Gen. 41:38-49. - OCT. 20.
“Them that
honor me, I will honor.”- 1 Sam. 2:30.
secret of Joseph’s success, as it has been the secret of the suc-cess of all
who have attained true greatness in the world. In previous ages true success
was more or less identified with earthly prosperity, riches and power; but
during this Gospel age-the spirit dispen-sation-true success and divine favor
stand related to spiritual prosperity, attainments and usefulness, as
exemplified in our Lord Jesus, in the Apostles, and in the less prominent
servants of the Cross from their day until now. The principle is the same,
though the mode of operation is different. Adversity is still the school in
which the chief lessons in character-building are to be learned-in which the
correct ideals of life are to be formed, and ultimately to be crystallized
in-to fixed character. The story of Joseph’s experien-ces, which in this
lesson culminate in great advancement and blessing, illustrates the fact that
God has to do not only with the shaping of national affairs, but also
with the individual affairs of all who are “called according to his purpose,” and
who are seeking to live up to the requirements and conditions of that call.
It was probably because Joseph had some basis of character that the Lord chose
to use him to pre-pare the way for his family to come into Egypt, etc. And we
may be sure that had he proven neglectful of the lessons and experiences
through which he passed the Lord would have changed or modified his deal-ings
accordingly. As it was, the Lord’s favors and blessings were evidently
bestowed upon a worthy character, which, so far as we may judge from the
record, responded obediently and trustfully in every trial. That Joseph’s
faith in the Lord was the basis of his strength of character, fidelity to duty
and to principle, there is no reason to question. Had he doubted the Lord’s providence
in his own case, as foreshadowed in his own dreams, he would have been inclined
to say to his two princely prisoners, when they related their dreams, as
recorded in the last les-son, that they should have no confidence in dreams,
for he had proven their unreliableness to his own bit-ter chagrin, having
dreamed of power and influence, and having received, instead, degradation,
slavery, and imprisonment. But he evidently still believed in his dreams,
still expected release in some manner, and believed that the Lord was
overruling in his af-fairs.
Such a trust and confidence in the Almighty Ruler, as our Heavenly Father, is
still more appropri-ate in us, the spiritual heirs of the Abrahamic promise;
because we have much advantage every way over Joseph and others of our
predecessors, who were heirs of only the natural blessings. Those who lived
before Christ, no matter how high their station, at the very most were members
of the “house of servants,” while we of this Gospel age are freely recognized
of God as sons, members of the “house of sons,” of which our Lord Jesus is the
Head. The sons not only are granted, through the holy spirit, deeper and
clear-er insight into the divine plan, but much advantage every way over the
house of servants and over the world in general. Yet as with Joseph and the
typical throne of Egypt, it is not sufficient that we should be favored of God
and called to joint-heirship in the Kingdom of earth; but it is necessary that
we shall prove submissive and tractable under his disciplines and instructions;
that we may be “meet for the inher-itance of the saints in light.” It is
necessary espe-cially that our faith should be strong, and to this end that it
should be tried, that it may be to the praise of his glory who has called us
out of darkness into his marvelous light.
Joseph’s confidence in his ultimate deliverance, and the fulfillment of God’s
promise, did not hinder him from doing all he could in a proper manner to
effect his own deliverance. We notice how, after kindly treating the
imprisoned butler, explaining his dream for him, and rejoicing with him in the
prosper-ity intimated, he solicited that when the prince would again be in
royal favor he would kindly remember that his comforter, Joseph, was still in
prison, and if possible secure the royal pardon for him. It was proper that he
should thus take reasonable steps to-ward his own liberty, and no doubt the two
years longer that he remained in prison brought testings of his faith, of his
trust in the Lord; for the butler seems to have forgotten him entirely when his
pros-perity returned. However, in all this, as we can now see, the Lord was
caring for him. He was learning the lessons of patient endurance, of suffering
for righteousness’ sake, of faith in the Lord. Had he been released by royal
decree and set at liberty, he might have gone back to hunt up his father and
his brethren in Palestine; or he might have gotten im-mersed in business of
some kind in Egypt; but under divine providence he was kept safely in prison,
learn-ing necessary lessons, until he was thirty years of age; and it
was at this time that Pharaoh the king, having had two remarkable dreams, which
seriously impress-ed themselves upon his mind, and having consulted the wise
men of Egypt, could find no satisfactory so-lution for them. It was then that
the butler be-thought him of his own dream while in the prison, and of the
wonderful young man there who had in-terpreted it so accurately, and whose
kindness he had so quickly forgotten. Here was an opportunity of serving the
king and serving his prisoner-friend; so he mentioned Joseph to Pharaoh in most
compli-mentary terms. Thus we see illustrated the fact that kindnesses done to
others, even though they seem to be quickly forgotten, may possibly return in
blessing on our own heads later on, and be used of the Lord as channels of
Pharaoh called for the prisoner, and the explana-tion of his dreams was so
thoroughly satisfactory that he could not doubt their truthfulness, and
cor-roborated by the testimony of the butler, he conclud-ed that Joseph’s
ability as an interpreter resided in the fact that God was with him; that God
was using him; and that in some manner or other the God who had given these
dreams, and such an interpretation to so remarkable a young man, would be
pleased to bless and to use his servant still further in connection with the
precautions to be taken to avert the severity of the famine predicted. Pharaoh
was possessed of au-tocratic power, and was at liberty to exalt whom he would
to authority in his kingdom, and very wisely he concluded that none could be
more safe to trust than the one whom the Almighty trusted and made his
friend;-the one to whom and through whom he revealed the secrets of knowledge.
There is a lesson of wisdom here for the Lord’s people and for all-to the
effect that although the Lord’s people may not be perfect, it is safer, in an
emergency, to trust those whom the Lord has trusted than any others.
Joseph was at once made what we today would call Prime Minister of Egypt. He
was the repre-sentative of Pharaoh, and as such had greater power than any
monarch or Prime Minister of Europe, ex-cept the Czar of Russia and the Sultan
of Turkey or their representatives. Many have inclined to doubt the possibility
of such an exaltation from prison to second place in the throne; but such are
not suffici-ently familiar with the customs of eastern countries. A story, for
instance, is told of the Sultan of Turkey, that one day having a severe
toothache, and his us-ual dentist being absent from the city, his servants were
sent to get any dentist they could find. They found one in comparative
poverty, clothed him suit-ably to be presented to the Sultan, who, after he had
performed the service, gave him the title and emolu-ments of Pasha, with both a
city and a country resi-dence, wealth, etc. Joseph’s experience was not much
more extreme than this. Doubtless, though the narrative does not show it, some
explanations were offered respecting his previous character as Potiphar’s
servant, and as the trusty overseer in pris-on; satisfying Pharaoh’s mind that
he was an honor-able man, worthy of confidence and trust, besides the
attestations of divine favor. So there is likely to be in all of our affairs a
time of change, in which, if we have been misunderstood and misrepresented, the
truth will ultimately be brought forth, as the Lord declares, “He shall bring
forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.” (Psa.
37:6.) We are to wait patiently for the Lord, and to
take patiently such experiences as his providences may mark out for us,
questioning not the wisdom, the love and the power of him with whom we have to
do-of him who has promised that all things shall work for our
everlasting welfare, if we abide faithful to him.
Pharaoh’s ring was a signet ring. In ancient times royal commands were not
signed and sealed, as at present, but sealed only, the monarch having a
peculiar seal which, wherever it went, was recognized as his, and to have
counterfeited which would have been gross felony, punishable with death. It
was this seal that was given to Joseph, that by and through the authority
expressed in it he might issue such commands as he pleased in respect to the
accumula-tion and building of granaries and storing in the same part of the
surplus crop of the seven years of plenty.
The honor and distinction of Joseph as next to Pharaoh seems well to illustrate
the glorious exal-tation of our Lord Jesus (in which the church, as his body,
will soon share). Our Lord was tested, yet notwithstanding his faithfulness he
went into the great prison-house of death; on the third day was de-livered and
raised up to power and great glory, and to be next to Jehovah God in the throne
of the uni-verse. The divine signet was given to him, and the proclamation was
that “All men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father,” and that
nothing should be done except at his command-that all pow-er in heaven
and in earth was committed unto him. (John 5:23; Matt. 28:18.) The
faithful members of the elect body of Christ, the Church, the overcomers, must
also be tried in various ways, and for righteous-ness’ sake must suffer in the
present time, be mis-understood, misrepresented, etc. These also must go into
the prison-house of death, and be therein parts of three great days
(thousand-year days), a part of the fifth thousand, all of the sixth thousand,
and early in the seventh thousand years, or third thousand-year day, their
resurrection is due; that they may become joint-heirs with Christ their Lord
and Head, in the glorious things of the Kingdom. All this was well marked by
the parts of three years which Joseph spent in prison, and his subsequent
The meaning of the new, Egyptian, name given to Joseph is rather in dispute,
Canon Cooke claiming that it means “Bread of Life.” It was appropriate in view
of the great work which Joseph accomplished-the accumulation of a great store
of wheat during the years of plenty,-sufficient to supply the necessi-ties of
the whole people during the seven years of famine. In this respect again we
are reminded of Christ, who called himself the “Bread of Life.” We are
reminded, too, that it was through a work which he accomplished that the living
bread is provided, for the whole world of mankind typified by the Egyp-tians;
and that through him also the bread of life comes to his brethren, typified by
Joseph’s brethren and Jacob. As there was no life for all the people there
except through Joseph and his work, and as Joseph did his work as the agent or
representative of Pharaoh, so we see, as an anti-type, that there is no life
for anyone of the world except in and through Christ Jesus our Lord, and that
his work is accom-plished in the name of, and as the representative of our
Heavenly Father, the supreme ruler of the uni-verse.
Some are always ready to make objection and to find fault, rather than to make
reasonable explana-tions, and some such object to Joseph’s course in
col-lecting one-fifth of the harvest of the plentiful years, and using it later
on to strengthen the authority of Pharaoh and his control over all the people
of his realm. We might say that even the one-fifth of the crop increase might
not be considered an unreason-able tax, as it is the usual amount of rental charged
in that vicinity today, and even more than that is frequently charged here and
elsewhere in civilized countries; but we do not know that the one-fifth was
exacted from the people as a tax. We do not know that Pharaoh’s purse and bank
account were not drawn upon for the purpose of this storage-wheat at the low
price which would prevail during a period of such great surplus. We shall
presume the latter, in the absence of any information to the contrary; and as
for using this to strengthen the authority of the throne, and the contrariness
of this from all demo-cratic ideas, we have nothing to say except that it
remains to be proven that a republican form of gov-ernment is in all respects
the best for fallen humanity. The Lord does not propose as a remedy for
present ills, social, political, moral, etc., to introduce a Millennium along
the lines of a republic; but he does pro-pose its introduction along the lines
of a monarchy--an absolute monarchy, in which his Son, who redeem-ed the world,
will reign to bless the world by the ex-ercise of autocratic power; for the
subjugation of evil; for the bringing of all mankind into full appreciation of
the principles of righteousness, and, so far as they will, into full accordance
with the great supreme ruler, Jehovah-that they shall be his subjects forever,
as the people of Egypt typically became the perpetual servants of Pharaoh.
As Pharaoh gave to Joseph a wife, named Asenath (signifying “Favor”), and she
became Joseph’s associate in honor and dignity, and co-laborer and helpmate
with him in his work of blessing Egypt, so Jehovah God proposes a bride for his
exalted Son, our Lord, and she also will be a favorite. It has re-quired all
of this Gospel age for her betrothal and preparation for the marriage, and the
time is now nigh at hand when she shall be brought near to the King, as the
Bride, the Lamb’s Wife, adorned in the glorious linen robe of her Lord, fitly
embroidered with the elements of character which he can approve.-Psa. 45:13,
Joseph’s head was not turned by the prosperity which came to him; he showed
himself worthy of it-that he had profited by previous experiences, so as to
know how to use the prosperity wisely. He was not slothful in business, but
fervent in spirit; and see-ing that the Lord had opened the way before him we
find him immediately taking steps to carry out his mission. His first move was
to travel throughout the lengths and breadths of Egypt, to determine the most
eligible sites for the building of granaries, or store-houses; and the Lord’s
blessing continued with him and prospered him in the work thus given him to
do. So it should be with us; in whatever department
of the Lord’s service he is pleased to open the door of opportunity to us, we
should enter it promptly and with energy-with zeal for him and for the cause to
which he has called us. This is one condition of our acceptableness with him.
If we are slothful, inatten-tive to opportunities, undoubtedly they will be
re-moved from us, and given to others, for the Lord is abundantly able to raise
up one or another to serve his cause without interfering with, or overruling
our free moral agency. Let us more and more appre-ciate what a privilege we
enjoy in being co-laborers together with God, and especially in connection with
this great service which our Lord and Master Jesus is executing, and to
fellowship in which we have been called, as his bride and joint-heir.
They that honor God he will honor, in his own way; and his way will
always be found eventually to be the best way. We not only are to honor the
Lord by word of mouth, but especially are we to show forth his praises in the
affairs of life-in connection with home duties, business duties, service of the
truth: in all things we are to glorify him in our bodies and spirits which are
his; and those who thus do shall be blessed indeed of the Lord and be used of
him. The slightest service here permitted us is an honor indeed, and
faithfulness in these slight services of the present time are eventually to be
blessed and rewarded with the greater and grander service of the Kingdom.