Exhortation.-“Consecrate yourselves today to
the Lord, ...that he may bestow upon you a blessing this day.”
“Offer unto the Lord thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the Most High.”
Promise.-“And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee,
and thou shalt glorify me.” “The Lord will give strength unto his
people.”-Exod. 32:29; Psa. 50:14,15; 29:11.
The dawn of another new year is properly a time for solemn reflections, both
retrospective and prospective. In the retrospect how abundant is the cause for
thanksgiving. We who have been blessed with the richest favors of divine grace
in that knowledge of divine truth which reveals to us the high privilege of
becoming sons and heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ to an
inheritance incorruptible, undefiled and that fadeth not away, reserved in
heaven for the called and chosen and faithful according to his purpose, have a
never failing cause for deepest gratitude. Great indeed was the favor which
revealed to us the hope of everlasting life as justified, human sons of God-of
full restitution to the divine favor and likeness, as at first possessed by our
father Adam. And great was our joy when first, by faith, we appropriated this
precious promise and realized that legally, through merit of the precious blood
of Christ shed for our redemption, we had passed from death unto life, and that
in God’s appointed time the everlasting treasure with all its attendant glory
and blessing would be ours. But beyond even this favor are the “exceeding
great and precious promises” to those of this justified class who
have been called, according to God’s purpose, to become the bride and
joint-heir of his dear Son.
Then, in addition to all these blessings of hope and promise, was the blessed
realization during all the year, and with some of us for many years past, that
though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, as the Psalmist aptly
represents the present life, our blessed Shepherd’s rod and staff have been our
comfort and our safeguard. How often has the friendly crook of the Shepherd’s
staff stayed us from wandering off into by-paths and kept us in the narrow way;
how his chastening rod has from time to time aroused us from dreamy lethargy
and urged us on our way. And at such times we have recalled the comforting
words: “My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when
thou art rebuked of him; for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth
every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as
with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be
without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards and not
sons.”-Heb. 12:5-8.
Spiritually, we have feasted on the bounties of divine favor, while in things
temporal, under whatsoever circumstances we have been placed, having the
assurance that all things work together for good to them that love God,
we have realized that godliness with contentment is great gain, having promise
of the life that now is [so long as God wills to have us remain here], and also
of that which is to come. Wherefore, we can and do most heartily “offer unto
God thanksgiving.” And shall we not render unto him, not only the praise of
our lips, but also the incense of truly consecrated lives, throughout the year
upon which we are just entering. Dearly beloved, consecrate yourselves anew to
the Lord today-not in the sense of invalidating the consecration made once for
all, possibly many years ago, but rather in the sense of re-affirming and
emphasizing that covenant. Tell the dear Lord that you consider yourselves
entirely his, and that it is still your purpose to keep your all upon the altar
of sacrifice during this new year and until it is wholly consumed in his
service. Then let us proceed with studious care from day to day to pay these,
our vows of full consecration, unto the Most High.
As we look back and with sorrow view the imperfections of even our best
efforts, and then forward and see the lion-like difficulties that seem to
obstruct our onward course, we will need greatly to re-inforce our waning
courage with the special promises of divine grace to help in every time of
need. We have the blessed assurance that “the Lord will give strength unto his
people.” “Call upon me in the day of trouble,” he says, “and I will deliver
thee, and thou shalt glorify me.” As soldiers under our great Captain, we have
enlisted in no uncertain struggle, except our own faint-heartedness or unfaithfulness
should make it so. We are fully supplied with the whole armor of God, and will
be amply protected against all the fiery darts of the adversary if we will
accept it and carefully buckle it on; we are forewarned of all the snares and
dangers that beset our onward way, so that we may avoid and overcome them; we
are fully informed as to the policy and course of the Captain under whose
banners we have enlisted, and of the part we are to take under his leading. We
have his constant presence with us, even to the end of our course. His
inspiring voice may always be heard above the clash and din of battle-“Fear
not, it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom!” “Be of good
cheer: I have overcome!” “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be
afraid!” “Greater is he that is for you than all they that be against you.” If
we are weak and incline to faintheartedness we have only to remember the
blessed promise, “The Lord will give strength unto his people;” and by our
faithfulness in the service we shall glorify God and he will deliver us
gloriously from all our foes, both seen and unseen.
This is an important question with all the truly consecrated, and one surely of
paramount importance. Let us consider, then, that when we consecrated
ourselves fully to the Lord, we thereby signified that we would hold nothing
back for self. That consecration included all our possessions, our time, our
physical energies and our mental attainments. And it implied the sacrifice of
all our former earthly ambitions, hopes and aims, so that we should no longer
pursue them to any extent. This, and nothing less, is what our vow of full
consecration signifies. But it signifies, further, that these possessions or
personal qualifications, which the Lord terms talents, are not only to be
released from the service of the worldly ambitions, etc., but that they are to
be so released, not for aimless inactivity, but for the purpose of being
utilized in an opposite direction-in the service of God, of his plan and of his
In the parable of the talents (Matt. 25:14-30) the Lord illustrated very
clearly how we are expected to pay our vows of consecration to the Most High.
He says: “It is like a man who, intending to travel, called his own servants
and delivered unto them his goods. And to one he gave five talents, to another
two, and to another one; to each according to his respective capacity; and
straightway took his journey.”
This master had important and valuable interests to leave in charge of his
servants; and as these servants had all engaged to serve him, he had a right to
expect of them a sincere and faithful interest in the work. Yet he did not
expect more of them than they were severally able to accomplish. He rightly
expected larger returns from the one who had five talents than from those who
had one or two talents. And in the reckoning, it will be observed that the
servant who had doubled his two talents was just as highly commended as the one
who had doubled his five. The reply to each was the same-“Well done, good and
faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things; I will make thee
ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” And had the
servant with the one talent been similarly faithful he would have received the
very same commendation. Notice also that the parable does not represent the
obligations of the world of mankind in the use of their talents, but merely of “his
own servants”-the consecrated believers only. And notice also that no
servant was left without some talent of usefulness and responsibility. Each
servant had at least one talent; and for the right use of that one
talent he was just as accountable to his master as were those who had more.
But the professed servant with the one talent was unfaithful to his master, and
yet he evidently wanted to be considered a servant still, and probably thought
he was worthy of commendation and reward for not perverting his Lord’s money to
other uses. He had taken good care of the talent; he had not turned it in
opposition to the Lord, but he had simply buried it-failed to use it. At the
reckoning time, he who had received the one talent said, “Lord, I knew thee,
that thou art an exacting man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering
where thou has not scattered. And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in
the earth; lo, there thou hast thine own.”
“His lord answered and said unto him. Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou
knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not scattered:
thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers; and then at my
coming I should have received mine own with interest.” It will be observed
that this servant was not what men would generally call wicked. He was simply
an idler, willing, if he could, to draw a servant’s approval and compensation,
but lacking any real, active interest in his master’s business. He had no ill
will toward his master, he was probably very glad that the other servants kept
the business from going to wreck and ruin, he did nothing to hinder them from
using their talents, but he did not feel the responsibility he had assumed in
becoming a “servant,” nor take a proper interest in his master’s affairs. Yet,
as a faithless, slothful servant, he was really a covenant-breaker, and
therefore “wicked” and certainly unfit to be trusted with still greater
responsibilities on the master’s return.
But let us remember that this was not a real case: it was simply a parable used
to illustrate real cases. And if the illustration fits your individual case,
let it not lose its effect upon you. The very object of the parable is to
arouse such to a sense of their short-comings, and to recover them from the
lethargy into which they have relaxed, by reminding them of their
responsibilities. Activity in the Lord’s service to the full extent of our
ability or talents is what the Lord has a right to expect of all who profess to
be his servants; and it is what he does expect. Therefore, if you have but one
talent, do not bury it, but cultivate and use it; do what you can, and all you
can, in the great work to which we have already consecrated our lives. And
those who have several talents, let them see to it that they too are faithful
to the extent of their abilities, not being content to do merely what the
one-talented man can do or ought to do. Such a one would not be a good and
faithful servant, and could not expect the Master’s approving “Well done!” His
approval will be given to those only who are faithful to the extent of their
Those who find the truth and make the consecration before they are encumbered
with the cares of this life, who have no families dependent upon them and who
have a reasonable degree of health, have at least two talents-time and
health-which can and ought to be utilized in the service to the best possible
advantage. Then there are those who have a money talent, or a business talent,
and such should consider how these are being used. Are they largely swallowed
up in luxuries or a superabundance of the good things of this life, for either
self or family? Or are they being laid up as treasures upon earth-in banks,
store-houses and investment securities, to enrich and to cultivate the spirit
of pride in friends or children, and for them to quarrel over after you are
Our talents for use in the Lord’s service consist of all those things and
opportunities which are over and above what we need for the necessary and
reasonable maintenance of ourselves or our families, if we have families, and
the reasonable provision against distress in case of a sudden calamity or
approaching old age, etc. Aside from these, all we have should be in active
service, be they many talents or few. If we have five talents and are using
only one or two, how can we expect the Master’s “Well done, good and faithful
servant.” Did we not covenant to give and to use all for him?-all our
money, all our time, all our influence, all our mental activity, all our
physical ability? How faithful have we been during the past year? How do we
stand at the bar of our own judgment? And how faithful will we be during the
coming year? After providing things decent and honest for ourselves and those
dependent upon us, let us judiciously appropriate our talents to what we
profess to consider the chief business of life. Here are the testing points of
true loyalty and devotion. Let us ponder them well, and not lightly set them
But observe further what the Lord has to say about this “wicked and slothful
servant.” He says: “Take the talent from him and give it unto him which hath
ten talents; for unto every one that hath [made use of his talents] shall be
given, and he shall have abundance; but from him that hath not [made use of his
talent] shall be taken away even that which he hath. And cast ye the
unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and
gnashing of teeth.” The outer darkness here referred to is in contrast with
the inner light of the holy place of favor and communion and instruction from
God, symbolized in the Tabernacle. The testing comes on the return of the
Master. Then the faithful servants shall enter into fuller joys and privileges
and blessings, while the unfaithful will go into the outer darkness of error
and ignorance concerning God’s plans and ways, which envelopes the world in
general, and their neglected opportunities for more abundant service will go as
a reward to those who are already earnest and active, and whose abundant labors
will in due time be abundantly rewarded.
As we thus view our Lord’s teaching, we see that our only security as
sons of God and joint-heirs with Christ is in activity in the service of the
truth. Well, says one, I see very few doing that. Very true: only a few
will do it. But that precious few are the Lord’s jewels. Are you one of
them? Ah, that is the point to be considered. No matter how few they are, or
whether you ever saw or knew of any such, that does not alter the conditions of
our calling. This is the way: walk ye in it. One, at least, has
trodden it before. Look for his foot-prints and follow him, and “He will give
strength unto his people,” even though they walk alone, as he did,
without the cheering companionship of fellow-travelers.
But think not that you are traveling alone in this narrow way. The Lord has
now a consecrated people, a faithful band of servants who, with every
talent consecrated, are steadily pursuing their course in the narrow way. We
know some of them by name and by character and by their steady and progressive
activity in the blessed work. Not many of them have five talents, but a good
many have two or three, and some only one. Quietly and unobtrusively they go
about from day to day preaching the wonderful words of life, and God is with
them and is leading them on. Their hearts are full of joy and hope and they
are kept securely amidst all the perils of this evil day. None are so clear in
their apprehension and appreciation of truth as those who are fully enlisted in
its service. Let all who would run the race
successfully look well to their zeal and activity in the Lord’s work. If we
bury our one or our many talents under a weight of worldly cares and
encumbrances which might be avoided or set aside; if we bury them under worldly
ambitions for either self or family-whether this be by wasting consecrated time
upon science, philosophy, music or art; or upon business, politics or
pleasures; or in pampering pride and appetite-then as unfaithful
servants we will sooner or later go into outer darkness, by being caught
in some of the snares of this “evil day,” and will be led farther and farther
into error and away from truth.
Mark well that it is not a case of such unfaithful servants being liable
to get into outer darkness, into error: it is a case of must. The
Master’s orders are peremptory and decisive: “Cast the unprofitable
servant into outer darkness.” The light now shining is not for the
unfaithful, but for the faithful servants; and no matter how clearly the
unfaithful may have seen and understood the deep things of God, and no matter
how he may have enjoyed them, if he has not loved them so as to serve them and
sacrifice his conveniences for them, he is unworthy of them and must go
out into the outer darkness of the world in general. With these as with the
world the disappointment of theories and plans in the great time of trouble
will ere long bring the weeping and gnashing of teeth foretold.
It is indeed a notable fact that in no single case have we seen one drift away
from the truth into the snares of these perilous times who was very active and
fully enlisted in the Lord’s work, whose one aim and endeavor was to herald the
truth and to bless others with it. To such the Lord says, “My grace is
sufficient for thee”-“Ye shall never fall, for so an abundant entrance shall be
ministered unto you into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Let us, then, dearly beloved, have for our watchword during the year the word
DEVOTION; and let each of us write upon his heart the gracious PROMISE-“The
Lord will give strength unto his people.” Let us be faithfully “his
people,” and let us earnestly desire and faithfully use the strength promised.
Faithful is he that hath promised, who also will do it. So, then, if you lack
the strength to use faithfully your talent, the fault is yours, not God’s. You
either have not his service closely enough at heart or else do not make
use of the strength he provides. “The Lord will give strength unto his
people”-his trusting, faithful servants-those who are using to his praise
the talents consecrated to their Master, however many or few those talents may