“Now the just
shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure
in him. But we are not of them that draw back unto perdition, but of them who
believe to the saving of the soul.”-Heb. 10:38, 39.
There is a solemn
significance about these words of the Apostle which the thoughtful Christian
will not fail to per-ceive. Those addressed are not worldly people, but
conse-crated believers, justified by faith in Christ as their Re-deemer. By
faith they have passed from death unto life; to them old things have passed
away and all things have become new; they are new creatures in Christ Jesus;
they are sons and heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ, if so be
that they suffer with him, following in his footsteps of self-sacrifice, even
unto death. They are begotten again to a hope of life (eternal), to an
inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that fadeth not away-an
inheritance, however, into which they are not immediately ushered, but which is
reserved in heaven for them.
The promises of God made to this class are exceeding great and precious, and if
they are really believed they cannot fail to powerfully influence the life; but
if they are not received, it is manifest that they can have no power over the
life. And more, if they be not fully believed, if they be not personally
appropriated, they are not applicable, and no one can hope for anything in
them. This is clearly intimated in the above words of the Apostle “Now the
just shall live by faith.” It is not enough that, by
faith, we receive the first impulse of life, but, having passed from death unto
life, by the same means, we must continue to receive and appropriate
spiritual nourishment, that we may grow thereby: we must walk by faith,
following the leading of the holy Spirit through the Word of truth.
In this way of faith there is much of present privilege, as well as
future prospect. It is the way in which we may enjoy the fellowship and the
abiding presence of our Lord Jesus and our heavenly Father, in which we may
have intimate personal communion with them, and in which we may also have the
witness of the holy Spirit to our adoption and continued acceptance as sons of
God, and the comfort of the Scriptures, the communion of saints, and the
blessed inspiration, assist-ance and encouragement of all the means of grace.
These present privileges, together with the glorious hopes they inspire and
keep alive within us, are the meat which we have to eat which the world knows
not of, enabling us to live a new life apart from the world-apart from its
spirit and its fellowship. This is what it is to walk by faith. It signifies
a course of life quite contrary to the usual order of the world, which is to
walk by sight and after the desires of the flesh. Men of the world look at the
things that are seen: they judge of their relative values, but only with
reference to temporal interests, entirely ignoring their eternal interests and
the claims of the Creator upon them. Lacking faith in the divine Word, they
lack substantial hope beyond the present; and upon their own judgment of the
relative values of earthly prizes and their hopes of winning them, they
exercise themselves in their pursuit, leaving the questions of the future and
of present responsibility to God practically out of consideration.
But not so is it with the true child of God. He walks by faith and not by
sight: he looks not at the things that are seen, but at the things that are
unseen (2 Cor. 4:18), ever bearing in mind that the things that are seen are
temporal, uncertain and unsatisfactory, while the things that are unseen are
eternal, sure to the faithful, and of inestimable value. He is living, not for
the present, but for the future for the things revealed to the eye of faith in
the promises of God, all of which are yea and amen in Christ Jesus, to them
that believe. In this life of faith the motives, hopes, aims, ambitions and
joys are all of a higher, nobler order than those of the world; but they are
such as depend entirely upon faith. If the Christian’s faith be overthrown he
must of necessity to that extent cease to live the life of faith; that is, he
will cease to be actuated by the same motives, etc., which his faith previously
inspired. And if, through unfaithfulness, his spiritual vision has become dim,
so that he can no longer see or rightly estimate the value of spiritual things,
the world, the flesh and the devil are still busy presenting allure-ments and
deceptions to lead him farther and farther away from God, in whose favor alone
is life.
Weariness in well doing and desire for the rewards of unfaithfulness are first
steps in drawing back from the way of faith and also from the favor of God. In
the light of our text, this drawing back is a most serious matter. The
intima-tion of verse 39 is that it is a drawing back unto perdition,
destruction-“If any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But
we are not of them who draw back unto perdition, but of them that believe to
the saving of the soul.”
The drawing back may at first be a very slight
departure from the narrow way of sacrifice-only a looking back, per-haps, with
a sigh for the things behind, a little slowing up of speed in the race set
before us; then a little disposition to compromise the truth in favor of the
cravings of the fallen nature. Thus the way is prepared for the arts of the
tempter, who is quick to note our weak points, and to take advantage of them in
a manner best suited to our case. Subtle errors are brought to bear against the
judgment; pleasing allure-ments, with a show of righteousness, are presented to
the fleshly mind; and, almost imperceptibly, the soul forgets its “first love”
for the Lord, and its first zeal in his service, and drifts away from the truth
and the spirit of it, being no longer led of the holy Spirit of God.
Few indeed are the children of God who have never been tempted in this
direction; for we all have the treasure of the new nature “in earthen vessels,”
and between the new and the old natures there is a constant warfare; and only
by continued vigilance can the new nature keep the old in abeyance. In the
wearisome life-long struggle we often need our Father’s chastening hand to
guide and keep us in the way. “What son is he whom the Father chasteneth not?”
By instruction, discipline, experience, he leads us on, and if at heart our
disposition is to be led of the spirit-to gratefully receive the instruction,
humbly accept the discipline, and meekly profit by the experience, then will
the Lord have pleasure in leading us on from grace to grace and from victory
unto victory. To merely stand and battle on the defensive is very wearisome,
and gains no victory. To gain the victory we must not
only put on the armor of God, but we must be heroes in the strife, and wage an aggressive
warfare upon the lusts of the eye and flesh and pride of life and all the
foes of righteousness and purity. Love-love for the Lord, for the truth
and for righteousness-must inspire us, or we shall never be victors. Love alone
will keep us faithful even unto death, and make us meet for the inheritance of
the saints in light. Where fervent love rules in the heart it implies that the
heart is fully submitted to the Lord, and that means that nine-tenths of
the battle is already won. But even then, as the Apostle says (Jude 21), we
must keep ourselves in the love of God, in watchfulness and prayer and zeal;
and grace will abound where love abounds.
In such faithful obedience to the truth, and earnest en-deavor to
conform to its principles, the way and the truth grow more and more precious,
and our willing feet with joy are led in the paths of righteousness-into life
The life of faith is an individual matter, as well of
the heart as of the head. It is far more than an acceptance of doctrines which
we consider Scriptural and therefore true; it is the assimilation of
that which we have proved to be the truth, so that its principles become our
principles, and its promises our inspiration. This is what it is to
“believe to the saving of the soul.” “As many as are led by the Spirit of God,
they are the sons of God.” And however we may realize our insufficiency of
ourselves to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil in this seemingly
unequal contest, let us remember, for our encouragement, that he who has begun
a good work in us will carry it on to completion, if we humbly submit ourselves
to his leading and discipline. Our Lord’s promise is that he will not suffer
us to be tempted beyond what we are able to endure. Let us hold fast our faith
and our confidence in his sure word of promise-hold the truth in righteousness
and faithfulness, and we shall not be of them who draw back and mind earthly