“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever
things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever
things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are
of good report; if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think
on these things.”-Phil. 4:8.
MANKIND in general does too little thinking, and what it does do is
more or less along improper lines, and built upon false bases or premises. Nevertheless, all will agree as respects
human welfare, there is a power in thought second to no other power in the
universe. Few, perhaps, realize to what
extent this is true,-to what extent their own happiness and well-being is
dependent upon right thinking,-to what extent whole communities and nations owe
their happiness or misery to their right or wrong thinking upon the important
problems of life. Words are a power in
the world, but only in proportion as they awaken thoughts and lead to actions;
words, thoughts, deeds, is the order. Truly did the wise man say, “As a man
thinketh in his heart so is he.” (Prov. 23:7.)
If he thinks justly, he will speak and act justly; if his thoughts are
selfish and ignoble, his words will be deceitful and his conduct dishonest.
It is because the power of thought is to a
considerable extent recognized that it is appealed to on every hand. The teacher appeals to it; the preacher
appeals to it; the politician appeals to it; the financier appeals to it; the
sociologist appeals to it; the thousands of pamphlets, books, newspapers and
magazines published in every land and in every tongue are all appealing to thought. Thought, indeed, may be said to be the great
engine which is moving the whole world in its every department. The difficulty is that few are of logical and
discerning mind, the fall having affected every member of the human family has
disordered our reasoning faculties; and charlatans and demagogues and
self-seekers very frequently take advantage of the weak mental state of
humanity to delude with sophistry, and thus to hinder and obscure correct
thinking and reasoning. Against the great force and weight of selfishness in
its every member does humanity thus labor, as well as against the wiles of
Satan; and it is not surprising that generally it is misled and deceived,
because added to its incubus of false premises it must struggle also against
its own inertia, sluggishness and inaptitude.
Lord, also appeals to the power of the mind through his Word, and urges upon
his people that they be “transformed by the renewing of their minds.”
(Rom. 12:2.) Indeed, it may be said that
the cultivation of the power of thought began with God’s people, and that so
far as religious matters are concerned it has in no particular degree gone from
them. While heathen religions seek to restrain the intellect and appeal chiefly
to the passions, prejudices and fears, the Lord, to the contrary, calls to his
people, saying, “Come, let us reason together.” (Isa. 1:18.) We are willing to
admit that nominal Christendom has not heeded the Lord’s invitation to any
great extent-that very largely nominal Christians avoid thought on religious
subjects, and especially avoid reasoning; but we hold that to the extent they
thus violate the divine arrangement they have not their “senses exercised by
reason of use,” and are to be esteemed, at very best, only babes in Christ.
Heb. 5:13,14.
are willing to agree also that thinking may be a very dangerous matter in the
absence of absolute knowledge upon which to base and exercise our reasoning
faculties; but the Lord has protected his faithful along this line by providing
us in his Word with the proper basis for reasoning on all subjects involving
our duty to our Creator and to our fellow-creatures. The Scriptures lay down
certain broad lines, and invite God’s people to reason within these lines
of revelation, and by reasoning thus to taste and see that the Lord is
gracious; and come to a clearer knowledge of him, a better understanding of his
character and plan. Many who are
awakened to independent thinking are careless of the limitations of the
divine revelation, and consequently the influence of the divine Word upon them
is a mental liberty and enlightenment which, lacking the divine control, is
very apt to go to the extreme of license, selfishness, self conceit and
infidelity. Wherever the Bible has gone
it has been the torch which has led civilization: millions have profited by its
enlightening influence, though only comparatively few walk close to its light
and within its prescribed limitations of reason and conduct; and these few are
the true Christians-the “wheat” of this age, “the first-fruits unto God of his
creatures,” which God is now harvesting.- James 1:18.
are inclined to believe that since man’s brain differs from each other man’s
brain to some extent, therefore his thinking must necessarily be different; in
a word, that a man can only think in harmony with his brain construction. But we reply, Not so; each may learn to weigh
and balance his own thoughts, to curb some and to encourage others; but to do
this each must have before him an ideal of character, to be copied. Thoughts can be controlled just as words and
actions can be controlled: the will is at the helm, and must decide which
thoughts and sentiments it will entertain and encourage, and which it will
repel. It is necessary, therefore, first
of all for the will to be rightly directed, and secondly, to be strong, and to
use its power in the control of thought;-in curbing those thoughts which it
recognizes as evil, and in stimulating those which it recognizes as good,
helpful, beneficial. The will, in
Scripture called the “heart,” is therefore continually appealed to by the Lord,
as he now seeks amongst men for his “peculiar people.” The message is, “My son, give me thine
heart”-thy will. This request is not
addressed to wilful sinners, for they are not recognized or addressed as sons
of God, but as children of the Evil One.
Those whom God recognizes as his sons are such as have been brought into
harmony with him through forgiveness of sins, by repentance and faith in Christ
Jesus, the Redeemer. It is to such that
the Lord makes known that if they would “go on to perfection”-to the full
attainment of his gracious purposes respecting them, the only proper course
would be to give their hearts, their wills, to him in consecration.
The heart, the will, thus given over to God, seeks to know
the divine will, to catch the divine thought and to obey it in word and in act;
and in proportion as this condition of the new mind is attained, in that same
proportion will there begin to be a newness of life in every respect; in
ambitions, hopes, sentiments, and efforts.
It is for this reason that the revelation of the divine will and plan is
furnished to believers-that by growing in the knowledge of it, by thinking on
these things, by filling the mind with the divine plan and will, the
transforming influence may extend into every avenue of life.
common mistake amongst people would be to address the words of our text on the
subject of right thinking to sinners, to evil-doers and evil thinkers; but this
is a mistake. The entire Epistle to the
Philippians is addressed to “All the saints in Christ Jesus which are at
Philippi” (1:1); and the exhortation is applicable to all the saints
everywhere, but not to others than saints-not to the worldly, not even to the
household of faith, until they have made a full consecration of themselves to
the Lord. It would be useless to address
others along this line; the exhortation would be of no effect. Hence, the exhortation of this lesson is not
specially applicable to any but the most advanced Christians-not even to the
“babes in Christ,” but only to those who are somewhat matured in the new
life. As for the babes who are not
developed new creatures, they will have their attention very thoroughly
occupied with the cruder elementary lessons, respecting the coarser sins which
the new creature must abhor and battle against. This text addresses those who
have made considerable progress along these lines of putting away “the
filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit”-those who are seeking to perfect
holiness in their hearts, and so far as possible also in their earthly
bodies.-2 Cor. 7:1.
context proves our assertion, for after speaking of prayer and thanksgiving to
God and the peace of God which passeth all understanding, keeping their hearts
and minds, the Apostle sums up this advanced position of grace with the words
of our text as the finality or finish of the argument, and of the process of
character-development: “Finally, brethren.”
is the first question to be asked respecting any matter: Is it true or is it
false? If it is false the Lord’s people
are to have nothing whatever to do with it,-no matter how beautiful. Love for the truth lies at the very
foundation of saintship, and we remember that the Lord declares through the
Apostle that those who will be rejected and stumbled in this harvest time are
such as “receive not the truth in the love of it” (2 Thes. 2:10)-such as have
pleasure in unrighteousness (untruth).
With our poor and at very best imperfect brains there is great danger of
our being misled, and hence the Word of the Lord appeals to us with force that
we should not even touch that which we realize is untrue. This does not mean that we may not weigh and
balance evidences to discern the truth from the untruth; but it does mean that
as soon as the truth is discovered it will be embraced and acknowledged, and
the untruth as vigorously disavowed and completely withdrawn from. To tamper with error after we see it to be
error, to “see how it would reason out, anyway,” when we know the matter is on
a wrong basis, is to lay a trap for our spiritual feet, one which frequently
stumbles travelers on the way to Zion.
we are following God’s admonition through the Apostle, in this text, it will
mean an avoidance of fiction, of novels, of unrealities. This, on the other hand, will mean an
increased reverence for whatsoever things are true, an increased devotion to
them, an increase of time for their study, and an increase of the spirit of
truth in our hearts as a result.
truth of the thing is only one of the tests to which it must be put. We may find a matter to be true and yet not
find it to be worthy of our thought, dishonorable. Who does not know that there are dishonorable
and dishonoring thoughts, the pondering of which not only wastes valuable time,
but instead of bringing a reward, a blessing for the time spent upon them,
entails a loss, a disadvantage, in that it leaves a dishonorable stain in our
minds, unworthy of us as new creatures in Christ Jesus?
true but dishonorable or unworthy things presenting themselves for our
consideration at the bar of our minds are perhaps oftenest in connection-with
others-the weaknesses, the errors, the follies, or what not of our neighbors,
of our friends. The entertaining of these thoughts, the pondering of them, will
be unfavorable to us, and the sooner we discern the matter and dismiss them the
better, the happier, the more noble will be our own hearts. The dismission of these unworthy thoughts
will leave us the opportunity and the energy, if we will, to expend that much
more time upon whatsoever things are not only true but also honorable, worthy
of our attention as new creatures in Christ Jesus.
we have another limitation. Our minds
are to be occupied in thinking about righteousness or just things, principles,
etc.; we are not to be continually meditating upon grievances and injustices,
either real or imagined. We are to
remember, on the contrary, that we are living in the period which the
Scriptures denominate “the present evil world,” and that it could not be this
if Justice prevailed generally. We are to remember that hereunto we were
called,-even to endure injustice, for righteousness’ sake;-to do good, to lay
down our lives in the service of the Lord and his Word, and yet to be
evil-spoken of and to be misunderstood and to have all manner of evil said
against us falsely for Christ’s sake. We
are, therefore, not to think strange of the fiery trials that shall surely come
upon all who are of the Royal Priesthood; but rather, having settled this
matter in advance, when we made our consecration, we are to take it as it
comes, as a matter of course, not grieving over nor specially thinking about
the trials, the injustices, etc. And
thus doing we will have the more time to give to thinking of the more helpful,
the more strengthening, the more elevating things-the things that are just, the
things that are in harmony with righteousness, respecting the past, the present
and the future, as promised in the Lord’s Word.
is a vast amount of impurity everywhere throughout the world. It,
therefore, behooves the Lord’s consecrated people
to follow the Apostle’s injunction, and to carefully
strain out the impurities, and see that they do not enter into our hearts, our
thoughts, realizing that with them in the result will be to work our
defilement, to a greater or less degree. Whoever maintains purity of thought
will have comparatively little effort in maintaining purity of word and of
action. Whether the impurity come from
one direction or another-from the world or the flesh or the devil-its attack
must first of all be upon the mind; and if repelled there the victory is won:
if not repelled we cannot know what the consequences would be, as the Apostle
James declares: “Lust [selfish desire of any kind], when it has conceived [in
the mind] bringeth forth sin [develops sinful words or deeds], and sin when it
is finished bringeth forth death.”-Jas. 1:15.
wonder, then, that the Apostle mentions the necessity for our thoughts being
guarded along the line of purity, and that if a matter were ever so well
established as a truth, and if it involved no injustice, and even were not
dishonorable, yet were impure, this would be quite sufficient to condemn it as
unworthy of the mind of the Lord’s consecrated people. Nor is it to be
overlooked that any smut or impurity entering into the mind may cause such a
defilement as will give trouble in its complete eradication, not only at the
time, but for years afterward.
saints are exhorted to be meek and peacemakers, but in order to be thus they
must have amiable thoughts, lovely and lovable thoughts, kind thoughts, gentle
thoughts. These in turn will gradually
develop into graces of character. We are
not to think upon subjects gendering anger, hatred, strife,-vexatious thoughts,
quarrelsome thoughts, vindictive and contentious thoughts. These all are to be shunned as enemies to the
new creature, and instead we are to think of the beautiful things, the amiable
things, we may know respecting our neighbors, our friends; even though we be
not able to fully close our eyes against their injustices or evil deeds, we may
at least refuse to waste valuable time in thinking about their weaknesses and
thus cultivating unamiable, quarrelsome dispositions in ourselves.
may be argued by some that since the world hateth the light and the children of
the light, and rejoiceth in iniquity and in getting the advantage over others,
therefore those things which would be reputable with it would not be the holy
things suitable to the thoughts of God’s people. But not so, we answer; the world does
recognize to a considerable extent a right standard, even though it does not
follow that standard, nor even pretend to do so-even though it hates those who
it sees are endeavoring to walk up to that standard; even though it calls the
children of light hypocrites, and crucifies them, as in the case of our
Lord. It is policy and false religion
that generally excite religious persecution. Nevertheless, if anyone will
follow the standard that is reputable, and think upon those things he will find
therein a blessing.
may feel that if they thus sifted and tested and rejected all the untrue, the
unworthy, the unjust, the impure and the unamiable thoughts presenting
themselves, that they would have no topic left whereon to engage their minds,
and this we believe would be true with a great many-their minds for a time
would be quite vacant of thoughts, if all the evil and improper ones were
rejected, banished; but by the time they would be in this attitude they would
have such a “hunger and thirst after righteousness,” truth, things lovely,
things pure, things noble, that they would be in the right condition to receive
the very spiritual food which the Lord has provided for them. There is one
thing, and one thing only, which fully combines all of the above propositions,
and demonstrates itself to be the one thing true, honorable, just, pure,
lovely,-and that is, the divine character and plan. Let us think upon its various features. Let us study the divine Word and behold through
it, as a telescope, the beauty of the divine character, the splendor of the
divine plan, as revealed in God’s Word and plan...whose length and breadth and
height and depth no man can measure, and only the saints can comprehend by the
holy spirit, and that in proportion as they receive of the holy spirit, the
holy mind, the holy thoughts, replacing and displacing the unholy thoughts and
sentiments of the natural man. (Eph. 3:18.)
What a splendid premium the Lord thus places upon the study of his Word in
the esteem of all who are of the class addressed by the Apostle in our text!
a ruling of the mind is a conquest; such a self-mastery is a victory; the
greatest victory that can be gained. As
the Scriptures declare, “He that ruleth his spirit [mind] is better than he
that taketh a city.” (Prov. 16:32.) And
the prescription given by the Apostle in our text, for the mental health of the
saints, is the very soul-discipline necessary to our development in character,
to the degree pleasing to God and acceptable, through Christ Jesus our Lord.
These are the victors to whom will be granted a share in the Kingdom. Ah, then, as the Apostle exhorts, “Let us lay
aside every weight, and the sin that doth so easily beset us, and let us run
with patience the race set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author of our
faith” until he shall have become the finisher of it (Heb. 12:1,2); remembering
that he who is on our part, and who has engaged to help us and to carry us
through every difficulty, and to fully instruct us if we submit ourselves to
him, and thus to “make us meet for the inheritance of the saints in light,” is
Jesus,-who loved us and bought us with his own precious blood.
do the Scriptures generally enforce the importance of guarding the mind, the
will, the heart, saying, “Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are
the issues of life.” Keeping it, to the
saints now called and in the race, means life more abundant, with glory, honor
and immortality. Neglecting it, refusing
to exercise self-control, means the permission of selfish desires to be
conceived in our brains, and to lead away from the Lord and his “narrow way” on
toward sin, on toward the wages of sin-death-Second Death.