therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with
the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness. But grow in
grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To
him be glory both now and forever. Amen.”-2 Pet. 3:17,18.
THERE is a touching
tenderness in the epistles of the aged Apostle Peter to the household of faith,
showing that, while he realized that the time of his departure was drawing nigh
(2 Pet. 1:14; John 21:18,19), his solicitude for the growth and development of
the Church was increasing. Accordingly, he writes two general epistles, not so
much to advance new truth, as to call to remembrance truths already learned and
fully received (2 Pet. 1:12-15), and to counsel all to faithfulness and to
growth in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
In the preceding verses he has been calling to mind some of these truths,
and he recognizes the fact that those addressed are already established in
them; but, in view of his knowledge that false teachers would arise to pervert
the truth, he counsels special watchfulness against being led away from their
present steadfastness by the error of the wicked. That this counsel of the
Apostle has a special fitness to the Church in the last days, our days, and was
evidently so designed by the Spirit of God, is clear from verse 3-“There shall
come in the last days scoffers,” etc.
Let us observe the manner in which the Apostle would have us guard against
being led away by the error of the wicked. Is it by a careful investigation of
all the claims which every new false prophet that arises may intrude upon our
attention, thus giving heed to every seducing spirit (1 Tim. 4:1)? No: that
would be quite contrary to the teaching of “our beloved brother Paul,” to whom
Peter so affectionately refers, and whom he so fully endorses; for Paul had
given no uncertain counsel on this subject; saying, “Shun profane and vain
babblings; for they will increase unto more ungodliness, and their word will
eat as doth a canker;” and “I entreat you, brethren, to mark those who are
making factions and laying snares contrary to the teaching which you have
learned, and turn away from them; for they that are such are not in subjection
to our anointed Lord, but to their own appetite [for honor and praise among
men, as great teachers-1 Tim. 1:6,7]; and by kind and complimentary words they
deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting. ...I wish you to be wise with respect
to that which is good, and harmless with respect to that which is evil.”-2 Tim.
2:16,17; Rom. 16:17-19.
Peter felt the force of Paul’s wise and earnest counsel, and with emphasis
re-echoed the same sentiments. To give heed to such seducing doctrines,
contrary to the doctrine which we have already received from the Lord and the
apostles, argues a lack of faith in those doctrines. Such a one is not established
in the faith. And indeed there are those-and such is the
general sentiment among the teachers of false doctrine-who think that it is not
either necessary or advisable to be established in the faith. To be
established is to be a bigot, is the idea they advance. And so it is, if one
is so unfair in mind as to accept and tenaciously hold that which he has never
proved either by sound logic or Bible authority. But he is not an unreasoning
bigot who, in simple faith, on the authority of God, accepts the Word of God.
And such, and only such, as do so are established in the truth. The difference
between the strong and steadfast Christian and a bigot is that the one is
established in the truth, while the other is established in error. The
former knows the truth, and the truth has made him free from all doubts and
misgivings, and from all desire to delve into the muddy pool of human
speculations. To all such Paul says, “As ye have therefore received Christ
Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him, rooted and built up in him, and established
in the faith, as ye have been taught [by us, the apostles], abounding therein
with thanksgiving.”-But, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and
vain deceit after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and
not after Christ.”-Col. 2:6-8.
With these sentiments of “our beloved brother Paul,” Peter’s counsel is in
fullest harmony, his advice being, not to waste valuable time in investigating
“the errors of the wicked;” but, on the contrary, to endeavor the more
earnestly to “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christ,” who is the way, the truth and the life. The more thorough our
knowledge of the Lord and the more intimate our acquaintance with him, the more
secure we are in our own steadfastness.
But what is it to grow in grace? It is to grow
in favor with the Lord through an intimate personal acquaintance and fellowship
of spirit with him. It implies, first, a knowledge and recognition on
our part of our redemption through his precious blood and a personal faith in
and dependence upon all the promises of the Father made to us through him, and
then an intimate communion with him in our daily life of prayer, and of
observation of his will and obedience to it. If such be our constant attitude
of mind and heart, there must be a constant ripening of the fruits of the
spirit, rendering us more and more pleasing and acceptable to our Lord. A
sense of the divine acceptance and favor is given to us from day to day in
increasing measure, in fulfilment of that blessed promise of our Lord, “If a
man love me he will keep my words; and my Father will love him, and we will
come unto him, and make our abode with him.”- John 14:23.
This, as nearly as words can express it, is what it is to grow in grace;
but the full and blessed understanding of it is best appreciated by those who
from day to day walk with God in faith and obedience and love.
To grow thus in grace and not grow in knowledge
is impossible; for the very object of such communion is to build us up in a
more perfect knowledge and acquaintance with the Lord-to bring us into closer
fellowship with the divine plan, and to give us the privilege of being “workers
together with him” in executing that plan. If, therefore, we love and obey the
Lord and desire to grow in his favor, his written Word is our daily meditation
and study; and thus we grow in knowledge: not, however, by finding out
each year that what we learned last year was false, but by adding to what we
learned last year, by putting on more and more of the armor of God until we realize
its glorious completeness in the full discernment of the divine plan of the
ages. We are then ready to do valiant service for the cause of truth in
withstanding the encroachment of error (Eph. 6:10-13), being established,
strengthened and settled in the faith (1 Pet. 5:10.) But even to those thus
established in the faith there is abundant opportunity to grow in knowledge;
for while they will see nothing new or different in outline or design, they
will be continually charmed and cheered with newly discovered lines of harmony
and beauty in the divine drawings of the wonderful plan of the ages. As pupils
we may ever study the master workmanship of the Divine Architect,
“And still new beauties shall we see,
And still increasing light.”
Our beloved brother Peter, zealous for our growth in knowledge, endeavors
to inspire us thereto, by calling our attention to the wonderful events and the
close proximity of the day of the Lord; saying,-
“The day of the Lord will come as a thief [unobserved by the world], in
the which the heavens [present ecclesiastical powers] shall pass away with a
great noise [tumult and confusion], and the elements [the various parties and
sects composing it, split and torn by discordant views] shall melt with fervent
heat [the heat of public discussion and investigation]: the earth also [society
as at present organized under civil and ecclesiastical authority] and the works
that are therein shall be burned up” (destroyed, in the strife and friction
caused by increasing knowledge combined with selfishness. This will not be a
literal fire, but, as described by the prophets, the fire of divine
jealousy-Zeph. 1:18; 3:8). (2 Pet. 3:10.) Already the noise and tumult, which
shall thus eventuate in world-wide anarchy, are distinctly heard in every
nation: for the day of the Lord has indeed begun, and the heat of human passion
is growing more and more intense daily, and the great time of trouble is very
“Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved [seeing that present
arrangements and institutions shall all go down], what manner of persons ought
ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for the coming of the
day of God, wherein the heavens [the present ruling powers] shall be dissolved,
and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?” Let us indeed lay to heart
this solemn question, for we stand in the very presence of the Judge of all the
earth. These words, while addressed to God’s people eighteen centuries ago,
and serving a purpose for good all along down this Gospel age, are specially
meant by the spirit for us, who are living in this very Day of God.
“Nevertheless, we [we who have come into covenant relationship with the
Lord-we, unlike the rest of the world, know of the divine plan and], according
to his promise, look for new heavens [the Kingdom of God-to be established in
power and great glory] and a new earth [a new organization of society under the
rulership of Christ and his glorified bride, the Church] wherein dwelleth
righteousness.” Blessed assurance! how favored are we above the people of the
world who have not this knowledge!
“Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent
that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.” (2 Pet.
3:11-14.) And Jude (24) reminds us that the Lord, in whose grace and knowledge
Peter desires us to grow, “is able to keep you from falling, and to present you
faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.” Amen.