Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. `Ephesians 4:32` EACH and every one of the new creatures, sons of God, accepted through the merit of Jesus, is held responsible for his own weaknesses; but divine power has provided for the cancellation of these freely for Christ's sake, upon their acknowledgment and request for forgiveness. But the forgiving of these trespasses of God's children is made dependent upon their having a spirit of forgiveness toward the brethren, for “if ye do not from the heart forgive one another's trespasses, neither will your Heavenly Father forgive you.” “With what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure” of benevolence ye mete out to others, the same shall be meted out to you. How wonderful are the divine arrangements! How blessed, how profitable to us, how helpful to us in our preparation for the kingdom! `Z'12-359` (Hymn 198) October 3
If ye keep My commandments, ye shall abide in My love; even as I have kept My Father's commandments, and abide in his love. `John 15:10` LET us, dearly beloved, be more than ever careful respecting the Word of the Lord; let us not by negligence give evidence of a decay of love. Our Lord points out that his continuance in the Father's love, as the well beloved Son, with all which this implies, was because of his obedience to the Father's will; and that following the same line, he must require that we should be obedient to him if we would abide in his love and share his throne and glory. Our Lord's instruction and commandments are not intended to terrify us, nor to deprive us of happiness. On the contrary, “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” (`John 15:11`) Those who give surest evidence of living nearest the Lord well know that obedience to the Lord's words, together with the privilege thus obtained of abiding in him and his love, is the greatest joy, a joy which wholly outweighs all the trifling pleasures which the world has to offer. It is the joy and peace which “passeth all understanding,” which rules in the heart, and which brings with it the promise, the assurance, “not only of the life which now is, but also of that which is to come.” `Z'12-259` (Hymn 172) October 4
Work...while it is still day: the night cometh, when no man can work. `John 9:4` ASK yourself, What am I doing? Then lay aside weights and hindrances, and multiply your efforts. Be assured that if you are not a servant of the truth in some of the many ways now open, you are unworthy of it, and will lose your hold on it, because now is the harvest, the sifting and separating time. Various things will tend to draw you away from the truth; fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters will oppose and seek to separate you from the truth and its service. You must remember the Lord's words that the “harvest” is not a time for peace, but on the contrary it will surely produce separation and alienations between true wheat and all else. See, and treasure up his words on this subject. (`Matt. 10:30-39` and `Luke 18:28-30`) `Z'87-Sept., p.2` (Hymn 309) October 5
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. `Philippians 4:13` WHETHER born with too much or with too little self-esteem, those who come into God's family are put into the school of Christ to be taught, corrected--made right, in harmony with divine standards. Those naturally self-conceited must learn meekness--by instructions if they will--otherwise by experiences. And they should learn to rejoice even in humiliating experiences. They are evidences that God's providence is supervising their affairs and preparing them for the kingdom; for without meekness and humility none will be fit for it. As the self-conceited must learn humbly to trust God and not rely on themselves and thus secure balance, so the naturally self-depreciative must learn a lesson of confidence. Not self-confidence, not self-reliance is the most desirable, but rather, confidence in God and reliance upon his promised “grace to help in every time of need.” This maintains the desirable humility and meekness, yet gives the courage and force suggested by the apostle's words: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” As Paul again declares, “Our sufficiency is of God”! `Z'12-319` (Hymn 93) October 6
Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another. `Romans 12:10` THE truth seems to take hold on the stronger characters rather than on the weaker ones. The former have in their flesh more of the firmness, grittiness, and combativeness than have many others, who are too pliable and “wishy-washy” to be acceptable to the Lord as members of the “little flock” of overcomers. Thus we see that the very quality which makes us acceptable to the Lord and which is one qualification of the overcoming position, is a serious disadvantage in some respects, when a number of these come together as a church. Even a diamond surrounded by mud would cut nothing, would scratch nothing; but place a dozen diamonds together, and the more you get rid of the mud element the more gritting, scouring, and cutting there is likely to be. So it is with the Lord's jewels--the more they come together, the more they get wakened up, the more opportunities there will be for friction, and the greater necessity there will be that all be thoroughly imbedded in and covered with the Holy Spirit, which, like oil, is smooth and unctuous and tends to prevent friction. `Z'12-99` (Hymn 23) October 7
Do all things without murmurings and disputings: that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world. `Philippians 2:14, 15` IN FOLLOWING in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus, running the race for the great prize set before us in the Gospel, we are not to murmur by the way, finding fault with its difficulties and narrowness; nor are we to dispute respecting it, nor seek to have any other way than that which divine providence marks out for us, realizing that the Lord knows exactly what experiences are necessary to our development in the school of Christ; and realizing also that, if obedience were possible, while our mouths are full of complaints and dissatisfaction with the Lord and our lot which he has permitted, it would indicate that we are at least out of sympathy with the spirit of his arrangement; and such an obedience, if it were possible (but it could not be possible), would not meet the divine approval, nor gain us the prize. `Z'11-441` (Hymn 197) October 8
Only fear the Lord, and serve him in truth with all your hearts: for consider how great things he hath done for you. `I Samuel 12:24` AS A help to our flagging zeal, we should continually remind ourselves of the Lord's great blessings to us. As we learn to appreciate the goodness of the Lord, if rightly disposed at all, the influence will be to strengthen us and to make us more and more loyal to him. Failing to seek with our whole heart the Lord's service after we have become his people and entered into covenant relationship with him, receiving of his favors and blessings in this life, and also, by promise, in the life to come, would mean wickedness which, persevered in, will surely bring destruction. Faithfulness to God should be the keynote of all our desires. `Z'03-218` (Hymn 243) October 9
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases. `Psalm 103:2, 3` THE Prophet David may have appropriated these words to himself as a Jew, and may have thought of his own physical healing and blessing as evidences of the Lord's favor under the Law Covenant. But the prophetic application of this Psalm to spiritual Israel is still more interesting. The spiritual Israelites are new creatures, and have this treasure in earthen vessels. With these it is the new mind that recognizes his healing, his forgiveness, his reconciliation to God; and according to God's promise, all things are working together for good to him because he loves God and has been called according to the divine purpose. Continually the new creature has cause to exclaim the words of our text. The Apostle Paul, carrying out this same thought, declared that the great Redeemer will ultimately present his church before the Father faultless and perfect in love--Sown in weakness, raised in power; sown in dishonor, raised in glory; sown an animal body, raised a spirit body. We shall be like him and see him as he is and share his glory. `Z'12-71` (Hymn 327) October 10
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. `Philippians 3:14` NO CHRISTIAN should be satisfied with a long delay in reaching the mark. The milk of the Word should be received, its strength should be appropriated, spiritual sight and spiritual energy should quickly follow, and strong meat of divine truth should speedily bring to full maturity the Christian character. And once attained, it should be held at any cost through all the trials and difficulties which the Adversary, and the world, and the flesh, might be permitted to bring against us. The severest temptations come after we have reached the mark--temptations to slackness in service of God; temptations to withhold parts of our sacrifice; temptations to deal unkindly, uncharitably, unlovingly with the brethren, or unjustly with our neighbor, or ungenerously with our enemies. All of these must be resisted as we prize our eternal life, as we prize the promise of joint-heirship and fellowship with our Redeemer in his kingdom. Whoever sees this subject clearly must realize that as a Christian he has to do with a great proposition which will thoroughly test his loyalty, his courage, his zeal, his love. He will need to remember the Lord's comforting assurances of grace to help in every time of need if he would come off a victor and not be dismayed, nor have his courage beaten down by the Adversary's attacks. `Z'09-270` (Hymn 4) October 11
Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; there shall no evil befall thee. `Psalm 91:9, 10` GOD has so arranged that only the truly consecrated will be kept from stumbling into error in this evil day. Every day we learn to appreciate more and more the divine favor which has anointed the eyes of our understanding, and permitted us to see the internal strength and beauty of the divine Word and plan. If, then, we are thus by divine favor made strong in the Lord, and enabled to “stand fast” while thousands are falling from their faith and stedfastness, let us “rejoice with fear” (reverence). Let him who feels strong and well supported “be not high-minded,” but “take heed lest he fall.” Humility and zeal for the Lord are the terms upon which we received the great blessing, and are also the terms upon which we may retain it to the end--until our “change” comes and establishes in glory what grace began in our weakness. `Z'11-438` (Hymn 120) October 12
The wise shall understand. `Daniel 12:10` DEARLY beloved, we are permitted to enjoy wonderful things! By the grace of God we are privileged to see the meaning of things that were once mysterious, not only to us, but to our parents. While some in Babylon are going into infidelity, some out of Babylon are becoming stronger spiritually, entering by hope “into that which is within the veil.” If Christ is our Forerunner, we shall enter there with him. To do so will mean to become partakers of The Messiah, as symbolically represented. The true church is to become associated with Christ in his kingdom. Then will come the promised blessings to “all the families of the earth.” As we perceive the consistency of the divine plan of the ages, our hearts are full of thanksgiving to God. We see that the new dispensation will be ushered in with “a time of trouble such as never was”; and that this time of trouble is located, among other ways, by that prophecy which tells that “many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased”; that there will be a time of trouble; but that “the wise shall understand.” From what source do the wise receive their instruction? They will understand according to the wisdom from on high--in humility accepting the divine Word and being blessed in so doing. `Z'12-278` (Hymn 333) October 13
Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live. `Amos 5:14` THE greatest privilege of the present time is to get into the elect company of God's saints. In order to enter this company faith and obedience are necessary requisites. That faith must recognize Jesus as the Lamb of God, the Sin-bearer. It must recognize him also as the Pattern and Examplar. The reward will be to those who have his Spirit, his disposition, and who will walk through the present life in his footsteps. Such will eventually gain with him glory, honor, immortality-- the kingdom. In the present time they will to the world seem to have the unfavorable side, a battle against the world, the flesh, and the Adversary. The world cannot understand what pleasure and blessing these really enjoy because of the surrender of their wills to God's will, and because of the Spirit of the Lord, which they consequently receive. But these alone have the peace and joy and blessing which the world can neither give nor take away. What other men are seeking and failing to find, God's saints enjoy. `Z'13-156` (Hymn 123) October 14
I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection. `I Corinthians 9:27` OUR text is a great lesson of itself. It brings to our attention the fact that, like the apostle, we should recognize ourselves as new creatures in Christ Jesus, for whom “old things have passed away, and all things have become new,” and acting from this standpoint the new creature should keep a continual supervision of the old nature, its desires and affections, and should keep these continually under or subject to the new nature, and the higher law should bring it gradually into full subjection, yet hoping, yet praying for the glorious consummation of the first resurrection, when the new creature, the new mind or will, shall be clothed upon with the spiritual body. Such a keeping under of the body will include wisdom and control in respect to what we eat, as well as what we drink and what we wear, and our every act, word, and thought. `Z'08-361` (Hymn 150) October 15
Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you. `I Peter 3:15` FOLLOWING this course--of preaching the Gospel of hope--we are following the Master and the apostles. They had so much of this spirit of hope, trust, confidence, love, joy, and peace that they could rejoice in tribulation; and they did so. The apostles even sang praises to God that they were accounted worthy to share in the sufferings of Christ, that they might also share in his coming glories. Let us, then, dear brethren, realize that the world has tears and sorrows enough, and fears aplenty. Let us more and more use our time, strength, talents, joys, etc., in relieving the poor world of its mental distress. Hearken to the words of Jesus: “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.” “Be ye perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” As it will be God's great work in the future, through Christ and the church, to wipe away earth's tears, let us chase away some of those tears at the present time. Thus we shall help to prepare the way for the world to come back into fellowship with God by and by, for the faithful of the present time to walk more carefully in the footsteps of Jesus and to encourage one another in the good way. `Z'13-107` (Hymn 280) October 16
Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ. `Romans 13:14` OUR hearts are already consecrated to the Lord. We are already adopted into his family by the begetting of his Holy Spirit. But our flesh is not perfect, and it continues to love many of the garments of the old nature, which we are to put off. Gradually we are to substitute the new clothing, the livery of heaven, by which all may know us outwardly as well as know us by profession to be children of God, brethren of Christ, “heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ our Lord.” Putting on the Lord Jesus is not the work of a moment, nor of an hour, nor of a month, nor of a year; it is the work of a lifetime. But unless it be begun it will never be completed. And indeed we may be sure that we can never fully put on Christ's characteristics. However, the Lord will see our endeavor, our strenuous fighting to put off the old nature, to put off the works of the flesh and to be clothed with the garments of righteousness, suitable to our relationship to him--the livery, the clothing, that will make us separate from the world sanctified to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. `Z'09-151` (Hymn 82) October 17
Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me. `John 5:39` AS OUR text points out, the Lord is revealed in the Holy Scriptures, and those who would know him should seek their information from that quarter. Under divine providence, apostles, prophets, and teachers are necessary, indispensable. But no words of man are to be taken instead of the Word of God. On the contrary, their presentations are to find acceptance only in proportion as they are found to be in harmony with the Scriptures, and to discern this harmony the Holy Spirit is necessary. The Scriptures must be searched, but only by coming into a condition of heart harmony and teachableness, and then by a full consecration receiving the Holy Spirit, can we hope to understand the divine message and to obtain therewith the eternal life which it promises to those guided and taught of the Lord. `Z'09-54` (Hymn 296) October 18
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth. `John 4:24` WE DO well to keep continually in mind the thought that God, with whom we have to do, is a Spirit being of unlimited power; that he can read the very thoughts and intents of our hearts and that any worship or service that we could render, that he could accept, must be honest-hearted--rendered in Spirit and in truth. He seeketh only such to worship him, and of this class there are but a few at the present time. After the Covenant of Grace shall have gathered out all the household of faith, the royal priesthood, and the great company of antitypical Levites, then, as a means of extending God's favor, the New Covenant will witness the thousands of the world coerced to righteousness--that all may be enabled to see, to experience the love of God and the blessings of righteousness, to the intent that all who will may come into heart harmony with him and proportionately experience restitution, the rewriting of the divine law in the very character, the very being. Yet in the end, even with the world, only such as worship God in Spirit and in truth will be finally approved and be granted life eternal beyond the millennial age. `Z'09-173` (Hymn 65) October 19
There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. `Proverbs 11:24, 25` THE evident lesson here is that the Lord is pleased to see his people cultivate breadth of heart as well as of mind--generosity in proportion to their knowledge of him and of his generosity. The Scriptures nowhere declare that cases of absolute privation among the Lord's people are proofs that at some time in their past life when possessed of means, they failed to use a portion of it in charity, in the Lord's service. But the inspired words above quoted come very close to giving this lesson. At all events it is profitable that we lay this testimony to heart and that every child of God henceforth shall be earnestly careful that out of the blessings of the Lord coming to us day by day some measure be carefully, prayerfully, lovingly laid aside as seed to be sown in the Lord's service according to the best wisdom and judgment which he will give us. `Z'16-219` (Hymn 226) October 20
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. `Matthew 5:10` OUR text applies the general principle enunciated by our Lord, “Through much tribulation shall ye enter the kingdom.” This is not because divine power is not able to shield us from the tribulations, nor because our Lord is not interested in our welfare, but quite the contrary, because, according to divine tests placed upon the church, the new nature can be developed, educated, crystallized, only through the tests and trials it will endure through its earthly members in the flesh, through loyalty to the Lord. These testings will come along various lines--faith, obedience, endurance, love, etc. And it is only to the overcomers that the reward is promised. But thank God, grace to help in time of need is promised us. If our hearts are loyal and we do our best, the Lord will see to the remainder. `Z'09-39` (Hymn 222) October 21
The Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. `Psalm 84:11` OUR text is a great encouragement to the David class, the beloved class, the anointed ones, the members of Christ. To these the Lord God is both a sun and shield; he not only enlightens these, but he will not suffer them to be injured by the blessings which he bestows upon them. He will shield them from all enemies and everything that would tend to injure them in any manner; all things shall work together for good to those that love him, to the called ones according to his purpose. With such blessed assurances, then, we may look forward into the future with rejoicing and with confidence, trusting to have a share in the glorious rewards God has promised to the faithful. `Z'08-237` (Hymn 273) October 22
But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ. `Ephesians 2:4, 5` HOW wonderful is this love of God and love of Christ! How impossible it seems for us to measure its lengths and breadths and heights and depths! Those who have accepted the Lord as their Redeemer and have entered into covenant relationship with him, giving him their little all and accepting from him a participation in all these blessings of his provisions, if ever cast down because of weakness or opposition or what not, should call to mind this great love which the Father has for us and which the Son shares, the love which not only redeemed us while we were yet sinners, but which since then has called us to such wonderful blessings and privileges, making us joint-heirs with Christ our Lord, if so be we suffer with him. `Z'05-139` (Hymn 296) October 23
But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. `Jude 20` TO SOME, prayer at any time is irksome, tedious, but to the true Christian prayer constitutes one of the greatest of God's blessings. His privilege of approaching the throne of heavenly grace to obtain mercy and also to find grace to help in every time of need is a privilege the value of which cannot be too highly esteemed.... These blessed privileges of prayer belong to the Lord's family because they are his and have access to him continually through their great Advocate, their Redeemer. `Z'09-188` (Hymn 241) October 24
I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on Me should not abide in darkness. `John 12:46` THE Holy Spirit is the light of the church, by which we are being specially guided into the truth. The Apostle Peter tells us that we have a more sure Word of prophecy, whereunto we do well that we take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place. (`II Pet. 1:19`) The light on the path of the just “shineth more and more unto the perfect day.” We are still in the dark place, and shall be until the darkness gives way and the day is here. And so, as Peter says, we have need of the Word of prophecy “until the day dawn.” Thus we find that one scripture helps to elucidate another. `Z'13-324` (Hymn 260) October 25
If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities [imputing them to us], O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared [reverenced]. `Psalm 130:3, 4` HOW precious are such assurances when the soul is painfully conscious of its infirmities, of its utter inability to fully measure up to the perfect law of righteousness! How blessed it is to know that when our hearts are loyal and true, our God does not mark against us the unavoidable blemishes of our earthen vessel! If we come daily to him for cleansing, through the merits of our Redeemer, our failures are not imputed to us, but freely forgiven and washed away. The perfect righteousness of our Savior is our glorious dress, arrayed in which we may come to God with humble boldness, courage--even into the presence of the great Jehovah, the King of kings and Lord of lords. `Z'15-344` (Hymn 213) October 26
Ye shall have a song, as in the night when a holy solemnity is kept. `Isaiah 30:29` IT IS a fact that those who have tasted that the Lord is gracious, those who have received the joy which no man can take from them, those who have tasted of the grace of God in Christ, will not only rejoice and literally sing musical songs with their lips, but they will also rejoice to have their entire lives a song of praise and thanksgiving unto God. The song will bubble over on every occasion, wherever hearing ears are found: so fully will the cleansed, justified, and consecrated heart appreciate God's goodness. `Z'97-306` (Hymn 179) October 27
The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. `Lamentations 3:25, 26` LET us make no mistake. It is a question of inheritance or no inheritance, among them which are sanctified. He who is faithful in that which is least, acknowledges the Lord and his provisions in connection with all of his blessings, temporal and spiritual, will be prepared to look forward with continued zeal and will receive the Shepherd's care accordingly. On the other hand, those who do not appreciate the “meat in due season” and the special provisions of this harvest time--these will not be prepared; these will quite likely be deceived by those who endeavor to deceive them and draw them aside to themselves. `Z'09-254` (Hymn 257) October 28
Let my prayer be set forth before Thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. `Psalm 141:2` AT THE close of each day let us square our day's account with the Lord at his throne of grace, recounting so far as we are able its opportunities used and neglected, its victories won or its defeats, its self- sacrifices and its selfishness--thanking God for the grace that helped in time of need and apologizing for all errors and defeats, craving forgiveness in the name and merit of our Savior, and promising greater faithfulness and zeal by the Lord's grace the next day. `Z'98-4` (Hymn 161) October 29
And Zaccheus stood, and said unto the Lord; Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold. `Luke 19:8` WE BELIEVE that many today make a mistake in that they do not more fully follow the course of Zaccheus--in that they continue to hold on to something which really, rightfully, belongs to another; and secondly, that they do not consecrate more of their wealth of money or property or time or talent to the Lord. Zaccheus was a Jew, and under the requirements of the Law one-tenth of his yearly increase would be his obligation to religious matters. But he far exceeded this, giving not merely a half of his annual income, but a half of all the principal, of all the money and property and goods which he possessed. Some have inquired of us, What is the reasonable obligation of a Christian? We answer that our reasonable service should surely be more than the one-tenth of the Jews. To our understanding Zaccheus did not even go the full length of a complete sacrifice. `Z'06-280` (Hymn 8) October 30
Therefore they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the Word. `Acts 8:4` DEAR brethren, he who was with and guided the Early Church is with us with equal power. He who guided in that harvest time is guiding now, and will continue to guide his work to the end. We may have experience with similar characters to that of Judas, Alexander the Coppersmith, Jannes and Jambres. But the Lord is able to make all these work together for good to us and through them all to fulfil his gracious promises. He may permit persecutions, imprisonments, or things corresponding on a different plane, but let us never doubt the presence and power of our Lord. The glorious results will more than compensate for the trials and difficulties. “Faith can firmly trust him come what may.” `Z'09-58` (Hymn 200) October 31
Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord. `Malachi 3:7` THE thought everywhere held out in the Scriptures is that God's mercy endureth forever--that is, “olam,” or to a completion. A small portion of the world of mankind at the present time has received God's favor to the extent of being justified and made partakers in the divine favor and mercies of this present time. As in his dealings with these the Lord is very gracious, so is he to those who return from the ways of sin, and he is even patient with those who lack the spirit of love and forgiveness, and comes to them entreating them to join in his gracious plans and arrangements. This loving-kindness bestowed upon the believers of the present time illustrates the Spirit of the Lord. It becomes an assurance to us of the fulfilment of his promise that in due time all the families of the earth shall be brought to a knowledge of his goodness, to an opportunity for knowing him whom to rightly know and appreciate will mean to them everlasting life. `Z'06-254` (Hymn 226)