LESSON viii., MAY 20, EXOD. 2:1-10.
Golden Text-“I will deliver him and honor him.”-Psa. 91:15.
This lesson
presents several features of divine interposition worthy of very special
consideration. (1) It calls to mind the promise of God to Jacob hundreds of
years previous (Gen. 46:4)-to bring his posterity back to the land of promise,
his purposes in sending them down into Egypt having been accomplished; and now
he is preparing to fulfill that promise.
(2) It is another illustration (See also Rom. 9:11) of God’s elections
of certain individuals for special services in the present life, and the
shaping of their course in view of that purpose. Like the Apostle Paul (Gal.
1:15) Moses seems to have been chosen, even before he was born. These
elections were not unto everlasting life, but to a place of service in the
present life. Though Paul was “a chosen vessel.” to preach Christ to the
Gentiles, he might have become “a castaway” (1 Cor. 9:27) so far as future
honors are concerned.
(3) It affords another illustration of special divine providence in the
protection, preservation and training of the chosen instruments of service.
Born under the cruel edict of death, that very circumstance was divinely
overruled for Moses’ advantage, and through him for that of all Israel: and so
the wrath of opposing men was made to advance the divine plan, instead of to
retard it, as intended. It was due to this circumstance that Moses was brought
up in all the learning of the Egyptians, and thus fitted for his future work as
a great leader and statesman.
(4) It shows how God, while working out his grand designs on a large scale, is
not unmindful of the faith and devotion of humble individuals who put their
trust in him. By faith Moses’ parents hid him three months, and then took him
to the river brink and left him alone in the hands of God; and confidently
trusting him, “they were not afraid of the king’s commandment.”-Heb. 11:23.
(5) It shows how God has respect both to the character and to the natural
qualifications of his chosen instruments. Thus, for instance, for the
leadership of Israel he chose a good man, a godly man, one who preferred to
suffer affliction with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of
an Egyptian court, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the
treasures of Egypt. (Heb. 11:24-27) But for the throne of Egypt at that
particular time he chose one of very opposite character (Rom. 9:17), and
thus his purpose was wrought out in the fullest exercise of the free moral
agency of both.
It is notable also that in choosing Moses for his great work as a deliverer and
statesman, God did not choose a novice; but, on the contrary, he chose one of
great natural ability and gave to him just the kind of education he needed for
his work-his earliest years under the training of godly parents, whose
instilling of the principles of truth and righteousness and whose instructions
in the hope of Israel, were not without their desired effect in all the
subsequent years of life; then the remainder of forty years under the most
favorable circumstances for learning what the most enlightened nation of that
day afforded; and then forty years in the retirement of domestic life, well
suited for the mellowing and refining of his character and the deepening, and
enriching of experience.
And yet in choosing this man of learning and ability God, as in the case of the
Apostle Paul, permitted a thorn in the flesh, lest he should be exalted above
measure by the honors of his high position. He was slow of speech-a diffident,
retiring man and not at all gifted as an orator. The office, however, did not
require oratory, and so the charms of eloquence were not given-his meekness-coupled
with great executive ability especially fitted him for it. A similar course of
previous training is also very noticeable in the case of the Apostle Paul. (See
Gal. 1:15; Acts 22:3; 26:24) And the same Apostle urges all who would be used
of the Lord to study to show themselves workmen approved unto God. 2 Tim. 2:15.
(6) It is also noticeable that for special leadership God chooses the few and
not the many, and more frequently only one at a time. There was only one Lord
Jesus to redeem and restore our lost and ruined race. There was only one Paul
to lead on in declaring the unsearchable riches of Christ to the Gentiles, and
to leave his rich legacy of inspired love to the Gentile Christians of all
subsequent generations. There was only one Moses to lead the hosts of Israel
out of bondage and to be a father unto them and a judge, though there was a
host of honored co-workers with him-Aaron, Hur, Joshua, Caleb, et al. So also
in later days God has from time to time raised up special instruments, amply
fitted to serve in special emergencies, and to lead in reforms, etc.; e.g.,
Martin Luther, John Knox, John Wesley, etc. But in every such case the present
reward has been persecution. And so severe have been the trials and so perilous
the positions of such men, that nothing but their zeal and devotion to the
cause and its future recompenses could be a sufficient incentive to induce them
to fulfill their mission.
In view of these facts, it becomes the people of God at all times to carefully
observe such remarkable evidences of God’s appointment, and to co-operate with
God in whatever way he may be pleased to use their talents. If any man would be more abundantly used of the Lord in his
blessed service, let him seek first to be fitted for it more and more. Let him
imitate that beloved and honored servant, Moses, in meekness, humility, energy
and untiring zeal and self-sacrificing service of the Lord. But the wise
steward will seek always to cultivate along the lines of his natural abilities,
and not expect the Lord to work a miracle for his advancement, and so waste
valuable time seeking to develop that which he does not by nature possess.
True, the Lord could work a miracle if he desired to do so; but that is not his
usual method. Miracles are his reserve forces, and are only brought forward
when the natural means, are insufficient to accomplish the divine purpose.