6; blessings of, bring disaster, 1859:12-14; Brother Russell a? 1535:9; 1536:9, 10; bulwark against Socialism and Atheism, 2369:9; Charlemagne crowned by the (800 A.D.), 1093:11; claims infallibility when he speaks "excathedra", or officially, 1526:6; coffers filled, 285:6; Czar of Russia wishes to be Jerusalem's, 987:1; declares the Bible to be verbally inspired (1894), 1625; decorates Prince Bismarck, 823:14; encyclical of, Leo XIII (1894), 1704; English Church union and the, 1791:9-13; figurehead, 3381:6; finds United States too free, 2921:1; first declared infallible in 1870, 1993:14; given copy of U.S. Constitution, 1050:8; gives blessing on spread of Gospels, 3652:8-12; jubilee of Leo XIII (1888), 1002; Leo X pronounced the soul immortal, 3602:9-12. Leo XIII: Encyclical of, 1704, 1705; in purgatory, 3227:9; 3228:1, 2; President of U.S. expresses regret at death of, 3227:2-4. RECEIVED GIFT FROM: German and English rulers, 989:4, 1062; Pres. Cleveland, 1050:8. States Catholic view of federation, 2018, 2019. Luther, "The German," 1094:4-7; observes ceremony of feet-washing, 2450:7; offers prayers for conversion of Protestants, 1824:9-11; 1825:1, 2, 10; on the question of trusts, 3603:1, 2. Pius X: Commended for his loyalty to the Bible, 4772:15, 16; controlled by Cardinals, 3881:8-12; denounces modern theology, 4074:8-17; instructs Catholics to read the Bible, 5003:2; open criticism of, 3881:8-12; reformer, 3645, 3646; seeks to be at peace with Italian king, 3636:11-14. Recognized by Justinian in 534 A.D., 1093:9; refused to recognize Church of England, 2046:9; Satan Romanism's real, 1991:10; seeks temporal power in Rome, 2784:16, 17; 2785:1, 2; sends Dr. Raupert to America to oppose Spiritism, 4404:12-20; 4405, 4406. View of: Civil power, 1049:14-18; liberty of conscience, 1049:8. And: Emperor have united policies, 3532:4; France disagree, 3557:7-10; 3558:1-10; Italy's king (1888), 1001. POPES Infallibility of, 54:14; less humble than Peter, who refused homage, 2989:7; prophecy regarding the character of next two, 3228:12, 13. POPULARITY Of: Jesus with common people, 575:3, 4; truth not to be expected now, 1564:5; 4469:8. Opposed to gospel of Christ, 468:5, 6, 11; we seek it from one source, 110:1; vs. conviction, 468:5, 6, 11. POPULATION Alexander Campbell's calculations on increase of, 1713; classified religiously, 535; density of, 85:5-7, 19; 86:10-14; entire, plenty of room for, 2775:6, 7. Of: Race through Noah's sons, 2846:2, 3; the earth 20,736,000,000, 3626:14-18. PORTER "To him the porter [the holy spirit] openeth", 1647:5. PORTRAITS Painted by spirits, 3567:10-26. PORTUGAL Catholicism brought revolution to, 4845:12-22. POS Rev. De Ronden, in bondage to Babylon, 2266:7-12. POSITION Of consecrated determined at end of race, 4921:4, 8, 9. POSTIONS In the: Church arranged by the Lord, 5321, 5322; kingdom arranged by Father, 3362:3-6. POSITIVENESS When it is essential, 4416:5. POSSESSIONS Earthly, not the Christian's life, 2130:11. POST Cards, see Photo-Drama. POSTAL And express rates increased, 2957:1, 3, 7-9. POST-MILLENNARIANS Error of, 470:1, 2; on Lord's return, 531:11; 532; views of, 4:8-19. POTATOES Turned to stone in 24 hours, 3312:13. POTIPHAR Joseph's character revealed in dealing with, 3973:1, 2. POTTAGE Esau sells birthright for mess of, 5198; healed by Elisha (2 Kings 4:38-41), 558:7. POTTER Bishop: Establishes saloon in New York City, 3418:5-8, 11; prayer of, for peace and the Millennium, 3627:12, 13. Has power over clay, 589:12-14; 1225:9-12; new creature's molding compared to work of, 5081:1-3. POVERTY Conducive to Christian living, 3534:11-13; how prayer assists in, 1865:14, 15. In: England, 3147:8, 21, 22; Germany appalling, 2255:5, 6. POWER And privilege of prayer, 1864-1866. Civil: As viewed by Papacy, 1049:14-18; typified by Abraham, 3408:4. Earthly vs. heavenly, 1919:7-9, 14, 15; Jehovah not now exercising his, in every matter, 1272:5-7, 9-11; 1780:15-20; 1781:1-5. Of: Christ is complete, 51:19; 61:4-14, 19-22; death held by Satan, how, 1271:6; 1683:8, 11; 1684; 1685; 1687:8; 1779:16; faith, 1719; God unlimited, 118:9-11. THE: Lord Jesus to forgive and to heal, 1921; Papacy, 319:4-11. Operation of, in the divine plan, 1681:12-14; our faith in God's, strengthened by modern inventions, 1935:5-9, 11. Political: Control sought by church federation, 2144:6-11; of churches, increasing, 2091:6, 7. Resurrection, now at work in the church, 5060:11-13; secret of all, in the work of the Lord--the holy spirit, 1917:3-5; spiritual, lost to Christendom forever, 777:17; subtle temptations of, 2016:4, 5; symbolized by horns, 96:1. Temporal: Of Pope abandoned, 3636:11-14; Papists say Rome will have, 1027. To preach and teach, but no human authority, 2066:6; 2067:1-3. POWERS Of a perfect man beyond our conception, 1683:12-14; proconsular, are not imperial, 2132:4-9; procreative, to be eliminated, 2836; psychic, sought by ministers, 4251:1-6, 13, 14. Subject to: Applies to earthly matters, 4317:7-9; interpretation of, 1440:1; 5840:9-11. PRACTICE Of the spirit of Christ aids in seeing his doctrines clearly, 1593:16; 1594:1. PRAISE Jehovah, the saints shall, 2737; of Hezekiah for deliverance from death, 3589:7, 8; our causes for rendering the Lord due, 1402; thee, therefore my lips shall, 5435, 5436; to God from the wrath of man, 5061:1, 2, 8, 9. PRAY Always, meaning of admonition to, 5835:4, 5, 10; children of believers may, 952:10. For: All men, Christians should, 1235:3-5; enemies, 798:13; 1569:7-9; what Christians may, 202:1-5, 10-15; 3407:2-4; 4913:2-5, 10-13; 5311:6-10; 5480:13; 5481:9; 5624:6, 8-11; 5833:10-14; 5835:1-3; whom we may, 2008:10-12; 5204:5-10; whom we should, 1410:1-5, 15, 16. How and for what church should, 3588:8-10; in harmony with Jehovah's will, 1998, 1999; 2864:8; Jesus teaches his disciples how to, 1945:9; 5832-5835; teaching children to, 799:9; 952:10; that your flight be not in the winter, 590, 591; who may pray to Jehovah, 94:1; 2252:3; 3805:3, 4; 3806:3, 4; without ceasing, 3136:11, 12; 3351; 3551:1-3; 3806:1, 2; 4419:4; 4883:3-7, 13, 14; 5203:15-18; 5709:8-11; and watch lest ye enter temptation, 3178, 3179. PRAYER Agonizing in, unnecessary, 5203:6-10; aid to health, 3925:1, 6. Answer to: Often delayed for our good, 3787:6-8; 4983:12-14; 5203:9-11; should be marked with gratitude, 5481:13, 14. Appropriateness of public, 2023, 2024. Asking: AMISS: 798:12; unfavorable results of, 3216, 3217. What ye will in, conditional, 1999:1-11. Attitude in, considered, 5312:1. Berean questions on, for: January, 1906, 3698:7; February, 1906, 3715:4; March, 1906, 3733. Book the authority of Anglicans, 1213:9-12; brings visions of coming glory, 2659:11; by Russians for victory over Japs, 3441:4, 5, 10, 11; children of the consecrated have privilege of, 5833:5; consecrated alone have the privilege of, 5201:8-10; 5692:4-11; co-operation with God in answer to our, 3656:6; 5708:2, 3; Daniel's habit of, 2501:10, 11; defined, 90:22; 2251:3; 5200:4, 5; develops the higher faculties, 5311:14-16; difference between importunity and vain repetition in, 5020:1-5; discussed by ministers, 3443:7-10. Distinction between: Supplication and, 5835:7; thanksgiving and, 5835:6; worship and, 5692:1, 2; 5833:9. Effect of, upon others, 746:6-16, 20-22; effective only if we abide in the Lord, 5311:4, 5; essential to Christian living, 2501:11; 2883:19, 20; 5201:12-14. For: All men, why, 1235:3-5. DELIVERANCE: From trial is proper, 5498:2; of Peter, proper for church, 4346:11; 4347:1-4; proper and improper, 4346:11; 4347:1-4. Forgiveness, 3803:1, 6, 7. HEALING: Improper for sacrificers, 4433:4, 7-10; not sinful, 378:12-15; of others, 798:11. Kings and rulers, 5204:10-16; 5205:1-4, 9, 10; light essential, 653:3, 4; one another, 585:2-4, 12-14; 4625, 4626; 5204:2-4; our own healing is taking sacrifice off the altar, 1689:4, 5, 9-11; special manifestations of Lord's favor improper, 5961:1-5; temporal blessings improper, 1998:13-15; 1999:1-11; 3588:8-10; 5202:9-16; 5745:7-10; their children may be offered by Christian parents, 1865:12; unconsecrated and even our enemies proper, 1569:7-9; what we may offer, 202:1-5, 10-15. Forgive us: As we forgive others, 3806:10, 11; 3807:1; 3982:6, 7; our debts (Matthew 18:21-35), 2665-2667; 3806:10, 11; 3807:1; our trespasses, 3352:11. See Forgive. Fruitage of, 670:3; God hears all humble, contrite, 1945:5, 6, 8; God's manner of answering, 2526:1, 6, 7; 3494:8-10. How it: ASSISTS IN: Business cares, 1865:13; poverty, 1865:14, 15. Leads us to know God, 1532:2, 11. Importunity in: 3353:10, 11; Acceptable to the Lord, 3786:11, 12; 3787; appropriate, 4347:1-4; is not vain repetition, 5020:1-5. Inappropriate at political meetings, 2023:20; indispensable to spiritual life, 2213:12; instant in, 917:1; interruptions in, how to overcome them, 5746:6, 7; is the soul's sincere desire, 4883:3-6. Jacob's: Model one, 2865:5; prevailing power of, 1634; similar to Lord's prayer, 3969:4. Jesus realized the value of, 2649:7, 11; links us to heaven, 23:4, 5. Lord's: Explained, 91:1-3, 8; 1864:11; 1945:10; 2252:8; 2253:1-3, 5-7; 3352, 3353; 3805-3807; 4560:4, 8-11; 5379:6-8, 14-17; merely an outline, not as a form to repeat, 4984:9; model for Christians, 2004:14; 2005:1-7; 5022:2-5, 11-14. Manner of: 90:11-13; dependent upon circumstances, 2251:6, 10, 11. Means of: Avoiding temptation, 5201:2-8; escape in crisis in Christian's life, 5603:8-13; purification, 2022:4, 7-14. Meetings: Aid to Christian growth, 3090:9-12; abolition by Christendom of, 2883:14-20; attend Babylon's, and let your light shine (1894 suggestions), 1650:17-19; in I.B.S.A. and in Christendom compared, 3449:11, 16, 17; once every quarter advantageous, 5384:3-6; pastoral advice in re, 5384, 5385; uniform topics for regular, 4833:4-8; what is purpose of, 597:3-5; Must be fervent in spirit to be acceptable, 5745:4-6; natural attitude of human mind, 5833:7; necessity of, 1656:14; 2004:13; 5311:16; 5312:1. Need: Not be long, but simple and earnest, 4560:2-4, 8-11; 5022:1; of persistency taught by Jesus in parable, 5707:6; 5708:1, 4-6. Nehemiah's: 1495; lesson to Christians, 2525:11-14; 3663:6-12. Not: An excuse for negligence, 23:2; merely petition, but also invocation, adoration, communion and thanksgiving, 1580:20; the world's privilege, 2644:2. Object and manner of, 90:11-13; 797:15; 5219:6, 9, 10; occasions for, 2006:2-7. Of: A: Sinner different from that of a son, 2251:5; sister for her husband's consecration answered, 3787:9, 10. Christian Scientists for healing, 3187:10, 11; consecrated when heard, 3103:6. ELIJAH: For rain not promptly answered, 2332:13; 2333:6; heard by Jehovah, 4740:2-5, 7-11. FAITH: And full submission, 3529:2-4; has power, 3787:4-10; shall save sick, 2007, 2008; 4099. Hezekiah answered, 2382:8; 3588:1, 2, 7; Jacob a model, 2865:5. JESUS: For passing of cup, 3367:1, 2; was for church and not for world, 3551:4-6; 3552. Penitence by David, 1396; the Pharisee contrasted with prayer of publican, 3841, 3842. On bended knee repulsive to preacher, 3286:8-13; only through Jesus comes privilege of, 5200:17; 5201; our blessed privilege and its blessed results, 1937:9-11; pictured by incense, 17:4. Power of: To defeat the foe, 3582:4-7; to help in business cares, 1865:13. Principles of the Lord's, 1945:10. Privilege: And power of, 1864-1866; 4875:6, 10; 5310, 5311; for Christians, 4419:3; 4984:8; 5021:8, 11-13; 5200:6-9, 14-17; 5201:8-10; 5219:12-14; 5378, 5379; 5480:1-5; 5692:4-11; 5833:5, 6; 5834:12, 13. Proper: ATTITUDE OF: Christians in, 5624:6, 8-11; the body in, 5385:5-7. Subjects for, 5202:9, 10, 17; 5203:1-5. Propriety: In time, place and manner of, 3640:4, 5; of continuing in, 4346:11; 4347:1-4. Province of, 797-799; 4983:1-5, 17. Public: 799:12, 13; 5095:6; 5385:12, 13, 16, 17; 5833:15; 5834:1-3; sanctioned by Jesus, 4162:1, 2; should be short and pointed, 5020:15. Purpose of delaying answers to, 3787:6-8; resurrection of world probably in answer to, 1529:3-10; sanctification comes through the Word and not through, 5709:8, 9; Scriptures assembled by Bro. Toole on, 5379-5382. Secret: Advantages of, 489:5-7, 14-16; need for, 489:5-7, 14-16; not properly the only kind, 2252:1; of receiving prompt answers to, 1945:9. Selfish and unselfish, 2005:17; 2006:9; seven requests in Lord's, 136:3, 4. Should be: For spiritual needs, 5745:7-10; only according to God's will, 4913:2-5; 5203:1-5. Sure to bring blessings, 2775:4; things proper to bring to the Lord in, 5708:8-11. To: Be used for benefit of new creature, 5310:11-13; escape trials unwise, 2936:3; the Father a privilege, 3805:5, 8, 9. Vain repetition in: Hypocrisies of, 2005; to be avoided, 2252:4, 6, 7; 5020:12; unavailing, 5708:7. Value of intercessory, 1842:8-11; was the secret of Abraham's faith and obedience, 1624:1. What: God is pleased to give us should be sought in, 1946:1; should be the burden of our, 4898:10; 5709:5, 12; 5710:1. Who may offer, 94:1; 469:1-3, 8-15. Why: Answers to, are often delayed, 1865:9-11; 1866:4, 18; 3353:10, 11; 3841:4-10; 5480:11-13; our requests are granted only through, 3128:10, 11. Will unloose the tongue, 1186:4. Without: Corresponding endeavor is like faith without works, 1972:8, 9; 4913:1; 5692:12, 13; study is unavailing, 653:1-20. Wrestling in: Jacob and Jesus examples of, 3969:10; 3970:1, 2; unnecessary, 5835:11, 12; 5836:1. And: Faith: Power of, in overcoming, 2240:1, 2, 7. FASTING: Benefit to both houses of Israel, 3659; demons cast out by, 5129:10-12; profitable to new creatures, 3006:1. Supplication: trust always rewarded, 3664:4-9; watchfulness essential, 2692, 2693. See Worship. PRAYERS Answers sometimes delayed by heavenly wisdom, 3662:10, 11; 3663:1-5; appropriate for natural and spiritual Israel, 4039:1-3, 13, 14; by Protestants for Catholic Pope, 3328:6-11; cost of covetous, 4876:11; Editor needs your, 2576:1-5. For: Children of the consecrated, 5165. DEAD: Advocated by Protestants, 2681:3-7; Methodists not averse to, 4026:3, 4, 11. Earthly rulers still proper, 3600:4-9; miraculous healing improper, 3012:9; peace contrary to Lord's will, 5554:17-22. Of: Brother Russell are simple, 5709:11; Christ unselfish, 2006:9; Christian, for spiritual, not natural things, 3061:4; 3338:9, 10; 3665:1, 2; consecrated, to be always in harmony with God's will, 3217:6, 7; Cornelius not answered until end of "seventy weeks", 5200:15-17; 5832:12; 5833:1-3; 5834:11, 12. Offered for victory in war unheard, 3393:3, 7; proper and improper, 3807:4-6; unfavorable answers to, 3216, 3217; when we may look for answers to our, 2333:6. Why: God delayed answering Cornelius', 5200:15-17; often unanswered, 1902:13-18. PRAYING For: Kings (1 Tim. 2:12), 798:14, 15; our enemies, 798:13; sinners, 790:2-6. In the spirit defined, 5745:5, 6; to God and to men, 2252:1, 2; and living, 585:6-9. See Watchfulness. PREACH All Christians ordained to, 646:3; 890:5; 1922:3; 1987:1-3; authority to teach and, 2066:6; 2067:1-3; every member of church is anointed to, 1917:13; 1936:15; 2157:2-4, 7-11; gospel to world, 605:2-9; Jesus anointed to, 240:1-3, 9-16; not the gospel, woe is unto me if I, 5893:1, 2, 11; only divinely authorized are commissioned to, 1715:3, 4; Word of the Lord, 3211:1. PREACHER Every member of true church a, 334:8; 670:4, 5; 942:8, 9; 2157:2-4, 7-11; Hebrew, opposed to prayer on knees, 3286:8-13; sees decline of Christendom, 2247, 2248. See Minister. PREACHERS Are blind leaders of blind, 2814; deceived by Spiritism, 266:7; how called, 310:6-9, 18; in Christendom rejecting the Bible, 3015:1-5; lay, despised in apostles' day and now, 2096; living in luxury, 870:12; longing to come out of Babylon, 3625:4, 5. Of: Christendom, some dishonest, 2944:2-4; I.B.S.A., how ordained and sent forth, 5808:4-6; truth to beware of flattery, 3011:11. Professional and sincere, 330:7; should preach the Word, 3373:19; vision and judgment of, spoiled by false doctrine, 4288:1; why there is a dearth of, 3481:1-3. See Ministers. PREACHING By truth people should contain hopeful message, 5213, 5214; character is best way of, 1151:5, 10. Christ: Of envy and strife, 831; should be our business, 4330:9. Colporteur work more important than, 1434:4, 6; courage of Peter and John in gospel, 5840:3, 8-12; every influence we can send out is, 1917:13; foolishness of, 790:10. Gospel: As colporteur, 825, 826; not to be limited to the pulpit, 5893:3, 4, 7, 8. How Christ preached to the spirits in prison, 1678; 4176:10; 4177:1, 2. In: colored business suits inadvisable, 4817:3-5; market places commended, 378:2, 3; this harvest only to seekers, 651:3. Jesus gave sample of good, 3243:1; may be done privately, 476:4, 5; no preaching of value except it be in the power of the holy spirit, 1917:3-5; not always public declaration, 1917:13. Of: GOSPEL: Is our duty, 1128:2-5, 14; to every creature under heaven, how, 1969-1971; 2518, 2519. Peter worthy of emulation, 2930:11; 2931:1-3. One engaged in, tells truth about prevailing type of, 1486:15. Only: Divinely authorized commission for, 1715:3, 4; 5363; proper for those having natural talent, 1848:6. Over the heads of the hearers unwise, 4369:6; practical vs. prophetic, 298:1, 2; principles of modern, as explained by a D.D., 1492:11-13; properly follows anointing, 3711:11-13; propriety in dress when, 4816, 4817; saved through the foolishness of, 3521:1-3; self-love and pride creeping into our, 3478:1; singing is one way of, 1935:1; the word, manner of, 468:3, 4. To: Audience of one not to be spurned, 1973:6, 7, 12-14; others, one may become a castaway, 4810, 4811; 5686:12-14; popular demand, 3757:4-8; shine before men, 5125:8, 9, 17; spirits in prison, 458:7, 8. True, 31:5. Truth: Less important than living it, 4968:11-13; out of season, 3189:2, 3; to women by sister is proper, 5161, 5162; without reward, 4328:4. When an abomination, 2265:14. PREDESTINATION As taught in Presbyterian creed, 1309:8-16; Bible teaching on, 2540:10-13; 2652:6, 7; doctrine of, 403:1, 2; general, not individual, 613:5, 15; not for the entire world, 2376; of damnation inconsistent, 8:7; stated frankly, 1182:14. And: Election, true and false view of, 4213, 4214; foreknowledge, 486:1, 2, 8. See Foreknowledge; Foreordination. PREDICTIONS Of time of trouble, 587:9, 14; 592, 593. PREFERENCES Sacrificed, a form of service, 5557:3, 4, 8, 9. PREHUMAN Meaning of word, 2540:4, 9. PREJUDICE Letters of encouragement to those meeting opposition and, 1843:15, 25-28; we should not needlessly arouse, 2621:8, 9; what it is and does, 947:5. PREPARATION For God's service principally holiness of heart, 1915:12; of God's "chosen vessels", 1915:5-7, 12. PREPARATIONS For war in: Great Britain and Germany (1910), 4697:5-8; the midst of peace, 4573:4-6. PREPAREDNESS Peace policy of U.S. changed to (1916), 5852:1-3. PRESBYTERIANS Do not believe their creed, 1168:2, 6; endorse evolution, 717:6, 12-17; entreated to reject Westminster Confession, 3584:3-6, 8-17; foreordination the back-bone of, 1167; four parties among, 1165:2; free will as taught by the creed of, 1309:19-21; have difficulty in uniting, 3846:1-7; must replace their brains with sawdust? 1308:7. See Church, Presbyterian. PRESENCE Lord's Second: 228:4, 5; began in 1874, 1152:4; brethren not in ignorance of, 598:4, 5; 2198:9; Christendom rejects, 591:8; church awake to, 539:19, 20; 598:4, 5; epiphania to, 2974:3; 2979:10-15, 28-30; 2983:4; evidences of, 20:7-9; 82:2, 3; 748:9-15; 749; first seen by Brother Russell in 1876, 3822:2-6; how and when seen, 513:3-9. IN: Gospel harvest, 223:1-6, 11, 12; 236:7-11, 16-18. KNOWN TO: But few, 3193:8, 9; his servants, 5399, 5400. Paul's teaching on, 665:7-15; proofs of, 123:16-20; 124:1-4; 237:11-13; 348; 554:4-10, 18-20; purpose and work during, 3193:9; reveals errors, 287:10-15; seen by Dr. Joseph Seiss, 3612:6, 8; sign of, 98:1-4; 341:5-7; 555:1; 710:4-7; 4706; spiritual, 546:14; 547:1, 2, 8; strength to Israelites, 4064:1-3; symbolized by Ark of Covenant, 2002:6; taught only in Watch Tower, 546:8, 9, 14; unknown to world, 153:2; 263:1-9; 3355:4-7. PRESERVATION In time of trouble, 1995:3, 4; of identity through death, how, 1263:3-5, 7-10; 1264:1, 2, 6, 7. PRESS Of America: Christianity condemned by the secular, 2912, 2913; power of, in the spread of truth, 4946. UNDER: Control of Wall Street, 4772:1-6. Plate service, how furnished to the world, 4954; religious, is aid to capital, 2043:14; and public to weigh the worth of sectarianism, 4945. PRESSURE Test of Christian character, 3104:1-3. PRESUMPTION In re the daily cleansing of robe, 5924:4; sometimes mistaken for courage, 5539:11; 5540:1. See Faith. PRICE Bought with a, 464:11-13; 3088. Of: A share in the kingdom--our all, 1656:6-13, 17; 1657:1-3, 12, 13; man's redemption paid by Jesus, 710:1-3, 8-11. Ransom: APPLICATION OF: For church and great company, 4601; for church first, 4633:12, 13; 4634; why delayed, 4515:7-9. Church to have no part in providing, 4998:5-8. HOW: It differs from sin-offering, 4493:11-13; 4494:1-3; when, where and by whom provided, 5880. Provided at Calvary, 4493:9; 4905:4-6; sinoffering the application of the, 4493:11-13; 4494:1-3. WHEN: It will be fully paid, 5882:10, 11; provided, when applied, 4819:3, 8-10. See Atonement; Ransom: Reconciliation; Redemption. PRIDE Abominable trait of character, 4898:5, 13; 5185:14-19; 5704:1-5, 10-12; affects rich and poor, learned and ignorant, 1920:8. Among prominent brethren, 309:3; basis of earthly wisdom, 1448; besetting sin, 764:17; blinded the better class of Jews to Christianity, 5926:4, 5. Cause of: Class friction, 5347:13, 14; Satan's fall, 2228:3. Danger to ourselves of, 3337:1-3; 4047:6; 5955-5958. Elders: Hampered in service by, 5347:13, 14; in danger or arrogancy and, 5388:7, 8. Enemy to new creation, 496:5; evil effects of, and how to overcome it--an example, 1481:4-7, 11-13; 1482; false motive for contending for faith, 5057:7, 8; foe of discipleship, 844:8-11; 2450:8, 9; 3595:11-15; 3596; 3832:1-5; goeth before destruction, 3384, 3385; hid the truths of Jesus from the Nazarenes, 5068:6, 7. How: It asserts itself in service, 3363:5, 6; to guard against, 1987:12. In the heart, 5000, 5001; indicated by fault-finding, 1036:4; leading to fall of both capital and labor, 1245:8-10; leads to unbalance and dangerous self-esteem, 5890:4, 5; makes God's conditions seem hard, 1920:3; may lead to murder, 4777:2, 3; most detestable form of, 5001:2-4. Of: Life a detriment, 873:10; 1859:11; religionists a detriment, 2626:8. Prevented the Jews from recognizing the Messiah, 3511:6, 8-11; 4782:3-5; prevents proper apologies, 5125:15, 16; probably led Barnabas to disagree with Paul, 1545:17; 1546:1, 2; prominent factor in continuing the World War, 5805:1-5, 9-11; result of prosperity often, 2382:7; road to destruction, 5704:5, 10-12; selfishness gone to seed; brings chastisements, 1486:8, 16; 1487:1-3; 5185:15-18; sin of the nations, 2306:13-16. Spiritual: Elders and deacons specially tested on, 5956:11-15; danger to Christians of, 5955-5958; foe to Christians, 764:17; how to keep ourselves from, 5958:6-8; rarely recognized by persons infected, 5957:3. Subtle forms of, 5842:11; various manifestations of, 5125:12-16. And: AMBITION: Dangers of, to teachers, 4380:2-5, 7-10; of Jews, reproved by Jesus, 2700:5-7. Charity defined, 2455:5, 6; covetousness sins of Pharisees, 5389:6, 7, 10-14; humility opposed, 2449:12, 13; 5186; power chief dangers of elders, 5185. See Covetousness. PRIEST Catholic: Defies the pope, 939:1-3, 7, 8; foretells the time of trouble (?) (1896), 1969:10-13; former, discloses plan to "make America Catholic", 1517; punished for evil influence, 3924:14-17; speaks before a Presbyterian seminary (1894), 1752:2-4; "unfrocked" and "refrocked", 1626:5; view of, a future Millennium by, 1969:10. High: In antitype, 78:5, 6, 11-14; Jesus the antitypical, 713:6; 2821, 2822; not underpriests, performs all sacrificing, 4620:10; of our profession was Jesus, 5472:2-8; pictured Christ Jesus, 17:5; training to be a sympathetic, 3067; type of Christ, 157:11-18; typified Jesus as the new creature, 5580:1-3; why in type he made two offerings, 4545:12, 13; 4546:1-5. Meaning of title, 31:1; power invested in, 713:5, 6; what the office implies, 713:3-6. And: Bullock both typified Jesus, 3708:5-10; king, Jesus as, 3951:4-8, 14-17. PRIESTCRAFT How it became powerful, 64:4; once more controls all, 1134-1138; opposed to liberty, 1808; 1821. PRIESTHOOD Aaronic: Type of the royal priesthood, 4511:1-5; what it typified, 3951:14-17; will not function in Millennium, 4877:12-14. Consecration of the, 78:5, 6, 11-14; 3280, 3281; means the entire church, 1137:6, 7. Melchisedec: Church are members of the, 5424:2-4; 5922:14, 20; what it typified, 4759:7, 14, 15; why greater than Aaronic, 4511:1-3. Papal, an unwarranted, unscriptural class, 1808:5-8, 12, 13; 1809:1-3, 11. Royal: 12:13, 16-25; church in the flesh is not, 4697:3, 4, 11; future work of, 404:8-11; new nation, 3621:4-6; selected in gospel age, 442:1-5; special mission now is to sacrifice, 3265; to be both priests and kings, 2128:6-9; work of, 86:9. See Brethren; Bride of Christ; Christ, Body of; Christian; Christians; Church, True; Elect; Elijah Class; God, Sons of; Little Flock; New Creation, New Creature; Overcomer; Saints; The Christ. PRIESTHOODS Aaronic and Melchisedec, both types of the Christ, 4759:7, 14, 15. PRIESTS Alone may offer sacrifices, 5638:6-8; are great company, in Papal counterfeit, 355:19. Catholic: IN: France take to "tent-making", 4095:6-9; Hungary have wives and children, 2047:14. Punished in court for denouncing, 3837:15-17. Consecration of, 117:3; duties of, 12:7; Hindoo, how they keep the people in ignorance, 1613:4. Of: Baal, Elijah justified in destroying the, 3406:6, 7; God, training to be, 2879:8, 9; Israel hid the truths of God's Word, 2390:11. Offering strange fire go into second death, 1836; pictured the little flock, 17:2-8; type and antitype, 128:12; unto God, how we are made, 3265:5, 7; wicked husbandmen, 1795. And: False prophets opponents of Jeremiah, 4857:1, 2, 8; Levites, true and false, 3054:5, 7-10. PROPHETS: Err through wine of false doctrines, 562, 563; 4288:1; in antitypical Israel, church are, 292:15; 5616:3, 4, 8, 9. PRIMOGENITURE Law of: Its evils, 1152:2-12; true operation of, 1164:4, 12. PRINCE Means leader, 354:14, 17. Of: Power of the air, 615:1, 2; 1684:3-11. THIS WORLD: Cast out, 2759:1, 2; is Satan, 1684-1686; 3032:2-4. PRINCES All die like men and fall like one of the, 2982:7; in all the earth, 354:10-12. PRINCIPLE Evil always exists as a, 5356:9-11; first essential in character development, 4391:2, 3, 14; is devil merely an evil, 44:7-9; not always at stake when strife prevails in classes, 5929:3, 4, 8; Ralph Waldo Emerson's definition of the value of a, 1507:10; vs. rule, defined, 1045:3. PRINCIPLES May never be sacrificed, 3266:6; recognized are not always applied, 5958:10-12; righteous, reward of, 2087:5-7. PRINTING Will be unnecessary when man is perfected, 1717:7-11. PRISON At Rome where Paul was confined, described, 2229:3; brethren who receive the truth in, 5498:11; doors opened for John and Peter, 4325:3-6; experience of Joseph, 3973:4-12. House: Death pictured as a, 4793:3-5; we are commissioned to preach the opening of the, 3301:4. Sing Sing, letters from, 1512:11; 1513:1-7; spirits in, and how Christ preached to them, 1678; 5043; 5044; who are spirits in, 150:1, 2. PRISONER At: Philippi, Paul a, 2181:6, 13; 2182; Rome, Paul a, 4507. For: truth's sake at age of 14, 5921:9; 5922:1. Russian, also a brother in Christ (Letter), 5783:12-14. PRISONERS Appreciate: Seeing the Photo-Drama (Letter), 5668:10-14; the truth, 3316:1. Encouraging letters from, 1013:3, 7, 8; in Germany, letters from brethren who were, 5782:8-10. See Convicts. PRIVILEGE And power of prayer, 1864-1866; Dawn publications denied second class postal, 2916, 2917. PRIVILEGES Of Christian in giving, 547:6, 7, 10-12; present, of the embryo kingdom, 1580:1-3, 14-17; sacrificing to cease with close of gospel age, 5068:14, 15. PRIZE Fights in a church, 2484:7-12; gained by church through God's mercy, 2001:1-3; mark for, to be viewed from two standpoints, 5080:1-3; only one, during the gospel age, the divine nature, 1668; should be held continually before us, 5082:5-7. PROBATION After death, 545:2; 902, 903; does death end all, 7:5, 6. Future: Arguments against and for, 2062:11, 20; 2063; belief of Rev. C.A. Briggs D.D. regarding, 1313:7-20; 1314:13-15; 1315:1-20. FOR: Fallen angels, 697:1-3, 6; 1679; the dead, 1449. Japanese-Christian view, 1596:11; Mission Board against, 889:2, 3; no license to sin, 691:9; views of a Presbyterian D.D., 1334. Gladstone did not believe it would end with the present life, 1989:1, 2; none beyond Millennium, 726:3-5, 16-19; 763:11, 12; 764:12-17. PROCLAMATION Of Cleveland on Thanksgiving unique, 2091:17; 2092:1-9. PROFANITY Careless living a form of, 5404:8, 9, 14-17. PROFIT A man gain the world, what doth it, 2288:4; 3341:1-3, 10; using the truth for, 2567:1-3; "what, hath a man for all his labor", 1532:4-10, 14-16. PROFITS Nothing to possess gifts of spirit without love, 2203:2; should capital divide with labor its, 1163:3. PROGRESS Causes of present, 1257:3-5, 9-12; 1258:1, 3; hindrances to Christian, 758:2-6. Of: A true Christian, 1528:1-3; 2239:6; light on pathway of just, 512, 514; past 100 years phenomenal, 5153:1-23; present does not disprove man's fall, 1257:3-5, 9-12; 1258:1, 3. WORLD: A theory, not a fact, 4915-4917; leads to discontent, 2351:1-3. Social, in present evil day detrimental, 3024:10-16. PROGRESSIVE Thinker, spiritualist organ, 2180:14. PROHIBITION Effect of, in Kansas, 5762:6-15; future, belief of Rev. C.A. Briggs D.D., 1313:7-20; 1314:13-15; 1315:1-20; Japanese-Christian view of, 1596:11; one Rev. Dr.'s advice to another D.D. on, 1492:8-17; only the Millennium will bring it for all mankind, 1863:6-9; proves a blessing to Kansas, 3967:3; sentiment growing against, 4096:9; views of a Presbyterian D.D. on, 1334. See Socialism. PROMINENCE Of: Brother Russell in public eye a trial to some, 4824:1-3, 10-12. PROMISE Seed of: Fulfilled primarily in Jesus alone, 1386:15; how church becomes part of, 1386:15, 16; medium of God's blessings, 1436:3, 4; Satan's efforts to destroy the, 5847:13; 5848:1-4; who are, 134:6, 8, 9. PROMISES "And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way", 1753; blessed assurances, 1585. Earthly: Made to natural Israel, 4051:1-4; vs. heavenly, 874; 2129, 2130; 4071-4072. Exceeding great and precious, 297:11-17; 2138:8-12; exhortations to activity, 1281:1-6; "He shall give thee the desires of thy heart", 1840:6-9; "I am thy shield and thine exceeding great reward", 1905; incentives to faithfulness, 5862:9-13; 5863:1-3. Of: Ancient worthies earthly, of church, heavenly, 5859:2-11; consolation amid suffering, 28; encouragement to the bride, 1820:8-10; 1821:1, 2; salvation for world traced through the ages, 4939:4-8, 13-16; spiritual Israel are heavenly, 4072:1-4, 9, 10. Should become living realities, 1885:8-10; spiritual, Old Testament contains no, 4675:4-6. To: Earthly seed, 11:17, 18; him that overcometh, 1719:5, 6. THE: Bride present and future, 4784; church, 717:1; 1141:2-16; 5244:15-18; 5245:1, 10, 11; church obtained through patient endurance, 5332, 5333. "When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee", 1857:2, 3, 9. See Restitution. PROMPTNESS In: Attending meetings (Letter), 5487:13-16. PROPAGATION Intemperate, a sin, 1631:9; of race not the sin of Adam and Eve, 2836:5; reckless, a form of insanity, 1413:8-11; should be limited by ability to provide, 2513:8. POPERTY In land discussed, 1170. See Wealth. PROPHECIES Explained in "Day Dawn", 94; false, of Totten and Dimbleby, 1974-1979. Fulfilled: But discerned long after (Letter), 5525:17; despite destruction of God's Word, 3614:5, 6. Fulfillment of conflicting, 2402:2; gradual unfolding of, 5565, 5567. How Jews: Interpret Messianic, 2256:10-12; stumbled over Messianic, 3192:1-5. Jesus uttered, in the Temple, 4942:7, 8, 12. Of: Amos opposed by the clergy, 3423:9; 3424:4. DANIEL: And John related, 662:1; respecting Babylon's fall, 2498:1-4; respecting Messiah fulfilled, 3630:2-4. Jeremiah burned, 3614:5, 6; Old Testament for Christians, 598:7; times and seasons correct, 188-190. Proving Jesus' lineage, 468:2, 9, 10; relating to Jesus, 98:5; 350:1-4; 436:1-7, 14-24; 2089:6, 7, 9, 10; 2149:14-17; relating to Jews, 107:1-12. Respecting: Jesus' humiliation and exaltation, 4731, 4732; violence to Paul, 3182:2, 3. Sealed to nominal ministers, 588:16; 589:2. Time: 124:1-4, 7-14; 180, 181; correct, 188-190; first seen by Brother Russell in 1876, 3822:2-6; Lord expects us to discern, 2981:8; of divine plan, 124:1-4, 7-14; proof of correctness of, 223:1-6, 11, 12. Twenty-four elders represent the, 180, 181; 4346:8. See Zionism. PROPHECY As understood by Congregational minister (1894), 1611, 1612; being fulfilled unnoticed by Jews, 5007:1-3; by Habakkuk, of last days, 622; call to Christians to aid in fulfilling, 2039:3, 4; Christ's death and glorification necessary to fulfill, 1394:2, 3, 6-9; Church Federation fulfills, 4610:3; 4611. Clergy: Disbelieve it, 1418:7-11; 1419:1-12; oppose, 3423:9; 3424:4. Date 1878 in time, 474:18; dates in (1874, 1878), 513; delay in the fulfillment of, 4610:3; 4611; demonetization of silver as related to, 2039-2045; earthquakes and cyclones in, 534:11-16; forced interpretations wrong, 11:10. Fulfilled: Proof of Millennial dawn, 6014:1-3; unknown to world, 3901:7. Fulfillment of: Always gradual, 5565. IN RE: Jesus, 436:1-7, 14-24; Palestine, 512. God's view of, 3:6, 7; how interpreted, 59:4-11; illuminated by New Testament, 686:3; is for the church, 66:6. Joel's: Partly fulfilled at Pentecost, 4308:3, 4; two-fold fulfillment of, 2930:5. Nahum 2:3, 4 first applied to locomotives in Jerusalem, 1304:11; need for study of, 481:1-6, 10-14; no persecution can avert trouble outlined in, 1372:2, 5, 6. Not: To be scorned, 481:1-6, 10-14; understood by prophets, 516:7. Of: Amos against ten tribes of Israel, 2356, 2357; 3423, 3424. ELIJAH: Regarding divine judgment, 2326:2; to Ahab fulfilled in antitype, 5741, 5742. Habakkuk regarding time of trouble, 5383; Hosea regarding Israel, 2490, 2491. JESUS: And time of end, 661:1-5. Prof. Buchanan, 1246:1-3, 5-7; Simeon concerning Jesus, 1674:5-7, 14, 15. Presence of Lord based on, 223:14, 15; "Prophetic Conference" criticized, 1872, 1873; 1903, 1904. Regarding: Character of popes, 3228:12, 13; future of Europe, 3162:7-10. Relating to defrauding of farmers, 2044, 2045. Respecting: Exaltation of the Christ, 2935:2-10; Paul's imprisonment, 2223:1. Take heed to sure word of, 481:3; three hundred ninety days upon Israel and forty days upon Judah, 1341:9. Understood: As fulfilled, 38:11. BY: Apostles, 516:7; 2992:1-3; the church, 517:10-12. Value of, in night of trouble, 663:3; why ridiculed, 481:10; wonders of, 662:3; worldly view of, 3:6, 7. PROPHESY Daughters of Philip did, 2222:6-9; 4467:2, 3; your sons and daughters shall, 4467:3-6. PROPHESYINGS Despise not, 4419:7, 8. PROPHET Beast, dragon and false, in Bible symbology, 63:6; 5108; Jesus as, 79:1, 2; 3069:6, 7; "like unto Moses", 1321-1324; 2858-2860; lying (Isaiah 9:15), 295:5. PROPHETS Corroborated Jesus, 442:12. False: Denominations are, 4872:11; for proving of saints, 767:11; in last days, 113:13, 14. None receive full reward until resurrection, 1881:21-46. Not: Greater than apostles, 435:8, 10; members of Christ, 218:8-11. Of: God, angels probable source of information of, 2349:4, 5; Israel ministered to church, 4881:1-3. School of, instituted by Elijah, 2341:1; songs of restitution, 541:4-6, 14, 15. Sons of: Picture of earthly class, 5772:1; typify theologians, 558:4; unconsecrated Bible Students, 4757:12. Spake as moved by holy spirit, 2521:5; speak of time of trouble, 592:6; why sent to the ten-tribe kingdom (Ephraim), 3463:11; wrote as moved, not understanding, 598:6; and teachers differentiated, 3805:3. See Priest; Priests. PROSPERITY Danger of, to Christian, 526:3; 1759:6, 7; 5802:4, 5; due to war, 2875:14; evil effects of, 1651:2; foe to religion, 3541:9-12; greater test of character than adversity, 2382:7; in America, cause and effect of, 3117, 3118. Of: Israel was of an earthly kind, 4768:1-6, 9-14; Jews typical, 2860:3, 4. Part of, in the time of trouble, 2875:14; was King David's undoing, 3253:3; without righteousness injurious, 4729:11-13. And: Adversity: How church should view, 4730:6-8, 11; depression, periodical, 4016:6-10. PROTECTION Against: Adversary by taking the Vow, 4191, 4192; time of trouble, suggestions for, 5854:8-10. Divine, should not lead to presumption, 5539:11; 5540:1; how we may have God's, 862:7, 8, 13; 3601:9, 10; 3942:6, 7; 4252:5, 6, 11; 4379:7-10; 4926:2, 3; 5330:14-17; 5500:2, 3. Of: Our interests no lack of faith in God, 3674:5, 6; the consecrated in time of trouble, 2020:13; 2021:1, 2; the law, Christians have right to, 3124:1-3, 8-11; 4485:9. PROTESTANT Episcopalians and Presbyterians desire unity, 1547:10-12; one real, 1207:5; view of church's mission, 2413:7-11. PROTESTANTISM About as bad as Papacy, 1169:2-4; accepting Romish ritualism, 1009; became an ism early, 1094:7-11; being terribly shaken, 1305-1308; bishop's true description of, 1491; 1492:1, 20, 21; 1493:1-4, 8, 9; bowing to Papacy, 743, 744; Catholic survey of, 489:8, 9; Christian union vs. unity, 1504; Church of England gives power to, 4109:2; 4196:8-15; clergy and laity becoming infidels, 1417-1420; councils of, 695, 696; daughters of mother harlot, 595:11; 743:10; decline of, 512:1-3; 4719:19, 20; 4720:1-4; formation of, 321:11-20; hospital full of incurables is, says a D.D., 1476:1-5; how it is losing its protest, 1311:13-15; image of Papacy, 65:1-14; 322. In: America waning, 2538:2-5; France differs from American, 2679:18-23; 2680; Germany split over the divinity of Christ, 3783:1-8, 11-14. Likened to a cerberus, 3975:10-13; losing ground says Dr. Lorimer, 2946:2-8; New York Presbytery supports Dr. Briggs' heresy (1892), 1489:11; not to unite with Catholicism, 2018, 2019; organizing into the image of the beast, 4689:26; 4690:1-5. Papal: Advantages over, 1129:9-12; spirit in, 926:4, 10. Persecution of truth by, 325:12-15; Presbyterian D.D. convicted of heresy (1892), 1489:1-5, 9, 10; reasons for its decline, 1137:11; Rev. R.H. Newton's views on, 2679:1-6; sale of indulgences by, 554:15-17; seeks union with Catholicism, 813:3-6, 11, 12; sins of, 183:5, 6, 8-10; supports divine right of kings, 507:12-17; true view of the church vs. view of, 1573:10-13; 1574; union of, with Papacy in progress, 1355:13, 14. View of: Catholicism in re union with, 596:11; Christ's kingdom by, 5829:5-13. Wants union with Papacy, 1168; 1488:3, 4; without the protest, 743, 744; 853:4, 5; 1094:7-11; 1468; yields to Satan, 680:17, 18. And Catholicism: Failing, yet prospering, 4136:1-9; in Germany, a plea for unity between, 3533. PROTESTANTS Advocate prayers for the dead, 2681:3-7; attempts of, at union with Papacy (1896), 1959:20-23; attitude of Papacy and, toward each other, 1776:3-6; Bishop Foster's new gospel to, 1709, 1710; 1716-1718. Cardinal: Gibbons on reunion with Papacy, 1740:6-13; welcomed by Protestant (?) clergy, 1207. Catholic: Priest speaks before a Presbyterian seminary (1894), 1752:2-4; priests and Protestant D.D.s in Bay City sign a compact (1895), 1766:1-3. Cause of the Reformation is going by default, confesses an archdeacon, 1619:5, 6. Church: OF ENGLAND: Co-operating with other, 5350:1; holds aloof from, 2882:1-3. Statistics of the United States (1893), 1515. Conference between Jews and "Christians" in Chicago (1894), 1758:9-12; Congregationalists install a pastor after he denies the ransom (1895), 1797:7, 8; D.D. says New York churches are a curse (1895), 1825:11, 12; D.D.s refuse an evangelist because he preached second coming of Christ, 1818:16; desire union with Papacy, 1547:9-12; drifting toward infidelity, formalism and ceremonialism, 1919:4, 10; encouraging a military spirit (1895), 1757:7-13; Episcopalians and Papacy (1895), 1859:1, 2; fraternizing with Papacy is wholly to their disadvantage, 1775:4-7; glory of, is in her shame, 1825, 1826; 1832:7-10, 17; have built with wood, hay and stubble, 1205:12, 13; how to test their teachings, 1206:1-4; ideas of heaven by, nonsensical, 1468:16, 17; 1469:1-5; illustration of Papal love for, 1832:1-4. In: Politics (1895), 1858:6, 7; United States no longer tolerated by Papacy, 2061:7; 2062. International federation of, proposed (1895), 1766:9, 10; League of Catholic Unity (1895), 1839:2-7; liberal views of Papacy, 1166:6, 14; love for the "old mother"--Papacy, 1790:6, 9; make overtures to Papacy, 995:10-13. Many: Drifting into Papacy and the Episcopal church (1896), 1919:4; on right foundation, 1205:12. Methodist: Bishop denies inspiration of the Bible (1895), 1797:5, 6; church buys a Congregational church-building, people and pastor, 1593:1. Most inconsistent of all religionists, 1758:1-12; now desire forms of worship rather than settled faith, 1527:11, 12; number of missions and workers in India (1896), 1960:13, 14; one Methodist D.D. begins thinking, 1770:16-19; origin of their clergy, 1128:6, 7, 15; 1129:1-14; Pan-American convention of religions proposed (1895), 1770:6-8; Papacy views her, 1764:16-26; 1765:1-4. Papal: Love for, 1050; recognition of, in Africa, 1090:1-5. Persecute the truth, 2679:21-23; persecuted by Catholics in France, 2679:7-17. Pope: Offers indulgence for prayers for conversion of (1895), 1824:9-11; 1825:1, 2, 10; very solicitous for their salvation (1895), 1769:14, 15. Pray for Pope Leo XIII, 3228:6-11; Presbyterian D.D. calls a Jewish rabbi "a representative of the Almighty God", 1798:1, 8. Progress of: Church federation among (1894), 1739; reunion with Papacy (1894), 1741:5-8, 11-20. Prophetic Conference in Allegheny discussed (1895), 1872-1874; 1903, 1904; proposals for church unity by, 1197, 1198; Protestant mayor and officials of Southampton (1893) attend Catholic mass, 1514:2; purposes and creed of "Evangelical Alliance", 1845:6-16; rapidly preparing for church federation (1895), 1785:5, 10-15; reformation spirit dying, 1134-1138; specimen of Papal love for, 1839:9, 10, 14-17; spread of infidelity among (1895), 1824:3-6; 1831:4-9, 12; support Papal error, 362:11, 12; there will be no union with Papacy, but merely sympathy and co-operation, 1817:5-7; three "satisfactory" opinions of, on the fate of the heathen after death, 1818:13, 14; to receive power from Episcopalians, 4109:2; union of, foretold, 1138:1-3, 5-7; "United Religious Association" (1895), 1858:8; Vatican council for, 993. Why: Church federation will be antagonistic to God and will be wrecked, 1817:7-13, 18; 1818:1-3; impossible for her "scholars" to agree on doctrine, 1832:5, 12; Protestant countries welcome Papacy, 1941:12, 13; they no longer protest, they have rejected the ransom, 1775:14, 15; 1776:1, 2. Will fraternize, but not unite, with Papacy, 1752:5-8; wonderful thing in religion, six D.D.s and a rabbi dedicate a synagogue, 1723; 1758:4-8. And Catholics: Never to become one church, 2046:5, 9, 10; union of, 595:1-8, 10-15. Vs. Papacy in India, 1131:6, 7. See Church of England. PROUD Are now happy, humble are trodden down, 5218:8-13; encourage not the, even though he have ability, 1629:4, 7, 8; find God's conditions too hard, 1920:3; God resists the, 5370:4, 5, 10, 11; in last days men shall be, 2459:9. PROVERBS Probably the latest production of Solomon, 1517:8; quoted in New Testament, 2053:5; some worth remembering, 967:8-10; wisdom personified warns against danger, 1518, 1519. PROVIDENCE God overrules all of earth's affairs, 1561:5-11; God's special, only for the consecrated, 1561:1-5, 11; 1562:1-3, 6-9; 2880:6; marvels of, 917; no special, for the world now, 1560:5-10; 1561:10; of God not in worldly calamities, 2356:4, 5; three limits of divine, 1560:1, 2. PROVIDENCES Of God: Are for the faithful, 1239; best for saints, 3061:2-4; mysterious, 746:6-16, 20-22. OVER: All in due time, 3219:3-5; Moses as a youth, 5250, 5251; the consecrated exemplified in lily, 5220:9-15. To be considered in every step, 5712:1-3; will work for good to Christians, 2130:2; vs. devices of Satan, 614:7. We should look for divine, 5844:3-6. PROVING Of saints by the Lord, 766, 767; 2258; what is truth, 386:4. PROVOCATION Proper and improper causes of, 5124:16-19. PROVOKED Love is not easily, 2204:8; 4918:7-11. PROVOKING One another: For good or ill, 3859:6. TO: Love and good works, 4076:1-7; 4078:1; 5412:16-18; 5978:13-15; strife or to love, 4009:5. PRUNING Of fruitful vines, 477:10; 2465:1-6; 3545:3-5. PSALM 23: Jehovah pictured as a Shepherd, 5653, 5654. 32: Acknowledges divine forgiveness, 3260, 3261. 50: Christendom arraigned in, 3647, 3648. 51: Declares David's contrition, 3254:2; explained, 3600:10, 11. 91 Explained: 112:5-8; verse by verse, 3331, 3332. 126: Pictures return of Israelites from Babylon, 3643:1-3. 149: (1880 view), 82:4, 6. PSALMIST Pictures blessings from God, 5654. PSALMS Higher criticism denies that David is author of, 1418:1-5; Messianic, many are, 3609:1; not to be used exclusively for hymns, 2345:10-12. PSYCHICAL Research, dangers of, 4403-4406. PSYCHOGRAPH What it is and how it operates, 2180:11-13. PSYCHOLOGISTS Discover no trace of soul, 3766:6-10. PSYCHOLOGY Of crowds, 3976:6-9. PTOLEMY Chronology of, 1975:7, 8. PUBLIC Taxed for sectarian charities, 1232. PUBLICAN Matthew a, 2260:2, 3; meaning of word, 4986:5; odium became attached to the word, 3848:9-11; prayer of, more acceptable than the Pharisee's, 3842:7; Zaccheus the, 1783. PUBLICANS Considered as sinners and outcasts, 2260:3; no greater sinners than the Pharisees, 5464:1-7; why Jews hated, 2591:2, 4; 2730:4; 4587:9-11. And Sinners: Attracted by Jesus' gospel, 2260:5, 6; why welcomed by Jesus, 2414:2. PUBLICATIONS Do not ciruculate anything you have failed to comprehend, 1629:1, 2; 1636:3, 4, 12; of Brother Russell described, 6012:8-10. See Books; Literature. PUBLICITY Not always disadvantageous to Lord's cause, 4824:10-12. PUBLISHING Literature of one's own, 1640:12; of pamphlets by brethren disapproved, 4798:13. PULPITS Need religion, says Bishop Foster, 727:4-7; would now be closed to Jesus, 2635:4. PUNCTUALITY A mark of character development, 5187:12-14. PUNCTUATION A recent invention, 506:19. PUNISHMENT Capital: Biblically supported, 5150:12-14; is justifiable, 991:1, 2; Jews were denied power of, 3554:8. Chastisements not always, 5147:1-7, 10-16; divine retributions, here and hereafter, 1653-1655; everlasting, 926:2, 3, 8, 9; 1039, 1040; 2607-2612. For: Evil-doers in Millennium, 722:8. SIN: Is death, not torment, 699:8; may not prevent stripes therefore, 4272:3-6; operative through natural law, 5681:8. Sins committed before consecration, 5933:10, 11; transgressions certain, 5225; wilful sin, 4552:5; wrongdoing improper, 2807:25. Of: Christians proportionate to wilfulness, 5106:1, 2, 7-9; fellow-members not permitted by Lord, 3744:3, 4, 8, 9; wicked, 605:16, 17; the wilfully wicked, 1882:1-6, 15-17. Proportionate to: Crime, 523:11-15; wilfulness and responsibility, 4990:7, 8, 14. Upon Jews: And Christians because of divine relationship, 4902:1, 2; for Jesus' crucifixion not opposed by Jesus, 5577:9-12. Without vindictiveness helpful, 2893:3. PUNISHMENTS To those who recognize and reject the truth, 1743:6. Upon: Natural Israel, 1701:16; 1702:1-3; nominal spiritual Israel, 1702:9-11. PURCHASE Man's, precedes freeing from death, 1286:4-14. PURE All things are: 2516, 2517; 4085:5; unto the pure, 5746:3-5. What it means to think on "whatsoever things are," 1704:2; wherewithal shall a young man keep his way, 2146, 2147; wisdom from above is first, 2263:10; 3604:1-4. PURGATORY Advantage of, to Papacy, 554:13; Catholic teaching respecting, 3606:20-23; correct views respecting, 3228:3-5. Fires of: Burning during Jewish and gospel ages, 1316:7-11. IN: Jewish and gospel harvests, how, 1316:13; 1317:1; Millennial harvest, how, 1317:7. Scriptural, and their effects, 1469:12; will burn in Millennial age, how, 1316:9-11. Millennial age a, how, 1316:9-11; of the great company--the time of trouble, 1470:1, 2; papal jubilee for release of souls in, 1376:7; Pope Leo XIII did not escape, 3227:9; 3228:1, 2; society for delivering the poor souls from, 1392; supported by Protestants, 2681:4-7; true Scriptural,--the Millennium, 1468-1471; unscriptural, 392:10-12; views of Rev. C.A. Briggs, D.D. on, 1313:8-20; 1314:13-15; 1315:1-20. PURIFICATION Begins at heart, 829:4, 5; by fasting and prayer, 2022:4, 7-14; of heart and life, process of, 2094:8-11; our work of, 2671:5-7. PURIFIES Himself, every man with this hope, 829; hope that, 1138; how the truth, 1670:9-11. PURIFYING Sons of Levi, 4708, 4709. PURITY Beecher's view of, amiss, 1061; Congress: International, Brother Russell at, 5360, 5361; essential to Christians, 121:2-4, 10, 11; foundation of the new life, 3045:3; holiness in heart and life, 50:8, 9, 12; how to attain, 1456:9, 10. In: Church as excuse for busybodying, 5274:13-15; word and deed our proper example as believers, 5494:1-5, 9-13. Invites Satan's attacks, 5259:11-13. Of: Brother Russell asserted in affidavit, 6015:1-8; flesh to be earnestly sought, 2022. HEART: And mind the aim of Christians, 4975:2-4; defined, 5123:8-11; first essential, 829:4; 3603:15; 3604:1-3; how to attain, 3735:6-10; must precede service for the Lord, 5258, 5259; obtained through prayer, 3596:2, 3; rather than character perfection required, 5264:11-14; what is meant by, 3114:8. Life dependent upon pure thoughts, 2891:9, 10; mind essential to health, 2014:12-14; 2015:6, 7. Proper reserve between brethren and sisters imperative to, 1586:14-16. See Perfection. PURPOSE Importance of singleness of, 1885:6. Of: Election of church, 24:19; 25:1-4, 11. GOD: Never changes though his conduct may, 4785:14; 4786:1; shall be accomplished, 1023. Judgment day, 34:13-20; 35:1-3, 8-10. PYLES Bro. J.T.D., tribute to Brother Russell by, 6009:1, 2, 11. PYRAMID Account of Pastor Russell's (1910) visit to, 4621:7-9; church pictured as a, 3622:6-10; 5505:11-13; construction disproves evolution theory, 4790:4-6, 9, 10; corroborating witness, 224:13, 14; 225:1-4; Edgar's book on the, 4658:8; God's stone witness, 4953:3-5; great company not shown in, 5060:3-6; jeweled drills used in building, 3620:1; learned corroborations of Brother Russell's findings on the, 4953:3-5; measurements of the, 3451:3-5, 12, 13; Passages: by Morton Edgar, for sale, 5336:5, 14; picture of Christ, 135:1, 2, 6; pictures oneness of Christ, 271:1, 2, 9; Prof. Piazzi Smyth comments on Pastor Russell's interpretation of, 4953:3-5; proves evolution false, 737:10, 11; sign and witness, 525:2; "Ye are built up a spiritual house", 1568:7-11. PYTHONESS Delivered by Paul from power of demons, 5908:1, 2, 7-9. PUZZLES Key, for free distribution, 5079:7.QUAIL
Darwinism possible antitype of Israel's lust for, 5267:6; over-supply, miracle explained, 460:8; 5306:11-15; provided by the Lord for Israel, 4012:3, 5. See Manna. QUARRELS Results of selfishness, 3939:9. QUARRELSOMENESS Not fighting good fight, 1040:8. QUEEN Of Sheba: See Sheba. Victoria: In 1888 sent Pope costly gifts, 1002:7; looked for Lord's coming, 2199:11; nominal ruler, 2177:13-16; reign of, origin of its blessings, 2177:13-16. QUESTION Books, see Books; serious one, 1622. QUICKENING Follows the formation of established character, 1274:1-3, 5; means activity of fixed character, 1273:29, 30; 1274:1-8; "you hath he quickened", 1856:5-7. QUIET Study to be, 2196:7; 5167, 5168. QUIETNESS Who then can make trouble, when God gives, 2058:4-7, 13-15; 5878, 5879. QUIGLEY Bishop, views on Socialism by, 3017:3-6.RABBI
Denies the truths of the Bible, 4689:5-15; denying faith of his fathers, 3008:13-17; only competent one will be the Messiah, 1763:12; 1764:1; recognizes Christ, 2776:8, 9. RABBIS Leading the Jews into infidelity, 1762:4-8, 13-15; 1763:10-12. RABIES Pulpit, 992:11, 12. RABINOWITZ Joseph: Author of Kishenev movement, 1035; Brother Russell visits him in 1891, 1325:2-7, 10-12; Christian Jew, 703:6; converted Jew, 750:7; explanation of Zech. 12:10; 1948:9; letter to Brother Russell (1893) from, 1589:4, 5; message to the Jews, 1559:7; proposes to remove from Kishenev to Palestine (1896), 1918:8; visit of, with Brother Russell in Allegheny (1893), 1559; work for Christianity up to 1890 among Russian Jews, 1302. RACE Christian: For the prize of the high calling, two views of the, 4050:3-6, 11-16. HOW: It must be run, 3070:3, 7-11; the Apostle ran the, 1884, 1885. Some turned from, 292:20-24; why run in the, 2119:13. Human: Bought with a price, 2098:5 imperfection of, 104:6, 7; pre-Adamic, a false theory, 2344:5, 6, 9, 10; to have life everlasting, 143:2. See World of Mankind. Yellow peril to Christendom, 3619:9-12. RACE-COURSE Apostle Paul's example, 1884, 1885; narrow way of Christians pictured as a, 5859:12-14. RACES How to account for differences in, 3043:3-11. RACHEL Type and antitype, 184:4-6, 12-15; types dual feature of original covenant, 4436; typical of sacrificial covenant, 5231:7. RADICALISM Ecclesiasticism against, 992:1-14; not anarchism, 991:11, 12. RADICALS God's instruments, 287:12; mustering for Armageddon, 409:14, 15. RAHAB Deliverance of, typical, 4070:10. RAILROADS E.V. Debs, union leader in, sentenced to imprisonment (1894), 1751:8, 9; from Jaffa to Jerusalem planned in 1890, 1174; labor leader's view of government ownership of, 1676:3-5; murderous corporate greed of, 1209; Nahum 2:3, 4 first applied to trains in Jerusalem, 1304:11; strikes on, as viewed by a labor leader, 1675:18; 1676:4, 5; under construction in Palestine (1893), 1589:14. RAIMENT White: Of overcomers represents justification, 5669:2, 3; significance of being clothed in, 4870; symbol of future perfection of saints, 2159:6. RAIN Elijah prophesied to Ahab a dearth of, 3400:2; Elijah's prayer for, not promptly answered, 2332:13; 2333:6; represents truth, 557:6; showers prophesied by Elijah, type and antitype, 3408:5; upon Israelites after three and one half years drouth, 4740. RAINBOW Covenant, 1614; 5160:4-7; in symbol, 243:4; 529:9. RAINS Early and latter explained, 103:4-7, 9. RAISIN Juice: Appropriate for Memorial, 909:8; 1101:8, 9; inappropriate as emblem, 346:4. RAM In sacrifice symbolizes the seed of Abraham, 5180:13. RAMESES II Ruler of Egypt after Joseph, 2900:8. RAMS Elders defiling the pure stream of water compared to, 5389:1, 8, 9; in type and antitype, 73:6, 7. RANDLE H.A., missionary, accents truth, 2489; 2623:2; 2632. RANSOM 15:13-32; acceptance the ground of Christian fellowship, 3673:1-8, 11-15; affects spiritual classes, 51:3-7. Applied: For world in different way from that for church, 4578:17, 18; to church, 17:12. Attacked by Satan to hold race, 431:1-4. Basis for: Faith, 94:1; forgiveness, 246:32; 247:1-4; justification, 660; reconciliation, 604:2. Begun at Jordan, 3088:8; believed by Dr. Lyman Abbott in 1875; denied by him in 1895, 1792; believers in, are justified, 689:1-3. Bible: Denounces disbelievers in, 918:1; teaching on, antagonizes current theology, 1591:10. Bishop Foster denies, 858:5; broader term than substitute, 1228:6, 7; Brother Russell charged with denying, 4429:2, 3, 6; Catholics deny efficacy of the, 2771:3, 4. Christ: In the flesh not the representative of man, but substitute for, 1600; Jesus the, 428, 429; 1125:3-15. Christ's sacrifice did not cancel our debt but bought us, 1286:4-14; Christadelphian views examined, 1950; Christian's anchor is the, 627:15. Church: Has no part in providing the, 4819:3; 4864; 5622:3; is first to receive benefit of the, 252:19-23; 4633:3-6. Day Dawn published in defense of the, 3824:2, 3; death by crucifixion not essential to, 2467:8; 3901:5, 6; delay between restitution and, 485:13. Denial of: 190:1-3; 464:14-19; 744:8, 15-17; 4578:13-16; final test, 496:9-11; means second death, 431:4; shown by removal of wedding garment in parable, 2302:2; typified by Cain, 2342:6, 9. Denied: BY: N.H. Barbour, in 1878, 3823:10-15; Catholic mass, 2771:3, 4; Christendom, 790:1; Christian Science, 2013:7-9; Congregationalist pastor, 1797:7, 8; contemporaries, 639:4, 5, 9; Day Star, 423; 463; eternal torment dogma, 1026; evolutionists, higher critics, etc., 2135:3-5; Methodist Bishop, 1285:4-8, 16, 17; Sir Oliver Lodge, 3390:5-9; teaching that God creates sin, 1350; Universalism 1452:16; 1453. The light becomes darkness, 4605:12. Difference between belief in and understanding of the, 4578; distinct from pardon, 324:1-10, 13-19; division in the church to be on the, 2183:5; does not cover wilful sin, 723:5-9; 4272:4, 5; efficacious for all, 690:2; Elihu shows the one thing needful is the, 1506:12-14; erroneous views of, 392:1-4; 640. Errors: And denial of, 708:16; 709; on, taught in Millenarian, 640, 641. Eternal torment theory is a denial of the, 1026; evil effects of not avoiding those who oppose, 1482:16-18; 1483:1; Evolution, Theosophy and Christian Science have no use for this doctrine, 1643:13; 1644; "except a corn of wheat die", 1238; explanation of work of, 482; faith must center around the, 4408:11; 4409:1-3; false and true views respecting the, 3390, 3391; first doctrine we should present to the errorblinded, 1496:13; for all, in due time, 33:2; 447:1-4; 1230:10, 14. Foundation: Doctrine, 1582:4-6, 12; 1583:1, 2, 11-13. OF ALL: Faith, 652:2-4; truth, 495:2, 3. Test, 1205:2-8. Four no-ransom: Journals, 1453:3; theories, 1453:3. From: Second death impossible, 763:13; sin, 93:15. Gave Christ power over race, 62:3-9; God's method of atonement, 1176:6-9; 1177:1-15; 1178:1-5; great test of the harvest, 1255:2-4; guarantees resurrection of Sodomites, etc., 5179:9-16; have no fellowship with those who deny, 1860:2-7, 9-12. How: Applied for church, 132:2, 3, 8, 9; Jesus gave himself a, 464:6, 7; 642:3. Imputed to church, later applied for world, 5973:10-14; in Old and New Testament, 652:9-15; includes mother Eve, 2100:6, 7, 9-12; Jesus alone provides the, 710:8-11; 3710:1, 2; 4618:11-13; justice cannot demand a, 848:13, 14; justifies believing sinners, 657:7; key to every truth, 1452:14-16; majority of the clergy have rejected the, 1775:14, 15; 1776:1, 2. Many: Denying, 1255:1-4; saints ignorantly deny, 882:7. Meaning of word, 689:17; 1228:1-4; means of justification by faith, 736:5; most prominent doctrine in Bible, 876:7. Necessity of, 69:12, 13; nominal church (1883) has held to, 516:5. Not: Applied for Nephilim, 3341:6, 7; forfeited by Jesus' resurrection, 690:4; laying aside of spirit nature of Christ, 1298:5-7; 1299:1-6; pardon, but forgiveness, 1058; taken back, 16:13, 14. Objections controverted, 863-867. Of: The church, a false theory, 1589:6, 15; 1590:1-6, 10-13; world still future, 252:19, 20. Philosophy, see Philosophy; pictured by the smitten rock, 1228:8, 9; points to be remembered, 4518, 4519; Presbyterians' hope for unbelievers in, 800; price provided by Jesus, 4905:4-6; proof of God's love, 880:14, 15; proper conception of God's character impossible without an understanding of the, 1583:1, 2, 11-13; Protestant leaders have rejected, 1775:14, 15; 1776:1, 2; prove all things by the, 867:2-4; proves sin's wages is death, 1086:4-6. Provided: BUT NOT: Paid by Jesus' death, 4642:1-4; yet paid to Jehovah, 5891:1-4. BY: Death, not life of Jesus, 687, 688; Logos becoming a human being, 2409:8-11; love, 1681:2-4, 9-12. For Eve, 2100:6, 7, 9-12. Provision and applications of, 4633, 4634; purchase and freeing from death two separate transactions, 1286:3-14; questions on, 495:8-15; "redeemed with the precious blood of Christ", 1810:7-12. Rejected by: Christian Science, 1643:13; "leading" ministers, 948:13. Sacrifice, see Sacrifice; saints are not to wade through no-ransom doctrines to help others out, 1860:7, 10; salvation made possible by the, is a new trial for life, 1598:1, 2; scope explained, 33:2-11, 14-24; Scriptural test of fellowship, 1572:1-11; second death earned in other ways besides denial of the, 5684:7; seven denials of, by a Methodist bishop examined, 1285:4-8, 16, 17; 1286, 1287; shedding of blood not a necessary part of, 1230:10, 14; shown in atonement day sacrifices, 4915:8, 9; signifies corresponding price, 5050:13; stumbling to Christendom, 563:7-14; substitution, 16:3, 4; subtle denial of, 728:6-10. Suffering: Not a necessary part of, 17:17; 1230:14; of Jesus no part of, 4618:5-7, 11-13. Symbolized: 1205:4; by garments of skin for Adam and Eve, 1641:3; 1945:2, 3. Taught in type by Moses, 692:5, 9-14; test upon "both the houses of Israel", 1452:6-10, 14-16; 1453; testified in due time, 258:10; 2126, 2127; through death of Christ, 43:1-22; to whom paid (1901 view), 685; 2822:3-5; true meaning of, 1228:1-4, 10-14; two uses of the word, 4818, 4819; unforfeited by Jesus' resurrection, 823:8-13; views of Beecher on, 430:1-6, 9-13; voice lifted in defense of, 1186:1-3, 15-18; Watch Tower references to the subject of the (Letter), 5754:1. What: CONSTITUTES: A denial of, 4578:13-16; a rejection of the, 4605; the, 79:7. IT: Guarantees, 296:13-15; 2855; 2856; means to acknowledge, 1256:7-17. Why treated so thoroughly in Watch Tower, 708:8, 9. Work: For church, 132:2, 3, 8, 9; of Jesus, philosophy of the, 2476-2478. And: Propitiation and atonement defined, 2052:6, 7. RESTITUTION: First seen by Brother Russell in 1872, 3821:9, 10; meaning explained, 4535:7, 12; 4536; 5872-5874; 5879-5882; two parts of redemption, 4832:4-7, 13-16; 5128; 5972, 5973. SIN-OFFERING: 4426-4429; difference between, 4352-4354. Vs, deliverance, 1589:6, 15; 1590:1-6, 10-13. See Price; Work. RATIONALISTS Theologians becoming, 1792. RAVENS How they probably fed Elijah, 2326:3-5; 3400:4-6; 4731:3-5. READE Charles: Conversion of, 368:1; eulogy of David by, 4223:2. READING Aloud, Jewish custom, 2965:4; daily, a blessing to friends, 5930:3, 10, 11; can we safely read everything? 1025; caution to carefulness about, 4470:6. Of: The law to the people by Ezra, 1498:5-7; no-ransom literature to help others out, unsafe, 1860:7, 10. See Literature; Study. REAL Estate boom in Jerusalem (1890-1893), 1563:2. RE-ANIMATION Is not resurrection, 1106:11. REAP "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also," 1653-1655; 2542-2544; 3859:7, 8; 4902:6-8; 5226:4, 5, 9-12; 5562; 5665, 5666; 5899:1-7, 8-13. REAPER Christ as bridegroom and, 51:14, 15; shall be overtaken by plowman, 1161. REAPERS no relief for the farmers or, 2061:4. REASON Does not reject revelation and miracles, 1763:9, 10; God honors human, 1565:5, 6, 10, 11; 1566:1-5; God's only method of drawing in gospel age, and why, 3305:5-10; how we are to reason with God, 1256:16, 17; 1257:2; infidelity is the worship of human, 1762:15; 1763:5, 7; means of salvation? 1313:3, 4, 9-15; office of, in formation of Christian character and faith, 1565; on Scriptures, 427:6, 7; Rev. C.A. Briggs, D.D. puts it ahead of Bible, 1313:3, 4, 9-20; shunned on Bible subjects, 883:3-5; two extremes--underrating and overrating human, 1566:8-12. See Force. REBECCA In antitype, 51:14-16; type of bride of Christ, 70:13; 161:3-11; 283:8; 1227:2-4; 1386-1389; 2931:8; 3953:3, 4; 4516:3; and Isaac typical of Jesus and church, 5187, 5188. REBELLION Against: Christ typified by rebellion of Israelites against Moses, 2300:2; God mars character, 3240:1-3. Induced by selfishness, 5499:13. Of: Absalom, 2024; Adonijah quelled, 4286, 4287; Israelites punished with fiery serpents, 4048:2, 3; natural and spiritual Israel, 3061:1-8; spiritual Israelites typified by Korah, 3100, 3101. Sin of, 3044:4; world now permeated with spirit of, 5268:12. REBUILDING Of Palestine for Jews, 101:6, 7; walls of Jerusalem and of Zion, 3675:4-10. REBUKE Not an elder, but entreat him, 4598:3, 8, 9; 4977:8-10; with firmness and love, 3865:5-9. See Reprove. REBUKING And restoring to favor, 4364:2, 3. RECEIVE More blessed to give than to, 4526:1-4, 8-10; what hast thou that thou didst not, 5284:1-3, 14-16. RECEPTION At Bethel and Brooklyn Tabernacle (1909), 4395. RECIPROCATION Of God's love by man, 1328:8, 9. RECKONINGS Yearly, of character development, 3000-3002. RECOGNITION Of one another in the kingdom, 3462:3, 4. RECOGNIZE (Optomai), 140:7, 15, 16. RECOMPENCE Giving without seeking a, 3832:6-10; to no man evil for evil, 732:2, 12; 2214:6. RECONCILED To God, how world is, 676:10-12. RECONCILIATION Of World: How, when, to what, 37:1-27; to God is future, 3707:6, 7; 3708. Sample of a letter effecting a, 5467:12-19; through Christ's death, 43:1-13. See Atonement; Ransom. RECRUITING Agents, ministers of the gospel as, 5754:11, 12; 5755:1-4; baits to aid, 4718:3-7. RECTORIES Sale of English, 917:3, 4, 9, 10. RED Cross: Advice concerning donations by the consecrated to (Letter and reply), 5804:14, 15. REDEEMER Flight into Egypt of infant, 1681; is immortal only since his resurrection, 1642:1, 2, 7; Logos, one of his many names, 1514:5; of human race, sense in which the Father is the, 4085:2-4; and mediator, difference between, 4476:1-3. See Christ; Life-giver; Mediator. REDEMPTION Act of grace, not of justice, 5644:1; based on Jesus' keeping law and fulfilling covenant of sacrifice, 5078:19, 20; 5079:1-4; but not salvation will be universal, 5925; by Christ's death, 43:1-22; complete through Christ, 225:9, 16; consecration follows gratitude for, 2723:9; death of Jesus our, 43:1-13; extends as far as the curse, 3654, 3655. For: The church possible before Adam's, 4262; whole world, 555:15. From: Second death impossible, 770:8-12; sin, 93:6, 7, 15; the curse, 587:13; vice and crime through Christ alone, 5360, 5361. God could not die to procure, 735:12-17. Of: All through ransom, 4633, 4634. CHURCH: Is nigh, 127:5, 11, 12; now, of world future, 4998, 4999. Race could have been accomplished by other means, 3707:5-7. WORLD: By Jesus, why delayed, 4964:9-15; outline of God's plan for the, 4682, 4683; time of, 816:11-13. Separate work from restitution, 5462:4-7; there is but one, 769:10, 11. Through: Christ, 164, 165; Christ's blood, 106:7-11; cross, 77:2-16; death of Christ, 101:5, 6, 9, 10. Work: Consists of two parts, 5128. OF: 99:1-4, 11, 12; Christ our means of grace, 2285:3. And Restitution: Jesus' work of, 3754:5, 10; 3755; of race, 252:1-14. REFINER Christ Jesus as the great, 1944:5-10; of gold and silver, the Lord to sit as a, 5119. REFORM Encouragement to those in work of (Letters), 1888:6-9, 14-16; 1889:1-4. Industrial: Crises occur every twenty years, 40:16; necessary to escape revolution, 3966:7, 8, 11, 13. Moral, not work of church now, 2413:9, 10; necessary, or Socialism must result, 4286:7; only field open for Christian Endeavor, 2192-2194; movements, proper attitude of church toward, 1563:11, 15-19; 1564:1-9; spirit of true, 1200; temperance, not church's work, 2413; 9, 10; warfare of new creatures not now for world, 2311:2-4. REFORMATION Among Israelites by King Josiah, 2390, 2391; Babylon's fall will be the greatest, 1572:15; 1573:1-9; in vain without fasting and prayer, 4911:7, 11; merits no reward, 1186:23. Of: Catholicism by Pope Pius X, 3645, 3646. CHARACTER: By surgery, 3774:5, 7-9; how accomplished, 1654:11, 12. The: Abandonment of human authority for divine, 2012:2, 3; began with Luther, 389:14-16; 504:7; development and decline of, 319:18, 20; 1094:1-11; Ezra's commission antityped in, 1484; 3575:6-9; 3579; how Satan retarded the, 525:16; offset by Satan, 681:1-3; protests ignored by Protestants, 854:4; Scripturally called "a little help", 5911:6; spirit of, dying, 1134-1138. True repentance means both contrition and, 2517:8. REFORMERS Correct views of, on the Sabbath, 976:2-5; 1730:11-14; only partially reformed, 985:6. REFORMS Christians' attitude toward, 3112:13-17; 3113:1-5. Not: Due to kingdom of Christ, 5061:1, 2, 8, 9; present work of church, 2413:9, 10. Our sympathies should be with all, 3067:6-15. REFUGE Jews had a city of, 3092, 3093; in time of trouble is God, 2934:4, 5. REGENERATION Of: Race in Millennium, 351:1; the world, how, 1388:2-13. REHOBOAM Pictures the oppression of power today, 5723:10-12; result of Solomon's folly, 2324:8; ten tribes revolted under the reign of, 3384:12; 5723:1-4; victim of environment and luxury, 4722, 4723. REICHSTAG German, Socialism growing in, 2370:11, 12; pastor makes plea for Christian unity in Germany, 3533. REJECTION Of: Gospel message more iniquitous than Sodom's sins, 5076:8-10. JESUS: As head, 4200, 4201; by both houses of Israel, 2297:2-4; how natural and spiritual Israel are guilty of, 3217:1-4; the turning point in Israel's history, 5495:3-6. Natural Israel typical, 2746:8-10; 5503:6-9; Saul preceded his removal by about ten years, 5648:13. REJOICE In: Our redemption drawing nigh, not in world's tribulations, 5813:12, 13; persecution, how to, 5544:8, 11, 12; the Lord always--Paul's example, 1556:8; 3128:2, 3. Saints should always, 1948. REJOICING Church's chief cause for, 2675:9; great company's sufferings will lack, 1699:10. In: Iniquity foreign to love, 2204:10, 11; the Lord, great company pictured as, 5383:8-14. TRIBULATION: 2948:4-6; only Christians can have, 4419:2; Paul and Silas examples of, 2182:4-8; 3123:2, 3; through faith, 4465:8, 9. Letters of, 1038:16, 17. RELATIONSHIP Of: Justified man to God, 1116:5-7; saints to others, 1117:9-12. RELATIONSHIPS Spiritual and earthly considered, 3768. RELATIVES Give the truth to your, 2571:5. RELICS Sacred, of Jews recovered from the River Tiber, 3800:7-10. RELIGION Absent in pulpits, says Bishop Foster, 727:4-7; cause of it perversion in Christendom, 5798:8-14, 21-23; cloak for political intrigue, 5733:2; commercial factor in Wall Street, 3958:1-6; Congregational variety is dying, 1187:2-4; culture is not, 2930:9; decadence in Germany (1894), 1752; 19-23; defined, 2930:9; effect of war upon, 5601:6-13; hampered by prosperity, 3541:9-12; heart religion the necessity, 1581:12; how some truth in all, 1091:1, 2. In: Germany waning, 5369:1-4, 10-16; the home, 4026:14, 15. Japanese view of, in America, 1699; lost in American civilization, 3449:5-10; merchandizing of, a common practice, 4123:3-5; new,...the Christianity of Jesus Christ. Says a Reverend, 1621:16-18. Not: A luxury, 136:9; Christianity, 3366:1, 2, 11. Of: Christ, what it should be, 3839, 3840. Jews contrasted with Christianity, 3731:1-9; Kaiser Wilhelm, 3177; Socialism described, 4204:13-17; 4205. Old system must perish, 3335:5-10; personal views of naval officer on, 3234:7-13; popular vs. Bible, 4152:3-11; popularized, 533:3; pre-Mosaic, 1090:10; 1091:1; senator's view, 1212, 1213. Should be: In the heart, 1240:5; taught in schools? 1191:4, 7. Source of all religions, 1090:8-10; turned into a money-making device, 4123:3-5; used to suppress discontent, 3050:2-5, 9, 10; views on, by a senator, 1212; war's effect upon two classes in the matter of, 5823. What is: Pure, 136:9; true, 73:10, 18. And: Good morals not identical, 3234. POLITICS: Combined under Jeroboam, 3386:7; mingling, 3107:4, 5, 7, 8. The world War, puzzled over, 5587; 1-3, 10; wealth tainted by Rockefeller, 4471:1-5. See Men; Modern. RELIGIONISTS More blind than heathen, 525:13. RELIGIONS Christianity vs. heathen, 820:2, 3; 4981, 4982; five principal ones of the world, 1183. World's Congress of: ADVANCE ANNOUNCEMENTS: (1892), 1475:4, 10, 11; show Babylon's confusion, 1546:9, 10, 13-19; 1547:1-3. Evil effects of, 1647:10. REPORT ON: Christianity in Japan, by two Japanese Christians, 1595-1597; the social and religious life of India, 1601; 1607; 1612, 1613. SOME: Missing cylinders, 1579; reports, 1592. RELIGIOUS Causes of time of trouble, 1690, 1691; condition in Europe, 718:8, 9; 1333:6-13; delusions all traceable to demonism, 3068:4-9; Educational Ass'n, work and purpose of, 3178:3-8, 14-18; Forward Movement, card of church connection for, 4903:10-13. REMARRIAGE One permissible ground for, 1554:11; 1555:6; when proper, 5954:8-10, 15. See Divorce. REMNANT Faithful, prepared to receive Messiah through the revolt of the ten tribes, 5732:7, 8, 10-14; of Israel chosen, 2615:6. RENDER Not evil for evil, 723:2, 12; 3136:6-9; 4418:11; 4419:1; 4584:5-7; 5644, 5645; 5897, 5898; to Caesar his due, to God his due, 5512, 5513; unto the Lord sacrifice and service, 5538:4-6; "What shall I render unto the Lord?" 1673:1-3, 7-10. RENDERING To God his own will cost us all, 5513:12. REPENT God commandeth all men to, 2962:6, 7, 9; why did God (Gen. 6:5-7), 2026:6-9, 13. REPENTANCE Does not atone, 495:20; essential to forgiveness, 3361:8-10; 5681:7-13; from Abraham to Jesus not commanded, 5083; God's love leads to, 78:2; hopeful sign for those fearful of second death, 5452:13, 14; import of baptism of, for Jews under the Mosaic law, 1541:8-11; impossible to renew some to, 383:8; 424:13, 14; 566:9, 567:1-3; 724:14; 872:2; 5041:1-4; involves reformation and contrition, 2517:8; Jesus came to call not righteous but sinners to, 4987:2, 3; John's baptism unto, 1687:5-7; mercy always follows, 3599:10, 11; merits no reward, 1186:23; must precede forgiveness, 1693:6, 7, 11; 1694:1-5, 11-18; of some of fallen angels possible, 5019:8, 9; on death-beds and the reward, 2258:2, 3; preached to the Jews by John the Baptist, 4959:1, 2; seldom found among self-righteous, 3761:7-11. What: Is true, 784:7; 2931:4; 3456:11-15; it means to Christians, 4246:2-6. Works meet for, 747:6; and the kingdom preached by Jesus, 2245:2-4, 7. REPETITION Of same truth a feature of Bible, 330:5, 6. REPORT Church are to be faithful through evil and good, 5774:1-3, 9, 10. REPORTS Convention: By Bro. L.W. Jones, 4469:6, 7, 12. False, on various subjects injuring the friends, 5724:5-7, 15. REPRESENTATIVE Adam's trial was personal and not, 1600:7-10, 21; 1601. Christ: In flesh man's substitute but not, 1600; is not and never will be the, of any but believers, 1601:8, 9. Meaning of, as applied to ransom, 482; our Lord's trial was personal and not, 1600:7-10; 1601. REPROACHES Of Christ our reproaches also, 2316:6-8. REPROBATION Does not mean "selected to go to eternal torment", 1457:2. See Creed, Presbyterian. REPROOF Enduring merited, 850:1, 8; lesson in gentle, 2807:25; may be given by proper conduct, 4978:14; not the mission of the church, 4978:11-15. Of: Brother in power commendable, 2016:5; the righteous assistful to true Christians, 5692:14; 5693:1, 2. When and how to be administered, 4977, 4978; words of, necessary, 1480:5, 11; vs. consolation, church's message, 3434:2-5. REPROOFS Effect of, either good or evil, 4820:3, 4. REPROVE Rebuke, exhort: 822; commission only to leaders, 3211:3; with wisdom and love, 2229:6. REPROVING Of: Sin, Christian's manner of, 2967:3. Works of darkness is proper, 5038:12-14; world of sin, 375:3, 4. REPUBLIC After Millennium, world to be a, 655:6; 2304:8, 9; highest form of government, 5636:7-9, 15, 16; Messiah's kingdom will not be, 5636:12-14. REPUTATION Vs. character, 853:1, 6. REQUIREMENTS Of God are justice, mercy, humility, 5309, 5310; what are the divine, 5408:4, 9-12. RESENTMENT Banished by faith in God, 3981:10; why we should rid ourselves of, 3266:6. RESERVE Between brethren and sisters imperative, 1586:14-16. RESISTANCE By violence no proof of courage, 3136:9. Of: Enemies, Christian's method of, 3738:2-4. SATAN: An effective means of freedom from sin, 5896:11; 5897:1-3; proper methods of, 5184:4-17. Temptation gives strength, 5331:10-12. Positive, aids in overcoming Satan, 3299:9, 10; value of, 632:10. RESOLUTION And decision of new creature must be firm, 3914:6-9. RESOLUTIONS Christians should make good, 2551:10; value of good, 3116:1, 8. RESPECT For persons aside from character sinful, 5886:8; in presenting the truth, 1200:6. RESPONSES Prompt, 1486. RESPONSIBILITY Fearful, of an evil or flippant tongue, 1938:2, 3; increased with light, 722:2, 7; 5075:10-12; increases with measure of perfection, 4786:17; knowledge of truth brings, 49:10; 1466:8-10; 2623-2625. Of: Being a Christian, 3329:10, 18; others not to be taken upon ourselves, 4305:4; personal liberty, 1628. Parental: 2903:3, 4; Eli a sample of weakness in, 5296, 5297. Proportionate to: Knowledge, 2385:15, 16; 3356:12; light and opportunity to obtain light, 1986:1, 5; opportunities, 5386:16; 5387:1, 2; strength to resist temptation, 5701:9, 15. Toward family, 854:12, 13. REST After persecution permits development, 4335:3, 4; come unto me and I will give you, 2625:1-10; day of the Christian, 1731:17; for spiritual Israel in antitypical Canaan, 5314:1-4; 5345:10-15; how we hide and, in the "secret place" amidst persecutions, 1788:2-11. In: Green pastures for little flock, 4279:6-9; the Lord and wait patiently for him, 1840:7-9. Meek and quiet spirit the secret of, 1961:13-15; 1962:1. Of: Canaan for all God's people, 5388; faith, 1658:1, 2, 11, 12; heart, how lost and how regained, 1481:4-7, 11-13; 1482; 1483:1. Only true source of, 785:4, 9, 10; or Sabbath of the new creation, 2269:7-9; ours and God's, 975:3-8; present, of believers, 1446:7; proportionate to faith, 5433; Sabbath of, type and antitype, 314, 315; seventh day of, 1609:24, 25; that remains for spiritual Israel, 4015; vain search of world for, 784:2, 3; word Sabbath signifies, and properly applies to any rest-day, 1733:10, 11. RESTED On seventh day God, 1609:24, 25; 1731:11-14. RESTING At Jesus' feet does not mean idleness, 1754:8. RESTLESSNESS The result of knowledge, 2725:1-3. RESTITUTION After ransom is paid, 455:12; "anastasis", resurrection, restoration, 1509-1512; beginning of, (1875), 123:20; blessings pictured by prophet Elisha, 5780:2-14; 5781; cannot precede church's glorification, 2675, 2676; certainty of, 16:5. Church: shares in, 165. Connection of, with the fall, 1240; deserts blossoming in times of, 1379:9, 17, 18; distinct from immortality, 483; dominion of earth not a glory? 1267:4-7; Elisha's work viewed as blessings of, 5780:2-14; 5781; Ezekiel gives us a prophetic picture of, 4882, 4883. For: Children of consecrated, 534:5-10; church is reckoned, 193:2-13; Israel prophesied, 2503, 2504; past sins, 804:10; the saints, justification its equivalent, 1669:16-18. WORLD: Actual, 193:8-13; to follow release of Christ's merit by church, 5661:1-5. Full meaning understood (1881), 3825:2; hopes found on the Lord's table, 1494:7, 10. How: And when first understood, 513:1-3. IT WILL: Be accomplished in Millennium, 2379:4; rejuvenate the aged, 1969:14-17. Long to accomplish, 86:19. Impossible: For spirit-begotten, 773:18; until church is glorified, 5973:15, 16. Imputed to church, 308:1-7. In: Jerusalem in 1881 to 1887, 1044; Palestine (1889 report), 1206:5, 6. Instantaneous, why not, 1260:5, 6, 15; 1261:1, 13; is call now open to? 2675-2677; Jews were not called to, 2676:9-11; Job's life typical of, 1507:2; justice must be satisfied before the world's, 5293:15-19; length and breadth of, 3409:1-4; life to be restored, 7:8; makes evolution theory ludicrous, 1240:2, 3, 8; meaning of, 131:2; 252:1-14; millions now living will never die, 1669:14; must await selection of the bride of Christ, 485:8, 9, 12; no one called to it during the gospel age, 1668; none are now called to, 3634:7-11; 3635:1, 2. Not: Provided for by Christ's death, 2855; to spiritual life, 30:2. Of: Man to human perfection, 209:1-3; 296:13; perfection waiting for completion of church, 5058:7-9. Operation of love, 2856:5; "other sheep I have" a promise of, 1648:1, 10, 11; perfect man would have power over bacteria, disease germs, etc., 1685:3; physically not due yet, 2901:3. Pictured: By Ezekiel, 47th chapter, 2507, 2508; clearly by Job, 5403:15, 16. Powers of a perfect man beyond our conception, 1683:12-14; preached by Peter, 1422:1-4; premature attempt at, by "foreign missions", 1348:5-8; probable manner of beginnings of, 1529; progress looking toward the promised, 4572:12-15; 4573:1; progressing gradually, 1173. Promised to: Jews, 7:12; Sodom, Gomorrah, Tyre, Sidon, Samaria and Israel, 1618; Sodomites, 7:13-16; 8:1. Promises of, 717:3, 7-11. Proofs of: 130:8, 10-12; 236:1-6; 412:16, 17; 413; time of, 541:4-6, 14, 15. Prophesied: 259:3-10. BY: Ezekiel, 4881:6, 7, 9-11; Isaiah, 542:1, 2, 7-9. Reasonable truth, 235:4-8, 14-17; relates to man and not to earth, 1240:2, 3, 8. Restored: Mankind may communicate with each other without speech, 1604:17; men will probably be mind-readers, 1954:12. Resurrection by judgments, 1853:3-12; 1854:1-8; Saint Peter's sermon on, 5838, 5839; second part of the redemptive work, 5128; signs of the coming of, 4673:16-20; 4674:1-6; some "shall not see life", 1179:5-7; song of saints, 292:18, 19; T. De Witt Talmage preached, 1156:4, 5. Taught: By Elihu, 1506:14; in parable of lost sheep, 2707:1, 2. The Christ to be completed before, 2778:1-4; times of, typified in tabernacle sacrifices, 2676:2. To: Be brought about by rewards and punishments, 5183:1-4; extend to animals also, 2374:5, 6; perfect human nature the world's portion, 334:1-7, 9-14; 5574:13; 5575:1. Total number of mankind since creation, 1669:9-13, 21-23; view of (1879), 16:11; 17:18; 27:12; what it will mean to the world, 4768:3-6, 9-14; when it will begin, 165; 419:1-6. Why: A gradual work, 1260:5, 6, 15; 1261:1-13; it is delayed, 485; obscure before harvest period, 8:2, 3. "With what body do they come?" 1852-1854. Work: Effected by new covenant, 1601:10, 15. OF: Christ's second advent, 3755:1; Millennium, 763, 764. Pictured in miracles of Jesus, 5104:6. World's: Judgment time, 1248; resurrection, 1259:1. And: Election contrasted, 2397:6-10; 2398:1-3; faith healing (1885 view), 748:12-15; 749; ransom made clear to Brother Russell (1872), 3821:9, 10. See Redemption; Resurrection. RESTORATION "Anastasis", resurrection, 1509-1512. Of: Ill-gotten wealth, 2730, 2731; race to perfection, 37:1-27; 131:5, 7-12. See Restitution. RESTORING A brother through prayer, 4625, 4626. See Rebuking. RESTRAINT On intemperance a blessing, 4083:6. RESULTS Of: Fear doctrines miserable, 1122:6-8; spirit of love beautiful, 1122:9-11. RESURRECTION All: In own order, 62:11, 12; live unto him, 1881:14. "Anastasis", restoration, 92:2, 3; 501:15; 360:6-11; 1258-1260; 1509-1512; Bible doctrine reasonable, 1509:3, 4; Brooklyn clergy expresses nonsensical view of the, 1508:18; 1509:1, 2; called in question concerning the, 4499:9-11; chief doctrine of early Christians, 601:8; Christ's birth, death and, three outstanding events, 1631; Christadelphian views regarding the, examined, 1950; 2337; condition of individuals when awakened in the, 4985:14; considered, 2337:10, 11; 2338; correct view in re the, 2795; David and all the prophets believed in the, 4961:12-16. Denied: By philosophers, 4410:5-7; Spiritism supported by Dr. Lyman Abbott, 4373:1-7. Determined by kind of character, 4668:6, 8. Difference: Between awakening and, 1509:6, 9; in, 360:19-21. Doctrine a stumbling-stone to philosophers of Athens, 3140:2, 3; explanation of I Cor. 15, 1259:3-14; 1260:1-4, 7-14. False: Theories regarding death and, 4791:3-12; views respecting, 2794:1-4; 3194:10. First: Chief, 277:4-9; for church only, 1179:8, 9; 1260:1, 2; 2339:24-26; holy ones to have part in, 4793:6-8; instantaneous, 1259:13; 1260:1-4, 7-14; of the little flock to the divine nature, 1510:15, 16; 1511:9-11; to divine plane of existence, 1259:10-14; 1260:1-4, 7-14; who will share in, 2700:12, 13; 4823:2; and second, 2758:7-9. First-fruits and after-fruits, 3175:6, 7; foreshadowed by work of Jesus, 5059, 5060. General: 1853; 1854:1-8; by judgments, 2051:4-11; fifty or one hundred years after coming of kingdom, 5238:10-12; gradual, why, 1260, 1261; 4989:11-16; hope of mankind, 846; humanity in the, 655:11-13; Lazarus a sample of the, 4160-4162; natural, 47:11-14. OF: Damnation, 1371; 1853:3-12; 1854:1-8; dead, when due, 1854:4; some will be to shame and contempt, 1529:8-10; 4992:3-6, 9. Probable manner of, 1529:3-10; restitution, 1259:1-8; restoration to human perfection, 1510:4, 10, 11; 1511:6-9; time of, 500:12; 501:3, 4; 5238:10-12; waits upon the church, 4553:6-10; why a gradual work, 1260, 1261. Gladstone's correct views on, 1989:1, 2; greatest of miracles, 5612:9-14; identity preserved through death, 355:3-5; 626:18-20; 1263:3-5, 7-10; 1264:1, 2, 6, 7; "If a man die, shall he live again?" 1506:4-11; implied in the Old Testament, 3854:5; importance of the doctrine, 1816:4-7; 4587, 4588; in Millennium, the vile and brutal probably called forth last, 1529:8; Job had hope of a, 5402:6-12; kinds of, 206:1-3, 8-10; letter and reply, 500, 501; limited Christadelphian view examined, 2337:10, 11; 2338; mankind has no right to a, 5299:10, 11, 18; means re-creation, 689:19; 909:5, 6; 1017:15, 16; 1018:1-7. More than: Awakening from sleep of death, 3530:15; resuscitation, 3707:1. Neither: Of church nor of world will cause commotion, 1528. No marriage in the, 1509:10; 3854:1-4. None: From second death, 1453:8, 9; 1454; receive full reward until, 1881:21-46. Not: Dependent upon justification, 3456:3-7; merely reanimation, 1106:11. Of: All assured, 3725. ANCIENT WORTHIES: Probable manner of, 1529:1, 2; to perfection, 5073:14, 15; to precede great company (1904 view), 3445:2-4, 11; why they hoped for a "better," 1409:7, 8. BODY: Children, their kind of bodies in the, 201:12-15; 2266:6; creedal fallacy, 4994:1-3; "how are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come?" 95:3; 1259:7-14; 1510:7-12; 1511:6-9; 1852-1856; illogical, unscriptural and untenable, 1591:10; many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 1509:7; medical comments on, 1852:11, 12, 16-21; of ego, not, 2505:2; to be with new bodies, 666:9-17; unscriptural idea, 4794:6, 7; 5578:5-8; unscriptural, nonsensical, ludicrous, 1508:18; 1509:1-4; 1591:10; 1852:8-12, 16-21; 1853:1, 2; 5612:3-5. Christ, why on third day, 643:3-5. Hebrew language, 1960:15. THE JUST: 1854:9-14; 1855:1-13; and unjust, how there will be a, 3195:2-4. The Shunammite's son by Elisha a type, 3431, 3432; the Sodomites guaranteed by ransom, 5179:9-16. Of Church: 41:3-8, 10; 47:9-11; 93:12, 13; 361:3, 4; at beginning of harvest, 2981:11; begun in the flesh, 247:6; chief, 361:3, 4; dead in Christ first, 41:3-8, 10; 170:2; differs from that of world, 1106; 5107-5109; distinct, 47:11-14; has no reference to the flesh, 3132:7-9; instantaneous, 4989:6-9; invisible to men, 19:12; now accomplished, 47:9-11; the sleeping saints began in 1878, 5566:9, 10. TO: Newness of life, 3165:8, 9; the divine nature, 1259:3-14; 1260:1-4, 7-14; 1510:13-16; 1511:9-11; 1512:1-3. TO BE: A special one, 5107:19, 41, 42; like to that of Jesus', 5579:13, 14; spiritual, 5108:15, 16. Unostentatious, 580:4; vs. that of world, 1106. Of Jesus: 92:5; 1505; 1816; 1856:8-14; 1857:1, 8; 2795:7-10; allimportant, 1228:15-17; 1229:1-4, 6, 7; 1247:12, 13; 1248; 3563-3565; apostles were special witnesses of, 1522:7-9; 1523:1; appearances of our Lord after his, 5623:2; 5625:11-13; does not annul ransom, 2477:3-7; false views respecting the, 5237:14, 15; 5238:1-4; hope for the world, 5018:1-3, 8, 9; necessity for, 1393:8; 1394; not that of the body, 4994:3-7, 10-16; on third day significant, 643:3-5; 1289:10, 13; 2796:2; our faith dependent upon, 5579:5-7; Paul a witness to, 5034, 5035; proofs of the, 1995:6-8, 11-13; 2477, 2478; 2797, 2798; 2801; 3375:8-11; 3376, 3377; 3564, 3565; 3903:11, 13-16; 3904, 3905; 4174-4176; 4181, 4182; 4713:6, 7, 11, 12; revealed to two disciples enroute to Emmaus, 5416; Scriptural view of the, 5025:5-16; specially demonstrated to Thomas, 5236, 5237; spirit, not fleshly body, 16:14-16; 18; 4-10; 1416:3, 4; 1952:3-7, 11-14; 2081, 2082; 4176; 5222; 5578:15-17. TYPIFIED BY: Offering of barley loaves, 5191:9; waving of barley sheaf, 2271:1, 6. Only: FOR: Believers, 1231:6-9; the soul, the being, 205:12-14; 277:2; 1510:4-6; 5017:1-9; 5611, 5612. Jewish and Christian religions include a, 3903:13-16. Operation of, a mystery, 5560:11-13; order of, 277:8, 9; 361; 1204:1-7; Paul's teachings on, 846:11; phonograph gives us a hint of, 1935:8; pictured by Lazarus, 4552:6-10; pointed texts on, 903:2; power now at work in the church, 5060:11-13; preached by apostles, 541:7-10; proof of God's love for the wicked, 5353:17, 18; proven by Jesus, 5108:8, 9; "rest of the dead lived not," 1105; 1108:3-5, 10-13; 1118; 1772:6, 11; result of Atonement, 483:12-21; room on earth for all, 270:1, 2, 8-10; root of promised blessedness, 1435:5; seen clearly in 1883. 915:6; shown by Moses at the bush, 2198:1; 3462:2; "So also is the, of the dead", 1511:10, 11; 1512:1-4. Spiritual: And human, 42:1-4, 10-13; 3564:4-7; defined, 92:8, 9. Three classes of the, 5166:11-17; 5167:1-6; time of, at Christ's coming, 846:2-4. To: Eternal life dependent, 3461:7-10; life and judgment differentiated, 4989:3, 5, 11-16. True and false views concerning, 3173:5, 9; 5017; twin doctrine of the ransom, 1591; types of, 4603:2-4, 8-11. Typified: By wave sheaf, 4603:8; in Israel crossing Red Sea, 1322:1. Uses of the words "anastasis", "egeiro" and "anistemi", 1512:1-4; various ranks, 95:2; what it implies, 413:5. Who: Is worthy to obtain it? 1107; will raise dead? 27. Whose wife shall she be in the, 3461, 3462; 5079:13-15; "Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die", 1855:14-16; 1856:1-4; witnessed to by apostles with great power, 4390:6, 11; 4391:13; work begun in church now, 3756:7-9. And: Atonement, 42, 43. DEATH: 258:12-16; 433:4-10; as applied to Jesus, 3374:7; false ideas of, 3904; of Jesus, proofs of, 3903:4-11, 13-16; 3904, 3905; of Jesus, Scriptural views respecting, 4791:13, 14, 4792, 4793. Judgment of world, 4793:9-11; 4794; life, I am the, 846; restitution, Millennial work, 763, 764. RESTORATION: 1509-1512; Lazarus' awakening not, 1258:7; 1259:1; 1454:6, 7, 9; 5611:15-18; means a full raising all the way up to perfection, 1512:4; never refers to a mere re-animation or awakening, 1512:4; of race, 249:6-8; raising to perfection, 1258-1260; use with or without the definite article, 1511:11; 1512:1-4; "women received their dead raised to life ["anastasis"] again", 1512:4. Vs.: Awakening, 2617, 2618; pagan view of death, 1060. See Awakening; Life; Sleep. RETALIATION Contrary to spirit of Christ, 5266:13-17; weakness of strong characters, 5644:7, 10; when smitten the Christian must avoid, 3738:2-4. RETRIBUTION Always follows sin, 3599:10, 11; future, 721, 722; 2399:4-6; 2612:9-16; 2613; grace divine not in conflict with law of, 2284:1, 2; injustice a ground for, 5259, 5260; law of, operative now and in the Millennium, 4901:8, 13, 14; Methodist preachers agnostics as to, 3257:11, 12; of Millennium for present and past sins, 4024:9-11; retributive character of divine law, 1653-1655. Upon: Nations of earth, 2305, 2306; "powers that be" in time of trouble, 2911:5. RETROSPECTION Beneficial to Christians, 2737; view from Tower, 571:7, 8. RETURN Of Christ: (Analusai) Phil. 1:23, 284:5-7; as a thief at night, 3355:7; 5399:19, 20; object of, 531, 532; taught in parable, 3354:6, 8, 9; time of, 326:3-6; to be in like manner to his going, 5829:14; 5830:1-4, 8-10; when due, 102:7. See Advent, Second; Lord's Return. Prodigal's, 1459. REVEALED Man of Sin to be, 54:5-9; things belong to us; unrevealed to God, 734:2, 3; 3357:6, 7. REVEALING "Apokalupsis" of Lord's presence, 2974:2; 2979:16-28; 2983:4. REVELATION Book of symbols, 490:8-11. Chapter: 4, treated in detail, 528-530; 5: explained, 530; 7; 130:1-8, 10-12; 20:5: spurious passage, 501:5-8; 20-22: explanation of, 330-334; 501:3, 4, 9-13; 21:9: explained (1880 view), 112:14. For entire church, 3568:17; 3569:1, 2; how its symbols should be explained in their kindest light, 1903:13; Seventh Day Adventists claim they are the third angel of, 1732:9, 15; 1733:2; vision granted to John, 2826, 2827; when the book of, was written, 3568:18, 19, 27; and Genesis, harmony of, 462:1. REVELATIONS God's purpose in permitting, 3946:7; special, seen by the apostles, 1525:13-15; 1526:1-4; we are not to look for further, through visions, dreams, etc., 1528:2. REVELATOR Teaching of, on ransom, 652:15. REVELRY Christians have no sympathy with, 5099:2-5. REVENGE Joseph pictures the Christian's, 5234:6, 7; 5235:4-6. REVERENCE During song service, 5487:10-12; elders influence diminished by lack of, 5888:1-11; falling away follows the loss of, 3596:10-12; for Jesus increases with appreciation of ransom, 3592:10; highest form of love--admiration, 1535:2, 3; 1670:2; importance of, 3352:3, 4; in our places of worship, 5186, 5187; lesson in, 3989:8; 3990:1, 2; magnificent pageantry of the heavens should inspire holy, 1814:13, 20. Of the Lord: Brings blessings, 3224:1; is the beginning of wisdom, 1518:11, 12; 1919:15; 2002:4, 5; 2053:7, 8; 2289:7-11; 3253:1. The Lord, secrets revealed to them that, 2208:2-5; 2209:3; when the chains of true and false, finally break, revolution will follow, 1606:1-6. And: Benevolence, location of organs of, 2540:8; irreverence exemplified, 2872:11, 12. REVEREND Clergyman objects to being called, 1486:7. REVERENDS Are not always Christians, 3365:7, 9-14. See Clergy. REVERY Sunday evening (1894), 1705. REVILED Blessed are Christians when, 2412:12; for Christ's sake, revile not again, 3736:5-9; 4802:11-13; 5172:5, 6, 8. REILERS To have no part in God's kingdom, 3091:7. REVILINGS Attitude of Brother Russell toward, 1798:2-4, 9-11; what constitutes, 5678:7, 13; 5679:1, 6, 7. REVIVALS Followed by insanity, 3636:18, 19; futility of, 566:13-16. In: Chicago a failure, 4826:8-10, 12-17. RELIGION: Caused by poverty, 3497:1-7; to be social, says Strong, 3016:2-11. WALES IN 1905: A form of Spiritism, 3540, 3541; cause of the, 3497:1-7; newspaper comment on (1905), 3583:4, 5, 9, 10; views respecting the (1905), 3583:4, 5, 9, 10. No vital aid to religion, 831:6-9, 17, 18. Of: Methodist church, 2704:9-16; religion, not expected, 317:11, 12. Our attitude toward, 5302:6; result of emotionalism, 832:1; why they are futile, 2136:8, 12; and religion, modern, 831:6-9, 17, 18. REVOLUTION Anarchy, war, prophesied by Elijah, 3414:6; brought on by combining of capital, 2248:8, 9; caused by hunger, 4582:6, 7, 13; Christianity has failed to avert social, 4159:1-6. Church: to be glorified during, 687:10. Creeping on in Russia (1904), 3342:8-10, 14-18; feared in Great Britain (1906), 3722:2-7; following World War, 899:4; 5567:1; forced on Europe by America, 2938:1-8, 12; forecasted, 610:1-12, 20. Foreseen by: Dr. Hirsch, 3113:9-17; Justice Brewer, 2906:2-8; preacher, 2248:8, 9; Swinton, John, 2884, 2885. In Portugal due to priests and Jesuits, 4845:12-22; Jesus encouraged religious, 2785:11; necessity of, 1326:14; of Spaniards feared by Vatican, 2307:3-5; or reform for Paris, 4403:15, 16; outlook for Germany, 3141:6, 7; power of Church Federation to be increased during, 5601:4, 5; preached in 1897 by Eugene V. Debs, 2184:2; 2216:17-19; relation of, to Bible, 1064:4, 12-15. Rumbling of: 578:3, 4; in Russia (1902), 3024:1-5; 3523:5-16, 20-26; 3592:11-15. Saints should: Do nothing to promote or hasten, 1676:17; 1677:1-3; neither advocate nor take part in, 1607:10-12. Some saints will find it hard to keep out of, 1762:2, 9; symbolized in Scripture by earthquake, 2334:6; sympathy strikes are incipient, 1676:11-14; threatened in France in 1909, 4383:5-11, 15-17; unless industrial reform is made, 3966:7, 8, 11-13; will take place when the chains of reverence, true and false, finally break, 1606:1-6. See Earthquake; War. REVOLUTIONS Christians' attitude toward, 2785:11. REWARD For Christian service, 785:3; how Jehovah is our, 1905. None: For forsaking sin, 1186:23; receive full, until resurrection, 1881:21-46. Not to be our motive in seeking divine nature, 5066:11. Of: Christians is future, 2761; faithful, 795:13; faithfulness in the present life--persecution and suffering, 1917:6; prophets less than of saints, 220:9-11; righteous, 1955; suffering, 427:5, 8; unconsecrated believers, 1008:7. Sacrifice must not be offered to obtain the, 4836:6, 10, 11; saints look to Jehovah for, 2853:8, 9; verily they have their, 955; and judgment of world to be at Christ's second coming, 2288:9. REWARDS Divine retributions, here and hereafter, 1653-1655; during the Millennium. 570:1; 1655:1-6; earthly and heavenly, 637:9-13. In: The kingdom dependent upon zeal here, 5492:12-14; this life of selfsacrifice, 2123:7-10. "Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven", 1820, 1821. Of: Natural Israel are temporal, 4071:2-5, 7, 8; sacrifice and of obedience, 5623:1; spiritual-mindedness differ, 637:9-13; workers in the Jewish and gospel age harvest, 1742:5, 10. See Stripes. RICE H.B., pilgrim service of, 121:8. RICH Blessings of the Lord make, 5171:4, 14-16; catered to by preachers, 4204. Control: Churchianity, Japanese view, 1700:1-3; the churches, 2462:2-4. Disadvantaged as disciples of Christ, 5004:3-5; duty of, to poor, 620:8, 11, 12; how hardly shall they enter into the kingdom, 1774:19; 1775:1, 2; 1954:13-21; 2728:10; 2762:1; 3844:4-9; 4658:10-12; 5465; Jesus was, 2729:2; man and Lazarus, see Parable. Men: to be the object of anarchists' attack, 4144:5-18; weep and howl for the miseries to come upon them, 592:8; 2039-2045. Need nothing--nominal church, 505:17, 18; our sympathy should be also with the, 1676:15, 16; seeking the cover of "mountains", 4025:11-13; suggested remedy, 1424:2, 8-10; warned by Dr. Dix, 3286:16-21; wealth questioned by labor, 621:9-13; why the present wealthy will suffer for sins of past generations, 1423:9; will suffer in the time of trouble, 5112:4-6, 11-15; and poor, battle between, 683; 3923, 3924:1-8. RICHES Brought woe upon Israel, 5243:2, 3; disadvantages of, 2728:11; earthly vs. heavenly, 1919:7-9, 14, 15; 2762:7-11; foolishness of hoarding, 5396:7-11; good and bad features connected with, 4109:3-5; interfere with sacrifice, 4658:10-12; modern, as compared with ancient, 3126:5-7. Of: Abraham the reward of faithfulness, 5170; 5171; God's people not of an earthly kind, 5927:9, 10. Vanity of earthly, 1532:4-10, 14-16; what constitutes, 2761:7, 10, 11; 2762. See Wealth. RIDICULE Be able to despise, 620:5. RIGHT And truth to triumph over wrong, 774:10, 11. RIGHTEOUS Battle for the right, 773:11; be not over much, policy of tares and pleasure-seekers, 1532:15; fruit of the, is a tree of life, 1520:19; Law made no flesh, 2719:5, 9-11; light is sown for, 945, 946; man, definition of a, 49:10; reward of, sure, 1955; shall flourish in Millennium, 774:6; to shine forth as the sun, 3522:11; truly, extend their mercies to the lower creation, 1520:17; who are the Lord's, 3155:9; and the wicked, they shall discern between the, 2406:1, 2. RIGHTEOUSLY What it is to walk, 1875:5, 6, 12. RIGHTEOUSNESS Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after, 2250:7; 2586:7-9; 3735:1-3; Christ to judge world in, 268:3-7; correction in, not in wrath, 2666:1; crowns of, life, glory, 3211:7, 8; defined, 76:7, 15, 16; distinct from knowledge, 49:7; does Christ impute to church his, 4877:5, 9; faith is counted for, 3944:4-8; imputed to church now, given to world in Millennium, 4986:8; Jesus made unto us, 5105:9, 10, 13-17; laid to plummet, 564:2. Of: Christ compared to a robe or covering, 4998:13-17; church is imputed, 3322:8-11; disciples must exceed that of Pharisees, 3243:6-12; 5007:4, 7-9; faith vs. works, 4442:3-9, 13-16; Law fulfilled in us, 3105:8; 5918:2-4, 7; saints is future, 2159:13. Proven by love of brethren, 49:10; result of departure from, 4971:7, 8, 13. Robe of Christ's: May become spotted, 5197; must be cleansed daily, 5924:1-6; needed only in this life, 4998:1-4; not cast away by great company, 1008:9; only for consecrated, 1008; our "wedding garment", 2160:1; 2782:8, 12; what it covers, 2782:12. WORN BY: Fleshly body, 4761:11-14; new creature, 4742:2. sufferings for, 2007:6-10. Sun of: Blessings to the world from the, 4988:2-5, 9-13; to dispel the gloom of night, 5135:6, 7. Taught by judgments in Millennium, 2314:1; 3388:15-18; to be rewarded in Millennium, 3597:8, 9; true Christians must love, 2754:10; we should love, and hate iniquity, 5125:1-5; whosoever doeth not, is not of God, 3323:10, 11; vs. merit of Christ, 4877:10, 11. See Truth. RIGHTS Christians may not fight for, 3888:6; 3889:1, 6; how we sacrifice, 1187:1; human, of church given up, 146:6, 7, 9-11; Jesus kept the Law and gained earthly, 4451:11; 4452:1; not to be sought by consecrated, 3799:13; of others should be respected by Christians, 5740:11; relinquished and upheld, 4407:8-10; surrendered and Christian stewardship, 2944, 2945; to be sacrificed if they would stumble brethren, 2167:2-4; Woman's, not conducive to peace and happiness, 4899:13, 14; yielded for sake of peace a form of sacrifice, 3266:5, 6. RING Breaking of, caused deluge, 5159:5, 6. RINGS Earth once surrounded by, 5140:4, 8. RIOT At Ephesus against Christians, 3159, 3160; 4432:4-8; Jewish, in Russia (1893), 1515. RIOTING Ministers' opposition to truth will lead to, 3160:8; and drunkenness unbecoming to Christians, 5098:13-16; 5340. RIOTS "Religious", 1547:13-15; 1548:1-5, 9-11. RIPENESS Marks of character, 1317:9-12. RITCHIE A.I., tribute to Brother Russell by Brother, 6010:3, 4, 12. RITUALISM Growth of, in the Episcopal and other churches (1893), 1527; in wicked hearts, let us guard against, 2139:6; modern, is demonism, 1990-1993; originally the instrument of demon worship, 1990-1993; progress of, among Baptists and Methodists, 3024:17, 18; 3025:1, 2, 11, 12; spread in the Episcopal church (1882 to 1892), 1737:3; "trinkets of antichrist", 1009. RIVALRY And jealousy, Jesus' example condemns, 3553:1, 2. RIVER Flowing from Eden pictorial of four classes, 4240:10-13; gladdening city of God (Psa. 46:4), 686; in symbol (Revelation 16:4-6), 499:1-7. Of: Life, see Life; salvation, literal and symbolic, 2507, 2508. ROAD Broad and narrow, 282:1. ROBBERS Infested road from Jerusalem, 2684:7. ROBBERY Landlordism is, 1033:1-3; modern methods more refined, 2054:1; "thought it not, to be equal with God", 1515:2-4. ROBE Justification illustrated by our wedding, 4525:5, 6, 8; seamless, of Jesus represented his perfection, 2315:5; 2474:1; 2788:4. Spots on: 4870:8, 9, 11-14; of Christ's righteousness, 5197; should be removed immediately, 2160:2-7; 4643:2, 3, 9, 10; 5924:3-13. ROBES Washing of, referred to the nations, 108:2. ROCHEFORT Cruelty of, in the Dreyfus case, 2433:2, 3. ROCK Building on: Jesus the, 428, 429; sand or, rewards of, 4568:17. Christ: Stumbling-stone to both houses, 288:5, 6; 563:7, 8. THE: Foundation, of our characterhouse, 1922:9, 10; 5407:5, 6; smitten, 1228:8, 9. Church of Christ built upon a, 97:9; 2242:12; 3789:3-6; or sand, faith built upon, 3748:5-7; Peter not foundation stone of church, 812:10. Smitten: TWICE: Displeasing to God, 5315:5-7; what it typified, 3077:4-6. TYPE: And antitype, 5285:2-4; 5315:15, 16; of Christ's sacrifice, 2299:4. Upon this, I will build my church, 812, 813; 1525:3-5; 1760:6, 7; 2656:12-14; 3789:3-6; 4645:3-5. ROCKEFELLER J.D.: Four million quarterly dividend of (1896), 1954:13, 18; profited by missionary investments, 3627:16-21; wealth and religion tainted by, 4471:1-5. J.D., Jr., believers capital is ordained of God, 3073:17-20. ROCKS Picture secret societies, etc., 26:6; 409:16. ROD Cast upon the ground by Aaron explained, 4058:3-8; symbol of authority, 5419:11, 12; turned into serpent, typical lesson of the, 5419:10-14; and staff of Lord, how they comfort, 3269:8; 4280:5. ROEHL Frederick and wife, how they received the truth, 5476, 5477. ROENTGEN X-Rays, Edison's experiments with the (1896), 1942:4; 1954:9-12; 1969:14, 15. See X-Rays. ROMAN Catholic: Archbishop accepts truth, 2767:10. BISHOP: Defines mortal sin, 2898:3; not permitted to preside at dedication of Grant monument, 2168:1-3. Breweries, 1863:6; chapel at West Point, 2168:4-6; Christian Science examined by a, 4471, 4472; church, its various oriental divisions, 1740:16-23; contributions to Vatican, 285:6; doctrine, error of, 653:7; efforts to make America, 2727:8-10; journal believes in Millennium, 3017:13; lectures from the Bible, 2147:2, 3, 9, 10; Morgan, J.P., considered as, 4025:12, 13; priest greater than Christ, says cardinal, 3671:19; 3672:1-12; priests undermining Italian government, 2370:5, 10; view of church's mission, 2413:5, 6; views respecting heathen, 3185:1, 10, 11. Catholics: CONTROL: In Germany, 3532:1-4; New York City, 2727:5. Denied church at West Point, 2177:17-19; deny efficacy of ransom, 2771:3, 4. GAINING GROUND IN: Britain and America, 4343:10, 11, 14; England, 3320:23-25; 3321:1. HOW THEY: Calculate the date for Easter Sunday, 5191:11; view Berlin Protestant cathedral, 3549:3-5. IN: Control of U.S. government, 3017:1; France revolting, 2308:4-12; Italy permitted by Vatican to vote, 3549:14-18. INFLUENCE OF, IN: France and Germany, 3396:5-8; Germany, 3940:6, 8, 9. Instructed to read the Bible, 5003:2; laymen not part of church, 355:18; Methodists and Baptists together, 1567; plan powerful union, 3672:19; power of, weakened in France, 3636:7-10; 3951:1, 2, 9-11; sided with Spain in Spanish-American war, 2307:1-6; teach infant damnation, 2718:11, 12; used cathedral in London as market place, 3462:12; view of Christ's kingdom, 5829:5-13; war with Protestants in France, 2679:7-17. See Papacy. Catholicism: Adopts doctrine of Assumption of Virgin, 3329:13-15; Bible suppressed and destroyed by, 3614:9; 3615. BULWARK: Against Socialism says minister, 2106:9; of capitalists' interests, 3412:1. Cause of revolution in Portugal, 4845:12-22; chief of false Christs, 767:1. CHURCH: Federation not to include, 2018, 2019; of England joins hands with, 2368:8-11; of England permeated with virus of, 1784:2. CLAIMS: Peter as first pope, 812:5-7. Clergy abandon, 3098:12; 3099:1, 2, 4; complimented by Methodist Bishop, 4775:5-8, 12; counterfeit of the true church, 4755:2-13; did not originate with apostles, 660:10; Dr. Burt gives information respecting, 3381:1-8; enemy of the Bible, 3614:9; evils of, outlined by priest, 2898:4; explains meaning of indulgences, 3606:13-19; favored by Roosevelt and Taft, 3636:1-4; gaining in power in Germany, 4762:1-6; gospel of, 2594:5; Greek church split off from (1054 A.D.), 1740:16-18; higher criticism affecting, 3480:12-16. In: Austria-Hungary waning, 2475: France suppressed, 3984, 3985; France under government control, 3881:1-3; Germany supporting the Kaiser, 4725:3-8; Italy threatened, 4065:9-13; politics, 2727:1-5, 8, 9; prophecy, 366:6-9; United States governmental affairs, 2168:4-6. INFLUENCE OF: Increasing in Europe, 3135:2-4. Internal disorders of, 2061:6, 7, 10-18; lends its support to capitalism, 3412:1; losing ground in France, 3359:5; losses and gains of, 3635:1-14; not to unite with Protestants, 2018, 2019; on church union, 813:12. OPPOSED TO: Socialism, 3017:3-6; 3411:18; 3412:1; Spiritism, 4404:12-20; 4405, 4406; the Bible, 2546:19, 20; 2547:6-8, 13. Orders and clergy disagree, 2062:8, 9, 12, 13; origin of its doctrines, 660:10; Peter claimed as Pope of, 812:4-6. POWER OF, IN: Germany, 3628:5-7; her strongholds waning, 4073:1-16. Protestantism imitating, 695:15-20; recognized by Protestants as mother system, 5092:3, 4; reforms sought by Pope Pius X in, 3645, 3646; reveals its true policy in Boston, 1839:9, 10, 14-17; spotted character of, 994-996; spread in Great Britain, 2308:20; 2309:1, 8; troubles in this and foreign lands, 2061:6, 7, 10-15; views of union with Protestantism, 596:11. WORK OF, IN: Hungary, 2047:11-14; the Philippines, 3141:13, 14. Yielded to Satan, 680:16. AND PROTESTANTISM: A plea for unity between, 3533; failing, yet prospering, 4136:1-9; never to become one, 2046:5, 9, 10; union of, 595:1-8, 10-15. And the Bible, six points concerning, 2012:18-26. See Papacy. ROMANS Chapter: 4:17; explained 3601:1-3; 5:12-20; explained, 3654, 3655. First 8 chapters paraphrased, 1223:5-12; 1224:1-12; how the Epistle was written and preserved, 1582:1-3; review of epistle to the, 929-931. ROME Church of, in prophecy, 366:6-9; city of seven hills, 472:16; dragon, Papacy a head, 306:19; how Paul preached the truth in, 3208, 3209; impressions of, in 1891 during Brother Russell's tour, 1376:4-7. Paul: At, 1570; for two years a prisoner at, 4507. Probable beginning of the church at, 1582:3. ROOM Upper: At Jerusalem, visited by Brother Russell, 4603:5, 6; of the Last Supper, now under Mohammedan control, 5541:7. ROOSEVELT As Commissioner, speaks in a church (1895), 1898:1; views of, on mob violence and anarchy, 3241:3-12; and Taft favor Catholicism, 3636:1-4. ROOT Of David, Jesus the, 809:4-9. ROSS Rev. J.J.: Attacks of, on Brother Russell proved a boomerang, 5543:10; proper focus on Brother Russell's lawsuit against (Letter and reply, 5782:11-25. ROTHSCHILD Brother Russell suggests a new government for Palestine to, 1342; purchased land in Palestine (1892), 1374; to establish Jewish colonies in Palestine, 1491:5. ROUMANIA Persecution of Jews in, 3099:5-10. ROUSSEAU Renders tribute to Jesus, 462:6. ROYAL Albert Hall: 6000 to hear Brother Russell in (1910), 4639:2. Priesthood, see Priesthood. ROYALTY Evils of, in Great Britain, 1152. RULE "As many as walk according to this, peace be on them and mercy", 1840. Golden: Means simple justice, 1326:17; mighty force, 1471:4. Of Matt. 18:15-17, no exceptions to, 4984:4; vs. principle, definition, 1045:3. RULER Over all his goods, that servant made, 4483:2-7. Rich young: Eternal life sought by, 2727, 2728; Jesus and the, 855:3, 11, 12; lesson taught by Jesus to the, 3843-3845; seeks eternal life, 2727, 2728; "sell all that thou hast and give to the poor", 1774:17-19; 1775:1, 2; supposed to be Lazarus, 3529:1-6. RULERS Attempt to hold back the new order, 5568:1; civil, to oppose present truth, 3050:9, 10; controlled mob crying for Jesus' death, 3896:4-6; God's hand over nations and, 5405:1-11; over men must be just, 4198:9-11; Paul preached Christ to, 4500, 4501; proper to pray for earthly, 3600:4-9; religious, gain nothing by smiting God's people, 5315:15, 16; thou shalt not speak evil of, 4486:3-5. See Kings. RULES Reporting violation of, is not evil speaking, 5529:3-8; that are helpful for daily living, 3593-3595. RULING By coercion, unwisdom of, 4723:8-10; one's own spirit greater than taking a city, 4790:2, 3; 5487, 5488; 5652, 5653. RUNNETH Not of him that, 2001:1-3. RUNNING For the prize: 406:4-12; 1041; and standing at the mark considered, 4050:3-8, 11-16. To and fro, time of end, 480:16-18. RUPTURE In civilized world certain, 774:10. RUSSELL Brother C.T.: Accusations against himself answered by, 4473:3-9; accused of boastfulness, 1235:6-8, 14-16; admonitions of a brother to, 4439:4-10, 15-18; affidavit in proof of purity of, 6015:1-8; announcement of publication of Memoirs of, 6024:8. ANSWER TO: Criticism of, in re covenants, 4680, 4681; preacher's attack on, 5654, 5655. Anticipates manner of his death, 2683:7, 8; approach of, to infidelity, 2452:11; attempt at recovering erring brethren, 4475:4-7; attendance at International Purity Congress, 5360, 5361. ATTITUDE OF: Clergy toward, 1306:20; 4094:20-22; toward chronology, 5349:3-9, 11-15; 5350:2, 9-11; toward heathen, 2490:1-5; toward opposition, 1192:9, 18; toward revilings, 1798:2-4, 9-11. Authorities support his views on chronology, 4093:6, 14; 4094:1, 2; Berlin impressions during his 1891 tour, 1370:5-8; Bible substituted for creeds by, 6011:19, 20; biography of, 1:2; 5997, 5998; blessed in being a "servant of all", 1171:8. BORN: In a justified condition, 3456:15; of Christian parents, 3608:8. burial place of, 6016:10; changes in his writings made in public print, 5281:2. CHARACTER: Above reproach, 6014:15-17; 6015:1-10. Characteristics of, outlined, 6007:1, 8-10; chronological predictions of, correct, 4110:4-6. CLAIMED NO: Infallibility, 3745, 3746; special ability, 3595:14, 15. Coliseum seen in 1891 by, 1376:5; comforting letters to, in time of trial, 3818, 3819; commission of, to "write the vision and make it plain", 1475:9; consecrated at age of twelve, 5477:9; consecrations renewed after death of, 6006:8-13; contribution of land to, 1810:3-5; convention reports approved by, 4469:6, 7, 12; co-operation and loyalty pledged at bier of, 6009:6-8, 11; criticism of, 425:9-13. DEATH OF: Announced, 5988:8-10, 18-22; described, 6005:12; 6006:1; foreseen by himself, 6000:19. Defended as to character, 4589:14; 4590:1; defense of, by Brother Rutherford, 5685:5, 12; divine inspiration disclaimed by, 5280:15-18. DOCTRINES OF: Defended in a letter to Rev. Moorehead, 5260, 5261. Dying hours of, without complaint, 6003:9, 12, 13; 6004:2; 6005:11. EARLY: Ambition to be a missionary, 4853:10; experiences with infidelity, 5596:3. Elder brother, father and friend to pilgrims, 6007:8; enemies grieved by the prominence of, 4824:1-3, 10-12; engages in volunteer work, 2641:10; European tours of, 1368:6, 7; 1369, 1370; 1375-1377; 3198; 3205-3207; 3213, 3214; 4343:5-9; 4406:3-5, 11; 4415; 4422-4424; 4586:8, 9, 16, 17; 4621-4623; 4629-4632; 4638-4643; 4645-4648; 4761:7; 4800-4802; 4806, 4807; 4815, 4816; 5051:10; 5109:15, 16; 5327; 5328; examination of Moorehead charges against, 2738; fallen angel impersonates, 4736:6-12; false reports of, 3775. FIRST: Publication by, 3822:1; sought the light of truth in 1868, 3821:6. Foresaw World War in 1889, 1094:10; foreview of the World War, 1912:2, 3. FUNERAL SERVICE OF: Described, 6016:6-8, 13-15; 6017; discourses at the, 6000-6013; hymn 98 sung as body of, was lowered into grave, 6016:11. Greatest claim for himself, 1321:1; had the Lord's guidance, but claimed no inspiration, 1536:8-10; handshaking, resolves not to withhold from 4630:3, 4. HIPPODROME MASS MEETING: For JEWS: 4700, 4701; great success, 5016:4-6, 15, 16. HOW HE: Discerned God's will, 5212:8, 13-15; received the truth, 5596:1-5, 10-13. IMPRESSIONS: During his tour abroad, 1368-1370; 1375-1377; 1394, 1395; 1400, 1401; of Constantinople during 1891 tour of, 1376:2; of England during tour of, 1369:7-9. In his study (Illustration), 2687; inquiries of, regarding draft law, 5728:10; Jewish women extend invitation to, 4523:12; joins in volunteer work, 2641:10. LAST: Discourse to church was in Los Angeles, 6004:5-9; letters dictated by, at Galveston, 6002:9; meal of, taken at Galveston, 6002:9; pilgrim trip of, described, 6001-6006; pilgrim trip of, experiences at Wichita, Kans., 6002:3, 4; 6003:2; public discourse of at San Antonio, interrupted by sickness, 6003:3-6; route sheet of, he refused to cancel, 6003:11; sermon prepared by, read over his bier, 6013:6. LETTER: In re Philippines and Japan to Mr. Bryan by, 5659:6-11; 5660; sent from Honolulu by, 4957; to the pilgrims from, 5040. Letters of confidence in Society after death of, 6017-6021; life sketch of, 4947. LONDON: Meetings of, in 1910, 4721; Tabernacle and preacher's gown worn by, arouse criticism, 4816, 4817. Lord's presence and time prophecies first seen by (1876), 3822:2-6; mementoes of journey to Palestine, 1392; Morning Resolve of, 5165:6-9, 14-17. NEVER: Discussed men or personal affairs in the Tower, 1798:4; missed appointments because of sickness, 5202:14-16; prayed for physical strength, 5202:14-16. NEWSPAPER: Comments on the work of, 4950, 4951; service of sermons of, 4954; syndicate responsible for seeming extravagance of, 4960:7. No national prejudices on the part of (Letter and reply), 5787, 5788; offers pilgrim service, 97; once Sunday School Superintendent, 502:5; ordination of, 5807:6-9, 13-15; 5808:1-3; photograph of, at age of 59, 4732; pictures in newspapers criticized, 4376:3-14; pilgrim visit of, 124:5; 141:13; 152:3, 4; 163; policy of, to be carried out. PORTRAIT OF: 4948, 4952; at three years of age, 4937. Position of, in 1893 regarding debates, 1501:16; prayer that God will bless the memory of, 6008:1; properly protects himself against slander, 4961, 4962; ransom and restitution made clear to (1872), 3821:9, 10; reason for Jerusalem trip of, 4597:3-5; referred to as Jesus' "fellow", 6001:7; relationship to the Lord of, 6015:18-21; report of suit of, against The Brooklyn Eagle, 5189, 5190; resolves not to conserve himself at conventions, 4630:3, 4; Rev. J.J. Ross' attacks of slander upon, 5543, 5544; "See thou do it not; worship God", 1867:7. Smitten by the enemy, 3776; special issue for newspapers on life and work of, 4943-4954; statement of his trial with Mrs. Russell, 3808-3817; suggests to leading Hebrews a new government for Palestine (1891), 1342; teachings of, on covenants criticized, 4334, 4335; Temple services the first Sunday of each month by, 5820:7; "that servant", 1946. TOUR OF: Abroad in 1891, 1311; 1324:1-5, 9-11; 1325:1-7, 10-12; 1331:7; 1332-1334; Britain (1908), 4177-4180; Britain (1911), 4885:9; 4924, 4925; 4938, 4939; Eastern, 112:3, 4; 120; European, (1903), 3205-3207; 3213, 3214; (Fall, 1914), 5553; Foreign (1910), 4638-4643; 4645-4648; (1911), 4800-4802; 4806, 4807; 4861-4863; (1912), 5051:10; 5109, 5110; 5327, 5328; Foreign and home (1911), 4734:1-9; itinerary, 1910 convention, 4571, 4572; Southern (1905), 2679; (1907), 4039, 4040; (1908), 4220, 4221; (1909), 4391; 4425; 4997:7; (1913), 5208, 5209; Transcontinental (1913), 5288; West, and middle West (1904), 3383, 3384, Western (1905), 3637, 3638; 3644, 3645; 3653; (1908), 4220, 4221; (1909), 4391; 4396; 4425; 4454-4456; 4534:3; 4536:4; 4461-4466; (1910), 4613; (1911), 4788; 4815:2-4, 13; 4825; 4852, 4853; (1912), 4932:3; (1913), 5279, 5280; Western itinerary of, 4825; (1912), 5106:6; Western and European (1909), 4343:5-9; world, outline of life and purpose in re, 4932:3; 4939:2; 4943-4954; world, committee selected by, 4889:16-19. Traveling companions of, well treated by him, 6001:5. TRIBUTE TO: By seventy Bethelites, 5683:4, 5, 10-15. VIEWS: In re Advocate and Mediator remain unchanged, 4680, 4681; on coming world trouble, 4110:2-6; on covenants unchanged, 4370, 4371; on cures of John A. Dowie, 2837, 2838. Visit to Europe of, 3163:2, 3, 10; visits Rabinowitz, 1325:2-7, 10-12; was a pope? 1535:9; 1536:9, 10; what he claims for his writings, 2080:8, 9. WHY: Justified in suit against Rev. J.J. Ross, 5782:11-25; ministers were opposed to, 5971:5-7; personality of, is not eliminated in sermons in newspapers, 4351:21-24. Will and Testament of, 5999; 6000:1, 2, 11-14; work reconstructive rather than original, 4067:7, 8; World War as he foresaw it in 1892, 1354-1356; WRITINGS OF: Attitude of author toward, 5280:15-18; not infallible, 2080:8, 9. Dillon--White debate, 4115:1-3, 7, 8; 4119; 4136:10; Eaton debate, 3258:3-15, 17-27; 1903; White debate, 4118, 4119; 4134; 4137:1-4, 8-12; 4145; 4249:8, 9, 17. Joseph L., deceased, 2239. Mrs. C.T.: Alimony paid to, 4424:11; divorce of, Bro. Russell's statement in re, 3808-3817; letter in re her tour (1895), 1850; report of her tour (1894), 1661-1663; withdraws as Associate Editor, 2077:4. RUSSELLISM We know nothing of it and never shall, 1501:3; wrongfully given as the cause of insanity (Letter), 5515:26; 5516:8. RUSSELLITE True saints should never own or recognize such a name, 1571:5-7. RUSSIA Anarchy foreseen for (1885), 815:12; as superstitious as heathendom, 3620:10; attitude toward Zionism, 3249:4; changes and dangers in, 3558:11-22; crime of church and state union in, 3872:13; critical situation of (1901), 2784:7-9. Czar: Ends persecution of Stundists (1896), 1918:3; expels Jews from Poland (1893), 1534. Czar's divine right to misrule questioned, 1989:13-15; drifting toward anarchy, 3698:2-6, 10-14; 3792:19, 20; emigration of Jews in 1892 stopped by cholera, 1452; expelled Hebrew children from Moscow, 3603:5; facilities in time of war, 3335, 3336; famine conditions in (1891), 1335; government ownership of liquor business in (1895), 1845:20, 21; granted religious freedom by Czar, 3177:18-20; hated by her conquered countries, 3380:5-7; heading toward anarchy (1905), 3671:1-4; impressions of (1891), during Brother Russell's tour, 1375:16, 17; 1376:1; Jewish riot in Jarnitz (1893), 1515; Jews massacred in, 3671:5-8; land of the north (Jer. 16:15), 384:10; landowners largely Jews, 4017:16, 17; 4018:1-3. New Czar: Announces he will uphold aristocracy (1895), 1791:14; starts with liberal views (1895), 1769:3, 4. Peasant uprising in (1905), 3592:11-15. Persecution of: Jews in, 2938:13-16; the Stundists (1894), 1756:15, 16; 1757:1-6. Petition in 1891 for relief of Russian Jews, 1293; proclaims religious liberty (1905), 3565, 3566; revolutionary uprisings in, (1904), 3342:8-10, 14-18; rumblings of revolution in (1905), 3523:5-16, 20-26; size of standing army in, (1896), 1960:2-4; slaughter of Chinese in, 2705:11-13; social unrest begun in (1902), 3119:19; state church of, the Greek Catholic, 3565:12; strained financial condition of (1894), 1632:13; suffering after war with Japan, 3489:10; "the night" came there in 1895 (?), 1757:6; treatment of the Jews in, 394:2-6, 9; truth-spreading difficult in, 4934:7, 8, 12-16; unrest in (1902), 3023:5, 6, 10; 3024; view of the Jews respecting, 1317:5; women demand their rights in, 3799:8-12. And: Austria drifting into Socialism, 3799:17-20; 3800:1, 2; Great Britain referred to in Ezekiel 39, 2056:12. RUSSIAN Church, see Church Nominal, Greek Catholic; war and Christianity, Tolstoi's views on, 3442:18-24. RUSSIANS Pray for victory over Japan, 3441:4, 5, 10, 11; seek freedom from bondage, 3559:1-4. RUSSO-JAPANESE War: Position of Russia in the, 3335, 3336. RUTH Ancestor of David, 5614:11-13; faithfulness and loyalty of, 3111:1-3; and Naomi, course of, considered, 4089, 4090. RUTHERFORD Brother J.F.: Defense of Brother Russell by, 5685:5, 12. (his) DISCOURSE: At funeral service of Brother Russell, 6000-6013; published in Convention Reports without consent of, 5382:49, 50. Received the truth in 1894, 1646:7, 8. RUTHERFORD-TROY Debates successful witness for truth, 5684, 5685. RYLE Views of the kingdom by Bishop, 1072; 2798.SABBATH
Breaking: By Jews corrected by Nehemiah, 2534; in letter and spirit, 3316:4-17. Change to the first day by "Christendom" is unscriptural, 1727:3-5; Christian's, 1498. Christians: Do not keep literal, 543:7, 8, 10-13. NOT: Bound by the, 4599:10, 15; to misuse liberty respecting the, 5028:3-8. Correct views of Luther and Calvin on the, 1730:11-14; day and Sunday not the same, 620:2, 9; 5028:9-11; days and Sabbath years kept by Jews, 5028:1, 2; erroneous views of Babylon respecting the, 1727:3-5. For: Christians 2534:8-12; 2535:2-5, 11-15; church, a higher rest, 3753:6, 7; man, not man for Sabbath, 2208:4. Fourth commandment not "binding upon all men for all time", 1731:15, 16. Healing: Jesus condemned by Pharisees for, 3502:5, 8, 9; on the, 2699:6, 9-11. Instituted about two weeks before the formal covenant at Sinai, 1731:5, 6. Jesus: Approved of healing on the, 3831:2, 6, 8, 9; performed miracles on the, 2434:1. Jewish, not binding upon Christians, 1446, 1447; 1727-1730; keepers usually inconsistent, 971:18. Keeping: By Jews was in letter, not in spirit, 2268:3, 4, 6; for natural and spiritual Israel, 4014:8; 4015; 5405:10-13; not commanded for Christians, 4996:3-6. Made for man's blessing, 3316:4-7; Nehemiah's zeal for observance of, 1498. Not: For Christians, 315:1-6, 11-14; 908:8-15; instituted before the Exodus, 971:19, 20; ordained at creation, 1731:7-14. Obligatory upon Jews now and in the past, 5026:5, 10; 5027:1-5. Observance: By Christians not obligatory, 5027:5-8; 50-28; may be restored literally at beginning of Millennium, 1732:20, 21; 1733:10. Of: Church continuous, 4996:11-13; rest for true Christians, 1446:6, 7. Ordained for man, 4995:6, 7, 13; Pharisees put burdens upon the Jews respecting the, 4995:13; 4996:1, 2; rest, what it means to a Christian, 4600:1, 2; Seventh Day Adventists' view of the, 1446, 1447; 1727; 1731-1734; signifies rest and properly applies to any rest day, 1733:10, 11; Sunday observance not started by Papacy, 1446:10-14; 1727:6-10; 1733:3-6; true, of the Christian--the rest of faith, 1731:17; 1734:14; type and antitype, 91:7, 9; 108:15; 314, 315; 970-976; 2269:7-9; 5405, 5406; was made for man, 1732:18, 19; why Jesus healed on the, 3311:1. SABBATHS Of: Jewish nation, 314, 315; law ceased with Jesus, 314:21-23. Why the land of Israel was forced to keep its, 4933:1, 2, 9. SACRIFICE Acceptable only when offered in obedience, 3224:2-4; 4786; appreciated less than justice and judgment, 5430, 5431; beyond the laws of justice, 4835:6-8. Body: Of Christ prepared beforehand for, 4965:3-5; to be presented a, 99. Church: Gives natural life in, 121:7; received only through, 4646:2-4. Consecration is: Only the first step of, 4900:10, 11; 5055:12-14; to do God's will and not to, 5085, 5086. economy is part of our covenant of, 1672:15. Essential to: Great salvation, 742:8, 10, 11; overcoming, 4715:12, 13; 4716:1, 2. Evidences of acceptable, 913:7; exhortations to, 4244:6-11; first made by God in Eden to clothe Adam and Eve, 1945:2, 3. In: Babylon less acceptable than obedience in coming out of her, 5647:6, 7; spirit is honorable, 559:13-16. Justice: never requires, 5844:13. Justification must precede our, 1231:3-5, 11-14; Lord desires mercy, not, 538:6; 539:1-5; means giving up rights, 1187:1; measure of our love, 3296:1-4; no part of missionaries' lives, 4041:5-8, 11-13. Not: merely giving up sin, 1186; required in the Millennium, 3844:10; 3845:1, 2. Obedience better than, 1481, 1482; 4206-4208. Of: All essential to church, 729:4; body performed by High Priest, 4965; Cain, why not accepted, 3927:4, 5. CHRIST: Did not cancel our debt, but bought us, 1286:4-14; not the laying aside of his spirit nature, 1298:5-7; 1299:1-6; was voluntary, 198:4; what constitutes it and for whom made, 47:2-7. Christians, 158:10-12; 318:1, 10; 479:1, 2, 8-10; consecrated, 785:13; earthly interests and spiritual advantage, 5206:1-7; Isaac by Abraham typical, 5180:6-14. JESUS: Added nothing to his perfection, 5079:3, 4; efficacious for church and world, 5776, 5777; in two parts, 5054:10-13; occurred but once, 4780:6-9, 16, 17; was finished at Calvary, 3387:12, 13; and church is surrender of life-rights, 4492:9; and church shown in type, 4545, 4546. Pleasures the duty of the Christian, 4402:1, 2; 5656:11-14; self the greatest offering, 3845:3-6; The Christ outlined, 5085, 5086. Only begun with consecration, 4900:10, 11. Our: Bodies a, 100:1-3, 9, 10; justified humanity is, 1231:4, 12; not for our sins, 1231:4, 12. Present: Christian course is, 2761, 2762; your bodies a living, 328:5-11, 19-22; 3703:10-14; 5422, 5423. Privilege, not necessity, 760:5, 13. Ransom: Blood is the, 13:1-7, 11-17; exhibits God's love, 9:5, 8-11; our only hope, 3:4. Refraining from sin is not, 931:3, 9; 1186:13, 14; rewarded a hundredfold in this life, 5466:12-16. To be: Acceptable must be from the heart, 5648:1-4, 9-11; offered by priests alone, 5638:6-8; salted with salt, 508:2-12, 14-23. Too difficult for most of the rich, 5465; used in Scriptures in double sense, 4966:1, 8, 9; voluntary and involuntary, 2161:5; we are not able to judge one another's, 5855:8, 9. What: CHRISTIANS: Are obliged to, 2123:4-11; should, 479:1, 2, 8-10. High Priest and under priests, 3265:8, 9; is acceptable, 2412:1, 2; liferights the church have to, 4905:16-18. WE: 609:13; 626:4-6; 882:11; may, 1672:8, 12-16. Your life, 936. And: Cross-bearing defined, 3236:12; 3237; luxurious traveling considered (Letter and reply), 5282:20-22; 5283; service our return for the Lord's benefits, 5538:4-6. See Obedience; Ransom. SACRIFICES Acceptable and unacceptable, 4398:9-11; antitypical significance of, 2822. Atonement Day: How ransom was shown in, 4915:8, 9; in antitype, 80:1-3; 4397; pictured in Leviticus 9 and 16, 5391:4-6, 12, 13; type and antitype, 4034-4036; 4397; 4427; typical cleansing of the, 3319:3; 3507, 3508; 4655:5, 6. Christian's, 209:4-7, 11, 12; 210:1-4, 7; 328:19-22; church not ordained to offer, 5719:6, 11, 12; 5720:1, 7, 8; costly and acceptable, 2448:6-9; first were the slaying of animals for Adam and Eve's garments, 1614:3. For: One another a sweet perfume, 3536; two distinct classes and of two distinct times, 1871:11, 12, 16. hindrances to acceptable, 3199:9, 10; inward parts of, what they typified, 73:4, 5, 9. Jewish: Antitypical significance of, 5191:3-10; sermons of Jesus on, 573:2. May be restored literally at beginning of Millennium, 1732:20, 21; Mosaic law, type and antitype, 72:1-13; 73:1-9, 11-17. Must be: Unblemished, 967:3; willing, 819:8-10. Not required in Millennium, 2676:10. Of: Animals in Millennium, 2488:15, 16; atonement day pictured in Leviticus 9 and 16, 5391:4-6, 12, 13; church, what these accomplish, 4855:11-13; Israel typical of better sacrifices, 5299:8, 9, 12-17. LAW: Typified those of the new covenant, 4512:3-5; 4513:5-9; what they typified, 72:2-4. Mosaic law explained, 72:10; new creature not sinful, 330:2, 3; others than priests not typical, 1897:3; Passover and Atonement Day different, 4384, 4385; priests, why acceptable to God, 3265:5, 7; the saints, 548:5-7, 8-14; true Christians, 775:14. Offering of better, 3318, 3319; present your bodies living, 4535:2-6, 8-11. Typical: And Antitypical, 157:11-18; 514:1-3; not efficacious, 454:15; of bullock and goat explained, 4965; replaced by Jesus' sacrifice, 4390:3-5; show church's share in sin-offering, 96:1-5, 6-8; 4340:8-11, 14, 15; 4747:3-5, 10-14; significance of, 96:1-5, 6-8; 407:1. What: Are the better, 3318, 3319; 4397; true church, 146:19; 4900:2-4, 10, 11. And: Atonement, typical and antitypical, 4655, 4656; gifts were types merely, 591:1, 2. See Passover. SACRIFICING By a twelve-year-old child, 3402:4-7; in Lord's work, 449:12. Of: The church done by Jesus, 4747:3-5, 11-14; what it consists, 3266, 3267. Special mission now of royal priesthood, 3265; we are not to expect that we shall love, 3634:11. SADDUCEES Chief persecutors of the church, 2939:15; doctrine of the, 2683:4. Were: Agnostics, 2756:8, 9; the Jewish politicians, 2939:15. See Pharisees. SADNESS Of Lord occasioned by loss of his disciples, 1710:5, 12. SAFEGUARDING Our interests by keeping close to Lord, 5148:12-15. SAFETY In time of trouble: Trust in the Lord, 1519:12; 4111:6, 7; who may expect, 2019-2021. Lies in dependence upon God, 1458:15-17; loyalty, the course of, 1356:6-8. SAINT Louis, progress of truth in (Letter), 5875:11-14; 5876; Luke, see Luke; Mark, see Mark; Paul, see Paul; Peter, see Peter; Peter's Cathedral, see Cathedral, St. Peter's; Stephen, see Stephen; Thomas, see Thomas. SAINTS Activity in service essential to, 1440:2-4, 9-12; adhering to the one who has the words of eternal life, 1710. Advice to: REGARDING: Playing of pool, billiards or games, 1942:15-18; service amid earthly duties, 1334:13-16. Unequally yoked in marriage, 1554:7-13. All: To be subject one to another, 1553:4, 5; who will may suffer with Christ, 1783:2. Alone appreciate God's favor, 2850:8; ancient worthies were examples to, 1630:9-11; appear unpatriotic to the world, 1912:6-10. Are: "Angels", 1279:1, 2; chastened in present life, 5315:7; faithful few, 173:2, 3; temple of God, 1931. As: Fathers of families, 1952:15, 16; 1953:1-3; living stones are built up a spiritual house, pyramid shaped, 1568:7-11; mourners in Zion, 1441:4-9. Astronomy no part of divine revelation to, 1815:5-8; attitude in the time of trouble of the, 1913:7,8; 1914:6; babes in Christ and how they grow as, 1567:15, 16; 1568:1-3; become as little children but are no more children, 1972:3, 7; begotten through Christ Jesus or directly of God? 1768:11-24; 1769:1, 2, 9; blessed results of experience, discipline and sorrow to, 1944:8-10; blood of, shed by Christendom, 5256:4, 11, 12. Bodies of: Which slept arose, 1509:7. WILL: Not disappear, 666:2-8. See Corruption. Bonds of union are bonds of love and common interest to, 1574:9, 10; both freemen and bond-servants of Christ, 1738:7-13; boycott against the truth foretold to, 1766:3, 8; by their words acquitted, by their words condemned, 1937; called to come out of Babylon, 1577. Can: Be overcomers and believe the earth flat, square, round, or any other shape, 1815:5-8; their faith be too firm? 1924:10-14. Canonizing of, is nonsense, 1139; carnal weapons are not for, 82:4, 6; 2779:7-11; 3274:5, 6; 4235:7-11; causes of, for praising the Lord, 1402; changed, then glorified, 169:2-7. Character: Likeness to the Lord required of the, 4418:7, 9-11; reformation-how accomplished in, 1654:11, 12. Children of, in the time of trouble, 1963; chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people, 1567; Christ should be their living, personal companion and confidential friend and guide, 1789:5. Christ's: Glory is in his, 582:3, 4; yoke easy for, 1961. Commission of, 1715:3, 4; 2580:6-10; common sense, what it is and how it operates in, 1776-1782; communication of, with earth, 2416:3-8; communism for, impracticable and unscriptural, 1861:12-15; 1862; conduct of, 1296:9-11; consecrated in 1891, about 4,000, 1280:2-6; contention among the, 1663:12, 13; 1664:1-3; creed beds too short for, 2814:1-5; cummin and fitches represents class of, 576:5; cup and table of, vs. cup and table of devils, 1898-1900; danger of taking God's name in vain by, 1527, 1528; debt of gratitude to God, 1673:2, 3; "delight themselves in the Lord", 1840:1-3; deliverance the promised reward of the, 5758:9, 10; denounced by M.E. Bishop, 3793:2; desire one thing, to "dwell in the house of the Lord", 1915:3, 4; distributing to the distresses of the, 2214:1; do not follow others into darkness by conversation, reading, etc., 1860:7, 10; doing a general book-business (novels, newspapers, etc.)? 1986:3, 4; duty of, if compelled to enter army, 1912:9. Earthly: Blessings are a loss to the, 2852:1-3; house of, is the earthly body, 2231:4-6. Encouragement to: The suffering and the tempted, 1807:7-11; 1808:1, 2; those coming out of Babylon, 1575:14; 1576:1-5; 1577:4-11. Envy of the prosperity of the wicked a sign of ignorance in, 1562:3, 6-8; example of the ancient worthies inspiring to, 1639:3, 13, 14; 1640:1, 4, 5. Faith: Delivered to, 339:7; encouraged in, 1938; foundation of their peace, 1834:12; 1835:1-3, 7-10. SHOULD: Be just simple enough to take God at his word, 1528:3; not depend upon voices from heaven, real or imaginary, 1624:1. Fall of Jericho illustrates victory of, 1857; faults which will lead into outer darkness, 1356:2-5; fiery trials refine the gold of nature of, 1944:5-10; first duty of, to make the truth their own, 1867:12-14; five features of the time of trouble seen by, 1488. Gathered: To Christ, 154:5, 6, 11, 12; together for protection, 4379:5-8; Gideon's army type of, 1875; gifts of teachers and apostles are for the perfecting of, 5067. Glorification of: To precede Babylon's fall, 1649:1-6; typified by beheading of John the Baptist, 1754:5, 10. "Godliness with contentment is great gain" to the, 1851:11; gossip forbidden by law of love, 1845:1-5; governmental persecution of, cannot avert foretold trouble, 1372:2, 5, 6; "greater works than these shall ye do", 1722:14; greatest battle of, is against pride, 1920:3-10; 1921:1, 2, 9; guarded by their angels, 3332:6, 10, 11; habit of thought of, 1885:8-10; happy are ye if ye do these things, 1802. Have: No fear of man, 1788:7-11. NO FELLOWSHIP WITH: The ungodly, sinners or scornful, 1383; those who deny the ransom, 1860:2-7, 9-12. The spirit of a sound mind, 1414:1-5, 9-12. "He that marrieth not doeth better", 1554:2-6. High calling the only call during the gospel age, 1668; their secret, 1598:15. Holy and fervent emotion toward the Father the attitude of, 1914:5, 10, 11. How: All are inspired, 1148:10-12; can they know each other? 1575:2, 3; canonized by papacy, 1139; (a) chosen generation, 1567:5-9, 14; Christ's freemen and bond-servants, 1738:7-13; faith of, is increased, 1967; judgement must begin with, 1356:1-10; pure in heart see God, 1739:4, 7; resurrected, 93:12, 13; "saved from this generation", 1151. THEY: Are to follow one another, 1886:1, 6; behold the beauty of the Lord, 1915:4; escape purgatory, 1409:10; 1471:1; hide and rest in the "secret place" amidst persecutions, 1788:2-11; may witness, 1215:2-8, 16, 17; receive the holy spirit, 1456:16-19; reflect Christ's image, 1944:9, 10; should love the truth, 1949:11; 1950:1. TO: Deal with elders and leaders, 1895:3-11; guard against pride, 1987:12; guard against wolves, 1848:1-5; manifest love, 1327:11; strive against faults and blemishes, 1295:3, 4; 1296; tell whether or not you are in Babylon, 1578:5-9. Humility of supreme importance to, 1920:3-10; 1921:1, 2, 9. In: BABYLON: Cast out as evil, 731:1; proper to fellowship, 2991:8. The resurrection, 1509:10. Influence of the heavenly treasures upon their present lives, 1821:8, 9; inheritance of, 337:3-7, 11-17; insignificant error may be open switch for side-tracking, 1871:10; instructions found on the Lord's table, 1494:13; invited to the great supper, 1957; Jehovah their shield and exceeding great reward, 1905; journey to Canaan of the, 1841; judged daily by their words and acts, 1922:4, 8; know the things belonging to their peace, 1847:2-5. Law: Covenant not binding upon, 1446, 1447; 1723-1730; 1734:8-14; of development of, 1906; should be respected by, as long as there is any, 1440:1. "Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven", 1820, 1821; laying on of hands no longer proper for, 1956. Lessons: FOR THEM IN: David's fight with Goliath, 1902; Moses' last message, 1850:3, 4, 9-13. Of Gethsemane for the, 1801:13. Letters of encouragement to those coming out of Babylon, 1635:22; liberty of, now and hereafter, 1737:12, 13; 1738:4-13; life-long battle of, 1759:7; like steel filings among sawdust, 1950:1; likened to the diamond, 3104:1-3; 3752:1; 4995:9-12. Living: After the flesh will die, 1748; by faith, 1798; stones, 1568:7-11. Lord is the shepherd of the, 1745. Love: FOR: Enemies, pity love, 1330:11; 1331:9; Father and the Lord Jesus, 1412:9-11; God vs. false love, 1864; world, pity love, 1250:5; 1251; 1-3; world and friends a benevolent hope, 2416:3-6. Must inspire them if they would be victors, 1799:2. ONLY: Law of, 1729:8-10; proper bond of Christian union, 1817:13; 1818:1. "Lovest thou me more than these?" Jesus' query to the, 1823:16; 1824:1, 2, 7, 8; loyalty to truth the one safe course for, 1356:6-8; magnificent pageantry of the heavens should inspire holy and reverent devotion in, 1814:13, 20; manner of their death may be peaceful or troubled, 5403:12-14; many which slept arose, 833:6, 7; 2811:5-10; marks of a ripe character on, 1317:9-12; martyrs are not all, 3599:13, 14. May: Be perplexed but are never in despair, 5671:2, 3; have desires for usefulness which will never be gratified, 1756:12, 13. Meaning of: "Until Christ be formed in you", 1273, 1274; word, 5856:7. Mentality among, 1162:7; ministry of evil fruitful of good to, 1759; miracles never performed for temporal benefit of, 1754:13; mission now not to convert the world, but to harvest, 1940:11, 18; 1941:1-8. Must: Appear unpatriotic, unavoidably, 1912:6-10; be easy of entreatment, 3604:5-7; become as little children, 1766; belong to Christ; not to secret societies, denominations, or to self, 1697:1-5; die physically, 293; have complete faith--intellectual assurance and heart reliance, 1822:6, 7; not bow down to creed-idols, 1408:13, 14; 1409:1-3, 10, 11; serve the Lord, 1782:16, 17; 1783:1-5. Narrow way will never become wider, but will become more blessed to the, 1751:5, 6; nature and revelation themes of mediation for the, 1390:5, 7, 8; 1391:1-10; neglect to use their talents a proof of lack of love in, 1683:3, 9. None: Absolutely perfect in love, 1244:7; receive full reward until resurrection, 1881:21-46; will be total failures now except those who would also fail in Millennium, 1789:15. Not: Always in grace, 1697-1699; of them that draw back into perdition, 1798:13; 1799:1, 2. TO BE: Perfected in flesh, 162:2, 3; righteous overmuch, 1532:15. TO: Expect physical healing, 2000:1-6; look for further revelations through visions, dreams, etc., 1528:2; remain in darkness, 647:10; wade through no-ransom doctrines to help others out, 1860:7, 10. Objects: To be sought in meetings of the, 1894:8-12. Of: God, in Satan's kingdom, 841:6-9; the past were sanctified with less truth than we now possess, 1782:3-9, 12, 13. On: Their journey toward their Father's House, 1401; trial for life, 1748. One of their greatest temptations-ambition, 1586:7, 8; one-half of the consecrated go into second death? 1837:7; one hundred and forty-four thousand in gospel age a reasonable number, 2941:10-14; oneness should be in heart and mind; not in the minutia of doctrine, 1571:12, 13. Only: Ones of mankind who attain immortality, 1879:6-15; proper fear of, 1807:1; satisfaction, continued growth in Christlikeness, 1885:5. Order and organization in the church, 1889-1896; overcoming of Jesus an encouragement to the, 4761:8-10; participation in antitypical paschal lamb by the, 1321:6. Peace of, is: In the heart, not outwardly, 1652:7; possible amid turmoil, 1245:4; the Lord's rich legacy, 1834:1-12; 1835:1-3, 7-10. Pearls are troubles made beautiful, 1756:5, 6; "perfecting holiness"--how accomplished, 1739; persecution only seems to prosper, 3050, 3051; personal love and friendship of Christ the chiefest of all treasures, 1820:5, 6; physical death of, essential, 293; pictured by the prodigal son, 1460:8, 9; pictures relating to, 170:1-3, 6; praying for their own healing take the sacrifice off the altar, 1689:4, 5, 9-11; preaching the gospel should begin at home, 1882:19; presenting the truth by letter writing, 1852:15; privilege and power of prayer, 1864-1866; privileged to spread the truth, 2714:7; probably will communicate with earth, 2416:3-8; 3462:8-10. Progress: In the narrow way, their crucial test, 1751:4-6; of a true, 1528:1-3. Promises of God to, should become living realities, 1885:8-10. Proper Attitude of: During labor and capital conflicts, 1423:4, 5, 7; in the time of trouble, 1785:5-9. TOWARD: False brethren, 1320:9; opposition, 1736:12; publications from the Watch Tower office, 1629:1, 2; 1636:3, 4, 12; reform movements, 1563:11, 15-19; 1564:1, 9; work done while in Babylon, 1029:4-6. Proper: Course of, in these perilous times, 1320:12; 1321:1-4, 7; exercise of forgiveness by, 1693, 1694; judging-between wheat and tares, between true brethren and false, 1362; reserve between brethren and sisters imperative, 1586:14-16. Properly say, "I am of Christ", 1571:3. Protected: By angels from harm, 4926:10-12; until the indignation be overpast, 1787, 1788. Qualities necessary for successful living as, 1640:5; quickened by God, 1856:5-7; raised with spiritual bodies, 119:7, 8, 13; receive first testing in evil day, 684:3; relative claims of love and justice upon, 1534; "render honor to whom honor is due', 1555:8-10; "rendering their all unto the Lord?" 1673:1-3, 7-10; replying to attacks in newspapers, 1852:7; requested to write to congressmen in re post office rulings on Dawns (1896), 1943; 1955; 1962; "rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him", 1840:7-9; "resting at Jesus' feet" does not mean idleness, 1754:8; resurrection of the, 1510:13-16; 1511:9-111; 1512:1-3; 1854:9-14; 1855:1-13; reward of, heavenly, 1881:15-22; royal priesthood the, secret order of the, 1759:13; running the Christian race, 1884, 1885; sabbath --the rest of faith, 1446:6, 7; 1498; 1731:17; 1734:14; sabbath-keeping not binding upon, 1446, 1447; 1727-1730; 1734:8-14; sacrifice of, defined, 1672:8, 12-16; safety of, in the time trouble, 1875:5, 6, 12-15. Satan: Cannot touch, except as God permits, 1779:13-16; has no power over, 1684:6, 13-15; 1686:1. Security lies in activity for the truth, 1282:6, 9; self one danger to the, 1458:15-17; selfishness the battle of the, 1861:2-7, 10, 11. Service: Prayed for and neglected often byt he, 1757:14, 15; should be prompted by love, 1714:4. Shall: Be like him, 1856:8-14; 1857:1, 8; give account for every idle word, 1938:1-5; hear a word behind them saying, This is the way, 1753. JUDGE THE: Fallen angels, 4069; 4070:8; 5044:9; world, 4986:4. Should: Always be joyful in the Lord, 1915:11; 1948; 4248:2-5; avoid those who deny the ransom, 1453:10, 11. BE: As separate as possible from all earthly unions, 1285:1-3, 9-15; careful in conduct, conversation, manners, dress and habits, 1586:9, 10; 1587:1-3, 16, 17; careful to require as little chastening as possible, 1748:12; easy of entreatment, 3604:5-7; patterns of earnest endeavor to copy Christ, 1886:1, 6. Bear reproaches of Christ as he did, 1964:8; boast and glory in the Lord, 1919, 1920; do nothing to promote or hasten revolution, 1676:17; 1677:1-3; encourage none to use talents they do not possess, 1629:4, 7, 8; extend their tender mercies to the lower creation, 1520:17; forget the things that are behind, 1885:7; grow like trees, 1886:4; have no fellowship with the unbelieving, impure, disloyal or deceitful, 1588; keep their mouths with a bridle, while the wicked is before them, 1937:8-11; let patience have her perfect work, 1721; neither advocate nor take part in the world-wide revolution, 1607:10-12. NOT: Be disappointed when the test of endurance is applied, 1759:16; belong to denominations, 1697:3, 4; devote Sunday to the common pursuits of life, 1580:16; permit other themes than the gospel to engross their time, 1811:8; reject anything merely because Babylon has it, 1893:3; rush into print with crude ideas, 1475:13; think it strange concerning fiery trials, 1956:4, 5, 10-13. Obey civil laws in re rest from secular labor on Sunday, 1734:5; place themselves in the way of opportunity to serve, 1465:4; prove all things, 1788:9, 10; remember Lot's wife, 1860; return gratitude for tall deeds of love and kindness toward them, 1673:1; run for nothing less than the great prize, 1789:6-9, 15, 16; "speak as oracles of God", 1356:9, 10; submit themselves to every ordinance of man, 1553:3-5; take no part in politics or voting, 1563. THEY: Favor war to prevent massacres? 1912:6-10; join the A.P.A., beneficiary societies, etc? 1827; 1849:1-5; 1935:16; serve as jurors? 1531:3, 4, 10-13; use tobacco? 1849:12, 13. Weep for others, not for themselves, 1885:2, 3, 7. Show others the right path by keeping in it and calling to them, 1860:7, 9; singleness of purpose imperative to, 1885:6. Sleeping: Arose in 1878, 2982:2; awarded, 81:3; proofs that they are raised, 328:2-4, 16-18. Song of: Is restitution, 292:18, 19; 497:7, 8; Revelation 15, 497:7, 8. "Speech should be always with grace, seasoned with salt", 1937:6, 11. Spirit of: Christ is one of service, 1707:14; 1708:1-3, 11-13; world vs. spirit of Christ, 1956:1-3, 7-9. Spirit-begotten new creature is not immortal nor incorruptible, 1698:3-24. Stewardship of: 1327:6-10; pounds and talents, 1972. Stripes proportionate to knowledge and opportunity to learn, 1985:7, 8, 11; 1986:1, 5; study of divine plan alone is not narrow-mindedness, 1900:11, 12; suffering with Christ absolutely, essential, 1782:16, 17; 1783:1-5. Suggestions: FOR: Morning family services, 1808:3, 4; 1811:1, 2; service for those unable to colporteur, 1650:4-10, 17-20. In re meetings (1895), 1866-1868; that they attend Babylon's prayer meetings and witness (1894), 1650:17-19; 1768:4-10. Swear or affirm? is it proper to, 1531:3, 4, 13; sympathy for rich and poor, employer and employee, 1676:11-17; "Take no thought for the morrow", 1828:11-13; talents and their use by, 1281, 1282; temporal deliverance not promised, 1408:9,12; tempted like the Lord, how, 1688:9-15; 1689:1-5, 8-15. Tempting God by: Sowing to the flesh, 1688:11; tampering with things known to be evil, 1688:11. Ten Commandments do not apply to, 1726:5-19; term fitly applied to true Christians, 2126:5; test of fellowship is--to be a Christian, 1576:10. Tested as to: endurance, 645:4, 7, 13-15; 1656; 1995:2, 9, 10; 5651:3-6. They that be wise shall shine as the brightness, 1955:2, 9, 10; 5651:3-6. They that be wise shall shine as the brightness, 1955:3-6; "think it not strange concerning the fiery trial", 1744; "thorn in the flesh" of, 1744. To: BE: Gathered, 156:4, 5, 9, 10; glorified, 167:9, 10, 17; 168; 613:13; kings and priests, 2879:8 9. have spiritual bodies, 119:7 8, 13. Treasures of, are in heaven, 1513. Trials of faith of: 1822; why permitted, 1949. Typified by golden candlestick, 1491:1. Use: And abuse of judgment, 1712; not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, 1580:1-3, 14-17. Value of intercessory prayer to, 1842:8-11; various meanings given to word, 2987:3; venial, mortal, and mixed sins of, 1983-1985; very elect not deceived, 1239:8-10, 15; voting or being elected to civil offices, is it proper? 1531:3, 4, 14; wait for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning, 1759:16; 1760:1-3, 10; walking according to God's rule find peace and mercy, 1840. Warfare of the: 1859:4-11, 15-20; must be aggressive; not merely defensive, 1799:2. Warning of King Saul's course to, 1888:4, 5, 10-13; watchwords of the Christian soldier, sobriety, vigilance, steadfastness, 1859. What: Divine consolation is to, 1839. IT IS TO: Live after the flesh, 1748:6-8; live in the spirit, 1748:10, 13; walk righteously and speak uprightly, 1875:5, 6, 12, 13. They must pay for a share in the kingdom, 1656:6-13, 17; 1657:1-3, 12, 13. "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap", 1653-1655; when they pass through the waters, Lord will be with, 1857:2, 3, 9; where they are found, 591:10; which slept arose, 833:6, 7; 2811:5-10; who offer strange fire will go into second death, 1836. Why: Brethren are properly called, 2987:5, 6; our day is peculiarly trying to, 1485:3; secure from delusions, 2770:10, 11. THEIR: Future glory is dependent on present sufferings, 1652:11; 1653:1-4; prayers are often unanswered, 1902:13-18. There is strife and contention among, at times, 1663:12, 13; 1664:1-3. THEY: Have tribulation in the world, 4761:4-6; praise Jehovah, 2737:9-12. Will: Appear to world, 147:8; be assailed by Satan more fiercely as the night draws on, 1653:10-13; not all sleep, 473:8, 9, 11-16; share Christ's throne, how, 1283:4. With what care should they deal with the hearts of men? 1784:1, 8; world they should love and world they should not love, 1955; worldly pleasures not for, 1790:7, 8, 13; yearly spiritual accounting by, 3000-3002; zeal a necessity to, 1885:11. See Brethren; Bride of Christ; Christ, Body of; Christian; Christians; Church, True; Elect; Elijah Class; God, Sons of; Little Flock; New Creation; New Creature; Overcomer; Priesthood, Royal; The Christ. SALOME Asks head of John the Baptist, 2637; under influence of Herodias, 3326:5-7. SALOON Arguments against the, 4007:2-7; bishop starts a home, 1790:14; D.D.'s view on, 1492:19; established in New York by Bishop Potter, 3418:5-8, 11. SALOONS And Church of England, 1852:1, 2, 13, 14; Roman Catholics in Philadelphia who keep, 1765:10-15. SALT Covenant of, a covenant of faithfulness, 3879:4; of earth, Christ's followers are the, 3736:10-12; our speech seasoned with, how? 1116:7; sacrifice to be salted with, 508; Scriptural meaning of, 84:13; symbol of loyalty and preservation, 5426:13, 14; that has lost its savor--second death class, 2073:5, 6, 9, 10; value as a condiment and preservative, 2099:2, 3; why Christians are compared to, 2099. SALUTE No one by the way, but minister, 2675:1. SALVATION All: In Christ made alive, 1219:5; will not attain eternal, 7:8. Army: Burned Satan in effigy (1895), 1870:13, 14; General Booth makes a prediction (1895), 1791:16, 17; legalized by capitalists in Denmark, 2254:7-9; philanthropic work of, in Great Britain (1891), 1333:8; 1371:8; self-denial campaigns of, 2169:11, 12; selfish ambition, self-aggrandizement and vainglory have crept into, 1587:15; worker receive the truth, 4704:6-8, 12, 13. As Christians, our part and God's part in our, 5759:3, 4, 7-11. At: Present by hope, 3701:6; such a cost, why Jehovah decreed, 5429, 5430. Belief in Christ essential to, 604:7-13. By: Life of Jesus, 1028:9, 10; 1228:15-17; 1229:1-4, 6, 7; works without a ransom a delusion, 1616:1, 8. Christ's part and ours in, 1167:1, 2; Christianity alone to give the world, 4982:2, 3, 17, 18; church alone now called to, 5303, 5304; come to the house of Zaccheus, 3848:9-11; 3849; common, from sin and death, 4398:2-4; comprehensive and yet exclusive, 1180:6; death of Jesus essential to, 42:6, 14; 197:12-14; 392:15, 16; 3563-3565; dependent upon money, says Bishop Fowler, 3272:11-13. Eternal, only: Conditionally, 7:8; for the worthy, 1220. Evolution theory opposed to need for, 5078:1-3, 10, 11. For: ALL: Men, how? 1218:22; who will, 221:12; 222:8. Heathen, 857, 858; infants, Presbyterian views on, 830. WORLD: God's means of, 3522:1-5, 10, 11; tracing God's promises of, 4939:4-8, 13-16. From none but Christ, 800:9, 801:1, 8; general, Scriptural teaching of, 741:9-12; gift of God, 677:2-4; great, how attained, 609:13; how universal, 1437; 1442, 1443; 1453, 1454. Is: In the cross, 43:1-22; of the Jews, 4131:3-6. Kinds of, 404:4-7; 433:9, 10; made possible by the ransom is a new trial for life, 1598:1, 2; Millennium to give one fair chance for, 2049:7-9. Not: A contest between God and Satan, 1057:10-14; for all in this age, 2375:8; obtained through ignorance, 2428:20-22; 3521:5-7; through our own works, 4796:13-15; universal, 764:6. Now is the day of, 858, 859. Of: CHURCH: Is special, 5596, 5597; and world, 778:13. Dying infants, 830:8-12; God for all men, 1218:21; 1437; 1442; gospel age a special one, 2932:8; Ingersoll the belief of ministers, 3559:6-22; mankind in Millennium, 2652:8-10. WORLD: Is future, 98:5; 603:11-13; lies in the cross of Christ, 5919:7, 9-11; not present work of church, 4878:23, 24; reduced to gaining of money, 3328:1-3; through Jesus' death, 676, 677. Offered to all, refused by some, 5372:1-3, 5; only one chance for, says Dr. Talmage, 2047, 2048; order in and degrees of, 404:4-7, 12, 13; our responsibility in working out our, 5303:15; 5304:1-9; Paul preached to Jews this, 352; plan of, 164, 165; reaches the first gentile, Cornelius, 1451; receiving vs. retaining, 1265:2, 9, 10; Scriptures able to make wise unto, 3210:4-11. Special: For believers, 1437; 1442:2, 3; to the church, 741:13; 742:1, 2. Strive to enter in at the strait gate, 1951; three requirements upon us for, 1582:12. Through: Grace of God, 3165, 3166; Jesus alone, 706:16. To: Be worked out with fear and trembling, 5856:2, 3, 9, 10; come through neither ignorance nor innocence, 2063:1-5; high calling, this age offers, 859:1-5, 7-12. Two kinds of, 352; 609:5, 6; 630:3; 1149; 5078:10-15. Universal: God the Savior of all men, 1437; 1442, 1443; 1453, 1454; only conditionally everlasting, 1220; opportunity for, 1261:10, 11; Scriptural limitation, 7:8. Unto ends of earth, 541:17; various denominational views respecting, 4212, 4213. What: From? 1151; it means, 3847:5, 6. Will not be universal, redemption will, 5925; work out your own, 1166:17-19. SALVATIONS Are two-fold, 741, 742; death of Christ provided two, 5596, 5597. SAMARIA Christ and the woman of, 1711:7, 8, 12, 13; I shall bring again the captivity of, 1617:15; 1618:1; preaching of Philip in, 1433; received the gospel through Philip, 2960, 2961. SAMARITAN Good: Explanation of Jesus' parable of, 5699:7, 11, 12; true neighbor was the, 1767; 2684. SAMARITANS Excluded from receiving gospel, 2423:3; injury to truly conserated, 3649:11; Israelites refuse aid from, 2512:1, 2; Jews had no dealings with the, 2069:2; looking for Messiah, 906; origin of, 2574:2; people of the land, 2512:1, 2. Why: Shunned by the Jews, 3495:4, 5; 4130:3-5; their assistance in building Temple was rejected, 3649:6-8. SAMSON Hayden L., death of Pilgrim Brother, 5401:7. (Strong Man): Bee-story of, parallel in our day, 3329:16; delivered Israel from the Philistines, 4088:1-8; 4089; loyal to God, a soldier in Israel, 5612, 5613; pictured the Church's experience, 4089:3; what Christians can learn from life of, 5613:3-7, 11-14; woman the undoing of, 4088:6-8; worthy of emulation in some respects, unworthy in others, 5613:3-7. SAMUEL Anointed: David as king, 4209, 4210; Saul as king, 3218:2-4; 4197. As a judge, 1882; beautiful character of, 1887:9, 10; 1888:13; became a judge over Israel, 5627:8, 9; 5628:2; character of, due to pre-natal influence, 4193:4; childhood of, 1882; consecrated to God before birth, proved a loyal servant, 5615, 5616; demon impersonates, 754:12-15; 5673:8, 13-15; faithful servant of the Lord, 4193:2-8. Noble: And strong character, 4090-4092; unselfish course with Israel pursued by, 4200:9; 4201:1-3. Points Israel to their sin of ingratitude, 4199:5, 6; 4200, 4201; prophet of God and reformer, 5627, 5628; reviews the righteousness of his rule, 3222:4,5,8. SANBALLAT Opposition of, to Nehemiah illustrative, 3675:4-10. SANCTIFICATION Essential to membership in the elect, 3635:10, 11; follows justification, 2385:1-5, 12, 13; God's will concerning the church is, 2353:9-11; 2412:1, 2; 5126, 5127. Justification: And consecration considered together with, 5410, 5411; distinct from, 3280:5-12. Lost sight of by Christendom generally, 5677:9-11; meaning of word, 374:13, 14; 377:7, 11-13; means the giving of the heart to God; full complete consecration, 1563:1. Of: Church, defined, 200:3-6; natural priests, 69:1-4; spiritual priests, 69:4-10, 14-20; world (1883 view), 442:14-16. Our part and God's part in, 5877:4-6; progressive work, 1316:7. Through the Word: Of truth, 442:10-13; the spirit, the blood, 5877:7-12. Truth: Acted upon brings, 1531:1, 2; given for the purpose of, 2079:4. Two parts of, 374:14; 5319, 5320; view of (1883), 441:7-9, 17-20; will not bring human perfection, 5126:14, 15. And: Consecration defined, 5876:23; high calling, 377:2-6. SANCTIFIED For sake of others, 835:9, 10; only the church are now, 3280, 3281; unbelieving parent is, 2991:1-3, 6. SANCTIFY Did God's people of the past have truth sufficient to? 1782:3-9, 12, 13; purpose of the truth not to satisfy curiosity, but to, 1530:3-6, 9, 10; through thy truth, 5319, 5320. SANCTUARY Cleansing of, what it typified, 159; divine, see Divine Sanctuary; Seventh Day Adventist views on cleansing the, 1732:8-14. SANDALS Consecration, patience and fortitude, 1659:12. SANDS Of the seashore, Abraham's seed to be as the, 2067:4, 5, 10, 11; 3944:9; 3945:1, 2. SAN FRANCISCO Center of Papal secret societies, 1518:3, 15; earthquake, truth people all spared in, 3781:6, 7, 13. SANHEDRIN Charged Jesus with blasphemy, 1809:7, 8, 12, 13. Feared: Doctrines of apostles, 2947:22; 2948:1-3; preaching of the apostles, 4325:9. Holy criminals, 1809:6-8, 12-14; hypocrisy in dealing with Jesus, 2471:1-3; 3554:1, 2, 4-6; illegal trial of Jesus by the, 2781:9. Instituted by: God, 5308:8-10; Moses, 2674:8. Jesus before the, 2470-2472; lacked civil authority, 2467:10; limited in power over Jesus' life, 2470:8, 13; Paul witnessed of Christ before the, 4485:6; 4486:1-3; Peter and John before the, 5839:3-6, 10-13; sought to entrap Jesus, 3510:8-12; Stephen's defense before, 2957, 2958; and Church Federation both opponents of truth, 4162:3. SARAH Covenant, church are children of the, 777:10; 4019:5, 6; 4367:10-13; 4368:1-5; 4436:5, 6; 4528:9; "even as, obeyed Abraham", 1553:7-9; numbered with faithful, 4387:11, 12; pictured the church's share in the Abrahamic covenant, 4309:5, 6; sister, niece and wife of Abraham, 2934:2, 3. Type: 283:8; 973:5; of the Abrahamic covenant, 1386-1389; 2778:3. SARCASM The devil's language, 5021:10. SARDINE Stone, red, symbol of love, 529:8. SARDIS Admonitions to the church of, 4870:6, 7; fifth stage of the church, 5993:6-8; great company class constituted majority in church of, 4870:10; meaning of word, 491:16; message to church of, 491:16. SATAN Ambassadors of, teach as angels of light, 3309:6, 7; appeared to Lord as angel of light, 3299:2-4; appears as an angel of light, 16:9; 1684:3-5; 2135:1; 3717:5-8; 4979:5-8; arguments to Eve, 911:2, 3. Attacks: More virulent against prominent Christians, 3300:1; ransom to hold race, 431:1-4. THROUGH: Human agencies, 2770:2, 11. Attempts to discourage God's people, 5329:9, 14. Author of: All evil on earth, 583; magic healing, etc., 3157:11; 3158. Azazel a type of, 4035:7, 8; beginning of rebellion of, 2839:7-9; being, not a mere evil force, 5209, 5210; believed today even as by Eve, 3926:2-5. Binding of: 254:16; 331:1-5; 1233, 1234; began in 1878; 1233:3, 4; manner of and time for; 4609, 4610; precedes the Millennium, 3784:3-5, 8-10; strong man 5399:19; truth the means of, 1233:4; when? 2645:16, 17. Biography of, 1686, 1687; blights created by, 1685; blinds those who believe not, 877:11, 12. Bound: 1000 years, 269:6, 7; since 1874 (Letter), 4695:3-9, 11-15. Brother delivered to, for destruction of flesh, 4625:10; 4626:1; burned in effigy by the Salvation Army, 1870:13, 14; can permanently hold none but the culpable, 5259:12, 13; cannot touch the saints except as God permits, 1779:13-16; casting out Satan, his Kingdom totters, 3784:3-5, 8-10; cause of sin of, 2839:8; caused the storm on the Sea of Galilee, 1684:9; causes blindness of mind, 525:10-13; character of, 1687:8; Christ shall triumph over, 2842:1, 2, 6-8; church to bruise, 5:19; church's greatest foe, 5183, 5184; compared to a roaring lion, 4988:6-8; conversation with God as recorded in Job should be understood as allegorical, 1507:11; 1779:13; could have chosen right, 725:16; counterfeits by, 760:2; course contrasted with that of Christ, 725:16; 1515:3, 4; creator of harmful bacteria, plagues, pests, diseases and calamities, 1684:7-14; 1685; creeds formed by, 2770:3; darkness of the world traceable to, 4987:5, 6, 11; 4988:1; 5718, 5719; deceives all nations, 390:7. Deception by: 390:7; at end of Millennium, 1234:3,10; traced throughout the ages, 5909-5912. Deflection of, the result of pride, 2228:3; delusions of, which blind to true gospel, 5849:1-4, 7-9; desires to sift the little flock, 3929:2-4; destruction of, 255:1, 2; 725:6-10, 14-16; doomed at Calvary, 669:5; "dust shall be the serpent's meat" means destruction of, 1649:12; 2841:9; 5574:7, 8; earliest teacher of human immortality, 1642:8-11; 1643, 1644; empire to be overthrown, 526:5, 6; enemy of man, 451:6, 12; 452:1, 9; epidemics caused by, 1685; evil-doers are children of, 1175:8, 9; evils of reign of, 419:14-18; existence of, denied by many, 2169:5-7; extent of power and influence under God's control, 5896:2-6; final effort at the end of the Millennium, 1687:2;found in church also, 3309:4-7; god of selfishness, 5344:4-8, 12-15. Gospel of: Counterfeit of Christ's gospel, 5848:4-8. Great company delivered unto, for the destruction of the flesh, 1699:1-11; 5056:1-6, 9-15. Has: Blinded men to God's character, 3312:14; no power over the true church, 1684:6, 13-15; 1686:1. POWER: Of-healing, 1685:14; over insect life, 3079:5. "The power of death", how, 1271:6; 1683:8, 11; 1684, 1685; 1687:8; 1779:16. How: HE: Approaches his victims, 3299:7, 8; attacks us, 1053:3, 6; deceives, 964:1-4; devours as a roaring lion, 4988:6-8; has opposed the truth from the beginning, 4583:8, 9; leads to truth-hiding, 1121:8, 15-17; may seal the lips of Christians, 1121:8, 15. His rule will end, 5:1-4; successfully to oppose, 5184. THE PRINCE OF: The power of the air, 1684:3-11; this world, 1684-1686. Humility of Logos vs. pride of, 5843:5, 6; 5844:9-11; 5846:10; in personality a glorious being, 2566:8; 5084:6. Instigator of: Church's persecutions, 4813:12, 13; division and strife in the harvest, 3884:8-10. Is disease always of, 2668:4-12. Jesus: Beheld him fall from heaven, 2657:5. TEMPTED: By, 314:2-6; to compromise with, 3719:3-11. Knowledge of, increasing since 1799, 1685:15. Lie of: 254:10-15; basis of all false religions and doctrines of devils, 1642:8-11; 1643; 5801:8-10; first, 433:1; 822:3; in various forms, 1216:3-5; monumental, 910:8-12; original, 632:3-5; still perpetuated, 1216:3-5; 5044:1, 2; to Mother Eve, 254:10-15. Loosed little season after the Millennium, 5253:16-18. Loosing of: At end of Millennium, 331:1; 1233:6-8; 1234:1-5, 10; how accomplished, 2657:11. Love for our enemies should not include, 5267:1; McNamara, Br., delivered from the snare of, 4670:3-9; manner of and time for binding, 4609, 4610; may play no part in judgment day, 5019:2; meaning of the name, 5896:1. Methods: Deception, 5183, 5184. Monism, his "new theology", 1752:11-14; must be resisted steadfastly, 5378:11-13. Not: A principle but a personal devil, 5209, 5210; 5847:11-13; immortal, 673:16; 1641:18; the source of all healing (1885 view), 760:1, 9-12. Now cast out, 518:13; obsessed the serpent that beguiled Eve, 5150:9-11; originator of Christian Science, 3310:8; Papacy his masterpiece, 1686:14; 1687:1; personification of sin, 5356:12, 15. Power of: 1687:3; over death permitted of God, 685:8-10. TO: Afflict saints limited, 452:9-11; cause disease, 1684:12-14; 1685. Present: And future condition, 254:4-17; real Pope of Romanism, 1991:10. Reign of: EFFECT ON: Saints of, 492:4-7; sinners of, 492:4-7. Religious zealots may be tools of, 4583:8, 9; rendering service to, 450:10-12; repeated efforts to destroy the seed of promise, 5847:13; 5848:1-4. Ruler of: The present heavens, both heathen and nominal Christian, 1684:3-6; this world, 518:4. Seat in Pergamos, 359:13; sectarianism led away by, 2245:1, 5, 6, sentence upon, 1610:6, 15, 16. Servants of: Vs. servants of light, 5718, 5719; some are so ignorantly, 1217:3, 4. Should be alluded to with respect, 1200:10. Sin: of, greater than fallen angels, 696:9. Some serve him in ignorance, 1217:3, 4; source of sin, 423:8-13, 19-22; specially active against saints, 5923:7-9. Tempted Jesus: In wilderness, 631, 680, 681; 1688; 4970:5-13; and church to worship him, 2244:6-9. Three points of attack by, 1859:8-11, 15, 16. To be: Bound, when, 86:9; cast out as prince of world, 2759:1, 2; destroyed, 696:9; 725:6-10, 14-16; loosed at end of Millennium, 331:1; 379:8, 9. Transformed into an angel of light, 171:1-5; 3120; 3185-3187; tries to lead beyond the true light, into speculation, 1427:9, 10; truth is the binding chain of, 1233:4; unable to harm faithful new creature, 5148:12-15; unbelief in, a device of, 3310:7, 8; universalism one device of, 1217-1220; various means of beguiling by, 4525:1; war of, against the true seed, 751:9, 16; when will he be bound, 2645:16, 17. Why: He often heals the sick, 1736:2-5, 7; 2669:13; kept alive during Millennium? 1233:5-8. PERMITTED TO: Deceive honest souls, 3941:9, 10; have power, 1233:2. Will assail the saints more fiercely as the night draws on, 1653:10-13. And: Evil angels obsessing humanity, 265; Jesus, examples of pride and humility, 5186. See Adversary; Devil. SATURDAY Keeping of, as Sabbath not binding upon Christians, 1446, 1447; 1727-1730; 1734:8-14. SAUL (King): Anointed as Israel's first king, 3218:2-4; 4197; 5635-5637:4-7; chief sin of, was selfishness, 3240:3; chosen king of Israel, 1887; contrasted with David, 3231, 3232; 4255:1-3; coronation of, as king of Israel, 4199-4201; David noble in his treatment of, 4225, 4226; evil spirit from the Lord upon, 4218:4, 5; failure of, due to double-mindedness, 4233:5; how he sinned against the Lord, 3224, 3225; ignominious end of, 4233, 4234; jealousy of, the outgrowth of selfishness, 5663:1-3; killed in battle, mourned by David, 5674:2-4; life spared by David, 3239:1-6; 5672, 5673; love of, for Jonathan, 1907:6; pictures Christ in some respects, 3218:5. PUNISHED FOR: His disobedience to the Lord, 5431:1-6; offering an unauthorized sacrifice, 5638:10-14; 5647, 5648. Selfishness of, contrasted with Jonathan's nobility, 5664:1-11; song of the bow possibly suggested the Dead March from, 5674:2; sought death of David repeatedly, 5663:1-5. TESTED: And rejected by the Lord, 5647, 5648; on obedience, failed, 4206-4208. Visit of, to the Witch of Endor, 4234:2-5; warnings to spiritual Israel in the life, of, 4218, 4219; why rejected, 1887. AND DAVID: Opposite spirits of, 4218, 4219; and Solomon as types, 4018:4-8; 4260, 4261. (Of Tarsus): See Paul. SAVAGE Dr. Minot J., views on Spiritism, 3524:4, 5, 9-11. SAVAGERY Of "Christian" nations, 2647:14, 15. SAVAGES Apostles' mission work not among, 1347:2-9. SAVED "All men to be," how? 1265:2, 9. By: God's grace, 429:6, 7; 677:2-4; his life, 1228:15-17; hope, believers are now, 603:12. Escape from torment not its meaning, 1451:9-13; from this untoward generation, how? 1151; 4309:1, 7; in child-bearing, 3032:10, 11; significance of word, 630:1; so as by fire, one class of Christians, 3318:11, 112; some saved by faith, 1264:9; 1265:1; through the foolishness of preaching, 3521:1-3; to be greater in number than the lost, 860:5-7; what did Christ come to save? 1264. SAVIOR Events surrounding birth of the, 4534; how God is, of all men, 1253:7; 1437; 1442; Jesus born as the, 745:1; 3701:3-6. Of the: Church and the world, Jesus the, 4702:2, 3, 8, 9; world, Jesus the, 2550; 4714, 4715. (the) Personification of God's wisdom and love, 1519:13; prophesied of for 4000 years, 3114:6; signifies Lifegiver, 2407:5; 4941:13, 14; tracing the promises to Israel of a, 4939, 4940; why he must be perfect in order to redeem, 4963:18; 4964:1-3; will resurrect and restore, 4298:4-7; world's need of a, 5535:12-14; and Life-giver, Christ the, 2856:7. SCAB Justification for the, 3515:2-9. SCANDINAVIA Harvest work among (1883), 487:10-12; 488:2-7, 13-19. SCAPE-GOAT Class bear transgressions other than Adamic sin, 4036:1-8; 5874:3-6; great company as, 150, 151; 3606:3; 4427:4-6; 4921:1, 2; type and antitype, 79:9-11; 80:6; 150, 151; 245:16; what sins are confessed upon the, 4015:5-7, 12, 13; 4273:4, 5, 8-10; 4274; 4428:5; 4856:2, 3. See Goat. SCATTERETH There is that, 3504:1-3. SCENARIO Special prices to colporteurs selling the, 5795:1-6; success in colporteuring with the (Letter), 5819:4-6, 11. SCHIFF Jacob, philanthropy to Jews by, 4442:12. SCHISM In the: Body, how to avoid, 3647:11-15; church unscriptural, 5225:1, 9. SCHOOL Church like faculty in, 1116:4, 5; money given to denominations, 965:6. SCHOOLS In: Christian homes, 1498; England under religious control, 3320:23-25; 3321:1. Parochial, since 1890, twelve-month term for Catholics, 1241:3, 4. Public: In Manitoba vs. Roman Catholics (1895), 1805:4-6; Papal designs to control, 994:2-7; 1517:5; 1518:1; Romanism and the, 994:2-7; should religion be taught in, 1191:4, 7, 8; some Catholic comments, 1190:1-9, 10, 14-17; vs. Papacy in 1888, 1022. Theological, hotbeds of infidelity, 3611:4, 5, 10-13. See Colleges; Papacy. SCIENCE Attempts to disprove Bible chronology, 2033:12, 13; 2034; Bible astronomy, 1811-1815. Christian: Anti-Christian, 2013:11; blasphemy, 3423:12; cures unscriptual, 4472:3-5, 8-15; define death as mortal error, 4743, 4744. DOCTRINE EXAMINED: 894:13; 3185-3187; by physician, 3422, 3423. Has no use for the doctrine of the ransom, 1643:13; healings are of Satan, 1736:5, 7; mercenary spirit of, 894:7; neither Christian nor scientific, 1643:7; Satan the originator of, 3310:8; Scientists not discouraged by death of Mrs. Eddy, 4743, 4744; self-deception, 5019:6; silliest of silly fades, 1797:14; trademark is Satan's original lie, 1643:5, 7; United Presbyterian view of, 3187:12-19; unscientific, 5800:13, 14; unscriptural, 867:5-10; 894:13; 2669. VIEWS OF UPON: Bible, 4230:16; 4231:1-14; death of Mrs. Eddy, 4743, 4744. AND: Mind cures, 894, 895; Theosophy, etc. of demon origin, 2189:2-6. Corroborates: Genesis account of creation, 5140; story of flood, 2842:5, 9. Definition of true, 3420:7, 11-17; developments of, and their effects on society, 1620:1-8; Edison's X-Ray experiments, 1942:4; electrical energy from coal; and electric lights (1896), 1990:15-18; falsely so-called, 3420-3422; 3921:8, 9; in agreement with Bible, 299; 2775, 2776; Lord's people have no time for discussion of false, 4921:12; medical comments on "the resurrection of the body", 1852:11, 12, 16-21; of child-training in brief, 1098:3-9; revolutions in Biological, 2915:22-124; 2916; saints should not permit other themes than the gospel to engross their time, 1811:8; and the Brain Age refuted by Bible, 736-738. SCIENTISTS Change views after experiments of Mendel, 4859; 4860:1-4; deceived by Spiritism, 2499:19-25; duped by trick, 2882:4-10; fail to account for age of antediluvians, 4561:8-11, 19-21; have captured the theologians by their "science, falsely so-called", 1792; make earth millions of years old, 4699:13-18; prominent, victims of Spiritism, 4441:9, 10, 15-19; speculative and intolerant, 299:4; theories of, proven foolish, 4825, 4826. SCOFFERS At presence of Lord, 794:1. SCORNFUL Sit not in the seat of the, 1383; 2698:7-13. SCORPIONS I will chastise you with, 4723:1, 2. SCOTLAND Conscription law in, 5889; 11-15; debate between Bro. Houston and Rev. Mr. Davidson (1896), 1964, 1965; drifting away from Presbyterianism, 2516:1, 2; evils of landlordism in, 1038:2-5; fearful of Ireland's effort for home rule, 4925:5-7; impressions of, in 1891 during Brother Russell's tour, 1369:6; three Protestant churches of, 987:6, 7, 11-13. SCOURGE Emblem of the harmonious doctrines of Christ, 1696:1. SCOURGING Of Jesus by Pilate, motive of, 3896:1. SCRIBES Beware of the, applies in Jesus' day and now, 3863:3-6; wicked husbandmen, 1795. And Pharisees: Type and antitype, 2715:2-8. WHO: Are they, 46:2, 3, 7-9; condemned Jesus, outlook for, 4907:8-11. Why blinded to Jesus' message, 2246:1; 5111:1-15. SCRIPTURE Brother Russell's method of interpretation of, 4684:11; canon of, 484; 1584:9-13; compared with Scripture for truth, 638:4; corroborated by science, 2775, 2776; exaggerations of evils in, 645:2, 3, 11, 12; symbolic and literal, 715, 716; texts in Union railway depot at Washington, 4100; when symbolic and when literal, 715, 716. See Bible. SCROLL After his ascension Jesus fully understood the, 5943; church now counted worthy to understand the, 5943; divine plan symbolized by a, 2208:9-11; hidden from all but the spiritbegotten Jesus, 4641:3-6; how the heavens are rolling together as a, 1474; 1488:3-5; 1705:10, 11; 3531:6, 7, 10; Lamb of God worthy to open the, 451:2-4; (of Rev. 5:2) refers to the divine plan of the ages, 5943:1, 2; Protestantism and Catholicism to be united as a, 2061:12; Revelation 5:1, divine plan, 530:4-6; sealed with seven seals, the plan of God, 2208:9. SCRUTINY By saints of the past year's accounting, 3000-3002; daily, of our heart condition essential to overcomers, 5698:9. SCULPTOR Divine, 896:5. SEA Beast came out of, 319:16, 20; Mediterranean, some day will be connected with the Dead, 3625:6; net cast into, 920:1, 2. Red: Account of Israelites crossing, 2919; explanation of miracle of dividing waters of, 3998:1-11; Israel's crossing typified resurrection, 1322:1; symbol of anarchy, 1657:9. Subject to control by Jesus, 4577:2-6; symbol of restless masses, 63:6; 498:7; 686:6; 716:2. SEAL How we set to our, that God is true, 1074:5; in the foreheads of the elect, 2160:10. Of: God must remain stamped on our hearts, 2064:17; the new covenant (1896 view), 2032:4-8. Upon bottomless pit means enlightenment, 1233:4. SEALED Unto the day of deliverance, 372:1, 2; 2064; 5099:15. SEALING As well as anointing of church comes through the Father, 5498:7, 8; done by the consecrated, the "angels", 1279:1, 2; in the forehead and in the heart distinguished, 3991:13, 14. Of: God's servants, winds restrained for the, 5715:7; Law and new covenants, 2859:1, 2. NEW COVENANT: Church shares in, 4436:3, 4, 7-10; must follow church's glorification, 5542:15. SAINTS: In their foreheads, 2982:8. Performed upon actively consecrated only, 1279:4; sifting continues after, 1279:6, 9. SEALS Opening of, signified revealing of plan, 2209:1-4; scroll sealed with seven, 2208:9-11. SEAS And floods symbols of restless humanity, 3113:7, 8. SEASON Preaching the truth in, 3124:1. SEATS Chief, sought by self-seeking Jews, 2700:5; in the kingdom to be granted by the Father, 5483:7-9. SECRETIVENESS Not deception, 3674:9; 3675:1. See Deception. SECT Called: Heresy in Bible, 1130:11; schism in Bible, 1130:8-11. Distinguished from schism, 538:3; true church not a, 1576:6-9; what the term implies, 413:14-18; 537:6, 10. SECTARIAN Why the Bible Students are not, 3704:17; 3705:1, 2, 8, 9. SECTARIANISM Bondage of, 993:4-6; fall of, will be a real blessing, the greatest of reformations, 1572:15; 1573:1-9; hindrance to new creature, 309:8-10; is not Christianity, 1074; led away by Satan, 2245:1, 5, 6; organized by Satan, 964:2, 3; remedy for, 2113:15-17; result of errors and misunderstanding God's plan, 2065:12-18; slavery of, 993:4-6; spirit of division is the spirit of, 4251:11, 12; 4252; to be weighed by press and public, 4945; true church and counterfeit, 4753-4755; unscriptural, unwarranted, 344:1-7; watching to avoid, 2293:8, 9, 14, 15, 17. See Babylon. SECTS All claim to be right, 922:1-4; condemned by Scriptures, 81:2; 2998:4, 5; evidences of carnality, 1571:2-13; 1577:1-3; 2134:8, 9; in United States, 140; 2065:4; members are covenant-breakers, 983:2-4; of Babylon to be rebuked, 378:2; only two in the Bible, 1129:14; place hope in federation, 4878:13-16; remaining in, for truth's sake, 805:2-10; seek numbers and influence, 730:10-12; and creeds, John Bunyan's view of, 584:15. See Babylon. SEDITION Charge against Jesus before Pilate, 1809:15; 1810:1. SEE (Optomai) Meaning of, 140:7, 15, 16. SEED By the wayside, 771:2; explanation of the parable of the sower, 5736; grain of mustard, parable explained, 45:11; Jesus planted the good, 2276:8, 9. Of: False doctrine planted by Satan, 2276:10; Satan and of woman, 191:6-8, 14, 15; 192; truth and error, 450:19. Own body to every, 95:3, 7; sown upon good and poor ground, 4634, 4635; spiritual, developed in gospel age, 39:4; the word, soil, the heart, 3764; to bruise serpent's head, 544:3; typical, developed Jewish age, 39:4. See Parables. SEEDS Thousands of years old, grew when planted, 1852:9, 17. SEED-TIME And harvest in God's plan, 628:3; 885, 886. SEEING But no perceiving, 3763:7-13. SEEK And ye shall find, 4971:3-6; first kingdom of heaven, 566:17; 2260:1, 7; 3338:10; opportunities to do good, 4269:1-5. SEEKING For glory, honor, immortality, 4502, 4503; the Lord, the future inheritance of the nations, 4629:1-3, 7-9. SEIBERT Sr. G.W.: Description of burial of Brother Russell, 6016:6-8, 13-15; 6017:1-6; report of death of husband of (Letter), 5281. SEISS Rev. Jos., on "the church of today", 3612; 3620:13-16. SELECTION Of the light-bearers in Christendom, 4126:7, 8. SELF Ambition for, vs. for God, 1243:5, 6; last not always the spirit prevailing in class elections, 5959:1-3, 8, 9; must be striven against, 2878:3, 4; sin of being full of, 565:4, 5; "ye are not your own", 1697:5. SELF-CONCEIT How to overcome, 2590:2, 3; one of the greatest dangers to Christians, 2060:12. SELF-CONFIDENCE Distrust of self wiser than, 5186:1, 11, 12; evidence of weakness rather than strength, 5975:11-14; of Peter a warning, 4711, 4712. SELF-CONQUEST Greatest of all victories, 5488:8-14. SELF-CONTROL Essential to overcoming, 2494:2, 3; in little things an index to the character, 5653:3, 4, 8, 9; matter of development, 5488:5-9; relates to all our sentiments, 2155:4; will the determining factor in, 5488:12-14; 5489:1, 7. See Temperance. SELF-DECEPTION "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes", 1520:18. SELF-DEFENSE Christians may not kill even in (Letter and reply), 5883:4-7; contrary to Christian's covenant, 3888:6; 3889:1; our duty in, 3190:7, 8. SELF-DENIAL Christian proven by, 832:6, 12, 13; complete, required of Christ's followers, 5426; edification of others the result of, 5556:6-13; 5557:1, 2; included in suffering for righteousness' sake, 1672:8, 12-16; not a duty, but a privilege, 1173:2-5, 9-12; part of the Christian's sacrifice, 835:10; 5932:11; principle of love, 2198, 2199; required of soldiers of cross, 3273:2, 3; surest means of happiness, 21:5; taught by Daniel's life, 2493:8-12; test of character, 3631:1, 2; to avoid stumbling others the law of love, 3667:1-3, 11; when a duty, 2513:8; and crossbearing, 2615, 2616. SELF-DENIALS Of consecration, 739:6-14. SELF-ESTEEM Advantages and drawbacks of, 5113, 5114; courage born of, not the Christian kind, 4378:6; foe to the new creation, 3733:9, 10. Lack of: Affects morals and health, 5114:2-6, 10-14; may cause one to judge himself too harshly, 5520:1, 2, 8. Too much belittles us in God's sight, 5562:4-9. SELF-EXALTATION Paul and Barnabas resist the opportunity for, 2150:9; 2151:1. SELF-EXAMINATION Heart searching life-searching, 1516; how to go about, 3604; Lord, is it I? 3364:4-6; means of, 5912:5-10; some searching questions for, 1520:7, 8; suggestions for, 5842:25; value of, at beginning of year, 3125:1-6; view from Tower, 571:1-5; we often blame others for our own faults, 1938:5. SELF-GRATIFICATION At expense of kingdom's interests, 5220:4, 5. SELFISHNESS All sin is traceable to, 3323; 5771:5, 6, 8-11; almost forced upon fallen humanity, 5666:3, 4; always opposed to love, 4898:5; among Israelites, 2541:1-4; antithesis of love, 4401:4-6; back of Socialism also, 2184:3-6. Basis of: All rebellion against the divine will, 2786:2, 3; 3715:5; 5688:1; earthly wisdom, 1448; 1518:10, 11; present business dealings, 2033:7. PRESENT: Civilization, 1189; 4109:3-5; unrest, 1485:11-13. Battle of the Christian against, 1861:2-7, 10, 11. Cause of: Advancement, 4109:3-5; anarchy, 1163:4-7; 1423:6-11; quarrels, 3939:9; rebellion, 5499:13; strikes, 1765:16-21; the time of trouble, 1470:2, 3. Conceit is one phase of, 1131:11; contrasted with generosity, 3878:6-10; covetousness the result of, 4876:3-5, 9-11; delays blessing to race, 738:2-4; detestable in a Christian, 1169:5-8; diversities of operation of, 1861:3, 4; encouraged by power, 2046:2; essence of the natural man, 3029:4; exemplified by Lot, 2853:4; form of idolatry, 2299:9; Gehazi received the reward of, 3440:6; gone to seed, pride defined as, 5185:15-18; greatest among civilized countries, 5062:2, 3; has been a stimulus to advancement, 4109:3-5. How: Developed in human race, 2120:3-5; the Lord will remove, 1692:5, 8. In: Christian very detestable, 1169:5-8; keeping our covenant, 672:4, 11, 12; last days, 2459:6; love, 3542:8, 12, 13. Is it justifiable? 3515, 3516; leads to heart-poverty, 2686:1; most dangerous idol, 3386:9. No: Human legislation can displace it with love, 1692:1-5; part of noblemindedness, 3439:7. Not: Proper in contending for faith, 5057:1, 7, 8; trade, the cause of strife, 2867:7. Of: Disciples rebuked, 843:5, 6; hoarding unbecoming to Christians, 3334:1, 2. Often mars consecration, 1169:7, 14; on part of both capital and labor, 3319:5-7, 11; pleases self, love pleases others, 5556:5-10; power for evil in, 4702:12, 13. Prayers of: Answered but punished, 5307:5, 9-12; too expensive, 3061:2, 3. Pride is one form of, 5001:1; pure love is entirely free from, 5276:11-16; reigns where love is weak, 4254:1, 5; reproved by Jesus, 2700:6, 7; result of its removal as the world's motive power, 1691:9, 10; ripens into pride and brings chastisements, 1486:8, 16; 1487:1-3; root of disagreements, 5229:5-9; Satan author of all, 5344:4-8, 12-15; 5849:5, 6; selfish love vs. divine love, 1253:13, 14; 1254:1-3. Sin of: 565:4, 5; 671:9, 10, 17, 18; Saul, 3240:3. Spirit: Of the world, 5138:8, 9, 14-17; that will shortly destroy this world, 5981:1-4. Strong factor in the time of trouble, 5112:11-16; surest cause of separation from God, 4850:9; talking about ourselves is, 5002:2; various manifestations of, 3323; will lead to darkness, 5099:16; 5100:1, 2; and envy governed the Sanhedrin, 3510:8-12. See Generosity. SELF-RESTRAINT In liberty, 4478:17, 22-34; 4479:1-8. SELF-RIGHTEOUNESS Danger of becoming, by outward morality, 4417:1, 2; in prayer not acceptable to Lord, 3841:11; 3842; see no need of Christ, 2319:19. SELF-SACRIFICE Implied in "love thy neighbor as thyself" (1895 view), 1774:16-18; means a life of storms and battles, 1944:11, 12; portion of Christians, 2761, 2762; vs. self-indulgence, 158:10-12. SELF-SATISFACTION Greatest hindrance to spiritual development, 1885:5. SELF-SEEKING Among elders, 5981:6-11. SELF-WILL Cause of all Christian failure, 4255:1; dangerous foe, 2411:10-12; evil effects of, and how to overcome it, 1481:4-7, 11-13; 1482; opposed to humility, 4233:6; to be surrendered to God's will, 2164, 2165. SELLING All that thou hast, what it implies, 3843-3845; birthright for a mess of pottage, 3341:10; what we must pay for a share in the kingdom, our all, 1656. SEMINARIES Female, hotbeds of infidelity, 4613, 4614; unnecessary to Bible study, 796. SEMINARY Theological, where Brother Russell was trained, 5808:18-21. SENNACHERIB Boasting and defeat of, 2381, 2382; 3582; 4833:3, 10. SENSATION Religious, is not experience, 1021. SENSE Christian common, what it is and how it operates, 1776-1782. SENTENCE First death, and its execution, 1476:7, 8, 13, 14; 1477; of death, when lifted from human race, 2999, 3000; upon Satan, 1610:6, 15, 16. SENTIMENTALITY Sickly: John the Revelator not given to, 1598:12; pure love neither undue familiarity nor, 1586:14-16. SENTIMENTS Noble, proper subjects of meditation, 4728:9. SEPARATE Yourselves from the people of the land, 3394:3, 4. SEPARATION From the world an advantage to Israelites, 4894:5-7, 11-14; in classes, when advisable, 3940:1; 5284, 5285; of true from false Israelites, God's method of, 3464:5-9; three periods of, 267:10-12. SERMON On the Mount analyzed (Matt. 5:1-16), 1493; 1735; 2585-2588. SERMONS German, alleged translations are false (Letter), 5923:10, 11. In newspapers: Led to removal of Society to New York in 1909, 4303:5; require personal element, 4351:21-24; should be encouraged, 5131:5, 6, 12. Of Brother Russell: IN: German and Swedish, 5061:3, 10; newspapers a successful witness, 4963:3. PUBLISHED: By Pittsburgh Gazette, 3311:2,3, 6-10; by some papers, 3450:3, 4, 10; 3465:2; in 300 newspapers, 4470:6, 13; weekly, 4153:3, 4. Refused by Brooklyn Eagle, 4597:6, 7; used in class meetings, 5152:2, 3. Of Jesus, why on earthly things, 3307:5, 8. Should: Be doctrinal, 646:5-8. And pictures Brother Russell in newspapers criticized, 4376:3-14. SERPENT Beguiled Eve, as the, 910, 911; brazen, why type of Christ, 534:17, 18; 837:20; 1849; 2423:1; 2519:1-9; 3101:9; 3487:2, 3, 5; 4048:4-10; 4126:1-3, 6; 5316:10, 11; degradation of, not an injustice, 5238:14-16; 5239:1; did not speak audibly to Eve, 2840:1-4; 5150:10; different now from the beginning, 2840:1; meaning of crushing of head of, 11:9; Moses', picture of Jesus' work, 3487:2, 3, 5; Satan, to be destroyed, 98:5; sentence upon the, 1610:6, 15, 16; symbol of sin, 5238:15, 16; 5239:1; synonym of Satan, 3925:3; 3926:6; typical lesson of the rod turned into a, 5419:10-14; when and by whom to be bruised, 5:19; 6:3; 11:5-9; wise as, 745, 746; 5151; "wisest of cattle", 5238:9, 13. SERPENTS Fiery: Antitypical significance of, 3101:5-9; punishment for rebellion of Israelites, 4048:2, 3; used to punish Israel's murmurings, 5316:2, 10, 11. SERVANT Blessed is that, 141:12, 22; 291:20; Brother Russell that, 1946; Chief among you should be your, 5793, 5794. Evil: Condemned, 292:1; says Lord delays coming, 555:10. "Faithful and wise" vs. the evil, 1797:1-3, 9; greatest of all, 120:1; 843:6; 3363:1, 2, 5; Jesus took form of, 122:5. Of: All chiefest in the kingdom, 5484:11, 12; the Lord must not strive, 5698, 5699. Parable of unmerciful, 528:5; 2735, 2736; that, applied to church, 400:7; unfaithful, to be cut off, 593:16, 17; unmerciful, delivered to tormenters, 2667:5; 3802:8-10. Who is: Blind but my, 3176:10, 11; that faithful and wise? 327; 1994:6-11; 2303:7-9; 2694:1; 3355:10; 3356:1, 2; 5400:1-4. SERVANTS Christian course of, 2724:7-12. In the Church: Should take the Vow, 5336:18, 19; 5337:1; to be submissive to divine will, 5305:12-17. Lord will raise up true, 563:6; ministers in the church are its, 4418:3, 4. Of: Satan vs. servants of light, 5718, 5719; sin, slaves of liquor are, 3893:1, 2. Of God: And sons of God distinguished, 4543:1-5; special, are chosen one at a time, 1651:14, 15; turning from sin does not constitute us, 5387:3, 10-12; vs. of Satan, 844:7, 12. Of Lord: Must be righteous, 2824:7. WILL: Know of his second presence, 3354:9; 3355:1, 2; watch for his return, 5399, 5400. Teachers of the church are her, 1574:4-7. To: Be such in spirit and truth, 2344:7, 8; have less authority than the classes, 5347:7-12. We are unprofitable, 5446:10-12; whom God chooses as, 3676:6, 9; worshiping church, 497:7, 12-15; 3970:9, 10; and friends of Christ, 412:3-6, 11-14. See Sons; Unfaithful. SERVE Choose ye this day whom ye will, 3094; 4780:2-5, 13-15; God and Mammon, ye cannot, 2259; 2950:4-9; 3764:9, 10; the Lord, determination to, 3094:8, 9. SERVETUS Torture of, 5109:15, 16. SERVICE Absolutely essential for the saints, 758:11; 1782:16, 17; 1783:1-5; activity in, essential, 1440:2-4, 9-12; advice in re, amid earthly duties, 1334:13-16; aim of Jesus and his church, 5785, 5786; alertness in, taught in parable of Jesus, 3354:6; attending nominal church meetings and letting your light shine, 1650:17-19; audience of one is not to be spurned, 1973:6, 7, 12-14; blessedness of active, 890:11, 12; brethren entering into, 824:9; chart-talks, 1650:20; colporteuring the best method of, 1629:7-13; consecration, regardless of reward is only a reasonable, 4836:6, 10, 11; cut off, a favorable or unfavorable sign, 4683, 4684; danger of pride creeping into, 3363:5, 6; effect of, upon final kingdom honors, 5541:15, 16; essential for overcomers, 2888:7; evidence of love, 2200, 2201; excuses for inactivity in, 1105:2, 3; finding opportunities for, 214:4-8, 13-15; 238:1-4; 934:5-8, 13; 942:11, 12; 943:1, 5, 6; 2412:3; 5127:10-12. For: All Lord's people, 3152:4-6; brethren of special talents may be future, 5893:14, 15; God a privilege, 546:10-12; our own development, 2811:1, 7. THE: Lord the most noble work, 5370, 5371; Master, 600:10, 11, 16; 601:1, 2, 9. God's love and its relationship to, 1757:15; greater, prayed for while present opportunities are neglected, 1757:14, 15; "he that marrieth not doeth better," 1554:2-6; helpfulness the motive for, 5375:13-16; holiness of heart the principal preparation for God's, 1915:12; how to prepare for the Lord's, 1651:15. Humility: Determines the value of our, 3990:5-9; essential to performing acceptable, 5321, 5322. Importance of, pictured in: Gideon's band, 5606:12-14; parable of the pounds, 5492:14; 5493:1, 2. In: Love has divine approval, 3542:14; 3543:11; the body to be faithful, 2157:7-9. Leading others out of Babylon, 1067:9; letter-writing an excellent way of, 1242:1-6; 1852:15; Lord's warning to his disciples, 1987; love alone should be the motive power, 1714:4; made joyous by love, 31:6. May: Be rendered through financial giving, 2211:9; continue well into time of trouble, 4684:4, 5, 9, 10. Means of: Ennobling character, 5819:1; happiness, 5376:1-7. Menial, of the brethren not to be despised, 3364:1; mind of Christ to be considered in our, 5376; motives that prompt us in, 3542:13. Non-combatant: Conscience the guide in accepting or refusing, 5894. Not: All called to same, 3006:4. Of: Brethren and truth our chief business, 5334:22, 23; 5353:1-3, 10, 11; Brother Russell never interrupted by illhealth, 5202:14-16; Christ, glory of, 3162:12-22; 3163:1. CHRISTIANS: Cannot be divided between God and Mammon, 5666; entirely voluntary, 2371:8; joyful, 821:2, 3. Consecrated increases with world troubles, 5633:6-10. GOD: A noble calling, 3148; in spirit possible despite bodily slaver, 5666:10-12. Good should be encouraged from all, 4667:17-19; 4668:1, 2; little flock and great company considered, 5413:12, 13. One form of honoring the Lord, 5703:9; opportunity for, 1696; opposed to divine direction unacceptable, 4206:12; 4207. Our: Love measured by our sacrificial, 3296:1-4; need for, 5512:10. Parable of talents teaches responsibility of, 3696; pilgrim notice of this branch of work, 1702; proportionate to our love, 3863:7; protest against military, to be mild (Letter and reply), 5813:2-4, 11. Reasonable: 100:1; means reasoning service, 2555:2-6; sacrifice of our lives to God a, 5422, 5424. Rendered by Christians to be as to the Lord, 2343, 2344; replying to attacks in newspapers, 1852:7; requisite of consecration, 185:19, 20; reward in the kingdom to be proportionate to, 5951:5-7, 9; sacrifice and privilege of, 3781:3, 4. Sacrificial, not: Compulsory, 3009:4, 5; limited to eight-hour day, 5413:12, 13. Saints welcome menial, 844:1-4, 10; secondary to character development, 5127:1, 9, 13, 14; seek opportunities for, 915:3. Should: Be accepted from all the willing, 4038:4-10; first be to the household of faith, 5358:1-3. Spirit of Christ is one of, 1707:14; 1708:1-3, 11-13; spiritual vitality indicated by desire for, 4377:7; success in, is of God, 2909:7; 2920:6, 7; suggestions for, for those unable to colporteur, 1650:4-10, 17-20. Test of: Character, 4501:5; humility, 4669:1-3, 6, 7; our appreciation, 5461:7-9. To: Be appreciated above money, 3513:15-17. Tract distribution, 1650:6. True spirit of: discipleship, 5375. Unacceptable if based on injustice, 5431:10-13. Value of: Dependent upon the motive prompting, 5139:4, 10-13; not to be measured by numbers, 4357:3. Various means of entering the, 4000, 4001; visiting friends and neighbors, 1650:7, 10; voluntary alone acceptable from Christians, 1714:4; 2371:8; Watch Tower readers ready for, 785:1; we may have desires for, which will never be gratified, 1756:12, 13. What it: Includes, 3097:1, 2, 10, 11; means to be in the divine, 5970:3, 4. Without love is: Profitless, 5786:10-12; unavailing, 5819:7, 8. And zeal to determine who is chief among God's people, 5793, 5794. SERVICES At New York City Temple by Brother Russell first Sunday of each month, 5820:7; 5822:25; of Brother Russell prevented by sickness first at San Antonio, 6003:1,2; song, reverence during (Letter), 5487:10-12; special hours of, for Allegheny church, 1793; Temple and synagogue, not similar, 3300:4. SERVILITY Ignoble trait, 1987:7. SERVING God and Mammon, 2717:3, 4, 7-10; Lord's brethren is serving the Lord, 4468:8-10. One another: A sweet perfume to the Lord, 3536; in love, 844:8-11; Jesus an example to his followers, 5090, 5091. SESSUMS Bishop, of Episcopal Church denies the faith, 2152:4-9, 11-21. SETTLED How we become, 1053. SEVEN See Numbers. SEVENTY Evangelists: Appointed by Jesus, 2674, 2675; chief cause for rejoicing, 2675:8; sent forth by Jesus, our pilgrims have missions similar to, 3347:6, 7; to travel unencumbered, 2674:11; why sent forth without baggage or purse, 3347:6, 7. Sent forth from Bethel, 5682:8, 12-16. SEVERITY Of God: Contrasted with his goodness, 3321, 3322. SEX Angels are without, 916:1-6. Distinctions: Not to be ignored by Christians, 3768; to disappear as Millennium progresses, 3461:10; 3854:4; 4914:3-6; none in Christ Jesus, 850:2, 3; proper reserve between the sexes imperative, 1586:14-16. SHADOW Of the Almighty, what it means to abide under the, 3331:9. SHADOWS Law sacrifices were, 72:1; Mosaic ordinances were, 975:1, 2; Watch Tower articles listed as aids to study of Tabernacle (Letter), 623:15-18. See Types, Figures, Symbols. SHADRACH Meshach, Abednego, types, 2494-2496. SHAKING In the Reformed Presbyterian heavens, 1307:1-5; of heavens prophesied by prophet Haggai, 2521:1-3. SHAMA Sacred Jewish prayer, 2756:12. SHAME God's goodness will shame many, 8:1; "whose glory is in their," 1825, 1826; 1832:7-10, 17; and contempt to accompany resurrection of some, 1529:8-10; 1655:2, 3; 2613:8; 4992:3-6, 9. See Ignominy. SHARON Plain of, impression of during Brother Russell's tour (1891), 1381:5-7. SHARPSHOOTERS Circular used in 1892 with First Volume, 1455:9, 10; 1462:2-4, 8-11. Letter: Encouraging, 1038:10, 14; 1071:11-15; 1073:16, 17; 1300:15-17; 1345:1-7; 1445:3-7; 1473:14-16; 1479:8, 9, 12-15; 1507:7-9; 1722:9-11; 1803:18-20; 1804:16. OF: Information to, 1001:12-14; instruction to, 1110:3. Plan for, 928:23-28; work separately from colporteurs, 3931:18. SHEAF Wave, what it typified, 108:8; 4603:8. SHEBA Queen of: Brought about $3,000,000 worth of gold to Solomon, 2067:12; does homage to Israel's king and God, 5722:6, 8; enormously wealthy, 2067:12; negress, 3043:2; shall rise up in judgement with this generation, 3284:7, 8; tests the wisdom of Solomon, 3284:2-4, 6; visit to Solomon, 2067, 2068. SHEEP Animal without means of defense, 4851:6; assisted by sheep-dogs, 5069:6-9; called out of Babylon, 3884:1-4. Church: As a little flock of, 2672, 2673; pictured by, 1387:6. Deceived by wolves, 4459:4-8; depend entirely upon shepherd, 4851:6; dogs help to bring back straying, 5069:6-9; feed my, 942:3, 4; 2807:2, 3; fitting symbol of little flock, 2441:3-5; follow the teachings of Lord, 269:7-17; gathered from Jews and Gentiles, 4732:6, 7, 10-12; God's care for the, 662:5, 6, 11; hear shepherd's voice alone, 2257:1-4; 3786:1; in Millennium will be colaborers with God, 5531:10-14. Jesus: Gave his life for his, 4157:4-6; sent only to, of Israel, 51:14. Leading astray Lord's, 4044:3-7. Led: Astray by goats, 4752:7-10; into false pastures, 538:7-13. Lord cares for his true, 633:12-18, 20; Lord's, hear his voice alone, 4158:1-3; lost one not a goat, 1216; ministers who though wolves appear to be, 3466; more plentiful than goats, 893:13. Of: God's flock Jesus and church, 5653:12, 13; Millennium not to be left without the true Shepherd, 5694:1-5, 10-14; other folds, 1648:1, 10, 11; 2442:1; 3268:4; 3528:5, 6, 8, 9; 4158:7-9; 4784, 4785; this gospel age, characteristics of, 5490:8; 5491:1, 2, 7. Oriental shepherds go before, 2672; 4157:7,8; parable of the lost, 2706:6, 7, 9-13; peculiarities of, 2441:4; picture of the church, 1387:6; 3116:2, 3, 10; protected by true undershepherds, 3142; selected now are joint-heirs with Jesus, 3528:1-6; to be gathered from false shepherds into the homeland, 5693:12-14; true, and their shepherd, 1647, 1648; two folds of, 655:1; 4278:10; 4279:1; who are the "ninety and nine"? 1217:1, 2; why church are likened to, 3116:2, 3, 10; world of mankind are to become God's, 5490:9-12. And: GOATS: Contrasted, 195:8, 11; eternal torment theory, 486:11; parable explained, 654, 655; 700, 701; 2304:5; 2606, 2607; 4694, 4695; 4784, 4785; 5530, 5531. Lambs, Peter commissioned by Jesus to feed his, 4183:15; 4184:1. See Wolves. SHEEPFOLD Law: was to the Jews a, 4732:4-6. Of gospel age for little flock, 4158:6; parable of the, 1577:4-11; 2672, 2673. SHEEPFOLDS Man's, 633; three, 5490, 5491. SHELDON Views of, on the subject of death, 3383:1. SHEM Semitic races sprang from, 2846:2. SHEOL All texts where word occurs, 2599, 2600; gray hairs of Jacob brought down to, 5225:16, 17; 5226:1-3; hades, gehenna, defined, 552:6; 699:14; name of first king of Jews, 2066:5; of grave occurs in Old Testament 65 times, 2066:5; true meaning of, 828; why Job asked to be hidden in, 1506:4-11; and hades improperly translated, 5226:1-3. SHEPHERD Good, is the Christ, 2672, 2673; great, world eventually to be united under the, 3268:4; Jehovah the great and chief, 4278-4280; 5653, 5654. Jesus is: 4157, 4158; both door and, 1647, 1648. THE: Good, 662:5; true, 4732:6, 7, 10-12. Lord is my, 1396; 1745; 3116:6; only little flock now have Lord as their, 3269:3; sheep follow only the true, 2257; to gather his flock and feed them, 5693:12-14; why Jesus was, 3527:3, 7, 9, 10; and sheepfold, 538:7-13. SHEPHERDS Angels announce Christ's birth to, 1478. False: 339:9, 13-19; 538:9-13; 633:2672:15, 16; 2673:6-8; characterized as " blind mouths", 3527:3-6. Hireling, clergy are, 1647:9, 10. Of: CHRISTENDOM: Cast off, 487:5-7; judgment of, 562:10, 13-17. The flock of God arraigned, 5693:5-7. True and false, 3527:2, 3, 9-12; unfaithful to their charge, 5693:5-7; and wise men not identical, 1497:1, 2. SHEW-BREAD Only antitypical priests may eat the antitypical, 4782:9-14. SHIELD How Jehovah is our, 1905; 2853:7, 8; trust in God, 1659:12; and buckler is God's truth, 3331:12. SHIPS built by nations for war, 2783:3-7, 12, 13. SHIPWRECKED Paul was, 1569; 3204, 3205; 4506, 4507. SHOOT To kill, is it fraudulent for Christians to not? 2345:3, 4. SHORTCOMINGS Seen more clearly as Christian progresses, 2391:2, 3. SHORTNESS Of the time, 901:3-12. SHOULDERS Government shall be upon his, 3469:6-11; 3470:2, 3. SHOUT Lord descends with a, 579:12. SHULL Brother C.B., tribute to Brother Russell by, 6011. SHUNAMMITE Son of, awakened by Elisha: 2345, 2346; 3431, 3432; pictures restitution, 5781:2, 3. SIBERIA Jewish awakening in (1888), 1022. SICK Encouragement for those taking care of the (Letters), 1958:6, 7, 14, 15; 1959:1-4; physically and spiritually, two causes, 4129:7-15; prayer of faith shall heal, 437:6-8; 4099. Spiritually: How to recover when, 5453:4, 5; should call for elders, 4598:1-3. Symptoms of the, 2308:1-3; why the Lord healed the, 1722:5-8; and afflicted, encouraging letters for, 1479:3, 4. SICKLE Truth is the, 189:6-13; 981:11. SICKNESS Causes of, to consecrated, 2007:5-12; 2008:1-8; Christian's attitude toward, 5036:1-3; mental influence a factor in, 5248:1; not always result of sin, 2766, 2767. Of: Jesus not due to sin, 2766, 2767; soul worse than bodily disease, 2246:4, 5. Permitted of Lord, 2007:4; 3432:5; related to sin, 4587:1-4, 8-14. Spiritual: Due to slackness of new creature, 5491:12; 5492:1; elders restoring one from, 4598:1-3. Source of, 423:8-13, 19-22; 2668:4-12; will a power against sin and, 4236:3; and death from Satan, 451:6, 12; 452:1, 9. See Insanity; Sin. SIDON "It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and, at the day of judgment", 1618:7-11. SIFTING Comes as a result of Satan's efforts, 3929:2-4; continues after sealing, 1279:6, 9; dreams respecting the 1894, 1663:2, 3; in 1894 and its effects, 1650:3, 14; 1659-1667. Of: Harvest more on character than doctrine, 2353:9, 10; Israel, a preparation for Messiah, 3385:1-4; London ecclesia, 2514:11-14; natural and nominal spiritual Israel, 2401; Peter as wheat, Satan's attempt at, 5563. Part of the work of the harvest, 2385:11; report of 1909, 4531:1-16; result of preaching the truth, 3340:8-10; 3511:3-5; separate and manifest the approved, 2386:3; shake out all but elect, 3053:4; two classes sifted out-deniers of ransom and the idle, 1279:6-8; twofold work of, 2257:3, 4; 4335:3, 4; under Brother Russell, 3820-3826; warnings of trials and, 3943:3-6, 8-10; and trials greatest at Memorial, 4346:5, 6. See Divisions; Harvest Siftings. SIGHT To the mentally blind, 2580:9; X-Ray, gift of Guy Fenley, 2776:3-6. SIGNS Accompanying believers, 605:9; 3728:4-6; beast does great, 64:2; faith in God does not require, 3588:11. Of: Christ's presence, 98:4; 341:5-7; 555:1; 710:4-6; 712:12, 13; 4706; his coming (1894), 1705. THE: End, wars, earthquakes are not, 605:10, 11; times, 384:5, 6; 454:10-13; 661, 662; 748; 2983:8-11. Time of trouble, 356:6-9, 13-16. Three: How Brother Russell came to understand the voices of the, 4057:15. VOICE OF THE: First, 4058:3-8; second, 4059:1-6; third, 4059:7, 8; 4060:1-3, 6. Worldly-minded Christians seek, 3718; 9-12. See Moses. SILAS Sharer in Paul's sufferings at Philippi, 1556. See Paul. SILENCE Safe attitude under afflictions, 1937:8-11; women to keep, 194:1, 2. SILOAM Pool of, water flows in, 2946:9. SILVER Demonetization of: Beyond power of Congress, 2042:15; bottom of world's trouble, 3117:17; cause of famine, 2906:14; place of, in prophecy, 2039-2045. Parable of lost piece of, 2707:3, 6-11; purification of, like church's, 180. See Gold. SIMEON Prophecy of, concerning Jesus, 1674:5-7, 14, 15. SIMON Of Cyrene: Bore cross after Jesus, 2473:4, 5; 2787:2; said to have become a Christian, 4171:8. The Pharisee: Entertains Jesus, 2626; instructed by Jesus, 3761, 3762; neglected to wash Jesus' feet, 2201:1, 2. SIMONY And its rebuke, 1433:6, 17-19. SIMPLICITY Childlike, essential to a place in kingdom, 3797; in dress and food should distinguish Christians, 3292:3; of early church, 1420. SIN A tyrant, 998:5-13; 999; abolition of, 93:15; abounding, grace much more abounds, 3655:1-3, 6, 7; abstinence from, not sacrificing, 3266:5; Adam though perfect could, 3634:4-6; Adamic, alone is covered by the ransom, 5463:6-11; affliction not always the result of personal, 3519:1-4. Against: Holy spirit, 137:4-15, 17-21; 260:4-8, 11-14; 569:11-13; 724:1-6; 1736:9, 10; 5390:13-15; 5391:1-3, 9; 5451-5453; perfect light brings second death, 724:1-6. All: Are slaves of Christ or of, 1065:4-22; have committed, 105:1; sin evil, but not all evils, 849:1; 1226:4-6; 1271:7-16; 1350, 1351; 1780:1-14; 1799. Always brings suffering, 3599:11; atonement, meaning of term, 5051:3, 4, 11-13; before the Law unrecognized as such, 4961:1-6; begotten of God cannot, 3246:4, 8; 5491:9-11; 5742:9-11; 5938:11, 12; Bible the only source of knowledge respecting, 5360, 5361; Bishop Foster's views vs. the Bible view of, 1718. Body of: (Rom. 6:6) Christian is dead to, 3246:3, 4; to be destroyed, 929-931. Bondage of, affects whole race, 2097, 2098; born of lust, death born of sin, 3929; brought all infirmity and sickness, 4138:7,8; came to an end during seventy weeks, 4504:3-5, 11, 12; cancelled before a covenant is made, 4520:18-22; Catholic bishop defines mortal, 2892:3. Cause of: All deformity, 2902:3; and forgiveness of, taught by Jesus, 3729, 3730; domestic slavery, 765:11; loss of man's dominion, 4972:19-22; 4973:1, 2; sickness among the Jews, 4980:8, 9. Character tested by opposition to, 5211:15-17; 5212:1, 2; chiefly due to weakness and ignorance, 5233:8-11; Christians do not sacrifice from, 2123:4. Church: IS: Able to forgive, 3315:1-3; to be dead to, 728:16. Must put away, 2480:6-10. Class that plunges into it after learning of the truth, 1633:2, 12, 13; conceived in the mind, 2248:7; 4904:8-12; 5681:4; condemned in the flesh, 4869:11; consecrated are free from, 2440:5, 6; covetousness foundation of most, 3045:12; danger lines of, 5742:12; 5743:1, 9; dead are freed from, 4040:1-4, 9, 10; death to, cannot reconcile us to God, 728:11-17; defects the result of, 2902:3; deprived race of life, 279:1; depth of man's depravity shown by Christ's crucifixion, 1963, 1964. Desire: And its relationship to 2248:7, 12; for, equal to actual, 4991:1-3, 10-13. Disease among the Jews traceable to, 4980:8, 9; dishonesty in the consecrated, their greatest, 2944:1; 5453:9-14; effects aptly illustrated by the intemperate use of liquor, 1631:7, 8; enemy to life, 99:4, 11, 12; entrenched in flesh to be fought by Christians, 3275; exhortation to avoid, 99:5-10; expiated in time of trouble, 5240:4-6; forgivable and unpardonable, 723, 724; 2612, 2613. Forgiveness of: 93:6, 7, 15; 137:16; 151:12, 13; Adam's the only wilful sin that will be forgiven, 1983-1985; against holy spirit impossible, 5037:7, 10-13; becoming disciples we find, 5690:13; 5691:1, 2; Christ the only source of, 553:13; conditional, 3604:5-7. DOES NOT: Cancel its sufferings, 3599:10, 11; include its blotting out, 5690:1-5; preclude punishment therefore, 4272:3-6; 5106:1, 2, 7-9. From the Lord obtained by David, 3260, 3261. GRANTED: By Jehovah when sought, 3361:8-10; the consecrated if confession is made, 4931:14, 15. HOW: Obtained, 151:12, 13; proven, 246:1-31. Must be confessed before it is forgiven, 5939:2-5; none for wilful sin, 44:2-4, 11-17; now promised only to Christians, 5938:1-3. OBTAINABLE: For gross as well as lesser sins, 3761:7-11; through church's advocate, 5491, 5492. OF: Ignorance, 1984:7-10; world to come through Christ, 3261:3. Only through Christ's merit, 553:13; proportionate to willingness to forgive others, 5134, 5135; 5445:13, 14. SHOULD BE: Daily sought by Christians 5924:1-6; sought promptly, 4643:2, 3, 9, 10; 5745:12. Taught by Jesus to multitude, 3314:9, 12; to be sought for unwilling transgressions, 5585:13, 14; 5586:1, 11; under Mosaic law, 3730:4, 5; which kind is forgiven, 253:14-16; who may pray for, 5691:4, 11-13; why the new creature needs to seek daily, 4615:9-11. AND: Blotting out of, differentiated, 3729:11, 12; 3730; expiation of, in new creatures, 5428:2-8; reaping of wild oats, 1654:1-12; 1655. Free from, 94:1; frequently brings sickness, 2668:7; giving up of, is not a sacrifice, 1186:13, 14. God: Not its author, 848; 870-872; 1224-1226; 1268; 1271:7-16; 1299:8-12; 1350, 1351; 1777:4-15; 1778-1782; 1799; sees no difference in enormity of, 3761:7-11. Grace abounds in proportion to, 2720:6, 7; gradual development, 3777:3; greater if against light, 4988:14, 15; 4989:1; hated, but not the sinner, 4978:9, 10; 5703:8; he that is dead is freed from, 4040:1-4, 9, 10. How: Charged up to the new creature, 4616:2-4; dealt with in Millennium, 1249:7, 8; to reprove, 2967:3. Human race the slaves of, 2097, 2098; humanity has become slaves of, 5355, 5356. In: Modern times in more pleasing guise, 3602:4-8; our flesh must be cleansed, 3985:5, 7, 8. Is: Always evil, 1226:4-6; 1271:7-16; 1350, 1351; 1780:1-14; 1799; destructive, 2967:3; not new creature's sacrifice, 330:2, 3; practiced in darkness, 2967:4. Jesus: Atones for original, 5239; died unto (Romans 6:10), 366:9-11; 882:2; 4700:19-21. Knew no, 104:9-11; leprosy a type of, 3439:5, 6; love of, must be rooted out of heart, 4904:7-9; man forced into, by Jehovah? 1718:18-25. Mortal: All sins under perfect law are, 1249:8-7; Catholics sent to Protestant schools a, 2898:3; is the "sin unto death", 1249, 1250; one which is not forgivable, incurring the death penalty, wilful sin, 1983-1985. Must be rooted out by Christians, 2093:16; 2094:1, 2; new creatures cannot, 4614, 4615. No: More, lest a worse thing befall thee, 3502:10; sympathy with, 3067:17, 18. Not: ALL: Atoned for by the ransom, 5463:6-14; sons of God who turn from, 4992:8, 13, 14. Always cause of sickness, 2766, 2767; with your tongue, 4804, 4805. Of: Adam, disobedience, disloyalty, 1610:4-6; 2841:7; 4742:16-22; 5041:10-13; Balaam, 5322, 5323; covetousness, 2339, 2340; 2685, 2686; idolatry, 1835; ignorance may become wilful, 5938:13, 14; Judas worthy of second death only, 4909:1-6. Offerings on day of atonement were two, 4034:9; origin of, 2839:2; original different from wilful, 5239; Papacy, the man of, 3082; perfect beings have power to, 3084:4, 8-10; permitted by God for a time 1270:7-13; pictured by leprosy, 4769:1, 2; pleasures of, inconsistent with consecration, 5029:10, 11; power of, 3393:10; 3394:1; praying for a brother who has committed, 4625, 4626; precious blood does away with, 1276:1-5, 10; proper attitiude of Christians toward, 5979:3-5, 10, 11; punishment for partially wilful, 5106:1, 2, 7-9; put away, 464:2-5; race sold under, 3511:10, 11; "relic of the animal caste, the undestroyed residuum of the animal," says evolution, 1592:10; renouncing of, is not sacrifice, 1186:13, 14; righteous to have neither sympathy nor fellowship with, 5742:12; 5743:1, 9. Second death: Not a death to, 1442:7-10; 1443; result of wilful, 567:1-5; 2154:7. Selfishness the basis of all, 2786:2, 3; shortcomings and faults are forms of, 5938:9, 10. Sickness: Of the spirit-begotten, how to cure, 5691:12, 13. See Forgiveness. Slaves of: Human race are, 5355, 5356; or slaves of Christ, our choice, 5726:5-8; whole race are the, 3893:3-8. Smothering of conscience the first step of, 3777:3; sold under, 3088; 5355, 5356; strongholds of, battle of the Christian is against the, 5889:5-7; symbolized by serpents, 5316:2, 10, 11; three kinds--unintentional, partwilful and unto death, 1249:9, 10; 1250; 5690:1-3. To: Be put away by Christians, 2321:7-9; take God's name without careful effort to fairly represent him is, 1527:14. Traceable to selfishness, 5771:5, 6,8-11; type or reality, 109:5-9, 15-18. Typified by: Leprosy, 2347:1; the serpent, 3926:6. Unpardonable, 137, 138; 260:4-14. Unto death: 137:11-15, 17-21; 138; 261:1, 2, 8, 9; 567:5; 1250; 1736:9, 10; 1983:7-10; 1984:7-9; 4626:5-9; full knowledge of truth not necessary before committing, 4907:8, 9. HOW: Committed and how avoided, 4730:7, 9; we may detect the, 4628:6. In gospel age, 382; not sudden fall, 725:11; only the church can now commit the, 5293:5-10; opponent says Brother Russell committed, 4434:12, 13; 4435:1-4; unaccompanied by penitence or fear, 1985:6-12; what is the, 44:2-4, 11-17; 137, 138; who may commit, 260:5-15; 5451-5453; wilfully turning from God, 4730:7-9. Venial: Means forgivable sin, 1249, 1250; one which may be forgiven or pardoned, sin of ignorance, 1983-1985. AND MORTAL: 1249, 1250; and mixed, 1983-1985. Wages of: 15:1-13; 163:7, 8; 251:7-24; 362:7-9; 363; 465:1; 699:8; extinction of being, 1377:6, 7, 13; 2840:5-10; not torment, 1085-1887. we have an Advocate with the Father, if any man, 5491:4-6,8; weed that will check the growth of the spiritual seed, 5899:4-7; what constitutes a national, 1846:10, 11; 1847:1; when all shall be blotted out, 2855:4-8. Who may: Forgive, 3315:1-3; remit, 2803:4-6. Why: God hates, 9:8. Wilful: Consequences of, 2235:9, 10; contrasted with mere stumbling, 4730:9; defined, 723:9-11; example of, 725:3-5; how sin may later become, 4077:8-11; leads to second death, 553:10, 11; 567:1-5; 769:14; 2154:7; more serious than original sin, 3502:10. NOT: Covered by the ransom, 4272:4, 5; forgiven, but expiated, 723:11, 14, 15; to be confused with sin born of weakness, 5742:9-11. Partial, may be expiated, 5428:2-8; 5462, 5463; punishment of, 44:2-4, 11-17; retribution certain to follow, 5255:9, 13-15; 5256; second death the wages of, 3502:10; since time of Abel to be expiated now, 5240:4-6; spiritual death, 2440:9-11; unpardonable, punished, 44:2-4, 11-17; vanishing sense of, 3403:8-14; various uses and meanings in Scripture of, 2235, 2236; victory in flight from, 3973:1, 2; would mean death of new creature, 5102:2-9; 5439:13-16; 5452:5, 6; 5751:1, 10; 5933:5, 6. AND: Inherited, 2440:3-11; 4991:10-17; mixed, 3260:6; 4608:7; partially wilful, 3154:5, 6, 8, 9. SICKNESS: Related, 4587:2-4, 8-14; source of, 423:8-13, 19-22. Total depravity as viewed by Baptists, 3457:10-16. See Evil. SINAI Law covenant made at, 1724:4-10. SINCERITY No security against error, 657:8. SINGING By congregation preferable to trained choirs, 2511:5, 7-9; irreverently is profanity, 5278:6; on beds, Christians, 564:11; one way of preaching the gospel, 1935:1; secular songs, 3341:11, 12. SINLESSNESS Of new creature (I John 5:18), 374:6, 7; purpose exemplified in St. Paul, 5044, 5045. SINNER Being 100 years old shall be accursed, 631:5; 1772:1-10; 2304:5; Biblical meaning of word, 4986:6; Christ's sacrifice did not cancel debt of, but bought him, 1286:4-14; converting a, saving from second death, 494:3-11, 13-16; "God be merciful to me, a," 1972. SINNERS Blessed by examples of holiness, 215:5; cannot pray to God, 468:13; cleansed by Jesus, 313:19, 20; encouraged by parable of the Prodigal Son, 5435:1-15; God cannot be approached by unrepentant, 5833:8; 5834:12, 13; God's interest in, 5426, 5427; gospel only for, 4987:2, 3; "in Zion are afraid", 1874; mercy of God endureth forever for benefit of, 1453:15, 16; 1454:1; more apt to appreciate forgiveness, 5032:11-14. Not: All are God's enemies at heart, 1174:4, 5; called to be bride, 609:12. Pictured by the prodigal son, 1459; punishment of, 1882:1-6, 15-17; seek repentance more often than righteous, 2319:11; stand not in the way of, 1383; 2698:6. To be: Pardoned, 838:9; reclaimed by church in Millennium, 3600:10, 11. Two types of, 2625-2627; we should not pray for conversion of, 202:1-5, 10-15. Willful: Fate of, 2732:8; not godlike to sympathize with, 4909:9-14. SINNING Against Christ through stumbling of brethren, 4919, 4920; in the church, when we may oppose, 5274:15; 5275:1, 9. SIN-OFFERING Always an offering of blood, 3454:3-7, 11-13; antitypical burning outside the camp, 5173:11-17. As: a gift to God, 4915:2-4, 7; application of the ransom price explained, 4426:13; 4427-4429. At Pentecost, began the secondary part of the, 4518:18; 4519:1; brother returned to fold after wandering away on subject of (Letter), 5861:9-13; bullock and goats offered for a, 138:9; 139:1; calf as a, 956. Church: Adds no merit to the, 5729:5, 6; does not do the offering of the, 4747:4. SHARES: in the, 648:17, 19; 3917:7-11; 3918; 4354:1-4; 4398:10, 11; 4434:8-10; 4616, 4617; 4854, 4855; 4864:3, 4; 5195-5197; not in the ransom but in the, 3940:2-5, 7. Counting the blood common, 4605:6; definition of terms relating to the, 5879-5882. Did: Not consist in Jesus assuming the human body, 145:1; the ransom require the sufferings of the? 17:8; 106:6; 4618:5-7, 11-13. Distinguished from peace and thank-offerings, 4535:2-6, 3-11; distinguishing the ransom price from the (Letter and reply), 4493:11-13; 4494:1-3; 5972, 5973; extremes of error regarding the, 5283:14, 15; false views respecting the, 1298:5; 1299:3-5. For: Church and world, 4492-4496; "this he did once" (Heb. 7:26, 27), 4545-4547. In type and antitype, 79:5-8; 80:1-3; 95, 96; 245:6-10; 3917:7-11; 3918; is there merit in Church's sacrifices? 4493:11-13; 4494:4-9. Jesus: First drank of the cup picturing the, 4436:4, 7-10; proved worthy of high exaltation by the, 5472:11-14; was first of the sacrifices of the, 3825:1 was made for us a, 106:10; 1287:2; 2121:9; 3201:5. Jesus': Death not penal but a, 4704:4, 5, 9-11; second coming not as a, 106:11. Leviticus, chapters 9 and 16 compared, 5391:4-6, 12, 13. Made: By the High Priest only, 4998:5-8; 5729:1-6; captain of our salvation perfect, 5090:5, 6, 9, 10; in most holy, 4867:9, 10. Means the application of the ransom price, 5050:13-15; mercy and forgiveness obtained through a, 1583:12; merit was in the bullock, 4035:2-4. Natural: Israel stumbled over the need of a, 863:1; life voluntarily given up, 80:1-3. Necessity for Jesus' death as a, 4515, 4516; no other way open to enter the kingdom than through the, 5118:1-4. Of: Church not in the same sense as the Lord's, 4864:3-6; church not to redeem the world, 3940:2-5, 7; church part of the afflictions of Christ, 218:3, 8; Jesus was the ransom (1909 view), 4352:3-7; our Lord, what it accomplished, 689:5-7; Passover and Atonement Day differentiated, 4384:10-12; the bullock larger and better than that of the goat, 4043:9; the Day of Atonement, type and antitype, 4397:7-9, 18-20. One of the Atonement Day sacrifices typifies church's share in the, 4855:1-5; 5196:13-19; 5874:11-13; our part in it a favor, 4747:5, 10; ransom sacrifice not the, 4426:8; regarding the type of the, 145:1; 151; 157:3-8; relation of cancellation of sin to the, 5239:12; reply to objections in re the, 4475:9, 10; shows how merit of ransom is applied (1879 view), 17:17; 4915:8, 9; significance of the blood of the, 407:1; 408:1, 8, 9; 1229:5, 8; 1230; 1276:1-5, 10; 1335:7, 8, 12; sins not covered by the, 4015:7; 5463:11-14; symbolically represented by the cup, 5342:4-7; "the better sacrifices" of the, 4655:4-6, 9, 10; 4656:1, 2, 7, 8; there will be no repetition of the antitypical, 4034:7, 9; "to make an end of sins", 4504:3-5, 11, 12; two parts in the one sacarifice of the, 4780:6-9, 16, 17; type ends where antitype begins, 4505:9; typical sacrifices show church's share in, 96:1-8; 4340:8-11, 14, 15; 4747:3-5, 10; typically made by Moses, 642:1; valid for one year for nation of Israel, 4426:13; word "offering" used in two different senses, 4867:9-11. And: Ransom, difference between, 4352-4354; 4426; 4429; 4535:7; 4818, 4819; 5872-5874; 5879-5882; Passover, 4384:4-6, 10-12; 4385:1-3, 11; sin atonement, 5051:3, 4, 11-13. SINS Against God's saints must be expiated, 5462:12-17; 5463:1-5; are forgiven thee, Son, thy, 3729:1; before consecration not reckoned for afterward, 5933:7-11; besetting, must be laid aside, 5319:12-14. Blotting out of: May be long after forgiveness, 5690:1-5. CHURCH'S: And world's different, 2195:4-6; 4659; in resurrection, 2194:9-11. When completed, 2855:4-8. AND: Covering distinguished, 2970:7, 8; their forgiveness differentiated, 3729:11, 12; 3730. Borne by scape-goat class, what they are, 3606:3, 4; church suffer for unreprented fleshly, 5729:1-4. Committed: AFTER: Consecration, how to obtain forgiveness for, 5691:4, 11-13; justification, 689:5-7, 14-16. Confessed upon the scape-goat partially willful, 4015:5-7, 12, 13. Confession of: Must precede forgiveness, 2235, 2236; 5939:2-5; to the Lord in the privilege of only the consecrated, 4931:14, 15. Covered and blotted out, 2970:7, 8; do not publish past, 804:10; effect of Jesus' death on our, 463:24-26; 464:1; egotism one of the latter-day, 2540:14-16; forgivable vs. unpardonable, 2612, 2613; forgiven, punishment follows, 4272:3-6; freeing the heart from close-girding, 3267:1-3; God's manner of taking away the Jews', 4612:5-7, 11, 12; going before to judgment, 4271:9, 10; how Jesus was able to forgive, 4981:1-3, 7; in Millennium a man shall die for his own, 2375:2; 2677:12; Jesus' power to forgive, 2583, 2584; keep back thy servant from presumptuous, 4835:2-4; not actually washed away by John's baptism, 5963:5-8. Of: Babylon, how we may become partakers of the, 5478:8-11. CHURCH: Covered now, blotted out in resurrection, 2194:9-11; 4659; imputed to Jesus, 5033:9, 10, 13-18. DAVID: Forgiven and punished, 2016:8-10; 2017:1; 4270-4273; 5681:3-8; lessons to new creation from, 3253, 3255; not condoned in Scriptures, 3253:3. Ignorance, willfulness, and partial willfulness, 1983-1985; Jews remitted by baptism, and why, 2931:5; mind and heart greater than those of flesh, 3639:5, 6; natural and spiritual Israel, 4257:2-6; nominal spiritual Israel like those of natural Israel, 2359, 2360; past, why they should be forgotten, 3306:1-5; scape-goat the iniquities of the people, 4273:4, 5, 8-10; 4274; Solomon, 2068, 2069; spirit-begotten class, past and future, 4642:10, 11; 4643:1-3, 9, 10; spiritual Israel to be destroyed, 3225:4; two classes, disposed of in two ways, 4036:1-8; weakness or inheritance forgiven upon confession, 2235:1-7, 8, 11. WORLD: To be removed by Jesus, 3478:3-6; when cancelled, 3105:1-8. Original and individual, how atoned for, 4856:1-3. Our: Part in the remission of, 3565:10, 11; sacrifice is not for, 1231:4, 12. Partially willful, 2612:6, 7; 5428:2-8; 5874:1, 2. Presumptuous: As related to character development, 2248, 2249; deep back thy servant from, 4835:2-4; typified by the offering of strange fire, 1836; what they are, 1296:5, 8; 1391:13-17; 1392:1, 8-10. Previously committed are cancelled at consecration, 5933:7-11. Remission of: Baptism for, 952:5; 5962-5965. BY: Apostles, 2803:4-6; Jesus' blood, 3880:7, 8. Catholic view on, 2803:5. NOT: After the manner of Catholics, 3565:10, 11; by baptism, 2563:1-3. Sacrifice made but once by Jesus for, 4780:6-9, 16, 17; secret, presumptuous, and the great transgression, 1391; 11-17; 1392:1, 8-10; that the church suffer for are unrepented sins of the flesh, 5729:1-4; trespasses are unintentional, 5750:5; typified by Amorites, Canaanites, etc., 4064:3, 7. SISTERS As teachers of Sunday School, 4798:2, 3, 14, 15; excuses of, for inactivity in service, 1105:2, 3. May: Baptize when necessary, 1541:7; be elected deaconesses, 1891:9; 1894:15. Proper: And improper treatment of, by brothers, 4121, 4122; reserve between brethren and, 1586:14-16. To shun woman's rights, 4899:13, 14; under what conditions they may serve as leaders, 1902:5-8; when they may lead Berean classes, 5922:13, 20. See Christian Women. SITTING Symbolizes established reign, 1283:3. SKEPTICISM Being answered by modern inventions, 1935:5-9, 11; in Germany, 44:18; often dishonesty, 2651:5-7; Protestant, 44:18; remedy for honest, 1199; why it is flourishing, 3358:1-6; worship of human reason, 1762:15; 1763:5, 7. SKEPTICS Many of them honest, 1001:12, 13; what have they to offer, 935:5, 6, 13. SKILL Of the ancients surpasses ours, 4025:14-18. SKIN Garments of, for Adam and Eve foreshadowed the ransom, 1614:3. SKY Is a substantial vault and a water reservoir? 1812:1-13. SLACKERS None wanted among Christian soldiers, 1257:2, 6-8. SLACKNESS In fulfilling covenant noticed since 1914 (Letter), 5861:19, 20. SLANDERER Is a murderer, 1188; Webster's definition of a, 2281:12. SLANDERERS Are to be reproved, not heard, 3595:6-10; likened to thorns and briars, 3318:3-5. See Traitors. SLANDERS Proper attitude toward, 1048:1, 2. SLAVE Christian is Christ's, 1065; 1738:7-13. SLAVERY In Bible times, 2620:1, 2; of sectarianism, 993:4-6; to Christ, meaning of, 1065:4-22. SLEEP All to be awakened from, 3725; believers in Christ until 1878 were in, 2153:9; Christendom lulls its people to, 2966:10; church shall not all, 308:12-15; 664:13; 665; 845:2, 11; feet of Christ will not, 304:10-15; high time to awake out of, 3830; 4401:8-12; illustrative of death, 2617:7-9; in Jesus, resurrection of all that, 2197:1-8; Luther says death is, 408:10; of Stephen until Lord's coming, 700:12; on and take your rest, 3886:7; 3887:1; perpetual awakening from, 3725:11-14; Scriptural meaningof, 2959:1, 2; some of saints will not, 293:7, 14; 473:8, 9, 11-16; 4914:11-13; why Adamic death is properly called, 47:11; 381:6; 1880:15; 1881:1-11; 2197:10-12; 2617:7-9; 2796:5-7; 2959:1, 2; 3399:4; 3529:7-9; 4588:13; 4794:2, 3; 5059:7, 8, 13-15; 5109:1-3, 10, 11; 5132:2-7; 5166:11-13. And: Death, compared, 47:11; 293:7, 14; 875:12, 13; 4175:3-5; resurrection, 3174, 3175. SLEEPEST Awake thou that, 2966:9. SLEEPING Of new creature would mean death, 2966:9. SLEEPLESSNESS Accompanied Brother Russell's last illness, 6001:5. SMILING One means of doing good, 5357:11-14. SMITING Of: Jesus' "fellow" to cause no scattering of sheep, 6001:7; Jordan, antitypical significance of the, 5824:8-15; Nebuchadnezzar's image, 2977:1; 2979:31; rock the second time symbolic, 5315:12-16. SMITTEN Christian may not retaliate, 3732:2-4; on one cheek, offer the other, meaning of, 5005:10; rock, last members pictured in, 5315:12-16. SMOKE Temple filled with (Revelation 15), 498:1. SMOKING Cigarettes affects one mentally, morally, physically, 4337:14-16; 4338:1-4. SMYRNA Second stage of church, 351:5-8, 15, 16; 491:5; 5992:9, 10. SMYTH Prof. Piazzi, see Pyramid. SNARES Of Satan, Jehovah delivers his people from the, 5693:3, 4, 8-11. SOBER Let us watch and be, 5257:2, 3, 9, 10. SOBER-MINDEDNESS Essential to endurance, 3149:6-9. SOBER-THINKING Necessary for character development, 2094:3-6. See Humility. SOBRIETY "Be ye sober, the end is at hand", 1187; counselled for Christians, 3341:12, 13; fortifies against discourageent, 3149:7-9; meaning as applied to Christians, 3056:7; necessary in the Christian's battle, 1859. And: Holiness in God's people should increase with the time of trouble, 5863, 5864; watchfulness the proper Christian attitude, 5632:11-13; 5633. SOCIALISM American politics feel effects of, 4258:6; as world's hope is a delusion, 3141:1-5; attitude of Christians toward, 3141:1-5; capitalist argues against, 3618, 3619. Catholicism: A bulwark against, 2106:9; opposed to, 3017:3-6. Causes of, 1326:1-13; Christian, 635:4; Christianity the cure for, 4581:14-16; civil baptism practiced in France (1895), 1784:7, 9; Civilization afraid of, 26:12; conditions in Europe in 1891 tending toward, 1377:9-12; described as the next religious awakening, 3016; development and purpose of, 656; dreaded by capitalists, 3618; efforts to crush, in Germany in 1896 and results foretold in God's Word, 1918:4, 6; entered world-wide protest against religious intolerance, 4522:11-17; European governments adopting its principles (1895), 1845:17-21. Feared: By German Emperor, 2370:11, 12; in Europe, 4521:12-15; 4844, 4845; more than the World War, 5516:4-6. Felt in municipalities, 3923:12-14; 3924:1-8; foe to Reformed Church clericals in Germany, 3628:8, 11; France's Socialistic tax laws (1896), 1918:6, 7; Great Britain alarmed at the spread of, 4143:1-6; 4323:9-16. Growth: And spread of, 3134:8-14; of, in the world in 1903, 3126:3. Holding down the safety valve will only make the explosion of, more terrible, 1759:3, 4, 9; impracticable at present time, 2799:8-11; 4144:4. In: America organized by Debs, 2184:2; Belgian army, 2113:12-14. EUROPE: Opposed by the Papacy, 1785:1-4; spread through its armies, 3008:18-22. Germany: (1895), 1863:3-5; opposed to state church, 5449:8-15; 5450:1, 2, 9, 10. Influence of, in Germany, Belgium and France (1894), 1758:14-19; lesson of capital to, 3170, 3171; Lord's great army, 3671:9-18. Menace: In Great Britain in 1906, 3898:1-7; to German Empire, 4897:5. Mr. Talmage's heavenly kind of, 1156:1-3. Not: Proper among consecrated, 1327:2-11. THE: True remedy for human ills, 5154:17-23; world's hope, 2184:11; 2185:1, 2, 10. Opposed by Catholics and Protestants, 899:8; 3411:18; 3412:1; organized by Eugene V. Debs (1897), 2184:2; origin of Christian, 635:4; our attitude toward, 5302:9-11; 5448:14-17; relation of, to the Bible, 1064:5, 12; religion of, 4204:13-17; 4205; replies to Catholic Bishop, 3017:7-9, 11-13; result of truth, 757:11; rise of, in Germany, 4762:1-12; rising in England, 4258:2-5; rumblings of, 847:1-13, 7-12; Russia and Austria drifting into, 3799:17-20; 3800:1, 2; selfishness of, 2184:3-6; Society and its work to be classed with, 3390:3. Spread of: In Europe, 4844; its literature, 2907:13. Spreading: IN: Colorado, 3548:6-8, 16; Germany, 2727:11, 12; 3229:15-17; 3249:10, 11; 3350:7-20; (1906), 3722:8-12; the United States, 3125:9-12. TO: Colleges and high schools, 3924:18; Persia, 3722:14. View of, respecting Capitalism, 3170, 3171; Watch Tower view of, 3652:1; why opposed to Christianity, 3411:12-17. Will: Lead to anarchy, 1326:15; 1327:1; 1691:9, 10; 3566:9; 4144:4, 18; never bring equity, 3319:6. Without God, 3373:21-25; world-wide, as foreseen by a Congregational minister (1894), 1612:12, 13. And: COMMUNISM: Feared by ministers, 2106:8-10; not proper in the church, 1327:2-11. Prohibition advanced in interest of World War, 5674:16, 17; 5675:1-3, 6, 7. SOCIALIST Bishop pleads for common good, 3404:11-13; defined, 1676:9, 10; why Jesus was not a, 4205:7-24. SOCIALISTS In: GERMANY: A menace, 3661:11-22; Catholics oppose the, 3940:6, 8, 9. Paris stage a "Passion Play" in 1895, 1812:4-6. See Communists. SOCIETIES Federation of young people's, 2143:4-6, 8-16; 2144:1-3. Secret: Can Christian remain in, 521:1, 2; Catholic, are well-drilled militia, 1518:14, 15; infallible Pope submits a fallible encyclical on, 1776:10; saints should not belong to, 1697:1, 2; 1827; 1849:1-5; should saints join beneficiary or, 1827. See Consecration. SOCIETY Civil, getting ready for the final conflagration, 1488:6, 7; evils of present order of, 1152; 1244:5, 6, 11, 12; financiers are brains of, 1244:1-3; Papacy trying to uphold the existing, structure against Socialism, 1785:1-4; radically wrong at present, 1143:6-12; 1144:1-7. See Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. SOCRATES Rev. Barrows believes in salvation for, 2220:1, 2. SODOM Abraham's entreaty for, 2857:2-5; 3946, 3947; Capernaum more responsible than, 7:14, 2267, 2268. Destroyed: Because of its wickedness, 5179:2-6; how it may have been, 4196:17, 18; the same day Lot forsook it, 5456:2; to be restored, 447:7-9, 13, 14; 3348:10; 3349:1. Destruction of, typical, 2858:5, 6; God's judgment on, 1617. "I: Shall bring again the captivity of, and her daughters", 1617:15; 1618; took them away as I saw good", 1779:3. In Millennium Jews will have more trouble than, 4594:2; "it shall be more tolerable for the land of, in the day of judgment", 1618:6-12; 2267, 2268; 3348:5-10; 3349:1; 4599:1-8, 11-14; to be judged again, 3948:4, 7; type of Babylon, 228:14, 15. And Gomorrah: Suffering the vengeance of eternal fire, 1618:2-4; to be blessed above Sidon and type, 5075:1-5. SODOMITES Destruction and future hope of the, 5178, 5179; future judgment for Capernaum and the, 2267:6, 7; 5076:8-13; God's dealings with, 259:3-5; less guilty than Jews, 7:14; 2623:12-14; not wicked, Scripturally, 7:14; restoration of, promised, 7:13-16; 8:1; 130:10-12; 259:3-9; 545:8. SOIL Chemicals increase value of, 2776:1, 2; modern means of enriching the, 4080:14-17; successfully fertilized with bacteria, 3303:16-22. SOLDIER German, letter from a brother who is a, 5875:4-7, 10, 11; novelist Jack London's estimate of a good, 5841:1-17. SOLDIERS Brought by Judas not Romans, 2779:2; in Great Britain studying the truth (Letter), 5764:7, 8. Of: Christendom, carnal weapons of, 2779:8; Europe turning to anarchy, 2907:14-16; the Kaiser and his speech to them, 3699:19; 3700:1. Picture of the church, 1387:6; receiving and spreading the truth in Europe (Letter), 5773:2-8, 11-14; refuse to obey commands in Russia, 3015:16, 17. SOLIDS And liquids as applied to spiritual food, 5743:2-4, 10. SOLOMON Books of, of divine direction, 2053:11; (his) character not developed by experience, 2045:11; choice of wisdom by, pleasing to the Lord, 5714:10-12; chose the path of disobedience to God, 2060:1; chosen as David's successor, 3276, 3277; circumstances connected with his coronation related, 5701:1-4; drunkard pictured by, 1520:9, 10; 4600:7; Ecclesiastes written in later life by, 1517:7; faithful servant of God at first, 3277:3, 4, 8; folly of, manifested in Rehoboam, 2324:8; glory and wisdom of, 3284:1; humility of, revealed in dream, 4290:8, 13, 14; 4291:1; King Menelek a descendent of, 3450:5-7; kingdom of, typified Millennium, 4260, 4261; lacking in love of God, 2045:11; less wise at the close of his reign than at its beginning, 5722:7, 13; merciful to Adonijah, 4287:7, 8. Not: At type of the Christ in his later weaknesses, 3285:14; progenitor of Jesus, 467:10, 11, 15, 16. Oppressed his brethren, 2046:4; palace of, occupied thirteen years in building, 2059:6; pictured old age and death, 1533:3-8, 14, 15; prophecy about, fulfilled in Christ, 2010:5, 8. Reign of: Harvest of David's work, 2030:5; type of Christ's kingdom, 2010:8; 2046:3, 6. Reverential through early training, 4286:9, 10; sinned in multiplying his wives, 2068:7; sins of, 2068, 2069. Song of: 303:3; allegorical representation of the mutual love of Christ and the church, 1517:6; outline for study of the, 4232:2-22, 25-49; pictures the wise and foolish virgins, 4249:7, 10-14. Story of a wasted life, 1532:4-10, 14-16; 1533:1, 2; surely not entitled to a place among the ancient worthies, 1533:2; three thousand proverbs, one thousand and five songs form, 2053:10. Type of: Christ, 292:6; 1517:4; 4298:1; church in glory, 1901:6, 8, 9. Vivid pen pictures of old age by, 1533:3-8, 14, 15. Why: Called the son of peace, 5701:10-14; Lord spoke to him through a dream, 3278:1; more devout than his elder brothers, 3276:1. Wisdom of, tested by Queen of Sheba, 3284:2, 6; wonders of his realm, 5722:3-5. See David; Saul. SOMERSET Lady Henry, views on revivals by, 3540. SON All things are by the, 2456:3, 4, 7; alone can make free, 2439, 2440; give me thine heart, 5702:4-6, 10-12. Kiss the: Lest he be angry, 713:9; Papacy's interpretation, 305:13. Of: GOD: Symbolic picture of, 388:20-22; tributes to Jesus, the, 462:4-7, 11-15. The law, a Jew at 12 years of age became a, 2558:8; 3711:3-7. MAN: Days of, like Noah's day, 20:8, 9; 113:11, 12; 264:7, 8; 348:12; 2844:3, 7, 8; 3934:11; 3935:1-4, 7, 8; 4227:7; 4706:3-7; 4797:4-6, 13; everywhere present, 114:3, 4, 7-10; Jesus as the, 943:4. See Jesus Christ. PERDITION: Why Judas is called the, 4907:2-6. See Antichrist. And Lord of David, 808-810. See Father. SONGS In the: House of our pilgrimage, 2230-2232; land of Judah, 1352:10-15; 1353:1-3. Zion's Glad: By Brother M.L. McPhail, 2697:2, 3; of the Morning (11 hymns), 1925-1934. SONS Are chastened of the Lord, 3259:7; house of, vs. house of servants, 5837:6; 5838:1-4; and daughters shall prophesy, meaning of words, 4467:3-6. SONSHIP Chastenings a proof of, 3259:7; 3695:2; 4272:1, 2; 4897:1-3; 4732; chastisements evidences of, 374:4, 5; conditions of, 2409:5-7; evidence of, 50:14; love is test of, 32:1. SOPHISTRY Employed by Satan, 911:4-6. SORCERERS Those who obey and teach doctrines of devils in Christ's name, 1538:5. SORCERY Witchcraft, etc, recognized as Demonism, 2110:3. SORROW Alone the path to a knowledge of God's love, 5802:6; blessings of, 1759:8; 1944:8-10; 2582:5; comfort in time of, 5802, 5803; enriches character, 3734:1-5; fruitage of, 833:24; how the Lord steals the bitter from life's woes, 1937:10, 11; Jesus the comforter in, 5003:14; ministry of 5802,5803; necessity for cup of, 12:19; not as others who have no hope, 2197; of family discord known to Jehovah, 1833:6, 7; St. Paul's tears of, 1886. See Tribulation. SORROWS Jesus a man of, 574:10, 11; lead to seeking after the Lord, 5862:4-6. SOUL (I Kings 17:21), 366:22; body and life principle comprise the, 5166:2-4; can be destroyed (Matt. 10:28), 875; Christ's died, 1510:5, 6; death of the, 205:9-11; 277:2; 2794:6, 7; 2795:1-5; false ideas of what constitutes the, 3173:9; given a body, 3063:1-4, 8, 9. Immortality of the: Denied by Mr.s Thomas Edison, 4773:3, 4; disavowed by minister, 3610:18-23; doctrine hampers faith in resurrection, 3904; early church's views on, 3382; Gladstone did not believe in the, 1989:1, 2; Satan's monumental lie, 5910-5912; taught by Pope Leo X, 3602:9-12; unreasonableness of doctrine, 3774:1-4; unscriptural, 1344:1-3, 6-8. Meaning of, 248:15; 276:3-6; 355:3-5; 1880, 1881; 2840:10; 3174, 3175; 4774:7-12; 5611:1-8; Methodist Bishop's definition of the, 4774:15; must not be lifted up to vanity, 3114:9; not body to be resurrected, 3564:4-7; of Jesus, not body was resurrected, 4045:1, 2; 4994:3-7, 10, 11; resurrection of the, 205:12-14; 277:2; 1510:4-6; 3854:8; 5017:1-9; save from death a, 494:3-11, 13-16; saving not the motive of modern missions, 3905:8, 19; 3906:1-15; sickness worse than bodily sickness, 2246:4, 5; "Your whole spirit, body and, be preserved", 1881:12, 13. And: BEING: Defined, 205:1-14; identical, 267:5, 6. BODY: Difference between the, 2794, 2795; fear him who has power to destroy both, 875. Its destiny discussed by Dr., S. Van Vranken Holmes, 4002. SOUND People that know the joyful, 2568-2570. SOWER Shall be overtaken by treader of grapes, 1161. See Parable, Sower. SOWING Our reaping is the result of our, 4902:6-8; 5561, 5562; to the wind, we reap the whirlwind, 5665, 5666; truth liberally, 1023:4; "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap", 682:14; 1653-1655; 2542-2544; 5561, 5562; 5899:1-7, 8-13; 5934; wild oats and reaping its harvest, 3268:7. SOWN In: Corruption, 95:8, 9; weakness, raised in power, 4177:5. SPACE To repent (Revelation 2:21, 1160-1520, A.D.), 491:17. SPAIN Crimes and punishment of, 2306; criticism of Queen Regent of, by Spanish press, 2298:12, 13; hunger strikes in (1905), 3628:9; Papal persecution in (1888), 1029:13; ruled by Jesuits, 2898:11; seeks freedom from control of Roman Catholicism, 3881:4-7; under Papacy's control, 2538:21; 2539:1, 2. SPEAKERS Evil, beware of, 1671:3; propriety in introducing, at public meetings, 5475:2, 9-11; public, tempted to accept homage, 1471:14. SPEAKING Evil: AGAINST: Brother Russell refuted, 3775; 4660, 4661; governments and dignitaries, 2948:7, 8. Among Christians, 2443:8-12; assassination of reputation, 3275:7-12; cannot harm true Christians, 3195:10, 11; danger of, 502:1; do not listen to any one, 3585:6-10; does not minister grace to the hearer, 4729:3-6; employed by Nehemiah's enemies, 4921:7, 12-14; 4922; evil result of, 4217:8-11; excuses of Christians for, 2444:2-6; follows inability to refute the truth, 5172:7; forbidden by law of love, 1845:1-5; God-likeness cannot include any harmful, 1938:8; gossip, reviewed, 2443:8-12; guilty if we listen to, 4220:9; how to deal with, 3594, 3595; in the world is leading to anarchy, 5122:8, 9; is murderous 1671:3; 2444:9. MATTHEW 18:15-17; Guards us against, 3594:13-17; 3595; no exceptions to the rule of, 4984:4; our only proper course when injured, 3594:13-17; 3595. NOT: Excusable even if true, 3275:7-12; excused by pure motives, 5528:7; 5529:1, 2. OF ANOTHER IS: Murder, 5528-5530; theft, 4020:7-10; 4021:1-3. OF BROTHER RUSSELL: By Rev. J.J. Ross replied to, 5543, 5544; in re R. Galbraith, 5654, 5655; properly defended in courts, 4961:9, 10; 4962:1-3. OF DIGNITARIES: A sin, 4486:3-5. OF: Enemies forbidden 4616:5; no man, 5470, 5471; 5528-5530; The truth, how to handle, 5639:5, 10. One exception to, 2445:1-5; overruled to bring the truth to honest-hearted, 5411:16; 5412:1, 10; provokes to evil works, 4076:1-7; refers also to the telling of derogatory truths, 3045:8; reporting the violation of rules not, 5529:3-8; safeguard against, 4803:2-7; sin of, 4240:4-9; 5471:1-5, 9-16; sinful to listen to, 4281:8; 4282:3-7; slander among Christians, 2443:8-12; truth told to injure is, 2444:5-8; truth-telling is often, 5471:5, 9-13. VIOLATION OF: Golden rule, 5974:7-10; law of love, 3030:3, 4, 6. We should refuse to hear, 4803:5-7; weapon to oppose the truth, 5147:6, 9; what constitutes, 4281-4283; 4524; 5529; work of the flesh and devil, 3091:7; 3092:1; worse than robbery or arson, 1188. AND: Class elections, 5529:13; 5530; conscienceless politics, 4762:13-20. For Jesus, how to have ability in, 1186:4; impulsive, lesson in avoiding, 2289:5, 7. Public: Advice on, 1047:2-13; 1334:15; no preaching or teaching of value without the holy spirit, 1917:3-5; only proper for those having natural talent, 1848:6; we should not attempt to use a talent not possessed, 1586:13. SPECULATION Danger to Christians of Bible, 4716:9-11, 16-22; disowned by Brother W.H. Bundy, 4753:12-16; engenders strife and is unprofitable, 5249:3-9, 11-15; in re South African gold mines (1895), 1898:5, 6, 10; leads to disappointment, 5502:5, 9-13; Satan tries to lead beyond the true light, 1427:9, 10; we should not "speculate" on subjects not clearly revealed, 1528:6. SPEECH Figures of, essence of the Bible, 3134:1-7. Freedom of: In United States condemned by the Pope, 2921:1; present, of the saints, 1738:11, 12; right or endowment of God or evil man, 5082:8-11; what constitutes? 990:14. Oriental, abounds in pictures, 2899:4; out of the abundance of the heart comes, 1937:3-7; 1938:1; restored mankind may communicate with each other without, 1604:17. SPELLING Improved method of, 2176:2. SPIES Report of the, 1842; 3063:7, 10, 11; 4045, 4046; 5313:14, 15. SPIRIT Anointing of the Christ, 5392:11-17; baptism of, defined, 198:16; 199:1, 2. Begettal: After year 1881, 493:4-7, 11, 12; began at Pentecost, 231:1, 2; 5831:6, 7; defined, 385:7, 8; 836, 837; essential to the understanding of deep Scriptural truths, 5580:4, 8-12; evidences of, 750:1-4; 2901:9; 2902:1; how it differs from the anointing, 5550:2; individual matter, 5228:2-6; precedes birth, 2422:6; produces illumination of mind, 5157:9-13; proofs of, 860:3-5; 4872:2-7 through Christ or directly of God? 1768:11-24; 1769:1, 2, 9; and spirit birth explained, 3486. Begotten: How drawn of God, 5133:17-20; 5134:1-4; 5583:1-7; how we may know we are, 953:8; 5549:15, 16; many who went out may not have been, 4479:14, 15; must be born again or die, 2615:10; new creature is not immortal nor incorruptible, 1698:3-24; once and falling away never renewed, 5041:1-4; ransom applied for those, 51:3-7; responsibility of those, 5093:1-6, 11-4; what it means to be, 5742:3-7; and born of the, 836, 837. Being: CHRIST: "Put to death in the flesh but quickened as a," 1952:3-7, 11-14; resurrected as a, 1416:3, 4; 1856:8-14; 1857:1, 8. Hath not flesh and bones, 454:2; 1952; 3-7, 11-14; 2318:3-5; our Lord's change to a, how manifested, 1817:1-4, 14-16; so is everyone that is born a, 2572, 2573; 4125:1-4. Beings: Birth of church as, 41:4-8; 579:3; invisible, 837:16-18; we are now, in human bodies, 5325:8. Blessed are the poor in, 2139:3; 2249:13, 14; 2250:1; 2580:1; 2585:5-10; 3733:9, 10; consecration of will to God the first step in ruling the, 3629:9, 10; fervent in, 2213:8; filled with the, 2967:8; for Christians, the proper, 4540:9-14. Fruits of: 455:4-10; 2226, 2227; dependent on knowledge, 522:6-10, 16, 17; developed, the Christian will not fall, 5677:2; 5678:1-4, 8-12. DEVELOPMENT OF: The, 609:2, 3; 3089:11; 3859:2-5; supremely important, 1301:6-12; 1302:1-3. Evidence of anointing, 5393:1-3; faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, kindness, love, 1627, 1628; gradual development of, 5093:7-10, 15, 16; marks of ripe character, 1317:9-12; more precious than gifts of, 4444:1, 2, 5, 7; 4732:3, 8, 9; 5265; 5831:1-4; not service, 3545:10; and gifts of, 182:19; and graces developed by true Christians, 455:4-10. Gave prophets utterance, 2521:5. Gifts of: 162:7, 12, 13; 182:3-9, 14-19; 375:13-15; 781:6, 7; Bibles now take the place of early church's 5224:9-15; ceased with death of apostles, 5831:7, 8; could be communicated only by apostles, 2110:8, 9; distinct from fruits of spirit, 2202:12; 2203:1; 2961:2; examples of gifts of faith and healing, 1422:10; imparted by Jesus, enumerated by Apostle, 5067:1-3; inferior to fruits of spirit, 4444:1, 2, 5-7; not given to church now, 3153:8; 4731:14; 4732:1, 2; of apostles inferior to the fruits of love, 5265, 5266; of Jesus given for the perfecting of the saints, 5067:1-11; only apostles have, 162:7, 12, 13; passed away, fruits of spirit remained, 5093:7-10, 15, 16; purpose of, 781:6, 7; unavailing without fruits thereof, 5225:9, 10; were given to all professed Christians, 1433:10, 15; why given to the early disciples, 5224:9-13; why given to the early church only, 443:1, 2. AND FRUITS OF: 5392:18; 5393:1-8; at Pentecost, 182:19; 5831:1-4. Giveth life, but letter killeth, 4595, 4596. Graces of: 3:3; eight, how developed, 1114; faith, hope, love, the greatest is love, 2205:4-13; seven, 136:11. AND FRUITS OF: 2481:9, 10; our lessons in school of Christ, 5206:13, 14; similar, 4989:10. Groanings of (Rom. 8:26), 373:8-10. Holy: AIDS IN: Overcoming friction, 5229:15, 16; maintaining, 5129:13-15. As comforter, 102:2, 4-7; 372:3-5; 2455:7, 8, 13, 14; 2665:1-3; 3435:1-3. AT PENTECOST: And prior thereto, 1416:5-7, 10-12. Came to Jesus after consecration, 4544:3-7; ceases when church is perfect, 120:6; church is led by the, 137:12-15, 17-21; Cornelius received the, 2990:6; could not be a person, 4165:5, 6; descent of, upon disciples, 102:2, 4-7; develops in us the mind of Christ, 5228:10-12; disciples tarried waiting for the, 4305:5, 6; diverse operations of, 5489:12; divine ordination to preach, 5363:3-6; earnest of our inheritance, 5507:8; effect on ignorant disciples, 2455, 2456; 2925:3; effects of, in contrast with those of the spirit of the world, 1489:6, 7, 12; 1490:11-14; erroneous view of meaning of, 700:2, 3; essential to understanding parables of Jesus, 3518:9; 5088:12-16; evidence of, in the consecrated life, 5913:1; evidences of loss of, 2308:1-3; 5228:15-17. GOD'S BEST GIFT: Through prayer, 5481:9; to his people, 5379:19. Grieve not the, 372:1; guide to all truth, 66:6. HOW: It becomes manifest, 2225-2227; it came upon the disciples, 2088; it comforts the Christian, 385:16; it guides the church, 385:5; 649:7; it operates in Christians, 5931:8, 10, 11; to gain and keep the, 5129, 5130; we receive the, 1456:16-19; 5269:13. GIVEN: At Pentecost not a person, 4306:6-9; to disciples after Jesus' ascension, 4166:5-10; to Jesus' disciples only, 2925:4; to Jesus immediately upon baptism 2243:1. Gives courage, 2927:3-5; influence of, on the consecrated, 2928:7; influences that will quench the, 5129:9. JESUS: At Jordan begotten of the, 4641:3-6; breathed on disciples and they received the, 2803:1-3; received, without measure, 2820:2; refused to misuse, 2243:6. Light goes out without, 3868:5-9; like a dove, 2565:8, 9, lost, leaves intense darkness, 5100:5, 7-10; maketh intercession (Rom. 8:26) 373:8-10; modern use of term a relic of demon worship, 1990:9, 10; 1991:4; no preaching or teaching of value without, 1917:3-5. NOT: A person, but a power or influence, 373:1-5; 5749:7, 8; gifts of spirit, 371:12; received until after justification, 2225:9, 10; to be obtained with money, 4330:7, 8; to be used for selfish purposes, 3298:1; withdrawn, 162:1, 11. One of true reform, 1200; only spiritbegotten can sin against, 5452, 5453. OPERATION OF: Upon natural Israel mechanical, 5637:8-11; upon world through the church, 4165:7-9; 4166:1-5. OPERATIONS OF: Different in different dispensations, 2070:5, 7, 8; on apostles, 372:8-17. Outpouring of, future, 376:8-15; porter, gatekeeper, 1647:5; possessed by some still in Babylon, 5656:1-7. POURED: Out on all flesh, 376:8-15; 3410:13, 14. Power in our lives of, 4307:4, 5, 7, 8; promised by Jesus to his disciples, 4164-4166; quench not the, 371:15; 4419:5, 6. RECEIVED: Only by those drawn of God, 5133:17-20; 5134:1-4. Sanctification of, 69:14; second death the reward of sinning against the, 5451, 5452; secret of all power in the work of the Lord, 1917:3-5; should transform our lives, 3631:7-9; sign of Jesus' sonship, 3478:7, 8; sin against, 137; 4-15, 17-21; 260:5-9, 12-15; 569:11-13; 724:1-6; 1736:9, 10; 1985:9-12; 5037:7, 10-13; 5390:13-15; 5391:1-3, 9; sincerity proven by cooperation with prayers for, 5709:4, 5; threefold influence of, upon the apostles, 1525:8-15; 1526:1-4. TO: Be given to fleshly Israel, 2504:7-12; guided into truth, 103:3; 128:13; 129:6-10; whom given, 2456:1, 2; 2820:4, 5. Transforms the life of the receiver, 5094:4-9. TYPIFIED: By Eliezer, 609:12; 752:1; 1227:2-4; 1386-1389; 5187:6-9; in Scriptures by oil, 225:1, 2; 5523:4. Upon all flesh, 1411:12-15; 1412:1-8. VARIOUS: Manifestations of, 2820:3; means of quenching the, 5129, 5130. What it is, 370:9-16; 2088:7-9. WHEN: Christians possess the, 120:6; given and withdrawn, 123:9-11. Who may receive, 4307:9; why use personal pronoun when referring to, 2001:6-9, 13. WILL: Guide to all truth, 52:14; quicken your mortal bodies, 5035:4-7; show you things to come, 1525:12-15; 1526:1-4. Withdrawn when, 120:3-6, 12; 162:1, 11. WORK OF: 137:11-15, 17-21; in early church, 2820:5-7; Would be quenched by repression, 5489:5, 6, 8-12. "I was in the, on the Lord's day", 1598:12; let us walk in the, 4688:5, 6; lusteth against the flesh, 5211, 5212; meaning of word, 700:3, 11, 12. (Mind): Government of, legislative, judicial, executive, 3629:9, 10. ILLUMINATION OF: 218:1-3; 2565:9; follows spirit-begetting, 5157:9-13; only to spirit-begotten, 5088:6-8. Necessity for ruling one's own, 4789, 4790. Of: A deed more important than the letter, 5860:6. A SOUND MIND: 1079-1081; 1414:1-5, 9-12; vs. the spirit of evil, 3773:2-4. Contention and strife, cultivation of the, 4502:1-5; man cannot be imprisoned, 2315:8; sonship, what constitutes, 5638:5-10. THE: Law more important than its letter, 3316:4-7; Lord God is upon me, 1917:3-7, 11-14; world spirit of Christ, 1956:1-3, 7-9. Saved: "In the day of the Lord Jesus", 1699:1-11; through destruction of flesh, 5056:1-6, 9-15. Soul and body preserved, 1881:12, 13. Sowing to: Or to the flesh, a warning to the church, 5562:10-15; what is meant by, 4729:6-9; 5562:12; 5899:7, 8. Sword of: 126:9-11; Christian's only weapon, 3888:8; why it causes division and disturbance, 1633:8-10; 1634:1-3; Word of God, 1659:12. Taking a city inferior to ruling the, 3629:3-7; to live in the, 1598:12, 16, 17; 1748:10, 13. Walking after the: 2721:4-10; "walking up to" the spirit, 3202:1, 2; 4869:3, 10. Warfare of the flesh and, 3202, 3203; wars against the flesh, 2335:6-9; water-immersion is not a symbol of baptism of, 1545:1; what is meant by filthiness of, 5738:7, 8, 10; willing the flesh is weak, 5312:12-15; 5313. Witness of: 231:13-15; 373:15-17; 4872:2-7; difference between witness in gospel age and Millennium, 1411:12-15; 1412:1-8; love is, 32:1; suffering with Christ a, 581:7-9. Ye know not what, ye are of, 4701:18-21. And: BRIDE: Millennium call of, 2508:8-10; 3571:3-7. say, Come, but not until Millennium; 3410:7-12. Flesh at war in Christians, 4687:12; truth, the Lord must be worshiped in, 5321:3-5, 9-12. SPIRITISM Abbott, Lyman believes in, 4373:1-7; accepted by Protestants, 2680:12.13; 2681; advance of, in Italy, 4185:6, 8-12; advocated by Bishop Fallows and Dr. Funk, 3567:10-26; almost ensnared a brother, 5024:14-22; belief of ministers in, 3524; booklet ready, notice, 2242:6; called Immortalism by Bishop Fallows, 4521:1-10; Catholicism opposed to, 4404:12-20; 4405,4406; Christian Science a depart¬ ment of, 867:8; Christians should avoid. 2185:7-9; 2189:16. 17; clergy endorsing, 616:7; 617:8, 9; condoned by minister, 2930:9; curiosity a bait to entrap Into. 4086:4, 5, 12; Czar of Russia controlled by, 4206:8; dead more alive after death a snare of, 2187:8-26. Delivered by the: Photo-Drama from (Letter), 5773:15-19; truth from the snare of (Letter), 5954:16-22. Demons—their existence, powers, and limitations, 1722:3; development of, in London, 4195:11, 15, 16; effects men¬ tally. morally, physically degrading, 3742-3744; embraced by Rev. Heber Newton, 3620:4-8; examined Scripurally, 754; experience with, 3492, 3493; false creeds a trap for, 3741:9, 10. Growth of: 2483:1-5; 3567:10-26; in U. S.. 2499:19-25. Hyslop, Prof, believes in. 3490:20; in Welsh revival of 1905, 3540, 3541; increasing. 3541:13-19. Influence of: Demoralizing, 2171:1-8, 15; 2178:10-15; spreading to prom¬ inent men, 3490, 3491. Is: Based on Satan’s original lie, 1642; 10. 11; demonism, 265; 754, 755; 1009:5; 1992:6-9; 2110:3; 2169-2174; 2178-2181; 2185-2189; 3727:1-4. Modern, Its beginning and progress, 2178:2; one of the strong delusions, 3542:2-5, 9-11; opposed by Catholics, 4404:12-20; 4405. 4406. Prominent: Characters used for the spread of, 3741-3744; men the victims of, 4441:9, 10, 15-19. Rife In Ephesus, 2206:10; same as witchcraft of Israel. 2171:1-12; Sir William Crookes a victim of, 3541:2; spreading in Germany and United States, 3941:2-10; supported by Sir Oliver Lodge, 4135:8-17; thousands of dollars for the investigation of, 4861:12; to be avoided by Christians, 2185:7-9; 2189:16, 17; truth people ensnared into. 4086:4, 5. 12; 4087. Various: Methods of, 4396:1-4; modern forms of, 3975:3-6, 8, 9. See Demonism. SPIRITS In prison, see prison; kindred, have right of special fellowship, 2933:1. Teachings: Try the, does not mean to dabble in Spiritism, 1946:6, 12, 13; 1947:1; 2179:8; 2180:1; unclean, like frogs, 510:8-13. SPIRITUAL Meaning of term, 636:4, 5. Mindedness: 371:5-13; defined, 636:14; 4968:1-6, 9-13. Pictured by natural, 29; pride, see Pride; relation of, to natural, 66:1; seed, see Seed; things not discerned by natural mind, 813:8, 9, 14. SPIRITUALISM See Demonism; Occultism; Spiritism. SPIRITUALISTS Tools of Satan, 3309:6; warn of the dangers of Spiritism, 2181:9-11; 2185:11-16; 2186:1-6. SPITTLE Ointment symbolical (John 9:6), 2670:2. SPOILEST Woe unto thee that (Isa. 33:1), 2488:9, 10. SPOILS Of the strong (1884 view), 575:1. SPOTTED With the flesh, hating the garment, 2961:10; 2962:1. SPRECKLES Rudolph, prophesies panic, 4671:1-14. SPRING The neverfailing, 747:4, 5, 11. SPRINKLING An example of superstition, 1137:2-4; not the proper form of baptism, 1541:4-6; 1543:9-11. SPURGEON Dr. Chas, H.: Forsakes Babylon, 996:4-7; inconsistency of, 1026; on second advent, 1031:11; position in 1887, 1004. STAFF And rod of the Lord comfort to true sheep, 4280:5. See rod. STAGE Church ridiculed on, 4186:1-6. STAGGER But not with strong drink, 588, 589. STAMPS And Postal Notes, foreign, not accepted in the United Sates, 5190:11-13. STAND Fast: In Christ's liberty, 90:4. How to, 573; still, time to, when, 21:5; take heed, let him that thinketh he can, 3667:10, 11. STANDARD For Christians higher than that of Law, 5309:12; 5310:1-4. Of: A Christian God-given, 5099:6-9; Babylon, morality, 1079:12. Oil company, attitude of toward labor, 3073:18-20. STANDARDS Of a Christian not his own, but the Lord's, 4734:10, 11. See Murmurings. STANDING As Christians, testing our, 5346:16-18; at the mark the real test, 5082:3; before God, means of determining our, 5227:3, 4, 11. In: Evil day, 834:13-18; faith of gospel, 2453:3, 6, 8-14. Of Church in evil day, 684:8-11; only in full armor, 36:12-18. STAR Differeth from star in glory, rewards shall be as, 4480:2, 3; morning, who and what, 91:9. See Bethlehem. STARS Ancient worthies shall shine as the, forever and ever, 1955:9-11; fallen from heaven, 3949, 3950; historical record of falling, 1833 event, 711:17-20; meteoric shower of 1833 as a sign, 1983:15, 16; 2539:13-18. Of Heaven: And seashore sands, 4365:10; 4366:1, 2; church, the seed of Abraham, as the, 4646:2, 3; spiritual seed to be as the, 2067:4, 5, 10, 11; symbolic fulfillment, 712:2. Seven: "In his right hand,"--the angels or ministers of the church, 1599:15; of Revelation explained, 2826:9; special messengers to church represented by, 3570:3. Sun and, merely earth's ornaments and conveniences? 1812:18-22; twelve, of Revelation 12, 306:7. See Sun. STARVATION Spiritual, 23:12; donations for missions, 1144:4, 5. See Missions. STATE Church of Germany being deserted, 4350:19, 20; 4351:1-3; churches, why despised by Socialists, 3628:8, 11. See Church. STATISTICS Of Churches in the United States (1893), 1515; consumption of liquor compared to government expenses (1892), 1631:16; ritualism in the Anglican Church (1882 to 1892), 1737:3; Roman Catholic liquor dealers in Philadelphia (1895), 1765:10-15. STATUE Of Liberty, see Liberty. STAY Lord takes from Judah the, 5031:15-17. STEADFASTNESS Necessity of, in the Christian's battle, 1859. STEALING Denial of one's rights is, 4020:7-10; 4021:1-3; how it applies to the new creation, 3045:5, 6; of affections to be guarded against, 3262:4; one's good name, shows a lack of love, 4021:1-3. STEAM Power of, invisible, 480:1. STEPHEN Attitude of, toward his murderers considered, 5259, 5260; courage manifested by, 2958:1-3; defense of, before Sanhedrin, 2957, 2958; fell asleep, 700:12; first Christian martyr, 1432; 4328, 4329; 5857:8, 14; 5858; hated for his loyalty to the Messiah, 5858:3-7; loved his enemies, 2958:8, 9; martyred at the hands of mob, 2108:10; 2109:5; second Christian martyr, 2951, 2952. Stoning of: Chargeable to Saul of Tarsus, 5858:1, 2, 11; consented to by Saul, 4329:6, 8; violation of Roman law, 2958:5. STEPS Of a good man ordered of Lord, 3155, 3156; 5711:3-5, 7-11. STETSON G.W., death of, 46:4, 10-13; Mrs. Augusta E., on Christian Science, 4743:10-23; 4744:1, 2. STEWARD Consecrated becomes God's, 855:3; parable of unjust, 1626; 2715, 2716; Pharisees described by Jesus in parable as unjust, 5436, 5437; scope of privileges of, in olden days, 2715:19. STEWARDS Christians are, of consecrated lives, 126:7; 2542:10; held responsible for talents, 5376:12-14; in gospel age, unjust, 2716:6-8; 2717; of the Lord, 819:4, 7; required to be found faithful, 819:10; 820:1, 7; 2157:2-4, 7-11; 5385, 5386; responsibility of, 2691:1, 2, 10; unjust, in gospel age. 2716:6 8; 2717. STEWARDSHIP All men have a, 819:1. Of: Our talents, 1047; 1327:6-10; pounds and talents, 1972; the consecrated, 819:2-5, 7-9; 2486:1-11; 2487:1-4. What it includes, 819:2-5, 7-9; and surrendering our rights under law, 2944, 2945. STOCK Keepers for books for classes advantageous, 5338:3, 11, 12. STOCKS Relationship of, to future panic, 1982:1, 14, 15; 3117:10, 17. STONE Christ Jesus the chief corner, 1568:7-11; dashing foot against, 288:3, 4; 4927:1-4; in 24 hours potatoes were turned to, 3312:13; Jacob's, now said to be at Westminster Abbey, 5200:11; of stumbling, see Stumbling; tables of, see Law; useful vs. stumbling, 2656-2658; when it struck Nebuchadnezzar's image, 3359:8-29; white, given to overcomers, 360:13-17; 5113:3, 4, 10. STONES Changed to bread: Jesus tempted to have, 3297:8; would have been misuse of holy spirit, 2243:6. Living: IN: Spiritual temple, 292:6, 7; the temple of God require polishing, 5713:13-15. Temple: All prepared before construction began, 3283:7; church compared to, 2054:4, 10; must have no cross-grained will, 3622:8; now being prepared for the future, 3259:2. Would cry out if Israelites did not, 3538:5-7; 5495:1-5. STOREHOUSE Things new and old brought from the, 4043:5-10. STORM On Sea of Galilee: Calmed by Jesus, type and antitype, 3324, 3325; caused by Satan, 1684:9; intended by Satan to destroy Jesus, 5239:4-6; picture of time of trouble, 5239. STORMS Of the Christian life, 4506:1, 2, 5, 6; to God's people from Satan, 3325:5, 6. STORRS Geo: Illness of, 71:3-5, 14, 15; on election, 623. STRANGE Act: Destruction of Babylon, 5823:9; time of trouble is God's, 2904:11. Think it not, 738, 739; 1744. STRANGER They will not follow, 1648:6-8. STRANGERS In Zion, nominal Christians, 212, 213. See Pilgrims. STRAW vote, see W.T.B. & T. Society. STREETS Gospel should not be argued in the, 1467:13; 1468:12, 13. STRENGTH In weakness, 3667:11. Of: Christian is in Jesus, 778:6; church lies in faith, 2195:1; Solomon was in his weakness, 5714:10-12. Physical: Jesus did not pray for, 379:1; no proof of perfection, 2787:3. Spiritual, 672:22. To: Combat discouragement comes from the Lord, 5712:8-13; his people, the Lord will give, 4817, 4818; strength, how we go from, 5912. And courage, need of the consecrated, 3695:3, 4. STRENGTHENED How we become, 1053. STRIFE Due to knowledge without grace, 4009:1, 2; in the classes, one reason for, 5929:1, 2; to be avoided among brethren, 3752:1-3, 8-11; unbecoming to a servant of the Lord, 5698, 5699; why found among the saints at times, 1663:12, 13; 1664:1-3; and envy bring every evil work, 3971:1, 2, 8. See Dissension. STRIFE-BREEDERS Christians are not, 2866:4, 5; in the church permitted vs. peacemakers, 2588:1-6. STRIKES Caused by selfishness, 1765:16-21; in 1889, in Europe, 1143:11, 12; 1144:1, 2; increase in strength and fury, 2884:15-17. Labor and: Capital, 4075; the future by John Swinton, 2884, 2885. Railroad, as viewed by a labor leader, 1675:18; 1676:4, 5; show that the veneer of civilization is very thin, 1765:16-21; sometimes justifiable, 991:7; sympathy, are incipient revolutions, 1676:11-14. STRIPES Administered for partially wilful sin, 5586:1, 2, 11. For: The church now, for the world later, 4271:10; transgressors, 779:14-23. Intended to turn new creature from sin, 5102:10-12. Of: Chastisement for wilful sin in Millennium, 3048:6; punishment, 249:14, 15; 569:12, 13. Proportionate to knowledge and opportunity to obtain knowledge, 17:10; 1985:7, 8, 11; 1986:1, 5; 5400:5, 11; punished with, partially wilful sinners are, 5440:3-5; some beaten with many, 775:11; and rewards in the kingdom of Christ, 3902:8-10. STRIVE To enter: In at the strait gate, 1951; the narrow door, 5407:2, 3, 7, 8. STRONG Delusions, see Delusions; Dr. Augustus, explains creed revision of Baptists, 3457, 3458. Drink: False doctrines of Christendom likened to, 4257:9, 10; is raging, 1631; King Lemuel's wisdom on, is contrary to true wisdom, 1521:8. In Christ ought to bear infirmities of weak, 4927, 4928. Josiah: Calls attention to year 1873, 1675:6, 7, 12; "The next Great Awakening", 3016:2-11. Man: Bound since 1874, 4695:3-9, 11-15; Jesus' work of binding the, 3784:3-5, 8-10; manner of and time for binding the, 4609, 4610. "We that are, ought to bear the infirmities of the weak," 1734:8-14; when I am weak, then am I, 5550:8-10, 14. And Courageous: Lord's people encouraged to be, 3079:8; spiritual Israel's need to be, 4061:8; 4062. STUBBORN Instructive letters, 1513:8-10. STUCK Fast--does not mean established, 1118. STUDENTS Made infidels by professors, 3066:10-14. Of: Columbia University infidels, 3792:2-11; God's law, saints as, 1116. STUDIES In the Scriptures: Advantage of reading eight pages a day in the, 3766:2, 3; adverse rulings of post office department, in 1896, affecting, 1943:5-7; 1955:1, 2; 1962:2, 3; advice in re banning the sale of (Letter), 5869:12-18; as Bible Study helps, 5364:8, 9, 12-14. BIBLE: In re-arranged form, 3438:2; keys, but not infallible, 1535:7; 1536:8; 1537:1; without, will lead to darkness, 4685:4, 5. Changes made in (1915), 5649; chronology, if incorrect does not interfere with use of, 5496:3-7; circulation of (1914), 5520:7; colporteuring for, see Colporteuring; corrections in, in re new covenant, 4477:9-26; 4478:1-13; 5794, 5795; divinely provided helps for cutting the food into edible portions, 1868:1; doctrines of, remain unchanged, 4474, 4475; free to Lord's poor, 2653; ignored, will lead to darkness in two years, 4685:4; 4772:10; ignoring, is ignoring the Lord, 4685:1-4. IN: New binding, 4896:7, 8, 16; various languages, 3672:10, 11, 21, 22; 4057:5, 6, 11-13. Letters of appreciation of, 4716; 4717:18-24; more valuable than life study (Letter), 5657:17-22; need for frequent reading of, 4930:3-5, 10. NEW: Edition on India paper, 3534:3; German translation of, in 1895, 1901. NOT: Changed in vital truths, 4473:10; 4474; to be shelved after 1914, 5794, 5795. Provided by the Lord, 4448:13-15; relative importance of Dawns and the Watch Tower, 1737:10, 11; to be used after October, 1914 (Letter and reply), 5496:3-7; valuable Christmas gifts, 4094:4; value of a re-reading of the, 3617:4-7; 3766:2, 3. VOLUME I: Announcement of, 335; 861:5-7; 868:2; blessings of, 880:1, 2; by 1888, 70,000 copies sold, 1012:2; delayed, 608:6; first book published, 335; in 25th thousand, 948:7; in 37th thousand, 958:2; in 50th thousand, 979:4, 5; in Swedish, 1599; length and work of, 91:7, 9; one thousand sold, 879:14; press comments on, 896:8, 14; 897, 898; price reduced, 907:7, 15; printed in form of Watch Tower, 3635:5, 6, 12; published in German (1888), 1003; Pyramid chapter for sale, 5620:9, 10, 17; ready, 861:5; 868:2, 3, 8; reasons for changes made in, 2131:6-12; review of, 927:2-4; suggestions for studying, 1868:5-8; 1900; terms in 1889, 1120. VOLUME II: Announcement, will treat chronology, 861:7; 868:8; German translation of, ready in 1892, 1346:3, 4; in Swedish and DanoNorwegian (1895), 1871; published in 1888, 1088; special issue of Watch Tower (1889), 1099; Swedish (1895), 1871; terms in 1889, 1121. VOLUME III: In Dano-Norwegian published in 1906, 3782:10; in Swedish ready (1898), 2410:1; issued in 1891, 1304. VOLUME IV: Press comments on, 2278:1-3, 9; published in German language, 2335:1; ready to be mailed, 2223:6; 2224:1. VOLUME V: "Atonement Between God and Man", ready, 2507; Australian Editors approve, 3556; commended by public press, 2551, 2552; ready for distribution (1899), 2507; sent to Watch Tower subscribers, 2523. VOLUME VI: Brought fiery trials and sifting, 3865:7; not published in magazine form, 3293:4. VOLUME VII: climax seen to culminate in the (Letter), 5400:10; no persecution can avert trouble it foretells, 1372:2, 5, 6; not a word written in 1911, 4753:13; promised by Brother Russell, 3825:6; purpose: "the most scathing denunciations of the whole antichristian system", 1625:10; to be written by someone else, Brother Russell said, 6005:4; to treat Revelation, 893:3. Without Bible will sustain us in light, 4685:4, 5; and Vow are means of grace, 4736:1, 2. STUDY As essential as prayer, 4984:1, 2; better for babes in Christ than preaching, 5688:12; 5689:1. Bible: Commended by the Lord and the apostles, 1524:8-10; Dawn circles for, 1900; dictionary and concordances necessary for, 1241:5-12, 16-22. Essential before: Attempting to lead classes (Letter), 5704:6-9, 13-15; preaching, 646:9, 12. In: Connection with question books beneficial (Letter and reply), 5783:1-7, 10, 11; order to stand we must, 3991, 3992. Necessity for, 309:12-14; 475:4-7, 12-14; 572:1, 2, 11, 12. Of: BIBLE: Proper method of, 638:4; through Berean classes, 3517, 3518; two methods contrasted, 5364:15; 5365:1, 2. Consecrated to be on the truth alone, 5558:1, 8; 5559:10; prophecy essential, 661, 662; the Lord's plans and purposes essential, 3715:6-14; 3717:1, 2; Watch Tower necessary, 140:12-14. Required to retain knowledge of Scripture Studies, 4930:3-5, 10. Suggestions for: Bible study meetings (1895), 1866-1868; Volume I, 1868:5-8. Through Berean questions important, 5069:15, 16; 5070. To: Be quiet, 2196:7; 5167, 5168; show thyself approved unto God, 3097:1, 2, 10, 11; 4838:5, 6, 13; 4839:1-3, 8-11; 5511, 5512. And reading of the volumes contrasted, 4685:11-14. STUMBLE Cut it off, if thy foot cause thee to, 5130:15, 16; 5131:1, 2, 9; origin of the Greek word, 3797:4. STUMBLETH Do nothing whereby thy brother, 4919, 4920; 5323, 5324. STUMBLING Another: Contrary to the law of love, 4517:10-12; into the second death, 4731:1, 2, 10. Brethren, rights to be sacrificed to avoid, 2167:2-4. Brother a: Serious offense, 3667:1-3, 11; 3797:4-9; 4007:10, 11; 5445:4-9; sin against Christ, 5412:6-8. Caused by extreme views, 29, 30; children of God, 3797, 3798; Christ a stone of, 3622:9, 10; 5258:1-3, 8, 9; contrasted with willful sin, 4730:9; contrite of heart return to Lord despite, 5218:4-7; drowning in sea better than to cause, 3797:4-9; Jesus a stone of, 862:13-15; law of the Christian with respect to, 4478:17, 22-34; 4479:1-8; liberty to be sacrificed to avoid, 2199:1-3; 3145:7-11. Of: Brethren through our liberty a sin against Christ, 4919, 4920; saints overruled by Lord, 3156:6, 7; the spiritual house of Israel, 3539:10-13. Stone: OF, JESUS A: 175-177; 288:5, 6; 681:14-16; 821:15; 3622:9, 10; to both houses of Israel, 757:20; 758:1; 5816:12, 13; 5817:1. Saints guarded against dashing their feet against, 5817:2, 9; symbol of hearts petrified by sin, 1322:3. Sure to come from some source, 3826:9-13. STUMBLING-BLOCKS In the narrow way, 2661:1-4; put into a brother's way, 4084:5, 6. STUNDISTS Czar of Russia ends persecution of (1896), 1918:3; persecuted in Russia (1894), 1756:15, 16; 1757:1-6. STURGEON Brother Menta, tribute to Brother Russell by, 6001-6005. SUBJECT To the powers that be, to what extent we should be, 1440:1; 2948:6-8; 3179:8-17; 3180; 3607:4; 5840:9-12; 5929:5-7; one to another, 2655:2-4. SUBMARINES Use of, in wartime, 3365:2-6. SUBMISSION Lesson: From Paul in, 3182, 3183; taught in God's dealings with natural Israel, 2300:2, 3. Of: Jesus to Father's will, 729:2-5; wives to husbands the Scriptural course, 3828:1-3, 6-8. Required in any experience permitted of the Lord, 5779:10-13; taught by Jesus in drinking cup, 2780:3, 4. To: DIVINE: Providence, Eli showed, 5297; providences taught by Jesus, 3591:1-3; will essential, 5843:10-15; will, illustration of false, 5843:14, 15. GOD'S WILL: Evidence of consecration, 4292:1-3, 8, 9; first requisite, 477:9, 10; 835:4; 2586:2-6. And Peace urged upon true Christians, 2128:4. See Meekness. SUBMISSIVENESS Proper, but strength of character also essential, 5615:14. SUBMIT To injustice rather than injure the truth, 3266:8; what it means to, 111:5. SUBSERVIENCY Cause of clergy and laity formation, 3217:1-3. SUBSIDENCE Of the Andes Mts., 1215. SUBSTITUTE Christ: In the flesh not man's representative, but the ransom, the, 1600; is Adam's, 47:9; 485. Meaning, applied to ransom, 482:4; ransom is broader term than, 1228:6, 7. SUBSTITUTION 16:3, 4; how taught in John 12:24, 1238; meaning applied to ransom, 482:5. See Ransom. SUBURBS Babylon's new, 965:6. SUCCESS In: LIFE: Measured by Bishop of London, 2491, 2492; qualities necessary for, 1640:5. Service not to be measured by numbers, 4357:3. Of spiritual Israel dependent upon obedience, 4062:4-6. SUCK Woe to them that give, 230:1, 2. SUDDENESS Of trouble due to loosing of fallen angels, 4822:14. SUFFERING Absolutely essential that the "called" ones experience, 1782:16, 17; 1783:1-5; all suffer if one member of the body is, 4965:15; always follows sin, 3599:11. As: Chastisement, 2007:12; 2008:1-8; Christian by Paul, 3188, 3189; evildoer not commendable, 2782:1. Before glorification, philosophy of, 5215:15, 16; character developed through, 4767:6-8; Christians are called to, 4356:7, 8. Church: Is perfected by, 314:20; not to be rewarded according to the degree of, 4653:2, 3, 9, 10. Church's: 80:1-3; portion now, 507:6-8. Cup is symbol of selfdenial and, 1504:10-12; 1637:4-6; difference between, of the little flock and of the great company, 1699:4, 5, 10; election involves, 624:5, 7; essential to joint-heirship, 270:12. For: Doing right acceptable to God, 4805:9, 10; refusal of military duty in Great Britain, 5942:4, 10, 11; righteousness, 2007:6-10. Has its reward, 427:5, 8; how and why Christ was made perfect through, 1807:2-11; increased by mental attitude, 772:3; Jesus and Church perfected through, 3372:8, 9; let it be for righteousness, 3002:3; may not always be "falsely for Christ's sake", 5544:5, 6; measure of, not the measure of the reward, 4653:2, 3, 9, 10. Necessity: For, theme of Paul's discourse, 2151:10; of Christ's, 1393. No part of ransom price, 17:17; 1230:14. Not All: For Christ, 739:3; glory attained through, 1393:4. Of: CHRISTIANS: why permitted now, 2761. Great company will lack joy, 1699:10; Job typical of mankind's, 584:2, 9. PAUL FOR CHRIST: 4518:3, 6; chief occasion for his boasting, 5942:1-3. The Messiah, Jews were blinded to the, 4710:7, 10, 11. Previous to accepting truth beneficial, 5729:7-11; reward of faithfulness in the present life, 1917:6; "Sodom and Gomorrah..., the vengeance of eternal fire", 1618:2-4; source of character development, 4767:6-8; strengthens character, 4750:12-15; symbolized by the cup, 1504:10-12; tests and develops character, 5147:10-16; three classes of, by consecrated, 2007:6-12; 2008:1-8; value of, 833:24; what suffering for righteousness' sake means, 1672:8, 12-16; when Christians should seek release from, 5223:13. Why: Future glory is dependent upon present, 1652:11; 1653:1-4; necessary for church, 12:11-13, 16-21; our, increases with increased activity, 1653:10. With Christ: Bodily discomfort not always, 5283; defined, 127:8, 9, 13. See Persecutions; Trials; Tribulation. SUFFICIENCY Of Christians is of God, 2123:6, 7. SUFFRAGE For Women: Not needed, 2101:2; unwise, 4749:20-22. Universal, like placing a lighted candle into a barrel of powder, 1621:8-12. SUGGESTION Mental, Satan's means of temptation, 5084, 5085; physician healing through mental, 4442:1, 2. SUGGESTIONS Evil: Danger of entertaining, 5184:7-13; from others, one of Satan's chief devices, 5897:3. SUICIDES Cause of, 1851:8, 9; how shall we view, 3176:3-6; increased by wealth and education, 4573:11-18; responsibility of, 5318. SUMMER Is ended, 230:7, 8. SUN Christ Jesus our, 1001:4; of righteousness vs. darkness, 860:17, 18; record on sun-dial reversed for Hezekiah, 2383:1. Shall: Be darkened, 711:9-15; 712:1; not smite thee by day, 4243:3-7. Symbol of gospel light, 499:11; true Christian is like the, 849:17; woman clothed with the (Revelation 12), 55:5-7. And: MOON: As symbols, 2270:10; stood still, 1381:9-11; 1813:10-13. Stars not merely earth's ornaments and conveniences, 1812:18-22. SUNDAY Blessing to laboring classes, 2534:11, 12; Christian's observance of, 3753:8-13; Christians not obliged to observe, 2119:3-9; commemorates our Lord's resurrection, 1787:1, 2; distinguished from Sabbath, 315:1-6, 11-14; heathen origin of name not a valid objection, 1733:7, 8; keeping of Lord's day began with early church, 1446:10-14; 1727:6-10; 1733:3-6; 1734:2, 3; laws vs. Seventh Day Adventists, 1198:11; legalized by Constantine, 321 A.D., 1446:13, 14; 1727:8, 9. Not: Designated in Mosaic Law, 970:2; established by Papacy, 620:2, 9; 1446:10-14; 1727:6-10; 1733:3-6; the Jewish Sabbath, 620:2, 9; 812:1. Observance: Instituted by Christ, 1942:12. NOT: Commanded in Scripture, 5028:10, 11; essential for Christians, 2119:3-9; 5072:2; the mark of the beast, 1446:4, 10-14; 1447:1. Origin: And use of, by Christians, 5405:6, 7, 9; of the word, 2534:10. Proper observance of, 4919:15. Saints should: Not devote it to the common pursuits of life, 1580:16; obey civil laws in re rest from secular labor on, 1734:5. School: Cannot compensate for parents' neglect, 5287:11, 12; classes may be taught by sisters, 4798:2, 3, 14, 15; disadvantages of the, 4775:13, 14; 4776:1, 2; evils of, 502:2-5; for the children, 534:1-4; lessons first appeared in Watch Tower in 1892, 1351; superintendents, Watch Tower offered to, 399:2-4, 12-14. Schools: Darwinism urged for, 3620:2, 3; encouraging a military spirit in (1895), 1757:7-13; infidelity spreading in, 3050:11-15; some good advice in re, 1430:15-23. Seventh Day Adventist bugaboo, 1446, 1447; 1727; "six days shalt thou labor", 1732:4-7; stumbling others by our failure to observe, 5412:9, 11-15; unscriptural to hold that it takes the place of the Jewish Sabbath, 1727:3-5. See Day, Lord's; Sabbath. SUNLIGHT Come into the, 1860. SUPERIORITY Of present age considered, 3514-3517. SUPERNATURAL No such thing with God, 23:4. SUPERSTITION Basis of sectarianism, 848:1-4; demonism attributed to, 4159:7-17; 4160; how "without excuse", 1091:2, 5-7; increased enlightenment destroys, but not faith, 1763:7-10; infidelity its inevitable reaction, 1566:8-12; is to faith as alchemy is to chemistry, 1763:7; meaning and origin of, 1090; some common ones about the Bible, 1417:7; value of, 1064; vs. faith, 1480. See Faith. SUPPER Lord's: 899:6; 900; Catholic view in re, 2771:2-4; celebration by Protestants of, 2771:2, 5, 6; last, 1800; observed by Christians, 596:1-5; proper time for celebration of, 2771:7-9; should be celebrated annually, 5641:1-5; typified by Passover, 211:5, 6, 10-14; 3363-3365; why commemorated, 208:1-6; yearly Memorial, 803:1; and the Passover, 211:5, 6, 10-14. See Memorial. SUPPLICATION Distinction between prayer and, 5835:7. See Prayer. SUPPORT Of Christendom, 174:6, 7, 9. SURFEITING And drunkenness, overcharged with, 565, 566. See Drunkenness. SURGERY Bloodless, by use of adrenalin, 2906:16, 17; curing the criminally inclined, 3889:2-5, 7-10; 3890:1-4. SURMISINGS Evil: Extent of their injury, 3594, 3595; how to overcome, 2517:6-14; probably the greatest danger to the Christian, 4312:7, 8. SURRENDER To God's will the secret of Christian living, 2164, 2165. SUSPICION Toward God leads to evil, 1024:13. SUSPICIOUS "Have no confidence in the flesh", does not mean to be, 1671:10-13. SWEARING Belittles general speech, 5020:6-8; falsely, Catholic priest punished for inducing another in, 3924:14-17; Is it proper for the saints to swear or to affirm? 1531:3, 4, 13; not at all, 3737:6-8; 4247:13; to his own hurt, 2080:14; 2081:1, 2, 7, 8. SWEDEN Religious conditions in (1891), 1333:7, 10; Swedish father's advice to his son, 1952:15, 16; 1953:1-5. SWEDES Harvest work begins among (1883), 487:11, 12; 488:2-7, 13-19. SWEETNESS One mark of a ripe character, 1317:11. SWINE Cast not pearls before, 890:4, 8; 2589:9, 10; 2658:3; demons driven by Jesus into the, 3338, 3339; 4577:9-13; 5059:2-4, 9, 10; disguised should not be tolerated, 1712:3-6, 8-10; why Jesus permitted demons to invade the, 3772:7-14. SWINTON John, views of, on labor and the future, 2884, 2885. SWITZERLAND Effect of the war in (Letter), 5581:11-16; 5582:1-6; French Brethren to be served through office at Geneva, 5110:1. SWORD Beast wounded by, 63:8; disciples instructed to put away the, 3887:8; "he that hath no, let him sell his garment and buy one", 1988:3, 7-9; 5922:2-4, 15, 16. Of: Spirit, see Spirit, Sword of; truth smiting peoples of earth, 774:4, 5. Shepherd and His fellow smitten by, 2383:13; true Christians must abandon, 2780:2; why Jesus permitted Peter to use, 2468:6-9. SWORDS Beat their plowshares into, 269:2. SYMBOLIC Vs. literal, 30:1, 2, 6, 7. SYMBOLS Absurdity of mixing, 4426:11. See Types, Figures. SYMPATHY Brings its reward, 2585:11, 12; courtesy and love, 2654, 2655; engendered by trials, 3434:11. For: Feet members, is sympathy for the Lord, 4168:4, 5; Judas not a Godlike trait, 4909:9-14; rich and poor, employer and employee, 1676:11-17. Highly developed in Brother Russell, 6007:9. Of Jesus: 574:8. Strikes incipient revolutions, 1676:11-14; third form of love--love for the fallen and sufferers, 1670:2; waste no, on those who deny the ransom, 1860:11, 12. With: Groaning creation to be cultivated by church, 3067; Jesus, none could have full, 3886; sin, an evidence that we are babes, 4470:9; sinners, not with sin, 4991:10-13. And flattery differentiated, 3878:1, 2. SYMPATHY-LOVE 1331:8; love of fellowship, 1535:2, 4. SYMPOSIUM "Our civilization is a," 1620:2, 3. SYNAGOGUE Rabbi in 1893 speaks on Jesus in the, 1499. SYNAGOGUES Jesus preached in the, 805:2-10. SYNOPSIS Of our faith, 4955, 4956. SYRIANS Captured, fed and returned to their king by Elisha, 5781:8-13; conquered and blessed by Elisha, 3440, 3441; delivered to Israel through Elisha, 4769, 4770; Elisha protected by angelic hosts from the, 4769, 4770. SYRO-PHOENICIAN Faith of the, 2653. SYSTEMS Of churches opposed, not followers, 319:20.TABER
H.M.: Lived a lie as to faith, 2247:11-13; not a church member, former announcement corrected, 2281:8. TABERNACLE 100:9, 12-14; ancient worthies not represented in, 4579:10, 11; 4867:7, 8; antitype, the church in the flesh, 100:4-9; 154:1-4, 7-10; 158:6-9, 13, 14; 172:1, 2; 1981:3, 6; 1982:2; 3054:1. As: Jehovah's dwelling approved of the Lord, 3258:16; related to sacrificing Christians, 4244:12; 4245:1-5. Center of Israelites' camp, 4028:6-8, 15. Church: As typified by, 154:1-4, 7-10; 158; pictured by, 4030:2. Condition, it is possible to withdraw from, 4580:1-3; consecration as typified by, 154:1-4, 7-10; construction of, 100:4-8, 11-13. Court: Of the, 100:9, 12-14; and Holy, antitypical significance of, 5418:6, 7, 14, 15. Gold in, symbol of divine nature, 1943:8; 1944:1, 2; how it typified Christ's ascension, 1829:3, 4; illustrations on sale, 3951:3, 12, 13; indicates a condition of favor with God, 4922:11-14; of wilderness teaches divine plan, 276:7; offering of strange fire in, 1836. Pictures: Church of the gospel age, 4030:2; little flock and great company, 5418:7, 14, 15. Sacrifices, lessons in antitype, 3707, 3708; Seventh Day Adventists view vs. the truth, 1732:8-14. Shadows: Appreciation of, 346:11-20; divine plan first published in, 4434:4, 5; first appearance of, 2055:2, 3; in Watch Tower form, 770; prepared in French (1912), 5061:11. PUBLISHED IN: 1881, 3824:8-12; German in 1903, 3219:8. WATCH TOWER: references to (Letter), 5753:13; 5754:1. Spiritual condition typified by place in, 294:7-12; supplement to Watch Tower, 313:1, 2, 12; teachings of, 2670:4, 7; three places of, 178:2-5, 9, 10. Types: How discovered, 868:14. Typifies condition of justification, 3053:14. What: Is typified by the, 4876:2-8; it represented, 4579:1-5. Who shall abide in thy, 2080, 2081; wood used in, for lightness, 1236:7, 8. And Temple: typical differences, 530:1, 2. See Brain. TABERNACLES Feast of, described, 2437, 2438; 3509:1-11; 3676, 3677; in London and Brooklyn, picture of, 4952: Peter proposes to Jesus the erection of three, 3794:10. TABITHA Full of good works, 4335:9, 10; 4336:1, 8; what the name signifies, 2126:17. TABLE Lord's, clean, good, orderly and bountiful, 1475:5. Of: Jews became a snare, a trap, 4782:1, 2. THE LORD: And what it contains, 1494:5-7, 10-13; vs. the table of devils, 1898-1900; 3963:1-4. Prepared for faithful in presence of enemies, 3270:1, 2; 4280:6-8. TABLES Theological, of Christendom full of vomit, 1475:5, 6; 3455:7, 8; 4288; write the vision, and make it plain upon, 621; 1475:9. TABLETS Tel-el-Amarna: Corroborate chronology, 1994:3-5; found in Egypt, tell of Hebrew invasion of Palestine, 1652. TACKABURY Bro. S.T., death of, 1052. TACT Needed in presenting the truth, 1557:5, 10; 1570:4. TACTFULNESS Exemplified by Jesus, 4130:8, 9. TAFT President, outlook for, 4285:1-6. Sees: Need for reform to avoid Socialism, 4286:7; struggle between capital and labor, 4195:4-10. And Roosevelt favor Catholicism, 3636:1-4. TALENT For preaching should be recognized, 3005:4; money, proper and improper uses of, 1173:2-5, 9-12; 3696:6; of Christians, what it involves, 3685:4, 5, 7-11. TALENTS Christian's responsibility in use of, 186:1-16; 1683:3, 9; 2765:5, 6; 3696:1-4; Christians have stewardship of their, 819:2-5, 7-9; colporteurs have five, 1280:9; dangerous unless guided by holy spirit, 2069:7; do not seek to develop that which you do not by nature possess, 1651:15; education, money, influence, good health, time, tact, genius, with opportunities for their use, 1972:10. Encourage: None to use talents they do not possess, 1586:13; 1629:4, 7, 8; the humble to use talents possessed; encourage not the proud, 1629:4, 7, 8. Evils of underestimation and of overestimation of one's, 1628:19, 20; five, may be test of humility, 4660:1, 2, 10; good advice in re oratory, 1047:2-13; none should forbid anyone to exercise his own, in his own way, 1629:3. Not to: Be cultivated for earthly advantage, 5931:13; 5932:1, 7; use, a proof of lack of love, 1683:3, 9. Of the consecrated, 2762:1-3; opportunities for service along lines of abilities possessed, 1047:2, 3; 1282:3; 1972:10. To Be: Known and used, 2527:1, 2; used to the Lord's glory, to be recorded, 5893:14, 15. Use: And development of, 1281, 1282; 4659, 4660; of limited, 600, 601. We: Are stewards of our, 126:7; 1327:6-10; should use all of our, 1282:1-4. TALKING Foolishly (Eph. 5:4): Means lascivious talking, 2967:2; saints should follow the example of Christ in re, 1790:13. TALKS Proper kind of, 2700:1-4; value of Bible, 3832:11. TALMAGE T. DeWitt, D.D.: Heavenly socialism of, 1156:1-3; present only opportunity of salvation, says, 2047, 2048. PREACHED: Restitution, 1156:4, 5; resurrection of the body, 1852:8-10. Sad confession and bad advice from, 1547:13-15; 1548:1, 2; salvation for all irresponsible, says, 2050:5; sermon vs. the Bible, 1119:1-6; spiritualist, 2187:10-26; vision of the Millennium, 1154-1156; wants a new Presbyterian creed, 1546:4, 5. TALMUD Rejected by Crimean Jews, 2200:5, 6. TARDINESS At meetings inconsiderate (Letter), 5187:12-14. TARES Bind them in bundles to burn, 1828:1; bishop shows that majority of church members and clergy are, 1491:6-9, 13-15; 1492:1, 20, 21; 1493:1-4, 8, 9; burning of, 920:8; 2543:9, 10; 2634:8, 9; 3771:3-5, 9; 5049:9-11. Christendom: Contains mostly, 5736:10, 11; full of, 3330:6-10. Counterfeit of wheat, 3769:8, 9; destruction of, 2565:1; how they differ from wheat, 2276:11. In: Christendom more numerous than wheat, 3330:6-10; nominal Christendom, 317:12, 16; wheat-field sown by Satan, 5910:9-14; 5911. Last part of harvest work is the burning of, 115:7, 16, 17; 920:8; 2543:9, 10; 5761:3, 4, 7-11; majority of clergy are, 1492:20, 21; 1493:1-4, 8, 9; of Christendom, who they are, 2277:5; picture of hypocrites, 20:1; predominate in Christendom, 5636:10-15; 5637:1, 8; separated from wheat in gospel harvest, 834:13-18; 2237:7; "strange children", 1009. TARRY Till: I come, if I will that he, 581:18-20; 4184:3-5; 4185:1; Jesus comes, John class will, 2808:8. Vision will not, 621; 5731:12-15. TARTAROO Rendered "hell" (2 Peter 2:4), 2603:11. TARTARUS Prison of evil spirits, 254:5-9; what is, 111:7. TASK What makes work a, 823:15, 16. TAX Income, law held by some to be unconstitutional (1895), 1805:12-15; laws of France socialistic (1896), 1918:6, 7; single, theory explained, 938:6-13. TAXED Public are, for sectarian charities, 1232. TEACH Consecrated and begotten only have right to, 1922:3; disciples of Christ commissioned to, 5587:12-15; 5588; "I suffer not a woman to," 1549:7; 1550:3-6; 4122:4, 6-10; servants of the Lord must be apt to, 5698:6, 7; 5699:4, 8-10; you, no need that any man, 2224:3-13, 16, 17. TEACHER Jewish, accepts truth, 451:4; marks of a true, 1320:11; religious, measured, 1115. TEACHERS Be not many of you, 3363:6; 4380:2-5, 7-10; 4502:11-14; 4503; Christians' proper attitude toward, 1051:17; clergy are not true, 1136:7; common temptation--to accept homage, 1471:14. False: 44:11-17; 910:1-6; Babylon has a right to make and unmake her own, 1599:10; call good evil and evil good, 4257:9, 10; differentiated from the true, 923:2-4; 1777:3; greatest unbelievers, 4325:3. IN: Last days, 113:11, 12; the church, 910:1-6. Mentioned by name, 495:6; of strong delusions to be themselves deceived, 2219:7-9; shall arise, drawing away disciples, 4044:3-6; withhold from people the bread of life, 5087:5-8. God's gift to church, 1136:1-8. In church are: Hands of body, 732:18; necessary, 380:1-4; 386:1-4; our means of receiving truth, 2224-2227. Of Bible, their service to us, 651:16, 17; public, deep responsibility to God, 1475:8, 9; who are? 1136:1; women as, 766:2-4, 7-12; and parents, responsibility of, 5242:5-7, 9. See Apostles; Elders; Pastors; Prophets. TEACHING As oracles of God, 1356:9, 10; dogmatic, a dangerous practice, 77:1; no, of value except it be in the power of the holy spirit, 1917:3-5; not to be our own, but the Word of God, 3726:6, 10. Of: Spiritual truths should not be attempted by unconsecrated, 1937:1; truth to children, 1104:9-11; women in church, 1076:4, 5, 8-13. Question plan the best method of, 2559:4; seven proofs that the apostles', was with special authority, 1522:3-11; 1523:1-6; truth to others, 3167:3-7; we should not attempt to use the, talent unless we possess it, 1586:13. TEACHINGS Of: Apostles cannot be overthrown by men, 4325:18. BROTHER RUSSELL: Considered Babylonish, 4473:5, 6. Society outlined, 5970:5-9; Watch Tower remain unchanged, 4491, 4492. TEARS Excusable, murmurings never, 5278:15-17. St. Paul's: 1886; mingled with warnings to flock, 4459:9, 10. TEETH Skin of, Job correct in referring to the, 5994:11, 12; wailing and gnashing of, 920:6; weeping and gnashing of, not eternal torment, 2302:8. TELEGRAPHY Invented 1843, 480:9, 10. Wireless: Illustrative of a great truth, 5856:11-14; in 1897 a wonder, 2145:21-24. TELEPATHY power of human mind? 5204:2. TELL-TALE When it is proper to be a, 4283:3-5. TEMPER Contrary to the spirit of love, 4918:7-11; not to be excused as "our way", 5487:19; well governed vs. violent, 4834:2-4. TEMPERAMENT Ardent, loved by the Lord, 2388:2. TEMPERANCE "Be not among winebibbers", 1502; Editor's sympathy with the work of, 4155:3, 8; essential to overcoming, 2120:1; in conversation, 756:6; Ingersoll on, 3962:2; no part of church's message, 4337:5, 6; not confined to drink alone, 3665:5, 6; required of runners in the race, 4031:10; Roman Catholic liquor dealers in Philadelphia (1895), 1765:10-15; self-examination in, 1114:10; Sons of, pope puts them under his ban (1895), 1759:12, 13; total abstinence from intoxicants proper, 1403:2, 3; what it implies to Christians, 2355:2-9. Why: Christians should practice, 3146:5, 6; necessary to all, 4600, 4601. "Wine is a mocker", 1444; wisdom of, 1520:9, 10, 20. And Self-Control: Berean questions on, for June, 1905, 3572, 3573; required of Christians, 4808:15. TEMPEST Jesus stilleth the, 2650:5-7. TEMPLE Bible compared to beautiful, 60:5, 9-12; builders discouraged, type and antitype, 2520, 2521. Building of: During gospel age, 3651; spiritual, 36:1-11. Church compared to a, 2987:1, 2. Cleansing of: Jesus' action in, 1695; occurred only once, 2332:1-3; 4122:5, 11; 4123:1, 2; typical and antitypical, 3463:3, 6; 3851:6-9; 4123:3-5. Destroy and I will rebuild this, 92:5; 3375:2-5; 4123:6, 7; 4124:1. Ezekiel's: to be built by Jews again, 2218:1. Herod's: Description of the golden vine of, 3544:2; destruction of, significance, 54:16; made a den of thieves, 5503:16, 17; Paul charged with profaning, 4485:1; rending the vail of, 2788:7. In: Antitype, 2512:3, 4, 10-12; our day, 3649:9-11. New York City: Dedicated on December 7, 1913, 5365:3-5, 11-13; for PhotoDrama of Creation, 5270:21; services of Brother Russell on first Sunday of each month (1917), 5820:7. Of God: Antitypical significance of, 1981; 2054:4, 10; 2832:8-10; 4261; 5504:1-4, 8; built without worldly aid, 2512:1, 2; church is the antitypical, 638:2-17; 2987:1, 2; 5504:1-4, 8; 5713:8, 13-17; cleansing the antitypical, 2297:6; 3463:3,6; completed, to bring Millennium, 2520:14; destroy this, three days I will raise it up, 292:3; 2294:5, 6, 10; 2874:5-7; 3375:2-5; 4123:6, 7; 4124:1; filled with smoke (Revelation 15), 498:1; foundation laid in heaven, 3622:7; nominal, in need of repairs, 4778:2, 3, 11-13; overcomers made pillar in, 505:2-4; Papacy sits in, 305:19, 20; pictures church in glory, 172; repairing the antitypical, 3448:2-5; 4778:2, 3, 11-13; responsibility for defiling the, 3631:6-9; still unfinished, 2508:3, 4; type of each ecclesia, also church as a whole, 5831:12, 13; what is the true, 54:16. Solomon's: Canaanites a majority of the laborers on, 3282:7; costly and magnificent, pictured the Christ, 4296:2-4, 8; David desired to build, 2010:2, 3. DEDICATION OF: 292:15, 16; 1495; 4297:1-6, 9-11; one month before completion a picture, 5713:6; 5714:2, 7, 8. Destroyed and rebuilt, 92:5; foreign aid refused for, 4894:1-7, 11-13; King Joash repaired and restored, 308:9, 10; 2366, 2367; 4777, 4778; materials used for constructing, 2054:2, 3; Mosque of Omar now occupies site of, 2908:2; not built in David's day, and why, 3258:16; occupied seven years in building, 2059:6; opposition in re building, typical, 3651:3-6; rebuilding of, a type of the Reformation and final completion of the church, 1484; 3577:9-13; 3579; repairing, 3447; restoration of, 308:9, 10. RESTORED: By Israelites, 2510:3-5, 11, 12; 3649; to service by Hezekiah, 3463:1. Significance of its preparation in David's reign, 3259:2; typified church in glory, 180:12, 13; 292:3-9, 14-19; 1236:9-11; 1237:1, 2, 5-9; 2367:2, 5-7; 2987:2; 3259:2; 3283:6; 4296, 4297; 5713, 5714; what its dedication pictured, 5714:2, 7, 8. WHY: Built with such care, 2030:6, 8-12; David could not build, 1901:6, 8, 9; 4260, 4261. TEMPLES Earthly, built contrary to the Lord's will, 3259:1. TEMPT "God did, Abraham" vs. "Neither tempteth He any man", 1623:6-9. TEMPTATION Blessed is the man that endureth, 5688:4, 8-11; came to Jesus after spirit-begettal, 4970:1-4; Christ's, in the wilderness repeated, 1755:2; church kept in the hour of, 2792:5-11; coming upon all Lord's disciples, 4167:6-9; crown of life the reward of enduring, 5499:4-8; differentiated from wilful sin, 5439:13-16; falling into and entering into, 5331:10-12; from Satan to Jesus to make bread of stones, 2243:4-6; Laodicean church warned of the hour of, 5651:10-13; 5652:7, 8; lead us not into, 2253:6; love is the way of escape in the hour of, 4253:3-5. Not: A sin, but yielding is, 1802:19-21; 2568:7; 3297:6; 5459:2; to be entertained by the mind, 5019:3, 4. Of: CHURCH: How like the Lord's, 1688:9-15; 1689:1-5, 8-15; similar to Eve's, 1025; 1257:1. MOTHER EVE: 1024; 3925:4, 5, 7; 5150:9-11; was through the serpent, 5238, 5239. NEW CREATION: Necessary, 3715:8, 9; 3716:1. Prayer a means of avoiding, 5201:2-8. To: Avoid sacrifice came to Jesus, also to church, 3299:6; falling into, different from walking into it, 5459:3, 4, 11. True sources of, 5701:8, 9, 15; upon Jesus, Judas and Peter, 3759:4-6; watch and pray to avoid, 2775:9. TEMPTATIONS Ambition to: Be great and highly esteemed among the saints, 1586:7, 8; do some great thing that would attract attention, 1586:7, 8. Come at moments of weakness, 3717:3, 4; greater after reaching mark of perfect love, 4470:11; lives should be regulated to avoid, 5975:13; more severe at Memorial, 4153:12-14; necessary to Jesus' brethren, 810:12; never give us notice, 1321:8. Of: Israel in wilderness typical, 5267:6, 7, 10-14; 5268. JESUS: Analyzed, 2565-2568; 4544:8-12; 4545; and church from three sources, 3717:8-12; by Satan, 314:4-6, 12-20; cover church's temptations, 3297, 3298; from Satan were mental suggestions, 5084, 5085; in the wilderness, 963:8; 964:5; 1688; 2243, 2244; in what sense similar to church's, 5965, 5966; not those of fallen humanity, 5585:1, 2; when he was weakest physically, 2243:3. World, flesh and devil, 2769:5-7, 13. Peculiar and special at Memorial season, 3178:9-13, 22-27; 5193:8-10; there is no victory without, 2249:7; to evil never come from God, 5701:7, 8, 16, 17; various kinds of, 5499:2; why permitted, 572:3, 4. See Sufferings. TEMPTED As a new creature, Jesus was, 3715:6; like as we are, Jesus was, 680, 681; 951:12, 13; 2566:3, 4; 3297, 3298; when led away by one's own desires, 2248:12; 4810:13-15. TEMPTING The Lord: BY: Placing ourselves in danger, 3298:3; sowing to the flesh, 1688:11; tampering with things known to be evil, 1688:11. How jumping from pinnacle of Temple would be, 3298:2-6; in our food, 1688:11; unchristianlike, 2437:10; various ways of, 2244:2-4; 3718, 3719:1, 2. TENDER-HEARTEDNESS Later exemplified by Joseph's brethren, 5232, 5233. TENDERNESS One mark of a ripe character, 1317:10. TENT-MAKING Need not interfere with sacrifice, 3266:1-4; Paul's trade, 619:2-8, 13-15. TERROR Not known to lower animals, 2726:4, 11. TEST All teachings, how, 1204-1206; Babylon's unscriptural,--to think exactly alike on all points, 1571:12, 13; 1572; obedience was Adam's, 1266:6-9; on the highway of holiness--at its beginning and at its end, 1773:2; progress in the narrow way a crucial, 1751:4-6; ransom a simple Scriptural, 1572:3-11; to be a Christian the only proper, of fellowship, 1576:10. TESTAMENT Means covenant, 110:9, 14. New: And old typified by two olive trees, 1491:3; authenticity of, 434:1-4, 8, 9; blood of, 110:9, 14; 111:1, 2; canon of, 434:5, 6, 10; 459:14-16; compiled, 71:1; 2816; corroborates Old Testament, 2875:3-9; finding of an Old Syriac manuscript of (1893), 1529:4; foundation of Christian hope, 435:4-8; God's manner of preserving, 485:1, 10, 11; infidel's theory in re, 484, 485; inspired as is Old Testament, 436:1-7, 18-24. JEWS: Accepting, 2420:10-12; reading it, 1407:5, 6; 1786:8, 9. Judge Waite on, 2815:14-16; new version of, 207:2-4, 5, 6. NOT: Doctored by Papacy, 560:1-5, 8-10; for world, 147:1. Oldest known copy, in Syriac, 1145:11; or covenant, Jesus the minister of the, 4350:1-4, 14; quotes the Proverbs, 2053:5; related to Old, 136:5; resume of books, 1145:12; 1146:1, 2; two oldest manuscripts of, 1108:5; verified by early writings, 1147:8. See Bible; Lamp; Scriptures; Word of God. Old: As related to New, 136:5; corroborated by New, 2875:3-9; higher criticism, the false and the true kind, 1418:1-6; interpreted by New, 715:17, 18; profitable for Christians to study, 598:8. PROMISES: All earthly, and why, 4966:4; of a Savior, 3114:13. Value of, to Christians, 598:7; "Where a testament is, there must be the death of the testator", 1834:5; vs. New, 692:6. TESTATOR Complete Christ is the, 4528:10; necessity for death of the, 4624:11; 4625:1; new covenant is still waiting the death of the, 4498:1-4. TESTIMONIES As to Brother Russell's character, 3775; not to be discourses, 5385:1-3. TESTIMONY Of: Jesus doubted by Nicodemus and others, 4125:5-7; Paul a noble one, 2221:9; ransom work, 33; 34:1, 11. TESTINGS At end of Millennium, 1220:2-8; 1234:3, 9-11; chafing under, displeasing to the Lord, 5332:6, 7, 9; 5333:2; essential to proving of character, 2258; 4612:1-3; for permanent membership in the body of Christ, 5686:14; given to prove our loyalty to God, 5332:5-7, 9; God grants knowledge before, 1233:6, 7. In: Church not strange, 125:14, 15; 126:1; 414:5, 6, 11, 12; Millennium to be according to ability, 5240:10-14; store on ransom, 425:4-6. Lord's seeming delay results in, 5570:9, 10; "Lovest thou me more than these?" 1823:16; 1824:1, 2, 7, 8. Of: Character enable us to know ourselves, 1774:7. CHURCH: Greater than of ancient worthies, 5206:8, 9, 11, 12; more severe than world's, 3322, 3323. Death or life is in love of brethren, 4253:6-8; endurance, 1656. GIDEON'S ARMY: Final, 5606:5-7, 12-14; type of little flock, 1875. Obedience for royal priesthood, 4207:10; 4208; our day more subtle than ever before, 5815:10-12; 5816; our love for the truth, 874:9, 10. Sent to prove our worthiness, 3103:7-10; source of severest, 5947:12; 5948:1-4, 9. Special: At Memorial season, 3178:9-13, 22-27; during harvest, 1069:4-11. To: the truth people will increase, 4540:5-8. TETZEL Sale of indulgences by, 554:1-3, 12-17. TEXAS Area of, 86:1-3; could hold earth's population, 2775:6, 7. THANKFULNESS Abiding grace of Christians, 2076:1, 6, 7; 2936:12; always, for all things, 1489:12, 13; 1490:1-3; burden of submissive Christian's prayers, 5203:4, 17; in everything the attitude of Christians, 2352:4, 5; increased by considering the Lord's blessings, 4201:5, 6; our many causes for, 1339. THANKS For our daily bread, 2643:18. THANKSGIVING Distinction between prayer and, 5835:6. For Food: Appropriate to followers of Jesus, 3780:9-11; 3781:2; in public restaurants, 3781:2. Proclamation of President Cleveland unique, 2091:17; 2092. THAT Servant: An individual, not a class, 3355:10; 3356:1, 2; applied to church, 400:7; body of Christ, 291:20; Brother Russell's position with respect to The Watch Tower as 4473:3-5, 10; few would covet the position of, 4483:2-4; who is, 1994:6-11. AND: Fellow servants, various views in re, 4482, 4483: the household, 1206:7. THE Herald of the Morning, part in development of present truth, 3822, 3823; Three Worlds, published in 1876, 3822:10; 3823:4; Word, the Logos, Jesus in pre-human existence, 2408:1. THEATER Dramatizing of Bible subjects --effect bad and influence degrading (1895 view), 1818:7-9; "sacred opera Christ", commended (1895), 1838:9-12; 1839:1. THEATER-GOING Discussion stopped, 1208:5, 11; no longer our choice, 5482:8, 9; saints should follow the example of Christ in respect to, 1790:7, 8, 13. THEOCRACY Messiah's reign a, 655:6. THEOLOGIANS Bible views vs. views of, 678; hypocrites, past and present, 213:4-8, 11-14; surrender to "science, falsely so-called", 1792; vanity of, 796:14-16. See Bible. THEOLOGY Defined, 84:8; 85:1; how fossilized in creeds, 1027; modern, one of the doctrines of devils, 2770:5-9. New: Advocates dissatisfied with progress of, 4151:8-11; Campbell, Rev. R.J., of London, atheistic, 3949, 3950; denounced by Pope Pius X, 4074:8-17; Eliot's, Dr. C.W., definition of the, 4581; essentially Darwinism, 4581:13-16; monism as the, 1752:9-18; simply theosophy, 4065:8; spreading in Norway, 4136:15. Sin not a type of false, 109:5-9, 15-18; wedding garment is not, 50:3, 10. THEORIES False and true, of ransom, etc., 734, 735; when to investigate other, 652:5. THEORY Defined, 84:9; 735:2-4; Ralph Waldo Emerson's definition of a good, 1507:10. THEOSOPHY Based on Satan's original lie, 1643:9-12; 1644:7, 8; claims its creed is unselfishness, 1644:7, 8; denounced by Dr. Hodgson, 3742:11; form of Buddhism, demonism, 1009; 1992:6-9; has no use for the doctrine of the ransom, 1643:13; one of the false delusions of the last days, 5801:2-6; and New Theology identical, 4065:8. See Science, Christian. THESSALONIANS Examination of Paul's epistle to the, 3136, 3137; 4417-4420. THESSALONICA Paul's journey to, 4407, 4408. THIEF Crucified with Jesus, to be remembered in the kingdom, 3902:4, 10; in Paradise of the Lord, 506:4-9, 17-19; 2788:1-5; 5132:14-18; 5133:1; Master came as a, 19:2-8; 492:2, 3; 579:7; 3355:7; obligations of reformed, 804; under condemnation, feared God, 3902:2, 3. THIEVES And: Murderers of two kinds, 4991:1-13. ROBBERS: Clergy, 1647:9, 10; Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Confucius, etc., not meant, 1647:9, 10. THING I do this one, 478:2-14. THINGS "All things" does not mean absolutely all things when qualified by context, 1777:7-15; 1778:1-10; decent, provide, 2513:8. Evil: Combated through prayer (Letter), 5763:27; 5764:1-6; difficult to control, 4728:13. Hidden: Brought to light during the Millennium, 722:4; of darkness to be brought to light, 5917:8, to be revealed, 2130:6-8. High, meaning of Apostle's admonition not to mind, 2214:4; 5889:16, 17; honest, provide, 2214:7; 3845:8-10; 4854:1-6, 9-12; immutable, what are they? 111:9, 10; little, may switch Christians off the track, 3366:13; new and old, served from the Lord's storehouse, 5568:14; 5569:1; pure and lovely, think on, 4827:12, 13; 4828; secret, to be brought to judgment, 2130:7. Spiritual: Appreciated by spirit-begotten, 837:9, 10. DISCERNED BY: Jesus at Jordan, 5064:14-16; spirit-begotten only, 3486:11, 12; 5088:4-8. May be seen mentally, but unappreciated by unconsecrated, 4479:15; understood only by the spirit-begotten, 4125:5, 6. Temporal, take no thought for (Matt. 6:25-34), 2488:1-4; these, if ye do (2 Peter 1:10), 2487:5-8; unseen, our strength in affliction, 456:3, 13-16; which are not, spoken of as though they were, 3601:1-3. THINKING Blessed results of, on things true, honest, just, pure, etc., 1703; 3129:2-4; 3306:15-18; 4826, 4827; 5908:5, 6, 10-14; 5909; God-like manner of, 2891; 2892:1, 2, 7; importance of right habits of, 4826, 4827; proper, contrasted with improper, 4728:1-3, 8-10; right and wrong, 2890:3-5, 7. THIRST After righteousness, 2586:7-9; as a symbol, 2574:10, 11; for the water of life essential to procuring it, 4132:7, 8; "Ho, every one that thirsteth", 650:11, 12; 1363:6-9, 14; 1364; 1936:1, 2; 3596:13-15; 3597:1; if any man, 3509:15-19; of Jesus on the cross, 4173:2; whosoever shall drink of this water shall never, 3496:2, 5-9; 4132:7, 8. THIRTY Sixty and a hundred fold fruitage, 5039:12-16. THISTLES Figs do not grow on, 2589:9, 10. See Thorns. THOMAS (Apostle): Doubtful of Lord's resurrection, 2804:1; doubting of, has been of service to the church, 5625; given convincing proof of Jesus' resurrection, 5236, 5237. NOT: Reproved by Jesus for doubting, 5625:1, 2; to be chided for his critical mind, 5237:2-4. Dr. H.W.: Blind leader of the blind, 3497:8-14. THORN Symbol of a wicked and injurious man, 1364:15. THORNS Cares of life and riches are dangerous, 5307:2-4; folded together as, 996:2; in the Christian garden must be rooted out, 5899:4-7. And: Briars, false Christians likened to, 3318:3-5; thistles, discoveries that offset the, 4080. See Weeds. THORNTON Bishop, holds Socialistic views, 3404:11-13. THOUGHT Controlled by will, 2890:8; for tomorrow, take no, 873:5, 6, 10, 11; 1828:11-13; influence of, upon the health, 5247:15-18; need for bringing into captivity to Christ every, 5890:1, 2; our habit of, 1885:8-10; power and control of, 2890:4, 8; transforming influence of, 5246, 5247. See Memory. THOUGHTLESSNESS Causes conceit, 1131:2-4. THOUGHTS Basis of character development, 1654:7, 11; blessed results of proper, 1703; conduct an index to the, 4728:8-10; control of, a part of keeping the body under, 3894:2. Determine the: Character, 4247:7-9; 5246, 5247; 5908:5, 6, 10-14; 5909. God first in our, 2986:2; guarding our, 3129:1; have power to poison the system, 3336:5, 9-13; new creature judged by, 3894:2; right thinking assists in overcoming, 1802:20, 21; should be under our control, 4827:10; sure effect of, upon appearance and character, 672:5, 6; 1654:7, 11. THOUSAND Shall fall at thy side, 3332:3; 4926:4-6; 5437:8, 15. THREE See Numbers. THRESHING Different methods of, 576:5-8. THRONE Church to share Christ's 506:15, 16; 1283:4; of his glory, meaning of, 1282, 1283; "Son of man shall sit on the," meaning of, 1283:3; symbol of authority, 1283:1. THUNDER See Clouds. THUNDERINGS And voices at Mt. Sinai, antitype of, 3037:6-8. TIGER Don't unchain the, 610:1-12, 15-20. TILL He come, what does it mean? 1290:11-15. TIME As reckoned by the Jews, 2270:5, 7; Christians are responsible for the spending of, 5335:1-3, 10, 11; how shall we spend our, 5045:14; 5046:1; important element in all God's plans, 1759:16; method of calculation of lunar and solar, 4127; misuse of consecrated, 5201:15-17; new creatures careful about redeeming the, 901:3-12; 4190:1. Of: CONSECRATED: Not their own, 3199:4; to be carefully spent, 186:1-16; 4024:6-8; 5907:1-4. Figs, explanation of statement, 4843:23; world's redemption, 816:11-13. Part, plays in the affairs of men, 3783:10; prophecies first seen by Brother Russell in 1876, 3822:2-6; prophecy, 1878 in, 474:18. Redeeming the: 756:11; by minimizing earthly interests, 5335:1, 3, 10, 11. Saints should not permit other themes than the gospel to engross, 1811:8; shall be no longer, 194:8-10; wasting, on home duties, 943:1, 5. See Due Time. TIMES Perilous: 968:5; due to liberty of evil spirits, 4976, 4977. IN: Last days, 947:3, 4, 8; 968:5; 2459-2463; 3612:8-11; 3613:10-12; the world and the church, 5213:2-6, 9-13. Now upon us, 1319-1321. Seven, of: ISRAEL'S PUNISHMENT: 4867:2-6; purpose of, 5721:1-11. The gentiles, the period of Israel's rejection. 5564:5-8. And Seasons: For benefit of church, 598:7; Jesus before glorification ignorant of some of God's, 2156:2; made known to us, 4305:7, 8. TIMIDITY Hindrance to service, 890:1-5; and discouragement have power to lead astray (Letter), 5496:8, 9, 11-14. TIMOTHY Exhorted to be an example of believers by St. Paul, 5860:1-6, 12-15; found by Paul, 3022:2, 3; loved by Paul, 2165:7-11. Paul's: Charge to, 1127, 1128; exhortations to, 2229:4-10. Regarded by St. Paul as his successor, 4526:6; represented entire church, 1127:5, 6; stirred to activity by Paul, 2165:11, 12; why Paul caused him to be circumcised, 2175:7, 8; 3022:3, 4. TITHES Jacob promises one tenth to the Lord, 1630:7-9; one-tenth or all? 1045. TITHING Among: Christians commendable, 5409:6, 7, 12-14; Jews and Christians, 2542:1, 2. Christian gives ten-tenths, 1028, 1029; not for consecrated, 2864:7, 8; system explained, 2485:3-6, 12. See Consecration. TITLES Messiah's, describe his offices, 5136:1-5, 8, 9. Of: Christ applied to church, 30:5; 31:1, 8. CLERGY: Origin of, 321:18-20; unscriptural, 65:4, 5. Jesus explained, 3912:2-11; popes, 54:12. Reformers had no, 377:14, 15. TITUS Hermogenes' epistle to, Higher Criticism, 2963; instructed by Paul as overseer, 2722-2725. TO And fro, running, 480:16. TOBACCO Growing not wrong, but inadvisable for Christians, 3668:1, 2; letters of interest to users of, 1300:7; overcoming habit, 4971:14, 15; should saints use? 1849:12, 13. TODAY Thou shalt be in Paradise, 2011:13-17. TOGA Roman, Brother Russell's request for and what it signified, 6004:13; 6005:1-3; 6012:11. TOLERABLE In the judgment-day, for Sodom, Gomorrha, Tyre and Sidon, 1618; 3348:10; 3349:1. TOLERANCE One mark of ripe character, 1317:12; religious, growing among the creeds, 3334:7, 10; and intolerance in religion, 3924:11-13. TOLERATION In Presbyterian church, 981-983; liberty of Romanism, 1082; senator's view, 1212:11, 12; wolves, swine and dogs in disguise should not receive, 1712:3-6, 8-10. TOLSTOY Count Leo: Banished from St. Petersburg and Moscow, 2057:1; Germany intolerant of views of, 2920:3, 4; on religion and the war, 3442:18-24; says reform is useless to savage humanity, 3603:3, 4; and Ivanhoff discuss Jesus and the Bible, 4230:8-15. TOMORROW "Take no thought for," 1828:11-13. TONGUE Blessed result of bridling the, under trial and vexation, 1937:8-11; Christian's need for guarding, 3511:1, 7; Christians cursing with, 2443:5-7. Control: By means of the heart, 5519:2, 8, 9; of, more difficult than wild beasts, 4381:6, 7. Explanation of speaking in unknown, 5831:9, 10; fire of iniquity, 4381:4, 5; flippant, fearful responsibility of, 1938:2, 3; index of heart condition, 1937:3; 2517:4; most difficult to control, 4381:1-3; of greatest influence, 2447:6; power for good and evil, 2156, 2157; 4804, 4805; 5020:16, 17; 5517:8, 11-13; 5518; praises God and curses men, 4381:8, 9; sets on fire the course of nature, 4217:9-11; teachers should specially guard the, 2156:5; 2157:1; thou shalt condemn every, 3050:16, 17; 3051:1. TONGUES Confusion of, a blessing, 2136:10, 11; delivered from speaking with, 4604:6-8; delusion of speaking with, 4877:6-8; demonism in the form of speaking with, 3975:3-6, 8, 9; holy spirit as cloven, 2820:6. Speaking with: Explanation of gift of, 5831:9, 10; strong delusion, 4877:6-8. TOOLE Brother Daniel: Article of, on character development, Brother Russell's comments, 5900-5903; Scriptures on prayer assembled by, 5379-5382. TOPHET Ordained for the king, 5041:17, 18; picture of second death, 5041:17, 18. TORPEDOES For the air a war invention, 4522:2-5; new and wonderful, 4719:4, 5. TORREY Rev., infidelity condemned by, 2705:1, 2. TORTURE No part of divine plan, 764:6; not Adamic penalty, 5149, 5150; of the body not proper mortification of the deeds of the body, 5805:1-5. TOTTEN Professor: False chronology of, 1974-1979; and Dimbleby, false views on chronology by, 2063, 2064. TOWNSEND J. G., views on hell, 699: Prof. L. T., upholds Bible record of man's creation, 3506:1-8. TOXIN And antitoxin applied mentally, 3336:5, 9-13. TRACTS ARP: Recommended for colporteurs (1888), 1088:1-3, 10-12; recommending Vol. I, 989:5. As a means of spreading the gospel, 5143, 5144; Do You Know, No. 21, 1677; for Seventh Day Adventists, 4300:8; Hungarian volunteer matter ready in 1909, 4450:10. In: 1889, sold by children, 1133:4. Is it unkind to give out? 1120:11, 12; marginal comments on Old Theology, 3617:11, 12; new, called Peoples Pulpit, 4343:1-4, 12. Old Theology: Adverse rulings of postoffice dept. (1896), 1943:5-7, 14-17; 1955:1, 2; first issue, 1889 A.D., 1109; in 1889, over 5 million pages, 1172; (1891) notices, 1338:11-13; 1339; (1890) plan of distribution, 1191; symbolized by hail, 1119:13; (1889) wide distribution, 1121. Peoples Pulpit, law in re the distribution of, 4652:6; Presbyterians dislike their own, 1870:15, 16; read before distributing, 201:3-5; report of distribution of (1895), 1871:1-3; sent to bereaved one menas of spreading truth, 3398:3; translated into Esperanto, 4898:6; view in 1881 concerning, 1037. See Bible Students' Monthly; Work. TRADE International, called madness, 2867:1. TRADES-UNIONS Are proper, 991:7, 13. TRADITION Respecting visage of Jesus, 2027:3. TRADITIONS Of the heathen concerning Jesus, 1674:10. TRAINING For membership in kingdom, 5219, 5220; religious, an offset for heredity, 2379:3. TRAITOR Judas' sin as, 2468:1-3. TRAITORS In last days men shall be, 2460:11; and slanderers among Christians typified by Absalom, 4275, 4276. TRANSFIGURATION Applied to Christians of today, 4890:10-14; of Jesus on the mount, a vision, 1761; 2659; 3345:3-5; 5121; vision explained by Peter, 559:3, 11, 12. TRANSFORMATION Of church a marvelous work, 5855:1-3. TRANSFORMED Be ye (Rom. 12:2), 626; by the renewing of our minds, how we are, 5246, 5247; 5482:10-12. How: Character is, 1214:16; Christians are, 2123:7-11. TRANSFORMING Work of holy spirit wonderful, 5094:4-9. TRANSGRESSION Brings its own punishment, 3779:7-9. Of: Christendom revealed to her by the truth, 5631; first parents not propagation, 2836:5. Presumption leads to the great, 1296:5, 8; where there is no law there is no, 5070:16-18, 28-31; wilful, 383:1, 2. TRANSGRESSORS Jesus numbered with the, 2473, 2474. TRANSITION Rev. Dixon on "The Period of," 1619:10, 11, 17-20; 1620-1622. TRANSLATION Douay Version, Why published by Papacy, 2012:5. Emphatic Diaglott: Appreciated by minister (Letter), 5889:2-4, 9; for sale, 1051; value of, 71:10; 336:8-10, 21, 23. Errors in Revised Version, 829:1, 7; heavenly, when due, 41:2; King James, origin of, 71:2. Latin Vulgate: Purpose of Rome in publishing, 2012:5; to be revised by Benedictine order, 4026:16. Of Enoch is not freedom from death sentence, 2153:5; Revised Version popular, 459:7. Tischendorf: Comments of, on Authorized, 1146:11-14; New Testament translation, 450:9; on Revelation 20:5; 501:7, 8. Value of Revised Version, 248:4-9; See Manuscripts. TRANSLATIONS Examples of queer ones, 1353:4-7, 14, 15. Of Bible: Imperfect, 52:5, 6, 10-14; reliability of, 1146:4-9. TRANSMIGRATION Taught by: Brahmans, 1183:7, 9; Buddhism, 1184:6. TRANSMISSION Of character to offspring not always reliable, 3216:2. TRANSUBSTANTIATION Abomination of desolation, 1991:7, 8. TRAVAIL Of Zion, 183:2-6, 8-10; 291:8; Zion brought forth before, 230:9, 10. TRAVELING In luxury and Christian's sacrifice considered, 5282:20-22; 5283. See Sacrifice. TREACHERY Of Absalom vs. love of David, 4277, 4278. TREADER Of grapes shall overtake the sower, 1161. TREASON Charged against Christ Jesus before Pilate, 1809:15; 1810:1; and blasphemy charged against Jesus, 3367:8; 3368:1-3. TREASURE Heavenly, what constitutes, 823:5; hid in the field (parable), 3636:5; 5047:8; what constitutes the heavenly, 823:5; where your, is, there the heart is also, 5396. TREASURES Character part of the heavenly, 1821:3. Laying up of, 185:1-9, 10-20; 1513; 2805:2-5; 5396:12-14; lead only to broken hearts, 5862:2-6; soon turn to ashes, 1820:2, 3; why the Lord shows us the vanity of, 1937:10, 11; and heavenly, 874; 2129, 2130. Heavenly: That never corrupt, 1820; which we may not lay up, 5862:9-13. Laid up on earth or in heaven, 185:1-9, 10, 20; 1513; 2805:2-5; 5396:12-14; of wisdom are hidden, 179:1-6, 12-17; personal love and friendship of Christ the chiefest of all, 1820:5, 6; two sorts of service and of character, 1657:12. TREE Christian development pictured by growth of, 5557:10-12; falleth, as the, 2048:13. Fig: Cursed, pictured the Jewish nation 127:3-5, 11, 12; 5503:3-5; is putting forth leaves, 4705:11; putting forth fruit, 751:1; type of Jewish nation, 127:3-5, 11, 12; 384:2; 5920:10-12; withered, now putting forth leaves, 4788:1-5, 11-14. See Jewish Nation. Fir, symbol of man with everlasting life, 1364:15; how saints should grow like a, 1886:4; if they do these things in a green, 2473:9. Of Life: Fruit of the righteous is a, 1520:19; wisdom is a, 1520:5; would have perpetuated Adam's life indefinitely, 5150:1, 2. Olive: Explanation of the symbolic, 5837:3, 8; grafted into, when justified and consecrated, 5023:6-10. Removing by faith, 1967:7, 11. TREES Two, type of Old and New Testaments, 1491:3. TREMBLING See Fear. TRESPASS And sin, difference between, 5750:5. TRESPASSERS Scriptural way of handling, 2666:3. TRESPASSES Among brethren, 295:18; 296:1; do not prevent character development, 5751:1, 2. Of New Creature: What are the, 4615:7-11. Sure of punishment, 5225. To Be Forgiven: If sought, 4978:1-3; seventy times seven, 3801:6, 7, 10-12. whose are forgiven, 520:7, 8. TRIAL At end of Millennium, 1234:3, 9-11. Church: Spared to complete their, 1995:2, 9, 10; to first have its hour of, 4583, 4584. Coming upon the church foreseen by Brother Russell, 4208:6-10; during Millennium, an unmerited favor, 1267:1, 2. Final: At the end of the Millennium, why? 1056:10; will be loyalty, 4882:2, 3, 9, 10. For: Human race, one full, fair, 2116:7-9, 11-16. LIFE: In Millennium, 381:4, 5; saints on, 1748; salvation made possible by the ransom is a new, 1598:1, 2; two stages of, 2059:10, 11. World of mankind still future, 2990:2-4. Full, guaranteed to the world, 5301:3-6; how to conduct a church, 4985:4-6, 8-13; in Millennium, at least one hundred years, 1261:10-13; must precede condemnation, 2733:4. Of: Abraham's faith, 1623; Adam a just one, 1266:6-9; Christian’s faith, 431:10. CHURCH: Now, 58:6, 7; precedes that of world, 2733:8-11; vs. that of world, 1106. 1894 and its effects, 1650:3, 14; fallen angels, 1679; individuals in Millennium to be one hundred years, 2304:5. JESUS: A farce, 2312:8, 9; 4711:5-7; a trial to others also, 3369:3; before the Sanhedrin, 3367:5-8; devoid of justice, 2781; served double purpose, 5078:8, 9, 16-18; unfair and unjust, 2470:2-7, 9-12. Your faith, 1822. Permitted for our sakes, 4160:12; "think it not strange concerning the fiery," 1744; world not now on, 569:4, 8. And: Condemnation of Jesus chargeable To the Jews, 5570, 5571; crucifixion of Jesus, 4712, 4713. See Judgment. TRIALS Among Brethren: 2264, 2265; due to overlooking Matthew 18:15-17, 4191:6, 7. As Christians no ground for discouragement, 5330:6-10; begin with elders and leaders, 4473:9; bitter, overruled for good to the meek, 3111:4-7; brethren a source of persecution and, 5778:10; 5779:4, 5, 7-9. Bring: Added power of the holy spirit, 1917:6; us closer to the Lord, 3582:4, 7; 5239:3, 4. Cause many to fall, 745:2, 8; character strengthened by, 3983:4-8; 4897:4-6; Christians cannot hope to escape, 437:11, 12; consider and follow the Lord in time of, 4802:4-7, 11-13; could not come to us without Jehovah's permission, 5546:8-15; effect of, on Christians, 547:3. Essential: In solidifying character, 5651:3-9. TO: Character development, 4897:4-6; prove allegiance to God, 5688:4, 8-11. Fiery: Final experiences of church, 2341:10, 11; permitted for faith development, 5115:3-8; refine the gold of our nature, 1944:5-10. TO TEST: Every man's work, 3748:8-11; the house of Levi, 3865:1-5. Why necessary for church, 3322:2-11. Follow consecration, 3717:3, 4. From the: Brethren most difficult to bear, 5779:4, 5, 7-9; 5947:12; 5948:1-4, 9; devil, 4627:7, 8. Fruitful of good if we are rightly exercised, 730:14; 5459:5-9; how we are to view our, 5595:6, 7; increased after our freedom from Satan's snares, 5263:14; 5264:1; lead us to God, 5803:3. Means of: Character growth, 5223:13-15; grace to Christians, 4356:11. No indication of divine disapproval, 2061:1. Not always: Sent as chastisements, 5878:11-14; 5879:18, 19; the result of personal sin, 3519:1-4. Of: Ancient worthies was a test of their faith, 4004:1, 2; Brother Russell's last journey began at Detroit, 6001:6; church wisely permitted, 3432:5; consecrated permitted of God, 2786:8, 9; daily life, 630:6. FAITH: In early church, 550:7-16; 551; why permitted, 1949. Jewish nation will prove a blessing, 5721:1-11; Job, 451:12; 452:1; new creation to be upon three points, 4304:7-9; spiritual Israel less than joys, 5242:1-3, 8. THE: Christian, 27, 28; church differ from those of the world, 5712:5-7; harvest time special and severe, 4929:15, 16. Often: Are simply the natural result of our own mistakes, 1938:5; 4805:7, 8; permitted as test of character, 5878:11-14; 5879:18, 19. On: Church at close of harvest may be similar to Jesus', 3369:7, 8; the world intended for their blessing, 5493:10-14. One witness of sonship, 2936:3. Prove: Our love for the Lord, 5499:9-13; the depth of sanctification, 5320:17-19. Purpose of, 405:1, 2; refine the gold of our nature, 1944:5-10; rightly received, increase our faith, 2130:1, 2; sanctified to good, 456:1-4, 13-16. Should: Be taken to Jesus, 3327:1; not seem strange to the consecrated, 1956:4, 5, 10-13; 5118:4, 5. Special at Passover season, 2134:6; 2793:5-9; 3178, 3179; 3760:5-8; stability of character developed by silence under, 1937:8-11; studying the cause of our, 243:2. To Be: More severe at close of harvest, 4112:2, 3, 5, 6; 4154:8, 9; 4253:1, 2. Upon the consecrated not always chastisements, 5403:2-8, 11-14; value of, to Christian, 657:18; various causes for, 4148:4, 5, 7; 4149:1, 2. Why: Church has, 6:3; future glory is dependent on, 1652:11; 1653:1-4; God permits us to have, 3591:1-3; increased with increased activity, 1653:10. Work blessings to church, 2753:1, 6, 7; 2866:6; 4160:12; worketh glory, 456:1-4, 13-16. And: Discipline, why essential to Christians, 3331:7; persecutions, texts assuring us of, 3776:4-12, 17-26; testings of the Jews to their advantage, 4037:10, 11; 4038:1, 2. See Adversity; Afflictions; Chastisements; Discipline; Sufferings; Tribulations. TRIBES Of: ISRAEL: Respecting the numbering of the (Letter), 5355:9-15; reunited, 2124:15. Spiritual Israel may be graded in rank, 4654:2-4. Ten Lost: Not Anglo-Saxons, 1340-1342; 2084-2086; of Israel, there are none, 2505:5; one proof that they were not lost, 1747:19; significant Scripture in re, 1495:14. Twelve: Of spiritual Israel receive promise, 2442:8, 9; reunited under Babylonian captivity, 2084-2086. TRIBULATION Be patient in, 2213:10; Christians may have peace in, 1068-1070; develops patience, 1721:5; difference between that of the little flock and great company, 1699:4, 5, 10; faith permits us to rejoice in, 4465:8, 9; for Christ's sake, 347:8, 9; gives strength of character, 3983:4-8; great company have throughout the age had, 1699:9; how it came upon all the great company, 3445:5-9, 13; kingdom of God entered through, 4369:11, 12; little flock and great company both have, 4684:9, 10; meaning of word applied to Christians, 4910:11, 12; necessary for perfecting character, 3013:7; no part of ransom price, 17:17; of the great company will lack joy, 1699:10; Paul and Silas examples of rejoicing in, 2182:4-8; peace in, 1068-1070; rejoice in, 2588:7-11; 2948:4-6; trial and, of Christian, 27, 28. Why: Church can rejoice in, 3436:4-8; 3648:14; 3650:7; it comes upon Lord's people, 4761:4-6. NECESSARY FOR: Church, 12:11-13, 16-21; great company, 4428:5. The spirit begotten can rejoice in, 5584:13-16. And peace promised to the church, 4818:7-9. See Affliction. TRIBULATIONS Essential to characterdevelopment, 3317:8; how we glory in, 3590:3. Of the Church: Crystalize character, 4326:1, 2, 10-12; may be expected to increase, 4941:2-4. Paul's noble endurance of, 1884:16; 1885:1, 2. Why: Future glory is dependent on present, 1652:11; 1653:1-4; increased with increased activity, 1653:10. TRIBUTE Rendered to Caesar, 3179:8, 17; 3180; shall Christians pay taxes, 2756:4-6. TRIFLES Crucial tests of character in, 5508:15, 16; 5509:1. TRINITARIANISM Unscriptural, 290:9. TRINITARIANS And Unitarians in harmony, and why, 3335:1-4; 3861:6-9; conflicting views of Unitarians and, 4106:5, 6, 9-11. TRINITY As applied to Jesus, 370:1-8; disproven by Jesus' agony, 2773:5. Doctrine: Adopted from the heathen religions, 5749:2; began in fourth century, 5749:1, 2; evil effects of, 767:6. Explained to children, 1052; 1062; false theory, 367:16, 17; 714:7-9, 15-17; 3861:6-9; interpolation its one supporting text, 1411:1-11; Jesus' words a refutation of the doctrine of the, 5358:5-7; Moorehead vs. the Bible, respecting the, 1904:9-13; Moses denies theory of the, 4051:6-8. Not: In Jesus' teachings, 2454:10, 11; taught in Bible, 802:10. Origin of, 359:5; 369:9; Paul did not believe in the, 2199:6-8; taught in Brahmanism, 1183:7; theory absurd, 4164:10; 4165:1-4; true, 9:4, 5; 30:5; unreasonable, unscriptural, 405:19; 505:7-9; 715:14,15; 736:3; 2408:1-3, 7-9; 2434:4; 5352:1-3. TROPICAL North America was once, 4136:11-14. TROUBLE Aids in character development, 5217:1-4, 10-14; counsel to one in, 5409:1-5; God will be with Christian in, 3332:13-15. Jacob's: Began in 1882, 379:6; 1895; 1898:12, 13; church to be glorified before close of, 5437:4, 5; in the day of the Lord, 26:8-12; 593:4; 3469:1-4; to precede Israel's full restoration to favor, 5442:11, 12. Reformatory effect of, 872:1, 2. Time of: 153:4-6, 9-14; 247:14-18; 264:10-14; 268:12-18; approaching, 166:7-15; assassination of Carnot (1894) an evidence of, 1668; Babylon will fall before crisis of, 1355:14; began in 1874, 410:4; called a night, 587:9, 14; cannot be averted by persecuting the truth, 1372:2, 5, 6; causes and necessity of, 1245:1, 5-10; character the best preparation for the, 5571:12-14; children in the, 1963; Christendom to suffer in the, 5696:11; 5697:11. CHRISTIANS: Attitude during, 5062:14-17; exhorted to increased holiness as we approach the, 5864:3, 6-10; part of, in, 1144:7; to be tested in the, 834:13-18. CHURCH: Are not to take sides in the, 683, 684; 816:1; 5448:14-18; safe in the, 5697:1, 2, 8-10; shares in the, 862:2-6; to be protected in the, 5255:7, 8; to share with Lord during, 2975:6-8; to trust the Lord in the, 707:3. Church's work in this, 5917:10; clear view of, 1487:4, 5, 11; 1488; clergy will probably suffer most in the, 5750:4; "Come, my people . . . hide thyself . . . until the indignation be overpast", 1787, 1788; communism during, 26:5, 12; crop-failure to play chief part in the, 5112:4-6; dark night of, to precede Messiah's kingdom, 6014:7-9. DEMONS: Bring perilous times in the, 4976, 4977; to have active part in the, 5469:21; 5470:1, 2, 7-9. DESCRIBED: By prophet, 592:6. DUE: To begin 1910, 2876:1. Earth's labor pangs, 1668; ecclesiasticism to suffer before social element in the, 5527:9; economic and religious causes of the, 1690, 1691; elements will melt in the, 5526:11, 12. ENDS IN: 1914 (1894 view), 1677:14; 1915 (1893 view), 1581:3. Epidemics to accompany anarchy in the, 1805:16-18; escape impossible in the, 4111:6, 7; eternal torment theory one cause of the, 1122:12-14; events leading to the, 5369:5-9, 17-21; evidences of, 350:11-14; fate of Christendom in the, 5443:2-6; financial situation in the, 4111:2-7. FIRE: a feature the saints can see, 1488; a symbol of destruction describing the, 5443; may be literal and symbolic in the, 5317, 5318. FIRST: Part of Millennial Purgatory, 1469:12; 1470; upon church, 592:4. For the church, 862:2-6; forces mustering for, 683, 684; forecasted, 635:3. FORESEEN: By a Congregational minister (1894), 1611, 1612; by a worldly editor (1893), 1604:4-7, 14-16; in 1892, 1354-1356; in Sewall's Ancient History, 1275:5, 10. Foretold by astrology, 3184:4-10. FOREVIEW OF: By a Senator, 1616; in 1893, 1581:1-4, 13-15. Furthered by increased knowledge, 738:8-11; glorification of church may be delayed beyond beginning of, 5449:3-7; Habakkuk's prophecy regarding the, 5383; "His lightnings" the cause, 1913:5; holding down the safety valve will only make the explosion more terrible, 1759:3, 4, 9. HOW: The saints prepare for the, 3991:7, 13, 14; 3992:2, 3; to be safe during the, 1875:5, 6, 12-15. IN: Both ages avenged the blood of the righteous, 4651, 4652; (1914), 286:7; 377:20, 21; day of judgment, 268:12-19; preaching, gospel hope should take precedence over the, 5213:6-8. Its twofold work, 125:1-8, 9-16; Jews to suffer in, 3469:1-4; little flock to be spared the, 2543:7; machinery and invention one cause of, how, 1676:1, 12-14; message of comfort to be preached rather than, 5521:2, 3; needed for purification, 5989:1-5; none are to escape entirely from the, 5571:4, 5. NOT: Revealed to world, 661:5; to last over a year (1913 view), 5328:6, 7. Of Jews ended in April, A.D. 73, 5951:1; on Babylon first, 409:6. ONE CAUSE OF: Competition of human and mechanical skill, 1606:16; disbelief in torment, 1122:12-15; presenting less than whole truth, 1123:1, 2; wrong ideas of liberty, 1737:6, 7. ORDER OF EVENTS OF: 26; 410:4; as foreseen in 1893, 1528:10. Our children in the, 1963; Papacy claims that Pope alone can pronounce a social pax vobiscum, 1791:15. PICTURED: As clouds, 153:4-6, 9-14; as a whirlwind, 5058:10, 11; by earthquake, 2709:11; by flood, 3756, 3757; in Psalm 107, 5695-5697; in stirring scenes at Mt. Sinai, 5285:15-17; 5286:1; in the storm on sea of Galilee, 5239. Pictures of the, 815:7-12; priest foretells the (?) (1896), 1969:10-13; proper attitude of the saints respecting the, 1785:5-9; prophecies describing the, 5537:9-12; 5735:6; 5916:1, 2; Psalm 46 contains a picture of the, 2334:9; remarkable preservations in the, 1995:3, 4; retribution for sins, 3606:5, 6; rumblings of the, 2876:8-13; safety in the, 2019-2021. SAINTS: Have peace amid the, how? 1245:4; should neither advocate nor take part in the, 1607:10-12. Selfishness the cause of, 1470:2, 3; senator's foreview of (1894), 1616. SHOULD: Be a time of earnest effort for Christians, 5863, 5864; saints hide their families in the mountains in the? 1963:6, 11. Shown in vision to Elijah, 5752, 5753. SIGNS: In 1890, 1243; of the, 656. SOME: Members of the church may go through the, 2975:8; thoughts on, in 1892, 1433:11; 1434:1-3. Storage of food recommended for the, 5572:2-4, 6, 7; suddenness due to loosing of fallen angels, 4822:14; suggestions for protection against the, 5854:8-10. SYMBOLIZED BY: Clouds, 153:4-6, 9-14; fire, 2971:2-6. Ten plagues prefigured the, 3994:3-6; "then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer", 1519:9-11; there will be a premium on meekness, patience, love, gentleness, goodness, in the, 1963:12, 13; time when the nations reap their wild oats, 1653:5-7, 16-18; 1654:8-10. TO: Bring retributive punishment, 2911:5; come in spasms, 621:4-7; come upon all men, 5112:4-6; exact justice for blood of the saints, 5256:4, 11, 12; precede Millennium, 815:7-12; prepare the world to receive Christ's blessings, 5574:1, 2; reveal true and false Christians, 5916:3-5. TO BE: Begun by world war (1904 view), 3327:11, 12; spasmodic, 707:2; sudden and unexpected, 5456:1-4. Twofold work of the, 125:1-8, 9-16; typified at Mt. Sinai, 3037:6-8. UPON THE: Consecrated accompanied by the Lord's blessing, 5758:3, 7. Various phases of the, 5112, 5113; "whose hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely" in the, 1519:12. WHY: A just retribution upon the present generation, 1702:9-11; necessary, 5:4. WILL: Be caused by selfishness, 1163:4-7; expiate wilful sin since time of Abel, 5240:4-6. World sees it coming, 611:11. See Day of Jehovah; Demons; Evil Day; Fallen Angels and Time of Trouble; French Revolution. TROUBLED On every side but not distressed, 5670, 5671. TROUBLES Christians should be silent about, 2948:5; pearls are, made beautiful, 1756:5, 6. See Tribulation. TROY Rev., report of debate of Brother Rutherford with, 5684, 5685. See Rutherford. TRUCEBREAKERS In last days, 2460:6. TRUE Think on whatsoever is, 1703:7, 8; 2891:4, 5. TRUMP Of God, 19:8-11; 579:13. TRUMPET Jubilee: Represents message of present truth, 3624:3; sounded at evening, 2025:14-16. Seventh: 19:8-11; 287:4; 580:1-3; 845:3-5; all rewards and punishments given under, 2993:5, 6; present truth, 885:7. SOUNDING OF: 5:3, 10; 845:3-5; 2992-2994; began in 1874, 2982:6; last change of church, 152:12. What its sounding means, 263:10-12. TRUMPETS Feast of, type and antitype, 2531. Jubilee: Antitype of, 2569:5-7; to announce restitution, 2901:4; typify the message of present truth, 3624:3. Significance of, 368. TRUST In our enemies limited, 4225:11. Lord: To manage his own affairs, 3226:2; where we cannot trace, 3529:9-13. System controlling the United States, 4771:11, 21. See Prayer. TRUSTFULNESS Lesson of the lily to Christians, 5991:1-3, 5; of Brother Russell an outstanding characteristic, 6010:2. TRUSTING In the flesh we are weak, in the Lord, strong, 5550:8-10, 14. TRUSTS Undesirable "church," 1572; Churchianity will form, 2577:28, 29; evil course and downfall of, foretold in Proverbs 1:1-33, 1518, 1519; is God the founder of all, 3073, 3074; Justice Brown sees menace in the, 2784:13; and corporations, giants of our day, 5457:3, 4, 7, 8; 5458. TRUTH Accepted By: Archbishop, 2767:10; ignoble more readily than noble, 2319, 2320. Advanced by opposing error, 868:12-14; all who do not love, will lose it, 1949:6, 10, 11; applying, to one's self, 1627, 1628. Appreciated: Now by former skeptic, 5024:2-13. Arriving at, in Bible study, 644, 645; as precious after 1914 as before, 5595:15-17; ashamed of the, 2026:5; assimilating the, 5045:13-15; astonished at beauty of, 3860:11, 12; 3861:1; attacks against, should be answered, 4434:1. Attracts: One class, repels another, 5507:14-16; 5508:1; strong characters, 4995:9-12. Belief in, essential to right living, 735:6; believing but not confessing the, disastrous, 2966:8. Bible is: A pure fountain of, 565:2, 3, 10, 11; 730:5; the only source of, 5398. Born out of trouble as lightning flashes, 5989:6-10; boycott against the, foretold, 1766:3, 8; brethren with prominent weaknesses should not be representatives of the, 4378:8-10; brings liberty, 3751:4-6; brought to India, 869:19-24; bulwark against the time of trouble, 5916:8-10; buy the, and sell it not, 1502:16; cannot be received unless hearts are right, 2132:21; causes division and separation, 2183:4-8; chain for binding Satan, 1233:4. Children: Can serve the, 1133:2. SHOULD BE: Brought up in the, 1671:14, 15; 1672:1-3, 9-11; taught the, 1104:9-11; 1142:1-5; 1191:4-7. Christendom to be overthrown by the, 3748:8-11; Church Federation to affect the spread of the, 2096:6; clergy have always been chief opponents of, 1425:4, 5; colored brethren also assisted to receive the, 4001:10; combativeness to be curbed in proclaiming the, 5720:11-13; compared to lightning, 1430:6. Complete: Philosophical, consistent and logical, 1565:6, 10, 11; should be expected now, 1427:10. Consequences to those who recognize and reject the, 1743:6; consistent, 141:14; contention to be avoided when witnessing to the, 5699:3, 4, 8-10; converts sinners and infidels, 1123:10; Corinth a rich field for the spread of the, 3143:5-7; 4417:1, 2; cost of declaring the, 801:5-7; courage needed to preach the, 4173:8-11; 4316, 4317; creedal errors cause the rejection of the, 736:1-7, 9-13; 4923:2-5; daily reading of volumes aids one in remaining in the, 4685:12; death results from disobedience to the, 49:10; declared as revealed, 2131:6-12. Defended in: Babylon, 697, 698; Scotland (1896), 1964, 1965. Defense of, against error, 119:2, 3, 11, 12; demons resist the spread of the, 5534:10-12; denied that good may follow, 4369:4, 5; despised by Canadian clergy, 1294:12; disciples shall know the, 3153; dishonesty in the, 933:1, 2; dividing asunder, 877:10; 878. Divine: Not to be ignored, 2057:2, 5-7. Door may be shut by suppression of the, 1448:1; drug habit cured through influence of the, 2246:9; drunkard cured by the, 5515:19-23; editors appealed to for spread of the, 4946. Effect of: Differs according to heart attitude, 1424:7, 11-13; in the home, 1296:9. UPON: Children, 4270:1, 4, 5; conduct, 1296:9-11; the heart, 4782:11-14. Enthusiasm over the, not always dependable, 1656:2; entrance of, giveth light--an example, 1513:11, 12, 15-20. Essential: To spirit-begetting 5550:3, 4, 11; to the true worship of God, 5321:3-5, 9-12. Established in the, defined, 1627:9-18; 3089:4, 5; eternal and essential, 52:5, 6, 10-14; every saint will see present, 888:10; exaggeration of the, 651:4, 5. Expressions of appreciation of the: (Letters), 5969:3-7, 20-28; by French brethren (Letter), 5915:16-28. Fifty years spent in search of the (Letter), 5734:16-20. Finally: Lost by those ashamed of the true channel, 1537:6; triumphant over error, 5851:8-14. First given to kin, 2418:9; forcefully to be presented, 1570:5; frees from bondage of sin, 3153:10-14; gentleness should prevail in presentation of the, 5698:10, 11; 5699:1-4, 8-10; given to develop character, 49:10; gradual unfolding of, reviewed, 512-514; guarding, the duty of church, 1128:1-5; head the servant of the heart in the search for, 1530:9, 10; heareth my voice, everyone that is of the, 5898:11, 12; held in unrighteousness, 49:7. Hidden: BY: Coming through unpopular channels, 3483:3; the creeds, 130:9. From wise, revealed to babes, 589:8; 2268:1, 2; 5075:6, 7, 10-12. Hiding, is mistaken expediency, 1121, 1122; Hindoo's clear perception of the, 1044:4, 5; honesty of heart necessary to receiving the, 5594:8-11. How: A: Baptist found the, 1048:3-11, blind boy taught the (Letter), 5903; Brother Russell received the, 5596:1-5, 10-13. IT: May be proven, 980:5-12; purifies the heart, 1670:9-11; reached Brother Batterson, 5282:12-18; should be received, 1424:12, 13. Jesus taught the, 3340:8-10. RECEIVED BY: A rebellious heart, 3836, 3837; an invalid, 3643:5-8. Revealed and to whom, 66:6; saints in the past were sanctified with less, than we now possess, 1782:3-9, 12, 13. TO: Attain a correct knowledge of the, 4884:15, 16; 4885:1-4; discern, 386:4; 921:5, 6; handle slander against the, 5639:5, 10; teach it to others, 3167:3-7; test new, 1867:14. Increased appreciation of the (Letter), 5630:7, 8, 13-17; injured when preached by reputed sinners, 3483:5, 6. Is: IT: Dangerous to teach that there is no eternal torment? 1603; lying to conceal part of the, 4209:3-5. THE: Chain used for binding of Satan, 1233:4; present blessing of the church, 5:19. Jesus the way and the, 2453, 2454; lawfully should be presented, 1133:9. Leads to: Formation of nobel character, 49:10; 1528:1-3; still waters, 3269:5. Letters of appreciation of the, 4771; 5181:1-8, 13-18; light of, compared with the wisdom of the wise, 5468:1-10; lightning flashes of, 794:2; like the flowers, 9:1, 6, 7; literature in Swedish and French, 3882:3, 4, 13-15; love of it is essential to holding the, 2793:3, 4; making it our own our first Christian duty, 1867:12-14; many called into, few chosen saints, 2782:6, 7; may ruin our earthly business, 942:10; message of, would die unless expressed, 5489:6, 8-12; neither wanted nor preached in Christendom, 5507:14-16; never was popular and never will be until the kingdom of God is established, 1564:5. New: And old, 118:12-16; should not be kept hidden, 1136:5. No persecution of, can avert foretold trouble, 1372:2, 5, 6. Not: Obtainable through prayer merely, 654:10; sent miraculously, 2133:2; to be held in unrighteousness, 4911:8, 9. Now opposed as in Paul's day, 4420:10. Of: SCRIPTURES: Has always had some representative, 5501:1, 5; hidden from world generally, 4644:2-7; our buckler and shield, 2105:6; our means of sanctification, 5319, 5320; 5877:7, 8; to be revealed through special messengers, 3570:7. The Gospel opposed by leaders, 4365:1-3, 6, 7. Oliver Wendell Holmes on, 3860:3-7; on ignoble things, not profitable thinking, 4827:5-7. Opposed: At Ephesus for gain, 2207:2-4. BY: Clergy and why, 1461:14; Drunkards, 5171:20-26 minister results in its reception by others (Letter), 5572, 5573. Chiefly by the clergy, 1425:4, 5; in Jesus' day and now by religious leaders, 5676; led to reception of it by minister (Letter), 5695:4-6, 9, 10; now as in Jesus' day by Pharisees, 3786:5-10; through machinations of Satan, 5545:1-3; 5546:1-5. Opposition by ministers to, 2522, 2523. Our: Business to help others to the, 3315:4-9; first duty is to make it our own, 1867:12-14; responsibility in proclaiming the, 5720:11-13. Paul's method of presenting the, 3195:8, 9. People: "Christians" their name, 1071:10; delusions of latter day among the, 2274:10, 11; properly critical in Bible study, 1497:1; to be on guard against lawlessness, 3242:3, 4; why I.B.S.A. members are called, 5898:11, 12. See Bible Students; Christians. Persecuted by: Clergy of Christendom, 2947:12; Protestants, 2679:21-23; 2680. Pilgrim Fathers warned to advance with the, 3603:6, 10; possession of, no occasion for selfish pride, 5001:2-4. Power of: That draws to Christ, 1055:5; 1056:7; to reform character, 3765:5-9. Preached in prison, 3316:1; preaching of whole, brings peace, 1123:1, 2, 10. Present: 349:6-10, 12-19; acceptance of, no proof of belonging to the wheat class, 1923:15; attacked in Africa by clergy (1889), 1090; attitude toward revilings, 1798:2-4, 9-11; boycott against, 1766:3, 8. CHURCH FEDERATION WILL: Oppose, 4162:3; suppress the, 3532:5-7. Compared to lightning, 1430:6; consecrated will probably all receive, 3062:5-10; consequences to those who recognize and reject, 1743:6. CONTAINS: New and old features, 4043:5-10; solid and liquid refreshment, 5743:2-4, 10. Development of, 3821-3826; does it have in it something relaxing? 1924:10-14; elect will probably receive, 2942:8-11; every saint will see, 888:10; gives clear understanding of permission of evil, 1159. HOW: A Baptist received, 5506:1-6, 10-13; it clears the vision, 1159. IN: India, Turkey, China, Hayti, South America and Africa, 1011:2; 1887, takes hold in Africa, 1011:1, 2; to be able to proclaim, 1186:4. Its effects upon us, 400:6, 7; Major Whittle unable to see, 1952:3, 4. NOT: Fully seen at beginning of harvest, 4434:3-10; seen by all the consecrated now, 5134:11-13. Only safeguard against infidelity, 2875:12; reasonable, 2432, 2433; restores apostolic simplicity, 4336:7; 4337:1-4; servants of, to be persecuted, 2400:13; spread of, 549:1, 9; 1206:8, 9; what to be established in, signifies, 1627:9-18. WHY: It is not preached first to the wicked, 1461:9; opposed, 2647:2. Will probably be received by all the elect, 2942:8-11. Presenting: Attend Babylon's prayer meetings and let your light shine (1894 suggestion), 1650:17-19; 1768:4-10; audience of one is not to be spurned in, 1973:6, 7, 12-14; back it up with character, 1151:5, 10; Brother Russell's advice in re, 1496:10, 13-16; by writing letters, 1852:15; chart-talks effective, 1650:20; clearly and fully, 1123:1-4, 9, 10; colporteuring is the best way of, 1629:7-13; demeanor of Christians in, 5980:1-5, 11-13. DO IT: As an oracle of God, 1188:6; by look, 1215:2-8, 16, 17; forcefully, 1570:5; gradually, 1037:4; in lawful ways, 1133:7-9, 13, 14; in the power of the holy spirit, 1917:3-5; meekly, gently, logically, 1767:18; 1768:1-3; tactfully, 1557:5, 10; 1570:4; wisely, prayerfully, humbly and lovingly, 1578:7; with respect, 1200:4-6, 10, 11; without compromise, and without mixing it with human philosophies, 1558:14, 15. Do not present crude ideas when, 1188:6; ignore yourselves in, 1650:7; in various meetings of Babylon, 1708:10; 1709; let your aim be to glorify God and bless your hearer, 1650:7; Lord notes and blesses every effort of, 1441:8, 9; mention present troubles merely as introduction to gospel, 1440:8; orally, privately, by printed page or pen or word, and by consistent conduct, 1644:11; printed gospel more effective than oral gospel; both together the best way, 1650:8. PROPER: Order in, 1539:4; to proclaim truth from any pulpit, etc., 1426:10. Purpose of, conversion, 1123:2; should begin at home, 1555:1-6; 1882:19; singing is one way of, 1935:1. SUGGESTIONS FOR: Service for those unable to colporteur, 1650:4-10, 17-20; tract-distribution, 1650:6. TO: Professed Christians first, 1461:9; those who are thinking of revolution, 1677:3. Use right words at the right time in, 1439:14, 15, 1440:1, 8; visit friends and neighbors for purpose of, 1650:7-10; we should place ourselves in the way of oppportunities to serve, 1465:4; why not accompanied by miracles now, 1742:12, 13; with zeal, but without sarcasm, 1158:1, 7; writing for newspapers, 1940:15-17. Proclaimed by radicals, 287:12; proclamation of, 235:14-17; progress of the, in China, 2632, 2633. Progressive: 658:4; 957:4-6; creeds are not, 979:7. Proper: Effect of, upon Christians' conduct, 1296:9-11; way of presenting, 2571:5. Prudence in receiving, 235:4-8, 14-17. Purpose of: Conversion to righteousness, 1123:2; is sanctification, 2079:4; not to satisfy curiosity, but to sanctify, 1530:3-6, 9, 10. Ransom is the key to every, 1452:14-16; ready for the hungry, 215:9-12; reasonable, 2432, 2433. Received: After much searching (Letter), 5994:23; and appreciated by Episcopalian minister and wife, 5476, 5477. BY: Baptist minister, 5477:10-15; Baptist minister in Australia (Letter), 5695:12-17; Catholic Archbishop, 2767:10; Cherokee Indian, 786:10; child of ten years, 2828:1-4; class of twenty-four through Photo-Drama (Letter), 5744:10, 15-18; clergyman, 888:4-8; 3350:10; 3425:3-5; 3618:10, 11; husband through prayers of wife, 3787:9, 10; joyful hearts in Australia, 3547:4-14, 16-21; minister of East India, 3522:6-9, 12, 13; paralytic who is able to rejoice (Letter), 5811:1-7, 9-14; Presbyterian minister, 5235, 5236; sister in Tasmania (Letter), 5764:14-17; sisters in New Zealand (Letter), 5804:4-10, 13; Swiss Baptist minister, 2905; trance medium, 3644:5, 12-14. In Ceylon prison, 5217:6, 15; into good and honest hearts (Letter), 4480:7, 14; 4481; 5797:6-12. THROUGH: Advertising, 2215:3-11; teachers in thechurch, 2224-2227. Receiving: Letter and spirit of the, 2752:9; truth in love of it, 2793:3, 4. Rejected: By clergy now as in Jesus' day, 2433:5; with error by world, 736:1-7, 9-13. Rejoicing in the light of present, 4604, 4605; resisted by the demons (Letter), 5534:10-12; respecting Babylon, how to preach the, 5478:12-15; 5479:1; rests on its merit, 919:6. Revealed: Through holy spirit, 66:6; to those who continue in Jesus' word, 5507:1-4. Reward of discipleship, 5508:2-6, 9-11; rewards of obedience to, 2058:1-3, 10; rightly dividing word of, 4838:7, 10-12; 5512:3, 4, 9-11. Safeguard against: Demons, 4976, 4977; insanity (Letter), 5486:5-10. Sanctification: Is the truth acted upon, 1531:1, 2; through Word of, 442:10-13; 494:14, 15. Sanctifying influence in two lives, 5171:5-13; scattered through persecution, 2959:4, 5; 2960:1; second death possible without full knowledge of the, 2283:15; 4907:8, 9; separation of error and, 816:2, 3, 10. Service: As important as drinking in the, 5606:12-14; of the, its fruitage, 795:5-7, 13, 14. Shall: Make you free, 1657; 3511:2-5; 3572:2-6; sweep away the refuge of lies, 5443:6-8. Sharp enough without sharp tongues, 2157:1; sharper than any two-edged sword, 3511:3-5. Should: Affect our lives vitally, 4968:11-13. BE: Dispensed as food to multitude, 3333:9-11; expected now in all completeness, 1427:10; lawfully presented by a Christian, 1133:9; preached in season to others, 3124:1; rightly divided, 5511, 5512; spoken in love, 746:1-3; 2325:8-12; witnessed to all classes, 2989:3. First be given to our own, 4116:5-7; not be told in evil-speaking, 3275:7-12; we investigate pamphlets purporting to be, 4194:1-10. Sickle of, 189:6-13; sincerity, meaning of, to Christians, 3555:3-5; smitings of sword of, 774:3-5; sold or betrayed for a price, 3366:13; spirit of, in home and in church, 4094:11-16. Spiritual: Hidden to all but spiritbegotten, 5580:4, 8-12; revealed by holy spirit, 137:18-20. Studied by British soldiers (Letter), 5764:7, 8; suffers more from friends than from enemies, 5042:13-20; suppressed by the clergy (1902), 2947:12, 19; symbolized by bread, 38:2-5; teaching the, 216:6, 7, 14; tests our faith in Lord, 832:3-6, 12; thy shield, 3331:12. To: Banish error of creeds, 287:11-17, BE: Opposed by civil rulers, 3050:9, 10; opposed by religious rulers of Christendom, 5872:1, 2; preached without fear of man, 2357:8, 9; proved by study, 5253:10; spoken in the heart, 2155:2; told as hearers are able to bear, 2287:5; told with wisdom, 3339:6. Come through sanctified channels, 3911:3; everyone that thirsteth now, 650:10, 11; flood and overthrow Christendom, 3748:8-11; go to colored brethren, 2970:4, 5, 9-11; triumph over church federation (Letter), 5401:3-6. Told: In evil-speaking is sin, 2444:5-8; may be evil-speaking, 4281:2, 3. "Try the spirits" does not mean to dabble in Spiritism, 1946:6, 12, 13; 1947:1; two ways of proclaiming, 5720:11-13; twofold effect of, 3009:10-12; unfolded gradually, 546:1, 2; unpopularity of, no argument against, 2432:5-7; unworthiness indicated by inability to see, 4410:8. Used: As a means of fostering pride, 5185:14-19; for self-exaltation, 3595:11-15. Wandering from the, 494:9, 10, 12; Watch Tower the only channel of, 1171:5. We: Are stewards of, 126:7; should now expect the complete, 1427:10. Weapon against Babylon, 757:11. What: Is, 8:8, 9; 9:1, 6, 7; 74:1, 2; it means to be established in the, 3089:4, 5. When: Heathen will hear the, 630:5; vital, 109:18; whole, is received, 118:5. Why: Brought to synagogues of Christendom, 3130:7-9. GIVEN TO: Church, 385:14; some in preference to others, 3501:7, 8. God permits odium to be attached to the, 3468:6; going forward after call ceased, 2782:6, 7; gradually unfolding, 801:3-5; hidden from the many, 2624:8, 9. IT: Creates commotion, 1633:8-10; 1634:1-3; is not preached first to the wicked, 1461:9; prospered at Corinth, 3143:4, 5; shines brighter now, 919:7, 8, 10. Message of, creates division and disturbance, 1633:8-10; 1634:1-3. Will: Be suppressed by church federation, 3532:5-7; never become popular while Satan's empire stands, 4469:8. Witnessed to before tribunals in connection with military service (Letter), 5895; worth of, as compared to cost of error, 1029:9, 10. And: Brother Russell slandered in British West Indies (Letter and reply), 5543:2-6; error, battle between, 388:3-5; 438:1-5, 11-14; 492:8; 499:13; errors of ecclesiasticism to meet in final conflict, 5707:8-12; righteousness must dwell in the heart, 5115:9. Vs.: Creeds, 919:11-13; Evolution Theory, 2835, 2836; infidelity, 674-676; theory in Bible study, 351:9, 17. See Bread; Creeds; Manna; Mercy; Right; Spirit. TRUTHFULNESS Mistaken views of, 2944:10. TRUTHS Of: the Scripture Studies have remained unchanged, 4473:10; 4474. There are many, but only the Lord's will sanctify, 494:15, 16. TRUTH-SPREADING 522:4-8; abroad in 1895, 1825; among missionaries, 3402:3; begun three months after consecration (Letter), 5883:11-16. By: An appreciative minister, 5106:3-5; colporteurs, 4032; sending tracts to bereaved, 3398:3; unconsecrated, the significance of, 4648:7; Watch Tower readers, 2512, 2513. Conditions favorable for, 957:8, 13; cost per capita in England, 785:10, 11; daily opportunity for, 5428:16-18; 5429; despite opposition, 2400:12, 13; highest form of service, 5357:7-10. In: Africa difficult, 4748, 4749; Asia Minor, 4490:4-6, 13-15; Australia, 3547:4-14, 16-21; 4134:6,7; Corinth, 2191, 2192; Europe, 2432:1-3, 9, 10; foreign lands, 2307:12-16; Great Britain, 1539. INDIA: 4594:3, 4, 7-9; 4814; compared with missionary efforts there, 4848:4849:1-6. Maritime provinces, 3931; Norway, 707:4, 7-10; 3523:2-4, 17-19; South Africa, 5867; the home circles, 4613:2-6, 12-14. Opportunities for: 584:3-5; in France, 3985:6. Our: Purpose in, 5479:11-13; share in, 547:6, 7, 10-12. Pictured in Isaiah 18th chapter, 3404, 3405; plan for, 824, 825. Progress in: 2827:5-7; Australia, 3380; foreign lands, 2490:8-11. Report of progress of (1895), 1819. To: Africa (1885), 720:10, 17; Antioch through persecution, 2133:7; ministers, 438:13, 14. Wisdom required in, 851:8, 9; and receiving among soldiers in Europe (Letter), 5773:2-8, 11-14. TRUTH-TELLING Often evil-speaking, 5471:5, 9-13; persecution the reward of faithful, 4305:9. TURKEY Anti-Semitic wave in (1911), 4773:7, 8; Austria and Russia agreed as to the division of, 2218:2, 3; dismemberment of, threatened (1895), 1898:11; extends invitation to Jews, 4431:3, 4, 9; friendly to Jews, 2529:6; Great Britain's policy toward, 2056:7, 11; impressions of, during Brother Russell's tour (1891), 1376:2; makes a small concession to Zionists, 3229:18; opens Palestine to Jews, 3741:1-3; part of, in prophetic events, 2056:1-4; reason for Europe's policy toward, 2177:1-4; refuge for the Jews, 394:1; relation of, to Zion's hope of regaining Palestine, 2177:1-4. Seeks to: Attract Zionists, 4572:1-11; exterminate Jews, 2194:13-23. "Sick man" (1896), 1911:8, 9; 1912:1-4. Sultan of: Favorably inclined toward Jews, 2938:17; refuses permanent residence to Jews, 3067:1, 8-10. Troubles of, favorable to Zionism, 4267:5-8; why allowed to massacre the Armenians in 1895-96, 1919:2. TWAIN Compelled to go one mile, go with him, 3738:7-9; husband and wife are not, 2102:2. TWELVE-YEAR-OLD Sacrifices for the truth, 3402:4-7. TWENTIETH Century: Dangers of the, 2768. VIEWS: Of the church, 2929, 2930; on the, 2760. TWO See Numbers. TYNDALE Efforts of, to publish Bible opposed, 4857:11-13; how his persecution resulted, 2959:10. TYPE Ends where antitype begins, 4504, 4505; figure, picture, terms defined, 5966:3-5, 10; inferior to antitype, 86. And Antitype: Antitype expected immediately to follow type, 5966:11, 12; 5967:1-6; in Scripture, 67:2. See Antitypes; Counterfeit. TYPES Antitypical significance of Jewish, 2822. Danger of: Making, 4716:9-11, 16-22; mixing, 4498:6. Do not follow in sequence, 4503:12. Figures and Symbols: Abel--Christ Jesus, 1614:15; Abraham--Jehovah, 1227:2-4; 1386-1389; Abraham's Bosom--divine favor, 1000; Adam-Christ, 29:2; 1386:16; 1388:1, 6; Adulterers--nominal virgins of Christ living in alliance with the world, 1538:5; Ashes (of red heifer)-store of experiences and characters of ancient worthies, 1872:11-14; Babylonian Captivity--the dark ages, 1483:11, 12; Baptism--burial into Christ's death, 1542:11, 12; 1543:1-7; Baptism, Christ's--unto entire consecration to God's will, even unto death, 1687:5; 1688:2; Baptism-consecration, 1291:6-9; Baptism, John's --unto repentance, 1687:5-7; Blood, of Jesus--shed life, 1015:9, 10; 1016:1-11; Blood (of the Memorial Supper) --sacrificed life (1) of the Lord, (2) of the church, 1637:4-6; Blood (when shed)--death, sacrificed life, 17:7; 1230:9, 10; 1276:4; 1335-1337; 1829:4; Bonnets of Underpriests--headless condition of church, 2845:4; Bottomless Pit--oblivion, 1233:4; Brazen Serpent--Christ Jesus,1849; Bread--the merit of Christ's human nature, 1504:11, 12; Bread of Life--Jesus' humanity, 1015:3; Breastplate--Christ's imputed righteousness; and our righteousness of heart, intent, 1659:12; Bullock-perfect man Jesus, 17:5; Bushel-"Expediency", 1121:8; Calling of Rebecca--calling of church, 1227:2-4; Canaan--(1) our present rest of faith, (2) the heavenly inheritance, 1841:7, 8, 13, 14; Candlestick--true saints in nominal church, 1491:1; Candlesticks, seven golden--the seven phases of the nominal gospel age church, 1599:3-5; Chain (for binding Satan)--all truth, 1233:4; Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem--His second coming in 1878, 1794; Clothing (of Adam and Eve)--imputed righteousness of Christ, 1945:2, 3; Clothing of Adam and Eve--the ransom, 1205:4; Crumbs (in Luke 16)--acts of favor, 1000; Cup (of the Memorial Supper)--suffering, shame and ignominy, 1637:4-6; Cup--suffering and self-denial unto death, 1504:10-12; David—beloved—Christ, 1364:3; David--(1) Christ Jesus, (2) the church in the flesh, 1901:3-6, 8, 9; David--Lord Jesus primarily, also the Christ complete, 1936:4, 5; David's Reign--the gospel age, 1517:4; Dogs (in Luke 16)--"gentile dogs", 1000; Dogs--symbol of evil and evil men, 1671:1, 2; Eliezer--holy spirit, 1227:2-4; 1386-1389; Elijah (on the mount of transfiguration)--the heavenly phase of the kingdom, 1761:5; Elijah --the church in the flesh, 1538:2, 3; Ephesus--the nominal church in apostolic times, 1599:3; Ephraim-nominal Christendom, 1357:6-14; 1358:1-6; Esau--fleshly Israel, 1624:10-14; Eve--the church, 1386:16; 1388:1-6; Eye--knowledge, 1490:15; Eyes, Seven--perfect or divine wisdom, 1490:15; Fir Tree--man with everlasting life, 1364:15; First-born-church, 17:12; Forty Years, First, of Moses' life--the Jewish age, 1651:16; Forty Years, Second, of Moses life-the gospel age, 1651:16, 17; Garments (for Adam and Eve)--the ransom, 1614:3; Garner--the heavenly state beyond the vail, 1923:15; Gideon's Army--little flock, 1875; Girdle (golden about the breast)--the repose and dignity of sovereignty, 1599:6; Gold--divine nature, 1943:8; 1944:1, 2; Golden Candlestick--true saints in nominal church, 1491:1; Great Gulf (in Luke 16)--prejudice, 1042; Hagar--Law Covenant, 1389:2-5, 8-10; Hail--truth put in a hard, forcible way, 1357:9; Harp--the holy Scriptures, 1524:10; Harp-chords--the various testimonies of the law and prophets, 1524:10; Heart--the affections, 1562:4; Heart--the individual character, 1937:3; Heart--the will, the intentions, 1703:4; Heavens-the nominal church, 1279:2; Heifer, Red--the ancient worthies, 1871; 1896; Helmet--intellectual appreciation of God's plan, 1659:12; Herod-civil powers, 1754:5, 10; Herodias-ecclesiastical powers of Christendom, 1754:5, 10; High Priest--Christ Jesus, 17:5; Husbandmen--priests and leaders of Israel, 1795:11; Image, Nebuchadnezzar's--creeds of Babylon, 1408:13, 14; 1409:1-3, 10, 11; Incense-prayers of the saints, 17:4; Isaac-the Lord Jesus, 1227:2-4; 1386-1389; Ishmael--natural Israel, 1389:2-5, 8-10; Israel--(1) the world of mankind, (2) God's chosen people of the gospel age, 17:2, 8; 1841:6; Israel--reconciled world in Millennium, 1365:1-3; Jacob--spiritual Israel, 1624:10-14; Jeremiah--church under persecution, 1372:4-8; Jerusalem-true Zion, the little flock, 1649:7-14; Job--mankind, 1507:2; John the Baptist--the church, especially in gospel age harvest, 1538:2, 3; 1754:5, 10; Jonathan--ancient worthies, 1908:15, 16; Joshua (the priest)--the Christ, 1490; Lamb--Christ, 17:12; Laodicea--the nominal church of the present time, 1599:3; Laver--cleansing effect of truth upon the outward able)--gentiles, 1000; Levites--whole church, 17:2, 3; Man-Child--Christ, conduct, 1543:12; Lazarus (in parhead and body, 1649:1, 2; Messenger, who "shall prepare the way"--John the Baptist, the church militant, 1537:4, 5; 1538:2, 3; Messenger of the Covenant--our Lord Jesus at both advents, 1537:4, 5; 1538:2, 3; Moon --nation of Israel, 1289:7; Moses-Christ Jesus, 1651:11, 16, 17; Moses (on the mount of transfiguration)-the earthly phase of the kingdom, 1761:5; Mountain--kingdom, government, 26:6; Nebuchadnezzar's Image-creeds of Babylon, 1408:13, 14; 1409:1-3, 10, 11; Noah's Days--days of Son of Man, 20:8, 9; Olive Trees (two)--Old and New Testaments, 1491:3; Outer Darkness--error, and ignorance of God's plan, 1282:4; Passover Lamb--Christ, 17:12; Pearl--trouble made beautiful, 1756:5, 6; Pharaoh (in Moses' time)-Satan, 1652:10; Priesthood--the "little flock", 17:2-8; Prodigal Son--publicans and sinners, 1459; Pyramid--the church, 1568:7-11; Rebecca--the church, 1227:2-4; 1386-1389; Red Heifer--the ancient worthies, 1871; 1896; Red Sea--anarchy, 1657:9; Rich Man (in parable)--Jewish nation, 1000; Rock-Christ, the ransom, 1228:8, 9; Rocks --fraternities, etc., 26:6; Sandals-consecration. patience and fortitude, 1659:12; Sarah--Abrahamic covenant, 1386-1389; Scourge--the harmonious doctrines of Christ, 1696:1; Seal (upon bottomless pit)--enlightenment, 1233:4; Serpent, Brazen--Christ Jesus, 1849; Seven Churches--the complete nominal gospel church of the entire age, 1599:3-5; Seven Eyes--perfect or divine wisdom, 1490:15; Sheep--the church, 1387:6; Shield--trust in God, 1659:12; Sitting--established reign, 1283:3; Soldiers--the church, 1387:6; Solomon--Christ Jesus, 1517:4; Sorcerers--those who obey and teach doctrines of devils in Christ's name, 1538:5; Stone--hearts petrified by sin, 1322:3; Stone, Tables of--the first two pictured Adam; the second two, restored mankind, 1365:11; Stones--the saints, 1568:7-11; Sword--Word of God, 1659:12; Tabernacle--church in the flesh, 1981:3, 6; 1982:2; Tares--hypocrites, 20:1; Tares--nominal Christians, 1009:2, 6; Temple--church in glory 1981; Temple (its rebuilding)-the Reformation, and final completion of the church, 1484; Temple of Solomon--church in glory, 1236:9-11; 1237:1, 2, 5-9; Thorn--a wicked and injurious man, 1364:15; Throne-authority, 1283:1; Timothy--represented entire church, 1127:5, 6; Trees (two olive trees)--Old and New Testaments, 1491:3; Vineyard--the house of Israel, 1795; Wave Loaves--the entire church, 1289:11; Wine--joy and gladness, 1695:6, 7; Wine--spirit of the world, 1357:14; Yoke--symbol of servitude, 1276:6; Zerubbabel-Christ Jesus, 1491:4, 10, 11; Zion-fleshly Israel as a whole, 1648:5; Zion--literal Jerusalem, also its inhabitants, 1648:5; Zion--nominal spiritual Israel--Babylon, Christendom, 1648:5, 12; 1649:1-6; Zion--spiritual Israel --the little flock, 1648:5; 1649:5-14; Zipporah--the church, 1651:17. In the Book of Esther, 4018:14; must not be carried too far, 1388:5-8. Of: Jehovah and The Christ, 3867:6; Leviticus 16th chapter, 4427; ransom work, 528:3, 4, 12-14. Revealing God's will fulfilled by Jesus, 5054:5-7; Saul, David, Solomon, as, 4018:4-8; these things happened unto them for (I Cor. 10:12), 5267, 5268. And: Prophecies understood by Jesus after spirit-begetting, 5579:9. See Allegory. TYPEWRITER Came on market in 1874, 5674:8. TYPHOID Fever, remedy for, 5689:9. See Influenza. TYPICAL See Spiritual; Natural; Seed. TYRE "Tolerable for, at the day of judgment", 1618:7-11.ULCER
In symbol (Revelation 16:2), 498:9. UNBELIEF Cause of: Fall of both houses of Israel, 3456:8-10; Israel's unrest, 5387:17; 5388. Growing menace, 3184:18-20; Jewish and gospel churches cast off for, 777:6; of Presbyterian minister does not disqualify him, 4762:21, 22. Sin of: Natural Israel, 3064:1-5; teachers in harvests of both ages, 4325:3. Spiritual Israel hindered because of, 4046:6-10. UNBELIEVERS "Be not unequally yoked together with," 1588; 2534:4; 2666:7; 3261:4; Christians must be separate from, 227:14-17; preach gospel as witness, 1077; wrath of God upon, 606:7. UNCHANGEABLENESS Of God's character a comfort, 904:3, 4; 3107:6, 11. UNCHASTITY Bible contains? 1419:13; 1420:2, 6-9. UNCLEANNESS See Fornication. UNCONSECRATED Not to be chosen as companions by Christians, 2366:1, 6, 7; should not attempt to teach spiritual truths, 1937:1; we may pray for, 1569:7-9. UNCONSTITUTIONAL Eight-hour-day law for women declared (1895), 1805:9-11; income tax law held by some to be (1895), 1805:12-15. UNCTION Of the holy spirit reveals truths to church, 4741:11, 12. UNDENOMINATIONAL Our organization is, 584:6-8. UNDER-PRIESTS Bonnets of, a type, 2845:4; counted as members of high priest's body, 4619:12-17; The Christ, typified by Aaron and, 2845:4. UNDERRATING Oneself better than overrating, 1487:2. UNDER-SHEPARDS Clergy likened to unfaithful, 1577:4-11; must have the Master's spirit, 4158:4, 5; 4278:5, 8. UNDERSTANDING Consecrated have opened eyes and ears of, 3339:7, 8. Of: Bible now due, 1214:18; chronology and types unnecessary, 4746:1. Pictured by cinnamon, 4093:2. UNFAITHFUL Talents taken away from the, 3696:8, 9, 11. UNFAITHFULNESS Leads to withdrawal of privileges, 2694:10; sin of, 3224:1. See Faithfulness. UNGODLY Alliances, result of, 2366; course of the, 2038:9; walk not in the counsel of the, 1383. UNHAPPINESS Caused by increasing intelligence, how, 1485:11-13. UNHOLY Men shall be, in last days, 2460:4. UNION Advocating compulsory Christian, 2003:10, 11; artificial tendency in Christendom; disintegration is natural, 1548:5, 9, 10; between Greek Catholics and Episcopalians promised, 4164:3, 7, 8; further progress toward, 3395:13, 14; 3396:1-3; label and eighthour law fought by capital, 3303:1-6. Of: Baptist and Disciple churches, 4267:14-16; 4268:1, 2; church and state not one of love, but a question of time, place and expediency, 1605:7, 9-14. CHURCHES: For strength, 695:7-20; in Canada and U. S., 3343:14-23; 3344:1, 14; of Babylon, 2710:7, 8; 2711:1. Denominatioons looked for and applauded, 3372:7-12; labor for strength, 695:1-6; pastors in Boston, 4324:12-14; Romanism and Protestantism, 595:1-8, 10-15; 813:3-6, 11,12; world's interest manifested, 2018:1-6. Politico-Ecclesiastical, predicted, 992:13; proper and improper, 1208:3, 9; propriety of labor, 991:7, 13; saints should be as separate as possible from all earthly, 1285:1-3, 9-15; Scriptural, one of loving hearts, produced by sanctifying influence of truth, 1817:13; 1818:1; sectarian, vs. Christian, 1467; sought by Methodists and Presbyterians, 3381:42-48; world, evidence of growing, 2018:1-6. See Church Federation. UNITARIANS And Trinitarians, conflicting views of, 4106:5, 6, 9-11. UNITED States: Archbishop Ireland's "patriotic" words at Rome, 1784:3-6; called "free" (1889), 1094:11; Catholics control government of, 3017:1; constitution of, copy donated to pope, 1050:8; 3390:1-3; constitutional rights, their denial predicted, 991:4, 5; crime a menace to the national life of the, 3343:1-9; criminals greater in number in, 4150:4, 9; 4151:1-4; danger of war with Great Britain in 1896, 1912:5; despised as Nazareth by foreigners, 2418:4; dragged into World War through crafty Europeans, 5554:6; efforts to make it Catholic, 2727:8-10; encouraged to neutrality during World War, 5766:15-24; endeavors to Christianize the, 2092; 2255:8, 9; facing a social crisis, 4159:1-6; forcing revolution upon Europe, 2938:1-8, 12; growth of the cities and evil effects thereof, 1620:9-20; highest type of earthly government, 2984:9; 2985:4; how God prepared it as a home for the harvest work, 1708:3, 11. IN: 1888, President's gift to pope, 1050:8; need of honest religion, 4017:8, 9; prophecy (Isaiah 5:26-30), 2327:13-18. Japanese view of religion in, 1699; land shadowed with wings, 3404, 3405; may be affected mostly by second stage of time of trouble, 5854:2, 3, 8-10; military and naval nation, 4403:4-10; papal designs in, disclosed by former priest, 1517; (her) part in the divine arrangement, 2327:6-10; peace policy changed to preparedness, in 1916, 5852:1-3; perils to her government come from internal foes, 3328:9-15; policy of neutrality changed in 1915; 5784:3-15; pope longs for union of church and state here, 1770:1-5; President Harrison petitioned for relief of Russian Jews, 1293; protected, yet preparing for war, 4795:12-15; spread of Socialism in the, 3125:9-12; to become involved in the Armageddon struggle, 5527:1; White House well guarded (1895), 1758:20, 21; without religion, says minister, 3449:5-10; and Spain over Cuba, war possible between, 2281:4, 5. UNITY Argument by a minister for Christian, 3388:1-14; Christian, 768. In: Christ, non-sectarian, 81:2; the church not always possible, 5229:12-16. Of: Body of Christ, 81:1; 295:2-5; brethren exhorted to be maintained, 6015:24; Christ and the church, 30:3, 4, 5; 31:1, 8; God and Christ, 51:17-19; Protestants and Catholics, a plea for, 3533:1-10; the spirit, how maintained, 3785:1-6. With Christ essential, 68:3; 3127:8-10. UNIVERSAL Redemption and universal salvation differentiated, 5925. UNIVERSALISM A bad misapprehension, 1107; based on Satan's original lie, 1643:8; contrary to Scripture, 3083, 3084; denies the ransom, 1181:1; 1222:6-12; 1452:16; 1453; doctrine of, 403:5; erroneous views in re second death, 1449:8-16; four theories and four journals, 1453:3. God the: Author of sin? 1224-1226; Savior of all men, 1437; 1442, 1443. Has wrong conception of God's love, 1253:14; how Satan suggests it, and how to overcome it, 1427:11-14; human error, 1597:16; 1598:1, 2, 13; inconsistency of, 24:10; incorrect, unscriptural and misleading view, 1600:7-10, 21; irresponsible, weak, unjust, irrational, 1181:3, 4, 8, 9; misapprehension, 1107. Not: Our view. 4148:1, 2; taught in Scriptures, 413:12. One form of Satan's lie, 1217-1220; perversion of Scripture, 1443:1-14; present truth does not teach it, 1633:5, 7; 4553:1; Romans 8:6 examined, 1221-1224: texts of, examined, 1218-1220; two "proof-texts" examined, 1234:1-8, 12; 1235:1-5, 9-13; unscriptural, 381:10-12; 691:8; 890:13-20; 912:9, 12-15. Views in re: Adamic death, 1221:13, 14; 1222:1-3; second death, 1222:3, 4; 1442:3-10; 1443; 1449:8-16; 1453, 1454. UNIVERSALISTS Reply to, 3410. UNIVERSITY Of Chicago: Eliminates the Doxology, 3567:7-9; scored by Baptist minister, 4065:1-6; turned over to higher critics, 4144:19; 4145. UNJUST Let him be still, 477:1-6, 11-14; punishment of the, 1882:1-6, 15-17. See Just. UNKNOWN God: Paul preached to the Athenians about the, 3138-3140. UNREST Caused by increasing intelligence, how, 1485:11-13; 5448:6-18. In: Russia in 1902, 3023:5, 6, 10; 3024. Labor, in France serious, 4383:5-11, 15-17; Social: Cause and effect of, 5061-5063; in Russia (1902), 3119:19. Throughout the world, 3263, 3264; world, preparing for time of trouble, 3263, 3264; and unbelief, spiritual, rampant, 3766:13-21. UNRIGHTEOUSNESS More refined in modern times, 3602:4-8; taking pleasure in, 2389:6, 7; truth not to be held in, 49:7; 4911:8, 9. UNRULY In the church, how to deal with the, 3034:7-10; 3136:1-5. UNSELFISHNESS Love seeketh not her own, 2204:7; manifested by St. Paul for his brethren, 4692:1-3, 6; test of sincerity of our love, 1594:2. UNSTABLE "Double-minded man is," 1562:5, 10, 11. UNTHANKFUL In last days, 2460:3. UNTHANKFULNESS Defined, 2723:1. UNTIL He come, applies to harvest, 3652:16-25. UNWISE Called to attain wisdom, 2262:10, 11; 2263:1-7. UPHEAVAL Social, foreseen by some, 2760. UPLIFT Moral: Not God's present plan, 2004:1-3, 6; result of accepting Christ, 2320:2, 3. UPRIGHTLY What it is to speak, 1875:5, 13. UPRISINGS Due to oppression, 743:3-7; of labor, 594:9, 17. URIAH Killed through covetousness of David, 5681:3-5. URIM And Thummim, nothing definite known about, 5042:10,11. US He who is not for, is against us, 760:12; if God be for, none can be against, 2375-2378. USHER Archbishop, foresees time of trouble, 1275:5, 10. USURY Is interest, 1994:13-17. UZZAH Destroyed for attempting to steady the ark of God, 3252, 3253; 4259:6-9; 5679:5, 8-11. UZZIAH Punished with leprosy for profanation of the Temple, 4786.VACANCIES
In the race for crown may occur, 5168:13-16; 5169:1. VAIL First and second, what they typified, 154:3. Of Moses: Done away in Christ (2 Cor. 3:13), 4619:8-11; what it typified, 5299:3-6. Rending the Temple, a symbol, 2788:7; 4173:8; type of unbelief, 153:7, 8; upon heart of Jews, 153:8. VAILIAN Theory, what it is, 5140:4, 8. VAIN Danger of taking God's name in, 1527, 1528; 4014:6, 7; receiving the grace of God in, 859:3, 4, 5; 2285:12-15; 2286:1-4, 14; singing irreverently in taking the Lord's name in, 5278:6. VALLEY Of dry bones, house of Israel pictured as, 5503:7; type of place of safety, 286:16. VAN AMBURGH Brother W. E.: Letter from, 2575:1-5; tribute to Brother Russell by, 6006:2-6, 8-13. See Rutherford. VANITY Creature made subject to, 780:8, 9; lifting up the soul to, 3114:9; one of the most dangerous foes, 4688:6; of vanities; all is vanity, 1532:4-10, 14-16; why the Lord shows us the, of earthly things, 1937:10, 11. And: Flattery, see Flattery. VARIETY In creation essential, 612:7. VASHTI Her course of disobedience unwise, 4900:6-9. VATICAN Amount of gold in the, 3343:12, 13; Associated Press has a representative in the, 3381:6; contains reputed report of Pilate to Caesar regarding Jesus' death, 1366-1368; control subdued by France, 2869:14-17; favoring republican government in France and Italy, 2062:16-19; how the, is controlled, 3381:6; permits Italian Catholics to vote, and why, 3549:14-18; power of, advancing in political world, 3135:2-4; releases claim to temporal power, 3636:11-14. See Italy. VAUDEVILLE Baptists prepare for weekly, 4026:12, 13. VAUGHN Cardinal, views on world's unrest by, 2760:4-7. VEDAS Sacred book of Brahmans, 1183:6. VEGETABLES Contain all elements necessary for human body, 3630:9. VEGETARIANS Position of, unscriptural, 1855:15, 16. VEGETATION Pictures spiritual growth, 29:4. VENGEANCE Day of: 247:14-18; 287:7; lightnings of the, 1915; nations reap their wild-oats crop in the, 1653:7, 16-18; 1654:8-10; preaching the, 241:13-16; present message, 757:7; proclaim now the day of, 5537:8-12; properly proclaimed now, but not in Jesus' day, 3300:5, 7; 5537:8-12; signs of the, 707:3. See Time of Trouble; Day of Wrath; Day of the Lord. May not be sought, 5259, 5260. V. D. M. Degree, what is signified by conferring the, 5940:20-23. Questions: Answering objections to the, 5983:4-11; appreciated (Letter), 5946:3, 4; for pilgrims and others to answer, 5905:4; list of the, 5983:2; Society's object in creating the, 5941:1-3; 5982:12-14; 5983:1. VESSEL Saul was a chosen, 550:5; 2824:5. VESSELS Christians should be emptied, 2969:9; how God always prepares his chosen, 1915:5-7, 12. Of: Tabernacle typical, 5258, 5259; wrath and glory, 589:14. "Unto honor or dishonor", 1225:9-12. VESUVIUS Illustrates the world's condition, 1368:6, 7; 1369:1. VIA Dolorosa still to be seen at Jerusalem, 4171:5. VIALS Of wrath (1883 view), 498:3-5. VIBRATION Effect of, on structures, 3087:9. VICARS Apostles not in any sense, or substitutes for Christ, 1523:7-12; 1524:1-3. VICE See Liquor. VICTORY Death swallowed up in, 1219:10. For: Israel in Samson's death, 5613:8, 10; The Christ, through death of 6 humanity, 5495:9-14. In overcoming dependent upon faith, 2249:7; lies in faith, 2354:6; may lead to pride, 4724:7; 4725:9, 10; means of a Christian's, 2312:10-16; of David through faith in God, 4216:1-6. Over: Beast and Image, 2713:7; death, 303:4-6. SELF: 2892:7; the greatest of all, 4226:1-3. Through faith, 4046:6-10. VIENNA Impressions of, in 1891 during Brother Russell's tour, 1375:9; persecution of Jews in (1895), 1898:12, 13; savage hatred of the Jews in (1896), 1918:10, 11. VIGILANCE Necessity of, in the Christian's battle, 1859; needed by Christians, 585:2-4, 12-14. VINDICTIVENESS No part in Christian's life, 2879:6, 7; punishment without, 2893:3. VINE Branches of: Broken off, engrafted, 793:8; burning of withered, 3546:3-5; church compared to, 2466; the, pruned for fruitfulness, 4663:4-6. NATURAL AND: Engrafted, 924:2; wild, 284:4. True, are pruned, 2465:1-6; 5504, 5505; some cut off, 140:1, 3, 5, 6; who are true, 202:6, 7, 16; withered to be burned, 3546:3-5. Dressers, Jewish leaders proven to be wicked, 5505; golden, in the Temple, basis of a parable, 3544:2; Jesus is the true, 2464-2466; 3544:7-9; 3545:1, 2. Of Earth: 230:6; 2464:6; 2465:9, 10; 3544:4, 6; intoxication from Babylon, the, 2968:5, 6. Pictures the Christ, Head and Body, 2373:1, 2; true and false, God's people pictured as, 2464:6; 5504, 5505. VINEGAR Given to Jesus on the cross, 2474:5; used to make meat tender, 5143:6-8, 15. VINEYARD House of Israel, 1795; Jewish nation pictured as God's, 4794, 4795; 5504:5-7. Of: Lord laid waste, 4257; Lord's parable the Jewish polity, 2904; 4678:4-12; 5473, 5474. Various means of laboring in the, 4000, 4001. VIOLENCE Expected with church federation, 3405:6; kingdom of heaven suffers, 702:12-16; of present time due to giants in earth, 2844:3, 7, 8; to Paul at Jerusalem prophesied, 3182:2, 3. VIPERS Generation of, 521:19-21. VIRGIL Foresaw the Golden Age, 1674:10. VIRGIN True church is chaste, 45:5. VIRGINIA Compared with New England, 1190:1-9. VIRTUE Add to your faith, 4808:11-13; pope advises Catholics in the United States to be examples of (1895), 1769:13-15; power from Jesus for healing, 104:12; 105:5-7; 3727:8-10; reward of, 833:17; self-examination in, 1114:8; what it means in the individual character, 1627:28-35; and innocence defined, 784:5. VISION For appointed time, 621; given to Elijah at Mount Horeb typical, 5752, 5753; obedience of Saul to heavenly, 2823-2825. Of: Christ's kingdom, 3790:10-13; dry bones, explained, 2505:3-9; golden candlestick explained, 2521, 2522; Isaiah, explained, 2370, 2371; 4787; Jesus' majesty, 559:3, 11, 12; kingdoms, Nebuchadnezzar's, 815:3; 2976:5-9; Moses on mount, 201:2. Telescopic and microscopic, 716, 717; 919; transfiguration of Jesus on the mount a, 558:6, 12; 755:5, 6; 1761; 2288, 2289; 2659:3, 4, 9; 3345:3-11; 3790:10-13; 3793, 3794; 4649:4, 5, 8, 9; 5121:10-14; usage and meaning of word in New Testament, 4142:8-10; will not tarry, wait for it, 5731:12-15. VISIONS Of: Apostle Paul, purpose, 3190:1-3; the dying have no significance, 3524:16, 17. Seen by the apostles, 1525:13-15; 1526:1-4. And Dreams: Not now given, 614:5; we are not to look for further revelations through, 129:9, 10; 1528:2; 3524:16, 17. VISITATION Israel, fleshly and nominal spiritual, knew not the time of, 1846, 1847. VISITING Friends and neighbors and presenting the truth, 1650:7-10. VOCATION Need not interfere with avocation, 3266:1-4; of the consecrated is heavenly, 3265:2; and avocation defined, 3265:2. VOICE "And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way", 1753; human, reproduction of, helps us to understand the resurrection, 5560:12; John heard behind him a, 2826:6; learning to know God's, 590:2-7, 14-17. Of the: First sign explained, 4058:3-8; Lord, Be still, 3414:12, 13; people not the voice of God, 3555:11, 12; second sign explained, 4059:1-6; third sign explained, 4059:7, 8; 4060:1-3, 6; three signs, how they became understood, 4057:15. TRUE SHEPHERD: 2672:14-16; contrary to voice of world, 2257:1-4; heard by true sheep, 4158:1-3. VOICES Declaring kingdom of the Lord, 2994:1-6; from heaven, real or imaginary, our faith should not depend upon, 1624:1. See Thunderings. VOLCANO Europe slumbering on the slopes of one, 977:1-4, 10; 1368:6, 7; 1369:1. VOLTAIRE Cause of infidelity of, 3033:8. VOLUNTEERS A call to, 2523:3-5, 10, 11; encouraging letters from, 1154:1-4, 10, 11; 1513:11, 12, 15-20; 1803:7, 8; encouragement for, 3448:16, 17; new call for, 2585:2; should not trespass on property, 2654:2, 3; suggestion for, 3428:6. VOMIT Nominal spiritual Israel have tables of, 3455:7, 8; 3963:1-4; 4288; of Babylon rejected once, accepted again (Letter), 5629, 5630. VOTING At class elections, only the consecrated who have been immersed have privilege of, 5794:3. By the Lord's People: Considered, 3668:3, 4; proper if governments require it, 3853:6. For servants in classes, 5336, 5337. In: Behalf of temperance proper for Lord's people, 4156:1; church elections a duty, 5350:3. Is it proper for the saints? 1531:3, 4, 14; not the privilege of Christians, 1563; 2037:14-19; and war, attitude of consecrated upon, 2037:14-19; 2052:13-18; 2053:1. VOW Advice regarding election of elders who have not taken the, 5794:4, 5, 10, 11; answering objections to the, 5983:12, 13; 5984:1; arguments for and against taking the, 4348, 4349; assistant to heart purity, 4299:2-4, 9; assists in abstaining from every form of evil, 4419:9; 4420:1; bitter spirit of opposition to, 4338:5-8, 10-13. Blessings of: Protection from the, 4226-4230; taking the (Letters), 4440, 4441. Book-mark: 4351:16-20; of celluloid free, 4960:6; poem and book-mark form, 4383:4, 14. Brethren show adversary's spirit in opposing, 4265-4267; brought spiritual awakening 4401:13; cautions respecting our attitude toward the, 4524:11-14; danger of carelessness in keeping the, 5975:11-14. First: Depreciated, now appreciated, 5106:11, 12. How Brother Russell was led to prepare the, 4263, 4264; letters of appreciation and acceptance of the, 4202, 4220:1-8, 15-21; 4237; 4251:7-10, 16-18; 4274; 4339; 4361; 4391, 4392; 4491:14-18; 4679:6-9; 4751:17-26; list of names in Watch Tower discontinued, 4237:1, 2; married men only have opposed the, 4238:3-7, 11; names of those who have taken the, 4229:11; Nazarite, what it was, 4087:13; need for, increasing, 5382:18. Not: Greater than original covenant, 4484:2, 3, 8; to be test of fellowship, 4299:12; 4524:11; too stringent for the new creature, 4299:10, 11. Objections and answers thereto, 4211:2-9, 15-23; 4228; 4263-4266; 5944:4-9, 14-17; obsession by demons followed refusal to take the, 4311:6-11. Of: Jacob pictures vow of saints, 2864:5-8; Jephthah explained, 2874:17-19; 2897:7-9. Opposed: And later appreciated in South Africa (Letter), 5667:3-6; by brethren, 4265-4267; 4326, 4327. Possibly typified by ribband of blue (Num, 15:38-40), 5268:1-13; prayer circle of, most wonderful in the world, 5728:2; proposed and accepted, 4191, 4192. Protection against: Demonism, 4226:10; 4227; falling away, 4304:4, 10. Recovered from snare of adversary, 4490, 4491; recovery of a brother stumbled over the, 4670:3-7; serious undertaking, 5855:6-9. Should be: Daily renewed, 4780:2-5, 13-15; taken by church servants, 5336:18, 19; 5337:1. Statement of the, 4383; suggested by no one, 4236:5. Taken by: 7000, who found it brought a blessing, 4484:2, 3, 8; Vancouver class as safeguard in evil day (Letter), 5888:25. Taking of, not obligatory, 4249:15; under law covenant different for men and women, 2100:11; unto God, defer not to pay thy, 2080:14; 2081:1; warning not to oppose the, 4238:11. And: Covenants made ground for opposition from brethren, 4326, 4327; Morning Resolve, need for keeping the, 5727:9, 10. VOWS How we should pay--by activity, 1281:7-11; 1282; marriage, subordinate to consecration vow, 3088, 3089; renew broken, 2487:10, 11. Responsibility in: Making of, 2102:6-9; the paying of, 3108:1, 2. Unto the Lord, how we shall pay our, 3695:3-6. VOX Populi, Vox Dei: Cannot be applied now, 4581:14-16; not sound doctrine, 3896:4-6.WAFER
Use of, a relic of demon worship, 1991:2. WAGE System will pass away, and why, 3319:12, 13; 3320:1-6. WAGES Explanation of low, (1888), 1062. Of: Sin not torment, 1085-1087; 1377:6, 7, 13. WAIT "My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning", 1759:16; 1760:1-3, 10; on the Lord, Jeroboam teaches God's people to, 4297:17; rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him, 1840:7-9; upon the Lord, 2860:9; 4275:7, 10; 5711:6; 5712. WAITE Judge C.B., criticism of New Testament by, 2815:14-16. WAITING For: Jesus' coming, 454; the kingdom a test of patience, 3784:2, 6, 7. WALK Circumspectly: As to truth and light, 627; for we are in the evil day, 3593-3595. Honestly as in the day, 3031:1-3, 7, 8; E181:3-9; 4402:1-3; 5098:5-12; 5340; 5770:4, 6-10; humbly before thy God, 4821:9-11. Pastor of Pilgrim Fathers warns them, 3603:6, 10. Seven ways in which the new creature should, 4189:4-11; 4190; to Emmaus, 1823. WALKING After the: Flesh and the spirit, 2721:4-10; spirit does not mean "walking up to", 4869:3, 10. As Christ walked the proof of our conship, 5446:6, 7, 13, 14; 5447; by faith, why required now, 5224:13-15; in the valley of death, 3269:7. Wall: God shall smite thee, thou whited, 4486:2, 3; 5952:5-7; hand-writing on, 2496-2498. Street: How religious faith affects, 3958:1-6; press controlled by, 4772:1-6. WALLS Of city broken down, uncontrolled character is like, 5488, 5489. WALTON Rev. Spencer, his views on Christianity, 3525:4, 8. WANDERINGS Of Israelites continued because of unbelief, 4046:1-5. WANT The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not, 1745. WANTONNESS Let us not walk in, 4402:2. WAR Among Christian nations a paradox, 5586:13; 5587:1-3, 10; Andrew Carnegie's views on, 2767:13; as viewed by Bible Students, 5852:4-9; attitude of Christians in time of, 3393; 8, 9; attributed to trade rivalry, 2867:1; Austria's preparations in 1904 for, 3396:16; Balkan, its underlying motive, 3242:5-8. Between: Britain, France and Russia over China possible, 2281:4, 5; Germany and England imminent (1910), 4539:5, 6; United States and Spain, comments on, 2298:1-11. Can Christians compromise in respect to, 2345:1, 2; causes of, between nations, 4441:5-8; Christendom's inconsistent attitude respecting, 5825. Christians: Attitude of, respecting, 5716:1, 5; 5755:5, 6, 8-13; cannot compromise in respect to, 2345:1, 2; duty of, if drafted, 1912:9; 2332:8, 9; 3179:17; not subject to their rulers in respect to, 5760:10. Christ's servants opposed to fightings and (1895), 1757:8; Churchianity encouraging the spirit of (1895), 1757:7-13; clergy-bondage and divine right of kings responsible for, 5765; comments on European war clouds of 1894, 1619:2, 3. Debt of: World, can never be paid, 5658:12-15. Debts never to be paid, 5754:10; decided opposition to wearing the uniform in time of (Letter), 5789:2-7; does God encourage it? 5314:5-9. Effect of: False doctrine in time of, 3442. UPON: All nations considered, 5798:24-29; 5799; Great Britain in 1915, 5764:9-12, 19-22; 5765:1, 2; religion, 5601:6, 7-13; religion and finance in 1915, 5658; Socialism and Prohibition, 5674:16, 17; 5675:1-3, 6, 7; two classes in Babylon, 5823. Egyptian, of 1882, 377:8, 9. European: Foretold, 577:5-7; preparations for (1891), 362:1-6; 1354-1356; 1377:9-12; 1619:2, 3; 1632:4-7, 13, 14; 180-5:7, 8; 1960:2-4; 3008:18-22; 5784:16-24. Exemptions, see Military; Ex-president Harrison's views on the Spanish, 2306:10-12; financial strain of preparations for (1894), 1632:14; 1633:1; foreseen in 1885, 720:3; greed for gold the cause of, 1960:10-12; hard for some saints not to fight, 1762:2, 9; has quickened men's mental faculties, 5601:6-13; "He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one", 1988:3, 7-9; how prominent men have viewed, 2767, 2768. In: Balkan states, 3242:5-8. EUROPE: Predicted, 898:9; 899; signs of, 394, 395. Industrial, seen in the future by Dr. E.G. Hirsch, 3113:9-17; inquiries to Brother Russell regarding drafting for, 5728:10; international preparations for, 2783:3-7, 12, 13; invention of the perforated bullet (1896), 1960:5-9; Israel, natural and nominal spiritual attempting to bring God into, 5626:3-8; nations of the world being drawn into, 4411-4414; no longer a shock to Christendom, 5994:1-4; not proper to pray for victory in time of, 3393:3, 7. On Canaanites: Not injustice from God, 5314:5-13; why God approved the, 3085:2-6; 3091:2, 3. Predicted between Germany and great Britain, (1909), 4523:13-17; preparations in the United States, 4795:12-15; probably will end in exhaustion, 5804:1-5, 9-11; profiteering system, 4718:7; proper attitude of Christians toward, 3393:8, 9; revolution and anarchy, prophesied by Elijah, 3414:6; rumblings of European, 3169:4, 5; 4383:18-20; 4384; soldiers viewed as martyrs and heirs of heaven, 5601:6-13; Spanish-American, views on the, 2298:1-11. Spirit: Combativeness misdirected causes a, 2641:4; engendered by Boy Scout movement, 2641:3; growing in Europe (1900), 2641:1-5. Symbolized in Scripture by wind, 2334:6; threats of (1896), 1953:6, 7, 14, 15; three forces co-operating to keep the nations at, 5935, 5936; truth brethren are conscientious objectors in time of, 5659:1-5; waking the people to appreciation of Scripture Studies, 5575:4-7, 12; wars of Jews typical, 7:15. Why: Christians should not participate in, 5928:3-7, 9-11; countenanced by God in Old Testament, 4724:9-11; 4725:1, 2; permitted of God, their end near, 5760:3-6. Will: Lead to Millennium, thinks New York banker, 5783:8, 9, 15-17; not cease until Christ's kingdom is set up, 2361:5-9. See Patriotism. World: AS FORESEEN: By a congregational minister (1894), 1612:3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 16; in 1891 by Count von Moltke, 1304:5; in 1892, 1354-1356; in 1896, 1912:2, 3. Attitude of Christians toward, 5659:1-5; Bible Students' view of, 5852:4-9; casualties up to March, 1915, 5716:6-11; causes leading to and affecting the, 5516:1-7, 10-12; 5526:13-16; 5765; causing British and Canadians to lose their liberty, 5790:13; 5791:1-6; clergy's part in, foretold in 1889, 1094:10; comments on European war clouds of 1894, 1619:2, 3; communist vultures to follow the, 899:4; effects, 5673:11, 12; first part of Armageddon, 5516:1-7, 10-12. FORESEEN: By a Congregational minister (1894), 1612:3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 16; by Kaiser in 1907, 4018:11-3; in 1889, 1094:10; time uncertain (1904 view), 3296:11. Foreshadowed by the naval display at Kiel (1895), 1838; has proven name, Christendom, to be a misnomer, 5760:1, 2, 7-9; increased colporteurs' opportunities, 5575:4-7, 12; letters from England during the, 5789:2-7; may wake up the foolish virgins, 5521:1-3, 8-11; newspaper fears (1894), 1633:1; outlook in 1915 on the, 5715, 5716; partisan spirit, bitterness, poverty the fruitage of the, 5754:3-7, 9, 10; possibilities of, foreseen in 1904, 3327; preparations in 1909 for, 4403:1-11; proves fallacy of nations' claims to be Christ's kingdoms, 5853:2-12; 5854; reasons for neutrality of U.S. in the, 5762, 6763; results of first year of, 5766:1-14; revolution to follow the, 5567:1; slaughter up to 1915 wrought by the, 5759:6, 12; to wreck present civilization, 5520:7; United States dragged into, by crafty Europeans, 5554:6; will weaken the nations, 5567:8. World-wide, how it would aid in bringing anarchy, 3327:10-12. And: Anarchy, predicted, 3619:1; conquest of Christians, New York Tribune comments on, 2255:1-6; German Militarism as viewed by German minister, 5853:1; peace, views of Czar of Russia on, 2914, 2915; voting, Christian's attitude with respect to, 2052:13-18; 2053:1. See Conscientious Objectors; Military; Religion; Voting. WARFARE By means of electrical energy, 4720:23; difference between modern and ancient, 3335:17, 18; instruments invented for, 2135:7, 9-15; Jewish and Christian, different, 2681:17-19; modern weapons of, 4744:25; 4745:1-4, 10; new submarines and their effect upon, 3365:2-6; of Christians against fallen natures, 3273:1; Presbyterian condemned banner of, 2682:2, 3; why ordered by Jehovah for Jews, 2681:17-19. See Peace. WARNINGS Against: turning away from the Lord, 1913:9-11. All who do not love the truth will lose it, 1949:6, 10, 11; as essential to Christians as comfort, 3331:4-6. Beware of: Taking the Lord's name in vain, 1528:7-9; the spirit which despises the Lord's instruction, 1488:10, 11; what? 1670:7; 1671:1-4, 8, 9. "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins", 1578:1-13; fearful responsibility of an evil or flippant tongue, 1938:2, 3; Lord's to his disciples in re humility, 1987; "Mark them which cause divisions...and avoid them", 1589:1-3, 7-10; Moses' course in smiting the rock the second time, 1849:10, 17; necessary words of, 1480:5, 11. Of: Apostles against heresies, 552:4, 7-10; King Saul's course, 1888:4, 5, 10-13; trials and siftings, 3943:3-6, 8-10. Proper reserve between brethren and sisters imperative, 1586:14-16; saints should not permit other themes than the gospel to engross their time, 1811:8; "Take heed lest thy liberty become a stumblingblock to the weak", 1586:9, 10; 1587:1-3, 16, 17; "the way of a fool is right in his own eyes", 1520:18; those who do not practice Christ's spirit are in danger of losing the truth, 1594:1. To: CHURCH AGAINST: Control of mind by evil spirits, 4311. Protestants, 1137:11; 1138:7. "Use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh", 1580:1-3, 14-17; we are not to look for further revelations through visions, dreams, etc., 1528:2; when convinced of the truth, hold it fast, 1923:10; wisdom's, against both capitalist and labor combinations, 1518, 1519; word of caution in re giving addresses of truth friends, 1851:1, 10; "Ye cannot partake of the Lord's table and of the table of devils", 1899:9-11; 1900. WARS Of David were defensive, 2015:3, 4; to cease in Millennium, 269:1; 4795, 4796; and rumors of war, 605:10, 11, 14, 15; 3327:2. WARSHIPS Spanish, blessed by the pope, 2136:6. WASH You, make you clean, Isaiah's warning, 3452:9, 10; 3453:1. WASHING OF: High priest, significance of, 245:5; water through the Word, 2671:5-7. WASHINGTON George, noble Christian soldier--God's instrument, 1708:3, 11. WASTE Brings want, 3504:1; Jesus taught us to avoid, 2435:10; 2644:10-12; 3333:6. WATCH Care of Jehovah greater for spiritual Israel than for natural Israel, 5548. For: Lord's return, how brethren are to, 2973:4-9; ye know not the hour the Lord comes, 2302, 2303; 3869:3, 6-8. "My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that, for the morning", 1759:16; 1760:1-3, 10; to be accounted worthy, 565, 566. Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence; About 10,000 copies and 15,000 readers (1891), 1280:23; advertising would be proper even in, 5729:16-18; always pleased to correct an error, 559:4-7, 17; 1497:1; 2489:1-9; 4045:1, 2, 5; appreciated (Letters), 5401:12-16; articles, appreciated (Letter), 5861:23, 24; associate editor withdraws, 2077:4; attacks errors, not persons, 559:4-7, 17. ATTITUDE TOWARD: Revilings, 1798:2-4, 9-11; the opposition, 1192:9, 18. BACK ISSUES OF: Exhausted, 298:6, 7. Brief history of, 1, 2; continuance of, provided for under will of Brother Russell, 5988:12; continued under Editorial committee, 6024:5. CORRECTIONS: 1825; in respect to new covenant, 4476:9-12; 4477:1-4; of errors in, 2489:1-9. Criticism of the, 4045:1, 2; distributed at a loss, 824:15; divinely provided help for cutting the food into edible portions, 1868:1; doctrines of, remain unchanged, 4491, 4492. EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: Resignations from the, 6017:11-18; to continue its publication, 6024:5. EDITORIAL: Greetings to new readers, 918:4; notices, various, 217:2-7, 12-15; 298:4, 5, 12, 13; 308:11; 896:6, 7; 906; 2769:3. Error sometimes creeps into, 4045:1, 2, 5. FIRST: Published in 1879, 3823; 15, 16; year, 110:5, 6, 12, 13. For children (?) 1142; free to poor, 152:2; 204:12; 706:17, 18; 4164:4, 5; front cover used in 1891, 1892, 1893 and 1894, 1277; in 1895, 1749. GERMAN: Harvest sickle succeeds the, 1431; need for a, 548:1, 3; 808:8; to be published, 2105:11. Has ever admonished peace, 5061:5-7; importance of, for the interested, 1172:1-3. IN: New dress, 425:7; re publishing contributions to the, 1629:3. Increased interest in, 522:4-8; is That Servant, 4473:3-5, 10; meaning of name, 3:9; Memorial number, 5988:11, 12, 23. MISSION: To little flock, 548:4; and simple aim, 658:1; 918, 919. Musical number, 1935; name changed form Zion's Watch Tower, 4301; never discusses men nor personal affairs, 1798:4. NOT: Infallible, 1536:8-10; 4472:1; money-making enterprise, 824:15. Offered to Sunday school superintendents, 399. ONLY: Channel for truth, 1171:5; journal of Lord's presence, 546:7, 8, 13; organ declaring harvest message, 2432:5. Opposed to doctrine of Day Star, 397; 432:1-6, 10-12; our new dress (1895 notice), 1750; personal criticism is foreign to policy of, 2837:3. POLICY: In re publishing contributed articles (1894), 1629:3; and mission of, 312:5-8. PUBLISHED: In Greek and Polish languages (Notice), 5744:11-13, 25; under Editorial Committee, 5997; 6024:5. Purpose of, 3. READERS: Advised to retain copies of, 575:7; should loan their copies, 926:6, 7; supplied with free cotton seed, 5382:20, 52; 5649:8; three hundred in England up to 1885, 785:10. Relative importance of Dawns and, 1737:10, 11; replaced "The Last Trump", 3:12-14; report for 1895, 1904. Requests clippings of interest, 1871; 5822:19; reserved for sacred purposes, 5655:9; size of first issue, 20:5; some changes in 1892, 1339:1, 2; 1344:9; subscribers to, in England up to 1885, 785:10. SUBSCRIPTION: Price, 286:1, 2, 10, 11; price changed, 239:3-9, 13-16. Sunday School Lessons first appeared in 1892, 1351; test of teachings invited, 753:17; That servant, 141:12, 22; "This Journal and its Mission" first appeared in 1895, 1750. TO BE PUBLISHED IN: German, 2105:11; Swedish, 547:4-6. VIEWS FROM: 324, 325; 334, 335; 356, 357; 367; 388:3-5, 10-19; 414:5, 6, 11, 12; 415; 425:3-6, 9-13; 438:1-5, 11-14; 462:2, 3, 10; 475; 512-514; respecting the year 1914, 5373. Volume V of, begun, 512:9; who are entitled to it free, 908:4, 5. WHY: Doctrine is chief theme of the, 829; published monthly, 140:12-14. ZION'S: Charter granted to, 707:4, 6; first published in 1879, 3823:15, 16; first year of, 110:5, 6, 12, 13; legal incorporation of, 671:6-8. Tower Bible and Tract Society: Accomplishes more financially than any other, 4751:12, 13; activities increased or diminished according to funds of, 5682:4-6. ANNUAL: Reports of the, for (1881), 290, 291; 313:3-6, 13-18; (1886 to 1891), 6023:2-5, 11-13; (1886 to 1892), 1350; (1891), 1480; (1892), 1480; (1893), 1599; (1894), 1745; (1895), 1319; 1904; (1896), 2077, 2078; (1897), 2233, 2234; (1898), 2402-2404; (1899), 2548, 2549; (1900), 2740-2743; (1901), 2921-2923; (1902), 3119-3122; (1903), 3287-3289; (1906), 3470-3474; (1905), 3680; (1904), 3906-3909; (1907), 4108-4106; (1908), 4293-4295; (1909), 4530-4533; (1910), 4726-4728; (1911), 4934-4936; (1912), 5144-5146; (1913), 5365-5367; (1914), 5591-5594; (1915), 5813-5815; (1916), 6021-6023; (1917), reports of the Foreign Branches for (1881), 293:2; (1905), 3698, 3699; Australian Branch (1905), 3714, 3715; (1906), 3919, 3920; (1906), 3999, 4000; Great Britain (1907), 4119-4121; (1908), 4314-4316; (1900), 4563-4566; (1910), 4737-4740; German Branch (1910), 4745:11-13; (1912), 5144-5146; 5174-5177; (1913), 5365-5367; 5397-5399; (1914), 5591-5594; 5616-5620; (1915), 5813-5815; 5826, 5827; (1916), 5944:10, 11; 5945:1, 2, 7; 6021-6023; AUSTRALIAN BRANCH: Opened in 1902, 3255:6. Auxiliary organizations and work of the, 5155, 5156. BRANCH OFFICE ESTABLISHED: in Great Britain (1900), 2578. Branches of, various names explained, 5808:7-17. BRITISH BRANCH: Announcement, 2632:4; established (1900), 2578:6-8, 13-15; news form the, 2628; report of conditions in the, 5944:10, 11; 5945:1, 2, 7. Brother departed from teachings of the, 4472:6, 7, 18. CHARTER OF THE: Granted, 707:5, 6; purpose of obtaining a, 705:1, 2. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE: (1895), 1870:3-5; advice to the duty-bound respecting, 1334:13-16; by Good Hopes, criticism answered, 1378:3-5; caution in sending money through mails when making, 2421:3, 8; never solicited, 5730:12; one hundred sixty acres deeded to Brother Russell, 1810:3-5; suggested method of, 1409:9, 14, 15; to Lord's work one means of service, 5927:9-11; to Photo-Drama work not to be despised, 5513, 13-15. CO-OPERATION: With the, not the spirit of Babylon, 5729:19, 20; 5730:1-13; and loyalty, promised over the bier of Brother Russell, 6009:6-8, 11. Could not be a part of Babylon, 5730:1-13; demons oppose publications of the, 4351:11-15. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: at Mountain Lake Park convention, 4889:14; at Pittsburgh (1917) Notice), 6024:6, 12; at Pittsburgh. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Apointed by directors after death of Brother Russell, 6024:2. FINANCIAL SUPPORT: Anticipated by Brother Russell to carry on work, 5602:8-13; of harvest work is voluntary, 2482:14-17. Force at headquarters in 1896 numbered twelve, 2078:7. "GOOD HOPES": Criticism answered, 1378:3-5; for 1899 proposed, 2410; (1905), 3669; (1908), 4102; (1909), 4284; (1915), 5600. See Contributions; Donations. HEADQUARTERS REMOVED TO: Brooklyn, 4312. How it differs from denominations, 3704:17; 3705:1, 2, 8, 9; interdenominational, 344:1-7; introductory letters recalled (1895), 1847. LEGAL: Incorporation of Zion's Watch Tower, 671:6-8. Letters of confidence in the, after Brother Russell's death, 6017-6021; loyalty to and co-operation with, promised over the bier of Brother Russell, 6009:3-8, 11; name changed to, 2077:1; neither sect nor denomination, 3746:1, 2, 7, 8. NOT: A religious, but a business association, 1847:7-9, 14; a sectarian name, 344:1-7; engaged in enterprises outside the gospel, 5955:1, 2, 11, 12. OFFICE: Address changed, 909:9; receives 50 to 100 letters daily (1887), 906:7; removed to Allegheny, 608:7.. Policy of, in re creeds, 413:14-18; proper attitude toward all publications of, 1629:1, 2; 1636:3, 4, 12. Publications to be put under ban, 3390:3; purpose of formation of, 1338; purposes of its organization, 1720:4, 5; solicitors for, are frauds, 4756:1, 2, 11; source of its funds, 1172. TRACT FUND: Donations, 449:9; report of, 426:3-6, 10, 11; 708:1-7, 10-15; 818:1, 2, 7. Various names and branches of, explained, 5808:7-17; voting shared, 705:1, 2; what constitutes membership in, 3680:4, 5. WHY: Formed, 1338. WORK: At home and abroad (1895), 1825; begun in Great Britain, 291:2; for the blind, 5042:1-4. And Pray: 4984:1, 2; especially at Memorial season, 3760:7-13; lest ye enter temptation, 3178, 3179; 5312:6-8, 10-12; why Christians need to, 2775:3, 4. WATCHERS Alone are aware of the Day Dawn, 5256, 5257; faithful and false, 2693; will know of Lord's return, 2972:2-4. WATCHFULNESS Essential to victory in temptation, 5331:14; 5332:1, 8; for answers to prayer fruitful of good, 5480, 5481; required because of wily foes, 609:1, 2; taught by Jesus in parable, 2303:4. What: I say unto you I say unto all, Watch! 1796; it implies to Christians, 2692:2. See Prayer; Sobriety. WATCHING And praying to avoid temptation, 5201:15-17; 5202:1-8. WATCHMEN Of Christendom are blind, 718:5; should proclaim the Millennial dawn, 5257:2, 3, 9, 10. WATER Bodies washed with pure, 2021:7, 8, 11, 12; 2022. Born of: 1987:4, 8, 9; 2422:9; 2572:8, 9; 3600:12, 13; and of the spirit, 4124:7-9. Gift of God, 3496:2; holy, modern use of, a relic of demon worship, 1990:9, 10; 1991:4; Jesus gives living, 2423:9-11; 3496:2, 5-9; miracle of, turned to wine, 1695; 2418, 2419; 3485:4, 5, 8-11; 5271:18, 19; natural and symbolic virtue of, 117:7-12. Of: Life, to flow to mankind, 2424:9, 10; 3496:9-12; truth, lapped like a dog or taken like an ox, which? 5606:12-14. Turned to blood, explained, 4059:7, 8; 4060:1-3, 6; what it symbolizes, 117:6, 7-12; 499:1-3; 564:32; 2574:10, 11; word of God pure, 565:2, 3, 10; works in Jerusalem, 2898:1, 2. WATERPOTS Filled with water a picture 3164:1-3; 3485:2-5. WATERS Beneath the earth, 1813:1-5; bitter, picture bitter experiences of church, 5278:8, 9, 14-17; brackish, healed by Moses, antitypical significance of, 4010:4, 7, 8; healed by Elisha, 558:7; Jesus the fountain of living, 3509:15-19; 3510:2-4. WAVES Tidal, see Calamities. WAY "And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the," 1753. Narrow: Gate of, is faith, 1771:3, 6. OF: Christians rugged but blessed, 3159:3; faith and consecration, 1753:8-10. Why narrow and difficult to find, 1771:3-6; will never become wider, but will become more blessed, 1751:5, 6. That seemeth right, there is a, 2038:3-6, 9-13; 2274:4; truth and life, Jesus is the, 2453, 2454. WAYSIDE Hearts comparable to seed that falls by, 3764:4-6. WEAK Assist those who are, 549:10, 11; consideration for, 974:8-11; liberty of conscience for them also, 1734:8-14; love considers the, 4084:3-6; "through thy knowledge shall the, brother perish?" 1586:9, 10; 1587:1-3, 16, 17; "We that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the," 1734:8-14; 4927, 4928; when I am, then am I strong, 5550:8-10, 14. WEAKNESS Of Jesus due to sacrifice, not imperfection, 4138:1-4; strength made perfect in, 4433:9, 10. WEAKNESSES How to strive against, 1295:3, 4; 1296. Of: Apostles recorded by themselves, 2778:5; brethren, how to treat the, 4378:8-10; 4767:2, 10, 11; Christians charged to cause of Christ, 2321:11; flesh are not weaknesses of new creature, 5947:7. Patience to be limited in dealing with our, 5650:8, 9; and sins of Jesus' progentitors revealed, 3115:1. WEALTH Cause of unrest, 2885:9-12; ill-gotten, to be restored, 2730, 2731; needed less than piety, 4231:16; 4232:1. Not To Be: Selfishly hoarded, 2685:10, 11; 2686; sought by consecrated, 4567:1-4. One of Christendom's sins is the craving for, 4257:6; remedy suggested for, 1244:5, 6; suggested law to remedy excess, 1424:2, 8-10; use and abuse of, 1045:1-5, 11-14; what true, means, 1028:11. And: Pleasure modern idols, 5351:6, 7, 10-15; property, in re acquiring, 2805:2-5. See Religion. WEALTHY Special woe coming upon, 2904:6; unbiased view of, 1243:12, 13; 1244:1-3. WEAPON None formed against saints shall prosper, 3050:16, 17; 3051:1; truth a, 126:9-12. WEAPONS For saints not carnal, 82:4, 6; 2779:7-11; 3274:5, 6; 4235:7, 8; of warfare growing more terrible, 4745:1-4, 10. WEARIED Through failure to consider Jesus, 3313. WEBER Henry, passed beyond the vail (1904), 3314:1-3, 10, 11. WEDDINGS Approved by Jesus, 2418:6. WEEDS Killed by electricity (1896), 1948:10; and thorns that hinder the Christian's progress, 5899:4-7. WEEKS Seventy: Determined upon Israel, (Daniel 9:25) explained, 2811:11, 12; 4504:3-5, 11, 12; 5163:2-9; parallels of, in the gospel age, 3575:3-11; 3579. WEEP For yourselves and your children, 2787:4; they that, as if they did not, 901:10; and howl, rich will, 592:8; 2039-2045. WEIGHT Lay aside every, 406:8-12; 5319:3-9; of Jesus' cross very great, 5221. WELL Jacob's: Jesus and the woman at, 2574:4-9; wonder in Jesus' day, 3495:9. WELL-DOING Be not weary in, 645:4-7, 13-15; 2073:9, 10. WESLEY John: An Episcopalian until death, 985:12; Methodists depart from faith of, 2451:11; noble servant of God, 1956:5, 10, 11. ON: Doctrine of the trinity, 714, 715; dress, 620:6-8, 10-12. VIEW OF, ON: Future probation, 4017:15; holiness, 2022:15; 2023:1-4, 13-15. WEST "Many from east and," 1095. WEST POINT Catholic chapel at, 2168:4-6; Catholics denied church at, 2177:17-19. WHALE Jonah's recovery from, typical, 92:7. WHEAT Church to be sifted as, 3760:9-11; except a corn of, die, 729; 3539:15; 3540:1; may be gathered at close of gentile times, 5761:3. Miracle: Described, 4205:27; 4206:1-3; discovery of, and the Government report thereon, 4152:12-20; 4153; 4250:1-5; orders abundant, 4866:7; restitution sign, 4688:3, 4, 7; 4689:1-3; took prize at World's Fair (Letter), 5648:5-8, 14; was for sale to Watch Tower readers, 4844:2, 3. New Russian method of planting, 4431:13, 14; sowing of, pictures ransom, how? 1238; work of church is to gather the, 317:18-20; and chaff separated, 46:1-3. WHIRLWIND Descriptive of one phase of time of trouble, 5469:21; 5470:1, 2; of Elijah's experience a picture of trouble, 4757:9-12; 5772:15, 16; 5773:1; 5845:9, 10; raised up from coasts of the earth, 4750:7-11. WHITE Elder, in debate with Brother Russell, 4115:1-3, 7, 8; 4118, 4119; 4134; 4137:1-4, 8-12; 4145; 4249:8, 9, 17. WHITHER I go ye cannot come, 606:17-21. WHITSUNDAY Sermons and prayers for church federation (1895), 1824:9-11; 1831:15-17. WHITTLE Major, unable to see present truth, 1952:3, 4. WHOLE Need not a physician, 2260; wilt thou be made, 3501:9-12. WICKED Best for them to remain in darkness now, 1949:11; compelled to forsake his ways in Millennium, 3597:8, 9; God has no pleasure in death of, 904:5, 6; how to guard against being led away by error of, 3215:2-6; ignored by Jehovah during past ages, 5083:14, 15; justified for a reward, 3894:1; punishment of, 605:16, 17; 1882:1-6, 15-17; Scriptural proofs of destruction of the, 3083, 3084; 5667:1, 2; Sodomites not Scripturally so, 7:14; walk not in the counsel of the 1383; 2797:8; 2698:1-5; what is the error of the, 2218:10. Why: The truth is not preached first to the, 1461:9; they are permitted to prosper now, 1562:3, 6-8. See Righteous. WICKEDNESS God not its author, 1268-1271; 1299:8-12; how God views, 2623:6, 7. WIDOW Rewarded by Elijah for generosity and faith, 3400:7, 8; 4731:9-11. WIDOWHOOD Of children one of India's evils, 1608:9; 1612:10; 1613:1-3. WIDOWS Who have washed the saints' feet, 2293:10-13, 19. WIFE Believing, sanctifies unbelieving husband, 2991:1-3, 6; church, "the bride, the Lamb's," 1386-1389; consecrated, her duty to her husband, 2747:1-7. Husband: And, in the divine order, 1464:9-13; head of the, 765:6-10; 1548:8, 12. If in the truth, should present it first to her husband, 1555:1, 5, 6; in the resurrection, 915, 916. Lot's: Pillar of salt miracle, 2858:2; "Remember," 1860; type of unfaithful Christians, 5948:5-7, 11-13; 5949:1-5. Of: Abraham, how she was his sister and niece, 2934:2, 3; Cain, his sister, 3042:8; several husbands, her status in resurrection, 5079:13-15. See Abraham, Wives of. To share equally with husband, 2016:1, 6; what constitutes desertion of the, 1554:11; 1555:6; whose shall she be in the resurrection, 3461, 3462; woman as a, 1552:5-13; 1553. See Husband. WILCOX Byron, letter of loyalty to Brother Russell from, 4488:7, 16; 4489:1-3. WILDERNESS Being prepared to blossom as the rose, 5262, 5263; Jesus led of spirit into, 2566:1; made to rejoice through Burbank's efforts, 5262, 5263; temptations of Jesus, 680, 681; 2243, 2244; wanderings of Israel, God's purpose in the, 4010:3, 4; why Jesus went into the, 2243:1, 2; 3297:2-4; and Canaan condition for spiritual Israel explained, 5732:1, 2, 9. WILL All but idiots have power of, 1175:5; ascertaining God's, 2411:12; 2412:1-3; barrier to Satan's approach, 5890:8, 9; can be a force against evil, 4236:3, 6; control of, by God the first step in ruling the spirit, 3629:9, 10; controls the desire, 4291:5, 6; crucifying ours and accepting God's, 962:15, 16. Danger of: Strong, 2411:10-12; submitting the, 5475:3-7. death of human, of saints, 293:16; demon obsession the result of submitting the, 5475:3-7; determining factor in self-control, 5488:12-14; 5489:1, 7; director of our destiny, 4838:3, 4, 8, 9; free, the crowning glory of perfection, 1266:5-9; God does not coerce the, 1175:5-10; 5251:12, 13; Godgiven defense against Satan's power, 3772:5; 5896:7, 8; God's statement of his good pleasure and, 1781:6-35; 1782:1, 2; heart purity, a determining factor in the, 5247:1, 2; how deception aids free, 1234:9, 11. Human: Dies first, body later, 5103:9-12; what constitutes, 5438:3-9, 12, 15. Importance of having a, 4517:1. Lord's: Discerned by prayer and fasting, 3005:8; 3006:1; how to ascertain the, 4468:3-5. Must always be perfect toward the Lord, 3203:3. New: Blessed in proportion to death of flesh, 5221:8-10; contrasted with will of the flesh, 4730. Of: Christ, church consecrated to, 2845:6; Jesus was strong, 961:3. NEW CREATURE: And old body opposed, 3913:6, 7; must be firm and resolute, 3914:1-4, 6-9; must control and transform the mind, 5482:10-17; 5653:1-4, 8-11. The spirit contrasted with will of the flesh, 4730. Our one means of defense, 4789, 4790. Power: For good or evil, 4812:5, 6; of the, 3095:1-6. Represented by the heart, 1703:4; result of combination of mental faculties, 5158:4-8, 11-13; should be submitted to God alone, 568:4, 5; 3236:12; 3273:5; 3980:1, 2; 4458:8-11; 4789:13; 4790:1; 4975:10-13; 5475:3-7, 12-14; 5685:13; 5686:1-5. Strong: Does not imply obstinacy, 5653:9; or weak needs Jesus to control it, 4517:2-5. Surrender of, must be joyful, voluntary surrender, 3236:12; 3237:1-3; texts showing God's, 1273:6-18, 22-28; thought is controlled by, 2890:8; weakened, the way opened for demons, 3772:5, 6. What: Comprises the human, 4774:12-14; constitutes the, 5438, 5439. And: Do his good pleasure, God worketh in you to, 5303, 5304; mind differentiated, 4628:2; testament of Brother Russell, 5999, 6000:1, 2, 11-14. See Conscience. WILLARD Frances E., false views respecting the Millennium by, 2313, 2314. WILLFULNESS Forgiveness in proportion to, 1694:1, 2; prevents full consecration, 4092:9-11; Saul's end an example of the course of, 3240:7, 8. WILLIAMS Bishop C.D., "sin of the church", 5798, 5799. WILLIAMSON A.E., pilgrimage of, in England, 4000:17; 4033:6; F.W., pilgrimage of, in England, 4169:11; 4177:6. WILLING Illustration of being, 999:6; tell the truth to the, 3501:9-11. WIND Spirits go and come as the, 2573:2; symbolic of war, 2334:6. WINDS Loosing: The four, 4880:9-11, 12. Of war restrained for forty years, 5715:7; rebuked by Jesus, the sea calmed, 5058:5, 6, 10, 11. WINE Christendom drunken, but not with, 588, 589; 2904:8, 9; fermented, regarding the use of, 509:14, 15; 3105:9-13; fruit of the vine, partaking of, 3879:9; 3880:1-3; in the kingdom, drinking anew the, 3365:1; is a mocker, strong drink is raging, 1444; 1631; 3270, 3271; 4031:9-11; Jesus changed water into, 1695; 2418:5-7, 11; 2419:1, 8, 9; 3164:1-3; 3485:4, 5, 8-11; 5271:18, 19; kind to be used at Memorial, 509:1-7, 12-16; King Lemuel's wisdom on strong drink is contrary to true wisdom, 1521:8; Memorial, significance of, 346:1-5; 840:10-14; 1101:8, 9; 2772. Of: Babylon, whole world intoxicated with, 1444:4, 5; 5633:1-3; Christendom, all nations drunken with, 4287, 4288; excess, false doctrine, vs. holy spirit, 2968:1, 2, 5-7. FALSE DOCTRINE: 3455:1-3; 3962, 3963; 4031:7, 8; in Christendom, 562, 563; 3104; Israel drunken with, 3455:3. Regarding the use of fermented, 509:14, 15; 3105:9-13; some important wine customers, 1863:7. Symbol of: Joy and gladness, 1695:6, 7; spirit of the world, 1357:14. What it represented, 94:10; woe unto them mighty to drink, 2904, 2905. And: Bread, antitypes of, 3364:8, 9; milk bought without money and price, 3596:13-15; 3597:1. See Cup. WINESKINS New wine in old, 2592:10, 11. WINGS Of eagle given woman (Revelation 12), 55:11; shalt thou trust, under His, 5438:1, 2, 10, 11; two, of Rev. 12, 307:4, 5; United States is the land shadowed with, 3404, 3405. WINTER Flight before, 229:5; 590, 591. WIRE-PULLING For spiritual leaders unscriptural, 5645:5-7. WISDOM Analysis of, 2263:9-14; Bible is the only true source of, 4825:1, 2; choice of Solomon richly rewarded, 3278:5-9; 5714:10-12; Christ Jesus the personification of God's love and, 1519:13; Christian common sensewhat it is and how it operates, 1776-1782; Christians taught in the ways of, 2388:10; conceit of man is in the inverse ratio to the square if his knowledge--Edison, 1763:6; diversified, of God, respecting fallen angels and fallen men, 1682. Earthly: Based on selfishness, 1448; vs. heavenly, 1518:8-11; 1919:7-9, 14, 15. From above: Christian shave, 2262:10, 11; 2263:1-7, 12; worldly receive not, 2262:10, 11. Fruits of, 1520; gained through instuction or experience, 2073:8, 12; god the source of all true, 2262, 2263; heavenly, based on love and service, 1448; 2446:10; how Christ is made unto us, 3279:1-8; needed in presenting the truth, 5042:13-20. Of: GOD: In delay of blessings, 738:1-4; past finding out, 5533:9-12; revealed in his plan of salvation, 5429, 5430; revealed through his Word, 2241. SOLOMON: Famed throughout the world, 2067, 2068; inspired by God, 1517:4; 2053:10-11. The boy Jesus, 2558:10, 11. WISE: Is perishing, 2813-2817; shall perish, 589:3. Operation of, in the heart of Christians, 3603, 3604; pictured by myrrh, 4093:4; portrayed in creation, 880:4; power and reward of, 2060, 2061; required in telling truth, 3339:6; reverence of the Lord is the beginning of, 1919:15; 2053:7, 8; "She is a tree of life", 1520:5; suggested the divine plan and is carrying it out, 1680; 16, 17; 1681:2, 3, 11, 12; symbolized by seven eyes, 1490:15; to be sought first, 4291:4-9; treasures of, in Bible, 179:1-6, 12-17; uttereth her voice in the streets, 1519:4-8; value of, here and hereafter, 1520; warnings of, against capital and labor combinations, 1518, 1519; what constitutes, 492:2, 3; year-text subject for 1905, 3479:6; and justice of Mosaic law, 643:1. See Glory. WISE C.A., tribute to Brother Russell by Brother, 6009. (Toward God): As serpents, harmless as doves, 745; 3339:4-6, 9, 10; 5151; "be not righteous or wise over much", the policy of tares and pleasure-seekers, 1532:15; not many, not many noble, called, 2702:10, 11; profit by instruction, 2073:8, 12; Scriptures able to make, 318:3, 4; 2166:1, 2, 5, 6; 2813-2817; shall shine as the brightness, 1955:3-6. (Worldly), and Prudent, truth hidden from the, 4599:2-6; 5075:6, 7, 10-12. WISHING And doing differentiated, 2411:9. WITCHES And wizards obsessed, 265:11-7. WITNESS False: Against a neighbor defined, 4021:4; various methods of bearing, 3045; 8-11; 5123:4, 5. For the truth our chief business, 3315:8, 9. Gospel: Not yet (1892) witnessed to all the world, 1349:8-15; preached for a, 516:2-4, 5-8; 2518, 2519; 2809:9; 2872:1-7. Jesus' purpose in the world was a, 5898:3-7, 10-12; of the spirit, see Spirit; unto all nations being given even by sectarianism and unbelievers, 1077. WITNESSES Apostles were special, 1521:10, 11; 1522; 1523:1-6; for the truth sometimes martyrs, 4305:9; of the spirit, 4872:2-7. Two: OF: God slowly exalted to heaven, 5565:4-7; Revelation 12th chapter, 244:3. WITNESSING Accomplished, 4:14. For the Truth: Daily possible, 5428:16-18; 5429; using wisdom in, 4903:10-13. Not conversion, 4:13-15; of the Lord, John our example in, 4114:6, 7; one object, 4:15. To the: Lord a test of worthiness, 3478:1; world by our conduct, 3136:7-9; 3773:11, 12. See Conversion; Truth, Presenting. WIVES Advice for those "unequally yoked", 1554:7-13; Christian women as, 1075:6-14; 1076:1-3; domestic slavery of, not traceable to God, 765:11; love of, for husbands should resemble church's love for Jesus, 5900:6; men should be as if they had not, 901:4; of Abraham typical of three covenants, 4367:8-13; 4682, 4683; 5178:3-6; one of Solomon's sins the multiplying of, 2068:7; spiritual interest of, neglected by husbands, 4094:11-16; to be subject to husbands, 2724:1-3; 3828:1-3, 6-8. WOE 93:1, 8, 9; cup of drunkard, 2533:8, 9; third, 284:14. To Them: Mighty to drink wine, 2904, 2905; with child, 591:17. Unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, 5389, 5390. WOES How the Lord steals the bitter from life's, 1937:9-11; of intoxicated Babylon, 1896:2-21. WOLVES Amid the flock of God, 2221:5-7; 3172:7-10; 3774:6, 14; 5789:11-14; among the sheep, elders to watch for, 5388:8, 14, 15; begging among Christians done by, 5789:11-14; disciples sent forth as lambs among, 3347:3, 4; disguised, should not be tolerated, 1712:3-6, 8-10; grievous among the Lord's sheep, 4459:4-8; heady and greedy, injure the flock of God, 2221:5-7; how to guard against, 1848:1-5; in sheep's clothing, beware of, 3142; 3466; should not be handled gently, 1558:15; and sheep, how to discern between, 3747:1-6. WOMAN As a wife, 1552:5-13; 1553; Christ and the Samaritan, 1711:7, 8, 12, 13; 2423; clothed with sun (Revelation 12), 55:5-7; 306:4-6; (the) companion of man, 1551:7, 8, 19; 1552:1-4; curse upon, 1476:7, 8; eagle wings given to the (Revelation 12), 55:11; entrance of, into economic world and the probable effects, 1621:4-7; first informed of Jesus' resurrection, 231; help, meet for man, 1551-1553. "I: Suffer not a woman to teach", 1076:4, 5, 8-13; 1549:7; 1550:3-6; will therefore that the younger women marry", 1554:4. King Lemuel's ideal of a wise woman not the Lord's ideal, 1520:11, 12; 1521:1, 2; "let her head be covered", 1551:12; man the head of, 765:6-10; 1548:8, 12; 1549:7-11; 1550:1, 2; 4097; position of, in church and home, 1549, 1550; 2280:1; 3827, 3828; 4749:7-10, 20-22. Samaritan: Jesus preached to the, 4130-4132; why Jesus talked with the, 2575:3-5. Seed of: History of, 5:14-19; 22:11-18; 1610:15, 16; Satan's warfare against, 751:9, 16; seeming delay of, 11:5-9. Seven, with one husband (Isa. 4:1), 295:6; silly, led captive, sects are, 2555:6; some devoted followers of the Lord, 1816:13; to keep silence in church, 194:1, 2; 766:2-4, 7-12; 1076:11-13; what she represents, 45:5-7; and man in the divine order, 1075; 1548-1551. See Dragon. WOMEN Aged, Paul's instruction to, 2723:10. Condition of, in: Ancient Greece, 1550:7-9; 1551:1-6, 9-18; India, 1607:15; 1608:1, 9; 1612:10; 1613:1-3. Eight-hour day law for, declared unconstitutional (1895), 1805:9, 11; have greatest influence for good or evil, 2279:13; 2280:1; 2333:2, 3. In: Matters economic, and the effect, 1621:4-7; Millennium to take on masculine qualities, 4914:7; politics not divinely approved, 3607:6, 7; the church should take Mary for an example of service, 3877:3-9. Influence of, in the world, 2324:1, 8; led captive, 2555:6; may preach truth to women, 5161, 5162; of Russia demand their rights, 3799:8-12; place of, in the church, 1549, 1550; position of, in the church, 227:8-10; 2222:6-9; 3827, 3828; rise or fall with men, 2101:1; taking place of men in Great Britain (Letter), 5995:12-16; treatment of, at the hands of brethren, 4121, 4122; young and old exhorted by Paul, 2723:10-13; Younger, "I will therefore that they marry", 1554:4. WONDERFUL "His name shall be called," 1747:4; works, D.D's. view of, 1061. WOOD Eugene, on the gathering of the churches, 3873-3876; gopher, used in ark, its durability, 525:1. Hay and Stubble: Building with, 428:7; sand builders, 36:1-11; to be burned, 564:4-6. Used in Tabernacle for lightness, 1236:7, 8. WOODWORTH Brother C.J., letter of, to Brother Russell in re slander, 3808, 3809; received the truth in 1895, 1830:4-18; tribute to Brother Russell by, 6010. WORD Be ye doers of the, 645:14, 15; 2694:3, 4; 3317:12; 3318:1, 2; 3747, 3748; believers not always doers of the, 3609:9, 15; if any man offend not in, the same is a perfect man, 1938:7, 8. Logos: Christ Jesus formerly the, 1514:5-7, 14; creator of all things, 421:10-18; in beginning was the, 338:2-6; 3474:5-7, 12-15. JESUS: The, in pre-existence, 106:2; was a God, 21:1-5; 338:1; 421:6-18; 1514:5-7, 14. Made flesh, not incarnated, 338:16-19; 422:2-7; 3474:12, 13; 2555-2558; 4108:3-4; meaning of, 421:4-6. Lord's, found by Josiah in the Temple, 2390:10; men shall give account for every idle, 1938:1-5. Milk of: FOR BABES: 23:12; 24:15; in Babylon, meat for developed Christians, 3780:3-8. Sincere, 1567:15, 16; 1568:1-3; truths that constitute the, 3621:10; weaned from the (Isa. 28:9), 3963:8. Of God, famishing for, 2247:6-9; ye are my disciples if ye continue in my, 3053; 5508:2-6, 9-11. See Bible. WORDS Bible, how to know meaning of, 1241; "By thy, acquitted; by thy words condemned", 1937; God-likeness cannot include any disloyal or rebellious, 1938:8; gracious, of Jesus, rejected in the synagogue, 3301:5-7; how to know true meanings of Bible, 1241; idle, result in self-injury, are a bad example, and stir up evil in others, 1938:5; index of the heart, 1937:3; 1938:1; 5518:11, 16-18; justified or condemned the Jews, 5470; of life are such as never man spake, 3795:1-4, 6-8; "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh", 1937:3-7; 1938:1; smooth speeches and honeyed, 4480:4-6, 8-13; we are daily being judged by our, 1922:4, 8. WORK At home in 1895, 1825. Class extension: Increased, with increase of elders, 5131:3, 4, 10, 11; outlined, 4821, 4822; report of, 1913. Glasgow, 5254:1-30; trial at the, 4962:4-8. For night cometh, 588:1-3, 9-11. Hospital, For Brethren in War Time: Advice regarding, 5716:1, 5; Brother Russell could conscientiously do (Letter and reply), 5894:42-47. Humanitarian: Foreign missionary, is not religious, 5007-5015; should we engage in? 5045:14. WHY: We do not engage in, 5302:5. In the harvest field an indication of earnestness, 3347:1. Kingdom: Is being done this side the veil, 5631:8-10; two phases of, 82:6-8. "Let patience have her perfect," 1721; Lord's, and good works may be distinct and separate, 4668:3-5. Mediatorial: Church to share in the, 3916:13; 3917:14; of Millennium, how accomplished, 4555:1-6. Of: BROTHER RUSSELL: Reconstructive rather than original, 4067:7, 8; to continue beyond the vail, 6015:12. Father and son distinct, 51:17, 18; gospel age is selection of church, 5302:1-3; Jesus chiefly among his disciples, 2072:4; judgment day gradual, why, 1261:6-9. Out your own salvation, how, 1166, 17-19; 4796; 5303, 5304; 5759:2-4, 7. Pastoral: IN: which sisters may cooperate, 5984-5988. Instructions to workers in re worldwide, 5984-5988. Polish, progressing (Letter), 5337:15-17. Ransom: Illustrated, 1177:11. OF: Christ, 164, 165; 251:20-24; 428, 429; Jesus, 586:11; Jesus as related to the resurrection, 5299:10, 11, 18. Pictured in the book of Job, 5402:13-16; two phases of, 5891:11, 12. Red Cross, would not be violation of Brother Russell's conscience (Letter), 5894:42-47. Reform: Not the work for Christians now, 1227:11; why we do not engage in, 5462:1-3, 9-11. Regular, essential to spiritual health, 23:11; restitution, done by Elisha, 2345, 2346; to be continued by folowers of Brother Russell, 6015:13-15. Tract: Advice regarding distribution, 5937:1-4; beginning of, 989:5, 6; Brother Russell encourages service by, 2752; by British brother, 802, 803. DISTRIBUTION: American Tract Society, 794:11-14; free, 173:7; 249:4, 5, 13; 413:6-10, 21-23; method of, (1899), 1120; 1650:6; of No. 1, 178:6, 7, 11; of No.2, 214:10; of No. 5, 228:2, 3, 9-11; on trains and in stations (Letter), 5290:4, 5, 11, 12; report (1895), 1871:1-3; Watch Tower Society, 794:11-14; work begun, 290:20. Volunteer: Announcement, 2632:3; at State Fairs, 4141:3, 4; be not ashamed to advance the, 4886:1-4; beginning of, 989:5, 6; blessings received in the (Letter), 5704:17, 18; 5705:1-5; Brother arrested in 1888 for, 1012:8, 9, 15, 16; detailed instructions for, 2619; Editor assists in, 2641:10; encouragement to increase the, 5264:8, 9, 15; encouraging letters regarding, 1803:7, 8; extending the, 3196:1-3, 7-10; extraordinary interest in, 4566; for 1901, 2769:4; in Great Britain, 2584:14; is prospering, 2554:8, 9; our privileges in the, 2995:1, 2, 5, 6; results of, 312:1-4; sacrifice, 2457:1-3; special voices of revelation 11:15, 2994:6; suggestions, 1650:6; 4057:14; systematizing the, 2570:4, 5; to be increased, 5640. While it is called day, 969:8; 4149:3-5; yet to be accomplished at Brother Russell's death, 6000:19; 6001. See Volunteers. WORKERS Early in harvest, 291:9-20; Temperance, our sympathies should be with, 3665:3, 4; why some are unsuccessful, 965:4. WORKINGMEN Criticized by London minister, 3488:17-19. WORKMANSHIP Pictured by cassia, 4093:5. WORKS As related to faith, 29:8; 50; 1, 2; 74:2, 5, 6; 216:1-3, 9-11; 688:2-5, 10-12; 1158; 1440; 2159:3, 4, 8, 10; 4377:1-5; 4378:1-7; 5892:7-9; basis of reward in Millennium, 570:2; 700:9, 13; 3580; constituted the gospel of Satan, 5848:6, 7; evidence of sincere hope, 3318:9, 10; God reveled by his word and, 1390; 1391:1-10; good, see Good Works. Greater than: Jesus' to be done by church, 2310:8, 9; 2434:5, 6; 3309:8, 9; 5104:10, 11. meet for repentance, 747:6; much depends upon, 567:9; no basis of justification, 882:9; 2159:10. Of: Christendom unrecognized by Jesus, 778:1; disciples greater than Jesus did, 2455:1, 2, 9; flesh, listed by Paul, 4688:1, 2. Our: Love manifested by our, 21:5; salvation is not of our own, 4796:13-15. Required of the spirit-begotten, 4494:6-8; salvation by, without a ransom a delusion, 1616:1, 8; will avail nothing without character development, 3318:3-12; world to be judged by, 2304:2-4. See Faith; Knowledge; Life; Work. WORLD Conversion of: Money wanted for, 2246:3. NOT: In gospel age, 1940:11, 18; 1941:1-8; present work of church, 2428:17-22; 5052:15-17. Work of Millennium, 255:13-17. Cosmos: Affairs of, specially shaped for the Lord's birth, 1673; burning of, symbolic, 4989:17; 4990:1, 3, 4. Church: Are dead to, 127:6-9, 13; called out of the, 16:2; in the, a reproof to sin, 3600:10, 11; is separate from the, 150:13-15; 811:11-14. Churches are things of this, 987:7; church's position in the, 362:14-16; controls its preachers, 310:6-9, 18; creation of, accepted by faith, 4386:2-5; defined, 10:4; 97:7; 206:4-6; end of, as viewed by Bishop Nicholson, 1904:6; evidence of end of, 98:2, 3; 879:1-5; four Greek words translated, 3620:14; gaining the, losing immortal life, 3790:8-10; growing better or worse? 869:15-17; 4024:4, 5; 4690:6-15; hate you, ye know it hated me before it hated you, if the, 5676; 5677:1, 7; hates the true church, 2128:3. HOW: Faith overcomes the, 1719; judged, 3433:5-9. In arms, 394:7, 8, 13; 395:1-4, 10-13; judges us according to the flesh, 3247:4; judgment of, 517:5-12, 18-21. LOVE NOT THE: 4765, 4766; 5138, 5139; vs. God so loved the, 1955. Populated by sons of Noah, 2846:2, 3; purified once, again corrupted by Satan, 5910-5912; separated in spirit from the, 100:1; 508:14-24; 811:11-14; 3552:7-9. SPIRIT OF: How to keep free from it, 1489:6, 7, 12; 1490:11-14; vs. spirit of Christ, 1956:1-3, 7-9. Supervision of, by Jehovah, 5304:13; 5405:1-11; 5710:6, 7, 9-11; temptations from the, 2769:6; 3718; 3719:1, 2. TO BLESSED THROUGH: Abraham's seed, 3938:1, 2, 5-7; Israel, 4454:5-7. Turned upside down by apostles, a 2183:10; 4408:8-10; turning back to, 3371:3, 4, 9-11; unworthy of the ancient worthies, 4388:7, 8; what doth it profit a man to gain the, 2288:4; 3790:8-10; who are of the, 811:10-12; will charge our weaknesses to cause of Christ, 2321:11. Flesh and Devil: FOES OF: Righteousness, 2309:7-10; 2310:1, 2; 5127:2-7; the new creation, 2378:3-8; 2769:5-7. Kingdoms of this: Destroyed, 87:1; 307:18-23; falsely called the kingdom of God, 720:13. HOW: Arrayed against the Lord, 1385:2-7; overthrown, 26:5. Not the kingdom of Christ, 5851:2-7; prophetic views of, 815:2-6; removed in trouble, 268:17, 18. Night of: six thousand years long, 5768, 5769. Of Mankind: Afflictions on, intended to bless, 5493:10-14; Alexander Campbell's calculations on the increase of population of the, 1713. ALL: Are bond-slaves of sin or righteousness, 3512:8-11; measurably insane, 1080:1-14; men to be saved, how? 1265:2, 9; mentally unbalanced and morally deformed, 1737:7, 8; not born free and equal, 1162:3-12. Allurements of, lead away from the Lord, 2257:7-9; also to be recipients of God's mercy, 5818:2, 7, 8. AT: Beginning of Millennium still Adam's children, 5428:9-15; least 100 years trial for each individual, in Millennium, 1261:10-13; 1772:1-10. Awaits completion of church for its redemption, 4964:9-15; begotten during Millennium? (1892 view), 1412:8; Bible will constitute their text book during the Millennium, 1526:4. BLOTTING OUT OF SINS OF: 4659; how it differs from the church's, 2195:4-6. Book of Life for church and, 381:13, 14; brotherhood describes our relationship to, 3929:8, 9. BROUGHT INTO THE: Church, 4268:14; churches, 2091:6, 7, 11-14. Cannot understand the church, 150:13-15; certain to despise true Christians, 5737:11, 12; 5738:1; changes necessary in the physical and moral, 358:4-6. CHRIST: Is the hope of the, 5360, 5361; Jesus to be the Everlasting Father of, 1006:4-9; 1515:11-15; 5623:11; the only means of escape from condemnation, 2059:4, 5, 8-12. Christendom catering to the, 110. CHRISTIANS: Are examples to the, 756:4, 12; should deal generously with, 5206:1-7, 12. CHRIST'S: Merit imputed to church before restoration of, 5660, 5661; return, its effect upon the, 5917:3, 4. CHURCH: A holy nation, separate from the, 5461:1-3; alone escapes condemnation upon, 5224; despised by the, 455:15, 16; is sacrificed for, 150:3-7, 11; not to be mother in full sense to the, 916:13; to be the mother of the, 25:4, 11. Church's trial to precede that of, 2733:8-11. CONDEMNED: In Adam, 688:11, 12; to death, not torment, 5063:17-19. Condition of eternal life for,--love, 1220:6-8; contempt of, will disappear, 5167:9-14; cost of Christianizing the, 3312:1-6, 9-12; covetousness in the, 2340:2-4; deliverance of the church and, 616:4, 5; depth of depravity of, shown by Christ's crucifixion, 1963, 1964; "desire of all nations", 1091-1094; distinction between church and, 3915:1-4; downward path chosen by majority of, 2073:12; dream of Golden Age by, come true, 1092:1, 2; evangelization of, vs. conversion of, 1073:10; everlasting salvation of (?), 1218, 1219; Farrar on Christianizing the, 934:2-4; field in parable is, 97:8; forced into sin by Jehovah? 1718:13-25; forcing vs. drawing during Millennium, 1057. GOD: Not now trying to convert, 5:12; overrules all of earth's affairs, 1561:5-11; permits sin, but is not its author, 1777:4-15; 1778-1782; so loved the, 290:2-7; 405:7-13; the Savior of, 1437; 1442. GOD'S: Love and ours for, pity-love, 1250:5; 1251:1-3; pleasure toward the, 1781:33-35; 1782:1, 2; special providences not now for, 1560:5-10; 1561:10; will for the, 1273:22-28. HAVE: Never had a perfect government, 1091:8; not the privilege of prayer, 5692:4-11; some measure of love, 1325:8, 9, 13; they not heard? Yea verily, how, 1969-1971. His lightnings enlightened the, 1913; hope of, errors of teaching in, 481:7-9, 15, 16; 482. HOW: Blindly struggling toward Millennium, 1245:2, 3; it escapes condemnation, 689:1-4, 10-13; it will be saved, 3522:1-5, 10, 11; kept in subjection by aristocracy and clergy, 1605:7, 9-14; made "vessels unto honor or dishonor", 1225:9-12; set free from bondage, 1081; to be converted, 5:4. "I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh", 1411:12-15; 1412:1-8; ignorant of Lord's presence, his brethren know, 2198:9; 3355:4-7. IN: Darkness, light for the future, 4987, 4988; 5718, 5719; 1893, like a mighty battle-field, 1488:6, 7. IN MILLENNIUM: To be dealt with collectively, 5240:12; will become Israelites, 4902:10. Is now dead, 2435:1; judgment of, 268:3-7; justification of, to come by works, 5776:6-10; knows not of Lord's presence, 264:6; 793:6. MADE: Unhappy by intelligence, how, 1485:11-13; up of two classes of unbelievers, 4993:6-8. Man's hope for the Golden Age, 1226:1; measurably insane, 1413; millions now living will never die, 1669:14; 1854:4; misery and hope of, 670:1, 8; 1091:8; moral and educational conditions in Germany and elsewhere (1895), 1870:9-12; needs encouragement of the gospel message, 5213, 5214. NO: Assurance that the sheep will outnumber the goats, 1984:9, 10; hope for its conversion to Christianity in this age, 5014, 5015. None will have liberty until the Millennium, 1737:14, 15; 1738:1, 2. NOT: Given New Testament commands, 147:1; in covenant relationship to God, 4013:6; in danger of second death during gospel age, 1962:4-6; now to be converted to Christianity, 5014, 5015; offered salvation now, 556:6; to be converted, missionaries informed, 3732; yet purchased by Jesus, 4998, 4999. Only one-fourth have even heard of Christ, 3475:4; pictured by natural Israel, 17:2, 8; present character of, will affect Millennial trial, 1449:4; principle of,--selfishness, 1189:2, 3; probable manner of resurrection of, 1529:3-10; purgatory of,--the Millennium, 1468-1471; race died in Adam, 1516; responsibility of, proportionate to light and opportunity to obtain light, 1986:1, 5; rest of the dead lived not, 1105; 1118. RESTITUTION OF: Actual, 193:8-13; not instantaneous, why, 1260:5, 6, 15; 1261:1-3. RESURRECTION OF: By judgments, 1853:3-12; 1854:1-8; natural one, 47:11-14; restoration to human perfection, 1510:4, 10, 11; 1511:6-9; to be gradual, 4989:11-16; church's, 1106. Reward of, vs. that of church, 1106; sanctification of, 442:14-16; Scriptures often apply to, 1163:2; sleeps in Jesus, in what sense, 4633:1, 2; some "shall not see life", 1179:5-7; still under condemnation, 3507:9, 17; those that shall awake "to shame and everlasting contempt", 1655:2, 3. To: Become eventually sons of God, 5583:3-12; come to accurate knowledge of Christ, 3279:14; 3280:1; enjoy earthly blessings, 2374:7; have different salvation, 5597:4-8; have no part in drinking Christ's cup, 5878:1; have part in eating flesh of Jesus, 611:10, 13, 14; 5342, 5343; receive eternal life gradually, 4760:11-13; receive perfect life, 5418:4, 10; remain under condemnation until they accept Christ, 2059:4, 5, 8-12; see the light of Jesus soon, 5352:12-14. TO BE: Blessed through the church, 128:11; 3844:10; 3845:1, 2; 4494:2, 3; brought into captivity to Christ, 5066, 5067; converted in Millennium, 2112:6-8; enlightened as to Jesus, 3475:3-9; given new hearts in Millennium, 5164:5, 11-15; judged by The Christ, 409:12; judged by works, 2304:2-4; liberated from death, 816:4-8, 11-13; released from bondage, 1081; released from bondage of corruption, 816:11-13; renewed along restitution lines, 5686:4-6; restored to covenant relationship with God, 5163:16; 5164; sought and saved by Jesus, 604:4-6. Total number of, since creation, 1669:9-13, 21-23; trial of, vs. that of church, 1106; trouble upon, 112:8, 12-14; typified by Job, 1507:2; under Satan's control, 5378:7-13; warfare of new creation also for the, 2310:3-9; we should "pray for all men", why? 1235:3-5; what have they lost? 1264; "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap", 1653-1655. WHEN: Restored will have everlasting life, but not immortality, 1879:12, 13; sins of, will be cancelled, 3105:1-8. WHY: Church is hated by the, 2128:3; tested at end of Millennium, 1056:10. WILL: Be converted only in Millennium, 4:2-4, 10-19; 5:3, 4; 1851:2-7; be drawn by Christ, 1056:4; 1226, 1227; bow before and confess, 3469:6, 7; not be sons of God but of Christ, 1006:4-9; 1007:11; not be under law covenant, 1732:20, 21; 1733:1; receive eternal life, 3387:4-11. "worthy of resurrection", who? 1107. Peace, see Peace. "That now is": How Satan is prince of, 1684-1686; to be destroyed by symbolic fire, 5161:3-5, 13-16. "That Was": God's dealings with, 5:14; unsuccessful reign of the angels, 1677. "To come": Includes many ages, 22:2; not a "spirit world", 10:11. And: AGE: Greek derivatives, 248:9; Scriptural meaning of, 206:4-6. Church, Jesus shows distinction between the, 827:10-12; 3914:5; 3915:1. See Heathen; Mankind; Millennium; Worlds. WORLD'S Congress of Religions, see Religions. WORLDLINESS Brought into the church, 3403:1-7. Creeping into: Church, 2484:6-12; 4323:17-23; 5213:9-13; Methodism, 3024:6-9. Danger of, to Christians, 566:11; Ecclesiasticism drowned in, 3351:1-3; endorsed by Christian Endeavor, 2193:7-18; foe to the holy spirit, 5129:9; in the church attacked by Moody, 2107:1; increased by church revivals, 832:1. Of: Christendom, 375:9, 10; modern churches, 2561. WORLDY-MINDEDNESS Associated with true church, 2446; how it creeps in on new creature, 3102:9. WORLDS Future, to receive benefit of earth's experience with sin, 5576:12. Three: 10:3-9, 11, 12; Scriptural mention of, 5:8; subdivisions, 210:5, 6, 8; 211:1-4, 7. WORM Dieth not, 896:1-4. WORMWOOD Calvinism bitter as, 2632:1. WORRY In Christians due to lack of faith, 5509:2-4, 8-10; unbecoming to Christians, 534:5-10. WORSHIP Disappointments of false, 2541:7-11; distinction between prayer and, 5379:2; 5692:1, 2; 5833:9; example of true, 1215:2-8, 16; God only shalt thou, 2244:6-9; image, type and antitype, 2494-2496; in spirit the order of the new dispensation, 2070:2; manner of, dependent upon circumstances, 2251:6, 10, 11. Of: Angel by John forbidden, 581:18-20; 3572:6, 10; fellow-messengers forbidden, 2079:5-8; 2080; 3970:9, 10; God, Israel's failure the result of neglecting the, 3468:1, 2, 7, 8; Jehovah restored to Israelites under Hezekiah, 4812, 4813; Jesus while in flesh, why it was proper, 2337:5-7; nominal Christendom defined, 5955:6-10. THE LORD: In the home, 4052:4-8; must be in spirit and truth, 3803:12; 5321:3-5, 9-12. Virgin Mary, origin of, 359:5; virgins and saints condemned by Catholic Bishop, 3646:16. Paul and Barnabas refused, 2150:9; 2151:1; proper decorum in our places of, 5186, 5187. True: And false, 533:7, 9; in what it consists, 2071:8, 9. And prayer and supplication, definitions of, 5480:1-5. See Prayer. WORSHIPERS Attracted by schemes, 3899:2-4, 6. WORSHIPING Of church's servants dangerous, 497:7; toward the east a relic of demon worship, 1990:19. WORTHY Inquire ye for the (Matthew 10:11), 956:8; of life, none of mankind are, 1265. To: Obtain resurrection, 1107; open the seals, 3103:3-5. WRATH Day of, in gospel harvest, 115:17; 116:1-10; 409:3-11; 592:2, 3; 622:12-17. Of: GOD: Due at close of gentile times, 5632:9, 10; evidences of, 787:5, 6; on unbelievers, 606:7; will abide on some, 1179:5-7. Love, 1248:5; men shall praise God, 1270:9; 1271:1, 2; 1779:11, 12; 5061:1, 2, 8, 9. Soft answer turneth away, 2325:8-12. To come: Flee from, 500:18, 23-25; 501:1; what it means, 2564:1. Vessels of (Rom. 9:22), 3433:10, 11; we should be slow to, 787:10. See Anger. WRESTING Scriptures, 4433-4436. WRIGHT WM. M.: Forsakes Babylon, 996:12, 13; passed beyond the vail, 3765:3, 4; pleads for Babylon (Letter and comment), 983, 984. WRITE Brother Russell's commission to, 1475:9. WRITING Ancient, difficulty in translating, 3500:1. In re: And circulating literature of one's own, 1640:12; for newspapers, 1940:15-17. Letter, an excellent way of service, 1242:1-6; policy of the Watch Tower in re publishing contributed articles (1894), 1629:3; will be unnecessary when man is perfected, 1717:7-11. WRONG Should be suffered rather than expose a brother to world, 3266:5. See Evils. WYCLIFFE As a reformer, 3575-3579. X-RAY
Discovered by Prof. Roentgen, Wurzburg University, Germany (1896), 1935:3-5; Edison's experiments with, 1942:4; 1954:9-12; 1969:14, 15; how it strengthens our faith in God's powers, 1935:3-9, 11.YACHT
Presented to Brother Russell for harvest work, 4649:1, 2. YEA Be yea, and nay be nay, let your, 3737:5, 6. YEAR Acceptable: Gospel age is the, 485:16; 858, 859; 3301:1-4; is the gospel age the? 5068:14, 15; proclaim the, 2581:1, 2. Close of call to church (1881), 2901:5, 7, 8; crowned with Lord's goodness, 4100:4-7, 10, 11; greetings of (1883), 425:1, 2; how Jesus was the antitypical Lamb of the first, 3078:5. Jubilee: A civil, 3574:12, 14; 3575:1; and the land, 937:6, 7, 11. 1914, views respecting the, 5373. Text for: 1906, "In due Time", 3697:12; (1909) and a warning, 4311; (1913), 5155:4-6, 14, 15; 5170; (1915) "Are you able?" 5607; (1916), 5825:1. YEARS 1845, length of Jewish and gospel ages, 2909:6. Seven, of: Insanity of Nebuchadnezzar, 109:10; plenty and famine in antitype, 2075:3-5. Seventy, of desolation of the land, 1372:9-17; 1373:1-4; 1974:20; 1975:7, 13, 17; 1976:12; 1981:1; 2509:7; thousand, dead live after, 62:13, 14, 24, 26; three and a half, of Elijah's absence a type, 3408:4, 5. YIELDING Except for principle, a proof of development, 3939:9. YOKE OF: JESUS: Invitation to take, 2625:4, 5, 7-10; is easy, 902:1, 8; 955:10; 1276; 1961. Pride, selfishness and sin are hard, 1961:5-7; Satan oppressive; of Jesus, easy, 2268:5. Symbol of servitude, 1276:6. YOKED: "Be not unequally, with unbelievers", 1588; 2534:4; 2666:7; 3261:4; 3660:9-11. YOKE-FELLOWS With Jesus, only the fully consecrated can be, 5886:1-3, 9, 10. Y. M. C. A. Efforts futile, 780; introduce pool and billard tables (1896), 1942:15-18; of Dublin attacked Brother Russell's meetings, 4925:13-15; organized worldliness, 1797:11-13; presenting the truth in their meetings, 1708:10; 1709. YOUTH Blessings of consecration in, 1671:5-7, 14, 15; 1672:1-3, 9-11; dew of thy, text explained, 2935:7; of Jesus, 1682. See Child; Children. YOUTHS Cursed by Elisha, 4758:1-4.ZACCHAEUS
Conversation of, 2730, 2731; Jesus entertained by the publican, 5464:10-15; publican, 1783; salvation come to the house of, 3848:9-11; 3849. ZACHARIAS Prophesied of John the Baptist and the Messiah, 4940, 4941. ZANGWILL Israel: Endeavors to settle Jews in East Africa, 3487:4, 12, 13; on Jewish prospects in future, 2882:12-17; views respecting Zion and the Holy Land, 3249:5-7. ZEAL According to knowledge, 651:11; allegorical analysis of, 1159; analysis of, Horatius Bonar's dread, 3542:13; boisterous in some, calm in others, 1531:1; character development more important than knowledge or, 3655:4, 5; colporteurs encouraged to renewed, 5471:6-8, 17; for God's house only the church's privilege, 5250:1-6, 9-11; form of, 566:14-17; in spreading the gospel (Letter), 671:1, 2, 11; 5525:25-28; love its only true element, 1159:16-19; measure of, is the measure of our gratitude, 5539:10. Of: I. B. S. A. noted by minister of Babylon (Letter), 5820:10-14; thine house hath consumed me, 913, 914. Paul's example, 1885:11; peculiarity of the consecrated is, 5461:7-14; positions in the kingdom dependent upon our, 3362:9-11; 4480:2, 3; quickening means zealous activity of fixed character, 1274:1-3, 5-8; shortness of time should increase our, 3830:10-12; should be manifested in feeding the flock, 5052:11-14; there may be selfishness in, 3542:13; without knowledge, 633:9, 10, 19-22; 3016:17. See Service. ZECHARIAH Fifth vision of the prophet, 2521:7; prophesied to both houses of Israel, 3650:5-8; prophesied of Jacob's trouble, 593:4. ZEDEKIAH Conflicting prophecies fulfilled respecting, 4866:2-6; folly of, in compromising with Babylon, 3623; last king of Israel, 2401:3, 4; 3616:1-3. ZEPHANIAH Describes time of trouble, 592:6. ZERUBBABEL Type of Christ Jesus, 1491:4, 10, 11; 2521:9; 2522:2, 3; 3651:2. ZION Anciently applied to one of Jerusalem's hills, 1648:4. Applied to: Christendom, 212:4, 5, 8, 9; fleshly Israel as a whole, 1648:5; literal Jerusalem, also to its inhabitants, 1648:5; nominal spiritual Israel--Babylon, Christendom, 1648:5, 12; 1649:1-6; spiritual Israel-the little flock, 1648:5; 1649:5-14. Brought forth the Deliverer, 4454:1-4; children of, great company are the, 1649:3-5; Christ the King of, 1384; corner stone in,--our Lord, 563:18; Deliverer came out of, 4454:1-4; glad because Lord reigns, 814:13; mourners in (Isaiah 61:1-3), 2664:12; 2665:7. Nominal: And real, 5574:9-12; Christians at ease in, 2647:1; safe and happy in the time of trouble, 5989:11, 12; 5990:8, 9; second congress of, 2361:10-15; sinners in, are afraid, 1874; travail of, 183:2-6, 8-10; 291:8; true, birth of, 183:2, 3, 8-10; what it represents, 56:2-6. ZIONISM Advocated by Brother Russell at Hippodrome, 4700, 4701; aided by kings, 2420:15-17; born out of persecution of Jews, 2217:12-17; championed by Tewfik Pasha, 4384:8, 9; early development of, 354:8, 9; encouraged by Pastor Russell, 4953:1, 2; faith of a Jew in, 4258:7-10, 12, 13. Favored by: Turkey (1912), 5107:1-15; Turkish troubles, 4267:5-8. Growth of (1898), 2290; history of, 3855. Hope of: the Jews, 2361, 2362. Jewish kingdom proposed (1891), 1293; Max Nordau's views concerning, 4572:3-7; objects of, 410:1; Palestinian colonization plans (1894), 1707; progress of (1895), 1769:10; 2528-2530; 2705:3-7; projects of Baron de Hirsch, 1464; prophetic vision of, 2529:3-16; prospering the cause of, 2883:1-3; Russia's attitude toward, 3249:4; success of, is certain, 3412:9; Various views in re success of, 2946:17-21; well-spring of life to the Jews, 5503:8; and Messianic prophecies, 2256:10-15. See Dowie; Herzl. ZIONIST Max Nordau; his view of Jesus, 2630, 2631. ZIONISTS At the Hague Conference are in earnest, 4056:5, 6; attracted by Brother Russell's teachings in re the Jews, 4764:1-4, 10-12; encouraged by Russian government, 3380:9, 10; medal of, what it represents, 2362:9-12; refuse land in East Africa, 3249:3; reject Britain's offer of African colony, 3627:1-11. Turkey: Makes concession to, 3229:18; seeking to attract, 4572:1-11. ZION'S Day Star: Denied ransom finally, 3826:2, 3; out of harmony with truth, 423; poisonous doctrine, 431; publication of, 294:23. ZIPPORAH Type of the church, 1651:17. ZOROASTER Foretold Christ's birth, 1674:10; taught the Persians of Christ, 4098:6, 7. ZWINGLI Better reformer than Luther, 1094:4, 5.