12:1-13.-FEBRUARY 21-
Golden Text:-“It is lawful to do well on the Sabbath days.”
FOR A TIME our Lord’s
ministries were attractive. The “common people heard him gladly,” and “wondered
at the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth.” But by and by the
scribes and Pharisees, the prominent people, socially and religiously, of that
time and country, began to feel envious of him. Our Lord’s conduct and
teachings were in sharp contrast with their own, which were largely tinctured
with hypocrisy. The more popular the Lord became with the people the more
envious were those who considered themselves the religious, the intelligent,
the God-respecting Jews. They despised others, calling them publicans and
sinners. They evidently realized that although the promises were made to their
nation as a whole, yet when the time would come for the establishment of the
Kingdom only the true Israelites would be accepted as participants in it. They
flattered themselves that they would be this favored class and correspondingly
held aloof from the “common people.”
There is a considerable similarity between the classes of scribes and
Pharisees in our Lord’s day and the so-called orthodox Christians of our day.
In some denominations particularly there is evidenced this same spirit of
despising others outside the favored cults. We are not meaning to say that
there were no good Pharisees, nor are we meaning to say that there are no good
people amongst those professing “orthodox” views today. Quite the contrary:
but we do claim that orthodox and social and financial lines do distinctly mark
and separate the people. We hold that the Lord is no respecter of wealth or of
men’s persons, but that he looketh at the heart, and that the pure in heart and
the sincere in consecration are acceptable to him regardless of color or social
or other standing amongst men. We see at the present time that the Truth is
gleaning in every quarter-gathering some from amongst the wealthy and
intelligent, some from amongst the outwardly pious and strict, some from
amongst the poor, and some “publicans and sinners.”
It is noteworthy that quite a good many WATCH TOWER subscribers are
prisoners in penal institutions. These men became culprits under the
traditions of men taught by the scribe and Pharisee classes of today, who have
since found the Lord precious to their souls, and his Truth sanctifying to
their heads and hearts. Reports received from the Columbus, Ohio, penitentiary
from a Brother who is serving a life sentence there for crimes committed before
his eyes were opened to the Present Truth, tells of the work done in that
prison during the past year. Over one hundred and fifty copies of Volume I.
DAWN (and some of succeeding volumes) have been in circulation in the prison,
besides thousands of tracts and sample WATCH TOWERS. We have now thirteen
regular WATCH TOWER subscribers in the institution. Four public meetings were
held during the year, besides numerous private conferences on the precious
Gospel of God’s dear Son.
Thenceforth, during our Lord’s ministry, the scribes and Pharisees and
doctors of the law continually opposed him. And it is noteworthy that it was
their attacks upon him that brought forth some of the most precious truths of
our Lord’s ministry. As some one has said on this subject, “The flint of
opposition struck out divine fire that has never ceased to burn. It was like
the cannon ball from the enemy at Sebastopol, which opened a spring of cold
water for the besieged garrison.” And thus it is still: those who today make
an attack upon the Truth only cause its beauties and harmonies to be the more
clearly discerned by those whose eyes of understanding are opened and whose
hearts are in a proper attitude to appreciate the Truth. Thus our Lord’s
ministry and the ministry of all his faithful people since has been in the
nature of a testing. The light shined in the darkness and the darkness opposed
it and comprehended it not, but was nevertheless reproved by it.
Our lesson tells us some of this opposition. Pharisees who were unjust in
their dealings in daily life, and who our Lord declared were ready to devour
widows’ houses, by taking advantage of circumstances to buy them in cheaply at
forced sale, etc., and who he declared made long prayers in public for show,
that they might be thought religious-these same people were great sticklers for
the Sabbath day, and being amongst the Lord’s most violent opposers they found
fault with his more reasonable interpretation of the Sabbath law. Our Lord’s
conduct and language respecting the Sabbath show that he dealt with the matter
from the standpoint of principle rather than of technicalities.
The Sabbath was made for man-was made for the benefit of mankind, for
men’s physical, mental and moral rest and recuperation and strengthening. The
Pharisees viewed the day as though God specially desired to have the Sabbath
day observed, and had created man for that particular purpose. Evidently they
were in error, and our Lord had the proper conception of the Law and fulfilled
it accurately.
As the disciples with the Lord walked through the field of grain, feeling
hungry, they rubbed some of the kernels in their hands to separate the chaff,
and blowing the latter away they ate the grain. Under the strict divisions
which the Pharisees had framed this would be counted as threshing and winnowing
the grain, and would be forbidden as violating the day of sacred rest. Our
Lord defended the disciples against the charge, and in proof pointed out to
these Pharisees how David, when pursued by King Saul, had procured from the
priest the unleavened cakes on the Sabbath day, and that this was a clear
violation of the Law, which forbade any other than the priest to eat that
bread. Our Lord wished his hearers to see that the emergencies of the case
justified the deviation from the rule. It was a case of necessity-it was to
preserve life.
Another illustration he gave was that of the priests serving in the temple
every Sabbath day, and how the Law specifically provided for the labor which
they would perform, and hence that such labor could not be considered a
profanation of the Sabbath. He then called attention to the fact that these
disciples who were with him and serving him were doing still more consecrated
work than the priests and Levites in the temple, because he-the representative
of the Father-was greater than the temple; hence anything made necessary in the
service of the Master should not be considered a violation of the Sabbath Law.
Turning the matter upon the accusers our Lord declared that they did not
understand the principles underlying the divine arrangement, else they would
not have been seeking an accusation against persons who were innocent. He would
have them see that the whole difficulty lay in their own hearts. They had evil
thoughts and wished to find fault and had erred, whereas if their hearts had
been in the proper condition they would have been full of feelings of mercy and
This fault-finding disposition, that is ready to
accuse and condemn everybody, indicates a wrong condition of heart-one which
all the Lord’s people should be on guard against. It is not the spirit
of mercy and kindness and love which, as the Apostle explains, thinketh no
evil. It is a spirit out of harmony with God’s disposition, for, as our Lord
explains, God desires mercy rather than slaughter; and those who are ready to
condemn others give evidence that they lack the Lord’s spirit of mercy and
This was the offense which our Lord charged against two of his noblest
disciples in the early part of their discipleship. When the people of Samaria
refused to sell the disciples food, because the Lord did not stop with them and
perform miracles amongst them, as he was doing amongst the Jews, the disciples,
James and John, were indignant, and said to the Lord, “Wilt thou that we
command fire to come down from heaven and destroy these men and their city?”
but Jesus answered, “Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of: the Son of
man came not to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” So with all of the Lord’s disciples: their continual study should be to
avoid that hypercritical disposition to sentence and to destroy other people
while desiring mercy for themselves. The rule which the Lord establishes is
that we must expect from him mercy only in proportion as we shall exercise this
grace toward others.
As illustrating this tendency to fault-finding and how it grows upon one,
a story is told of a young lady who once expressed to Hogarth, the great
satirist, a wish to learn to draw caricatures. Hogarth replied, “Alas, it is
not a faculty to be envied. Take my advice and never draw a caricature. By
the long practice of it I have lost the enjoyment of beauty. I never see a
face but distorted, and have never the satisfaction to behold the human face
divine.” So it is with those who unsympathetically practice fault-finding and
criticizing others’ faults; they become so proficient in the matter that they
never see good qualities, but merely the deficiencies. Their own happiness is
thus injured, as well as the happiness of others. It is well that we should be
able to note defects-that we should not be blind to them entirely; but we may
here well apply our year-text, and remember that we ourselves are most profited
in noticing in others whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are just,
whatsoever things are reputable, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things
are lovely, rather than by noticing and thinking upon their defects and ignoble
We do not understand this to mean that our Lord claimed authority to set
aside the Sabbath day, which God had appointed to the Jews in the Law-in the
ten commandments. We do understand it to mean that as the Father’s
representative, as the great Teacher, he was competent to expound what
constituted the proper observance of the Sabbath. To as many as received him
his word on the subject would constitute the highest law-the highest
interpretation of the divine law, far exceeding any dignity, rules and
regulations of the Jewish Talmud or system of law interpretations and
definitions. To his followers his words still constitute the highest law, and
by his grace we are able to comprehend the meaning of his statement that the
entire ten commandments are comprehended in the one word, Love-love for God
supremely and love for our fellow-man.
This talk about the Sabbath and our Lord’s defense of his disciples
doubtless occurred while they were on the way to the synagogue. It was a part
of the Pharisaic interpretation of matters that no food should be eaten by any
true Jew until after he had gone to the synagogue and worshipped. This probably
accounts for the disciples being hungry and eating of the ripe grain en
In the synagogue was a man with a withered hand, and the Jews wishing to
find ground for an accusation against the Lord before the congregation, the
latter was asked the question whether or not it would be lawful to heal on the
Sabbath day. Since our Lord’s healing was not done by manual labor, but merely
by the word of his mouth, the captiousness of his adversaries is most evident.
Their hearts were wicked, even while they were apparently arguing for a more
strict observance of the divine law. Let us learn from this that the heavenly
Father is not pleased to see us even defend what we believe to be right in a
captious and unjust attitude of mind. Mercy,
goodness, love, are the elements of character which he desires to see in the
spiritual Israelites, and without which we cannot long continue to be his
Our Lord soon answered the query and showed the weakness of his
opponents. They knew well enough that nothing in the Mosaic Law could be
construed by them to interfere with pulling an ox or an ass out of a pit on the
Sabbath, even though it might require considerable exercise,-a good deal of
labor for several persons. How foolish then for them to find fault with our
Lord, who by one word could rebuke the disease and help one of their brethren
of the seed of Abraham. After thus rebuking them and explaining that it was
lawful to do good on the Sabbath day, our Lord healed the cripple.
We have no space here to enter into a discussion of present-day Sabbath
observance-to point out the distinction between the seventh-day Sabbath, which
was given by the Lord to the Jewish nation and to it only, and the Christian
privilege which we enjoy at the present time, of worshipping and praising the
Lord and studying his Word and being free from business cares and
responsibilities on the first day of the week. This subject, however, is
treated quite at length in MILLENNIAL DAWN, Vol. VI., which we trust will soon
be in the hands of all the interested readers of this journal.