20:12-23.-AUGUST 23.
Golden Text: “There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.”-Prov.
HISTORY relates
many instances of intense friendships between great men in ancient times, but
it tells us of none surpassing the friendship between Jonathan and David,
referred to in this lesson. Jonathan’s love for David, evidently thor-oughly
reciprocated by the latter, shines out not only as a friendship that was
unselfish, but as one that was apparently injurious to Jonathan’s
interests-though not really so.
As the son of King Saul, Jonathan was the recog-nized heir to the throne
of Israel, and was at this time about thirty-five years of age. David, the
country youth of about twenty-one years of age, had suddenly sprung into
prominence before the nation, had been appointed a captain of a thousand men,
and was just recently married to Saul’s daughter. Saul himself viewed David as
a rival in the affections of the people, and everything foreboded that some day
he would be Saul’s successor. From the standpoint of fallen man-hood,
therefore, Jonathan had every reason to consider David an opponent and rival,
and the envy and jealousy of the fallen nature might be expected to breed in
Jonathan’s heart hatred and enmity instead of friendship and love. These
circumstances constitute the remarkable friendship between these two young men
one of the most wonderful on the pages of history.
We read of how Jonathan’s soul was knit unto the soul of David-their
affections, confidences and loves were interwoven. Jonathan giving to David
certain parts of his own apparel when the latter came to live at the court of
Saul, was merely an outward manifesta-tion of the other precious sentiments
which prompted this and other manifestations of affection-all of which,
dignifying David and promoting his honor, were derog-atory to the natural
interests of Jonathan, who, as the heir apparent, might not improperly have
aspired to the maintenance of his own place of honor at the court. Small minds
are apt to make the mistake of supposing that the crushing down of others is
essential to their own honor and exaltation; but it was because Jonathan was
not thus small-minded, but noble-hearted, that his character has been beloved
by all who have known it from then until now.
There is a reason for everything, and there must have been a reason for
this love between these two noble souls. We are to love and esteem whatsoever
things are just, true, pure, noble, honorable, says the Apostle, which implies
that the love of the reverse of these would be improper. True, there is a
difference between loving principles of righteousness and goodness and loving
individuals, but what we wish to notice is that the love for individuals should
be based upon their possession of noble and love-worthy characters. Nei-ther
of these men could have loved the other had he been bad, ignoble; for only the
mean can love the mean, and only the perverse can love the perverse.
What was there in David’s character that attracted Jonathan’s love?
Undoubtedly it was his nobility, his courage, his honesty, his faithfulness to
the king and to the nation, and, above all, his trust in God, his reliance on
him. What was there in Jona-than which drew forth the responsive love of
David? There were many of the same qualities: Jonathan was also courageous and
had already demonstrated this; he was sincere, honest, humble-minded, generous,
faithful to a friend, and above all faithful to his God.-I Sam. 14:1-15, 27-30,
43; 23:16-18.
While these two men had certain natural qualities of heart which
commended each to the other’s love, the great bond of union was the faith and
devotion of each to God. Some one has said that those who would be the best
friends need a third object in which both are interested, and that then, like
the radii of a circle, the nearer they come to this center the nearer they
ap-proach to one another. So with these men: their loy-alty to God and to the
principles of truth and righteous-ness exemplified in God, was the strong bond
of their friendship which hindered the diversity of their earthly interests
from alienating their affections.
This same principle is exemplified in all true, unselfish love: there must
be something mutually attrac-tive to draw and to hold the interest and love of
each to the other. The breaking of vows of love and friendship or the breaking
of marriage vows implies that one or other had a selfish love and not a pure
love, which the Lord’s Word inculcates and which is so nobly illustrated in
this lesson. Selfish love may indeed admire that which is brilliant, that
which is good, that which is noble, that which is generous; but not being equally
noble and generous, it will be sure at some time to be assaulted with the
temptation to abandon the friendship where it believes it could better serve
its own interests. Jonathan’s love was not of this selfish kind, consequently
it was unchangeable-indeed, grew the firmer and the stronger in proportion as
it triumphed over the propositions of any selfish suggestions. In this respect
it well represents the love of our Lord Jesus for his people. As Jonathan
loved David at the cost of his own position, our Lord Jesus left the glory
which he had with the Father that he might become the Redeemer of his people,
to whom he declares, “Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you.”
“One there is above all others
Well deserves the name of friend;
His is love beyond a brother’s,
Costly, free, and knows no end.”
Our lesson introduces these two friends at a time when the life of David
was in danger. Our preceding lesson showed that Saul was disposed to do
violence to David. The threatening action mentioned in that les-son was
repeated several times, and finally the javelin was thrown at his musician
David, but the latter escaped it. It was in view of this hostile feeling that
these friends decided that it would be unwise for Da-vid to again appear at
court unless King Saul mani-fested some change of mind toward him. The coming
feast would be an important one; Jonathan and others of the household would be
present, but it was not considered prudent that David should hazard his life by
attending, and it was arranged that Jonathan should make his excuses to the
king and should subsequently let David know the king’s attitude of mind, so
that if necessary he should flee out of the country. Jonathan found Saul full
of bitterness of heart toward David, so much so that he was angered at his son
for making excuses for him and threw his javelin at him as an evidence of his
displeasure, though probably not with the intention of killing him. Jonathan
resented the indig-nities and wrong of his father, and at once communi-cated
the matter to David by the prearranged signal related in this lesson. However,
the two friends could not part without a personal interview, in which they
kissed each other, and wept, and bound each other in promises, and called upon
God to witness the sincerity of their devotion to each other. Jonathan was
evi-dently fully convinced that David was the Lord’s choice for a king to
succeed Saul, and, being full of faith and devotion to God, he had not the
slightest thought of opposing the divine arrangement. Quite probably, too, in
their confidences, David had already told Jonathan of his anointing, assuring
him, however, that he would not consider this anointing a proper ex-cuse or
ground for any interference with King Saul; that on the contrary, as the Lord
had sought him and anointed him, the Lord himself was able in his own due time
and in his own way to install him in author-ity and power without his
stretching forth his hand to do injury to one who already had been anointed of
the Lord to this office of king.
We have already noticed that friendship implies like qualities of mind and
of heart. The generous love the generous, the noble love the noble, the honest
love the honest, the meek love the meek, etc.; but now we call attention to the
fact that amongst the Lord’s peo-ple are not many great, wise or
noble-naturally speaking-and that God loves and accepts as his covenant people,
friends, children, chiefly those who are not noble by nature. We notice also
a love and friendship amongst the Lord’s consecrated people stronger and deeper
than any earthly tie or relationship-notwithstanding the fact that amongst the
Lord’s people are “not many great or noble,” but chiefly the poor of this
world, rich in faith. How comes this seeming contradiction of a general rule
of friendship? We reply that God’s love toward us as sinners was not that of
friendship but of compassion, and similarly the love of his people for sinners
is not that of friendship but of compassion, sympathy, the desire to help them
out of their degra-dation. Not until after we had ceased to be sinners,
through acceptance of Christ, were we privileged to be-come the friends of God
and to realize him as our friend. Not until we had ceased to be sinners, and
had been accepted in the Beloved, would we become the friends of others
similarly transformed, and begin to grow in this quality of friendship-love for
one another as brethren, partakers of the holy Spirit.
In a word there are two planes of friendship-a natural plane, on which men
of like natural qualities would be drawn together; and a spiritual plane, on
which those unlike in natural qualities, but alike in spiritual hopes, aims and
ambitions, are drawn still more closely together by the new tie, the new love,
which binds not their flesh but their hearts in Christian love and unity.
These New Creatures in Christ Jesus know each
other not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. In each other’s
spirits or new minds there are the noblest sentiments, the highest aspirations,
that which is good, true, noble, pure-whatever may be their weaknesses
according to the flesh. They love each other from the new standpoint of
intention, will, harmony with God, and their friendship for one another grows
increasingly as they perceive each other’s energy in fighting the good fight of
faith against the evil influences of the world, the flesh and the Adversary.
Nor tongue nor pen can properly express the love, the friendship, which
subsists between these New Creatures in Christ Jesus, to whom old things have
passed away and all things have become new.
This does not signify, however, that a parent must have exactly the
same love for other children as for his own;-he has a greater responsibility
for his own, and should realize it. Nor does it imply that even the saints
will all be loved to the same degree. Our Lord, we are told, specially
loved some of his disciples. By and by, when perfection shall have replaced
imperfec-tion, all “brethren” will be perfect and all neighbors will be
brethren beloved. Until then, however, we must love all, but “making a
difference”-according to natural obligations and spiritual development.-Jude
As there are nominal Christians and real Christians, so there is a
nominal love as well as a real love amongst those who profess the name of
Christ, and it should be more and more the aim of the Lord’s true people to
cultivate his spirit, his character, his disposi-tion, his love, his
friendship; and that they may be able to cultivate these he has caused the
Apostle to pre-sent to our attention a most graphic description of the love
which is from above. This description is given in I Cor. 13. It must be
enjoyed to some extent by all who are New Creatures, for if any man have not
the Spirit of Christ he is none of his; but it will be increasingly enjoyed and
appreciatingly understood in proportion as the Lord’s people each become
stronger in the Lord-copies of God’s dear Son-like him who is the friend above
all others.
One writer says, “The glory of life is to love, not to be loved; to give,
not to get; to serve, not to be served ..... The self-centered cannot keep
friends even when he makes them.”
Another remarks, “Behold, what gross errors and extreme absurdities many
do commit for want of a friend to tell him of them.”
“True criticism does not consist, as so many crit-ics seem to think, in
depreciating but in appreciation. More lives are spoiled by undue harshness
than by undue gentleness.”
“The centered love of any one person tends toward universal good-will, the
love of all. The candle not only shines on him who lights it, but on all
within reach of its rays.”
“Every power for good in true friendship is a power for evil in the
“‘Was it friend or foe that spread these lies!
Nay, who but infants question in such wise?
‘Twas one of my most intimate enemies.’”