“Surely goodness and mercy shalt follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

-PSALM 23:6.-

SAINT PAUL speaks of the full assurance of hope and of full assurance of faith, as being the proper conditions for the Lord’s people. (Heb. 6:11; 10:22.)  And this is the thought expressed by the Prophet, in our text-full confidence that he who has begun a good work in us is both able and willing to complete it. (Phil. 1:6.) But how few Christians, comparatively, have this full assurance of faith; how few can say, Surely, undoubtedly, goodness and mercy shall follow me henceforth through life, and by God’s grace I ultimately shall gain the heavenly Kingdom and the glorious things which God has promised to them that love him!  The few who can enter fully into sympathy with the Apostle and Prophet in these expressions have therein a great joy, a great blessing, a great rest of heart which others do not possess.  Let us therefore inquire why it is that the number who thus enter into the rest of faith is so small.  What are the hindrances to the others, and how can those hindrances be removed, that a larger number of the Lord’s people may enjoy their patrimony?

The hindrances are of two kinds: (1) Many who are on the Lord’s side, and who have been greatly blessed of him, and who have made considerable progress in the knowledge of the truth, and who are trusting in the merit of the Lord Jesus’ sacrifice as the only hope of a future life, and who are thus justified, have nevertheless failed to take the second step necessary to their full induction into sonship in God’s family and into joint-heirship with Christ to all the exceeding great and precious promises which extend only to those who become his sons.  This step, essential to becoming sons and joint-heirs, is the purpose of full consecration-the full surrender of our own wills, including all the aims and objects and purposes of life, and including also all that we have in the way of time, influence, means, reputation, etc.  Not having taken this step, not having taken up the cross to follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth, this large class very properly feels that it is questionable to what extent the Lord’s promises, either for the life that now is or for the life that is to come, belong to them.  And in this they are right; for none of the promises, present or future, belong to them, nor to any, until they have come under the terms of a full self-surrender, consecration, presenting their bodies living sacrifices to God, holy, acceptable, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Our advice to these, then, is that realizing the situation they do not longer delay, but hasten at once to avail themselves of the greatest privilege that could possibly be offered, even by the Almighty.  If they stand still they are, in the language of the Apostle, receiving the grace of God in vain-failing to use it. (2 Cor. 6:1.) God’s grace, as freely bestowed upon those who have come to a knowledge of the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, is the grace of the forgiveness of sins, of justification through faith; and the very object of this grace is to permit or qualify us to become living sacrifices, acceptable to God’s altar through the great sacrifice of our Redeemer.

Whoever, therefore, shall advance thus far and know of his privilege, and yet refuse to present his little all, has failed to be constrained by the love of Christ, has failed to appreciate the divine favor bestowed upon him, and manifests this failure by his neglect to use his opportunities, by his neglect to sacrifice the imperfect fragment of this present life, that he might obtain in exchange the great prize of glory, honor and immortality, and joint-heirship with Jesus in the Kingdom: such receive God’s grace in vain, profiting nothing by it over and above the world, which as yet lies in darkness and blindness.

What should such do?  They should at once resolve that to render all they have to the Lord’s service is not only a reasonable thing, but an offering far too small-far less than what they would like to render to him who has manifested such compassion and grace toward us.  And we should feel thus, even if there were no rewards attached to such a consecration of ourselves.  But inasmuch as God has attached great rewards and blessings, we should feel not only that a refusal to accept would be an indication of non-appreciation of divine mercy, but an indication also of a weakness of mind, of judgment, which is unable to balance the trifling and transitory pleasures of self-will for a few short years, with an eternity of joy and blessing and glory, in harmony with the Lord.

And more than this, the consecrated are the only ones who really fully and truly enjoy this present life, for they indeed have a peace of heart which the world can neither give nor take away-a condition which all the world is coveting and seeking after, but finding not because they seek it not in the Lord’s way of full self-surrender to him.  We urge, then, upon the class now addressed that they promptly make their covenant with the Lord, and thus become heirs of his good promises pertaining to the life that now is, and also of that which is to come, and that thus they lay the foundation for entering into “full assurance of the faith” and full assurance of the hope that God’s mercy and goodness shall follow them all the days of the present life, and that they shall dwell in the heavenly home forever.

(2)   But amongst those who are real Christians, and who have made a full covenant of sacrifice unto the Lord, we find many who say, and more who think it without saying,-“O that I could feel sure that God’s goodness and mercy would continue with me all the days of my life, and that I should attain unto his Kingdom!  O that I might have a full assurance of faith, a full assurance that I am accepted of the Lord, and that by his grace I shall ultimately be an overcomer!” What is the difficulty with this class?  Why is it that these do not possess this full assurance of faith?  We answer, that their difficulty is a lack of faith in God, and such a lack of faith is not pleasing to God, for “without faith it is impossible to please God.”  Such a lack of faith, moreover, is a constant hindrance to their overcoming, as it is written, “This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.”  The Christian who has not the shield of faith, and a large one, is continually at disadvantage before the Adversary.-Heb. 11:6; I John 5:4.

What must be done to overcome this lack of faith, and to have an increase of faith?  We answer, that like the apostles of old he should pray, “Lord, increase our faith.”  And then, acting in harmony with this prayer, each should cultivate faith in his own heart: (a) By refreshing his memory continually with the divine promises, becoming very familiar with these in the Father’s Word. (b) He should seek more and more to remember that having made his covenant with the Lord these promises are his, and in his heart and with his lips he should claim them as his before the Lord in prayer with thanksgiving.  He should claim them as his in his own thoughts, and in his conferences on holy things with the brethren.

When trials or difficulties or perplexities arise, he should think of these promises, remembering that they belong to him-because God has promised them to such as love him,-who have made a covenant by self-sacrifice. (Psa. 50:5; Mal. 3:17.) He should resolve henceforth to trust the word of the heavenly Father implicitly.  Thus, if some seeming accident befall him, let him call to his mind the promise that “All things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to his purpose,” and assure himself that the seeming accident would not have occurred had God not seen a way to make it the channel of a needed lesson or blessing.  Let him refresh his mind with the thought that he comes under the provisions of this promise because he loves the Lord, and so loved him as to make a full consecration of himself to him; thus he is assured that this promise was intended for him.

Let such also remember the language of the Apostle, that if God loved us while we were yet sinners, so that he provided for us the great salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord, much more does he love us now, since we have been justified through faith in the great atonement, and have made a full consecration of ourselves to him, and thus come under the terms of adoption into his family.  Let him remember too, that he who has begun the good work changes never, and that if our hearts are still in harmony with him, if our faith is still clear and firm in the great atonement, if our consecration is still full and complete, so that we seek not our own wills but his will to be done in our affairs, then we may indeed have the full assurance of faith, because knowing that God is unchangeable, and knowing that we are still in line with his promises and arrangements, we know that all of his gracious providences are still being exercised on our behalf.  This is full assurance of faith-full confidence in the Lord.

(3)    It is possible, however, for the true Christian who has taken the step of justification and the step of consecration and adoption into God’s family, and who has had the blessing of full assurance of faith-it is possible for such to lose this, if he become overcharged with the cares of this life, cold and indifferent as respects the Lord, his Kingdom, his brethren, his cause, etc.  Such, of course, should not have a full assurance of faith; God does not intend it for them, but rather intends that if we leave the proper consecrated attitude we should also lose the joys and consolations which belong to it.  And this is not merely as a retribution or punishment, but designed specially to awaken us to a realization of what we are losing, to the intent that such as have “lost their first love” may be revived, may renew their consecration vows, and thus return to the Lord, who will abundantly pardon, and restore unto them the joys of his salvation.

So then, reviewing our text, we say that this assurance of faith that God’s goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives, and that we shall ultimately by his grace attain to the Kingdom, is for the class mentioned in this Psalm, viz., the Lord’s sheep-those who are following him, and who are having the experiences outlined in this Psalm.  One of these experiences is that following the Shepherd they are not left to hunger and thirst, but are bountifully supplied in the green pastures and by the still waters of the truth.  Moreover, it applies to those who experience the Shepherd’s care, his rod and staff, correcting, reproving or guiding them.  Such sheep as learn to love and have confidence in the Shepherd and in his guidance, and to take comfort and blessing out of all the afflictions and trials of life which may be permitted to come upon them, realizing that they are providential, and for their blessing-such continue to follow the Shepherd, continue to have the experiences of sheep, and may rejoice with full assurance of faith that he who began the good work of shepherding them and leading them out from the by-ways of sin and of selfishness into the full blessing of the heavenly Father, will continue this work and complete it, if they abide in him.-John 15:4-6.