Text:-“The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting, upon them that
fear him.”-Psa.
forceful reminder of our studies in the past quarter. It was a lack of
reverence for the Lord that permitted mother Eve to be deceived and to become
the first transgressor. It was a lack of reverence for the Lord that led our
father Adam into disobedience, into practical suicide, because of his love for
Eve, and because he had not yet learned the proper reverence for God which
would have led him to be obedient and to trust the results of Eve’s
disobedience to divine wisdom. It was lack of reverence for the Lord which
operated in Satan to an evil ambition, and thus to his fall. It was lack of
reverence for the Lord and for his rules of government that permitted the
angels of the first dispensation to leave their own condition, and thus to get
into sin with humanity. It was a lack of reverence for the Lord on the part of
the world in general that caused the world to be full of violence and ready for
destruction in the flood.
It was a proper reverence for the Lord that controlled Noah and his
family, and kept them separate from the evil of their time, and that brought to
them ultimately the divine blessing and preservation through the flood. It was
a proper reverence for the Lord that enabled Abraham to forsake home and
country in response to a divine promise, and that guided him throughout his
pilgrimage and kept him separate from the Sodomites and the evil influences of
that time. Similarly, on Isaac’s part, it was reverence for the Lord which
kept him in his father’s footsteps; and we have just seen how fully Jacob was
imbued with this reverence for divinity, and for all the gracious promises by
which the Lord represented himself to him. We have seen the hand of the Lord
with all those who had this reverence, and that even though they passed through
numerous and severe trials, difficulties, etc., they were not forsaken, but
On the other hand, we have seen Lot’s insufficiency of reverence, which
permitted him to associate with evil-doers, and which ultimately brought upon
him a share of their trouble. We have seen Ishmael’s lack of reverence, and
Esau’s lack of reverence, and how these though not injured of the Lord,
nevertheless missed greater blessing which a different course might have
brought to them.
The lesson for us is that which Joshua expressed to Israel later, saying,
“Choose ye this day whom ye will serve; as for me and my house we will serve
the Lord.” (Josh. 24:15.) Let others reverence whom
and what they will; we, who have tasted that the Lord is gracious, we, who have
come to know him through his Word, and through his providences, and through the
power of the spirit by which we are begotten again to newness of life-we can do
naught else than reverence our God; and reverencing him we must trust him
implicitly; and trusting him implicitly we will gladly walk in whatever way he
may mark out for us; and thus trusting, and thus walking we are content,
whatever lot we see, since ‘tis his hand that leadeth us. And let us be
assured that following the true Shepherd after this manner, we shall ultimately
reach the heavenly fold. In these assurances we have joy and peace and
blessing of heart, even in the house of our pilgrimage, before we reach the
heavenly city.